Thank you so much little lamb for all the times you knew we were sad and snuggled with us to cheer us up and all the smiles that you gave to us. Your psychic abilities were so strong, they needed to be fed.. constantly! Now that we'll only be able to sense you with us, I'm super thankful too for all the professional pictures that your loving Tray had taken of you. Do you know that they made you your own special food because they loved you so much? I know you know about them sharing your "couch bed" with you in recent months. Thanks for all the joys and comfort. You were one of a kind mirfman.
Mirfie's friend by: Merle
Dear Mirfie,
Please know how much you are loved by your family. They took such wonderful care of you your whole life and they were better because of you. You will be missed everyday, even by people who weren't with you everyday. And my dog Luke, even though he never met you, is saying a prayer for you up in heaven. He knows you'll have a good time up there with all the other animals. And, it's a miracle, you can now see all the beautiful things that surround you in heaven.
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