by Louanne Callaghan
(Adelaide, South Australia)
My Miss Mollie Moo (aka Peanut)
Mollie you were my little girl, my best friend and my beloved Peanut. You came into my life on the 28th December 1999, only 3 days after my brother died, and you were with me until your passing on the 29th June 2010.
You were the most amazing baby girl. So smart, so beautiful, so well behaved, so lovable and so good for me. You helped me to restore my broken heart after Scott's death, and made me smile every time I saw your pretty face.
You were such a tiny puppy when I got you, but you grew into a loving and beautiful red heeler x staffy - the perfect dog. You were fun and playful, but also quiet and obedient. You listened whenever I told you a story, or shared my heart and were always excited to see me. I stayed up with you at night when there was thunder, and you stayed up with me when I was sick. You loved me unconditionally and I loved you with all my heart.
I will miss you forever Miss Mollie Moo, and I hope and pray that you are in Heaven with Scott, and just waiting for me to get there. I can't wait to feel your warm breath on my face, and hear your sweet bark of excitement. You were the best dog ever, and you will never be replaced. Perfection cannot be replaced.
I always said to you that I couldn't believe that God could make one dog so perfect, so beautiful, so pretty, so lovable and so mine. Thank you God for giving me Mollie to look after for 11 and a half years. I will miss her terribly and only hope the tears dry up soon, but know the ache in my heart will never be replaced. We have your ashes in a pewter urn in the lounge room, and you will stay with me forever.
I love you my baby girl. My Miss Mollie Moo Peanut.