Wow! What an awesome cat, he must have been a hoot to have around!
Please never regret your decision, for it was done out of love and mercy. I bet he's out there working on that tail of his, still making it as fluffy as can be!
Hector by: Margaret Handy-Williams, Dartmouth, NS, CA
I love this cat! The mischevious chronicle of Hector. You're right, Tracey. He was pretty playful.
I have no idea what FIB is. Sounds like a cancer. I could google it. I can feel your concern for your other 2 cats. Perhaps google Hemp-Oil (without the THC. It's very high in omega-3, and has MANY benefits!!! Good for canine and humans too). You can purchase it at your local health food store or super market.
Hector sounded like one of a kind. I am SO sorry for your loss. You will great friends in your hearts forever.
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