by Mike
(Richmond B.C. Canada)
Our Lilac Point Siamese was given to us by a lady who had a stroke 8 years ago. She was a beautiful cat, very hyper in her early years, very loved, she would watch TV, she could be sleeping on the couch and as soon as she heard a hockey game, she would be at the TV swatting at the players.. We would run around the house chasing each other, playing hide and seek she would peek around a corner not realizing that her ear was sticking out from around the corner further than her eyes were, she was lots of loving fun over the years.
About a month and a half ago we noticed her belly breathing and took her to the vet, had x-rays done and they showed extensive fluid on the chest and in the lungs and an enlarged heart. We got her put on Lasix (diuretic) to help rid the fluid, a heart pill to slow the pumping down. We had more x-rays, blood tests, fluid tests and finally an ultrasound, which showed both atriums of her heart were enlarged, mitral valve backflow in the heart, thinned walls of both atriums, start of liver disease and kidney disease.
We started a third medication to strengthen the heart walls. All her meds were spoonfed in a small amount of food (only way we could get them in). I was spoonfeeding her 3 time a day for the last month because she stopped eating on her own, a struggle. In the last week the lasix (which was max dose now) keep up with the fluid, and she couldn't walk more than 5 feet without resting, wasn't sleeping she couldn't get comfortable.
We had to put her out of her struggle/distress yesterday. The anguish is often unbearable. Happy I found this site, it has made it a little easier. Thank you "Pet Loss Matters".