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'My Precious Tigger - My Boxer Dog Baby Boy'

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My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Anonymous

It’s been a long time since I wrote to you Tigger , But I play your video every night .
I’m not in a good place at the moment Inhabe found a lump in the back of my throat which I’ve just seen acsoecialist
He says it’s a re growth of a tonsil but it has a lesion on it 😞
Know is with youSo I have to go under anaesthetic and a biopsy and tonsillectomy
I’m so scared incase they find Cancer 🥲
Christmas Eve in Hospital.
Missing my Christmas Day meal with Lisa and Geoff .
I’ve been on my own with Muffin since I’ve found out I’m so frightened and no one to talk to .
All busy and working .
Not sleeping .
I just pray it is just a polyp and all will turn out well .
I miss you Tigger and Daddy who Is with you
Speak soon love you darlin. Mummy give Daddy a big kiss from me 😘😘

My Tigger Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rosr

Hi Malc and Tigger it’s been a long time since I wrote to you both
It’s 22/10/2023 4:30 am Sunday morning.
Ellie stayed over last night still here at the moment .
I can’t sleep as usual .
I’ve had a 72nd Birthday quiet but nice .
I’ve also lost a good friend Jayne she was only 53 yrs old .
I will miss her so much .
The funeral has been held back because of post Mortum
I continue to worry this is my life I guess .
We’ve got to sell the caravan as it’s too expensive to run now .
We paid such a lot for it between Geoff and myself .
We don’t think we will get much back off the owner of the site
She’s a horrible person and her husband
I can’t have a taxi to our caravan or groceries as you know Malc I am disabled .
After it’s sold I will be writing on the face book site .
Changing the subject more wars terrifying children getting killed
I pray for peace all over the world
Christopher still not seeing me I’m very hurt
Lisa has changed so much too her personality has changed she also can be quite hurtful .
Geoffs much better .
Muffin is on our bed by my side . He is blind now and has a leaky heart valve 11 yrs old now .
I love ❤️ him so much he’s my only company .
My family except Ellie comes to see me .
I’m so lonely Malc .
I can’t cry anymore my tears have dried up
I’ve cried so much .
I’m going to try to go back to sleep 😴 now speak soon my darlings Malc and Tigger
Love ❤️ you both miss you loads
Rose & Muffin 😘😘❤️❤️

My precious Tigger NEW
by: Rose

Hi Tigger and Malc, it’s been a long time since I wrote to you .

Lots has happened since . I’m so lonely Malc with out you and Tigger .
I spend most of my days riding round on my mobility scooter with Muffin .
I can’t talk tonight S it’s too late but will write again tomorrow
I love you and miss so much .
I play your video every night since you both passed away .
Love your Mummy Tigger and your wife Rose ❤️❤️❤️

Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa Geoff and I are here at Borth wales on our Caravan .
The weather is great and Caravan all up and running .
We are only staying over night back tomorrow.
I also have a new mobility scooter coming on Monday .
Quingo Vitess 2 with a camera on the front so I can see who is behind me .
I wish we could have stayed until Monday evening , but Geoff is on a school run .
Never mind all year to come down .
Love you and miss you Both .
Write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Love you to the moon and back .
Rose & Muffin xxxxx😘❤️

Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa Geoff and I are here at Borth wales on our Caravan .
The weather is great and Caravan all up and running .
We are only staying over night back tomorrow.
I also have a new mobility scooter coming on Monday .
Quingo Vitess 2 with a camera on the front so I can see who is behind me .
I wish we could have stayed until Monday evening , but Geoff is on a school run .
Never mind all year to come down .
Love you and miss you Both .
Write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Love you to the moon and back .
Rose & Muffin xxxxx😘❤️

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Hello darling Malc & Tigger another horrible day Russia fighting Ukrainians .
It’s so frightening Malc , we have faced Covid now might be a world war .
I’m so frightened Malc on my own worrying.
Along with others .
Putin is Evil and I wish someone would assassinate him before it becomes a world war .
I’ve brought a new mobility scooter today to cheer me up .
The other scooter is on its way out.
I’ve had it about 4 years now.
Please keep us safe Malc and end this awful war .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Love ❤️ you forever .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Hello Malc & Tigger my baby boy .
It’s been a long time since I wrote .
My rib is better now but I have problems with my body .
My bowel I’m passing blood only a little .
But I have lower back pain tingling in my left leg and feet .
I feel full all the time and very depressed.
There is war in Kiev from President Putin .
I’ve never wished anything on anyone .
But I wish someone would assassinate him .
He is threatening nuclear weapon’s .
If he does use it we will all die 🥵.
I’m so scared Malc .
Lisa Geoff and I are opening up our Caravan in Borth .
I need a break I’m so lonely Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc send my love to Tigger and all who are with you .
I love you and miss you darlin.
Thank you Bunny ❤️Xx

My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Hello Malc & Tigger , haven’t wrote to you for a while
The reason I am , I fell down the stairs last night
It took my breath , I’ve hurt my right shoulder blade and have a deep cut under my right arm .
I landed on the chair lift .
I couldn’t breath at first I thought I’d pun here’s my lung .
I was on the floor about ten minutes , then Muffin came running to me and didn’t leave my side .
I have a deep cut under my arm and I am in pain when I breath .
Under my shoulder blade .
I’m really upset as I rang Lisa 10pm last night she texted back asking was I ok .
I said no think I may have broke my arm or fractured a rib .
She didn’t answer back or got back to me today . I think they thought they didn’t want to take me to A&E because of waiting .
Really upset 😢 if it had been the grandchildren they would have gone straight away .
All my friends have offered help if I need it !!!!
Stuck in today laying on the sofa rest and paracetamol .
Watching Telly all day,
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Love you forever Darlin send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 18 th September 2021 05:26
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my Baby boy
It’s been a long time since I wrote to you .
Sorry but sometimes it won’t go through .
Since speaking to you last the polyp has been removed and looks great now in my mouth .
But I keep wanting to chew inside .
I’m a nervous reck lately .
All things keep going wrong or are expensive .
Had the kitchen floor screeded chap coming back Monday when I get back from Borth , I’ve got to ring him .
The decking for the caravan is £8,000 atrocious.
I think Lorraine is taking a cut .
She’s p…g me off at the moment .
She told the taxi driver not to drop me off at the caravan
But I spoke with Alan her Husband and he said he can drop me off .
So one up on me really .
I think we have to have words me and Lorraine .!!
She such an obnoxious woman .
I’m off to the town in Borth with Muffin today
Have a coffee in the lovely cafe .
There’s not much here really but the views are fantastic
I brought a photo of you down to keep here so you are with me too .
Lisa doesn’t seem the same with me ? I don’t think she likes my company,
I miss you so much Malc it hurts .
As you know your memorial tree got destroyed by thugs
But people who live on the estate have started a fund and are buying me another tree and they want me to go up to see it planted .
Over whelmed .
I will write to you when I can if this goes through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I can’t sleep things on my mind .
I’ve had a what I thought was an ulcer inside my mouth for two years now .
It hurts when I sometimes eat . The dentist says it’s a polyp but I think it is an ulcer I keep chewing .
I’m having it removed in a couple of weeks and are frightened he might be wrong and it is actually an ulcer I keep chewing as I chew my cheeks and have done for years .
Jean is coming today for lunch .
I feel very lonely and frightened at the moment the feeling is getting worse .
Christopher has stopped Ellie coming he’s hurting me so much with words .
He owes me such a lot of money but won’t pay it back .
I miss you so much Malc it’s so lonely with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday 4th August 2021 06:29
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
This is a short message Malc not sure if it will go through .
I’ve made arrangements for Muffin to have his teeth cleaned and a cyst removed from his left eye lid .
I am worried but I have faith in Craig at Straightons
Kay is taking me to the vets .
I’ve been very lonely this week Malc, been on my own most of the week .
I love my little boy and we are so close we are hardly apart .
He’s my soul mate .
I wish you were here Malc .
Ellie us keeping in touch by face time .
Christopher has stopped me seeing her .
I don’t know if he can by law .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 2 nd. 2021 05:44
Hell Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I haven’t wrote for a while as most times it won’t go through
Christopher has stopped me seeing Ellie yet again because I’m not taking Cameron who is 16 yrs in December and would be very bored , nothing for him in Borth on sea and rocks .
Georgia would be so bored she would want to go back to her Mum .
He has sent me awful messages as usual .
Ellie is very upset .
We really enjoyed our weekend together too.
What’s going on in his head ?
He said in his message , if I get a psychiatrist report he would pay then I can see Ellie again.
Malc it’s him that needs a psychiatrist not me !!!
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday 12 th July 2021. 19:11
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit mixed up
I’ve almost brought another Mobility scooter
Funny enough it’s a kymko orange and a bit smaller so I can go on the train to Borth with it .
Mark a chap lives up on the hill Hightown .
He is taking me to Stoke on Trent to pick it up
£500 but it’s a bargain Malc xx
It’s hardly been used .
6pm , Ellie is staying in watching Muffin whilst I go and pick it up .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I wish you were with me and seeing the caravan I’ve brought
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday 6th 2021 06:06
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Sorry I’m late writing I’ve been to Borth with Lisa and Geoff in our brand new caravan .
Who would believe this ?
I know Lisa has gone half but it’s a break for us all .
There’s been a few niggles between us Geoff especially moaning about me getting up early disturbing Lisa 🤔
But I just keep shush save argument s
It’s a beautiful place Malc the sheep Barr and the view is beautiful .
The food in the club house is fantastic .
I’m taking Elllie on 16 th Jordd is staying here looking after the house .
I do wish you were here with me a Malc .
I miss you so much 🥲
I’m having my hair done today and a dental appointment
Not looking forward to that at all !
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 30 th 2021 06:51
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
It’s been. A while since writing to you Malc
Will this go through?
I’m a bit concerned today have I done the write thing ?
Buying this caravan with Lisa & Geoff ?
She keeps calling it her van and when we buy something it’s her choice !!
Hope we don’t argue when we finally go on Friday .
Hope it’s the making of us .
Even moaned about what we are taking down
But we do have two cars I don’t understand !!
So I’m feeling a bit down today .
I’m trying to sort my house too I’ve got far too many clothes .’
Oh Malc my life is so difficult at the moment
I miss you so much Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 23rd 2021 07:28
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Sorry I haven’t write for a few days the messages haven’t been going through .
I’ll try today .
Well Lisa and I are talking again .
I don’t think Geoff wants to go halves with a caravan .
So house alterations I think !!
I wish I could afford a caravan in Landdalas north Wales .
It’s a Beautiful place .
I want to share the caravan but is it a place for me ?
The journey is Beautiful on train I hear . I must try it the next nice weather forecast .
Will I spend too much time on my own ?
Perhaps not buying it is the right thing to do.
There going to build houses and more bungalows behind us Malc 41 !!
By the bluey!!
Know matter how much we protest we will lose .
Oh Malc such a lot has happened over the last 2 years
I’m so lonely with out you .
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 17 th 2021 06:49
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Not sure if this message will go through .
Well Lisa has fell out with me over the caravan we should have been buying ,
But there were issues I didn’t want to travel down by train and stay on my own .
Also it looked like they totally owned it the way she was planning stuff .
It wasn’t going to work !!
She never wants to see me ever again !!
I will just have to keep with my friends or on my own .
This is how my life is mapped out .
I want to cry but my body won’t let me .
I’ve cried too many tears 😭
I’ve got to try and be strong .
I do have good friends .
I need to sort my house out .
It’s raining now for a few days not good .
Oh Malc what next !
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 8 th 2021 08:13
Hello Malc My Darlin and Tigger my baby
Well will this message go through?
It’s a lovely day today . Jean Beardsmore is coming for lunch .
Lisa and Geoff are taking Muffin and I to Bourth. Friday .
Jordd and Mary are looking after our house .
Can’t wait.
I’m getting up early this morning .
I’m shattered really .
I miss you so much Malc I pray every day you will walk through the door .
I kiss your earn with your ashes in every night
I talk to you daily.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 29 th 2021 07:55
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’ve just washed my hair and watching The old Chase .
It’s quite dull out there today so far hope it picks up .
Had a chap come last night to give me a quote for altering the kitchen knocking the walk out between kitchen and living room . Then knocking the window out and walk moving it forward matching with the porch .
It’s according how much it cost .
I’m off to the designer outlet to take a dress back to shop called Crew .
Lisa is away for 9 days Jade and the kids are joining them in the week .
I’m a bit hurt.
I went to see Sheila yesterday a bit better .
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 27 th 2021 07:35
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching Gmb all politics
I’ve just had a shower
Seeing no one one today and weather is going to be lovely over the next few days .
I can’t stand my own company. It’s hard .
I try and plan my week seeing people .
I brought a new rug which came yesterday it’s big but lovely .
Must take my shoes off it’s white .
I miss you so much Malc more each day goes by .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Hope this message goes through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 25th 2021 07:03
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb boring today.
I have a busy day today hair appointment 8:15
Book a table at Bella’s for Wednesday 12:30.
Get a tv mag Tesco take dress back to joules .
Lunch at Dots .
This is what I like seeing people daily.
John mobility is coming to follow me to try and work out why it’s not working one minute and ok the next .
Lights and signal .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 24th 2021 06:22
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Hope this message goes through
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
I’ve not had a good nights sleep my neck and pain in my left arm and shoulder .
Also still thinking of What Lisa told me last week SELFISH !!!
It’s eating me away like Christopher’s words .
I’m very upset and disappointed with my family .
You know what I’ve given them Malc .
Jade or Jordd not contacting me .
Lonely days and nights .
All the electrics went out yet again Yesterday
No one to help re family !!!!
Geoff did come round but nothing he could do .
I called emergency number chap came out but electric came back on .
I’ve thrown out my visicook it could be that.
So far it’s still on .
Jean & Jeff coming today for lunch 12:30 .
I miss you so much Malc Darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 23rd 2021 07:38
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching The Chase .
I’ve washed my hair .
Weather not looking too good .
More rain ☔️
Lisa & Geoff went to Wembley yesterday to watch jarad Helen’s son Geoff’s nephew .
I popped down for an hour to let Max out and sit with him for an hour .
I then popped to pen parc pet ship brought Muffin a new rain coat it’s got bees 🐝 on it looks great 😊
I miss you so much Malc and Tigger so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Hope this message goes through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 22nd 2021 07:09
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching The Chase .
Weather not looking good .
I’ve got to let Max out at 1pm today Lisa and Geoff and Kerry are going to Wembley to watch Kerry’s son play football .
Might go to Dunelm today weather permitting .
Or design outlet .
Won’t see anyone today .
I hate weekends !!!
I miss you so much Malc
I will write you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 21st 2021. 09:42
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m sitting on top of our bed. Watching Lorraine
It’s pouring down yet again !!
Muffin has a groom this afternoon hoping it with stop Tsing by then .
I feel very ow in mood again still thinking what Lisa said the other day .
I’m just waiting to see what happens with my 70 th Birthday
Will I be happy or crying ?
I miss you Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy boy.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc if this message goes through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 20 th 2021. 07:11
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
I’ve just washed my hair , but it’s going to rain yet again .
So depressing.
I’m going to Jeans today for lunch .
At least somewhere to go .
I’ve got to change my eating habit .
Cut out bread and potatoes .
Lisa rang me last night she’s going to Jamaica next year for her 5o th Birthday .
I just hope she rings me and sees me more often .
What a year Malc !!
I miss you my Darlin so much .
Stressed most days ,
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 19 th 2021 05:27
I’m awake early Malc because the conversation with Lisa Yesterday is playing on my mind .
She called me selfish and not been a good mum .
She talked about when we went to York just after I lost you regarding a Michael Kors watch I brought. She wanted me to buy her that watch but I brought it for myself !!!
I have spent thousands on her and Jade and Jordan
Given them stuff to help them out .
I’m so hurt and it’s given me thought for the future now
I came back hone and cried all evening .
She doesn’t realised how lonely I am and have been .
My God she doesn’t know what it feels like and may be never will .
I’m mentally broken with my children .
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
Hope this message goes through x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May. 17 th 2021 06:21
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
It’s raining again what awful weather when is it going to end ?
I haven’t seen Lisa for over a week now
I’m so upset not even a text or phone call .
Ellie brought me some flowers and a garden nome.
WHATS. going on ???
Chanel picked up Ellie up yesterday she came in and had a tea. I think Ellie enjoyed her stay over .
They are going to Guernsey some time soon .
Sheila says Marg doesn’t want them to go !!! mmm
I fed up of my bloody family all of them not caring
I have friends thank goodness
I have a woman coming for lunch today I’ve meet in the street she seems lovely .
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 16 th 2021. 06:40
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching gardeners world
I’ve woke up with a headache.
Hope it goes away soon .
Ellie is here I think she enjoyed her. Evening .
She’s staying for dinner today .
Mick built my bin store and fixed my gate .
He says he’s coming back with a bracket to hold up the post .
He is busy so might not come today .
At least I can lock the gate now .
Weather very changeable .
I just wish we could have some sun and warmth. Now.
As we could get out. Muffin and I .
I need a holiday so badly Malc .
I miss you so much Malc no one knows how much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Hopefully this message goes through . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 15 th 2021 06:57
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Yesterday my message didn’t go through
Hope today’s does .’
The weather is not good today and Ellie is coming .
Hope Mick will come this morning to complete the bin store .
Unfortunately my shed won’t be ready until August.
A bit disappointed .
I don’t know who is going to help me empty the shed tho.
When the weather picks up I’ll throw stuff out what is not needed .
Oh Malc I wish you were here to help me and be by my side
I miss you so much Darlin.
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 13 th 2021 17:38
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Sorry I’m late writing had Jean here today Jeff came later .
Rain in and off . Mick should be bringing a bin store shed any minute now but weather isn’t looking good ,
He has worked in the rain before.
I miss you so much Malc Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 12 th 2021 06:34
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Yesterday my message didn’t go through
It’s getting regular .
Rain again for the next few days ☔️So depressed difficult to get out .
Dot is coming today under my shelter please rain go away .
My Arthritis is very bad at the moment trying to cope .
I miss you Darlin so much , just 10 minutes of your visit would be. So lovely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 10th 2021 07:29
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
Just washed my hair and had a shower .
Still feeling frightened and weepy .
It’s because It’s raining my family are distant.
I’m lonely and been nowhere on holiday.
I just go round the streets and super markets daily.
Oh Malc I can’t tell you how much I miss you .
I have diabetic nurse phoning me today . 2pm
Lots to ask her .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Hope this message goes through
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 9 th 2021 19:53
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Hope this message goes through
Not a lot happened today Malc quite boring
I popped to Lisa’s this morning but as usual they were out with Max .
I won’t see her now for at least another week .
I saw Dot today out side her flat .
We are meeting Wednesday here for lunch .
Good job I have friends .
Do I really know my family ???
I’ve just rode to Tesco , Aldi round the streets .
Spoke to Dawn next door about fence and my
Wisteria .
Diabetic nurse ringing me tomorrow 2pm .
I miss you so much Malc my Darlin x
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 8th 2021 16:21
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m late writing . It’s all or nothing .’
Lisa came stayed an hour had egg on toast.
Kay rang me , Carolyne rang me Sheila rang me.
I can’t see Lisa Tuesday she’s decorating .
A bit disappointed!!
She doesn’t realise how lonely I am .
It’s been pouring down today . After Lisa left I managed to get a loaf from Tesco .
Scooter seemed ok so far.’
I’m tired today because I’ve sat most of it watching telly .
Not a good sleep .
I miss you so much Malc
Hope this message goes through xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 7th 2021 06:15
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
Good news. Conservative have got in yes !!
Good old Boris .
It’s only the local elections.
My mobility scooter is coming back today hopefully sorted but I’m not holding my breath .
I’m going to Cannock today but nothing there really.
Lisa finishes early today will I see her ??
Not a lot to tell you today yet .
Fence still down opening my garden not happy
I miss you so much Malc x I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 6 th 2021 06:44
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy.’
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
Looking at the weather it’s not good .
I feel trapped again stopping in because of the weather .
No text from Lisa or phone call no answer to my text. I sent when Jade came over to collect her Birthday present and card from her Mum and me
Not even a thank you !!!
I’m a bit discussed really.
I hope when it is my 70 th Birthday she will remember me .
I will re consider my will if things don’t change with my family .
I am so lonely 😭 if I hadn’t got Muffin I don’t think I would be here .
God Malc how my life has turned out.
I know COVID has a lot to do with things but
I have feelings and each time I try to talk to Lisa
She shouts don’t talk about yourself !!
If I can’t talk to Lisa about how I feel who can I talk too ??
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 5th 2021 06:11
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
It’s a short message yesterday it didn’t go through .
I tried messaging Christopher last night asking about. Seighford hall and his partner , but he told me au was being nosey .
I’m so hurt Malc he told me to leave them alone.
All I need is my family to love me that’s all .
I went to Jean Beardsmore yesterday then my friend Jayne
Came to my garden stayed two hours .’
I really enjoyed my day .
Today Carol Norrey is coming to my garden under the shelter for lunch.
Malc I miss you so much Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 2nd 2021 06:49
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching tv it’s only 6:45 am
I had a split nights sleep .
I did go to Lisa’s yesterday but she dismissed me talking about how I felt .
I cried most of the morning and after I left Lisa’s
I just feel so low in mood lately .
The weather isn’t helping rain rain and more rain .
Lisa doesn’t realise how long I spend on my own .
Just me and my baby boy Muffin my fur baby.
The suns out at the moment but it isn’t going to last .
Will I see anyone ?
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Hope this message goes through .
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 1st 2021 06:47
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Hope this message goes through it didn’t yesterday.
I dressed but sitting on the bed waiting for Ziggy to bring back my pink phone.
Cold again today Malc it’s so depressing rain and more rain .
I’ve had my second Covid jab now so hopefully can mix in doors soon .
I haven’t seen Lisa or heard from her all week .
I am disappointed in her she doesn’t seem to bother with me ,
I know she’s working but she does see Jade and the kids more .
I left alone to entertain myself
So lonely Malc 🥲🥲.
I know she has a life but she hardly seeing me only special days like Birthday .
I hope I can see her over the week end .
Her and Geoff are going away most weekends now in the caravan .
When they first brought it they said me and Dot could use it if we wanted to go away .
But now changed her mind !!’
I miss you darlin so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 29 th 2021 07;19
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Well its hear my second vaccine today 10:30 am
I’ll feel safer .
I did a lateral flow test yesterday it was negative .
Weather a bit better today but not perfect .
Not seeing anyone after going for vaccine .
Not until next Tuesday going to Jeans .
I wish people would ask me instead of me asking them . I feel I’m pushing myself onto them .
Booked. our holiday for next year
Muffin Dot and myself .
Ellie is staying over while we are away.
She face times me most weeks .
She’s a sweetheart .
I will probably go to the new designer outlet again
It’s just a lovely ride on my mobility scooter .
Had a lovely afternoon with Dot in my garden yesterday . We had a laugh over the little heater I brought it yolk nearly an hour to set it up .
Oh Malc I wish you were here ? I miss you so much Darlin . I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 28th 2021 07:34
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
I’ve took my blood glucose today 8:1 can’t understand
I had quite a bit to eat yesterday .
Confused!! But happy .
It’s just my weight I’m bothered about .
I will speak to diabetic nurse on the 10 th May .
Dot is coming in my garden today , unfortunately it’s going to be very cold and wet .
We will have to wrap up and I do have a heater .
She is bringing food .
My second COVID vaccine tomorrow Carol & Cliff. Picking me. Up .
I need a holiday but no one to go with .
But I will be going with Muffin .
I can’t tell you how much I miss you Malc .
I need you to cuddle me up in bed , I need you to talk to me.
I will write you again tomorrow Malc x
Hopefully this message will go through x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 27 th 2021 06:39.
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb always bad news .
Jean and Jeff are coming in my garden today .
Under the shelter as it’s forecast rain today and tomorrow.’
It so depresses me because I need to get out .
Come on bring on the warm sunny weather .
I miss you so much Malc, I wish you could come and talk to me Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 26th 2021 06:16
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching Gmb .
I’ve just had a shower and washed my hair. Elaine is coming for lunch .
I will be glad when people can come into the house.
My second jab is Thursday at The Roman way.
Carol Norrey with Cliff is taking me .
Disappointed with Lisa at the moment Yesterday I asked if I could go down for an hour for company .
She replied it’s Geoff’s Dad one year since losing his Dad so they were going out for the day but would be back later .
Nothing later she didn’t get in touch.
I tried to tell her how lonely I am .
She doesn’t seem to listen !!
I feel I’m being punished .
Christopher doesn’t bother with me .
Ellie face timed me last night bless her .
She’s going vegan .
I’ve explained she must take multi vitamins
She is the only one that keeps in touch regular .
I will look after her later on .
Elaine my friend is coming into my garden today for lunch .
Jean and Jeff tomorrow.
Thank God for friends .
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 25th 2021 08:50
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching fantasy homes by the sea
It’s Torquey Brixham Goodrington Paignton
It upsets me you ar’nt here to watch it
Dot and I are going next year with Muffin .
Wish I was going somewhere this year but no one to go with
I can’t tell you how lonely I am Malc .
I saw Lisa yesterday she took me to Stafford. Home sense and Next .
We popped to Jordan’s and Jade’s .
Lisa is going to buy a new mower today
Jade’s broken there’s .
I hope I can go to Lisa’s later it’s horrible talking to myself 24 /7
Lisa doesn’t understand .
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Hoping this will go through
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 23rd 2021 06:40
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb , I’ve had a better sleep . Still cold this morning but it’s suppose to be very warm again later. Hope this person comes at 10 am today to collect the parasol.
He said he will .
Hopefully the courier DPD should be dropping off a base but I’m refusing delivery hope I’m in when they come .
Then a courier is collecting the throw and pillows to return to Bedeck .
I’ve got a nicer one from Bedeck in the new designer outlet .
I am hoping to go to Cannock today if all works out .
Not seeing anyone .
Friends next week .
Things are starting to get back to normal .
We just need good weather .
My COVID vaccine next Thursday can’t wait
I’ll feel safer .
I just wish my family would care a bit more .
Your Sheila is driving me mad Malc .
All I hear is her health , but they were both like it when Colin was alive , she doesn’t realise .
I couldn’t live her life .
I’m getting up early today to take Muffin up the Skelly . Because of the chap coming .
I miss you my Darlin so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 22nd 202107:25
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
My second vaccine appointment is 29th April next Thursday .
Can’t wait and I hope we have. Booster in September my Birthday .
Malc I’ll be 70 years old it’s frightening where the years have gone.
I’ve got Karen coming in my garden today for lunch .
Pasty chips and beans followed by trifle .
Hope It goes well .
Feeling a bit weepy again yet things are going better .
I’m anxious most of the time .
Lisa has disappointed me really only rang me once while she was away .
Years ago when you and I went on holiday we at least visited the day after we came back or even the day we got back .
Christopher used to meet us and gave me a hug .
It’s all gone .
What’s happened to my family???😢
Oh Malc if I could turn the clock back if only .
I miss you so much I can’t talk to you to tell you how I feel only by this message .
If only you could visit me for just 10 minutes.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
If this message goes through x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 21st 2021 07:58
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’ve just had a shower ready to go to Jeans again today .
It’s been raining over night hope this doesn’t dampen today and especially tomorrow .
Karen is coming for lunch in my garden .
I thought I’d sold that stupid parasol last night but let down .
Hope I do still time all summer yet .
Lisa came back last night but I had to message her
I only had one phone call and that was the day after they arrived.
Mum said she was lonely 😞 she had me or W every day for 25 years.
If I hadn’t got friends I wouldn’t have my family .
What’s going on ????
Geoff was very sarcastic yesterday reading my story on fb
He can be quite hurtful at times .
I want you more than ever now Malc , just visit me please
If only for 10 mins .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 20 th 2021 08:47
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb boring this morning .
I’ve had my breakfast
Muffin is asleep on the bed .
I brought a parasol from Facebook market place but the lady who sold said it was brand new clearly not .
She won’t refund me !!!
I’m trying to contact admin .
No joy at the moment.
I went to jeans yesterday had lunch lovely afternoon we had a laugh .
Days are getting better seeing friends again .
My friend from the surgery has suggested a girly day out in two months time on a train to maybe Blackpool .
I can’t wait .
Next week I am seeing friends nearly every day .
I need company I’m obsessed feel better when someone is with me .
I’m getting anxious now a days .
I miss you so much Malc more and more each day .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc hope this message goes through.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 19 th 2021 06:49
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
I’m going to Jean Beardsmore’s today in her garden
I’ve had such a lonely 😞 weekend
I have to see some one to make me feel human .
I love my baby boy and if he wasn’t here with me I think I wouldn’t be .
He’s my saviour !!
Ellie spoke to me yesterday Christopher has an abscess in his mouth and had to go to the dentist he gave him antibiotics
I did send him a message but again no reply .
Malc it hurts so much .
It’s eating away at me ,
I don’t think I will see him ever 😞
Lisa is still away back sometime tomorrow
I don’t think I will see her she will be back to work .
I wish you were here by my side Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
If this message goes through
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 18 th 2021 08:03
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching anything.
Lisa did face time me yesterday and Geoff made a joke so all ok .
They are having a good time in Skegness .
I had a boring day yesterday riding round .
Watched the funeral of Duke of Edinburgh
Then went to Cannock popped to deliver a Birthday card and flowers to a friend Chris .
I don’t know if I will see anyone today
Being Sunday .
Hoping Carol Norrey will ask me to her garden
I’m so lonely Malc family and people don’t understand.
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 17 th 2021 07:31
Well Lisa didn’t ring me last night because when I rang yesterday morning I was greeted by an angry. Geoff saying ROSE. It’s Lisa’s day off and she won’t be happy !!!!
Lisa was in the back ground saying I’ll ring you later
But she didn’t !!
Geoff said she hadn’t had a good sleep but did I know that .
I sent a message back to both but they have took offence
I always have to tell the truth .
Will she ring today ?
Geoff really upset me .
I’m feeling sensitive anyway.
Will this message go through ?
Oh Malc what is going wrong ?
I miss you so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 14 th 2021 06:40
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
Better now Morgan isn’t on shouting his mouth off.
Jean and Jeff came yesterday for lunch a nice afternoon .
Jeff completed the gate latch in the front garden .
The garden heater is coming today .
I’m going a ride to the new designer outlet not going in .
That’s if there are paths to ride on the way .’
Dot is coming for lunch tomorrow scampi’ & chips
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 13 th 2021 06:33
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
Hair appointment today great but I have to listen to Debs barking dog rebel 😖
My ears scream when he barks .
May be the son will look after him today as he is off school.
Lisa is off work today but busy getting ready for a few days away this week end .
I won’t see her as much now they are going away every week end now .
I’m so depressed the insulin is a hormone and it’s making me put on weight .
When they contact me I’m asking if I can stop it and go back to meds !
Jean and Jeff are coming for lunch today 1pm
I’m doing stew.
I’m trying to be good and not have a cake later .’
Muffin is better today he’s lying beside me on the bed .
Snoring his head off bless him .
I miss you my Darlin so much Malc c
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 12th 2021 07:21
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
I’ve been up in the night with Muffin poor little boy has had Diarrhoea , he’s my life please don’t let anything happen to him .
I won’t see Lisa this week or next she is going away with Geoff and their friends .
She is the only family who bothers with me .
Our Christopher doesn’t visit or ring me .
I’m so lonely Malc with out you.
I cried yesterday but it was too cold to ride round .
I did see Lisa and because I told her I was so fed up .
She asked me down , I stayed a few hours .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 11th 2021 07:11
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Had a rotten nights sleep 😴
Dreamt I was on holiday but it was a horrible hotel .
A Strange dream !!
I won £60 on the Grand National yesterday Malc
I saw no one yesterday not one of my family .
I asked if Lisa was in , she said she was going to Jordds taking them shopping , which I totally understand .
But I hoped she would ask me later or come up .
It didn’t happen .
I had such a lonely day Malc 😚
I took Muffin a ride round but it was so cold 🥶
I wish all my family would really love me.
I keep buying things to cheer me up .
But love is what I’m lacking ❤️
A hug means everything.
What will today bring ?
My little boy has had a groom he looks gorgeous
I wish I would have had Cath a long time ago.’
I miss you so much Malc it’s not getting any easier .’
My weight has risen nearly a stone .
I’m so depressed the diabetic nurse says it’s the insulin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 8 th 2021 06:35
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
Dean a chap came yesterday to quote me for lights under my shelter outside and a double socket in the porch .
Recommended to me by a school friend Paul Ray .
Also the garden heater is coming today.
Ziggy is pressure washing the front garden today.
Weather is very cold again today , I just wish we could have a really unusual warm period .
I miss you Malc so much Darlin .
I cry most days .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 7th 2021 07:57
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’ve just washed my hair and had a shower .
Another bitter cold day today Malc . Another lonely day not seeing anyone again .
I can’t tell you how depressed I am .
Lisa doesn’t understand and Christopher doesn’t care .
To Busy To busy .
I’m a people person and have to see people daily .
It’s my personality.
The weather now is holding me back .
Bitter cold again .
Counting the days to my second jab .
It’s been 8 weeks now since my first jab .
What would you have thought Malc going through this.?
I ask daily for you to come and talk to me but I know you can’t.
No one ever comes back do they .
I pray there is an after life so when it’s my turn I can put my arms around you and give you the biggest 🤗 x
My heart aches for you Malc 😢xx
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Hope this message goes through.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 6th 2021, 06:39
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy.
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
Had a bit better sleep last night but wish I could have a 7!hour sleep with out getting up in the night .’
I’m not seeing anyone today as weather is so cold .
Bitter in fact .
I’m counting the days to my hair to be done next Tuesday.’
I had to have a skin test yesterday it was fine.
Dot is ringing me today at 1pm .
Lisa came yesterday for half hour a coffee.
She is off today with Finley who stayed last night .’
The sun has just come out looking from my window Ron my bed .
I miss you my Darlin more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Hope this message goes through
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 5 th 2021 08:49
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Hope this message goes through .
It’s bitter cold today Malc so different from the last few days .’
Snow forecast this depresses me
You know how I like to get out with Muffin .
Also we are allowed to have friends in the garden now .
Trust the weather to change.
I had the worst nights sleep last night .
Really worried me .
Sheila rang this morning water infection yet again
Always her health !!!
She went next door to look after the dogs they use her really .
But she enjoys it .
Shirley’s Carol might pop an Easter card in later
I took one up to there’s yesterday.
I think it’s Guilty conscience.
Lisa is off today but I’m loathed to visit incase she moans
I miss you so much Malc it hurts I’m still crying for you
I miss your love ❤️
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x .

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 4th 2021 08:06
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching Emmerdale omibus
All shops shut today being Easter Sunday.
Lisa and Geoff going to see his Daughter & Grand kids .
Meeting half way at a park.
Had a nice afternoon with Lisa Geoff Jade Jordan Mary Carter
I arrived at 2pm she mentioned the time but said I was too early so I sat in the sun until everyone arrived .
I went home 5:30!pm
I won’t see anyone today
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 3rd 2021 09:10
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’ve just had a shower can’t get out of the bath anymore
The pain in both shoulders and right hand really bad .
I’m invited to Lisa and Geoff’s bbq today , hope the weather warms up it was lovely yesterday.
Hope this message goes through Malc it didn’t yesterday.
I wish you were here Malc with me going to Lisa’s bbq .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 1st 2021 07:11
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb much calmer .
Weather so windy and cold compared to yesterday .
So depressing 😚
My blood sugar still high I’m so fed up not knowing what to eat.
If I starve it’s goes down .
Not seeing anyone today .
Enjoyed having Jean & Jeff in my garden yesterday
Hope weather picks up so I can go to their garden .
I miss you so much Malc I need you xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 31st 2021 08:20
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is Georgia’s 11 th Birthday where have the years gone Malc , I’m so upset as you should be here celebrating it .
Remember when we were at Scotland Edinburgh sitting watching them swim in the Poole of the hotel .
You said that’s what I’ll miss watching them grow up.
I cried by your side .
I have Jean and Jeff Beardsmore in my garden today for lunch
Another sunny day before the end of the week .then snow .
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Hope this message goes through x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 30th 2021 06:45
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
Thank goodness piers Morgan is iff the Set
It’s so lovely to see calm
It’s going to be another warm day today I’m off tomorrow Karen Goodwin today for lunch
Looking forward to being treated .
Enjoyed my afternoon with Dot yesterday in my garden .
Got to make the best of the weather snow forecast easter.
Roll on my second vaccine.
I was talking about you to Dot yesterday she Charlie her husband too .
We never forget you.
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 29 th 2021 06:39
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
A short message Malc incase it won’t go through .
Yesterday Lisa and Geoff came and cleaned up my back garden decking leaves and pots .
I’ve sent for a garden an ornament from America as a thank you .
Dot is coming today in my garden for lunch looking forward too . I’ve got blankets soup cheese and onion cobs .
I’ve got a heater too
Going to Karen Goodwin’s tomorrow in her garden unless she decides to cancel .
I miss you Malc so much Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 27 th 2021 18:35
Hello Malc , I’m late writing tonight
The clocks go forward tonight where has the time gone .
I’m so lonely with out you Malc missing you so much .
Another lonely weekend .
But I can see Dot my friend Monday in the garden .
Been to Lisa’s but she was going to Jade’s they were going to B&M then to someone’s house to pick up a dressing table .
It’s sold second hand but nice .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 26th 2021 07:14
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Hope this message goes through
Weather windy and a bit of rain .
Praying Monday and Tuesday with be good Dot coming in my garden and Tuesday I’m going to Karen Goodwin’s she’s a nurse in Cannock Hospital .
Ellie texted me last night then I face timed her .
She’s worried she has diarrhoea after eating certain foods so I’ve told her to ask her Mum to speak to Janey their friend and doctor about it .
I miss you so much Malc it hurts
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 25 th 2021 07:03
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
My message to you didn’t get through yesterday
This site is strange sometimes
A short message today incase it happens again .
I love you and miss you so much Malc .
My heart aches for you .
I’m so lonely Darlin .
Seeing no one again today not until next week when we are allowed friends and family in my garden .
I will ring someone today tho
The suns out today so Muffin and I are out .
Got my new glasses yesterday
Ken is also getting me a calor gas bottle for my patio heater when it comes .
I miss you So Much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 23rd 2021 06:44
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb one year on since lockdown COVID .
Just washed my hair .
Cold outside , I wish the warmer weather would come back now .
No holidays abroad this year again but I’m not bothered about that as long as Dot and I go next year we have booked June .
Lisa is off work today will I see her ?
I’ve got to take Georgia’s present down to her so she can take it to her for next week .
I miss you so much Malc
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x
Hope this message goes through

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 22nd 2021 06:53
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed after having a lovely dream about you Malc
It was about the COVID vaccine they were coming to give you yours .
You looked so handsome Malc .
You gave me a lovely soft kiss 💋
I tried to go back into my dream but was too awake .
Yesterday I asked Geoff if he would come and get the leaves up , but he said they were taking Carter to Chase water .
I was disappointed not the fact him not coming but I would have loved to have been asked if I wanted to go too !!
But I reckon Jade and Max went too .
I then decided to take Muffin a ride we went up Hazel Slade just past to Beudessert .
I’m so glad I have Muffin
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 21st 2021 17:07
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m late writing I’ve been a ride to Cannock with Muffin
Just to get out .
I called in Lisa’s later stop for a cuppa .
She told me Christopher has health problems
Stomach and on a lot of tablets ???
He drinks 2 bottles of red wine a night a bit worrying .’

Stress I guess ??
I’m waiting for my curry now , still feel weepy .
So lonely Malc my family don’t understand .
They have their lives to lead .
I never thought I would be alone Malc you knew didn’t you .
You said before you passed away. You felt sorry for me
Find a companion you said , bless you 🥲
I miss you Malc so much Darling .
I ache for you .
Another lonely day tomorrow .
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc if the message goes through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 18 th 2021 06:29
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
Now bloody France have threatened to block vaccines to Britain because they want our vaccines .
We have been reassured we will get out second jab .
Hope there’re telling the truth .
Roll on May 1st that’s 11weeks .’might be 7th May .
I have a pain in my face left side since I’ve been biting at the ulcer in my mouth .
I can’t seem to stop because I’m so anxious .
Please help me through this Malc please .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Hope this message goes through
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 17 th 2021 06:26
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching Gmb good that Piers has left it’s calmer.
I’m feeling worried yet again health really more to worry about
Old problem back .
Also this so called ulcer in my mouth giving me pain in my face
I can’t stop chewing it.
I’m full of fear and anxiety Malc
I have no support from family , I’m fighting this on my own .
Keep me strong Malc please .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I’m not seeing anyone today again , I know Dot my friend is ringing me today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 16 th 2021 07:12
Hello Malc sorry I haven’t written to you for a couple of days my messages wouldn’t go through .
Mother’s Day was better than I thought.
Lisa took me to Threntham garden’s Saturday because she was being invited to Jades for dinner on Mother’s Day .
As a thank you for what they have done for her .
Then Sunday brought me a lavender tree and flowers and card
She’s got today off should I call in ?
Weather picking up thank goodness .
Clocks go forward 27th March .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 13 th 2021 15:35
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa took me to Tretham Gardens but nothing there and
Raining disaster really then we called at Jades house .
Lisa took me there today because jade has invited Lisa and Geoff to dinner tomorrow for Mother’s Day .
I must say I was a bit disappointed hoped she would have invited me too .
It was as a thank you for them helping her .
Perhaps I’m being selfish .
It’s little things sometimes what Lisa says and not realise how she said it.
I’m very sensative lately
Need a hug and love ❤️ Really x
Nothing much to tell you really only my mobility scooter is being sorted yet again .
The shed for dustbins are being returned and money back
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 12 th 2021. 07:48
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Gmb
A better morning with Ben Shepherd and Kate Garraway .
Raining again bloody weather !!
Please bring warmer dryer weather to cheer us up with these awful times .
Delivery today looking forward too.
Hope Muffin and I can get out today
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 11th 2021 06:06
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy x
I’m in bed watching Gmb always bad news .
Only one thing Piers Morgan has left GMB . Yeah .
Hope Suzanne leaves next .
The pest control is coming today , found a dead mouse last night in the kitchen .
Malc I’m so upset as I don’t have you to help me .
No one in the family help .
Not even the garden now .
I miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. March 10 th 2021 10:01
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.’
I’m still in bed watching This Morning just started .
Had breakfast and two cups of tea.
Raining heavily not good .
A few days I’m not looking forward too .
No text or phone calls from my family .
Although I know Lisa will probably invite me to dinner on Sunday for Mother’s Day.and a present .
I know she’s busy but I wish she would see me more and not wrap herself around Jade.
She is 28 years old and can look after herself .
But I seen to have been pushed to the back .
She not knowing how much pain I’m in and my Mental health .
Meaning the loneliness I’m going through .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 9 th 2021 06:12
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching Gmb .
Harry and Megan the interview is the big story .
I think they did the right thing moving away from the royals
They are happy now .
The Firm need to move forward they are stuck in the old times .
I’m feeling very lonely and sensitive at the moment .
Anything seems to set me off crying .
I did speak to the diabetic nurse yesterday about how I feel and my Arthritis been so bad at the moment .
I face timed Ellie last night that was nice .’
Can’t wait for my second vaccine so I can meet up with my friends again .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 8 th 2021 17:30
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m late writing to you today .
Again feeling weepy over weight and seen no one .
I did speak to Dot today for an hour , not a lot to say really .
Been know where seen no one .
Bitter cold 🥶 today again , nights getting lighter tho .
Mary sent a photo of you through an app. Your eyes were moving and smiling .
It frightened me at first .
She meant well .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 7th 2021 07:25
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching Royal videos .
I’ve just washed my hair and had a shower .’
Trevor from across the way is coming to get my leaves up and pressure wash the decking .
Then later I’m going to Carol Norrey’s to give her a Birthday present and money I owed her for the T rolls and treats .
I cried most of yesterday because Lisa doesn’t seem bothered how lonely I am .
She’s in her little bubble Geoff , Jade and Finley and Carter .
I really thought my family would care for me !!!! After losing you Malc .
You were right Malc you said you felt sorry for me because I would be on my own .’
Oh how I didn’t realise how right you were .
I have had the most devastating 7 years after losing you Malc .
I miss you so much Malc Darlin 😰x
I will write you again tomorrow Malc ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 6th 2021 06:59
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .’
I’m still in bed watching Diana on you tube .
I feeling so lonely Malc but my family doesn’t realise how much .
Days and nights long lonely hours Malc .
I’ve cancelled my funeral plan . Too expensive.
I’ve decided I want to be buried and Malc’s , Butch and Tiggers ashes put in my grave .
I need to tell Lisa .’
I will try and go to Rugeley to collect Muffins treats .
I miss you Malc so much it’s getting harder each day and year goes by .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Hope this message goes through . LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER MALC xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 5th 2021 06:33
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Sorry it’s been a while since I wrote to you .
This is a new iPhone because other one faulty .
This is the third iphone now .
Apple are sending me a case and screen protector.
I’ve cried for you a lot lately Malc I miss you so much
It might be seven years but still seems like yesterday.
Ziggy is coming 1pm to tidy garden decking .
If he doesn’t do a good job today I think I will stop having him.
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow and hope this message will go through .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 24th 2021 07:40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB stupid pierce Morgan
Blabbing off again .
I detest him arrogant so and so.
Some one needs to bring him down .
It’s raining at the moment .
I’ve got to get out I feel so low in mood today .
Depressed really ,
Good job I have Muffin .
I’m ringing Carol Banks today noting really.
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 23rd 2021 08;40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching GMB bloody Peirce Morgan .
He so gets up my nose 🤬
Good on you Matt Hancock for fighting back .
I feel very low this morning wanting to cry after it being 7 years
Yesterday since you fell asleep .
I’m crying as we speak .
We are gradually getting back to normal but it’s hard .
I’m going up the Skelly in a while , I left you some flowers
On your tree yesterday.
I miss you Malc so much my heart ❤️ is breaking .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 19 th 2021 06:42
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching GMB .
Don’t know what I’m doing today it’s raining again .
My scooter is going in again John thinks now he has a solution.
He is sending for a loop it’s the wires which works the panel .
Chip day today no cooking .
Jade came yesterday I gave her loads of stuff I don’t need .
She brought Finley and Carter .
She has got a house in Stafford .
I miss you Malc so much darlin , family really don’t understand.
I’m so lonely .
I have Muffin he such good company.
Thank God for him .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 18 th 2021 07:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
Better news covid data coming g down .
But hospitals still full .
Rain today so won’t be out much today .
Pest control chap might pop in regarding mice
Hope he finds they are gone .
There’s a smell in the dressing room .
Jade has got her house in Stafford sounds lovely .
I will see her over the weekend.
I’ve brought her a few things and gave her sheets pillows towels .
I still have my problem and I have put on weight .not happy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 17 th 2021 07:25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Sorry I missed writing to you yesterday Malc
I had an appointment with my Nurse. VitB12 inj .
Then the day went quick .
I found some mouse turds the side of my bed yesterday
Which means it’s been running around while I’m asleep
God please don’t let me see one in the bedroom
Hope Paul the pest control chap comes today .
John mobility’ chap took my scooter yesterday to find the problem with lights and indicator’s
Hope he finds the problem this time .
Weather rain on and off .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 15 th 2021 06:59
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Happy 71st Birthday Mate xx my darlin.🎂🍺
Hope you are celebrating with Mum
And Dad and your Mum & Dad xx
I wish you were here for me to give you a big hug .
I have put a piece on face book to show how much I love you .
50 yrs today we went decimalisation where has the time gone ?
I’m not seeing anyone today Malc. family especially .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 14 th 2021 07:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m still in bed Watching tv I thought it was Monday today .
My arm feels a bit better today .
I went to Lisa’s yesterday stayed a while it was great until she talked about me using pro for lifts
She always brings up something that hurts me .
I don’t think she realises what she says sometimes
I’m so vulnerable at the moment.
Being on my own through lock down has made me so lonely .
Not seeing my friends only phoning people .
It’s bed. A tough two years Malc .
I’m on my own again today .
Muffin is my soul mate now .
I miss you Malc so much darlin it’s your 71st birthday tomorrow .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 13 th 2021 08:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Hope this goes through today Malc .
Well I’ve had my covid vaccine Just got an ache arm this morning. Can’t wait for my second jab in May .

Weather still cold this morning rain coming in .
Muffin is fast asleep by my side in bed bless him .
I wander if I will see anyone today ?
I might pop to Lisa’s .
I miss you my darlin so much
It’s your Birthday on Monday I will be thinking about you .
I never forget you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 12th 2021 08:50
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m having my covid vaccine today Pfizer it’s the best one apparently.
Hope Geoff is right , I’ve had a very bad night sleep 3:30 am been awake .
Thinking about vaccine and all sorts .
Carol Norrey and her husband is picking me up .
4:15 appointment 4:30 pm
Hope we don’t have to wait long .
I’ve been told I’ll be tired and a headache but as long as it works I’m ok .
I do hope this message goes through it hasn’t since last week .
I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone c
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 6th 2021 07:41
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching a film Charlie Drake.
Haven’t seen him for years .
It’s raining again Malc when is the nice weather coming back .
I’m still waiting for my letter for covid vaccine.
Hope it’s soon .
Went to Lisa’s yesterday had a cuppa .
Jade’s got a house in Stafford opposite the Hospital .
It looks gorgeous.
I’m sure it will all go through .
Her Dad is going to be guarantor .
I won’t see anyone today .
Ellie face timed me last night bless her .
We had quite a long conversation.
She’s lovely Malc so grown up .
I’m crying 😭 If you could see how all our Grandchildren have grown up .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 4th 2021 07:55
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Yesterday’s message didn’t go through
I’m still in bed watching. The chase thus morning.
News is depressing.
My scooter came back last night Malc I’ve got to try it out
Hope it works but if it does I’ve got to pay £35 .
Jason is coming to set up my new replaced Freesat box .
After work .
He’s a moody chap takes after Kay she can be funny at times .
I’m fighting with my mind every day Malc wandering what life is giving me !
I miss you so much darlin I wish you could talk to me .
Don’t know what I’m doing today .
I’m not seeing anyone today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 2nd 2021 06:38
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Will this message go through.
I miss you Malc so much more each day .
It’s pouring down today and turning to snow .
Lisa is coming today to help me.
Covid is spreading nearer its in Walsall now the new variant.
I’m terrified Malc I desperately need the vaccine .
But it not my turn at the moment .
Roll on spring .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 29 th 2021 07;53
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB a real vaccine out hope it works soon .
Missing you terribly Malc , no one to talk to .
I have our gorgeous Muffin with me thank goodness .
I’m taking my Freesat box to post office today hopefully it will be exchanged .
I might pop to Lisa’s she’s in my bubble.
If the weather would pick up I’d feel better .
Not a lot to tell you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 28 th 2021 07:19
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB .
All bad news yet again locked down until March at least
No sign of my vaccine getting very anxious .
What is there to look forward too .
Jason is coming tonight with a mask on to disconnect my Freesat box to return as it’s not working properly .
I’ve got to arrange a courier 🚚 .
Raining at the moment until lunch time so depressing.
Oh Malc what would you think of this pandemic .?
Help me through this please .
I’m facing this on my own .
Christopher doesn’t care !
Lisa just says not just you going through this Mum
and doesn’t realise how frightened and unhappy ,
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 27th 2021 07:40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy.
I’m in bed watching tv just had a shower .
GMB too depressing Malc .
The snow is melting but not sure if I can get out .
My own scooter is coming back today .
Hopefully fixed the problem now .
100,000 people have died now in this country from covid 😩
I’m so terrified Malc of catching it .
Lisa came yesterday bringing me groceries.
She stayed a good 3/4 hour .
I speak to people weekly but apart from Dot I ring them .
Lisa doesn’t realise how I’m feeling , all she keeps saying is all other people are in the same boat .
I told her but it’s my feelings inside very lonely 😞.
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 26 th 2021 07:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
In bed again watching GMB.
More bad news now regarding vaccine
Might not get one at all now !
I’m terrified 😩.
Snow still down can’t go out , I feel Im in a prison .
What is there to look forward to ?
I’m not seeing anyone no family or friends ☹️
Snow stopping me taking Muffin out .
I’m so anxious lonely & depressed .
HELP !!!
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 25 th 2021 07:39
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB more bad news !
I’m ringing Dr Manickam today asking wen I can get my vaccine .
I’m terrified .
I’m also cancelling a water meter .
I do use a lot of water really .
I hope this message goes through today it hasn’t the last two days .
I won’t be going out today still snow outside .
I miss you so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 22nd. 2021 09;40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
What a start to the morning !
Tussling with the seller of an item I purchased from eBay
I’ve got to get in touch with eBay on Tuesday .
Well what will today bring ?
Seeing no one no one contacting me
Good job I have Muffin he’s my soul mate and best friend
Where’s my family ?
I know it’s covid but Lisa is in my bubble .
She’s only working part time for Christopher
Jade us still living with her with the kids but Jade is 29 yrs
I’m done !!!!
Nothing I can talk about going nowhere .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 21st 2021. 07:06
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB.
Trump out Biden in America hurray !!!
Snow over night but clearing thank goodness !
I pray for good health good weather and friendship .
I’m so lonely Malc and emotional today .
I feel my family has deserted me literally ☺️.
I need a boost I need to laugh I need love I need a hug 🤗.
I need a covid vaccine .
I’m terrified of catching covid .
I miss you Malc so much darlin c
I need you to visit me Malc xx
But don’t take me , I want to live a ripe old age xx
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 20 th 2021. 06:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby.
I’m in bed watching GMB again bad news .
Now they say we have a shortage of covid vaccine .
We will I get mine .
Sheila has had her letter , Lisa has had her vaccine .
I’m terrified Malc I don’t get one at all .
Pouring down this morning and is going to continue for days .
What is there to look forward to ????
New president today in America , Biden hope he does a better job than TRUMP !!
I won’t see anyone again today phone calls and telly .
I seem to be the one who rings every one !!
When will I be happy again ??
Life is so tuff !
I miss you Malc so much darlin, it’s hard coping on my own.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 19 th 2021 06:54
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
Depressing pierce Morgan 😡
It’s poring down today no where to go no one to see .
I feel I’m going mad .
So lonely Malc .
Lisa has her covid vaccine today , I’m
Jealous !
I don’t think I will get mine for months yet 🥲x
I wish something good would happen .
It’s a good job I have Muffin he’s gorgeous my little boy .
I can’t tell you much Malc today x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 18 th 2021 07:31
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m feeling really low today my problem has come back .
Also I asked Lisa if she didn’t mind collect Muffins treats
From Argos inside Sainsburys no rush next week would do .
I know she’s working cleaning for Christopher but her answer was they deliver it cost £3:95 .
I’ve ordered some and it’s at Rugeley only part order is there so I’ll wait until Thursday it’s a sunny day I’ll wait until all has arrived .
It’s the bus for me !!!!
I’m getting really depressed now not seeing anyone no friends
I’m certainly not seeing part of my family 🥲
I miss you Malc so much darlin it hurts .
I’m so frightened 😌
What will today bring ?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 17 th 2021 07:59
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching flirty dancing
Trying to cheer my self up in these dark times .
I did texted Christopher asking him to send me the money he owes me . It’s a big ask he is so stubborn,
My head thinks he won’t but can give it a try .
He owns 9 homes now and Seighford hall .
He’s brought a car £110 ,000 it’s not as if he can’t afford it .
Lisa popped in yesterday with some veg .
She stayed about 3/4 hour .
I asked if she could come more often .
She was a bit sarky .
Covid is causing so many problems .
I’m praying for my vaccine .
Hope I am notified soon ,
Sorry I missed writing g to you yesterday Malc ,
I genuinely forgot.
Lots on my mind .
I’m thinking of having a water meter as now I’m struggling to get out of the bath .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee And Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 15 th 2021 06:17
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB.
Better news today infection rate coming down
Can’t wait for my Vaccine .
They’re saying all people age 50 yrs will be vaccs by March .
Hope they’re right .
Haven’t heard from family no text ?
They might as well be in another country .
Never in my life have I ever been so lonely !!!
I taking Muffin to a new dog groomer today 3 pm .
Hope she does a good job .
I’ve got to find it yet .
I’ll start out early .
I miss you my darlin so much Malc c
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 14 th 2021. 11:37
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching good morning Britain
It’s an awful day weather wise rain cold .
My scooter 🛵 is being serviced .
But I have a borrowed one .
Muffin is on the bed snoring his head off
Malc I love him so much ❤️.
Your barmy Sheila I speak to every day she’s so depressing.
Nothing much to tell you at the moment as not going anywhere .I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 13th 2021 07:29
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Hope this message goes through .
I’m still in bed watching GMB all bad news .
Covid still spreading fast , Trump in America MAD !!!
Weather atrocious What else can be thrown at us .
I’ve got to try and keep positive so many people dying .
My family don’t realise I need support and love .
Christopher well I’m shocked after losing you Malc
He was the one I thought would have looked after me.
I’m fighting with my mental health daily .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
You would be by my side always .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 11th 2021 06:33
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m not sure if this message will go through it hasn’t for a couple of days .
I’m sending a short message today
I’m worried about covid not shopping now .
Lisa is shopping for me.
I’ve just got to hold tight and hang on keep safe and hope .
I love you Malc and miss you so much darlin.
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 10 th 2021,
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’ve just wrote to you but yet again list it .
It’s Lisa ‘s 49 th Birthday today She will be up later I guess for her present 🎁
Not sure what’s happening yet !
Covid has stopped a lot .
President Trump hopefully will be impeached
Crazy Man !!
I miss you Malc so much darlin
Life is so lonely because I can’t see anyone no friends .
I will try and remember to write tomorrow Malc
My mind is forgetting things at times .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone,
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 8th 2021 06:46
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB more bad news .
Trump is MAD get rid NOW .
Virus getting worse !!!
Lisa and Jade brought a couple of groceries last night .
Snow came again last night .
Then next week flippin rain coming in .
What a start to the new year .
I’m still going to take Muffin up the Skelly if the weather doesn’t get worse .
I’m begging g for a vaccine but I’m so far down the list .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 7th 2021 06:09
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
The world has gone mad .
Not only have we a shortage of covid vaccines .
The virus increasing hourly.
Trump opened his mouth and caused a storm in the white house .people were shot and killed .
Get him removed 😡
America 🇺🇸 is in a total mess .
I’m so frightened Malc .
I’ve stopped shopping my self and asked Lisa to shop once a week for me .
I’ve got to keep safe .
Friends who O k ow have covid .
Our next door neighbours Kev Jo and family have it 😜
I will only take Muffin for a walk once a day beside my mobility scooter .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 6th 2021 06:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB no good news as usual
I’ve decided now not to shop the covid pandemic spreading so fast it’s worrying .
Lisa is going to do my shopping from now on .
I will miss it but I want to keep safe .
Oh Malc when will this awful pandemic disappear?
I’m so frightened and lonely.
I’ve got Muffin by my side he is saving my sanity .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 5 th 2021 07;10
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB
I don’t know if this message will go through it didn’t yesterday.
Full lockdown again Malc , I wonder what you would think of this covid virus .
You would have to shield .
I don’t know whether to cry or not !!
Can only go out for exercise but I’m on my mobility scooter
I’m so lonely Malc but can’t do anything about it .
No one is bothered in my family.
Tooooo busy !!!
I miss you so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 3rd 2021 06;53
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching fantasy by the sea
Dreams Malc .
Just dreams !
I just wish dreams came true and you came back into my life .
Ellie texted me last night on there way back now .
Safe journey back .
Snow still coming in very cold .
I just wish the snow would disappear and warmer temperatures.
Covid GO AWAY !!!!!!
I don’t think I will see anyone today and Lisa is back cleaning for Christopher .
I was hoping Lisa would take me to Sainsburys to get Muffin his treats but she took Carter yesterday.
What sort of year am I going to have Malc ?
Doesn’t look like anything from Christopher !
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 2nd 2021 07:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I don’t think I wrote to you yesterday ?
Had a surprise dinner at Lisa’s yesterday just Lisa me and Geoff and the dogs .
Max is ok with Muffin now .
I won’t see her now she’s back at Christophers Monday .
I’m trying to be strong because of this pandemic .
Not seeing my friends is tuff .
I’ve got to watch my weight now I’ve krept up .not good .
My problem is coming back 😞
All my joints hurt weather isn’t helping .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday. December 31st 2020 07;36
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I have to collect a letter from the surgery hoping this will excuse me from jury service .
My mobility is very bad and balance and stress .
Lisa did text me last night Norman Wisdom his story
I did watch it I had seen it before.
Will I see her today ?
Oxford Vaccine now approved so I can’t wait to get mine .
I don’t think it will until Easter .
I just wish covid would go away so we can get our lives back .
Last day of 2020 no celebrations.
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 30 th 2020 05:46
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Feeling very hurt and in loved .
Last night I spoke to our Daughter about the letter I received jury service .
She and Geoff were very sarcastic about me
Geoff was shouting in the back ground .
I also asked if I brought the food could we have a nice night celebrating need years eve.
They both said no and Geoff said it’s all the cleaning up after , I think that was a hint I should wash up !!!!
I offered to help Christmas Day but Lisa said it’s ok.
Did I see Jade Jordan or Mary help !!!!

70 yrs next year and have Arthritis through out my body’s.
I struggle every day in pain and never ask for help .
I sent a very upsetting message to Lisa I said I thought they thought I was a joke.
Injury and angry .
No one offers to clear the snow
I’ve Asked Lisa if she would put the Xmas stuff up in the loft
No joy . Asked if Geoff would put the cardboard in my bin
No joy .
Now snow and I can’t get out on my mobility scooter .
I’ve also received a letter jury service which I can’t do health problems .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
What an end to bloody 2020 😥
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 29 th. 2020 06:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy boy
I’m in bed watching GMB why I watch it god knows
Always bad news .
Weather awful can’t get out because of ice and snow .
Had to go on the roads yesterday but I was frightened
Christopher is in Dubai with family away from this awful weather .
If we haven’t got enough with covid looks like we are going on total lockdown , I think I will go crazy Malc on my own to long .
Kay my friend from out surgery is getting her first vaccine on Wednesday. Lucky devil wish it was me .
I don’t think I will get mine until Easter time .
What a mess this country is in .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 27 th 2020 06;39
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed just had a cup of tea .
A light peppering of snow outside it should be gone by tomorrow.
I’ve asked Lisa to help me put Christmas stuff away in the loft .
Next door neighbours Kev and family have covid .
Must have been mild he was out in his van yesterday .
It’s so near Malc I’m terrified 😩
Hope I can get out this morning on my scooter .
Your Sheila is driving me mad with her hand same problem I have with mine but you just have to get on with it.
She’s really crafty Malc she pings my phone so I can ring her back so I pay she gets a free call .
Malc I hope we can all get the covid vaccine they said it’ should be approved and started to be given by January 4th
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 27 th December 2020. 08:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Well Christopher is off to Dubai what next ?
I hope they keep safe lots of rules over there .
I have sent a message to him .
I’ve also sent a message to Ellie she wasn’t very well yesterday a cold .
They fly at 10am 7 hour journey .
Keep safe Son .!!!
I read Oxford vaccine will be approved by Thursday crossing fingers 🤞🤞
Never have I felt so uncertain in life and depressed.
My heart ❤️ is aching for you Malc 😢

I will NEVER get over losing you Malc xxx
Please help me to be calmer Lisa doesn’t know how anxious I am .
I love company but getting none now pandemic is around .
I’m going to Tesco this morning to see Amanda to give Muffin some chicken .
Weather is bitterly cold frost on the ground .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 25 th 2020 07:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Christmas Day already ,
I cooked a piece of beef yesterday it’s over cooked and like leather .
I’m so upset ruined .
Just opened my presents from friends .
I’ve had some lovely ones actually .
I miss you Malc so much darlin , I could cry .
I’ve got to keep a smile on my face today in front of family
Keep my distance too .
I am worried but taking a chance so don’t want to be on my own .
I love you and miss you my darlin more and more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee And Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 24th 2020 06:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Well today government announce a DEAL with the EU !!
Not sure if it’s the right thing .
Will listen today .
I just want the vaccine to come out and we all get vaccinated.
So we are all safe .
Christmas Eve and I wish you were here to celebrate it
I miss you Malc so much darlin
Lisa is coming today to label her presents for the kids .
I will write to you in the morning Christmas 🎄 day .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 23 rd 2020. 08:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
In bed watching GMB .
More bad news 4tier for us from Boxing Day .
No hair to be done again bloody covid virus .
Please send us some good news Malc a vaccine A.s.AP.
Keep me Muffin and our family safe .
Have a word with Christopher please , not good news about him .
How will it end with him ?
I didn’t sleep well last night crying 😢.
Ellie sent a lovely card and a present bless her .
I will be looking after her as she has been a rock for me .
She has asked when she becomes 16 years old can she live with me .
I’m seriously considering it but she’s only 12 yrs yet.
Please help us through these bad times Malc xx
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee And Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday Dec 22nd 2020 05:56
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Just a short message Malc today
Nothing changing much Virus 🦠 getting spreading more vigarus frightening .
I’ve got to have my Vit B12 ink this morning .
I just wish the covid Oxford vaccine would roll out .
Can’t wait for vaccine ASAP .
Not seeing anyone today .
Lisa told me some very disturbing news yesterday about Christopher’ .
I’m shocked !!
Keeping my distance !!!
I wish you were here with me Malc I’m so frightened.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday 21st December 2020 06:13
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB.
Weather awful more rain ☔️ brexit no end to it .
Corona virus 🦠 getting worse .
Ellie called yesterday to pick up all the their presents .
I hoped Christopher would have come in .
They stopped in the car he kept looking at his phone
She had a stupid smile on her face .
They didn’t bring the Rolls Royce .
I’m devastated I didn’t receive a card even .
Four days to go and NOT looking forward to Christmas Day .
Lisa is at work today cleaning for Christopher.
Will I see her or hear from her today .????
What a bloody year .
I’ve just got to pray I’m safe .
I’m so lonely Malc I cried yesterday after Ellie left .
I didn’t hug her because of covid .
I miss you so much Malc x🥲
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee And Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 20 th 2020 07:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed had two mugs of tea and watching the chase .
Weather very dark and cold . Muffin is fast asleep .
Rain forecast again . Bad news for covid spreading fast .
I pray my family and I don’t get it.
I am Terrified.
Saw my friend Kay from the surgery yesterday on the park
We kept our distance .
Nice afternoon bar the wind we wrapped up .
Shirley popped round to drop off my present and collected sheila’s .
She didn’t come in distancing .
Lisa might pop up today to pick up kids presents .
Dinner at home today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
5 days to Christmas 🎄 hope it all goes well .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 18 th 2020 06:34
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
Not good news again regarding tiers still in 3 .
It’s so depressing Malc but we have to keep safe .
I am worried about Christmas Day with the family .
I hate being on my own. But hopefully the vaccine Oxford one might be with us in the new year .
I can’t wait for mine .
I went to Carol Norrey’ yesterday gave her a Christmas present, she asked me in for a cuppa we kept our distance .
She’s such a good friend .
She’s driving again but struggling .
She like me has pain in her arm she uses to change gear .
She gave me a present too .
I put Muffin the Mule on face book last night someone is hopefully buying it today .
I will have to think 🤔 in future what I’m buying .
I don’t think sometimes.
I’ve put a few things on to sell .
One week to Christmas now really not looking forward to it actually.
I’m so lonely Malc .
I miss you Malc so much I xx
I will right to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 17 th 2020 06:14
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB
No change in the news .
Weather is atrocious wet wet wet rain 🌧 rain ☔️
No change in covid not seeing my friends
Only seeing Lisa once a week !!!
Not like you Mum you saw us every day since you lost Dad .
I did put a piece on face book for your wedding Anniversary.
I’m so lonely Malc I’m grieving inside still for you .
I’m so lonely Malc so depressed .
I am taking Chemist choc and a card then taking Carol Norrey a present .
I miss you Malc so much Darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 16 th 2020 06:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB is so depressing
Covid covid covid !!!!!!!
Weather 🌧🌧🌧rain dark bloody miserable
I don’t think we will be going out this morning .
John took my scooter last night to diagnose what’s causing the lights to fail .’
Lisa refusing to take the kids presents up to Christopher’s
But she’s cleaning every day
She’s so stubborn sometimes .
I could shake her .
I’ve sent Christopher a message to pick up presents but yet again NO ANSWER !!
Sign he’s back home from Antigua and got over Covid .
I think he thought he was going to die that’s why he spoke to me while away .
I give up Christopher!!
Malc I miss you so much darlin.
What’s happened to my family ?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny Christmas

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 15 th 2020. 06:44
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB.
No exciting news .
I’m going to Rugeley today Argos to pick up three candies .
Hope they get it right today .
Weather mixed today hope we don’t get wet .
I might showerMuffin later today so he smells nice for Christmas .
Lisa is going to Clean at Christophers again today it’s her new job .
I met up with Jean yesterday just a wet walk around the park .
I went on my mobility scooter with Muffin .
I miss you Malc so much darlin more each day goes by .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 14 th 2020 05:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB now .
More Bad brexit news .
Weather atrocious .
I did enjoy dinner at Lisa’s yesterday it was lovely .
Elaine rang me yesterday we had quite a talk .
Also Dot and I had a conversation .
Jean Beardsmore is meeting me outside only for 10 mins .
I’ve got to go to Argos tomorrow to collect 3 candles .
Lisa is off today but I don’t think I will see her after seeing her yesterday .’
I’m canceling Muffin’s pet insurance today ,
I will pay if he needs any care if he should get poorly .
Insurance a waste of money .
Christmas is getting closer hope we get cheered up .
I can’t wait for my vaccine but don’t think it will be until Easter .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 13 th 2020 07:06
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching Diana so missed by everyone .
Lisa has asked me to dinner today .
It’s rain today hope it’s not much I can get out with Muffin .
I’ve got to pop in a card and chics to Carolyn who rang me yesterday .
I’m ringing Dot today sometime before I go to Lisa!s .
Well is this the day we go to a No Deal .
Hope we do we will be an independent county .
I know we will struggle but we will get through it .
I just wish covid would disappear.
I miss my friends too .’
More than anything I miss you so much Malc .
Look over me Malc keep me safe and sane .
Especially keep my family safe .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 11 th 2020 06:36
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Barbara Windsor died today age 83 .
Mum managed to make 88 years .
What a year it’s been Malc terrifying .
I’m waiting for a courier to collect my Apple Watch
I’m having a refund yeah !!!
I will NEVER pay that much for a watch again .
I’m gradually learning a lesson .
Thank you Malc for watching over me Malc .
Don’t know if l will see anyone today .
Lisa might call she may be off today .
Rain most of the day and the week to follow .
I’m counting the weeks to the lighter night and longer Warner days .
I miss you and need you in my dreams and bed Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 10 th 2020 06:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
Might be a no deal crossing fingers 🤞
Two people are coming today hopefully to pick up zebra and Giraffe .
Hope they don’t let me down .
Weather is bad rain 🌧 every flippin day .
What more can be thrown at me ?
I can’t wait for my covid vaccine call me ASAP .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 9th 2020 07:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching GMB more if the same news .
I’m not sure what I’m doing today weather isn’t good .
Muffin hasn’t eat for nearly 3days I’ll try again today
He’s ok in health I think .’
More vaccines on the way but I don’t think I will get one until next year .
They say surges will get them but how can they whe. They have to be kept in a freezer below 70 • ?
There 54 million in this country .!!!
I wander what you would think Malc of this pandemic ?
You would have had to isolate , but that you wouldn’t mind you played solitaire a lot o. Your lap top .
You were a very patient man .
Oh Malc I do miss you 😢
I ask every night you come in my dreams .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 8 th 2020 06:48
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB 40 years today John Lennon died .
I was 29 shocking !!
Feeling low again today Malc missing you more as each day goes by .
3 weeks to Christmas .
Covid vaccine starts today 80 years old them care homes .
I just want to keep safe and get through this .
I just miss my friends visiting .
Lisa is trying her best .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Hope this message goes through yesterday’s didn’t .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 6th 2020 07:32
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy x
I’m in bed watching the Chase .
It’s freezing today just put the heating on .
Muffin woke me up twice in the night I think I must have been screaming or crying ???
It’s getting a regular thing .
It’s because I need you and miss you Malc so much.
I don’t think I will see anyone today!
So lonely Malc , keep us safe and Fred from covid I’m terrified .keep all our family safe too .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 5th 2020 05;56
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m awake early worried one of the presents is broken .
I unwrapped it I think it’s just the metal to be attached .
Need to rewrap it anyway .
Lisa is going to be on her own today .
Jade is going with Bruce and Carter , Geoff is working
She’s wrapping presents .
I think I have another day on my own with my baby Muffin who I love with all my heart .
But I do like human company especially Lisa .’
I wish the Oxford vaccine would be ready so we all could have it and be safe.
I miss you Malc so much.
It’s so cold out there what with rain and sleet forecast .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc. Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 4 th 2020 07:26
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB all bad news again .
I’m taking Muffin for his groom today 9am .
Then shopping in Morrison’s and Asda for beef and a look round .
I hope the sleet with keep away until I get home .
I won’t see anyone again today .
Will probably sort presents into family’s today .
I am depressed Malc but no one can help me cope . I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 3rd 2020. 06:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed Malc watching GMB
Vaccine is available but not for us until next year
Nursing home’s 80year old’s nurses carers .
Roll on next spring .
Weather and vaccine.
Hope this message goes through .
I’ve got a hair appointment today 3pm with Deb
It will be dark when I leave her house .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 2nd 2020 07:25
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today the vaccine has been approved but it’s not going to be me until perhaps next year even tho I’m diabetic .
I can’t wait , but it’s only going to hospitals as it has to be stored in a large freezer at a big temperature.
So doubt it will come to Cannock hospital !!!!
I would be the first to have if I was invited .
I had a dream last night Malc but again I ended up on my own .Malc I can’t tell you how much I miss you darlin .
I need you more than ever .
But don’t take I have to care for my darlin Muffin who you did see for 18 months before you passed away .
I still can’t get over this I miss you till it hurts .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday Dec 1st 2020. 15:25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Just a quickie. I love ❤️ you and miss you Malc
Wrote this morning but again couldn’t get it sent ????
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
LOVE. YOU MALC ❤️❤️❤️🎂

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. November 30 th. 2020. 07:12
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB not to bad this morning .
I’ve just washed my hair .
It’s turning to winter tomorrow snow coming Friday 😞
What with covid not seeing my friends and only seeing Lisa once a week sometimes two weeks .
She’s again lost her job not settling she takes after me .
Hope she gets that job in the colliery pharmacy crossing fingers 🤞🤞🤞.
I had a lonely day yesterday only went tonTesco .
Bitterly cold now .
The ulcer in my mouth seems to be a bit better .
I’m trying not to chew my cheeks .
Hair appointment Thursday , Muffin’s groom Friday .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 28 th 2020. 06:41
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I don’t know if this message will go through.
It’s freezing today .
Lisa is taking me somewhere. Today not sure where .
I’ve asked if I can leave Muffin with Max so they can keep each other company .
Am she hasn’t got back to me yet .

About 9:30 I’ll take Muffin up the Skelly so it will tire him out .
I didn’t realise it was Saturday today .
Hope we have a nice day .’
She rang me last night saying she was fed up .
It’s a strange world we are living in Malc it’s worse than a war
I sent a message to a woman called Pat Carless yesterday we fell out a long time ago .
She lost her husband last year now has lost her son only 53 years to sepsis
I sent her a message of condolence and she replied ..
I miss you Malc so much darlin it hurts .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 26 th 2020 06:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB just washed my hair .
Had a bad night sleep and tinnitus had been bad over the last
Few days .
Pain in my joints when I touch them . Very cold weather
Roll on spring .
Please bring us the vaccine.’
So depressing Malc .’
Lisa is coming today to collect her parcels for the kids .
Indent a message to Christopher yesterday but he didn’t reply.
Back to how he was .
When he had covid in Antigua he responded but now he’s home. Back to his normal self , not loving me !!!!
Some good news Deb my hair dresser has brought my hair appointment forward .
Hope my mood picks up so low at the moment .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 25 th 2020 06:30
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB never good news .
Worried we might be in tier 3 2 even 🥲
I need company Malc desperately x
I need my family
We have got to wait until Thursday before we are told what tier we are in and it stays until March just a 5 day break Christmas.
Life is tough at the moment Malc roll on vaccine
Lisa is at work this morning so she is not coming until tomorrow to collect her parcels .
I’m trying to keep strong .
I went to Lichfield yesterday to collect a Christmas present for Cameron .
He doesn’t answer my texts either nor Georgia nor Jade or Jordan .
It’s his Birthday Friday !!
Family is so split .
Mum thought she was lonely .
I am really being punished .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 24th 2020 06:56
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB .
I’ve just took my blood sugar it’s high this morning.
It’s what I eat last night unfortunately .
I was stressed then I eat stupid things .
I will try !!
Ive got to go to Lichfield today to collect a parcel from Superdrug .
A trip on the bus , I love the journey and love Lichfield .’
I don’t know what tier we will be in from 2nd Dec hope tier 1 .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 23rd 2020. 06:56
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Hope today’s message goes through yesterday’s didn’t !!’
I cried most of the night upset over Lisa not getting back to me yesterday , only going to yet again. Geoff’s family !!
Brad and Taylor stripping wallpaper .
Geoff never helps me Lisa just pops in now and again
My grandchildren didn’t send me a Birthday card after giving both Jade and Jordan £1000 each plus a present. Last year .
What have I done to deserve this treatment .
I’m always giving to Jade in the past .
Lisa will say I keep bringing it up but if I don’t have my say how will they know how I feel .
I sick of holding back for upsetting Lisa .
Christopher hasn’t been in touch since returning home fro Antigua .
Ellie has covid not coming down until if she’s allowed 5 th December.
Oh Malc what a year 2020 . I’m struggling so much .
Not seeing any one every day at the moment .’
I need a boost please Malc I need to be told I love you Mum x
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 21st 2020. 08:53
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching The Crown .
Had breakfast Muffin is lying on the bed fast asleep .
Weather very cold .’
Will I see anyone today. ?
I’ve got to try and keep positive .’
Not sure if I’m going to the Range today only to buy cards .
I miss you Malc so much darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 20 th 2020 07:39
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed relieved I have finished isolating from being told I have been near someone with covid and have been now told I haven’t got covid 😊
Hope it stays that way .
Sheila rang last night worried she has received a letter referring her to Stoke hospital regarding her stool sample !!!
Dr is ringing her today .
I think she will be fine , it’s what she has told the dr and he has referred her urgent .
Will I see Lisa today she’s off I think ?
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Hope this message goes through?
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 19 th. 2020 16:56
Hell I Malc today’s message didn’t go through
I love you and miss you darlin
Keep me Muffin and our family safe
Love ❤️ you Malc your wife
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 18 th 2020 07:07
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
Melonie diabetic nurse is ringing me at 9:15 am
Instead of me going to the hospital .
The weather isn’t to good anyway . But I will still take Muffin up the Skelly .
Lisa and Geoff still not been in touch !!
I have apologised to Geoff ,
But the longer they leave it the worse the atmosphere .
I’ve written on all my Christmas cards wrapped most of my presents .
I’ll just have to accept I’ll be on my own from now on
Until the vaccine has been given to us and family might get together .
I’m not sure if I have a family now !!!!
I have Muffin and he is my priory now .
I will have to think positive .
One day to go self isolating hope will be ok .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 17th 2020 06:56
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching GMB more depressing news .
Yesterday’s message didn’t go through hope today’s does .
No message from Lisa or Geoff I did apologise to Geoff .Hay Ho I’m just concerned about my health at the moment .
I just want to be healthy and happy .
If Muffin and I to be on our own Christmas Day let it be !!
I’m sick of battling with my family .
I do have some good friends so some of them will support me . I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 15 th 2020 05:26
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m awake very early today things on my mind yet again .
Lisa hasn’t been in touch all week I reckon it’s over last Monday the vets !!
Now holding a grudge .
I haven’t felt part of the family for a while .
I cry when I see day trips to Bakewell with Geoff’s sister
I see day trips to dove dale with Geoff’s sister and husband
I see a week in Cornwall , I see a week in Woollacombe
With Geoff’s sister and her husband .
Lisa says she doesn’t want me to go away with them
The other day she said when I go down to hers I’m miserable and talk about Sheila .
I feel now I’m not apart of the family now Malc .
I think I will have to just keep to my friends .
They feel more for me than my own family.
I’m broken Malc 😢 .
I’m sick of being back if the queue .
I’m sick of pretending everything is ok .
I have never been treated so in feeling as I do today .
Looks like Christmas on my own with Muffin .
I love him so much .
Elaine my friend picked me up in a taxi yesterday we went to M&S food shopping it was her 70 th Birthday .
Bless her she treated me to my groceries and snuck in extras .
I brought her a present card and flowers .
I think zi could make a good friend of her.
She always knows what to say in my upsetting times .
Oh Malc I know I say the wrong things sometimes but that’s how I’m built , I guess I take after my Dad for that.
I miss you so much darlin xx I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 14 th 2020 06:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching bless this house .
Old memories .
I’m going to m&s food shopping with Elaine this morning she is 70years old today .
I’m hoping to drop Muffin off to Kay’s just for a couple of hours if she isn’t going anywhere .’
A bit bothered about going in a taxi with this covid. Tho .
I’ll have to wear a mask visor and hand gel .
Going to be a couple of hours .
If not I’ll have to leave Muffin at home , I don’t like leaving him on his own now .
We are very close I love him so much .
It’s not good weather today rain today and Sunday .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 13 th November 2020 07:26
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Yesterday’s message didn’t go through !
Hope today’s will .
I’m in bed watching GMB news no different.
I’ve took my temperature it low this morning
34.5 it could be diabetes .
The ulcer in my mouth hurts today hope it’s not going bad .
I’m trying to leave it alone .
Weather iffy rain this morning sunshine later .
On my own with Muffin but I love him so much .
I hope I can keep healthy and safe Malc .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 11th 2020 06:15
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB all bad news .
Weather not good this morning but picking up later .’
9 days to go in isolation , I’m so depressed Malc .
Lisa not speaking to me because of not letting Geoff’s friend taxi driver pick me up from Penkridge and paying £10 .
Oh well I’m on my own with Muffin anyway so things haven’t changed .
If Om to be on my own Christmas Day let it be .
Lisa hasn’t realised how lonely my life is
She likes her own company anyway .
I just have to carry on with my friends .
Things will change if my family don’t bother with me .
Now I understand how you felt Mum .
I suffered but you did hurt me.
I don’t feel very well today , sick feeling but glad no blood .
Hope I haven’t got covid .
I miss you Malc to talk to , I can only talk to Muffin .
I love him very much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 10 th 2020 05:38
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed and been awake sinc 4:15 am
Can’t sleep because of yesterday.
I took Muffin to Straitons vets Penkridge
Geoff was supposed to pick me up .
I was only about 15 mins there for muffin to join again and have his vaccs .
It was well organised .
I rang Geoff after about 20 mins then he rang me back saying his Mate would pick me up , I wasn’t happy then he told me I was to pay by card £10 .
I was so upset knowing I’m family and his mother in law . I rang him back and said I’ll catch the bus back not paying £10 .
He got angry and said don’t ask again!
I walked into Penkridge outside Sheila’s cottage in the poring rain .
Talking to a lady also waiting for the bus
It came at 5:45 and got back to Cannock got on my scooter and drove home .
Called in the chippy on the way I was hungry .
I’m still upset with him and I don’t think Lisa cares either
To wrapped up with Jade !!
I’ve been pushed out for a while
Thinking seriously about changing .............

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 10 th 2020 05:38
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed and been awake sinc 4:15 am
Can’t sleep because of yesterday.
I took Muffin to Straitons vets Penkridge
Geoff was supposed to pick me up .
I was only about 15 mins there for muffin to join again and have his vaccs .
It was well organised .
I rang Geoff after about 20 mins then he rang me back saying his Mate would pick me up , I wasn’t happy then he told me I was to pay by card £10 .
I was so upset knowing I’m family and his mother in law . I rang him back and said I’ll catch the bus back not paying £10 .
He got angry and said don’t ask again!
I walked into Penkridge outside Sheila’s cottage in the poring rain .
Talking to a lady also waiting for the bus
It came at 5:45 and got back to Cannock got on my scooter and drove home .
Called in the chippy on the way I was hungry .
I’m still upset with him and I don’t think Lisa cares either
To wrapped up with Jade !!
I’ve been pushed out for a while
Thinking seriously about changing .............
Just been to the toilet bright red blood 🩸 as I go to the toilet
Really worried .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 9 th 2020 07:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB Biden won the presidential election .
I’m in isolation for another 11 days so depressed and frightened I might get covid . I don’t know where I was to contract it ,I’ve always kept my mask on washed my hands cleaned the surfaces and door handles .
Malc please keep me safe and healthy .
It’s bad enough being alone with out you .
Don’t call me yet Malc I’m just getting the family together
Christopher and family are back gone safe fro Antigua .
Ellie has been in touch bless her but not Christopher!
I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 8th 2020 06:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed and bend awake since about 4:30
Worried sick because I’ve had a message on my phone to self isolate because I must have been in contact with someone who has corona virus .
I was invited to dinner by Lisa today too .
I wander if these apps are accurate?
I’m already depressed as it is .
I might go for a test in Cannock to make sure I’m ok .
Oh Malc what next ?
I miss you so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 7 th 2020 06:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching bake off .
No rush to get up seeing no one today .
Got to sort house clothes etc .
I need more rooms .
Weather starting to get very cold now Malc
I hate cold dark nights .
Roll on spring and get rid of Covid.
It’s tuff at the moment Malc .
I asked Lisa to ask Geoff if he would pick me up from vets in Penkridge on Monday evening , but as usual she moaned . I feel every time I ask a favour which is rare I get a put off from Lisa . WHY !!!
I don’t want to argue I want to be loved .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I need your support at the moment .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 6 th 2020 06:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB usual bad news
We might have a new. President of America
Joe Biden !!
Not really bothered too much to worry about with Corona and family .
Lisa is coming p today with Max
I’ll ring her if she wants fish and chips with me.
It’s foggy this morning so won’t go up the Skelly until lifted .
Hope Lisa stops a bit longer than she usually does .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
It much to speak to you about really , only your Sheila’s going bonkers .
She’s had diarrhoea for days but she does go into too much detail !!
Too much information.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 5th 2020 06:17
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB no rush to get up . All shops except grocery shut , pandemic .
I saw Dot yesterday in Bella’s it was a lovely atmosphere . They even gave Muffin a sausage.
Popped to Cannock and spent Vouchers Jean gave me .
Weather is cold but dry .
My scooter is back hope it chugs on with out another problem .
I will still be taking Muffin out wrapped up .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 4th 2020 07:52
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m dressed hair washed and waiting for Deb my hairdresser to come and trim my fringe .
I’m meeting up with Dot at Bella’s for lunch before lock dow n Thursday .
Not looking forward that because I’m on my own Malc .’
I’m depressed but know one knows .
They don’t care really .
I’ve got to fight every day if my life .
I never thought I would be in this position.
I miss you Malc so much darlin so much it hurts .
America vote today who is the next president.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 3rd 2020 06:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed no rush to get up , nothing to get up for .
No one can come and I can’t go to friends .
I’m so lonely Malc and this is going to be for at least a month .
What’s Christmas going to bring .
Christopher is still stuck in Antigua with covid .
I’m praying he comes home soon with the family.
Weather is changing sun is coming out later .
Muffin is on the bed sleeping he’s been sick this morning just yellow bile.
Don’t know what or where I’m going today .
Know where to go.
I’m ringing the drs this morning about my right hand and middle finger .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 1st 2020 07:47
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching The Chase .
It’s rotten weather again and from Thursday we are on Full lockdown .’
Christopher has COVID and stuck in Antigua with the family .
Georgia brought it over stupid really didn’t they take her temperature before she boarded the plane .
He’s not very well hope it doesn’t get serious .
They won’t be able to come home until our lock down is finished and that’s Dec 2nd .’
I don’t think I will see Lisa or she will text me
Too wrapped up in Jade’s problem 😚
I’m not happy with my family at the moment !
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 31st 2020 07;59
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching any channel .
I’m upset this morning , Christopher again upset me
I was only being caring and he told me to stop pushing
I leaving well alone now just texting Ellie.
He’s a jeckal and hide .’nasty to me yet again .
He’s stuck in Antigua with his family now for at least another month.
Now we’re in level 2 no one visiting , but it’s looking like full lock down from Monday .
I’m so depressed Malc , I can’t cope with Christopher upsetting me now lock down .
The weather is atrocious.
What next ??????
I miss you Malc so much darlin
You wouldn’t like this situation .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 29th 2020 07:09
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby
I’m still in bed watching married at first sight USA
It’s ok .
I’ve got to get used to being on my own
Lock down no family or friends allowed in the house 😢
Wet and windy can only see people outside .
How can we with the rain .
Me and Muffin I love him so much .
I’ve got to sort the house out .
Search for iPhone box and my knot ring .’
What will the next few days bring ?
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
Jeff came yesterday to sort my clogged up sink in the bathroom , loads of my hair stuck down the plughole yuck .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. October 28th 2020 06:19
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
We are going into level 2 from. Saturday
More loneliness for me , will my family bother with me .
I am going to Jeans today for lunch but after today
Gif knows !!
Christopher texted me yesterday but only because I texted first , but at least he is keeping in touch .
I had a lovely day with Elaine yesterday
We talked about a lot of issues .
I miss you Malc so much ,
I wander what you would have thought of all this. COVID .?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 27 th 2020 07:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching married at first sight. Australia
I’ve seen it several times but I like it .
I had a phone call from Dr Manickam yesterday very reassuring I’ve got to go in long term treatment for my problem
All the other blood tests were ok thank goodness .
I just need to sort this ulcer in my mouth now .
I think Christopher was in my dream last night .
He is keeping me on Facebook at the moment.
I heard nothing from Lisa yesterday or Sunday . She’s wrapped up with Jade and the kids at the moment .
I hope Jade gets that house near her today .
She viewing it today .
I’m going to Elaine,s today for lunch .
I must you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 26 th 2020 06:37
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB more bad news
Carolyne is coming for lunch today , unsure what I think of her yet , don’t know much about her really .
She used to work in Hednesford coop .
She has mental issues so will find out more today .
Christopher and Chanel back together all family in Antigua .
Ellie face timed me yesterday showing me the hotel and surroundings. Lovely .
Wish at this moment in time I was there with them .
But while I’ve got my baby boy Muffin I’m not going abroad .
Besides COVID still around .
I’m very anxious at the moment Malc still have problems . I need a very big happy boost .
I miss you so much Malc 😢
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 25 th 2020 06:43
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching married at first sight Australia.
I love it but it’s ending now .
I’m worried again this morning still a problem bright red blood not much but uncomfortable.
I’m frightened it might be serious .
Christopher and Chanel are with the kids now in Antigua
What a turn around .
I’m confused !!!
Things seemed better with Lisa yesterday hope it continues.
Am I going to be invited to Sunday dinner today .
I don’t think so !!
I can’t stand being on my own lately , I need company.
My house is a mess my life is a mess Malc
My health is upside down .
I’m stressed every day.
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 24th 2020 19:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m late writing to you , been to Penkridge to see your Sheila .‘called in Lisa’s stayed an hour had a cuppa.’
Ellie sent a message this morning .’OMG Christopher and Chanel back together . Instead of going to Greece they are now at Antigua with Christopher .
Alice his so called girl friend has gone home.
End of relationship thank goodness , she’s too young for him still a baby really .
Ellie has beef keeping me up to date .
I wish I was there with them the place looks magnificent.
It bloody pouring down here .’
The medication seems to be working so far .
This ulcer in my mouth is bothering me at the moment
I’ve had it Two years now .
I must think positive .
I’m so lonely with out you Malc .’
The clocks go back tonight 😞I hate the darks nights .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 23rd 2020 07; 10
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB the usual bad news
I had my results back yesterday good news swab says infection given medication .
Just waiting for blood test results .
Muffins groom today then Dot is coming for lunch .
I’ve just washed my hair .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 22nd 2020! 07:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed but watching married at first sight
Love this programme .
I’m still uncomfortable waiting for result .
Praying not bad ones.
Karen is coming today for lunch , she hasn’t asked me to hers for a while .
Don’t know why.’!!!
Dot tomorrow for lunch .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 21st 2020 06:16
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB more about COVID .’
Still uncomfortable but saw Anne yesterday who took a swab .
Blood test Vit B 12 inj .
Results back Friday .
Rain ☔️ ☔️ all day so depressing.’
I want to go to Lisa’s today but will she be in .’
She wasn’t very well yesterday.
Tight chest she said, it’s all the stress with Jade and the kids .
I feel sorry for Adam .
Christopher is still in Antegua enjoying his holiday with Alice .
Is this just a fling ? Will he go back to Chanel ? .
I’m on my own wandering who cares !!!
Oh Malc what has happened ? the world has gone mad our lives are crazy .
I miss you so much Malc , I wish you could talk to me .
I’m so lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 20 th 2020 06:23
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching GMB then later drs appointment bit b12 inj
Blood test and will ask for a swab .
Later I’m going to Carol’s .
A bit depressing but company .’
I’m worried about tests and blood but I’ve got to do something.
I pray it’s just an infection and bloods will be ok .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. October 19 th 2020 06:32
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby
I’m still in bed watching GMB more bad news .
Looks like we will go on full lock down .
I’m depressed as it is .
I went to Carol Norrey’s last night had two cuppa’s and a chat .
I told her I need to be with people at the moment .
Lisa took me to The Holly Bush to buy some plant pots reduced .
I was so disappointed I had to put Muffin in a trolly no dogs allowed on the floor.
Chanel came to pick up Ellie we talked serious .
She and Christopher are ok with each other .
With him having an affair with Alice .
Strange times at the moment .
I miss you Malc so much x
I need you here by my side .
But don’t take me yet .
I need happiness friends and family around me .Jean Beardsmore such be coming today but not sure if she is bring Jeff .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 18 th 2020 07:56
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching tv , just had a shower. Still uncomfortable , I think it’s an infection .
I don’t mean to keep on Malc but I’ve never been so depressed in my life .
I went to Lichfield yesterday with Muffin .
I wish he could talk he’s such a good little boy
Everyone who sees him comments how beautiful he is for a little boy
I love him 😍 so much .
I’m frightened I don’t want us to part either me being poorly or him too .
I’m depressed because I’m not seeing many people anymore.
Sometimes I arrange lunches at mine so I can have company.
I miss. You Malc so much more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 17th 2020 05:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
It’s 5:10 in th mining and I’m wide awake
Worried sick Malc deep down I think I have Cancer .
Sore down below bright red blood coming from my anus .
I look thin abs old in my face . I haven’t lost weight.
I’m very lonely Malc and no one seems bothered .
Kay has gone into the distance , Jean has her family
Karen is busy , carol Norrey has problems but looks after Olivier.
Elaine has a nasty cold .
Carol Banks is depressed and depresses me .
Lisa is too busy with Jade & the kids .
Now Christopher is back in my life I’m worried it’s too late .
I just hope it’s just a fissure and an infection .
My head is thinking all sorts.
I want to live to a 100 .
Corona virus is getting worse .
I pray we done get full lock down again .’
I have no one I can talk to .
I miss you Malc so much x
Please don’t call me , I want to enjoy my life .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 16 th 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching GMB more about Covid .
I’m off to Sheila’s today hope weather holds .’
Still woke up uncomfortable , if only it would go away .’
I’m more lonely than ever Malc , I can’t explain to Lisa
Christopher is enjoying Antigua hope he gets back safe
He’s doing what I would love to do .
His girl friend is 26 years of age 19 years younger , but does it matter .
As long as their happy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 15 th 2020 06:43
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy x
I’m still in bed watching GMB all bad news .
Depressing Malc .
It’s our Son’s 36 th Birthday today . I have put it on face book .
He has been in touch by messages and showed me a photo of his new lady Alice .
He as you is in Antigua enjoying his holiday .
I’ve had 4 new tyres for my scooter winter is in its way .
John is also bringing me 4 more tyres from another maxed scooter , so when these new ones wear he will put them on .
He’s says there in good condition .
He us good to me really .
He is also getting me a pin to fix on the tiller.
It’s stil. Wobbely.
Hope he gets it sorted .
I’m off to Lisa’s taking lunch , but she has to leave 2:30 pm .
I miss you Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 14 th 2020 07:40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB rubbish again .
All about corona !!!
It’s Carter’s 5 th Birthday today Malc you never saw him .
I hope you can see him now where you are ?
Oh Malc what’s Happened to my life .
You have gone , Christopher has split up with Chanel
Jade and Adam have split up , he’s lost Carter to Bruce his real Daddy .
My health is a worry at the moment hope it isn’t serious .
I’m not seeing anyone today .
I feel I’m always the one who asks my friends to lunch .
My head is all over the place Malc .
I am back talking to Christopher thank goodness .
He is as you know in Antigua with Alice his new lady in his life.
I miss you Malc more than ever , I’m frightened 😟.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday 13 th October 2020 15:43
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today it’s pouring down yet again .
Carol Banks has just gone , no such a bad day .
Company I guess .
Still uncomfortable but wearing a dress today .
I’m leaving it for a week then having a word with Ann the nurse .
Just pray this problem will go away .
Seeing no one tomorrow unless I pop to Lisa’s .
The weather should be better tomorrow.
I miss you Malc so much Darlin .
Christopher has been in touch , he is in Antegua with Alice his new lady .
Hopefully he will bring her to see me when he’s back .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee & Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday 12 th October 2020 05:16
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed awake at 05:17 worried sick .
I’m still uncomfortable and wander if it will ever go away .
Christopher messaged me last night saying he thinks I should treat him better ,
I said if he paid me back the Mortgage then things would be different .
He in a Gatwick Hotel at the moment waiting to fly to Antegue
I assume with his new lady .
I hear she’s a farmers girl from Jade .
But don’t know her name.
I hope his business doesn’t fail because of this . Chanel will claim half of what he’s got if they divorce.
At least He is speaking to me now , I’ve asked him to bring me back a fridge magnet 🧲
He said he will but might forget if he’s to busy enjoying himself . It’s a step forward hope nothing goes wrong now .
Life is getting stranger by the day .
What with Jade and Adam splitting up too .
I’m lonely Malc and miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 11 th October 2020 07:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Woke up this morning feeling very uncomfortable again
I’m stopping using HRT it’s making me worse .
I will have a word with Ann on 20 th when I go for my vita 12 inj.
I’m going to Lisa’s for dinner today .
Christopher is going away on Monday to Antigua with his new girl friend .
Goodness knows what has happened with Him and Chanel .
It’s a short message Malc this morning I’m so upset with my problem .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 10 th 2020. 06:30
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m awake watching Married at first sight USA
Just can’t get a full 8 hour sleep 💤
I’m hurting inside because I’ve heard nothing from Jade Jordan Lisa since my Birthday .
I should be having Ellie today but will her Mum bring her .
I’m still I uncomfortable 🥵 when will it go away ??
I’m so lonely Malc .
Where is my family ????
Even Kay isn’t so close any more ,
She has gone off her land line now only uses Alan’s mobile.
I wander I’d this is a sign out friendship is ending . She is a very strange person at times .
This year is a horrible year .
I hope we don’t go on total lockdown .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 9 th 2020 06:33
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.’
I’m still in bed watching GMB Kate Garraway is on and it’s a pleasure to watch her even tho her husband is so ill with Covid .It’s looking like we are going to be on full lock down again .
I hope not .
I’m still uncomfortable Malc worse since I’ve continued this HRT .
I’m going to see your Sheila today , hope the bus driver is wearing a mask .
Will I see anyone else ?
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 8 th 2020 06:47
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m just about to have a shower ,
Going to Dot’s today .
Looking forward to going .
Weather not so good . I’ve ordered 4 new tyres for my mobility scooter .
Expensive but Muffin and I need to be safe .
Trevor across the road set up my new lamp last night .
Jason hasn’t responded as usual .
It’s a short message today Malc .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 7th 2020 07:24
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed after having a shower because I tried hydrocortisone cream .
Very uncomfortable.
I’m going to Jean’s today for lunch .
I’m trying to be positive but this problem is taking over my mind and body .
Where has it come from ?????
I don’t think this is the menopause!
Oh Malc what’s happening ?
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 6 th 2020 06:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
I’m still uncomfortable spoke to Dr Manickam yesterday
Advised me to continue HRT .
Also gave me hydrocortisone to try and help .
I have to have blood test checking for inflammation also for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I’m crying every day Malc life is so depressing at the moment
I need a big boost Malc .
I’m trying to keep my mind busy
So lonely Malc 😚
I miss you so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny m

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 5 th 2020 07:36
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching a comedy .
I need something to brighten me up .
I’m still very uncomfortable Malc I’m so worried
I’m expecting a call from Dr Manickam today
I don’t know if this problem will ever go away!!
I don’t think it is the menopause.
I think it’s because I’ve used so many things to clear the problem .
Help me Malc please .
I’m so depressed !!
No one is supporting me .
My family have no interest in me
I’m totally alone .
Who can I turn too .?
What’s happened to my family.
Will I see anyone today.?
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 4th 2020 06:55
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
In bed watching gardeners world
I’m still uncomfortable Malc speaking to dr Manickam tomorrow.’
Ellie stayed last night .
Christopher and Chanel have split up
God knows what is happening with my family .
Jade and Adam parted .
Lisa not settled in a job
Starts a new job November 1st wildwood near Stafford
Pharmacy .
I’ve been forgotten Malc .
I’ll have to survive on my own .
I have to rely on my friends now .
Lisa did take me to Trentham on my Birthday
Life will NEVER be the same .
I’m fighting every day Malc either my health or with the family .
Please cheer me up Malc , I need a BIG boost .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 2nd 2020 06:46
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB more bad news as usual . I was going to Sheila’s but weather is bad .
I was worried the bus back might not turn up .
Because I’m meeting Chris Rudd my friend at Bella’s today 12:30 .
I hope she doesn’t cancel .
No walk for Muffin today😢
I’ll try and sort house today and tomorrow clothes etc .’
Problem no better still uncomfortable .
When will it go away? 😟
I’m having a shower every night before I go to bed .
Regarding Christopher Adam denies saying anything to Jade saying he has split from Chanel .
It’s sad Carter can’t see Adam tho I’m angry with Jade 😡
I don’t surprise I will see Lisa Jade Jordan .
I’m angry I haven’t received a Birthday card or message from Jade and Jordan .
But they will expect one from me no doublt.
My life is upside down Malc but none of my family care .
It’s all about them .
I’m last in line .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 1st 2020 06:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB all depressing
I had a lovely day with Lisa yesterday she took me to Trentham Gardens . It was wet but we managed .
Muffin was such a good boy .
I was very disappointed with my Grandchildren NONE of them sent me a card .
But they will expect money and a card themselves .

