by Richard Silvers
(Mebane, NC)
Tomcat (Tom), this cat started coming around my house back in 1998. He was coming up on the front porch and finally started to let me pet him. When he did this I got a feeder and water bowl and put on the front porch. I have never been a CAT person... but it was something about this cat.
About 4 months later I had met a lady and she moved in with me. She immediately saw Tom and fell in love with him. Tom had fleas and ear mites and she took Tom to the vet and got all fixed. Tom was a totaly happy cat. Well, me and the lady decided to get married and was ready for a long and fulfilling life; but, right after we got engaged my finance discovered she had ovarian cancer.
This is really hard to talk about; but, I think Tom was an angel from "HEAVEN", because he stayed by her side from day one. After she passed away, Tom was a total comfort to me. Tom and me became best friends. I don't know what it was... we could just tell when we needed comforting.
I remarried and my second wife totally fell in love with Tom also. I'm just remembering all the fun times we had with him. Tom slept with me every night and I can remember his snoring... totally funny. He also loved ice cream and cool whip when we were in the living room watching TV.
I miss him so much... we were together for 13 years and it is hard to come home and not see him and hear his little bird sounds when I come home. I will always "LOVE" my Tom and I hope to see him someday . . . .
Tomcat Silvers my "beautiful Tom" I will always "LOVE" you and if pets make it to HEAVEN, which I think they will, I will see you again.
Click here for more pics of TomCat