Your Pet Tributes

'Eden Taylor - Our Elusive Butterfly'

by Linda Taylor
(Bearsden, Glasgow, Scotland)

My beautiful girl who was so loving was taken from us when she was being spayed, she was only two, a super little mummy to her three pups especially Darcy who misses you so much. I will never forgive myself for getting you spayed as you would still be here with us today. You gave me such a strange look when I left you it was as if you knew.

I think of you every day, buried in the back garden that you loved so much. I miss the smell of your paws, tickling your tummy and your beautiful eyes. I hope you are surrounded by love where you are as you were here and that you are happy and at peace, I will love you forever as will Jamie, Jordan, Darcy, Amber and Oscar.

Goodbye for now little one,


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