He was exhausted last night .
My knees hip and back hurt last night .
I still have my problem no change yet .
What will Christmas bring ?????
I think I will be on my own .
No card from Caroline across the road either all that I’ve given them and sent her and Trevor Birthday cards .
It’s stopping !!
No one cares any more .
Lisa says she is depressed and on anti depressants .
She says Christopher and Chanel have split up .
I’m yet to believe it .
I texted Adam but he’s denying it .
Yet he stated the roomer .
I’ve just got to keep my friends closer .
Kay did pop round yesterday to give me a present and a card from Jason .
Oh Nakc things have changed so much Malc .
I’ve been put on the back burner yet again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 30 th 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Well it’s my 69 th Birthday today hay ho
Just opened my cards .
Sue Bradbury has forgotten and Jayne Dagley
Will Jade and Jordan remember ?
I know I won’t get one from Christopher , so hurt
Chanel knows it’s my Birthday .
What have I done to deserve this ?
All I want is to be happy with my family that’s all .
Will Lisa take me out for a meal today or is she too busy ?
Oh Malc I’m so un happy .
What with this menopausal problem ulcer in my mouth
No family caring or looking after me .
Most days I’m in my own family not caring If I’m dead or alive !!
I miss you Malc more than ever darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 29 th 2020 06:52
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB more bad news
Nothing new .
Hair appointment today then Bella’s with Kay from surgery .
Not for long tho she’s back to work at 2pm
I’m suffering again this morning back and front 😢
When will it go away ?
Rain coming in tomorrow for my Birthday 🎁
Wander if Lisa and Geoff will treat me to a meal out .
I’ve had cards coming in the post 7 so far .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 28 th 2020 06:56’
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
More depressing news .
Carol Norrey is taking me to lunch today 12 noon to celebrate my Birthday which is Wednesday 69 years Malc .
Kay is having Muffin I’m dropping him off .
I’m still uncomfortable today Malc , when will it end
It’s dragging me down .
I’m trying to think positive . Never have I felt so uncomfortable.
I hope it’s not my bowel causing all this .
I’m frightened Malc .
I’m not happy with my family they just seem to have forgotten me .
Christopher has been in Scotland climbing Ben Nevis for charity .
Coming back today .
Ellie went home yesterday Chanel picked her up
She hasn’t even given me a card .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday September 27 th 2020 06:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching Bless this house
Ellie is asleep in the back bedroom .
I hoped she would have been given a Birthday card from Chanel .
No nothing !!
Christopher is in Scotland just climbed Ben Nevis staying over
Why isn’t he not speaking with me still
I have Ellie most week ends
I always send choc up to Cam and Georgia and small gifts .
He’s brought a savanna cat £6,000 but still not paying me back .’
I’m so so lonely Malc .
My new sofa and chair and stool has come it’s lovely but who comes to see it.
I’m 69 years on Wednesday only my friends seem to be bothered .
What have I don’t so bad to deserve this loneliness ?
I miss you so much darlin
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 26 th 2020. 07:41
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Up early this morning , our new sofas and stool is coming sometime this morning .
Up until 10am
They should ring an hour before they come .
The sun is out so at least it’s dry .
I’ve had a shower dressed and waiting
Sitting on the bed watching bake off .
Muffin asleep in the bed
Lisa and Geoff going to see Louise Geoff’s Daughter.’
Seems it’s Geoff’s family are no 1 at the moment!!
I’m last in line 😪 as usual , haven’t seen much of Lisa at all .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 25 th 2020 06:49
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed just had a cuppa
Feeling uncomfortable this morning hope problem isn’t back ?
I’m going to Sheila’s this morning then Jean’s this afternoon.
Sofas coming in the morning looking forward to them .
Weather a bit better today .
Dark mornings and dark nights now Malc hate them
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 24th 2020 p6:17
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed listening to the rain watching tv
Not in a rush to get up .
Karen should be coming today she altered the date instead of next Tuesday .’
Hope she doesn’t let me down sometimes she does .
Saw Anita in Tesco yesterday I think we might get back together .’she’s a bit of a snob but company I guess .
I brought a new pair of glasses yesterday. Ted Baker blue , nice .
At last PayPal. Gave me my money back after that company never sent me my coat . I will never buy on line again on face book .
Chloe. Kelly’s Daughter is texting me on face book she is living with W.
Adam poor thing has been given 14 months driving ban and a fine.
I did message him .
Lisa. Tells me Christopher might be banned this is his third speeding .
Karma I reckon , I don’t wish any harm on him I love him Malc but he’s been so nasty to me since you have passed away.
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .’
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 23 rd 2020 07:34
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed Watching tv
More depressing news regarding the COVID .
I’m so depressed about it I hope they don’t lock us down again
No company as it is .
I will go crazy !!
I don’t know what you would think .’?
It’s rain all day today so not only am I alone can’t get out with Muffin .
It’s my 69 th Birthday next Wednesday Malc , I wish you were here to celebrate it .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 22nd 2020. 06:41,
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I don’t know what happened yesterday and I forgetting .
I’m in no rush to get up , Carole Banks is coming. today
She so drags me down .
The weather is good today but rain coming in tomorrow
Darker mornings darker nights .
So depressing Malc .
My sofa and chair and stool are coming Saturday .
Something to look forward to .
Lisa came for 15 mins to bring plants from Sheila
She has an interview Friday at a.chemist near Stafford
Wild wood .
Hope she gets it , I think she will .
Christopher had been caught speeding again
Looks like a ban .
I don’t want anything to happen to him I just want him to be a proper son .
I need him to say sorry Mum and tell me him he loves me .’
As for his wife my well discussed really !!
I miss you Malc so much darlin I keep smelling you but I wish I could see you if just for 10 mins .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 20 th September 2020 06:52
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Ellie is here she stayed over last night .
We had a curry and watched an arific film
She like’s horror.
I don’t !!
I texted Jade yesterday she’s out now with Bruce the father of Carter , yes a shock really .
It’s split up the kids poor Finley and poor Adam .
I think might be banned from driving from Wednesday he’s at court .’
Jade told him Carter wasn’t his and Bruce the real father is on the scene now .’
What a mess , life isn’t easy now looks like another national lock down .
I’m so depressed with it all .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I wish you were here to comfort me.’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 19 th 2020 06:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I think it’s going to be a lonely day today .’
I’ve heard nothing from Ellie !
Adam didn’t come last night with the wheel chair and crutches
Who shall I see today ?
Lisa and Geoff are back home today .
I won’t see them because Jade is there with the kids .
I must try and get the house sorted
I went to Kay’s yesterday but it wasn’t the same
She kept getting up and going in the house then mashing potatoes .
I felt very uncomfortable,
They have gone off the landline and only use Alan’s mobile .
I might go to Lichfield today not sure 🤔 thinking of covid
Government thinking of locking down totally again COVID spreading again !!
Very worried Malc .
My 69th Birthday next Saturday how will it be ?
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 18 th 2020 07:12
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I off to Penkridge happy Sheila !!
It’s going to be a nice sunny day again , dress or trousers ?
Started upping my insulin .
I wish I could reverse it with diet ?
I want to live a long age 100 please Malc .
Adam didn’t come again with the wheel chair and crutches.
Come in Malc let me win a million so Muffin and I can move to my dream home .
Large rooms. Big garden with a view at the bottom. Looking at cow and sheep in the fields please .
The neighbours across the road don’t bother with me any more because they have have all the freebies from me now .
Lisa still at woollacombe.
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 17 th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Thank you Tigger for coming into my dream
It’s made me very happy .
Thank you Malc for being around me last night I had a strong smell from you , it made me feel happy .
But I wish you could have come up to me I could have cuddled you . I miss you Malc so much darlin.
My friend Kay from the surgery is coming for lunch 12:30pm
Lisa did ring me yesterday she’s having a lovely holiday .
I went to Carole’s yesterday it wasn’t too bad.
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 16 th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Well went to drs yesterday lovely Dr Manickam examined me
Turns out I need HRT .
I’m only going on it for a while not too keen
I’m happy it’s not anything sinister .
So I came out happy .
I also had my flu jab .
I’ve got an appointment today diabetic clinic CCJH.’
COVID has been detected in the hospital by a member of staff
Operations cancelled member of staff has it.
I’m ringing this morning to check if I still have to see her
Carole Banks at 12:30 today .
Boring but company .
I miss you Malc every single day .
I hurt inside but can’t have you back .’
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog. Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday. September 15 th 2020 07:10
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m feeling worried going to drs today with my problem
How he doesn’t refer me and just gives me a cream .
I’m fed up of worrying .
I just need to be happy Malc .
I’m going to Chris Rudd s today about 1pm then home and Drs
Oh Malc why is my life so complicated?
Please don’t take me yet I want to live until I’m at least 100z
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 14 th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Sorry it’s late lots on my mind .
Worried about tomorrow drs .
Going to Chris Rudd’s tomorrow try and put my worry back for a couple of hours .
I have been to a friend called Carolyn today had an hour
I’m clutching at straws Malc , I need company
I also called at the couple I’ve the back where Betty used to live .
Lovely couple had a cuppa and she gave Muffin a biscuit .
It’s late and I’m not tired too much on my mind .
Lisa hasn’t even rang but she’s rang Jade .
I miss you more than ever Malc . So lonely .
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday September 13 th 2020. 04:53
I’m awake Nalc it’s only 4:54 am
Too much on my mind .
Thank you for being in my dream
Please come in again each night please .
I feel so lonely Malc .
My family have but me on the back burner .
Spend mist of my days on my own .’
They think I’m ok Malc .
I feel worse now losing you after 6 1/2 years on .
Also worrying about my health it’s taking over my life .
I’ve got everything someone would want but it’s family I need .
Lisa is drowned with Jades problem
Silly girl !!!
Adam is coming today bringing wheel chair and crutches back
I miss you more and more each day Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 12 th 2020 06:59
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I must have forgotten yesterday and Thursday message or it didn’t go through .
Lisa and Geoff off to Woollacombe tonight .
I won’t see anyone next week .
Kay not bothered , Carole Banks !!!
Carol Norrey busy , Jayne has moved away.’
Jean sheilding because of Jeff .
Kay from surgery coming Thursday lunch 12 pm I forgot about her .
I’m worried about seeing Dr M on Tuesday .
Hope it’s just a skin problem .
Sorted with cream .
Adam is bringing wheel chair back and crutches.
Ellie might sleep over tonight .
Weather looks good from today .
Malc I just want to keep crying 😢
I miss you so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 9th 2020. 19:02
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin to the groomers lovely .
Later took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco .
Carole Banks came for lunch stayed 1pm -4pm
Not heard from family today again !!!
I am still suffering with my problem it’s been 2 months now
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 8th 2020. 19:04
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco
Elaine came for lunch and stayed until 6pm
Lovely afternoon with good company .
Texted Kay at our surgery hope to get monthly PX
For canestan cream .
Hope he doesn’t ring me .
Lisa and Geoff went to bourton in the water with Max
Wish I could have gone.
Muffin missed out on his second walk today .
I’ll make up for it tomorrow.
Elaine and I are going to Windsor next year
I don’t care how much it costs I’m going .
As soon as COVID is over .
I miss you Malc so much I talk about you most days
I talk to you daily .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 7th 2020 19:02
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m so uncomfortable and very weepy
Must of the day I’ve been on my own .
Only when Lisa rang to see if I had some lansoprazole tabs for Geoff’s stomach .
They are going to bottom in the water tomorrow
I haven’t been asked .
She says she needs a holiday , !!!!
I’ve been know where.
No thoughts in my children’s heads .
I feel so lonely Malc .
I wish you were here Malc.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 5th 2020. 19:10
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’ve had a very lonely day today up until Ellie came .
Lisa went tonTelford , Geoff stayed at home with Max he has diarrhoea.
I’ve been invited to dinner tomorrow at Lisa’s .
I have a bite on my leg , piles uncomfortable and my hand is really painful
I full of stress .’
I’m depressed because I need to go out meet someone who will take me out for a drink or meal .
No sex no living with me .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin
It’s our 59 th Wedding Anniversary today
I have put a piece on fB .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 4 th 2020 07:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I hope this goes through today I always put the correct name in at the end I’m not a robot .
Today I’m going to Sheila’s then Dots later for lunch .
She’s got some plants for me today .
I think jade is moving in with Lisa with the kids .
All upset again .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin it hurts
No one realises how much , I’ve been put on the back burner .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
LOVE 💓 YOU FOREVER MALC xx thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 2nd 2020 07:41
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching location location
The suns out hope it stays dry today .
I’m at Carole Banks for lunch hope Kevin is at work Malc can’t stand him .’
But it’s company.
Lisa has packed in her Job , Jordan list his job again
Jade is waiting for DNA results.’
All a mixed up family at the moment
I’m on the back burner .
Lisa and I went for lunch at The Hartly Arms yesterday
Not so good food wise!!
I miss you Malc so much darlin
Saturday 5 th would be our 50 th Wedding Anniversary .
I wish you were here Malc to celebrate.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 1st 2020 08:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching coast to coast
The sun is out but cold .
Lisa rang last night she is taking me to lunch
Chetwynd Brocton
Too exoensive but I shall just have a sandwich
Kay is having Muffin .
I’m taking her Birthday present today .
Ziggy might come today 4pm not holding my breath
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 31st 2020 07:12
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed just washed my hair .’
Just found out on instagram Finley had broken his foot
No one has rang me some family I have 😡
I’m not ringing them they don’t care if I am alive .
If I didn’t have friends I would have no one Malc .
Ziggy might come today not holding my breath .
Weather is damp and dark . Where has the sun gone .’
I’ve had a very lonely weekend . I miss you Malc so much darlin .
You were right I am on my own .’
It’s been a rotten year
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 29th 2020 07:25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching love it or list it .
The sun is out I’m off to Jeans this morning to take a picture for their 50 th Wedding Anniversary.’
It’s ours next week .
I wish you were here to celebrate it Malc .
Later hopefully Ellie is sleeping over .
Don’t know wether to go to Lichfield today .
I don’t think I will see any of my family
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 28 th 2020 14:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’ve been to Penkridge stayed an hour as usual
Don’t want to stay longer , very low in mood Sheila
She does drag me down .
I just made it home when it poured down
I’ve had fish and chips already Muffin had chicken pieces at Sheila’s .
I was hoping Jean Beardsmore would be in touch today
I think they have had lots of visitors because they have been
Married 59 years tomorrow.
Lucky devils . We didn’t reach that many did we Malc .
💙I lost you too soon .
No one text me or rang from my family again
Happy days 😥
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to him tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday 27 th August 2020 06:54
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Iim still in bed watching location location
Weather not good hope it stays dry why we go to Bella’s .
Meeting up with Kay from the surgery.
Then no one the rest of the day .
I’ve got to sort the house clothes etc .
I miss you Malc so much darlin so much 😞
I need a cuddle and a kiss from you
Come into my dream please
I haven’t heard from Lisa since last week !!
Ellie might stay Saturday night if Chanel allows her .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 25th 2020. 07:39
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
It’s pouring down this morning no way will I be getting out of bed for at least 2 hours.
It’s so depressing Malc
Nothing from Lisa no message no phone calls !!
Won’t be seeing anyone today I think
I don’t know what has happened to Ziggy
He should have sorted the leaves in the garden .
Tomorrow is better weather so maybe he will come then .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 24th 2020 07:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching location location
Fed up of bad news on Gmb
The sun is out and nowhere to go today
I darn’t go to Lisa’s She doesn’t want me to visit often
Where is my family?
I’m so lonely Malc worse as the years are passing .
I went to Carol Norrey’s last night she’s so welcoming
A very good friend as is Jean Beardsmore .
I don’t know what I would do with out them .
My family are going their own thing .
They don’t realise how depressed I am .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 23rd 2020 7:24
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching location location
Had a split nights sleep I was very tired last night and very low in mood .
No Ellie !!
I’m so lonely Malc no one realises .
I keep pushing myself on people
For company .
I do know if I will see anyone today .
It’s not rainy at the moment hope it stays that way .
I need to get out with Muffin .
The bracelet I ordered from the jewellery quarter
Came yesterday it’s not what I expected but it’s nice
I was a little disappointed when Jean and Jeff took me it seemed so different when we went. 20 years ago.
I wish you were here Malc . I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 22nd 2020 09:55
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m waiting in for my bracelet from jewellery quarter
John said he posted it yesterday not sure If I have to sign for it
I’ve been up the skelly with Muffin .
I can’t leave the house until post has come .
The sun is out at the moment hope it stays out all day.
Ellie should be sleeping over tonight.
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 21st 2020 06:07
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
Weather very windy today
If no rain I’m going to see Sheila
She’s back to her old self fetch me this and that .
When she rings she rings off So I can ring her back .
Craft !!
I won’t see any family again !
Chris nor Chanel didn’t thank me for the card or Anniversary present .
Another lonely day !!
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 20 th 2020 07:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Still in bed watching location
Weather better today , Ziggy should be coming today 12 noon I’m not seeing anyone today .
I might pop to Lisa’s this morning before she goes to work .
Worried about the bracelet I ordered spoke to him yesterday .
He said it will be posted weekend crossing fingers .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 19 th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today another stressful day
My bracelet still hasn’t arrived
Rang John today he explained waiting for the link
Hope he’s telling the truth ?
Lisa popped in half hour
Jean and Jeff came for lunch
Stayed 3 hours nice .
Jeff said he would take me to the jewellery quarter if not received this weekend ?
Still have a health problem
Hope it’s not serious ?
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to him tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 18 th 2020. 08:12
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m on top of the bed watching location location
Hair appointment today 9am
Feeling again frightened and lonely
Will I hear from my Daughter today ?’
Carole Banks is coming 12 noon a bit early really
But she’s so depressing.
She drags me down .
Might drop her after my Birthday , don’t like Kevin
I think a lot of people don’t like him
You didn’t did you Malc ?
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I need you at this moment
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 16 th 2020 7:33
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m watching Netflix Diana
Feeling a bit better today 6.4 my diabetes
Ellie and I had a good talk last night
She cried and hugged me so tight bless her .
She is so special and genuine.
We laugh we watch films curry nights .
I wish I could drive Malc I would take her places .
Thank you for looking over me when I nearly lost all of my money .
It’s frightened me .
The chap is coming today to extend the pagola .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog. Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 15 th 2020 19:15
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m all in a mess I had a very poorly night sweat though out my body diarrhoea felt very ill
Still feel strange today .
It’s experience was harendous
Not going into details
I’m so frightened Malc !!!!!!😩
Mick the. Chap who built the lean to is extending it
Carol Norrey is coming tomorrow 4pm
So some company
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 13th 2020 22:27
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been horrendous
Someone nearly hacked my bank account
I was stupid and gave my personal details
When I realised I went to the police then the bank concerned my card .
Thank you Malc and God for looking over me,
I’m exhausted 😩 over today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 13 th 2020 06:49
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
We’ve had an horrendous thunder storm last night terrential rain .
Rain again today .’
I had a lovely day yesterday .
Lunch with Karen at Bell’as then went to see Chris Rudd .
Had a smashing afternoon in her garden Riley her dog chasing Muffin .
Scones drink chat lovely 😊
Thunder and rain but by the time I left it bated .
A better sleep last night
Still have a very bad back and my finger on my right had. Is sticking.
Seeing no one today tomorrow.
Where my family.??????
Ellie might be sleeping over Friday
Malc I miss you so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August. 12 th 2020. 06:41 m
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
Had a very poor sleep too hot
VitB 12 inj today then meeting Karen in Bellas
Later if no rain going to Chris Rudd’s house .
Wishing you were by my side Malc .
I’m missing you so much .
Sorry it’s a short message Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 10 th 2020. 7:13
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
Seeing no one today .
Jean is cleaning Florence street church today
Might be there all day .
Weather turning bad thunder and rain ☔️
Mick who did shelter might not come this week .
I’m feeling very low Malc still have low back pain
Finished cause of abs hope problem will not come back now
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 8 th 2020 18:47
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Another lonely day today after Ellie went home
She tells me Christopher is flying again
Cost a fortune but I’ve had no money back
I’ve paid his Mortgage and he still owes me £15,000
I will never get it back now .
He’s brought Sighford hall and he has 7 homes.
Lisa went off to Geoff’s Daughters today
Helen looked after max , I bumped into her while I was going to Cannock .
It’s need a scoring day today another hot night in bed .
Ellie has gone home until next Friday .
I brought a pair of Sandals from Clark’s in Cannock .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny cx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 6th 2020 06:38
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
All bad news again nothing to be happy about
I still have a bad back etc .
Now I’m worried about Muffin . I found a bare patch of skin on his body .
Hope it’s nothing to worry about .
I’m contacting the vets this morning.
I’m also ringing Erin at the groomers .
I went to see Lisa yesterday when I mentioned me not seeing
Anyone and was feeling very lonely
She said I think you need antidepressants
She has no idea what loneliness is .
Nothing from Jade , I sent her a message .
Hope they don’t split up .
Poor Carter !! Hope they don’t tell him he’s not Adams .
What is going on Malc the world has gone made .
I miss you so much darlin so much .
Carole Banks is coming 11am -1pm .
Carol Norrey tonight .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 5th 2020 07:32
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m terrified today Malc .
My body is breaking down .
Anul problem front problem digestive problem
Crying thinking the worst !!!
Please Malc give me. Sign you are watching over me .
I’m not seeing many people Jade has a problem
My son is t. Othering with me , Im so lonely Malc
I’m frightened !!
Sorry I’m depressing I have no one to talk to .
My Gp rang me yesterday he said if I continue to suffer back pain go contact him.
Oh Malc I’m so frightened.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 3rd 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB
Busy day taking sample to surgery then buying cobs
Jean is coming today for lunch .
Mick is coming later to finish roof if pagola
Will I see Lisa ?
Linda Geoffs sister came yesterday had a coffee with me
It was nice .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 2nd 2020 06:37
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Hope this goes through it didn’t yesterday ,
On my own with Muffin again. today
No one is coming I guess .
Talking to myself again Malc !!!
So lonely !!!
Muffin is lying on the bed with me .
Sun is out so a good day
Lean to pagola is up love it 😍
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 31st 2020 06:42
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m on top of the bed hot watching GMB
Taking Muffin to the groomers
It’s going to be hot today so wearing a dress
Might go to the range while Muffin is at the groomers
Mick is coming to carry on with the shelter .
Wandering if it to high !!
He’s coming after 4pm but as it hot May come later.
I miss you Malc so much
Wish you were here Malc seeing what I’m doing
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 26th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I was having a chap build a lean to pagola
Coming Saturday instead .
Ellie just been picked up by Chanel & G
Faulse as usual .
Seeing no one today now so empty inside
My back still hurting and still uncomfortable
Tried ringing Geoff. No answer .
Not much now to tell you Malc
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday July 30 th 2020 07:02
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB at moment
Full outside but getting better .
Going to Cannock to check this bracelet I’ve brought
Not happy it’s worn stretched and may break .
I’m having it weighed and ask what ct it is .
I’m going to sell it .
People interested on bargain pages .
Went to jewellery quarter yesterday brought a bangle which they are making .
Hafar lovely day with Jean Jeff and Jess her granddaughter
Had a meal then home to pick up Muffin .
Carol Norrey my friend looked after him .
I have some good friends .
The chaps picked up the sofas now have garden sofa in the house until new one comes .
Mick came to put up the pagola
Started it posts look great .
Kay from the surgery is bringing lunch .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 29 th 2020 05:46
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed woke early .
Going to Birmingham today with Jean & Jeff
Leaving Muffin with Carol Norrey
Hope he’s ok .
Later chaps are coming to pick up the sofas
Hope they do turn up .
Not feeling too bad today still have bad back .
Weather looks good .
I’ll tell all about today tomorrow
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 28 th 2020 07:34
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m sitting up in bed watching GMB
Still uncomfortable really bad back and radiating to the front left lower abdomen
Really worried Malc
I don’t have any support
I even asked the neighbour Caz to come over for a cuppa but again she said she was too busy .
Seeing no one again today , roll on tomorrow
Jewellery quarter then chaps picking up my two sofas
Saturday Mick is coming to build lean to shelter .
I need family Malc .
I need to be told I’m loved
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 27 th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m so frightened today burning sensation down
Below back pain really worried Malc
Gurgling in my stomach
Funny feeling on my left lower abdomen
Frightened it might be Cancer
I’ve no one supporting me .
Raining ☔️ again
Malc I need you I’m terrified
Nothing to look forward to.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 26th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I was having a chap build a lean to pagola
Coming Saturday instead .
Ellie just been picked up by Chanel & G
Faulse as usual .
Seeing no one today now so empty inside
My back still hurting and still uncomfortable
Tried ringing Geoff. No answer .
Not much now to tell you Malc
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 25 th 2020 07:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Netflix
Having a shower now then if no rain going to Kay’s to see Alan
Ellie is coming later but she has a cold .
No hugs today .
I will have to keep my distance .
No watching telly on top of the bed .
My back still is painful my finger is sticking
Feel uncomfortable again .
I wish you were here Malc
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 24 th 2020 08:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB , I’ve just washed my hair .
Getting dressed soon ,
Going to Cannock then on a bus to Penkridge to see Sheila .
I will only stay an hour .
Sheila is too depressing to stay any longer .
Then I won’t see anyone until tomorrow .
Lisa told me yesterday she more or less doesn’t want me there all the time .
She wants to be with Geoff.
Well I don’t think I will be staying in the caravan
Jade is moving to seighford a lovely rented house .
Nice area
I’ve brought new sofas they’re lovely
With a stool .
10 weeks tho before I get them .
Can’t wait .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone

Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday July 23rd 2020 07:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed Malc bad back has returned .
Still uncomfortable too
No saying on message .
My joints and fingers swollen and painful
I’ve sold my sofas and Im
Having Lisa’s they are lovely .
Not seeing any of my friends they’re all busy
I‘M going back to how it was over 6 years ago Malc
So lonely , I need company.
No one understands how I feel
Talking to myself because no one to talk to .
Oh Malc what can I do !
I have the lean to , to look forward too. Sunday .
Weather looks good .
I’ve got to try and think positive.
I’m feeling so down .
No holiday friends moved away
Good job I have Muffin I love him 😍 so much
He’s my soul mate .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 21st 2020 06:36
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB still
No better Malc really worried as to why It’s not improving
One more day taking antibiotic’s
Ziggy is coming at 4pm to sort shed .
The waiting for Sunday Mick coming to build pergola .
Hope I’m feeling better by then .
I just want my life to be normal .
Lisa has another job caring in the community
I hope she settles .
Some one interested in my two sofas !!
Getting back to me .
No one has rang me inviting me to lunch not even Jean
I seem to be inviting people to mine .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 19 th 2020 08:16
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB just washed my hair
Still having problems both back and other .
I pray it gets better soon
You know me always worrying about health .
I feel my whole body is breaking down .
Lisa has finished work with Christopher
Now waiting for a couple of interviews
Hope see is happy in her work .
She hasn’t settled for a while .
Ziggy is coming later to sort the shed and put up the hose
I’m hoping Jean will contact me to go for lunch .
No one has asked me .
So lonely Malc 😌
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone

My Precious Tigger My Boxer dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 19 th 2020 08:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
In bed at the moment fully dressed on top
I’m having breakfast then going up the skelly
Then Tesco .
Ellie is asleep a late night .
I’m just going to do my breakfast .
I’m getting some cream from Tesco hopefully to help me.
Ziggy is coming today to sort garden and shed .
Probably do him a dinner .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 18 th 2020 19:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Sorry it’s late Malc I’m in agony tonight. Just did a test swab I’ve got an infection.
Got to ring the dr Monday .
My back has eased a bit.
Ellie is here with me staying over .
Sheila has just rang not rang her today .
Very lonely today until Ellie came
She’s a good girl .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 17th 2020 07:15
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Oh Malc I’m so fen today Lots going on with my body
So uncomfortable and excruciating pain in my back
I’m so worried.
It’s a short message today .
I’m going to Cannock then Ziggy is coming to sort garden and shed .
Tree in front garden sorted .
Ellie might sleep over tonight
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday July 16 th 2020 06:22
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My baby boy
I’m in bed Malc suffering so much with soreness and back pain
The Dr had rang me yesterday and is sending an Antibiotic
Hope this works .
Well scooter sold last night person very pleased .
I’m pleased .
Kay from the surgery is coming for lunch .
Ross the tree surgeon is sorting our tree and other small trees in the garden .
Ziggy is coming tomorrow to sort shed and garden with pressure washer .
Lisa has put her notice in with Christopher .
Hope she gets a new job soon .
She hadn’t settled for a while.
I used to be the same .
All I want is to be healthy and happy Malc .
I need the family around me.
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 15 th 2020 07:12
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Feeling very worried today
Back pain very uncomfortable inside really worried
Frighted to go to Gp..
So down today !!
Seeing no one weather very dull .
In bed still .
I’ve never felt so down .
My finger is sticking too trigger finger .
I’m so lonely Malc 😢
I’ve got to try and pick up .
Sorry I’m so depressing.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 14 th 2020 07:21
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Hope this message goes through Malc
It didn’t yesterday.
My back seems a little better today Holding my breath ‘
Still have this other problem.
I wish I could have better health .
I worry so much .
I’m going to Carole Banks today taking her Birthday presents .
I think we have got to sit out side ! Hope not .
It not warm enough
Geoff came last night walked Muffin with Max
Jean and Jeff came for lunch a good day .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 12 th 2020 07:48
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m still in bed watching Netflix Diana .
My back is no better excruciating pain and my fingers are swollen,
Feeling very low in mood and lonely.
Lisa is back from Cornwall but didn’t ring or text today she was back .
Hurt really ! I feel like you were treated Mum at the end of your life .
No one came to see you .
You see lucky Mum you had Two Daughters who cared for you
But you broke your promise . You didn’t leave me the bungalow !!
You didn’t tell me at first I had to ask !
Sorry Malc I can’t get that out of my mind .
W has had what she wanted .
My life has changed so much Malc not for the good !
The best thing is I have Muffin , he’s my soul mate now I love him so much.
Well what will today bring ?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July11th 2020 11:52
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
It’s Muffin’s 8 th Birthday today .
Ive been to Cannock to buy him a couple of harnesses
They gave him a treat as it was his Birthday
My back is in excruciating pain.
Hope it improves soon .
I rang Kay Alan is fine and Lucy has just arrived .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 10 th 2020 07.04
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed Malc with an excruciating back pain
It’s been coming on gradually
My fingers are swollen and clicking and stiff .
I’m going to Jeans for lunch today .
Looking forward to seeing her .
The big tree in the front garden is being sorted trimmed and looking good .
Mick the chap who did planter is coming 26 th July to put up a lean to pagola.
Can’t wait .
Hope my health improves.
Alan Kay’s husband has had a fall fractured his hip .
He’s in Walsall Manor .
I’m getting a card today .
I’m missing you so much darlin.
I need you at the moment please come to me and talk with me
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday 9th July 2020 07:09
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m on top of the bed suffering with back pain and
Woman’s problems won’t write on this message
Upset yesterday had to leave Tesco with Muffin on my scooter
Because a gay chap Moaned .
But I am allowed in again .
Just procedure .
I’ve bed. Going in from day one when they opened . I’m so stressed at the moment Malc
Everything is worrying me .
Dreamt about W last night not good.
My fingers are so painful one of my fingers keeps sticking
Weather not good again .
Going to Jeans tomorrow for lunch .
Got to get stuff .
I’m feeling down today seeing no one .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 8 th 2020 07:25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB at the moment no rush to get up .
Rain again and cold considering it’s July .
Missed my holiday this year .
Dot came yesterday for lunch nice afternoon . She nearly didn’t come because of rain .
I persuaded her .
The chap Mick called he was bringing a piece of wood to connect the planters together .
But said he will bring it another day
I’ve asked for a quote for a lean to pergola round the back
Of the house .
Not sure yet !!
Looks like I’m stopping in because of the rain ☔️
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I wish you were here by my side .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 7th 2020 07:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m sitting up in bed watching GMB
I’m off to have my hair done this morning. Yeah !!
Dot is coming later for lunch .
Hope weather holds today .
Lisa didn’t ring last night she’s enjoying her hol
With Geoff and Max .
I would love to go one day .
I have lots to do today .
Mick the chap who made the screen planter in my front garden is coming today to place a piece of wood between the screens to hold them together.
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 6th 2020 06:32
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB at ggd moment
Weather iffy .
Elaine my friend is coming today for lunch .
She’s coming 12:30
Chanel picked up Ellie yesterday came in and gave me a hug
So did Georgia . that pleased me .
I just need Christopher to come back now .
It was like old times .
Lisa face timed me looks nice in looe .
Hope weather keeps nice for them .
Keep them safe Malc .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 5th July 2020 07;15
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Instant Gardner,
Ellie is here she came last night.
My new planter is in the front garden it’s lovely
£350 but well worth it.
Mick is coming back to place a piece of wood in between
The planter to bring it together.
I might get him to build a lean to around the back . From the house With plastic top.
The sun has just come out hope it stays out .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 4th 2020 08:02
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching Diana on YouTube
It’s cold and cloudy today .
Lisa and Geoff are on their way to Loo in Cornwall.
Safe journey xxx
Seeing no one today unless Ellie comes later .
I’m having a screen and planters put up today
Something to look forward to.
My day is lonely every day seems to be the same.
No holiday COVID stopped that and Lisa didn’t want me to go to Loo in Cornwall .
All I need Malc is to be loved .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 3rd 2020 06:03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB Ben and Charlotte
Much calmer .
It’s going to rain again today ruining Going out .
I’ve got to sort this house but my Arthritis is really painful .
Won’t be seeing anyone this weekend
Carol my friend brought me doe toilet rolls bless her .
She’s a good friend.
I see more of my friends than Family .
Lisa and Geoff is going away to Loo in Cornwall .
4 thJuly for a week.
I asked if I could go but Lisa said no,
I miss you Malc so much our holidays together .
People don’t understand.
I don’t know if I will be able to go out today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday July 2nd 2020 08;25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still on top of the bed watching GMB
Wandering what or who I will see today .
Nothing planned to see anyone no one has asked to see me .
Only Jean Beardsmore really thinks about me .
My family see me now and again , not what I was expecting really after losing you Malc .
Ha I v breakfast early goi g to Tesco to take a swim suit back awful .
Not that I can swim
I’m so depressed Malc anxious inside buying stuff I don’t really need .
Lisa doesn’t text or ring me often
Only see her for about half hour .
Geoff has stopped walking Muffin
On my own totally
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 1st 2020 15:51
Hello Malc yesterday’s message didn’t come through
Hope today’s will .
A lonely day today !!
I took Muffin to Cannock twice , went to Crazy Daisys
Shop closing down .
Got a few bargains but not giving much away .
Then popped to Heath Hayes Gem carpets artificial grass but it was sold , not meant to be .
Saw Geoff in Greggs .
Not heard from anyone only saw Dot outside her flat .
Seeing her next week in my garden .
Rain on and off .
Same tomorrow ☔️
Sorry this is a short message Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Miss you terribly
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 29 th 2020. 06:13
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m staying g in bed a bit longer today
Weather not good very windy and rain .
Back to being lonely today everyone back to work
I did manage to see Christopher yesterday and give him a kiss
But he wasn’t to impressed.!
It was a better day than I thought , but not happy leaving Muffin . I was angry with Lisa !! She saw I was then said get your dog but it was too late Kay had him .
It happy being told what I can and can’t do with my baby boy.
I took him to Kay’s .
She is good to me and Muffin loves her .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 28th 2020 28:51
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has turned out to be very good .
Ellie. Stayed over and we watched Netflix .
I’ve joined £8:99 a month For 30 days then goes up .
I couldn’t take Muffin to Finley’s party that really hurt me but Kay came to the rescue as usual .
I took Ellie to Lisa’s then people came
It pored Down but still was good .
Christopher came with Chanel. G and Cam .
He said grumpy hello but later spoke to me about the Manor House .
I kissed everyone before I left and Christopher accepted a kiss .
I left and went to Kay’s to pick up Muffin Stayed for an. Hour .
Had a cuppa .
Back home now watching the chase .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 27th 2020 06:47
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching tv
It’s been raining all night
Cooled down a bit now thank goodness.
But don’t k is if Muffin and Zi can go out .
Ellie is sleeping over today.
Curry night and films I think .
I’m missing g you so much Malc more as the years go by .
So lonely !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 26th 2020 06:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed at the moment Malc watching tv .
Had my usual morning cuppa like you used to bring me up every morning before you went to work .
I miss that Malc and a kiss before you left the house .
I feel very emotional today .
Lisa and Geoff called in last night to pick up toilet rolls .
Geoff took Muffin a walk with Max .
Lisa had a coffee .
She also pulled up a few weeds from front garden .
They moved the large pot to the middle of the garden so Tgd new screen can go up .
It’s Ellie’s 12th Birthday today I’ve put a piece on Facebook
I will ring her at 9am .
Face time her .
I wish you were here Malc to celebrate her birthday?
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 25th 2020 07:09
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m fully dressed had a shower ready for my parcel to be collected . Kay from the surgery is coming at 12 noon for lunch .
It’s going to be 34 • today too hot for me .
I’m popping to Tesco for some cobs soon .
Looking forward to my new vacuum.
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 24th 2020 07:05
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching GMB depressing really .
Muffin is lying by my side cuddling up .
I wish you were here Malc by my side too .
Lisa rang last night she’s having a part in the garden. On Sunday 1pm Finley’s 8th Birthday .
I will still cook a dinner .
Malc I’ve never been so lonely in all my life . All my family have partners and Family.
I have no one It’s making me frightened of going mad .
Lisa’s going away to loo in Cornwall in a weeks time in the caravan .
I wish they would ask me to go with them .
There is a spare bedroom Muffin would be a good boy .
Oh Malc where is my life leading?
I’m so lonely 😭.
How can I smile and be happy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Bay Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 22nd. 2020 07:33
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB always bad news .
I’m having a shower taking Muffin up the skelly then later going to Jeans in her garden .
I’ve had a really lonely weekend Malc I’ve had no one from my family even text me .
That’s how much I’m loved ☺️😢
What have I done to deserve this ?
Covid isn’t helping me either .
What would I do if I had t got Muffin.
I’m having a screen made for the front garden .
Coming about 29 th June to erect it .
I have to cheer myself up some how .
I’m lonely Malc and I don’t think my family care .
I don’t fe loved at all .
I miss you Malc so much darlin , I wish you could just come to me for even 10 minutes to talk to me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 21stt 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching telly rubbish at the moment.
Will I see anyone today ?? ?????
Doubt it .
Another lonely day Malc .
I’m disappointed with Carol Norrey at the moment
She hasn’t rang or texted me ,
I need friends around me at the moment.
I know it’s lock down but you can go in peoples gardens .
I know she has Olivia under pressure but she really should be strong .
Ellie hasn’t been this weekend
It’s her Birthday next Friday 12 years old .
Will they let her stay over .?
I’ve got a Gazebo up on the back garden weather is looking good from Monday .
I’m going to Jeans Tomorrow for lunch well so might take my own incase she doesn’t do any .
I miss you darlin so much .
I feel like crying this morning I feel so low.
All the family are enjoying each other , I feel last in line.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby. Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 20 2020 17:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very lonely talking to no one
No one texting g or ringing me .
Ellie couldn’t come this week .
She’s coming next week end instead .
I’ve been a very long ride round with Muffin.
I want to cry really .
It it will only make me feel ill .
You were right Malc I do need company someone who could take me out no sex just companion ship .
I’m really disappointed in our family Malc
I know they have their lives but
I’m back of the line .
I’m hurt really .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 19th 2020 07:05
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB .
I’ve washed my hair but it’s raining again .
People coming to collect both a parasol and gazebo
Will they turn up !
I was angry yesterday people kept letting me down .
Sending camera back it won’t work in my garden .
Taking it to the post office today .
Weather not good again .
Felt really depressed yesterday but pushed myself .
Hope my day gets better today Malc .
I shouldn’t moan really poor Hill across the road has a tumour in her bladder hope it isn’t cancer she has only just lost Les .
Life is so cruel Malc , it frightens me
Being on my own I do slot of thinking .
Lonely Malc very lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 18th 2020 06:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB it’s poring down and is on all day
No going out today with Muffin .
Bring back the sunshine please .
It’s bad enough not seeing anyone but I’m feeling g more locked in now raining .
Chap coming to buy gazebo hope he is happy with it.
I Have changed the right up .
Hope he isn’t disappointed.
Lisa didn’t come last night she had her hair done by jo next door .
I won’t see anyone today 😣
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I need you !!!
I will write you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 17 th 2020 07:05
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching coast and country
Fed up of GMB piece Morgan shouting .
It’s awful weather rain all day thunder storms last night .
Didn’t see anyone yesterday and won’t today either .
I feel a bit unwanted at the moment .
Seems my family have forgotten I exsists .
No walks for Muffin , Sunday dinner stopped .
Don’t see them often .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I can’t write much today going no where .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 16th 20:20 06;54
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching coast and country .
It makes me feel I am looking at properties and moving to either the sea side or out in the country.
I’m so lonely Malc .
Lisa stopped my Sunday dinner ,Geoff stopped walking Muffin .
Only seen Lisa for about 5mins when she dropped Ellie off for the weekend .
I won’t see them this weekend either or next ,
Ellie enjoyed her weekend here .
Chanel came in and we hugged . Christopher did slightly speak but didn’t come in .
One step nearer to maybe seeing me .
I live in hope !!.
Weather is iffy today rain on and off .
Jean and Jeff came yesterday in the garden nice .
I even managed to go to Lichfield on the bus 🚌 only a quick visit to Super drug to buy hand wash .
If I can see someone just a couple of hours a day I’m fine.
I must you Malc more than ever .
All the family are getting on with their lives which is fine .
I can’t move forward .
Now Covid is about .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Fog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 15 th 2020 07:29
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching telly news news news .
Misty morning weather rain and shine .
Feeling very low again but really I think of Val a lady I used to
Go to college with painting , she is dying !!!!
My God what is the world turning into .
I’ve got to try and be strong .
I had Ellie as you know over the weekend
She’s turned out a lovely young lady Malc .
Oh Malc I’m crying now missing you so much darlin .
If weather is good today I’m asking Jean Beardsmore
To lunch .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog au Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 13 th 2020. 05:32
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m awake early had a reasonable nights sleep
Ellie is here we had a smashing evening together and a few laughs .we watched telly until 12 midnight .
I actually hugged her .
Hope none of us have coronavirus Lisa dropped her off she gave me a hug 🤗 too .
I only this drastic virus would do one .
Oh Malc I wish you were here darlin to cuddle up to.
I miss you so much .
I don’t know what today is going to bring
Ellie is great company for me she wants to stay the week
But she has schooling on her computer.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc cx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 12 th 2020 08:50
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB trying to win some money .
Not lucky really that way .
Muffin is on the bed by my side .
It’s awful weather for the next two days .
Ellie is coming to stay tonight I’m really looking forward to seeing her .
I’ve got to get her bedroom ready .
I’m getting up in a minute taking Muffin up the skelly .
Looking out of the window I feel like stopping in bed .
I wish you were here by my side Malc I could cuddle up to you I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny cx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 11th 2020 08:25am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed at the moment eating GMB
All bad stuff again I’m sick of hearing about racism.
Since this black Guy has been killed .
What with COVID 19 and this .
Good news though I can now have Ellie stay o
ver this Saturday and hug her .
It’s up to Christopher now to bring her down .
Rain all day Malc so depressing .
I’ve got to get the house ready for Ellie staying over .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 10 th 2020 15:07pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is freezing considering it’s June .
I’ve been up the skelly with Muffin this morning.
Later I went to Aldi brought some plants to put in our window boxes .
I did go to see Jean Beardsmore yesterday , we sat in her garden , enjoyed it .
Watching escape to the country as you know my favourite programme .
I’m so lonely Malc really lonely.
I need you darlin .
My family think I’m ok but the times I cry for you .
Not a lot to talk about Malc .
Doing nothing special .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 9 th 2020 07:12 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching GMB..
All bad news as usual .
Geoff came yesterday to walk Muffin with Max .
Weather not good again , bring back the sunshine please xxx
Not much to write about Malc not going anywhere seeing no one .
I miss you Malc so much .
I wish you could come spend some time with me . Keep us safe Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 8 th 2020 08:06am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching tele bad news as usual .
Someone is coming to place a LBN on my satalite dish .
Because I’ve brought a Freesat 4 k box so I can record
4 programs at once while watching another .
I’m not seeing anyone again today .
But until the rain goes away , I can’t meet up with people in my garden.
I’m just having a new satalite dish put up and the chap is going to connect my humanx Freesat box up in our bedroom .
So I can sit in bed and watch stuff recorded .
Hope I’m doing right Malc .
Lisa did bring me a dinner yesterday and Jordd came with her
He wanted to hug but I kept my distance bless him
I did apologise to him later .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 7 th 2020 10:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m up with Muffin watching news about Pandemic .
It’s on and off raining all day .
I don’t think I will see anyone again today .
Will I see Lisa .????
I’m beginning to think I’m not important’ !!!!
Geoff and Lisa went to Helen’s last night it was her Birthday.
I wish they would have invited me .
I need company Malc desperately
I don’t know how long I can keep this up Malc .
No Sunday dinner this week or may not again .
Please let the weather change so I can go to my friends or they can come to me in the garden .
I watched births on the tele this morning, our favourite programme .
Oh Malc if only I could have you back here by my side darlin .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone cx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 6th 2020 07:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching love 💓 your garden
Had two cups of tea.
Sheila has just rang her phone has broken she is using. Colins
Mobile .
It’s raining again today , we’ve got this now for a good ten days .
It’s bringing me down especially not being able to go outside in the garden.
I don’t know if I will see anyone today .
I don’t know what I will be doing.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 5th 2020 18:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’ve had a boring day on my own with Muffin .
I only took him to Tesco and came back home
Raining and windy .
Geoff came this afternoon To walk Muffin with Max .
It’s Geoff’s Birthday today as you know .
I’m trying to sell the trellis in the front garden but people keep letting me down .
Oh Malc not a good weekend coming up .
Haven’t seen my friends all week nor Lisa !!!!
I’m not important any more really .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 4 th 2020 06:19
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m sitting up in bed watching GMB
They have found a suspect Madeline Mcann
A German man with a camper van and jaguar is in prison.
I’ve just made a cuppa it’s cold and dry outside at the moment
I pray the rain stays away I can’t go out with Muffin .
What’s happening with this weather scorching hot 🥵 one minute freezing cold and rain the next .
What with the corona virus adding to it .
I feel a bit better today but found I’ve lost weight again .
My temp is 38• back to normal .
I am stressed 😩 Malc but that’s normal for me .
I worry about my health Constantly
I can’t clean like I did my back hurts so much
I can’t lift things anymore .
I think I need a cleaner now .
I don’t know what I’m doing today .
What bothers me is I can’t go into peoples gardens now because of the rain .
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 3rd 2020 07:13
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m in bed at the moment Malc having had another horrible sleep .
Changing pillows feeling week .
I’ve just took my temp it’s 35• it’s been that for weeks .
It should be 38•
It’s going to rain over the next two weeks just as we are allowed to see our family and friends outdoors .
Will I see anyone now ?
Oh Malc will this ever end .???????
I have an appointment today with Anne my VitB12 inj
Been feeling quite tired and rough the last few days
Don’t feel like doing anything .
My Diabetes has been very high .
I just need company Malc that’s all .
I miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 2nd 2020 06;40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My baby boy.
I’m in bed at the moment watching GMB .
I’ve had a bad nights sleep again .
I’ve just took my temperature 36•
So thank goodness it’s fine .
Stomach still feels dodgy .
I’m going to watch now what I eat .
I was worried yesterday when Caroline came across and was very close to me ,I don’t think she takes it still being dangerous with coronavirus.
At least Trevor is ok with me now .
I don’t like him but will put up with him .’
Geoff is coming today to pick up their Wedding Anniversary present .
I’m hoping the 🦅 one comes today so I can give Kay the owl one .
I miss you Malc more than ever . I need you Malc come home
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 1st 2020 22:22pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Sorry it’s late Malc lots happened today
That flexi bode tap bust on me .
I had to ring Andy to come and fix it .
He took the part Way .
I do hope he comes back .
I have been poorly today diarrhoea last night upset stomach today .
Not had a dinner .
Caroline the neighbour comes over but was very close to me .
I feel really low today can’t cry .
Hope I feel better tomorrow.
I miss you Malc darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 31st 2020 06:17
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My baby boy
I’m I. Bed watching man about the house .
Feeling low at the moment don’t know if it the situation or vit B 12 lack of .
I’m due for inj on Wednesday.
Lisa’s present 🎁 for Wedding Anniversary
I’ve got to try and keep strong .
I have to look after my little boy Muffin .
He’s my best friend .
I need a hug Malc I need to be loved .
I need to be told I’m loved .
No one realty tells me .
Only you did when you were here .
People think because you get older you don’t need to be loved or told .
I need it more than ever .
I wish you could come home Malc
6 years 3 months now since I lost you.
Where have the years gone , what have I done .?
The house is too much for me it needs a deep clean but I can’t do it .
My Arthritis is getting worse .
I wish I could see Christopher I need him back in my life.
He’s treated me so bad Malc .
I miss you Malc i so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 30 th 2020 06;36
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m in bed watching love 💓 your garden .
Seen it before but nice .
It’s Lisa and Geoffs 11 th Wedding Anniversary today .
I think they are off to see Geoffs Daughter today
In Doncaster.
I’m waiting for a parcel to come from Amazon it’s a present for them .
Hope it comes this morning.
The chaps I brought the bin shed from are coming tomorrow to complete the shed .
I want them to make a screen in the front garden .
I would like a galvanised water fall .
I need to focus on something Malc feeling pretty low at the moment.
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will take Muffin up the skelly later .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 29 th 2020 06:16
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m in bed Malc not slept very well , watching GMB .
Trying to sort my face book and WhatsApp .
My storage is full so need to phone Apple storage .
We can have family and friends in the garden now but no hugs
Hope my friends will come .
I was angry last night as we clapped Gill came out with Vicky
But Caroline Daughters and Trevor came out and turned to Gill chatting away andI felt ignored .
Gill and I texted each other later she understood.
At the moment Malc I feel very emotional and sensitive .
I feel very isolated from people .
Oh Malc what has gone so wrong ? .
I expecting a parcel today from Amazon and EBay .
Lisa and Geoffs wedding Anniversary .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 28th 2020 06.17.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
today I have to stop in waiting for my new iPhone to be delivered .
hope it comes early .
i really don't want to stay in with the weather being so nice.
ive sorted some of my clothes out of the wardrobe ,winter jumpers away in boxes.
Lisa and Geoff came last night just to pick up security lights and geoff walked Muffin and Max .
muffin pulled on the lead and pulled his head out of his collar.
lisa ran out of the gate i followed.
I don't want anything to happen to Muffin.
those Bloody dogs next door barking all day long .
I miss you Malc so much , I need you the moment .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 27th 2020 08;18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my boy boy.
I'm on the bed after washing my hair watching coast and country.
waiting for my new iPhone to arrive crossing fingers.
I'm seeing no-one today really lonely malc as you said I would be.
i might pop to Cannock just a ride for Muffin .
the house is a disgrace too many clothes .
I don't have the energy to sort it .
I need help but can't I have no one , family all working .
I never thought my life would end like this Malc xx
so lonely .
Lisa does help by cooking my Sunday dinners , but this week they are going to see Geoffs Daughter Louise .
i can't go to friends houses or them come to mine .
I wish this bloody corona virus would do one.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 26th 2020 0704.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I'm still in bed at the moment Malc watching tv .
its Les Fishes funeral today .
Im taking Muffin up the skelly later then I might go to Kays.
weather is looking good again .
i have sent a message to Christopher but again no reply .
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Muffin x

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 25th 2020 08:05
Helo Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby Boy.
Im still in bed at the moment watching coast and country ,
just had a shower.
its Bank holiday Monday and no where to go .
I'm feeling weepy this morning ,I have sent a message to Christopher but hand reply .
i need him Malc for my sanity .
i lacklove and a cuddle .
its Les Fishers funeral tomorrow another one gone .
I want to live to be over 100 please .
need to get my summer dresses out its going to be hot this week .
help me Malc bring Christopher back and the family back into my life I
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
i will write to you again tomorrow xx
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sundy May 24th 2020 20:45 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today started off feeling very low I took Muffi up the skelly .
I later took muffin to Resco brought a sim card temporary in your old iPhone Malc
Lisa rang me saying dinner was ready and when I got there Jade and the kids were there lovely , i had a smashing afternoon.
we all kept out distance .
I stayed 3 hours .
Muffin played with Max it was great.
We talked about Christopher he's doing really well ,I wish him all the luck in the world and love him and miss him so much .
All I want is love from him thats all ,
it seems he has all the family around him but not me ,.
I miss you darlin so much , i feel so alone ,
I will write to you again tomorrow .
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 23rd 2020 21:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today has been an upend down day,
started of very bad malc,
Myiphone 11 has got a fault , can't hear anyone the other end when they speak
i was on the phone 6 hours trying to put my phone right no joy.
now i have to send it away and they are sending me a temp new phone .
I had delivered a bin shed two days ago but there has been a problem
but they are coming back next week to ad a few things to it.
i can't ring everyone at the moment .
i miss you malc so much Malc .
i will write to you again tomorrow night Malc until i receive my new iPhone .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
THANK YOU Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 22nd 2020 7:30
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed at the moment watching telly.
It’s been poring down over night .
Ziggy is coming today to clear weeds pressure washer .
I’m asking him if he will paint the rest of the bin storage .
The shed needs sorting too .’
That might be another day .
I thank you Malc for me and you spiritually with me last night
I cried after .
I will take Muffin up the Skelly this morning.
Got to buy some milk and Muffins treats if they have any .
I miss you Malc my darlin more and more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 21 st 2020 06:52
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I’m in bed at the moment watching telly
Later I’m taking Muffin up the Skelly
It’s going to rain later hope not much .
At least I can get out .
Ziggy is coming tomorrow to tidy garden up and may be dirt shed .
I met up with Dot yesterday on the park we kept our distance .
I kept crying yesterday on and off .
Lisa rang me yesterday only for 5 mins but I was grateful
.I thanked her .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Sorry it’s a short message .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 20th 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today someone is coming to buy my BBQ .
If they turn up !!!!
I wanted more money but at least it’s better than rotting in my garden .
I’m meeting Dot today on the park. For an hour .
I met up with Kay yesterday I stayed a while it was nice for a change .
It’s not the same .
I watched a very serious programme last night .
Very worried for our future.
Oh Malc what has happened ?
I worse than a war .
What would Mum and Dad think?
I miss you Malc more than ever so lonely .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 19 th 2020 07:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today weather is going to be hot. Hope we don’t have rain we did last night .
Really feeling low in mood Malc it’s this ulcer in my mouth I’ve had 2 years.
The corona virus 🦠 when will it end ? It’s frightening.
I can’t lift up 🙁x
Bad news from government nothing to look forward to .
I don’t have a lot to say Malc only I have Muffin by my side
If zi hadn’t got him I would go crazy 😜
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday 18th May 2020 06;40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today as you know Malc it’s Mum’s 90th Birthday ,
Send my love and give her a kiss Malc miss her so much .
I’m in bed watching GMB .
All bad news corona virus yet again .
Felt very down yesterday everything going wrong !!
Then after Lisa ringing me she did cheer me up a little
It’s now I need my family around me , but can’t because of the virus .
The weather is hot this week so may meet up with one friend
On the park .
I miss you Malc so much wish you were here by my side .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 17 th 2020. 06:37x
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m awake early watching fantasy by the sea .
You know me I’ve got to watch dream property.
I feel very down at the moment.
Disappointed Lisa hasn’t even text me this week .
I rang Jade yesterday spoke for about 20 mins
I feel my family put me back of the queue .
If I don’t ring them they don’t ring me .
Now I know how you felt Mum .
Just saying Malc , tell Mum .
Never felt so lonely in my life !!!!!!!.
I message Ellie she does back bless her .
What with the corona virus 🦠 it’s hard Malc .
I feel I want to move far away by the sea where you wanted to go .
I might meet up with Dot today if the weather is good .
At least my scooter is working now .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 16 th 2020 17:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I wrote this morning but didn’t go through .
Les Fisher passed away Thursday not sure I’f it was covid 19 or his condition.
Scooter playing up but hopefully now sorted good man John .
He comes straight away if something goes wrong .
Took Muffin up the skelly twice today then popped to see Carol Norrey sat out side her wall
She kept her distance .
I then bumped into Kay from the surgery we spoke for about 10 mins .
Home now just had a curry for now from. China Dragon .
Back to my usual curry house next Saturday.
I am going to Tesco 7ish if a queue coming back .
I don’t need much .
Nothing from my Daughter or family !!
Don’t know if she has gone to see Jade outside !!
She will bring my Dinner tomorrow I guess I hope .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 15 th 2020 06:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m watching telly at the moment. To early to get up .
I cried for you last night Malc .
Missing you so much , I need you to hug me and me you .
Lock down still on ,
When will this all end ?
I need to see people Malc you know me I’m a social person .
I will take Muffin a ride up the skelly then round the streets .
The weather is going to be hot this week end and no where to go no one to see .
I have Muffin thank goodness .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 14 th 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching GMB just to see If anything is changing
They have made a test to check if we have had covid 19 .
We can meet someone outside on a park as long as we keep a 2 meter distance.
It’s too cold at the moment.
My scooter is playing up again , it’s never been running right really .
Sheila rings me at least 4 times a day , but if it makes her feel better well !!
Geoff not taking Muffin a walk now he’s gone back to work taxi
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I talk to you every day and every night .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 12 th 2020 06:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching big mouth Pierce Morgan shouting .
I will put up with him for an hour .
Watching news.
Sun is out but still cold .
Geoff is going back to work tomorrow .
Walks with Muffin and Max will end .
So sad because Muffin and Max are getting on much better .
Groceries will stop too and will my Sunday dinner 🥘 stop
Will I see my daughter now ? .
Thank God I have Muffin .
We can meet a friend outside as long as we keep our distance.
Who will meet me ?
Muffin had a groom yesterday very good all protected .
I miss you Malc so much , I need you to hug 🤗 and love 💓.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. May 11 th 2020 06:51
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed at the moment watching telly .
Just washed my hair in a fashion arthritis really bad but have no help .
Muffin has a groom today not happy how he’s working
Muffin has to go in a cage WHY ?
Don’t understand .

Will see when I get there .
Muffin is by my side on the bed at the moment x
Weather very cold today having to wrap up .
See how day goes .
Not much to tell you Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Sorry it’s short . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 10th 2020 07:27
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
It’s early I’m in bed watching instanced gardener
A courier is coming today to collect a test between 8-4pm
Hope he comes early .
Weather has gone cold today , what a change .
Hope it picks up again soon .
Boris Johnson is making a few changes today but not much
7pm tonight .
Yesterday was very lonely a change from Thursday .
Saw no one !!!
Spoke to Dot not for long tho yesterday .
I did go to Tesco late last night hardly anyone in thank goodness.
Got a few things .
Muffin is on our bed by my side .
I love him so much Malc .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 9 th 2020. 06:23
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed at the moment. Watching tv
Had a broken sleep .
Enjoyed Being with Lisa and Geoff distancing in her garden
Muffin and Max got on very well .
That’s because Geoff takes them a walk every day .
It was VE Day yesterday 75years
Caroline across the road and family put bunting up in the garden , so did I and Chris at the end .
Caroline gave me a scone .
I played music 🎧 in the garden .
I cried Malc thinking about you .
I later went to Lisa’s she rang me then Geoff asked me down .
I sat a distance away from everyone.
It was lovely I stayed a while.
Muffin played with Max .
I told Lisa I dreamt about you .
I miss you Malc so much. I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 8th 2020 07:15
Hello Malc my darlin. and Tigger my baby boy
Thank you Malc for coming into my dream.
I felt us hugging I felt my arms around you I felt you kiss me and making love THANK YOU 😘💓xx
Today it’s VE Day 75years
You would enjoy this and Mum and Dad would .
I’ve put some bunting in the front garden
Chris has too and Caroline across the road .
I need to join in really so we can get a bit closer
I’ll try and set up the Bose .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 7th 2020 06:55
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching tv at the moment .
I’ve just washed my hair in a fashion .
Difficult with arthritis.
Muffin is lying on the bed fast asleep .
It’s Geoff’s Dads funeral today .
I will be sitting on my mobility scooter watching the just go by .
It’s going to be very hot later so a dress I think .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 6th 2020 06:49

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed again watching tv .
Woke up full of a runny nose
Don’t think it’s a cold I think it’s allergy .
It is spring .
Still locked in because of corona virus.
When will it end Malc ? 😢
I get through the day but feel down at times .
I’ll be taking Muffin up the Skelly again and round the streets .
I will be ringing Dot .
Might be ringing Chris Rudd .
Geoff Is getting me some groceries .
It’s his Dads funeral tomorrow .
I miss you my darlin so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 5th 2020 06:49
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed having had a rubbish night sleep .
I have managed to grab another hour .
Not good need looks like we will be in lock down for a year
I think I’m going to go crazy 😜.
So lonely Malc .
I just hope the weather holds sunny so at least I can take Muffin up the skelly and round the streets .
I can sit in my garden .
I just wish you were here with me Malc .
I need you more than ever .
I keep thinking of the places we’ve been together.
Going back to Leahall club , the night you told me I looked the bell of the ball , then we won a telly.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 4th 2020 06:48
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed Malc watching gmb
Better news an app being tried in alsle of white
Also vaccine may be ready June time .
Can’t wait.
I’m taking Muffin up the skelly this morning
Riding through the town after competition.
Taking bacon bread and cobs to Dot .
Given to me yesterday by Amanda a lovely lady
Ika was there she said shall I drop your groceries off .
I said no I’ve got my scooter .
I think she feels guilty .
Not coming to bring my groceries.
My scooter broke down yesterday over the skelly
I phone the mobility chap John . He’s a star it was a fuse came loose .
Back on the road now thank goodness.
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 3 rd 2020 16:10 pm
What a day I took Muffin a ride up the skelly
I broke down and had to contact John mobility chap came straight away and fixed it , it was a fuse disconnected
Bless him he is so good to me .
I then carried on home it’s Jade’s 28th Birthday today and Adam proposed to her with a ring
They popped to Lisa’s in the garden 6 meters apart .
We have face time her .
Adam has also made up a video from family and friends
Nice to keep .
I’ve cried again this morning .
Feeling a bit emotional and vulnerable
I have seen Amanda today she gave me free stuff
I wish I had taken her number .
I miss you Malc my darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 2nd 2020. 08:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m a bit anxious today after texting Darren Lisa’s ex
I in jest mentioned did he not like my singing on a video he’s making for Jade’s Birthday 🎁 tomorrow.
I sang But he cut it out .
Then he texted Lisa and Adam .
Then Lisa Texted me .
I cried all last night .
I did tell him he’d done a good job
But it’s back fired .
Me again !!!!!!!!
Oh Malc I’m so depressed and lonely .😓😓
I miss you so much Malc,
I’m taking Muffin to Cannock today somewhere different to go . At least it’s sunny today .
I miss you Malc my darling and Tigger.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 1st 2020. 15:10 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I haven’t been able to send these messages
Something has gone wrong .
Geoff has just took Muffin and Max a walk .
I’ve rang Carole Banks today boring really not a bit jolly!!
I cried this morning Malc wanting you ,
I was watching coast & country
Dorset !
I remembered the good times we had
With Anne .
But as They are not speaking to me won’t be going again .
I do blame myself tho .
But don’t miss the filthy flat and him !!!
I’m keeping it short Malc I case it doesn’t go through .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
Wish you were here with me 😢
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog y NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 29th 2020 10:29
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I stayed in bed until 8am then a shower
I’ve just got back from a ride up the skelly with Muffin
It’s not rainy at the moment so if it stays that way Geoff might take him and Max over the field .
I’m waiting for someone to pick up my red bird curtains
£30 no lower .
They are. Coming at 12pm
They have got a bargain .
I’m lonely Malc but nothing I can do about it .
Muffin is my company .
I am great full for that .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I say this every day wishing you were here with me through this awful time .
Friends ring me Lisa brings my Sunday dinner
Geoff walks Muffin daily when he can x
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 28 th 2020 06:13
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed at the moment watching GMB
Not for long tho it’s too depressing .
It’s raining today and all week so in with Muffin .
What a day yesterday. Muffins poo bin full of water
I struggled but managed to disinfect the bins .’
My auto hose has give up .
Geoff is shopping for me today . I don’t think he will be taking Muffin a walk with Max today .
Weather atrocious .
I pray Malc this awful virus with go as quick as it has come .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 27th 2020 07:42
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed again watching coast and country
Muffin is lying on the bed with me
I showered him last night.
He smells lovely now .
It’s cold today rain forecast not good . Don’t know if we will be able to go out .
Worried today about virus
Wandering if I should be going out to shops .
I do keep my distance but it’s frightening.
I won’t see Lisa now until next Sunday she’s back at work .
I feel down today seeing no one .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 26th 2020 08:17
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed watching coast and country . One of my favourite programmes
I’m feeling a bit flat this morning
I’m trying to think positive but it’s hard not speaking to anyone . I have our Beautiful baby boy Muffin .
When is this awful virus 🦠 going away .
I took a chance last night and went to Tesco
How lovely it is set out very could space from being apart from people .
I got almost everything food wise .
Rain due today hope it goes away soon .
Lisa is bringing my dinner 🥘 today so no cooking again.
Geoff will walk Muffin .
I just wish I could meet up with people .
I miss you Malc so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 25 th 2020 21:01
Hello Malc I’m late writing tonight
I took Muffin up the Skelly this morning
and a ride round said hello to Carol my old school friend .
Then came home had lunch and sat in the back garden .
Geoff came about 4 pm to take Muffin a walk with Max
His Dad passed away early hours this morning .
He’s took it quite well .
Too much going on with the corona virus
It’s messing everything up
People are doing strange things .
I’ve braved it to Tesco tonight only a hand full of people in there .
Very safe indeed , got what I wanted .
Enjoyed the experience , only saw one member of staff I new .
Managed to get a couple of cards too .
Muffin has had two meals tonight
I miss you Malc my darlin so much
Come into my dreams please .
Help us get rid of this evil virus 🦠 please
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 24th 2020
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed Malc now watching flirty dancing .
It’s a program I love watch it every day even though I’ve seen it several times.
It takes my mind off the lock down corona virus .
Muffin is on our bed sleeping .
I love 💓 him so much .
I will take him up the skelly again and round the streets on my mobility scooter.
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I need you to come in my dreams it makes me feel your still around me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 23rd 2020 05:23
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Again I’m in bed woke up early not a very good night sleep
I’m still tired but too much on my mind with this corona virus.
It’s so worrying Malc .’
I only see Lisa on a sunday to drop off my dinner .
Geoff comes most days to walk Muffin with Max
Max has a poorly paw at the moment Geoff took him to the vets .
He’s wearing a collar at the moment to stop him biting his paw
I feel very low at the moment not seeing people
Jean Beardsmore rang me yesterday.
I spoke to. A lady who worked at the coop
Wandering why I did tho , she’s a very strange
Moaning about staff she worked with and threats .
Might not ring her again .
Dot and I are texting each other , she us ringing me today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 22nd 2020 06:54
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed Malc watching gmb
Depressing news about corona virus
Will life ever be the same .
It’s going to be at least a year before we have a vaccination.
I’m thank full for being alive at the moment .
But missing my my family and friends .
I need a big hug Malc .
Like other people I suppose .
I have my baby boy Muffin I love him so much Malc .
I can hold him and kiss him .’
Geoff comes most days for a walk .
I take him out on the scooter and why the weather stays dry and sunny at least that’s good .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 21st 2020 05:16
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m awake early Malc it’s only 5 am in the morning .
I go off to sleep straight away then 3:30 am I’m awake
Lots going on in my mind .
Yesterday’s message didn’t go through so hope today’s does .
I love you and miss you so much Malc.
I will take Muffin up the skelly then a ride round .
Geoff will coming later to take Muffin a walk only 10 mins .
Not a lot to talk about Malc as locked in Corona virus . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 19 th April 2020 07:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching flirty dancing .
I love this programme.
It’s Sunday again Lisa is bringing my dinner up .
I look forward to seeing her although we keep our distance.
Oh Malc it’s so hard being on my own only being able to phone people .
I must help jade and Jordan with food .
Start and care more .
They need help .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 18th 2020 15:27pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Just a short message if didn’t go through earlier
I miss you Malc so much
Muffin is by my side it’s so cold today
I’ve only been out for a tv mag .
I don’t think Geoff will walk Muffin today
I reckon they have gone to see Jade and the kids
Not in their house just through the window .
I’ve just put the heating on .
Hope I can order a curry tonight they've been closed for two weeks .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 17 th 2020 06:40
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed Malc watching gmb .
We are still another 3 weeks in lock down .
It’s going to be a very long and lonely time .
We’ve got to keep safe .
I have Muffin here by my side thank God .
It’s very cold today , I will wrap up and still take Muffin up the skelly .
Hope this message goes through Malc , it hasn’t the last two days .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 15 th 2020 05:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
It’s early yet 6am , just made a cuppa .
A broken sleep again .
Still this virus goes on Malc .
Lisa and Geoff took Muffin a walk about 4:30 pm
I had a cry last night Malc so lonely .
Thank you for coming in my dream yesterday Malc .
I don’t have much to talk about really not going anywhere or seeing anyone .
I wish this Virus would disappear Malc .’
It’s so frightening.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.’
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 14 th 2020 07:11
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Thank you for being in my dream Malc .
It was lovely , being on holiday together .
I had to leave you behind but the time I had with you was lovely.
Come more often please I love you and miss you so much .
Lisa did my shopping yesterday then later she came with Geoff To walk Muffin .
I’ve never seen them so much .
Jean my friend spoke to me yesterday and Carol Norrey .
I did speak to Dot too .
I will ring Carol from Dr Apta,s later .
Chris Rudd tomorrow .
I’m trying to spread it out through the week .
This corona virus 🦠 is driving me mad .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will take Muffin a ride on my mobility scooter later .
Just for fresh air
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 13 th 2020. 06:26 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed Malc watching Gmb
I’ve been awake since 5 pm .
It’s cold today it thundered last night about 2am .
It’s damp what a change .
Lonely Malc so lonely
Lisa brought my dinner yesterday she kept her distance and stayed a while then took Muffin a short walk .
She is off for a week now.
I will take him up the skelly and post office then a long ride round .
Not good news on the corona virus over 10,000 deaths .
Really worried 😦 when will it end ?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 12 th 2020 07:24.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tiggef my baby boy .
I’m still in bed. Watching tv .
No rush to get up no one can come in and I can only go out once a day .
Corona virus. Lock down
When will it ever end Malc ?
Friends phone me , I phone them but it’s not the same any more .
I’m so lonely Malc.
Geoff didn’t take Muffin a walk yesterday it was too hot .
But he could have come later 7 ish .
I was disappointed really as I hadn’t seen anyone again all day .good job I gave Muffin .
He’s my company.
I’ve tried grooming him it’s a bit tough but it’s hot so had to do something .
China caused all this pandemic , selling bad food bats to eat
Now all the world has the virus 😡
Oh Malc what next do we have to face ?
I hope we all get through this .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 11 th 2020 19:49 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a bit disappointing.
I took Muffin up the skelly and round the streets .
Another nice day , but rain coming in tomorrow.
I did bump into Dot she kept her distance .
Geoff was coming to take Muffin a walk .
I told him to come 5 -6 pm
He rang and said he wasn’t coming today too hot .
It was tho .
But it cooled down later .
I’ve groomed him tonight not a bad job for first time .
I’m very lonely Malc .
Listening to neighbours laughing together with each other .
I’m just on my own with Muffin .
Lisa & Geoff bringing my Sunday dinner about 3pm tomorrow.
Geoff might take Muffin a walk !!!
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 10 th 2020 07:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed Malc watching GMB .
Sheila has just rang crying over Colin .
I know how she’s feeling it’s early days yet .
I wish we could 🤗 each other but corona virus is stopping g everything .
I still have problem with my throat and slight ear ache .
I must stop worrying .
I’m so lonely Malc but I do have Muffin .
There’s not a lot to talk about really .
I will take Muffin up the Skelly .
Geoff said he will take Muffin a walk .
Ika who is working at Tesco is bringing me some groceries tomorrow .
I will buy her some flowers when this is all over .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 9 th 2020 07:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed Malc watching GMB.
Still in lockdown for many weeks yet .
It’s. Worrying and frightening.
Muffin is lying on the bed beside me ion your side of the bed .
The weather is good again so will take Muffin a ride up the Skelly .
Spoke to Carol Norrey yesterday .
Kay rang me last night .
Spoke to Jean Beardsmore too .
Geoff came to take Muffin a walk with Max .
I look forward to him coming .
IKA from Tesco is bringing me son
I wish I could groom Muffin he’s so scruffy at the moment .
I’ve trimmed around his nose .
I wish you were here Malc to comfort me reassure me .
I miss your love cuddles at night and kisses .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 8 th 2020. 07:50am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed again watching gmb still in lock down and will be
For many weeks .
The weather is good so I will take Muffin up the Skelly again .
I won’t. See anyone again , I don’t think Geoff today
Christopher’ has given him a job delivering .
So he needs the money to keep the house going
Bless Christopher for that . He has got a heart 💓 but not for me .
I’ve got to be strong .
I have Muffin at least I have something to love .
I wish you were here Malc to help me through this .
I’m not the only one on my own .
Les across the road is back home after having corona virus.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I want to cry but no one will hear me .
Sheila. Is driving me mad 😠 ringing at least 4 times a day
But she is on her own and I think I’m her life line .
She talks about her health daily , but she’s in her garden digging at 78 years of age .
She’s fitter than she thinks .
I will write to you again tomorrow w
Sorry not much to tell you .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 7 th 2020 08:02
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m in bed watching gmb Boris Johnson I’m intensive care .
Hope he survives .
Oh Malc what a situation we are in
Seeing no one can’t hug my family
People around me with corona virus .
I have Muffin lying on the bed by my side bless him .
I was in the front garden yesterday and I didn’t hear my phone ringing .
Muffin came out barking at me and kept running in the house .
I said what are you barking at. ? , he ran inside the house
There was Geoff ringing in to tell me he was doing a shop then
Taking Muffin a walk .
I did take Muffin up the skelly yesterday saw Geoff’s sister .
I also popped to Hednesford rang Savers to pick up dove soap , bleach and kitchen roll .
I didn’t gave to go in the shop .
Bless them .
Jason brought me some porridge also .
My friends are ringing me or sending messages .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I wish you were here by my side .
I’m sure I smelt your body sweat last night in bed .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 6th 2020 07:29 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed watching gmt Boris Johnson our prime minister
In hospital now with corona virus.
So terrifying.
Lisa brought my dinner up yesterday with Geoff and they both took Muffin a walk with Max .’
I sat in the garden listening to my music on my iPhone .
Muffin is on the bed with me , I love him so much Malc. he is my soul mate now.
I can’t see my family They have to keep their distance .
I don’t know how long it will go on .
I pray this virus will end soon .
I must be strong Malc keep me sane .
My friends phone me so I do have some contact .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 5th 2020 18:27pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a bit better .’
I took Muffin up the skelly it was pleasant. Saw just a few people keeping their distance .
I was out about 3/4 hour .
Lisa and Geoff came about 3:15 pm with my dinner and cake to walk Muffin with Max xx
I sat outside eating a lovely dinner while they took the dogs a walk .and listening to music on my iPhone and Bose .
They didn’t stop .
I’m in now watching telly .
I spoke to Dot today for about 3/4 hour xx
Chris Rudd rang me again for about 3/4 hour that was nice .
Jean Beardsmore texted me .
Nothing on telly tonight .
I’ve made some pancake mixture for later .
I miss you Malc my darling so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 4th 2020 18:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been a great day .
I got up late because nothing to get up for .
Corona virus.
I watched telly in bed Kirsty & Phil .
Then had porridge .
Kay rang me this morning we spoke for an hour .
Then Sheila rang and has several times .
I just wish she would be so depressing.
Lisa came up with a tv paper and some chicken
She complained not to ring Geoff every day and only order a weekly shop .
I asked if Geoff was taking Muffin a walk .
She said no !!
He had already took Max
I was disappointed !!
She said take him in the front garden .
When she left , I cried 😌😢😢.
So I put a harness on Muffin and took him up the Skelly .
I saw a couple of people but they and I avoided each other .
One or two said hello , that was nice I thought xx
I did enjoy going out .’
I can’t tell you how much I miss you Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 3rd 2020 18:16pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today nothing much to tell you , still locked in
Due to corona virus .
Geoff comes up daily to take Muffin a walk .
I sterilise the lead Geoff takes him out .’
Do the same coming back .
I’m lonely Malc not seeing anyone. But friends ring me up .
Or I ring them .
I pray it comes to an end soon .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
Dicky is with you now funeral yesterday .
Hope your all looking down on us praying we are kept safe.
I have my Muffin to cuddle and kiss .
Lisa will probably bring my Sunday 🥘 dinner .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 1st 2020 07:16
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m in bed have been awake since 5 am .
Thus is the usual routine at the moment .’
I still feel poorly have a cough on and off .
No temp• thank god .
Hope I’m coming out of this now.
It’s horrible Malc not seeing anyone.
Thank god I have Muffin .
Lots of people are dying Malc .
I’m praying all my family keep safe .
I can’t do house work I’m too lethargic.
Oh Malc how could we ever have thought this would ever happen .
I’m trying to watch happy things on telly , because there’s too much bad news .
I have to , to keep sane .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
Help us through this please xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 31st 2020 07:28
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’ve been awake since 4am panicking I couldn’t breath .
This virus I have is really worrying me
It’s now on my chest and I’m finding it hard to breath .
I’ve tried calming my self down .
I think a lot is panic .
I’m alone spots on the back of my throat pain swallowing
Glands painful when touched .’no energy .
I wish it would just disappear .
My family arn’t texting it ringing me .
Only Geoff is contacting me and taking Muffin a walk .
GOD please help us through this terrifying time in my life .
I hope I can get through this alive .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 30th 2020. 07:44
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today still in bed not very well for 3 days I’ve had
White spots in the back of my throat hurts to swallow and glands are up .
I’m scared this might be corona virus .
I haven’t got a persistent cough so hope it’s just a general cold .
I usually take Muffin a ride and walk once a day up the Skelly
But I think I will ask Geoff to take him today .
It’s very cold
We have been told it may be up to Six months before we can mix with people and see family .
GOD help us through this please .’
I’m terrified Malc .
I miss you Malc so much and in these times need you more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 28 th March 2020. 15:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m worried , I have white spots on the right side of the back of my throat .
When I touch my neck it’s tender .
With this corona virus it’s worrying me .
I took a parcel to the outdoor didn’t touch the person .
I then took Muffin up the Skelly and a ride round .
Back home .
I’m terrified of catching the virus .
I’ve had soup lunch time and having a curry tonight .
My Daughter hadn’t texted or rang me .
Geoff has rang brought me some sirloin steak.
Some eggs , coming tomorrow
I terrier if having a cough .
I haven’t really touched anyone .
So hope it’s a general throat infection not corona virus .
Oh Malc it’s so worrying 😢
I’m not being selfish just a born worrier .
Please Malc help me through this please .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 24th 2020 06:41
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m still in bed watching telly and a cuppa in bed .
Our. Country is in lock down now Malc .
I can take Muffin a walk once .
Geoff is getting me a tv paper and might be taking Muffin a walk with Max .’
It’s hard not have people around me , but I have Muffin .
Telly and DVD’s
It’s frightening Malc .
My friends are ringing me , Dot is today .
Caroline my neighbour is getting me a loaf .
Ika on Thursday is bringing me salad stuff .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 23rd 2020 07:28 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed at the moment Malc watching frightening news of this awful corona virus.
Lisa came yesterday. Brought me a Mother’s Day card present and flowers . We kept our distance .
Geoff took Muffin a walk and he dropped of. Some bleach .
I’m lonely Malc but it’s for the best.
I’m taking Muffin out on my scooter keeping my distance .
I’m going to try and get outside in the garden in sunshine.
Apparently it kills the virus .
I’m so scared Malc 😢.
I’ve got to try and keep sane ,
Friends are texted me and some are ringing me .
God knows how long this will go on .
I miss you Malc so much.
I wish you were here with me , I need support .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 22nd 2020 15:44pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin up the skelly. Only one or two people. about .
This corona virus is quite frightening .
Sheila has rang a least 4 times already .
People over 70 and have serious health problems to stay at home for 3 months . That’s End of June 😱x
We will all be stir crazy by then .
Later I took another ride up the skelly just to get fresh air .
Lisa is bringing me a dinner up later .
I was invited to theirs but so declined .
Jordan would be their and he is asthmatic.
I hate every moment of being on my own
But if it saves my life got to do it.
Really I should be used to the isolation
I’ve been like this for 6 years .
Seeing more of my friends than family .
Lisa does her best !!
Now I can’t see anyone in case we contract this vitas
Thousand s if people are dying !!!
At least you Mum and Fad are free from this .
Keep us safe Malc me Muffin Lisa Geoff Christopher and his family and Jade Jordan Adam Mary and all my Great and Grandchildren.
I miss you Malc so much x
Help us all through this please .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 21st March 2020. 06:00
Hello Malc it’s 6am and I’m writing early .
I’m watching telly the news. about the corona virus .
It’s devastating , I’m getting really worried now .
I’m on my own with Muffin seeing no one now .
Just telly , books phone and Facebook .
I can’t see Ellie now .
All cafes restaurants pubs have closed down .
I have a table and two chairs coming this morning hope that cheers me up .
But no one to share it with .
I pray this virus with disappear as quick as it’s come .
Malc , Mum and Dad never have we faced anything like this EVER .’
We have to be strong and fight it .
I miss you my darling and Tigger xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 20 th 2020 22:09 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly .
I then popped to Tesco for milk and food
Government told all pubs cafes and restaurants to close because of corona virus.
Can’t see our friends we have got to keep our distance .
Muffin and I alone . No family either .
It’s very spooky Malc !!!
I am frightened but we are all in the same boat .
Lisa and Geoff have gone with friends in their caravan . Coming back Sunday .
Mother’s Day .
I wish you were here Malc .
I put our holiday DVD on last night
I cried 😢
I sent Christopher copies .’
He hasn’t replied .
I’ve sent them to Ellie too .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 19 th 2020 07:13
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m running Muffin up the Skelly then popping to Aldi
Later meeting up with Dot at Bella’s cafe .
We are keeping our distance .
This corona virus is frightening at the moment.’
Hope it goes away soon .
Lisa came last night she is going away this weekend with friends in the caravan .
I’m going no where !!!!
She said to me your not the only one Mum alone !!
Happy days !!!!
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 18 th 2020 06:25
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
I can only take Muffin up the skelly and buy what I need from the shops .
Corona virus hitting many people . It’s scary and I hope we get through this .
I won’t see people not even my family ,
I’ve got Muffin so I should be ok .
I’m frightened Malc but I can’t dons thing about it .’
It’s the company I need but can’t have .’
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I need you at the moment .
I pray I and Muffin survive this .
I will keep you up to date Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 17 th 2020. 18:51pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly this morning then Quickly
to Tesco to but my a tv paper .
People have rang me not family tho .
Neighbours not been near ,
I could die and no one would know.
Keep me safe Malc please .
I’m trying to get our money back from the Eastbourne holiday
Manager getting back to me tomorrow .
I’ve been very lonely today but nothing I can do about it .
I’ve not got any symptoms of corona virus and hope it stops that way .
Oh Malc what a life and worry .
I miss you Malc so much XX
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. March 16 th 2020. 15:52 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Home. Later I went to Tesco and Aldi .
Shelves almost empty because of. Panic corona virus .
It’s worrying Really .
Hope I don’t catch it.
Ziggy is here putting up a small trampoline for when Ellie comes to stay .
I’m lonely Malc so lonely.
Lisa went back to Geoff this morning she stopped at Christopher’s last night because Geoff had a fight with a chap out in a pub .
She came back to get changed for work .
Not said a word to me .
Poor jade came over to look for Lisa .
I’m not happy because Hade has enough on her plate .
She’s going to have a scan tomorrow lump in her breast
Crossing fingers she will be ok .
I’m sure she will be .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 15 th 2020. 12:02 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Ellie left at about 9:30 am Christopher picked her up .
I went to the car with her but he didn’t speak .
I came punishing myself again .😢
I don’t think it will ever change now
I’ve just got to put al of it behind me .
But it’s so hard .
I’m here again Malc on my own waiting for someone to knock on my door .
It’s raining again , when will It stop ?
What with this Coronavirus and seeing no family
If I hadn’t got Muffin I think I would end it !!!!!
Ziggy is coming later to put up a small trampoline for when Ellie comes next week .
I miss you my darling so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x

Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 14 th 2020 15:13pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin first to Tesco then carried on to Cannock
Then Penkridge to see Sheila .
Stayed an hour .
Back to Cannock then home .
Called into Hednesford Tesco for a couple of things and Aldi.
Amanda gave Muffin some beef .bless . Lovely lady .’
Ellie is on her way staying tonight .
Nice to have company.
Sold my table and chairs last night too big for kitchen I’ve decided to buy a smaller one with velvet bar stools .
Lisa and Geoff have gone with their caravan somewhere ?

Good night on telly too .
Weather still a bit rainy .
Missing you like mad Malc xxxx💓😍
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 13 th. 2020 06:12
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m taking Muffin up the skelly .
Then popping to Tesco .
Later I’m going to see Jean. For lunch .
Looking forward to going .
Later someone is coming to buy the table and chairs .
Hope they don’t let me down .
I’ve ordered a table similar to Lisa’s but the two chairs are Teal
Coming in 6 weeks .
Really looking forward to them coming
I asked Lisa if she would take me to the place where she got her table but she said NO !!
She’s seeing Finley and Carter .
I’m last in Line I’m afraid 😟
If I get I’ll with corona virus my family won’t help !!
I’m not being selfish Malc I’m just lonely
If I didn’t have friends I would have no one
I’m shocked how my family have NOT looked after me .
I’ve been called selfish . a c..,
I’ll just have to live my life with out my family .
You did say Malc get a companion.
I don’t want anyone living with me I just need to be treated out
Loved but nothing else . Oh Malc I wish you were here .
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday 12 th March 2020 15:44
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi
Later went to Bella’s with Kay from the surgery .
We stayed 2hours .
Nice afternoon .
I’m selling the kitchen table and chairs. Too big
Family don’t come anymore .
Only Ellie .
I’m in Lisa’s care with Carter she’s got a drs appointment ear ache.’
Waiting also for People to tell me when they have a van to collect the table and chairs .
Loads are interested.
Still feeling very low in mood only wish I could have a boost .
Something to make me happy .
I miss you Malc so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone,
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 11th 2020 06:14.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
I don’t know what I’m doing today , not seeing anyone yet .
I will pop Muffin up the skelly first. Then Tesco & Aldi .
Not sure if Lisa is working today might pop down .
House is a mess , can’t seem to get motivated.
Feeling quite low in mood .
Perhaps it’s time for my vita 12 inj .
I woke up at 4:30 cant seem to have much sleep .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 10 th 2020 06:12 .
Hello My darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
I’m having my hair cut shorter today .
Just need a change .
Carole my friend is coming for lunch but she does drag me down .
It’s company I suppose .!!
It’s that flipping husband of hers Kevin. Can’t stand him .’
You didn’t like him either did you Malc ?
It’s rainy again ☔️ So depressing
I’m still feeling very low in mood what with corona viras
Still nothing from Christopher .
Lisa is working all week so nothing from her either .
It seems the norm now friends but not family .
I miss you Malc so much .
I need you at this moment in time.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 9 th 2020 06:17
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Dot is coming for lunch well I’m doing a dinner .
Weather not good again it’s so depressing.
I saw no family again yesterday just Carol Norrey .
I see more of my friends than my family !!!
They will realise when it’s their turn to be alone .’
I’m trying to be positive Malc but I’m so hurt .
I have a builder coming tonight giving me another quote for extending the living room .
Not sure if I will now because of cost .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 8 th 2020 08:01
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Well as you know by now Dicky your brother has joined you .
81 isn’t bad is it .
I know we didn’t have much to do with him , but he’s still your brother .
You didn’t visit either did you must be a smith thing .
I’m a people person as you know and I’m feeling very lonely Malc .
I miss you so much darlin xx
I ache for you 😢
It will never change Malc .
I went to Walsall with Lisa yesterday met up with Jade and Carter .
Jade came late so we had to stay longer .
I left Muffin only thinking 2 hours would be enough
But we were 3 hours .
I’ve been on my own so long Malc I’m losing my confidence .
He’s my soul mate now so he’s my priority.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 7 th 2020 06:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I will take Muffin up the skelly then Lisa is taking me to Jade’s them Walsall .
I will have to leave Muffin .
Hope I have a good morning .
Later taking Muffin to Kay’s , Lucy her Granddaughter has just had a baby Daughter .

I miss you Malc so much darlin
Sorry I don’t have much to tell you xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 6 th 2020. 18:56 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been much better . I took Muffin to Penkridge to see Sheila . I only stay an hour she does push me off but I can only put up with her that length of time.
Later I went to Tesco not Aldi today .
I did ring Elaine Smith and we arranged to meet up in the hen house . We both took our dogs . Muffin was golden as usual .
We didn’t come out until 4:45 pm .
A nice catch up .’
Later Lisa rang she is picking me up in the morning we are going to see jade then shopping in Walsall .’
In the afternoon I’m going to Kay’s .
So all in all company for two days .
Don’t know yet what’s happening Sunday yet .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 5 th 2020 06:47
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .’
I’m taking Muffin up the Skelly this morning
Then off to Tesco and Aldi .
Lunch time I’m meeting up with Kay from the surgery .
Bella’s again a bit close to yesterday but it’s company .
I’ve been chewing that ulcer in my mouth now it’s worried me.
I’ve got to stop .
It’s stress !!!
I’m having the living room extended a bit
Not sure if I’m doing the write thing .
Guide me Malc .
I miss you more and more each day .
I’ll let you know how I get on .
I will write to you again tomorrow x kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 3rd. 2020. 16:37 pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin up the skelly only a short run .
I was waiting for Steve a builder to come and look at
Extending my living room .
He’s given me a quote 11, 400 .
I have to send off to the council now for planning permission.’
Don’t understand but hay ho .
Hope I’m doing the right thing .’
Jean Beardsmore has been today she stayed until 3:45 pm
She’s good company.
Lisa popped in for a parcel and I gave her £20 for Jade and same for Jordan .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc XX
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger. My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 2nd 2020. 07:39
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget you .
I’m going to my Friends house Janet who I used to play with as a little girl .
Looking forward to going with Muffin .’
I’m pooping Muffin up the skelly this morning then to Tesco and Aldi .
I’ll buy her some flowers .
I wish the weather would brighten up its making me so depressed .’
We are in March already .
I miss you more than ever Malc ,
I need a boost to lift my spirits .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 1st 2020 17:06pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn’t been too bad .’
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning then Tesco .
Came home then it sleeted .
Very windy again today .
Later Lisa Geoff Jade Adam and the kids we went to The Redmore pub for Sunday roast .
Not very good really . I offered to pay half but Geoff wouldn’t have it .

So we won’t be going there again .
I’m going to be busy this week . Lunches with friends all week .
I love company Malc as you know .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xm

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 29 th 2020 08:18
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m still in bed Malc ,
No one coming no one texting .
Weather rainy again and very cold .
News. Bad ,
Another lonely day I guess .
Ellie might stay tonight .
I can’t think positive at the moment .
I’m perhaps feeling selfish .
Nothing to look forward to today .
Oh Malc I need a boost
I’m so lonely Malc I can’t tell you .
I’m taking Muffin up the skelly then Tesco
How exciting !!
Sorry Malc I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 28th 2020 14:13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m again in my own !!
Weather awful rain ☔️ rain ☔️ rain
I had to take Muffin to the groomers
We got soaked . I left Muffin with the groomer and went to Asda , Morrison’s and Beardsmore lighting .
Picked Muffin up 2 hours later .
I picked up some fish and chips save going out again in the rain .
It’s so cold out .
I rang and asked Caroline the neighbour if she wanted a coffee .
Yet another excuse ,
Mmmmm no comment !!!
They gave had all that have had from me now not bothered .
I’m giving them nothing else .
Lisa has took her car in to get a tow bar put on it .
Tge. She’s off to Christopher’s office to learn the new job .
She starts March 18 th .
I shall be on my own today , Saturday Sunday
Next week Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday
Days booked .
Need company every day Malc .
I’m so lonely 😞
I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 27 th 2020 07:52
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget.
I don’t know what’s happening today.
Weather isn’t good snow forecast .
Lisa is off but having dental appointment whitening.’
Then she’s taking Geoff to a funeral .
Another lonely day I guess !!
Still using insulin not sure if I’m happy about this .
I’m going to try cutting down on food .
I’m riding Muffin up the skelly later then go to Tesco .
I wish the weather would change warmer and lighter .
Seeing no one until next Tuesday now .
Oh Malc I wish you were here , I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 26th 2020 07:36 .
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .’
The weather is bitter cold .’
I will take Muffin up the skelly then Tesco. Later Carole Banks is coming for lunch .
She’s not an exciting person to be with but company I guess .
I can’t wait for the weather to change and lighter nights.
I used my insulin pen again last night getting used to it now .
A bit in happy about it causing weight gain .’
I will speak to Melonie about this when she rings me today.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 25 th 2020 11:16 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .’
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco .
I popped into the coop chemist to collect my prescription.
I saw Dot Farish on my way back .
I’m going on Holiday with her to Eastbourne
Well I used my first insulin injection last night .
I didn’t sleep very well last night .
It dropped the result down quite a bit then went up slightly but nothing major.
I’m off to Jean Beardsmore’s today 12:30 pm
I’m waiting for a pen to arrive for Jeff as a belated Birthday present and for doing the plaque on Malc’s bench .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 24 th 2020 08:01
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m going to Dots for lunch looking forward to it .
I’ve had such a lonely weekend .
The weather is awful .
So depressing .
I feel so low in mood Malc 😞
I’m trying so hard to be positive but I’m so lonely .
Christopher is still not speaking to me .
I gave asked him to come on his own to speak to me face to face .
It hurts so much Malc . Since you passed away he has treated me verbally cruelly
Lisa is working for him and I only see her once a fort nite
when I lost you Malc I really thought both Christopher and Lisa would take care of me .
Lisa does her best but I need hugs I need to be told I LOVE YOU MUM .
It’s not happening.
I miss you Malc more than ever .
Help me through this keep me sane .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 23rd 2020. 14:54p
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I have took Muffin up the skelly .
Your flowers are still attached to your tree .
I popped to Tesco Muffin had his chicken from Amanda .
It’s keeps pouring down then sunshine.
Caroline has been over to put up my new voila in the bedroom .’she stayed for a latte .
Geoff called in after seeing his Dad .
I explained how lonely I am and how weepy .
I’m on my own now with Muffin watching Escape to the country
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 22nd 2020 07:30 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today is Six years since I lost you .
Where has the time gone ?
I still feel the same now as I did the day you died .
Lists of things have happened good and bad .
Christopher is still not speaking to me .
Not explaining why you know .
I’m so lonely Malc with out you .
I try to keep company but it doesn’t always work out.
My friend has stopped coming !!
Lisa is off today she has Finley and Carter
Will she or Geoff come to see me ? .
If I know Geoff he might .
It’s raining again no change there .
Missing you terribly Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 21st 2020. 16:49 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’ve been to Cannock the bank , now with them for insurance.
Then Muffin andU popped in Asda. Porridge x6 . Finally
Halfords to buy orange spray paint for scooter.
Hope it works .’
I popped to Pen pac dog shop brought Muffin a new coat lovely .
We came back to Hednesford Tesco brought a dress .’
Now watching our favourite programme The Chase .
It’s 6 years tomorrow Malc since I lost you 😩
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 20th 2020 06:25am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Today Andy who ripped me off should be coming today to sort shower out it’s thermostat isn’t working properly.
Later John mobility is sorting my scooter out with yet another part .
Weather is awful again and not letting up !!!
It’s so depressing Malc .
I need a boost , I need a laugh .’
I need YOU. Malc by my side .
I’ve got to go on Insulin now for my Diabetes
Not looking forward to it .
I must try harder my diet.’
I’m having a lie in this morning it’s dark out side and raining so no rush.
I miss you Malc so much.’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 19 th 2020 12:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy Muffin
Today I took Muffin with me to my Diabetic clinic
I’ve now got to start on insulin , starting next Monday evening .not looking forward to injecting my self .
I will try and eat more healthy .
I’m off to Carole Banks now , happy Kevin 😞
Like you Malc can’t stand the man .
You didn’t like him either .
I’ve done the will,, Lisa knows now
Feel happier for doing it .
Muffin is getting inpatient.
So will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xm

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 18 th 2020 06:19 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .’
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
I’m having my hair done today then Rib my solicitor is coming today at 1pm.
Change of will !!
I don’t think I will see anyone today and the weather is awful again today .
Another lonely day I guess .
The cabinet maker didn’t come yesterday again !!
He can’t come today .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 17 th 2020 06:17 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is going to be busy so I’m writing early.
I don’t want to forget. You my darlin .
Today it’s raining yet again !!
We can’t grumble we aren’t flooded .
I’ve been felling very low the last few dates .
I feel I’m being forgotten .
People think because it’s been 6 years since I lost you I’m ok
Jean Beardsmore is coming for lunch today thank goodness.

Oh Malc how can I be happy ?
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 16 th 2020 10:05 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today is pouring down don’t think I will be taking Muffin out today.
Ellie stayed last night she’s waiting for her Mum to pick her up
The cabinet maker had let me down again !! Nothing new .
I think I"m in for a very lonely day today after Ellie has gone home .
Lisa is off but I don’t think I will see her today unless she surprises me .
Ellie’s just been picked up her Mum never even looked it spoke to me .
The business has gone to their heads .
Lonely days lonely nights Malc .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 15 th february 2020 11;24am
Today Malc I celebrate your 70th Birthday along with Lisa & Geoff.
A tree has been planted and a plaque on the bench by the side `
i have put flowers on the tree and so has Lisa , Geoff has placed a mars bar underneath the tree too your favourite sweet.
malc I wish we could have you here celebrating your Birthday .
Lisa would have laid on a party .

i miss you so much darlin more than you will ever know .
I hope you are celebrating with Dad Mum your Mum and Dad and whoever is with you .
Iwill write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Love you forever darlin xx
thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger my boxer dig bay boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 14 th 2020 18:01 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a bit of a mix .’
I took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge
Stayed an hour with Sheila .
I then popped to Cannock my bank drew money out for John
Mobility , putting two new batteries on the scooter
£285 .
He is very good to me really , he said he will always help .
I’m going next Friday 10:30 am to talk about home insurance
With my bank although I have just set up with Swinton .
I have 14 days to cancel although I have paid in full .
My scooter is back I’m now watching Tv news then soaps .
Phil cabinet maker coming in the morning to finish cabinet .’
Lisa is off Saturday and Sunday. Will I see her ?
I’ve managed to set up a new printer all by myself .

You would be so surprised Malc .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I miss the hugs the kisses and love .’
It’s your 70th Birthday tomorrow isn’t it ?
Hope you are celebrating with Mum Dad and your family xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I’ll put a peace on face book to celebrate you Birthday .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 13 th 2020 06:54
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .’
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Debbie is coming to trim my fringe .
No one is coming until later Jason is coming after work
To set up my new printer and sort my telly out Kodi .
John mobility chap is picking up my scooter to check batteries .
I think they will have to be replaced .
Lisa is off work I think not sure .
I really need company Malc .
I miss you so much Malc x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 12 th 2020 14:16 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been very lonely again .
I took Muffin up the skelly then to Aldi and Tesco .
Came back home now watching telly again with Muffin .
I phoned Jean & Jeff to come for lunch Friday but they have their daughter and Granddaughter.
Lisa is at work .
Jason isn’t coming tonight to set up the printer and sort telly
Coming tomorrow instead .’
Oh Malc what have I done to deserve this ?
Caroline hasn’t answered my text to yesterday’s message .’
Very rude I think .
There is something underlining , I think it’s to do with
Ziggy doing the electrics .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 11 th 2020 07:05am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc because Carol Banks is coming and in and out most of the day .
The weather is bad again sleet snow rain got it all .’
I hate winter roll on March when the lights go forward .’
I wish they would leave them alone .
I think I’ve got SAD .
Lisa is off but I won’t see her !
I love you and miss you so much Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 10 th 2020 15:47 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a wash out .
Took Muffin up the skelly then Aldi and Tesco .
The sleet caught us out we got soaked .
Sheila has rang twice.
Talking about Colin and funerals !!
No one has been today or rang .
I’m bored today.
I’ve moved my boots to another place in our bedroom.
Towels now under the king size bed back bedroom .’
I have far too much of everything Malc .’
But all my stuff is good quality .
I’m trying to sell stuff .
I dream one day our Son will come back into my life Malc it’s eating away mat me .
All over Money !!!
I miss you Malc your love 💓 your company.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 9th 2020 16:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been ok not the best . The weather was so bad very gusty wind and rain .
I managed to take Muffin to Tesco but too cold .
Lisa and Geoff should have took me as a surprise to a pub out of the area , but that went pear shaped !!
Should have picked me up 12:30 turned out they were late
So mill farm Cannock for a carvery .
It was ok !!
Then we popped to pick up a gap who took their caravan to pay monthly fee .
Then they dropped me off .
Kay didn’t pick Muffin up .
Disappointed really .
I’m not do close to Kay anymore
She seems a bit distant ,
I think everyone thinks I’m ok now it’s nearly six years since au lost you Malc .
I’m back and with my baby boy Muffin Malc .
Love him so much xxx
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 8th 2020 07:37am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m not sure where I’m going or what I’m doing .
Lisa is working so I won’t be seeing her .
Weather very windy .
Geoff rang last night we are going to dinner tomorrow it’s a surprise so I’m guessing it’s probablyBagot arms Abbott’s Bromley .’
I’m ringing Kay if she will have Muffin tomorrow for a few hours .but I think Jason will take them out.
I don’t like leaving Muffin long really .
But sometimes I need to , to go some places .’
Hope Kay does have him .
I know then he has company .
I love 💓 Muffin so much .
He is my soul mate and companion.
I wish you were here Malc I miss you so much .
My family don’t realise how lonely I am .
I do have friends but they arn’t here all the time.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 7th February 2020 19:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge
Another boring hour with her .
She talks about her health deaths funerals and Colin
I know how she feels but she brings me down too .
My printer has just give up the ghost .
I’ve ordered another it’s coming Wednesday .
I saw a quick glimpse of Lisa today I popped in but she was going to see the kids at school .
I wish you where here to. Comfort me Malc .
I mentioned I was on my own and going to Sheilas at least was company .
She said here we go again Mum .
She doesn’t realise the lonely days and nights I see no one.
Until she goes through this experience she will Never understand.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 6th 2020 17:21pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then shops in Hednesford .
Later took some glue to Jeff to place the plaque on the bench
By your tree up the skelly .
Later I met up with Karen and her granddaughter Eva May.
She does crave for Karen’s attention.
I didn’t really enjoy her company .
She depresses me .
I couldn’t really talk to her properly .
I’m back home now watching the chase .
I’m trying to book trains to Eastbourne but finding it difficult .
I wish it was you coming with me Malc . I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone c

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 5th 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.’
Today I’m going to Jean Beardsmore’s. Or they are taking me out .
I await a phone call .
The weather is supposed to be better today.
Rain coming in Weekend !!

I’ve booked a holiday with Dot we are going to Eastbourne later on in the year .
Looking forward to going , never been there before .
Hope weather is great for us.’
I miss you Malc my darlin so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 4th 2020 06:39 .
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .’
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Today I’m taking Muffin to Carole Banks lunch .
It’s a boring day but it’s someone to visit .
They used to take us out but that’s stopped .’
I was taken out at the beginning of losing you but that has stopped .’
They go out with other people now .’
They don’t have many friends but it’s Kev who’s the problem .
A very boring couple.
I talked to a financial adviser yesterday Malc
All my money tied up now safely.
I keep nothing in the house not safe.’
I miss you Malc more each day it’s your 70 th Birthday soon .
I wish you were here to celebrate.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday 3rd February 2020 06:51
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .’
Today I’m going to see a financial adviser .
Then. Dot is coming today for lunch .
I’ve got to buy some cobs and sweet .
I’ve manage to mend the knobs on the bedroom draws .
One part missing but will still keep looking .
The weather is ok for a few days then the rain ☔️
Is back .
Bring on the sunshine and dry warm days .
I need live Malc and a cuddle .
I need my family to be back in my life .
All of them .its dragging me down
Your Sheila is too .
I miss you Malc more than ever darlin
I wish you could just come and tell me your ok and I will be ok .I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my Love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 3rd 2020 08:34 am
Hello Malc My darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Ellie is here she stayed over night .’
I do enjoy her company .
She’s very grown up for here age .
I’m still in bed feeling very low today .
Had a strange dream. Not very nice .
When Ellie has gone I will be alone again
A typical Sunday .
I’m buying again I can’t help it. I’m so depressed .
Please Malc make me happy .
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 1st. 2020 17:55 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a strange day .
I took Muffin up the skelly looked at your tree .
The guy who had it placed in said he will look after it and hopes it grows to a huge Oak tree .
I went to Aldi brought stuff for tomorrow’s dinner .
Later Lisa and Geoff took me to Dunhelm. I brought a throw and two cushions. Duck egg blue .
Our bedroom looks lovely. Just sent for. Sheep skin rugs dark duck egg blue .
Ellie is hear now we have just had a curry and Ellie is now eating cream egg .
She’s a lovely young lady now .
I live her one to one talks and girly nights .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx.

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 31st 2020 16:23pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’ve been to Cannock boots brought a couple of things .
Popped to Iceland and got that idiot of a neighbour some larger .
Gone straight off him .
Lisa has been had a coffee. Stay about 3/4. Hour .
She is taking me to B&q tomorrow and Dunelm .
It’s Brexit today , the day we come out of the EU .
I’m happy we have .
I’m in watching Tipping point then the chase .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
It will never change . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Fog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 30 th 2020 07:17
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
My old school mate Janet is coming to lunch .
Another friend in my life .
I need company Malc you know I do .
You said a fortnight before you passed away .
Oh Malc if I had a wish it would be Bring my soul mate back Malcolm Smith. 💓😘
I miss you so much darlin .
My heart is broken now since I lost you and it will NEVER. Change .
Your tree has been planted over the skelly I pass it every day
Jeff Beardsmore is placing the plaque on the bench by the side of the tree .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 29 th 2020 07:48
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Ziggy is coming early to place the mirror which was on the wall behind telly just beside the fireside .
I have to go to Cannock to collect bots from Clarke’s .
I am going up the skelly to see the tree that’s been planted in your memory .
It’s an oak tree.
Hope no one vandalises it .
I’ll see how it goes before I put your ashes there .
Jeff Beardsmore is placing the plaque on the Ben h when he has time ..
I miss you Malc every single day darlin , I didn’t sleep very well last night , I cried .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My precious Tigger My Boxer Fog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 28 th 2020 11:46 am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing now because Carole Banks is coming then Ziggy
Is putting up a mirror .
Your tree is as we speak being planted up the skelly .
Jeff Beardsmore is going to put the plaque on the bench near the tree in your memory .
It’s bitter cold today Malc .
Snow on the way I think .
Hope not too bad .
Still feeling low in mood .
I just wish all my family meaning Christopher would come back into my life.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my live to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 27 th 2020 07;52am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
My memory is forgetting dates so hope I I’ve got this right .
Today is fairly busy .
Ziggy is coming to paint the wall behind the telly .
Phil the cabinet maker should be coming today both about 11am .
I’ve got an appointment with Anne the nurse this morning diabetic blood test hba1c .
Today I feel so lonely Malc very low in mood .
I feel my family don’t really care Malc
I know Lisa is working but I used to work but still popped to Mums. after work Monday , Wednesday Friday and Sunday
Mornings .
She was very lucky .
Christopher has disowned me all together
His business has gone to his head .
All what we and I have done for him .
Lisa is working for him so she is impartial.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I’m struggling to be happy .
I’m trying so hard to keep sane .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 25 th 2020 04:56am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
It’s 4:57 am and I wide awake.
Lately I’m not sleeping only about 4 to 5 hours .
Phil the chap who built the cheap looking cabinet should be coming today to finish it off .
I’m not holding my breath .
Trevor and Caroline might be coming over to take the large mirror back if telly.
I’ve ordered a lovely new one .
I’ve got to sort this house Malc it’s a mess , too much stuff
My life is a mess too many hours on my own ,
Family distant !!!!
Haven’t planned my week yet only seeing Carole Banks on Tuesday!!
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 25th 2020 12:58pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then to Tesco and Aldi then coop which is closing down today .
Sad but very expensive .
Free tea and cakes .
I spoke to Dot and Kerry who I’ve known a long time .
Rlly asked if she could stay tonight but I don’t think Her so called Mother will let her stay
I’ve got Phil the chap coming to finish off the cabinet
Hope he comes .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 24th 2020 07:40 am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
My memory isn’t so good .
I am going to Cannock then Penkridge later lunch with Lisa .
The chap who’s made the new cabinet is coming later tonight
To finish it .
Weather again rubbish when will we get warmer days and lighter nights , you know I hate winter 😝
I have lonely days Malc even though I have friends . I miss you my darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rosej

Thursday January 23rd 2020 18:31 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been good I took Muffin to Hednesford Aldi and B ‘M .
Then rushed back Ziggy laid some strips on top of the decking to stop me slipping .
Done a great job .
I later went to Bella’s met up with Kay from the surgery .
It was very nice
We had 2 hours .
Sarah and Mark gave Muffin some chicken .
He’s such a good boy .
I couldn’t see life with out him 😘
Trevor and Caz are coming over in a while to see if he can
Put up a lean to veranda not sure if he can
I miss you Malc my darlin I wish you would come into my dream but really walk into the the house .
I live in hope !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger. and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious precious Tigger My boxer dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 22nd 2020. 18:39 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger My Baby boy
Today has been busy .
I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi .
Later I had lunch with Dot lovely .
We are going in holiday in July this year Torquay .
Waiting to have a quote from Lisa & Christophe .
I’ve had a new cabinet made to cover the gas metre
They are coming back to finish it off tomorrow.
Caroline the neighbour across the road , you don’t know her is popping over in a while .
I’ve heard nothing from Lisa no text no phone call asking if I’m ok .
She may ring tomorrow ?
I think she is working too hard and cleaning too much .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send My love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 21st 2020 17:08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very cold .
I didn’t take Muffin up the skelly .
I took him to Hednesford Aldi .
Later I took Muffin to Carole Banks Kev opened the door and didn’t even say hello he just walked in the living room
He’s so rude !! You never liked him did you ?
I clearly dislike him .
I stayed until 3:45 pm
Back home now cooking dinner toad in the home
Sausages shared between Muffin and I .
I still feel very weepy today .
January. Blues among other worries .
Phil the chap making my cabinet should be coming tonight !
I’m sure he will ring before he comes .
It’s only plain but will do .
I miss you Malc more than ever coming up to six years .
I don’t know where the years have gone .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 20 th 2020 07:15 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
Today is another horrible icy cold day .
I’m not taking Muffin up the skelly until weather improves .
Jean Beardsmore is coming to lunch
Looking forward to human contact .
My family are getting more distance !!
I have to rely on my friends .
I’m lonely Malc and it’s not getting any better .
I’ve got to be stronger some how .
As I’ve grown older I need more of my family .
Around me .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX

My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 19 th 2020 15;58 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My baby boy
Today has been the most upsetting and lonely day in my life .
Ellie stayed over last night we had a girly night in and curry .
They picked her up at about 12 o’clock
I gave Ellie sweets and 3 cream eggs .and a bracelet.

Cameron sweets 3 cream eggs and £10 .
Georgia sweets 3 cream eggs and a bracelet .
Christopher held his head down never spoke Chanel didn’t speak either .
Malc I’m so hurt
I’ve given him £58000 after you passed away to keep for me.
He only gave me a couple of grand back .
It’s made interest .
I told him to dived it between him and Lisa
It the greedy B only I’d giving her £25,000
In bits .
He’s getting nought in my will and I’m.considering other changes too .
I haven’t seen Lisa since last Sunday and that was short. .
Not happy with my family at all .
Malc I NEVER. Thought I would be treated like this since you have passed Way.
I’m so hurt !!!!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc c
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny Xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 18 th 2020 13:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is a very lonely day so far .
I’ve bed. Up to Shirleys to take two photos of Jane & Carol fro Sheila .
Then popped to Tesco and Aldi .
I don’t know if Ellie is definitely coming she texted me yesterday .
I asked Trevor across the road if he would put a slipping veranda .not sure if he will do it .
I’m not too worried if he says no.
I’ve gone off him since Caroline told me about him being funny with her .
I can’t tho k of anything else to tell you .
Lisa is at work so won’t hear from her .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc. Kiss Tiggef and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 16 th 2020 07;55am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget
I’m taking Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi
Later I’m going to Val’s at the bungalow .
She is moving to Cannock soon .
It’s going to rain later so hope it stays off until I’m back home.
It’s very cold today Malc , I hate Winter .
I did enjoy meeting an old school friend yesterday called a Janet , she’s lovely. She is coming in a couple of weeks here for lunch .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone c

Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 15 th 2020 06:20
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget .
This morning I’m having a vit B inj .
Early feeling low in myself so Ann the nurse says she will give it me early .
I am also going to lunch with Janet an old school friend .
The weather is changing rain coming back .
The nights are getting a little lighter .
Roll on spring and warmer weather .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Tell you all about today .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 24 th 2020 06:30 am
Morning Malc and Tigger my baby boy .’
I’m writing early Malc so I do miss you
I’m going to take Muffin up the skelly then Tesco
Carol Banks is coming for lunch
A chap is collecting the sound bar speaker and remote selling it .
I’ve never been happy with it Kieron ripped me off with the price .
Weather is bad again rain ☔️.
The nights are gradually getting lighter can’t wait for warmer weather .
I miss you my darlin so much so lonely with out you .
Your Sheila rings at least 7 times a day .
It’s early days for her yet.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 13 th 2020 07:46am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc so I don’t forget . .
I was going to Dots but she’s I’ll.
Lisa is off but she has other plans .
Yesterday was a bit disappointing they took me to Trentham it I felt I’d been spun around and landed picked up at 11 back home 2pm that was with travel too
Geoff wanted to get back to his family !!!
Drinking in The Cross keys .
I did want to join them but Lisa tried to put me off .
Carol Norrey came to the rescue yesterday I was picked up by Cliff her husband and stayed 3 hours at hers lovely .
She has family problems too .
Her B of a son .
Today a very lonely day again !!
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 11 th 2020 07:45
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc because Lisa and Geoff are taking me to Trentham Gardens with Muffin .
Hope we have a nice day .
It’s rained all night so hope it stops by the time we go .
I felt so lonely last night Malc .
Not sure if it lack of Vit B 12 or just after Christmas blues .
My only wish in my life is to have Christopher back in my life .
I want Muffin and I to be healthy but most of all happy .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Let you know how the day went.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 11th 2020 12:35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m on my own again Malc
I’ve took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Then to Aldi and Tesco .
Back home it’s so windy and cold outside .
No Penkridge today .
Spoke to a lady who I haven’t seen for years
Her husband Graham looked so old .
I brought her silver cross pram from her .
When Lisa was born .
Bringing back memories good ones Malc .
Oh Malc I wish you were here darlin .
I miss you so much .
I must try and sort house out it’s such a mina-gory
I’m slowly getting rid of stuff .
Not much to talk about today seeing no one .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 10 th 2020 07:43am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
It’s Lisa’s 48 th Birthday today where are the years going .
If only you were here to see her .
She is going for a meal with Geoff today .
I wanted to treat her but she doesn’t want to .
I’m taking Muffin for a groom today 10 am .
I won’t see anyone today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I know it’s a short message today .
Not much more to write .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 9th 2020 16:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been ok but not brilliant .
I took Muffin up the skelly then waited in for cabinet maker to make a fitment for the bottom of the stairs .
Later Val a friend I’ve known for a couple of years came for lunch , I did a stew but it was awful really .
She stayed a couple of hours .
I then went to Tesco and Aldi .
Back home now watching The Chase .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 8th 2020 16:36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi .
Later took Muffin to Lisa’s first had half hour and a cuppa took her £20 back refund from iPhone case .
Then to Carole Banks stayed until 3:30pm
Then dropped off a parcel. DP to Hermes shop belt road
Now home watching telly waiting for woman to collect air fryer .I need you Malc so much miss you terribly 😢xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 8th 2020 07:22am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc so I won’t forget .
I’m going to Carole Banks today for lunch .
I will pop into Lisa’s for half hour before I go .
I will take Muffin up the skelly first after breakfast .
The nights are starting to lighten slowly .
I just wish the weather was warmer .
I hate winter and dark nights .
I miss you Malc so much I’m crying for you begging for you to come into my dreams and my bed .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 7th 2020 16:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy
I’ve written once but it’s got lost
I’ve had a good day with Jean lunch after going to Cannock .
I brought a coat nice .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I cried this morning
It’s not getting any better .
I long for you Malc .
I need a bug please .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 7th 2020 16:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy
I’ve written once but it’s got lost
I’ve had a good day with Jean lunch after going to Cannock .
I brought a coat nice .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I cried this morning
It’s not getting any better .
I long for you Malc .
I need a bug please .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 6th 2020 18:58 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a very lonely day .
Just Muffin and I .
I took Muffin up the skelly again this morning .
Then Tesco and Aldi .
Seen no one today .
I spoke to Lisa but she said she had a cold .
She’s doing nothing in her Birthday.
48 yrs .
Dot has texted me going to hers next Monday
I rang across the road but Carolyne hasn’t come over .
Did they pass the message on .
I broke a jar of pickled onions all over the kitchen floor this morning.
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday. January 5th 2020 14:15pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m Bloody fuming today .
I wish I hadn’t asked Ziggy to put my new light up
So far it’s took bloody 12 hours and it’s still not up
I’ve bloody paid him too 😡
He’s not a electrician that’s for sure .
Oh Malc I wish you were here . You would have sorted it .
I’ve heard from no one today 😢
Is this want 2020 is going to be like ????
I took Muffin to Wickes to get a terminal for the light .
I took a. Parcel to The Why Not .
I’m so frustrated Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 4th 2020 14:29 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge
Sheila the usual complaining self and being a bit picky .
Bringing up the past stupid .
She keeps winding me up 😡
I’m just biting my tongue .
Oh Malc what’s going wrong ?
Christopher and Chanel are going to the Carribian
AgIn July on their own .
I offered to have the kids .
But he had a different idea !!
Lisa is looking after them
I’m hurt really hurt .
I’ve just got to accept he doesn’t live me or want me around .
Also doesn’t want to pY me the money he owes me .
W sent Lisa a Christmas and birthday card .
She’s winding me up too 😢
I’ve posted a New Year card in Kelly’s door today .
She spoke to me the other day with Daisy
It was lovely .
Poor Daisy has a heart condition.
I miss you so much Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 3rd 2020 13:44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to Cannock. Asda and Beardsmore lighting
I brought a new light for the little hall way .
Ziggy is coming tomorrow to put it up .
Lisa just called in to pick up her parcel
But Geoff had already got it .
I am goi g out tonight with Lisa and Geoff to The cross Keys .
To celebrate Louise’s 40 th Birthday.
Last night my friend brought my heater back
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 2nd 2020 14:48 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been good although I’ve. Even though I’ve been my own
Took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford .
Took a parcel back .
Later used my new Scooter to go on the train to Rugeley
It worked out great .
Got some cards from Clinton’s .
Back home now watching telly .
Going to Tesco in a while then dinner
My friend might be coming tonight bringing my heater back .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 1st 2020 08:31 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy ..
Happy New Year 🥳 Malc another year to face with out you .
Lisa rang me from Liverpool wishing me Happy New Year.
I’m still in bed watching George and Mildred .
No one is coming today .
Just Muffin and me .
I’m writing early Malc just so I won’t forget .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will try and be positive .
I sent a message to Christopher last night but had no reply .
Ellie wished me Happy New Year and Georgia.
Cameron didn’t !
I’ll probably take Muffin up the skelly then Tesco .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 31st 2019 17:08 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is New Years Eve .
I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi
Later Carole Banks came for lunch stayed until about 3pm
I popped out again after they went .
Only to Tesco and Aldi again .
I’m home now watching telly on my own with
IMuffin .
Lisa rang today from Liverpool enjoying a couple of days away .
Geoff rang me to order some hair straightener s
For Lisa’s Birthday .
I’ve ordered some for me too.

My curry has just come .
Happy New Year Malc send this message to everyone
Love 💓 you forever Malc .
Miss you every single day darlin
Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 30 th 2019 07;42 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc a fairly busy day .
I don’t want to forget you .
I have Ellie here she stayed over night .
I also have. Hair appointment this morning 9am .
Ellie is coming with me .
I’m popping to Cannock later when Ellie has gone home .isa and Geoff are off to Liverpool for two days .
Back to being on my own new year by the look of it
Nothing changed !!
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 29th. December 2019. 13:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly this morning then to Tesco
and Aldi .
Brought some chocolate for Cam Ellie and Georgia.
Popped some presents in a bag for them too as an extra .Ellie is coming at 2pm to stay over night .
She’s a good girl .
I only wish Christopher would change towards me .
I miss you Malc so much I’m feeling very anxious today .
I didn’t sleep well last night . Sheila brought up the past and it upset me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My precious precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 28 th 2019 05:48am
Hello Malc .
It’s so early I have such a lot on my mind Malc
Your Sheila is upsets me bringing up the past.
She’s driving me mad
She rings me every day and always ends the calls so
I have to ring her back .
It’s my fault really .
I’m losing sleep she moans about her health every day
Should I keep shut or confront her on what she said yesterday ?
You used to call her Barmy Sheila !!
She still is .
But she is so lucky neighbours bring he dinners and sandwiches How lucky is she !!
I don’t k ow which way to turn my head is all over the place Malc .
I feel I’m loved , lost with out you everyone is busy .
It’s 6am in the morning I’ve been awake since 3am .
I miss you so much Malc xx😢
Ellie texted yesterday wanting to stay over but had no reply back if they will let her stay .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 28th 2019 26:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin to Cannock and Penkridge
Stayed an hour with Sheila .
Then popped to Boots in Cannock mist of the shelves were empty .
I still brought a few things .
I then dropped them off home and went to Tesco .
Saw our Kelly and Amber her Daughter Amber who has a heart problem .
I hope she is going to be ok .
I’m home now watching The chase then a film .
The Queen .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts , it will never change.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 27th 2019 13:59 pm
Today has been the most boring lonely day Malc .
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning .
I then popped to Tesco just for company .
No one in the family have rang or text today .
I new this would happen.
I gave Jade Jordan and Lisa some money .
After Lisa screamed over the phone .
She said to Geoff she always has to spoil things .
It hurt me so much ,
Why do I deserve this punishment ?
Surly this is the last
I just need love and respect that’s all !!!!
I’m so lonely Malc no one know’s how much.
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger abs send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 26th 2019 11:47am
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my Baby boy
Today it’s damp cold and horrible .
I’ve been to Tesco but came straight back
I’m waiting to go to Lisa’s for a buffet .
Hope we have a good day .
My mate should be bringing my oil heater back ??
It’s Boxing Day and yesterday was lovely with my friend Carol Norrey and her family .
I have some great friends really .
Nothing from Christopher.
I miss you my darlin every single day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 25th 2019 13:15pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Happy Christmas Day Darlin and you Tigger
Send my love to Mum and Dad and all the family
Lisa is at Work , Christopher in Scotland .
Lisa has rang and Geoff .
Jade Adam and the kids have just been lovely xx
I miss you Malc so much especially today .
My friend Carol Norrey is picking me up soon dinner at her brothers.
It’s a short message Malc I wish you were here .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and Send my love to everyone XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 24th 2019 17:03pm
Hello Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to Rugeley to get some Birthday cards .
Then popped to Tesco a nice Atmosphere.
I haven’t seen anyone or had a text or phone call .
Oh Jean Beardsmore did Sk me to come down tonight st 6pm
I declined .very kind of her .
I’ve just made some mince pies again .
For Boxing Day .
My friend is bringing the oil heater back I need it for the shed to keep scooters warm .
I’ve sent my gold earrings back so expensive too small .
It’s Christmas Eve and have never been on my own .
Carol Norrey is picking me up tomorrow I’m having Chris Christmas Day with her family .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will wright to you again tomorrow Malc
Might be late .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x

Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 23rd 2019 17:14 pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has be ok !
I took Muffin up the skelly and then to Tesco .
I didn’t go to Aldi today.
Kay popped in to drop my presents off she didn’t stay long
Later went to Carole and Kevin’s lunch .
Stayed until 4:10pm
Home now watching the chase .telly tonight then bed .
Muffins had a shower but needs a groom .
I’m so lonely Malc miss you so much 😢
I will write to you again Malc tomorrow x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 22nd 2019 14:08pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today a bit disappointing.
I took Muffin up the Skelly as usual .
Then popped to Tesco .
Amanda on cooked meat gave Muffin some. Pigs in Blankets.
Then I popped to see Lisa’s Caravan. Gorgeous .

