Comments for

Your Pet Loss Stories

'The Sweetness and Light of Snowball'

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Missing you Snowy
by: Cyndi

I still miss you Snowy, I know that you are ok, you made your passing so easy on us. There is a white pillow in the living room, I see it out of the corner of my eye and think it is you. I still want to feed you and brush your beautiful hair, but you aren't here. I know I am just crying tears of love, you gave so much love, you even watched over granny, now Pumpkin has to meow more to let me know the things you used to take care of. We are all in shock at your passing, there is a big hole here. We loved you Snowy, rest in peace my friend, you were the best. Loving you, Cyndi

by: Anonymous

When did you get old snow, it seems like just yesterday you were young. You seemed to enjoy life, I guess I didn't realize you were aging, there is a big empty spot in the house where you were. I picked up your ashes Friday, it made me very sad, I didn't think it would make me so sad but it did, I had to face once again that you are gone. I won't ever hold you on my lap and pet you you won't paw my hand and let me know you want more more more petting. You won't jump on the counter and try to steal chicken.

I wanted you to live till you were 20, but life had other plans, I guess it is just hard to see a friend die, you were a good friend. It makes me mad and sad to not see you. It is so shocking just that you are not there, you were here for almost 14 years. I miss you friend, I was thinking we could make a shadow box with your picture and ashes, there is no fitting tribute for such a friend, I wish I could of given you more, but I know that you loved us all just the way things were, Thank you snowy fluff butt, you were a giant ball of white fluffy fur, so soft and lovely Good bye.

by: Marlene

Hi Cyndi, I know how you feel. My heart goes out to you for your loss of snowball. I miss my cat Katy, I will miss her forever. Not sure if that gets any better. I do know the deep pain does get better. Know that she is in no pain now.

In Love Marlene

Pumpkin misses you too
by: Cyndi

It is funny you and Pumpkin were at odds a lot. He seems to be mourning you now, more than I would of expected, he is constantly looking for you. He saw you dead and ran from that. And now he is just searching and meowing a lot, it makes me sad, I don't know how to comfort him, I pet and hold him, but you were here the longest, when we go out in the morning, you don't go with us, you guess' were the three musketeers, my little menagerie, now one is missing and right now we feel lost.

The neighbors gave me a really nice sympathy card, saying how they loved you too. I didn't realize so many people loved you. 9 neighbors responded that is wonderful, it made me cry more, so much love. You were all about love and kindness my big fluff. you were a big white powder puff of fur. We miss you Snowy, we love you. Thank you for being our friend and fluff.

Love you Cyndi

by: Margaret L.

Five years ago I lost my best friend kitty, Pippy and I felt the way you feel now. No one can heal it for you but I just want you to know the intense pain will pass and it will become a sweet memory that makes you smile when you think of him. That is what he would want and in time it will happen.

You were blessed to have known him and he was blessed to have you. You will be together forever at the Rainbow Bridge. Until then, my sympathy and condolences go out to you.

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'The Sweetness and Light of Snowball'.