I took a video .
Kay was supposed to have come to pick up her presents
She phoned and said she wasn’t coming .
She does have a cough.
She’s coming in the morning instead .
I’m going to Carole Banks tomorrow for lunch .
But I think she will cook a dinner .
Going out again after the film Father of the Bride .
Then making mince pies with my new mixer .
I miss you Malc so much my Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Muffin xx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 21st 2019 15:35pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my Baby boy
Today I took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge to see your Sheila .
Only an hour that’s too long sometimes !!!
I later popped to Beardsmore’s lighting shop brought smith Angel for Christmas.
I then popped to Hednesford Tesco and Aldi .
Kay popped up to give me a pussy willow tree .
Part of my Christmas present .
She told me Lucy and her partner are going to Dinner Christy Day to the Redmore .
I must say I was disappointed she didn’t ask me to join them .
Because Jason’s friend isn’t coming now .
Shall I see them now. Christmas Day ???
I feel let down .
Now Lucy is back in her life
She takes. Presidence
I’m watching an old film Scrooge Alister Simms .
Then sorting pantry out .
Oh Malc what a. Christmas this is going to be !!
I miss you so much Darlin .
Thank you 🙏 for being in my dream .
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 20 th 2019 06;28am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again not sure what I’m doing today .
My new phone is coming today really looking forward to it
Yesterday was a good day really .
I would a new light for the landing .
It’s not very bright but nice .
Ziggy came and put it up .
He’s a good chap really . Pity he drinks really
I won’t see anyone today .
Caroline doesn’t come over so often now .
Lisa is at work today.
I can’t get motivated at the moment.
It’s rain again it’s hindering me going out .
I miss you my darlin so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 19 th 2019 15:19 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby w
Today I’ve been busy .
Took Muffin to Cannock to Beardsmore’s lighting brought a new landing light .
Ziggy is coming to fix it up 🤞
I’ve ordered a new iPhone 11 .
It’s supposed to be coming tomorrow.
Ziggy is here now he’s going to put the light up on the landing .
I’ve been to pop in today had a Christmas meal and pudding .
I wish you were here Malc .
I miss you so much darlin.
I Love you 😍 with all my heart .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 18th 2019 17:21pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
A funny day today .
Took Muffin up the skelly bitter cold
Later went to Tesco and Aldi .
Exciting isn’t it ?
Later Lisa rand asking me to go down for a cuppa .
Nice , I only had an hour ,.
She has paid me the £20 she owes me .
I could cry my eyes out again today. Malc .
I miss the bones of you Malc 😪x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 17 th 2019 16:19 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is very cold .
I popped to Shirley and Dicky’s popped a couple of cards in the letter box .
Shirley’s Birthday and Christmas card.
Then to Hednesfotd Tesco and Aldi .
It’s dark now too dark to go out again .
Roll on spring and lighter nights .
Lisa called to collect jade phone case .
She still owes me £20 .
Carole Banks came with my presents we swapped .
She stayed for lunch .
No one this week now !!!
I’m anxious Malc Christmas with out you .
I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 16 th 2019 17;54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby e
Today I’m feeling very anxious.
The house is in a mess .
I’m not looking forward to Christmas at all .
I went to Carol Norrey’s today they picked me up .
Dropped me back off 4:45 pm
Your Sheila has just rang She doesn’t want me to go this weekend.
I don’t mind really ,
I’ll make some mince pies 🥧
Lisa was coming up today she didn’t come .
I’m so lonely Malc and hurt .
Nothing from Christopher!!!
Carole Banks is coming tomorrow.
For lunch .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I will never get over this .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 15 th 2019 08:17am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again.
I’ve been invited to Sunday dinner 🥘 at the chase gate .
It’s the nearest. For Jade and the kids .
I’m still feeling very low Malc ,
Seeing no one and it’s so near Christmas.
I know I won’t see the kids through Christopher.
After all what I’ve done for him in the past .
The money I’ve given and still he hates me .
I send Ellie messages but I haven’t seen her for a month now .
My friend only comes once a month too
It must be me !!!
What can I do to change things Malc ? Xx
I miss you so much darlin 😢 I’m broken 💔
I will write to you tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 14th 2019 13:50pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today not such a good day .
Went to coop first .
Then off to Cannock and Penkridge
I took Sheila’s Christmas presents
It the jumper was too big .
Can’t take it back I brought it from Wolverhampton.
No receipt .
Oh well put it down to experience.
Got another jumper will she like it .
The scooter charger has stopped working
I’ve had to use the charger from the other scooter .
John is bringing a replacement on Tuesday or Wednesday.
I’m missing you more than ever Malc x
Roll on Christmas and the new year so the light nights will come .
I wish I could take Muffin abroad .
I need some warm weather .
Feeling really down today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 23 th 2019 07:39
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again been up most of the night watching the votes general election.
Conservatives are in .
I did vote for them .
It’s another rainy day .
I might go to Cannock not sure
I need to wrap some presents 🎁.
I hope Tonik sort my electric and gas bill
They have made a very bad mistake .
Not been taking the direct debit out for 3 months .
I’m still in bed no rush to get up .
No one is coming today .
Lisa is off work will she take me out !!
I’m on my own such a lot lately .
Nothing from Christopher .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 12 th 2019 19:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been raining all day a depressing day .
I took Muffin to Hednesford Tesco and Aldi .
Later I went to Bellas with Kay from the surgery.
A nice couple of hours .
Geoff has just called in to buy. Present for Lisa .
He took the Tiramisu to take to their house for Boxing Day .
He has just rang me dinner Sunday 2pm chase gate !!
No cooking 🥘 yeah xx
I miss you my darlin so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 11th 2019. 07:27 am
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again , I don’t want to forget .
I’m not seeing anyone today .
Even my neighbours haven’t been across .
All Too busy .!!!!!
This is when I find out who my friends are .
Lisa is working again today .
Weather not too good again more rain to come ,
I’m still in bed no rush to get up .
I’m dropping off presents at the surgery .
I’ve got to wrap family presents but Int get motivated .
On my own Christmas Day .
Apart from seeing Kay in the afternoon.
I feel very down at the moment .
I think the dark nights aren’t helping , the rain and not seeing my family , especially Christopher and the kids .
It hurts so much Malc .
I miss you Malc your company your love your voice .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 10 th 2019 26:21pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been filthy rain rain rain .
I took Muffin to Tesco & Coop .
Back home then Jean Beardsmore’s for lunch . Not long got back .John mobility gap has brought me a small mobility scooter to take on the bus
That’s if they let me on .
£350 not bad he’s put two new batteries on it and sorted a couple of things and given me 12 months guarantee.
I keep having noticed in my ears at the moment .
Not had for a long time .
.hope it goes away .
Christopher should have received a card and letter from me .
I do hope he pays me what he owes .
Mortgage and £15,000 loan .
I’ve already told him to divide the money between Lisa and himself .
Will he do it .?
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 9 th 2019 18:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been good , took Muffin up the skelly very windy and cold brrr.
Then changed after the dustbin men the put a label on my bin
My fault I put food in the wrong bin .
I took some bags of paper and shared it .
Later Dot came for lunch Stew.
It was lovely .she lined it too .
She has mentioned a holiday next year .
I’m chuffed .
All square with Rob my solicitor great !!
So all in all a good day
Since I’ve brought the money tree picture it’s been good .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 8th 2019 12:59 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc no one coming no text only a quick phone call from Lisa , she’s at work .
Posted some Christmas cards and Neighbours.
Been to Tesco and Aldi .
Wrapping some presents later .
The weather is very windy a bit of rain .
Missing you Malc so much.
Not a lot to tell you today Malc .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 7th 2019 07:51
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Muffin and I are off to Penkridge
Hope Sheila isn’t going to be to depressing .
Weather cold but dry .on spring Malc lighter nights please .
Roll on spring Malc .
I hate winter !!!!.
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Sorry it’s a short message .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 6th December 2019 11:14 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’ve took Muffin up the skelly our usual route .
Popped to Tesco and Coop .
Good news I’m ha being a small scooter for getting on the bus with Muffin .
I am waiting for a permit now Arriva sending it through the post .
Hope it does the job it should do Muffin and I can go cut her out now .
Taking Muffin to Kay’s while I go to a afternoon tea with Carol Norrey’.
Hope it’s ok .
Feeling anxious but ok really
Nice to know the house belongs to us again Malc .
Thank you Mum for that .
Tell Mum I miss her too .
I hope you are all together now you the dogs and both family’s .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny cc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 5th 2019 16:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been lonely Again today .
Waisted a lot of time on the phone today .
Re mobility scooter for on the bus
Hopefully it will be sorted .
Fate will decide .
I’ve put a letter inside Christopher s Christmas card re the money her owes me .
Doubt if he pays me back .
Crossing fingers .
If he doesn’t I know I will have to change things a little.
I haven’t really got much to tell you today Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday 4th Dec 2019 07:58
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m writing early Malc again
Lisa and I are going out somewhere today .
She wants to buy a dress for a works do .
Nothing from Christopher yet again
It hurts so much .
I think he is in debt.
Hopefully one day things will be sorted .
My Christmas is ruined the worse year ever .
I miss you Malc my darling and Tigger.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 3rd 2019 07:43
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Well all sorted You know what I’m talking about Malc .
I’m off to Cannock to sort it .
Bitter cold again today .
I’m writing early Malc again because it’s a busy day .
I just don’t want to forget writing to you .
I miss you so much Malc, more than you’ll ever know .
It’s getting nearer Christmas I’m not looking forward to it
I’m on my own with Muffin .
Come into my dreams Malc bring All the dogs PLEASE .
Going to Carole Banks for lunch .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 2nd 2019 13:11am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again don’t want to forget you.
I’ve been up the skelly this week with Muffin .
Bitterly cold again .
Lisa is working so won’t hear from her .
Every one busy !!!!
Sorting personal stuff out so I can relax again .
A very lonely weekend Malc again .
Do my family really care .
Geoff’s Dad was rushed into hospital yesterday
He assaulted a paramedic his metal health getting worse
So Geoff won’t be at work I guess .
I miss you my darlin so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 1st 2019 21:08pm
Hello Malc I nearly forgot to write to you today .
Things on my mind .
The new telly came but I left the dvd in the other telly and it’s unplugged now .
No one has rang me today
I’ve rang Carol Norrey we are going to an afternoon tea.
We are going Friday afternoon.
Lisa said Geoff’s Dad has been rushed into hospital his dementia has got worse .
He assaulted a paramedic
He in hospital now.
Lisa is working tomorrow.
So yet another day no one .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 30th 2019 08:21am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
It’s freezing today Malc , I’m still in bed with Muffin by my side
I had a horrible dream . I dreamt I left Muffin on the scooter then I couldn’t get back to him I kept asking where the train station was .
Woke up feeling quite lonely and sad .
Seeing no one today
Lisa is at work !!
Ellie might stay over tonight but I have my doubts.
Might go to Lichfield not sure yet .
Selling stuff I don’t need Malc trying to declutter.
I miss you Malc so much.
I written early incase I get busy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 29 th 2019 06:28am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today is going to be busy .
Taking Parcel to why not popping to Hednesford go find out where my Calendar is ?
Go to Penkridge to see Sheila .
Not really looking forward to it .
She depresses me .
Ziggy is picking up a telly and your boots .
He did help me yesterday putting picture up and lights in .
It’s getting near Christmas and I’m going to be on my own .
I miss you Malc so much.
Lonely days lonely nights .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 28 th 2019 18:03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin to Hednesford today B&M opened new store .
Then off to Cannock brought a Beautiful picture from Beardsmore’s lighting .
Ziggy Came and put it up changed a light in my lamp and a light in the ceiling .
I’ve given him your boots that were in the porch and the small telly out of the back bedroom .
I don’t need it Malc .
He’s collecting them tomorrow some time .
I’m going to Sheila’s tomorrow only got and hour .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 27 th 2019. 06:28am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again not sure what I’m doing today .
It’s our Jordans Birthday today , where have the years gone .
I wish you were here for his Birthday Malc .
I wish I could win a million to help him and Jade .
It’s racing again Malc so depressing .
Will I see anyone today ?
I miss you Malc so much.
Sorry it’s a short message Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 26th 2019 16:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today raining again not good .
Took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Popped to Aldi saw W she’s mad waived and laught at me .
She is sick .
I’ve taken Mums ashes to W Kay helped me .
She was shocked !!
I have a cutting of Mums hair and a canvas with her photo on it .
It did upset me but W can’t complain now .
Sorry Mum !!!
Carole Banks came today not too bad .
Dark now hate it .
Roll on spring .
I needed you yesterday Malc .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 25 th 2019 07:14 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m writing early Malc because lots going on today .
I’m off to Cannock first Boots .
Dot’s for lunch then Rob the solicitor 4pm .
I will be glad when all this is sorted .
Oh Malc I’m so fed up of trying to sort things out on my own .
The pressure I’ve been under again this year.
I wish you could reassure me Malc .
Come home Malc PLEASE !!
I will. Write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 24th 2019 08:16am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m feeling very low inside .
Lots going on in my head .
Family , Bungalow , Christopher , my life is very lonely .
I know I see friends but family is more important.
Sunday’s are my worst days .
It’s getting nearer Christmas and I’m on my own for the first time ever Christmas Day .
I miss you so much Malc.
Where have the years gone .
I have my fur baby Muffin we are very close .
I need love and my family .
I am going to Cannock today boots to take back a present .’
I won’t see anyone today .
Lisa is working Christopher is in the Caribbean.
Not that he cares .
My life is empty !!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 23rd 2019 25:06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today not so good been to Penkridge to see Sheila a bit boring really ,
Same old same old .
I went to Cannock but again nothing to see .
I called in Tesco for a joint Sunday dinner.
Apart from seeing Sheila no one else no text or phone calls.
Sorry I’ve got nothing else to tell you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Miss you and love you 😘 Malc so much .
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 22nd 2019 18:51 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been lovely .
Took Muffin up the skelly.
Later Lisa picked me up and we took Muffin to Carole Banks for her to look after Muffin , I gave her Sanctuary bath stuff .
We went to Boundry Mill lovely .
Then off to next and Boots .
Then lunch at The cherry tree pub .
Not a nice lunch 🥗 had a refund .
Then picked up Muffin from Caroles .
Back home now just had pancakes 🥞
Watching telly now all my soaps then flirty dancing love it 😍
I miss you Malc so much xx
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 21st 2019 16:03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly.
Then off to Hednesford Tesco & Aldi .
It’s cold and damp today dark already and it’s only 4pm ,
Roll on spring 🌼🌞🌸
Caz from across the road has popped in for a cuppa .
Stayed an hour .
I feel I want to stop in today nowhere to go .
Lisa is taking me to Ikea tomorrow
Carole banks is having Muffin .Barmy Sheila is a nuisance
Malc I’m having to carry a fan heater on my scooter
Not in a box she’s not carrying it .
She’s driving me mad Malc .
Rob has sent an email , I am to meet him in his office to discuss. Bill and hopefully have it sorted .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 20 th 2019 11:47 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I have been to the diabetic clinic
With Muffin .
All ok have put on some weight tho .
10st 3 1bs with clothes on .
Called in Hednesford shops , now waiting for
Karen and her Grandchild .
Lunch here .
Later back to shops for dinner 🥘 stuff.
I miss you Malc more than ever .
Please come into my dreams.
Bring Tigger .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 18 th 2019 16:26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin straight to Debs my hair he played with Rebel Debs dog he’s only a pup .
Then to Hednesford Tesco Aldi Coop .
Later I went to Carole Banks for lunch .
Not long got back .
Carole is having Muffin Friday while Lisa takes me to IKEA.
Lunch I reckon too .
Selling a few things on face book .
Don’t need them .
Nothing from Rob yet re money from Mums Sale .
What’s going on .???????.
Nothing from Chris Evans the tree .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 18 th 2019 06:56am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I am going to Lichfield to take a bra back for a refund
The weather looks good today .
I won’t see anyone today .
The jungle is back on telly great !!
I told all my friends not to ring me
But Guess who did Barmy Sheila !!
I know she’s still grieving but it’s beyond a joke when she rings me at least 6 times a day .
My life revolves around Sheila now .
She won’t let me in or other people .
She does need looking after really .
I miss you Malc my darling and Tigger
I keep hoping you will visit me again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 17 th 2019 07:20am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I am going to Jeans for dinner with Muffin .
Taking Muffin first up the skelly.
Popping to Hednesford. Aldi and Tesco .
Weather is cloudy but no rain today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
My heart aches got you
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny. Xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 16 th 2019 21:22pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been lovely .
I took Malc to Penkridge had an hour with Sheila
Then Jean & Jeff took me to Walsall
It was lovely went to quite a few shops
Brought a few things.
They have asked me for dinner 🥘 tomorrow
Really enjoyed today .
I still miss you Malc so much.
I wish you could have been here when I got back .
I dream one day you will.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny c

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 15 th 2019 07;08 am.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I taking Muffin to the groomers.
I will pop to Asda and Holland and Barrett.
Jean Should be coming today haven’t heard from her . Wander if she is still at er daughters because of floods .
Rain again today it’s so depressing.
Hope my day gets. Better .
I miss you Malc so much your face your touch your love 💓
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 14th 2019 17:03pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today is pouring down only been to Hednesford today .
Been a bit boring .
Lisa has called in stayed about a hour .
Lots to discuss .
Feel a bit bad really changing plans .
ButI have a lot to think about.
Help me out Malc. .
I’m so stressed.
I spoke to Joan Barnett today it’s her Birthday
She gave me good advice
Ringing me next week .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 13 th 2019 07:41am.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I’m writing early Malc again.
I will take Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford.
Later meeting Dot in Bellas for lunch .
I’m taking Muffin he is my life Malc My family are too busy .
This will be the first Christmas ever on my own with Muffin .
I hate pushing myself on friends just for company .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I can’t settle I hate my own company .
I’m a person who needs people around me if only for two hours a day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 12 by 2019 16:37
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today very cold and. Wet .
I took Muffin to Deb my hair dresser she cut my fringe .
I later took Muffin the skelly this morning meeting
Chris Evans regarding the tree I’m having got you Malc .
Also a plaque can be put on the Bench in memory
Of you.
I’ve ordered both .
This afternoon I popped to see Kay .
Stayed an hour or so .
Coming home to dark and lonely night .
Lisa is at work .
I miss you Malc so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. November 11th 2019 09:16am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’ve just taken Muffin up the skelly.
Cold raining ☔️ awful !!
My Friend is popping in sometime today probably lunch time
I wish I was going out for lunch not staying in .
All lights went out from 7;30 pm to midnight
Missed all my programmes ,but better than floods
Lisa is at a meeting today so won’t see her .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 10 th 2019 08;03
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again I don’t want to forget you
Not sure what is happening today.
I will take Muffin up the skelly.
Lisa is off today but not sure if she will invite me to dinner 🥘
I’ve got a joint just incase .
Weather cold and forecast rain .
Snow ⛄️ is on the way .
Not looking forward to that.
Thinking of Christmas this year
On my own at the moment with Muffin .
Lisa is working .
I’m thinking of Jade and Family and Geoff coming
Not sure what he’s doing .
Kay has said I could go to The Redmore but I have to make my own way there!!!
No thank you but a nice thought .
I miss you Malc so much.
Christopher is treating me so bad . WHY ?????.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 9th 2019 20:20pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I don’t know what sent wrong yesterday
I thought I had written to you
It’s been playing up lately .
Today it’s pored down a day
I managed to get to Cannock the Hednesford B& M 25% off everything .
Got a few things .
Kay came for an hour

She has asked me Xmas day to The Redmore
But I have to make my own way there .
No good I’ll be on my own with Muffin
It happy they are thinking of that Kalib !!!
I don’t fancy Muffin in the back of the car either while we have a meal .
Rather stay at home with Muffin.
It’s nice of her to ask but !!!
Ellie messaged me tonight she couldn’t come because her Mums friend is staying over !
Whoopy who 😡
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 7th 2019 17:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I have had Kay receptionist from
Our surgery for lunch .
Lovely afternoon .
It’s so cold outside and dark .
Roll on March lighter nights .
I want to skip Christmas.
No one to share it with .
Jayne my friend tomorrow for meal out .
Bathing Muffin Later .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 6th 2019 07;34 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc , I don’t want to forget you
I will take Muffin up the skelly as usual
Go to the shops just to speak to someone .
Another lonely day I’m afraid .
It’s freezing cold today .
I’m sitting bed Muffin on the top having cuddles .
No visitors today .
Lots to sort paper work etc .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
My life is empty with out you Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 5th 2019 07.54am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m feeling very low house in a mess , my life in a mess
Christopher not paying the mortgage.
Weather crappy .
I don’t know who to turn too ?
My life is a mess Malc !!
I don’t have any help not from the family .
I’m so alone !!
I miss you so much Malc
I will take Muffin up the skelly this morning
Carole Banks is coming today not realty looking forward to it .
She doesn’t cheer me up .
I need a boost really .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 4 th 2019 07:27 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again because Carol Norrey
Is coming today and I don’t want to forget to write.
I will take Muffin up the skelly this morning

Then pop to the shops .
Rain Later so go out while I can .
Our gardens are done so looks great .
Thank you Ziggy .
He was drunk yesterday!!
So left the pressure washer I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 3rd 20.19 15:43pm
Hello hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been. Mixed day .
Took Muffin up the skelly this morning.
Then home before Ziggy comes to do the back garden .
With the pressure washer .
Geoff came to pick up the Wheel barrow
Left the carpet cleaner .
Ziggy came then disappeared leaving the pressure washer out in the rain !
He was drunk tho I will say !!!
So doubt he will come back today .
I’m hoping Carol Norrey will come this evening for a coffee.
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 2 nd 2019 07;04am

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again because Muffin and I might be going g to Borth Wales with Lisa and Geoff!!!!
It’s according to what Lisa decides ,
Otherwise a day in it’s freezing cold and supposed to rain all day .
I think the later myself .
Geoff’s just rang he’s taking the couple who’s caravan they might be buying oh well 😔 never mind .
Back to staying in then .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love 💓 you and miss you Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday Nov 1st 2019 06:17
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again because I’m doing a lot today
Going to Penkridge then Jeans for lunch .
It’s pouring down today but our garden is finished .
It’s lovely Malc .
Just how you would have wanted it xx
I wish I would have listened to you
You loved your garden xx
Ziggy is putting sand between the block paving .
When it’s a dry day .
I’ve paid him well he has worked hard .
I miss you Malc so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 31st 2019 04:50 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc because I’m goi g to either Stafford or Walsall to take back a jumper .
Ziggy is Coming to do more in the front garden .
Muffin has a booster today 3:50pm .
I hope this message goes through .
I miss you Malc so much.
I love 💓 you with all my heart .
I have some good friends some drifted away .
Carole &Kevin army so close !
You didn’t like Kevin , I don’t either .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 30 th 2019 15:58pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I wrote to you but it didn’t go through
A good day today took Muffin up the skelly
Popped to Hednesford
Later met up with old friends at Bella’s
Had a great day .
Ziggy didn’t come today too tired I think .
I’m in now watching telly too cold .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 29th 2019 16:58pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been good really
Took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Went to Hednesford Aldi and Tesco .
Ziggy came about 9.30 am
Making a good job of the front garden .
Nearly finished .
It’s cheaper than £5 grand. Gill paid across the road .
Mine is much nicer .
Lisa took me to Stafford today we went to out fit
Brought a jumper .
We went to the swan had a jacket 🥔 salad. Not the best !
after we went to. Home Sense then pillaton garden centre
Brought three plants .
I e enjoyed the day .
Ziggy not coming until afternoon tomorrow
I’m going to Bellas meeting Chris Rudd and Carol .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 28th 2019 17:40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been busy .
I took Muffin up the skelly but it was so cold 1•
Then drs for inj VitB12
Felt very down today all what happened over the weekend
I spoke to Rob my solicitor this morning. The bill.
Not happy with w solicitor sounds like he’s going to sting us .
Rob said just suck it and see agree !
Waiting to sort bills then he will pay into the bank .
I feel fearful
Had Dot today for lunch 🥗 lovely .
Ziggy still doing garden making. Good job of it .
Watching our favourite programme the chase .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 27 th 2019 06:22 am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc it’s another busy day .
I’m taking Muffin up the skelly this morning
Then Ziggy is coming to do the front garden
He’s doing a good job .
I’m trying to keep the house and garden good for you Malc.
Caz might come over later for a cuppa .
They took me to Dobbies yesterday how lovely
I brought 25 lavender plants .
They are such good neighbours .
Your Sheila is driving me mad
Rings several times a day , but it’s silly things .
Now she knows how lonely I am with out you Malc .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 26th 2019 10:05am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is poring down I’m not going to Penkridge
Flooding near there .
I’ll just go to Hednesford for food .
It’s depressing I doubt if I will see anyone today
I don’t think Ziggy will come either .
Hopefully tomorrow.
I shall have to tidy up I think soft paper work out
I’m writing early Malc again.
I’m not having Ellie any more .
Your son has caused this !!!!!
He is evil 👿
He has hurt me enough now .
It’s because he owes me money !!!
I won’t go into detail .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone

Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 25 th 2019 22:04pm
I’ve written once but lost what I’ve written
Bungalow completed but nearly didn’t
Christopher caused me to find a van to remove the furniture
Panick set in
But I managed to sort it
How can he treat me this way .
He will st his comeuppance.
I’m sure of that .
I’m so stressed today .
I’m done with him and his wife now !!
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 24th 2019 15:59 pm
Hello Malc what a stressful day
Christopher hasn’t picked up the keys for MuM’s bungalow
To remove the furniture he stored .
I’m bloody fuming Malc .
I’ve read the meters spoke to E.O.N
Spoke to the water board .
Rob my solicitor is ringing me Monday morning
Ziggy is doing our garden at the front nearly finished
I’m so stressed today Malc .
Not much more I can tell you today .
Only I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 23rd 2019 05:55am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again because it’s a fairly busy day
Today I have to have another inj Vit b 12
Then meet Chris Evans on the skelly to talk about planting a tree remembering you Malc .
Contract signed now Mum’s bungalow.
Hopefully I can move on now .
Bill to sort and tax Simon Stowe !!
Going to Kay’s today snout 2pm .
Scooter being sorted again still having trouble .
Lisa is going through a pre menopause
I’m running Muffin up the skelly this morning
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I miss you my darlin
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 22nd 2019 16:25 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been great .
Took Muffin up near your old works to. EH Smith
Ordered stones sand cement membrane
Also picked up the contract signed it and took it to Adrian
At John Shepherd s
Lisa then took me to Solicitor in Utoxitter
Contract given . Now waiting for phone call to
Exchange contracts .
Gave Lisa £10 for Jordd. Help him
Out .
Lisa has taken carpet cleaner and solution .
Brought me two jumpers and some pants from M&co .
I’m home now
Ziggy and his mate having dinner then home .
Tired today done a lot of running around .
I wish and prey you come home even my dream or
My bed .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 21st 2019 "6:21sm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again a busy day ahead and I don’t want to forget .
I m taking Muffin up the skelly then Ziggy is coming to revamp the front garden .
Skip coming today .
Be so slow but he does do a good job .
Vit B inj today .
Hope my health improves .
Geoff is taking Lisa to Liverpool today
I have to let Max out 12 ish
I think Geoff is lonely
If only they realised how lonely 😔 I am !!
Day after day I wake up not speaking to anyone , going to bed not speaking to anyone
I have to push myself onto friends or I wouldn’t see anyone .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 20 th 2019
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been too bad .
Ellie stayed over night and until 12noon
Ziggy came started on front garden .
He’s slow but thorough .
He had breakfast and dinner .
Geoff rang asking me to let out Max tomorrow
He’s taking Lisa to Liverpool !!
He says she is very down But I thought things were ok
I’m confused .
I wish They realised I’m struggling on my own
Family are so distant , I feel I’m treading on egg shells .
All the time .
Don’t they bloody realise how I’m struggling and lonely I am
Sorry to seem selfish as Lisa says .
Mum I realise now how it was with you too .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 19 th 2019 14:19 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been good really .
I took Muffin to Penkridge taking Sheila’s Birthday present .
Cardigan and picture of a cottage .
Stayed an hour .
On the way home Jade rang we met up in Tesco with our Great Grandchildren.
I brought Finley & Carter a hat and gloves .
Jade did thank me .
I love Jade she is honest bless her .
Ellie texted today she may be stopping tonight ????
I’m ready for her but she didn’t come last week .
Malc I wish you were here H my side .
I miss you so much.
Brexit vote today ???
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 18 th 2019 17:29
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a better day .
I took Muffin up the skelly twice today .
Checked Mums Bungalow .
Furniture still there .
Went to drs Anne the nurse giving me Vit B 12 injections for life now painful inj .
I popped in Hednesford Aldi & Tesco
Later Lisa rang took me to lunch .
I did have a word she agreed with me partly
She did say she loved me tho !!
We went to The Barley Mow .
Not impressed really .
It’s pouring down now .
Glad I’m in now .
I miss you Malc so much .
All confused regarding giving money to family !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 17 th 2019 17:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly
Bumped into a chap caring for trees .
I asked about buying a tree in memory of a loved ones.
He gave me a number of a chap called Chris Evans .
He is meeting me next Wednesday at 10am
Says Shouldn’t be a problem .
I was fed up again today so rang Carol Norrey she asked me up for. Cuppa
I stayed until 4 pm
Back home watching telly
Need Brexit !
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 16th 2019 17:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I Took Muffin up the skelly
I then called in Aldi and Tesco .
Later went to Carole Banks .
Stayed until 4pm.
Good job I did the fire service had. arrived at our home
They have put two new 10 year guarantee smoke alarms in and given me an extension lead .
Happy !
Doesn’t look like Im getting the tights back tho she sent back
For my Birthday.
I miss you Malc so much and my Tigger Butch and Mum and Dad .
I very much on my own now
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 15 th 2019 13:06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is Christopher’s Birthday 35 years .
I have sent him a card and a message but no money .
I don’t feel he needs money now he has his business .
He hasn’t paid the mortgage since April
He won’t be bothered and he hasn’t thanked me .
I have had my hair done today £31
Looks nice .
Going back out later Tesco to take leggings back too big .
Seeing no one today !!
It’s getting regular.
Ive got to accept being on my own .
Winter is round the corner ☹️
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. October 14 th 2019 12;:06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m writing early Malc
Our Carters 4 th Birthday. Today , I did ring this morning .
I took Muffin to shops to buy Jean Beardsmore it’s her. Birthday , I gave her make up and her card .
Then popped back to Aldi and Tesco .
Muffin eat his breakfast very happy .
Going to Dots 1pm lunch .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 13 th 2019 13:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today again a lonely Sunday !!!
I’ve been to Aldi to order a chip fryer
Caz is picking it up sometime , it’s too big for me to bring back .I've posted a Birthday card for Christopher but I doubt he will open it , no money this time .
It’s raining all day today ☔️☔️
No company unless Caz comes over .
Ellie didn’t come last night Chanel wouldn’t bring her .
Ellie asked if I could pick her up
I wish I could drive .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 12th 2019 06;28 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again going to Penkridge
Then I think Ellie is staying over night and staying for dinner
If they send her .
Lisa hasn’t been in touch !!
Caroline came over yesterday had a cuppa I enjoyed her company .
I’ve got to get more friends around me .
I dreamt about Mum & Dad last night .
I wish you would come into my dreams Malc .
I miss you so much .
The bungalow completion date 25th October
I can’t wait to get W out of my life !
Hope no more problems
Her solicitor is causing Agro !
I will sort him out when the bill comes to me I’m going to Tax him
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 11th 2019 13:13pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
What a bloody day first rain ☔️
It’s not stopping .
Took Muffin to the park then Aldi and Tesco
Had a phone call from Liz conveyance Solicitor .
W solicitor causing problems regarding forms w had to sign
This is her bloody solicitor it’s not even her writing .
Completion date 25th October hope it goes through
I’m speaking to Rob when the bills come in .
I will Tax W solicitor.
I’m sick of the Agro.!!!!!!!!
I’ve took on everything Malc and lost weight through it .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I wi write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 10 th 2019 11:56am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then to Hednesford
I’m meeting Kay from the Drs Surgery at 12:30
at. Bella’s . Lunch .
Nothing from Lisa !!!
I do love her but does she love 💓 me ?
I love Christopher but he doesn’t live me !!
They don’t realise how lonely I am
One day they will know how I feel ,
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Not much to tell you really .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny 💋

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 9th 2019 18:18 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today a bit upsetting .
Had words with Lisa I asked if she wanted lunch
and I would pay
She said no Mum zi want to go out with someone my own age .and called me selfish .
It hurt so I waked out of her house upset .
Oh Malc will I ever be at peace with my family ?
So lonely with out you .
I’ve been to Kays to vent my anger well upset .
Your Sheila rang crying and talking about Colin .
Oh Dear my fault again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 8th 2019 11:31sm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly
Nice morning but now rain again .
Lisa has got another job .
Caring !!
Will she stay at this job I wander .
Don’t think Christopher will like it .
No one is coming today but that nothing unusual .
Sheila rang today talking about her will
I really don’t know why she is asking me .
I miss you Malc more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. 7th October 2019 15:09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I couldn’t take Muffin up the skelly
Raining .
I took him to Hednesford Aldi and Tesco
Learned today Coop in Hednesfotd closing down
Sad !!
I later had a phone call from Dr Manikam wanted to look at my finger which he did so

Sent me to. Cannock hospital for an X-ray I’m my little finger on my left hand .
Which because of dogs next door shooting out the gate
Muffin pulled on the lead and took my finger with him .
Checking if broken .
Still really painful .
I had a good night last night with Carol Norrey at the Catholic
Dance .
Good music but I just sat and listened
Only saw a few people from years ago
I wish you had bed. There Malc
I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 6th 2019 12:35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then popped to shirleys
to give her photos from Sheila ,
She gave me a cuppa and we had a chat .
I popped to Tesco and Aldi .
Lisa has invited me to dinner today 2pm
Kay popped in got me some Hollyhock plants .
I owe her £3 .
Going to Catholic hall tonight with Carol Norrey .
Reunion dance .
Sheila just rang talking to her neighbours .
I think it was about her will she. Is probably taking me out .
I know Colin said They were surprising me
But Sheila listens to too many people
She hasn’t a mind of her own .
Oh well whatever !!!
I’m lucky she’s speaking to me really .
I miss you my darlin more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 5th 2019 07;16am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again.
Going to Penkridge this morning
Only an hour then calling in Lisa ,s to let Max out .
Then I think Trevor will come over to fix a bracket up for my hanging basket .
Looking forward to the reunion dance tomorrow night .
Hope lots of people are there who I knew .
Lisa & Geoff are off to see Louise his Daughter.
Back tonight .
I feel happier now I’ve seen the Dr Swarmy
He’s lovely , he said I don’t look my age
Offered me a job .
I did laugh 😂.
Now got to go on VitB 12 inj for life .
Also diabetic inj for life .
I will be a skinny thing
You liked skinny woman didn’t you Malc? Xx
I do miss you Malc so much darlin x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October. 4 th 2019 07:54am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again not doing much today .
It’s raining ☔️ again
I will take Muffin up the skelly if it bates .
Pop to Aldi & Tesco
How exciting Malc .
Won’t see anyone today .
I think Lisa is working .
I really need to get the house sorted
I’ve such a lot of stuff too much .
I might ask Caz to come over for a cuppa .
Sheila has rang this morning.
Full of wo .
Lisa has applied for another job
Hope she gets it .
Her colleges aren’t happy with how Christopher is running the business.
I don’t want him to have health problems but he needs to learn
Respect .
Roger is speaking for me now .
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 3rd 2019 15:36 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford .
Later Jayne my friend took me to The chetwynd upper Longdon
A little too expensive they have put their prices up .
This will turn people off .
We will have to think a different pub.
Dog friendly .
Jayne has not long gone .
It’s gone very dark now rain coming in .
Not looking forward to that .
I miss you my darlin so much.
Geoff has rang Max has fleas very bad
Told him to go to pets at home .
To buy a spray .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 2nd. 2019 06:57 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Again I’m writing early Malc
I don’t want to miss writing .
Today is a better day weather wise .
Carole Banks is coming today for lunch
Hope she cheers up
I know she has Heath problems
But she does drag me down .
I will take Muffin up the skelly this morning
Then pop to Tesco and Aldi .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I’ve just got to try and move on .
I’ve took Mums keys to the bungalow. To the estate agents
Ido Christopher can get them from there instead immigration coming to me
I have blocked him and his do called wife
I’m done
I know he owes me money but he has me over a barr
I wi write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 1st 2019 06:46
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again because lots going on today
Blood test 9:15 am Muffins groom
10am , meeting Karen 12:30 lunch at Bella’s
My Birthday treat .
I had a lovely surprise last night Lisa Geoff Jade and both of our Great Grandchildren were at The Chase Gate. Surprise
Also a cake lit with candles .
Made my day .
Christopher told Lisa as far as he is concerned I am dead !no Birthday card from him or her .
I’m hurt but I will have to move on .
I can’t believe this hate from him is because it was over the kids .
I have to accept our Son does not love me .
Chanel has played a big part in this .
If only he could see it .
I miss your support Malc and love .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 30 th 2019 07;23am
Hello Malc my darlin and Yigger My Baby Boy
Today is my 68 th Birthday 🎂 .
No card from our Son did I expect one NO
She a selfish Daughter in Law usually sends one
Too much animosity!!!
Karma will rear its head in the future I think
Hopefully I will have s good Birthday
Some friends have forgotten .
Unless I get a belated one .
Hopefully my friend who is taking me out for. A drink will cheer me up .
Also a meal with Lisa this evening will too .
Busy day today and tomorrow Malc .
I’ve just got to forget the past and move on .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write early tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday September 29 th 2019 06:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today it’s pouring down yet again .
But I’ve got to stop thinking negative .
It’s just that I’ve had such a lot on my mind
What with Christopher and W up the road
Not seeing the Grand kids any of them .
You not being here Mum not here .
Lisa working not seeing her much .
Only my friends see me now and again .
Autumn now where has the year gone ?
Bring back summer .
I need a boost Malc
This Mortgage is hanging over me Christopher isn’t paying he has £15, 000 of mine and has never paid back that £58,000
+ interest.
He’s turned out to be a very bitter un loving man
Chanel is the same. .
Carolyne is coming over today to help me with that living room rug .
I might just tidy up again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 28th 2019 15:27pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been. Bit lonely .
Heard from no one .
Lisa is working and is off y and my Birthday. Monday
My friend is taking me out for a drink lunch time
Hopefully Lisa will take me for an evening meal .
Looking forward to my Birthday now my Cancer Bowles result is ok I was worried.
I’ve not been to Penkridge today but haven’t missed it .
The weather is vile .
I’m waiting for Carol Norrey to ring me and hopefully tell me we are going to a school
8pm onwards .
Not sure if she can because of Olivier .
Selfish Kieran her son .
I’ve been. Riding Muffin around most of the day
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 27th 2019 15:15pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today weather is horrendous.
Been to Stafford with Muffin today to pick up a dress from M&S
Muffin wasn’t aloud boy when the security tried to take him out side he wouldn’t move 😂until I returned
I did laugh but it showed how much he loves me
I’m his Mummy .
I love him to bits .
He loves Me .
I was so proud of him
Both ladies loved him and. Laughed .
I caught the next bus back to Cannock .
No. Done !
Guess who was on the bus. W
She days I can’t go out on my own
Liar !!!
I have popped to Hednesford but weather too bad .
Steamed the bathroom now watching
Garden rescue .
Muffin is on my lap .
Stool test result back all ok xx
It’s cheered me up .
I miss you my darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 26 th 2019 07:29pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again because I don’t want to forget .
I’ve got to have a diabetic eye test , those horrible eye drops
I know I’ve got cataracts so no change there .
Trying to occupy my mind. Yet again still hoping for a good result .
I took Lisa to Penkridge to show her that lovely plot
She said is was Beautiful. I just need you to tell me if your happy with this .
Only I can’t see Lisa keeping yours or mine aches
I’m crying 😢 as I write to you .
Oh Malc help me out her I’m Rick bottom
I need a boost .
HELP !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 25 th 2019 07:51pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again.
Not sure what I’m doing today .
Weather bad again. Raining again .
It’s so depressing Malc .
Hoping good results can’t relax until I hear good news .
Lisa is off today except she has a team meeting .
I’ve asked her to spare 20 mins so I can show her the plot in Penkridge for you and I to be placed .
Hoping it will be a long time for me to go .
It’s going to cost a lot of money but I will find out .
Muffin didn’t eat much yesterday , hope he makes up for it today .
My life is on hold today !
You know me Malc I’m a born worrier .
Wish I could have s boost a big jump up in the air boost
I can’t tell you how much I miss you Malc and how my life has become. So lonely .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 24th 2019 07:48
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again.
Don’t know what sort of day I will have
Pouring down so depressing.
I hate the rain and it on all week .
I’m supposed to be going to Carole Banks today
I wander if Kev will pick me up ?
Got a bargain last night brought. Wooden Giraffs two large and small ones
But I’m selling my Giraffe to Ika for £15 .
So really only paid £20 when Ika pays me £15
For the one I brought Mum .
She loved it .
I miss you Mum !!!
Shall I hear from Lisa today ?
Will I get a Birthday card from Christopher on 30th September?
I wish I could be happy Malc.
I need company so badly .
I miss you so much Malc.
I need you !
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. September 23rd 2019 15:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin to Lichfield to take a dress back to DO got a refund .
Later went to Jean Bearsmore’s .
Had dinner and pud !!
A good chat .
Now back home with Muffin
My bowel is upset feeling stranger
I am worried.
Trevor is taking me to a house tonight for wooden Giraffes.
Then Jason is sorting my tv .
No letter today from nhs stool test
Hope the longer it doesn’t come the better the news
Crossing fingers 🤞🤞
I have spoken to Your Sheila today
Regarding you and I going in a plot in Penkridge
Near Colin in a beautiful spot
Hope you have seen it already
Let me know if you disagree.? C
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday September 22nd. 2019
Hello Malc my darlin and. Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again I’m in bed still watching darlin buds of May .
Wishing this was the life I was leading with you and all my family .
My life had changed so much Malc .
I try to keep company so I’m not lonely .
But all my friends except. Dot. are married and have there lives to lead .
I need company Malc if it’s only and hour or two a day m
I’m still worried about this result but my. Poo is looking better
Crossing fingers .
Deep down I feel it might be ok .
But you know me always think the worst.
It’s pouring down today all week by all accounts m
Malc if only you were here .
I miss your hugs and love .
Lisa is still in Manchester with Geoff and friends
Sunday on my own with Muffin .
I keep pushing myself on friends but I would have no one if I didn’t .
I’m going to Jean Beardsmore’s for lunch tomorrow
Carole Banks Tuesday .
My Birthday is soon as you know .
Hope it’s a happy one .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September. 21st 2019 25:38 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today took Muffin to Penkridge actually it was quite pleasant
Sheila took me to the church then to see where Colin was
In the church yard
What a Beautiful place .
I think I would be happy there with you Malc .
But not for many years yet .
Muffin is a bit off today I think he is tired from BlAckpool
I must admit it was a long tiring day .
He’s not eat either .
Sleepy mainly .
Just cooking a stew for dinner and a chicken
For tomorrow.
I have been quite weepy today thinking about you
Sheila brought me a plant and gave me £10 to buy myself something for my Birthday next week .
I don’t think I will be going anywhere.
Lisa will be working and I doubt if I will get a card from Chanel
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 20th 2019 15:06 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’ve braved it gone to Blackpool with Muffin
Bus from Cannock train from Stafford to crew
Crew to Preston
Preston to Blackpool.
Had a couple of hours nothing has really changed
The front is good but Back streets very bad
I’m waiting now on Preston for the crew train
Then change at crew to Stafford .
Not sure times of buses home but scooter is at coop funeral place
I have partly enjoyed the journey but it’s such s bind changing
Platforms and trains .
Just needed to occupy my mind because of stool test
I miss you Malc and wished you here with me today
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 19 th 2019 07:16am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again don’t know what’s happening today.
I will take Muffin up the skelly as usual .
Not sure if Lisa is off or if she will take me somewhere
I need company at the moment .
My stool is normal today hope it continues.
I’m on tender hooks waiting for result of test .
Praying it comes back negative.
The house is a mess Malc I can’t get in the loft to put stuff away .
I have no help .
I hate my loneliness Malc
I wish my family were closer to me
I feel trapped .
No family love 💕
I’m in panick mood at the moment.
Half of my brain saying you will ok
The other half saying something is wrong .
I’ve got to be positive Malc
I need to look after this little boy of mine Muffin
I need to get things right in my head
I have had so much Verble abuse from Christopher I’m loved
Sometimes Lisa has said hurtful things
Like I couldn’t stay with you more than 2 hours
It hurts
I don’t go to Lisa’s house because Max goes for Muffin
I feel so cut off from my family .
I’m so depressed Malc lonely and worried
I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 18 th 2019. 7:35 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I have just done the 3 rd poo test to send off
I’m terrified Malc .
I feel deep down I have bowel Cancer
I have had mushy poo for three days now and discomfort
Bowel area .
Can’t stop thinking about it loosing weight people are noticing
It .
Who can I turn too ?
I have no one to talk to.
I want to cry all day but this will make me feel worse
I should have sent this test off months ago
Hope it comes back negative.
I will jump for joy if it does then get on with my life .
Help me Malc I’m so worried.
I can’t talk to my family .
I’m seeing no one today and frightened of being on my own
I’m frightened of the result coming back Cancer
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 17 th 2019 17:45 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin up the skelly then home for breakfast
Later Jean Beardsmore came for lunch. She stayed until
3:30 pm then I went to Cannock to get some apples
Dot was coming tomorrow for lunch but her boiler
Broke down waiting in for engineer
I’m worried today last day tomorrow to do poo test sending off and crossing fingers nothing sinister.
You know me Malc always think the worst .
Help me through this Malc
I’m so lonely Malc with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 16 th 2019 7:59am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m off to Trentham gardens to get a refund for chesterfield suite.
I’m doing this because one I can’t sell my sofas
Also I’m worried about my health losing such a lot of weight
Malc , I’ve started the poop test today .
I’m really worried it might be Cancer .
Please help me through this Malc .
I have Muffin to look after .
I have no one to support me .
Family all too busy .
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday September 15 th 2019. 07,45am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again
It’s the garden party today
Hope it goes well .
Ive got to try and put this weight loss the back of my mind
I scared Malc !!
Hope the sun comes out today music is ok for everyone
Malc I miss you so much but please don’t call me just yet
I want to enjoy Mums money and try and go places
Not stuck at home dying of Cancer !!
Hope it is stress and the tablets .
I don’t have you Malc to reassure me.
I dare not tell Lisa how I feel .
Christopher wouldn’t care anyway .
I must enjoy today .
I must think positive.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 14th 2019 11:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc again
neighbours coming to put up Gazebo .
Cooking chicken drum sticks at mo for tomorrow
In a bit of discomfort bowel area list more weight
I’m panicking inside Malc.
I wish you were here with me. Malc
I shouted your name again over the skelly when I took Muffin .
Please help me Malc I’m frightened.
I will write to you after the garden party tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 13th 2019 15:17pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today so quickly took Muffin up the skelly
Then Lisa came at 10 am took me to Lichfield
I brought her a coat for Christmas.
We had a little walk round had. Cuppa then home .
I’m searching for a couple of collapsible tea cake stands
Last place Hednesford .
Going on a minute.
Just had a cuppa .
Saw a friend of mine Chris who said you’ve lost some weight
That’s worried me again .
I’ve got to put it the back of my mind
Then send off stool test next week and cross fingers
I miss you my darlin so much
I scared Malc !!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 12th 2019 17;17pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’ve tried to keep my mind busy as I’m worried about this in explained weight loss .
Is it stress or what I’ve always dreaded. Malc .
You know me I always think the worst !!
I’m having this garden party Sunday. Then sending off a pip test .
I feel a bit. Uncomfortable on the left side lower abdomen
But this might be in my mind .
My head is all over the place .
No one has been in touch today
Family .
I took Muffin to Lichfield today via Rugeley
Just a bus ride I do enjoy the trip .
Caroline has been over to take some stuff to put in her freezer
For the party .
Malc I can’t tell you how much I need you right now
I hope we are not repeating history
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 11th 2019 09:23am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m sitting in Cch Waiting for Diabetic appt.
I’m a litte worried 😟Malc incase the tabsrant causing my wright loss .
I’m know in a few mins .
Crossing fingers!!
I ave no support now from my family
They are all too busy .
Help me through this Malc please I’m scared .
I’m seeing no one today all busy,
Not much again to tell you really only just seen Estate Agent Mums Bungalow now with solicitors.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 10 th 2019 11:58 am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc Carole is coming in a mint
I’ve took Muffin up the skelly
Been to Hednesford shops
Brought a few things for garden party Sunday
A bit lonely over the next few days .
Everyone is busy .
Not much to tell you today .
Only I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 9th 2019 17;06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today very lonely until Caz and Beth and Trev came over
Trev put new curtains up for me .
Waiting for carpet now coming Wednesday or Thursday
Not selling my dogs now .
Got to go to Trentham to cancel chesterfield
Waiting for lady to come to Mums to pick up a glass table
Hope she turns up .
Then going to Tesco to hopefully pick up
Lamb kebabs .
I’m still worried about my self
Funny feeling in my bowel area .
I look so old Malc
My son has done this he is so cruel
Bullying and foul language.
I miss you darlin so much .
I will write to u again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday. September 7th 2019 20:01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been good .
I took Muffin up the skelly
Then later Trev and Caz my neighbours
Came over and cleared all my shed out
Trev slide the last of the decking
I paid him £50.
Well worth it .
They worked all day then we sat in the Garden
With a larger .
I later took Muffin to the park after dinner
popped in Carol Norrey ‘s
Had a cuppa and chat .
Sheila rang me we had quite a deep chat .
Successful day today .
Even though I miss you Malc .
I messaged Christopher today asking him to pay me back all the money he owes and then cut ties .
When I die and hope many years more
I know he won’t come to my funeral
But karma will come back on him .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 7th 2019 19:05pm
He’ll Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been really good .
Lisa picked me up and we me and Muffin went to Trentham gardens .
I brought a chesterfield suite sofa and two chairs plus a table
We had a good day .
Only one thing spoiling this the great loss of weight
Hope I’ve not got C .
I’m terrified Malc please help me
I have this little boy my Muffin to look after
Please let it be worry anf the tablets I’m taking
I’ve been spending such a lot of money
I’ve got to draw my horns on now
I think I’ve done it because of stress .
I miss you so much Malc I really do .
Trev the neighbour is coming over tomorrow to deck the shed
Caroline is helping xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 6th. 2019 18:00pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today another day on my own with Muffin .
No one has rang or texted.
I could be dead no one would know .
I feel a bit worried Malc I know I’m losing weight through theses diabetic tabs but it’s dropping off me and people are noticing , me too in my face .
Even Geoff commented yesterday when he brought me some flowers for our Wedding Anniversary.
He is so caring .
I think I’m in for a lot more lonely days to come .
Oh Malc gone wrong ??????
I’m so lonely 😭.
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 5th 2019 12:47 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Happy 49th Wedding Anniversary Malc
Going out with Jayne today for a meal
Chetwynd arms upper Longdon
Still have upset stomach cramps .
Wish you were here Malc by my side
Celebrating our Anniversary.
The years keep
Moving on but my heart still aches for you.
I feel so down today have done for a few days .
I’m dying to keep going MLc it my life is so lonely
I have great friends but it’s my family I want .
I will write you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 4th 2019 12:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and. Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t started off very well rain Friday so cancelled garden party .kay rang she and Jason going out it’s her Birthday .
I’m trying for next Friday but now Lisa isn’t coming
Not Geoff and sisters .
Been sick this morning Malc upset stomach
Also my friend isn’t coming any more .??
It’s all gone pear shaped .
Oh Malc what’s going wrong ????
I feel so low inside and. Outside
I’m sorry I can’t tell you any more
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
miss you so much .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 3rd 2019 07:13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc
Taking Muffin up the skelly then later going to Carole Banks
Lisa is back yesterday at 2;30 pm
Couldn’t she just pop up and see me !
I’m beginning to think none of my children really care
The garden party is on Friday but Lisa has already put a spanner in the works .
Saying Geoff’s stisters won’t come if it rains
She and Geoff are going out later that night
This has been planned along time .
I have friends they stand by me
I could cry really
Christopher has ruined my life .
I’m so un happy Malc 😞😞
I need a busied
Life is so hard ,I have Muffin hope for a very long time
Give me the strength to face these bad times
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 2nd 2019. 16:42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today another busy day .
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Later Hednesford brought a new mat for outside back
Thought my water feature had broken
Stupid me has to fill it 😂
Caroline and Trevor coming over to put my clock up in the back garden done .
Just been .
Rain Friday please bring a dry sunshiny day .
I love you and miss you Malc
No word from family today !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday September 1st 2019 53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been lovely .
I took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco
Came home had dinner then Carol Norrey said Cliff would pick me up and watched her make cakes for the garden party
Friday .
I stayed 4 hours she gave me a home cooked pasty
a cake we had made .
A lovely day I felt really relaxed after having a shit morning with Christopher ‘s filthy language
It’s certainly change my mind now what My future
Is towards him
Karma !!!
I’m done now with him
I will speak to Rob after the bungalow is completed
My heart is broken Malc . I realise my son absolutelyhates me
Malc help me please
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 31st 2019 16;55pm
Hello Malc My darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has t been to bad
Took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge to see Sheila
But only stayed an hour .
Came back home for lunch .
Later popped to Hednesford. Aldi and Tesco .
Weather is not good but hope it picks up .
All our family are in Black pool wish I was with them
Lonely weekend again .
The neighbours are back tonight but won’t see them until tomorrow.
Missing you more than ever Malc need you at the moment
I’m trying to think positive but it’s so hard .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog y NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 30th 2019
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been good I had my hair done by Debbie
Muffin came with me
She has a very noisy sprock Dog
I later went to Cannock but popped a card and flowers to Jean
I ended up staying for lunch 🥗 and Muffin day new food
She is a good friend .
I needed company today .
I hope this message goes through today it didn’t yesterday
I miss you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 28th 2019 20:30
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit better .
Took Muffin up the skelly then home breakfast and Cannock
Took paper work in spec savers .
Might have to pay more money out .
Dropped my phone on the pavement smashed the back think it’s going to cost £100 .
Things aren’t going well at the moment .
Hope they improve.
Carole Banks came for lunch today stayed quite a while
They love our new back garden.
Changed plans for garden party now the 6th September
Dot can’t come , Paula can’t come not really bothered .
Kay isn’t coming going to her friends Birthday party
Weather iLooks better for the 6th .
Well I’m closing now write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 27th 2019 17:00pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very mixed up .
My plans went out of the window .
I took Muffin up the skelly
Popped to Aldi and Tesco .
I was just about to go to Jeans for lunch the
Chanel texted can I have the kids for the day
I had to take them to Jeans they had a McDonald’s
Then she dropped them off st Jeans
They’ve had sweets ice lolly ‘s
She is just about to pick them up
I miss you Malc so much
I wish I could have talked more with Jean
But never mind .
It was nice seeing the kids .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 26th 2019 13;14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today another lonely day I guess nothing from Lisa or Christopher.
I’ve took Muffin the skelly this Morning
Then popped to Tesco saw Ika upset some
X of her sons arguing .
She is due to drop my T rolls off so might see her
The weather is hot again
Muffin not eating properly .
Kay is watching him tonight while I go out with Carol Norrey and her Brother to Lichfield cathedral.
Space and light night .
What’s happened to my family?xx
I miss you Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 25th 2019 13:59pm
Hello Malc today another lonely day apart from seeing shop assistants no one
Lisa has just text me she went to a bbq and saw Paul Walsgrove who you went to school with and Dawn his wife who was in my class at school.
If only we could turn that clock back .
I miss you terribly Malc it’s getting worse .
The loneliness is awful .
Carol Norrey might be taking me to Lichfield .
Cathedral to see lights it was on the television
8:45 -I guess 9:45. .
Tomorrow night .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 24th 2019 18;05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has bed. The loneliest day ever .
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Later carried on to Cannock went to Penkridge to Sheila
But I only stayed an hour it was a bit depressing
I rode round Cannock with Muffin then came home
I did message Lisa if she would spare an hour with me in our back garden but after answering an hour later she was at a Bq .
I’ve sat in the back garden playing music from my phone through the Bose speaker .
Now as usual watching television and eating a curry m
It’s been a long day and same tomorrow.
I miss you Malc more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 23rd 2019 16:55pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today not so good took Muffin to the groomers
Popped in Asda and round Cannock
The picked him up he looks lovely.
Kay. Came for a coffee stayed an hour
Then I went a ride round so lonely Malc
At the moment I feel very low needing company so badly.
My friends where are they ?
My family where are they .
Television 📺 and my Muffin .
Louise. Isn’t answering my calls .
She went for a Pip assessment yesterday
I guess it didn’t go well .
Help me get through this Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 22nd 2019. 18:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today started off quiet ,
I took Muffin up the skelly then got back had breakfast
Then rang the vets I had an appointment for 9:10am
The vet said Muffin still has kennel cough and his temp was normal .
He gave him a thorough examination heart 💓 very good
He said he has a raw inside so gave antibiotics Ramiro for his stomach .
Two injections
I’m to give him a tablet with food an antibiotic
It’s goi g to be hard .
Hope he gets better soon I’m really worried
He stopped the cough medicine and the anti inflammatory
That was a waste of money .
The scans on his body are nothing to worry about he said
I later rang Carol Norrey and she asked me to come up after 2pm
Bless her she is suffering from epilepsy mind but can’t drive for a year .
Her son is a selfish in caring. G .
He doesn’t seem to care about Carol only using her she has other health problems too .
I’ve told her to try PIP .
Malc I’m on my own again. Nothing from Christopher nor her
No text today from Lisa .
She’s working .
I can’t stand my own company Malc .
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 21st 2019. 16:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today a bit boring .
I took Muffin up the skelly then later Cannock
To take head phones back to Argos .
Then popped in to DP to buy a dress and a couple of tops it’s closing down so sad 😞
I will miss it .
Lyndsey from Boots damasked me if I had lost weight
I just hope it’s the diabetic tablets that’s doing it and not anything sinister .
I think W has gone to Blackpool again no car and windows were shut .
Lisa has been today an hour she spared me
Always doing something always in a rush
No much time for me but Christopher never comes rings or phones .
Jade is coming with Adam and his friend to pick up garden furniture .
My new furniture is coming tomorrow
Hope they do turn up .
I miss you Malc so much such long lonely days .
Lonely nights with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby morning NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 20 th 2019 13:33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Home today from Poole can’t wait to get back into our bed
I only wish you. We’re home to give me a great big hug and kiss .
I miss you my darlin so much
My words can’t express how much .
I am nearly in Birmingham now then the train to Hednesford
Anne is so kind but the flat is awful cluttered and not very clean
The bed was hard didn’t have much sleep but managed
I’ve only got off at Birmingham international instead of Birmingham new st
Still train was delayed so sti caught the right train straight through to Hednesfotd .
Geoff wasn’t happy but ok now he’s getting g me s loaf and milk .
Bless him .
Wish you were at home Malc xxx
I miss you so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 19th 2019 15:36pm
Hello my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a good last day with Anne
I took Muffin a walk this morning then Anne and I went a lovely ride out. nearly in Dorchester to a garden centre
Actually Two garden centres and had. a lovely
Lunch and sitting by a lovely pool .
We had a lovely day .
Muffin still not eating. He is still poorly a runny nose and a little bit of a hacking cough .
I wish he was better Malc I am worried about him
Back home tomorrow hope all trains are running
I can’t say I’ve really. Enjoyed this week
Weather started off bad , but has got better mi have wished you here all week Malc thank you for coming into my dream
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
When I’m home .
Keep us safe Malc. Xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 17th 2019 18:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a better day .
Took Muffin his morning walk then had breakfast
Made by. Anne .
Later we went to Christchurch to pay for a rattan garden set
£800 al but £5 .
Jade is having my old one .
Had a lovely meal with Anne and Viv at our old stomping ground .
The seven Stars Malc remember the big meal
Mixed grill xx
I do miss you Malc wish you were with me .
Going round Louise’s 7;30 pm
After Tipping point .
Going out for the day tomorrow last day here thank goodness
I have part enjoyed it. It will be glad to get home
Hope journey is smooth .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you and miss you so much xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 17 th 2019 17:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been too bad .
I took Muffin a walk round on the mobility scooter
Then later had a shower .
Anne is working all day until 7 pm tonight .
Viv is sleeping most of the day 😛.
Boring !!!!!!
Later Louise took me to a couple of boring shops then we had a meal 🥘 at our favourite restaurant fish and chips .
She dropped me off Viv was yet again asleep
I decided to take Muffin on the bus up to the harbour
Looked around .
Lovely to hear the seagulls
But how disappointing my favourite gift shop closed down
Pavers had nothing in the sale .
So I got on the bus got off at the shah of Persia
Sitting now having a larger , Muffin asleep .
I’d better go back to the flat .
Watch boring television watching Viv sleeping again .
Never mind off to Christchurch tomorrow to pay for my garden furniture .
I miss you Malc I was asking you to walk round with me at the harbour like we used to .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August. 15 th 2019 14:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today rain again .
Anne has took me to a garden centre
I’ve brought a grey garden set delivering when I get back
Boring now watching Viv watching boring television
Anne filling in claim form .
Pouring down out side .
No where to go now today .
Muffin keeps wrenching not eating very well Malc
Going out with Louise tomorrow
Bet she says she’s skint .
Not really looking forward to it really
She always pleads poverty
But her home is Beautifull .
She’s spending all the time .
Malc I wish you were here with me
We could have gone to the harbour .
Had a drink and a walk .
Fish and chips together
I miss that so much Malc 😌
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 15 th 2019 11:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today seems a little better weather hot
Took Muffin a walk round the streets on mobility scooter
Been to Poole centre to get a printer for her .
Back in the flat now she said shLl we have chicken and salad again . No way it was awful yesterday.
We are going to a garden centre in the next hour after so called lunch .
See how the day pans out .
Muffin hasn’t eat today yet !!
Hope he does soon .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog y NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 24 th 2019 09;11am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is miserable rain sitting here with boring bbc1 morning
With boring idle Viv while Anne empties the car from their holiday .
Now ate
Attempting to get up and across the tip of a living room .
I wish you were here with me Malc you brightened our holiday up .
I got stuck in the train toilets yesterday about 5 mins to Poole
Eventually was helped .
You know I’m Terrified of closed in places .
Anne is having a row with Viv !!
I’m writing early because I don’t know what is happening
today .
I’ll try every day to write .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 13th 2019 21:00
Hello Malc darlin and Tigger my baby boy
What an eventful day Malc .
Started off very well travelled on the first train from
Birmingham has help on the train journey smooth
Train .
Second train from Basingstoke Muffin and I got stuck in the electric loo .5 mins before Poole , I thought I was going to carry on to Euston . Phew !!!
They train manager had to unscrew the door a medle with the electric wires .
Was I glad We got out .
Anne and Viv are still on their way home.
On the ferry .
Place is very bad no room not clean
But lovely Anne is .
I wish you were here wit me and Muffin .
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

August 12th 2019 17:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy myoday has been very busy Malc
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Then came back for breakfast
Later Ziggy came to paint the fence at the front and
Put a mirror it up in the back garden .
All ready now for a garden party September
Hope weather improves over the next few days
I miss you so much Malc .
I wish you were coming to Poole with me on the train with Muffin too.
It’s lonely with out you .
Holidays are not the same now Malc .
Remember the caravan at Rockley park
That was lovely , you loved it didn’t you ?

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

August 12th 2019 17:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy myoday has been very busy Malc
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Then came back for breakfast
Later Ziggy came to paint the fence at the front and
Put a mirror it up in the back garden .
All ready now for a garden party September
Hope weather improves over the next few days
I miss you so much Malc .
I wish you were coming to Poole with me on the train with Muffin too.
It’s lonely with out you .
Holidays are not the same now Malc .
Remember the caravan at Rockley park
That was lovely , you loved it didn’t you ?
I may not be able to write to you again tomorrow
I try .
I miss you Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 11th 2019 17:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very good
Seem none of my family or heard from them
Just a text that’s all I need Malc .
This morning I took Muffin up the skelly
Then later Caroline and Trev came over to put the
Fountains up and clouted lights
Gaz Paula’s partner came to look at my iPhone
Now brought a charger you just place phone on top
Had a lovely meal with Elaine my friend and her friend Dean
Stayed 4 hours .
Lovely afternoon .
Back home now with Muffin .
Talked about you today as I always do
Miss you more than ever Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 10 th August 20:19 14;59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today yet another lonely day and the weather hasn’t helped
Ellie should have come but they decided to go for a meal
Been sorting case clothes what to take
Been to The festival at Hednesford but rain spoilt it really
All strangers in Hednesford is it my age ?
I even asked Kay to pop up but she was comfy at home
Watching films .
Lisa is at work .
I won’t see her now for a while .
She was off yesterday but didn’t visit me !!
Where is my family , I just cry every day
Curry on my own tonight !!’
Oh Malc I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 9th 2019 28:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very lonely .
I took Muffin up the skelly.
Then later popped to Cannock just for a ride round
Malc I hate my own company .
I miss you so much your voice your words your love
Anne has rang today they are stuck in Jersey until Tuesday .
Louise will be meeting me and giving me a key .
I need company Malc .
I’ve spoken to Kay and Jean Beardsmore
She had invited me for Sunday dinner but Elaine asked me in the week .
Lisa is at work not heard from her
Sheila has rang but as usual I had to ring her back
She has more support than me .
Such good neighbours .
Don’t know what I’m doing in the morning
Ellie should be coming at 12 noon
We were going to the festival at Hednesford
But rain might cancel.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee & Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday. August. 8th 2019 17.04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today. Not such a good day .
Took Muffin up the skelly this morning then popped to Aldi and Tesco’s .
Had a very boring day again .
I popped to Cannock Asda to buy some porridge
Then on the way back called in Lisa’s
She never makes me feel wanted .
Moaning about something about me all the time .
Picking and most of the time talking about work .
She’s even said Geoffs sisters won’t stop long and Ivhavent even had the garden party yet .
Don’t think this is going to turn out a good night .
I have my friends and neighbours
Lisa and Geoff are going for a meal 🥘 tonight
I used to be asked !!!!
I’ve sent an invitation to Christopher but I don’t think they will come .
I’m hurt really Malc my family don’t want me
I have to turn to my friends now .
I’m hurt Malc ☺️
I miss you darlin. So much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 7th 2019 16:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today so far very lonely as no one has been near
I can’t stand my own company Malc
You know I need people around me
You said that before I lost you .
I miss you Malc more than you will ever know
My family don’t really understand how I feel inside
Christopher is too busy and hates me .
I saw Donna our old neighbour today taken her number
She will pop up one day
She is cousin to Caroline across the road .
My friend is taking me out tonight 7pm
Only a friend no more .
My heart aches for you Malc .
Sheila now knows what it feels like .
Weather is very windy. Rain coming in .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 6th 2019 15:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m feeling very weepy .
I’m so lonely Malc I need company so much .
I hate my own company .
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Saw no one then later to Aldi and Tesco .
How exciting eh Malc .
I’m getting ready to pack not long now .
Perhaps a change of scenery will help .
Geoff is going to drop me off the station .
Lisa was a little funny she said get a taxi Mum ?
I said Geoff is a taxi driver .
I’m yet to understand my children 👶
Geoff is so understanding helps everyone .
My God Malc what do so have to do to please my children
I can’t remember the last time I was asked for Sunday dinner
I miss you Malc so much xx
I hurt inside .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 5th 2019 19:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy today has been busy. I took Muffin to Cannock checked a ring I had brought was gold , yes it is .
Then DP to take a dress back
Later Lisa came with Jade and the kids had lunch
They stayed 2 hours !!
Better than nothing .
After John mobility chap came. Siting my scooter swapped seats temp .
Now my friend is coming just for an hour .
Wish I could go out for a drink though .
Sheila has rang !!!
I miss you Malc more than ever
No one knows how I still feel .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 4th 2019 12:26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I-took Muffin up the skelly.
Later popped to Cannock to buy paint for my new
Gorgeous divider in the garden .
It’s smashin Malc
Geoff came to see it he thinks it’s great .
Ziggy is here now painting the fence and that panel
He’s done the front .
I’m cooking a dinner for him he can eat it outside
Lisa is at work !!
Will I see her this week ?
I wish you could share the garden with me Malc
I’m aching for you .😢
I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 3rd 2019. 28:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin Tigger my Baby Boy
Today has Been very satisfying.
I took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge
Sheila was a little better towards me today
She even rang me back after I left .
She is going to face many lonely days and nights
When I got back home Trev and Caz were placing the diamond devider to separate the two gardens
It’s great Malc hope you can see it
I’m keeping it nice just for you .
It’s got to be painted on one side.
rain started again.
I might get Ziggy to paint it. And pressure wash the front
Why Trev and Caz are away .
Then gardens are complete.
I miss you Malc so much.
I ache for you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee And Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 2nd 2019 18:13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very good .
This morning I tookMuffin up the skelly
Then Aldi for a chicken need to get greens
Later Jayne came to pick Muffin and I up for lunch at Tge chetwynd Arms Upper Longdon .
Lovely meal 🥘.
She came back for a coffee.
Then Trev measured the frame now making a triangle
Looks good , he’s putting lights on .
Hoping it won’t rain he might finish it tonight .
I can’t wait .
I was fuming this morning as I received a letter from the solicitor asking where the conveyance forms were
W had spoken to her solicitor bloody stupid now her solicitor is holding things back for the couple who are buying the bungalow .
I had taken them in two weeks ago .
Spoke to W she said Adrian didn’t take them in until Tuesday
I’m going to Cannock tomorrow to have a word
Caroline is coming over later for a coffee .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
Nothing from Christopher today , Lisa is at work don’t know when will I see her again I wander
LOVE YOU MUM ?????????????
I do wander ? ?????????
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 1st 2019 07:22am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy
I’m writing early Malc , Ellie is here she stayed over night
She is sleeping over Saturday too .
She told me On August 31st they are going to Blackpool meeting up with Lisa and Geoff .
I really would love to go but Christopher isn’t speaking to me
I’m so hurt
I feel my family have deserted me .
The days I spend on my own It hurts .
Jade promised she will come to see me with our great Grandchildren Finley and Carter .
Will she ?
What am I doing wrong Malc ?
Sheila’s not bothering with me now Colin has died
I feel she was using me .
She’s trying to say it was company !!!!!
I’m so hurt .
How can I change this Malc .
I keep spending money because I’m stressed
Please Malc help me change things .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I miss you so much .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 31st 2019
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is ok Took Muffin to Cannock after Hednesford
Brought address from DP but they are closing down
But they left the security tag on got to take it back
When Ellie has gone back .
Jean & Jeff came for lunch and Ellie is staying over night .
She is staying Saturday night too .
She tells me They are going to Blackpool with Lisa and Geoff
31st August . I would love to go with them .
But I won’t be asked .
I’m so hurt .
Sheila hasn’t rang again mmmm
I think Marg and Roger have said something to her .
Again I’m so hurt .
What am I doing wrong Malc help me please
I miss you so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 30th 2019 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit up and down .
The wood came for the frame with circle which Trevor is making next week .
The loft chaps came to board the loft but we had a bit of an upset on the size of the joists was going to be changed more cost but I stuck to the original cost
This did upset me .
Hope I’ve done the right thing .
They are two good chaps .
Caroline from across the road has tidied the front garden got the weeds up with Katie her Daughter .
It’s pouring down again today Malc .
I’ve rang Kay 10 mins .
Nothing from Lisa or Christopher
Ellie is sleeping over tomorrow
And Saturday .
Hope the rain stops .
I miss you Malc more and more each day
My heart aches for you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 28th 2019 11:35am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc incase my Darling Daughter asks me to dinner !!
I still feel very weepy and lonely
Our Son is killing me keeping money from me not paying the Mortgage and holding back the kids .
I wish I hadn’t said anything about having all the kids together
He is very controlling Malc as you know .
I don’t think he will send me my money for a while or ever
Lisa is off work today wander if she will ask me to dinner
I’ve cooked a piece of pork just incase .
I’m busy with friends all week so maybe I should be grateful
I see more friends than family.
Sheila has hurt me too not mentioning me at the church and not giving me an orchid as she has the people who gave her lifts to Ashcroft hollow nursing home .
I went faithfully every Sunday and Wednesday to sit with Colin for 6 months .
She used me I think .
I’m hurt really !!
I’m really feeling down Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 27th 2019’ 26:32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today it’s been pouring down .
Muffin and I went to Lichfield but we got soaked
We stayed an hour nothing there really
I couldn’t take him in most of the shops
I just enjoyed the ride from Hednesford to Rugeley to Lichfield
Got back home popped into Tesco for veg for tomorrow
Caroline has been over for a chat and coffee
It’s killed time today .’
Trev is making me a frame with a circle in to place outside my back garden .
They are such good neighbours.
Becoming good friends I think .
I felt very weepy this morning knowing I was going to be on my own again .
Ellie won’t come tonight she is in London choosing a book
I miss you Malc is getting worse
I so need you at the moment
Thank for sending Caz for company .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 26th 2019 16:46pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m feeling very weepy so lonely Malc
I took Muffin to Cannock this morning looking for black sandals but no joy .
Then popped to Hednesfotd Tesco .
I saw Geoff he said Lisa Jade and the kids were on the park
Do I popped there brought the kids an ice cream
I stayed about an hour ,
Geoff took Muffin a little walk .
I’m home now waiting for the neighbours to come round for a chippie supper .
Malc I can’t tell you how much I miss you darlin
I could cry all day every day
It’s not getting any easier .
Sheila hasn’t rang today yet but I think she will later
Marg and Jason are there then Roger tomorrow
Or visa versus
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday 25th July 2019 11:47am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is Colin’s Funeral 2:15pm
I’ve took Muffin out early up the skelly.
Just been to Aldi for a couple of items .
It’s so hot 🥵 now Malc .
Hope no atmosphere in the car with your Marg and Roger
Lisa will be with me .
I don’t she will stop long though.
Muffin is going to Kay’s hope she is in .
I wish you were here Malc , I miss you so much
I say this every day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Let you know how things went .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 24th 2019 06:56 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is going to be busy again .
We had thunder storms in the night. Now sunshine 🌞 is out again .
Karen and her Granddaughter is coming for lunch
I’m taking Muffin out early this morning it’s going to be hot .
Debating what to wear for the funeral tomorrow
It’s going to be so hot 🥵
Lots to do today I think .’
I miss you darlin so much more than words can say
My heart is broken Malc !!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 22nd 2019 05:47am
He’ll Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing very early Malc things on my mind
I’m losing such a lot of weight since losing Mum
Christopher falling out with me over the kids and starting on this new medication it’s worrying me incase I have Cancer
I’m terrified.
It’s constantly on my mind
I’m spending far too much time on my own
I’m frightened. Help me through this Malc please mInwant to live a long and happy life but things crop up and makes me unhappy
I enjoyed being with Lisa Geoff and his family last night
Geoff gave me a kiss and said I should do this more
I said you don’t ask me I would love to get involved
Thus might change things .
I want to get these awful thoughts out of my head thinking I have Cancer !!
Please help me before I go mad .

Lisa is coming today I will do lunch and hope she stayed a while.
It’s going to be hot over the next few days so I’ve got to cheer up fifer my worries and carry on
I used you Malc I’m pining for you and can’t cry like I used to
I’m all cried out and I think it’s affecting my weight
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 22st 2019 16:56pm
HelloMalc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today was very lonely and I heard from no one
So I took muffin up the skelly then Hednesford
Later had dinner and Muffin and I went a ride to Cannock
The range nothing there .
Coming through Chadsmoor saw Geoff and Lisa at The duck here now having a drink .
Muffin is sitting good .
At least that has given me company .
A bit noisy now home I think
.sheila rang oh dear she thinks over 125 people are coming to the wake !!!
She’s no idea x
I’m going to stop worrying g until after I have had a holiday
It’s too much thinking for me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 20 th 2019 15:42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m really worried me overthinking again
It’s because I’m on my own most of the day .
I feel like I’ve got something stuck in my oesophagus
I’m losing weight and very stressed .
Hoping it’s just the new tablets I’m taking .
Geoff came up for the money tin he left with me
Lisa was in the car .
Disappointed I didn’t get a hug 🤗
My family are too busy to spare half hour with me.
Lisa does her best Christopher does mother
I’m very lonely and hurt and worried Malc .
Carol Norrey saves my upset morning I had been crying
She came to take my parasol back to hone sense
I had a straight refund .
They took me to costa in next for a coffee and tea cake
I offered to pay but she wouldn’t let me .
Then brought a bathroom cabinet with a marble top for the bathroom .
Cliff carried it up stairs for me .
They are such good friends .
I fact I would call her my best friend now .
I frightened at the moment inside
Lots going on in my head .
Too many hours on my own
Sheila hasn’t rang me today , I think she has fell out with me over me asking to go in the car with Lisa
at the funeral
I’ve done a lot for her over the last 6 months and more
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 19 th 2019 16:55pm
Hello Malc and Tigger it’s been an ok day today
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Then to Aldi .
Later went to Jeans for lunch stayed until 3:45pm
I’m tired Malc and feel very weepy . Sheila wasn’t happy this morning we kind of argued over who was sitting in the car following the hurst .
I’m really getting existed with her now
She’s ordered 100 leaflets for the church
Catering for 100. Madness .
I’ve tried telling her but she isn’t listening
John the mobility chap has found a big fault
He’s ordering the new part and will get back to me
I don’t feel too grand today
My head really is felling unbalanced .
I’m so stressed Malc what with W the bungalow
Christopher paying me no money and
The funeral of Colin .
I’m watching The chase Malc our favourite
I miss you so much darlin.
I’m just warn out .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday July 18th 2019 13:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is a lonely day.
I’ve been to Cannock to take a parcel back to DP .
Came back to chadsmoor ordered flowers for Colin’s funeral .
Next Thursday at Penkridge .
Not feeling too good today Malc hope nothing serious
Can’t explain really
Caroline has just been over to borrow my hoove

She is a lovely lady helped me a lot and Trev
Her husband .
She has her Mum in law and father in law at the moment
I wish I had her energy .
Hope this feeling goes away .
Nowhere to go today 😟.
I feel I’m going crazy 😜 not seeing people
Please Malc help me find me company not a man to live with
Just company .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. July. 17 th 2019 16:10pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very stressful .
W is driving me insane .
She’s refused to pay half of the insurance of Bungalow
But Rob my solicitor says he will take it out of the estate pay me back at end of signing over .
I’ve seen no one again today
Lisa face timed me only Her and Geoff on their own now
Shall be glad when their back .
Jean Beardsmore is ring later I’m going to hers Friday
I’m losing weight but hope this is the new tablets I’m on
I love you and miss you Malc more than ever
Sheila rang me this morning she’s gone bonkers Zia think
Not having second car ridiculous !!
Colin’s Funeral .
I think she has used me to be fare
Sitting with Colin until he passed away .
She told me not to go down Saturday !
Not offered me in the car either
She’s all mixed up at the moment .
I’m leaving her to it .
Under enough stress I don’t need this .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 16 th 2019 18:05pm
Today hasn’t been bad at all .
I took Muffin up the skelly then popped to see Mums Bungalow had sold on it .
It does.
I then came home waiting for Carole Banks to come for lunch
My new table chairs and parasols came
Beautiful .
I’ve had to go back to B& Q though to buy a base to stand the parasol in .
They waived the delivery cost.
It’s coming tomorrow.
My scooter is playing up keeps stopping suddenly when I go off or on some pavements
John is coming tomorrow to have a look .
I received paperwork Mums Bungalow it’s so complicated
My friend is coming tonight to check I’ve done it correctly.
I miss you Malc so much.
I seem to be doing everything myself .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 14th July 2019 16:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been upside down .
Colin has passed away Malc as you probably know
I’m glad because he was just lying there being fed Pursail stuff
Thickening yuk .
Sheila has her neighbours now so she will e ok
She will need time on her own .
Not like me I hate being on my own .
As I am now .
Trev and Caz and his Mum and Dad have been over this morning bringing pots and garden furniture back .
Ellie stayed over they picked her up and I took sweets anchoc to the car .
Kissed Cam and Georgia told Georgia she could stay when she isn’t riding .she smiled .
Hugged Ellie and said goodbye .
Chanel waved I didn’t wave back .
She has a nerve !!!
Lisa is ringing me later she is still in Greece .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I miss you darlin xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 13 th 2019 15:09 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit. Strange .
I took Muffin to Cannock to return a garden ornament
TJ Hughes it was rubbish
I then popped to see a Sheila but she is quite anxious and obviously thinking of Colin as he is dying .
He has lasted a good age 81years .
Sheila is a bit sharp at the moment which is understandable
She doesn't want me to go and see him now
She just wants to be on her own with him
I do hope it is quick for him .
I don’t want him to linger .
He will be joining you Malc soon I think
I asked Christopher to go and pay his respects but he hasn’t been .
What has happened to my son ?
Chanel was very rude today little s...
I done respect her any more at all
If I never see her again it will be too soon
We will never be close again
I assure you of that .
All what I have done for both of them
Ellie is here now she came early
They have gone to a party in Ashbourne Derbyshire
Can not Georgia spoke to me .
They are going holiday shopping tomorrow so I reckon Ellie will be picked up early .
Hope so I want to go Tesco about 10:30 am
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you and miss you so much darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 12 th 2019 15:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I feel very weepy Malc so alone .
It’s Muffins 7 th Birthday today I have brought him a new harness .
Riding round most of the day today
I did pop to Kay’s but she was busy cleaning
I don’t think she wanted me there really .
Back home .
Trev is coming over Sunday morning to bring pots round furniture and put the willow screening up .
No company again today .
Lisa has just face timed me her dress is gorgeous and it’s red hot .
She has got me a fridge magnet .
Oh Malc I wish you were here with me .

I miss you so much .
Colin is dying now he is being made comfortable
Palliative care .
I’ve asked Christopher to pop in before Colin passes away .
I’m not sure if he will .
I do hope he does .
No money coming my way from Christopher.
I’m waiting until he opens all his homes then I will stay asking
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday July 11th 2019 05:16am.
Hello Malc I’m awake early things on my mind .
The loft is being boarded in three weeks it’s cist a lot of money but it’s being done professionally.
A lonely week this week every one is away . Garden is still in a mess but I have to be patient .
Saw Colin Yesterday he does look as if he is dying
I don’t know how he is still surviving , I wish he would slowly pass away it’s cruel to watch him .
He isn’t drinking or eating now .
I’m sitting up watching tv but tired .
I wish you were here Malc by my side . I miss you so much
Don’t know where I’m going today not sure wt the weather is doing .’
I might pop to Kays if she is in this afternoon .
I can’t stand my own company .
It’s not getting any easier Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 10th 2019 07:35
Hello Malc I’m writing early so I won’t forget .
Not a lot happening today .
Hair this morning then a boring day .
Might sort my boxes of clothes out.
Lisa face timed me last night hotel looks great just outside Zanta .
Wonderful memories Malc .
If only I could turn that clock back .
I still live on memories Malc .
All my friends are away or busy.
I’m ringing the loft company today and sending a deistic
Hope they do it soon .
Waiting now for all paperwork to be tied up Mums Bungalow .
Again I’m doing it all on my own no help what so ever .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 9th 2019 19:30 pm
He’ll Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been fairly busy .
I took Muffin up the skelly only a short run today .
Kay picked us up and took us to Stafford Argos in Sainsburys
To pick up some butterfly lights .
I later checked Max because Lisa is way with Geoff his sisters wedding .
Then went to Carole Banks for lunch .
They don’t take me out any more Malc not since I lost you
Every one is away at the moment on holiday .
Nothing from Christopher.
Well at least the bungalow is sold subject to contract
Hope all goes well .
I’m losing a lot of weight Malc and on new tablets
Hope it is that or stress .
I’m taking the p test when I come back from Poole
I’m frightened to have it before incase they find anything wrong
I’m having the loft part boarded after I come back from Poole
Hoping Trev over the road will do my screening this Friday.
Then the rest will be done in the shed .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I miss you Malc so much.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 8th 2019 18:19pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been quite eventful
This morning I took Muffin to Rugeley brought some butterfly lights for out side in the garden .’
Later Lisa and Geoff took me to lunch lovely
They are off to Zanta tomorrow for 10 days .
Well guess what Mum’s bungalow Is sold .
I reckon subject to contract 12 weeks to wait .
It will be such a relief when it goes through .
Oh Malc I wish you were here to share stuff with me .
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 7 th 2019. 16:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tiger My Baby Boy
Today has been boring and so lonely .
I’m at Ashcroft hollow nursing home with Colin
No change really he’s very fragile.
But fighting .
I’m leaving in a minute.
Back home now no one to-come home to .
It’s a kid on I have Muffin .
Neighbours birthday Trev today he’s 49 yrs.
I’m tired today Malc didn’t have a good night s slerp .
Carol Norrey rang they are getting me some more solicitor
Nothing on telly tonight
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xoxo
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 6th 2019 07;51am
Hello Malc I’m writing early another busy day
Taking Muffin for a groom 11am
No Penkridge today .
Taking parcel to Asda after dropping Muffin off for his groom
Hoping the willow screening comes today it’s holding things up
It’s not so sunny today Malc
Lisa and Geoff going to the races
Ellie is staying over tonight .
I miss you Malc so much it’s hurts
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 5th 2019 13:01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early Malc again I have Trev Caz and their Daughter Katy coming over to put the pots back and finish off part of decking .
Then hopefully Trev will lay the rest down buy the back gates
It’s very warm today but dry which I love .
I’m lonely Malc so lonely with out you .
I very rarely see my family now .
Caz the neighbour helps me now getting out of bed washing toilet and dressing putting me to bed at night .
I miss you so much Malc .
My heart is broken and will never mend .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 3rd 2019 05:31am
He’llo Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc lots going on today
I will take Muffin up the skelly then to shops
Later Carole Banks is coming for lunch
She will stay until about 3:30pm
Later my mate is taking me a ride out
I think a pub I might suggest the bell at haughtiness
Kay is still away with Alan and Jason
Weather is good at the moment
I miss you and love you Malc feeling down
I need company every day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I’m not doing anything .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 2nd 2019 21:43pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit emotional today
I took Muffin up the skelly went passed W house no car there
It was Kelly’s birthday today so that’s where she would be
I have sent a message to Kelly and she’s thanked me
Lisa took me for a meal but I will say I didn’t enjoy it
I feel Lisa doesn’t really want to take me and all she talked about was work or Geoff’s sisters .
I only see her probably once a week maybe
I see more of my friends .
Carol and cliff brought me some soil and cliff potted them for me .
Trevor the neighbour is coming Friday to put pots back and tidy up .
Lots I want him to do for me when he’s ready
I feel very low today I told Lisa but she said nothing
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I’m glad I have Muffin and my friends .
I feel my family are drifting away .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 1st 2019 18:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my. Baby boy
Today hasn’t been too bad really .
Took Muffin up the skelly and noticed W &P had , had a new car .
P must be ok W must have been exaggerating
I wish the injection had been out when you had Cancer Malc
I was picked up by Carol Norrey today had a couple of hours with her .
She brought me some plants up with Cliff .
I miss you Malc so much .
I feel a bit low tonight I need a boost .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 30th 2019 2026 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today has gone so quickly .
Took Muffin up the skelly then Tesco and Aldi
Came back Trev Mark and Katy were doing the decking.
They were here all day .
I gave them salad sandwiches sausage rolls and drinks .
It looks amazing Malc I hope you’re looking down and seeing what I’ve done to maintain our house .
Thank you Mum you helped buy this with the money you left us .
Trev is coming back tomorrow to finish little bits
Also there is far to much decking so he is going to lay it near my gate .
I’ve paid them £400 and presents given then my decking and all my blinds .
Clothes for Caz .
I think they are happy .
I am .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 29th 2019 15:08pn
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Has been busy . I took Muffin tobsee Sheila took a top back to DP .
Came back called in Lisa’s to let Max our tipped up his water .
Collected my glasses Ken did for me .’£80 four pairs
To hot to stay out today .
Trevor doing decking with Mark but Mark gone off until tomorrow
Malc I’m so lonely with out you darlin
It’s your garden I’m having done .
I miss you so much Malc think about you all day every day
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 28th 2019. 19:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been busy Malc. Washed my hair took Muffin to Cannock later to have my eyes tested but it bacame quite serious .
I had to go back in the afternoon for her to check the back of my eyes and have stronger lenses because if cataracts. Getting worse
It did worry me but fine now , all ok .
Trev and Caz and Katy came to stay the decking
It’s been too hot 🥵
I’ve just been to get Sheila and Colin a wedding Anniversary card 57 years on Sunday
I’ve brought some flowers too .
It’s Caz and Trevor’s Wedding Anniversary 3years this weekend .
I’ve brought a card .
Feeling lonely with out you Malc missing you terribly
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 27th 2019 06:30am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc. It’s going to be a busy day
Mirror coming and mobility scooter for going on trains m
Carol Norrey is coming tonight for a cuppa .
Kay Alan and Jason are going away on Saturday
Illfracombe only for a few days .
No money from Christopher yet !!!
Finley is 7 tomorrow Malc where are the years going ?
Malc I wish you could come home to me
I miss you my darlin so much .’
I will write to you again tomorrow early again
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 26th 2019 18:30pm
Hello Mal my darlin ad Tigger my baby on
Today has been very busy .
I took Muffin to Cannock called in Funeral parlour
Changing my bond having a willow coffin
Also got paperwork for Sheila & Colin .
Popped to Penkridge to a meeting about wills . Care homes prices all sorts .
I’ve made an appointment a week on Friday to talk to someone about my will lasting power of attorney etc
I later called back to the funeral place to talk to them lovey girls .
I’ve wished Ellie a happy 11th Birthday
She was happy had a computer for her present .
Nothing from Christopher or her .
Lisa is talking about changing her job
She’s talking to Christopher.
I’ve sold my. Body pillow £10 .
The decking hopefully will be done this weekend
I have brought a smal scooter to go on the train
Rugeley or Lichfield .
Also for holiday .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 25th 2019 19:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and. Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been so good .
It’s rained all day so Muffin and I couldn’t go out until very late
Lisa took me to Sainsburys but I was disappointed
She was rushing and was edgy .
She went for an interview and spoke to Christopher
I think she will stay in this job .’
Done to Kay today we had a laugh
I’ve got to remember she is off to Ilfracomb from Friday until Monday night .
I might go down tomorrow afternoon take a top and skirt
Going to Penkridge in the morning a meeting at Halibg dene
The decking was dropped off today and the willow fencing
Trevor the neighbour is starting it Friday night with Mark his mate .
It’s Ellies 11th Birthday tomorrow Malc and Finley’s 7th
Where are the years going .
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June. 24th 2019 18:42pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a good day .
The wood was collected early this morning
I took Muffin up the skelly .
Called by W and passed your old house Malc
174 mount street wish we were still cauting
I miss you so much Malc .
Spoke to Dr tonight about blood results .
Have to reduced vit b 12 to one twice a day
Otherwise blood tests ok .
Wood being delivered in the morning decking is being done weekend .
Viewing Mums bungalow Friday , hope they buy it
buy it.
Dot-came for lunch today a good afternoon .
Caz. Trevor came over. Lopped the bush in the back garden.
Sheila has rang again today several times
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 23rd 2019 13:25pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been fairly busy .
Late getting up not seeing family so no rush.
Trev and Mark came over to get up last of old decking
I took Muffin to the park and Aldi and Tesco .
Fridge clean out now .
The drain was blocked Malc had to contact insurance
They sorted it .
It was fat !!!!
Also Trev found the manhole glad I had the shed
moved it was covering it .
Trev is going to sort all my garden when the decking is done
Lisa must be at work today not heard from her .
Nothing from Christopher her or Ellie .
I’m going to see Colin this afternoon only an hour though
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 22nd 2019 19:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit of a disaster from beginning to end
It’s started off ok until I came back from Sheila’s
Trevor had got the old decking up and found the drain blocked it had been blocked for a very long time It’s a good job Trevor got the old decking up .
Weather against us tomorrow now and got to wait for the correct tantalised wood for the base to come
Tuesday .
Wickes refunding me for the wrong wood sent
He will do his best I know .
I’m blessed with my neighbours they do such a lot for me
I know it will get sorted in the end .
I miss you Malc more than ever
I’m trying to get the house sorted .
Then I can concentrate on holidays .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 21 2019 15:55pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been good really .
I took Muffin up the skelly then home
Popped to Aldi and Tesco .
Later Carol Norrey and Muffin and I went to
Ye old windmill pub just up from The Redmore pub .
Lovely meal well worth the money .
Carol is a great friend , if I win the lottery
I will treat her promise .
Malc I wish you were here to hold me and cuddle up to me
I’m so lonely with out you Malc as much as I have friends
I love and miss you so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 20th 2019 17:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been busy I took Muffin up the skelly then to Hednesford .
Later went to Cannock B&Q seen a table and chairs garden they have told me to ring Zoe in a month to check if reduced
Haven’t seen or heard from anyone today
Just Muffin and I .
I’m so lonely Malc I need to get out all the time
Although I love our house.
I need to see people .’
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 18 th 2019 06:34am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early again Malc.
I don’t want to forget .
Our shutters are up and done they look gorgeous ?.
Well worth the money .’
Going to Carole Banks today because of shutters being fitted .
It’s flippin rainy again when will it stop ?
I want our decking done and garden tidy.
Nothing from Christopher again .
Ellie is sleeping over on Saturday don’t think Georgia will come
Cameron definitely won’t come .
This is all Chanel’s fault 😡
No Mortgage paid by him any more .
I miss you Malc so much if only you could visit me even if it was for 10 mins .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday. June. 18 th 2019 06:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I’m writing early lots going on today .
The chap from Hillays putting shutters up
Hope they are ok no problems .
Hope he does take all day .
I have a blood test today 9:15 am aba1c vit b12
Kidneys test & Blood pressure too .
Hope all is ok . I’m taking Muffin with me .

I love you and miss you Malc more and more each day mi wish you would come to me I want to hug you kiss you love you.
Can’t have decking laid yet rain stopping it .
Hope weather does improve soon .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 17th 2019 12:32pm
Hello Malc My darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today started off a panic loss of blood or strawberry not digested !!
Hope the latter see how tomorrow goes .
I don’t want any more bad luck Malc
I’ve got back ache too and feel uncomfortable lower stomach
Oh Malc what next .
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Looks like W & P are on holiday Blackpool I guess Jean Beardsmore is on her way
Lunch here .
Lisa has picked up her rattan furniture from Aldi
Hope ok .
Looks like my refund is on its way .
I miss you Malc so much.
I need you to help me through this .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious My Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 15th 2019 16:28 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very busy from this morning .
Ziggy came to finish painting the small bedroom
Caroline Trevor and the girls came to clear the front trees and the back bush over the shed .
I cooked Ziggy a dinner .
I’m with Colin Now at Ashcroft Hollow NH .
I’ve spoken to Sheila .
It’s stopped raining .
I’ve brought Lisa a rattan garden set from Aldi
Geoff has got to pick it up .
It’s Fathers day today Malc Lisa has put a piece on face book and Geoff .
I replied and have put a piece for our Dad
Hope you’re eating your mars bar Malc
I’m trying to maintain the house and garden for you .
Neighbour s Trevor & Caroline are great
I don’t know What I would do with out them
What’s happened to my family?
I know Lisa's busy but Geoff used to help
I have to pay people now.
Life has changed so much Malc .
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 15 th 2019 07:09 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is going to be busy so I’m writing early Malc
Ziggy is coming to finish bedroom painting m
The decking is coming sometime today
Got to get it straight for Tuesday shutters are being fitted
Not happy with Andy he has charged me another £100
I think e dies this on a regular basis .’I should have had a written quote .
I thought he was a lovely man but now I’m thinking different
I’m really stressed out at the moment Malc lots going on .’
I have to write to you I have no support from my family really Lisa. Does come but not Christopher .
I might have a text from Ellie today she may want to sleep over again .
If she does I will let her stay .
I’m in a mess but never mind she’s company.
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 14 th 2019 12:41 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I feel ver angry .
Scammed again now by the plumber .
What is it about being a widow and have no one to support you .
Wickes delivered treated wood for base of decking
AB building came this morning but didn’t bring anything to take
Decking off truck .
So coming back this afternoon
Caroline and Trevor coming over to shift pots
Ziggy still here painting .
He’ll stay until 6pm .
Geoff is in pain with his ribs
Christopher rang to see if he was ok !!!!!!!!!
Not heard a thing from him
NEVER MIND !!! I’ll remember
I’m very hurt 😔
I miss you Malc and I’m crying as I speak
Lisa is at home today !!!
Family !!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 13 th 2019 16:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been busy Andy is here to finish bathroom
Ziggy painting the small bedroom.
I’ve been out with Jayne to the chetwynd upper Longdon
My scooter is back John not sorted panel out horn not working still .
He has put hammerite under scooter
Fixed the tiller .
All the rooms are in a mess .
I feel a bit low this afternoon with what has to be done
Still all will be good I reckon .
Sheila has rang spoke a bit to Colin
He’s really poorly .
The decking is coming tomorrow all being well
I miss you Malc so much darlin
Help me through this and sit Christopher out please
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 12th 2019 17:49 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been eventful .
Andy came but just took me to take tiles back back coming tomorrow
He has ordered shower for bidet.
Ziggy is coming tomorrow too tonpsi t small bedroom
I’ve been to see Kay took her a small present for looking after house .
Lisa came and took me to see Colin we stayed an hour .
We gave him a cup of tea he drank half
He put his arms out for Lisa and said I will always be your uncle Colin .
Muffin has eat well today
Lisa got your message our song was playing tgectroggs
Love is all around
She said you were telling her to go and see Colin
We laughed .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 11th 2019 07:57
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today it’s pouring down yet again .
I’ve just ordered the new decking coming on Friday .
I wish the rain would stop it’s June and should be flaming June
Trevor across the road is going to put it down with his mates
Carol Banks is coming today 1pm
I’ve got to go to Lisa’s the company are picking up faulty rattan furniture.
Hope the rain Bates by 11am
I still feel low in myself
Christopher is causing this all over the kids because I don’t
Want all of them together they fight you know that Malc
I’ve been having lovely girly weekends with Ellie she love to come .
Colin is deteriorating by the day hope he doesn’t suffer to long
Sheila is losing her mind with worry .’
Life is so cruel Malc , you were taken from me Mum was taken from me .
I’m so lonely Malc no one understands.
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 10th 2019 19:17 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been ok .’rain now all week
Wickes order done for treated wood £85:49
My mate took me out today lunch .
I do wish he would take me somewhere different
But I shouldn’t grumble .
I wish it was you Malc .
I’ve ordered a mirror today turning the small bedroom into a dressing room .
I’m trying to cheer myself up Malc
Nothing from Christopher
I have sent him a message no reply .
Oh dear Malc !!!
Got to go to Lisa’s tomorrow check collection of rattan furniture
I miss you my darlin .
I will write tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 9th 2019 16:32pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a strange day .
Ellie stayed over a good night had by all
Chanel picked her up but stayed in the car
Christopher didn’t come . Cameron totally ignored me
The very kind neighbours came over Caroline
Took all my blinds down
Trevor and Mark his mate shifted a few pots round the front and the rattan furniture.
I’ve got to order the new decking Tuesday
Both from Hampshire and travis Perkins .
I’m at Ashcroft hollow with Colin he’s dying I think
Sheila has rang several times

The nurse jade just been in she thinks he won’t be here much longer .
She is very worried about Sheila .
She thinks Colin shouldn’t have come out
He’s such a sorry site to see .’
Hope you don’t mind Malc my friend is taking me out for lunch tomorrow
I wish it was you darlin .
I miss you more and more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 8th. 2019. 03:08am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m lying awake with all sorts going through my mind
What have I done to deserve all this anger .
Chanel has caused this big fall out between Christopher and me
Now I can’t see my Grandchildren because she caused a problem over the kids
Ellie and I were getting along famously and she stuck her ore in .
All I said was all three together fight and having one at a time would be better taking it in turns .
She’s a complete Bitch , that’s why her sisters and brother don’t speak to her now .
Money has gone to Christopher’s head and she thinks she is somebody .
I miss those girly weekends with Ellie
They don’t realise I’m nearly 70 years of age
They are 30 odd .’
They will need me before I will need them
I can’t sleep Malc things going through my head
I’ve got to stay strong for my sanity and looking after my baby boy Muffin .
Oh Malc what’s gone so wrong ???
Why since you have passed away I am being punished?
Roll on 6 o’clock so I can turn the telly on I’m wide awake .’
Get us back safe Malc .
I miss you darlin more than ever
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc m
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 7th 2019 17:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today started off a complete disaster.
Pouring down with rain , it was coming in our bedroom ceiling
From the terrace .
Well home tomorrow Malc hope we have a safe journey back home.
Watch over us Malc .
Muffin has been great not eat a lot but hes such a good boy .
Been to Torquay town today after the rain had stopped
Just back from a meal at The Drum .
Packing now home tomorrow .
Early breakfast booked taxi for 9;55 am
I wished you had been here with me Malc .
I miss you so much darlin .
I hope life gets better Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 6 th 2019 06:03am
I know it’s early Malc but not sleeping very well and Dit and I are going to Exeter St David today .
It’s pouring down at the moment but should be clearing
Not such a good holiday this time .
Christopher has put the damper on it .
I don’t know what I will be going back home to
WHAT NEXT ??????
I miss you Malc I have no support from anyone
Muffin has been such a good little boy here on holiday
He’s not eating much but we only have two more days to go
Dots such good company she understands
I’m lonely Malc with out you .
I need you so much Malc st this moment in time m
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Let you know what sort of day we had today
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 5th 2019 05:52am
Hello Malc sorry it’s early writing Only being at Torquay it’s a busy day and hopefully a nice one.
Not such good weather this year a bit disappointed really
I think we will change our holiday destination next year .
Restaurant s rubbish here really and the place has gone down in my opinion.
I opened the message Christopher sent yesterday
So hurt Malc ,
He says he’s sending money over !!!
But I’m to go through his solicitor and Never to see the kids or him again .
The things we’ve done for him Malc 😥😥😥
I’ve got to pay the mortgage myself and it’s his but unfortunately it’s in my name .
I’m so hurt I can’t cry .’
He’s changed so much .
All because Ifelt having all the kids together was to much for me Caused is all Chanel’s fault she started all this
She’s fell out wit her sisters and brother , she fell out with her Mum and now she’s dead .
Well what goes around comes around
I’m getting it all ☺️
Dot is snoring her head off Muffins aslrpnabd I’m wide awake
I miss you Malc so much , I need you at this moment in time
I will write to you again. Tomorrow
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 4th 2019 07:34 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Dot and I are going out early rain later
Hope not to cold .
We are going to find out what’s happening tomorrow
Muffin slept all night he’s a good boy xx
I will write tomorrow’ to tell where we went .
I wish you were here Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 3rd 2019 18:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been lovely Dot and I travelled to Torquay straight through from Birmingham new street
Scooter hire been into Torquay to suss it out
Had a meal out but wasn’t very good .
Now had scone and cream cuppa tablets .
Malc I wish you were here you would enjoy it .
I miss you so much darlin xx
Muffin is settled had his meal now asleep he’s had a busy day great in the train .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 3rd 2019 18:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been lovely Dot and I travelled to Torquay straight through from Birmingham new street
Scooter hire been into Torquay to suss it out
Had a meal out but wasn’t very good .
Now had scone and cream cuppa tablets .
Malc I wish you were here you would enjoy it .
I miss you so much darlin xx
Muffin is settled had his meal now asleep he’s had a busy day great in the train .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 2nd 2019 16:35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is very busy . I took Muffin to the park then home trying to find my red Mack in a bag .
I lent it Lisa but she saying she has returned it
I’ve searched and searched .
Another item gone missing .
Lisa isn’t coming tonight she’s got get back for THE DOG
Love my family so caring aren’t they Malc
Nothing from Christopher no Ellie !!
Raining today hope weather improves tomorrow.
I miss you so much Malc so much 😥
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 1st 2019. 15:26pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today not so good , bus broke down therefore late to Penkridge.
Caught 12.35 pm back .
Came straight home .
Lots to do today but haven’t got the energy .’
Jean has asked me to dinner tomorrow what a good friend she is . I wish my family would think more .
Malc I am in a right mess with the money Christopher
has taken from me .
He has stopped paying the Mortgage too
I need to win the lottery!!
Send me some numbers please in my dream m
Trevor is coming across later to put new clock up outside and wood on the fence and sort timer out for when I go away .
I miss you Malc so much xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger.l and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 31st 2019. 15:25pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today fairly busy Malc .
Took Muffin to the groomers then popped round Cannock for a few things .
Saw Kay and Alan he is doing well .
People are coming tonight for single bed and Mattress
Been to Hednesford Aldi & Tesco .
Can’t decide what to put in my case when we go on holiday I’ve. Heard or had nothing from Christopher
Lisa is at work .
I miss you my darlin more and more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .’
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 30 th 2019 17:58pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very stressful from beginning to end
It stayed off problem with. Rattan garden set from EBay trying to replace it .
Aldi I’ve cancelled that one .
Been to Kays took her plant .
Chilled out a bit then she always makes me feel good
Someone is buying single bed coming tomorrow
Lisa and Geoff ‘s 10 th Wedding Anniversary they are out having a meal .
Won’t see Lisa now until Monday next week .
Nothing from Christopher or her .
No reply from Ellie she’s been told not to text me I guess
Oh Malc how things have gone so bad since I lost you .
I miss you so much darlin 😥😥😥
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 28th 2019 17:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has gone so quickly .
Took Muffin to Hednesford first rushing today m
Ziggy finished my painting in the stairs , he also put a mirror up for me .
Later I took Muffin to Carol’s stayed until 4:15
I’m home now lots to sort but cannot do it pains through out my body .
I’m feeling very low not knowing if I will ever see my Grandchildren again .
Ellie and I were getting on very well .
She loved coming for a sleep over .
Watching films and a take away.
Chanel has caused this Malc !!!
I’m so lonely with out you darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 27th 2019 13:17pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today yet another lonely day . Took Muffin to Cannock brought some paint for Ziggy to do small bedroom .’
Such a lot to sort .
Pouring down today and Paul a gardener is sorting Mums
Just rang him he has just finished .
Bringing an invoice up .
I’ve brought Lisa and Geoff garden furniture
It’s being delivered today I hope .
Oh Malc I do miss you so much .
Nothing from Christopher again no money paid .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 26th 2019 16:36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very lonely no Ellie nobody no text no phone calls
Only Carol Norrey asking what a weekend I had , had
Boring Malc .
I wish she would ask me for a cuppa .
I miss your company Malc more the years go by the worse I feel . It’s getting no better .
I’ve had such a lot of bad blood .
Will my life turn around ????
I can’t seem to concentrate of one particular thing.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 25th 2019 11:03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m at Sheila’s she is still anxious .
I’m going to Rugeley later see what weather is doing .
Still at Sheila’s Colin is stopping in New Cross .
Hope he stops in after bank holiday Monday .
I’m going to Penkridge market after my cup of tea
Then next bus back .
I miss you Malc so much
Don’t know if Ellie will text me she asked if she could sleep over .
It’s up to Christopher !!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 24th 2019 07:50am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc I don’t want to forget .
I’m waiting in for a mirror someone is selling
Then going to Rugeley later
Lisa is off but I don’t know if I will see her .
I’m going to Penkridge Saturday to see Sheila .
Wander if Marg will be there with Kath .
Colin is in Newcross hospital .
Goodness knows what will happen with him now
I reckon today will be a very lonely day .
I’m glad I have Muffin he is my world .
Got to sort clothes out .
House is in a mess .
Ziggy finished painting now looks good .’
I miss you darlin so much my heart aches for you. Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 23rd 2019 14:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been ok .
Took Muffin up the skelly this morning then Hednesford .
Ziggy has been painting inside the house keeping it maintained.
Decking being done soon shutters too .
Nothing from Christopher again no mortgage paid
No Investment money back yet .
Waiting a while hope he does pay it back .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I wish I could turn the clock back .
Ziggy is talking me to death today
Hope he finishes the painting soon !!
The neighbours are coming over later to discuss the decking
Hope Ziggy has gone by then .
I will write to you tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesfday May 22nd 2019 13:10 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been lovely so far
Took Muffin to the vets last check up after his castration and eye op .
Now with Jean and Jeff ikea a meal boundary mill after
Muffin is enjoying himself too .
Jeff taking him
A walk
I haven’t heard from Lisa or My son
I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I am enjoying my day though.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Sorry it’s short
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

I will write

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 21st 2019 07:21pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc lots going on today ..
Christopher sent me a very upsetting message last night
Stopping me from seeing Cameron , Ellie and Georgia
Threatening legal action if I try contacting them .
All over me not wanting all kids together because they fight
So suggested having them in a one to one which I have been doing having lovely weekends with Ellie .
I’m devastated Malc it’s gone out of all proportion
I have written him a letter hoping he will change his mind
Chanel has caused all this !!
I’m trying to put it out of my mind orcI will go mental
I’m so stressed Malc , my body is paining me .
Lots going on today Malc .
Since you have passed away all has gone down hill
I miss you darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Help me through this please .
I’m frightened !!!!
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 20th 2019 17:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been good really
I took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford .
Later Carol Norrey picked Muffin and I up for a cake and cuppa.
She’s a lovely friend .
Nothing from Christopher today !!!
I miss you Malc more than ever you’re in my thoughts every day Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Sorry it’s short darlin I just miss you Malc 😥
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 19th 2019 10:53am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I still have Ellie here Christopher is picking her up at 12
I’m feeling all tensed up not knowing what he is going to say
I’m sitting out side the front garden it’s teally warm
Will I ever relax with my family .
Chanel is the problem .
She is the instigator of all our family problems
I used to be so close but not now .
I’m done with her now !!!!
I have been to Hednesford this morning something for dinner
Going to Ashcroft to see Colin later
Only stay an hour I think .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday. May 18 th 2019 19:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a surprise really
I took Muffin to Cannock Penkridge and Hednesford earlier .
Took a jumper back to DP .
Had a credit card valid 2 years £7.

Later in the afternoon Lisa asked me to meet her and Geoff and Finley and Carter on the park there was a fair ground .
Ellie texted me asking if she could sleep over
I said of course you can so Chanel dropped her off at the
Park I paid for her to go on some rides one with Lisa
She had a candy floss .
Later we went to Lisa’s had a curry and stayed an hour
Max attacked Muffin .
So we had to separate them .
Max also ripped Ellie’s coat .
We are home now drops in Muffins eye and sitting watching a gory film .
Still no money from Christopher or Chanel
Need to sort it .
I still have this pain under my left shoulder blade
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 17th 2019 2019 17:59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’ve been very bored
Took Muffin to B&q to collect an order .
Ziggy came to paint and is just leaving .
No Grandchildren !!!!!!!
I think Chanel is either being funny or they have a serious worry .
I hope the business is ok , although Christopher is being
Angry with me ,
I wouldn’t wish anything bad to happen
I am worried 😟.
I hope he hasn’t gone in too deep .
I’ll pray tonight I can win the lottery for them infact all the family
I love Christopher and Lisa with all my heart
But he just hates me .
I miss you Malc so much if only you were here with me
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 16th 2019. 17:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has bern a strange day not a good one really
I took Muffin to Cannock to get Kay and myself garlic caps
Then Xiggy came to paint the Bench swing it’s not painting very well .
I’m feeling very low today Malc
No sign of Christopher outing Mortgage or investment money in yet .
It’s really eating away at me .
Ziggy is back painting slow job today .
I’m frustrated.
Not happy today at all .
Muffin is getting better he is just eating his meal
He does listen to me you know
We know each other .
I’ve been asking for you today come home Malc please
I’m so lonely with out you darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 15th 2019. 18:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been too bad .
I took Muffin to the vets follow up from ops
He’s done well so far .
Ziggy came to do more painting .
Coming back tomorrow to finish off .
Seeing no one now until May be the kids stay Friday night
Andy. Plumber might be coming Friday or Saturday
I miss you Malc darlin so much .
I ache for you xx
The bungalow is up for sale
Hope all goes well .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 14th 2019 16:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very strange .
Kay came to put cream in Muffins eye .
Ziggy came to paint the inside fencing coming back tomorrow
W spoke to me this morning Re Mums Bungalow
All sorted up for sale tomorrow.
Crossing fingers it sells at a good price .
Kay is coming later to put cream in Muffins eye again
Just been .
Nothing from Christopher or Chanel. Today
Lisa is off no text or visit .
I wish you were here Malc to sort things out
I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 13th 2019 16:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been lovely apart from taking Muffin to the vets
Two lumps removed from his left eye and castrations
I dropped him off this morning at 8:45 am
Jayne my friend took me to Trentham. Gardens
It has been a lovely day
Weather just right .
Brought a couple of things .
Treated Jayne to a meal at The George and Dragon
For taking me out .
No one in the family has asked about Muffin only my friends
Kay and Dot and of course Jayne my friend who took me out
Muffin had his op now drowsy and in pain
Kay is coming up later to see us .
Oh Malc why can’t we be at peace with the family
I will have to keep an eye on Muffin I’ve took his buster collar off at the moment will put it back on before he goes to bed
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 12 th 2019 15:40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit strange .
I took Muffin up the skelly. Then popped a mobile number
To W door
So she can ring Bev to do Mums garden.
I’m really stressing at the moment
Christopher is causing me great problems .
Chanel needs to knock that chip off her shoulders
Lisa and Geoff took me to Shoal hill tavern
We talked about Christopher
Now I think she understands how I feel
Didn’t stop long really didn’t enjoy it
I seemed to be rushed .
I’m here now with Colin he’s fast asleep .
I’ve got to get Muffin back later he’s got to have a shower
Operation tomorrow .
I don’t know what the future is going to bring
I need a boost Malc a real big boost .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Sorry not much to talk about today
I miss you so much Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 11th 2019. 10:03 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I have took Muffin toAldi rode to Cannock
Now on the bus to Penkridge to see Sheila
Weather lovey .
Nothing from Christopher !!!!
Sent both Ellie and Georgia a message no reply
I don’t k is what’s going to happen
I’m really angry with. Chanel over this .
My life is so lonely At present.
I’m writing early Malc .
I’ve just received a message fromEllie might be coming next
Friday !!
I miss you Malc you wouldn’t have put up with this
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

May 9th 2019 12:12
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today yet again pouring down with rain .
I’m suppose to be going to Kays .
Took Muffin to the drs today while I had a blood test
Then to Hednesford .
Nothing from Christopher yet !!
Chanel should be putting in money for investment
Not happy at the moment .
Time will tell .
Lisa rang me last night we had a long talk
Both kind of sorted .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 8th. 2019 14:01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is pouring down took Muffin to Aldi
No long walk today
Might be going to see Colin at nursing home
See how rain is .
So lonely staying in only having Lisa to get me out of bed and leave lunch dinner and putting me to bed
Heard from Sheila quite a lot today .
No Mortgage from Christopher yet this is the longest he’s left it .
I don’t think he will pay it now .
He’s had all that money from me now I’m suffering for it .
He might come up front with it yet .
Oh Malc I can’t tell you how I’m happy I am
Missing you so much and Mums gone as you know
It’s cruel really .
I will right to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday. 6th May 2019 07;03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc lots to do today
Going to travis Perkins then Cannock .
Carole Banks is coming for lunch .’
Lisa didn’t come last night she miss read the message from me .
Jordan had come she had been to see jade and the kids
If Jean and Jeff hadn’t have come yesterday I would have seen no one .
Christopher still no Mortgage !!!!!!!!!!!!
Not happy with him or her .
I don’t feel wanted at all by my family .’
My friends are my support
I feel very low and worried .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Miss you darlin so much .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 6th 2019 12:08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin to Travis Perkins closed
Then to Hednesford to buy food for lunch
Jean and Jeff are coming soon
She is doing sandwiches .’
Later I shall take Muffin a ride round if it’s not raining.
I did see Lisa & Geoff this morning they waived
I have asked her to come this evening to put me to bed
I’m feeling very in loved at the moment
Christopher hasn’t put the Mortgage on
I hope he will
He’s so stubborn
The stairs I’d finished Malc you would love it
Hope you can see it
Malc I miss you so much .
Sheila is driving me mad ringing at least 7 times a day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 6th 2019 12:08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I took Muffin to Travis Perkins closed
Then to Hednesford to buy food for lunch
Jean and Jeff are coming soon
She is doing sandwiches .’
Later I shall take Muffin a ride round if it’s not raining.
I did see Lisa & Geoff this morning they waived
I have asked her to come this evening to put me to bed
I’m feeling very in loved at the moment
Christopher hasn’t put the Mortgage on
I hope he will
He’s so stubborn
The stairs I’d finished Malc you would love it
Hope you can see it
Malc I miss you so much .
Sheila is driving me mad ringing at least 7 times a day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 5th 2019 12:25pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc as Ellie is still here after sleeping over .
Don’t know who is picking her up
Hope no arguments .
I shall see no one when Ellie goes home Lisa is st Bridge North with Geoff .
I will take Muffin a ride round May pop in Carol Norry’s Later
Perhaps go to Ashcroft hollow nursing home to see Colin
I’ve enjoyed having Ellie she says she wants to live with me when she’s 16 years old .
I feel very frightened at the moment. Regarding what is going to happen with family .
I wish I could be happy Malc .
Life is so complicated st the moment .
I miss you so much I need your support Malc .
I’m fighting a battle with my family all the time .
All I ask is love .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Let you know how today has gone .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 4th 2019 18:34pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been so strange
Yesterday Chanel was refusing the girls to come here
Today Ellie rang asking if she could come and sleep over
I gave her a big hug 🤗
They are messing with my head Malc
I know your watching over me I found the white feather on top of the kitchen work surface .
Thank you Malc .
Please go into Christopher’s dream have a word please
It’s cruel how they are treating me .
All I ask is love from all my family xxx
I miss you so much Malc so much xx
I’ve been to see Sheila today stayed an hour .
Popped to Tesco
for greens for tomorrow’s dinner .
Ellie is watching a film why I write to you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum Send my love to every one
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 2nd 2019 12:09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today it’s pouring down yet again
Chris Richards has been to put extra rail up
Looks much better .
Andy the Plummer should have come 10;30 today
Hasn’t come yet I could have gone to Tesco
But now it’s pouring down again .
Rob has sent me an email from the one I sent last night
He has put my mind at rest now .
Not quadrupling the bill .
No Mortgage from Christopher yet and I don’t know if he will put the loan in either .
Don’t know if the girls will be here Saturday or not
I thank you for the feather left in the kitchen yesterday
I miss you Malc so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April. 30 2019 14:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a day from hell
W is causing great problems now Rob my solicitor says the bill has just Quadrupled.
I’m so stressed all over the bungalow
Bain of my life .
What with problems with Christopher now this
I feel like going away for good away from everything
Oh Malc she has caused me so much hassle .
I feel rock bottom today Malc
Not eat any lunch too stressed .
Malc I’m sorry it’s a short message
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday -April 28th 2019 07:50 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc a busy day ahead .
Sheila has rang this morning she is in a mess with her head
See she has spoiled Colin and now finding it difficult him being in a home.
I’m going to Dots for lunch today .
Happy my pip has. One through
Still having problems with Chanel
I will never feel the same now we will NEVER be the same
Don’t want to now .
Christopher is being awkward too
He might not pay the mortgage now week see
He’s got me over a barrel really
He hates me !!!
Malc he’s put me through hell since you’ve gone
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday. April 28 th 2019 15:32pm
Today I’m very worried heard nothing from Christopher or her
Ellie has spoke n to me hoping they will let her stay next next Saturday.
Caroline and Trevor came over today Trevor did lots of jobs for me
I don’t know what I would do with out them .
Caroline is coming Tuesday to do some painting for me .
Lisa is working today and sleeping over .
I feel so alone Malc . I don’t have any support
From family .
Hope pip get sorted worried about it really
Ringing them tomorrow if it isn’t in my bank
I’m with Colin st Ashcroft hollow nursing home
Sheila keeps ringing but I can understand
I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 27th 2019 16:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been awful
Christopher again Chanel being the instigator
Can’t go into detail
Too much to tell but I’m sure you can see what’s going on
I was going to Sheila’s but that fell through.
Went to Cannock but got soaked .
After Christopher said bad things mi let him in the bungalow to get what he wanted

I think he’s got something up his sleeve
I’m at Kays at the moment staying here a while incase he come back to mine with Chanel to have another go
I’m so upset Malc he’s done nothing but give me s... since you passed away Malc .
I wish he would leave me alone and let me get on with my life
I miss you so much Malc I battle on my own have no support
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 26th 2019 12:05 pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today so far busy
I took Muffin up the skelly then later Cannock ordered pavers pumps from fashion factory
Ordered Cuprinol shades paint from B&q
Lavender picking up some time today with Lisa
Chris Richards is fitting my new stairs
Looking great already glass next week
Carol is coming tonight with Kieran her son to check out my remote for new telly
I miss you my darlin more each day goes by .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 24th 2019 17.02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit busy .
Took Muffin to see Colin in Ashcroft hollow nursing home. For an hour and half .
Then popped to Hednesford
Lisa rang Jade and the kids were coming they stayed a couple of hours .
Then Lisa came after having her nails done picked them up for home .
Caroline came over picked up the duvet. I don’t really need
Droid might be doing my decking yet .
I’ve had a couple of quotes waiting to get back to me
I miss you my darlin more than ever .
Speaking to Sheila in a moment she does moan
Chris the stairs fitter is coming 8:15 in the morning
Looking forward to it , but it won’t be finished until next week
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to every one

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 23 rd 2019 07:31sm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing g early Malc lots going on .
I’m taking Muffin a ride up the skelly
Later going to Carole Banks for lunch .
Chap coming tonight to quote decking .
Got to phone pip this morning .
Chap phoning at 9am about remote refund.
Might pop Muffin to vets about his eye .
Still feeling down finger still painful and swollen
Too busy at minor injuries yesterday .
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 22nd 2019 26:38 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit quiet.
Seen no one today. After Lisa got me out of bed to dress me she is coming back tonight to put me to bed
Been to Cannock to buy a remote county curry’s are time reimbursing me tomorrow
It’s sunny again today took Muffin out twice today
I’m tired now .
Just spoke to your Sheila she’s mythering again about Coiin
You used to call her barmy Sheila
Watching the new Chase .
Soaps later .
Nothing much to tell you really today Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 21st April
2019 16:42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
Today has been quite a surprise
I took Muffin up the skelly this morning
Came home spoke to Caroline my neighbour she gave me an Easter card how lovely .
Later Lisa rang her and Geoff took Muffin a ride to Trentham gardens it was lovely but the garden centre was closed off
Because it was Easter Sunday .
We had a meal Geoff paid .
Lovely better than stopping in .
Oh Malc I wish you could be here .
I miss you so much darlin .
My heart aches for you .
I’m going to run Muffin round the park. His last run until tomorrow.
One day perhaps I"ll received a card from Christopher’.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to Dad and everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April. 20th 2019 16:10pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been yet another lonely day
Lisa is at Borth wales with Geoff Jade and the kids
Christopher with his family
I’m here on my own with Muffin no one has texted or rang me
Happy Easter my family
Enjoy your Easter eggs .
We made them too independent
Lisa said she wouldn’t spend more than 2 hours with me
I was so upset .
Watching new telly that’s my company and of course my baby Muffin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Not much to tell really only been to see Colin in Ashcroft hollow nursing home .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April. 19th 2019 18:14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been lonely
I took Muffin up the skelly then home waited in for new telly
It came 1:40 pm
I sat in the sun with Muffin front garden .
When telly arrived I took Muffin out again
I was taking him to. The nursing home but it was too hot for him
I did go stayed and hour with Colin .
Back home now waiting for Kieran Carol Norrey’s Son to set the telly up hope. He comes .
I just have a feeling he might let me down let you know tomorrow Malc .
I miss you darlin so much , I played music today on my iPhone all our old records .
Geoff picked up our Sony telly when I know what cables
He needs when Kieran comes he can come a pick them up
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 18 th 2019 14:52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’ve been a bit lonely seem no one today only staff at Tesco and Aldi .
Everyone is either away or busy .
I hate my own company Malc
You know me don’t you ?
I might be going to Carols later if she’s free
5years and I still need you want you Malc
If only a miracle would happen
The table and chairs look lovely Malc in the kitchen
I’m trying to cheer myself up .
Stairs is later being done should be next Tuesday
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April. 17 th 2019. 18:16 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been ok .
Took Muffin to Cannock the bank to help Jade
She’s in trouble .
I wish I could win the lottery so I could really help
Later Lisa came had lunch and then took me to see Jordd and Mary to give them their Easter eggs .
A pleasant ride out .
Then later Trevor and Caroline came over with the father in law to put my new kitchen table up
Love it 🥰
I’m sad my family can’t share it with me .
I miss you more than ever Malc
Miss your hugs 🤗
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 16 th 2019 18:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today another busy day took Muffin up the skelly
Hednesford. Aldi and Tesco been twice .
Mark and his mate brought the table and chairs it’s massive
It will just about fit the kitchen .
Trevor the neighbour will put the legs on it tomorrow
They are going out tonight .
I’ve brought Caroline some flower and Trevor a set for toilet
I did ask Geoff to help but he was busy
He did ring me later though .
My friend wanted to come tonight but I don’t want to get changed and feel I need to be with Muffin
It’s to sort .
I miss you terribly Malc more than anyone knows
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 15 th 2019 07:33
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc today lots going on don’t want to fight to write .
Taking Muffin up the skelly then lunch time my friend is taking me for lunch .
Later two chaps hopefully coming to take shed down
Leaving quite a gap in back garden
Later having composite decking instead
A big job but needs to be done .
Malc the neighbours Caroline and Trevor are so good to me
Since losing you the long term neighbours have never come over to see how I am .
But these have only been living here about two years .
I feel very weepy today Malc so down yet things are happening .
New bathroom shed coming down
It’s love I need really .
Especially my Son.
A hug from him and if only I could hug you .
Come home darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Love you with all my heart Malc
I will never stop grieving for you darlin
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 14th 2019 28:17pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has gone quickly this morning I took Muffin up the skelly
Then round our old streets Malc past your house and my A’s kids .
I go quite often .
Lisa and Geoff took me to The Nelson Inn for Sunday lunch fabulous meal must go again .
Our table and chairs gone
New set coming Tuesday .
Shed going tomorrow hopefully
I miss you my darlin so much xx
My heart aches for you Malc .
Family and people think I’m ok I’m not
I shout for you every day over the skelly .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 13th 2019 20:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been quite eventful
I took Muffin to Cannock and Penkridge
Stayed an hour Sheila was all over the place in her head
I popped back to Cannock then home for lunch
Later took Muffin to Ashcroft Hollow nursing home
To see Colin , I can’t believe he is in there so sad
Hope he does improve .
I don’t think Sheila will survive this Malc
I’ve sold the table and chairs in the kitchen and a better one is coming on Tuesday next week hopefully x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 12th 2019 17:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit up and down
I took Muffin to Cannock instead of the skelly
Later to Hednesford
Lisa popped in for an hour then Jean Beardsmore came for lunch .
She stayed until about 3pm. Then I took Muffin to Aldi and Tesco .
Christopher says he will take me to pick up a table and chairs but hasn’t got back to me .
Hope so don’t lose it it’s beautiful.
I’m at tenterhooks at the minute .
I’m going to 🍟 shop in a minute
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April. 11th 2019 16;12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit upside down
I took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford
Came home some one was suppose to come for the shed
Let me down so another chap coming Monday afternoon
Hope he turns up .
Andy has been just for support .
Colin is in Ashcroft hollow nursing home now Sheila is pleased but still crying .
She phones every day now .
Had a spat with Chanel little bitch
If I never see her again it will be too soon
They only use me .
They’ve had their money now. havent they?
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April. 10 th 2019. 19:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been very busy took Muffin up the skelly
Andy has almost finished the bathroom
When the part comes for the bidet toilet
He is boarding in the bath pipes and cleaning the tiles
You would be happy with this Malc .
Dot came for lunch we had a good afternoon
I will see her in two weeks .
Chaps coming tomorrow to take down the shed .
Andy is just popping in about 12 noon .
I wish you were here Malc I’m so lonely with out you and Tigger .
I miss you so much Malc XX

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 9th 2019 16:31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m angry with Chanel
I asked why she hadn’t put Chebsey money in she swore and said it isn’t until 11th lt was put in 9th
Not happy at with her 😡
Andy is here still tiling and fitting toilet back
He is coming back tomorrow.
Dot is coming for lunch tomorrow
Oh Malc I’m so in happy it’s my Son Daughter in law and that bungalow W being the problem
Why can’t I relax Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I miss you so much.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. April 8 th 2019 15:40 pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is busy again Andy working in the Bathroom
Our Jordd is painting the front fence to finish off the front garden .
He’s doing a good job .
Adam hasn’t come for the bath !!!!
Hope he does pick it up .
Or I will let it go to someone on Facebook
I miss you so much Malc cxx
I only wish you were here with me .
When Andy has gone and Jordd I will run Muffin round town
I will write to you tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April. 7th 2019 18:39pm
lol Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been too bad
Trevor and his step Daughter emptied all the shed into my new one .
Pressure washed both gardens and. Got all the leaves up it looks smashing now .
The painter Came back and brought the paint back and finished the job he should have done .
Carol Norrey has been for a coffee and chat stayed a couple of hours nice .
She’s a good friend xx
I had to go to Cannock to Argos to collect a parcel
I wish you were here Malc I really miss you and Tigger
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 6th 2019 18:52 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been so busy
I got up early after Lisa got me out of bed
The Plumber Andy Cam 9am yoked most of the floor placed the bath in coming again on Monday
The painter can’t to paint the front and back fence panels
I paid him but he took a tin of paint
I wasn’t happy rang him and he’s coming on Monday and bringing the tin of paint back
Not happy , I won’t have him again
I’ll ask Jordan to paint the fence opposite
Pay him instead .
Adam is coming Monday to take away the bath and taps
Trevor our neighbour across the road has emptied the shed so I can get rid of it.
I miss you Malc so much it hurts
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone XX
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 5th 2019 15.18 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been busy but good .
Took Muffin to Hednesford park and shops
Then later Jayne my friend came took me to lunch
Lovely meal T The Chetwynd upper Longdon
She came back for a cuppa just gone home
Andy the plumber is here again tiling the bathroom now
I think he will be here until Monday evening
Still he’s making a good job so can’t complain.
I might need him in the future he’s a good plumber
Painter for fencing might come tomorrow
If it doesn’t rain ☔️
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc XX
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny XX

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 4th 2019 11:31am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today yet again rainy and very cold .
I have managed to take Muffin up the skelly .
Andy has come to carry on putting new bath in
He’s waiting for tiles to come in .
He’s brought me a shepherds pie hand cooked today how lovely bless him .
Bath taps and levers have come
I can’t wait for bathroom tho be finished
Malc I can’t tell you how much I miss you darlin
No one will ever understand unless they are going through it
Even my family !!
Lisa is happy working with Christopher very close now
I’m glad .
I’m stuck in now until rain stops .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love v to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. April 3rd 2019’ 18:59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been much better
Andy arrived 8:30 am stated on the Bathroom
It’s out he’s removed some tiles and replacing with fresh
Martin next door helped carry the old bath down the stairs
I’ve brought some lovely tiles for the floor
New taps and levers
Hope Andy turns up tomorrow
Carole Banks has been today she’s not well really .
Been to Cannock with Muffin.
Took paper work in council Tax .
25% discount because I live on my own because I’ve lost you Malc xx
I miss you my darlin so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My. Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April. 2nd 2019 11:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today pouring down with rain
Andy is suppose to come WILL HE .????
I’ve been out to get groceries
A boring day I think.
No one due to come lunches today .
I miss you Malc so much darlin wish you were here
Won’t hear from anyone today I guess .
Not slot to tell you today really . I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 1st 2019 13;53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy
Today a bit boring on my own again
Lisa at Work .
Took Muffin up the skelly then Mums bungalow to check post
Waiting for John mobility scooter chap he’s just arrived
As we speak sorted .
Going a ride out now with Muffin .
Might go to see Paula .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
Andy is coming tomorrow morning to put new bath in
Hope it all goes well .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 31st 2019 08:02am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early today Malc it’s Mothers Day and I’m going to Lisa,s for dinner BUT I can’t take Muffin
Both my Daughter and Son seem to tell me what I can and can’t do .
Oh Malc were is the love 💕
I wish both of them would genuinely mean and say
Love you Mum !!!
I feel very left out with my family
My friends seem to care more
Very lonely day Malc very lonely
Christopher will be picking Ellie up today
It’s Georgies 9 th Birthday .
I won’t see her they are going riding
I’ve rang and her present is here .
I will spend just over an hour with Lisa
Jade and the kids will be there
Muffin and I will go a ride round later .
I love Muffin he is my baby boy
I miss you Malc so much it hurts
My life is so lonely Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 30 th 2019 17:10 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been strange had to stop in most of the day
Trevor the neighbour has got all the lRves up and cleaned and press-up washed the decking found the back it looks great
He’s coming back next Saturday to do the front .
Lovely neighbours .
Waiting for Ellie to come she’s sleeping over .
Just arrived .
Ben up the skelly with Muffin and Cannock
I miss you Malc so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 29th 2019 18:18 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been quite busy and pleasant
Took Muffin to the groomers popped
round Cannock .
Then to Hednesford W solicitor s
To drop stuff off
Collected Muffin then Jean Beardsmore for lunch
Stayed a couple of hours a very good friend .
Took Muffin to Tesco milk then chip shop mini fish and chips
Watching telly now soaps news .
I miss you Malc so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 28th 2019 07;29 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early Malc lists going on
Chaps coming to complete paint windows .
No sign yet of Andy coming to do bathroom .
Hope he doesn’t let me down .
House in a mess at the moment .
Trevor neighbour might be coming to tidy garden back and front this weekend .
I’m not asking Ziggy anymore .
Still in bed waiting for Lisa to come and help me get dressed
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 27th 2019 18:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m happy painters came done front windows and porch
Look great coming back tomorrow to do back windows
Also a chap is coming to paint my back Dior and double gates and fencing .
My new hoover has come it’s great
Andy hasn’t come though getting a bit worried
I miss you my darlin so much Malc
I wi write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 26th 2019 28:40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit messy
No sign of Andy the Plummer
Tried ringing texting no joy .
Took Muffin up the skelly and later to Carole Banks
Don’t like Kevin he’s very sarcastic .
But Carole loves him he is good to her .
You didn’t like him did you Malc .
Kev did take my vacuum to the local shop to be returned
He does have a good side to him .
Diabetic appointment tomorrow 11:30 am
Windows painted tomorrow looking forward to it coming back Friday .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 25th 2019 27;44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has benn an up and down day
Andy the bath chappie didn’t come
Must be serious he never lets you down
I did get a refund from groupon faulty curtains
Had lunch with Dot lovely afternoon as always
She paid half the fare for Torquay.
Chanel rang goose cut her Webb foot very bad gone to vets
Thank you for being in my dream Malc
I miss you so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 24th 2019 16:50 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been too bad
Took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford.
Lisa and Geoff took me for dinner st The nags zhead
Not a good really
I didn’t feel very comfortable today with Lisa
I feel both my children have left me behind .
I know they have their own lives to lead but I did expect
More from Christopher .

He hasn’t treated me very well
I don’t think he will either only for his own ends
He thinks I’m stupid .
Andy is doing our bathroom tomorrow a roll top
Silver legs .
Going for lunch to Dots .
A busy week really .
I miss you my darlin more than ever Malc xx
Lonely night now until tomorrow xx
Just Muffin and me xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 23rd 2019 16:26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been good really
I took Muffin to. Cannock and Penkridge
Stayed an hour .
Came back telephoned Garry cooper daughter answered asked for strip of wood for back gate I broke
She came and even replaced the latch bless her cost a a tenor .
Rang John shepherds estate Agent going to have them to sell Mums bungalow .
Hurry up and sell help me Malc .
Hoping to win la million tonight !!!
I miss you Malc my darlin so much it hurts
Thinking about you when we had Lisa you came every night and saw me and baby Lisa xx
Fish and chips every night 🤗
I loved those years darlin where have they gone ?
On Malc I want you back I need you
I will never get over loosing you Malc xx
I have been invited to Sunday dinner tomorrow
The Nags head. Burntwood xx
Lisa is working next Sunday Mother’s Day
I will write to you again. Tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 22nd. 2019 17:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been too bad .
Took Muffin to Cannock twice bern a busy day .
Paul from Hillary’s came to measure up for shutters
He was here ages coming to fit them June 28th 8:30 am
Looking forward to them
Had to take Muffin to Kays for his dinner little boy
Wouldn’t eat here .
Bless him XX
Stewart is on his way to fit new end to tap .
Yeah. Xxx
Nothing on telly tonight so dvd for me .
I miss you my darlin so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone cc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 21st 2019 15:08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today back to normal lonely days
Still I’m back with Muffin but he’s back to his not eating
No treats until dinner eat .
Hillary’s have quoted me shutters
I’m happy with .
Chappie coming at 4pm sample painted windows
Lisa is picking kids up so won’t see her now until Sunday
My friend is coming tonight 7:30pm
I miss you Malc so much XX
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 20th 2019 06;30am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Haven’t slept well woke twice in the night .
Thinking about Muffin can’t wait to get back to him
I’m writing early we are going to Cheshire oaks today
With Jean and Jeff .
Hope weather holds .
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Peter Noon last night he was great !!
Other groups played as well .
I wish you had have been there Malc brought back memories it made me feel sad ☹️
I miss you so much darlin xx
Come back home Malc please it’s been too long xx
I will Write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 19th 2019. 09;30sm
Hello Malc darling and Tigger my baby boy
It’s a short message today Going to Llandudno to see Peter Noon .
Picking me up now .
Hope we have a safe journey .
Muffin staying with Kay back tomorrow.
I wish you were going with me Malc
Miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 18 th 2019 19:12pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been turmoil stressed all day .
Lisa popped in for my sewing machine
She’s doing something for the kids .
Jordan is coming back home .
Can’t find where I brought those curtains from .
My memory is failing me .
Muffins had a bath ready to stay at Kays tomorrow’
I miss you Malc so much.
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc
After the theatre .
Peter Noon.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 17 th March 2019 0803am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early still in bed .
Ellie has slept over again st least she is company
I hate Sundays
I’m crying now watching. Escape to the country
Dorset , Milton Abbas has just been on
Memories Malc ,I miss you so much darlin so much m
I’m so lonely family don’t realise .
Lisa is off to Birmingham with Geoff and family .
Ellie will be picked up and Muffin and I will be in our own again .
The sun is out at the moment and I will be taking Muffin up the skelly .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog y NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 16 th 2019 16:26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Thank you Malc for coming into my dream and giving me a kiss then we walked over to Bella’s cafe but then I woke up
I wish it would come true Malc
I miss you so much darlin .😢
Today has up to now been very boring
Took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford .
Later went to Cannock took a cheque into the bank
Came back home.
Stewart came brought the wrong tap part
Ordered the right one hopefully this time .
I love you with all my heart ❣Malc .
I have Ellie here now Christopher has not long dropped her off
She is sleeping over .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 15th 2019 19:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’m angry seen none of my family Christiopher is away with family over night .
Angry yet again Stewart let me down 😡
Does anyone care ????????
I think I’m being ripped off all round !!!!
Help me Malc please
I miss you so much I need a boost I really do .
Thank God I have friends
Carol Norrey welcomes me in for a cuppa
Or I have been on my own just Muffin and me .
Oh Malc what’s gone wrong ?????
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 14th 2019. 19:59 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been quite eventful really .
Boring st first but as the day went on it got better
I went to Kays stayed an hour got back home then Chanel rang asked if I could watch the kids why they went for a meal with Lisa and Paris as she has been with them 6 months
Still here at the moment but it has been a change .
I miss you Malc so much .
Wish you were here darlin xx
I love you and miss you so much 😢x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 13th 2019 25:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been stressful took Muffin up the skelly then Cannock to take a jacket back to DP .
Later had to go to Bungalow estate agent John shepherd
Worried really taking this all on .
Trying to talk to Christopher but yet again he’s busy
It’s rained all day again fed up really .
No company again .
It’s driving me mad Malc .
I seem to be doing everything on my own .
My chest is so tight .
I miss you More than ever xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc XX
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 12th 2019 27:44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I feel very lonely and weepy .
So down missing you so much .
It’s rained most of the day but Kev picked Muffin and I up to take me to Caroles .
I was crawling up the walls .
I should have met Marwood but cancelled weather
Took Muffin to Cannock to collect a parcel a coat
Too big .
Haven’t heard from anyone today all busy I guess .
I miss you so much Malc xx
Brexit meeting tonight hope we leave with no deal
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. March 11th 2019 15:16pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been too bad .
Took Muffin up the skelly it was bitter cold .
Later went to Cannock after Bath and screen cam and shutter Hillary’s also came gave me a quote .
Just come back from Tesco now home with Muffin .
Bitter cold Malc brrrr.
I miss you my darlin so much wish you were here .
Only saw Geoff whilst I was out in the streett.
Lonely days lately Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 10 th 2019 18:23 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been so lonely. Apart from Christopher caking in for Mums keys to put stuff in her garage .
Jason should have come today he didn’t turn up .
I felt uncomfortable the other day when I asked him to to turn off Mums gas and electric .
Nothing from Lisa today !!
Busy with Geoff’s family I guess
I miss you Malc you should see how Chris is building his business up and Lisa working for him too .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 9th 2019 26:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been very good
Weather awful dick of rain .
Been to see your Sheila only for an hour .
Then took some boots back to DP .
I did call in Lisa’s but she wasn’t happy because Max kept attacking Muffin then Muffin barked .
Jade and kids were there saw Lisa’s walking machine
Didn’t feel wanted today .eatching w
Also took a parcel to why not .
Home now too cold to go s ride round with Muffin
Watching catchphrase.
Boring night in no visitors .
I miss you Malc more than ever
Nothing I can do 😢xxx
I will write to you tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 8th 2019. 24:54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today yet again very stressful .
Collected my prescription then took Muffin to Cannock
Called into Marwood discussed Mums bungalow
Connells rang later seeing Ryan Friday .
Why is everything left to me .
I’m on my own today no visitors raining outside and cold
Muffin is lying on my lap .
Bless him .
I miss you more than ever Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 7th 2019 18:32pm
Hello Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Today was going well until Rob rang my Solicitor
He said W doesn’t want me to talk or write to her
Only phoning solicitors .
So I’m of to Marwood to check what they Charge
I will NEVER EVER talk and see the B..........
Ever again .
I’m so stressed Malc doing everything on my own .
Sorry this is a short message
I miss you and love you so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 6th 2019 1955pm
Hello. Malc my darling and Tigger baby boy
Today hasn’t been too bad .
Took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford .
Dot came for lunch stayed 2 hours .
Then I went to see Paula had a couple of hours .
It’s pored down today .
Same tomorrow.
Back home watching telly .
Chanel has just rang there Manager has just resigned
Not good .
Lisa is out probably with Geoff can’t get in touch .
I miss you Malc I need you darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 5th 2019 17:17 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit lonely .
I took Muffin to Cannock got mixed up with email
Went to collect a parcel but wasn’t there .
I did buy a jumper. Though .
A bit bored so I took Muffin a ride round then popped to see Nadire who used to own the sea bright fish bar .
She lose Zeb .
Her children liked ours have all grown up and have children
I stayed an hour had a cuppa and s lovely chat catch up .
Back home now watching The chase .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 4th 2019 18.04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy
Today turned out better than I thought
Took Muffin up the skelly then Aldi .
Later My friend came and took me for a ride and lunch
I paid .
Came back then Lisa came stayed an hour .
Christopher has just rang he wants to put more furniture
In Mums bungalow Temperary.
It’s fine .
Leaving it up to him to sort Estate .
I’ve been very stressed today .
My friend did make me a bit happier .
I’m in now watching news then the usual soaps
Carole Banks is coming tomorrow.
I miss you Malc so so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 3rd 2019 16:25pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today is a shit day after Christopher picked up Ellie it’s been a very lonely rotton day .
Had a lamb dinner Muffin enjoyed it .
I hate Sundays with a passion !!!!!!
Jason came up to turn off Mums Electric & Gas .
He seemed a bit off ,
Must have something on his mind .
I’ve texted Lisa If she will spare an hour tonight !
Don’t think she will come or answer .
I miss you Malc more and more each day xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 2nd 2019 26:48pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I have been so upset and angry .
My head is all over the place
Now decided to use Purple Bricks not. Sure if I’m doing the right think .
W is doing nothing .
I do hope it sells else we lose £899 .
Listening to Christopher again .
I feel so low Malc 😌
I’ve been left to do everything .
Ellie is here now.
Staying over night .
I miss you so much Malc I feel like crying all day
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 1st 2019 16:43pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit stressful
I took Muffin to Cannock collected a parcel
Then home
Went for lunch with my friend Jayne who has thyroid cancer .
She is so brave Malc like you were .
We had a nice afternoon .
I have contacted another estate agent
Hoping they win sell the Bungalow .
I’m sick and tired of my sister
When this is complete I never ever want to see or
Hear from her again !!!
Help me through this Malc
I miss you so much darlin xx
I will write to you tomorrow Malc XX
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 27th 2019 16:52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
TodY has been quite good really .
Took Muffin to Cannock in the rain to get Mums keys back from Flint and co .
Then popped in my new Bank sorted things out .
Later Lisa came took me to Lichfield we had a meal out
Then popped to a couple of shops .
Back home now watching The chase .
I had a dream about Butch last night I lost him Inwoke up crying .
Oh Malc I do miss you so much .
My friend Jayne is coming tomorrow we are also going to lunch .
I’ve brought her some flowers she has Cancer Malc
WHY is it so rife !!!!
I’m terrified Malc .
Christopher has had a new car oudie 4.something litre
All the gadgets inside and cameras 🎥 .
He loves his status .
The house is looking great he has had new grey windows
I’m having ours painted grey when the weather picks up .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Hope this goes through .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 27th 2019 16:52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
TodY has been quite good really .
Took Muffin to Cannock in the rain to get Mums keys back from Flint and co .
Then popped in my new Bank sorted things out .
Later Lisa came took me to Lichfield we had a meal out
Then popped to a couple of shops .
Back home now watching The chase .
I had a dream about Butch last night I lost him Inwoke up crying .
Oh Malc I do miss you so much .
My friend Jayne is coming tomorrow we are also going to lunch .
I’ve brought her some flowers she has Cancer Malc
WHY is it so rife !!!!
I’m terrified Malc .
Christopher has had a new car oudie 4.something litre
All the gadgets inside and cameras 🎥 .
He loves his status .
The house is looking great he has had new grey windows
I’m having ours painted grey when the weather picks up .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Hope this goes through .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 27 th 2019 17:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today had been ok really apart from missing you
Malc .
Took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford Tesco and Sldi
Jean and Jeff Beardsmore came for lunch he fixed my table
Great friends .
They came at 1:45 left 3:45 always enjoy their company
Just got back with Muffin a ride round .
Now watching our favourite programme.
The chase .
I miss you Malc I see men sometimes out in the street far away look like you , I always wish it was .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my baby to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday. February 26th 2019 07.46 am.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early I don’t want to leave it as late as last night
I’m going to take Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford
Tesco and Aldi .
We are off to Carole's later for lunch .
It’s going to be a lovely sunny day today .
Making the best off it , it’s going to change over the weekend
W is causing yet another problem with your. Ungaliw Mum
Just need it gone now .
I miss you more and more each day Malc
Tired of stressing sorting things out .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 25th 2019 22.44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
A short Message tonight Malc .
Lonely day really , went to new bank transferred money
Thank you Mum .
I love you and miss you 😘
I did pop to see Lisa I stayed just over and hour had a cuppa
I hope Christopher can wait a while for money
I would like to improve the house and garden .
I miss you my darlin so much Malc xx
I’ve been stressed today W again !!
Paying more out to her solicitor.
I’m having to cope on my own .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 24th 2019 14:34pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today a bit strange .
After taking Muffin up the skelly Geoff took me to Sainsburys to buy my face wash .
It’s being discontinued I’ve been told .
I then took Muffin to Hednesford Tesco and Aldi .’
My friend popped in for about 20 mins .
Now Muffin and I are on our own
Lonely Sunday !!!!!
After dinner I will take Muffin a ride round on my mobility scooter .
Not much really to tell you Malc only W is causing problems again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 23rd 2019 19:06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today was going great until that ..... of a S
Can’t even say her name backed out of going to
Connells .
She is going through her solicitor.
I went to Sheila’s stayed an hour back to Cannock I have the Bose back .
Saw Lisa Jade and the kids at the nest but it was too cold
In now had a curry but still angry !!!!!!
I’ve got to switch off .
Spoke to Sheila she is angry too .
Mum Shake the B.......... up
I miss you Malc more than ever darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 22nd 2019 14:23pm
Hello Malc here we go again angry really been to Christopher’s stayed until 1:30 pm Chanel drove me back to Stafford station told me platform 4
It was platform 1 so missed it now got to wait an hour for next flipping train grrrrt.
It’s 5 years today Malc since I lost you .
I still miss you so much .
I’ve left Muffin with Kay so when I finally get to Hednesford
I’ve got to get on my scooter and pick up Muffin from Kays .
I’ll never learn will I .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my live to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 21st 2019 21:59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been to bad ,
I feel a bit better today I think the tablets are kicking in .
I’ve actually with drew Flint and Co and are going with Connelly estate agents .
Hope Mums bungalow sells now .
It’s 5years tomorrow since you left me darlin
I don’t know where they have gone .
I miss you every day Malc and always will .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 29 th 2019 18:44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’m worried sick had phone call from surgery my B12 and Folate is low .
Dr is ringing me soon to discuss this .
It can cause pernicious anemia .
I’m sorry this is a quick message will let you know more tomorrow
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 18 th 2019 18:26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been better than I thought .’
I’ve had pains under my right shoulder blade across my back under my right breast bone across my chest
I thought at one time I was having a heart attack .
I took Muffin up the skelly then to Cannock later to take an item back to DP .
Then went to Jean Beardsmore’s for lunch and a long afternoon chat .
She rubbed some cream on my back she said how knotted my back was .
I’m so stressed Malc , missing you like crazy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Hope this message goes through .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 27 th 2019 18:32pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I’m in pain chest back kidneys from t of chest neck head .lreally worried .
I have had to go out thinking about health all the time
It’s because I’m on my own .
I took Muffin up the skelly to Hednesford
Mums Bungalow .
Christopher spoke today sorting bank Tuesday .
Chanel is causing problems .😚
I’ve been to Carol Norrey’s today 3pm -5pm
It took it of my mind the pains and discomfort
I’ve just taken two paracetamol .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 15 th 2019 22:34 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Happy 69th Birthday my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Hope this goes through it didn’t earlier .’
Been to Rugeley today brought Sheila some pegs she asked for from Wilkos .
I have been to drs today my diabetes is abnormal
9.5 fasting .
Seeing dr Manikam 27 th Feb .
Hope I can control it .’
Geoff has brought some flowers today and your Sheila
For your Birthday 🍰.
I miss you my darlin so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 14th 2019 06:57am
Hello Malc writing early to see if this goes through .
Taking Muffin up the skelly then popping into Tesco Aldi
12 noon Lisa is icking me up going to our favourite pub
Chetwynd pub upper Longdon .
Then 3pm going to Mum’s bank .’
Valentine’s Day today .
Your 69th Birthday tomorrow.
I miss you my darlin so much
Happy valentine day Malc .💕💕💕💕💕
Hope this goes through .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 13th 2019
Hello Malc I’m going to try writing to you this time every night
I’m testing this see if it goes through
Love you Malc xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 13th 2019 18:11pm
Hello Malc just a quick you all my messages haven’t gone through
I miss you I love you if this didn’t go through
I will never forget you darlin
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 10 th 2019 15:23pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Mum. &Tigger my baby boy
Today isn’t good !
Still have indigestion and niggles in my chest and stomach
I’ve cried today so lonely Malc .
Family have other commitments.
Friends busy .
Jason has been to connect my hive hub .
Also place a new battery in the ring door bell and replace two led bulbs .
Stewart has let me down again 😠
I’m bloody fed up .
Christopher has rang asking if my money ad come in
Not yet .
I’m keeping my thoughts to myself Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 9th 2019. 25:57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been good .
Felt sick all day and indigestion wasn’t well yesterday
Hope it’s just diverticulitis.
I’ve been to Penkridge to see Sheila .
Stayed 2 hours .
She is so stressed it’s stressing me .
I haven’t seen anyone else in the family today .
Lonely more and more each day .
What’s happened ?????. Malc xx
Jason is coming tomorrow to change battery in ring door bell and connect my hive thermostat to my iPhone .
Nothing much more to tell you today Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Missing you so much Malc.’
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 8th 2019 13:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m fuming agai I’ve trued writing to you and again problems with the server .
This will be short Malc In case it doesn’t come through
I love you and miss you darlin so much
Waiting for my mattress to be collected
Then new one Monday .
Going to Sheila’s Tomorrow
She’s driving me mad .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 7th 2019 10:16pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Hope this message goes through today .
Today it’s pouring down with rain and very windy .
I won’t be going out this morning .
Andy a chap is coming to service the boiler and gas fire
Also put a hive system in so I can turn heating on when I’m away ready to come home .
£110 he is charging but not doing a full service on gas fire .
Mattress being collected tomorrow in the morning .
I miss you Malc , I have a fear in my stomach at the moment
I just wish everything could be sorted .
I’m writing early I don’t was to forget .
I will write again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday Feb 6th 2019 18.56pm
Hello again Malc and Tigger my baby boy sorry this is short tried twice to write to you today .
I miss you and love you Malc and will hopefully write to you again .
LOVE 💕 YOU FOREVER MALC kiss Tigger and Mum
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 5th 2019 19.01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a bit upside down .
I took Muffin to Hednesford today he didn’t have a long walk today .
Popped in Aldi and Tesco saw W she went off on one
Im sick of her winging .
I’m trying to convince her to walk away from her solicitor
No joy yet .
Christopher rang today he only rings when he’s after something .
I later took Muffin to Carole’s for lunch .
Stayed 3 hours she’s coming to me next Tuesday .
I’m all mixed up tonight Malc wandering if I’m doing the right thing .
I love you 😍 and miss you so much Malc .
I will right to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 4th 2019 15:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I was terrified as I have a what Inthought was a mole
On the top of my back near my neck .
Lisa and Jade looked at it yesterday and thought it was a mole too .
It upset my family meal 🥘I was so worried .
I made an appointment and saw Dr Manikam
He reassured me it was a wart not a mole .
I have had a prescription for VB which is what I think I have
Got to collect it 5pm
Lisa has just finished painting her bedroom .
Christopher came to pick up Ellie Yesterday and stayed for a cuppa , I was shocked .
He actually had a hug 🤗 too .
Ellie enjoyed her sleep over .
I miss you my darlin and thank you for watching over new
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 3rd 2019 17:07pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I’m really worried .
For the last week or so the mole on my back has be catching on my clothes labels etc .
It looks very sore both with Jade and Lisa looking at it .’
You know me Malc I always think of Cancer !!
I don’t want to but I will ring doctors in the mornng .
Geoff Lisa Jade Adam Jordan and Mary and Finley and Carter and I went to the Bridge at Penkridge for a carver meal
Very nice Geoff paid bless him .
Sheila is driving me mad ringing twice a day
I’m trying my best to help.
Colin should be coaxed to get out of bed and have physio and toilet .
I keep worrying about this mole now until the dr says it’s fine I won’t stop .
Sorry it’s short today Malc , I will write to you again
Tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February. 2nd 2019 14:32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok.
I took Muffin to Cannock to collect his collar from groomers it was left yesterday. I then popped to boots to buy a couple of items for the kids .
I went to Penkridge to see your Sheila stayed a couple of hours missed the first bus because they have altered the time
Now leaving Penkridge 33 mins to the hour back .
I’m home now ,Ellie is staying over night again
Malc I’m so tired today could sleep really .
I’m popping to Hednesford in 15 mins for some veg for dinner tomorrow and milk .
I miss you darlin so much , Sheila realise this now
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 1st 2019 18:35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has gone so quick
I took Muffin to the groomers perfect groom really pleased .
I called in DP ‘s brought a top and jumper .
Popped to boots brought some presents .
Collected Muffin came home sent a parcel back boots and a red rushed sweat shirt .’
Carol Norrey came with two bunches of tulips bless her
She’s a very good and kind friend .
Chanel has just rang .
Ellie is staying tomorrow night sleep over .
I’m so shocked she used to hate coming here .
The weather is so cold Malc but the nights are getting lighter thank goodness !!
I miss you Malc more & more each day it’s coming up to your Birthday soon I wish you were here to celebrate .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 31st 2019 17:48pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today is freezing temp -1 brr
Didn’t stop out long today .
Took Muffin to Hednesford Aldi and Tesco .
No ride today too cold.
Jayne my friend had her thyroid removed today . She has cancer .
I do hope she gets well and survives .
No one has text or rang today .
I rang Sheila today going Saturday if no snow .
Muffins groom tomorrow hope weather is ok got to drop a parcel off and call in Asda and B&m .
Not a lot to tell you today Malc xx
I miss you more than ever Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 30 th 2019 17:16 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok .
Took Muffin up the skelly and Hednesford .
Called in Tesco and Aldi this morning .
Carole Banks came at 12.30pm
She stayed until Kev picked her up at 4pm
I then took Muffin a ride round .
Back home now brrr freezing cold .
Jason rang he is worried about installing my Hive heating gadget .
So he gave me an engineer who is going to do it and service my boiler and gas fire .
He is charging me. £110 .
Have to have it done I reckon .
I miss your company and love Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday. January 29th 2019 16.04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has turned out lovely .
I took Muffin through the town to Debbie had my hair done
He is such a good boy .
My Angel he is . I later rang Jean asking if she would come to lunch .
She came and stayed until Jeff picked her up at 3.45pm
He had a coffee.
It’s snowing now Malc ,sleeting really .
Bitterly cold .
I’m staying in with Muffin watching telly .
Hope it doesn’t stick .
It’s Alan’s 83rd Birthday tomorrow they are going out to celebrate .
I miss you my darlin so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 28th 2019 17.24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit lonely .
I took Muffin to Hednesford Tesco today and a ride to the park
It’s freezing today .
I also popped to Mum’s bungalow .
I had dinner then took Alan’s Birthday present down to Kay’
Good job they are out for the next three days .
Not heard from Lisa today must be busy or at work again .
Good night in telly .
Hair day tomorrow that might brighten me up .
Then my friend is coming about 2.30pm
Carole Banks on Wednesday .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 27th 2019 26.42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been good really .
Took Muffin to Aldi this morning just for a couple of things .
Later Cameron called to pick up keys to Mums bungalow
Christopher just waved .
Not happy with him at the moment .
He has put some furniture of his Temprary whilst they improve his house .
I later met up with Dot we had a meal at The Hen house .
Took Muffin we stayed 3 hours and spoke to another friend of hers who had lost her husband .
It’s so bitterly cold out there .
Back home watching telly nice and warm .
But missing you more and more each day Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 26th 2019 16:23pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a strange day really .
I took Muffin to Cannock for a ride as I’m seeing no one today .
Except Caroline and Trevor who are my neighbours live across the road .
They came to help with placing a rug under my sofa it’s new .
I just can’t lift bend or stretch with pain .
Muffin is lying on it now he love’s 💕it .
It’s porung down now hate winter ❄️.
Good job there are decent programmes on tonight .
I’m ordering a curry soon from jade garden .
I’m so lonely Malc with out you 😓x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January. 25th 2019 26.34pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been good apart from my poorly Back
I had some Ibuprofen from the drs .
Had new mattress yesterday it’s lovely .
But very bad back.
Lisa took me to Stafford today my back was so painful I couldn’t walk round .
We can back she put some new curtains up for me but they need steaming to get the creases out .
She tried to put a rather large rug down couldn’t lift the sofa
So waiting on a strong man to do it for me .
I have to be patient now a days and wait .
I home now with Muffin watching The chase
I miss you so much Malc xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 24th 2019 15:49pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn’t been to bad .
Apart from waking up with an excruciating painful back .
Awful trying to get out of bed .
My day started by taking Muffin to. Hednesford to get a couple of things .
My new mattress and duvet has come the neighbours across the road are taking it upstairs for me .
They are good neighbours Malc .
Whatever I ask they help me .
I’m still in agony but resting .
Stayed in most of the day .
Spoke to your Sheila this morning .
She still visiting Colin in hospital .
I don’t think she’s coping .
Jeff Beardsmore came to sweep the decking off today
Good friends too .
I miss you Malc your company and love .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 23rd 2019 15:59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been very cold and strange .’
I woke up with still a really bad back .
After about an hour I managed to get up .
I took Muffin to Aldi then Tesco but came back cold and in pain .i had a message from Simba saying the new mattress is coming tomorrow.
So I did put it on local market place free .
But Geoff said Lisa would have it so he is collecting it later hopefully with Jordd .
My come yet .’
Hope he doesn’t let me down .
I miss you Malc more and more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 22nd 2019 11:49pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I’ve woke up with the worse back pain ever .
Whatever way I turn I’m in agony !!
I manage to get to Tesco took Muffin a short walk by the side of my scooter.
I’m going to Carol’s for lunch .
Carter is poorly so Lisa is fetching him from school .
This weather isn’t helping .
I miss you my darling so much .
Just been talking to you , hoping you’re watching over us all watching the kids grow up .
I pray to God there is an after life Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday 21st January 2019. 09:58am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I’m writing early because I’m here and there today
Don’t want to forget to write .
John mobility chap is here at the moment
Problem with the scooter electrics .
Then I’m off to Jean’s taking some dresses she ordered .
Don’t know how long I will stay .
I have a bad back today reall stiff and painful .
Muffin is waiting patiently to go out bless him .
It’s bitterly cold out side , forecast snow tomorrow
Hope not too deep .
I hate winter it goes on too long .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 20th 2019 17:01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today a none day , I hate Sundays .
I took Muffin to Cannock this morning Dunelm after Ellie was picked up by Chanel .
Geoff passed me this morning but didn’t pop he usually does !!!!

Ellie was good company last night she was more grown up .
It’s such a dangerous ride to Dunelm but I had no choice
Muffin enjoyed it though .
Came back then had dinner .
I decided to take Jason’s Birthday present to Kay’s I stayed for a cuppa we had a chat Kay and I .
The only human being I’ve spoke to today .
It’s so lonely Malc without you .
So much to talk to you about .
Come home Malc please .
I’m watching the chase now our Favourite programme
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 19th. 2019 14:07pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn’t been too bad .
Took Muffin to Cannock then Penkridge .
Took Sheila what she asked for .
She told me to only stay an hour Colin was home.
She can’t cope !
She was fretting all the time I was there .
Colin seemed chirpy enough .
She is so anxious .
I then popped back on the bus to Cannock and came straight home on my scooter .
Called in Hednesford Aldi and Tesco .
Brought Sheila another mug for Colin .
Elllie texted me today asking if she can stop over night
I said just you she said yes .
I was shocked .
Chanel rang straight after she was shocked to0.
Ellie is coming at 5pm we are having a Chinese curry and chips .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 18 th 2019 13:18pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today so far has been pleasant .
I took Muffin to Hednesford and the park .
Came back my friend came took me out to Stone
We had a cuppa and a ride round .
Came back and had fish and chips .
Lovely morning had by all .
It’s sleeting now so waiting for it to hopefully stop .
Lisa is at work so won’t see her .
Geoff called last night to send my shark hoover back
Don’t really want a replacement but have no choice .
I miss you my darlin Malc so much xxx
I would give anything to have you home .
I’ve wrote early but I don’t want to miss writing to you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 17th 2019 17:14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tiger my baby boy .
Today hasn’t been too good .
Took Muffin to Cannock to take something back
Now I’m stuck with a gift card £42 .
Angry !!
We went to Aldi and Tesco just sent my shark hoover back
Not happy at all with the Hoover .
But I have no choice .
I haven’t seen anyone today except Geoff who helped me take it back .
I am off to cake decoration class tonight with Carol Norrey .
My old school friend .
Muffin is going with me .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 16 th 2019 17:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok .
Took Muffin straight to Cannock to collect a parcel .
Got to go back horrible .
Then came back Jean asked me to lunch I went at 12:30 stayed until 3:30pm
She is such a good friend .
I popped to Hednesford Aldi and Tesco .
Back home now watching The Chase .
You loved that didn’t you Malc ? Xx
I’m going back to Cannock to take parcel back yet again
I might go to pop in tomorrow.
I miss you my darlin so much xx
Just spoke to your Sheila .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 14 th 2019 13:05 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today is a lonely day seen or heard from no one .
Not expecting anyone reallly .
I’ve had a good weekend .
I’m sorting clothes to get rid I have so many .
Been up the Skelly with Muffin and Aldi and Tesco
It started rainy and is very cold .
I really don’t have much to tell you today .
Boring .
I miss you Malc every single day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 13th 2019 26:35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been lovely .
I thought it would be lonely and boring .
I took Muffin to Hednesford a walk from our house to town .
He loves walking by my scooter .
I called in Tesco brought 10 diabetic sugar it was half price .
I took a jumper back which was massive on me .
I exchanged it for diabetic sugar .
Later Lisa rang me asking if I wanted dinner .
I went down at 2:30 pm she rang me .
It was a lovely dinner pork .’
I’ve really enjoyed my day .
Very windy now staying in watching telly .
Didn’t feel very well earlier but better now .
Spoke to Kay today she has lost her old friend .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 12th January 2019 16:34pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.’today has been lovely .
I took Muffin to Cannock first to take back a couple of things .
Then off to Penkridge to take Sheila items she asked for .
Whilst I was there Geoff rang me to go with Lisa Jordan and
Himself to go for a meal at Penkridge .
I really enjoyed it the meal and company was great .
I gave Jordan a £10 .
I don’t usually see him to give him anything .
I wish I could win the lottery. So I could help him and our Jade .
My day has been good really .
I’m home now watching the Chase .
Missing you Malc more than ever.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 11th 2019 16:40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I’ve kept busy .’
Took Muffin to Cannock got Sheila tooth brush holders
Brought a dress in DP .
Booked Peter Noone60s night in Llandudno
19th March staying over night with Jean and Jeff
Kay is Having Muffin .
I will miss him but I will give him lots of love when I get back
Looking forward to the day and night .
I wish you were coming too Malc I miss you so much
Off to your Sheila’s tomorrow .
Things are looking up and I feel a bit lucky at the moment .
I’ve got to think positive .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 10 th 2019 16:25 on
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I’m angry !!!!
It’s Lisa’s Birthday today as you know .
I spoke to her this morning she asked if I would go to check Max 12 pm
I did as requested Jordan came L was there already and I turned up .’!!!!!!
I wished Happy Birthday on Facebook too.
She didn’t reply .’jade put a piece on Facebook she replied love you too .and Linda put a piece on facebook Geoff’s sister
Lisa replies love you too !!!!!
Do any of my children love me ??????
Feeling a bit hurt and weepy .
I’ve checked Mum’s bungalow .
Been to Hednesford .
Just took a parcel back .
Thick fog outside .
Not a happy bunny today at all .
Missing you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 9th 2019 17:26pm
Hello Malc darlin and Tigger my baby boy xx
Today has been quite good.
Took Muffin to Cannock to take a coat back to New Look
Came back popped to Hednesford .
Later Dot came for lunch nice afternoon .
She stayed 3 hours .
I’ve just popped to Hednesford Tesco and pet shop brought some sand to weigh down Lisa ornamental flower display for her Birthday .
She off to London with Geoff tomorrow stay over night .
Wish I was going .
47years tomorrow Malc xxx
I am crying now because you are missing all the kids Birthdays
I miss you so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 8th 2019 17:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today not bad , I took Muffin up the skelly and
Hednesford Tesco and Aldi .’
Lisa came about 12:15 stayed 20 mins
She doesn’t stay long now .’
I later went to Carole’s for lunch .’
Stayed until 3:45 pm
Popped to Cannock to collect a coat from new look its too
Big .
Got to go back .
I’m back home now watching the chase .
Jason was coming to put a battery in the ring door bell but it’s too dark now .’
Chanel has rang at least she does keep in contact
I miss you Malc so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 7th 2019 14:50pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today so far has been good .
I took Muffin up the skelly and Aldi .
Later took him to Kay’s why I went out for a couple of hours with my friend .
Had lunch in Stone and a ride round .
Wish I could have stayed longer .
I’m off to the pictures tonight with Carole Banks to see Mary poppins the new film .
All in all a good day so far .
I miss your company Malc and your love
I ache for you darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 6th 2019 13:36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today as usual a lonely Sunday .
I took Muffin up the skelly and then to Tesco and Aldi
It’s still bitter cold .’
Waiting for Jason to come place a new battery in my Ring door bell .
Hope he comes soon .
Lisa is working no phone call yet from Chanel perhaps tonight .
I’ve keep feeling like I’m going to burst out crying
I did last night. Missing you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 5th 2019. 15:34pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I’ve been in my own all day .
Only Muffin for Company not that I’m complaining .
I love him to bits .
I took him up the skelly then home it was bitterly cold .
Still is .
I hate winter you did too didn’t you .
I’ve been to cannock twice today and still forgot brow sauce .
I’ll get it from Tesco tomorrow.
I’m back home now watching telly Tipping point .
Roll on spring and the light nights .’
I miss you my darlin so much Malc xx
I pray you come home one day xxx
Come into my dreams Malc that helps me a little .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 4th 2019 15:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today a bit lonely but kept busy .
Took Muffin up the skelly and later to Cannock .
Took two skirts back to DP .
Brought skirt £5 for summer .
I’ve made a flower display for Lisa’s Birthday
Next Thursday .she’s 47 yrs .
It’s bitter cold Malc today brrrr. BITTER !!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 3rd 2019 16.18pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .’
Today I feel shattered hope it’s just a cold I’ve got coming .
I took Muffin up the skelly and Muns bungalow .
Called in Aldi and Tesco.
Carole Banks came at 1pm for lunch
She stayed until 3.30pm
My friend is coming later 7ish .
I could go to bed really .
I think I’ve got a bit of depression.
Missing you more than ever Malc .
Mum too .
Life’s getting no easier they say times heals
It doesn’t you just learn to live with it .
I’m sorry this message is short .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. January 02 2018 17:12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has gone quite good.
I took Muffin to Cannock popped in wicks
For a bracket for the shed no joy.
Then called in fashion factory. Brought a skirt nice.
Lisa rang she and Geoff took me for a meal at my favourite
Pub Chetwynd pub .
They loved it .
I really enjoyed my day and meal .’
Back home now watching The chase our favourite Malc xx
I thank you for being in my dream giving me a hug and a couple of kisses which I asked for
I know now you are watching over me xxxx
I miss so much Malc it breaks my heart 💔
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 1st. 2019. 13:24 pm
He’ll Malc and Happy New Year .
Sorry I missed writing to you yesterday. I was a Kay’’s seeing in the New Year.
Lisa or Christopher didn’t wish me Hapoy New Year
But Jade & Jordan did .
I must start afresh this year no bad feelings or falling out over silly things .
Lisa is coming. In a while before she goes to work
I enjoyed the evening with Kay , Alan and Jason
We had a laugh .
I hid my sadness not being with the family .
I’m piping out after Lisa has gone to Tesco just to say Happy New Year .
Hope this year brings good health and Happiness
Especially with my kids .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 30th 2018 16:08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today yet again a very lonely day .
Except a lovely surprise fro Kay .
She popped my plant up she brought me for Christmas .
She stayed about half an hour .
I’ve been sorting my wardrobes out .
Stupid load of clothes .
I texted Lisa yesterday saying how lonely I’ve been with out the family .
She said she promises to see me more often in the new year
She is also having a word with Jade and Jordan they haven’t
Spoke or thanked me for their Christmas presents or if the kids
Liked their presents 🎁.
I’m hurt really !!!!
I miss you Malc more and more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 29t 2018 17:30pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been another lonely day .
Just Muffin and I .
I took him to Cannock to collect a parcel .
Then rode to Dunelm but was disappointed .’I popped into
TJ Hughes brought a Christmas penguine.
It lights up £5 instead of £9.99.
Came home had a cuppa then Tesco and Aldi .
Home now watching Telly with Muffin taking pictures .
Eating a curry takeaway from jade garden .
Nothing from family again Lisa is working
But I know they are going to see Louise Geoff’s Daughter ‘s
Tomorrow another lonely day 😥.
I miss you Malc your company and love .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 28th 2018 17:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I haven’t enjoyed my day today .
If it wasn’t for taking my phone to Gaz Paula’s partner I spent 3 hours there .
Lisa hasn’t rang or been Chanel has just rang .
I don’t feel I belong to my family now .
I feel like Mum used to feel LONELY !!!
Christopher NEVER Rings me .
I’ve nothing exciting to tell you really Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
I miss you so much Malc xx
Is Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 27th 2018. 17:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been ok really .
Took Muffin to Cannock to find out how much my iPhone
Is worth .
I’m having an IPhone 8 from Gaz Paula’s partner
For £220 giving him my phone £100.
They are selling for £599 .
I could have sold it privately but I can’t be bothered .
I later went to Carole Banks for lamb dinner .
Lovely .
Lisa rang me this morning asking did I Enjoy Christmas
I said no I would have preferred my family on Christmas Day
She said she didn’t enjoy Christmas Day either .
I’m very hurt ,I felt like you used to Mum an hour with Mum and that will be fine !!!!!!!!!!!
I miss you Malc every single day xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 26th. 2018. 12:59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy xx
Today is another invite for. Dinner
Paula Theresa’s Daughter .
2pm today then off to Kay’s evening .
I’ve been to Boots in Cannock half price gifts .
I also brought a Calender for next year .
I haven’t heard from anyone today this is becoming usual
Oh I did speak to your Sheila she is so confused
Colin is still in Stafford Hospital .
I don’t think he will be home for a while .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Sorry it’s short today .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 25 th 2018 20:43pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I have been to Kay’s all day having had a great day with a great mate .
My family came this morning together
They stayed an hour yes an hour .
Lisa & Geoff had Jade, Jordan , Adam , Finley Carter
L .
I’m so hurt Malc !!! I felt like Mum .
Let’s just say hello to Mum stay a little while and enjoy our day with my family .
You did Lisa 😢😢😢😢
Christopher could barley look at me .
Chanel did ring me this evening
Christopher had gone to bed 🛌
I’m going to Paula’s tomorrow for dinner just stopping a couple of hours .
The back to Kay’s .
I miss you Malc so much .
I can’t cry any more I’m to shocked .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 24th 2018 17:25pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been quite good really .
I took Muffin to the park then Tesco .
Later off to Cannock brought a couple of things .
2:30pm Geoff picked me up. took me to Lisa’s
We went to The Nags Head for a smashing meal xx
I found out though Jade Adam tge kids Jordan & Jade and L
Is having Christmas Day dinner at Lisa’s xx
Gutted really it’s because I don’t get on with L and Muffin barks at Max .
Max attack’s Muffin .
Hurt the fist Christmas with out my family Malc x
Shirley called with my Christmas cards and presents .
Jayne put a card in too .
I seem to be losing my close family but gaining my not so close family and friends xx
I miss you more this Christmas Malc very weepy lately
Losing Mum hasn’t helped 😥x
Kiss Tigger and Mum. Send my love to Dad and everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 23rd 2018! 12.40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby boy.
Today already lonely no text no phone calls yet .
Christopher’s put me some money in my bank .
Thank you .
I’ve been to Aldi and Tesco just to say hello and merry Christmas.
Tesco gave me some mince pies xx
Thank you Tesco .’
I hope Jade comes today for the kids presents .
May be tomorrow???
Nothing more tell you Malc only I miss you so much darlin 😥
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Hope you all have a great Christmas together xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December. 22nd 2018 16:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy xx
Today has not been good after the kids left I’ve been lonely
Georgia and Ellie did play up
Ellie is a bully to Georgia !!!
Else they were good last night .
Cameron being 13 yrs now .
Seen no one all day no text no phone calls .
Missing you Mum too .
Feeling weepy on and off .
I wasted money last night on a meal for these spoiled Grandchildren they left most of it.
I get so frustrated Malc .
Cameron talked about you last night he thought you were the best and you were .
They won’t feel the same about me ,
They don’t like me really .
I’ve tried so hard but I can’t make them love me
A lonely day tomorrow too if only you were here Malc to love me and me you .
I miss you darlin so much it hurts .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 21st 2018. 26:35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has gone quickly .
I took Muffin to Cannock late it was raining .
Just brought a card for Lisa’s Birthday.
Rode round .
Came back then went for lunch with Jayne my friend
Who has Cancer of the thyroid .
She was quite positive really I wouldn’t be .
Like you Malc she is very brave .
The kids have just been dropped off I have them over night .
They gave me my cards £40 inside !!!
I’ve spent. £250 on everyone !!!!
Thank you Christopher & Chanel
I miss you so much Malclive I’m not the sesame any more with my family .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 20th 2018 16:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has gone so quickly .
I took Muffin up the skelly called in Mums Bungalow
Then to Hednesford .
Later left Muffin With Alan and Kay while I had a meal in pop in
It was lovely a Christmas dinner and pudding .
Jean and I swapped presents .

I then collected Muffin from Kays had a cuppa
Popped to Tesco .
I’m now home with Muffin watching tipping point.
My friend is dropping a card off tonight .
Not been a bad day really.
Still lonely with out you Malc 😥xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. December. 19 th 2018 17:31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today well it’s at least been dry .
Took Muffin up to Shirley’s to give her her Christmas card and Birthday card and Money .
Then down Hednesford to Aldi and Tesco .
Carole Banks came bringing lunch .
She stayed 3 hours .
Then off to Cannock to buy a bobble hat .
Also get Sheila soups and ankle socks .
Back home now watching our favourite programme
The Chase x
I miss you my darlin so much xx
I wish you were here for Christmas 🎄 xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 18th 2018 15:31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby boy.
Today has been a filthy rainy day .
Only took Muffin up the skelly then Aldi .
Too windy and wet .
My friend came bringing fish and chips 🍟
Staying about an hour .
Now watching Escape to the country .
You know me Malc always watching these programmes
Lisa is off today but I think she is collecting the kids from school .
I can’t really think of anything else’s to tell you Malc xx
I miss you so much Malc my darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 17 th 2018 16:22pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today a bit messy .
I took Muffin up the skelly tgen Mum’s bungalow
Met up with Gaz. Paula’s partner he emptied Mum’s garage took all to the tip .
Good on him , I’ve got good friends. Malc.
Later I went to Cannock to collect. a new Bose speaker
Lisa came for an hour brought Max but he just doesn’t like Muffin he keeps attacking him .
I popped to Tesco after she went .
Can you see the Christmas tree ornament which lights up with a candle.
My friend is coming tomorrow at 1pm.
Then lunch with Carole Wednesday .
I miss you Malc , Christmas won’t be the same this year Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 16th 2018! 16:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy .
Today is another boring Sunday .
I took Muffin up the skelly and Hednesford.
Popped inAldi and Tesco .
Took Muffin a ride round later seen no one .
Jason has called in put up my new lamp
Lovely .
Nothing else to tell you Malc only I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum xx
Send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December. 15th 2018 16:52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today hasn’t stopped raining but I did manage to get to your Sheila’s .
This morning I could take Muffin anywhere I had the kids over night .
CHANEL picked them up at 11:15am
I took Muffin toCannock after they left .
Sheila gave me my Christmas presents and card
Lovey two hours with them .
Still searching for that Bose sound link speaker
I’m totally at a loss .
I can’t believe ziggy has took it ?
I’ve brought another one , I don’t want to accuse anyone .
Please Malc let me find it ?
I miss you Malc so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 14th 2018 17:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been so lonely and boring Malc .
So cold too.
I took Muffin to Cannock to get some whisky for Sheila .
I’m going there tomorrow Penkridge .
I have only been to the shops once too cold to venture out .’
The kids are here now staying over just for tonight .
I miss you Malc more and more each day .
I feel very weepy today not looking forward to Christmas
I’m not going to family for dinner I’m going to Kays
Boxing Day to Paula’s Theresa Kolodj Daughter .
My life isn’t the same now .
No one in the family seems bothered about me much
Lisa does take me out occasionally but Christopher and Chanel don’t bother .
Chanel rings me every day .
I suppose I should be grateful .
I’m reporting the Bose missing to the police .
Don’t like involving Ziggy but he is the only one who has been left alone in my house why I have popped out .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Including Mum xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday. December 13 th 2018! 15:57pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today yet again searched for the Bose sound speaker.
No joy !
Been to pop in had dinner and pudding .
I did take Muffin up the skelly and to Aldi and Tesco .
Bitterly cold today Malc .
Staying in now watching telly to cold to keep taking Muffin out .
He is missing going out more than once but weather is too cold .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I feel a bit weepy today what with losing you and Mum
Not a good Christmas really .
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 12th 2018 16:08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today not so good .
Been very bord today .
Took Muffin toHednesfird and the park .
Saw Anita but not bothered really or Karen .
We are drifting I think .
After lunch I took Muffin a ride round and popped to see Paula
To pay her for the light up Christmas ornaments.
Kay rang but I’m feeling really down because my Bose mini sound speaker has gone missing !!!!
I’ve seached everywhere.
Who’s taken it !!!!!!.’
It’s constantly on my mind , if it was cheap I wouldn’t worry but it was £169 .
Oh Malc Christmas is going to be so lonely with out you .
I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 11th 2018 17:43pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been ok took Muffin up the skelly and a ride round
Later went to Cannock to buy an amazon echo dot from Geoff to Lisa .
I then went to Carol’es for lunch .
Stayed a couple of hours .’
I popped to Tesco to drop a couple of cards off for the staff and Ika .
Home now watching telly .
My new lamp has come looks good waiting for Jason to put it together . Still looking for my missing Bose sound speakers
I miss you my darling so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Kiss Mum too 💕😘
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 10 th 2018 17:24pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today started well taking Muffin to Hednesford.
I did take him to Cannock too.
Long story .
Later I went to lunch with Dot Tge Hen house .
Lovely meal and company .
Then when I got home Carol Norrey came
She stayed an hour and wanted to see Mum’s
Bungalow .
Then Christopher rang ruined my day
Shouting and calling me a c.
All over me selling the house with Flint and co .
Don’t know why he is so concerned .
I’ve asked him to put some money in my bank to help me with Christmas .
Otherwise a good day .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
Calm Christopher down Malc please .
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Including Mum .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 9th 2018 13;57pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today not so good still searching for the Bose speaker .
Been to Hednesford twice brought another present for Finley
I think I finished now .
I took Muffin to Hednesford for a long walk not on the park too muddy.
At least no rain today .
I’ve wrapped all presents now .
I’m feeling very lonely Malc again .
Sunday’s are my worst day .
I hear it see no one .
Nothing much to tell you today Malc a very boring day .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 8th 2018 16:07pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today not so good , weather atrocious boring lonely day .
Tomorrow probably. Be the same .
No Mum here for dinner and company now .
I’m destin to be lonely I think .
Jas popped in to check my lamp it’s broken .
I’ve ordered another one .
Jas is so good he is helping a lot at the moment
I can’t do things .
My Bose mini speaker has gone missing
I’m very worried .
Have I moved it or !!!
I think I’m going crazy .
Wrapped quite a few presents today
My worst job 😌remember when we used to argue over wrapping .
Wish you were here Malc to Argue xxx
I miss you so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Hope you’re all having a great time together all the family.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 7th. 2018 18:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has gone so quickly .
Busy all day .
Took Muffin to Hednesford this morning Aldi
Posted a card to Deb .
Took Muffin to the groomers Emma Barkingham Palace .
He is quite relaxed with her .
Why Muffin was at the groomers I rode to Cannock
Popped in Asda for my porridge and brought some Christmas paper .
I must start wrapping presents .
Geoff ranfg me to order Lisa a present from a customer
I later took Muffin to Jean Beardsmore’s to take some jewellery she ordered .
Jason came tonight to collect the cd for the lap top I gave him .
I’m watching telly now .
A lonely weekend I think .
I miss you Malc so much , I talk to you every day .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 6 Thursday 2018 18.00pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been good really .
I took Muffin up the skelly before Lisa came to take me to Trentham gardens .
Kay picked up Muffin had him for the day .
We had a lovely day and a meal at The George and Dragon .
We picked up Muffin from Kays and am now watching telly .
Jason has just been to pick up an old lap top .
He wants it for his Dad .
He is going to install a hive heating system .
Hopefully !!
I talked to Lisa about you today she was saying she has been thinking about you a lot recently .
I think about you every day Malc .
I miss you so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Say hello to Mum and send a kiss 😘
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 5th 2018 18.14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today hasn’t. Been too bad .
I took Muffin to Cannock had to buy a monopoly game
We had a ride around the town .
Then back home for Carole coming bringing lunch
We had a lovely afternoon .
Kev picked her up at 3.30pm
I popped out to Tesco saw Jackie woodhead and her husband .cateral I think her married name .
We had quite a chat .
Now back home with Muffin watching telly .
I miss you Malc , I talked about you today .
It doesn’t get any easier .
I shout your name when no one is about .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 4th 2018. 16:51pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been lonely but ok .
I had an early breakfast then took Muffin up the skelly
Before going to Deb’s for my hair .
Had 2inches cut from it and colour’s
Might have a copper put in it next time .
It’s dark and cold out side Malc .
So fed up of the weather , I hate winter .
Trying to think positive .
Good job reasonable programmes on the telly .
I miss you Malc , I wish I could have you here to talk to .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum. and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 3rd 2018 17:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy z
Today has been good really .
It rained most of the morning but cleared up by the time
I went to Jean’s for lunch . I did take Muffin to the park late morning .
I stayed 3hours at Jean’s she is a lovely friend .’
I’m waiting for Jason now to put up the new shade in the little porch way .
I’m in for the night now watching telly .
I’m having my hair done tomorrow hope it turns out ok.
Jason has just come .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 2nd 2018. 17::08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today I haven’t enjoyed at all .
I took Muffin up the skelly again then popped to Mums
Then shops .
I’ve been really fed up on my own .
Jason came hecsaid butvInwas that fed up today Ibtook Muffin to Tesco then Jason text to say he had been up
He’s coming tomorrow night instead .
I’ve got to learn to be patient .
Bumped into Marie in Tesco she said Pete was in New cross and they called W & his daughter in to say
Nothing they can do .
But can have alternate treatment chemo I guess .
W has a rude awakening coming .
Kay popped in tonight thank goodness .
She stayed for a coffee .
Programmes now to watch .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 1st 2018 17.01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today I have quite enjoyed .
I took Muffin to Hednesford Aldi and Tesco
Then we went to Cannock and Penkridge.
I stayed 2hours again .
Sheila and Colin are much better with me now .
I’m happier with them too .
I’m not bothered about. Marg and Roger.
Jason is coming tomorrow to put up a light in the
Porch area inside by the loo.
Lisa has been working again today and sleeping over .
Good night on the telly Malc , good job .
I miss you more and more each day darlin .
I will write to you agai tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum for me , and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 30 th 2018 17:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today hasn’t been to bad .
I took Muffin a quick run up the skelly
Then after he had breakfast. Kay picked him up and I went a ride with my friend to Stone a walk through the streets and by the canal .
A cuppa in a lovely cafe.
Back home for 11:30 .
Wish I could have stayed longer ,
Anyway I road to Kays and picked up Muffin .
She thought I would be late coming back .
I then took Muffin to Cannock brought a new light for the porch way and some bulbs for the living room lamp .
Came home had lunch from the chippy.
Then popped to Hednesford to Aldi and Tesco .
Back home now watching telly.
I miss you Malc it should have been you with me today in Stone .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum for me miss you Mum hope Dad’s ok
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 29 th 2018 16:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been manic poring down with rain cold miseeable
Day .’
I’ve heard or seen no one in the family !!
Lisa’s day off !!
I took Muffin to Hednesford first then to Cannock
Lots to do .
I’ve been in touch with QVC they have finally sorted my refund due in 2 days than I goodness .
Took some coats back to DP exchanged it
I do spend a lot there though .
Muffin isn’t eating again today little buggar 😊
Love 💖him though .
Written on some Christmas cards .
Hope this weather changes by tomorrow.
My mate is picking me up 9am in the morning .
Going a ride out .
Took a card to the funeral home they sent me
To hang on their Christmas tree.
Remembering Mum .
I wish you were here Malc I’ve such a lot to do for Christmas .
You used to help me remember
We used to argue. Wrapping the presents .
Christmas isn’t going to be the same Malc with out you
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and Mum for me and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 28th 2018. 17:33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today I have enjoyed .
I took Muffin up the skelly then Hednesford Aldi .
Later Dot asked me for lunch it was lovely stayed 3hours
Had a lovely catch up .
We have talked about you and our past remember the train in London under ground .
I laugh now but was I frightened wasn’t I 😀
Dot is a good friend .
I am lucky we are going on holiday again next year .
I wish it was you though .
I do miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 27th 2018. 16:29pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been ok I guess .
I took Muffin a ride to Hednesford then to Aldi and Tesco
Just to say hello to someone .
Later Jean and Jeff Beardsmore came brought lunch
They stayed quite a while .
Stew for dinner .
I’ve received the gas and electric bill I’m in debit by £40
Not happy at all .
I’ve contacted them I have to read the meter every day for a week same time 9am .
I think I will go back to my old gas and electric supplier
I’m also waiting for QVC to pay me money owed to me for hoover I sent back to them faulty.
I’m a bit fed up Malc .
On my own worrying .
Weather is atrocious can’t get out at all and so dark
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 26th 2017. 1701pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been ok really .
I took Muffin to the park and Aldi today not Tesco .
Unusual for me .
I later went to the range lovely stuff in there .’
Lisa called me to go down a see here new car
It’s lovely .
Stayed for a cuppa now home with Muffin .
Watching telly .
It’s so cold outside Malc .
I hate winter !!!
Kay called in earlier had a pot from me
She is having Muffin on Friday for me why my friend takes me
Mums memorial service was nice I lit a candle for her .
I miss you Malc so much and Mum too .
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 25th 2018 16:09pm
Hello My darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been ok.
Took Muffin I p the skelly then later popped to Aldi
Stewart did call with his new girlfriend .’
He has ordered a part for the tap .
Geoff rang me and asked if I wanted to do to German market
It was packed with people we didnt’t stop .
I’ve just done a dummy run with Muffin to St Peters church
15 mins .
Not looking forward to going in the dark but it should only be for 35 mins the service . Hopefully .
Then I’m back in the warm .
Lisa is working all day and a sleep over .
Sheila ring at least once a day.
Now she wants some soda crystals from home bargains .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 24th. 2018 16:33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been a bit mixed .
I took Muffin Hednesford the park and shops today
Bitterly cold .
Stewart didn’t come he’s promised tomorrow but I’m not holding my breath .
Anne and Viv cane stayed about an hour , but I am chuffed
They have invited me to stay next year in August 13 th for a week .
Looking forward. to going .
Taking Muffin on the train .
That’s two holidays next year .
I’ve heard fro no one in the family yet again !!
Do they really care Malc .
I don’t think so 😌
I saw Shirley and Jayne todayvin Tesco Jayne actually spike , I think Phil must have said something I saw him over the smelly and told him why isn’t Jayne speaking to me ?
He just couldn’t answer me he didn’t really know.
At least it’s a decent night on the telly .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 23rd 2018 16:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a very cold lonely day as have the lastthree days .
I feel like crying all day .
I took Muffin up the skelly then Mums Bungalow.’
Called in Aldi and Tesco just to somone.
Every one thinks I’m ok but I’m not Malc
I’m very lonely .
Anne & Viv are coming tomorrow late morning
It’s a good job I have Muffin and telly !!!!
Stewart the kitchen fitter should be coming
Tonight after work to look at the tap
I hope he doesn’t let me down .
I miss you Malc no one to talk to Mate.
Remember you always called me mate
I used to complain didn’t I.
I used to say I’m not your mate I’m yiur wife.
So petty wasn’t I ?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 22nd 2018 14:58pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been. Lonely again !!
I took Muffin up the skelly Malc it was below freezing
I feel so down because of the early dark nights .
I look out of the window at 4pm and it’s dark .
I popped in Aldi and Tesco. Just to say hello to the staff
The only human company today .
My friend is coming tonight taking the oil filled heaters
Out of my way .
Lisa is working again today all day until 11pm
Muffin has had a shower he smells better now .
There’s not much to tell you today Malc .
I have broken a glass holder I’ve had for years
Hay ho. It’s not the end of the world .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 21st 2018. 16:33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been a boring day .
On my own with Muffin all day .
I’ve been out twice with Muffin .
The skelly ten Hednesford .
Not seen family or texts .
Feeling a bit un loved again .’
Lisa has had two days off she’s back at work again tomorrow.
I’m in now with Muffin watching telly .’
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 20 th 2018 17;06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today it’s been so cold and wet .
I took Muffin up the skelly .
It was fine then.
I also popped into Aldi for a couple of things .
I later went to Carole’s for lunch stayed until 4pm
Chanel rang has been in a car accident on a car park .’
She is upset .
I’ve sent a message to W asking her to sign
Paperwork the sworn .
I afjechow Pete got on. No answer !!!
I’ve messaged Kelly too .
I’m back home now it’s filthy outside . Hope it doesn’t carry on raining ?.
Watching telly my favourite programme
Tonight Celebrity get me out of here .’
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 19th. 2018 16:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today where has it gone ?
I took Muffin to Cannock to The British Heart. Foundation
£30 I sold Mum’s scooter for .
I thought instead of splitting it between me and W
Best go to them instead .
Then back to Hednesford. Tesco and Aldi
Lunch was at Jean’s lovely afternoon .
Dot has texted me going to hers for lunch next Monday
Looking forward to it.
Popped to Lisa’s to let Max out
Geoff has a job at Stoke on Trent .
I miss you Malc so much , I need you at the moment
Well forever really .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 18 th 2018. 13:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today is a non day really .
Took Muffin up the skelly saw Phil with J the dog .
Asked about Jayne but he could give me an answer .
Left it at that .
Popped to Tesco and Aldi .
Kay cane to Mum’s Bungalow
She brought a brush and rake .’
Was told by neighbour estate Agent had took photo’s
Kev next door took away some bags for him to fill with green stuff .
Not heard fro family today .
I’m in now watching a Christmas film .
Looking forward to I’m a Celebrity get me out of here tonight .
I miss you Malc more than ever
I dreamt about Tigger two days ago
I kissed him he was lying on his back waiting for me to play with him like Inused tondo on the bed .
I play with Muffin now
But life is so lonely Malc with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum file me darlin xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 17 th 2018 17:01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been quite good Malc .
I took Muffin up the skelly not the park now it’s too muddy and dark
I then had breakfast and after popped to Tesco for a few items .back home then off to Cannock and Penkridge .
Got to Sheila’s about 12:25pm
Stayed couple of hours .
Enjoyed it Malc .
Sheila said glad your back I gave her a kiss on the cheek and Colin
I will go now every fortnight .
I’ve ordered a charger for her mobile phone .
I’ve had some socks off her so she only owes me £4
Looking forward to the next fortnight .
Muffin enjoyed the ride too .
I popped into Lisa’s to see to Max then back home
It’s very dark now Malc 4:30 pm it’s so dark .
I am having a takeaway tonight it’s too dark and cold to collect it on my scooter .
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to Mum and everyone cx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 16th 2018 1624pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been eventful .
Took Muffin up the skelly not the park .
Later my friend popped in for a while .
I popped to Hednesford to Tesco for a couple of things
My friend came back at 12.15 with fish and chips
Stayed about an hour .
I later went to Hednesford for some glasses
Got them .
I’m going out for a meal with Elaine at 7 pm
The hen house .
She’s picking me up in a taxi .
I miss you Malc so much , hope Mums ok ?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to Mum and everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 15th 2018 17:18 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been quite good .
I took Muffin to Mum’s bungalow to make sure someone
Had put Mums blue bin out .
Checked inside all ok .
Then went to Hednesford. Aldi and Tesco .
I called at W house tried to explain
One solicitor is enough .
I asked if she would with draw from Simon Stowe
I don’t think she will .’
I went to lunch with. Jayne today The Chetwynd Arms
Upper Longdon .
Lovely meal , she came back for a coffee .
She is worried at the moment she has a lump near her thyroid
Hope all goes well I like Jayne .
I’m back home now with Muffin watching telly .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again. Tomorrow Malcxx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 14th 2018 16:31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today hasn’t been too bad .
I took Muffin up the skelly then later to Hednesford .
Lisa came later and stayed for lunch it was nice .
She brought lunch .
I showed her a rough scaly lump on my face
She said it looks like a wart .
I later after Lisa left popped to the pharmacy and asked
Advice .
Yes it’s a wart she said so I’m going to remove it naturally
With white wine vinigar a tea spoon of baking powder warm water .
Oh dear Malc will I ever stop worrying ?
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow x
Kiss Tigger and Mum for me xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 13th 2018 16:12pm
Hello Malc my darlin Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today I took Muffin up the skelly .
Then took him to Tesco brought a few things milk etc
Carole Banks came at 12ish stayed until 3:30pm
Chanel rang today asking to put a bed in the bungalow
I’ve asjed her to ask Chris to put the Mortgage in .
Bet he won’t until next week !!
It’s 4 :20 pm and going dark and cold. Poor Muffin wanted to go out again I think .
I will take him again tomorrow.
I miss you Malc my darlin so much xx
I feel so lonely Malc .
No one to see tomorrow either .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Kiss Mum too xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 11th 2018 12:51pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today I took Muffin up the Skelly and then to Aldi .
Rob The. Solicitor picked me up to take me to another solicitor to sign a sworn afadavid re Mums Will etc.
Rob took it to Simon Stowe for W to sign it too .
Hope this doesn’t take too long .
I don’t think I will see anyone today .
It’s 1pm already been to Cannock with Muffin to get my porridge and dog meat .
Now just about to have lunch then. A ride round with Muffin .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 11th 2018 13:46pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Just a quick one tidayvBeen to the memorial at Hednesford
War rememberence .
Lisa Geoff and Jade with Finleyvand Carter was there too.
I left them canechonecand cried
So lonelyvSundsys now Mum has gone .
But had a suprise Geoff rang they have invited me to dinner going now.
I miss you darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 10th 2018 14:14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been eventful really although I’ve seen no one .
I took Muffin to Cannock and left my scooter outside Argos
While I was helped on the bus to queensville shopping centre
I met two lovely ladies who were going there too.
They held onto Muffin whilst I took my leggings in to exchange
It. Took 2 minutes .
I caught the next Cannock bus Back with Muffin.
I then got on my scooter with Muffin popped to Clinton’s to buy two cards for Jordan and Jade .
Then came home .
Had a cuppa then off to Hednesford
Popped to Aldi then Tesco then home .
It’s started raining again .
I’ve locked up now I won’t be going out again today.
I miss you my darlin so much .
I miss you too Mum .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 9 th. 2018 15:58pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been much better .
I took Muffin uotge skelly then to Tesco .
Your Sheila rang asking me to get some cracker bicuits
Lisa rang asking if I wanted to go a ride to Walsall .
Carole Banks had Muffin Kev took him a walk.
We were about 4 hours .
Carole was fine and Kev was too .
Enjoyed my day considering Lisa was so hurtful to me only a few days ago .
I’m tired now and could go to sleep .
I’ve got fish and chips later .
Not hungry yet .
I miss you Malc , Walsall brought back memories .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 8th 2018. 17:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My was Baby Boy .
Today has been harendous all ok until Christopher rang asking if he could put furniture in Mums bungalow
I wasn’t sure I f I would be charged by council if furniture .
He went bursurk .
Calling me everything under the sun .
I don’t understand why he is acting like he is .
Lisa. Called me tight with money
I really don’t know my children .
Why are they treating me like this I’m under enough stress losing Mum .
Hope I sleep tonight !!
Oh Malc I doubt myself I’ve been a good person a good Mum and a good Grandparent .
My chest is tight my head is banging .
I spoke to Kay today she also couldn’t understand
Why both Christopher and Lisa are treating me like this .’
Lisa rang and came to lunch with me as if nothing had happened .
I feel so fed up Malc , I need yiur support please
Sort Chris out will you xx
What more can I say ?
I miss you Malc so much .
My heart aches for you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 7th. 2018 15:42 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I took Muffin to the park and Tesco and Aldi .
Came back just as it stated to pore down .
Paula koloj came picked Muffin and I up and took us to see auntie Hazel .
We went in the dinning room there was Aunty Hazel sitting with other residents enjoying songs and old films
Even I enjoyed it .
Paula is great lovely fresh company .
We Stayed a good Two hours .
Muffin enjoyed it too .
We came away and I showed Paula Mum’s Bungalow
Just needs the garage sorting really and sweeping the paths . I’m sure Kay will help me .
I say good morning to you and Mum now
I bet she is having a great time with you all .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I’m going to cannock picture house tonight with Jean and Jeff
To see Bohemian Rhapsody .
Muffin will vecon his own for two hours .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and let you know how the film was .
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 6th 2018 18:12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been manic .
I took Muffin up the skelly and down west hill
Popped into Aldi & Tesco
Later popped to Cannock to collect form from Flint and co
Took it to Simon Stowe to get W to sign it .
I’m fuming she has done NOTHING !!
But she will be waiting for the money at the end.
NEVER will Isee that woman EVER again .
She will be very lonely .
My scooter has been trouble today
Dragging me home flashing on one bar .
John is coming tomorrow to hopefully fix it
Paula Koloj is picking Muffin andI up to go see Auntie Hazel . I
Have rang solicitors spoke to the secretary
She has put my mind at rest .
Staying with Rob .
I miss you Malc so much xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 5th 2018 17:23pm
Hello my darlin andTigger My Baby Boy .
Today has part been good took Muffin up the skelly .
Later My friend took me for lunch lovely
I then. Saw the estate agent talked over Mum’s Bungalow
I am having Flint &co .
I’ve spoke to my solicitor w solicitor is now talking to My solicitor it’s rediculous.
Double the charge.
I’m so angry Malc .
I will write to you tomorrow again Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Kiss Mum .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday. November 4th 2018 15:36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been very lonely Malc.
Mum usually has dinner with me I miss her so much .
Kay has called in to bring the statue I wanted out of Mum,s garden .
I’ve got another estate agent coming tomorrow
Flint and co .
Paula my friend works for them .
It’s all too much Nalc this is
Wendy isn’t doing anything
I know Pete is ill but she isn’t getting involved .
But she will end up with half .
I miss you Malc if only you were here with me
Helping me through this .
The nights are drawing in dark at 5 pm now .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to Mum and everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 3rd 2018. 17:16pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been busy took Muffin to the park then Aldi and Tesco
Later went to the Bungalow with an estate agent
Purple bricks .
She was very impressed .
W has cleaned the bungalow made a good job of it .
Looked good .
I later went to your Sheila’s
She seems happy to see me now hope it stays that way
I left my scooter in Cannock caught the bus to Penkridge
Back home now going for a curry soon.
I miss you Malc more than ever now
Miss you too Mum look after each other .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 2nd 2018 17:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a strange day I took Muffin to the park.
Then to Tesco and Aldi .
Later Jean Beardsmore came and brought lunch .
Lisa collected two storage boxes from. Aldi for me .
She stayed for coffee and a chat with me and Jean .
She took Jean home at 3pm .
Sheila has rang I’m going tomorrow 1:10 pm
Bus .
Rob the solicitor rang me explaining when the time comes
I will have to go to sign sworn paper work .
A bit stressed but I shouldn’t grumble .
Im just mad as W is causing me to have to pay twice a fee .
Oh well a good inheritance from you Mum at the end of the day .
Thank you .
I miss you Malc so much my darlin .
I wish you were here to talk to .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and Mum for me .
Send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 1st 2018 17:49pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been so mixed up .
I didn’t take Muffin to the park today it was too old .
Only Hednesford .
I went to Carole’s for an hour .
Then Pop in but I felt very uncomfortable today .
I saw Pete go into the solicitors .
I presume it’s to pick up a letter to send to me .
Silly stupid W .
I can’t even talk her name .
My friend is coming at. 8pm for an hour and Jean is coming for lunch tomorrow she’s bringing beef burgers .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Send my love to Mun too .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October. 31st 2018. 14:52 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Well the funeral is over now the solicitor today
Will she turn up ?
Hope not .
I’ve seen no one today but spoken to Lisa she is bringing Mums flowers later .
I’ve been to Hednesford to Tesco then off to Cannock .
So cold again today Malc .
I’m getting a bit worried still got this pile hanging out
I think it’s prolapsed .
I hope it’s not anything sinister .
I know I always think the worst .
Help me through this day Malc please .
I’m so lonely now with out Mum .
Miss You Mum !! 😢
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Kiss Mum for me .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 30 th 2018 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Mum’s funeral as you know .
It went well both the service at the Church and crematorium
Apart from W spoiling it at the nest .
But I will say all of her family including Pete did hug me .
Pete apologised on behalf of W .
Now the solicitor to sort things out tomorrow.
Al in all the day went well the flowers were Beautiful .
Now Mum is officially with you and all of her family.
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum for me xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 29th 2018 12:45pm
Hello Mack my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today again is going so quick
I took Muffin to the park popped to Mums Bungalow
Switched heating on .

It’s freezing today Malc .
I then went to. Cannock Mum’s Bank to pay funeral cost . Printers then took paperwork into council
Came back
Cheques paid all done .
I’m having lunch then off to see Mum at Funeral directories .
Had a little weep not long back
Miss you Mum 😢.
Funeral tomorrow Malc .
All music ready and hymns
Caters ordered .
Hope all turns out ok tomorrow.
Going to Dots later after I have seen Mum and popped to DP
Busy day .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday. October 28th 2018. 12;46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
A lonely day today after the kids had gone
I had them last night Malc why Christopher and Chanel went to see Jim Davidson .
The kids were good .
I’ve heard nothing from Lisa ?
Jason is coming about 3pm to fix up a ceiling light
Also a canvas on the wall in the Bathroom .
Weather is very cold .
I hope it doesn’t rain on the day of Mum’s funeral .
Muffin has eat today fresh chicken breast .
Such a lot to sort in our house
Not enough room Malc .
I miss you Malc every single day .
Hope Mum’s ok and. happy ,miss you Mum xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Say hello to Mum for me .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 27th 2018. 18:31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been busy and I don’t know where it has gone .
I took Muffin to hednesford this morning then Tesco .
I went to Mum’s Bungalow to meet up with the people who were taking the wardrobe and Jayne my friend who had the sofa and chairs for her son .
It was 2. Degrees this morning and snowing a bit .
I’m only just thawing our .
I went to Cannock later DP .
All but Mum’s disabled walker is in the Bungalow now .
Jade ‘s hoover and rail .
I’m popping down in the morning then Jason is coming to put up a new light and a canvas in the bathroom.
I have Cameron Ellie and Georgia tonight
Until 10 am in the morning .
Chanel rang to ask if I could go to fish shop and get them and the kids chips Fish kabab .
They came tonight .Christophef being faulse
He must think I’m stupid !!!
He has a rude awakening in the future ?
I’m. Sussing both our Daughter and Son .
I get more love and affection from my friends .
Life’s changed so much Malc , not for the better .
Roll on 10 am in the morning .
Just Muffin and me .
I miss you Malc , I am being treated like a stranger with my family .
I’m taking in all what’s happening around me .
I’m getting past hurt now .
Mum’s left me comfortable .
Well will be soon .
I will write to you again in the morning Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to Mum and everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 26th 2018. 16:14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today again has been busy
D.A.D.S came and emptied all Mums bungalow .
Good job done .
I’ve brought Kay an orchid and a thank you card .
I’m going down at 4:45pm to Mums Bungalow .
People viewing the wardrobe .
Can’t believe it it’s only £50 .
I still have piles hoping it goes away soon .
Curry tonight have the kids tomorrow night .
Muffin has actually eat today .
I miss you Malc so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Send my love to Mum , tell her I’m getting everything sorted .
Oh and tell her Pete has Cancer not good news .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 25th 2018 18:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today again has been a busy day
This Morning Alan looked afterMuffiin why Kay emptied kitchen cupboards .
The people came to empty the bungalow .
They did a very good job coming back tomorrow.
I’m shattered today with all what’s going on .
I’m so grateful for Kay I will buy her an indoor plants.
I just hope the funeral goes well
I’ve been to pop in today tell Mum they were all talking about you .
I miss you Malc more than you ever know .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 24th 2018. 16:33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today again has been aventful .
I took Muffin to Hednesford printers Tesco
Aldi .
Then to Cannock to buy a locket to put the hair of you
Mum to wear on your funeral day .
Tell her Malc xx
Dot has been for lunch stayed 3 hours lovely .
I saw Geoff on the way to Cannock he asked me what has happened with Lisa and you .
I told him , he must have y gone back to tell her .
I then had a text from Lisa asking if I wanted to go to lunch .
I refused because Dog was coming .
John mobility has just come to replace a panel
Done .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I’m so stressed I have piles .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Including Mum.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 23rd 2018 1825 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has kept me busy . I took Muffin to the pArk
Then sorted Flowers out with Tess.
£105 . Still to pay her .
I popped the coop funeral directors collected Mums Wedding ring her old engagement ring and lisa’s Ring Mum have her .
I popped to Jonathan’s to look at a locket to put Mums hair inside
I saw a lovely one I’m going back tomorrow if she reduces the price .
The vicar Bryn came to talk over the service and music .
I later went to the printer to order the order of service
20 x £35 .
I saw Dot today she is coming with lunch tomorrow.
Oh Malc it’s been all left to me .
I hope I’ve done it all now .
I hope I’ve done you proud Mum .
Hope you are all together and happy
Your Dicky’s 80 th Birthday Malc .
I did ring him and wished him Happy Birthday .
He was on his own .
Sheila rings every day now .
It’s nice actually , like old times .
I miss you darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 22nd. 2018! 16;24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been manic .
Took Muffin to Mums bungalow met Kay who helped me empty all the kitchen cupboards .
D.A.D.S came to view furniture they are coming Thursday and Friday to clear the Bungalow .
Jayne my friend is having the 4 piece suite fetching it on Saturday .
John mobility has mended my basket on the scooter
Ziggy has done back and front of garden
Tess has been to talk about flowers for mums funeral
Jason is coming to fix up a new light in the living room .
Also put up a canvas in the Bathroom .
It’s been mad .
Time has gone so quickly .
I miss you Malc so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 21st 2018 14:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
What a lonely day today .
Not heard from Lisa or Christopher .
I took smudging a ride to Cannock today .
Popped. a letter into the funeral home .
Music for Mum .
Kay Alan and Jason came to the bungalow
To check what needs outing .
Such a lot to shift Malc .
Mum I told you to get rid of stuff before you passed away .
I’m left to do it all .
Well not lift or carry .
W texted me today considering P is so I’ll
I wouldn’t be thinking about jewellery .
After all this is sorted and Bungalow sold
Money decided .
I NEVER want to see my sister again .
I have plenty of friends .
With Lisa falling out with me it’s going to be tough
But she doesn’t like my company so on my own I’ll be .
I’m hurt Malc so hurt !!!!
I haven’t really been loved since you passed away
The more I have given the more they turn against me
I miss you Malc so much , Inhavd no support .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Sheila has rang again , she rings every day now
Just like old times .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Send my love to Mum xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy d NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 20 th 2018 10:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy ,
I’m writing early it’s yiur Sheila’s Birthday 77yesrs today .
Nothing from Lisa spoke to Chrisopher still not out money in bank for me for the ecu .
I know he will .
John mobility is put a part in my scooter has to wait for the other part to come .
Then going to Tesco for milk
I took Muffin to the park early.
It’s cold today .
I will write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger and Mum hope she is happy now with Dad her Mum and Dad and I know she will be happy with you .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 19 th 2018 18:08pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
A very lonely day today Malc
Nothing from Lisa or Christopher
I’m very upset and hurt .
I took Muffin to the park today then Tesco
I did call in Mums bungalow to check all ok .
I later went to Jean Beardsmore’s for lunch .
I have such good friends .
I don’t deserve this treatment .
Since you have gone Malc I’ve had 4 and a half years of hell .
My friends are the best ever they all help me .
All understand what I’m going through .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Kiss Mum for me. I miss her .
I’m very lonely now , you told me I would be .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 18 th 2018 18:37 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been harendious .
Popped to see Lisa’s to see her painting of living room
Took Muffin , Max Attack Muffin as usual
Muffin barked at Max , Max pawed Muffin on his face
Lisa went up like a bottle of pop .
Saying I slag people off , the only people I moan about is my beloved sister and her husband .
I then sId hang on you slag Geoff’s sisters off
But I don’t say anything.
She said I don’t even like your company
That hurt She told me to buggar off and I did
I said where is my support ? She said where’s mine
I came away crying went to take the canvas of Mum
Tonfhe funeral directors .
Came away upset and went to Carole’s to pore my upset out
I’m home now and will leave Lisa alone
I’m so hurt Malc .
Both my son and Daughter hate me and I’ve only ever give
Not received .
Please God help me through this .
I don’t usually ask for money
I’m asking please
Let me win the lottery Xx
Malc I miss you so much since you have passed away
Everything has gone wrong
What have I done to deserve this ??
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 17 th 2018 17.06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Not a good day to start Wendy causing trouble yet again
Refusing now to see solicitor wanted to cancel .’
Now I’ve arranged for him to come here instead .
I’m bloody furious with her .
When this is all done and dusted
I NEVER want to see her again as long as I live .
She has a screw loose .
Mum said there was something not quite right with her
I’ve been to Kays to vent my anger and upset .
Also been to lunch with Dot my mate who I went on holiday with .
A lovely afternoon .
I’m still stressed Malc she’s doing my head in .
I’m sighing so fed up .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and Mum send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 16 th 2018. 18:35 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
What a day !
Pete Wendy’s Husband has sepsis
In hospital so had to cancel solicitor .
I’m more stressed now .
I’ve done everything up to now .
Muffin and I have been to Cannock DP
Market for your Sheila .
She’s ringing every day now !!
Shirley gave me a card today with a donation for heart foundation .
I really am pleased I’m back in the fowl .
Carole Banks came today brought lunch .
Stayed a couple of hours .
I’m still lonely though always will be I think .
I miss you Malc your support your love your being .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 15 th 2018! 07:22am
Hello Malc I’m writing early because I have lots to do today
Phone calls and don’t know who or what’s happening .
I have spent from Friday on my own , rain not helping .
If I hadn’t got Muffin I don’t know what I would do .
They talked about loneliness on telly today
Saying some people go to the supermarket just to speak to someone even though they don’t need anything .
I do that !!.
I knowing family are busy but a little time with me would be lovely .
Can you believe it’s Christopher’s 34 th Birthday today.
He’s fell out with Rick my goodness they were so close !

Hope my so called sister doesn’t cause any trouble .
I’m going to give her something to do today .
My life is upside down at the moment all sorts going on inside my head .
I feel isolated .
Help me through this Malc xx
I miss you Malc so much .
I have no support .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
Kiss Tigger and Mum and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 14 th 2018 15.02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today is a very lonely day .
Lisa is working until 11pm
There is an absense here Mum she usually comes to dinner .
I miss her so much Malc ,
It’s been such a shock ,
I can’t take it in really .
It’s poring down has been all day .
Geoff took me to Aldi to get a couple of things .
I’ve spoken to Kay this morning .
Jean Beardsmore’s Jeff has been brought your fishing rods and net .
Left the seat we are a leg missing .
Another lonely weekend Malc
Christopher or Chanel haven’t been in touch .
She may ring later .
I miss you Malc along with Mum .
Hope you’re talking about a lot of things
Wish you would come home with Mum xx
I need you and love you Malc xx
Lonely so Lonely Malc
I will right to you again tomorrow. Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 13th 2018. 26:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I have been on my own all day .
Lisa is with Jade buying toys for Carter he is 3 years Tomorrow
Jade was suppose to come to mind and collect the mirror
from Mums bungalow !!!!
Lisa is working tomorrow so I won’t see her at all
Sunday dinner on my own I’m afraid .
I won’t be looked after like Mum was ,I know that by the way things have been said in the passed .
You were lucky Mum .
I’ve had 4 years and 8 months of being on my own
Both my children too busy .
You said that all along Malc , I would be on my own .
You were right .
I’ve been to Cannock today no porridge at Asda .
I brought some light bulbs for a ceiling light I’ve ordered fro Debenhams .
Hope it’s ok when it arrives .
It’s been a very rainy windy day today
I miss you Malc more than ever xx
Say hello to Mum for me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny cx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 12th October 2018 16:33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today not feeling very well upset stomach
Feeling sick .
It’s either a bug or my diabetes .
Stress through arranging all for Mums funeral .
Only heard from Jade today she wants Mums mirror over the fire place .
Good glad it’s going to Jade .
I’ve been to Bungalow again to check it .
Tesco for food .
It’s a very windy day Malc rain too .
Too bad to ride round with Muffin .
Not heard from Lisa or Christopher today .
I’m not really bothered too much on my mind .
I miss you Malc so much , did you say hello to Mum?
Happy with Dad now and her Mum & Dad brothers and sister
Send my love to Mum Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday 11th October 2018 07.36 pm
Hello Malc I’m writing early because I’m all over the place today and I don’t want to forget to write .
I’m taking Muffin to the park then Carole Banks then Coop funeral care .
Arranging Mum’s funeral .
My centre light has gone in the living room
So I need to go to Beardsmore lighting .
Choice one .
I’m not happy with Lisa at the moment she seems to be snapping at me and because I have lost a leather glove at hers I have asked her to search , because she hasn’t really looked she’s getting irritable but I think I will go down and search myself .
I reckon Max has got it and chewed it already .
I’ll check this morning on the way to Carole’s .
My life is messy at the moment .
Lisa tells me she is now working Christmas Day
That’s me on my own then !!!!
Not looking forward this year .
I miss you Malc so much .
Tell Mum I miss her too .
Trying to make amends with Wendy but she’s in a strange
Mood at the moment.
I reckon when it’s all sorted Mums estate she will disappear .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and Mum day hello for me .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 10th 2018 17.10 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .’
Today has been so busy .
I’ve took Muffin to the park popped to Tesco .
Went to Cannock to register Mums death .
Then to coop funeral going again tomorrow.
Then to the bank to up date Mums bank books .
This afternoon went to Bungalow to sort paper work jade and Lisa sorted charity stuff out .
Lots gone but lots still to shift .
I’m exhausted today .
Just having a cuppa and dinner then putting my feet up .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I miss you so much , kiss Tigger and a Kiss for Mum .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 9th 2018 21.00pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been strange but good .
Took Muffin to the park first thing then had breakfast
Went to the bungalow Mum has left me her wedding ring
I have taken back the presents I brought her .
Been to Stafford for the death certificate .
Had lunch with Lisa popped in Wallis .
Collected Muffin from Kays Bless here
She is such a good friend .
I have a lot to do Tomorrow but it will be all done .
I cried tonight when I read the letter Mum left for both of us .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and Mum. Hope you’re all happy together .
Looking down on us.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday 8th October 2018 22.00pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been eventful .
Took Muffin to the groomers came back to Hednesford
Saw Wendy in the solicitors called in sorted a lot out .
Wendy asked me she could have the sofa and chairs .
I said yes .
I suggested Jade had Mums Dyson hoover and telly.
Wendy agreed .
Jade might want the wardrobes in Mums spare Bedroom .
I’m taking a photo tomorrow.
Hope your with Mum and Dad is pleased to see her
Tell her I miss her and Love her so much .
Wendy is in Pieces Mum .
I miss you Malc so much ,I need you at this time
I know you’re watching over me .
I can’t believe Wendy is agreeing with everything
She does look ill though .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 7th October 2018 21:23pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been so strange
Kay Alan and Jason took me to Breakfast
Tesco girls brought me some flowers
Lisa has Muffin and I down and had dinner
Jade and kids were there .
Everyone has rang or texted .
Carol Norrey has been up brought me flowers
What lovely friends I have so compassionate .
I do miss Mum speaking to her every day cooking dinner on Sundays .
Ringing her to take here tablets .
I miss you Malc look after Mum hope she made it with you Dad and all Mums family
Send us a sign Mum like Malc did and I"ll be happy
Write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 6 th October 2018 23.:07 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Just to let you know
Mum died today a massive Heart Attack
I’m broken Malc what next mI going to face
Ni night darlin speak tomorrow
Love 💕 you Malc 😘💕😘💕

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 6th 2018 06.39pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Already it is poring down with rain not good .
Mum is still in hospital and has to stay at least until next Tuesday .
It’s hard trying to visit I have to catch 3 buses .
Leaving Muffin iI can’t do not having you here Malc
Our family have completely decided even Lisa said Mum is selfish and an old battle axe .
I can’t understand why .
Mum has always given money in cards on Birthdays and Christmas .
I blame Wendy for all this she has encouraged Mum to not visit family .
She has thought every one should visit her .
My family are treating me like Mum especially Christopher
I’m broken Malc ,
I’m lonely and my children don’t understand how lonely I am .
I ride round on My mobility scooter most days .
I see friends but only once a week not always .
I don’t know the answer I miss .you and Tigger so much .
I know it’s early writing to you Malc but I have to incase the site goes off again .
I will write to you again hopefully tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 5th October. 07.57am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing early incase this site disappears again .
I’m still in bed at the moment waiting to ring Mum in Stafford hospital .
Hope she will be allowed to come out today .
It’s hard asking people to take me to see her .
I think I’m in for a boring lonely day again .
The loneliness is getting worse Malc.
My family are leading their own lives .
But Now is the time I need them more , but they don’t understand .
Our Family is totally split now .
What I’m wishing for isn’t going to happen .
I miss you so much Malc .
I talk to Muffin who I love so much , with out him I would crack up.
Let’s see what today brings .
I will write to you again hopefully Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 5th October 00:11 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Back in site again hooray !!
Today I took Muffin to the park and Tesco . Aldi been riding round most of the day bored out of my mind .
Mum is still in Hospital test etc .
She’s so fed up .
Hope they send her home tomorrow.
I couldn’t visit tonight no one to take me .
I’m so unhappy Malc lonely 😔 iso lonely .
This pet loss matters keeps going off don’t know why
I’ve been crying because I can’t smell you anymore you don’t come into my dreams any more .
Muffin has been picky with his food not eating properly
I do worry about him .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I wish you would come and cuddle me up line you used too.
It’s after midnight so I will say goodnight .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
It will say Friday again z
KissTigger and send my love to everyone xxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 21st 2018 10.49pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today poring down again just got in ad it started .
Another lonely boring day watching Telly then Mums for pie and Chips .
Not much to tell you really Malc today
Writing early I don’t want to forget .’
Feeling very weepy again .
Lonely lonely lonely .
Missing you Malc more and more each day .
Come home Malc xxxx
Sorry it’s short darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 20 th 2018 17.01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a wash out .
I took Muffin up the new road thinking it was my hair appt .

Got it wrong not until october 3rd .
I think I’m losing it .
All the stress is getting to me .
Carol Norrey asked me if so wanted to go to cake decorating
But I didn’t feel like going .
So she came this afternoon and stayed an hour Bless her .
None of family have text me or rang yet .
May be later .
I didn’t go to pop in either weather too bad .
So W took her in P car.
Oh Malc I do miss you darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 19 th 2018 10.16pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa called in to help me then off to her new job.
I later took Muffin to the park saw Anita from a distance .
Popped in Aldi .
Kay has just rang she is popping in this morning .
I’m writing early because I don’t want to miss or forget to .
I miss you Malc more than ever . Haven’t had a reply from Toger or Marg so it’s their loss .
At least Sheila is ok with me .
I’m going to Mums at 1.15 .2.45pm
Then off to see Paula Kolojie .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 18 th 2018 11.14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I feel at my lowest ,
Blaming myself for all that’s happened in my life .
Now I’m being punished .
Lisa came to help me this morning then off to Christopher’s .
I later took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped tonTesco how exciting .
Watching telly now a bit boring .
I feel so tired .
No Mortgage again !
Don’t know why ?
Oh Malc my life is upside down .
Carole isn’t coming today looking after her brothers dog .
I will be taking Muffin out shortly .
It’s very windy and a spot of rain .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. September 17th. 2018 18.18pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today had gone so quickly
Lisa came to help me out of bed then off to see Chanel and do some work before her cbs comes .
I later went to an assessment. Memory test .
For Mum she passed successfully .
Then I picked up Muffinsnd went to see Karen
She gave me lunch and a Birthday present .
I came back home and now settling to watch telly
Lisa will call later to put me to bed .
No Mortgage from Christopher being stubborn again .
I’ve sent a message to your Marg but no answer from her yet .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday September 16th. 2018. 11.41pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came to get me up
Later I took Muffin to the park .
Feeling very low in mood. .
I could just cry and cry all day .
I can’t tell my family how lonely I am .
Lisa told me yesterday she will be working on my Birthday 😌
Each years passes is so lonely with out you .
Mum is here until 2.30 pm she is cooking dinner.
I hate Sundays !!!!
Glad I’m back with Sheila and Colin though
But I think I’ve left it too late .
Won’t get in touch with Marg just yet thinking about it
I have apologised to Roger but still don’t care for Jane .
I still think he should have come to your funeral .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .’
Busy day tomorrow going to Mums Heath assessment tomorrow then off to Karen’s for lunch .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and let you know how all goes .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 15th 2018 23.20pm
Hello Malc just a quicky
Had a lovely afternoon with your Sheila and Colin today
Stayed two hours had two cups of tea and a cake .
Enjoyed their company .
Back to normal now
Love you Malc speak tomorrow darlin xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 15 th 2018 07.04am.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today is busy Malc .
If all goes to plan after Lisa has got me out of bed .
I will take Muffin to the park .
Then later hopefully Lisa will take me to Stafford .
Later if Sheila doesn’t ring me I will catch the 1.10 pm bus from Cannock to Penkridge .
Not holding my breath .
How will my day pan out ????
Saturdays are usually lonely .
Everyone is busy .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I have wrote early because I don’t want to forget .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 14 th 2018 16.15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been bedlam .
Lisa came in to get me out of bed .
Later took Muffin to the park .
Went to Tesco and Aldi .
Jean Beardsmore came brought lunch .
Stayed two hours . Lisa is here now on my computer doing work for new job working along side Christopher.
I hope Christopher will be closer to me .
I must change . It’s loosing you that’s made me like I am in a rut.
I now feel very low about myself
Help me Malc change .
I miss you so much it’s hurting .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 13th 2018 11.59am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came to get me up off to new job .
Working for Christopher . YES !!
I later took Muffin to the park saw Val and John.
Boring people !!!!
Came home popped to Mums had an hour
Off to pop in 12.30 with Mum

Then later going to Kay’s for an hour .
I’ve write early so I don’t forget to Malc .
I miss you Malc more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 12th 2018 16.49 pm
Hello Malc my darlin And Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been an eventful day .
Lisa came to get me out of bed then off to work .
Then I took Muffin to the park saw Anita at a distance .
I later popped to Mums only stayed an hour today .
Lisa rang said she was coming up she stayed half an hour
Wished she’d stayed longer .
She starts working for Christopher tomorrow
How about that lovely .
Keep it in the family .
I only wish I could get close to Christopher and he loved me as a mother .
That’s all I want Malc .
I took Muffin a ride round and popped into Paula
Kolojie my old friends daughter .
Theresa kolojie her Mum and sister passed away .
I stayed 2 hours we had a long chat .
She says I can pop in every week .
Bless her .
I miss you Malc so much and Tigger .
I kiss you both every day .
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 11th 2018 11.12am.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tiggermy Baby Boy .
Today Lisa called in this morning to help me .
Haven’t stepped out of the door this morning.
Poring down this morning , I hate the rain .
Carole Banks is coming at 12 noon bringing lunch .
I’m feeling very low at the moment ,I need a boost
No one to go with though anywhere .
Just Muffin and me .
Summer has gone Autumn 🍂 now so weather is cooler and wet .
I wish we could go on the train every weekend Malc like we used to.
I miss you so much darlin .
None of my family take me anywhere now .
Not even for a meal 🥘.
Wonder what my Birthday will bring .
I try not to be miserable in front of my family
I cry behind closed doors .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. September 10th 2018 13.11pm
Hello Malc my darlin andTigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa helped me before she went to work .
I later took Muffin to the park , saw Anita again no one else .
I’ve seen no one or had a text .
I texted Christopher but he is not sending me text back .
Every month is the same .
I’ve been down to the Solicitors spoke to the secretary
Thanking her for listening and passing it to The solicitor who rang me .l
She told me Wendy had been down but they wouldn’t discuss
Any part of it to her as he had already spoken to me .
I miss you Malc so much , I can’t talk to anyone you were a good listener .
I will write to you again hopefully again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday September 9th 2018 13.36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Kay has helped me as Lisa is still away
I later took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
Then home and off to The Range to buy a canvas .
It’s to replace the poppy scene .
Mums here now she has cooked dinner .
Jas has been to try and put blind up in the kitchen
Plastic piece missing now found he is coming back tomorrow
Evening .
I’m taking mum home at 3pm
Then off to Tesco .
Lonely evening again I guess !!!!
I miss you so much Malc , no one knows how much .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 8 th. 2018 13.02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Kay has called in to help me
Lisa and Geoff are away the weekend .
I took Muffin to the park early but it started raining .’
Ziggy came about 11.30 am
Nearly finished the kitchen .
I feel very low today thinking about my life .
Since I have lost you Malccand Tigger
Everything is going wrong .
Mum is losing her memory .
We were going for lasting power of attorney
But Wendy has cancelled ruined it
I’ve told her she must give Mum her bank card back not keeping it herself .
I am concerned .
I done with it all it’s just stressing me out .
Spoke to Sheila in the week and I think Roger is coming round
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I don’t have anyone to talk to .
Only our Muffin .
I will write if possible tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 7th 2018 13.14pm
Hello Malc my darlin another day I can send you a letter
Forgive me if it goes off again .
Today Lisa came got me out of bed
I later took Muffin to the park came home and off to Cannock .
Popped into Iceland and Dorothy Perkins .
Then Hednesford to buy Ziggy a paint brush .
He is painting the kitchen .
It’s on and off Raining hate it , nights drawing in too
Dark at 8pm.
Roll on next spring .
I count the days .
I’m worried about Christmas 🎄 on my own I think .
Jade and Adam and great gran children are going away .
I miss you and your company Malc .
I miss you love & cuddling up at night .
I will write to you again tomorrow if allowed Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 6 th 2018 16.24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I don’t know what’s going on with this site
I haven’t been able to get on and speak to you I thought ever again.
I took Muffin to the park afterLisa got me up out of bed .
Popped in Aldi and Tesco .
Later Jayne came and we went to lunch at The
Pub upper Longdon .
Very nice .
Ziggy should have come today to paint the kitchen but he didn’t turn up , a bit disappointed really .
Phoned your Sheila just a short conversation
She doesn’t say much .
At least we are friends again .
I was fetching Mum up for the afternoon but it’s been poring down .
Ika has brought my plant pots up reduced from £4 to 99p.
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
Lots has gone on but to long to text you .
I know you are watching over me so you do know really .
I will hopefully write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 24th 2018 14.09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a quiet day .
Took Muffin to the park saw Kim and Carol at a distance .
It’s windy and a bit wet today .
Looking for charger to my bio lap top .
Where is it Malc ?
I've called in Aldi and Tesco .’
Going to Mums for dinner pie and chips .
I miss you my darlin so much .
My friend came last night only for half hour .
I know you don’t mind .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 23rd 2018 18.11pm

Hello Malc lovely being able to write to you again
A mixed day today
Took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Later Mum and I went to The Hen house
For a meal .
Dropped her off at 2pm
Had the kids since 3.15pm
Chanel is on her way to pick them up .
They are now being over silly throwing braclets at each other
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
Love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 22nd 2018
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy m
I can’t believe the site is back on .
I haven’t been ablle to write to you for. Days .
Not a good day today Wendy causing Havoc .
We had a row she stormed down ranting and raving
Because she didn’t know Mum had an assessment
Mental health .
She didn’t look in her folder .
I missed writing to you Malc , I miss you so much .
My body is so stressed 😩
I’m sick of the tent ion between W and me .
Mum is paying her to care for her and didn’t tell me .
I’m devastated they are keeping secrets from me .
What have I done so bad to be treated like this .
I’m so lonely Malc on my own .
Ni one is supporting me .
I cry most nights for you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Too stressed Malc today .
I love you with all my heart darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny for getting back on site

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 8th 2018 11.46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Kay came to help me Lisa has gone to Jade’s
She is coming back later .
I popped to Mums she has taken her tablets then off to the park .
I saw Anita who apologised perfusly about the business over that idiot on the park
We are now friends again and hugged .
Ziggy should have come today to sort my shed but so far no sign
Mum is coming up later she is cooking dinner .
W hasn’t rang Mum last night or this morning
I reckon I’ve frightened her because she has taken Mums bank card and bank books out of her bungalow.
I miss you my darlin Malc so much help me sort this problem out please .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone cx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 7th 2018 12.08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has sofas been a disaster.
Lisa came to help me coming back later .
I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped to Mums she took her tablets .
She is cooking dinner later when she comes up .
Carole is coming in a minute she is bringing lunch .
It’s a short message sorry Malc .
I’m so upset .
I will write to you again tomorrow
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 6th 2018 16.10pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been really testing Malc
W has got Mums card and money I’m not Happy.
I’m furious .
I’m going to see citizens advice this week .
I gave Mums tablets to her this morning
Then took Muffin to the park .
Jean Beardsmore came and brought lunch .
She stayed a couple of hours .
I have Mum here now she is cooking dinner .
We will drive back at 6 pm
I’m so fed up today Malc .
W is controlling Mum and I don’t like it .
It’s ruined my day.
Sorry I’m moaning Malc , I have no one to support me
I love you and miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
Sorry it’s a short message xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 5th 2018 13.20pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy .
Today is a boring day .
Kay helped me today because Lisa hasn’t been
We had words yesterday
I wish she would think sometimes before she hurts my feelings .
She has moods swings lately .
It rubs off Geoff I think .!!!!
I feeling my family don’t want me since you have passed away Malc .’
I have lots of friends but you need family
Jean is coming tomorrow bringing lunch .’
Carole Tuesday .
Mums here at the moment cooked dinner .
W is st Blackpool AGAIN !!!!!!!
I can only afford one holiday a year .
I wish my family would take me out. If only once a month
I haven’t seen Christopher in months .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I miss you so much darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx


MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 4th 2018. 06.24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
I’m writing early today Malc lots going on .
I’ve been awake since 4.30 pm
Things on my mind regarding Mum
Must talk to her today .
W is off yet again to Blackpool and she says she has no money .
I will be seeing Mum every day until it comes back .
Im not happy with the situation .
Jason is coming this morning to sort my internet and door bell .
Kay might come too .
I will take Muffin to the park later . Lisa is coming to get me out of bed .
I’m sitting in bed watching television 📺
It’s now 6.43am .
Miss you Malc to help me through theses tough times
I have to battle something every day .
Life’s so difficult and I have no back up .’
I’ll write to you again tomorrow Malc see how today pans out .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 3rd 2018 15.29pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been a strange day .
Lisa came to help me and went to work she is coming back later .
I took Muffin to the park saw at a distance. Kim Carol and Anita. I rode slowly round the park the went off to Tesco then home .
I later took Muffin to Cannock .
I’ve got fibre now faster internet much better .
Proud of my self Malc and thank you .
Going to Tesco now then to Mums fish and chip night
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I miss you so much darlin , I shout your name every day .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Sorry it’s a short message xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 2nd 2018. 17.27pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came to help me then she went off to work .
She is coming back later .
I took Muffin to the park saw Kim and Carol
Anita. Passed me by I looked the other way .
I later went to Lunch with Jayne Dagley my friend
Shoal hill tavern it was passable .
Muffin stayed at home .
Jayne came back has a coffee .
I then popped to Tesco brought a few bargains .
Used my club cards .
I’m off to Mums at 6 pm
Will stay a while .
I miss you Malc so much , I need you at this moment .
Even though I’ve been with Jayne I still feel lonely !!
I’m fighting all the time .
It’s hot again Malc really a good summer this year .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August. 1st 2018 14.09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came to help me she has today off .
I took Muffin to the park saw Ollie who I confronted over what
Lynn said about her saying I was speeding in the park .
She said she didn’t say it like that and she was going to have a word with her .
I was angry .
I later popped to Cannock then to Lisa,s
She was painting her fence .
Finley and Carter was playing , Jade was cleaning the car .
I’m at Mums now until 3.30 pm.
I’m going to Tesco’s after .
Then home .
A bit. Fed up today ,
I don’t feel wanted !!
I feel my family don’t want me any more .
They think I’m ok but I’m not .
I miss you Malcolm much darlin .
I wish my wishes would come true and you would come home
I will write to you again. Tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy m NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 30 th 2018. 15.34pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I don’t know what happened yesterday
I thought I had Written to you yesterday Malc
Unless I forgotten to click at the end .
Sorry darlin .
I had Jade and Finley for dinner yesterday Jade cooked Bless her .
Today Lisa helped me and later I took Muffin to the park. Saw no one .
I went to Dr Israel’s funeral today it was so long .
Came home .
Then my scooter tiller dropped .
Rang John he came up to have a look .
Sorted .
Hope it doesn’t happen again .
Went to Mums she was out so I came back home .
I’m not well today pains in every part of my body .
Hope it goes away soon .
Carole’s tomorrow for lunch .
Jason rang he’s coming Wednesday to put my new door video bell up .
Hopefully he will sort my new fibre rooter box .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Marc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 28th 2018 17.15pm
Hello Malc I’m writing a short message a busy day today .
Jade came to help me this morning Lisa is away
I’m going to supper at 6pm
Curry rice chips .
Today it’s rainy and cold .
Took Muffin to the park spoke to Val and John about Anita but they didn’t say much , very good friends with her they are
I’ve been to Jeans had a cuppa , took her the bug zapper down .
I’m really tired 😓 today might be having a cold .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
Kiss Tigger and send my love to you everyone xx
Sold our display cabinet to the neighbour 4gotv to tell you xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 27th 2018 09.30am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came early to get me up and feed Muffin .
I have just got back from the park .
I’m writing early because lots happening today .
I’m going with Kay on a canal trip with fish and chips .
Hope rain keeps off which has been forecast .
I’m missing you Malc more and more each day
Keep us safe tonight Malc and watch over Muffin while we are on the boat .
He will be with Alan at Kays house xx
I’m going to Hednesford in a minute to Tesco .
I like to speak to the girls .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday. July 27th 2018
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came to get me up and. Fed Muffin .
I later took Muffin a ride to the park .
Saw no one today
Just been to pop in had lunch and pud
Closed until6th September now .
Dropped a dinner off at Mums seeing her later .
Going to Kay’s in a minute .’
It’s hot again today Malc .
I’m trying to keep occupied in my head because. I’m lonely.
Sorry it’s short. .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
I miss you Malc so much .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 12..23pm 2018
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy m
Today Lisa came to help me she has today off .
I later popped to Hednesford the park and Tesco .
Dot my friend is coming today with lunch at 1pm
Looking forward to seeing her again .
I’m writing early I don’t want yo forget you Malc
later I will go to Mums after 6pm
I’ve sent off to DVLA to reg my mobility scooter .
It’s hot again , Ibwish you were here darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 24th 2018 10.07pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Lisa came to help me and fed Muffin .
I have took Muffin to the park , saw Anita she tried to talk as if nothing had happened .
I said to her I don’t want to share anything with you anymore .
She went off .
Saw Kim and Carol at a distance to far to stop to speak to them .
I feel very down today Malc ,
Feel I want to just disappear off the face of the earth .’if only you were here Malc if only .
Chanel rang yesterday not a long conversation she was a bit busy .
Chris and her have been poorly .
She is better now though .
Carol is coming today for lunch 🥗
John mobility is coming this evening to collect the mobility scooter he loaned me While I was waiting for the new one to come .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 23rd. 2018 16.02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Lisa called in to help me before she went to school .
I later took Muffin to the park , saw Anita at a distance
Best place .
Saw Lynne on the park she tried to wave but I’m not happy with her so just rode past her .
I saw also Kim and Carol spoke to them .
I called in Tesco saw that awful man weirdo .
Saw Karen made arrangements to have her for lunch a week Friday .lunch here .
It’s so Hot Malc again today
I miss you my darling so much .
I wanted you last night so much .
I miss the intamasy.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 22nd 2018 13.47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today is s but boring .
Lisa came to help me then off she went, coming back later .
I later took Muffin to the park , I saw Anita at a distance .’
That’s far enough for me .
Friendship terminated .
I called in Tesco and the bargain shop. Scratched my bloody new scooter , I’m devastated it was in a metal stand in the shop .
I’ll ask John mobility to look at it Tuesday .
I’ve mum here at the moment, she just cooked dinner .
Chanel texted last night but she went to bed so didn’t talk .
I’ve tried ringing her today no answer .ring her later .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 21st 2018 11.59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came to help me .
I later took Muffin to the park saw two park keepers
We spoke at length about Snita and Lynn
And the weired chap who the argument was about .’
Lisa rang me and asked if I wanted to go to Penkridge .
We went took Muffin she moaned but I still took him .’
She is coming back in an hour so we go for lunch
Then later I’m having a kip .
It’s hot again today lovely .
I’m writing early so I don’t forget .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 20 th 2018 14.49pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Kay came to help me and fed Muffin.
Lisa was at work early .
I took Muffin to the park had a few words with Snita then Lynne. On the park
Completely. Finished with Anita now .
Too long to explain Malc I’m furious .
Muffin and I later popped to Cannock to take and collect from Dorothy Perkins .
We had a ride round .
Jade texted me today she is coming to see me at 4ish with our Great Grandchildren .
Looking forward to that .
I wish she could stay longer but I’m at Mums for fish and chips Jade’s passed her driving test xx
I think I will see more of her now and the kids .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I seem to have a battle every day .
I will write to you again Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday July. 19 th 2018 17.07pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came to help me as usual .
I took Muffin to the park saw Kim and Carol
Lynne the. Person who thinks she owns the park
Called me over telling me about that mental chap who walks on the park accusing me of him stepping off the pavement to avoid me he is a liar .
I told her off who does she thinks she is !!
I think I will have to say something to her tomorrow
When I see her .
I popped into Aldi and Tesco then home .
It was Vi Hainhtons funeral today I was supossexyo go with Mum but she decided to go with W 🤬
I sat with Jean Bearsdmore long service
Then went to Kays had an hour with her .
Oh Malc life is so complicated at the moment
I haven’t even heard from Christopher or Chanel .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and sent my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 18 th 2018 24.08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a bit busy .
Lisa came helped up and fed Muffin .
I took Muffin to the park saw no one today .
Popped to Tesco then home .
I’m at Carole’s for lunch and took her a Birthday Presents.
John texted the scooter has come. Hoping he delivers it tonight .
Can’t wait !.
I’ve booked a canal ride & fish and chips for Friday 27th July for Kay and me .
Alan is having Muffin .
I wish it was me and you Malc .
I miss you so much darlin xx
Hope I get my scooter tonight can’t wait .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 17 th. 2018 06.54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing very early today because it’s such a busy day .
I don’t want to miss writing to you .
Lisa has come early helped me before she goes to bed .
I’m taking Muffin to the park after dropping off a swapped present for Mum I have had the pressure cooker back and are taking her a ornament hen for her garden .
I’m going to Jeans today for lunch with Muffin .
Later with my friend just for a drink 🥃.
Only an hour or so .
It gets me out , I don’t want another man in my life just a drink or meal out nothing permanent .
I’m off to Carole’s tomorrow it’s her 66th Birthday .
My new scooter hopefully should be here too .
Hope it is can’t wait .
I miss you my darlin so much Malc xx
I will write early again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. July 16 th 2018 15.39pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came to help me she is coming later ,
I took Muggin to the park saw no one this morning .
Popped to Sldi and Tesco .
I decided to come for lunch with Muffin to The Nest
Gamman chips and egg .
Plus a ploughman s for later £3.99.
Weather is hot again good really .
I am going to Mums 5pm to 6.45pm
Them home for soaps .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Sorry it’s short again today .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 15 th 2018 12.28pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today is hot again , Lisa helped me this morning she is coming back later
I took Muffin to the park only saw the park Keller .
Popped inAldi and Tesco .
Mum is here now cooking dinner .
I will drop her off at about 3pm
Not happy at the moment with her .
W. Has such a big influence .
I hate Sundays it’s repetative stuck in the house
With Mum .
Not much to tell you today Malc
I think Lisa and Geoff have took Carter to somewhere .
Wish they would take me !!!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 14th. 2018 13.48pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigget My Baby Boy .
Today is a strange Lisa amecesrlybdhe has Carter .
I later took Muffin to the park and. Aldi .’came home went to Cannock .
I’m at Lisa’s at the moment Carter is here asleep .
They are going out soon , I was hoping they would take me but doesn’t look like it
Back home and bored later I reckon ,
I miss you so much Malc darlin .
Sorry I can’t tell you much today nothing to say really .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Friday

Friday July 13th 2018 16.02pm
Hello Malc my darlin & Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came to help me then off to work .
She is coming later .
I took Muffin to Cannock to take some trousers back .
Then we went to Hednesford later to Aldi .
I’ve come early to Mums because Karl was coming at 4 pm
To give Mum a quote for a kitchen for Mum
But !! I bet she says no !!!!
I will be angry if she does .
The weather is hot again forecast rain hope not .
I miss you Malc more each day darlin .
I shouted your name twice today .
Chris put the Mortgage in .
Sorry it’s short Malc .
I will have more time tomorrow to talk to you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday July 12 th. 2018 14.01 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and. Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a change Lisa came to help me and she is coming later .
I I took Muffin to the park early because Deb Newman was here to do my hair
Done a good job x
I then took Muffin to Hednesford .
Mum is here we have just had lunch at the church .
We are watching some like it hot.
Christopher has put the Mortgage in .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 11th 2018 13.53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Kay came to help me as Lisa wasn’t around .
I later took Muffin to the park saw Geoff’s sister Helen
Muffin played with Mable her dog.
I then popped to Tesco and Aldi .
It’s hot again today Malc ,
I’m at Mums at the moment because I’m not coming tonight the football match is on. England & Croacia .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I don’t cry so much but still miss you Day and night .
I kiss you good morning and good night .
I will write to you Again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 10 th. 2018. 10.51am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today I’m writing early because a few things happening .
Carole Banks was coming to me but she messaged me
Could I go to her .
Great I would rather do that really .
Lisa came early today to help me .
I later took Muffinto the park saw a couple of people Val and John didn’t stop though .
I then popped to Tesco for a couple of things .
Back home now
Weather much more comfortable today .
Waiting for John mobility to get. Back to me regarding a price on new scooter .
Also Karl kitchen fitter messaged me saying he will text full price of Mums kitchen if !!! She decides to go ahead .
I have my doubts !!!!!!!!
Bloody W again . Putting her off .
I give up really .
Any way I’m going to try and enjoy the day with Carole .
Hope I’m cheered up with John getting back to me about price of scooter .
I’m sick of negativity .
Trying to be positive .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 9th 2018 12.31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came to help me she is coming back later.
I took Muffin to the park saw no one today , I was early ,
Rang Mum she didn’t feel to good but didn’t want a doctor.
I calle in Tesco spoke to the girls .
Now I’m off to Dot’s for lunch.
Haven’t seen her since Torquay .
I miss you Malc more and more each day .
I had the kids Saturday over night think Ive told you already .
Christopher came in but still kind of strange with me ,
I’ve asked him to send me some money for a new mobility scooter .
John should be looking for me .
The weather is a bit more comfortable today .
Sorry it’s short message today Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 8th 2018 12.19pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today the kids went home about 11am .
They were ok , Georgia had a bit of a wobble .
Christopher. Came in but was quiet .
Chanel thank me but I know I’m being used again .
They went kiaking .
They are going with the kids today .
Christopher questioned the garage .
I’ve asked if he will help me with the new scooter .
and pay the mortgage .
He’s so rude and only puts in when he’s ready .
Mum is here at the moment cooking dinner she is staying until 3pm
I miss you Malc more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 7th 2018. 21.27pm
Hello Malc I’m writing to you late I have Cameron Ellie and Georgia here over night .
Chanel and Christopher have gone kiaking .
Lisa came to help me this morning The she and Geoff went to the races . Haydock.
I went to Penkridge with Muffin today .
Only for the ride .
I later checked Max then went to Kays .
Stayed an hour or so then went back to see if Max was ok
I have Cameron , Ellie and Georgia here over night they are helping me tonight .
I miss you my darlin Malc so much .
I wish you were with me Malc .
The kids Re growing up so fast .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 6th 2018 25.47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came to get me up and feed Muffin .
She is coming later to put me to bed.
I popped to Mums to check if she was ok
I later took Muffin to the park .
Saw Kim and Carol
It’s hot again but shouldn’t grumble.
Ziggy is here doing front garden looks better .
Jean Beardsmore has been and brought lunch she has just gone .
When Ziggy has gone I’ll take Muffin to Hednesford .
I miss you my darlin so much Malc xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday July 5th 2018 14.09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been ok really .
Lisa came to help me and feduffin .
She is coming later honight .
I later took Muffin to the park and popped in Aldi .
I have been to lunch with Mum at pop in .
She is here now watching The Sound Of Music .
It’s so hot again today we shouldn’t grumble .
I love you and miss you so much Malc .xxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 4th 2018 14.39pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came to help me and feed Muffin .
I later took Muffin to the park .
Saw Karen and Mary .
Popped inAldisnd Tesco brought a couple of things .
I am at Katen,s now having lunch .
I do miss you Malc so much darlin .
I miss your hugs your presence .
I miss every thing about you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 3rd 2018 18.56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a mixed up day Lisa came this morning to help me .
I had to go to the dentist this morning all ok .
Later I went to Carole’s had lunch
Got a Dicky stomach today .
It’s that twat of a sister 🤬
I am at Mums at the moment. I’m angry 😡 again Twat has Mums pension card .
I’m going to sort it !!!
Life is so complicated Malc , I miss you so much x
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I miss you so much .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 2nd 2018 14.20pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been reasonably good so far .
Lisa came this morning to help me .then went off to work .
I took Muffin to Tesco to buy some milk and trousers
Trousers have to go back .
Taking them later it’s too hot at the moment .
Took Muffin to the groomers them shopped in Aldi and Dorothy Perkins .
I thought Ibhad put £30 in my bag for Muffins groom
But I’ve missed placed it.
I’ve paid the groomer but I had £40 in my purse .
Perhaps I got it wrong !!
My new microwave is coming with in the next hour .
I’m not going to Mums tonight .
Not after the biggest tow with that teat of a sister
She and P accused me of stealing from Mum
I had took mum to her bank last Wednesday to take money to bank in stead of keeping it in the bungalow .
She signed the documents and money was safe .
I als ordered a new vacuum for her £200 .
This came out of her money .
I had to. Contact Lisa she went to mums bank to get a bank statement .
All was good that’s where the money was .
I will NEVER EVER SPEAK to her and him again .
I was so angry and felt sick .
Lisa supported me .
All well now
John mobility scooter engineer met up with me to show me a new scooter what mine would look like .
It’s lovely so told him to carry on with order .
I miss you Malc so much ,I have to face problems One .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday. Julie 1st 2018 10.50 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Again I’m writing early because Mum is coming up cooking dinner .
Ziggy is supposed to be coming up to do front Garden
Pete is bringing Mum up with a moan .
Wendy is drinking that vile stuff before she goes to have a colonoscopy. Tomorrow .
I don’t envy her it’s vile .
It’s hot again today and it’s going to continue
all next week .
Wish you were here to enjoy it .
I hate sitting alone not talking with you .
Lisa is busy with family and Geoff .
I won’t see her until tomorrow morning to help me
She has been early this morning .
My scooter keeps stopping. Will be glad when new one comes
hope Muffin fits on it .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June. 30 th 2018 07.16 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
I’m writing early because Lisa might be taking me out for the day with Carter .
She is coming in a while to get me up I’m still in bed .
In a lot of pain in all my joints , have been for a few days .
Wendy is back today so things might be s little .
Waiting for my new mobility scooter another month and it should be here .
I did go to see Dr Singh about me going off balance and when yawn I have a spasm in my neck also when I look up or try to stretch I go dizzy , I do go dizzy when I lie on my pillow on the right side .
I’m missing you so much Malc we have a beautiful garden
And I can’t share it with you .
I hear jo and Kev next door having BBQ,s
I hear them laughing .
I hurt inside I’m alone in our garden with Muffin .
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday. June 29th. 2018 14.41pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today did go smoothly .
Lisa came to help me and fed Muffin .
The weather is hot again but lovely .
Took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped in Aldi for a couple of things .
Called in Mums took her a news paper .
I’m here now waiting for Karl a friends son to look at fitting her a kitchen.
But !! Mum now is talking about thinking about it
Always the same grrrr
She so makes me angry .
Fish and chips tonight
Muffin has just been sick ,the weather I guess.
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
Wendy is back tomorrow I’m so glad .
I might be going out with Lisa and Carter somewhere with Muffin too .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June. 28 th 2018 16.33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been so busy .
Geoff came to help me and fed Muffin .
I did go to see Dr Singh explained I keep going off balance and having a spasm in my neck when I yawn and go dizzy when I lie on my right side he said it was my serious osteo arthritis in all my joints causing me to lose my balance and to take it slowly .
Later I popped to Mums , Mum and I went to pop in
Hot meal and pudding.
This weather is making me very tired Malc
Too hot but better than rain I suppose.
Foot ball on tonight England and Belgium.
World Cup .
Might watch it .
I miss you my darlin so much I need you so much by my side .
Enjoying this weather and your garden .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 27th 2018 12.13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa helped me and fed Muffin .
I took Muffin to Mums then Aldi .
We both went to Cannock on our scooters to sort Muns banking out .
Had a ride round , now going to Bella’s for lunch x
Then dropping Mum home .
Later she coming to cook dinner .
I miss you Malc more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx
Sorry it’s a short message Malc xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 26th. 2018 17.30pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Lisa helped me today and fed Muffin .
It’s another hot day .
I took Muffin to the park very early because of the heat .
Popped to Aldi brought a couple of small items .
Carole came today she brought lunch .
Now Mum is here cooking dinner .
Oh Malc if only you were here darlin .
I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 25th 2018. 15.31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today is Roasting shouldn’t grumble .
Lisa came to help me coming later .
I took Muffin to the park called in Karen’s took her Birthday card and pressie .
Called in Aldi and Tesco .
Also called in Mums she is upmine cooking dinner now .
Ordering another scooter midi too small .
I miss you Malc so much specially when the weather is like this .
We could be sitting in the garden relaxing .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 24th 2018 09.43 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy,
Today Lisa came up to help me coming back later .
Popped in Mums first before I tookMuffin go thd par
She has took all her days tablets at once .
Told her not to take any more today
She needs a care worker .
I can’t help her .
She won’t pay .
Oh Malc things have change so much .
Not for the better .
I’m writing early because today is going to be manic I think .
I miss you so much. Darlin .
Mum is here today Lisa is cooking for both of us .
Sorry it’s short Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 23rd 2018. 14.06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Mum came to help me .
I later took Muffinto the park , met up with Anita
Kim Carol with their dogs .
I then came home and took Muffin-to Penkridge on the bus .
Didn’t stop long .
Next bus back .
Then popped into Dorothy Perkins brought clothes on the sale .
Home with Muffin .
I called in Mums then we both went to Wetherspoons
Had a meal 🥘.
Back at mine now .
Mums dropped off to sleep and I’m so tired .
Chanel tried to ring me from Ricks but Mum and I
We’re eating dinner .
Nothing from Lisa today !!!
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 22nd 2018 16.44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
It’s a short message today Malc
The day has gone so fast today .
Ziggy is here doing jobs diy garden etc.
He has jet washed pulled weeds split plants
All sorts .
I took
Muffin to the park this morning , saw no one .
Been watching Ziggy and popping to shops for small items .
It’s so hot today Malc and all next week .
I’m popping to Mums in a while when Xiggy has done the last job.
I miss you Malc you would be doing these DIY
Jobs wouldn’t you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 2018 12.33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Lisa popped in then off to work she is coming back later
I took Muffin to the park saw no one today
Popped to Aldi and Tesco
Also brought a new scooter mat and collar for Muffin for my new scooter when it comes next week .
I’m off to Carole’s in a while for lunch .
Then to Mums later .
I miss you Malc more and more each day .
I ask the lord to send you back to me
But I know it’s impossible
I cry for you and hope you come into my dreams .
You do sometimes .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. June 20 th 2018. 14.12pm
Hello Malc. My darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa is home she came to help me and feed Muffin .
I later took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Wendy spoke to me today at least we have had a break through .
She is having lots of tests for may be. Liver Cancer .
I don’t think she has it but time will tell.
John. Mobility is coming to show me a scooter mine has had it he’s doing me a good deal .

I miss you my darlin so much xx
I will write you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 19th 2018 12.24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Something went wrong yesterday I did write to you in the morning but it couldn’t have gone through ,
Today Kay came to help me and feed Muffin .
Later I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped to bargain shop brought more food for Muffin
Stocked up now .
Called in Tesco for miilk .
Back home now but calling in Mums at 1pm
Until 3pm
Every one is still away at the moment .
Saw Wendy today but she didn’t stop to speak
I think she has a lot on her mind !!!!
She goes away on Saturday to Blackpool again
Then she has a scan when she comes back .
I miss you Malc so much .
I can talk to you but if only you could talk back .
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 17th 2018 09.51am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing early Malc because Mum is coming up cooking dinner and she will be here most of the day .
Kay has been got me up fed Muffin .
I have took Muffinto the park saw no one on the park but Neil Karen’s husband in the street .
I am going to Aldi in a moment then Tesco .
I need to get out why it’s not raining .
I have the radio on listening to our music thinking about you .
I miss you so much Malc , life isn’t the same now so lonely .
An old friend pops over and takes me out for a meal or a drink
Nothing serious he is married he is only a friend
Ivan he lost his wife to Breast Cancer then re married because he hated life on his own .
I do have good friends but if only I could have you back .
W has told Mum she has Cancer but not confirmed yet .
I will support her if she needs me but I done how think she won’t .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc keep you up to date .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 16 th 2018 15.23pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Kay came to help me while Lisa is away .
I later took Muffin to the park , popped into
Tesco first to take a T shirt back was brought for Georgia .
Came back home had a cuppa .
About 12.I phoned Dot Farish asked if she wanted to go to
Bella’s for lunch 🥗
She agreed and we met at 12.45pm
Nice lunch but not very big and expensive I thought but good company .
Muffin went with me and he was given Chicken and a bowl of water from Sarah .
Back home now .
Have had a pain under my right shoulder blade again
Hope it goes away soon .
I won’t see family until they get back .
I miss you Malc , I shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 15th 2018 13.54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been busy Kay Came to help me coming back tonight .
I then took Muffin to the park on my mobility scooter .
Popped to Tesco then off to Cannock .
Later Jean Beardsmore asked me to lunch .
Enjoyed her company always do .
I’m back home now but will be leaving to have Curry and chips
With Mum .
Muffin has had his meals so don’t have to worry about him today .
I’ve shouted your name Malc and spoke about you today .
Not going to Poole this year they are going on a cruise .
They are coming up here in November !!!
Love Anne but not Viv ,
You didn’t like him either did you Malc .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 14th 2018 14.50 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Kay has been up to help me with Alan .
She is coming up again later .
I later took Mufgin to the park , popped into Tesco to return clothes .
Brought some flowers for Mum popped them in .
Then Muffin and I popped to Cannock on my scooter to Clark’s ordered some sandles but they didn’t fit so had a refund,
Went back home left zMufgin while I had lunch at Trinity church .
Back home now ,Weathervery windy but no rain thank goodness .
Mum had gone to stoke Hospital for results of MRI scan .
Ziggy is coming Saturday to pressure wash front and back garden and get leaves and weeds up .
Jean Beardsmore might ask me for lunch tomorrow if Jeff is working .
I miss you Malc darlin so much each day isn’t getting easier tfor me .
Kay and Alan have just called in for half hour .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 13th 2018 13.59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Kay came to help me as Lisa is on holiday .
I later took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped in Aldi and Tesco
Mum rang this morning asking if I would go with her to
To Trinity sing along .
I couldn’t go because I had arranged. To go out .
But she had got it totally wrong .
It isn’t until next week .
W shouted F... Off because I had arranged to go out .
But Mum told me yesterday she was going to. Florence street
Today she can go on her mobility scooter .
I’m having a word later with her !!!
Lisa has just face timed me from Rhodes
Flight was delayed an hour .
But now staying in a great hotel and it’s 40•
Phew too hot for me .
I’m now going to take Muffin s ride on the scooter
Had a lovely Text from Lisa in Torquay at Charterhouse
Thanking us for her lovely card and hoped we had a good journey home .
I replied and also sent the messages to Dot .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 12 th 2018. 17.39 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Lisa came to help me and later took me to Sainsburys
She has gone to Rhodes with Geoff and his sister Helen and Hodg her husband .
Lonely days ahead both of my children away .’
Kay is looking after me until
They get back .’
I took Muffin. to the park this morning shouted your name several times today Malc , I miss you so much darlin .
I popped to Kays after Carole Banks has gone she had stopped for lunch .
I took Kay a present for looking after the house and watering my plants and checking post .
Chanel face timed me from Fueturventura lovely villa .
Christopher was miserable when she turned the camera around .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone. Xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 11th 2018 25.35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a mixed day .
Lisa came to help me and is coming back later .
I took Muffin to the park and later to Cannock .
It’s hot again today shouldn’t grumble .
I feel a bit poorly today but can’t pin point it .
Off balance and giggy.
Christopher and Chanel and kids gone to Fueturventura
I’ve texted them safe journey nothing from Christopher
I’m done now with him
I’m not begging him any more !!!!
Lisa might be taking me to Sainsburys tonight if not tomorrow
She and Geoff are off to Rhodes tomorrow.
Kay is helping me while they are away .
I miss you Malc more each day darlin .
I picture your face sniffing , cig in mouth your flipping cough .
I hope your well now looking over me and the family .
I am at Mums at the moment .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .’Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 10th 2018 12.39pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today back to normal Lisa came to help me
I took Muffin to the park and thenTesco and Aldi .
Mum is here now cooking my dinner .
Sitting out side in the sun .
Oh Malc I wish you were sitting in the garden with me.
I’ve got the radio on listening to smooth .
Old 60s music .
I miss you Malcolm much it hurts .
Christopher Chanel and the kids are off to Fueturventura
Tomorrow .
Lisa the day after with Geoff to Rhodes .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
KissTigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 9 th 2018 17.32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today back home now as you know
A great holiday with Dot Farish I will be thinking about going away with her next year .
I miss you Malc you should have been with me at Torquay .
Cockington village Gorgeous as you know .
I needed you and do now .
Oh Malc why did I have to lose you ?
My heart aches for you .
Lisa picked me up st the station
I brought her a garden ornament as a thank you .
I am going to Mums in 5 mins getting a curry .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin if only you were here to hug me Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 8 th 2018 06.17 am
Hell Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Again I’m writing early because we are off to Exeter today on the train .
Keep us safe Malc as you have been all week .
Our last day today back home tomorrow.
Pete the hair dresser sent me a message yesterday putting the price up £10 paying for his Lease I reckon on his building.
Got no choice he’s still cheaper than anywhere else and he does do my hair nice .
It’s just such a big jump .
Had a nice meal at the pub in cockington last night The Drum it’s called .
All the meals have been expensive here but that’s the price you pay down south I suppose .
Muffin has been great wales mikes this week bless him .
The hotel Chartehousechas been great Lisa and Christophecare great host, the breakfast has been superb .
Room great very modern clean comfy.
I miss you Malc you would have loved it here .
I found a feather outside the hotel door I know it’s you watching over me .
Thank you 💕😘
I will write to you again tomorrow whebwe arrive home
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 7th. 2018 0.4.56am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
I can’t sleep thinking g of what Christopher called me
I asked him for £500 to use to pay the hotel bill and spending money meals etc.
It’s out of my money not his .
He called me a lying C....
So I have sent him the invoice to show him the cost of the hotel and I will send the receipts to prove I am paying for my meals and trips out.
I’ve lay awake since 3am going through the things he has said and done to you and I Malc .
Chanel rang me last night she knew nothing about Christopher sending a message she said !!!
I explained how he treated you and I before you became ill Malc .
The things we were forced to pay for through threats
When he was younger and perhaps on something .
He forgets what he’ll he put us through .
Since you have gone Malc he has treated me atrociously !!
With words hurt anger . As if it was my fault you had got Cancer and died .
I’m mentally broken with him Malc .
I thought he would be the one who looked after me
But NO not at all .
I NEVER. See him he never phoned me only when he wants me to look after the kids .
He was going to take me on holiday but suddenly changed his mind .
But that was only because I could watch the kids while they went diving .
I had the kids for a fortnight last year while Chanel and him went to Barbados .’I admit he did pay for taxis to bring me home every day . But I did look after the dog, parrot hamsters
And of course the kids .
I’ve always been there for him , never refused anything he has asked of me or us have we Malc.
Oh Malc I do miss you so much .
I am so un happy the way I’m being treated .
All I want is to be loved by our children that’s all .
Dot and I are going to painton today memories hey
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rosr

Wednesday June 6th 2018 06.31am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
I’m writing early today Malc Dot and I are going to Dartmouth on the boat today from Torquay .
She is helping me .
Hope we have a safe journey .
We had a lovely ride up cockington village yesterday and had a nice meal 🥘 but I think they over charged us
So tomorrow we are going again but checking if we looked at the menu properly .
Muffin is having a great time , eating a little bit .
Dot is great company very easy going .
I’m enjoying the holiday but missing you so much Malc .
Geoff and Lisa went to Southport yesterday with max
It was Geoff’s Birthday .
Been talking about our holidays to Dot we used to have .
I miss them Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 5th 2018 15.47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Dot is looking after me .
I have the mobility scooter to help .
Today We went up to Torquay harbour rode round the shops stopped for a latte .
Just got back , then going to a pub for a meal in cockington. Village . Then Dot has brought us a cream tea .
It’s lovely here Malc , you would love it darlin .
Thinking of you constantly Malc .
I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 4th 2018 18.04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
A short message today Malc
Here in Torquay with Dot Farish
Beautiful hotel
A hired scooter weather great
Miss you Malc so much darlin.
Wish you were here .i love you with all my heart
I will try and write tomorrow Malc.kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 3rd 2018 12.08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a rush Lisa came then I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Got back was having Mum-for dinner she was cooking .
Then Geoff rang Lisa and Geoff are taking me out a ride round .
Nothing from Chanel and Christopher today !!
Doubt if I will 😔
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I could cry all day every day.
Seeing couples together holding hands
I get so upset 😭
Wish you were coming with me tomorrow Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 2nd 2018 12.48pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today again a lonely weekend
I took Muffin to the park as usual saw no one
Passed Mum in the street in W car she waved .
Don’t see her on a Saturday .
W has her all day .
My case is packed ready for Monday .
Just need last minute things in tooth paste tooth brush
Makeup and brushes ,comb brush .deodrant .
I cried last night wishing you with me Monday on holiday .’
I miss you so much Malc more each day and year goes by .
It’s still as fresh as it happened yesterday .
My darlin I need you so much 💕😘
I don’t think I will see anyone at all today .
So lonely Malc so lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 1st 2018. 17.32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came helped me and fed Muffin .
I later took Muffin to the park in fact I took him twice .
Popped two scones down to Lisa’s with clotted cream .
Came back popped in Aldi then later went to see Kay
Stayed a couple of hours .
She is house sitting for me and watering the plants while I go away .
At Mums at the moment just had fish and chips
Watching the chase .
I ready about you last night Malc .
Thank you for coming into my dream it wasn’t long enough .
I miss you so much Malc so much.
1st of June already , where are the months going .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 31st 2018 11.56am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy z
TodayLisa came to help me the off to work coming back later .
I’m writing early Jayne my friend is taking me to lunch at 12.30
We are going to Chorley The Mault shovel .
I texted Christopher this morning but had noreply .
I am realy hurt 😔
All I’ve have done is loved him helped him looked after his children , never refuse anything He asks of me .
Since I have lost you Malc he has turned against me.
I miss you Malc and need you more than ever now .
I live in fear in my stomach .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 30 th 2018! 09.07am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing early Malc a busy day and so don’t want to forget to write to you .’
Today so far after Lisa got me up I am now at Pete’s havin my hair done .
Muffin is with me waiting patiently .
I am later going to Bellas for lunch with Dot who is going on holiday with me .
It’s Monday and time is going so fast .
Done time I will have to go to Mums today .
I’m feeling very low , I done know if it’s not seeing any of the family over the last few days or a build up to the holiday .
Oh Malc I wish you were going with me .
I miss you so much .
I’m hurting inside .
4 years or not I’m feeling worse at the moment .
My friend came last night gave me a hug
I know you won’t mind .
Nothing serious just a friendship .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc let you know how today went .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 29th 2018 13.53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Carole my friend helped me this morning .
I later took a chance and took Muffin a walk.
To the park .
I saw Anita then came home .
Chanel should have come with the kids today , they didn’t come .
She sent a message she forgot !!!!!!!!
I was so disappointed 😔
I am at Carole s now just had lunch beef burger and fries .
Kevin has took Muffin-a walk .
I’m back home now watching telly
Garden rescue .
I spoke to Jade today about moving over here .
She went to Lisa’s with the kids yesterday,
I was disappointed she didn’t ask me down
But I suppose it is Muffin barking which is the problem .
I miss you Malc so much ,
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 28th 2018 15.46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been the loneliest day if my life
No one has been no one has text .
My neighbour Carolyn helped me today or I wouldn’t have got out of bed . I had to ring her .
I’m discussed in my family .
I’ve cried all day
Bank holiday Monday !!!!
Just Muffin and I , I have been crawling up the four walls.
My scooter stopped again this mornind in Hednesford .
I panicked but got home .
I’ve texted John who serviced my scooter .
He is coming Wednesday afternoon to check it .
I’ve asked him to order a part and fix it while I’m away .
Hope he can .
I’ve just got back from a ride to the park with Muffin .
Took it slowly .
Praying it will take me to Carole’s tomorrow and Bellas Wednesday .
I thought Lisa and Geoff would have took Muffin and I out today nothing .
The more Ihelp my family the worst I’m treated .
I know they have lives to live .
But I thought I would have been looked after more Malc .
Good job I’m going with Dot next week .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss a Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 27th 2018 16.07pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has not been too bad
Lisa popped in to help then off she went .
Later Itook Muffin the park twice actually .’
No shops today .
Carole and Kev took me out for a meal
Golden oriental Chinese restaurant.
I was dropped off home then took Muffin a ride round to Mums
It’s thundering now I think it’s going to pore down .
Hope we don’t get caught in it
Watching telly with Mumststing until 5pm
Then rushing home 🏠.
I shouted your name a few times today
I keep crying calling you Malc ,I need you home dRlin
I’m so lonely .
No text or phone calls from family today yet .
I think my day will be Lonely tomorrow too.
It’s thundering now going to pore down .
I miss you so much Malc so much 😣
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 26th 2018. 16.02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been very lonely , After Lisa called in to help me get up and feed Muffinshe went off for the day .
I took Muffin to the park saw Kim and Snita talking with Val and John .
I later called in Aldi and Tesco .
We took a ride to Cannock I was helped on the Penkridge bus by a lady .
I hired a mobility scooter at Penkridge ride around the market .
I was helped later on the bus and on to my mobility scooter on the way back .
I shouted your name Malc twice today .
I feel so helpless with out you Malc .
Caroline and Trevor the neighbours collected some terracotta pots from Aldi for me
They looked st our garden 💕 it.
I brought your favourite flowers today Malc
Cosmos .
Il love you and miss you Malc so much .
I cried again last night for you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 25th 2018 12.24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today is poring down , After Lisa helped me and fed Muffin
I took Muffin to Cannock for his grooming .
We got drownd.
So angry we have had hot weather but today flipping rain .
I brought a couple of plants grasses lovely.
I haven’t heard from Chanel for two days .
Not happy with Lisa either after the comment she made about me stopping an hour with her as she wanted time with Geoff
I have to make an appointment to see her now .
Hurtful !!!!!
I’m popping to Tesco about 4pm then dinner with Mum fish and chips .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday. May 24th 2018 13.38pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today I’m in a lot of pain shoulder blade knees neck .
Lisa came to help me then went to work .
I took Muffin to the park then to Tesco for pop.
Feeling very depressed today after going to Lisa’s yesterday and I said I would stop for an hour , she turned round and pulled a face an hour she said , I want time with Geoff .
I was so hurt nearly walked out .
But Geoff stopped me and said he would take the dogs a walk
I stayed for a cuppa then headed home .
I cried all the way home .
I don’t understand either my Daughter or Son .
Not been the same Malc since you have passed away .
I’m 😭 lonely 😔 Malc xx
I’ve been to pop in with Mum and she is at mine at the momet
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 23rd 2018 16.51pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy.
Today hasn’t been too bad .
Lisa came to help me then went to see Jade .
I later took Muffinto the park saw Anita .
I then popped into Tesco and home .
Karen Goodwin came and brought lunch she stayed until 3.30pm
I took Muffin a ride to Hednesford and the park again .
Yesterday I did enjoy my afternoon with my old friend we went to Norbury Junction by the canal had lunch .
This morning I took Mums keys back to the bungalow
She keeps moving and losing her money and I don’t want to be accused of moving or taking any so I’ve decided to only go to visit her when she is in .
I used to tidy up for her but I’m not now
She is getting so confused lately .
Wendy is there most days .
Do wonder if she has moved her money .?!!!
I’m not getting involved .
I miss you Malc more and more each day
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 22nd 2018. 14.38 pm
Hello Marc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been lovely .
Lisa came this morning. then went to work coming back later .
I took Muffin to the park saw Kim and Oreo .
Came back watched telly .
Then. Took Muffin to Kays why I went a ride out with my old friend . We went to Norbury junction had a lunch and a cuppa
Just got back now off to pick up Muffin .
Oh MalcI wish it was you I was out with .
I miss you so much darlin .
I’m on my own now the rest of the day .
Still at least I’ve had company .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Money May 21st 2018 07.20pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing early today Malc because I have a busy day and I don’t want to forget to write to you .
Lisa has been this morning to get me up .
She’s off to work now .
I’m taking Muffin-to the park then later .
Then off to Dot’s for lunch who I’m going on holiday with .
The weather is hot again hope it holds for when Dot and I go to Torquay .
I probably will pop to Mums after Dot’s about 4 pm .
Popped in Lisa’s for half hour yesterday she wasn’t happy with Mum on Saturday , she was moaning though . I even got my hair off with her .
I wander if Mum-is playing us all .
Lisa says she is not doing a party again .
That’s spoilt it for me as I don’t see much off Lisa as it is
Once a week maybe .
It was lovely seeing Jade though and Finley and Carter .
Wish Lisa would take me to Jade’s to see them more .
I miss you Malc , it’s lonely coming home and you not being here with me .
Every day , I need you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .

Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 20th 2018 13.02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today nothing special I’m shattered .
It’s a barmy day again today .
You should be sitting here with Mum and I.
She’s just cooked dinner.
Lisa came early this morning to get me up .
I took Muffinto the park saw no one I really knew .
I popped toTesco said hello to the girls .
Just got a box of. Cornetto’s .
Mum has fallen asleep as usual she is 88 years though.
I miss you Malc and cry for you most days .
Still after 4 years 3months on Tuesday .
No one really understands unless they go through it themselves .
I won’t see anyone after Mum has gone home .
I’m going to Dots tomorrow for lunch then Tuesday
My Friend is taking me a ride out somewhere .
I will write and let you know where .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 19 th 2018. 10.54am
Hello Malcmy darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been busy already .
Lisa came to help me as usual fed Muffin .
I later TookMuffin to take a parcel back and then to Cannock .
I popped to Hednesford for a chicken and veg for Tomorruw .
I’m now at home watching the Royal Wedding but going to Lisa’s soon for lunch and to watch the Wedding .
It’s a Beautiful day. Sun is shining .
Hope Max doesn’t attack Muffin and Muffin doesn’t keep Barking .
I shouted your name Malc today .
I miss you darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 18th 2018 16.30 pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been so busy .
After Lisa got me up I went to Cannock then to Mums to wish her happy Birthday and give her her presents .
I stayed for a cuppa .
Then I went off to see Kay had a couple of Hours with her
Off to Hednesford to get some bunting for our day at Lisa’s
Celebrating the Wedding if Megan and Harry.
Carole and Kev have just dropped off a wooden seat set .
Now I’m off to Mums for. Supper fish and chips 🍟
Lisa is calling later to give her a present and card
I miss you Malc so much I shouted your name today.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 17 th 2018. 11.05pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I’m writing early because I’m going to pop in With Mum
She might be coming back here .
Then I’ll take her home about 3pm .
Been to the park with Muffin met up with Anita .
Popped to. Aldi .
Now home watching telly .
I miss you my darlin and shouted your name twice today
Your never out of my thoughts Malc
Lisa rang this morning she has invited me to a tea party Saturday . Celebrating the Royal Wedding I guess
I’m looking forward to watching it any the tea party .
I hope I can take Muffin ?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malcxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 16th 2018 19.54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m late tonight writing Malc.
A strange kind of day .
Lisa came to help me then off to work she had to cover for someone .
I then started off to the park with Muffin but in Hednesford my mobility scooter broke down .
I first rang the insurance to collect scooter but then I rang John the engineer who serviced my scooter .
He came with in15 mins .
Took it to his work shop and checked it over , he has temp fixed it soldered it and put tape around it .
He returned the scooter 4.30 pm
I was really pleased .
But he did say it will be very expensive to replace the part .
We have spoke about part exchange and a kymo xls
He says that is the best .
Hoping I can hold on to this at the moment.
I then popped to Tesco for milk and a card .
I took Mums presents up today left them at hers .
It’s Friday she will be 88 years young .
I shouted your name again today , I wish you could talk to me darlin .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 15 th 2018 11.43pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing early Carole Banks is coming bringing lunch .
Today Lisa came to help me and fed Muffin .
Later I took Muffin to the park saw Anita in town at a distance
Ive been to New life brought a book shelf for my kitchen cook books for display.
Geoff is picking it up for me later .’
I miss you Malc , I shouted your name twice today
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 14 th 2018 13.18 pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a bit different .
Lisa came this morning before she went to work .
Then I took Muffin to the park .
Later I went to. Lichfield with. Muffin only for a ride and back
Jean. Beardsmore rang asking if I wanted to go down and have lunch , Im here now lovely .
She is my Guadian Angel she is .
Staying until 3pm the May be off toMums after Tesco
I miss you Malc so much it hurts.
Chanel rang last night asking if I want to go to Fueturventura
After Torquay .
At is having Muffin .
I will miss him though .
I love him so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 13th 2018 20.44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today hasn’t been to bad started off bad
I dented the new shed very flimsy ,
Then I broke the cap off the wheel on my scooter trying to back out of the gate .
I took Muffin to the park saw no one today .
Later I popped to Lisa’s had a cuppa and stayed an hour or so
I felt very weepy and frightened inside this morning
Later Mum came up and cooked dinner.
I did explain to her I wasn’t going to be given orders by W how to be with her whilst W was away .
Mum stayed until 3.15 pm
I rode back with her home then popped to Tesco
Now as usual on our own Muffin and I .
Chanel rang today Christopher wants me Togo with them to Fueturventura with them and he is giving me £500 spending money .
Kay says she will look after Muffin for me .
I will miss him I know but we are going away together a week before .
Hope he doesn’t pine too much .
I love him so much .
Keep us safe Malc I want to come back to love him forever .
Wish I could take him with me .
I wish also YOU were coming with me too.
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 12th 2018 14.02pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been a change Lisa helped me this morning
Later I went on my scooter to Cannock
Then Penkridge .
Met Lisa in Cannock now I’m at hers had lunch .
Going soon though they are going to a babeque
Oh Malc I wish you were here darlin .
I saw your face in my memory today fag in mouth doing gardening , Lisa takes after you .
It’s been nice having company today .
I was feeling so depressed this morning .
Muffin and Max are playing nice together .
I miss you so much it hurts .
I had a lot of Grief yesterday off W at Mums she told mr I had a face like a shrivled prune .
It hurt really
She left a note at Mums she said theses are your orders for when I’m away .
I ripped it up and threw it st her .
Hateful evil Bitch .
I’m feeling very lonely lately Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 11th 2018 17.48 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been bloody awful .
After Lisa got me up I took Muffin to the park .
I intended to sort Mums bills out but I was greeted by W
Arsole balling me out .
Then calling me a face like a wrinkled prune
Her eyes were bulging yet again .
She said your orders are there when she goes away yet again
Blackpool .
I took it up to her ripped it in little pieces and threw it near their car .
I am not taking orders from her or no one .
Not happy tonight it’s upset me all day .
Mum is selective with her problem
She walked up to W car and picked up the pieces and came back down and put it in the bin .

Even Kay said she has all her marbles .

I’m not happy with her at all.
She doesn’t say a word when W shouts out .
Going home soon not in a very good mood .
Not happy with Mum .
I’m very Angry 😡😡😡😡😡😡
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 10 th 2018 14.12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Lisa came to help me then off to work
Coming later .’I took Muffin to the park and brought some flowers .
I went to pop in today with Mum but meal was gastly .
Going to chippy later .’
Kay is coming soon to pick up a photo I’ve printed earlier of a wasp for a friend .
I miss you Malc so much more and more each day .
I shouted you name in the park today
I always make sure no one is about first .
Lisa called in last night stayed 20 mins better than nothing .
Having a bit of trouble with Jordd .
Hope it sorts it’s self out do love him xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 9th 2018 13.35pm
Hell Malc and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today. Lisa helped me this morning .
She fed Muffin too
I didn’t go to the park I called in Cannock I instead
For a halogen bulb for my lamp
Also went to Hednesford for fuses and carrots for my dinner .
I’m off to Kays later just for an hour.
Chanel rang last night Georgia still has a lump crossing fingers
It’s nothing serious .
I will keep asking .
Christopher is not working today he’s with Chanel at cherry tree
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 8th 2018 16.08pm
Hello Makc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been. a bit boring .
After Lisa got me up and dressed had breakfast and she fed Muffin .
I took Muffin to the park. Bumped into Pat and Burty and Anita
Popped to Cannock later to sort Mums Birthday card out .
Came back it was hot but since goind to Carole Banks it’s dropoed in tempriture .
Waiting now for 4 garden chairs .
Should have come this morning .
Still time .
Christopher was very rude again this morning language
Atroshious .
No need to speak to me like that .
All what I do to help !!!!!!!
He has changed since you have gone
He doesn’t respect me at all and never will
I’m done with him now
No I love you messages .
I miss you Malc so much , I need you to help me win the lottery please , so I can help Lisa , Jade and Christopher with the kids
Praying Georgia is going to be ok xx
A. Lump in her side painful .
Hope nothing serious .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May7th 2018 17.07pm
Hello Malcmy darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been so Hot .
Chanel helped me this morning and Ellie and Georgia stayed for a few hours .
Too hot for Muffin today .
I was going to pop to see Lisa but weather tiring me out
Besides she probably didn’t want to see me again only took me out Saturday .
She probably went to Jade’s and took the kids out
Or went in the garden .
She is going to The jewellery quarter with Geoff tomorrow
He is treating her to an eternity ring for their wedding Anniversary .
You should be here Malcsitting on your sofa watching the chase with me
Listening to the birds whistling outside as I have the door open
I miss you Malc so much darlin xx
I will write to you as long as I am able .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 6th 2018 13.28pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today back to normal a boring Sunday .
Took Muffin to the park saw no one really said hello to a couple of people .
Popped in Aldi later to pick up the solar spinning garden ornament .
Mum is here now she has cooked dinner now resting .
I will take her home via our. Mobility scooters .
I don’t think I will see anyone else today .
Chris is commissioning Birmingham way .
I’ve texted Chanel and asked if she wants to come down later for a couple of hours
But she hasn’t texted me back .
I shouted your name again today Marc on the park
I miss you more each day darlin.
I can’t explain how lonely I am with out you Malc .
I’m trying to keep the house up to date and the garden paying Ziggy for handy jobs he does for me .
No one in the family can do it all too busy .
Had a lovey day yesterday with Dot in the morning
Lisa and Geoff in the afternoon .
Tired out last night but thoroughly enjoyed our day Muffin
and I .
I am taking mum home at about 3pm so I can take Muffin s ride round while the weather is good .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Kiss a Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday. May5th 2018 15.47pm
HelloMalc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been hectic Lisa came this morning
Later Itook Muffin to the park saw Anita in town.
Popped into Aldi brought a garden solar item
Collect it tomorrow.
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I went to Hednesford museium today with Dot .
Enjoyed it VE Day .
Now at Lichfield with Lisa Geoff and the dogs x
Having a meal .
I think you would have loved this morning .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny x

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 4th 2018. 17.08pm
Hello Malc my datlinanx Tiggef My Baby Boy .
Today a flat day after Lisa had got me up she went to work coming back later .
I took Muffin to bed saw Anita .
Came back watched telly .
Later took Muffin up the new road skelly down Hednesford and back .
Collected Mums prx went to fish shop just had fish and chips nothing special .
Watching The Chase .
Going earlier tonight Lisa is coming straight from work up mine .j shouted your name twice today Malc .
I will always as long as my brain lets me .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 3rd 2018 14.03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today what a mixed day .
Lisa was very upset this morning you saw probably what was said .
She tries so hard to help Jade and Jordan
I don’t think they realise how she struggles herself .
Bless her .
I’ve just helped a little bit .
I keep trying the lottery so I can help every one .
Please please please !!!!
I pray every day .
Oh Malc I miss you so much . I wish you could be here to help support the family we miss you so much darlin .
I took Muffin to the park this morning and Aldi .
Been a couple of times today .
Jade’s Birthday today , 26 years old
Where have the years gone Malc .?
I’ve been to pop in with Mum for dinner
Now back home with Mum riding back to hers about 3pm .
Watching escape to the country .
Lisa is calling later after work .
Hope she has good news and goes back to Rawnsley .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 2nd 2018 13.38 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a bit disappointing.
Karen my friend has let me down yet again !!!
She was coming to lunch .
I took Muffin to the park and Aldi back home now at Mums
Carol Norrey and cliff are coming later to pick up a glass cabinet I don’t want it .
Trying to de clutter .
Haven’t heard from family today .Chanel Chris .
Lisa called in earlier to help me now off to Jade’s .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny cx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 1st 2018 18.12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been busy .
Lisa called to get me out of bed and feed Muffin
Later I took Nuffin to the park saw no one .
Called in Aldi and Tesco .’
Later I took Muffin to Kays while I went to Theresa’s funeral
Geoff took me Bless him .
Lisa is sorting work out problems with the girls .
Hope she calls in later , Geoff is at work .
We all go the same way don’t we .
Its frightening .
Go to move forward .
Had part refund my funeral plan coop .
Wasn’t happy with them .
I miss you Malc so much it’s hurts .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny

Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 30 th 2018! 15.32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today I feel very un happy .
Asking Christopher for Mortgage and putting some money in my bank.
Didn't answer me , he’s so stubourn.
I don’t think he loves me or cares at all .
I’ve been to Jeans this morning stayed 3 hours
She is such good company .
Now at Mums a bit boring but I have to show willing
I can understand why my children don’t Tay long at mine
They are probably bored visiting me .
Oh to be old !!!!
Chanel hasn’t rang me either .
I going to Theresa’s funeral tomorrow 3.30 pm
Oh Malc I wish you were here Malc , I miss you so much darlin .thank you for being in my dream last night
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 29th 2018! 12.28 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby boy .
Today started agterusa got me up went a ride on my scooter to drop a card in Paul’s house where Theresa and him lived
A sympathy card .
I went the long way round .
Back now called to bring Mum up she is cooking dinner.
Watching gardeners Would .
I taking her back about 3pm
So I can go to Tesco later .
It’s quid dull today rain forecast tomorrow
But I think it will today .’
I shouted your name several times today Malc .
I miss you so much Malc my darlin .
It’s Jade’s Birthday next Thursday Malc I can’t believe it .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 28th 2018 17.36 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy m
I’m late writing tonight .
Had Ellie and Georgia today
Ellie is naughty to Georgia she won’t share.
I took Muffin to the park early but it was raining rushed round on my scooter .
Shouted your name twice Malc miss you more and more each day .
I called in Aldi and Tesco .
Lisa called with Carter we all went to the holly bush garden centre smashing .
The kids went to see the pets and fish .
Chanel picked them up at 5 pm
They are out for a meal later .
Just Muffin and I now.
Watching telly .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 27th 2018 17.35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been a bit of a mixed up day .
I only took Muffin to Aldi and coop today x
Rain rain rain 😡😡😡😡😡
Fed up of it Malc .
Anita came and brought lunch stayed for 12.30 to 3.30 pm
Lisa walked out of her job today but the boss rang her to come back Monday to sort things out .
Lisa went for a job interview. Up Chadsmoor in a chemist
Not sure if she wants it .
If only I could win the lottery for her Malc xx
Pass your good vibes on Malc
You have helped me up to now through the rough times .
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I miss you so much darlin , no one knows how lonely I am .
I’m at Mums at the moment just had curry and chips
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 26th 2017. 16.39pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been so busy
After Lisa left I tookMuffin to the park called in Aldi .
Ziggy came to do more to the shed
Jean came to bring lunch and pay for A bench she ordered on line .
Jeff picked her up at 3 pm
I pooped a dinner Jean cooked to Mums on my mobility scooter .
Going down later sit for an hour .
Ziggy is still here .
Forecast rain again tomorrow 😚
I miss you Malc went to the old spot where Fafnir bearings was today to get a padlock no good .
I love you and miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 25th 2018 14.09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today lisa helped me then she went off to see Jade and the grandchildren , our gorgeous Finley and Carter.
Ziggy came with his friend Mark to finish building the metal shed .
It’s took such a long time to build .
They should finish by 3.30 pm
I took Muffin to the park early now at Mums .
She is so confused , I wander sometimes !!!
I need to speak with our dr I think ?
I shouted your name twice today Malc , missing you more than ever Malc .
I feel fear inside I don’t know why only that I feel so lonely with out you Malc .
Chanel rang today spoke for a little while .
Geoff picked up some flooring for me from Aldi .
I will write to you again tomorruw Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 24th 2018 16.10 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been a wash out .
Rained all day .
Ziggy is soaking wet through his mate let him down
He’s been putting the shed up on his own .
I took Muffin. To the park early so I could get back
But Ziggy didn’t come until 10am .
Carole Banks came and brought lunch kev picked up at 3pm.
Don’t like him Malc , you hated him .
He’s too full of himself knows it all and is too loud
Besides he shakes Muffins head roughly 😡
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I miss you so much darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 23rd 2018. 15.27pm
Hello Malcmy darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been a bit lonely but it’s gone quick really .
The shed came early . Then I took Muffin to the park
Bumped into Anita 😜
Say no more !!
Called in Aldi to get a couple of small things .
Geoff is coming tonight with someone to pick up his shed .
Hope he doesn’t let me down new shed going up tomorrow
Jean Beardsmore has rang me today, she is coming Thursday bringing lunch .
Carole Banks is coming tomorrow 12 ish .
Kev is working part time now so not so good you never liked him did you Malc ? Cx
I shouted your name twice today , I cried a little wanting you back , I sie each time I think of you .
I miss you more and more each day it’s getting worse .
People think everything is ok .
It’s not !!!!!!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 22nd 2018 18:50 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has gone so quickly .
This morning I took Muffin to the park later called in Aldi
No one came for the shed so Geoff and Jordd took it down waiting for Geoff to bring his mate to take it away .
Crossing fingers because the new shed is coming tomorrow
I’m on tender hooks .
Nothing from Geoff yet .
Mum has been for dinner W Being shit yet again .
Sick of IT !!!!
All I get is hassle every day .
Oh Malc you don’t know what I go through each day .
I miss you Malc so much , I don’t deserve this shit .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 21st 2018 12.56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today a bit strange .
Lisa came with Geoff took Muffin and I to Rugeley
But my knee hip spine and neck is very painful today
We later picked up Ellie from Cherry tree Georgia wanted to stop with Chanel and Chris .
The house is looking lovely .
Lisa Hugged Christopher I’m so jealous
Why won’t he or she hug me 😢
I am approachable .
I need hugs these days .
Christopher told me on the phone that Georgia didn’t want to come because she didn’t like me
My stomach turned over and crushed inside .
So hurt !!
When we got there to Cherry Tree I questioned Christopher
But Chanel said he was only joking 🙃
I wish Christopher would love me .
I think he hates me but Why ?????
I have never said or done anything to. Make him hate me .
My wish before I die is for both my children to hug me and genually mean it with sincere love .
Oh Malc I feel so unloved .
Ive tried my best as a mother and Nanny .
I love them all 💖💖💖.
I have Ellie here with me until Chris and Chanel pick her up about 6pm
She is drawing with some new pens I have brought them .
I think I told you yesterday about Theresa Kolodjie
Dieing poor soul .
The day after her Daughter being cremated .
I’m going to her funeral if our Mick takes me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 20th 2018 15.50pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a busy day .
I took Muffin to the groomers thus morning and popped into Asda while I waited to pick up Muffin .
I later took Muffin to the park and a ride round .
Shame about Theresa Kolodjei Malc the day after cremating her youngest Daughter .
Life is so cruel Malc.
It made me think , I’ve got to make more of my life.
I know you would tell me but I miss you so much Malc .
I can’t stop getting upset when I think of certain things which remind me of the things we did together .
I’m off to Mums at 4.45pm fish and chips .
Ziggy should have done my front garden but he has family problems to do with his Mum .
I’m tired today didn’t sleep very well .
Sue Bradbury has shingles in a lot of pain she says .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss a Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 19 th. 2018 14:39pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a bit messy .
Took Muffin to the park saw Karen and Anita .
Popped inTesco and Aldi .
Went to pop in for my lunch mumfudnt go so took her a dinner to hers already cooked .
Ziggy did our back garden pressure washed it and sucked leaves up .
He coming tomorrow to do the front garden .
Then a new shed is coming Monday and Ziggy and his friend is putting it up Tuesday .
It’s a big metal one Malc it will fill the bottom of the garden by the double gates .
Hope it doesn’t look too out of place .
I miss you Malc shouted your name a few times today .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday 18 th April. 2018 09:35
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today it’s warmer I must say I am in the hairdressers
Lisa got me up early Muffinis with me
Pete picks us up and takes us back.
Dot Farish is coming at one bringing lunch .
Ziggy is coming to do my decking and get leaves up for me .
I’m writing early because I don’t want to forget writing to you

I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I messaged Kelly yesterday she has deleted me from face book
She sent a long message back but to be fair she doesn’t talk to me to explain things , she has a heart condition she says
If I had knownI wouldn’t have said so much to her .
Anyway she says she will speak to me if she sees me in the street
I don’t see her so that’s not a big worry.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc sorry its short
Malc im in the hairdressers.

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rosr

Tuesday April 17 th 2018 17.29 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger by Baby Boy .
Today has been a disaster !!
I sent Kelly a message because she blocked me on face book
She did text back saying she has a heart condition
Is on beta blockers .
I did tell to visit my Mum instead of just phoning
She never visits me because it would upset her precious mother .
I’m done with my sister and Neice .
I’m sick of all the secrecy .
I’m better off on my own .with Muffin .
I’m feeling really Rick bottom today because of it .
I have been to Carole Banks for lunch ,
Kev was as boring as ever .
Popped to Cannock then Tesco
Back home now on our own Muffin and I again
Dot is coming tomorrow and bringing lunch .
Sorry I can’t tell you much more Malc .
I miss you so much darlin it hurts .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 16 th 2018 15.20pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today I took Muffin to the park on my mobility scooter
Popped in Aldi for a couple of things .
Lisa left me lunch and later I went a riide round
With Muffin .
Chanel did call in for Cameron’s coat .
If I didn’t tell you yesterday Lisa and Geoff took Mum and I with Muffin to Barton Marina we had tea and Geoff took Muffin and Max a walk
Mum was struggling to walk it held us back really but still enjoyed it .
I was worried though Mum didn’t look well at all.
Geoff took her back to the car .
But he did take us to a small garden centre .
Lisa Brought a plant and pot .
Enjoyed by all .
Thank you Lisa and Geoff 😘😘
Ziggy is coming on Wednesday to tidy our garden .
The weather is cold but dry today .
Had to wrap up .
I shouted your name a few times today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 15 th 2018. 15:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today has been a surprise .
Geoff rang asking would I like to go to Barton Marina
We took mum too and had a lovely day .
Just had dinner ,
A lady brought a mirror Down to mine for my garden
Kind of her .
Poring down now and I have got to follow Mum-home in my mobility scooter .
Flipping rain ☔️ ☔️☔️☔️☔️
Muffin went with us today but her kept barking at Max .
Still s lovely day though 😊
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 14 th. 2018 11.35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today I took Muffin to the park spoke to someone who I haven’t seen for some time forgotten her name .
The girls are here now until Chanel picks them up .
Hope it’s not too late I might go to Cannock later
The sun is out today thank goodness .
I’m writing early to you Malc , I don’t want to miss writing to you incase I get too forgetful in my head .
I miss you Malc more than ever kiss your canvas every day and night.
Shout your name every day which I will later too many people about this morning .
Lisa rang last night only for 5 mins
She said she will see me Sunday it’s always when Mum is here though . She said she would take me out on a Saturday
But it only happened once
I fel I’ve been put on the back burner now Malc .
I see more of my friends now than Lisa .
I really thought my family would see me often
But it hasn’t worked out that way
Generation changed since our days .
Mum is lucky she has attention daily.
I dont expect that but it would be nice
More often .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 13th 2018 13.44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been a complete wash out .
☔️☔️☔️☔️ it’s never going to stop .
I’m so fed up of it all .
I went out with Muffin around 11.30 am
Only popped to Aldi and a quick ride around the park
Muffin walked .
I rang Mum this morning she was ok .
Chanel should have come with the kids but Christopher was at Derby so he had to use the car.
The truck is out of action oil leak .
So a very lonely day so far .
I’m at Mums later fish and chips 🍟
I wish you were here Malc , I miss you more each day .
I love you with all my heart darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 12th 2018 14.04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today my friend came to get me out of bed .
Lisa wasn’t about .
Chanel rang me this morning .
Took Muffin to the park and Aldi .
Went to the church for lunch , My didn’t come
Not good on her legs today.
Weather damp and cold again suppose to be warming up .
Not a lot to tell today Malc .
I miss you more than ever , I shout your name every day and wish you back home .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 11th 2018 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I’m a bit fed up .
Lisa has Wednesdays off. But she hasn’t been again
I know she like to see Jade and the kids .
Only see her when she calls in the morning to help me get up
Later to be put to bed .
Lonely days .lonely nights .
Miss you Malc .
Took Muffin to the park very cold and damp misty.
Went to see Kay but even she doesn’t see me often now .
Back home now bored .
Good job I have Muffin for company ,.
I wish the weather would pick up .
Why did Cancer take you Malc WHY ??????
You didn’t deserve it you were a hard working loyal loving Husband , Dad. Granddad Great Grandad xx
Oh. Malc I could turn the clock back when you were healthy
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 10th 2018 14.40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today started off rainy and damp.
I did take Muffin to the park and Aldi .
Carole Banks came and brought lunch she is still here .
Weather is brightening up a bit.’
They are fetching me two large storage boxes
And helping me put winter stuff away .
I feel a bit wheepy today , missing you more each day .
Not a lot to tell you today Malc .
I’m going to ride Muffin round the skelly and Hednesford after They go Kevin has just come to ick up Carole .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I miss you my darlin so much x
I love you with all my heart ❣Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. April 9th 2018 15.44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a mixed up day .
Lisa popped into help me and feed Muffin .
I later went to Coop funeral services to change my plan
Sorted I should have a refund from last plan
Hopefully .
I got frustrated this morning but feel more relaxed .
At Mums at the moment. Trying to tell her how to knit .
Reading pattern to her but she’s getting it wrong .
It’s been rainy again Malc , will it ever stop.
Spoke to Chanel today
Problem with Geese .
I’m angry today with everything .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 8th 2018 13.53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Mum is here she helped me this morning
She is still here and has cooked my dinner .
The weather is better today when I take Mum home I will ride round with Muffin .
No sign of Lisa , saw her a week ago !!
Probably gone to see Kerry .
I don’t think she is close to me like I wished she was
Christopher never rings to ask how I am
He only speaks when he wants me to have the kids while they
Do the houses up .
I’m tired today and done nothing .
My nails are splitting and short .
My body is fat .
I’m so lonely Malc with out you .
The kids don’t understand ,
One day they will be left on their own .
Then perhaps they will realise how hard it is on your own .
Geoff goes to see his Dad every day .
I know he has dementia but I’m riddled with Arthritis .’
Through out my body .
It’s so difficult to do things .I don’t tell the kids .
I miss you so much Malc . Can’t talk to you well I do but you can’t answer my problems .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 7th 2018. 27.58 p
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been a rubbish day .
Chanel rang asking if I could have the kids
It’s starts off great then Cameron tried to push Ellie
Down the stairs .
Georgia started being angry and Mardie .
They are not good together.
I had a cover to go over my scooter it looked awful
Then when I tried to put it back into its original state
Twisting it , it ripped , I rang eBay and spoke to a chap called Dave who said to send a message to eBay he would have a word Monday .
I think I’ve lost my money .
Put it down to a bad experience .
My paperwork came today PIP I have it for 4 years it will soon go .
Then I have to go through it all again 😲
I really haven’t enjoyed my day .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow
I love you with all my heart darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 6th 2018 16.30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today My friend Dot came to help me and fed Muffin then I went to the park with Muffin .
Later Dot asked me for lunch .
I’ve just got back .
I’ve had a good afternoon. She is a lovely lady .
Stayed until 3.30 pm
Popped to Hednesford for a loaf of bread .
Now off to Mums for Dinner fish 🐟 and chips 🍟
I shouted your name today and been thinking about you .
I miss you Malc so much .
I play your video every night before I go to sleep .
Waiting for DWP letter to arrive .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 5th 2018. 15.52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a bit of a mix .
Lisa came to help me and. Will come back later .
I took Muffinto the park saw Anita .
Later went to Jean Beardsmore’s. For lunch .
Stayed until 3pm
Now at Mums she was worried about her boiler it’s fine .
No post from DWP getting anxious .
I have been told by telephone though .
Might ring them later .
I miss you Malc more than ever. Been talking about you today
Shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 4th 2018! 17.04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m so Happy today Malc , I phoned Pip
I was told I have been awarded both enhanced .
If I could jump up and down I would .
Thank you for looking over me and giving me support.

Lisa came to get me up and feed Muffin
Chanel came lunch time and Lisa is coming tonight to put me to bed .
My old friend is taking me for a drink tonight
Hope you don’t mind .
I feel a weight has been lifted from me .
The letter is in the post .
Hope it hasn’t gone to wrong address .
I’m sure I will receive it tomorrow.
I’m going to Jean Beardsmore’s for lunch tomorrow
And Dot Farish Friday .
Carol Norrey rang me this morning
She sent a pic of the cake she made
It’s gorgeous .
Very talented .
I have some great friends you know Malc
I do miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 3rdb 2018 16.00pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.’
Today Lisa came this morning to help me .’
She is coming back later to do my dinner and put me to bed tonight .
I took Muffinto the park this morning saw no one .
Felt very tearful this morning .
Then Mum rang 4 times about the key Ibwas having cut for her .
I got the key cut then popped it down to her .
I was very angry W had shouted over the phone I was a Cow
I sent a message to stop the language and grow up
No letter from pip yet waiting nervously .
Ordered a new charger coming in a couple of days .
It’s raining again , will it ever stop .
I shouted your name again today , I miss you my darling so much .
I have been to Carole’s for lunch but Kev came from work early so spoiled it .
You didn’t like him did you Malc ?
I don’t either .
I’m popping to Mums after 6 pm to pick up the £3.50 I left for the key to be cut .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 2nd 2018 11.20 am
Today is a filthy rainy day .
I stayed in bed until 9am then Lisa came to get me up .
She is going out with Geoff to the pub with his family .
Christopher Chanel and kids are going to banger racing .
Hednesford .
Been to Hednesford Tesco the girls picked up my groceries
Put them in my basket paid now home .
Watching telly wishing you were here watching it with me .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
My days are so lonely even though my family help I they can’t
Stay with me all day they have lives too.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 1st 2018 16.03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Chanel came to help me because Lisa is going with Geoff with his family .
She dropped the girls off and Mum came up and cooked dinner they are still here at the moment .
Doesn’t look like they are picking the girls up until half passed
I miss you Malc so much ,
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
I love you with all my heart darlin
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Sorry I have a short message today .
I’m riding with Mum to her home in a moment .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 31st 2018 15.34pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today what a turn up .
Lisa came to help as usual she’s a good girl .
I didn’t take Muffin to the park
Lisa took me to Lichfield we stayed 2 hours .
Left Muffin at home I had him on camera he was fine .
Weather has been dreadful .
Mum shocked me thus morning she has brought Georgia a Birthday card and tried to ring Chanel to speak to Georgia
She couldn’t get through .
Have things turned around .
Mum said who’s Birthday is it today . I said Georgia’s
She said I should send a Birthday card after all they are my Great Grandchildren .
I was gob smacked .
Hope they all accept this and we become a family again
Although W won’t change .
I miss you Malc it’s Easter and I wish you were here to hug the Grandkids and Great children .
Hug me too .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxLOVE YOU FOREVER MALCxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 30 th 2018 13.49pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Luda called to help me and picked up
You for Finley and Carter .’
I have Ellie and Georgia today change of plan .
I was going with Lisa to Rugeley might go tomorrow .
Chris and Chanel with Cameron Rick down Cherry tree .
I’m riding down the park in a while with Ellie and Georgia .
Hope weather holds .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I wish we were going on a train somewhere like we used to . Lonely with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart XX
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 29th 2018 14.26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came to sort me out and feed Muffin .
I later went to tool shop for nuts to fit chap came out to me on my scooter .
I then posted Shirley and Dicky’s Easter card and Sheila and Colin’s .
We have rode round a lot today ,but it’s raining on and off .
Spoke to Christopher this morning good lad put the Mortgage in .
Chanel spoke to me she is busy painting at Cherry tree . Christopher is at work .
Lisa is taking me to Rugeley tomorrow.
When I was riding round I passed your house you and your Mum lived in 174 it made me cry .
I can’t switch off from the past Malc xxx
I miss you so much .
I keep thinking of our past the times we had together .
All the places we went .
I want them back . I want you back !!!!!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. March 28th 2018 13.42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came to help me and picked up
The iron for Jade I brought her on line .
I took Muffin to a shop called Target were you used to work fafnir bearings. For some nuts for my kitchen table
Then took Muffin to Wickes for a refund of nuts I brought which didn’t fit .
Later Lisa came back had a coffee made me a drink .’
She is coming back later .
Chanel has rang but I’m at Mums so told her I would ring her later 5pm
I miss talking with you Malc I want to hug you darlin .
I now easter I will be in my own again .
Lisa will get me up and keep popping back but
It’s not the same as having you .
I want to kiss you goodnight and good morning .
I want to share my worries with you .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 27th 2018 th 2018 17.10pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I’ve been stressed again thinking about pension credit and assessment .
I have pains in my chest and feel like crying all day .
Lisa got me up and fed Muffin.
I later took Muffin to the park saw no one I knew .
Carole Banks came brought lunch .
She stayed until 3.30 pm
Kev picked her up .
I thenTook Muffin a ride to Hednesford and Wickes in Cannock for nuts to screw on my table
Some are missing .
Kev said he would put them on for me .
No joy need to try target by the old fafnir bearing
Where you used to work Malc .
I beg you to come home I’m so lonely Malc
I need you for support .
My chest is tight .
Someone will contact me from DWP hopefully with good news and they have made a mistake with not putting it in my bank .
I have brought Jade an iron hers is broke she can’t afgird one at the moment .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 26th 2018 pm 17.28pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
What a day I’ve had .
Lisa called ti get me up and fed Muffin .
I later tookMuffinro the park saw Oreo’s mummy .
Forgotten her name .
Looked online in my bank account DWP haven’t put my pension credit in they are looking into it hope nothing to worry about .
Rang pip lines were down all day
Waited an hour to get through .
My stress has been out of the roof .
Got to wait until Easter after for decision .
I will ring next Thursday for decision over phone .
Hopefully a good result .
Not holding my breath .
I think I will get standard !!!!
It’s making me feel very low .
I’ve rang Chanel today a short phone call both having dinner
Muffin is sitting on my lap he is all I have Malc to love .
So lonely Malc as you told me but I don’t want another man .
Not much to tell you today Malc sorry .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
I love you with all my heart darlin ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 23rd. 2018 11.59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa came early to help me ,
I haven’t slept all night .
All sorts going on in my head .
Turned the clocks forward themselves
Lighter nights Malc hooray !!!
Took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one .
Popped to Tesco got chocolate for Jade and Jordan .
Lisa was bathing Carter and Finley .
Going to Mums for dinner .
Boring afternoon really nowhere to go.
Missing you Malc so much .
Spring like today no one coming .
Georgia’s 8!th Birthday next Saturday , where are the years going
You said that’s what I will miss , crying now as I’m writing to you .
I feel so lonely with out you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 24th 2018 12.28pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
I’ve just written to you and lost it .’
Today Chanel came to help me and then the kids have come to stay until 3 pm
Cam sorted my boxes out .clever lad .
I m going to see Lisa after 3pm
Taking Finley’s and Carters Easter eggs she has them for the day .
I miss you Malc so much darlin I cried again this morning coming from the park .
I shouted your name again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 23rd 2018 15.25pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa popped in to help me then off to work
Coming back tonight .
Took Muffin to the park saw Anita again .
Also popped to Cannock not long got back
I’m on the scooter and out every time the sun comes out .’
Just me and Muffin most of the day until I go to Mums for fish and chips .’
I feel a bit better today Christopher rang he wants to take me to Fuetiventura in July for a week .
I’ve ask Kay she said yes if only a week
Saw Geoff today he said he will pick me upon the day of return .hope all works out .
I feel a bit excited really .
Just need good news from DWP
That would make my year.
Crossing fingers Malc .
I miss you my darlin so much XX
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 22nd 2018 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today is yet another anxious day .’
Waiting for decision from the assessment .
It’s only been 2 weeks yet feels like months
Lisa helped me this morning coming back later .
I took Muffin to the park saw Anita again .
Back home watching telly.
Going to pop in with Mum later.
Weather still cold breezy .
Nothing from family no texts yet .
I miss you Malc darlin so much
I love 💕 you with all my heart Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 21st 2018 16.29pm
Hello Makc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today ive been really anxious .
Woke up at 3am never went back off to sleep .
Lisa called to help me before she went to Jade’s
Took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
Called in Tesco for a few things .
The girls helped me .
I’m waiting for Jas to bring my tv box but not sure if he will bring it today he’s been to a funeral with his mum and Dad .
Crossing fingers I’m so depressed today worrying
About my assessment .
I feel I won’t get what I had before .

Hope Christopher will help if I don’t get anything .
Oh Malc I wish I could have you home with me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart 💓.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 20 th 2018 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came to get me up and wash me .’
I later took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Took Muffin to Kays to drop off money for Jason to get my tv box .
Just got back , going to Carole Banks for lunch
Staying until 3.30 pm
It’s very cold out Malc ,snow still about in places
Lisa rang me last night for a little while
My passport is coming tomorrow.
Still thinking about assessment very worried .
I’m praying I will get the full amount but I have my doubts
Say goodbye to Pip I guess .’
Hope Christopher will help me .

It’s the first of spring today clocks go forward on Sunday morning but Mine will do it’s own thing .
Wish you were here with me Malc I’m so lonely darlin .
I need you Malc more than ever.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 18 th 2018 11.10am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Lisa called to get me up dress me and feed Muffin .
Snow slowly melting been to Tesco just to get out
Girls put my food in the trolly and then into my scooter bag .
Lisa will take them out later when she calls lunch time.
Sitting watching telly .
Joints painful but have no choice.
I am so lonely Malc I just want to cry all day .
I miss you so much Malc it hurts .
I feel I’m being treated cruelty .
My Sister is causing me grief .
My Mum is ill and I can’t get to her to see her
W is taking her away from me.
She is walking in the snow yet uses a mobility scooter saying she is disabled .
I can’t rave my house with out using my mobility scooter or family pushing me in a wheel chair .
I’m so anxious waiting for result of assessment.
I can’t sleep I can’t concentrate .
I have wrote early nothing else to tell you today darlin .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 2018 14.30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today is a really lonely boring day .
Snow snow snow !!!!!!
Can’t get out today Malc .
No one today has been in touch .
I rang Mum she was bringing dinner but can’t get .
Spoke to Chanel earlier , They are taking Ellie to a party in Stafford it’s her friends Birthday .
They are walking into Eccleshall to get shopping in .
The truck has a broken clutch has gone .
Nothing from Lisa again today .
My neighbour has helped me this morning she is good when I have no help .
I wish you were here Malc ,
No one knows how lonely Iam .
Every one thinks because it’s been 4 years since I lost you
They think I’m fine .
I miss you more now Malc than ever .
Nothing to report today My darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 17 th 13.31pm
Hello Malcmy darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today I don’t feel very well
Lisa got me up and dressed fed Muffin .
My neck and knees and base of spine is really painful today
I keep feeling sick and off balance .
It took me ages to feel I wanted to even get dressed .
I have tried to take Muffin out but all I feel like doing is sleeping today .
Jason is supposed to be coming this afternoon
To sort my telly out again and buy the red laptop for his Dad Alan .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
I miss you so much Malc xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 16th 2018’ 12.45pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has gone quickly so far .
Lisa popped in before she went to work .
Left me lunch fed Muffin .
I later took Muffin for his groom .
Came home until he was ready to pick up .
He jumped on my scooter and off home we went .
Watching telly now a bit bored but can’t change things.
Capita rang last night asking me questions mi answered them honestly .
My passport is being processed as we speak .
Going to Mums later for fish and chips .
Only stopping a couple of hours .
It’s forcast bad weather tomorrow hope I can get out .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 15 th 2018! 13.52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today I feel very low in mood .
I’m so worried about not receiving PIP.
Mums here today helping me and we have had dinner at church .
She is staying a few hours for a change .
Heard from no one today yet .’
Spoke to your Shirley today Jayne is back in friends with her now , nice to hear.
Hope she speaks to me now she is strange Malc .
It’s been rainy again today and Muffin has a groom tomorrow .
Not much to tell you today Malc .
I’m so fed up I feel very un loved .
Depressed about Sheila Colin and your family cutting me off .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart 💓Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. March 14th 2018 16.28pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa helped me it’s her day off
Then she went shopping and called in Nans .
I took Muffin to the park Aldi and Tesco .’
Came home until Jean Beardsmore came brought lunch .
She stayed until3 pm Jeff picked her up 😊
I then took Muffin a ride round popped in the coop
Called in Aldi and came home.
I’m getting to feel so lonely more each day goes by .’
I’m not so dizzy today .
I miss your company Malc so much .
I need you Malc xxx
I didn’t sleep last night worrying about that assessment
I can’t get it out of my mind .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you more than ever Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 13th 2018 16.12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today I haven’t been very well Kay had to take me to the drs
As I lay in bed I turned over on my right side and the room was spinning round it frightened me .’
Chanel couldn’t take me Lisa couldn’t take me .
Dr Singh examined me my blood pressure was high.
He said it was the arthritis in my neck but I think not .
I think it was my ear it’s ringing like made I feel fullness inside
I think stress is not helping .
Mum rang me and Lisa rang lunch time.
Carole Banks came then Kev took Muffin a walk .
I hope I don’t go dizzy tonight .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I love 💕 you with all my heart Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Muffin xxxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 12th 2018. 11.26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing early Malc becausecInkniw exactly what is happening .’
Lisa came this morning to helpmmevwadhband dress and sort Breakfast and feed Muffin .
I did manage to take Muffin in the light rain .
Now it’s poring down .
Lisa did come eventually late last night bringing me a Beautiful present and card .
I had a very lonely un happy mother’s day .
Jayne Dagley is picking Muffin and I up at 1.30 pm
We are going to Shoal hill tavern for lunch .
I keep panicking about the assessment
I feel sure I won’t get the full amount of PIP .
It was such a hard assessment .
I’m not sleeping I’m not consentrating .
I’m so worried Malc .
I’m chewing inside my mouth until it bleeds .’
Oh Malc I’ve had a shit 4 years since you died .
Everything is being throwed at me .
I try for the lottery and competitions to try and win .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you my darlin so much , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 11th 2018 14.12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Well if this is Mother’s Day wooppy wooo
No cards no flowers I’ve cried all morning .
Chanel used to send me a card a a present .
Lisa has always but she might bring a card later
Never has any of the family not brought me a card .
All too busy !! Lisa and Heiff with Geoff’s daughter in
Says she is coming later .
I’m feeling very low today Malc with the assessment being a disaster.
Still Jayne Dagley is coming tomorrow taking Muffin and me for a meal .
Lonely Lonely Lonely Malc you did tell me .
I miss you so much darlin more than I can say .
Don’t know what the future brings now .’
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 10th March 2018 12.37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Malc I’m so depressed today thinking about the assessment
I had on 7 th .
I know in my own mind Ineont get PIP .
I didn’t do very well answering the questions and some of the exercises she asked me to do .
I don’t swear but I f....d it up completely .
I’m frightened I won’t managed if I lose this .
I feel since you have gone my life has gone down hill .
Kay has been thus morning to help me
Lisa is away until tomorrow and Christopher and Chanel .
She is coming back later .
Jason is coming in a while to sort my telly .
I feel very tense all over .
So worried .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Muffin xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 9th 2018. 10.50pn
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
I’m writing early Malc because lots happening .
Lisa came before she went to work
Chanel is coming later .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one .
Dot Farish is coming lunch time she is bringing lunch .
Later I’m going to Mum ‘s for supper .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much itvdiesnt get any easier .
It only seems like yesterday .
I have to take one day at a time .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 8th 2018 14.59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
I received a message this morning saying they have received
The report for PIP and it will take about 4 weeks
Malc Im really worried they will take it off me .
I have no choice .’
Chanel helped me this morning before she went to Cherry tree .its left me feeling very low Malc .
I have taken Muffin to Hednesford but not the park it was too rainy today .
I have had my telly table this morning it’s lovely .
But it hasn’t cheered me up .
Too worried .
Sorry not much to tell you .
I miss you Malc so much .
Chanel Lisa and Me dreamt about you over the last two days .
I know you are looking over us .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 7 th 2018 18.30pm
Hello Malc and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been harendiius Chanel got me up from bed washed and dressed taking me to an assessment .
To see whether I receive PIP .
I don’t think I will be able to get it .
It took over an hour .
I left feeling very low in mood and thinking the worst .
It will take up to 6 weeks to find out .
I left Muffin with Kay she is a 🌟.
Chanel was anAngel she said you came to her and slapped her face and laughed . I dreamt about you the night before .
I love you and miss you so much Malc .
I hope I’ve done enough today .
I wore your necklace with some of your hair inside .
I hope it helped me .
Chanel has not long rang again , we seem to be closer now .
I am so lonely with out you darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 6 th 2018 16.58 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has gone so quickly .
Lisa called this morning to help me out of bed .
She washed and dressed me prepared my lunch .
She is coming back later .
I managed to take Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped in Aldi and Tesco .
Later had my hair done Pete picked me and Muffin up and took me to the salon .
Popped into Tesco to collect a parcel .
Now home with Muffin .
Getting really worried about tomorrow.
I wish you were here to support me Malc .
I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc let you know how I got on .
Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone xx
Sorry it’s short today .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 5th 2018. 15.39 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Lisa called before she went to work helped me .
I waited much later to take Muffin out still snow on the ground .’I struggled and at one point my scooter wasn’t moving .
I had to contact John an engineer who serviced my scooter.
After he told me to wriggle the lever back and forth it worked .
Went to Mums but as I arrived she said she was going out for a meal with W & P
I think it was done on purpose !!!!
Oh well can’t do much about it .
Home now watching ground force.
I miss you Malc so much my darlin .
Wish I could hold you hug you kiss you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 4th 2018. 12.34pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today is as boring as yesterday .
Kay has been to help me out of bed and been out and brought me some food .
Lisa is coming later to cook my dinner .
I’m really getting fed up now with all this snow .
Poor Muffin is getting depressed too .
I never wished for rain so much .

I feel I’m going mad , I love outside but can’t get out on the mobility scooter it’s depressing me .
Malc I miss you my darlin so much
I can only talk to Muffin but he can’t talk back .
ILisa has just rang bringing me up a chicken dinner
She stayed nearly an hour and Geoff took Muffin a walk over the field .
What a lovely surprise .
Chanel rang why Lisa was hear they popped to Cherry tree house .
On my own now until Lisa puts me to bed tonight .
Oh Malc I wish you were hear I miss you so much darlin .
Not much to tell you today Malc now .
I will write to you again tomorrow xx
I love you with all my heart Malc I could cry my eyes up today .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 3rd. 2018. 12.23pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today is another depressing staying in day
Deep snow again .
I’ve no eggs no potatoes for Sunday dinner .
Geoff is coming later to shirtfront some snow .
Malc you would have done it by now .
I’m so upset as why my son can’t just come down and shift the snow.
I look after the kids why they go to the houses to work .
Well watch them they are old enough to help me .
No sign of them today .
I’m praying for rain before Wednesday .
I’m so lonely Malc so lonely .
I give but I don’t take .
I don’t ask for much .
Just my family to care .
Nothing more to tell you now Malc only I love you and miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday March 2nd 2018 15.42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today still very bad weather .
I’m getting really worried not being able to get to the assessment next Wednesday .
Praying for rain please .
I have the kids again today they have been ok really .
Lisa has called in with bread and milk .
Chanel got me up this morning .
They are on their way .
I’m fed up with not being able to take Muffin on my mobility scooter .
I’ve got a curry tonight for dinner .
Oh Malc I do miss you mate so much .
I wish you could come home to me .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rise

Thursday March 2st 2018 10.51am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Christopher has just dropped the kids off
Why they paint in the house .
Cam has just set up
My Amazon Fire stick prime film box .
The kids can come and watch films now .
I can’t get out today snow is quite deep .
Schools are closed .
Hope it clears up soon .
At least I gave company .
Lisa has called got me out of bed .
She is calling later to do dinner and later put me to bed .
Oh well make the best of the day .
I miss you Malc and Tigger so much .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xox
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 28 th 2018 16.54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today hasn’t been good .
Lisa popped in to help me pot of bed she had today off
She prepared lunch and a stew for dinner .
I did take Muffin to the park but it was turning cold and snow forecast .
I popped in Mums to have a cuppa with her but guess who came W and P
Thus gave me chance to talk I went to the kitchen
Gave her the talking of her life
About what a stupid thing that stayed the fall out
She had forgotten what the fall out was about .
But she wasn’t having it .
She doesn’t realise I go to Mums every day for two hours .
I give up now I have told her She hasn’t experience loneliness yet .
She will be a very lonely woman .
I’m hurt really I feel I have support from my family .
Snow is sticking Malc , I’m stuck in now .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you and miss you Malc so much Malc xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 27 th 2018 17.08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Lisa came to help me but she was Flued up and had a Chesty cough .
I later took Muffin to the park but bitterly cold .
I had to go called in Aldi brought a couple of things .
Called in Mums then home .
I’ve been to Carole Banks for lunch
Stayed until 4.30pm
Freezing out snow on and off .
Hope the snow clears for next Wednesday .
Lonely as usual and miss you like crazy Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Tigger

Monday. February 26th 2018! 14.33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Another lonely horrible day
Lisa came to help me this morning it took ages to wash and dress me I’m in so much pain .
I later took Muffin to the park bitterly cold .
Forecast bad snow hope it doesn’t stick and gone by next Wednesday .
Unless I win the lottery PLEASE !!
I. Didn’t sleep very well last night
Muffin woke me up twice .
Good job I love him .’💖💖
With Mum at the moment. She still has pain in her kidney
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
Dave from the mooch shop has got my passport application
He is counter signing it for me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 25th 2018 14.28pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today hasn’t been a good day I’m really fed up .
On my own again .
Mum should have come for dinner but she said her back was hurting her .!!!
Lisa has cooked our dinner and took Mums to hers .
Saw her for about 5 mins .
No one has rang .
She did get me up out of bed .
Geoff is at Birmingham Airport taxi for someone .
Hate weekends .
Feeling very anxious about the assessment .
I miss you Malc no one understands now it’s been 4 years only Dot . Anita and Elaine .
I don’t cry as much Malc but I’m so lonely .
Ellie and Georgia stayed 6 hours yesterday why
Chris and Chanel were painting in the house at Cherry tree
I couldn’t go out on my mobility scooter .
Muffin was fed up too .
The sun is out today but it’s very cold
Snow predicted hope we don’t get much .
I’m off to Mums now only for an hour .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday. February 24th 2018 14.41pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Chanel came to help me today then later I took Muffin to the park .
Christopher rang me later asking could Ellie and Georgia come and keep me company and help me .
They are doing a house up .
I’m in a lot of pain today in all my joints .
Worried about the assessment 😔
Nothing from Lisa today reckon she has gone to meet up with Jade .
It’s a good job the girls are here .
So lonely with out you Malc 😚xx
I feel like crying all the time.
Mum is out of hospital with W today do I don’t see here .
I hate weekends 😤
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 23rd 2018 25.40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today I’m all over the place stressed .
Lisa came to help me before she went to work .
I later took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
I’ve had to fill in a new form for a passport
Can’t find mine since going to. The Bahamas .
It’s just dispeared .
I’ve cancelled it at the passport office .
Mum is coming out of hospital today .’
Oh Malc I do miss you darlin .’
I feel so low today .
It’s so cold out forecast snow in a few days .
I’m going to Mums later fish and chips 🍟
Geoff is back on the road with his taxi .
Lisa has just texted me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 22nd 2018 16.42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today it’s 4 years since I lost you Malc
Where has the time gone ?? What have I done over the years
My assessment came through today from capita
I’m terrified I won’t get it wish you were here with me helping me .
Chanel is taking me it’s Birmingham .
Help me through it please Malc give me strength .
I’ve been to see mum in Stafford hospital Kay took me and is picking me up any time now .
I have to try and switch off or I will go mad .
I wish you could come into my dream tonight
I miss you so much darlin .
Hope I can find my passport Chanel will help me look .
I’m frightened Malc if they take this Dla away I won’t manage
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
I’ve put a verse on face book today every one of my friends have replied.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 21st 2018 17,33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
What a day Mum is in hospital staying in
She is dehydrated and has a urine infection .
Lisa Came to help me. Then went to Jade’s while she had a driving lesson .
I went to Jean Beardsmore’s for lunch today had a meal and pud.
Later Carole Banks and Kevin took me to Sainsburys .
Back home now .
Spoke to Mum on her mobile . I will ring later .
I miss you Malc so much it’s 4 years tomorrow darlin
I will send you my love darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 20th 2018 17.31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today hasn’t been too bad .
Lisa came to help me this morning .
I later took Muffin to the park saw Anita again .
Carole Banks came at 12 stayed until 3.30pm
I then took Muffin a ride round called in bargain shop and Tesco .
Boring aren’t I Malc ?!!!
The weather isn’t too good yet very cold .
I’m off to Jean Beardsmore tomorrow for lunch
Then evening meal 🥘 with Lisa and Geoff I won from Chinese takeaway .
I miss you darlin so much I shouted your name again today
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to e veryone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 29 th 2018 14.40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came to help me then. Later I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Later I did see Geoff he sided with Lisa .
I’ve sent a text to Lisa need to talk she’s coming tonight .
Iron a few things out .
I feel really low today Malc ,I miss you so much .
It’s 4 Years since I lost you on Thursday .
I’m at Mums now staying until 4 pm
.nothing more to tell you today really .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 18 th 2018 14.26pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy,

Today didn’t start off good . Lisa came to help me then if home she went .
I later took Muffin to the park on my mobility scooter saw no one .
I needed a plate I took to Mums with her dinner on from last week which Lisa took home she could have left it at Mums .
All my other plates are far too big .
All I did was go to Lisa’s to pick up the plate so mum could put our dinners on it .
She went up like a bottle of pop saying it was a possession
And I was sad .
I was so hurt Malc .
It seems when I give I get abuse back .
I’m stopping giving made my mind up .
You can’t choose your family but Cam choose your friends .
I’m hurt and upset and angry .
I’m sick of being shouted at and talked down to .
I’ve had a stinking 4 years since you have gone Malc
Off both Lisa and Christopher WHY !!!
If only you were here Malc ,
I miss you to talk to , to be with , to hold you .
I’m frightened Malc of life , I don’t feel loved by my family
I feel it’s just a duty .
I have to pay people to do my garden any decorating or cleaning .
My family never offer .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 17 th 2018! 13.54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
A very boring day today Malc .
Lisa came to help me asked if I wanted to go to Cannock butbI didn’t want to go .
Nothing in Cannock .
I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Been to Tesco and Aldi how exciting eh ?
Mum is with W for the day .
I don’t see her on Saturdays .
Oh. Malc I wish I could win the lottery for all the family .
I wouldn’t have to worry about PIP then .
Jason is coming later to put a bird box up Kay brought MeV
Also to sort all these wire’s back if telly .
I miss you Malc , I sit and wander what you would be doing if you were here .
I reckon you would be taking Cameron to Walsall buying some games .
I will write to you again tomorruw Malc ,Kiss Tifgger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 16th 2018 16.05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today had fled , Lisa called to help me then off to work she went .
I later took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
I then went to Dots for lunch not long came back .’
Off to Mums at 5 pm
Chips tonight .
I’ve enjoyed Dots company lovely lady .
Muffin has been golden .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much ,
I talked about you today shouted your name .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 15 th 2018 1-.29pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .

Hope your’e celebrating with Dad and family
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work .
I later took Muffin-to the park
I saw Karen with her granddaughter .
Going to lunch with Jayne Dagley who I used to work with .
I have brought you a Birthday card today my heart aches
For you Malc , I wish you were here by my side celebrating
Your Birthday I want to give you a big hug 🤗.
Lisa has also put a piece on face book
Last year Geoff brought me some flowers
But he is working so may be later.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. February 14 th 2018. 16.51pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been quite boring and Wheepy .
I had great news yesterday from surgeon at New Cross
AlnirmalI just need steroid cream .
Been discharged .
I only have PIP to worry about now .
I’ve got my doubts !!!!
It’s Valentine day as you know .
Lisa was coming here for supper the mealivd won .
But she has decided to cook a valentine meal for Geoff instead .
I suppose she has gone to see Jade .
Bit disappointed 😔
Been to Mums she’s had a new telly but I think it’s too small .
Your Birthday tomorrow Malc , I can’t Beleive it’s been 4 years
I have brought you a card which I will put up tomorrow .
I miss you Malc I’m so lonely with out you .
I will write to you again tomorruw Malc , I’m feeling very wheepy as I’m writing this .
So lonely Malc 😢
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 13 th 2018 09.48am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing early going to hospital to have results of my vulval biopsy .
I’ve already been told I don’t have Cancer but have been told I have to have treatment .
Hoping nothing too invasive only cream and steroid cream .
Still nervous .
Lisa came early to get me up and Chanel is taking me today.
Kay is picking up Muffin until I get back .
Oh MalcI miss you so much darlin .
I I fear for everything now a days xx
When I come back I’m having an hour with Kay .
Then back home .
All my friends have wished me good luck today Dot rang me last night , she is going on holiday with me to help me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 12th 2018 14.22pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby.
Today Lisa was a bit late snow very bad this morning
She phoned work said she would be late.
I did later take Muffin to the park then to Carol Norrey to give her a donation for her Mums funeral but to Her brothers chemo dept .
I and going to Mums at 3pm she is cooking dinner
She feels better today .
Hospital tomorrow hope good news .
I miss you my darlin so much help me through this assessment please .
I won’t manage if it’s stopped .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 11th 2018 14.28pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Chanel popped in to help me and prepared dinner for later .
Christopher dropped the kids off again .
I don’t know how long I will have them for .
All together they argue with each other .
It wore me out yesterday .
Looks the same today .
Mum didn’t come for dinner Lisa took hers down .
Not Happy with W again she is so Bitter
Mums getting quite confused now doesn’t remember what time or day it is anymore .
Life has changed so much Malc .
Not happy anymore .
Sadness on the news , no family films anymore
I’m in constant pain .
Family not together .
Lisa has took Jade out for dinner today with Finley and Carter
With Geoff .
I don’t go out with any of the family now only friends . I
I miss you Malc so much , I can’t tell you what I’m worried about and can’t share it with my family.
Waiting for Chris and Chanel to pick up the kids so I can go to Mums .
Not a lot to tell you today a boring day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 19 th 2018 13.52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has again been a nightmare.
Lisa came to help me and then had to take Maxf to the vets
Christopher asked me to have the kids for a few hours
That always goes into hours and hours .
Good job it’s raining or I would be out .
Jean and Jeff were taking me out but change of plan .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
You could help me with the kids they get bored .
I’ve got all the games you could wish for
Pens paper crayons telly .
They just get so fed up .
I can only do my best being disabled .
Lisa prepared a stew with dumplings and they all enjoyed that .
I hopeChristopherand Chanel pick them up soon .
I’m used to people coming and going and spending most of the day on my own .
Lisa is coming later to help me to bed .
A very boring Saturday .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Friday February. 9 th 2018! 16.18 pm
Hello malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came as she does then I took Muffin to Cannock for a groom .
I ride around Cannock while he was being groomed
Picked him up then home we went .
I later met Karen at Bellas for lunch .
Now at Mums waiting for dinner .
Watching Tipping point.
It’s a bitter cold day Malc , wish the weather would pick up .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 8 th 2018 17.10pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work .
Later I took Muffin to the park saw Anita for 2mins .
Very cold again today now the wind is up.
Mum wasn’t well today a bad stomach so I left Muffin with Mum and had a meal at pop in on my own .
They sent a meal up for mum at home .
I stayed with Mumuntil 4pm today home now watching The Chase your favourite programme .
Wish you could come and sit with me Malc and give me a hug .i miss you Malc so much .
Is getting very confused now a big worry .
I am taking Muffin for his groom in the morning then lunch with Karen at Bellas .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 7 th 2018 11.29 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Lisa called to help me as she does then I took Muffin to the park .
I brought some nappies for Carter took them to Lisa,s
Max had a go at Muffin but calmed down later .
Lisa is off to see Jade today it’s her day off .
I wasn’t offered a cuppa really didn’t think she wanted me to stay . Felt a bit hurt but hay ho thus is life .
At least IT wasn’t living there hope it stayed that way .
I’m in slit of pain today knees hip fingers .
I am going to Mums at 1 she before she goes to W Pratt’s.
I miss you Malc wish you could predict me having thus PIP
I could relax then I’m so stressed because I don’t really want to go to an assessment.
Be with me Malc PLEASE .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin love you with all my heart Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday February 6th 2018 17.04pm
Hello. Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Lisa called to help me before she went to work
I later took Muffin to the park it was freezing .
I called in Aldi then home .
Took a parcel back to shop then off to Carole Banks
I have only just got back.
It’s Kevin’s Birthday today I gave him a card and a key finder
He never even said thank you Malc. So rude .
He has gone to work only doing 20 hours he said he’s knackered .
The head mistress tells him off all the time .
Yet he is so big headed when he is at home .
I hope he goes full time because like you Malc can’t stand him .zi think Carole is great but he is a Pratt.
He talks too quick and he’s a knob.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin .
I shouted your name again today on the park .
Back home now watching the chase your favourite .
Waiting to hear from Capital dreading an assessment
If only they would just give me the money straight into the bank .
I pray every night but I don’t think it will happen .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 5th. 2018 16.03
HelloMalc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today has been quite busy .
Lisa came got me up and about washed dressed toilet breakfast .
Fed Muffin .
I took Muffin to the park the Aldi .
Home then Jean came and brought lunch .
She stayed until 3.10 pm Jeff picked her up .
I’m at Mums now she is making tea and we are watching Telly .
I will stop until 5 pm .
I still feel anxious about the assessment .
I wish I was lucky and they would just send my money in .
I fear I will lose it .
Chanel has rang she is ringing me later .
Good night on telly .
I miss you Malc more than ever each day .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 4th 2018 13.42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today the kids were still here until 11.30 am when Christopher and Chanel picked them up .
Christopher gave me a kiss and we hugged .
The kids didn’t hug though .
Chanel gave me a hug and they all went home .
Mum is here now she has cooked dinner and Lisa is coming later to put me to bed .
I have managed to take Muffin to the park .
I am riding Mum back home she follows me on her mobility scooter .
I feel a bit wheepy today it’s wandering what will happen when I am sent for , for an assessment for PIP .
I’m terrified .
Oh Malc I can’t stand all this stress ,
I will write to you again tomorrow, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 3rd 2018. 10.08am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today is a rainy day as usual .
Got up early because my scooter is being serviced .
I’m at Mums he’s doing it in her garage .
Only been to Aldi quickly .
Got the kids after 1 pm until tomorrow
They are looking after me Cameron is old enough now .
Just got back frim Hednesford called to get a few things .
Chanel is dropping the kids off now .
Hope they all behave .
I miss you so much Malc hope you can see all your Grandchildren growing up .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday February 2nd 2018 13.59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .’
Today has been herendious took Muffin the park
Then decided to pop to Mums greeted by W and P saying mum had overdosed her tablets .’
She hasn’t she has just taken the wrong day .
Also she has lost her building society book and card
I’ve looked everywhere .
I Only God knows where she has put them .
To tired to look any more and in a lot of pain .
I don’t know if I have the kids over night
Heard nothing yet .
Tried ringing Chanel she must be too busy at cherry tree .
I feeling very low at the moment wandering if Inwill get PIP
I have my doubts .
I don’t know how I will manage if I don’t get it .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I miss you darlin so much .
Kiss Tiggercand send my love toneveryone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February. 1st. 2018 10.31am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I’m writing early Malc .
Lisa is back she helped me out of bed this morning and gave me breakfast fed Muffin .
She has gone to sort her car out hopecok .
She is coming back this afternoon after I have come back from church hall with Mum for lunch .
In a lot of pain today my spine and knees and fingers .
Waiting on a letter to say I have to go to an assessment I may not get PIP even though I’m unable to do house chores make sandwiches and meals .
I miss you my darlin so much , miss your love your kindness
Your body .
My heart aches for you Malc .
It’s your Birthday soon 14 days I’m getting you a card today.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 39 th 2018. 17.08pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby boy.
Today has been a busy day .
Chanel came to help me and feed Muffin .
Lisa is Back tomorrow
I took Muffin to Cannock thus morning a couple of things I needed to do .
Later Carole Banks came and brought lunch .
.she stayed until 2.30 pm
I then took Muffin to Kays it’s Alan’s 82nd Birthday .
I brought him two cakes and a card .
Stayed until 3:45pm
I went to Hednesford brought a Birthday card for Kevin Banks
I have ordered a find your keys key ring .
He missplaced his today .
I’m not having Max tonight he is better at home .
Lisa rang this morning she really isn’t enjoying her holiday
Bad weather .
Chanel had her scan today praying she will be ok .
Muffin has eat two meals today at Kays .
Very cold outside Malc .
Lighter at night a bit now .
Counting the days for spring .
I will write to you again tomorrow My darlin .
Missing you more each day .
I love you with all my heart Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 29th 2018 10:15pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing early today Malc because I know how it is going to pan out .
Today Chanel came to help me out of bed and give me my breakfast and fed Muffin .
She herself has been to the drs has to have a scan blood tests
Woman’s problems .
I can’t take Muffin to the park it’s poring down .
Dot my friend is bringing lunch at 1pm.
Hopefully the rain will stop ,
Then I’m off to Mums for dinner later .
Chanel is coming back later to put me to bed .
I miss you my darlin so much , l will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone. Xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 28 th 2018 13.36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
It’s Dads 90 th Birthday today , I bet your celebrating
Arn’t You ? Xx
Send my love and hugs to Him Malc xxx.
I shouted you name twice today as I always do .
Took Muffin to the park then Tesco then home .
Mum is here now she has cooked dinner I have left mine not hungry at the moment .
Max is back tonight !!
I miss you my darlin so much , I have to think positive and move forward .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Deeand Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 27th 2018 12:00 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today a bit boring but it’s so cold and wet out there .
Kay helped me this morning bless her as Lisa is still away .
I later took Muffin to the park very cold and wet .
Chanel and Chris were going to Lincoln but changed their minds , I think the weather put them off .
So they have gone to cherry tree instead .
Max is with Jordd today and tomorrow .
I will have to cope with this loneliness Malc miss you so much
Can’t believe it’s coming up to 4 years next month .
My heart still aches for you darlin .
I’ve texted Dot my friend if she wants to come up but she must be out today .
Mum is with W all day so not seeing her today.
Sorry I can’t tell you anything more .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
I love you with all my heart ❣ xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious TiggerMy Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January. 26 th 2018 17.34pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a good day .
Chanel got me out of bed today helped with breakfast
Fed Muffin .
I then took Muffin to the park bumped into Anita .
Not an interesting person to talk too .
I left her and carried on .
Popped a bereavement card in Carol Norry’s Letter box .
She has lost her Mum .
I later went to Jean Beardsmore ‘a for lunch stayed 3 hours .
She is such a lovely friend .
She has been a brick for me while I have been so worried .
I miss you my darlin so much my life is empty with out you .
Had a bit of difficulty getting in this site .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger ad send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 25th 2018 12:12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today I feel a bit better more relaxed .
After Chanel got me out of bed and gave me breakfast fed Muffin and Max I took Muffin to the park and Aldi .
Saw Karen but was a bit disappointed as she didn’t come over to me to talk .
I’m in a lot of pain today went dizzy earlier .
It’s the norm lately .
I’m going to church pop in with mum today for lunch leaving Muffin and Max together hoping they both will be alright
The sun is out thank goodness .
Lisa has rang from feuturventrura she says is cold
But it is January .’
Chris has put the Mortgage in Happy now .
I miss you Malc my darlin but know you are round me .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Love you with all my heart Malc xxx
I put the wrong date on 24 th put 23rd again .’
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 23rd 2018 13:32pm
Hello Malc , thank you for being there for me
Great news today NO CANCER ,
You told me I would live a long age
Now I’m going to go forward think positive.
I’m so happy today better than the lottery .
I’ve got Max he has been such a good boy .
Muffin and Max getting on very well .
I’m at Mums at the moment leaving soon .
Max is on his own .
I miss you so much Malc ,I love you with all my heart .
I will write to you again in the morning ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

TuesdayJanuary 23rd 2018. 13:31 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today no letter yet hoping by now nothing urgent .
I took Muffin to the park this morning .
Popped to Tesco for some milk .
Back home now at Carole Banks just had lunch .
Staying until 4pm .
Then tonight Carol Norrey is coming for a cuppa .
Max is staying Lisa’s Dog for 8 days .mjirdd is going to take him for a walk .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I love you with all my heart ,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January. 22nd 2018 14:15pn
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I’m feeling very weepy , angrey sensitive .’
I havent had a result yet from the biopsy from two weeks ago .
I’m so anxious .
Chanel came this morning to fill a PIP form
She came me late .
All done but I don’t think I stand an earthly .
Too complicated .
I took Muffin to the park this morning after Lisa got me up out of bed washed and dressed.
Saw Anita not good company .
Friends have texted me today .
I feel irritable with every one .
It’s the worry .
I’m at Mums at the moment she’s doing her puzzle in the paper .
No telly on a bit bored really
She’s cooking dinner .
Sorry I’m moaning Malc today .’
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 21st 2018 10:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing early Malc one or two things going on .
It’s flipping snowing heavy today .
Not took Muffin out too wet .
We are going to the Hen house Mum and I 1pm.
Geoff is picking us up , Muffin is going too .
I smelt you around me yesterday Malc , thank you for being with me .
I miss you my darlin so much it hurts .
I feel I’m battling this worry on my own .
Crossing fingers a good result tomorrow.
I know your with me Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to Everyone xxx
I love you with all my heart 😘
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 19th 2018 16:31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been quite stressful
No letter as yet still panicking .
Had a spat with W .
Took Mums hearingvaids back to Soecsavers
Took Muffin in the scooter ,
Been 3 times today .
Did spend time at Mums a couple of hours .
I’m so worried Malc my head is bursting .
I keep waking up in a panic .
Oh Malc I miss you so much , I feel I have no support from the family .
Chris and Chanel are going tonRicks for the weekend
Don’t know what Lisa is doing .
I’m going to Mums for curry night .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone ,
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 18 th 2018 14:55pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today I woke up very frightened sent a message to Lisa .
Who rang me and shouted at me .
But said she would ring me lunch time , which she did .
I need to speak to her face to face .
I feel a bit left out .
Still very worried about biopsy result .
Been to Pop in with Mum had a nice meal .
At Mums now she is asleep 😴 keeps dropping off .
It’s her age I guess .
I feel very itchy inside hope all I need is steroids and cream .
I won’t rest until I get a good result .
Trying to keep with people as much as I can .
Jason your mate is coming later to put a bulb in the led light living room .
And look at my fire stick how it works .
I’ve got to try and switch off it’s really taking over my life .
I miss you so much Malc miore than you will ever know .
My family don’t understand .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
I love you with all my heart , Kiss Tiggecabd send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. January 17 th 2018 07:59an
Hello Malc my darlin and Tiger My Baby boy.
I’m writing early today Malc not sure how today will turn out
Been awake since 5am worrying again about result of biopsy
Still itchy inside the patch looks bigger today .
I’m frightened Malc so frightened 😩
My mind is heavy with worry .
I want to tell the world how wirried I am .
Lisa and Christopher are unawhare how anxious I am .
The longest two weeks of my life .
I can’t consentrate on anything .
Chanel is coming I hope this morning to fill the PIP
Form .
Not holding my breath , I spoke to someone yesterday who didn’t give me hope at all .
Another thing to worry about .
Oh Malc it’s all gone wrong since you died .
My life is on hold Makc don’t know which way to turn .
I need to be with people . I’m going to Kays later she is my closest friend to confide in .
If I receive a letter today I will message you .
I saw Dr Singh last night he thinks the result might be benign
But still will need an op to remove patches .
I’m terrified Malc .
All I want is to be Healthy and Happy .’
Pray for me Malc .’I will write to you again tomorrow .
Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

TuesdayJanuary 16 th 2018 14:59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy z
Today I’m feeling more anxiious .
I took Muffin to the park and popped in Tesco’s
The girls are lovely they put my groceries in my scooter
Carole Banks came for lunch on baguette .
I brought from Tesco .
Felling even more anxious than ever .
I just wish I could get good news about the biopsy .
2 weeks is too long to wait and worry .
It’s only because I’m thinking the worst .
Jean Beardsmore prays for me every day
I ask God to help me and to bring good news .
The tension is dreadful .
I’m so weak inside .
Two voices in my head .
One thinking the worst the other trying to think positive .
I can’t think of anything else it’s took over my mind .
My life my body .
Please help me to take this tension and bad thoughts away
Malc .
I miss you so much darlin I can’t explain how I feel inside to my family .
They don’t understand .
It’s dragging me down .
I will write to you again tomorriw Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 15 th 2018. 16:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I’ve tried to keep busy ,
Panicking in my head still worried about biopsy .
I went to Karen’s for lunch stayed until 3pm
Now at Mums but not staying long as she has a drs appt .
Kay rang this morning bless her she has appt with hospital this afternoon .
I’m ringing her later .
Not a lot more to tell you really Malc only I miss you more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 14 th 2018 07:24
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today Malc I have been up thinking about this worry if the result of this biopsy .
My head is all over the place .
I’m so worried I’m scared !!!
I’m writing early I know what today will bring.
Mum is coming for dinner she will come at 12:30 and go 3:30 pm
I can predict the day .
The family will be doing their own thing
I wil carry on worrying all day
I’m not sleeping I’m eating chicolate when I shouldn’t
I’m Diabetic as you know
I’ve got that Pip form to worry about .
My head is all over the place .
Max sniffed the area I have the problem .
Lisa noticed it and asked what he was doing.
I think he could sniff my problem hoping it isn’t Cancer Marc
I feel I’m going MAD !!
I wish you were here Malc , I miss you my darling so much
Pray for me Malc everyone else is .
It so long to wait for a result.
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will try and write to you again tomorrow .
It’s according if I have a letter from the hospital or a phone call
I’m terrified Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 13 th 2018 16:32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today came the credit PIP form.
No letter from Hospital , hope no news is good news .
Took Muffin up the skelly posted Colin’s bday card in Dicky’s
Went for a meal at The Plough and Harrow walked out riotten meal .
Later went to the Nest . A bit better .
Now at Lisa’s been here a while with Muffin .
Still worried about biopsy but ok when I’m with somebody .
Kay rang earlier about her eyes .
I afraid and still itchy .
I will write to you again tomorrow. Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Miss you Malc so much x
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January 12 th 2018! 13:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin andTigger My Baby Boy .
I’ve been awake since 4am.
Over thinking again panicking thinking the worst .
I cried and kept thinking I’ve got something sinister .
A lady called Anne rang me spiritual healer we spoke for a long time .
Jean Beardsmore is coming soon .
She is a good friend .
I miss you so much Malc I need you home xx
I going to Mums for a curry later
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 11th 2018. 14:36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today started off quite depressing .
I had a rotten nights sleep woke up in a panic again thinking the worst.
Kay she isn’t well seeing double .
Hope nothing serious .
I went to pop in had a meal with Mum .
Saw Jean she gave me a hug .
I’m at Mums at the moment back home at 4pm
Chanel rang me too
I’m trying to switch off at the moment .
Crossing fingers good news .
I miss you Malc more than ever ,
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday January 10th 2018 18;58pm.
Hello Malc this is the fourth time of trying to send you a message.
Today as you Know its Lisa's 46th Birthday she has had a good day.
I treated her to a meal then she took me to Lichfield .
We had a few hours together.
it kept my mind occupied.

Im still very worried Malc. about this result.
feel very sore inside .
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
KISS tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 9 th 2018 16:33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Chanel came to help me she later took me to Sainsburys Boots. and Argos.
I enjoyed it it was like old times .
ThenI went to Carole’s for lunch
Beef burgers and French fries.
Just got home .
It’s been such a dull misty day .
A bit depressing .
Still worried trying to put the results out of my mind but it’s hard .
Praying I have good news.
My stomach keeps turning over
One part of my brain says it will be fine mtge other is thinking awful thoughts .
Please Malc let me be ok and get on with my life .
Just seen Geoff he is taking his Dad to hospital .
I keep taking deep breaths .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Baby Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 8 th 2018 11:07 pm
Today not a good day just had 3 biopsies
Not very pleasant 4 needles inside me
I’ve just got to hope for a good result Malc
HopI never have to go back again .
Oh Malc I miss you so much
I’m so worried .
I’m going to fetch Muffin soon
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone x
Sorry it’s short Malc .
Love you forever darlin
Speak tomorrow xxx
Your Wife Rose xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 7th 2018 14:03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Not a good start to the day Malc .
Nothing from family !!
I struggled to get up today , in pain and worried about tomorriwc.
I took Muffin up the new road this morning , popped a letter into Dot about the holiday .’
I later took him to Aldi and the park .
Home now not eat my dinner properly too worried .
Heard bad news about a friends daughter only 38 dying of Cancer!!
It’s upset me more now .
I have no support from any of my family
So selfish .
If it turns out I’m ok
I’m going to change my life style
F the family !!!!!!!!
My friends are more concerned .
I’m sorry I’m so.down today Malc .
I won’t rest until the results come back benign
I will write to again tomorrow don’t know what time
I love you with all my heart Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 6 th 2017 17:06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today I’ve been out most of it , trying to occupy my mind because if Monday .
None of my family have been in touch .
I took Muffin to Cannock to collect his collar we left at groomers .
I then went to Lunch with Dot Farish .wetherspoons .
We are going on holiday together later on in the year .
We get on very well .
Hoping all goes well with the result Monday I’m moving on with my life .
I’m angry with Lisa and Christopher
They just don’t care !!!!!!!!!
I took Muffin to pet parc Cannock brought him a new coat .
Call it a late Christmas Present .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I’m still grieving for you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January5th 2018 12:43pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came to help me and then I took Muffinto the groomers , I did have a cup of tea with her befor I went to Cannock .
It’s poring down yet again ,
I’m still worrying but trying to switch off .
Nothing from my son not a word .
Do they care really !!!!!!
I don’t think so .
I feel our family are too wrapped up in their lives
I’ve spoken to Dot Farish about a holiday in June
She is ringing me back today just checking her dates
I feel my friends are caring more .
Oh Malc what has gone so wrong
Why am I being treated like this ?
I fighting with my head .
Biting my nails very anxious .
I am going to Mums later curry night
Hope it stops raining.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 4th 2018 14:02pm
Hello Malc my darlin. and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I feel a bit more reassured .
I woke up with a dry mouth and worrying yet again about my Leukapkakia .
My appointment with Dr Singh was 9:45am.
He examined me I complained of a feeling in the lower bowel
He said all ok . It’s stress .
He also said most biopsy’s if Leukapkakia are benign .
I pray mine is too .
He was very attentive.
He spoke about Malc what a hard worker he was and how sudden he had died .
He spoke about me being a hard worker too
He spoke about how alone I am now .
I later went to pop in had a meal with Mum .
Jenny and a gentleman did a private prayer for me .
Thank you for that .
I’m here now at Mums watching an old black and white film .
I miss you my darlin so much wish you were here with me .
I dropped a present in to Carol Norrey and Cliff for taking me yesterday .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 2017 13:38 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a disaster .
Been to New Cross seen consultant says
Leukapkakia. Inflamed need urgent biopsy
Praying it’s not Cancer !
Carol Norrey and. Cliff took me friends not family
I’m so upset none of my family took me
Just brushed it off
Lisa rang me today as hung how I got on

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday January 2nd 2017 14:09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today very depressed .
Thinking about tomorrow .
I should have gone to Carole’s today but she is poorly
Jean is at her Daughters ,
Dot is at Nuneaton .
Mum is at W again !
So another lonely day on my own
Lin Williamson spoke to me earlier
She wants to stay over for a while
See how tomorrow goes .
If ok I will invite her .
My daughter or Son haven’t been in touch .
What’s going on Malc ???????? With my children .
I am so worried about tomorruw Malc I wish I could be positive
Im so lonely !!
I just want good news tomorriow .
It’s Raining on and off Mum rang asked how Ibwas today
What did I tell her not to mention it to W
I’m fuming !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 1st 2018 08:31am.
Hello Malc I’m writing early because I don’t know what I’m doing today .
I was inviting Mum to dinner but she has just rang
She is going to Matalan with W.
Looks like another day on my own worrying about
Wednesday .
I don’t think I will see anyone today .
I wish I could be reassured that everything will be ok .
I want the new year to continue good
My body is all over the place my mind is everywhere
Please watch over me Malc keep me safe and healthy .

New Year’s Day nearly 4 years Malc since I lost you
My heart is broken and will never mend .
I’ve got to pray this is not Cancer and I can move on with my life .
I have my little boy to look after my Muffin .
I’ve got to start thinking positive please help me .
I miss you so much my darlin .
My life is on hold at the moment please let the out come be good .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart 💓Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Ias much as I miss you dreadfully and want you home by my s
Side please don’t call me not yet .
I have so many years to live and change my life style .
I’m so frightened Malc !!!
Thank you Dee and Muffin xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 31st. 2017 12:26 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today nothing to talk about as yet .
Nothing from my family !!!
I took Muffin-to the park this morning .
Saw no one .
Still worrying about my health problem .
I must try and think positive .
Kay is picking me up at about 7:40pm
Going for a meal 🥘 evening .
Hope Muffin settles with the dogs why we go .
I’m writing early Malc because I don’t want to forget to write later .
I’m with Mum at the moment. Keeping her company and not on my own .
I will write to you again tomorruw Malc
Love you with all my heart ❣
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 30th 2017 14:51pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today no one has texted or rang me to see how I am
I struggled to get up this morning .
Lisa hasn’t got a car ,God knows what she will do she starts he new job 11th January .
I have had to ring Carol Norrey to take me to New Cross on Wednesday .
Chanel isn’t because she says she has to see the kids on the school bus .
I reckon she could have sorted something out
But I don’t think She or Christopher cares really .
I feel I have to face this alone .
I’m praying to God nothing sinister is found .
I have been to Lichfield today with Muffin
Brought a couple of Coates for Finley and Carter for next year .my scooter stopped suddenly today hope it’s ok .
I’m back home now with Muffin lonely again Nalc
No one to talk to .
In Lichfield I met a man with his dog with a lady .
I said I was on my own list my husband ,
He said I have just lost my wife 2 months ago .
I know what he is going through .at least he has a lady friend helping him through this .
He thanked me about saying hello .
I can’t get this consultation out of my mind .
I am disappointed in both my children I must say .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious TiggerMy Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 29 th 2017 17:18 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I feel totally rock bottom
My Daughter tells me she can’t take me to the hospital
Now next Wednesday .
I’m panicking !!!
Her car is knackered .
Chanel says she can’t take me because of the kids at school .
I’m devistated Malc .
What’s going wrong ??
I keep having a funny feeling in the lower part of my left bowel area and a slight niggle .
I hope it isn’t connected to this Leukapkakia
I’m so worried .
Hoping Carol Norrey will take me on Wednesday .
I will know later tonight .
I’m praying they don’t find Cancer .
I’m on my own most days now .
Time to worry .
What’s gone so wrong Malc ? Xx
I’m at Mums yet again if it wasn’t for her
I might as well move away .
I feel no one cares at all.
Good job I have Muffin XX
I will Write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Sorry it’s short today Malc xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 28 th 2017 12:37 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy
Today still worrying , I keep having this panic come over me thinking the worst .
I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped in Aldi .
I brought milk for Mum and popped it up then she said I don’t need any , but she did give me the money .
I am going later for dinner .
I have just come back from Cannock
Nothing exciting not missed anything .
Muffin has been fed .
I’ve been praying hard and talking to myself to try and keep strong .
I am frightened Malc be sure of that .’
Help me through this and hope I am going to be ok
No Cancer .
I miss you Malc to talk to about my worries
I have to face my battles .
I wish you were here to hold me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 27 th 2017! 14:41pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I’ve been anxious keep thinking about my consultation
Next week .
Worried Sick !!
I took Muffin-to the park this morning saw Anita .
Popped in Aldi then home .
I have a fluttering feeling in my left side lower abdomen.
Is it tress or something more serious
Because of this Leukapkakia .
I keep crying and panicking .
I can’t talk to any one about it .’im sick of
Not a good day yesterday with Christopher
He continually moans about my Mum .
Her was so arragant .
He frightens me , my stomach was in knots .
I don’t feel in needed now by either of my children .
I’m so depressed Malc .
Lonely .
I’m going back home now Mun is going to For dinner again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy .’ NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 26th 2017 16:26 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy today hasn’t gone well at all .
I took Muffin to the park this morning then popped to Mums .
Back home waiting for Christopher Chanel and the kids to come .
I brought Steak 🥩 chips veg which the kids like apparantly .
When they finally came Christopher was very arrogant
Talking aboutMum not buying presents for them
Which has all been a miss understanding .
Now it’s got serious .
I didn’t have a hug 🤗
He brought his drone with him and he stayed out side with itv
Chanel cooked the steak and chips all but Georgia eat the steak .
Not a good atmosphere at all
I really was glad when get went home .
Ellie was being her usual silly self
Cameron was play fighting with her
Georgia played nice with Chanel with a present Ibhad brought her .
No one thanked me for the presents.
Christopher didn’t thank me for the dinner .
Off they went home just a wave .
I felt so uncomfortable with them all
Things aren’t the same any more .
No love for me at all .
What has gone wrong Malc since you have died .
I don’t feelnapart if the family any more .
I miss you Nalc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc’ xx
I’m off to Jason’s with Muffin ,
Kay is picking me up .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone’.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 25 th 2017 13:28 pm
Hello My darlin Malc and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today is a day from hell .
Got up early took Muffin to the park later took Mum her presents 🎁.
I stayed quite a while .
Lisa popped in gave Mum a present .
I came home thinking Christopher Chanel and the kids would be coming later morning .
Nothing !
I tried ringing nothing
Then Christopher rang asking what did I want?
I wanted him to wish me happy Christmas
To bring the Kids down to open their presents.
He said he had a pain in his chest .
He then past me on to Chanel
She gave me a load of ............
Said why was I taking every thing too personally
I cried and cried then Christopher said see you tomorrow .
I rang Lisa and she said if you don’t come down with a smile on your face don’t come!
She said she had , had enough of sadness over 4 years.
I rang Kay and cried .
She is picking me up later tonight to go to Jason’s
I done I can’t fight any more
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy .’ NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 24th December 2017! 13:41pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today Christmas Eve I haven’t a feeling if Christmas in my body Malc .
Too worried about this Scare I have in case it’s sinister.
Fluttering in my left side of lower abdomen .
I’m thinking all sorts Malc .
I took Muffin to the park this morning then to Tesco .
Mum is here now until 3 pm
Then I’m riding back with here .
Hope someone else visits me Lisa I hope .
So lonely Malc.
All the kids presents are here in the living room
I’m frightened Malc inside .
All I want is health and my family to love me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc it will be late as it’s Chritmas Day .
Going to Lisa’s Christmas day for a couple of hours
Having dinner then home to Muffin , I can’t take him because of Max .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 23rd 2017! 15:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby boy.
Today I’m an beside myself .
I received. a letter from the hospital I’ve also got to have an ultra sound scan .
I’m terrified try might find Cancer .
I have a strange feeling in the area of my left front lower abdomen .
Like a flutter and a slight twinge ,
Also my kidney area hurts .
I painting all sorts of things in my head .
Oh Malc I hope this isn’t Cancer .
I’m not positive like you were I’m a coward .
Scared of Cancer .
I want to live a long life like you said I would.
I’m irritating down below .
I’ve had another look inside today I can see the Leukaplakia clearly.
I just want it all gone away NOW !!!!
It’s all this stress of
what’s happened this last 3years 10 months
I’ve bitten all my nails .
I miss you my darlin so much , but I don’t want to die yet .
Help me Malc xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 22nd 2017 11:04pm
Hello Malc My darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I’m writing early Malc I don’t want to miss writing to you
Lots going on today .
I’ve been to Cannock with Muffin today brought a light bulb
For lamp .
Phoned Shirley wished her Happy Birthday .
She has a present for me .
I’m trying to switch off from this health worry .
Carole Banks is coming at 12:30am .
She’s staying later today .
I’m having curry with Mum later .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xx
Crying at the moment seeing people hugging on telly in an Airport London.
Wish I could have a hug from you Malc xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 21st 2017 14:36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work .’
My appointment has come through at New Cross
Terrified !!!
Lisa might be taking me not sure .
I’ve been to a Christmas meal at Florence street
Cake , chocolates .
Chanel rang not for long .
Now at Mums for an hour .
Home alone later .
I’ve got to stop worrying it’s making me ill .
I just hope everything is ok regards my heath.
I’m praying every night .
I don’t think Christopher is bothered about me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday 20th December 2017 16:38 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I’m shattered didn’t get much sleep last night .
Thinking about my problem.
Dr Singh rang this morning sending an urgent referral saying
He suspects Cancer .
I also saw Anne the nurse she said I’m sure things will be ok .
II had a blood test .
The swab result comes back Friday I’m dreading it .
Biopsy in a fortnight .
I’m so worried Malc , I wish you were here to support me .
I’ve been to the park with Muffin and later to Lisa’s.
I’m sitting watching Tipping point .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December. 19 th 2017 14:54p
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today I’m feeling quite down no Christmas spirit.
Geoff took me to Sainsburys for a ride good of him .
Chanel came with Cameron to pick up his Birthday cards
Which as you know is today .
She got some Christmas stuff down from the loft.
But I wasn’t in the mood to put anything up .
They came at 1pm left at 2 pm !!!!!
She fixed the penguins up the flashing tree was broken
I have to see Dr Singh in an hour worried and depressed .
I have no support now Malc with out you .
I can’t talk to my family about things which are on my mind
I miss you Malc so much more this year than ever before .
I’ll write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy .’ NEW
by: Rose

Monday 28 th December 2017 14:06pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today Lisa called before she went to work
Later I took Muffin to Cannock to buy a light bulb for the porch light .
Came back then popped to Dicky and Shirley’s to posted a Birthday card for Shirley .
Geoff rang me he is picking me up tomorrow to go to Sainsburys .
Then Chanel is bringing Cameron to open his Birthday presents .he Is 12 years tomorrow .
Then off to Drs , I have a double appointment
Really worried Malc .
I won’t write on line other people may read my messages .
I wish you were here to share my problem Malc xx
Carol Norrey is coming tonight .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 17 th 2017 14:26 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today is a very boring rainy day .
I’m a t Mums she has cooked diinner but I don’t feel like eating today .
I saw Geoff in his Taxi as I was coming to Mums .
I feel very dipressed today worrying about my health .
Dreading Tuesday .
I cried in bed last night Malc , I had a horrible dream it frightened me .
I used to be a positive person not now .
I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 16 th 2017 25:35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby boy.
Today I’ve done nothing but cry .
I feel Rock bottom .
I have only managed to take Muffin to the shops , I had no bread .
My mum isn’t coming up on Sundays any more because of her heart condition .
I haven’t seen anyone for three days regarding family .
My mate Jayne took me to the garden centre holly bush yesterday we took snuffing. Too .
It’s hit and miss when Ibsee my family .
Jade can’t get no car ,she goes to her Dads and Lisa ,s
I’m worried about the PIP form ,
I don’t think I will get it now .
I still have a problem down below .
My body is so stressed .
It’s Christmas in 9 days time and I haven’t a happy bone in my body.
I know I will have to leave Muffin behind .
He is my baby and he loves me as much as I love him .
I miss you Malc so much darlin . I miss the hugs the convertations , the cosy cuddle up in bed .
Lonely is the word Malc xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 15 th 2017 17:03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy.
Today hasn’t been so bad .
I tried to take Muffin to Tesco it was very bad on the paths .
Managed it but won’t ever go again until snow and ice has completely gone .
Jayne picked Muffin and I up to go to the Holly bush
Garden centre we had a lovely lunch and a little ride around the garden centre , there was a mobility scooter there .
We stayed a couple of hours .
Then back home for coffee.
Watching telly now in for the night until Lisa comes .
I wish this snow would go away forever I’m feeling so trapped and lonely .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 14 th 2017! 11:44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been such a boring day snow and ice
Poor Muffin wanders why he can’t go a ride on the scooter .
I can’t explain to him obviously being a dog .
Jean and Jeff are picking me up soon and Muffin won’t understand why I am leaving him .
I’m going for a Christmas meal with Mum at the Church .
Alan is picking me up a 1:30 pm to bring me home.
I praying the snow will disappear .
I miss you Malc so much hoping you will get me through this
Thank you for the feather .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 13 th 2017 16:12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Not a good day at all today
A letter from DWP my Dla is finishing
I’ve got to apply for pip .
I don’t think I will get it because I’m not terminally il
They don’t seem to be giving it to osteoporosis arthritis
Which is through out my body .
I don’t know how I will manage .
Lisa helped me this morning before she went to work .
She will be back later to put me to bed .
I am so worried now spoiled Christmas .
Help me Malc ,
I found a feather on the landing yesterday
I feel you are with me I just need to to help me through this .
Muffin is wandering why I can’t take him out on the scooter to the park .
My chest feels tight with worry .
I’ve got to try and switch off .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 12 th 2017 14:48 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today snow still causing problems .
Geoff called in to help me and later took me to pick up Lisa and pop to Mums to see her .
We didn’t stop long because Lisa had to get to work .
Fed up now on my own again .
Spoke to Carole Banks .
So depressed even Muffin can’t understand why he isn’t going out on my scooter .
I’m missing you more than ever Malc not looking forward to Christmas at all .
Don’t even know where I will be Christmas day .
Never felt so lonely Malc
I wish that lottery would come up .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 11th 2017 18:18 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger My Baby Boy .
Today has been a little better .
Despite the snow Lisa popped in this morning before she went to work she went late because of snow .
Geoff picked me up to go to Dot Farish for lunch
Then later at 5pm.
Had a lovely afternoon with Dot .
Mum is back home now hopefully she will live a further 10 Year’s .
I do love her more than I thought .
I will buy some flowers 💐 when I can get out on the Scooter .
I miss you Malc Dot and I talked about you and her husband today old times .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 10th 2017! 14:16 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My Baby Boy .
I feel very upset today no one has been or rang me from the family .
I know it’s quite bad snow but a phone call would be nice
My friend Kagvhas rang and friends have ask how Mum is .
I’ve rang Mum twice today she’s a bit fed up
But accepting no one can visit because of distance and snow .
Chanel still hasn’t rang me !!!!
No word from Christopher or Lisa .
If it wasn’t through my friends sometimes J would be totally lonely .
I miss you Malc so much , I need you at this present time .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger MyBixer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 9 th 2017 19:00pm
What a day
One of the worst days ever .
The weather is atrocious snow ice
Christopher and Chanel came with the kids dropped them off after having Bacon egg bap
11:30 - 4:30 pm
The kids were so disrespectful fighting screaming and very cheeky to me both Cameron and Georgia .
In the end I just cried .
I didn’t take Muffin out until 4:30 pm then it started to get dark .’I don’t feel at all loved by any one .
Lisa now says she’s not cooking Christmas Day
Changing her mind daily .
Malc what have I been left nothing .
Mainly friends look after me
God knows what I’ve done to my family .
Mum is in Stoke now I pray she is going to be ok
She is all I’ve got Malc apart from my baby Muffin xxx
I keep praying for the lottery Malc xx
Will it ever come .
Help me through this please Malc xx
I feel know one cares any more xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny cx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday December 8 th 2017 16:39pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has Been a strange day .
Jean came to help me this morning and stayed for lunch .
It’s been snowing on and off .
Jeff came later to pick Jean up and stayed for a cuppa .
They are good friends .
Mum has had a heart attack and is now in Stoke having an angiogram .
Kelly is keeping me up to date .
Lisa didn’t take me to see mum because of procedure .
She said Chrisopher can take you tomorrow
He won’t he has fell out with Nan .
What a family I have .
I’m so fed up with my family .
I feel I’m to blame all the time .
I the kicking board .
I love 💕 you and miss you Malc so much .
I willl write to you again tomorriw Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 7 th. 2017! 16:50 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been quite a day .
Lisa helped me this morning before she went to work .
I took Muffin to the park then Aldi .
I also took Muffin a ride up to Lisa work to drop in a prescription .

Later went to the Church lunch with Mum .
Mum had dinner then felt I’ll
I picked up Muffin and went straight to Mums
She felt a tightness in her chest so I called the ambulance
They took her blood pressure that was fine then decided she should go to hospital for blood tests .
I couldn’t take her no car then I called W piss head
She said why couldn’t I go to hospital ,
I said no car 🚗 she shouted why can’t you catch 3 buses
I shouted back how can I walk
I insistedv she and P piss head should go with her as they had a car .

I rang Kelly told her the situation
She said what is the matter with that woman her mother .
I carried on to Kays stayed an hour now I’m home.
I will ring my Mum later as they are not keeping her in .
I am fuming with that W piss head .
Kelly has just rang W is threatening to attack me in the street
I will call the police if she does .
Oh Malc I wish you were here I have no support .
I think my sister is losing it .
I miss you Malc more each day .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 6th. 2017 13:30 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa called to help me before she went to work
I took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
Still haven’t found my passport .
I’m so frustrated .
CHANEL said she definately gave it me back .
I just can’t remember .
I’m at Mums at the moment leaving at about 3pm .
Will try again later .
Lisa is bringing my. Prescription later .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Muffin xxxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday December 5th 2017 18:28 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
What a day .
Still can’t find my passport .
iPhone and laptop 💻 not working properly .
Been onto Voderfone most of the day .
Now the lap top isn’t working 😡
Sorry this is short Malc I’m frustrated .
I have took Muffin to the park today
Been to Mums back now watching telly .
At least the phone it working .
I will hopefully write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 4th 2017 1604 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby
Today I’ve been very anxious , can’t find my passport
I’ve put it so safe .
Might be going abroad with Christopher Chanel & kids
Karen came today to help me and stayed for lunch .’
She brought ham baguette and sausage roll crisps
A yoghurt too , she stayed until 3:30 pm
Now at Mums she has cooked dinner 🥘
I’m staying until 5pm then Home to find my passport .

I miss you my darling so much
Help me find my passport please.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 3rd 2017 11:41pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa popped in to help me.
I Later took Muffin up the skelly to your Dickiesvto post a Christmas card also gave them one for Sheila and Colin
Doubt if I will get one from
Sheila & Colin not too worried .
Mum is coming up and cooking dinner .
I miss you my darlin I cried again last night for you Malc .
Kerry who has lost Nigel will be feeling lonely now he has passed away , she does have her Sons living with herb.
I had no one , but I am so glad Ii have Muffin xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday December 2nd 2017 16:35pm
Hello Malc My darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been quite pleasant .
Lisa called to help me then said she was going to pick me up later to go to Telford .
I took Muffin to the park it was reallly wet.
I asked Jean Beardsmore to look after Muffin but it was too late .
Lisa had picked me up ,
I had to leave him with the telly on and camera .
I had to keep sitting down but thoroughly enjoyed my day with Lisa .
I brought 4 items in a brilliant sale from Hiusecof Fraser .
Lots of Christmas atmosphere .
I only wish you could have been with me .
I miss you so much Malc xxxxx
Back home nice and warm with Muffin PJs on
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday. December 2st 2017. 15:11pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today nothing to talk about .
Lisa popped in to help me thenoff to a job interview
She has been offered the job .
Hope she is happy
Nigel’s funeral was amazing
Over 200 peoole attended.
Geoff was obviously very upset .
I popped to Cannock with Muffin then back to Mums to drop off the curry .
Been to Hednesford too .
It’s so cold again today .
Roll on spring .
A bit upset I paid up for the new year do to Kay the other day but yesterday she asked me for another £9
She has forgotten I have already pain up .
I didn’t question it , I don’t want to fall out over £9 .
She is always here for me .
Anyway she is giving me a lift to the do .
Muffin is stopping wit the dogs while we are at the don.’
I’m feeling a bit flat today .
I’m going to Mums for curry night .
I miss you my darlinso much Malc xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx
Sorry it’s short Malc xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 30 th 2017 18:04pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a busy day .
Kay helped me this morning and looked after Muffin why I went to Geoff’s brothers funeral.
Jordan came up this morning and Rachel and her husband .
Picked us up and took us to the funeral .
It was full to the brim with People .
The service was a humanist funeral
I cried when they played Elvis you wherecakways on my mind looked at Lisa She was crying too .
Later we went th the best to celebrate Nigel’s life .

Lisa sat with me after mingling with people
She then got me something to eat .
I only stayed an hour as Kay was looking after Muffin .
I later went to Kay’s had a couple of drinks of tea .
Now Home been to chippy .
It’s freezing outsize .
I miss you Malc so much this today brought back
Memories .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 29th. 2017 17:49pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been ok .
Lisa called in this morning to help me .
I later took Muffin to the park saw Anita left her with a dog walker.
I then popped in Mums waiting for a plumber to come
Nothing wrong with her boiler radiators just needed bleeding .’
Came home to a couple of parcels .’
Christmas 🎄 presents .
CHANEL rang this morning telling me what Ihad brought for Cameron’s Birthday .
19 th December to near Christmas 🎄 😂
I cried for you last night Malc and shouted your name twice this morning .
I miss you my darlin so much xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday. November 28 th 2017 14:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa called in this morning , thenI went to Mums she was having problems with her Boiler .
It was only the gage sorted .
W and P were useless .
W using her language again.
I’m at Carole’s at the moment just had a sandwich .
K is up now ignorant bloke .
Doesn’t even say are you ok .
I’m leaving at 3:30 pm
Saw Lisa a while ago .
We went out for Jordds Birthday at the traff
Nothing to write home about .
Jordd had a nice day .
My Roberts radio has come for my Christmas present from Christopher and CHANEL .’its lovely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 27 th 2017 15.01 pm
He’ll Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
It’s our Jordd 22nd Birthday today as you know Malc
I put a verse on face book and mentioned you .
He was so Happy ,
Supposed to be going for a meal tonight but not 100% we will .Geoff helped me today then took me to Matalan near Jade’s
It was a lovely surprise.
I’m at Mums at the moment just had cake .
I’m leaving at 3:30 pm
Good night on telly tonight .
It’s raining now and very cold .
Hope to stop in really tonight ,’unless Jirdd is really wanting to go out I’m not fussed .
I miss you Malc , shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday. November 26th 2017 14:33pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today seems a better day .
I took Muffin to the park after Lisa got me up .
I later popped in Lisa’s to give Jordan his Birthday card and. Money .
I offered to have Jade Adam and the Great Grand Children for Christmas Day if Lisa helped cook .
But she said I was going to hers instead .
Happy now I was so depressed wandering if I was going to be on my own with Muffin for dinner .
Mum has come and cooked dinner .
I will take chef back home about. 3:30 pm
I miss you Malc more each day .
My life will never be the same
I’ve got to try and be stronger .
I know you wouldn’t like me to be on my own but I don’t want
Another man ,
I just want company .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 25th 2017 15:46pm
Hello Malc My darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a very boring cold day
Just Muffin and I today
Snow early this morning but it turned to slush later
Manage to take Muffin to the park then Cannock
Not looking forward to Christmas with out you Malc .
Don’t know what’s happening Christmas Day or Boxing Day .
I haven’t even got decorations up yet .
A month to go so things might change .
I suppose I’m feeling sorry for myself really .
Used to family around me and happy times .
Been thinking of the time you used to go buy tins of stuff and fill s box with Christmas goods and put it up stairs .
The kids don’t know about that only you and I .
Memories Malc , you were good at. Saving .
I miss that Malc , miss Christmas with all the family
Until Wendy spoiled it for every one .
Eating telly on my own with Muffin
Daddy long legs .
Locked up already as it’s dark now at. 4 pm.
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 24 th 2017 16:25 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa called in to help then ioff to Jades to watch Carter why Jade went for a driving test .
I popped to Cannock to take a jumper back
Then took Muffin to the park .
She came back later and wrapped Christmas presents for me
A very tiring job .
She has gone home now with Carter over night he’s staying.
Going to Mums in a whike curry night .
I miss you Malc so much ,I have shouted your name twice today .
If only I could have a hug from you Malc ,
I’m so lonely with out you .
No one realises !!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 23rd 2017 12:00
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today is very cold and windy Malc . Lisa camecto get me out of bed then off to work .
I later took Muffin to the park saw no one .
I popped to Aldi but really didn’t need to go .
I’m going to church for a meal with a Mum
Then back home with Muffin .
I need to go to Tesco to buy some milk the staff help me and I only have to pay .
I miss you my darlin so much ,
People think because it’s been 3 years 9 months it gets easier
It doesn’t
I think about you every day shout your name at least twice a day
Christmas is only a month away , not looking forward to it
I think I am going to be on my own .
Lisa doesn’t want to do dinner .
Can’t go to Christopher’s because of the Doberman.
If they had Baxter life would be easier Z
I miss him so much Malc .
But he is in a wonderful home .
He is being spoilt .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November. 22nd 2017 13:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I feel much better after taking night nurse .
It a magic medicine .
I still feel drained but can cope .
Lisa popped in to help me then off to work .
I took Muffin to the groomers popped to the shops for a few things .
Picked up Muffin now at Mums until 2.50pm
Not much to tell you today Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 21st 2017. 14:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today woke up feeling like S.........
Full of cold body aches all over .
Snotty nose .
Lisa came to help me .
No park today for Muffin I’m afraid .
Keeping in the warm and plenty to drink .
I miss you Makc so much darlin .
A lonely day today . I put Carole off because of how I felt
Not much to tell you really .
My favourite programme celebrity get me out of here is back on .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 20th 2017 15:48pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today hasn’t been to bad
My friend Dot came. M to help me she stayed and did lunch just gone .
She is a lovely lady .
You knew her husband Charlie Farish .
At Mums now only staying an hour .
My favourite programme now for three weeks
Celebrity get me out of here .
Lisa might pop in tonight .
I miss you darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx
Sorry it’s a short message xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 19th 2017 13:53pm
He’ll Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today I felt like stopping in bed all day so exhausted .
I’m not sure if it’s staying up st Christopher’s last week .
Lisa helped me this morning later I popped to the park with Muffin then Tesco .
Brought a sympathy card for Kerry Geoff’s sister in law .
Poor Nigel has passed away .
Another joined you Malc xxx
Dropping like flys.
Hope I’m not Next !!!!
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
Mum is here at the moment going Home at 3:30 pm
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxcc

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 18 th 2017 18:04 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been hectic .
I felt quite poorly this morning after affects of last week I think .
I was going to Cannock but a phone call from Chanel saying they were on their way over .
Christopher was mending a leak at March Banks .
They stayed 4 hours PHEW !!
Geoff’s Bither Nigel passed away 3am this morning poor soul .
Sad day .😩
Lisa called and had an hour with me. Which was nice .
Christmas is going to be very lonely .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I really need you darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 17 2017 14:12pm
Hello Malc lovely to be back Home Darlin .
I have enjoyed the change the kids have helped me and the neighbours .
Would love to live up there if I won the lottery and had some one to drive me around .
Muffin is happy too .
Never the Twain shall meet with Dave the Doberman again .
I wish you should have stayed with me Malc .
I do miss you so much darlin .
Christopher brought me a lovely present. From Barbados .
Hamster back safe now in his cage .
Been to Cannock for my porridge very busy .
I’m off to Tesco then Mums for curry night .
A nice soak in the bath tonight , come and rub my back Malc .
Geoff says Nigel is so pooly now .
Another joining you soon Malc .
Always take the good ones don’t they .’I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November16th 2017 13:41pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today so far has gone well
Kids off to school ok Geoff , picked me and Muffin up early
It’s been a tough fortnight but have got through it
Back home in the morning yeah !!!
I miss you Malc more than ever darlin .
It’s a short message got to get something for Christopher before he comes home.
I will have more time to write to you tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday. November 15 th. 2017. 17:52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
What a day ! It started off well kids went to school ok
Geoff picked me up popped to Mums .
Called in Tesco to buy a few things .
Back home then had a bath .
Spent an hour with Mum .
Geoff picked me up at 2:35 got back early .
Georgia and Ellie had a fight Georgia threw a gate at Ellie now it’s broken .
Georgia’s hampster has escaped !!
I miss you darlin so much .
I wish you could be here at Christopher’s
You would have had a lovely walk around the village
It’s lovely Malc.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Darlin
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 14 th. 2017. 20:54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has gone quite well Malc .
Kids went off to school. Ok
Geoff picked me up early , I took Muffin to the park and popped to aldi brought a few things .
The kids have been much better today .
Dave the Doberman has been a nightmare .
I went to Carole’s for lunch not very good today .’m
Geoff picked me up and back to wait for the kids to come from school .
Fish for dinner then choc and sausage rolls .
I miss you Malc so much .
I shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss a Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday November 13th 2017. 1701 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a little better .
Kids off to school Taxi picked me up 10 :10 pm
Saw Mum half hour .had a cuppa .
Went home had a bath .
Muffin had a shower smells nice now .
Geoff picked me up at 2:45pm
Back with the kids now had stew and crusty bread .
Dinner done .
Every one fed .
Waiting for Christopher to ring now

Emmedale Corrie then kids off to bed .
I miss you my darling so much .
I beg to see you every day .
I shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a nightmare .
All the kids have been naughty today
Cameron filled the Blue bath with cold water and it came through the ceiling .
Ellie keeps sneaking in the food cupboard for crisps and biscuits then she wouldn’t eat her lunch .
Georgia threw a tranrtrum smashed her phone .
I’m having to fill the bath with bowls of water hot water not coming through .
I can’t wait to go home Thursday .
The doberman keeps pooing in the living room .
Weeing everywhere the place stinks .
He is out of control .

I’m sick of the bloody filthy dog
He steals food drinks like a fish .
Oh Malc I wish you were here helping me
You would be ashamed .
I don’t know what CHANEL does in the day .
I hope this message comes through no signal .

I think she sits watching telly all day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday November 10 th 2017 14:48 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been pleasant
Kids went off to school I got ready for Lisa come and take me
To lunch she came at 12 pm and we went to Stafford first then Eccleshall for lunch
The Royal oak lovely .
Shame she had to rush off .
It’s relaxed me a bit .
I wish you could have been with us today Malc
You’ve been to Eccleshall before when Christopher took us .
I hope this message goes through this time I’m up Christopher’s and signal isn’t good .
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday. november 9 th 2017. 11:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today didn’t start well Georgia three a paddy .
She broke a plate in temper. Because I took her mobile from her because she wouldn’t eat her breakfast .
Took then to catch the school bus .
Cameron is no problem .
Geoff picked me up at 9am Home at moment brought some lamb chops for Sunday dinner .
Roll on next week when Christopher is back .
It’s too much will Dave the Doberman .
Next time he goes in kennels .

I miss you Malc sorry I haven’t shouted your name today .
My head is all over the place .
Lisa is coming up tomorrow we are going for lunch .
Nice to be with a human .
I will try and write tomorrow according to signal .
I love you and miss you so much Malc wish you were here in Chebsey helping me.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 8 th 2017 14:04pm
Hello Malc sorry this is short no signal up Christopher’s .
Just to say girls and Cam good and off to school this morning .
Doberman Dave a nuisance never again .
Geoff picks me up to Home am then picks me up 2:30 pm
To go back before the kids come home .
I’m quite enjoying it really .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I have took Muffin to the park in between .
I will write to you again if I can tomorrow .
I love you and miss you so much Malc .
Kisses Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday November 7 th. 2017 12:37 pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today busy again kids off to school .
Geoff picked me up on time today .’carole Banks is here .
Chilled at the moment .
Geoff is picking me up at 2:30 pm
I miss you Malc. So much darlin .
Sorry this is short again today . I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Tigger

Monday November 6th 2017 13:38pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Sorry about Yesterday Malc tried so hard to send a message but no signal to send it .
I could write a book really Malc
The time is flying by staying at Christopher’s
All went well yesterday after a bad start .
Dave the Doberman made a mess this morning in the kitchen a peed in the middle room .
He just isn’t trained .
I’m at home until 2:30 pm then Geoff is picking me up 2:30 pro go back to Christopher’s .
Stew for dinner .
Mum has cooked it I’m just taking it back for the kids .
I miss you Malc more tgan ever Darlin .
Hope this message goes through today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 4th 2017 16:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been busy .
Lisa helped me this morning she later bhoought Finley and Carter up they stayed a while .
I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Lisa asked me if I wanted a ride to Stafford we went to home sense lovely brought a world globe Mum will buy it for me for Christmas .
All ready to go to Christopher’s now Muffin fed and bathed
Just waiting to be picked up .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc when things have calmed down.

I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rosr

Friday November 3rd 2017. 15:38 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has fled ,Lisa camecto help me this morning
I later took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
Popped in Tesco .
Then to Mums to sort her tablets .
Came home then Lisa took me to The range with Geoff .
Brought art paint btushes and plant pots .
Later popped to Cannock for some Toffee Apples for the Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren .
Came home then had to get a prescription for some meds’ for Mum .
Back home now I feel like I have been spun round ,
Going to chippys at 5pm curry with Mum tonight .
I shouted your name again today Malc and you where in my thoughts most of the day .
I miss you my darlin so much .
Wishing you were here by my side Malc ❣️
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday November 2nd 2017 17:52 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa came to help me this morning then off to work she went .
I then took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Later went to Church Hall with Mum for lunch .
Then I took a book to Carole Banks art book .
Off to Mums again had a couple of hours .
Back home now watching the end of the chase .
A bit of a strange day really .
Feeling uncomfortable bottom of abdomen
Worried really and sore and dry Malc
That’s the menopause for you .
Malc I miss you so much darlin , praying all the time you will come back .
I shouted your name several times today .
Lonely days and nights Malc .
So glad I have Muffin to talk to .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday November 1st 2017 15:39 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Mum came to help me this morning .
I later took Muffin to the park saw no one today
Felt a bit wheepy today missing you so much Malc.
Kay popped in for about 10 mins a bit disappointed really haven’t seen her for a while .
I went to Mum’s this morning after she had been to mine .
Now I’m here again .
A bit bored today .
I haven’t got a lot to tell you today Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin .
Love you with all my heart Darlin xxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October. 31st 2017 16:49pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me then went to work .
I later popped to the park with Muffin , then Aldi
I got some milk for Mum and popped it up to her .
Stayed for a cuppa .
Later Muffin and I went to Carole’s for Lunch .
Stayed until 4pm
Back home now watching. Tipping point .
It’s dark already Malc , I hate it .
Good job Inhave telly .and my best mate Muffin .
He is such good company .
I miss you so much darlin . Xxxxxxxxxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxc

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 30th 2017 15:48 pm
He’ Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa came before she went to work .
I had my hair done at 8am Pete full head foils £45
After popped Muffin to the park then Jean Beardsmore rang asking if I would like lunch went at 12pm.
Lovely really enjoyed my afternoon .
At Mums now having dinner .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I love you Malc with all my heart xxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 29th 2017 14:29pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa camecto help but didn’t stay long she was busy
I later took Muffin tonyhevostk then Aldi for a couple of things
Mum came up later to cook dinner and is still her.
We are watching it’s a wonderful life .
A favourite film of mine .
I will ride back with her when it has finished .
I asked Lisa if she would go to Nans so the bathroom could be steam cleaned .
Sheccane then changed her mind .
A bit disappointed .
I miss you Malc after having a lovely evening with Lisa last night feeling very flat today .
Lisa tells me she isn’t doing Christmas dinner this year .
Looks like Muffin and I are on our own .
I wish you were here Malc Darlin .
I will be on my own with Muffin again tonight .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday Octobet 28th 2017. 12:21pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Mum came to help me then I took Muffin to the park saw Pat and a quick talk with Anita .
Popped to Tesco to buy some batteries for Mums diabetic
Testing machine .
Went back to muns had a cuppa then Home .
I’m writing early today Mum because the kids are coming at about 1pm
They are staying a few hours.
I don’t want to forget to write to you .
I miss you my darlin so much I will shout your name when I go out later after the kids and Chris and Chanel have gone home
Later I’m going out with Lisa for a meal .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxcc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 27th 2017 18:13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy
Today Lisa came to help it was her day off .
I later took Muffin to the park .
Popped in Aldi then Home .
Went to Cannock later, Muffin Walk most of the way .
I went to DP brought a couple of things .
Killed time really , it’s very cold Nalc and getting colder .
The clocks go back tomorrow Malc , I hate it early darker nights .
I miss you Malc so much , I miss you cuddling up to me in bed feeling your body against me .
I shouted your name twice today Malc xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I’ve got the kids from 1pm to 4:30pm tomorriow .
Then a meal with Lisa in the evening .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 26 th 2017. 15:16 pm
Hello a Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Try again today Lisa helped this morning then I took Muffi to the park .
Later Mum and I went to the church hall lunch .
Muns health is fine W got it all wrong .
Stupid woman .
Oh Malc I do miss you so much darlin .
I’m going home soon and I’ll be on my own again with Muffin
I wish I had you to come home too .
I miss you so much Malc xxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart .
Telly again tonight Malc talking to you wishing you could talk back .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 25th 2017 17:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work .
I took Muffin to the park then popped to Aldi .
Plus Tesco .
Later Carol Norrey came to pick me up we had Lunch at shoal hill in Cannock .
I had a lovely afternoon and Lisa text me she has booked a table for Saturday night .
I have Ellie and Georgia from 1pm - 4pm
While Chris Chanel and Cameron go diving .
Saturday .
I popped in to see Mum for 3/4 hour today
Now at home watching telly .
Happy today apart from missing you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorriow Darlin xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxccccc

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 24th 2017 13.57 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Thinking about you again Malc missing you more than ever .
Today Lisa Helped me before she went to work .
I took Muffin to the park saw Anita for a short time .
Spoke to Dave from shabby chick shop .
Popped in Mums for a cuppa and took her some milk
Back home watching this morning then back to Mums for a couple of hours .
Should have gone to Carole Banks but she cancelled didn’t feel well .
A bit disappointed !!!
It’s reslly a boring day today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 23rd. 2017. 15:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work .
I took Muffin to the park then Aldi .’cand Home watch tv until
I went to Muns for dinner .
A bit fed up today .
Leaving Mums at 5 pm
Locking all doors dark nights now Malc .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I really don’t have much to tell you today Malc .
Going to Carole Banks tomorrow hope she is s bit more cheerful .
I’ll probably get a text later .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxcxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny Xxxxxxxxxxxxc

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 22nd 2017 14:36pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Mum has come to help me and has stopped and cooked dinner .
She will stay until 3:45 then I will ride back with her Home .
It’s very cold today and windy .
Don’t want to venture out really in this .
Sitting watching old films with Mum .
Wish you were here Malc , I miss you more than ever .
I love you so much darlin .
I took Muffi a ride up the skelly this morning posted your Dicky’s Birthday card through his letter box
It’s his Birthday tomorrow .
I then rode Muffin around the park then Aldi and Home before Mum came .
I this the weekends they are so boring and lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 21st 2017 15:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn’t been too bad .
Lisa came to help me then back home she had lots to do .
Before going to lunch I took Muffin a ride up the skelly .
I took Muffin to the park then lunch with Dot
Very nice .
The weather is awful very windy and rain .
Watching a very old take your pick Des O’Connor .
Boring now Malc no one is coming now until Lisa puts me to bed later .
I shouted you name several times today .
I miss you so much Malc xxxxxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 20 th 2017 14:40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help then took Max to the vets to have his stitches out .
She found he had fleas and the vet forgot to tell her .
They treated him and I went to pet shop to get some spray for her for the furniture .
She has gone to Jades now she is having Carter over night .
Also she is picking up my walking stick from boundary mill which I left in the trolley.
I took Muffin to the park today popped to Aldi too .
Back home weather not too good .
I’m popping to Mums later for our curry night .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts inside .
I shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 19 th 2017 13:43pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today it’s poring down .
Lisa came early and told me Nigel Geoff’s twin hasn’t got much time left .
McMillan are coming to help him now .
So sad another one joining you soon Malc.
I have been to church for lunch with Mum now at Mums
The weather is atrocious .
A different day today a bit down .
It’s because I miss you so much Malc .
Not a lot to tell you today Malc onlybthat yesterday with Jean and Jeff was lovely .
Jeff took Muffin a 2.5 mike walk .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 18 th 2017. 26:10 pm
Hello Malc was Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been smashing Malc .
I took Muffin to the park early .
Lisa came to help washed my hair. .
She went to work .
Later Jeff and Jean picked Muffon and I up we went to Boundry Mill , Jeff took Muffin a very long walk .
Jeff picked us up after an hour and I went back to their house for lunch .
I have had a smashing day .
It picked me up after feeling very low yesterday .
Back home now Muffin on the new sofa shattered .
Oh Malc I wish you could have come with us .
I miss you so much darlin .
More than words can say .
I shouted your name twice today .
I wish the days could be like this every day
Both Muffin and I together but enjoying our selves .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 17 th 2017 18:14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been a bit boring .
Lisa came this morning to help me before she went to work .
I later took Muffin to the park.
Popped in. aldi then Home .
Carole Banks came and brought lunch .
She stayed until 3.45 pm
Kev had to go back to work .
I then rode Muffin around the streets I was bored and Sherry .
Jason has just been to put a hinge on the kitchen cupboard .
He seemed a bit quiet not so jolly .
I shouted your name twice today .
I cried why driving round , I miss you so much .
Dark nights now and cold .
It depresses me so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.
Sorry it’s a short message love 💕 you Malc xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 16th 2017. 13:07pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a bit lonely .
Lisa popped in quickly this morning to help me before she went to work .
I later took Muffin to the park saw Anita but she is very snobbish .
I don’t think I will bother with her again .
I’m not going to Mums today she doesn’t want to be tied down I did offer her to come up here again today
I enjoyed Christopher’s Birthday party yesterday
Lisa and Geoff picked me up we stayed 2hours .
He has a hot tub now .
At least we got together as a family. Only you were missing .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I wish you were here to talk to me Malc .

Writing to you every day helps me .I feel you are with me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 25th 2017 13:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Mumis herecto help me she has also cooked dinner.
I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped into Aldi for a few things .
When I take Mum home I’m taking Muffin to Kay’s .
Lisa and Geoff are taking me to Christopher ‘s for his 33rd Birthday hot tub party .
Yes he’s brought a wooden hot tub run by logs .
He has thanked me for his card and money .
I wish you were coming with us to his house Malc .
I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 14 th 2017 14:19 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a bit hectic had Cam Ellie & Georgia as you know over night .
They were fine last night but this morning Ellie hit Georgia over the head with a wooden brush ,
Wished Carter James our Great Grand Son a happy 3 nd Birthday .
I hope you can see him .
Jades got our sofa’s she loved them , she said she will look after them especially yours xx
Chanel picked up the kids about 11am.
Peace and quiet .
I popped to Hednesford bumped into Jason .
Lisa has just called in stayed half hour .
She is coming back later .
I’m going for a ride round in a while it’s lovely outside .
I shouted your name this morning Malc.
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx,

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 13 th 2017 2017pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been manic .
Jean Beardsmore came to help me and stayed for lunch .
I did take Muffin to the park in between .
I also took Muffin to Mums for an hour .
Pete was suppose to cut my hair but he has had an emergency with family .
I have Cameron Ellie and Georgia here over night .
I’m waiting in for men to bring sofas .
The kids have had dinner sweets all sorts .
Lisa called outside with Max he’s a bit better .
She called for Carters Birthday card off my Mum .
I shouted your name again today .
I miss you so much Malc .
Your always on my thoughts .
I kiss you goodnight and good morning .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 12th 2017 15:53pm
Hello Malc this will be a quick message today .
Lisa came this morning then went to collect Max from vets . He’s home now hopfully getting better .
Took Muffin to the park then off to lunch with Jayne .
Lovely meal and chat .’
Back home now waiting for Adam to collect the sofas we brought .
New ones coming tomorrow .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Love you with all my heat Darlin shout your name every day twice .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 11th 2017 13:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa called to help but is very worried about Max .
I hope he improves soon .
The gas people came this morning to fit a radiator on the kitchen it took 2 hours that’s all lovely .
Rug coming today then tomorrow Adam coming to collect our sofas .
Friday delivery of our new sofas leather .
Jason is coming tonight to pick up the rug I am getting rid of .
Oh Malc I wish You were with me , I hate doing things on my own .
Lisa has just phoned Max has got to have an op he has an obstruction in his intestine .
£1,300 it’s going to cost .
She love him as I do Muffin xx
Hoping all goes well crossing fingers .’
I am at Mums now and back home 2.30 pm
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and let you know how Max gets on .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 10 th 2017 12:23pm
Today Lisa popped in before she went to work
Max still poorly hope he gets better soon .
I took Muffin to the groomers stayed in Cannock while waiting for him .
Caught Tony out his young lady was grooming him
I did have a word .
I’m off to Carole’s for lunch then Home .
Hope she is a bit brighter today .
Jason may come later to get rug for him .
I miss you Malc more each day nothing changes .
Only those who have itv are going through it understand .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx
Sorry it’s a short message xxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 9th 2017 12:13pm
He’ Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I’m writing early Malc and Tigger I know how today is planing out.
Lisa came early this morning to help poor Max wasn’t well .
Come ting with blood
Geoff took him to vets this morning he’s had 2,ink and if not better in 5 days he’s to go back .
Nice surprise if comes off been invited to dinner on Sunday to Christopher’s it’s his Birthday as you know
Lisa and Geoff invited too .
They are picking me up and dropping Muffin off at Kays .’according if Max is well .
New sifasxordered hope there ok ,
Jade is having ours , hope she looks after them
At least they are being kept in the family Malc xx
She is struggling at the moment Malc .
Wish I could just crack the lottery xx
I miss you my darlin you should be coming to the house on Sunday enjoying Chris’s Birthday xx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Miss you so much you and Tigger I shout your name every day
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

mY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday October 8th 2017 17;47pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been the best day .
Ive tried to write three times to you Malc but the server won't accept .

Lisa popped in andMum came to dinner which she cooked.
Lisa called inlayer while Mum was here.
I too Muffin to the park this morning we got wet.
Mum stayed until 4pm.

I rode her home .
Im buying two new sofas Malc, Jade is having mine .
Hope you don't mind.
they are affecting my back too soft.
They will be going to a good home , jade will have your memories where you sat.
i miss you my darlin so much , i cried last night did;tb sleep well at allI will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday October 7 th 2017 12:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa quickly popped in she is going to a Anniversary party Nigel and Kerry .
A very lonely morning .
The girls are coming at 1pm why Chris and Chanel with Cameron go scuba diving .
I’m not going to Mum’s tonight it too dark and cold .
Another boring weekend. Malc !!!!!
Mum for dinner tomorrow she’s cooking .
Not much to tell you today . Oh I took Muffin to the park and later to Cannock .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxm

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 6th 2017 25:35 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a boring day Lisa came early to help me she was off to see Jade Finley and Carter .
Later Ibtook Muffin to the park saw Kim and Oreo
Waved to Anita Val and John .
I popped to Cannock to collect my reading glasses .
Spoke to Jon in mobility not happy .
I’m thinking if phoning head office .
Waiting for Matt to bring screws for my scooter then will have a word .
I’m really fed up today Malc .
If you were here Malc I would be happy in my life .
I miss you so much Darlin .
I’m off to Mums later curry night .

I’ve got the kids tomorrow 1pm -4pm .
Christopher and Chanel review their scuba diving before get go away .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday October 5th 2017 15:06pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa came to help me before work she is coming back later .
I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped in Aldi and collected my glasses new lenses .’
Lunch with Mum at the Church , now at Mums she’s dropped off to sleep .
I’m staying until 4:30 tgen Home .
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I will never ever forget you Darlin ,
I miss you so much Malc .
Lisa is bringing my medication tonight .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday October 4th 2017 17:10 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa popped in to help me before she went to work .
She is calling back later .
I took Muffin to the park saw Val after in the town .
Carole Banks came later with lunch .
She has been Diagnosed with Emphsemia
Kevin will drive her mad now .
Not gone to Mums tonight to cold raining and dark nights .
I’m not going every day now .
I shouted your name two or three times today
Missing you like crazy Malc . Dot who I visited yesterday feels the same about Charlie her husband .
I’m getting quite bored with Carole she doesn’t cheer me up
I feel quite depressed after leaving her .
I miss you Malc more and more as each day goes by .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sorry Malc I’m confused it’s Tuesdsy today I’ve put zMonday
I love you with all my heart Darlin xxx❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your wife Rose xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 2nd 2017! 17:45pm
Hello Malc My darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Kay came to help me and stayed a good hour
Later took Muffin To the park saw no one.
I popped to Aldi then took some flowers to put on Our Darren’s grave , he would be 45 years today .went to lunch Dots .
Lovely really enjoyed her company .
I’m home now with Muffin .
Not going to Mums tonight the nights are getting shorter and darker .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday October 2nd 2017 13:50 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me then off to work until
Tonight .
I had to go tho Diabetic eye test today left Muffin at home .
Eyes still a bit blurred but ok .
I’m at Mums at the moment ,
I’m in a lot of pain today in my back and burning when I go to the toilet .
Not sure if a water infection or thrush again .
You know how I worry !
I miss you Malc so much , Ibshouted your name twice today
When I took Muffin a ride to the park .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all my heart Darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 1st 2017 15:29pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a bit boring .
Mum is here at the moment she cooked dinner

Weather is miserable dark damp .
Had a lovely Birthday meal with Lisa last night .
Christopher came and gave me a hug had a copper stone frying pan that people can use when they cook .
But today is a bit flat .
I'm taking mum home soon on mine and her Mobility scooter .
Sorry there is not much to tell you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
I miss you darlin so much xxxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 30 th 2017 17:07pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been quite pleasant.
As you know my 66th Birthday .
Your card stands firmly on the mantle piece .
As usual every year .
Lisa Came to help me followed by Kay who brought me a plant and a cd pan pipes .
Then Christopher Chanel and the kids came bringing me a stone copper frying pan and somecflowers .
Lisa brought me a red jumper and a beautiful scarf and flowers .lots of cards from my friends and a shock a birthday card from Shirley and Dicky with a £10 note inside .
Dicky rang me later .
I am going for a meal later with Lisa looking forward to it .
I miss you my darlin so much I needed a hug from you today .
Christopher did hug me and wished me Happy Birthday .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
I love you will all my love , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September. 29 th 2017. 11:55am
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came it's her day off .
She's off to see Jade and the Grandchildren .
Would love her to ask me to go with her .
Not happy today after Chris once again upset me .
And got it all wrong .
He has no respect for me or love ❤️.
He must think I am stupid !!!!
I am sick of being treated like an outsider .
I'm hurt from both my children the things they say to me .
I'm just a battle ring ram for someone to hurt .
I miss you Malc so much ,
I am going for lunch with Karen in an hour .
The later to Mums for a curry .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Sorry it's a short message xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 28th 2017 13:52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work.
I later took Muffin to the park saw Karen &Anita .
Had lunch with Mum at the church.
It's been. A beautiful day quite warm .
I'm off to take Muffin a ride round.
Then off to Mums for a couple of hours .
I miss you so bad Malc , I shouted your name twice today.
I love ❤️ you with all my heart Malc xxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday September 27th 2017 17;20 pm.

Helo Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
today hasn't been so good .
Lisa called in to help me i gave her a stew I made and some mash .
She is calling in later after work.
I later took Muffin to the park and called in Aldi .
I later went to Caroles expecting her to have cooked lunch .
No chance , I wasn't very happy at all.
She asked me if I wanted a sandwich , i had cheese on toast.
I felt very uncomfortable there today.
As I left I popped into sea bright fish shop , I was starving.
I feel something is amiss somewhere .
They went like this before , do you remember Malc.
Not a happy chappie.
She is at mine next week and she's having stew or something simple.

I'm in my pjs not going to mum's tonight its poring down.
Lots on telly tonight so won't be bored.
I miss you my darlin so much Malc.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

I love you with all my heart Malc,.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 26th 2017 11:34 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa popped in to help me before she went to work .
The weather is gorgeous today for September .
I later took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped into Aldi then Tesco .
Going to Kay's today after lunch which Lisa has done for me .
I miss the intermacy of us together Malc so much
I wish you could pop back just for a whille and we could love each other once more .
My cold sore has almost gone on my lip
I still kiss your picture every day and night .
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 25th 2017 25:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been good started off Lisa rang to apologise for upsetting me yesterday then came to help me .
I later took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Popped in Aldi .
Came home then Geoff the gas services came to service the gas fire and boiler .
Malc he is putting a radiator in the kitchen.
Jean Beardsmore came and brought lunch hot dogs .
She stayed two hours .
I'm at Mums now she has cooked dinner .
I'm a little happier today .
I miss you Malc so much ,I shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday. September 24th 2017!13:47pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has so far not been a good day .
Lisa has hurt my feelings today saying I'm like a bull at a gate
When answering her in a conversation .
She also said I wound her up and got on her nerves
She really hurt me I explained to her .
She said she wandered why Malc ' you put up with me.
I won't bother her again , I'll try and manage on my own .
I could cry my eyes out !!!!!!
My son hurt me too yesterday not intreducing me as his Mother
To Christine a lady who is moving into March Banks .
But he introduced Lisa to her .
What have I done to deserve being treated like this's
I've tried my best. As a mother
I miss you Malc so much 😒
Mum is here at the moment she has cooked dinner .
I will write to you again tomorrow .Malc xxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September23rd 2017 17:28pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Well the kids stopped over night Chanel came to help me but Cameron Ellie and Georgia helped me a lot .
Chanel did breakfast then she took the kids home .
I've had a quiet day really took Muffin to the park .
Then off to Cannock for a ride .
Lisa went for an interview chesty hay
She's not impressed.
Better the devil you know they say .
I misxyiumy darlin so much wishing you here every day and more .
Glad to tell you my 3 yearly mammagram
Is fine than k goodness .
I have a huge painful cold sore on my lip
Hope it clears up by next Saturday as you know my Birthday
66years Malc ,
I was worried because Dad died at 66yrs .
I miss him too , hope you're all together now and healthy and happy.
Went to Jean Beardsmore 's yesterday nice.

I am off to Mums in a while not stopping long though
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxcc .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 22nd 2017 16:13pm
Hello my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been very busy . Chanel came to help me then we went to March Banks to see the house now Beautiful
Fat Rude Paul was there horrible little man .
Lisa had to pick me up as Christopher moaned Chanel had to stop to paint .
Lisa picked me up and dropped me off then I went to Jean Bearsmdsmore'd for lunch .
Stayed until 3:30 pm
Back home now ,
Got the kids tonight looking forward to having them .
Oh Malc I miss you so much .
You would love how things have changed .
Christopher did hug me though .
I should be grateful I suppose .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

ThursdaySeptember21st 2017 12:17 pm
He'll Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Its raining again 😑
Lisa popped in to help me before she went to work .
Later I took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
Then to Aldi milk and sugar .
I'm off to church for lunch with Mum .
Bloody rain !!!!'
I miss you my darlin so much xxx
Refund from British gas today changed
Heating company .

Nothing much to tell you today darlin only I love you more than ever Malc xxc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx
Sorry it's short xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 20th 2017 12:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa popped in to help me before she went to work .
I later went to Pete to have my hair done .
Then to the park with Muffin .
Back now waiting to go to Carole Banks for lunch .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I need you Malc more than ever .
I still cry for you .
I love you and miss you so much Malc xx
I just go day to day still worry about everything .'nothing's changed there .
Still trying to win the lottery so I can help Lisa , Jade and anyone who needs my help .
Christopher too.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 19th 201716:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Mum popped up to help me stopped for a cuppa too .
Later I took Muffin to the park saw no one.
Karen came and brought lunch she stayed until 3:45 pm
Enjoyed the afternoon .
Watching tipping point .
Off to Mums later dark nights now , hate it .
My darlin I dreamt about you early hours lovely .
Thank you Malc xxxxxxxxxx😘❤️😘😘😊😊
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.'
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxcc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 18 th 2017 13:31pm
He'll Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa popped into help me before she went to work .
I later took Muffin to the park . Saw no one.
I shouted your name twice .
I poppedto Aldi and Tesco ,
Just had soup Lisa left for me now off to Mum
Having dinner there .
I miss you so much Malc , I cried in bed last night again for you
If only you could just come back for 10 mins to say your watching over us all and that I'm worrying for nothing .
I love ❤️ you with all my heart Malc xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rosr

Sunday September 17th 2017 14:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Mum camevto help me and stayed to cook dinner .
Earlier I tookMuffinto the park saw no one.
I also took Muffin later up the new road skelly .
Mum is still here staying until 4pm .
Weather is good today .
I shouted your name again today .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September. 16 th 2017 17:43pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger y.
Today Lisa came to help me later in the day she took me to Lichfield we had a lovely meal .
Left Muffin at home. He went hysterical when I got back .
I hate leaving him but they couldn't allow dogs were we went .
I did take him Out three runs though
I have enjoyed my day with Lisa .
Chris and Chanel are still at Ricks .
I haven't seen him for a few weeks now .
I would love to give him a hug x

I know he doesn't really love me. But I will never know the truth .why he hates me so much !!!
We talked about you today Malc and have a photo of you as a baby .
I miss you Malc more each day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone,
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 15 th 2017 12:59pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa helped me this morning , she has a job interview 2pm crossing infers .
She is not happy in her present job .
I took Muffin to the park this morning we got a bit wet .
Been down again to Tesco .
Dot Farish is coming for lunch she is bringing .
I'm writing early Malc I don't want to forget .
I miss you my darlin so much .
My life is empty .
I am going to Mums later curry night .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc x
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 24 th 2017 14:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Mum came to help me and then later I met up to have dinner st the church .
Earlier I took Muffin to the park saw Kim quickly .
I popped to Aldi then later to Tesco .
Ziggy is finishing the block paving filling it with kiln dried sand
Looks amazing .
The neighbours cant complain .
I'm trying my best to look after the gardens for you Malc .
I'm off to Mums later for a couple of hours .
I miss you Malc so much darling.
It breaks my heart ❤️ Your not here with me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 13 th 2017 16:21pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Carole Banks came to help me and cooked lunch .
She has just gone Kev picked her up.
Ziggy is getting the weeds up pressure washing the back and steps.
It lovely .'oh Malc I do miss you so much I felt very weepy this morning .
I love ❤️ you my darlin so much my heart aches for you .
I saw Geoff this morning in his taxi he's doing well .
The weather is up
And down rain ☔️ sunshine ☀️ .
I might go to mums tonight according if it rains .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 11th 2017 14:26 pm
I don't know what happened , I definatley wrote to you .
Lisa helped in the morning .
Mum cooked dinner I stayed a couple of hours .
If it wasn't through telly programmes I would be so fed up .
This is my life now and winter is setting in .
Malc I wish you were here it wouldn't matter then .
You said I would be on my own , you were right .
If only you hadn't have died 😭😘❤️
I'm sorry this message hasn't shown
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 12th 2017 14:15pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a bit boring Lisa quickly popped in before work .'
I later took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Called in Aldi for a few things .
Weather is off and on sunshine and showers .'im at Mums at the moment until she goes to W .
I miss you my darling so much That's why I have friends round me .
I'm so lonely Lisa And Chris don't understand .
Nothing really to tell you today Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
LOVE ❤️YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday September 10 th 2017 18:05 pm
Today Mum came to help me and cooked dinner chicken today
She stayed until 3:45 pm .
Lisa is coming later to tuck me in .'
I'm feeling a bit low today bored and fed up .
No text s
Chanel has rang today , I am going to stay at Christophers now when they go away .'
Better I think .
I cried last night missing you so much listening to our music .
Hope I don't receive a bad letter from mammogram
Crossing fingers .🤞
I need you at this moment in time Malc .
I miss you so much .'
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 9th 2017 13:43pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today before Lisa went to Haydock races she came to help me , she is coming back later .
I'm so bored today Malc no text no visitors same old weekend lonely.
Everyone busy .
I'm watching telly at the moment raining out side
Don't think Ineill be going to Mums tonight either
I miss your company Malc , you were right
I do spend a lot of lonely hours , you were worried I would be on my own and I am .
I know they all have family but would like to be involved more.
Nothing from Christopher .
I really didn't think I would be so alone .
Not much to tell you really today Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 8th 2017 15:03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa popes in to help me she is going to see Jade Later .
Geoff has left his job now a taxi driver ., Lisa has an interview next Friday Pyramid pharmacy .
Hope she gets it and is happy .
I'm bored today ,took Muffin to the park saw Kim and Oreo..
I'm so lonely Malc with out you Malc .
Lisa and Geoff are off to Haydock tomorrow .
Another lonely weekend 😓
If I hadn't got Mum I would see no one .
If only you were here Malc talking to me .
I'm at Mums later our curry evening .
I miss you my darlin so much xxxxxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxm
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 7th 2017 16:22pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa piped in to help before she went to work .
I later took Muffin to the park and Aldi .'
Had lunch with Mum at the church .
Later popped to Kay's took her Birthday present's and card
Sanctuary bath product and two mugs friends on the mugs .'
I stayed until 3:45 , at Mums now needing company at the
moment ,
Still worried about breast scan
Very painful at the moment because she trapped my breast in the na Chinese so hard it hurt .
I miss you Malc more than ever , Inerd you back to being on my own with Muffin .
I don't get text. From Lisa often
Nothing from Christopher at all .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 6th 2017 15:31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa helped me and fed Muffin he eat two meals straight away .
Good boy !!!!
Later I took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
Then off to have a breast screening .'
Crossing fingers all ok ,
I am a worrier though since you passed away Malc .
I worry about everything .
I'm going to Mums in an hour or so .
I miss you Malc , I explained tonDawn and Martin
I can't come back and tell you what a good holiday I had and wishing you were with me .
It's so hard darlin so lonely .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 5th. 2017 17:54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
HAPPY Anniversary my darlin 47 years today 🎉🍸😘
Today Chanel came to help me she stayed until I left for Carole's .
I didn't go to the park today , I took Muffin to the groomers and Chanel fetched him back with me .
After lunch at Carole's I popped to Cannock to take items back
Muffin and I got soaked coming back .
Not going to Mum's tonight poring down .
Breast Screening tomorrow not looking forward to it .'
Keep me safe and Healthy Malc xxx
Also my baby Muffin xx
I love you and miss you Malc so much ❤️😘
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 4th 2017 17:15pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a bit mixed up
Lisa came to help me then off to work .
I took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
Popped into Aldi came home .
Chanel should have brought the kids but she was busy
Jean Beardsmore came and brought lunch bless her .
She stayed until 3 pm .
Off to Mums she cooked dinner lamb and mash with veg .
I'm back home now , Lisa is bringing my prescription and putting veto bed .
I texted Christopher yesterday he says in January he will pay for two new settees .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I'm worried about breast screening on Wednesday , crossing fingers crossed result will be negative .

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Sorry it's a short message .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday & Sunday 2nd & 3rd September 2017 15:15pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .

I don't know what happened yesterday mr writing to you , Ibthiught I had written but either the message has got lost.'
Yesterday was so mixed up I apologise darlin .
Went to Cannock after Lisa had helped me took Muffin to the park ,
Kay came last night she stayed 3 hours .
I must have thought I wrote to you I'm so sorry darlin .
I didn't do it on a purpose you know that .
Lisa has called in today had a coffee ,
Mum is here she cooked dinner .
I miss you my darlin so much .
This is the first time I have missed writing to you .'
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday. September 1st 2017 18:07pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has fled , Anne got me up and we had breakfast then I popped to see Louise to say goodbye .
Then off to the station ,I said goodbye to Anne and Muffin and I journied back home
I had help all the way home .
Lisa Picked Muffin and I up had a coffee then off she went home she's off to Peterborough tomorrow .
With Geoff to bring back a car 🚗 for geoff a taxi job .'
I wish you could have been with me on holiday and holding my hand on the train .
I miss you so much Malc xxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 31st 2017 18:32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a bit boring Anne helped me and fed Muffin.
We went out to a house hiistoricle and gardens
I went round on a mobility scooter thank goodness
Anne walked with Muffin .
We later had a meal at a pub called Tge acorn
Very nice .
I thank them for that .
I am ready to go home now .
Hope I have a safe journey home .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I don't feel it's been a holiday this time.
They haven't took me too far .
I'm going round to Louise 's later to say goodbye .
Not sure if I will come next year !!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 30th 2017 16:23pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Anne got me up ad did breakfast fed Muffin ,he eat two meals today .:
Later Louise took me to the Range and lunch time we had a meal at Lakeside restaurant Poole lovely
£9:99 each not bad .
I have been thinking about you today , wishing you with me Malc .xxx
Yesterday going to Weymouth brought back a lot of memories Hot lots of people shops we used to go in .
Now all the family have been here .
I miss you darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxx
I love you with all my heart ❤️Malc xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 29th 2017 21:44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Anne helped as usual and fed Muffin .
He is eating better , it's been too hot .
Stayed in until 9am caught the bus from Poole to Weymouth
It brought back many memories
I Cried a little took some pics from my phone .
Muffin drank a lot of water it was so hot .
I've loved my day the best day of all my holiday mTge bus took me to Warham Malc by Bobbington Tank museum
The views were amazingI passed the shop where you brought Christopher a toy and you wore a goofy hat
I felt you were with me today Malc a warm feeling .
I miss you Malc so much .
Anne cooked dinner sausage onions mash and beans nice actually.
Watching the new bake off its own.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc, Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 28th 2017 18:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today the usual Anne helped me up and did breakfast fedMufgin.
Too hot today Muffin and I are sitting outside the back of the flat in the cool .
We have been to. A garden centre today Louise came with us .
Anne treated us to a cream tea and cappacino .
A nice afternoon .
Viv being his usual lazy self stopped in Idol B.. ....
Ike you Malccant stand him all he does if sits and sleeps and gets waited on
No wander he is 24 stone .!!!!!!!
I get so frustrated watching Anne wait on him almost to the point of wiping his Ill be polite BOTTOM !!!!!
Why is it you worked your socks off and died
He is a big fart idol B and I'd still alive .
I don't understand ?????????
I miss you so much Malc more than you will ever know .
Off to Weymouth tomorrow just Muffin and me .
Roll on Friday now two weeks is too much .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxc
❤️YOU FOREVER MALC. Xxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 27th 2017 18:34pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today as usual Anne helped me and cooked breakfast .
Wel later took a ride out and ended up on Pookrcharbour and onto Bater
Followed by a meal a The sweet home Inn
Just up the road from the flat .
I paid for my own !!!!!!!
Anne took Muffin a walk but it's too hot he was so flagged .
We are in the flat now watching telly .
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin.
I shout your name daily .'
I slept a bit better last night .
But I'm so weary today .
I could sleep the clock round .
I spoke to Chanel this morning , good news about Baxter he will be going to Luke and his Mum and Dad .
They seem a very nice family .
I will miss him so much ,
I think it's best as the two dogs just fight all the time .
I think they should have kept Baxter though !!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart ❤️ xxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 26th 2017. 18:09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Anne helped and. Did breakfast fed Muffin although he's not doing too good with his food .
Viv is his usual lazy bloody self i IDOL B....,,,,
We have been to that place we have been before.
Stud something ?
Banks pub lovely view .
I paid for my own lunch
Paid for their curry last night
Paid half towards food bill
It's cost me nearly £200 already.
I know Anne takes me lovely places .
We went to that garden centre been before .
Back now Anne is cooking dinner .
Muffin not eating yet .
I thought about you today slot Malc
Miss you so much darlin xxxx
I didn't sleep last night at all
I think I need to go home really .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 24th 2017 24:31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and my boxer Dog Baby Boy .
Today as usual Anne helped me and did Breakfast
I took Muffin a ride round the streets on the hired mobility scooter .
He is loving it .
Later Anne took me to get Muffin some different dog meat and fresh chicken .
I am going to see Louise after 3pm she lives two doors away .
I miss You Malc so much , I cry most nights wishing you by my side .
I buying the takeaway tonight .
I have paid. A lot out this holiday .

When you used to come Viv used to wait in us NOT NOW
He is the fastest dirty lazy uncouth man I have ever met .
They are taking me to my favourite garden centre .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc xx kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August. 24th 2017 24:49pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today as every day Anne helped me and did breakfast.
She took Muffin a walk then I watched as she tried to sort here small bedroom out .
It's bloody disgusting talk about a hoerder .
We have not long come back fro Shah of Pershia pub right across the road from the flat .
Fish and chips .
Oh Malc I wish you were here now with me .
I cried for you again last night .
I miss you Malc so much.
Muffin is having fun but not eating very well .
In for the night now feeling very tired .
I think it's the air down here .
I spoke to Lisa and Chanel today .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc ❤️.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 23rd 2017 17:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Anne is helping me as I'm staying with them .
We had breakfast she fed Muffin then off for a drive .
Anne needed to buy a few things .
A bit boring today but I have no choice .'
Dinner soon then telly tonight .
I'm ringing Mum in a minute .
Sorry I don't have much to tell you Malc today I have been round to see Louise .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin xx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Tigger

Tuesday August 22nd 2017 14:31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Anne helped me and gave me breakfast and fed Muffin .we later went shopping .
We are going to buy some fish for Anne's fish tank .
Oh Malc I wish you were will me darlin .
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love ❤️ you with all my heart darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.
Sorry it's such a short message xxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 21st 2017 17:28 pm
Hello Malc darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Louise helped me this morning we chatted for an hour then she went. Out .
I later took Muffin to the harbour on a hired mobility scooter
I am enjoying the break from home .
Anne and Viv are back now just had dinner .
She is going shopping tomorrow topping up the food. Cupboard .
I shall take Muffin a ride on the scooter after he's loving it .
I wish you were here Malc , I miss you so much darlin.
I have sent a Wedding Anniversary card to Christopher and Chanel today .
I've also brought a Doberman. Ornament .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 20 th 2017 17:29pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Louise Anne's daughter in law helped me and fed Muffin she only lives two doors away .
I later caught a bus with help to Poole centre where I could hire a mobility scooter .
Muffin is enjoying himself .
I'm enjoying the break from home .
Anne &Viv are back tomorrow looking forward to seeing them .
I wish you were here Malc . I miss you my darlin so much .
I sat yesterday thinking about you which I see now you in front of me .
Sniffing and smoking , I do miss that , just to see you for 10 minutes would make my life .
Better than winning the Lottery Malc .
WHY !!!I I keep asking myself .
I will ask this the rest of my life , until we meet again
I hope there is an after life because it's that that's keeping me going
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc it will be late though when I go to bed .
I love ❤️ you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 19th 2017. 16:38 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Louise came round to help me out of bed and fed Muffin
She is cooking a meal later .
Been on a bus to the harbour sat on a bench watching g the millionaires yatchts .
Warm and busy Malc
Wish you were here by my side .
I've been thinking about you all day.
I've got to make the best of this holiday
Anne is looking after me .
She is golden .
I miss you My Darlin so much .'
My heart aches for you .
I shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

MyPreciius TiggerMy Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 18th 2017 17:38pm
Hello Malc I'm at Anne and Vivs now a lovely journey down on the train porters helping me all th wY down
Curry tonight and rice .
Weather a bit windy but nice change .
Muffin has been great not eat much but I'm sure he will tomorrow .
I imagined you on the train sitting by me Malc,I miss you so much darlin .
I'm going round Louise's later after curry .
Lisa has rang me . Mum has rang me
Kay has rang me. Lovely
Chanel took me to Penkridge station .
Mike got some shopping for me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone , xxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 17 th 2017. 14:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and my Tigger baby boy
Today Kay came to help me this morning she has a gate key and back door key .
Later I took Muffin to the park , I shouted your name twice today .
I came back watched television .
Kay rang me later to see if I needed anything
Lisa is coming tonight she is cooking dinner
I miss you Malc so much.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Sorry it's a short message darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxcx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 16th 2017 17:39pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and my baby boy Tigger.
Todat Karen helped me and did me lunch .
I Took Muffin to the park saw no one today .
Chanel brought the kids for an hour then off home .
I'm off to Mums now will have supper later.
I miss you darlin so much ,Ishouted your name
Twice today .'
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Sorry it's a short message xxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 15th 2017 17:42 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad .
Chanel came with the kids to help me later I took Muffin a walk to the park.
I then popped into Aldi for a few things .
Chanel stopped until 12 noon Then I went to Carole's for lunch. stayed until 4pm .
I am popping to Mums now until 7:45.
I miss you Malc so much.
I shouted your name twice today.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 14th 2017 17:45pm
Hello Malc My darlin and my baby boys
Today not a happy one .
Lisa called this morning to help me .
Later I took Muffin to The Park it was about 10 am .
I popped into Aldi got a couple of things .
Heel should have dropped Baxter and the kids off to me then went to Chris in March Banks .
I was really looking forward to going a ride to Stoke and was treaing them all to a Macdonalds .
She texted me to say the car boot was broken mmmmm
I was so disappointed very disappointed
In fact I cried !!!!
.Luke the chap having Baxter went to see him instead
He loves him .
I think she will take him to Luke and his Mum and Dad why I'm away .
If I can read her right .
Oh Malc why is my life going so wrong .
I shall be glad when I go away .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I played our songs yesterday and cried .
Only my friends who have lost their husbands know what I'm going through .
ILusa is popping in later she will stay an hour .
She has got another job looking after people at home
Who are poorly .
Hope she likes it .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 13th 2017 13:53pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Mum came to help me and has cooked dinner .
I took Muffin to my park then Tesco.
I went a ride up Stafford Lane and hill top .
I wish you could come home Malc.
I miss you so much darlin.
I cry inside for you and shout your name every day .
I think about our Wedding day and night , the house at Station road .
I think about the happy times we had .
When Lisa was born you loved your little girl .
You also loved your son Christopher .
I feel the guilt for not holding your hand and kissing you on your last day.
I was on this stupid mobile phone.
It will carry me al my life until we are together again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Chanel came to help me.
I later took Muffin to the park.
Came back and went to Cannock to give John a letter and sent one to head office.
I took a too back to Dorothy Perkins had a refund .
Might go Wednesday to check if they have high waisted jeans
I also brought some sandal s for
when I go to Poole .
I took Muffin to the park again this afternoon an event on the park and in town .
Lots of people and dogs
I wish you could have been there Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 11th 2017 14:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .'
A boring day really .
Mum came to help me today having a curry with her later .'
I've written a letter to that Manager in Cannock very angry over him after he accused me of damaging their scooter .
I have a whitness otherwise .
I haven't heard from Matt about the screws missing on my scooter .
No happy .
I have been out with Jayne for lunch not very nice went to the
Tin and Pot xxx
I miss you Malc so much Malc xxxxx
I'm very anxious at the moment .
Be glad when I go away with Muffin .
I I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart ❤️ kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 10 th 2017 15:32pn
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been a good day .
Kay came to help me this morning then came back for a cuppa .john from Living mobility rang me saying he had some bad news .
He said I was to pay £50 for damage to the scooter I had borrowed while mine was in for repair a car had smashed into me .
He said I had been speeding and this had caused the damage .
I was very upset and explained I had whiteness'
I said They were sending in letters to the affect .'
It's ruined my day .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Kim & Oreo
Kay came back and stayed just under 2 hours .
I I'm at Mum's now will stay until 5 pm .
I miss you Malc so much especially when things like this go wrong .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxx
LOVE YOU FOREVER. MALC xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August. 9th 2017 15:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Chanel came to help me and came back with Cameron Ellie and Georgia they are here now .
I took Muffin to the park and Tesco earlier .
Then off to Cannock .
I am enjoying their company at the moment .
Cameron is very grown up now Malc
Lovely .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I spend such a long time on my own these days .
I wish you could come home Malc , I need you so much .
Lots of things happening with Chris altering March Banks
Buying property .
I'm off to Mums later when they have gone home .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every once
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 8th 2017 17:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Carole Banks came to help me she stayed for lunch and cooked some salmon and. A salad with jacket potatoes .
She stayed until 3:45 pm Kev picked her up.
I wasn't very happy with her today ,
WhenI needed her last Saturday she didn't answer my text .
I did go out with Muffin until 4 pm I took him round the park and Tesco .
Saw Carole and Kev just leaving .
Ive sorted the trains out for when I go away
I will get help on and off the trains .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I have just changed over to Voderphone for my broadband and phone .
In a fixed contract ,
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxx
Thank. You Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August. 7th. 2017 12:21pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa called in before she went to work she is coming back later with my prescription .
I took Muffin to the park saw no one today.
I popped to Aldi for a few things .
I am going to Dot Farrish for lunch with Muffin .
Then off to Mums for an hour or so .
The nights are drawing in now getting quite depressed .
I miss you my darlin so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 6th 2917 14:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today a bit quiet mum came to help me she came back later to cook dinner .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Pat and Karen with Neil .
I came home then later popped to Tesco , its Sunday they don't open until 10am .
Later Mum came and cooked dinner she is still here now .
Thank you for being in my dream Malc darlin .
I wish it was you really coming here to me .
I want to hug you kiss you love you .
I miss you Malc so much my darlin .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious TiggerMy Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 5th 2017. 16:38pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .'
Today has been a surprising day .
Lisa came to help me this morning and later Geoff and Lisa took me to Tentham Gardens .
I did enjoy it. We took Muffin. And Max Geoff took them a long walk .
We went into the garden centre lovely
I am hope now waiting for Elaine she is bringing a bottle of wine 🍷 we are having a take away .

So quite a pleasant day in all .
Just miss you Sony has Malc .
I always want you to be with me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
LOVE ❤️ YOU FOREVER. MALC xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Muffin xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 4th 2017 16:20pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me .
I then took Muffin to the park met Anita she asked me to go this afternoon for a chat and a cuppa .
I called in Lisa's this morning before I went to Cannock .
They were taking Nigel and Kerry to Barton Marina .
I would have loved to have gone .
Instead I went to Cannock just for the ride .
Later I popped to Anita's had a couple of hours .
I'm at Mums now about to have a curry .
The day has gone Fairly quick .
I'm still lonely with out you .
I miss you so much Malc .
I shouted your name today xxxxxxx
I ❤️ love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 3rd 2017 17:30 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Mum came to help me then we went to lunch at the Church .
I took Muffin to the park but it was awful weather .
Ziggy has put some brush wood on the roof of the sheds it looks great .
Garden complete now .
I shouted your name twice today ,
I cried for you Malc ,I need you Malc so much
I'm so lonely 😭 with out you xxxxxx
I'm at mums at the moment .
I just need company Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious TiggerMy Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 2nd 2017 16:48pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Not a bad day today .
Jean Beardsmore and Jeff came to help me this morning and stayed for lunch which jean prepared .
They both stayed until 3;20
It's rained mist if the day .
After they left I took Muffin a ride to Aldi and the park .
I shouted your name Malc wishing you could hug me and kiss me and hold me .
I miss you Malc more than ever darlin .
Chanel has just rang me she speaks to me most days now .
Lisa and Geoff have gone to look for a car for Geoff as a taxi .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxx
Love ❤️ you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday August 1st 2017 16;48pm.

Hello my darlin Malc and tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a better day lisa came to help me this morning .
I later took Muffin to the park after my scooter finally came back'
Not happy that all wasn't done as I asked of Matt.
But it is running !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I have spent most of the day out with Muffin i get so depressed staying in the house.
I am so lonely with out you Malc .
I have been to Aldi and Savers ,
Just eating a meal Lisa prepared for me .
Off to mums at 6pm .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts inside.
I pray each night you come back let it be a miracle .
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 31st 2017 15:39pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Chanel came to help me and The girls came to keep me company .
They played and had a sandwich Chanel had previously made .
She picked them up at about 3pm now gone home .
No scooter today as promised !!!!!
I shouted your name over the back field the girls took Muffin over for 10 mins .
I miss you Malc so much my darlin
I hurt inside so much xxxxxxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 30 th 2017 17:01 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been quiet Mum came to help me today she also cooked dinner .
Lisa is coming later to put me to bed .
Can't get out scooter collapsed .
Sitting watching telly poor Muffin can't get out only in the back garden .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
talking to the walls again .'I talk to Muffin I love him with all my heart ❤️.
He's fed up today he is used to a ride on the scooter
At least 3 times .
Bless him .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc sorry it's a short message darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July. 29th 2017. 18:51pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy .
What a day , Lisa came this morning to help me beifire she went out with Geoff to see his daughter .
I took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
Popped to Tesco and Aldi saw Mum then on the way up the town the scooter they have lent me decided to break down the wheels fell off .
I had to phone the recovery to collect the scooter and bring it back home .
Kay brought me back bless her she is a god send.
Chanel brought the girls they stayed with me why she helped Chris with wiring at March Banks .
I wish he would come and see me !!!
I enjoyed them coming and Chanel and I had a laugh .
I miss you so much Malc. I could cry today
Mum is cooking dinner tomorrow I can't go anywhere now scooter out of action .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
I love ❤️ you with all my heart Malc xxxx
Forgot. To tell you had a lovely meal with Lisa last night .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 28th 2017 15:05pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me then went off to Jades
She is taking me to dinner later .
I have taken Muffin to the park and Cannock later .'
I am now waiting for Neil and Dave to bring a glass fittment
Karen has given me ..'
I miss you darlin more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart ❤️
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .'
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxcc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday July 27th 2017 16:51pm
Hello Malc my darlin. And Tigger my baby boy .
What a day Malc ,
Karen came to help me this morning then later we went on a train to Birmingham .
I hired a scooter to go round a few shops .
Kay had Muffin for the day .
She is golden .
A lovely day despite me not having my scooter back .
Not a happy bunny .
My head is banging Malc .
Lisa has gone to her friends dons funeral he was only 19 a heart attack another Joining you darlin .

I nearly had an accident with the borrowed scooter my hand bag strap got caught in the levers and the scooter speak off .
It hurt my wrist and hip and knee but thank his im ok .
I love you and miss you so much Malc .
My heart aches for you .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Thank you Dee and Muffin xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 26th 2017 14:44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Kay came to help me this morning and took Muffin and me for his groom .
Disappointed. Today really not done him how he usually does .
Lisa came for lunch today bringing Sandwiches .
She is taking me for a meal on Friday evening .
Karen is taking me to Birmingham tomorrow by train .
Carol Norrey picked me up last night to watch her make a Beautiful Birthday cake for a friend ,.
I'm so lonely with out you Malc , I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart ❤️ xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday July 25th 2017 17;02pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Chanel came to help me this morning she brought the kids.
Ellie and Georgia stayed a couple of hours cameron went with Chanel.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Pat and Bertie.
I popped Aldi and came home.
the kids were good.
I later took Muffin to Mums she looked after him why I went to lunch with Jean and Jeff Beardsmore. they treated me.
I later picked up ,muffin and we had another ride round the park.
My scooter won't be ready now until next week , not happy.
Carol Norrey is picking me up later to go to her house she is making a cake.
I shouted your name twice today Malc.
I miss you my darlin so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc, I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 24th 2017 13:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Karen
Anita and Val and John .
Called in B& M for sweets for the kids .
I have Cam and Ellie tomorrow for a few hours .
Wednesday Muffins groom and Thursday I am with Karen for the day , Kay is having Muffin xxx
Looking forward to it .
I'm off to Mums in a while stay a couple of hours .
I miss you Malc more than ever , I cry each day but it won't bring you back , I shouted your name this morning .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , Inlive you with all my heart xxxxxxx❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Orecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 23rd 2017 17:01pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is Sunday another boring day Malc .
Mum came to help me this morning and came back later to cook dinner .
I took Muffin to the park early but rain stopped us staying long .
I popped to a Tesco later to grab some greens for dinner .
Mum came at 1pm cooked dinner she has not long gone .
I shouted your name Malc but I wish you could come back to me darlin .
I cry inside every day and out loud bed times
The kids don't know .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart ❤️ xxxxxxxxxx.
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxccmxxxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Fog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 22nd 2017 14:11pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .'
Today Lisa camecearly to help me ,her neighbour next door is getting married today .
Cold this morning but now really nice .'
I took Muffin to the park this morning and saw Val & John and Anita.
Then Karen and Neil .
Came home sat and watched telly for s bit .
Then decided to take a parcel to Jean Beardsmore followed by
A ride to Cannock then Penkridge .
I'm tired again and so is Muffin .

I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My precious Tiggerr my boxer dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 21st of July 2017 1630
Hello Malc and my Tiggerbaby boy.
Chanel popped in for some cables for Christophers trailer she had a cuppa .
Today has gone very quick Lisa came with Jade and Carter to help me today she stayed a little while lovely .
I took Muffin a quick ride to Hednesford no park though raining too much
I popped into Aldi for s couple of things .
Karen my friend came fir lunch , Lisa had prepared cobs for when she came .
She stayed 3 hours lovely.
I've just been to Tesco with Muffin .
I shouted your name while out .
I miss you Malc so much I'm still hurting inside .'
I am going to Mums for a curry in a while .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxx
Kiss Tiggercandcsend my love to everyone xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday, 20 July 2017 1405
Hello Malcolm my darling and take care my baby bo
Today mum came to help me then later I went to lunch with her at the church .
I took muffin to the park this morning so no one
I came back home watched television until lunchtime then went with mum to the church for lunch
Some parcels I ordered have come today a new bag for my scooter a scrubber to do the tiles in the bathroom when they come to clean for me
My head feels a bit fuzzy again today I keep wanting to feel I want to go to sleep but I'll try and keep awake .
Sorry Malcolm this is a short message there is not a lot to tell you today I love you with all my heart and I miss you more than ever H day I cry every day I shout your name at least once a day I can't live without you .
My heart aches for you Malcolm .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malcolm case Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lisa is popping in tonight she will stay an hour then put me to bed she has bought a new car not exactly new b
ut very nice
Love you forever Malcolm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.'
Thank you D and Bunny

My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boy
Just testing my dictation on this new iPhone 7 it's brilliant Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow love you forever Malcolm

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 19th 2017 16:34 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has gone so quick

Lisa came this morning to help me then went off to work
Geoff has brought her a lovely car Gorgeous .
Swapped his for it .
I' took Muffin to the park this morning saw a couple then Anita .
I then went to Jean Beardsmore's
Spent 3 hours with her .
It's it's looking very dull now outside it looks like I'm going to have quite a storm thunderstorm. I miss you Malc so much
I might go to mums later if it doesn't rain .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx
It's been a good day today only I hate being with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: ROSE

Tuesday July 18th 2017 17;18pm.

hello Malc my darlin andtigger my baby boy .
Today carole banks came up to help me and I had lunch with her .
she is 65 yrs today.
I stayed 3 half hours then oft cannock to take Jodds shoes back he didn't like.
My scooter has another problem so won't get it back this week .
i SHOUTED YOIUR NAME TWICE TODAY TOOK Muffin to the park then aldi and tesco just to see someone.
Muffin hasnt eat today yet.
Its so hot today .
Im going to mums in a while .
I have had a grab rail put up today to help me up the two back steps .
It will help Mum too.
I miss you Malc so much darlin , I hurt inside no one understands .
I will never stop shouting your name and never stop missing you.
your Dicky and shirley waved today .
At least they are speaking.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc ,Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 17th 2017 14:02 pm
Hello Malc a better day today
Chanel came this morning to help me the kids break up this Friday ,I think I will be having them more often now .
Nothing from Lisa today .etying things lie a little
It's like treading on egg chells at the moment .
I've had a phone call from rail person they are coming to put a rail up where I go down the steps tomorrow .
I've been to Tesco today gave Louise a hug and kiss for helping me to be allowed to bring Muffin into the store .
I gave her a thank you card .
Lovely staff and very helpful .'
I'm at Mums now she is cooking dinner sausage mash and peas .
My day is getting better , hope no one spoils it .
I know you are watching over me Malc ,
I miss you so much my darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart xxxxx kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Love ❤️ You FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 16 th 2017 11:56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't gone too good .
Mum came to help me this morning she is coming back later to cook dinner .
I sent a message to Lisa this morning
Only saying it would have been lovely to see Finley and Carter yesterday as she had the over night Friday .'and that I was on my own .
I mentioned Nan was here today cooking dinner .
See you when I see you .
Her reply was
Here we go again !!!!!!
I can't say or do right from wrong !!!!!
I cried after she replied I then went a ride to Hednesford .
Oh Malc what has gone wrong since you passed away ?
I feel I'm treading on agh chellscall the time .
I miss you so much Malc ,I've no one to talk to to vent my feelings .
I can't stand my own company that's the troubles.
I need to be with people .
You know that ,
You said get a companion don't marry just someone to take you out for company and perhaps a meal .'
I don't go out anywhere to find a decent man Malc no one matches you ,
I don't know how this day will pan out but hay ho
One day ALL the family will get together
Have picnics laugh and enjoy each other
Perhaps when I leave this mortal coil .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxx.'
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy .' NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 15 th 2017 18:54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Chanel came to help me the kids stayed for a couple of hours , Cameron went to help Chanel paint the fence in March Banks .'
I later went to Cannock brought a couple of things
Now at Mums .
I don't feel to good today Malc . Can only explain a fuzzy head tired and depressed .
Ordered some shoes for Jordan lovely I think he will like them .
Sorry it's such a short message Malc .
I shouted your name twice today on the park and up the island . I miss you Malc darlin so much .
Chanel went to see her Nan today her Granddad died a few days ago .'
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .'I love you wilth all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy .' NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 15 th 2017 18:54pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Chanel came to help me the kids stayed for a couple of hours , Cameron went to help Chanel paint the fence in March Banks .'
I later went to Cannock brought a couple of things
Now at Mums .
I don't feel to good today Malc . Can only explain a fuzzy head tired and depressed .
Ordered some shoes for Jordan lovely I think he will like them .
Sorry it's such a short message Malc .
I shouted your name twice today on the park and up the island . I miss you Malc darlin so much .
Chanel went to see her Nan today her Granddad died a few days ago .'
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .'I love you wilth all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

MyPreciius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 14 th 2017 28:09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today my friend Dot came to help me and later we had lunch at Bell'as .
I took Muffin to the park and met Karen .
She complained he'd boiler wasn't working .
I suggested she pulled the levers forward and release the water in .
It worked she gave me a huge hug .
Saved an engineer. We laughed .
Even her husband didn't know what to do .
I have been to Bella's with Dot Farish she lost Charlie a month after I lose You Malc xxxx
I took Muffin Sarah gave him some chicken and a bowl of water .

I paid the house insurance yesterday in full it's cheaper than direct Debit .
I shouted your name twice today Malc , I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin xxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Thursday 13 rd July 2017 23:42pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Mum came to help me then at lunch time we met up for lunch at the church .
I look Muffin to the park this morning saw no one .
I've been backward and forward all day .
Ziggy is on the last part of painting toilet hall porch and living room skirting .
He has done such a good job .
I shouted your name twice today Nalc .
I miss you my darlin so much .
Chanel's Granddad had died suddenly I didn't know him but I do know Lesley he Nan .
I have sent my condolences .
I'm going to Mum's again tonight .
I will write to you again tomorrow a Malc ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc ,
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 12th 2017 12:22pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Kay came to help me and she came back thus afternoon .
I didn't take Muffin to the park today .
Pete did my hair instead love it today , then Muffin and I went to Hednesford to pick up a couple of things .
I'm going to Mums later .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much ,
I haven't heard from Lisa today in fact all week .
Spoke to Chanel last night .
Spoke tobSur Bradbury today Slan has had a triple bypass .
He is in Stoke hospital .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc.

My Orecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday July 21th 2017 27:46pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Carole Banks came to help me .
I later took Muffin to the park then Skdi and Tesco .
I had lunch with Carole and left T 4:30pm

I shouted your name twice today Nakc
I miss you so much darlin .i cry every day for you Malc but I don't tell the kids .
Not that I see slot of them now they are both too busy .
I'm so lonely Malc with out you .

My heart aches for you darlin
Christopher put the Mortgage in thank goodness .'I only wish I could win the lottery and help the kids and the friends who have helped me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxx sorry it's a short message
It's pored down all day .
I live you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny. Xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday July 10th 2017 15.32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a day from hell .
First after Mum came to help me I tried to turn on the telly .
The Ariel had broken off must have been when Cam or Chanel had pulled the PS4 cable out .
Not a happy bunny .
I rang Chanel and she bit my head ioff .
She had a bad morning because Cameron had been told the wrong place to wait for a bus to pick him up .
No need to take it out on me .
Ziggy came to paint my hall way lovely.
I left him in the house trust !!
I got a bit worked up this morning you would have sorted the telly .
I miss you Malc so much darlin
I get so upset .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Bsby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 9th July 2017 11:50am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Chanel came to help me and the kids are here for dinner too .
I'm watching them why Chris and Chanel do more to the garden at March Banks .
I still feel exhausted today very weak specially in my head .
I'm writing early because I don't know what time they are leaving .
I miss you Malc so much I'm all out of crying it's Freud up I think .
Not saying I don't care ,
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Bsby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 8th 2017 19:49pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Mum came to help me I'm with her now .
I later took Muffin to the park saw Anita .
I've had a very boring day today .
I've felt very tired done nothing but feel sleepy .
Lisa came this evening not for long but she did take me to Tesco , the kids are coming tomorrow I'm watching them why Chris and Chanel are doing March Banks garden .
Chanel is cooking dinner at mine I've brought the chickens
Our garden is looking lovely Malc and the front Im paying a chap called Ziggy he is keeping it tidy .
Oh Malc I miss you so much ,
I felt very wheepy today . I wish you could come home to Kev.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone cxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you DEe and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Bsby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 6th 2017 14:10 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tiggrr my baby boy.'
Today Jean Beardsmore came to help .
Took Muffin up the new road to Kay
Ziggy came this morning to finish off the jobs all done .
He is coming on Monday to paint the little hallway .
Took her leggings up I got her
I'm off toMu s later for a curry .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I have the kids hear st the moment
I love you with all my heart darlin
Kids Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday July 6th 2017 16:16pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Kay came to help me this morning she is calling later.
I took Muffin to the park early this morning after Kay had sorted me out.
I saw pat and her barking dog.
I called in Aldi for a coupe of things then home.
Ziggy came t paint the decking just gone all done he also did a couple small jobs.
He is coming tomorrow to pressure wash my front garden.
Also put everything back in the garden.
I am so hot today MALC and poor Muffin .
Not going out tonight .
I had a call from Lisa in Ibiza she was very upset her friends song died over there , he was only 19yrs old.
Poor Claire Lisa's friend I knew her from when isa went to school.
I miss you Malc so much.
I will written you again tomorrow darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday July 5th 2017 16;5pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .

Today Chanel came to help me she is coming later .
I took Muffin to the park saw no one today.
Popped in Aldi then home .
Ziggy came to preserve the decking , he has done half coming back tomorrow to finish.
Then I have a couple more jobs for him to do.
I don't know what I would do if he didn't help .
The family are too busy with their own lives.
I went to Kay's this afternoon stayed two hours just over.
She brought me a tea towel back from devon bless her.
I miss you though Malc so much, I shouted your name twice today.
I am not going to Mums tonight a bit upset with her at the moment.
Wendy Wendy Wendy comes first.

I might not go tomorrow either ,might not go until Friday.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,kiss Tigger and send my love everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday July 4th 2017 11;49pm.

Hello Malc my darlin andTigger my baby boy.
Today Carole Banks came to help me she is coming back later to cook dinner too.
I later took Muffin to the park and popped into Aldi .
matt came to collect my scooter and took mine away for repair if possible and contact the insurance for a quote .
I'm not happy with how it is going , waited too long.
The scooter he has left is crap I mean crap.
Carol Norrey is coming later about 7pm .
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I miss you my darlin so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin, kiss Tigger andsend my love every one .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday July 3rd 2017 17;02pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today Mum came up to help me today .
I later took Muffin to the park and saw Kim and Oreo.

i popped mums just to tell her there is a buffet on Wednesday and a 40s band .
I later went to wicks to buy a brush and tray for Ziggy , he is painting the decking.
Carole banks is coming tomorrow for lunch .
Matt is picking up my scooter and dropping another off .
Hope he presses for a new scooter.
I don't think so.
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I saw your dicky he spoke for a while and I HAD A KISS ON THE
I don't think Sheila has told him the full truth .
I din't miss her moaning about their health and Colins

Carol Norrey is coming later for a couple of hours.

I miss you my darlin so much.
I pray daily you will come home to me .
I need you Malc so much.
I have had dinner with mum today she does try .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tiggrr My Boxer Dog Bsby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 2nd. 2017! 18:53 pm
He'll Malc my darlin and Tiggrr my baby boy .
Today Mum came to help me and stayed to cook dinner .
She left at 4 pm .
I took Muffin a short ride to the park .
It's Kelly's 39 th Birthday today , she went to Stratford upon Avon for her Birthday with the family .
I sent her a card and wished her Happy Birthday by face book
And text .
I played music most of the day with Mum the oldies .
I got a bit weepy because I miss you so much Malc .
After seeing Mum home Muffin and I went a ride round .
I've spoke to carol Norrey today she might come to lunch tomorrow .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc and miss you terribly .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Orecious Tiggrr My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday July 1st 2017 12:39pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tiggrr my baby boy .
Today Chanel came down to help me and the kids and Chris too .
They cooked something to eat stayed about an hour .
Lisa face timed me this morning from Ibiza .
I feel so lonely Malc now it's just Muffin and me .
I might gonsxtide round after then tonight pop to Muns .
I need company Malc .
I shouted your name twice today .
I miss you so much Malc I'm crying as I write this message to you .
The kids don't realise how empty my life is with out you .
Lisa said yesterday your'e not lonely Mum .
I said you can be in a criud and still be lonely .weekends are the worst .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tiggrr and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Orecious Tigger My BoxerDog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 30th 2017 20:38pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me she had today off .
She is going to Ibiza today .
Mum is taking over until she gets back .
It's been a tense day today .
I went to Carphone warhouse to choose a new phone .
Brought an IPhone 7 but having a problem with 02
Sorting Monday .
PAC code to phone voderphone give PAC code
Then they will switch me on .
I think I will have a problem !!
Oh Malc you would have sorted it by now .
Been to Mum's for a curry .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday June 29th 2017 2031pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been quite an ordeal.
Lisa came to help me this morning before she went to work .
I DIDN'T take Muffin to the park today raining all day .
Later I went to lunch with Mum to the church .
After popped to Carole Banks had a couple of hours.
Then took Muffin to the vets to check a small cyst on his body.
No charge today but if removed it will cost £200 .
Im hanging on at the moment the vet isn't worried so will keep an eye on it.
My mobile wasn't working dead as a dod do , thought broken so ordered new phone , can refuse tomorrow , now after leaving it fully charged now working again .
Silly me .

I shouted your name twice today Malc , i miss you so much darlin.
Chanel is taking me to Birmingham new street on the date I leave .
for Poole .
no trains running from Hednesford .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc miss you so much.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My pRECious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday June 28TH 2017 15;41PM.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa called in to help me and fed Muffin , she will come tonight to tuck me in nd lock up.

I later took Muffin to the park it was a fine rain .
Its Finley's 5th Birthday today.
I have sent his presents up with Lisa.
I shouted your name three times today Malc.
I had such a good day yesterday seeing everyone one one day.
Today has been a little quieter.
I will be popping to Mums later so I will at least have company.
I have just panicked , thinking about you hoping I will see you when it is my time.
I am praying there is an after life .
I want to run to yu and give you a BIG hug.
I hope to see Tigger and Butch and butch and patsy.
I hope you are with my DAD and Auntie Irene .
I miss you so much Malc . I have just had a cry.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin.
I ts a good job I have Muffin at least he is company.
You should be here Malc .
Why were you punished !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I have been punished too .
I need you Malc.
Lisa and Geoff go away on Saturday for a week ibiza .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My pRECious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday June 27th 2017 17;34pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today was such a busy day.
Christopher came at 7;30am this morning to help me bleed him i was so happy to see him.
We had a hug,
Later Chanel came stayed a couple of hours.
Then ziggy came and pressure washed the decking and moved the pots.
he was here all day.
Then my friend Dot came and brought lunch she stayed until 3;30pm.
in the middle of that kay came and borrowed walking stick of mine , one I don't use.
Lisa called in dropped my med off and picked up a parcel.
Malc its all or nothing .
Thoroughly enjoyed the day .
I'm off to Mums in a while .
I miss you my darlin so much I talk about you every day and so do people.
LIONAL from up the road talked about you today and the other day.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 26 th 2017 15:31 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa called in this morning and fed Muffin.
I later took Muffin to the park .
When I got back home Ziggy came to do some more garden jobs , doing a great job.
Worth paying him .
I have been to Wetherspoons celebrating karen Goodwin
Birthday with her husband Neil and Twizzel and Mary .
Enjoyed the meal and company .
Karen was pleased with her presents .
I felt very wheezy today thinking about you Malc I put a piece on face book .
It's Ellie's Birthday too today 9 years today !!
She is so grown up .
I left Muffin with Mum today she enjoyed his company .
The garden is looking smart now Malc .
I miss you so much darlin xxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone darlin xxxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 25th 2017 15:21pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Mum came to help me and stayed to cook Dinner.
Garden furniture and sheds all painted by Ziggy .
Thank god for him , I couldn't do it .
My family are too busy !!
What have I done for my family not helping MeV
I don't ask for much .
I miss you Malc more and more each day .
I shouted your name this morning xx
I am riding back to Mum's shortly .
It's raining on and off .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc .xxxxxxx
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 24 th 2017 19:09pm
Hello Malc. My darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today the kids helped me as they were staying over
Cameron helped a lot .
We had breakfast and Cam fed Muffin .
They were very good last night but this morning Georgia was so Naughty screaming over silly things .
Chanel was late picking them up.
I was exhausted after they had gone
I'm too old for this game !!'
I miss you Malc you would have felt the same
I feel I have been truly punished since you have gone Malc .
My only wish is for all my family to love me no more .
My heart aches for you Malc xxxxxx
I will write to you in the morning , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 22 nd 2017 15:63pm
He'llo Malc my darl in and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lusa came and helped me she is off today .
Going to Jades to take Finley his Bitthday presents .
It's nex Wednesday .
I took Muffin to the park met Anita .
Then to Tesco and home .
I've been to Cannock for a ride
I have had kids in a while so this is a short message .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxx
I will write again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday June 22nd 2017 16;09pm.

Hello Mac my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work ,she is coming back later to do dinner.
i took muffin the park ad saw a glimpse of Anita.
She doesn't bother with us much now.

Ziggy has been here all day painting the sheds lovely .
garden starting to chase up.

I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I miss you so much darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc.kiss Tigger and send my love everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I have the grandchildren tomorrow over night cameron will help me.
I wish I could win the ;lottery tonight Malc .
It would help so many people.
Family and a few friends who've helped me.
My heart aches for you Malc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: tigger

Wednesday June 21st 2017 11;40pm.

hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came before she went to work.
I then took Muffin to the park we didn't see anyone today.
My screen has been vanished to go out side.
I am going to Kay's in a while staying a couple of hours .
Lisa spoke to me last night all is well with us thank goodness.
I am keeping away from any negative ness around.
I miss you Malc I miss your support and love .
I will just have to try and be strong .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday June 20th 2017 16;42pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Carole Banks came to help me this morning and fed Muffin.

I took Muffin to the park this morning saw kim .
popped in Aldi then home.
Jordan popped in with his mate has a drink he was walking max.
Ziggy came and finished painting my planters.
he might come tomorrow and paint the sheds.
Hope you didn't mind I gave him your letter coat and long black coat & your trainers never worn..
He is very poor.
He is doing me a favour anyway.
I miss you my darin so much.
I am giving geoff a wide birth at the moment , he was so nasty to me on the phone sunday night.

I feel I need to be away from confrontation .
I am going to mums at 6pm until 8pm then feet up ,its too hot.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you dee and Bunny hope your'e both well ? xxxxxxxxxxxx

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday June 19th 2017 18;14pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
Today jean my friend came to help me and fed muffin.
I'm so hot and fed up today.
Took muffin to the park early today and straight home .
I later went to Jeans for lunch lovely.
Called in Mums later stayed just over an hour .
Geoff was drunk last night very nasty on the phone .
I just want to be left alone at the moment , just fed up of all the stress.

I wish you were here to support me Malc , I miss you so much darlin.
I have Christophers children our Grand children on Fridy over night.
its Ellie's birthday next Monday she is 9yrs , were has the time gone.

Oh MALC I wish you could talk with me and your Grand children.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 28 th 2017 16:15 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my Baby Boy .
Today it's Father's Day and our Lisa has put a lovely piece on face book .
She came up to help me this morning then took Max over the chase with Geoff .
Too hot today .
I took Muffin to the park then home .
Ziggy came up to paint the fence he is a good bloke .
It's too hot to finish so he is coming tomorrow .
I've been with Carole and Kevin to the Golden orient
For s meal .
At Mum's now Muffin has been looked after by Mum .
He is a good boy .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc cxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 17 th 2017. 14:45pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me and fed Muffin .
Later I took Muffin to the park and popped in Aldi.
Ziggy has come up to paint the inside fence Malc I can't do it so I pay him , he's doing a great job .
It's so hot Malc today .
I took Muffin a ride on a bus to Lichfield a friend helped me and my two sticks ,
I'm in such a lot of pain today Malc
Lisa has asked me to her barbeque later 4:30 pm

I've brought some chicken thighs and legs .
I will write to you again tomorrow. Darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 26th 2017 16:41
Hello Malc my darlin and. Tigger my baby boy
Today has been busy .
Lisa came to help me this morning
Then off I went to Cannock to take Muffin to the groomers .
He looks cool and lovely .
I came back popped in Mumseith a news paper then off to Kay's .
Had lunch and just back .
Waiting for chip shop to open curry night with Mum .
I shouted your name twice today Malc
Every one likes my hair colour change .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I wish I could hug you and kiss you again.
I will write to you again tomorrow 'Malc .

I love you with all my heart darlin xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dig Babyg Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 16th 2017 14:20 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boyb.
Today Mum came to help me up and feed Muffin .
I later took Muffin to the park and Aldi then Tesco .
I feel very tired today Malc , could sleep the clock around .
Mum and I have been to lunch at the church hall .
I then collected Muffin been to the park again and now at Mum's .
I'm watching escape to the country then tipping point and going home .
Good night on telly .
Don't think Geoff is friendly with me at the moment and Lisa said last night Inhavent got a heart !!!!!!!!
Not very happy with her at the moment .
I feel very unloved at the moment
Lisa is siding with Geoff
She told me I had t got a heart last night .!!
I was very hurt .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxx
I love you with all my. Heart Malc xxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday June 14th 2017 13;50pm.
Hello Malc my darlin andTigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa popped into help before she went to work..
Christopher has borderline pneumonia sounds dreadful.
What a day yesterday Geoffs son Luke racked up a debt of £800
as he is living with Lisa the bailiffs and police came to claim television as a payment.
Fortunately I had the receipt of payment.
I took it down on my scooter I had my say but Lisa got a bit angry and pushed me away .
she later apologised .
She must get rid of him .seems Geoff is on his side more than lisa's .
I give up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I had my friend Carol Norrey here last night for 3 hours lovely she cheered me up.
looks like Baxter poor thing is going , I think Dave the doberman should go , not my decision .
I will miss him so much.

I have been to Cannock this morning with Muffin brought a couple of things for August holiday.
tickets brought wish you were coming with me.

I miss you Malc so much I ache for you.
I am off to mums now then to a meeting in Hednesford at Bella's .
Lisa may come tonight not sure.
I will write to you again tomorrow malc , I love you with all my heart darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday June 13th 2017 15;58pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Mum came up and helped me and fed Muffin.
I have taken Muffin to the park this morning and Popped into Aldi.
I took some peas and mash up tp Mums she asked me to buy she is cooking dinner at hers today.

I shouted your name twice today Malc missing you so much .
Christopher isn't well Ive told him to go to the dr's .
Baxter has been to vets again having drops into his was.
Dave the doberman has diarrhoea .
Muffin is scratching his ear I am putting drops into his ear.
Not seeing Carole Banks today she has a hospital appointment.
all is fine she says.
I wish you home every day Malc .
Nothing from your family any more , not too bothered really they all moan except Shirley and Dicky.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , kiss tigger and send my love everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 12th 2017 12:01pm
He'll Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I'm writing early Malc going to Mum's for dinner.
2pm .
Can't believe the dogs are so quiet next door since have been told how noisy they are , only got to put the key in the door and they started barking .
Neibours complained .
But after Baxter stayed yesterday and Kevin next door complained about him barking all day , when in fact it wasn't him who was barking he didn't come to mind until 6pm .
I think they have thought about it and it's heaven no barking .
I miss you my darlin and Tigger so much .
I won't be going to Carole's tomorrow Kevin is working all day great news I really don't like him .

You didn't either did you .
Haven't heard from Lisa over the weekend
Kay came this morning to help me .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 12 th 2017 14:09pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Mum came to help me and cooked dinner .
She has gone home now and Chanel is picking up Baxter when she decides to come after visiting Rick
No comment !!!
You know what I'm thinking Malc .
I'm not a happy Bunny today after Kevon complained about Baxter yesterday .
I have sent him a text back mentioning his dogs bark all day every day contantly .
Funny enough they have kept their dogs in longer today .
I think they didn't realise they barked so much .
I have had a. Dry lonely weekend Malc .
I think I'm bring used Malc .
In fact I know I am .
Not doing it again .
What s bloody lonely life I am leading Malc
Apart. From Lisa coming up and talking me for meals now and again .
I miss you so much Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 10th 2017 14:33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Mum came up to help me and fed Muffin .
Lisa Geoff Christopher and Chanel with the kids are away only until tomorrow .
I have took Muffin to the park , Aldi and. Just got back from Cannock on my scooter .
It's just about chugging along .
Waiting for response from
Insurance , it may take weeks .
I shouted your name twice today , I miss you Malc so much .
Baxter is here chilling with Muffin .
Christopher is picking him up tomorrow lunch .
Mum is coming back later to feed both dogs and see me to bed .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

MyPrecious TiggerMy Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 9th 2017 11:50am
Hello My darlin Malc and Tigger my baby boy
Today Kay came to help me and fed Muffin .
I later took Muffin to the park saw Anita and Pat .
Jean Breadsmore is coming to bring lunch and a cake .
Matt when he decided to come is looking at my scooter .
For damage after the car hit me .
Not Happy with him st the moment !!.
I'm writing early Malc lots going on today .
I shouted your name today on the park .
I miss you my darlin and Yigger .
Sally Clewer who we had Tigger from is with you now .
I was shocked .
I miss you my darlin , I will write to you again. Tomorrow Malc .

I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 8th 2017 15:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa popped in before she went to work
I then took Muffin to the park spoke tomAnita and Kim
Popped into Aldi then home .did call at Lisa's to give her &2 for Jade sponsoring Finley .
Had lunch with Mum at the church picked up Muffin now at Mums ,.
I'm watching escape to the country then off home.
I shouted your name in the park and coming to Mum's .
I miss you my darlin so much , it hurts
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 7th 2017 17:04pm
Hello Malc my darlin zany Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been so busy ,
8am went to Pete to have my hair done
Then Cannock to collect my new Glasses
Back home then lunch at Dot Fatish's.
Lovely lady nice afternoon .
Lisa came to help me this morning before she went to work .
She is coming back later .
I'm off to Mums in a while then all my programmes are on telly later .
I shouted your name twice today and spoke about you to Dot who lost Charlie .
Good. Company .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin xxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Love you with all my heart And FOREVER xxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Fog Baby Noy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 6 th 2017. 10.57 am
Hello Malc my darlin. And Tigger my baby boy .
Today Geoff helped me this morning and fed Muffin .
It's poring down Malc hate it .
Geoff is picking me up in a moment ho go to Jean Beadsmores sisters funeral .
Then off to Carole's for lunch .
Sorry it's short today
Will write to you again tomorrow Malcgoid news last night Lisa is going to see Christopher Chanel and the kids and talk
Thank you it must be your doing .
I love you and miss you so much all
Kiss Tigger and send my love to revert one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 5th 2017 14:33pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came early to help before she went to work
She is coming after work and doing dinner .
A lovely day Yesterday Geoff came up and took the kids to the park ,then Christopher and Chanel came to pick up the kids
Geoff shook hands with Christopher and gave Chanel a hug .
I only need Lisa and Chris to make up now !!
We all had dinner at Lisa's celebrating Geoff's Birthday which is today really .
A good day had by all .
I've been to lunch with Karen the nurse from Cannock hospital at Bella's .
Now at Mums going home in a while
Weather is dreadful rain wind awful .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My boxer Dog baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 5th 2017 18:14pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Chanel and Christopher came to help me as Ghd Grandchildren stayed over night .
Cameron bless him nearl 12 years helped me last night
I did enjoy their company yesterday
Christopher gave me a hug and we had our photo took together .
My only wish now is for Lisa and him go get together and bury the hatchet .
My Mum's fault all this just over bloody cards .

I will forgive her but never forget !!!!!

It's Geoff's Birthday tomorrow we all got together for a meal today at Lisa's .
She is back now from Benidorm .
Geoff had to cook the dinner here because the cooked was not working .
I wasn't impressed with Mum though , I had to remind her it was Heoffs Birthday and asked her to get s card .
She pitched fiver inside !!!!!x

What can you say ?
I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Darlin xxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday. June 3rd 2017 07:23 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I am writing to you early today .
Chanel is coming to help me and the kids are stopping all day and over night .
Cameron is so grown up now he is looking after me just for today and staying over night .
Looking forward to having them stay .
Chanel is helping me and preparing sandwiches and we are having a chippy later .
I have company all day .
Lisa is back tomorrow from Benidorm.
Malc I wish you were here sharing our Grandchildren
You loved taking Cameron to Walsall buying him games .
They are all growing up so fast .
I miss you so much Malc .
It's like a punishment .
Why have you been punished you have been the best Husband anyone could wish for . These Dad and Granddad .
Life is so lonely Malc .
I will write to you tomorrow Malc Darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday June 2nd 2017 14;42pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Chanel came down to help me brought the kids.
I later took Muffin to the park and went to Cannock to have my eyes tested and choose some new glasses .
i was a bit shocked really, I was told I have cataracts in both eyes.
I can't stop thinking about you Malc , I miss you my darlin so much.
Lisa rang me last night bless her ,she is having great time.
Matt has been this morning to check my scooter but I was disappointed,He said all scooters have a bend on the bar holding the wheels .
I don't believe him but what can I do .
I won't get the scooter mended now , i have sent off the claim but I'm not holding my breath.

waste of time.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin., kiss Tigger and send my love everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday June 1st 2017 14;21pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
tODSY chanel came down to help me and brought the children and baxter,
baxter was fine with muffin .
I just think they want to keep Dave the Doberman .
I love Baxter but i can't have him.
I still feel Chanel is being false towards me .
i know they are using me just to go on holiday , but what canI do.!!!!!
I will never feel the same towards chanel , not after the way she has spoken to me and treated me.
I will write to you again tomorrow malc darlin.
I'm sorry its so short today,.
I miss you more than ever Malc , life is so lonely with out you.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday may 31st 2017 16.40pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
Today kay came to help me asLisa is away for a f ew days.
I took muffin to the park later and poppet Tesco and aldi.
i later had lunch with kay and Alan.
I stayed 3 hours.
Im missing you more than ever Malc and my Tigger.
I shouted your name twice today Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Sorry its so short today .
I love you with all my love Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 30th 2017 17;09pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy ,

Today Lisa called in to help me before she went to work.

Later i took muffin to the park only a quick walk by my scooter.
I took him 9;10 am ,vet thinks might be early arthritis in his back legs.

Carole came for lunch and cooked a curry too.
Kevin picked her up at 3;30pm.
I then popped to Aldi to buy freezer bags they come in useful.
I shouted your name twice today , i miss you s much darlin.
I feel very weak today needs catchup on sleep .
My Arthritis is very painful even trying to type this message to you.

I'm going to Mum's later for an hour .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and my Tigger .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 29th 2017 16;21pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa came to help me she is a good girl.
I later took muffin to aldi and a quick ride around he park.
its a filthy day Malc.
Kay came and had a coffee and stayed nearly two hours bringing Higgins he is lovely .
She makes me laugh.
its bank holiday Monday our plan today was to go to a MARINA at Burton under need wood.
Rain stopped play.
Instead Lisa and Geoff took me for a meal to great HAYWOOD .
Left Muffin but we wern't too long .
We went half each .

Later Lisa took me to sainsbury's to take some jogging back and exchange for smaller size.

I'm going to Mums in a while .
I miss you so much Malc darlin.

I wish I could share my day's with you going to places Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 28th 2017 15:32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me then I took Muffin to the park and Tesco ,
Then Geoff picked me and Muffin up to go down for a while
Muffin screamed when he tried to get in the car ,
I'm taking him to the vets Tuesday , I'm worried about him .
Mum came to cook dinner and stayed until 4pm .
Ziggy. Is here now painting the gates and fence .
I'm listening to music bring back memories
I could cry your not. With MeV Malc .
Mum and I have been looking at the DVD 's
Greece , isle of white when I was carrying Christopher
Cameron and Tigger my Beautiful Tigger .
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin .
Sometimes I can't cope .
I wish you could come back to me so I can hold you and hug you and love you again .
My life is empty Malc with out you 😥

My heart aches for you darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Togger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 2017 15;06pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa popped in to helper before she went to the hairdressers.
she is getting ready for the short holiday with Geoffs sisters.

I have had a boring day so far.
Its rained today but not so hot .
So ZIGGY couldn't carry on painting the gates and fence .
HE is coming tomorrow if rain stops.
Lisa said she would call inlayer but I think she will not come until tonight to put me to bed.
MY mum is coming for dinner tomorrow she is cooking it .
I'm watching telly at the moment .
I miss you Malc more than ever darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc, kiss tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday 26th 2017 11;34pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came before she went to have her hair done..
I took Muffin to the park this morning , the popped t Cannock to the police Station to give more details regarding damage to my scooter in the accident last Sunday .

Then I road around cannock them home .
carole Banks has asked me to lunch today at 1pm.
Tony Fank and Betty's son in law stopped me today told me Samantha their daughter had died suddenly 36yers old shocked.
He also has cancer .
i was so shocked.
I am sick of hearing about CANCER AND DEATHS.

I WILL WRITE TO YOU AGAIN TOMORROW Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc ,I shouted your name twice today .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 25th 2017 11;23pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa came to help me this morning before she went to work.
I took Muffin to the park had a lengthy talk to Kim and Karen .
I then popped in Aldi for food .

ITS hot already outside so I'm just chilling out., going to the church hall for lunch with Mum .
I may pop to see JADE she is staying at Lisa's see our Great Grandchildren .
I looked at the dvd 's of us in Greece last night oh what memories .
you looked so well Malc , I cried and wished we could have that time over again.

I see you walking towards me and wish you could walk out of that dvd so I could hold you Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
i'm so glad we have memories to keep.

lately I feel so sad and low in myself.

I shout your name Malc every day .

I miss you Malc so much darlin , I sometimes wander how I carry on .

If I hadn't got Muffin I don't think I would be here.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 24h 2017 11;44pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa popped in to help me before she went to work.
i took Muffin to the park later then popped into Tesco for lunch which i'm taking to kay's for her to put together cobs ham and salad .
I feel very flat today , I think its the after effects of the accident sunday , the Manchester bombing and missing you so much .
i need you Malc by my side and i feel its all been took away from me.
I'm so lonely with out you Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday May 23rd. 2017 14:32 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Jade came to help me this morning she is staying at Lisa's .
I did take Muffin to the park later then home .
I popped to Cannock to the Police station about the car biting me into my scooter .
He took details and are sending them to the highways dept .
I saw Matt who had a quick look at the scooter .
He says the scooter is bent underneath and scratches on the top .
I have to sort things out on my own now it's so hard .
I miss you so much darlin .
I will right to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxcxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 22nd 2017 14:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came. This morning before she went to work
Jade is staying with the children for a couple of weeks
I didn't take Muffin to the park my
Neck is hurting today .
I did go a ride to Cannock with Muffin to the mobility shop to show Alison the damage the car did to my scooter .
I did contact the insurance they are sending an engineer out to check over the damage .
I hope I can claim .
Chanel rang to ask how I was , so did Kay .
I have also reported it to the doctors surgery .
My interview is tomorrow with the police .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I called in Lisa's to see Jade and the kids .
Lisa was at work .
I'm at Mums now watching telly .
Feel very flat today .
The weather is better though .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny. Xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 22nd 2017 14:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came. This morning before she went to work
Jade is staying with the children for a couple of weeks
I didn't take Muffin to the park my
Neck is hurting today .
I did go a ride to Cannock with Muffin to the mobility shop to show Alison the damage the car did to my scooter .
I did contact the insurance they are sending an engineer out to check over the damage .
I hope I can claim .
Chanel rang to ask how I was , so did Kay .
I have also reported it to the doctors surgery .
My interview is tomorrow with the police .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I called in Lisa's to see Jade and the kids .
Lisa was at work .
I'm at Mums now watching telly .
Feel very flat today .
The weather is better though .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny. Xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 21st 2017 17;02pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy .
not such a good day , after Lisa came to help me I took Muffin to the park , met Anita , then after leaving her I was on the way up the towards the island , i was just about to cross with my mobility scooter after looking for traffic coming both ways , a car came whizzing round the corner off Cannock road no signal and crashed into my mobility scooter knocking Muffin off the scooter ad caring my neck and bottom of my spine.

he just came from no where ,
I was badly shook up and pain in my back,
As i drove back home I stopped and was telling a lady I know about the incident when a man sopped in a white car came up to me and said I saw what happened and gave me the reg number.and make of car.
I have contacted the police and have an appointment on Tuesday 12;30 to give a statement.
I am still shook up .
Im sure you were watching over me I could have died along with Muffin.
Later Carole & Kevin took me out for a meal to cheer me up.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin I wish you were her.
Chanel hashing metre times to ask how I am .
Lisa hasn't she's too busy with the kids Jade and Geoff's family .
Whats happened to my family .
I will write to you tomorrow darlin, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: ROSE

Saturday May 20th 2017 14;09pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came t help me and feed Muffin.
No park today its poring down .
In between the showers I managed to go to cannock .
Another lonely weekend.
Geoff and Lisa are fetching Jade and the Grandchildren over.

Christopher came over yesterday gave me a hug , chanel stopped 4 hours with dave the Doberman , poor Baxter left at a home in the kitchen.
Dave is so big Chanel was kissing him for all of the 4 hours,.
I hope Baxter isn't being pushed out by dave,.
Christopher wants me to have Baxter but I can't ,I can't give him exercise i can't walk him by my mobility scooter.
I feel so sorry for him.
Oh MALC what can we do , I want him to go to a good home with children, I will miss him so much if he goes.
If I was young and fitter I would have him.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 19th 2017 16;3pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
Today Chanel came and helped me and fed Muffin.
She stayed 4 hours , she brought Dave the Doberman.
All morning she just kept on kissing him he is huge.
Muffin didn't take to him .
Christopher came and gave me a hug but its only because I asked too.
I still love him even though he has been nasty to me with words.
I miss you my darlin so much , I want to share the garden with you , you would be sitting on the swing bench now smoking your cigs.
I am off to Mums in awhile curry night.
I will write to again tomorrow darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 18th 2017 27:24 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work .
I later took Muffin to the park .
Aldi then home .
I waited then had lunch at the church hall
It's Mum's 87th Birthday today they all sang happy Birthday to her .
I later went to Kay's stayed a couple of hours .
Back at Mum's now then home .
I have been sorting photos out sent to Lisa and Christopher .
I cried at some photos of you wishing you here by my side .
I do miss you darlin so much .
My heart aches for you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my Heart Malc xxxxcc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 17th 2017 13;51pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me and feed Muffin .
I haven't took Muffin to the park today because its poring down,
I'm a bit fed up really I won't see Lisa until later .
Telly I guess again.
i put a video on face book this morning of Tigger , Lisa noticed your voice in the back ground , I think its upset her , I feel close to you listening to it every night before I go to bed.
Lisa misses you so much Malc as do I .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart darlin ,.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 16th 2017 12;17pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today lisa came this morning to help me she is calling back tonight.
I have taken Muffin to the vets this morning to give him a tablet for worms..
Im taking him for a booster ink for kennel cough.
A man has been this morning to quote a rail hopefully to put by the side of the steps so I won't fall down .crossing fingers it get passed .
Carole Banks is coming to cook lunch and the curry for Friday night with mum.

I miss you Malc mu darlin so much , I love you with all my heart .
i shouted your name this morning .
I will write t you again tomorrow Malc darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday May 15 th 2017 13:400 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa came this morning to help me
before she went to work.
Later I took Muffin to Tesco no park today too wet .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I had a phone call from Chanel this morning quite a lengthy one .
I wish all the family would get together .
Jason your mate is coming later to fit a hinge on my kitchen cupboard .
I am going to Mum's later just for a couple of hours then I'm in for the night .
Thank god for telly .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 14th 2017 17;53pm.

Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today my mum helped me and fed Muffin she stayed and cooked dinner , in between I took muffin to the park and sawKim and oreo.
I came back and stayed in until it was time for mum to go.
Lis popped into my mums with Finley she didn't stay long . she was going to call in mine but she took Finley home instead .

I'm in now watching telly. on my own with muffin.
tHANK YOU FOR BEING IN MY DREAM LAST NIGHT MALC IT WAS SO SO SUREAL , I really thought you were here alive and well and happy.
O h Malc why did you have to die my darlin WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I cried last night and this morning.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 13th 2017 17;19pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Carole Banks came to help me and feed MUFFIN,.
She stayed for lunch , she did sandwiches and stayed until 3;30pm.

I later took Muffin to Aldi and Tersco and a ride round the park he walked by the side.
i have been thinking about you all day , my stomach turns over at the thought your'e not coming back ,
I hate life with out you Mlc i cry for a while then I have to pull myself together.
i see you in my head and imagine you back home with me .
I miss you so much darlin.

My heart aches for you Malc .

One day we will be together xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I want to win the lottery for Lisa , Christopher Jade and Jordan and of course All the grandchildren and our Great Grandchildren,I pray every night , but I don't think I could be so lucky.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I love you with all my heart Malc . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 12th 2017 12;06pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

I'm writing early because Jayne Dagley is taking me to lunch.
Lisa came this morning to help me she has gone to Jade's now back tonight.
I took Muffin to Cannock for his groom and just popped into a few shops .
I will be going to mums tonight to sit with her for a couple of hours.
will write o you again tomorrow Malc .
I miss you my darlin , I love you with all my heart Malc .
speak to you tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 11th 2017 17;04pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me and fed Muffin.
I later took Muffin to the park met up with Karen , Pat and Anita.
Popped to aldi and Tesco .
waited until 12;15pm then off to Kay's for lunch , stayed until 3;30pm.

Always enjoy her company she cheers me up.

Muffin loves seeing the other dogs and puss the cat.
I miss you Malc my darlin so much I wander how I get through each day with out you.
Lisa is coming to cook dinner after work , she is bringing Max.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I love you with all my heart Malc ,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday 10TH May 2017 11;49pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me this morning and fed Muffin .

Later took Muffin to the park just spoke to lady about herself .
I popped into Aldi brought some solar garden lights.
I'm just off to karens for lunch and a catch up.
I will go to Mums later .
I had my table delivered last night its lovely second hand but nice.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday may 9th 2017 12;05pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Kay came up to help me and feed Muffin .
I later saw Anita and kim in the park when I took Muffin .
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I miss you Malc so much, i cry but something inside stops me sobbing at the moment.
is this normal ?.
Dot Farish is coming for lunch instead of Carole and Kevin banks.
I am writing early because I don't don't what I will be doing and I don't want to miss writing to you.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin., kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday 8th may 2017 12;15pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa popped in before she went to work , later i took muffin to the park met up with Anita and the so called Julie who was i must admit a little more polite.
I have text christopher today and got a reply he is sorting us getting together soon.
I had a lovely day yesterday with Lisa nd Geoff and carter.
Dinner first then they took Muffin and I ride over the chase with Muffin and mAX.
Malc you would have really enjoyed it the weather was hot.
Why can't it always be like this ,i wish all the family would get together and stop all this agro.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
You should be here and there yesterday.
Mum is coming in a while to cook dinner.
i will write to you again tomorrow darlin., I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 7th 2017 14;09pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me I am having dinner at hers today .
I have taken Muffin to the park twice already ,its a lovely day.
Geoff is taking us a ride after dinner he is walking Muffin and Max why Lisa and I sit over the chase.

Lisa does care she does think about me at times, I wish Christopher thought more of me Malc.
I miss you Malc I am listening to the radio and thinking about you wishing you were sitting in the garden with me .
You would love the garden now all pots and decking no digging.

Your garden at the front is looking good too.
i pay someone to look after it and paint the fencing.

I have requested a rail by the side of the back steps but think I will be refused,.
I wil write to again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart MALC .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 6th 2017 16;55pm.

Hello Malcmy darlin and Tigger my baby HAS BEEN THE MOSt BORING day EVER. !!!!!!!.
I feel like crying.
I took Muffin to the park this morning.
its been a cold damp rainy filly day.
No one has been in touch today from my family .
my friend helped me this morning .
I did ring Chanel she should have come today with the kids but the car wouldn't start.
I wish my family thought more of me Malc ,
I wander how they would have been if you had been here Malc .
They think I'm ok now its been three years, Malc i'm not .
I know they have their lives to lead but I feel I've been forgotten .
Lisa id good to me but I only see her for a short while.

I miss you Malc so much , i sleep eat eat sleep .
Anne has asked me down to poole in august , i'm going with mUFFIN .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin, kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 5th 2017 15.01pm..
Hello Malc and tigger my baby boy.
Today lisa came to helpmeet before she went to Jade's .
She has a day off on friday's .
I later took Muffin to the park and aldi then tesco.

Malc i'm a bit weepy today i feel so lonely.
I need my family but i know they are busy with their children and jobs to do.
i suppose I'm a bit selfish really , but i need my family around me .
i miss you Malc , if yo were here things would be different.
But family did visit more when you were here not now.
I have been to cannock with muffin just to get out and hopefully talk to someone but i didn't see anyone.
I have also been a ride to hednesford again but only spoke to the staff in Aldi
I need company
You said to me several times you will be on your own , you were right.
i don't need another man I just need company and a treat out for a meal
i am going to mum's for a curry later its getting a bit boring same routine .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart darlin. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 4th 2017 13;44pm.

Hello My darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work.
then took Muffin to the park and called in Aldi and Tesco.
I came back and watched telly.
I then popped t the church and had lunch with Mum .
She has gone to Kath Beardsmore's funeral coming back here then I'm coming back to mum's for a couple of hours coming home early .
i cried a bit this morning Malc missing you and begging god to send you back home to me.
I miss you Malc more than ever darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 3rd 2017 15.09pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to work., she is coming back later.

I took Muffi n to the park this morning and popped into Aldi and Tesco.
I came home eat a sandwich Lisa had prepared .
i waited in for a lady from OT to look if I can have a rail put were the back garden steps are.
She came at 2pm assessed and took a photo but more or less said no , but might look into getting me a cute to pay myself.

i am going to Hrednesford now just to take Muffin a ride .
then off to mums tonight for a couple of hours.

i miss you my darlin so much Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 2nd 2017 10;42pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
A quickie message today busy day.
Jean Beadsmoreis came this morning to help me she is staying until 12 noon.then Im off to Caroe Banksfor lunch ,then back home ride round with Muffin and Mums later,.
I miss you Malc so much darlin it hurts.
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Christopher has contacted me this morning re the mortgage sounds promising,
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Chanel came down to help me before going shooting with Christopher and the kids,
Lisa is coming tonight when she gets back fro Doncaster.
I have just come back forth park with Muffin.
I am writing early because I am going to Kay's for lunch .
I will only stop a couple hours
I might go to Mums later but will see weather permitting
Its the 1st of May today rain off and on.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and Tigger .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday April 30th 2017 12;48pm.

Hello Malc my darlin andTigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me and stayed an hour she is coming back tomorrow mum is coming later she is cooking dinner and will stay and help me tonight.

i have took muffin to the park and Aldi and Tesco.
I have just got back.
i shouted your name twice today Malc I miss you si much darlin.
Muffin had just ran off th scooter and went into next door neighbours garden chasing their dogs.
It was their fault they opened the gate and the big dog started pulling towards Muffin.
No-one was hurt .
I miss you Malc so much Its bank holiday weekend and everyone is out.
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday April 29th 2017 17;00 pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me this morning .
I later took Muffin to the park and Aldi , i hate saturday,s Malc.
I hate weekends with out you .
carole Banks asked me to go down at 1pm so Muffin could meet
Hamish the dog they are looking after.
They were fine together.
She gave me a sandwich and a cuppa.
I stayed a couple of hours.
I then popped into Lisa's Max went for Muffin ,i think they should se more of each other really.
i only stopped 3/4 of an hour.
Lisa wasn't impressed .

I have just got back from Tesco brought a toy for Carter , putting it up for his birthday.

I am going to Mum's later for company.
I do miss you Malc so much I wish you could come and talk to me.

I will written you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday April 28th 2017 16;48pm.

Hello malcmy darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me and fed muffin .
I later took MUFFIN to th park the Tesco and Pye green butcher.
my friend Dot came she brought lunch .
she stayed a couple of hours .
I later went to see Kay and had a cuppa and cake.
i am home now and soon be seeing Mum sharing a curry.
I have enjoyed today apart from you not being here by my side.
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and sundry love everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love you with ally heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday April 27th 2017 16;31pm.

Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Kay came to help me this morning and she did some shopping for me.
She stayed an hour , I am seeing her tomorrow. she is a great friend.
I took Malc to the park this morning but it was very cold and raining.
Dot Farish is coming for lunch tomorrow she is bringing some cobs and ham.
She has never been before.
she lost CHARLIE who I think you knew.
Lisa has had a lovely small bench made by Geoffs sister to put plants in she has made a special garden for you Malc she love's you Malc as you did Lisa.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
She misses you so much Malc.
I miss you too Malc so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,.
I went to lunch with Mum today at the church but she didn't pit a donation in the box , I did she can be so tight sometimes.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Geoff came to help me as he is on afternoons he also set up a pressure washer which he will use my garden decking and slabs .

I took Muffin to the park twice today popped Aldi and tesco just for somewhere to go .

I should have gone to art today but I wasn't very well a pain under my right shoulder and under my right breast , hope nothing serious.

I miss you Malc so much darlin I pray you will come into my bedroom one morning bringing me a cup of tea like you used to.
How I wish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I am going to Mums later resting watching tele.
chippy tonight I think.
I wil write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday April 25th 2017 12:07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came early before work to help me .
I later took Muffin to the park , its been snowing all night , but the sun has now melted it away .

Carole is coming for lunch but is should be me at heres ,
confused really.
she is cooking here.

i am disappointed really I lie to get out .

I shouted your name again today Malc, I miss you so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc sorry its short today.

I love you with ally heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 24th 2017 15:24pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came early before she went for a MRI scan
On her brain , the doctor is trying to rule things out .
I think she will be ok , she has had a lot of migraines .
I took Muffin to the park saw Kim and Oreo .
Just missed Anita .
I popped inTesco for milk and stuff.
It's a very rainy day and cold .
I'm at Mums at the moment just had sausage and mash nice.
Watching escape to the country You know me Malc always
The same aren't. I .
I shouted your name twice today round the park .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 23rd 2017 14:21pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Mum came up early this morning to help me she has stayed and cooked dinner .
While waiting I took Muffin to the park Stu the park keeper is bringing me some lavender up 8 pm tonight to put in my garden. .
I shouted your name twice again today .
I miss you my darlin so much xxxxc
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 21st 2017 18:37pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me then she took Jordd to his theory test he failed !!
I took Muffin to the park met Anita
She spoke about going to Lichfield one day
I came back and took Muffin to Cannock on my scooter then off to Penkridge .
Stayed an hour then Geoff rang and took me and Lisa to The Range .
Back now after eating chips and a pukka pie
Now with Mum watching television .
I miss you Malc so much , I shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxx
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday April 21st 2017 16;48pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me them took jade for her theory test
Jade passed well done jade.
i put a piece on face book.

I took Muffin to Cannock to the Range . lovely.
i came back Lisa left me lunch and then I went to visit Kay .
Just got back now waiting for fish shop to open .
Going toMums for a curry and chips.
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday 20 th April 2017 16:06 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tiggervmy baby boy.
Today Lisa came early before she went to work
She is coming later .
I took Muffin to the park this morning and to Aldi .
My friend Karen met me at Bella's for lunch .
We had quite a chat .
I then took Muffin a ride round and are now at my Mums .
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I miss you more than ever Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin .
I love you with all my heart. Malc xxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 29th 3017. 09:55.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigget my baby boy .
Today Lisa came early before work to help me .
I'm writing early Malc because Chanel is bringing the kids in a moment for a couple of hours then Carole Banks is coming to cook dinner and staying until 4:30 pm
I have took Muffin to the park and popped in Aldi .
Now waiting for kids to come .
I shouted your name twice today and miss you like crazy Malc
I cried last night when our favourite programme was on one born every minute .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday aPRIL 18TH 2017 16;12PM.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
Today Jayne my friend came to help me this morning she is a true friend.
i took Muffin to the park then Aldi and tesco .
later Jayne took me to
lunch at The malt Shovel chorley.
We hd a catch up nice.
I shouted you name twice today Malc .
I miss you so much I wish you could have been with me today,.
I am popping to Mum's later for company , you know I hate being on my own.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , the kids are among tomorrow .
i love you with all my heart Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to

everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday April 17th 2017 15;44pm
Hello Malc my darlin and TIGGER MY BABY BOY.
Today has been good Lisa came early and helped me she is calling later tonight.
I took Muffin to the park twice today and shouted your name twice too.
I called in Aldi and Tesco too.
have just had a phone call from Chanel asking if i can have the grand children why Chris and Chanel go on holiday on their own.
I agreed but did say could Chris make friends with it hurts he says evil things to me.
I think things might improve now .
It just needs Lisa and Chris to make up and both agree ,.
I feel much better now thinking we might all be happy together again.

Oh Malc I think you have had some involvement in this.
I am going to mums later I won't mention any thing to her about the phone call .
Least said best mended .
Not a bad day after all hope nothing spoils it.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My. Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 16th 20:17 14:46 pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Mum came up to help me and is staying the day cooking dinner .
I have taken Muffin to the park saw Karen and her Husband Neil .
Stu and a couple who I see regular .
It's on and off rain today .
I'm sitting here with Mum watching Shirley Valentinec
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I miss you so much darlin .
I ache for you .
I haven't had an Easter cart from Lisa or Jade
I think they don't buy any more .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart darlin .xxxxxxx
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and BUnny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday April 15th 2017 16;54pm.

hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa popped in quickly to help and feed mUFFIN.
She is calling back tonight.

i HAVE TAKEN mUFFIN TWICW TOTHE PARK THEN cannock now having dinner and going to mum's . its only a pie and mash in the microwave.
Malc can you believe its Easter already ?.
i miss you so much Malc more as the time goes by.
I will never get over losing you.
I cry but not so often , only when i feel low or something comes up which sets me off.
But I wake with you on my mind and go to bed with you on mum mind.
If I could only be granted a wish just one .
You would be my one and only wish , COME HOME MALC .
I wil write to you again tomorrow Malc, kiss Tigger and send my love everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday aPRIL 14TH 2017 16;31PM.
Hello MALC my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

what a surprise today Lisa came to help me out of bed then asked Wanted to goto Shrewsbury for a ride.
I asked Carole and Kev if they would have Muffin they said yes finally
Kay was going out , My Mum was going to have him but Carole and Kev took him over the chase then a walk .
What a lovely day had by all .
I am now waiting to go to the chippy then off to Mum,s for curry night.
I managed to take Muffin to the park today , he has had a busy day .
i shouted your name twice Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
i wished you with mw today Malc in shrewsbury .
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 13th 2017 11;56pm.

Hell Malc my darlin ad Tigger my baby boy .
Today Kay came to help me this morning , lisa is coming later .
I took Muffin to the park early now i am going to Jean Beardsmores for lunch .
Sorry its so short today my message Malc .
i am going straight to Mums straight from Jeans ,
Lisa is cooking dinner later after work.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 12th 2017 15;40pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy..
Today lisa came to help me this morning before she went to Work she is coming back later.
I took Muffin to the park this morning the popped aldi andTesco.
its really to see people as well .
Kay came for lunch stayed just over an hour.
After Kay left i popped to B & M and brought some boxes which Alan is picking up another day .

I am back now and Watching telly .
I shouted your name again today twice , I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Togger and sundry love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday April 11th 2017 17;30pm.

Hello Malc my darlin andTigger my baby boy.
Today Chanel came early and helped me the kids are on easter hols .
They stayed until 12;45pm.
I enjoyed their company today Chanel was ok too.
Lisa is coming later to put me to bed.

I later took Muffin first to the park then to Carole Banks for lunch .
i stayed until 4pm.

kay has rang she is coming tomorrow at lunch time .
I am going to Mums in a while for a couple of hours.
The nights are lighter now so better leaving Mums .
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I miss you so much darlin.
I haven't felt well today and can't explain why.
I think I'm depressed and feel like crying all the time.
O h Malc will ever be happy again.
My biggest wish is for ALL the family to be together and happy like it used to be.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday April 10th 2017 12;41pm.

hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today before Lisa went toward she popped in to help me.
I took muffin the park them off to Cannock to take bamboo pillow back it waste firm for my neck arthritis is getting worse.

i would rather suffer this though Malc than cancer or heart trouble.

Mum is coming soon to cook dinner she will stay until about 4.30pm.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart , i have shouted your name twice today .
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 9 th 2017 18.49 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me and feed Muffin
Later I took Muffin a ride to the park .
Ziggy came to finish painting the front fences and garden for me .
The neighbours commented .
I wish you were here though Malc
You would have been painting the fence and gardening
You loved your garden .
I miss you so much darlin I shouted your name twice today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday April 8th 2017 17;25pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Kay came this morning because Lisa is at Geoffs daughters.
She will come back later only stopped last night .
I took Muffin to the park twice today beautiful hot day .
Same tomorrow.
Ziggy a chap who I know from church and the park a stuffy man but a heart of gold.
He has painted all the front fences and is doing the garden tomorrow Kay popped in again with Kay to bring some more paint .
they stayed about 3/4 hour.
Ziggy has just gone bless him , he smells and scruffy but a good man.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I miss you so much darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday April 7th 2017 12;27pm.

Hello malc my darlinand tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came this morning she is off work today .
I have been to take Muffin for his groom , lovely job.
i went a ride to asda why Muffin was being groomed.
I popped in DP to buy a pair of slip on jeans .

I can't wear buttons or zips .
I saw Jean Beardsmore in Cannock she might be taking me to Wetherspoons next Thursday .

I miss you Malc more than ever each day .
I am trying to win the lottery its £65 million today crossing fingers it would help all our family pay off all their debts and this mortgage .

I am going to Mums tonight sharing a curry.
Its so cold today Malc Its suppose to get warmer over the weekend .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc its a short message today .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday April 6th 2017 13.28pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my tigger baby boy.

Today Lisa popped in to help me this morning she is coming back tonight.

I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Karen and a couple who I see regular .
I popped in Aldi and Tesco then home .
i have just been with Mum to church for a meal.
I'm not sure where I am going this afternoon Kay,s or val,s.
I miss you MALC my darlin so much .
I hope you didn't mind my friend coming yesterday from Lichfield.
I wish you were here instead.
I need you to cuddle up to.
My heart aches for you Malc.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 5th 2017 12;19pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me and feed Muffin she is coming back later.

I am writing early because Carole Banks is coming for lunch .
tHEN I will be taking Muffin a ride to hednesford .
I took Him to the park this morning saw Anita but she didn't bother much , not a very supportive friend.

Carole came early today 12.30pm left at 4.30pm , Kevin put up a solar security light.
I have just taken Muffin a ride to Hednesford
I miss you my darlin so much , I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday April 4th 2017 16.45pm.

hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I have had the worst night ever sleep .
Problems with Christopher I think he is so hurt but angry .
this is all Chanel and Mums fault .
Chanel is a very dangerous person and Mum is very stubborn.
Overtime Chanel comes to me she goes back and causes trouble.
Lisa came this morning and helped me she is coming back tonight .
Malc i thank you for talking to Christopher perhaps in his dreams .
He hasp the mortgage in phew !!!!.

I woke up feeling quite low and heavy in my body.
Karen my friend came today for lunch she stayed until 3pm.
i took Muffin to the park twice today then a ride round.

We are going to Mum's tonight but i'm not very happy with her at the moment.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin . I love you with ally heart malc , kiss Tigger andsendmylove to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 3 rd 2017 06.52 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I'm writing early because lots going on today
I don't want to miss writing to you darlin.

Lisa has just called to help me and feed Muffin
She is coming back after work .
Mum is coming early today to cook dinner because Chanel is bringing our Grandchildren after school to pick up Georgia's Birthday present .
I taking Muffin to the park in a while
Weather looking good .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I know I write this every day but ITs the only way
I can get it I over to you how much I do miss you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I wish I could hold you Malc .
I don't sleep very well at all now ,your not here to cuddle up to me .
Thank you for understanding about my friend coming yesterday xxxxxx.
I will write to again tomorrow Malc darlin .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday April 2nd 2017 12.25pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
tODAY lisa came to help me then off over the chase she went she is coming back later.

I took Muffin to the park then a quick ride round.
popped in lisa's.
My friend is coming about 2pm from Lichfield who I haven't seen for a while .
I am then having dinner and going to Mum's later.

I miss you Malc so much darlin , I will written you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
i love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday april 1st 2017 15.30 pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today Lisa came this morning to help me she is a good girl.

I took muffin to the park this morning and aldi .
Came back then off to Cannock we went to collect pair of jeans from DP.
Wikinsons has closed down.
Nothing much in Cannock now the rates are too dear.

I came back have lunch then Muffin and I went a long ride round.
I went top Rawnsley where we used to live our House has been knocked down.
I cried again it brought back a lot of memories.

I won't go again.
I thank you or being in my dream last night Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I only wish it was you coming home .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
I saw lLisa in Cannock with Geoff and Finley they brought him a present for not pulling his hair out and eating it.


I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

I love you with ally heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 31st 2017 1 11;19pm.

Hello Malc and tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came early to help me she has a busy day and welcome back later,.
I took Muffin to the park met up without and Bertie .

I came back after calling in aldi .
i have took Muffin a ride to cannock just to get out of the house.
I miss your company malc i only have four walls to talk to.
I can talk to Muffin but he can't make a conversation .
i love him though' he is my company now.
I am going to Kay's in a while .
chanel should be bringing the kids at about 4PM DON'T KNOW IF SHE WILL .
Being its Georgia's 7th birthday today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with ally heart darlin .i
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 30 th 2017 07..26 am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Lisa has been this morning and helped me out of bed and fed Muffin .
I'm writing early Malc because I'm going to church with Mum for lunch and later Chanel is bringing our Grandchildren after 4 pm to pick up Georgia's Birthday present .
One of the geese had been killed by a fox Malc Gertrude poor thing .
I miss you my darlin so much and Tigger
I kiss you both every night your canvases .
I wish it was kissing you in real life .
I miss the hugs I miss hugging Tigger too .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Your wife Rose xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 29th 2017 18.25pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
I thought I would never be able to write to you again
I lost this site earlier .
Lisa came this morning to help she is coming later .
I took Muffin to the Isra Tesco and Aldi .
I came back and Carole picked me up at 1pm for Art class.
No Art now for three weeks .

I do miss you Malc and Tigger I would be devistated if I lost this site .
Thank you Bunny and Dee .
I am at Mums now and watching the news .
I will write to you Again tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday Mrch 28th 2017pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came before she went o work coming back later ,
i took Muffin to the park saw Anita not for long.

i came back went to Carole.s for dinner stayed until 4pm.
I took Muffin a ride to Cannock not long got back .
Lisa prepared a couple of cobs which I'm eating now.
its going to rain but it won't stop me going out to mums , I just hate my own company MALC .
I miss you so much darlin.
Ache for you , COME HOME MALC PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I'm so lonely with out you Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I love you with all my love Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday March 27th 2017 13.41pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.

Today lisa came to help me before she went to work .
she is coming later for dinner and putting me to bed.
I have taken Muffin to the park this morning and popped into tesco
and Aldi for a ride on my scooter.
Mum is coming at 3pm. for lunch scampi and salad,.

Lisa is having salmon and salad later .
Jason should be her today putting a hinge in the kitchen cupboard .
I miss you my darlin so much Malc.
I pray every dau=y you will visit me and give me a hug,.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc, kiss Tigger and send my love o everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 26th March 2017 17..37 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa came to help me and I went to dinner as a Mother's Day present and she brought me a lovely present and card
I had a lovely afternoon with all the family .
Jade and Carter and Finley was there too .
I left at 4.30 pm and are now at Mums having a cuppa
Muffin has been good at Lisa's one or two barks nothing major
I have had nothing from Chanel not even a card L'm donhurt Malc .
What have I done so bad to be treated like thus .
Nothing from my Son either .
Oh Malc why is my life so complicated and lonely.
I miss you darlin so much .

I pray I will win the lottery to help out
This might bring the family together .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin .

Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday March 25th 2017 16.44pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came and fed Muffin.
I took Muffin to the park saw Kim and anita .
I then came back and road to Lichfield with Muffin Sat by the river
had a baguette and a cuppa sat most oath afternoon.
the weather makes such a difference.
Lisa rang me ans asked me to go to hers as Jade was bringing our Great Grandchildren ,
I spent an hour with hem it was lovely.

i have been invited to lisa's tomorrow for Mothers Day.

Looking forward to going hope is turns out good.
Oh Malc I wish you had have been with me today .
I miss you so much Malc so much darlin.

I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 24th 2017 13.18pm.

Hello Malc my darlin ad Tigger my baby boy .
Today lisa came to help me and feed Muffin.
I took Muffin to the park later saw Anita.
I came back waited a while hen went to Lisa's as she is off today.
She is taking jordan to wolverhampton to his theory test.
Hope he passes.
Jordan asked if lisa was taking me too , I said no she hasn't asked me.
she is taking Jade so they can go shopping .
I would love to be asked but she doesn't.
I am so lonely malc
I would love yo go to Jads when she goes to see her but she doesn't.
Then later going to Mum's to share a curry .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts inside xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 23rd 2017 16.31pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Yigger my baby boy
Today Lisa came to help me and fed Muffin
She is coming back tonight .
I took Muffin to the park twice today it is a better day weather wise .
I had lunch with Mum at the local church hall
After I went to Kay's stayed a couple of hours had a cuppa and
Cake .
Now I'm at Mums staying unti 5.45 pm then home .
I shouted your name twice today Malc
I do miss you I keep crying but people don't understand .
I'm so lonely with out you darlin .
My heart is broken Malc xxxxxxxxxxxx
I spoke to Val today told her about Roger .
I do regret part of what I have said but Inwas angry and hurt at the time .
Your family have disowned me .
Sheila has surprised me really .

I miss you Malc so much xxxxxxxxxxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxx
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 22nd 2017 16.07pm.

Hello Malc and Tigger my baby boy,
Today Lisa came and helped and fed Muffin.
It was such bad weather this morning , poor muffin couldn't go to the park.
I had to wait until much later before taking him to the park.
i did pop in mum's to check id stu from the ark wasting her hedges.
He started them at 3pm and is still there.
I am going down later if it doesn't rain again.

I am only having a chippy today .
lisa is coming later tonight.
I haven't gone to art class i am in too much pain and feel very low.

I have spoken to Chanel today but o won't see the kids until the day before Georger's birthday .
I really feel i'm not important any more since you have gone Malc.
I just want to cry all the time .
i miss you so much Malc. I have never really gotten over losing you.
Now I only have Lisa nd my Mum .
Of cause Muffin. who I love to bits.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I love you with all my heart Malc .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 21st 2017 17.00pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Carole Banks came to help me today and stayed for lunch she also helped me cook a curry she cooked I watched.
She stayed until 4.30pn.
I was going to take Muffin a run on my scooter but its too wet.

Poor Muffin he keeps looking at me but its too wet.

I have shouted your name twice today and talked about you to Carole and Kevin.

I miss you Malc so much darlin what can I do ?.
You always said what are you going to do with out me ?????.
I know Malc , no one realises I'm on my own 24 7 i wake up to Muffin
not you , I go to bed with Muffin not you .

My family don't realise how lonely I am and I know they are busy with work and family but I wish i could see more of them .
I feel i have been tossed aside by part of my family WHY !!!!!!!!!!.

I feel like screaming inside !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I miss you Malc so much my heart is broken Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday march 20th 2017 17.33pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and TIGGER my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me and fed muffin , she is calling later .
I took Muffin to the park very late because it rained most of the morning.

I have brought my Mum some flowers today for Mothers day they will double in price by Sunday.
I have brought her a present too.
I have cried for you again today Malc I need you so much , i am frightened inside.
what with family problems your family .
I PRAY EVERY NIGHT I can win the lottery to get out of this mess.
I will write to you again to morrow Malc darlin , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday March 19th 2017 19.26pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Sorry Malc I thought I had written to you today.
Lisa came this morning to help me and Feed Muffin ,later i took Muffin to the park and tesco to buy mum and myself some milk.
She came for dinner which Lisa prepared and Mum finished cooking.

Mum stayed until 4.30pm then went home .
Lisa and Geoff came up tp Jo's next door to sort the car which Jo said Lisa had done ,
She hadn't done it at all so lisa refused to pay .
I saw Jo and her daughter they didn't look very happy .
I got up very early today thinking my friend would come , but was disappointed .
I miss you Malc and I want to just keep crying , i'm pining for you so much.
I wish a miracle would happen and you would be the first person to return home and talk to me.
I am very lonely with out you Malc spend most weekends on my own.
Its a good job I have Muffin to cuddle and kiss .

I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 19th 2017 13.39 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa came to help me she is coming back later .
I took Muffin to the park very early because I was expecting a friend who didn't come .
Disappointed really but this is my life at the moment .
Lisa has been up to talk to jo next door about her car
A chap who is a mechanic says no way did Lisa bump
Into jo 's car there isn't a mark on Lisa 's car .

Lisa is refusing to pay and Jo has accepted itv
I'm a bit dubious they were trying to trick Lisa because of
BecausexI had left some matscout side and a nail went into her tyre and punctured it .
What's going on Malc with our lives at the moment
IMum has come to dinner Lisa prepared .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart. Darlin xxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday March 18th 2017 15.59pm.

Hello Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa came this morning to help me.
She is coming back later .
I have been to the park with Muffin saw Anita.
Not a very interesting person she is quite boring infact .
I have felt so lonely today I cant seem to settle at home Malc not without you.
I miss you so much darlin.
I clutching at straws and thinking silly things .
I need seethe doctor I think , I am very depressed.
I never thought I would feel like this.
Its only Muffin keeping me going Malc.

I love you and need you so badly , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

friday March 17th 2017 15.57pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lis came to help me out of bed before going to sort her car out
She is coming back tonight .
I have been to the park with Muffin then cannock.
I have also been to Kay's took us all a bagget to eat.
I stayed until 3pm.
Its poring down and very windy and cold Malc today.
Your family have now disowned me all of them.
I have to just stay strong and look after my self.
Lisa is supporting me . Kay is supporting me , my friends are all supporting me .
I am going to share a curry with mum in an hour hope the rain stops.
I will write to you again tomorrow malc darlin.
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday March 16th 20117 11.36pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Lisa came this morning to help me before she went to work .
she is coning back later .
Today your sheila spoke with me and is not coming to seem again through me leaving a message on face book regarding him not coming to your funeral.

Thats all your family now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I'm devastated malc.
This has all happened since you have passed away .
Oh Malc I wish I hadn't put this on face book now .
I will have to face the wrath i suppose.

I miss you so much Malc help me get through this please.

I am going to the church with Mum for lunch .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , i love you with all my heart .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send all my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 15th 2017 16.39pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Carole Banks came to help me this morning then came back to take me to Art class , lovely listening to John talk about artist and their work.
I can't sit for long though before I have terrible pain.
Lisa is coming tonight to put me to bed.
I have took Muffin to the park today twice.
I am going to Mum's in a moment then home and bed.
I can't tell you how much I miss you Malc , I need you so much.
i can't talk to anyone about my troubles.
you were my rock and now your gone.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 14th 2017 16.58pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Carol Norrey came to help me this morning and after taking Muffin to the park we went to lunch at THE MALT SHOVEL.
Its was a lovely lunch and I enjoyed he company.
I then went on to Kay's with Muffin stayed until 4.30pm.
I am watching the chase our favourite programme Malc.
Oh Malc I do miss you more each day.
I shouted your name today .
I have heard nothing from your so called sister and brother .
I don't want to either NEVER AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
They didn't see much of me anyway.
I have been very stressed the last three days.

I only pray now I can win the big lottery PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday March 13th 2017 14.23 pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been harrowing your sister and Brother say no more!!!!!!!.
you saw what happened , I'm disgusted in the pair of them.
I will NEVER have Marg stay here again.

This morning Lisa came to help me out of bed after having a really bad nights sleep.
I did manage to take Muffin a ride on the scooter to the park and have just got back from cannock , i did call quickly to Lisa's .
My Mum is coming for dinner which she is cooking and staying to put me to bed.
i DON'T KNOW WHAT i would do with out my family.

I miss you Malc so much it hurts inside.

i shouted your name two or three times today.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Sorry its short and sweet.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog BabyBoy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 12 th 2017 pm. 16.57pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Carole Banks came this morning to help me
Then invited me to dinner I stayed until 3.30 pm .
Lovely lamb dinner .
I'm at Mums now but going at 5.40 pm
It's been a lovely day but gone chilly now ..
I've shouted your name out twice today Malc I miss you so much darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxx.
LOVE yOU FOREVER. MALC xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday march 11th 2017 14.30pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
sorry its early i have had a very lonely harassing day.
Lisa came this morning to help me and feed Muffin.
She is coming back later tonight.
i took Muffin to the park then to Cannock to buy my Mum a present for her Birthday it isn't until may but it was in the sale.

I have had problems with a parcel I sent back faulty.
I hope now i have sorted it.
I feel very emotional today Malc missing you more today than ever.

I can't tell Lisa or Christopher how lonely I am even if i see a friend i'm still lonely when they have gone .
i miss you so much Malc.

They both have to face this one day hopefully not for many years.

I am going to Mums agin later for company .
I can't stand being alone.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 10th 2017 16.52pm.

Hello Malc sorry its a short message I'm off to Mums .
Lisa came this morning and helped me then she and Geoff took me to lunch.
I did take Muffin twice to the park and Cannock .
i shouted your name two or three times today I miss you so much Malc.
I keep wanting to cry but its making me ill .
Your Sheila should have come today but she rang to say Colin was loosing blood so didn't want to drive.
I 'm getting used to her saying no.
Oh Malc why did you have to die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I missed your warm body , IO miss your kiss your voice.
I miss you so much I ache.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday march 9th 2017 12.07pm.
Hello Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
TodayLisa came to help me before she went to work.
i took Muffin to the park twice and a ride round on the scooter.

I called in to see Lisa at work hen came home.

I am going for lunch with Mum at the church.
I will go to Kay's after.
Then home .
I love you and miss you Malc so much darlin.
I shouted your name twice today Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday march 8th 2017 16.38pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my babybboy.

Today Carole came to help me this morning then she took me to Art class ,
after taking Muffin to the park .
I enjoyed watching John talk about art but I have to keep getting up in so much pain.

I feel fear in my stomach at the moment and don't know why.
Chanel came today talked about the business ,
Chris is going to work by train .
The poor kids have to get up early to take him to the station.
then go to school.
I talked about you today .
I miss you Malc so much i ache inside.
I will write to again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 7th 2017 12.00 non.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I'm writing early today as carole is coming for lunch and later I'm going to mum's.

Today Lisa came before she went to work to help me and feed Muffin
She is coming later to put me to bed.
Carole is coming at 1pm.
I have took Muffin to the park twice and called in Aldi.
Nothing exciting today really .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin , I shouted your name twice today .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday March 6th 2017 18.08pm.

hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
today mY mum came to help me this morning and stayed for dinner.
Lisa is coming later to help me to bed.

i have been wth mum most of the day.
Muffin is sitting with me now and I'm watching Ground force remember Malc ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I miss you more each day goes by Malc .
Its been a lovey day but i have only took muffin to the park twice Aldi and Tesco.
Ive Brought all our Grandchildren and great Grand children easter eggs .

I haven't seen them since 5th february .
Chanel is causing a problem.

Nothing more to tell you today Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin , xxxxxxxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart mALC , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday March 5th 2017 15.54pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa helped me this morning and took me to hers for sunday dinner.
It was nice but I had to leave My baby muffin.
I only stayed one and a half hours .
It's such a damp cold day Malc today .
I'm not sure whether I want to go to Mums today its so cold.

I shouted your name twice today Malc , I miss you so much .

Idid take Muffin a run on my scooter but we got quite wet.

I haven't heard from my Son or daughter in Law.
I do miss Christopher but he doesn't miss me.
He hate;s me Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you DEE and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday March 4th 2017 12.53pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me but she is off for the day coming back tonight.
I have been to cannock to take back a bulb not working.
i came straight back .
the weather is much better might go a ride round with Muffin later.
I hate weekends !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I'm writing early Jason should be here to put a hinge in a kitchen cupboard .
Don't think he will come though.
Oh Malc i miss you so much , I only wish all my family would understand .
I'm so lonely with out you , i ride around a lot just to get out .
To kill time really .
Will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Love you with all my heart Malc miss you like crazy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 3rd 2017 15.220pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to Jades she is coming back later to put me to bed.
I took Muffin to the groomers and drove around Cannock while waiting for muffin.
i got wet through.
My friend picked me up at 12.30pm to go to lunch we went to a pub i wasn't impressed for the price.

we had a couple of hours then picked up Muffin from my Mums.
Jayne brought me a lovely bunch of flowers how lovely , she is a good friend.
I am going to my Mums later sharing a curry .
I don't know where today has gone .
I wish all my days were as full as this .
I've quite enjoyed my day.

Lisa has also rang Geoffs car has packed up already .

Hope they get it sorted or he will have his money back.
I miss you MALC every day as each day goes by its not getting any easier .
I shouted your name again today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday march 2nd 2017 12.00 .
Hello mlc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today is going to be busy so I am writing early.
Lisa came egis morning to help me before she went o work.
I have took Muffin to the park and been in since.
Police have been around our area a body has been found by two girls this morning.
Some one was missing on face book so might be him in he area.

I'M just off to karens my friend for lunch then to kays then home dinner then mums.\i will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 1st 2017 11.43am.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I'm writing early Malc because lots of things going on today.
Lisa called this morning to help me before she went to work.
I later took Muffin a ride on my mobility scooter.
We called in the park then coop .
I'm watching telly with muffin .
Carole and Kev are picking me up later to art class.
Love listening to the teacher all about art.
i have to keep getting up because of the pain.
I hate leaving muffin but i don't leave him long.
will take him another ride to Mums later.

I have shouted your name three times this morning and cried .
I see a chap you knew but don't know his name .
he always asks how i am a true gentleman.
I must find out his name so i can tell you.

i will write to you again tomorrow darlin, i LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 28th 2017 12.16pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my Baby boy.
today Lisa came to help meow of bed and feed mUFFIN AND ME.
She is coming later for dinner.

I aim going to Caroles for lunch in 20 minutes.
Its poring down again now , I wish the weather was warmer .
I miss you Malc so much i keep praying you will return to me even for 10 minutes to say hello.

kay has just rang she went out last night for her wedding anniversary.
I will write to young again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 27th 2017 11.27am.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I'm writing early today malc nothing is going to change today.
Its poring own with rain , Kay called today to help me its her 52nd wedding Anniversary Alan and Kay are going out tonight with friends to celebrate.

i have managed to take Muffin to the park this morning but he did get a bit wet.
I'm waiting for the rain to stop so we can go to Mums for dinner later.
Then she will see me back to bed later.
i''m struggling with my health at the moment really worried.
I had a lovely having out with Carole and Kev last night they are such good friends.

Nothing from my children yet today.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darlin , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
i love you with all my heart Malc and miss you terribly , i feel I have gone backwards instead of moving forward .
My family are killing me with hurt.

Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday February 26th 2017 15.07pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
today Mum came to help me this morning she did me breakfast and fed MUFFIN.

I took Muffin down the park much later saw Stu the park keeper.
I have seen nor heard from neither of my children .

Thats a whole weekend .
i feel depressed today worrying about everything.
i did pop to Mums later spent a couple of hours.
Its company I need more than anything .
My children don't seem to understand.

I am going with Carole and Kev my friends later to a chinese called The Golden orient . been before it is nice.

its very windy today and spots of rain.

i haven't got much to tell you Malc today I hate Sundays .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday February 25th 2017 16.40pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Kay came to help me out of bed this morning and do my breakfast and feed Muffin.

I have heard nothing neither a text or phone call from my Daughter or son today.
I have been talking to myself , I have had no one to talk to .
this is nothing new.
I feel so alone Malc ,
I have anxieties too which you know about.

Will I ever be relaxed and happy now you have gone Malc.
My children don't understand , until they go through this themselves .
I just want my family and to be happy now .
material things to me mean nothing.

I love both my children very much but I don't think they truly love me Malc.
They just come as a duty .

Lisa said we don't need you now , I don't need you and Christopher doesn't need you .

I have NEVER felt so un loved in my life.


I just feel it in my bones.
I will write to you again tomorrow malc .
i love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 24th 2017 15.37pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me before she went to Birmingham with Jade .
She is calling tonight to put me to bed.
I have took Muffin to the park twice and Cannock so Matt could put some WD40 underneath my mobility scooter to preserve the rust.
I have been a ride up Heath hayes Bank street where Aunt Irene lived and down Wimblebury road passed The Lamb and Flag which is closed down now how sad.
I have hada cry again today Malc missing you so much.
I know I can't have you back but you will never be forgotten in my head and heart.
Lisa misses you so much and I guess Christopher does too.
I will not be remembered I don't think .
My children don't love me so much , I don't know why .

It hurts s much but I can't do any thing about it.

Ive done the best I can as a mother i DON'T KNOW WHAT MORE I CAN DO.
My biggest wish is for all the family to be together and happy.

i am going to Mums later and wewil share a curry.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday February 23rd 2017 14.02pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has beed dreadful 60mph winds and rain only been out once whilst it was calm after Lisa came early this morning to help me .
I should have met mum at the church for lunch but weather has been too bad,.
I don't want Muffin or my self to be hurt on my mobility scooter with the weather .
I am watching Telly , Lisa has left me a sandwich then she is cooking scampi and chips when she comes from work.
I miss you my darlin so much I have cried this morning , I will NEVER get over losing you Malc NEVER.
I have put a piece on face book today saying how upset I feel and Dot a friend who has also lost her husband just after you is suffering.
She commented on my Facebook.

I do have friends but can only see them occasionally .

I am a person who needs company, you said I needed to get a companion but Malc ,I can't Ifeel I would be deceiving you.
I don't want anyone living here with me anyway .
No-one could replace you.

I just need company just for a couple of hours a day.

My family don't understand how lonely it is not kissing you goodnight , not saying good morning and only seeing my Daughter in the morning and evening before she goes to work.
She is busy and also has a family as you know.
Geoff has lost his car its scrap.

Christopher or Chanel are busy doing their house up .
The problem with the neighbour hasn't rose its head today and hope it won't ,.
I miss you Malc my darlin more than words can say .
My life is upside down now and will never recover I don't think.
I love you with all my heart Malc,.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday February 22nd 2017 16.50pm.

hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Oh what a day its been , 3 years since you fell asleep my darlin.
I have placed a verse on face book and had friends reply .Our daughter has sent me a message saying she is calling in later .
Jade has sent me a lovely text saying when she passes her test she will come up more often to see me and bring the children.
It made me feel good.
Had a problem with the neighbour today but i won't go into detail.
Oh Malc i miss you so much , I feel frightened today .
kay came this morning to help me but Lisa is coming tonight to put me to bed.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 21st 2017 11.52pm.

Hello Malc my darlin andTigger my baby boy.
Today Carole came early and helped me out of bed did my breakfast and fed Muffin .
She is coming back lunch time to cook dinner and Kev is picking her up at 4pm.

I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Anita for 5 mins.
I have been sitting watching telly but have to keep standing up because of the pain.
I have heard nothing from lisa or the family !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I am broken Malc .
I miss you so much darlin.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Sorry it a short message darlin,
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 20 th 2017 14.40 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Kay came to help me she is such a good friend
She is coming later to help me to bed .
Later I took Muffin on my mobility scooter
I'm at my Mums at the moment had lunch .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I have nothing from both of my children that's why my friends are helping me and my mum .
I will write to you again tomorriow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 19th 2017! 14.13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Mum came up to help me and cooked and stayed for dinner.
She is still here watching telly with me.
Kay is coming tonight to help me to bed .
I am in such slot of pain Malc .
Nothing from Lisa or my Son .
I'm so hurt Malc .
Nothing to watch on telly tonight earlgvto bed I think .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I miss you and love you so much xxxxxxx
KissxTigger and sendvmy lovev to every one xxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday February 18th 2017 18.09pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

today kay and Alan came to help me this morning then took me to Screw fix to buy a couple of hinges to keep my cupboard doors open in the kitchen when getting something out . to make it easier for me.
After they left carole and kevin asks me to dinner at 1.30pm.

I stayed until 4pm.
they are so kind to me.

Nothing from my children again.
I am not going to Mums tonight , i'm in a lot of pain staying in .

I miss you Malc so much DARLIN , I feel so hurt inside regarding Lisa and Christopher.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
What have I done so bad to my children to hurt me like this.????????

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I'm crying inside I can't relax .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 17th 2017 15.05pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Kay came up to help me out of bed and did my breakfast also fed Muffin.

Matt come total my mobility scooter to put a new horn on the scooter and had lent me a temporary scooter until tomorrow.

I later took muffin to Cannock just for a ride round.

I'm so lonely Malc , I am talking to myself a lot and talking to you.
I have heard nothing from my children.

I am in such a lot of pain.from my jaw, neck, knees and hips.
I miss you Malc more than ever each day.

I ache for you wishing one day you will just pop back and say hello .
I'm not sleeping very well .

I am going to Mums later to share a curry and stay a couple of hours,.
I am so depressed Malc its coming up to three years next Wednesday since you lost your life to cancer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I see my life being a very old lonely lady .
I predict this .

i will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Thursday February 16th 2017 16.18pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today mum came up to help me struggling today later we went to lunch at the church .
I took Muffin to the park before we went to lunch .
After lunch I popped to your Val's to see the new Dhih TZU puppy. Kitty she's lovely .
Oh Malc It brought back old times .
I miss you so much darlin .
I hurt inside .
Nothing from my children again .
I'm at Mums at the moment watching tipping points.
I will write to you again tomorriw Darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday February 15 th 2017 14.21pm
Firstly I wish you a very Happy 67th Birthday
Hope you are celebrating with My Dad and your Mum and Dad
Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy I have been thinking about you because of your Birthday .
Today Karen my friend came and helped me gave me breakfast and fed Muffin .
We later went to lunch at Bella's
I left Muffin at my Mums .
Sitting here with Mum now .
I miss you my darlin more and more each day .
I have heard nothing from My children today
Only messages on face book from your Daughter and Grandson Jordan re your Birthday .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday FEBRUARY 14TH 2017 16.52PM.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Carole helped me this morning then asked me for lunch , i have just got back with muffin.
he hasn't eat all day but will make up for it tonight.
I am still upset regarding my family but will have to cope and rely on my family, I'm hurt really hurt.

I will go toMums tonight and stay an hour then home .
I miss you Malc the company the love, its valentine day today but you were never bothered nor was I.
waist of money.

I ill write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with ally heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 13th 2017 15.48pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .

Today Kay came to help me and fed Muffin she is a good friend.
I rang Chanel this morning trying to comprehend why she said the children were very upset after leaving mine Sunday.
It turns out the girls were fine , it was only Cameron who was bothered that I discussed muffin blinking hid eye to say yes with his eyes and until they saw the video of him doing this did not believe it to be true.
I explained at the time to Cameron , you can teach dogs anything if you try hard enough.
i was firm when i spoke to her sash had exaggerated what had happened.
I think they will stay another day and night.

As for Lisa I feel a little hurt and at the moment don't want to associate with her .
let her mull things over .
Kay had me down hers let night for a couple of hours and gave me supper and a cake .
She does care Malc.
I can't keep losing sleep over my children.
I miss you Malc to speak to and tell my worries too.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 12th 2017 14.25pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today has been probably one of the worst days of my life's
Family You know what has happened
I'm not airing it out on this sight .
It's all happened since you have passed away Malc .
My blood pressure is up I have a banging headache and I'm so hurt .
If I hadn't got Muffin I would end it all .
I miss you so much Malc .
I haven't got anyone I can talk my problems with now .
I'm so tense .
Sorry it's such a not so good message
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every once.
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday February 11th 2017 16.10pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
Today I have been really brassed off.
No one came this morning Lisa has only just been. a problem .
I struggled to get dressed today and so much pain in my shoulder and neck.
She needs to chill out and and respect !!!!!.
.. Not happy with her at the moment .
She is turning the children against me.
She sent an awful text to me after I had , had them over night and for dinner.
Malc I am so lonely and missing you so much.
I cried again today.
If i HADN'T got Muffin I would join you , but I feel I have got to look after my little boy.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 10th 2017 15.33pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Carole came and helped me out of bed and gave me breakfast .
Fed Muffin they stayed a while then took me to sainsburys to take back some items I didn't want.
They have not long dropped me off .
Muffin is sitting on the settee watching escape to the country.

Nothing from both my children , I am disappointed.
I understand she has to go and see Finley he has chicken pox.

I miss you Malc so much darlin , my stomach turns over with fright i'm anxious every day , I need you so much .

Carole and Kevin Kay and Alan are good to me .
I am going to my Mums sharing a curry then home to watch telly again .
A lonely weekend I think.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone , xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday February 9th 2017 12.42pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today i am not well in such a lot of pain my knees back neck everywhere.
Lisa came and got me out of bed this morning gave me breakfast and fed Muffin.
I have took him to the park but in agony.
I am back now in the warm .
Oh Malc i a missing you so much I need you by my side.
I miss you so much.
I haven't gone to lunch with Mum today .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry its short today Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday February 8th 2017 15.39pm.

hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Carole again came to help me out of bed and sort my breakfast and fed mUFFIN.
I later took Muffin to the park it was very damp and cold.
I have been to Art class today with Carole watching John the teacher talk about ART then he showed me how to mix and blend colours.

I am having a chippy tonight , lis will come after work to tuck me in bed.
I might go to Mums later but I am a bit cold and tired.
I miss you Malc my darlin so much I pray you will come just for a quick chat and tell me you are watching over me .
I love you with all my heart Malc , I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 7th 2017 17.38 pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Toggery baby boy.
today Carole my friend came helped me out of bed and stopped all day.
she cooked dinner here and kevin picked her up at 5pm.

i am going to Mums later and staying a couple hours.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
i'm sorry its short but I love you with all my heart and miss you so much Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 6th 2017 15.33pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I am so upset and had no sleep all night because of a nasty text from our so called daughter in law.
After having the children over night and foreigner yesterday thought all went well .
a couple of conversations about Muffin blinking hid eyes when i ask him if he wants a treat to say yes.
cameron and the girls laughed.
They said they had spoken about this to their Dad ,
I told them you can teach a dog to say yes by training them.
Cameron went quite arrogant and poo poo'ed it.
Lisa came to say hello and we spoke about this she also told them you can teach a dog anything.
Also Lisa said Georgia looked like Christopher LOOKED LIKE HIS MUM and ELLIE LOOKED LIKE ME.
ELLIE screwed out oh no not like nannie , I said to her do you think i'm ugly she said no but your stupidity!!!!.
I must admit I was hurt.
I then replied i suppose its about muffin blinking his eye's to say yes and that perhaps Chanel had gone back to christopher and mentioned this and he had commented.
Lisa was here at the time.

She left at 2.30pm.
Chanel came at 3.10pm to pickup the children all was well they waved goodbye , I asked if they had enjoyed themselves they said yes and waived goodbye.
Later last night I had an horrendous text back from Chanel saying the children were upset and she was very angry the things she said in the text , too much to tell you.
i lost sleep all night and am not happy today .
i have returned chanels Birthday present toM& co it was a lovely coat.
I don't think she will bring them again and i will be honest Malc at the moment I don't want to see her and are very upset with Cameron and Ellie .

I send the message for Lisa to see and geoff rang me last night and said forget them both they are trouble.
I miss you Malc since you have gone my life has fell apart.
I don't deserve this S...t mALC.
But then Chanel is not intelligent so .

I have been to mums today stayed an hour.
I'm waiting for Lisa to call in later to put me to bed.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Sunday February 4th 2017 16.52pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me out of bed but my Grandchildren stayed the night so Cameron helped too .
They were good last night but a bit naughty one hour before Chanel picked them up .
Still only see them every 6 weeks so shouldn't grumble
Mum didn't come for dinner she didn't want to see Chanel
I was upset but what can I do .
Christopher has decided the family .
Same as W has decided the family after loosing my dad .
I miss you so much Malc I need you for support darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Anonymous

Saturday February 4th 2017 16.43pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
A short message today The kids are coming soon staying over night having dinner tomorrow .
I miss you MALC TELL YOU MORE TOMORROW after kids have gone home
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxx, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 3rd 2017 13.20pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby .
Today after Lisa came to help me I took Muffin to the park.
I popped in Aldi then home.
Matt should have come to fix my horn on the scooter but phoned to say he will order a new one.

I have been to Cannock with Muffin on my scooter he walked by the side of the scooter all the way to Cannock.

I shouted your name this morning twice.
I miss you my darlin more than ever I will never get over this Malc.
You should be here by my side enjoying your retirement.
I'm so lonely Malc its out you.
Carole Banks is cooking a curry for me and Mum tonight I'm going to collect it later.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday February 2nd 2017 13.39pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa came to help me out of bed and did my breakfast and fed Muffin.
I didn't take Muffin to the park today weather was very bad fine rain and windy.
I did take him later through Hednesford called in Aldi .
I went for lunch with Mum at the church.
Im home now watching telly .
Might not go to Mums tonight don't feel to good.

I keep begging for God to send you home , I hope one day you will be sitting on your settee smoking a fag and healthy .
I miss you so much Malc it hurts inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone Malc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday February 1st 2017 17.00pm.
hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came got me out of bed gave me breakfast and fed Muffin.

I popped to Tesco this morning after taking Muffin to the park.
Saw Kim and Oreo .
Came home and stayed in until Carole and Kevin picked me up for art class .
nice listening to John Hayward.

I shouted your name again today Malc , I miss you so much darlin.
I am off to Mums now , I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin, Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday January 31st 2017 16.53pm.

Hello Malc my darlin andd Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa came before she went to work and helped me out of bed gave me breakfast and fed Muffin.

I later took Muffin to tesco not the park but he did walk by the side of my scooter.
Lunch was with Carole Banks a curry lovely.
My stomach is upset now but I think its my diverticulitis .
I spoke about you today and i WILL SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME when I go to Mums later.
I miss you Malc I cried again last night .
I am watching our favourite programme now The chase .
its raining agin Malc and will be all week .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart darlin.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday January 30th 2017 12.14pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and a tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came before she went to work to help me as usual .
I took Muffin a ride to the park so he could have a run around.
I popped to coop and b&m for a loaf of bread.
Its going to rain later so I am going to mums early.
I am writing early today nothing exciting to tell you really Malc.
Telly and Muffin .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I saw a man this morning wearing a woolley hat and walking similar to you .
It could have been you Malc.
I wish it would have been.
I love you with all my heart darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday January 29th 2017 16.19pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Carole Banks and Kevin came this morning helped me out of bed because Lisa was away with Geoff in his sisters caravan.
they stopped for dinner and cleared up for me.
I took Muffin to the park but didn't stop long , its raining now quite nasty.
Carole and Kevin have gone now .
I'm not going to Mums tonight because one the rain and two she has upset me.
Long story Malc.
I really miss you Malc my heart aches for you.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday january 28th 2017 23.58pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy ,
Just got back from a theatre wolverhampton with Jean and jEFF Beardsmore after seeing several pop groups from the 60's .
tHOUGHT about you all though the night Malc.
I miss you so much darlin.
I took Muffin the park this morning after Lisa got me up out of bed and gave breakfast .
I haven't seen any one today really apart from Lisa and Jean and Jeff today
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart , Kiss Tigger and Send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday January 27th 2017 16.29pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lis came to get me out of bed and give me and Muffin breakfast.
I later took Muffin for his groom , Popped to Asda and brought my porridge .
Picked Muffin up at 11.45 pm.
its so cold again Malc .
I shouted your name twice today Malc , I miss you so much my darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday january 26th 2017 13.36pm.

Hello malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
Today chanel came early and helped me out of bed did my breakfast and fed Muffin.

She stayed just over an hour saying Christopher has been off since Christmas holiday owing to him.

I took Muffin to the park its so cold today Malc.
I think we are stopping in after I have been to Tesco ,
I haven't really got much to tell you today Malc.
Only I love you and miss you more than ever.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday January 26th 2016 16.17pm.

Hello MALC my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been good , Lisa got me up this morning the usual routine.
Carol Norrey came at 10am and stayed a couple od hours.
Then Lisa Geoff and Jade with Carter took me to lunch at Samson blewits .
Lovely meal three cause meal.
I really enjoyed it very much.

I came back and took Muffin a ride to Tesco and around the town..
The horn on my scooter is sticking matt will have to come back take the scooter away and do it properly.

I'm not happy he has to put right scotches on my scooter he made and Alison is talking about me paying for a hire scooter.

No way !!!!!!.

I have shouted your name twice today Malc , I miss you so much darlin.

I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday January 24th 2017 15.25pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa helped me as usual then off home she will be back later .
I had arranged for Karen to come for lunch , brought the ham, cobs and low fat yoghurts.
She let me down big time.
She is becoming a very strange human being.

she has let me down before.

Malc this life with out you is so lonely.
I try and arrange seeing someone and plan my days , but it doesn't always work out.
Malc I miss you so much darlin.
Not much to tell you now today ,
Sorry its short .
Malc I love you with all my heart darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 23rd 2017 15.42pn

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came this morning to help me out of bed
She will come later to tuck me in .
I took Muffin to the park today then popped into Aldi
Been to the dentist sorted .
I'm at mums at the moment will leave soon before it gets dark
The nights are getting lighter now slowly but surely .
I do miss you Malc so much , I talk to you I shout your name but I wish you could talk back .
I cried again last night for you .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday January 22nd 2017 17.05pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today My Mum came upend helped me out of bed and did breakfast fed Muffin.

She stayed all day cooked dinner too.

Lisa popped in with Finley. stayed a little while.
Watched telly most of the day .
Lisa is coming back later to tuck me in bed.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart darlin , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Sorry its a short message .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday January 21st 2017 16.30pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today lisa came to help me as usual .
She has finley today,.
Its Colin and Jason's birthday today i wished the Happy Birthday.

I fed up today My scooter is back but scratched after matt put a new horn on it .
one thing after another,
I am going to get a curry tonight and go to Mums to share.
I miss you Malc so much it will never go away .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss tigger and send my love to everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday January. 20 th 2017 16.39 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa came to help me out of bed and do my breakfast
Fed Muffin .
I later took Muffin a long walk beside my mobility scooter
To post a Birthday card to Jason you mate
He is out of ATP now Malc as you know .

I came back then Lisa picked me up to take me to lunch .
We were out 2 hours .
I'm at Mums now only staying a while .

I feel so tired .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I shouted your name again today Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 19 th 2017 17.03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Sheila helped me this morning she came with Colin .
They stopped an hour .
Pete came to do my hair it's nice .
This afternoon I took Muffin to Kay's I gave her the cheese I
I am at Mums now only staying a while .
Weather is yuk rain again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love tobeveryone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday January 18th 2017 19.32pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today Lisa came helped as usual the off to work she went
I took Muffin later morning to the park .
Called in Aldi then home .

Carole and Kevin picked me up to go to the art class
I love watching everyone .
We stayed 2 hours .
I came home had a chippy now at mums
I'm so tired .
I miss you Malc so much darlin .
I shouted your name again today .
I pray every night you could come back to me
I also pray I can win the lottery .
I really am desperate Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow. Darlin .
I love you with all my lheart Malc xxxxxc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday January 17th 2017 17.11pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today after Lisa came and helped me and gave me Breakfast fed Muffin she went to work.

i took Muffin to the parkland Aldi then at lunch time Jean Beardsmore and Carole Banks came for lunch.
They stayed until 4 pm .
Lovely afternoon enjoyed by all .
I have been talking about you today and shouted your name.
Lisa is coming for dinner which Jean prepared for me.
I miss you so much MALC I pine for you every day.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday January 16th 2017 14.55pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa came before work to help me out of bed and do my breakfast an fed muffin.
I'm writing early not a lot to tell you really.
Ive been in all day because of rain, poor muffin hasn't been out today.
i am waiting for it to stop so I can take him on my scooter.

Carter is much better today and Jade so i'm happy.
I dreamt about Christopher last night , we were on holiday and he came up to me and gave me a kiss and wished me happy New year .
It was lovely.
I did send him text and told him I am having a heart scan ,but no reply as usual.
I am hurt but what can I do.

I miss you Malc darlin so much i talk to you and hope one day you will talk to me.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday January 15th 2017 15.14pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa came and helped me out of bed gave me breakfast and fed Muffin.
Its rained all day Malc today,
Mum hasn't been for dinner its too cold and wet.
Lisa stayed about an hour .
Jade's Carter isn't well a terrible nose bleed after having a cold ,he isn't well.
Hope he gets better soon.
i AM lonely Malc and miss you terribly .
I wish you were here darlin .
I am trying tone positive but you know me Malc.
Nothing to do but watch telly.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday January 14th 2017 17.09pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa Came to help me out of bed and gave me breakfast and Fed Muffin.
She didn't stop long she was with Geoff and probably was seeing his family .
She spends a lot of time with his family .
I'm out of the equation .
My kids don't need me any more , they have their families now.
But they don't realise they are my family too.
I said to Lisa in a message today she could have my juicer I have only used once.
Its just lying on the kitchen work surface.
I went to Hednesford Aldi Today I saw the floor lamp I have been keeping an eye on reduced today , but I couldn't carry it with Muffin on my scooter.
I asked if she could collect it for me either today or tomorrow.
She didn't listen properly and shouted at me .
She said why do I buy things I can't carry.
I said not to worry I will have the store put it on my scooter and leave Muffin at home.
She shouted GO AWAY and put the phone down on me.

Now she hasn't got back to me.
Ive been on my own all day and cried yet again.
I miss you Malc so much .
I am going to mums again tonight I can't stay on my own Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday January 13th 2017 14.48pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.

Today kay came to help me out of bed and she brought me groceries.
she is such a good friend.
I waited for the snow to completely clear and rode to Cannock on my mobility scooter with muffin.
lisa is at jades today and will be back tonight to put me to bed.
I am going to Mums later she buys a curry and we share.

I am in so much pain today Malc under my right shoulder blade under my ribs , my knees my back my neck .
I didn't sleep well last night and cried for you again.
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
missing you terribly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday January 12th 2017 20.12pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Im crying at the moment Malc because I miss yu so much its hurting.
Lisa came this morning and got me out of bed and did breakfast fed Muffin.
Your Sheila and Colin came up this morning , I gave Colin his Birthday present and card for the 21st january .
after they left i took a jacket potato and coleslaw to Lisa's .
Stayed all afternoon and watched a documentary with her.
I enjoyed the afternoon with her.
I popped up the chippy for mini fish and chips then went to visit Mum .
Its a very cold night and lisa has just gone .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday January 11th 2017 16.29pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa helped me out of bed but she wasn't very well .
She went to the doctor for ab's.
took Muffin to the park later on my scooter it is so cold today .
I hope the wind drops but no snow .
I have been with carole Banks toArt class today just watching and listening.
I am going to mums just for company .
I miss you ny darling so much , .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Sorry its short message I have nothing exciting to tell you Malc.

ONLY i miss you more than ever and want you to just come home .

If only a miracle would happen.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday January 10th 2017 16.43pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today as you know is Lisa's birthday she came and helped me out of bed and gave me breakfast . she has a really nasty cold.
But I think she is having a nice Birthday 45 years today can you believe.
Where are the years going to Malc its frightening .
I still have to go to cardiology they rang from hospital today.
Worried but best I go.
I MISS YOU DARLIN I only wish you were here to wish Lisa a Happy Birthday .
Give her a sign darlin.
I want to just keep crying Malc ,I am trying to be positive but I am missing you so much.
Went to Carole Banks today for lunch curry !!!!.
Kevin went out to have his car serviced , it was lovely just Carole and I.
I'm going to Mums with Muffin in a while , I need company at the moment.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday January 9th 2016 15.03pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today kay helped this morning as Lisa has a cold she didn't want to pass on to me.

It's her birthday tomorrow hope she is feeling better by then.
Its rained most of the day today have only been out once with Muffin.
Sorry to keep moaning Malc but the weather doesn't help.
I miss you Malc I WISH i could talk to you and you could answer me back.
I miss your presence and your smell ,I miss our woolley hat and your cigarette in your mouth.
i miss your cuddles and your love.
I miss everything about you.

I still cry for you and shout your name every day.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc on Lisa'sBirtday , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 8 th 2017 15.37 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today my Mum is here she helped me this morning
And stayed to cook dinner .
No one has text or rang today .
I took Muffin to the park this morning
Now going to drop Mum off on my scooter with Muffin
She has a scooter too.
I miss you my darlin so much .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxcc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 8 th 2017 15.37 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy
Today my Mum is here she helped me this morning
And stayed to cook dinner .
No one has text or rang today .
I took Muffin to the park this morning
Now going to drop Mum off on my scooter with Muffin
She has a scooter too.
I miss you my darlin so much .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxcc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday January 7th January 2017 21.31pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Don't know what I have done I typed a message to you earlier and its disappeared to the right.
I have had a lonely day apart fro Lisa getting me out of bed and gave me breakfast.
She is celebrating her Birthday at Birmingham with friends even though its not until Tuesday.

I hope I meet you in Heaven Malc when its my time I need a huge Hug darlin.

I haven't felt well today pains all in my back and under my right shoulder blade , my neck my knees my spine everywhere.
Pain in my chest too.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
Sorry its short tonight . I'm so tired.
I will write to yu again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday January 6th 2117 15.30pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I had forgotten to put 2017 on my messages , I can't take in that we are in the new year.
Lis came to help me out of berths morning and give me breakfast and feed Muffin.

She told me she had a dream about you last night .
she said you told her you would see her in 3 years when she had lost weight.
We remember you always told her about her weight you were brutal but honest .
we did laugh.
She is off to Jades to see the grandchildren our Great gRAND CHILDREN.

I miss you my darlin so much .
I am lonely with out you Malc . I have heard nothing from Christopher and cHANEL NOTHING.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
i love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday January 5th 2016 16.28pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
Lisa came early and helped me out of bed gave me breakfast fed Muffin.
I took Muffin a ride round the park met anita but wish I hadn't.
I doc feel a bit unwanted today .
Lisa told me last night she doesn't needle any more and she needs look after jADE .
I think i am going to be a very lonely old lady !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I didn't envisage life being like this Malc disabled and lonely .
None of my family really wanting me .
Just helping out of duty.

O h Malc what have I dine to deserve all this punishment ?.
I miss you and as Lisa said last night Dad isn't coming back.

I spoke toDr Singh today I still will have to go for a heart scan but at least i WILL HAVE HAD A FULL MOT.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love younwith all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank younDee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday January 4th 2016 17.25pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa came helped me out of bed had breakfast fed Muffin.

I had to go to Cannock Hospital for blood tests again today .
i'm not feeling too good at a the moment Malc .
pain under my right shoulder blade tightness in my chest.

i am stressed though.
I keep wanting to cry over silly little things.
I am missing you terribly Malc . i ache for you .
i shouted your name twice today.
I feel I'm going backwards instead of forward.
i try then it comes over me .

Lisa is coming later she is cooking dinner.
She is a good girl I love her very much, more than she realises.
I have got to ring Dr manickam at 6pm. my blood results are back.

I will write to yu again tomorrow Malc darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday January 3rd 2016 16.45pm.

Hello malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today after Lisa helped me get dressed i went to cannock hospital for an E.C.G and blood tests.
The E.C.G was ok .

I managed to take Muffin a ride up the new road.
Carole Banks came today had lunch stayed until 3.30pm.
There was an accident on Hightown today quite a smash we heard it from inside our house, tenth sirens police came.

I have just been to Tesco with Muffin going to mums later .
lisa is coming tonight to see me to bed.

shouted your name again today missing you Malc so much .
Love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Boxer Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 2nd 2016. 15.23pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today. I didn't. Feel well tightness in my chest a pain under my right shoulder blade and under my ribs .
Mum is here today we have just had dinner
I did phone nhs 111 they are ringing me back later to see how I am .
The pain has subsided a bit .
I did ring Kay to have Muffin in case I am taken to hospital
But I think I'm ok not to go .
I'm writing now because I don't want ton leavecit too late .
Lisa has rang asking if I want dinner later but don't bring the dog !!!
He goes where I go .
Mum won't leave until late anyway .
I will write to you again tomorrow my darlin .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send all my love to everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday January 1st 2016 17.30pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
i am crying as I type this message .
I miss you more than anyone will know.
no one understands how i feels inside.
I have heard from none of my family today not even a text .
Carole my friend helped me out of bed today and fed Muffin .
Its new years day and i'm so lonely .

Carole and kev stayed until 3.30 pm.
carole is coming back to put me to bed later .
W is at my Mums all day .
I just wish my family would text me or ring me to ask if I'm ok thats all i need.
it's rained most of the day today Malc .
Poor Muffin hasn't been out his usual rides and walks.
I miss you my darlin I miss you so much.

I pray I can win the lottery so i can get rid of this debt 45.0000.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday December 31st 2016 13.47pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
New Years Eve already .
I was looking at our memories dvd last night our holiday in Greece ,
seeing you talking and walking it doesn't seem real your gone from me.
I feel so rock bottom today a tight chest and not hearing from any of my family it hurts.
I know Lisa has Jade Jordan Finley and Carter and she has moved on .
I just feel with Christopher not speaking and not communicating i feel when I lost your lost him too.
Chanel is being arsey too.
i CAN'T EVEN SEE MY grandchildren because they are too busy ripping the house apart.
Just a couple of hours thats all.

I did pop in Lisa's today but they were going to fetch Geoff's car back and she didn't seem in a good mood.
With me being in this depressive mood it didn't help and I hadn't fed Muffin .
Lisa did ring but I didn't go down.
Kay is picking me later for a take away and playing cards .
I think it's going to be a very late night thats why I am writing to you now.

Kay will put me to bed.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malcdarlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday December 30th 2016 12.36pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me out of bed and dressed me had breakfast and fed Muffin.
i stayed in for a while then had to go to tesco for some milk.
they do fuss muffin and are always friendly with me.
I sent Chanel a message last night asking why she didn't send me pics of the holiday but Chris sent to jade and Adam.
She sent a nasty message back.
i did send asking if I could see the kids before they go back to school butte said they are too busy.
it hurts so much .
I miss Christopher so much too.
Kay has rang asking if I was ok but I was upset about the text.

She has asked me to go for a couple of hours today .
I know its early today but i don't want to forget.
I love you with all my heart malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday December 29th 2016 18.35pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today after Lisa helped me as usual getting out of bed and dressed
Breakfast and feeding Muffin .
I didn't go to the park today it was too cold.
I instead I went to Cannock for a ride and brought a couple of things from Boots.
I came back and Mum rang to ask me to dinner.
She cooked a lovely pork chop and veg mashed potatoes.
I stayed 3 hours then came back with muffin lisa has just finished work she called in and showered muffin .
She will come back later to put me to bed.
I do appreciate what she does .
i haven't heard from Christopher or Chanel since they got back from Fueturventura .
A bit naughty i think.

I shouted your name again today , i miss you my darlin so much .
I get frightened inside .
I pray you will just pop in and tel me your watching over me and the family .
Just to put my mind at ease.
I can't relax any day,.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love you will all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday December 28th 2016 15.19pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa helped me out of bed and gave me breakfast also fed Muffin but he hasn't eat yet.

He was sick this morning.
I have no energy today Malc hope nothing serious.
I didn't take Muffin to the park today too tired .
Feel very low today .
Chanel hasn't been in touch and they came back yesterday.
lLisa is back to work today so back to normal .

I miss you Malc more than ever each day goes by it feels worse .
I feel very lonely .
I wish I could have a boost something to cheer me up.
I don't know if I will go to my Mums tonight , its too cold and I am so tired.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.

Sorry its a short message today.

I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday December 27th 2016 16.41pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has gone so quick after kay had helped me to of bed and had breakfast she fed Muffin i took Muffin to Tesco to get a couple of things and a ride around the park , I saw Pat and Berty.

We went to Carole's for dinner and pudd it was lovely .
I'm back home now with Muffin warm and cosy needing sleep.

I shouted you name again this morning .
I miss you my darlin so much , I will forever Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday December 26th 2016 15.02pm.

hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa helped me out of bed tea in bed and she fed Muffin.

I later popped to Cannock then home , off to see Mum before she went off for the day.
Kay is picking Muffin and I up later to have tea with Jason your best mate.
they are such good friends , I don't know what i would do with out them.
Lisa has gone to Geoffs daughter for the day and staying over night.
Kay willl help me to bed.
I miss you Malc , i shouted your name today .
Muffin goes everywhere with me , I hope and I live a very long and happy life.
I am lonely with out you Malc I am trying to move forward .
Christopher and Chanel and The kids come back tomorrow .
I wish he would come round and say sorry and give me a big hug.
It would make my christmas .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday December 25th 2016 13.49pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Well here wit is christmas day and your not with me again.
I miss you my darlin so much.

I woke up early with Lisa getting me out of bed had a cuppa in bed.
Later I called and had a coupe of hours with my Mum .
Lisa called at Mums then we left after presents were exchanged.

I'm at home now waiting for Lisa to ring me dinner at hers .
I miss you Malc today is just another day to me now.
I will make the best of it I can darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I only wish you were here by my side .
Hope your enjoying Christmas day with Dad and your mum and dad send my love darlin.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny Happy Christmas xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday December 24th 2016 16.29pm.

hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today is Christmas eve my darlin and you not with me .
i haven't seen anyone really today only lisa to help me out of bed and give me breakfast but then she had to go and arrange dinner for tomorrow .
I miss you Malc nothing is the same anymore.
My heart aches for you .
I'm not looking forward to tomorrow with geoff being funny and L BEING THERE .
I will just have to button my lip.
Tesco gave me a bottle of wine today as I went round with muffin on my scooter.

the girls are lovely there.
I am going to Mums in a while then home telly bed,.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc it might be early.
i love you with all my heart Malc xxxx, kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny happy Christmas and a happy new year xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday December 23rd 2016 14.51pm.

Hello Malc my darlin andTigger my baby boy.

Today lisa helped me as usual and fed Muffin.
Later I took Muffin for his groom on my scooter.
I bumped into Kay and Alan they brought my shopping back home.

I collected muffin after 2 hours then came home.
Its a very blustery day forecast very strong winds and rain.
Hope it calms down .
I shouted your name again today and miss you more than ever Malc .
I haven't really got much to tell you today nothing has really happened.
Lisa is coming later to put me to bed .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday December 22nd 2016 16.56pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I took Muffin up the new road after Lisa had helped me as usual .
I came back and a parcel came then I took Muffin to Hednesford on my scooter.
sheila came with Colin and stayed an hour.
Then I went to Carole's she asked me to lunch a sandwich.
Left at 3.30pm.
I'm home now but don't feel to good acid in my stomach again.
I won't be going out until tomorrow .
Lisa is calling later to put me to bed.
I have shouted your name again today .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much it is getting worse.
I feel know one understands now because it's coming up to three years in February.

My heart aches for you Malc.
If I had one wish I would beg god to send you back for life .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday December 21st 2016 16.54pm.

Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came and helped me out of bed and gave me breakfast .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw kim and Oreo.

I then came home and watched television then had lunch with karen at Bellas.
Lisa is coming later after work to cook dinner and stay a couple of hours.

I have been to the doctors today and he has given me a form for an ECG and bloods ,
Im going after Christmas .
I miss you Malc , I cried myself to sleep last night.
I miss your love you were the best !!!!!!!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love you with all my heart its breaking .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday december 20th 2016 16.57pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
today I have been so stressed ,Lisa came to help me this morning .
before she went to work.
I took Muffin to the kelly and back on my scooter.
Carole banks came today she brought me my Christmas present.
Christopher and family are in fuetureventura now.

I wish we were all together there.
I'm crying because i ache for you Malc , I need you .
I miss you so much darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I can't stand being alone .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December 19 th 2016 15.12 pm
Hello Malc. My darlin and Tigger my. Baby. Oh
Today Lisa helped me out of bed and dressed me
I had breakfast and Muffin was fed .
He hadn't eat today yet .
I went to Hednesford on the scooter saw Kay and Alan
Anita for a while .
I came back and Chanel came with the children they opened their presents early because they are going away gomorriwc
Fuetureventura .
Cameron opened his Birthday presents too he is 11yrs today .
They came at 12 and left st 12.45 .
I was so upset .
Christopher picked them up and didn't even look at me .
I'm so hurt Malc
I miss you my darling so much .
I need you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and BUmny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday December 18th 2016 19.03pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today Lisa came to help me out of bed as she always does.
gave me breakfast and fed muffin .
Im in a lot of pain in my chest and back besides the joint pain through out my body .
I rode muffin up the new road on my mobility scooter.
My mum came to dinner Lisa cooked here .
I am really stressed today Malc a combination of things really .
Muffin barks a lot at Max and Lisa doesn't like it.
I miss you Malc so much i'M SO LONELY WITH OUT YOU MALC.
I will write to you again tomorrow its cameron's 11th birthday tomorrow the kids are coming tomorrow afternoon .
I love you Malc with all my heart darlin, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday December 17th 2016 13.45pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today Lisa came helped me as usual and went off to Telford with Jordan Finley and Geoff Christmas shopping.

I took Muffin up the new road on my mobility scooter.
came back Lisa had given me my breakfast and fed Muffin.
I went to Cannock later a ride with Muffin .
So lonely with out you Malc .
I'm waiting for a letter to come from the hospital regarding my heart .
I miss you my darlin so much its only 8 days to Christmas .
I thought about when you brought me a gold necklace clothes and my favourite perfume , what a christmas that was.
I miss your love Malc xxxxxx.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday December 16th 2016 16.08pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a lonely but strange day.
Lisa came the morning to help me out of bed and get me dressed.
i am still feeling poorly and hope it passes soon .
Lots of gas and sore under my ribs inside .
Matt came this morning to put my solid tyres on my mobility scooter.
Haven't seem any one since but Lisa will be back to put me to bed .
Spoke to Pete my hairdresser he may come .
Monday to put on a toner . don't like the colour.

I miss you Malc so much I ache inside .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 15 th 2016 15.35pm
Hello Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I feel about better .
Lisa came today and helped me out of bed gave me a little porridge .
She also came lunch time .
Bless her she is a good girl .
Sheila and Colin came to see me this morning .
Mum is here now sitting with me .
I miss you my darlin so much
Chanel rang me this morning I explained I was ill .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 14 th 2016 18.52pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tiggermy baby boy
A short message today I feel very poorly today just been vomiting very bad .
Been on the settee all day stomach acid and pain right kidney discomfort .
Dr sending me to hospital to check my heart
Love you forever Malc xxxccc
Write to you tomorrow darlin xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday December 13th 2016 16.55pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today Lisa came to help me out of bed and give me breakfast .
She helped me get dressed ,i'm struggling good job she comes.
I have been to Carole's for lunch Kevin picked us up.
Its raining again Malc .

Your dicky has fell down two-steps and fractured his hip , he has had an op.
Pete is coming to do my hair tomorrow hope it turns out ok.?.
Haven't got much to tell you today Malc .
All day's seem to roll into one.
i MISS YOU MY DARLIN SO MUCH , i shouted your name again today.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday December. 12th 2016. 25.51pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came to help me out of bed and do my breakfast .
She fed Muffin and e back lunch time to do me a sandwich .
After an hour O took Muffin to the park on my mobility scooter .
I don't know what I would do with out it .
I would be impisoned .
I miss you so much Malc
I saw Anita today for an hour we swapped Christmas cards .
I'm at Carole's tomorrow for lunch .
Kevin is picking me up with Muffin .
I am at my Mum 's will leave at 5pm .
I will write to you again tomorrow. Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone cxxxccxxxxxx
I xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxcc.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday December 11th 2016 14.17pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today Lisa came this morning helped me out of bed and got me dressed gave me breakfast ,
I managed to go to the park with Muffin
I came back on my mobility scooter I'm in so much pain Malc all though my body .
Mum has been today for dinner which Lisa cooked
She is such s good girl.
She will come later and see I o to bed .

I shouted your name again today Malc .
I miss you so much darlin .
My heart aches for you .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday December 10th 2016 15.30pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today I am in such a lot of pain.
lisa came this morning and helped me out of bed and dressed me .
I had breakfast and Muffin was fed.
Lisa drove me to Cannock and pushed me around T k Maxx.
She is coming back later to do my dinner and put me to bed.
Its raining again Malc.
I do get depressed because I can't get out on my mobility scooter.
I'm lonely with out you Malc i cried last night again , I talked about you again yesterday and today.

If it stops raining I might see My Mum going on my mobility scooter.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday December 9th 2016 15.58pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger buy baby boy.

Today hasn't been too bad ,
Lisa came and helped me out of bed and onto the toilet.
Did my breakfast and said see you later .
Chanel and CAMERON CAME AT 12OCLOCK she did my lunch and stayed a couple of hours.
Not impressed with her , she has borrowed our small suit cased travel iron.
i'M keeping tight lipped so i can see our Grand children.
I miss you Malc and talking over family concerns .
I cried this morning and shouted your name again.
I will write to you agin tomorrow Malc my fingers are hurting today trying to type.
I love you with all my heart Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday December 8th 2016 16.15pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I have struggled , Lisa came early this morning to help me up out of bed and take me to the toilet .
She gave me breakfast and a cuppa then went off to work.
Its a good job I have the stair chair lift.
I can sit on it to come up and down the stairs.
i feel sorry for Lisa she has to get up so early to help me.
she callsign lunch time and se's me oft bed at night.

The arthritis is through out all my body now from my jaw to my feet .
I am in so much pain.
Life is so lonely with out you Malc by my side.

i miss you so much.

I am glad I have a mobility scooter too.
Lisa will come tonight after work and do the dinner scampi tonight looking forward to it.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 7th 2016
Hello Malc my darling and Tiggef my. Any boy
I'm in so much pain today both of my hips and knees .
Lisa came this morning to help me out of bed
And give me breakfast .
She is coming back at 1pm to give me lunch
She is so good .
I don't know what I would do with out her .
Chanel does pop in though daily to check I'm ok
I miss you so much Malc .
Well that's my Colonoscopy over with
Lesion on my back seen .

Even my fingers are painful today .
Sorry it's a short letter my fingers hurt so much
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and. Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday December 6th 2016 16.29pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I have been on my own all day spoke to no one in the family.
I took muffin to cannock after having breakfast it was so foggy , didn't chance the park.
I popped to DP and brought a couple of items.
i have been to Hednesford again and Tesco just to get out.
Stu from the park came to put right a piece of decking which had dropped by the back door.
Im going to the chip shop for my dinner then to Mums .
The day has gone quick but I still don't like my own company.
I'm just ringing sheila .

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , I love you with all my heart Malc.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday December 5th 2016 17.10pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I have mainly spent on my own.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Karen and that irritating woman Julie.
i then popped to Aldi and brought a couple of things.

Came back had breakfast and fed Muffin.
i steamed the bathroom then off to Hednesford again.
I popped to Mums this afternoon for a couple of hours.
Lisa is coming for dinner later but she will only stop an hour.

Carole Banks was coming for dinner tomorrow but she has cancelled because she is not well.
She is coming Wednesday instead.

I miss you MALC so much I shouted out your name again this morning.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday December 4th 2016 18.15pm.

Hello Malc my darling andTigger my baby boy.
today has gone quickly but done nothing really .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Kim and Oreo.

it was so cold , i came straight back home and had breakfast fed Muffin he has eat well today.
My Mum came at 12.15pm for dinner which turned to quite nice.
took her back home about 4pm.
its horrible these dark nights Malc.
I'm counting the months to spring.
I miss you Malc my heart is aching for you.
Christmas means nothing to me.
Because none of my Grand children come to see me.
The only time I see jade is when she is at Lisa's .
Jordan hangs out with his mates , they don't want to see me really.
This is the generation today.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you and miss you so much .
I love ou with all my heart darlin.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday December 3rd 2016 13.22pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today is a boring day.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Pat and BERTY .
I came straight back to have breakfast and fed Muffin but he is not really eat much today.
I have been sorting out a little bit throwing things out.
I might pop out in a while on my scooter with Muffin.

I haven't seen or heard from any of the family today .
This is getting to be normal.
I see Lisa one a week for about an hour, Christopher never !!!!
IT HURTS MALC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I never thought I would be treated like this .
i miss talking with you Malc and you talking back.
It's a good job I have Muffin as company.

i can't really telly much more today Malc .
i will write to you again tomorrow darlin , mum for dinner .
i love you with all my heart Malc , kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday December 2nd 2016 16.11pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok I suppose .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one really.
came back home because Matt was bringing my new scooter.
He came just after 9am.
i love the scooter hoe it lasts me a very long time.

Lisa was going to take me to Sainsburys but just before carole texted me to say they were going, so I rang Lisa to tell her to go to Jade's instead.
She would have rushed me..
I spent quite a lot because of the sale.
I wish you had have been with me Malc.
I miss you helping me wrap the kids presents and I will miss you on Christmas day darlin.
I'm so lonely with out you Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday December 1st 2016 13.51pm.
hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today i have taken muffin a quick ride just around the street because I had a dental appointment at 8.35pm a new crown .

i came back and took Muffin a ride around the park Coop and Aldi.
I have bent lunch with Mum at po in.
Pete has just called and trimmed my hair.
Waiting now to go to Anita's to check my knitting.
Will stop until it gets dusk.

My new scooter comes tomorrow at 9am ish.
I have shouted your name again Malc today , I miss you so much darlin

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday November30th 2016 18.39pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
tODAY i have enjoyed apart from you not being here with me.
I took Muffin straight to Carole Banks for the day why I went to bewdley garden centre on a coach and a Christmas meal at Leominster.
Didn't get back until late because the motorway was so congested.

Kevin brought Muffin back just as I got to the gate.
I miss you so much Malc . I closed my eyes on the coach and saw you and DAD , THANK YOU for bringing me back safely home.

I have a busy day tomorrow too dentist in the morning , pop in 12.30 and Anita's tomorrow after 3pm.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday November 29th 2016 16.06pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Toggery baby boy .
today hs gone so quickly.
i took Muffin to the park freezing cold frost.
I popped to Aldi then home for Breakfast and feed Muffin.

Carol Norrey came at 11.30 to take me to New Life then back here for lunch.
She left at 1.15PM.

I think I have finished now .
I miss you Malc my darlin so much, every day I shoot your name .
I wishI could have a hug from you.

I am going to my Mums after dinner then back home for programmes.
Its the trip tomorrow , must get up for 7am.

I will write to you again tomorrow malc after I get back from the trip.
It will be late I think.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday November 28th 2016 19.00pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.

i took muffin to Hednesford this morning not the full park walk.
came back had breakfast fed muffin he did eat his meal.
I waited until your Sheila came and Colin.
She got me angry today with what she said.

She engages her mouth before her brain i think.

I went to Carole banks for dinner and pud stayed until 3.45pm.
I popped home first then called in Aldi and coop.
Then went to my mums , only just got back.
Watching tele now .
Mum says she is forgetting the past and getting Jade and jordan a card for Birthdays and Christmas , don't know if she has put money in though.

I have been looking at old photos of you and I when we used to go out with Carole and Kevin YOU LOOKED SEXY XXXXXXXXXX.
I miss you Malc so much my darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart darlin , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday November 27th 2016 14.12pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been to bad .
I had the kids over night and enjoyed them .
Chanel. Picked them up about 10.30 am.
Mum rang she had a problem with the boiler .
P & w couldn't do it .
I went down after going to Tesco to exchange Frustration game a missing Part .
I then popped to the card shop to buy a 21st helium balloon , pint glass and 21st key .
All wrapped up now .
Got Mum for dinner then after dropping her off Inwill go to Lisa's to give Jordan his presents and card .
I wish you were here Malc .
I miss you so much my darlin specially it being 4 weeks to Christmas .
I will wake up with out you again.
My heart is broken Malc.
I can't explain to Lisa or Christopher how lonely my life is with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc after having lunch with Carole .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxcccc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxc.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday November 26th 2016 11.18pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

I'm writing early today Malc because i have got the kids later today staying over night.
looking forward to having them .
i have already been to cannock on the temp scooter.
I am going to Hednesford to get a lamb joint for tomorrow having mum to dinner.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc when everyone has gone home.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday 25th November 2016 16.37pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy .
sorry I'm getting mixed up with the days. i though it was Friday Yesterday .
I can't alter it now.
today i didn't take Muffin t the park , I took him to cannock instead.
I called in mobility shop to talk about the scooter i'm having.
Love it but will have to have solid tyres on it.

I will probably have it next friday I think.
Ive just been to Tesco with muffin .
Up to date now . wrapped all my christmas presents and hid The kids because they are coming to stay over night tomorrow .
I will po to Cannock tomorrow and see Marie
I shouted your name again today Malc .
i miss you so much darlin.
I will write to you early tomorrow malc
I love you with all my heart darlin ,Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday November 24th 2016 14.38pm.
hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a bit of a mixed day.
Good and bad.
I took Muffin to the park saw Stu not for long though.

Popped in Aldi then home for Breakfast and fed Muffin who hasn't eat yet today.
I have rang Marie about my scooter she is trying to get me a new one.
But it has pneumatic tyres not good.

i have sent her a message but i feel i won't be having one .
since speaking to you earlier marie is letting me have a new scooter but it has pneumatic tyres.
she is going to ask Matt to seal the tyres .
I have been to Kay's this afternoon not long got back.
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxx.
I love you and miss you darlin so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday November 23d 2016 11.48pm.

hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
Today i am here again worried , because i am going to see a specialist about the mole on my back .
I always think the worst.
i wish i could think positive .
I took Muffin to the park with this stupid scooter they have lent me .
Mine is in dock yet again.
Ive been told by Marie I can't have a new scooter just repairs.
I may seek further information if it happens again .

Malc I dreamt about you last night ,so real .
Thank you i WISH i had gone back into the dream to continue our conversation.
i love you and miss you so much Malc.
I wish you could come home and comfort me.
i THINK i am losing it.
I am so depressed , I am going to the hospital on my own and seem to be always doing everything on my own.althogh kay is taking me .
I will write to you tomorrow and let you know how i got on.
but I hope you are looking over me and can see whats happening.

Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday November 22nd 2016 16.40pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been I SUPPOSE .
I took Muffin to the park this morning ,the scooter i have temporary
is not holding its charge.
i'm fuming really i am now with out a decent scooter.
Matt isn't looking at mine until tomorrow .
I'm trying to keep a cool head.
Good job Kay is taking me to the Hospital tomorrow.
I am trying to switch off from it at the moment.
Carole Banks came today for lunch .
Stayed until 4.15pm.
I am going to mums tonight although its so cold .
I miss you darling so much , I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love yu with all my heart xxxx, Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday November 21st 2016 14.29pm.
Hello Malc and Tigger .
Today has been awful , torrential rain,.
I took muffin to Hednesford had to buy him a coat with a hood to keep him warm and dry.
i have already written to you but it has disappeared one my lap top .
its new and I'm still learning about it.
I've been sorting summer stuff put it away in storage.
i am cooking dinner for Lisa tonight and stew for Carole and kev tomorrow .
i won't be going out today now weather too bad.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin xxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Fig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 20th November 2016 07.31am
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I'm writing to you early today because Chanel is coming with the kids and dogs for dinner .
Do I'm in for s hectic day and I don't want to miss writing to you .
Lisa might come later this morning to take me to Argos to collect power rangers for Finley .
It's been poring down all night and still is .
I hope it stops because I have got to go to Aldi to get dinner in
I'm taking Mum a dinner down 1pm .
Malc I wish things would go back to how it used to be .
Our family has broken through Christopher since you have died .
This is when I need everyone .
I've been so lonely over the past 2 1/2 years .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin .
I love you and miss you more each day .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday November 19th 2016 21.04pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I have enjoyed , I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one we did go late .
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin he eat two meals.
Before I knew it Chanel and the children were here with Baxter and Dave .
They stayed until about 3.30pm. she took me to sainsburys to get a refund of crap wrapping paper , sorted.
the kids eat well and i enjoyed having hem.
The dogs were ok too.
After they went home Lisa came stayed for a while she was going out to a party later tonight.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin, I hurt inside wishing you back home with me.
Have to try and enjoy christmas with the family .
I will write to you again tomorrow malc darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I will always love you my darlin.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday 18TH November 2016 16.40pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
toda a very lonely day .
Nothing from Lisa nothing from Chanel .
Kay was the only person to ring and ask hoe I was.
What have I done to deserve this .
I feel i'm not wanted any more .
Glad I have some friends.
I took Muffin to the park late because I was waiting for Matt to bring a temparery scooter while yet again mine is not working.
Its an awful scooter , I have asked if I can have a new scooter , crossing fingers .
I hope I hear before next wednesday.
i am going to get a curry in a minute take it to mums then back home 8am .
Carol Norrey is picking me up to go to a friends house a body party.
I miss you my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday November 17th 2016 16.45pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today has been mixed .
I took Muffin to the park and my scooter broke down yet again .
kay came to the rescue and alan took me to the dentist it was important.
I rang marie at motorbility asking could i have a new scooter she is asking but can't promise.
Matt is bringing me a temp scooter tomorrow.
i was taken to my friends house today Sue faulkner by Kay and Alan .
Sent 2 1/2 hours with her then Kay picked me up.
Bless her she is a good friend.
carole Norrey has asked if I want to go to a baby party tomorrow night after been to Mums for a curry.

i havesent Geoff a message not happy with him.
I was feeling very low yesterday and put a verse on Facebook .
Had a sarcastic message back from Geoff.

So i sent a message back very upset.
I miss you Malc I need you at the moment to talk to.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
i love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday November 16th 2016 16.01pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today i tok muffin the park saw sTU THE PARK KEEPER.
I hen popped into Aldi t get some stewing steak stew today .
i came back had breakfast fed Muffin .
i feel pretty low today .
i put something on face book and had rather a sarcastic reply from GEOFF.
I went to art class with Carole banks for a couple of hours enjoyed it today .
Im with Muffin now waiting for the fish shop to open .
Going toms again tonight.
Dentist in the morning then Sue faulkners for lunch .
I miss you Malc so much darlin.
i will written you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday November 15th 2016 17.11pm'

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today I took Muffin up the new road because I was taking him for a groom.
chanel came at 10am after i had dropped Muffin off,
we went to sainsburys to get wrapping paper for the presents.
We then picked up muffin and came home had a cuppa .
she left at 12 o'clock .
i then went to Caroles for lunch stayed until 4pm.
Popped to Tesco for milk and sweeter.
I had a phone call from new cross for appt on Thursday but can't get there.
I am going next Wednesday 3.20 pm Cannock.

It shocked me so soon.
I know Dr Singh said he would put urgent even though he said the mole looked ok.
Oh Malc I am so worried ,I brought this on myself.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday November 14th 2016 14.59pm.

Hello MALC my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
today i am terrified.
i went to see Dr Singh today regarding the mole on my back.
he looked at t and said i will give you a cream keep an eye on it.
I said how can I its on my back.
He said it doesn't look Cancerous but as you look worried I will refer you to a dermatologist to check it over.
now i worried but he is only doing it for the best .
Yu know me Malc i worry over my health .
I pray to god its just a benign mole.
I don't seem to be picking myself up somehow.
I pray for a happy Christmas.
Oh Malc why am I putting myself through this.?.
I needed to get out so i rang Kay and went for just over an hour .
Back now worrying again.
I am having dinner then off to Mums I'm trying to keep in company so I can't keep thinking about it.
i miss you Malc so much , I wish you could talk to me and tell me I will be ok.
I am going to take Muffin for his groom tomorrow why he is away chanel is taking me to sainsburys.
Then I will pick him up.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday November 13th 2016 19.21pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today has been a real worry.
here I am agin worrying now about a mole on my back.
my back is itching like mad.
I don't think my life will ever be at peace.
i worry constantly about cancer since I have lost you malc.
i took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one.
I have had Mum for dinner and carol Norrey and kieran have been to try and sort my printer out its not connecting.
Now I am hot and bothered because I'm thinking now i have CANCER .Oh Malc i wish you were here .
you always used to make me feel better.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday November 12th 2016 16.3pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been very lonely .
I took Muffin to the park this morning it was raining quite sharp.
but he does like to go out.
We are a perfect match.
i miss you though Malc more than words can say.
My stomach turns over each time I think of you not being here with me.
It frightens me the thought of me being on my own.
I can't believe i have got through two and a half years with out you.
I have been to Cannock and took a parcel back to Chadsmoor.
I'm just about to cook a steak in the frying pan .
I'm struggling .
I am going to mums again tonight only for a coupe of hours.
Back to being lonely now Marg has gone back.
but she didn't seem too excited about staying here with me.
I won't do it again .
She only brought me a meal at wetherspoons £10 for staying the week.
She seemed more excited about Jane being over .
I won't be going over either to Guernsey.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I'm having Mum for dinner again.
Lisa asked me what I was doing for Christmas day !!!!!!,.
they din't know if they are going out.
Love you with all my heart Malc, kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday November 11th 2016 16.20pm.
Today I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
I came straight back didn't need anything from the shops.
I had breakfast fed muffin waited on Marg !!!!!!!!!!!.
She has had a very lazy week here.
Sheila drove me mad keep ringing my phone to ring her back only to speak to marg.
Cheeky sod your Sheila .
sHE RUNS marg down then keeps ringing here.
I have the house to myself now Marg has gone back.
I don't think I will hear from her now she has gone back.
Lisa's car is sorted thank goodness .
i NEED TO WIN THE LOTTERY SO i can buy her a house and a new car need settle this Mortgage mess Christopher has got me into.

I miss you Malc my darlin so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday November 10th 2016 15.03pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I know i am writing early Malc , I don't want to miss writing to you.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one.
Called in Aldi and coop.
Came back fed Muffin did Marg and breakfast .
Chanel came this morning to see Marg not me.
She stayed a couple of hours.
Then I took Muffin a ride before Marg and I went to Wetherspoons she treated me to dinner and pud.
We are back now watching a christmas film.
I miss you Malc so much , I wish you were here so I could cuddle unto you or sit between your legs while you stroke my hair like you used too.
I miss your body smell and your cig smell too.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with ally heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday November 9th 2016 17.19pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger My baby boy
Sorry it's short I've been out to my art class withbCarole Banks
I took Muffin to the park this morning
Saw Stu who came later to finish the decking off
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast .
Sheila and Colin came to see your Marg then took her to Dick
And Shirley .
I went to Art class with Carole .
I've just had dinner with Marg .
I miss you my darlin so much .
Trump is in as President in America .

Hope he doesn't cause a war .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
LziVE YO U FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxcccc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday November 8th 2016 17.28pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has gone so quickly , I took Muffin to the park this morning.
I saw no one.
I came back fed Muffin and had breakfast ,.
i then popped to hednesford to get dinner and cooked it ready forCarole coming.
She came at 12.45 and stayed until 4.30pm.
Kevin helped me with the boiler thermostat.
i am very grateful for Carole and Kevin.
Marg is back now in for the night television.
I hope it stops for tomorrow.
Im going to art class with Carole.
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday November 7th 2016 15.53pm.

hello my darling husband Malc and tigger my baby boy.
today I'm angry .
I took Muffin to the park as usual rushed back because it was a busy day.
i came home fed muffin had breakfast the prepared the stew.
Unfortunately Jane came here because she was going to the funeral of your aunt joyce.
Dicky picked us up and we went to the cemetery at Stafford.
i choked up when we went inside it brought back memories of you.
We didn't stop long .
val asked if we wanted to go back for a cuppa , i asked dicky but he said no.
but marg and j went for a cuppa .
i wasn't very happy they haven't seen her for years.
I was dropped off home by Dicky he looks very well !!!!!!.
I then went off to Carole's to pick up Muffin .
Carole did me an egg and cress sandwich.
i stayed until 2.30pm.
I popped to Asda for a couple of items.
Im back now waiting for Marg to come back not in a rush i do like a couple of hours on my own.
She talks you to death.
She goes back on Friday .

I miss you so much darlin I ache inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday November 6th 2016 15.37pm.

Hello MALC MY DARLIN and Tigger my baby boy.
today hasn't been too bad.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Stu he says he has brought a piece of decking to complete the job.
I'm holding my breath.
I miss you Malc so much .
marg has been to see JANE AMD FAMILY AT wetherspoons.
I have took Mum's dinner down stayed hour and half,.
I'm back home now with Marg ,going to your Aunt Joyce's funeral tomorrow .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Sorry its short today .
i love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday november 5th 2016 16.11pm.

Hello my darling Malc and tigger My baby boy.
Today has been ok really ,
i took Muffin to the park this morning saw Anita then went to aldi for dinners for the rest of the week .
marg is hear as you know.
i came back fed Muffin had breakfast and sat with Marg until about 11.45pm.
I was going with Marg to Penkridge to see your sheila.
But jane decided she was going with her so I stayed at home .
But in the meantime kay came to see the decking with Alan.
She stayed until just after 2pm.
After she left i searched for my nose pin i was so upset when I lost it.
but then I had an idea , look in the hoover , I think you helped me Malc.
I know you are watching over me.
I miss you my darlin so much.
I hurt inside.
i didn't sleep very well last night , tossing and turning thinking of Christopher and the money.
Marg is still out with jane i reckon shopping then lEE'S.
I'm really not bothered.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday November 4th 2016 13.53pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin to the park met kim and Oreo.
Saw Anita for a couple of minutes.
I came straight back fed Muffin and fed muffin.
I then decided to go to cannock I popped into mobility shop Marie sorted the knocking and sticking the base .
i came back and have just been to Hednesford to buy a 3 way plug.
Marg has phoned she is in Stafford took the wrong train.
Sheila has rang JANE is going to see her tomorrow send her back asap don't like the girl.
I have written early Malc because of Marg staying.
I will tomorrow too.
I miss you darling so much I have spoken about you today .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday November 3rd 2016 15.53pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok.
i took Muffin to the park met up with Pat and bertie.
I then popped into Aldi for a chicken for sunday..
We came back home i had breakfast and fed muffin he did eat a breakfast.
I waited in for Matt to bring my scooter back but he didn't come until after 12 noon.
sue Faulkner my friend was already here we had lunch.
We had quite a chat can she talk.but a lovely lady,.
She has asked me to go to hers in two weeks time
i'm going 17th November at 12 noon to 17 Badgers way heath hayes.
I am going to my Mums at 6pm .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday November 2nd 2016 16.35pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a good day .
I took Muffin up the new road because I had a dental appt at 8.20pm.

i went to my appt and i have to have a crown.
He also said the ulcer in my mouth was nothing to worry about.

iI can out more satisfied .
I decided to pop to mums then came home had breakfast fed Muffin which he ate.
I decided to take Muffin to the art class but they said not allowed ..
i came out and then road around Cannock then to carole's just got back now after writing to you I will go to the chippy and then after to Mums,.
I miss you Malc more than ever I hurt inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday November 1st 2016 17.24pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been to bad really.
I took muffin to the park saw no one bur Stu hiding in his hut trying to avoid me.
I came back home had breakfast cooked some chicken for muffin and fed him.
I then went to carole's because my scooter wasn't back Matt is coming on Thursday morning with my new tyres.
I stayed until 4.15pm from 11.15am.
had dinner which I took down.
I am back now and had a flu jab just.
I am going to Mum's and back at 7.45pm.
Your marg is coming over on Sunday staying for your Aunt joyce's funeral .
Sheila isn't very pleased.
I miss you malc my darlin so much i wish you could come home and i could hold you in my arms.
I will write to you again tomorrow malc .
I love you with all my heart . Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday October 31st 2016 16.46pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today i took Muffin to the park saw julie and karen and stu .
I came back fed muffin but he has diarrhoea today so I don't think he will eat today,.
I have been to John abbots funeral today only outside the Catholic church,.
I came back only had toast for lunch cooking lasania at the moment and chips.
I am going to your Aunt Joyce'S funeral on Monday next week .
I have been to Anita's this afternoon for a cuppa and cake.
Just got back .
I will go to my Mums at 6pm for a couple of hours.
I have been talking about you today Malc to Anita .
I cry most days for you begging you to come home , but I know thats impossible.
I can only have you in my dreams.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darlin.
I love you wth all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious TiggerMy Bixer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday October 30th 2016 14.30pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to the park talked to Stu and Anita
I came back home had breakfast fed Muffin so far so good .
I made the bed and prepared dinner for whenMum was coming .
She came at 12.30 and has had dinner .
We are watching See no evil hear no evil .
Oh Malc I wish you were here .
I miss you so much .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
This was your favourite film .
Carole texted me this morning g back from their holiday she is speaking to me later when I have dropped Mum off home .
Thank you for coming into my dream last night .
I asked you to last night and you did .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxx.
I've written early because Mum is here and I am taking her home 4.30 pm .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday October 29th 2016 16.31pm.

Hello malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a very lonely day .
I took Muffin to the park this morning i saw Pat and bertie.
I came straight home to feed Muffin but he hasn't eat, he did eat a lot yesterday .
I popped to see lisa for about 3/4 hour she was going out.
I came back and decided to throw all the dated frozen stuff away.
I then popped to Hednesford with Muffin to aldi.
Its another lonely weekend I think Malc.
I noticed the decking hasn't been finished off properly .
Stu hasn't looked at the other side of the decking its open not finished off.
I have asked him to get me another length of decking but I don't think he will come back.
I really think he has taken more money from me that first quoted.
I will have to ask Mark if he will knock a piece on for me.
I miss you Malc so much , I know i keep repeating myself but I do miss you darlin.
I'm still worried about this so called ulcer in my mouth will know more when I go to the dentist next WEDNESDAY.
I'm going to Mums again at 6pm, then back for 8pm the x factor.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 28th 2016. 13.04pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Came back fed Muffin which he eat .
I had breakfast then tatted about until Chanel came with the kids .
They are here now watching BFG film .
I have fed them bacon sandwiches and cheese and beans on toast for Cam .
They are stopping until 2pm then hopfullybim off tonKsys
I miss you my darlin so much .
I cry just once a day now ,
Something stops me .
I try and keep occupied as much as I can .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc .xxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
lOVE. YOU FOREVER. MALC xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday October 28th 2016. 13.04pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Came back fed Muffin which he eat .
I had breakfast then tatted about until Chanel came with the kids .
They are here now watching BFG film .
I have fed them bacon sandwiches and cheese and beans on toast for Cam .
They are stopping until 2pm then hopfullybim off tonKsys
I miss you my darlin so much .
I cry just once a day now ,
Something stops me .
I try and keep occupied as much as I can .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc .xxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
lOVE. YOU FOREVER. MALC xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday October 27th 201617.33pm.

hello Malc my darlin nd Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a good one.
I took Muffin to the park saw no one .
Came back fed muffin had breakfast ,.
We went to Cannock called in Asda and brought my porridge and kitchen rolls.

Came back went to popping with MUM .
After leaving Mum I went home to pick up Muffin as Lisa was taking me to sainsburys to take a jumper back she brought me for my birthday it was too big.
I brought two pairs of gloves with the money they are lovey.
We popped to TK MAXX nothing there disappointed .
Then we called in Dunelm nothing there either.
After lisa and I picked up Muffin from Mums had a tea then left to pick up Jordd from his mates.
They have just dropped me off .
I miss you Malc so much Its hurting.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin, I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday October 26th 2016 17.20pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
today has been good .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one , came straight back fed muffin had breakfast.
Waited until sue Bradbury came we went to tHE holly bush had lunch too.
We came back had a coffee she left at 4pm.
I then decided to take muffin a ride to Hednesford then Lisa rang she was coming here.
i turned back and she has only just gone.
We are going to sainsburys and Tk maxi tomorrow..

I am just cooking dinner then going to Mums.
i miss you Mac , i talked about you again today .
i shouted your name twice today too.
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love you with all my Heart darlin.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday October 25th 2016 15.05pm.

Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy.
today a bit good a bit bad.
I sent a message to Stu about the receipts but replied saying he is not worried about anything.
Feel a bit bad now saying anything.
I will just have to put it down to experience.

On the other side went to The Mault shovel had a lovely lunch with Jayne my friend ,smashing inside.
good prices too.
I shouted your name today and talked about you.
I miss you Malc so much .
I ache for you darlin.
Another one joining you Malc Nancy Bishop the old lady in the bungalow Anglesey st .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday October 24th 2016 14.45pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I am angry ,I took muffin to the park this morning to collect the receipts from the decking and base , guess what ?
Stu said his so called girlfriend has thrown them away mmmmmm.
not believing.
I contacted gills they are investigating and finding the bill.
i hope they can find it and I can confront Stu .
He has done me out of about £100 .
I gave him £800 then £200 to do the job.
He has done me out of about £100 thats why I think he hasn't given me the receipts .
WHY do people think because your on your own and older they can rip you off.
I am waiting to hear from Garry at Gill's to get back to me .
I have just rang him he hasn't had time to look yet ,.
Stu looks worried when iI told him I had rang the companies.
I told him they were sending the receipts through the post ,.
Oh Malc I wish you were here darlin.
Lisa is off work today she has a bad cold .
I will write to younagain tomorrow darlin xxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday October 23rd 2016 19.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a long day but at least i had Mum for company .
I took Muffin up the new road this morning it was raining .
I took him to the park later when it had stopped.

I cooked dinner for my Mum beef today it was lovely .
She isn't eating much though.
If Mum hadn't have come I would have had no company.
Lisa was busy her kitchen isn't finished yet.
She sounded fed up today.
My right ear is making a soundalike an electric noise.
Ive just hd a bath with the help of Lisa.
She is a good girl.
Im on my own now with Muffin , I love my darlin Muffin.
My life would be so lonely without him.
Its going to be a busier week next week .
Monday not sure Tuesday Jayne for lunch, Wednesday Sue the holly bush and lunch.
Wednesday nothing as I know .
Thursday Mum and KAY'S .
Friday Chanel is coming with the kids and both dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I cried last night in bed I played phil collins song against all odds.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin.
I hurt so much inside,.
The clocks go back next Saturday more dark nights,
I hate it Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday October 23rd 2016 19.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a long day but at least i had Mum for company .
I took Muffin up the new road this morning it was raining .
I took him to the park later when it had stopped.

I cooked dinner for my Mum beef today it was lovely .
She isn't eating much though.
If Mum hadn't have come I would have had no company.
Lisa was busy her kitchen isn't finished yet.
She sounded fed up today.
My right ear is making a soundalike an electric noise.
Ive just hd a bath with the help of Lisa.
She is a good girl.
Im on my own now with Muffin , I love my darlin Muffin.
My life would be so lonely without him.
Its going to be a busier week next week .
Monday not sure Tuesday Jayne for lunch, Wednesday Sue the holly bush and lunch.
Wednesday nothing as I know .
Thursday Mum and KAY'S .
Friday Chanel is coming with the kids and both dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I cried last night in bed I played phil collins song against all odds.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darlin.
I hurt so much inside,.
The clocks go back next Saturday more dark nights,
I hate it Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday October 22nd 2016 17.54pm.

Hello my darling and tigger my baby boy .
today i have enjoyed , i took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one.
Came straight home had breakfast fed muffin , he did eat two chicken breasts,.
I then went to cannock then to Penkridge .
I gave sheila her present and a photo of you she loved them.
I stayed a couple of hours.
I then went back to Cannock collected my scooter and called in at Lisa's her new settee's are gorgeous and the kitchen is too , not quite finished.
Im in now watching television Ive just burnt the peas.
i'm not going to my mum's tonight.
I have shouted out your name twice today,
I miss you so much Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday October 21st 2016 15.46pm.

Hello my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today the decking is finally finished.
I took muffin to the park this morning saw no-one.
i popped into aldi got muffin some meat.
Then home for breakfast , Muffin has only just eat.

Stu came about 12.30pm. and has finished the decking and is just taking the old to the tip .
i think he has had enough.
Still I am paying him £200 the decking cost me £850 ±.
Then the grippers £65 .
I can't grumble really I suppose.
Borrowed the money from Mum paying her back monthly.
I have been to cannock to get your Sheila a birthday caRd i forgot to didn't I.
i have brought her a hand bag hope she likes it.

Chanel rang today she is coming down next week with the dogs and kids .
Christopher is on nights and she comes down so he won't be woke up.
she must think i'm stupid.

She doesn't ring or come down any other time.
How close we used to be , she was like a daughter to me.
Malc life is not the same any more since i have lost you.
I miss you so much darlin.
Life will never be the same now.

I feel so alone my son doesn't speak to me my daughter in law doesn't bother with me any more.
Lisa has here family to worry about.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday October 20th 2016 14.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy.
Today i'm shattered i don't know why!!.
I took muffin to the park spoke to pat val and her husband .
I came straight home because I needed to go to cannock to get a charger I ordered collecting from Argos,

i had a ride around Cannock straight home .
i then met Mum for lunch it wasn't very nice today ,i left mind.
its a chippy tonight I think.
Stu is her now finishing the decking .
I feel really tired today and feel very low..
it just might be the mess I have been in .
i miss you my darling so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday October 19th 2016 17.38pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
What a day busy busy busy !!!!!.
I took Muffin to the park this morning giving stu extra money to buy more decking.

Kay picked Muffin up for the day why I went with Mum to the hospital.
Ear nose and throat.
NO cancer thank goodness.
I then came home had lunch and went off to my art class.
I left at 3`15 because I had to collect Muffin and get back home , mum was coming to dinner.
She is here now.
I shouted out your name twice today,.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday October 18th 2016 18.03pm
Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy'
I took Muffin to the park this morning came straight home
Fed Muffin he eat it had breakfast .
Waited in until 11.30 then went to Carole's early
Had a nice lunch and puddineff at 3.30 pm
Got back home Stu was still doing the decking .
I've need some more he is getting it tomorrow .
I will write to you again tomorrow
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday October 17th 2916 14.09pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been very boring , I'm waiting in for this stupid charger to be collected by Hermes.
I managed to take Muffin for ride to the park this morning.
came back fed Muffin and had breakfast ,.
I have ordered a new charger because I haven't got it here at home.
Ive searched everywhere .
I have the shed all out too.
I think Alan has accidentally binned it.
He is 80 and I think he has forgotten.
Sheila and Colin have been this morning they stayed about 3/4 hour.
I feel tired today it could be I still have a cold and stress.
My son of cause !!!!!.
I miss you Malc so much I really need you at the moment.
Lisa's settee's have come beautiful .
I wish I could win the lottery so we could all be happy.

Money is the route of all evil.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday OCTOBER 16TH 2016 17.39PM.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
today has been an upsetting day.
i found Christophers birthday card on the shelf apparently chanel had slipped back on the shelf and not told me.
I sent him a message and a video and send her a message .i was very upset. and angry.
I have have Mum for dinner she left at 4.45pm.
your Sheila might come tomorrow morning , hope so I have to wait in for a parcel to be collected.
Its been a bit boring today really but Mum is company.
Stu is here now doing a bit more decking slow but sure I guess.
Tele and bath tonight i think.
i am worried about my mouth inside I've had an ulcer now for quite a while , I keep chewing the inside of my mouth and biting it.
trying to heal it at present.
Hope it goes away soon.
I am so lonely Malc with out you .
Iwill write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I Love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday October 15th 2016 17.18pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
i took muffin to the park this morning it was very dark.
Stu came at 7.30pm to do more decking .
he was short of planks and membrane..
The charger sent me was the wrong one .its being collected and he is
giving me a refund.

I am a bit upset but learning to live with disappointment.
He can't say I din't care.
He has beans cruel to me since I lost you Malc.
Not coming to see me or wish me Happy Birthday.

I'm not happy with Chanel either if she had anything about her she would bring the children down more often.
They both have no feeling for me at all.

I have been to Cannock twice today and took back to lisa the jumper she brought me for my Birthday she brought a size 14 but it was too big she swapped it and still brought back a size 14 instead of a 12.

Lisa and Geoff are in a mess no kitchen nothing .
Waiting for Adam to fit a ne one.
Malc i miss you so much darlin.
i see couples holding hands and wish it was you and I.
I miss you so much Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday October 14th 2016 13.40pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a bit mixed , I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one .
Come straight back because Stu from the park was coming to do the decking.
He hasn't done very well he has forgotten to bring the membrane
and his circular saw.
he went back home too get them then came back saying he was locked out he hadn't got his key.
Im a bit bothered about the wood being placed under the decking it doesn't seem very thick.
Still too late now its been brought.
I think this is going to take longer than i thought.
Nothing I can do but to be patient.

I miss you Malc darlin so much .
Lokking at the underneath of the decking you placed down you made such a good job darlin.
you always did follow things through though didn't you .
You were a perfectionist .

I will write to you agin tomorrow Malc darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday October 13th 2016 15.47pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok, I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one .Came straight back because stu was suppose to be coming at 9am.

He didn't come until 10.30am and stayed an hour.
he is coming later to pull up some more decking.
I have been to pop in with my Mum and will go tonight for an hour.
i ordered a new charger from eBay fir your drill and got bargain.
A lovely chap has sold me one cheap.
Im not going to fall out with Kay and alan over a charger i value their friend ship.
My day seems to be getting better hope nothing spoils it.
I miss you so much Malc more and more each day that passes.
Still nothing from christopher.
I have got to say I am ashamed to call him my son.
but if he has money worries I wish he would open up and be honest.

I would forgive him.
I still love him as a mother.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday October 12th 2016 17.11pm.

hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad .
I took Muffin to the park his morning saw no one really sick minute with Anita.
I came straight home fed Muffin had breakfast .
I popped to Mums then popped to Cannock to collect my art work.
I have joined art class again every wednesday afternoon.
Came back home then rang Kay to pop down I needed to ask her
about having Muffin next Wednesday all day , she said yes.
i still haven't got the charger to you Drill .
I think Alan was trying to avoid me today just so i couldn't ask him.
i'M ANGRY AND i won't be lending it to him again.

I miss you Malc so much I shouted your name again today.
I miss you cuddles kisses and hugs.
Everyone thinks I'm ok but i don't feel any better even after 36 months.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
PS Lisa is coming for dinner tonight.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday October 1th 2016 15.06pm.

Hello my darlin Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today i have been disappointed, I was going to Carole & Kevs but she texted me because the dog she is looking after has the runs.

I was so looking forward to going.
To topit all your drill charger is missing.
Alan borrowed it but it hasn't come back with the drill.
He says he hasn't got it .
Ive searched the shed and all of the house .
I just hope when they moved they didn't accidentally throw it away with the rubbish.
Gone forever I think.
I feel pretty low today Malc ,
I took Muffin to Cannock did see Matt who is doing my scooter .he says hell sort something out hoping I won't have to pay out.

i have rang Dr Manikam today about Mum she has a shadow on both lungs but no abnormality .
They want to repeat the X-ray just to check.
The ear nose and throat is purely just to check her throat.

Good news.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday October 10th 2016 13.48pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a stupid day popped the bank sorted .
My scooter is very bad I think I have a lot of money to pay out repair my fault!!!.
thats not put me in a good mood.
Just taking the money down to stuart for the decking.
No one about to go to lunch with today , still I can't have it all.
Carole's tomorrow for lunch.
O h Malc what a mess I don't have you to talk to .
I can't tell anyone about my worries.
I can't tell you much today Malc a boring day.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , i love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday october 9th 2016 13.03pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
To has so far ran smoothly.
i took Muffin to the park spoke to stuart about him doing the decking.
He is staring on Wednesday next week .
Geoff has been up this morning and shifted quite a lot off the decking.
He has a good heart he would accept money so I will treat Lisa and Geoff to a meal next time I go out with them.
I have cooked a meal for my Mum and took it down to hers and will go down tonight.
I have been invited to dinner at Carole and Kev's they do look after me.
They want me to take Muffin to meet barney Carole's brother's dog.

Oh Malc I miss you so much , I must move on with my life it's been on hold for two and a half years .
I can't stop praying and hoping you will come home one day.
I miss you so much Malc.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you will all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday October 8th 2016 14.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Not a happy day today.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one.
I came back had breakfast fed mUFFIN WHICH HE EAT .
I decided to take a ride to Lisa's when I got there all the furniture was out side as she was having a carpet fitted in the living room .
Vinyl in the kitchen and bathroom.
Muffin was barking she was already in a bad mood i tried to put both the dogs outside but muffin wanted to stay in.
She went mad , saying you always put my dog outside .
I then put MUFFIN OUTSIDE BUT I COULD SEE want happy so i said I think I will go when your in a better mood , she said I think you better had,
i'm sick of not feeling wanted by both my children.
I'm sick of being shouted at like i was a child.
I will stay in until tonight and go to Mum's why i still have her.
Oh malc I wish you were here for me and I miss you so much much.
I seem to be in trouble with both my children all the time.
I'm worried about Mum at the moment we have to wait until 19th October before we find out if she has something sinister!!!!.
I will Write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday October 7th 2016 13.32pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin to the park a quick ride and walk round .
I came back had breakfast Muffin hasn't eat yet.
I took Muffin to Tony the groomer .
I popped into Asda brought a few things.
I came home and dropped my things off then i went back to Cannock .I did pop to Lisa's but she was out.
I sent her a message about the jumper she brought me but got a sort of angry one back .
She does get short tempered sometimes.
She forgets i AM 65 YERS AND i do forget things .
i still love her though.
I have heard nothing from Christopher as usual.
I don't know why he is so angry and hateful towards me.

Its all about MONEY he is keeping from me but my hands are tied .
Malc if only you knew how lonely and hurtful my life is now.
I will just have to be strong .
Both my children don't realise what i'm going through they think I am ok.
I realise they have their lives to read and they are busy BUT !!!!!!.
I need to be loved and wanted xxxx
I think i won't see Christopher my son only at my funeral.
I will be going to my Mum's tonight with a curry but not stopping long.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday October 6th 2016 17.29pm.
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin to the park met Kim and Oreo.
Muffin loves Oreo.
I came back fed Muffin had Breakfast then tatted about until i went to lunch with Mum at Pop in.
She has lost some weight i have really only just noticed.
She has got to see a specialist on 19th October an X-ray is showing something.
I pray it isn't Cancer!!!!!!!.

I am going with her kelly is driving us in cannock hOSPITAL.

I have told the family except Christopher he isn't bothered.

I wish I knew what is going on with the government I think they know something we don't !!!!.

I have been to Kay's today only for an hour I have a cold and I didn't feel i wanted to stay .
I'm not going to Mum's tonight I want to keep warm and let this cold take it's cause.
I miss you so much Malc I wish you were here to support me.

I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday October 5th 2016 16.21pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
today I took muffin to the park saw stuart the park keeper .
We discussed the decking he is going to do it the end of the month.

I am looking forward to him doing it.
i came home straight away because pete the hairdresser was doing my hair .
He came at 8.30am.
did a good job £38 .
I should have gone to lunch with joan barnett but she rang and cancelled, said she wasn't very well.
Oh well i thought she would cancel somehow.

Actually i have had a runny nose and feel flu type symptoms, I did wake up with a sore throat.
I did pop to Hednesford and Carol Norrey's to take her some cake.
stayed for a tea then back home.
I have no energy today.
I will pop to the chippy later and stop in tonight.
Not a bad night on tele .
I shouted your name twice today Malc .
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday October 4th 2016 17.38pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .

Today has been.
I took Muffin to the park and popped into karen's to give her some Birthday cake.
I also dropped some into Anita's.
i came back fed Muffin and had breakfast .
Carole came at 11.45am stayed until 5pm.
I did stew actually it was nice Carole took some home for themselves.
I have just been to Hednesford popped to Aldi for a couple of things.

I have just had kippers on a brown bread sandwich.
I'm going to mum's in 10 mins.
I have shouted your name and spoken about you again today.
Sue Bradbury spoke to me last night we might get together one day.
Joan barnett is coming tomorrow unless her dog isn't well.
We should be going to lunch.

i will write yo you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc, kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday October 3rd 2016 14.02pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I am writing to you early because Chanel is bring Cameron Ellie and Georgia after school to bring me some flowers.
They didn't come on my Birthday I was out.
I was with Lisa though so they couldn't really.

Today I have had to take my scooter back to be fixed it keeps stopping as i come off the pavement.

It also has a rattle on the transaxle which i'm not happy about.
nothing is being done about that.
Your Sheila and Colin came today they stayed over an hour I was pleased.
I miss you Malc more each day I have no choice being on my own .
I get very lonely but I do have good friends.
I had a lot of presents from my friends.
This is to be my life I guess nothing from Christopher not even happy Birthday I'm very hurt .
Karma Christopher.

I am going to my Mums tonight company.
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday October 2nd 2016 16.16pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
today has been a good and bad day.

I took Muffin to the park came straight home had breakfast fed Muffin.
I made the bed tatted about then took Muffin another ride before Carole and Kevin came to pick me up for lunch.
I got as far as station road and stopped.
I panicked because I didn't know how i wasting to get back.
I tried the lever at the back of the scooter once then turned it off and on it started again.
I managed to get home , but I am going to ring the mobility shop again in the morning.
I think it is the same problem.
I hope I can have a temporary scooter until its fixed.

I have had a lovely meal with Carole and Kev at a place called Golden Orient stafford.
Jade and Lisa are coming later Jade is bringing my Birthday card.
Late but ate least she thought of me.
Its difficult when she lives so far away.

I can't go to mums because of my scooter.
I am angry really .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday October 1st 2016 15.00pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy . slip of the finger yesterday sorry Malc.

Today has been a wash out, I have been in most of it but they rang me from mobility to collect my scooter .
Its rained all day .
It was twisted cable under the battery which caused the problem.
Its back home now thank goodness.

I have had a lovely card from Shirley and Dicky with sister in law on the front.
I have heard nothing from Christopher no Happy Birthday nothing..
I'm really hurt Malc .
I wish you were here with me , I need you so much and miss you terribly.
I don't think Kay will come tonight never mind x factor will do .
I have got tomorrow to look forward to.
Carole and Kev are taking me to lunch .
I don't like leaving Muffin but I have no choice.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love youth all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 30tg2016 19.37pm
He'll Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I have had a good day today all but missing you on my 65th Birthday .
I put your card up you wrote on when you wer in hospital.
I will keep it forever darlin .
I have had some lovely cards and presents .
My friends have been so good to me .
Lisa took me to Trentham Gardens had a nice day and a meal .
She is a good girl Malc .
Nothing from Chris though yet I'm hurt reallly .
Chanel dropped my card and present off why I was out
She is. coming on Monday with the kids and bringing me some flowers
She used to by two or three presents at one time
THank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx
Still it's the thought that counts I suppose .
I miss you my darlin so much , I cried this morning .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tugger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday September 29th 2016 17.32pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been alright .
i took Muffin to the park this morning came straight back had breakfast.
Fed muffin he has done well today.
at 12.30 karen cam to lunch and anita followed.
They stayed until 3pm.
i then popped to Mums for just over abhor.
back home now waiting for stu from the park to measure the decking and give me a quote for new and labour.
Then at 7.30pm Carol Norrey is coming and we are having a takeaway.
Lisa might pop in.
I miss you my darlin so much .
I wish I could wake up tomorrow on my 65th Birthday and you would be by my side.
I AM GOING TO trentham Gardens with Lisa in the morning.
I will written you again tomorrow Malc and tell you what sort of day I have had.
I love you with all my heart Malc, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday September 28th 2016 20.15pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been lovely i took Muffin to the park came home had breakfast fed Muffin.
I then waited for Carole banks to come she came at 12 noon.
She brought lunch shepherds pie lovely.
carole made me a gorgeous cake Malc Its too nice to cut.
Kevin picked her up at about 4.45pm.
I then took Muffin to Aldi and then off to my Mum's.
just got back.
Im just watching bake off.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin I do miss you so much.
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday September 27th 2016 16.12pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I feel much better now I know what the result of my colonoscopy .
Two polyps found and removed still left piles alone .
I also have Diverticulitis.
The dr said he didn't see any cancer in the bowel or polyps but they have been sent off to the lab.
It was a bit uncomfortable at one point when the Dr got to the top of my bowel near my chest.
i do have to go back in 3 to 5years time but Ill cross that bridge when I come to it.
I'm just going to look forward to my 65TH Birthday on Friday .
Lisa is taking me to Trentham gardens .

lisa is coming to dinner tonight and carol norrey is coming at 7.30ish.

Tomorrow Carole banks is coming to lunch tomorrow she is bringing lunch.
I shouted your name today again and spoke about you.
I miss you Malc so much I wish you could come back home you were took too soon.
I keep asking WHY !!!!!.
The evil people that are on this earth nothing happens to them.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I Love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday September 26th 2016 10.19pm.

Hello Malc well this is the day .
I go to cannock hospital for a colonoscopy and surgery .
I'm really worried Malc crossing fingers they don't find anything serious.
i have written early beach I fin't know how I will be later after being sedated .
I miss you so much Malc i need you !!!!!!!!!.
crossing fingers I will be ok .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my live to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday September 25th 2016 14.33pm.

today not good at all My scooter has broken down just managed to take muffin to the park, got back home it stopped,.

Feeling very anxious today and uncomfortable.
I had toast for breakfast and chicken with rice for dinner .
Nothing after 1pm because of colonoscopy tomorrow.

Poor Muffin wants another walk but I can't take him no scooter.
I am writing early today and will tomorrow Malc.
I wish you were here to support me I feel so lonely with out you Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love everyone darlin.
I love you with ally heart darlin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday September 24th 2016 17.05pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today hasn't been too bad.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one .
I came home had breakfast fed Muffin he eat all of it and has just eat some more chicken.
Lisa came for about half hour this morning .Geoff took Muffin a short walk.
I tidied the front path and lisa is going o cut the lavender down and tidy the garden weather permitting tomorrow.

I went to Penkridge this afternoon but Sheila forgot to tell me the bus times had changed.
I had to hang around Cannock for nearly an hour i missed the bus .
But I did stay a couple go hours , it killed time.
I'm back now and at 5.45pm going to the chippy mini fish and chips then mum's if no rain.
X Factor is on later so will be back in time for watching that.
No sunday dinner tomorrow only chicken and mash no veg.
I just want to get it over with now and cross fingers no cancer .

I will write earlier tomorrow Malc because of drinking that fowl stuff .
I miss you Malc and need you at the moment .
I love you with all my heart malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday September 23rd 2016 16.29pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
today has been ok .
I took muffin to the park 8 wish.
Came back had breakfast fed Muffin he did eat it nothing since.
I went to Cannock to take an item back to Dorothy Perkins.
Had a ride round Cannock with Muffin and came back home .
I saw Karen in Cannock she asked me for lunch.
I went to her house at 1pm with Muffin .
I had a phone call from Lisa asking was I in she was coming round foe a chat and coffee.
Typical I am usually in.
I am back now just washed my hair and are waiting to get a curry to take to Mums later.

I talked about you again today to Karen and Neil.
I will always mention your name as much as I can.
i miss you so much Malc.

3 days and its colonoscopy worried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday September 22nd 2016 15.16pm.

Hello my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I took muffin to the park met stu the park keeper talked for a while.

I came straight home and had breakfast fed Muffin but he hasn't eat yet.

I popped to Jean Beardsmore's to take her some money for theatre ticket next year the Grand Wolverhampton.
I also collected muffins dish.
but I did go because jeans sister Maureen is very poorly.
I then went to Cannock with Muffin to collect parcel from Dorothy perkins.

I came home then met Mum for lunch at pop in.

I took back the items I brought they were all to big from Dorothy Perkins.

but brought some other items.
i'm back home now watching my Escape to the country .
I have been thinking about you again today Malc as I do every day
wishing you in my arms hugging you and holding you.

Oh Malc i will never get over losing you darlin.
I miss you so much.
i'm glad I have good friends around me if not every day.
I am going to my mum's again tonight .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday September 21st 2016 16.28pm.

Today a bit iffy!!.
I took Muffin to the park later saw stu the park keeper talked for a while.
Came straight home had breakfast fed Muffin he did eat this morning.
I waited a while then took Muffin another ride then came home to wait for chris Rudd to pick me up for well lunch , but we didn't go to Bella's we went to costa but I didn't enjoy it .
We had quite a chat then left at 2pm.

I had a phone call from Marc at trading standards quite a lengthy conversation , i had to send messages and photos to him.
He is ringing the skip chappie sometime .
This didn't make my day i couldn't concentrate thinking of sending messages i had forgotten hoot do it .
I rang Lucy jason's daughter and she came up and sorted it for me in the afternoon.

I have been talking about you today Malc to Chris my friend .
I miss you so much Malc so much.

I ache for you , pray you would come home to me.
I want to hold you and cuddle up to you at night like we used too.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart darlin.
kISS Tigger and sent my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday September 20th 2016 16.43pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Toggery baby boy.

I took Muffin to the park this morning met Karen and Julie didn't stop long.
Came straight home had breakfast fed Muffin but he has only just eat,
I have been to Carole Banks for lunch nice , just got back .

I'm watching Tipping point then your favourite The Chase.

I might go to Mum's again just for company.
I have talked about you today again to Carole and to John Beardsley
who used to live in the prefabs up sunrise hill when we were young.

He has gone so fat bald and old looking.
I miss you Malc so much .
jean and Jeff are taking me next January 28th to The Grand Theatre to see the old sixties groups.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love everyone. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday September 19th 2016 17.21pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

today has been a good day.
i took Muffin to the park saw Stu the park keeper from a distance he waved.

Came straight home had breakfast fed Muffin .
I made the bed then Sheila and Colin came to see me.
They stayed an hour I was quite surprised .

After they went I took Muffin a ride to Jean and Jeff Bearsmore's
Had lunch and tea at 12.30pm until 4pm.
i really enjoyed the afternoon with them we asked over old times.
I left Muffin's dish behind but Jean will bring it to Pop ins Thursday.

I am going to my Mum's at 6pm for a couple of hours.

I have been talking about you again today with sheila and Jean and Jeff.
Your name will be mentioned every day Malc.
I miss you so much darlin.
I want to hold you love you kiss you , I want you to be sitting on your sofa when I get back home .
If only a miracle would happen just for once.
i will write to you again tomorrow MALC .
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday September 18th 2016 18.14pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
A lonely day today as usual on a Sunday.
I took Muffin to the new road smelly this morning swan Phil Jayne.s husband dicky's Daughter.

Came back had breakfast Muffin didn't eat this morning as he did have a late supper last night.

I rode round couple of times.
I had my dinner rang Lisa but she was out at Wednesbury looking for Sofa's and kitchens.
I haven't heard from her since , she did see me yesterday I suppose.

I just need company Malc , I don't want another man to live with me .

But I am seeing my friends Monday Tuesday and Wednesday.
Better than no-one.

I wish you were here Malc by my side I miss you so much darlin.

I'm sitting watching The chase celebrity then the X factor.
I'm so lonely Malc , I even rang your Sheila if she was coming tomorrow, she said if they get up early enough or if its not raining.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday September 17th 2016 16.52pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I have really enjoyed .
I took Muffin to the park later this morning i saw no-one .
Came back had breakfast i didn't feed Muffin as he had alate supper, he has just eat two meals.

I have been to Stafford with lisa and thoroughly enjoyed.
We went to queen square first Lisa was looking for settee's.
Then we went to the new shopping centre in Stafford town.
I brought a new blouse jacket and joggings lovely.
I love to go out with Lisa shopping.

I then came back and took Muffin a ride round and back to Aldi but his dog meat was out of stock.

Back home now darlin watching last weeks Factor.
Not sure if I shall go to Mum's tonight.

I miss you my darlin Lisa has been thinking about you a lot too lately .
She misses you so much too.
My heart aches for you Malc.
Lisa and I were talking about meeting up with you when it's our time.

I wish Christopher would compound and be more caring and loving.
I wish we could all be together at Christmas again.
Perhaps you could in your own way persuade him .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday September 16th 2016 15.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy , sorry I misspelt your name yesterday Tigger .

It was raining this morning so we didn't go to the park until later.
I felt a little upset this morning knowing I was on my own again this morning and it was Lisa's day off.
I reckon she is visiting Jade Finley and Carter
i can't moan she doesn't see them often.

Only wish she would ring a say are you ok Mum just a phone call.
As for Chanel no phone call since she asked me to go up and sty over to watch the kids and dogs 24th September.

Christopher nothing.

My days are lonely Malc I thought my kids would be more caring towards me . Lisa is more than Christopher.

She is going to treat me to Trentham Gardens on my Birthday .

Curry tonight with Mum I wouldn't have any family if it wasn't for Mum .
Ive been to Cannock with Muffin called in Dorothy Perkins brought a couple of things.
You know me Malc have to don't I ? xxxxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I miss you terribly I just want to cry all the time Malc xxxxxxxxx.
The house is empty with out you darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday September 15th 2016 17.01pm
Hello Malc my darling and trigger my baby boy.

Today I tookMuffin to the park saw Kim and Oreo.
I came home after going to Aldi had breakfast .
Muffin has not long eat at Kay's .
I took Muffin several times a ride round.
Kev next door cleaned our windows £5 .
I met mum at POP INS had lunch but din't eat it only pudding.
Came back rang Kay and popped to hers at 2pm stayed until 4'30pm.
Muffin eat his meal there little tike xxx.
I love him to bits Malc he keeps me going.
I miss you my darling every single day , i cry mostly every day even if a bit.
i ache for you Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc i'm off to Mums soon.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday September 14th 2016 17.22pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
today i took Muffin to the park early saw no one.
I popped into Aldi then home .
had Breakfast fed muffin but he has only eat a little bit.

I took a further ride with muffin up the skelly.
Carole Banks came at 11.45am stayed until 4pm she had lunch.

I have just got back from another ride with muffin and sent a parcel back .
I have talked about you again today Malc.
I miss you so much I cried this morning .
I am off to Mums in a while its company .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday September 13th 2016 15.16pm.

Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy .
Today i took muffin to the park met up with Kim and oreo .
We spoke for quite a while.
came back had breakfast fed muffin he had fresh chicken .

I did take muffin a second ride round so MUFFIN was tired when i went out to lunch with Jayne my friend .
We went to The barns and had a lovely lunch .
Came back and had coffee latte .

She has just left and I have given her two bath towels for her son toad,.
I am going to take Muffin another ride after Escape to the country.

I need potatoes for Carole and I tomorrow.

I have been talking about you again today and shouted your name I miss you so much my darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 12th 2016. 17.05pm
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been lonely again Malc .
I took Muffin to the park saw Juliecat a distance but didn't fancy her company .
She is too judgmental .
I popped into Aldi for a few things.
Came home had breakfast Muffin has only just eat .
I have been to Lisa's for the throw I lent them and washed it . It was in their shed it stank .
Jordd was with his girl friend now working for Shane .
I have been riding round with Muffin so bored today .
Lisa is coming for dinner at 6.30 pm .
Bringing mad Max but he is lovely .
Bones away biscuits etc .

I got very upset last night and this morning crying and missing you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart. Darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday September 10th 2016 13.06pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Im writing to you early today because kay has asked me and Muffin to her's this evening .
I took muffin to the park this morning , met up with karen neil pat and anita .
I didn't stop long it started to rain quite sharp .
Muffin has been sick today brown aswell.

I don't think he will eat anything today.
I am a bit bored but can't go out .
i don't feel to good anyway ,
i still have this pain by my shoulder running up to my neck on the right side.
I have sent a message Christopher asking him if he will send me £1000 so I can have the decking pulled up and new put down.. but as usual he hasn't replied.
i dreamt about him last night he ws a little boy and he hugged me. I did tell him in a message. but again no reply.
I am watching Jamie Oliver cooking .
Muffin is lying by my side.
I miss you Malc i keep crying for you but i know deep down I can't have you back.
you were so un happy on this life , i hope you happier with My DAD
and your mum and Dad and of cause Tigger xxx

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Preciious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 9th 2016 15.35pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been abit mixed .
I took Muffiin to the park met up with Kim and Oreo .
Muffin has fell in love with her .

I came home had breakfast fed Muffin but he hasn't eat it as yet .
I waited in for Lisa but she didn't come .
I then decided to pop in to see her I only stayed a little while .
Then off to Cannock I went to buy Birthday card for Carter he is 1 year old 14 th October .
I had a salad in a box .
Back home now watching tele after going to the chemist for pain killers for the muscle pain in my right shoulder .
I will write to you again tomorrow X Malc Darlin.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 8th 2016 16.43pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been an ok day .
I took Muffin a ride on the scooter to the park .
I saw Julie at a distance but avoided her .
I came home had breakfast Muffin has only just eat .
You would be proud of me I have manage to down load an app called drop box and sent it to trading standards .

They have sent a message to say received .
I miss you Malc my darling so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday September 7th 2016 17.01pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
today I went to the park late I didn't see anyone , i wanted to get back really.
I had breakfast fed Muffin but he has only had some biscuits .
I have been to Carole Banks for lunch lovely company.
i am back now and waiting for kay to ring me , its her birthday and she has asked me to go for a drink tonight with the family to celebrate.

I will have to leave Muffin but i think we will only be a couple of hours .
She loved the present i brought her.
I miss you Malc so much I shouted your name twice today .
Carole mentioned they saw me in the street yesterday and commented she should be with malc.
They are very caring friends.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and BUNNY XXXX

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby X Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 6th 2016 13.29pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
I am writing early today before I ring Kay to ask if I can visit .
Today I took Muffin to the park saw Karen Julie and pat .
I came back had breakfast Muffin hasn't eat yet .
I've been a ride round with Muffin.
Just had mushrooms on toast .
Hoping to go to Kay's this afternoon .
I'm missing you Malc so much I cry shout and beg you to come home .
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling .
I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny. Xxxxx

My Precious Tigger Mh Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday September 5th 2016 16.13pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is as you know our 46th Wedding Anniversary .
I have placed a card on the mantle piece .
Showing how much I love you and miss you .
Took Muffin to the park saw Julie with her new dog !!!!!!!!.
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin .
I had to send an email to trading Standards today it took all Morning .
Carol Norry part sorted it .
Then Lucy Davis came and helped .
I have been to Boogaloos with my Mum she treated me to a dinner .
It wasn't the best but it's the thought that counts they even let
me take Muffin in .
I feel very tired and very low today .
I miss you so much Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Thank you Dee and Muffin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday September 5th 2016 17.11pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to the park twice there was a band practicing , it was lovely .
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin .
I took him a second time so he was relaxed why Lisa and I went to The Horns for Sunday dinner .
The meal was nice I paid as Geoff brought my meal in the week .
I've brought a monitor for inside the house and so I can watch Muffin when I go to Tesco .
I miss you Malc so much .
My head is heavy with tiredness .
I am going to Mum's again at 6pm until 8pm .
Any thing for company .
Then back watching the X factor bath and bed .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xx
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxx .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Saturday September 3rd 2016 16.14pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been so far very lonely .
I took Muffin a ride to the park this morning
Saw Kim but didn't stop long .
It started to rain it pord down most of the day .
Lisa and Geoff called in but didn't stop long .
Geoff took Muffin a walk with Max .
They are both going for a meal tonight
Geoff has had some ppi back .
I am now on my own with Muffin probably on my own tomorrow too .
I hate it Malc .
I think think my children understand .
Lisa does do more for me than Christopher .
I might go to my mums later if the rain stops .
Oh Malc I miss you so much I'm so lonely .
I have to keep pushing myself onto people and I don't think they want me all the time .
I've shredded a lot of papers today .
I miss you Malc , I hate weekends !!!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
LOVE YOU MALC WITH ALL MY HEART xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 2nd 2016 15..29 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to the park saw Kim no one else.
I came straight back home fed Muffin which he has only just eat .
I had breakfast tatted about and went to Cannock , I took Uffi to his groomer Tony.
I Rode around Cannock Waiting in for Muffin .
Back now going to Mum's later curry night .
I cried today I need. You Malc so much .
I miss you darlin so much Malc .
I'm feeling weepy lonely and fed up .
Lisa has gone to Jade's today she has Fridays. Off now .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with All my heart Darlin xxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyoneO
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Thursday September 1st 2016 13.54pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to the park met Karen Pat and Anita .
I came back fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I took Muffin to the salon he sat why I had my hair done .
I quite enjoyed it .
I then popped to Hedesfiird bumped into Mum .
We later went to pop ins .
I'm back now wishing you here by my side .
Wishing we could hug and kiss each other . 😘
I miss you my darling so much 😪
Trading standards have contacted me
I need the gardeners reg number .
Kay is helping .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 31st 2016 15.40pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin to the park saw Karen and Anita .
I then came home had breakfast I did feed Muffin but he won't eat it until later .
I have been in and out all day Hednesfiord then Cannock .
My hospital appointment for Monday has been cancelled until. 26 th September .
The surgeon I wanted is away so now booked for 26th September .
I'm trying to switch off.
Lisa Has just rang asking why it's been cancelled .
After dinner Im going to Mum's again I need company at the moment .
I miss you my Darlin so much .
I wish you could come home .
I saw a shadow of a man yesterday walk through ggevlivingroom door , I did tell Iisa. Was it you Makc ? Xxx
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 30th 2016 17.22pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin a ride to the park saw Kim and Karen .
I came straight home and fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I then took Muffin to Cannock just for a ride round .
I came back popped into Lisa's asked if she wanted dinner tonight .
She is coming 6pm with the dogs .

It's been sunny all day.
I miss you my darling so much I ache for you .
I have been to Kay's this afternoon she has fed Muffin with her dogs .
Inwill write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger e My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. August 29th 2016 17.57pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I have a good day today .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one
Had breakfast fed Muffin.
Went to Lisa's stayed a while then we went to Shoal hill tavern for a meal .with the dogs .
Came back then off to Anita's stayed until 4.30 pm I'm now off to my Mums .
I wish you had been with us all today .
Bank holiday Monday .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxx
Kiss Tigger and send. My love to everyonexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunnyxxxxcccc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 28th 2016 14.03pm.
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I'm writing early today .
I have took Muffin to the park this morning .
Didn't see a soul .
I came straight home fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I decided at half passed nine I would go to Asda and get some porridge and kitchen rolls ,
I also popped to home bargains for my sweeteners .
It only took an hour and I Was back with Muffin .
I've put some washing in and hoping it will dry .
On my own again having dinner .
Mum has gone to The nest .
Don't know where Lisa is perhaps taking Toby home or seeing Jade .
May be they will ask me tomorrow .
It's Bank holiday Monday tomorrow .
I miss you Malc so much I shouted your name today again .
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx. Xxx .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 27th 2016 17.17pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I didn't take Muffin to the park
I had a nasty message from that gardener .
So I rang the police they are sorting .
I went to Mum's instead .
Had a cuppa then came home had breakfast fed Muffin .

I popped to Lisa's for 15 mins she was going to have her hair done at 12 noon .
I came home threw a few things away in the shed nothing big .

I then took Muffin a ride to Carol Norry's
To take the radar key what wasn't working.
She swapped with hers .
I'm back home after calling in Aldi for fish .
Dinner done now looks like I will be in all night .
It's poring with rain again .
So depressing .
Good job X factor is back .
I miss you Malc so much I ache for you .
I love you with all my heart Darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 26th 2016 16.20 pm
Hello my Darlin Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Not a bad day I took Muffin to the park saw no one today .
Came home had breakfast fed Muffin but only just eat it .
Phoned police to ask if I was with in the law
To expose gardeners who have ripped off my Mum .
I'm in the middle of negotiation them giving us part money back .
I've been to Jeans for lunch today stayed a couple of hours .
I'm if to Mum's later for a curry .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin .
Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 25th 2016 14.49pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today glad to be back home.
Thoroughly enjoyed staying at Christophers watching the kids and dogs BUT. Too many bugs I had to close the windows last night bugs crawling on my pillow flying in .
All ceiling were down lots to do in the house .
I couldn't face the work .
Got up after a bad sleep dogs barking too.
We had breakfast and took Muffin a walk up the village .
By the time we came back . Chanel was back home we had a cuppa then she ran Muffin and I home .
I had a full change and shower .
I then went to lunch with Karen for an hour .
Back homecMuffin has had a good shower .
We have to go to Aldi for potatoes and then off to my Mum's .
Only stopping an hour need to get home to rest .
Raining yet again !!!!!!!!!! I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one
I miss you so much Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 25th 2016 14.49pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today glad to be back home.
Thoroughly enjoyed staying at Christophers watching the kids and dogs BUT. Too many bugs I had to close the windows last night bugs crawling on my pillow flying in .
All ceiling were down lots to do in the house .
I couldn't face the work .
Got up after a bad sleep dogs barking too.
We had breakfast and took Muffin a walk up the village .
By the time we came back . Chanel was back home we had a cuppa then she ran Muffin and I home .
I had a full change and shower .
I then went to lunch with Karen for an hour .
Back homecMuffin has had a good shower .
We have to go to Aldi for potatoes and then off to my Mum's .
Only stopping an hour need to get home to rest .
Raining yet again !!!!!!!!!! I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one
I miss you so much Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 24th 2916 17.18pm .
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger My baby boy .
Today has been a busy day I took Muffin to the park this morning met Stu the park keeper , asked him to give us a quote to replace our decking , he is looking into it .
I came home had breakfast did feed Muffin but he has only just eat it .
Chanel came with the dogs and Cameron Ellie and Georgia .
Stayed a while then we all went up to Christiophers .
He is at Chipping ham .
I am looking after the tribe while Chanel stays over night with
Christopher xx
We took a little walk up the very small village.
Lovely place Malc to live if you have a car .
Nice neighbours .
The house. Now has a lot of work needed he will get it right
One day .
I only wish he would speak to me Christopher 😌.
Mum has been ripped off yet again £120 for 4 hours work not even done correctly .
I let them know We weren't happy .
I'm staying over night but will be glad to get back home
The kids are great it's Dave the Doberman .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one Xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 24th 2916 17.18pm .
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger My baby boy .
Today has been a busy day I took Muffin to the park this morning met Stu the park keeper , asked him to give us a quote to replace our decking , he is looking into it .
I came home had breakfast did feed Muffin but he has only just eat it .
Chanel came with the dogs and Cameron Ellie and Georgia .
Stayed a while then we all went up to Christiophers .
He is at Chipping ham .
I am looking after the tribe while Chanel stays over night with
Christopher xx
We took a little walk up the very small village.
Lovely place Malc to live if you have a car .
Nice neighbours .
The house. Now has a lot of work needed he will get it right
One day .
I only wish he would speak to me Christopher 😌.
Mum has been ripped off yet again £120 for 4 hours work not even done correctly .
I let them know We weren't happy .
I'm staying over night but will be glad to get back home
The kids are great it's Dave the Doberman .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one Xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Babh Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 23rd 2016 20.49pm

Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby. Boy .
Today has been a better day .
Took Muffin to the park only saw Kim and Oreo .
Came home had breakfast fed Muffin but as usual eat later .
Lisa came up with Finley and Geoff picked her up later to take them off to Barmouth camping .
Carole came to lunch and I brought a new hose auto rewind Kev put it on the wall for me .
Pleased with it watered all the plants tonight .
It's been hot today but coped .
I called out your name again today Malc .
I placed a message on Facebook it being. Two and a half years since I said goodbye to you .
I miss you so much Malc , the pain is still inside my heart aches for you Darlin .
A few friends commented and your Marg missing you xxxxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Darlin xxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxx
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx X xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 22nd 2016 15.03pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today a bit mixed up .
I took Muffin to the park met Karen her Sons girlfriend has gone into Labour .
I talked for a while. Them home .
I had breakfast fed Muffin he has only just eat it .
I took the Hose off the wall and Alan took me to screw fix to get a refund not for me .
I have ordered a auto rewind one .
Tesco pick up tomorrow .
I need to ask Jason to fix it up .
I feel I need you more than ever today Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I miss you so much Darlin xxxxxx😥😥
I have just ran Muffin around again and now watching escape to the country .
You know me .
I'm going to Christophers on Wednesday watching the kids and dogs don't have to do anything all cooking done by Chanel and dogs will be fed .
Not looking forward to sleeping but only one night .
Carole is coming tomorrow for lunch .
I will go to Mum's again tonight company .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 21st August 2016 15.27pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I have got angry and Im tired .
I took Muffin to the park this morning .
Met a lady called called Barley she is from New Zealand .
Very talkative big very nice .
She has took my mobile and landline number and said if ever I need any help or Muffin walking she will help .
I came home showered Muffin and have had. dinner .
I did expect Lisa to invite me to dinner today but she didn't .
She is going to Barmouth Tomorow with Geiff taking Finley .
Another lonely weekend this has been Malc you said I would be .
Nothing from Christopher at all .
What have I done so bad to deserve this ????????????
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
LOVE FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee. and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog zbaby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 20 th2016 16.09pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
To has been boring I have seen no one today not even z phone call to ask how I am .
Nothing from Christopher .
I took Muffin to the park this morning coming back it rained and has been on and off all day .
I popped to Tesco to collect a parcel but had to take back what I had brought they were too big .
I have took Muffin around the park twice .
I'm back now .
Another lonely day Malc .
Not much to tell you today darlin.
Only the chap who's dog bit me came round to apologise again and see how I was .
I just said as a friendly neighbour I asked he keeps the dog on the lead .
He agreed and we parted amicably .
I will writextonyiubagain tomorrow Malc Darlin .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 19th 2016 16.01pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has rained most of it .
I managed to take Muffin to the park then in the way back it really started raining sharp.
I stayed in most of the morning then Intook Muffin to Cannock I had to collect a parcel from dorothy Perkins .
I spent an hour round Cannock .
I came home Jason's Lucy asked to use the printer she is applying for a police job needs to get on a police horse.
Mmmm I don't think she will qualify .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you and miss you every day .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious TiggerMy Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 18 th 2016 17.15 pm
Hello Makc my darling and TiggerMy baby boy .
Just a quickie today Malc .
I took Muffinto the park this morning saw all the girls today .
Came back had breakfast fed Muffin.
I stayed in until lunch time then met Mum at pop ins had a meal .
Later went to Kay's stayed 2 hours .
On the way back that vicious Westie dog off his lead came running towards me on my mobility scooter after Muffin then bit me and ripped my lovely crotchet top.
The chap apologised and asked how much my top cost he gave me £20
I have had to have a tetanus polio and diphtheria inj .
I am giving him a final warning .
I f U see him off the lead next time I'm going to contact the police .
He is a dangerous dig.
I'm I off to Mum's to repair the top if I can .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 17th 2016. 18.12pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Not a bad day all in all .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one .
I came straight home had breakfast fed Muffin .
I waited until 12.30 pm to go to Carole's for lunch a nice salad .
Then popped to Hednesford for disinfectant .
For the garden .
I've been thinking about you today and wishing in my heart you could come home .
I miss you so much Malc .
My heart aches for you Darlin .
No one understands .
I will write to you again tomorrow Makc .
I m going to my mums again Lisa isn't coming .
Poor Max is poorly .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send mublivecto every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 16th 2016 15.41pm.
Hello Malc My Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been good so far but I'm not feeling very well .
I had a funny turn again last night .
Sweaty and feeling very unwell .
After going to the toilet I felt a bit better.
I took Muffin to the park this morning met Karen , Julie and Pat .
I came home washed my hair had breakfast and sat because it's so hot today .
Carol Norrey came and we went to lunch .
The Crown Brownhills .
A nice lunch.
She then took me to Screw fix to collect a hose .
Lisa is coming later about 4 pm .
I will write to you again in the morning Malc
I love you with all my heart Malc miss you even more each day goes by.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART MALC. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxp
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 15th 2016 16.27pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been too bad .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Julie and Kim with Oreo .
I came straight home had breakfast because Chanel was coming with Cameron Ellie and Georgia .
She came lunch time no dogs thank goodness .
They all ran to me and gave me a hug .
I did enjoy their company today .
I don't know when I will see them again .
They all had something to eat drink and sweets .
It's so hot today too hot for Muffin .
I am going to steam some sprouts
Lamb for dinner .
Then off to Mum's later to watch Emmedale
Also Coronation street .
Home then a DVD .
I've been talking and thinking about you today .
I only wish you could come home
I miss you so much Darlin
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 14 th 2016 16.51pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a bit strange .
I took Muffin to the park saw Stu the park keeper .
Came straight home had breakfast .
I then sat in the garden force while .
Decided to ride to Lisa's
They were just leaving to go. Walk .
I asked Lisa the next time Geoff has a week off could he help me buy using the pressure waher to get the weeds up .
She snapped my head off and said heciscdoinv enough .
Ok so I won't ask again she again has hurt my feelings .

What is going on with my kids ??????
I wish I could talk to you Malc about all of my worries .
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 13th 2016 17.03pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today not so good ,
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Karen and Neil .
I popped in Aldi for a couple of things .
I came home had breakfast .
Muffin has only just eat .
I texted Anne and Louise then decided to go to Hednesford Festival .
It was on the park not very good really
But somewhere to go .
I haven't see a soul today or heard from anyone .
I have been lonely Malc . I can't live with out you Malc .

I miss you so much , the kids don't understand .
I don't want to die .
But I wish you were sitting here with me .
I think about you every day all day.
The only thing I wish now is to win the
Lottery .
Mainly for Lisa for a new house and a car.
And to pay this debt on the house which
Mostly Christopher owes .
I keep trying .
I may go to Mum's again tonight .
I am back home now and back to normal no company unless I push myself .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyonexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 12th 2016 18.21pm
Hello Makc my Darlin. and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a busy day .
I took Muffin to the park ,met Karen .
Then Back home to wash my hair and wait for Geoff from Amalgamate to service our gas fire .
He did a good job Malc £50 .

I then took Tigger to Cannock just to get out .
Came back dropped Muffin home and took the stag back to Asda and got a new one .
He is sitting pretty on our window ledge .
I then took Muffin to Kay's and he eat two dinners bless him .
Kay's house is coming together now .
I'm at Mum's now just eat a curry .
I have had a good day but miss you so much Malc .
I cried over the skelly bridge .
Back to normal just Muffin and I on our own again !!!!!!!.
Chanel might be coming Monday with the kids and the dogs .
I will writextonyiubagain tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxx X
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday 11th August 2016 15.40pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I have felt poorly and in fear .
I don't know why . I just have a feeling .
Today I took Mufgin to the park a bit later saw no one .
I called in Aldi for a few things .
Came back took a parcel back to Vine stores dress from Debenhams .

Mum has been for dinner and I will go back with her stay until Emmerdale has finished .
Muffin has eat some chicken that's good .
I do miss you Malc I need to talk my worries to you .
I can't talk to my family they are too occupied .
They have their lives to live.
Tomorrow gas fire being serviced £ 50 .
Then off to collect my purchase from Asda timer hill .
I forgot I have to go after 5 pm .
Lisa and Geoff seem to be ok again .
Till the next time .
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 10 th 2016 13.44pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Nearly home now just about to go on the toll road
I am glad tiger back now have my own space
Lisa's Back home she is coming tonight .
My battery is low so might not finish this message
I miss you Malc and wish you home every day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart,Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee & Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 9th 2016 17.34pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
What a lovely end to a lovely holiday .
Anne and Viv have been very kind .
Today we have been to Dorchester
And a meal at The Worlds End
Remember it Malc ? Xx
Oh how I wish you would have been with me .
Muffin has not been eating well
I do hope when we get back it improves .
I miss you my darling so much .
Lisa has rang she is staying at our house tonight They have had a blading row over Luke .
You know what I think of him stealing from Lusa with her credit card .
I can't wait to get home now .
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 8 th 2016 17.22pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
A good day today Malc a walk with Muffin this morning on my hired scooter .
Then breakfast . Louise took me to Home sense B&q and Aldi .lunch at the restaurant fish and chips .
Then a cuppa with Louise .
Back with Anne now and my Baby Muffin she looked after Muffin .
Oh Malc I miss you so much darling I think about you all day every day .
We are off to Dorcherster tomorrow Malc . Anne and Viv are so good to me .
I will writextonyiubagain tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Chanel has texted me .
Thank you Dee And Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 7th 2016 17.41 pm
Today has been lovely Malc I cried this morning , I sat on a bench just up the road from Anne and Viv withbMuffin looking at the view over the sea in the distance .
Thinking of you wishing you here by my side
I know you have always liked the sea and views .
I miss you so much Malc . I will NEVER get over losing you .
Anne and Viv took me to Lynhurst today
The New Forrest remember .
We had cream tea outside the same place we went to 3 years ago .
Memories Inwill never forget .
It hurts knowing your not sharing this with me . Only in spirit .
If only Malc you could come back just for one more day 😥
My heart aches for you .
We are back in the flat now hot and sticky
Clostraphobic and cluttered .
But they are so kind not many would do this .
Viv is so lazy no wander he is obese +++++.
It's inly his weight which makes him look disabled .
His teeth are atrocious and finger nails and toes even worse .
I'm off shopping with Louise tomorrow and a meal .
Muffin is stopping with Anne and Viv .
Inwill write to you again tomorrow Malc Darlin .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 6 th 2016 15.11pm
Hello Makc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today my usual walk with Muffin on my hired mobility scooter .
Then breakfast and off to Asda for a couple of items .
Anne took Muffin and I a lovely ride out to puddle town piddle town .
Then to the pub we went to for a lovely meal to Tge White Horse . The meal wasn't so good I sent mine back .
They took £9 off the bill £40 in all .
Will not be going there again .
I miss you my darling so much I cried last night again. .
Oh how I wish you could be with me here .
My heart aches for you Malc xx😔
I will write to you again tomorrow , Kidd Tigger and send my love to everyone ,
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxc
LOVE. YOU FOREVER MALC. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 5th 2016. 21.01
Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy .
Today has been lovely except you weren't here.
I have taken Muffin a couple of walks today .
Anne took us to a couple of places and we had a meal well lunch out very nice .
Muffin has been great apart from he isn't eating too good .
I am enjoying the days out but the flat us so clostraphobic .
I feel trapped in it .
I keep going into the bedroom .
They are so kind Anne and Viv .
I am selfish really .
They have got a film in very noisy I can't stand but it is their programs I suppose .
Oh Malc you would have lived today .
I am lonely with out you .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I live you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 4 th 2016. 18 .13 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been lovely took Muffin round the street on a hired mobility scooter .
Came back Had breakfast fed Muffin but he isn't eating until evening , he is worrying me .
We went off in. Anne's car to the ferry over to Studland and
Corfe castle .
Lovely meal a ploughmans .
Ice day .
I'm shattered now .
Boring television tonight not for me but I suppose I have to give a little .
I miss you Malc so much more each day .
Nothing has changed Malc the flat is as bad as it always. Been . But they are so kind hearted .
Muffin has just eat pleased now .
I'm taking him out before bed time .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc . I love you with all my heart Darlin .
kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 3rd 2016 11.56pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
I'm writing to you early because we are going to the quay up in Poole .
I wish you were here with me Malc I really do .
It's as messy if not worse than before in Annes flat no room at all .
But they are both so kind .
Ilisa's car had had it .
She has asked me to be a Garrantore .
I can't refuse really she needs a car .
I will write again tomorrow Malc .
We are in the car now.
I love you with all my heart Malc
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 2 nd. 2016 15.40 pm
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger.
my baby boy .
Today I'm on my way to. Anne & Vivs
We have been travelling. 5 hours now Poor Muffin he hasn't. Eat or drank all day .
He hasn't done a number two either.
I have cried today wishing you here with me.
I hope we enjoy it .
Lisa has rang me .
I don't know what sort of meals we will have but Anne is so kind hearted . They have given up their bed just for me .
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Darling .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Preciious Tigger My Bixer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday August 1st 2016. 16.34pm

Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigged my baby boy .
Today I have really enjoyed , I took Muffin to the park this morning met Julie and Kim .
Came home had breakfast and fed Muffin .
Then Anne and Viv came I cooked baco eggs abs beans I had porridge .
We dropped Muffin off at Kay's then off tobTrentham gardens .
Brought a few things .
Lovely day .
I need to do such slit tonight. But 3 baggers go to Lisa's drop food off . Buy a kabab and go to Mum's .
Bath late tonight .
I would have loved you with me today Malc I miss you so much .
I will be thinking about you while I am at Poole.
I only wish you could be by my side .
I will try and write tongue every day Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx.

My Preciius Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 31st 2016 16.24pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today's I far not bad .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Stubtge park keeper .
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin but he didn't eat it only just eat the fresh chicken .
Chanel brought the kids down and the dogs it wasn't too bad .
Christopher. Hasn't put the money in yet but he is on nights so can't pester him .
Enjoyed having the kids come down .
I have cooked dinner now for Anne and Viv .
They are both snoring their heads off at the side if MeV.
They are taking me to Trentham gardens tomorrow Kay is having Muffin .
I hate leaving him but Kay loves him and looksxafterchim well .
A very good friend .
I miss you Malc so much I wish you were here with me. Ready to go to Poole.
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc .xxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyonexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday July 30th 2016 20.55pm.

hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I wrote to you earlier but it didn't go through.
Today I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one.
I called in Aldi to buy a few things for when Anne and Viv come tomorrow.
i came home Had a bit if porridge because Lisa asked me to Wetherspoons for full English breakfast,.
Then I came home fed Muffin then off to Kay's after Lisa collected a throw and a bed for Max,.
I stayed a couple of hours then home to feed Muffin and go the the chip shop to buy fish cake and chips ,.
off i went to My Mum's .
Not long got back .
finished knitting al but seeing and finishing the neck.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,
I love you will all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 29th 2016 19.28pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a better day .
I didn't take Muffin to the park because he was having a groom at Cannock .
I took him for 9am , stayed in Cannock then picked him up just. Over an hour .
I then went home gave him a meal waited until 12.30. And met Mum in Tesco left our scooters in there .
Caught the bus to Rugeley .
Then another to see Auntie Hazel at Hawkes yard priory nursing home .
She is 90 years today
We stayed an hour then caught he buses back .
Christopher has text me to ask how much he needs to pay in the bank for the mortgage .
It's not in my bank yet but I think he will tomorrow .
It's lifted my spirits .
Thank you Malc if you did have a word .
I'm at Mum's at the moment had a curry .
Oh Malc I miss you so much Darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow. Darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxx.
LOVE YOU FOREVER. MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday July 28th 2016 15.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin to the park and met July and Anita didn't stop long was having my hair done by pete £35 . had breakfast .

I then took Muffin a ride to Hednesford Aldi and Came back .
i went to POP INS with my mum had lunch and came straight home to Muffin.
I then took him up Chadsmoor to take t rolls back brought from groupon..
Our gas fire is making a funny noise so I've turned it off.
I have arranged a service 12th August £50 by a chap called GEOFF
I am doing mushrooms on toast before I go to Mum's .
Muffin has just eat thank goodness.
I miss you Malc i love you so much ,I wish you were here with me getting ready to go to Poole .
Anne and Viv are coming Sunday staying for a few days.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday jULY 27th 2016 16.14pm.

Hello Malc my darling nd Tigger my baby boy.
Today I have quite enjoyed a surprise from Jean Bearsdmore .
I took Muffin to the park thus morning it ws a bit wet .
I called in Aldi then home for Breakfast .
i did feed Muffin but he hasn't eat yet.
I had a phone call from Jean Beardsmore asking if I wanted to go with the to pick up her sister from the nursing home and go for a meal.
We had a lovely meal then They dropped Jeans sister Maureen off and we went a ride over the chase and saw two herds of deer .
I wished you were with me Malc holding my hand , Jean was holding Jeffs hand , I felt very sad.

I miss you so much Malc so much.
I need you Malc,.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday July 26th 2016 18.05pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a busy day ,
I took Muffin to the park saw Julie and Anita in the distance .
I came home had breakfast fed Muffin but he has only just Eat it.

I went with Kay and sorted my top out at the dress shop.
I did dinner for Carole and my self.
She stayed until about 3.45pm.
I then took Muffin to Cannock Asda to exchange items.
I asked Chanel if she would bring the kids tomorrow but she said she had plans all week .
I don't think I will see them any more.
I'm broken Calc and its all Christopher's fault .
I miss you so much Malc it hurts .
I am going to Mums again tonight .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday July 25th 2016 16.53pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .

Today hasn't been too bad.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw boring Anita and Julie .
I came away they were talking to kIM with oreo.
I came straight home and had breakfast fed Muffin but he has only just eat.
I have been to Kay's this afternoon stayed a couple of hours.
Sheila spoke with me but its all about health Her and Colin.
I am going to Mums later after dinner .
I feel she is only supporting me at the moment.
Lisa can't rake me to the hospital Sept so Kay is taking me and bringing me back.
I don't know what's happening regarding Christopher and The Mortgage .

I hope he pays his share at the weekend.

I miss you Malc i'm frightened inside because i keep thinking about you and hoping you will come to me .
I would be the happiest woman on the earth if you did .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday jULY 24TH 2016 16.33pm.
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok I suppose .
I took Muffin to the park met boring Anita didn't stay long.

I came back had Breakfast fed Muffin but he didn't eat again .
I took Muffin up the new road skelly and just got back when it started to rain.
I did a little knitting then went to Lisa's for dinner my mum went too.

Just got back , i won't be going to Mum's tonight I have a pain in my back just under my shoulder blade and down my right arm.

Sheila should have come this morning but she phoned to say Colin had constipation !!!!!!!!!!!.
I'm on my own again nothing from Christopher or Chanel .
I think he won't see me again until i'm older and in a coffin in my 90's perhaps.
I can't cry anymore I'm all cried out.
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
i love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday July 23rd 2016 16.56pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has beed a lonely day despite going to see Lisa only for an hour .
I haven't seen anyone all day and when i rang Kay she was too busy.
I never thought I would be so alone , Christopher has pushed me out of his life and I'm not seeing the kids.
I'm broken Malc .
I hurt so much inside I can't cry any more I'm all cried out.
I don't what's making me feel this way .
I feel something good is going to happen deep down inside .
I hope i'm right.
I hope it's the lottery.
I have been only to Hednesford today but did buy some new trousers from the boutique closing down half price.
Muffin hasn't eat again , hoping to later when down mums.
There is not much to tell you today Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday July 22nd 2016 15.14pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I've kept busy .
I took Muffin to the park this morning met Anita on the park oh and kIM.
I stayed a while then came back home to have breakfast i did feed Muffin he had a little bit of chicken.
I then washed my hair changed then went to Cannock to pay the insurance for the home and contents.
I had a ride around Cannock then came home did lunch for Lisa and me ,
She came just after 1pm.
I have had to go back to Cannock to put a cheque in and get Lisa a card for Lewis Geoffs nephew.

I talk about you every day if I can , I will never forget you my darling.
Lisa is going to talk to chanel tonight if she remembers.
I don't think she will bring the kids to see me now.
i'm devastated Malc my life is so empty now.

I have to keep ringing friends to come to lunch or go to their houses.

I hate weekends Malc every one is busy.

Lisa says she might invite mum and I to dinner Sunday.

I am going to Mums again tonight curry night. MuM is paying .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday 21st July 2016 15.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today another hot day , I took Muffin to the park karen and Julie were on the park and Pat again.
i came straight home and had breakfast Muffin didn't eat this morning but has just had some chicken fresh.

i have been to pop ins they celebrated 15 years today we had a party type meal.
i left Muffin at home then i popped to Tesco brought some milk.
Came back picks up muffin and took him to Aldi and B& M for a cool mat for Muffin to lie on.

I sent a text to Chanel this morning she is being quite nasty.

I hope she doesn't reply with a nasty one back.
I am going to Mums again tonight she seems my company at a the moment.
The funeral directors are refunding me as they have over charged me.
Thats some good news.
I miss You Malc I was up at 2pm couldn't sleep because of our Son.
and her the so called daughter in law.
I'm hurt Malc so hurt.

I'm not begging them its cruel.

I'm so tired today hope I sleep tonight .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Sorry its a short letter today.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday July 20th 2016 17.2pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad.
Took Muffin to the park this morning saw karen and Julie , Stu gave us some plants from the park an over spill lovely.
i gave Lisa one and Mum some.
I have planted a few for myself in pots.
I have been to Carole Banks for lunch stayed until 4.15pm.

just got back in time before it thundered and rained.
I hope it stops because I want to go to Mums tonight to take some plants .
I also can't stand my own company .
Oh Malc I can't tell you how much I miss you darlin.
I haven't heard anymore from Chris .
Please try and get into his dream and tell him I need help.

I have phoned the funeral directors today they have over charged me by £400 I am being refunded.
Its a bond so the kids don't have to pay for my funeral.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone I haven't forgotten you either bUTCH, I talk about you often.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday July 19th 2016 15.48pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today HOT HOT HOT !!!.
I took muffin early to the park this morning met Karen and Julie .
I came back after calling in Aldi.
Jean beards more came for lunch stayed until 3pm Jeff picked her up.

I 'm stuck in at the moment can't take Muffin it would make him ill.
I have texted Christopher got a mouth full back but trying my best to make amends , don't know if it will work.
I miss you Malc ,I told Jean today I still cry for you most days.
I think I will go to Mums later if it cools down.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday July 19th 2016 16.33pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today i took Muffin to the park saw karen and Julie no Anita.
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin but he hasn't eat its too hot.
I popped to carole banks for an hour its her Birthday today .
I then came home got changed and Muffin and I went to Bella's.
I then went to a Aldi then took Muffin to my Mum's .
Not long got back .
Its too hot to do anything.
Its knocking me about .
Nothing from chris i'm discussed really .
I thought my son would look after me but its Lisa thats seeing me now and again.

I wish you could talk to me Malc and help sort this huge debt he has left me in.
I may have to sell the house.
All what we have put in this house , all for nothing Malc.
I miss you so much i'm hurting .
I only see a few friends now it seems it has dropped off.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart ,kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday July 17th 2016 19.53pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad .
I took Muffin to the park saw Kim and Oreo again.
I came back had breakfast fed muffin .
i decided go to lisa's for an hour she had asked me to dinner at great haywood but i had already asked mum to dinner , disappointed .

Mum came for dinner nice then we went a ride to the park then up to the chap who should cut mums hedge but he was out.
I stayed for a cuppa and we shared some ice buns,
I came away then went to Kay's she always cheers me up.
back home now wishing you're here by my side , i have been wishing you home all day .
I miss you so much Malc i want to give you a hug and hold you tight.
I miss those days Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday July 16th 2016 16.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been avery leanly day .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one.
I came straight home had breakfast fed Muffin.
I went to Cannock later to discuss anew home insurance .
Better than SAGA at the moment.
I have been out several times today i'm so bored with my own company.
I hate weekends , Lisa and Geoff are at Blackpool.
I'm going to get a kabab later then off to mums again.
She is pleased I'm there every day now.

I hope tomorrow is a better day.
I think i will ask mum to dinner tomorrow ,its no good waiting for any one to ask .
I need to know a day in advance ,incase I have to cook a dinner myself.
Kay isn't coming on a Saturday any more.
Jean Beardsmore is good to me at a the moment.

I will write to yu again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday July 15th 2016 16.13pm.

Hello malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has bee good.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Kim with her dog oreo
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin but hasn't eat yet.
I have been to Hednesford the to flower arranging but no flowers were there.
Disappointed .
i came hope Lisa should have met me one the park but it rained.
jean beards more came had a cake and tea.
Jeff came to pick her up and stayed until 4.15PM.
Good company.
I am just going to take Muffin a ride then fetch a curry for mUM and I.
i miss you darling so much if I could come home to you I would be the happiest woman on the earth.
I am dying to win the lottery so I can get rid of this debt Christopher has left me.
i don't think I can manage.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday July 14th 2016 17.41pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a good day , I went to the park saw julie and Pat and Kim not Anita.
Came back waited until Lunch time and went to pop ins had meal with my Mum .
She was sick i'm going down now to see how she is.
I have just come back from Jrean Beardsmore's.
She is such a good friend .
i miss you Malc I have been talking about you again today.
I want to hug you and kiss you I miss that so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc, Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday jULY 13TH 2016 14.41PM.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I feel a bit better more relaxed.
I took Muffin to the park this morning only saw Stu the ark keeper.

I came back had breakfast fed Muffin but he hasn't eat it yet he was sick this morning.
I then took a ride round to see if I could find the belt to my mack i HAVE LOST.
no joy.
I popped into Carol Norrey's and stayed a couple of hours.
She is so kind.
I went to hednesford brought a pizza and shared it with mu Mum .
she is having a fence put up today it looks lovely hiding the ugly neighbours hedge.
I am going back later .
I miss you so much Malc i'm not crying so much but do each day.
I miss you at night in bed and when I wake up.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday jULY 12th 2016 16.43pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad.
I took Muffin to the park saw pat a lady I know and Stu the park keeper.
iI came back after popping ti Aldi for a few things.
Then care banks came for lunch well a dinner really.
I feel a litte worried about leaving the colonoscopy until September but they tell me i have nothing to worry about.
I trust them.
I hope they don't find anymore polyps .
I am going to try and occupy myself and go to poole with Anne and Viv.
It will just be a break .
I am going to my Mum's again later just to be with company.
I am going to take Muffin a ride in a moment .
I miss you and love you so much Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Just to let you know I have piles and they have found a polyp .
But need to have a colonoscopy
If there are any more polyps they need to be removed
September I have to have the procedure .
Not looking forward but best done .
Going on holiday with Anne and Viv .
Speak tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxx

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday July 11th 2016 11.53am.
Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy.

Today is d day I'm really worried Malc my endoscopy .
I fear they might find cancer .
I'm not brave like you were , I'm a coward and won't cope.
I'm begging you to be with me and they don't find anything sinister.
My life is on hold today,
I have wrote early because they are sedating me .
Kay is having Muffin and lisa is taking me to the hospital.
If good news i will write to you later .
I love you and miss you so much Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday July 10th 2016 16.01pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger My baby boy,.
today i am worried about the endoscopy tomorrow .
I haven't had a light lunch today and no porridge .
I took Muffin to the park this morning and met anita .
She wasn't very sympathetic .
i came home had eggs nd cheese for breakfast .
i then took myself and Muffin to my Mums .
I came back then took Muffin to aldi and home .
I then went to see Lisa's and stayed a couple of hours .
She read to me the nasty text Christopher sent her.
I have got to drink plenty and 7pm start this awful drink to make me go to the toilet.
I will be writing to you earlier tomorrow because they are sedating me.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday July 9th 2016 16.32pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I am devastated Malc ,Christopher rang me last night swearing at me and saying he isn't paying a penny towards you know.
I don't know which way to turn.
I also have the war of this endoscopy I am having on Monday.
My world has turned upside down since you lost your life .
I can't cope anymore.
He has even turned against Lisa
I didn't sleep very well/
Chanel phoned too and scream down the phone at me I give her as much back .
Lisa said they are both looney toons and I agree.
I took Muffin to the park late today it was raining.
I haven't heard from anyone today and i don't think i will tomorrow either.
I just want to keep crying.
Oh Malc HELP ME PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!.
I am going to my Mums again tonight for company .
i will say she rang me this morning to ask how i was.
I have rode round with Muffin most of the day i'm so lonely malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
i love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss tigger and send my love to every one. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday jULY 8TH 2016 16.12PM.

Hello malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.

Today hasn't ben too bad ,nI took Muffin early down the park .
i wasn't expecting to see anyone.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast .
I waited for mark to come and put the door back after having to vinyl laid .
He took nearly an hour but made a really good job .
He even altered the bolt.
I then took Muffin to V
Cannock rode around for an hour.
Comeback then went to lunch with Lisa to Bella's.
I then came back and took Muffin to Aldi and the park.

I stayed and brought a latt'a .
I have not loo
waiting b got back now waiting for the chinese to open so I can share it with my mUM TONIGHT.
I miss you Malc so much and pray one day we will be together when i'm really old and grey.
I pray I have nothing serious wrong with me.
I want to move on with my life MalcI now this is what you would want

I hope I get the opportunity.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
i love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday July 7th 2016 16.43pm.

Hello Malc my darlin andTigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin easy to the park I didn't want to see anyone because I felt very weepy.
i am scared Malc of Monday next week I pray they don't find anything.
I came back home fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I waited for a telephone call which I received and sortedI think now.
I then went for lunch at popins for a meal with Mum .
I came home popped to see Kay.
She was busy though.
I just need company .
I'm so lonely Malc with out you and worried.
I am going to Mum's again tonight .
I feel a bit closer to her at the moment.
Jayne has fell out with me and I have had the canvas back I gave her .
I'm pleased really.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday July 6th 2016 17.21pm.

Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy.
Not a bad day today.
Took Muffin to the park met karen and Julie .
Came home had breakfast and fed Muffin .
Then the chap from walsall carpets laid the vinyl in the bathroom.
lOOKS lovely.
I then took Muffin to Cannock to take something back to new look.
came home and took Muffin to Carols and had lunch.
Not long got back.
Going to the chip shop in half hour .
Mum has gone to Llandudno .
I'm still worried but can't do a thing about it.

Mark who did the porch is coming Friday to plane the door and put back .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts inside .
I think i'm wrapped up in myself at a the moment worrying and can't cry .
My head is in a mess .
Your Jayne has fell out with me she has returned my slippers and sweetness,.
She is a very strange woman.
i Love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday July 5th 2016 17.32pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad,
i took Muffin to the park this morning didn't see anyone .
I rushed home because a chap was screening the bathroom floor .
They are laying it tomorrow.

Carol Norrey took to the hollybush this morning we stayed an hour .
She came back for a coffee.
Lisa picked me up at 1.30pm we went to the rag for a meal not so good.
She then took me to Next home its lovely.
I have enjoyed today apart from discomfort in my lower bowel.
I am worried Malc .
I am having a sandwich soon and going to my mums again.
I need to be with people at the moment.
I have just got back from Cannock with Muffin taking somethings back tomorrow to big.
i will write to you again tomorrow my darlin.
Marc i miss you and love you so much.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday July 4th 2016 17.26pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I took Muffin the park met up with Karen julie ad Anita .
Came home after going to Aldi.
Fed muffin and had breakfast.
Sheila and Colin can about 11am stayed for about half hour .
I can't expect much as I am only the sister in aw.

Ihave had yet another worrying day.
I took Muffin out a coupe of times then popped into my Mum's for company .
I just can't stay in at the moment too worried.
I need to be with people.
Even the college cancelled today art class.

I'm back now just put two jacket potatoes in the oven ,isa is coming for dinner tonight.

I am trying to occupy my mind.
I'm going with Carol Norrey tomorrow for lunch somewhere .
Wednesday to Carole Banks for lunch.
Hope she is better she isn't well either .
I will write to yu again tomorrow Malc darlin ,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday July 3rd 2016 16.19pm .
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
I feel so frightened today worried about this endoscopy and hoping it's nothing sinister .
I took Muffin to the park this morning spoke to Stu the park keeper ,
Saw Anita at a distance .
Came home had breakfast fed Muffin .
Chanel brought gherkins up but disappeared to sort Chris and her bike .
It was lovely seeing the kids and Ibtold them all I loved them very much .
Chanel collected them at 1.25 pm
I suppose it will be a long time until I see them again .
Mum is here and had dinner .
I think Jayne has decided not to. Bother with me any more .
She is such a strange woman .
Phil her husband is smashing .
I miss you Malc I wish I could smell you touch you hear you .
I'm lost with out you Malc .
I need you more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx.

by: jennifer

i seriously can not hide the joy and happiness i feel inside of me right now have been having issues with my relationship for some time now and after i came in contact with this great man all my problems in my relationship were gone after i did what he told me to do incase you are out there having any problem with your relationship or any problem at all you can contact this great man for help through his email @prophetkalito@gmail,com
Thanks prophetkalito you are really God sent

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday June 2nd 2016 15.57pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .

Today not good i saw no one at the park and the microwave has stopped working Kevin Banks has just took me to Sainsburys and they have given me a new now.
I went to Kay's this morning with Muffin took her bowl back and took her some garden plants.

I was going with Kevin and carole to THE RANGE but Carole was ill.
i did call in this morning but she is having muscle spasms.

i went to cannock with Muffin instead.
I am frightened and still worried about going for the endoscopy.
I won't see anyone now today , I could cry .

I wish you were here Malc my darling I miss you so much.
I don't know if Lisa will ask me to dinner tomorrow .
I think I will go buy a chicken and assume I will be eating alone.
I don't think jayne will ask me up Sunday night she has gone a bit strange.

Nothing on tele tonight it looks like a dvd .
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my love Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday July 1st 2016 12.14pm.

Hello malc my darlin andTigger my baby boy.

I'm writing to you early because in and out all day.
Today I took muffin to the park saw no-one at all .
i came back after popping into Aldi.
Fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I then took Muffin to Cannock and we went to b& q and a swiss shop.
I ended up at TJ H Hughes buying a throw.
I have just come back and I am going to lunch with Lisa at 1pm.
Then I will take Muffin another ride on the scooter.

I will pop to Tesco after leaving Lisa.
I am going to Mums foe supper curry night 5.30pm.

I miss you Malc so much I shout your name as often as I can.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlin.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday June 30th 2016 16.36pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been so bad ,
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one I knew.
I did speak to a nice lady with her dog.

I came back fed Muffin but he again didn't eat , I had breakfast .
I then went back to Hednesford to oder some vinyl for the bathroom floor.
I am fed up at looking at the cracked tiles.
I went to poppins with my mum today had a dinner and a pud.
You just give a donation.
I then popped to Aldi to collect a archery set for Cameron his Birthday present.

I have just got back from Kay's stopped a coupe of hours.

I am cooking a small chicken for supper .
Then I'm going to My Mums again , feel the need for company .
W is in Blackpool.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darlin .
I miss you so much Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday June 29th 2016 16.09pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been so miserable rain rain rain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Im getting depressed with it all.
I took Muffin to the park and met karen and Julie .
i then popped into Aldi then the coop and went straight home it started to rain.

I fed Muffin but again not eat it.
he is a worry at the moment vets if no improvement by Friday.
karen came for her lunch stayed until 3.30pm.
Jean Bearsdmore rang asking if I wanted to go down but Karen was here so I couldn't go.
Oh Malc I miss you so much I am so frightened at the moment .
I will write to you agin tomorrow darlin .
I love you with all m heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee ad Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 28 th 2016 18.22pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been too bad .
I took Muffin to the park this morning .
Saw no one as usual .
Popped into. Aldi for a couple of things.
Came home fed Muffin but he hasn't eat .
I am getting worried about him see how he is by Friday .
Lisa took me to Dunelm today then DFS
She us looking for a new suite.
Carole Banks came at 12.45pm .
She left at 4.30 pm .
It's pored down mist of the day .
Depressing .
I miss you Malc more each day .
Christopher's being so awkward .
Talk to him Malc please .
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send all my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Monday June. 27th 2016 15.08 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been ok I suppose .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Julie no one else .
I came back fed Muffin which he hasn't eat yet .
I had breakfast .
Lisa popped in to leave a present for Ellie and a card .

I left Muffin st 9.40 to go to art class .
I couldn't consent rate this health thing on my mind .
I'm so worried Malc .
I wish you were here to talk too .
I need you Malc for a lifetime I miss you so much Darlin xc
Lisa popped in for lunch here only stayed a little while .
Chanel is bringing the kids at 3.40 to pick up Ellie's B' day presents .
She says she isn't staying long . I gathered that .
I'm so hurt 😥
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone
I love you with all my heart and miss you like crazy xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy . NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 26th 2016. 13.43 pm.
Hello Makc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
I'm worried again today.
I took Muffin to he park this morning saw no one .

Came back had breakfast fed Muffin but he hasn't eat it yet .
I went to Tesco brought a few things .
Phoned Ellie wished her Happy 8 th Birthday .
Invited Mum to dinner which was a disaster today .
Lisa rang to ask if I wanted dinner out too late .
Still she did think about me .
Lisa has brought Ellie a present and card .
I have a funny feeling in side the left side of my bowel .
So worried !!!!.
I keep panicking I don't want Cancer Malc .
I miss you Malc. So much , I wish I could turn the clock back .
I texted Jayne I think she is avoiding me .
I went out with Sue Fisher last night to The Barley Mow .
Lovely meal and evening .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday June 25th 2016 13.21pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I don't feel right in myself , a strange feeling inside.

shaky a feeling in my bowel on the left.

weary inside .
I am worried Malc, .
i took Muffin to the park met Anita , PAT, Karen Neil and a couple of men with their dogs.
i came back had breakfast and fed Muffin .
Anita brought the camping table up incase I have a Barbecue..

My plan was to go out but it's rained most of the day.
Kay came up brought me a plant pot up .
Gave her four cups.

she stayed nearly an hour.

I am going for a meal at 5pm with Sue Fisher at The Barley Mow.

I miss you Malc so much i'm screaming inside my body.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .

I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday June 24th 2016 16.45pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
i have kept myself busy today .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Anita and Julie .
came back fed Muffin had breakfast .

I then took Muffin to Cannock for a groom and met Carol Norrey.
we had a cuppa and shopped for a while.
She left me at 1pm ten I collected Muffin from the groomers.

i then rode to Carole Banks.
stayed there until 3.30pm.
its pored down since and I have got to get a curry and go to Mums at 6pm.

I Wish you were here to helmet get through this Malc.
I miss you so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday June 23rd 2016 14.33pm.

Hello Malc i;m trying to forget my problem at the moment .
I took Muffin to the park gave Karen her Birthday present and card.
i came back had breakfast and fed muffin which he hasn't eat yet.
its quite warm today.

I have been to poppins today had a meal and pudding.
jEAN beardsmore told me about it.
She was there and has asked me to go to her house at 3pm.
Jeff has gone to Scotland.
Its filled most of my day and made me feel wanted.
I am also going to flower arranging on a Friday 10. till 12.
I miss you malc and cry inside for you i need to have you by my side all.
I will have to think positive malc.
i will write to you again tomorrow Malc.

I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday June 22nd 2016 18.04pm.

Hello Malc My darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I have had a very worrying day Malc .
I have been for a bowel examination and they have found piles high up inside my rectum.
A camera was inserted but they need to look further up so iI have to have another longer camera to see inside ,
I am sorry worried incase they find cancer .
i won't be able to cope like you did.
My appointment is 11th july same day as Muffin's birthday.
I am terrified and can't talk to any one about it.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc sorry its short today,.
I love you with all my heart malc kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday June 21st 2016 17.16pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today hasn't been too bad , I took Muffin to the park and met Karen and jULIE.
i came back had breakfast fed Muffin.
I took Muffin to cannock just for a ride .
Came back waited for Carole Banks to come ,she came at 12.40 pm.
She didn't want lunch.
She stayed until 4pm.
I then took muffin to Hednesford and Danks.
I spoke to maureen at Danks about you , she asked had I lost you.
I miss you Malc so much I talk about you or to you most days.
I am worried about tomorrow but i need to check if I am ok.

I have been to the loo several times today with worry.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday June 20th 2016 17.44pm

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I am not enjoying at all.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one again but it was a nasty day.
i came back fed Muffin had breakfast then I had to leave muffin .
I went to art class but was missing muffin He is my soul mate we can't be parted.

I am still worried about Wednesday crossing fingers i don't have to have a colonoscopy.
I am frightened ,Malc .
Lisa is coming for dinner tonight about 7pm .
Then on my own with Muffin.
Marc I'm so lonely with out you .
I wish you were here to talk to and support me.

I miss you so much darlin.

I will write to you again tomorrow .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday june 19th 2016 18.11pm.

Hello malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I took Muffin to the park saw no one only Stu the park attendant .

I came back fed muffin and had breakfast .
After a while Muffin and I went to Lisa's stayed a couple of hours.
We had bacon mushrooms and egg sandwiches.

I left and went to Mum's not long got back.
Its' a good job it's a reasonable night on telly.
It's poring down again.
Bloody British weather.
i did feel very weepy this morning Malc , frightened of my future .
Lonely days and nights with out you Malc.

I'm broken with out you darling.

I wish Christopher and Chanel would make friends with all the family .
It's deciding us.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tugger and send my love to everyone.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday June 18th 2016 17.21pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and tigger my baby boy.
Today i have felt so lonely , I took Muffin to the park again saw no one.

i popped into Aldi for a couple of things.

I came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I rang susan Fisher if she wanted dinner later but she was busy.
I rang Kay but she was on her way to wales.

I then decided to go to Penkridge with Muffin stayed an hour boring conversation HEALTH AGAIN !!!!!!!!.
I came back to Cannock and brought a clock from the jewellers closing down.

i am home now Malc missing you more than ever .crying on and off.
I am just cooking a lasagne and chips.
in the oven.

I am so lonely Malc so so Lonely.
Chanel rang last night very emotional and irate .
I need to see our grandchildren.

If I hadn't gone to Penkridge I would have seen or heard from anyone.

i don't think I will see Jayne tomorrow either .

I don't feel comfortable with her any more.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday June 17th 2016 16.39pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a busybody really .
Took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one .
Came back fed muffin and had breakfast.
Then decided to take Muffin to Cannock Dumelm and t j Hughes,
Came back and had lunch with Lisa at Wetherspoons.

I came home for a little while then Muffin and I went to Anita's.
Just got back home .

I am off to my Mum's later to share a curry ,
Need company all the time at the moment Malc.
I miss you so much darlin..
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday June 16th 2016pm.

Hello malc my darling and Tigger My baby boy.
today has been awful weather wise again.
it's depressing Malc.
I managed to take Muffin to the park this morning .
Met Karen Julie and Anita.

I came back fed Muffin and had breakfast.
We then went off to Cannock a ride.

It has rained most of the day.
i have asked Mum to dinner .
I feel frightened today because it's only 6 days to my hospital appointment.
I have to keep my mind occupied.
i miss yours much Malc it hurts inside.
no one has rang me .
I feel abandoned .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kISS Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday June 14th 201616.34pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I took Muffin to Hednesford not the park it was raining.
I bumped into Anita for 2 minutes.

Came back and after breakfast and feeding Muffin off to Cannock.

I just got back before it started raining again.
Disastrous month .
I did manage to go to kAY'S just got back.
In the rain though.
I 'm in though now for the night.
I shouted your name again whilst going over the skelly.

I wish you could shut back.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart my darling.

Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

Sorry it's a short message today nothing much to tell you .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

MondayJune 13th 2016 17.05pm

Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to the park saw Karen andJulie no Anita.

I came back fed Muffin and had breakfast.
It was Poring down most of the morning was getting depressed.

Then Sheila rang they came up brought me a hosta and paint .
After they left Jean and Jeff came for lunch.
They stayed until 3.40pm.
Ive just been to aldi for potatoes for my dinner.
I feel very weepy today its getting nearer to my hospital appointment
next wednesday .
I'm praying i will be ok.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you dee and bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday June 12th 2016 12.01pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I took muffin to the park this morning only Stuart the park keeper.
I came straight home fed muffin and had breakfast.

I have been painting on and off my landscape.
A surprise though Jade has not long texted me dinner at Lisa's .
Nice now i'm not alone all day today.
Don't know if i will be able to take muffin though.

I may have to leave him with a dish of Chicken .
I haven't heard from Christopher or Chanel not seen our GRANDCHILDREN.
I wish you were here Malc I miss you so much darlin.

I have wrote to you early because I don't know how this afternoon is going to work out.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday June 11th 2016 18.06pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been such a mixed up day .
i took Muffin to the park early this morning.
I saw no one.
I came straight back had breakfast and fed Muffin .
I was thinking what a lonely day it would be.
Then Lisa asked me if I wanted to go to Telford .
I asked kay if she would have Muffin but she said no she had coco .
I cried and was devastated,
Then i rang Carole Banks who said give me an hour and I will.
Lisa got a bit angry but I did manage to take Muffin an hour later .
Lisa Picked me up from there.
I t took about 3/4 hour we only went in a couple of shops then had lunch.
We came back I had a cuppa at carole's left at 4pm.
Im home now watching Television.
Kay rang a while ago said she had seen Lisa and told Kay where we had been.

I miss you Malc more each day and cry most of it.
I pray everyday you will come back in spirit and talk with me.
i won't be frightened.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I will be on my own all day tomorrow .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday June 10th 2016 14.27pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been so lonely and now it's poring down.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one again.
I came straight back as I had to have my hair washed.
I then took Muffin to Cannock for a few things i needed.

Came back then off to Hednesford .
I'm in now and fed up .
Never did I think I would be totally on my own .
Christopher has not spoken to me since April .
I'm devastated Malc.
Have just sent him a message but he hasn't answered me as yet.
His mortgage has to be paid.
i'M frightened Malc both for the Mortgage payments and me going to see the specialist.

I pray everything comes positive Malc.
I miss you so much my darling I hurt inside so much.
I will never stop thinking and crying for you
I hear your voice and see your face in front of me every day.
I need you so much Malc.
I am suppose to be going to Mum's tonight for a curry .
I hope the rain stops in time.
I am crying at the moment Malc I feel so cut off from everyone.

Is this going to be my life from now on.!!!!!!!!???????.

I will write to you again tomorrow malc.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 9th 2016 17.;46 pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a good day .
I took Muffin to the. Park saw no one
Came. back had breakfast fed Muffin .
Jeff came 12 noon. To fix my water hose
Then he put up a stags head on my living room wall
Pete came to cut my fringe .

I took Lucy card for passing her driving test
I have my Mum here for dinner .
I miss you Malc so much I ache for you Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you will all my heart Malc xxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee And Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Previous Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 8th 2016 17.30
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy ,
It's been a very mixed day today .
I took Muffin o the park
Met Karen then came home
Went to Jean Brsrdsmores for lunch
Not long got back .
I'm going to art class tonight .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I think about all day every day .
I will write to you tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Darlin xxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one
LOVE YOU FOREVER xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday June 7th 2016 13.22pm.

Hello malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
i'm writing early today because I'm not doing anything exciting.

I took Muffin to the park early this morning met Karen and Julie.
I then came straight home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
We popped to Cannock to kill time.

I have just had lunch on my own again.
I am hopefully going to Kay's later about 3.30pm.

Everyone is busy this week ,Lisa and Geoff on their way to Llandudno
I have been crying for you today and thinking of all the things you did for me.
I took you for granted my darling ,you did such a lot for every one .

You never complained once.

you didn't deserve to die my darling .
You must have been taken for a reason ,I hope you will all the family who we have lost and happy .

I miss you my darling so much.

Im not in a happy place at a the moment.
Worried about everything and anything.

I need more company Malc ,you said you felt sorry for me because I was going to be on my own.

You were right. now Im crying malc I ned you so much.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday June 6th 2016 17.00pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a good day really.
I took Muffin to the park met up with Karen and Julie.
Karen arranged to meet me for lunch today and we talked,.
we are ok now thank goodness.
I haven't seen Anita she is one on her own I think.
Carol Norrey rang today and we met up for a cuppa at costa 10.30am
chatted for an hour.
She is a good friend.
We may go on a few day trips.
I have felt very weepy today missing you Malc so much it's getting worse.

I am worrying over lots of things at a the moment.
Lisa is in Liverpool going onto Llandudno .

I am in now with muffin watching television.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
I love you with all my heart malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday June 5th 2016 22.10pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a strange day.
I took Muffin over the pool again just a few more days and I think all will be ok.
karen has made friends again and we are meeting up on Tuesday at Bella's cafe.
I took Geoff's Birthday present down today then we went to take max
to Jade's she is having him why Lisa and Geoff go away for a few day's.

I came back then cooked dinner and went to my Mum's.

stayed a couple of hours.
I then left to go to Jaynes but when I got there she was out.
Very rude I thought not telling me.

I came home and did some painting a picture.

I have been thinking about you again today , i dreamt about you 2 days ago .
Thank your coming into my dream.
Please come into my dream often.
i LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART MALC.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday June 4th 2016 17.42pm.

Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a mixed day still a lonely one with outdo Malc.

I took Muffin a long ride over Stafford lane to the place we used to take tigger and Butch to the pools.

I ended up by lower road then went to Aldi.
I saw no one .

I then popped to Lisa's for 10 minutes .
She came back to fill some bees for Geoff its his birthday tomorrow .

I then went to cannock and penkridge but Sheila was her usual self.

Moaning about her health.
I popped to the market but it was closing down.
i caught the next bus back to Cannock and took Muffin home on my Scooter.

I miss you Malc i just want to cry all the time .
I love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.

My heart aches for you and NOONE understands.

Marg has sent me a silver looking necklace for my 65th birthday
but its not until September 30th as you know.

I can't stop worrying about everything I worry all day long .
I need you to talk to Malc i'm so lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday June 3rd 2016 17.01

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad .
Anita hasn't been in touch another one bites the dust.
I am keeping away from the park at the moment because of stupid Karen bringing Zen on the park with Kennel cough.
She was so irresponsible bringing her on.
I took Muffin down Stafford lane and will for a couple of weeks.
It has upset me and that the fact Anita hasn't been in touch too.
I will be keeping a wide birth from both of them.
Have other friends any way .
Jean and Jeff Beardsmore came for lunch today lamb burgers with cheese.
They were good company.
I miss you so much Malc I need you at the moment .
This last two years have been hell !!!!!!!!!!!.
I am going to my Mum's tonight sharing a curry.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I LOVE YOU WITH ALLMY HEART MALC.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Thursday June 2nd 2016 16.52pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok I suppose I took Muffin a ride to Aldi then across the old walk we used to take Tigger by the pools near stafford lane.

Anita didn't even text this morning i
I reckon she was keeping away from Muffin incase milly might catch Kennel cough which he hasn't got .
I'm angry really
Julie text me the morning asking about my painting mmmmmmm.
I think she was digging really.

I won't be meeting Karen anymore .

She should understand I was concerned about Zen having Kennel cough but she took it the wrong way.

i can cope with out her.
She has got to contact me first I'm afraid.

I have been to Kay's this afternoon for a couple of hours .
Back home now about to have dinner.
I miss you Malc you were my support ,I hope you are watching over me.

Please take this pressure from me malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Wednesday June 1st 2016 17.13pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

What a day i now have lost a friend who was I thought a nice person.
All over the dogs.
Her Dog has kennel cough and I was a bit anxious she has fell out with me because I decided to stay off the park for a while because of spores from the grass.
I don't want Muffin to contract it.
I am devastated Malc she was such a good friend.

I hope he doesn't catch it.

I took Muffin over Stafford lane to the pools we used to take Tigger.
Saw Anita and told her about the situation.
She didn't have much to say.

Carole Banks came to lunch today I did steak chips and salad,.
Feel I shouldn't say anything to any one any more and keep shut.

I miss you Malc I have to do everything my self now i'm devasted all this over my head.

I can't cope much longer its too much.

I miss you Malc so much it hurts .
I am going down my Mum's in a whileI feel I need company.
I don't want to be alone tonight.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Tuesday May 31st 2016 16.29pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today i have made myself see some one .
I took Muffin to the park and met up with Karen.
I wasn't impressed after Muffin had sniffed round Zen Karen told me she had kennel cough .
I was furious now I'm worried muffin has contracted it.
I have registered with Hednesford vetenary surgery.
I may have to take Muffin for treatment fuming.

I will not be taking Muffin to the park for a while i think.
I came back home had breakfast fed Muffin then went off to cannock.
After getting what I wanted I came home and asked Carol Norrey if she wanted lunch today .
she came and stayed a couple of hours.
I always enjoy her company we sat next to each other at school .
Always kept in touch.

I think about you every living minute Malc , when I wake and before I go to sleep.

I cry most days praying you will come home.

I will write to you again tomorrow malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Monday May 30th 2016 17.12pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a good day.
I took Muffin to the park as usual swan one .
I came back fed Muffin but he hasn't eat today his dinner any way.
i had breakfast then before I knew it your Sheila and Colin came.
They only stopped for half hour.

But then Geoff rang today he was picking muffin and I up going somewhere .
I thought the chase but had a nice surprise we went to Ironbridge.
Geoff had both Muffin and Max why Lisa and I looked in the little shops .

We sat and had fish and chips on a bench by The Iron Bridge.
The weather was great the dogs were very good.
All in all a great day but would have been better with you by my side Malc .
I picked up your feather lying on the floor .
I have been seeing you in my head too coughing and wiping your nose .
I miss you so much malc my darling I hurt inside and still cry most days .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send all my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Sunday May 29th 2016 16.35pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy,

Today so far has been a good day,
Took Muffin to the park then came back had breakfast and fed Muffin.
I then took Muffin a ride to Hazel Slade to get a book on Hednesford , you would love this Malc.

I have just got back from a barbecue with Lisa geoff Jade Jordan finley and Carter.

I brought some meat back for Muffin he stayed at home.
I have as you know ben talking to you wishing you was with me at the barbecue.
I just hope you are looking over us .
Seeing all the grandchildren and great Grand children.

I mis you my darling so much.
I am off to Jaynes now with Muffin.
Your Sheila rang today says Roger and hearer back .
They have brought back present for me she said from marg form birthday.

Will write to you again tomorrow Malc..
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Saturday May 28th 2016 16.50pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad , took Muffin to the park this morning .
did' see anyone.
I then came home fed Muffin had breakfast .
I haven't heard from any one today .
Jo next door took my parcel to the post office it was too big from to carry or take.
I then went to Carole Banks for 11am and stopped for lunch.
i stayed until 2pm.
It was lovely just Carole and myself.
I then took Muffin a ride to Cannock Dunelm and brought some new mugs.
Oh malc I mis you so much , I received a letter today about the house.
My stomach is up side down with worry.
i only wish i could win the money to pay this debt he has put us in.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose Smith

Friday May 27th 2016 19.54pm.

hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy.
Sorry i'm late writing to you today i have been all over the place today and not feeling very well with all the stress have had the last two weeks.

I took Muffin to the park tis morning missing everyone,
I came back then Carol Norrey came with Kieran he put the new printer in and joined it with my new laptop.

AlsoMat came and fixed my horn on the scooter.
I then rode to Cannock with muffin to sort a few things.
I came back hen jean Beardsmore invited me to lunch.
I stayed a couple of hours.
I have got to send a parcel back which i didn't like but have to pay postage to return it,.

Still better than paying full price and not liking it.

I have just got back from Mum's , she has changed such a lot .
She brought the curry tonight.

We are going to lisa's on Sunday for dinner.

My only wish is for all the family to get together and be happy.
Christopher has totally split the family .

I don't see the kids at all now.

Tomorrow Carole Banks has asked me to lunch Kevin is at work.

I love it when he isn't there because he is so negative.
Malc I miss you so much I'm hurting inside.
I thank you for helping men through this problem Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 26th 2016 17.41pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been so tense I can't relax at the moment.
Lots going on as you know Malc .
I have been so upset .
Kay was the first to ring me today ,she is a very special friend.
I did go down this afternoon for an hour.
Lisa rang after lunch she is coming tonight for dinner.

Matt is coming tomorrow at 9 am to put the horn on my scooter right.
Oh Malc my head is all over the place i'm so wound up.
I only hope soon I will win the lottery .
My Mum has been told what has happened too.
I had to tell someone.

I wil write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 26th 2016 17.41pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been so tense I can't relax at the moment.
Lots going on as you know Malc .
I have been so upset .
Kay was the first to ring me today ,she is a very special friend.
I did go down this afternoon for an hour.
Lisa rang after lunch she is coming tonight for dinner.

Matt is coming tomorrow at 9 am to put the horn on my scooter right.
Oh Malc my head is all over the place i'm so wound up.
I only hope soon I will win the lottery .
My Mum has been told what has happened too.
I had to tell someone.

I wil write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dod Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 25th 2016 17.30pm.

Hello male my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a strange day .
I took Muffin to the park late i had a very bad nights sleep.
Worrying and thinking of what Christopher has done to us and tomorrow what will happen.

Carol and Kieran came to sort my computer out ,.
It took nearly 2 hours.

I then took Muffin to carole Banks had lunch and stayed until 4PM.
Ian now waiting for Jayne took me up togo to collage art session.

I am so worried about tomorrow Malc .
i hope and pray it will all be ok.
Christopher is so stubborn.

I miss you so much Malc i just want to keep crying.
It's making me ill.
I will write to you again tomorrow male .
i love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Bby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 24th 2016 1.53pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger My baby boy.
Today I saw no one this morning only at a distance .
I did spot Pat but didn't stay long .
I came home fed Muffin and had break fast .
I took Muffin to Cannock then home lunch.
I texted Carol Norrey and took Muffin up had a cuppa and stayed a coupe of hours.
She is such a good friend special really.
I am back home now watching our favourite programme The Chase .
I will stay in tonight now another day nearer D day .
Felling nervous .

I just wish I could win 48.000 pounds that's all I need to be secure.
I can't relax Malc with worry.

Christopher has left us in a right mess.

He can't even keep in touch.

I have got to think positive , I don't want to lose our house Malc.

I miss you my darling so much help me through this.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 23rd 2016 14.48pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today again has been very lonely.
I took Muffin to the park met Karen and Julie who is very out spoken and judgmental .
I can't really take to her .

I came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I went across the road asked someone could they weed my garden .
Caroline's daughter said she would .
She came over and spent the morning weeding the front path way.

I gave her a sandwich and drink paid her £10.
She was so pleased , so was I.

OH Malc I didn't think this would be how my life was to be.
Losing you, not seeing my Grandchildren .
Christopher doing a filthy trick on me .
Chanel not ringing or coming any more.

Lonely most of the time.
I do have a few friends but my family have gone away.

What have I doe so bad to deserve being treated like this.?.

I miss you so much Malc I'm hurting inside..

My life and mind is upside down.
I'm tensed up in my body.
My head is bursting with pain and worry.

I haven't asked Lisa to dinner tonight I'm too upset .
I think I will wait until they come to me.
I am so fed up of me trying hard to please every one.
I feel I need support at this moment in time .
Every one around me is enjoying their lives.
I can't pick up at the moment.

I need good news on Thursday. PLEASE !!!!!!!!!.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 22nd 2016 14.16pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I have had a very lonely day .
I took Muffin a ride to the park this morning missed Anita she was going to church and walking Milly later.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast.
I thought Lisa might Ring but no chance.
I'm not wanted any more by any of my children .
I have lost you Malc to Cancer .
Have the house dangling on a string not knowing if I can keep it.
I feel sick inside worrying if it will be ok.
I won't know until Thursday.
I'm crossing my fingers it all turns out ok.
I am so disappointed in Christopher and Chanel.

I haven't seen my Grandchildren for nearly a month.
Oh Malc I wish I could win the lottery just to pay off this 48,0000.
My life has been turned upside down.

I have been t see Kay this morning she is so kind.
I stayed an hour.

I'm going to my Mum's in half an our staying until 4.30pm..
then either back home or Jayne's .
I think Home.
I MISS YOU SO MUCH MALC HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I wil write to you again tomorrow , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc.
Thankyou Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Togger My Boxer Fog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 21st 2016. 17.38pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy,
I have been on my own all day just been crying .

No one had rang me or been in touch No Daughter or Son .
I feel like leaving the earth .
But I have Muffin to look after
Oh Malc I never thought losing you would cause so much break up and heart ache .
I'm so lonely and depressed .
Even Jayne doesn't want me to go up now on Sunday's it's rained most of the day.
I managed to take Muffin out twice
Nothing on television no one coming
Why did you have to die Malc .
Bloody Cancer 😡😡.
I'm dti worried about the house have to wait until next Thursday
I'm praying every day it will be ok .
I can't tell you much more Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling
I love you with all my heart Malc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

Kiss Tigger and send. My love to everyone

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog BabyBoy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 20th 2016 16.34pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I have had an emotional day today cried a lot this morning.
I took Muffin for his groom this morning Tony was late.
I went back home waited for Matt to do the horn on the scooter but he didn't turn up.
I spoke to Marie who changed the apt to Tuesday 9am.

Carole's son Kieran came to see computer.
I then went to Cannock and collected Muffin and popped into the shops.
I brought him back fed him and we then rode to Carole's Mums .
Beautiful house and garden.

All the family help , I wish my family helped each other.
But it never will .
I ASKED Lisa TODAY TO GO TO LUNCH AT WHETHERSPOONS but she said no she was having lunch with Geoff.
I told her I am lonely and she doesn't offer me a dinner any more.

I'm devastated Malc you were right I am alone.

I am trying so hard to find friends but they are mainly married or busy.

I feel lost lonely and depressed.
I still have a worry about the house.

I am getting a curry later to share with my Mum .
I'm trying to fill the hours.
I come home to a empty house every day.
I miss you more than ever now Malc .
I talk to you every day.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 19th 2016 17.01

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I feel worse than ever broken inside worried sick my heart is pounding.
I spoke to KAY today I'm so worried Malc .
I had my hair done this morning by Pete , I didn't take Muffin until much later after my hair was done.
I did pop into Lisa's on her lunch hour but she was again in a bad mood.
What's gone wrong ?????????????????.
I feel none of the family care any more .
I am lost , gutted . confused .
HELP HELP HELP , Malc I think I am going out of my mind.
My head is bursting.
I miss you so much Malc I have no one to support me.
Lisa doesn't seem to think it's serious.

I really can't think of any thing to say Mac.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I miss you so much and love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 18TH 2016 14.32PM
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been so lonely.
I tokk Muffin to the park later this morning because of the rain.
I saw Karen Neil and Kim .
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast .
I texted Lisa to come for lunch but she said no she was letting her Max out hadn't' got time for me.
I have lost you Malc lost my Grandchildren now my Son and Daughter.

What have I done so bad to deserve this.?.

I am so lonely Malc with out you.

I am going to art class tonight with your Jayne .
Hope this cheers me up.

I did pop and wish Mum happy Birthday today she is 86 years .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .

I can't tell you much today seen no one really.
I love you with all my heart Malc ,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Sorry its early writng .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 17th 2016 17.42pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a little better .
I took Muffin to the park this morning met up with all the girls.
Didn't stop long too much on my mind.
I came home had breakfast fed Muffin but he isn't hungry again.
Might eat tonight.

Carole Banks came at 1 pm and stayed until 4.30pm.
I have rang the mortgage people again .
Who said they will try their best to help me.

I still anxious
but what can I do ?.
I took Mum's birthday presents down today she like them but opening her card tomorrow.
I miss you Malc and cry for you every day .
I can't stand my own company and do a lot of thinking.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc and miss you so much.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday 26 th May 2016. 26.56
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Not a good day today Malc .
I took Muffin to the park but didn't feel like stopping with Anita and Julie .
I wanted to get back to phone The mortgage company .
Not good news Malc they have asked me to send loll coridpondence paper work
I'm in a huge mess Malc .
All through Christopher .
I've cried most of the day .
On Malc I wish you could help me .
I at lose the house .
Then I will have nothing .
I can't concentrate on any thing. Malc .
I have been over the chase with Lisa and Geoff and the dogs
We went to the Horns remember that pub.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxx
I love you with all my heart cxxccxxxxxx

Kiss tigger a X send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxcc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxc.
Sorry j forgot yesterday. Xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 15th 2016 14.46pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger My Baby boy.
Today I haven't enjoyed s far .
took Muffin to the park met Anita didn't stop long.
I came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
My stomach is tight again chest tight too with worry.
Sheila came with plants I really didn't want and paint brushes , I know she means well.
after she left with Colin I took Muffin to Cannock but a waste of time.
I came home then left Muffin why I went to Tesco.
Then I remembered you had a fishing box which you helped me to find , just the job.

I have nothing to look forward to at the moment why this is hanging round my neck.

only Mum and Lisa know what's going on.
I'm in a mess Malc .
I'm waiting until 4.40 then going to Jayne's .
Anybody for company.
I have just cooked dinner for my self and Muffin.
The weather is dry but cold today I need to wrap up.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring.

I don't know what the right thing to do about the house.

Give me some guidance Malc PLEASE.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.

I love you with all my heart , Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .

My Precius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 14th 2016 16.00pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I woke up this morning with chest pains and a large knot in my stomach .
I took Muffin to the park saw Anita came back and fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I went to CANNOCK changed my jeans then rode to Carol Norrey she gave me a sandwich and cake and tea.
I have a great friend .
I'm just going out with Sue Fisher for a meal.
Oh Malc I could cry I am so frightened.
I have to put on a brave face.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
kISS Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx.
I miss you Malc so much I hurt xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 13th 2016 17.08pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Oh Malc I am so frightened.
I feel ill with worry over the house.
I have talked with Lisa today we have to get together with Christopher Lisa and my self.
To talk about the mess he has gotten me into.
I'm sick with worry.
I need to get this sorted asap.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Anita and Pat.
Later I met up with Lisa for lunch she then went back to work.
I decided to go to Cannock with Muffin and then popped to Kay's because Muffin wasn't eating.

I feel anxious all the time Malc.
It's eating me up inside.

I am going to buy a curry at 6pm and will probably share it with my Mum .

I can't stop in the house alone at the moment I'm frightened .
My house is being taken away before me.
This is all Christopher's fault.
I miss you Malc I need you so much to help me through this .
I will write to again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday. May 12 th 2016 16.09pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took muffin to the park then came home fed Muffin and had Breakfast .
I then decided to go to Lichfield
I took Muffin we had 2 hours there .
I came back via Rugeley .
A nice ride and time went quickly .
At my Mum's at the moment I don't want to be on my own .
Lisa is coming for dinner tonight .
I'm dreading tonight if Christopher rings re the house .
I miss you Malc so much it hurts I
Getting anxcious. and angry .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
I love you with all my heart darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 11th 2016 17.52pm.
Hello Malc my darling today I have been crying a lot today missing you so much and worried about the house.
I took Muffin to the park this morning didn't see anyone.
I then waited in for a chap to value the house.
I later took Muffin to see Sheila and Colin .
They drive me mad but its someone for company.
I came back then took A PLANT TO kAY .
I wasn't impressed Lucy was there all the attention was on her.
I came back at 4pm.
I am going to art college tonight with YOUR Jayne .
I feel rock bottom at the moment.
I miss you so much Malc.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .

MyPrecious Tiggee My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 10TH 2016 16.48PM.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been brilliant.
I did take Muffin to the park this morning , only saw Julie not Anita.
Came back had breakfast and fed Muffin.
I stayed I until 1pm when Kevin picked us up.
I had lunch and have just got back.
It's poring down .
In for the night now no one coming and not going anywhere.
I'm worried about ringing Christopher.
Malc I am so frightened I might lose the house.
ive been buying scratch cards and lottery tickets to try and win some money.
No one knows what I am going through.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: rose

Monday May 9th 2016 14.32pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I haven't enjoyed today so far.
As I took Muffin o the park it pored down.
I had to come back.
Waited until it stopped then took him again.
I called in Aldi and ordered some plant pots.
Which I collected later.
I feel worried again today re the house.
I have spoken to Chanel today to talk to Christopher.
I'm not looking forward to speaking to him but it has to be sorted.
I hope I don't have a problem.

Malc he has left me in such a mess.
Oh Malc I miss you so much I can't explain how worried I am and your not here to support me.
I'm frightened of the out come.

Mum is coming to dinner.

I feel completely helpless Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My PreciousTigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 8th 2016 19.48pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad.
took Muffin to the park met Anita and camr back fed Muffin had breakfast .
I then went to Carole's and collected the lily pads.
Anita then took me to a garden centre I brought 2 pots.
we had a cuppa and cake. I paid.
I then went to Kay's and took the lily pads. stayed and had a barbeque.
I've not long come back .
Quite enjoyed my day.
Even though I haven't seen the family.
Not happy with any of them .
I pray Malc I can win the lottery so I can relax and pay off this debt.
I have just rang my Mum she is coming for dinner tomorrow , at least we are friends again.
Malc I miss you so much darling I ache for you.
My heart is broken and I don't think it will ever mend.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart ,kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 7th 2016 2023pm.

Hello My darling Malc and Tigger my Baby boy.

Today has been upsetting with Lisa.
I started off by taking Muffin to the park met Anita, came home fed Muffin had breakfast.
I t has been such a boring day and ive cried most of it.
I'm worried about the house and my health.
I went to see Lisa had a sandwich watched her garden stayed a couple of hours.
She asked for the swing I had brought for Finley.
I got it out of the shed struggled and put it ready for Geoff to pick up.
they were going to pick up Finley and Carter at 3pm.
As usual Lisa is always late.
I sent a message then another just incase it got caught in the rain.
I popped down and got greeted with a mouthful from Lisa then a mouthful from Geoff.
I came away crying.
I sent a message to Lisa saying thank you for showing me u in front of Him.
She replied stop keep on then.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
What's happened t my kids NO RESPECT NONE.
I HAVE BEEN TO THE Yorkshire MAN for a meal with Anita and was able to take Muffin and Milly.
A lovely meal and evening .
But still un happy.
Kay has just rang but her phone got cut off.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darling.
I pray everything turns round I can't stand the stress much longer.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger Mu Boxer Dog Bany Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 6th 2016 16.18pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been good
I've had the house valued . Carol Morty came with her son and fixed my lap top.
But lost AVG need to sort .
I took Muffin to the park met Anita and Karen .
I've also been to Whetherspoons for s meal
With Jean & Jeff and they took me to hobby craft .
I'm back now going to take Muffin for a ride then getting s curry .i miss you Malc you would have loved today .
I'm so lonely with out you darling
I will write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 5 th 2016. 18.10pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
A strange day today all round .
I took Muffin to the park met Anita .
Came back had breakfast. Fed Muffin .
Popped to Cannock then Carol and her son came and fixed my laptop .
I then popped to Kay's she has moved today .

I'm here now having a Barbeque .
I miss you my Darlin so much .
I didn't sleep last night with worry .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tiggef and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxcc..

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Foh Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday May 4th 2016 17.57pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today a bit stressful it's about the house .
You know don't you .
I can't relax until sorted
Bloody Chris !!!!!.
I took Muffin to the park met Anita .
I rang Chanel spoke to her about things she knows nothing.
Carole had been today 1pm until 4.30 pm .
I've been so I'm happy today but couldn't tell Carole .
I'm going to Art college tonight with Jayne .
I'm not in the mood really .
Oh Malc what is the answer only winning the lottery .
Or I think I'm out on the streets .
I miss you so much darling .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc X
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx,.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 3rd 2016 18.24pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today is Jade's 24th Birthday as you probably know.

I took Muffin to the park this morning at 8am.
I saw Anita for a while , came back had breakfast fed Muffin.
I then washed my hair to get ready for Jade's Birthday later at Bella Italia Walsall.
I took Muffin to Kay's and off I went.
Geoff and Lisa picked me up and I took Jade's presents she loved them and the money I put in the card.
We had lunch and Jade blew out her candles on her cake , we then popped to a couple of shops for jade.
but then I brought Muffin a new bed it's lovely.
I have just picked up Muffin from Kay's and back home waiting now for Carol Norrey to come at 7.30pm.
A cuppa and chat.
I wish you could have come today Malc I miss you around I am so lonely with out you Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday 2nd May 2016 15.42pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
What a day , well your Son has broken his leg and hand falling off a ladder.
off now for six weeks.

I'm sorry he has done this perhaps he will learn a lesson now.
I took Muffin to the park this morning and met up with Anita .
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast then went to Lisa's .
She has rang since asking if I want to go to dinner 6pm tonight.
I feel very low again al sorts going on.
Worried out of my mind.
When are things going to improve ????????.
I miss you Malc I need you at te moment.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 1st 2016 13.40pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my Baby boy.
I'm writing early Malc I'm so fed up
It's raining again .
I took Muffin to the park this morning and met Anita.
She has her family coming today whoopy whoo.

I have had a message from Jade Thanking me for the stuff I sent her.
Anne has just rang asking how I am .

I have been to my Mum's for an hour.
I am still very worried and rightened.
I keep crying .
Lisa is back from Leamington Spa I think she has had a good time.

I feel so lonely Malc I miss you so much .

I don't know what my future holds I really don't.

I hope to go to Jayne's later if itstops raining.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxx.
kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday April 30th 2016 18.57pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Not a good day at all today Malc.
It's rained most of the day and I've only been out twice with Muffin.
I saw Lisa for half an hour this morning .
Geoff has took her to Leamington Spar to see a show and stay over night.
I went to Cannock to buy some light bulbs. .
Just as we got back it pored down and has done since.
I'm so depressed Malc .
With Chrisopher over the house and my health worry.
Poor Muffin hasn't eat today hope he eats tomorrow.
I am so bored Kay doesn't come any more .
Anita keeps her self to herself.
Christopher and Chanel don't bother.
They have been to her sisters Wedding toda.
What has happened Malc it's all gone wrong since you have passed away.
I'm so lonely.
I just want to cry all day long.
I am frightened Malc HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Muffin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday April 29th 2016 15.3pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been to bad,
I took Muffin to the park early missing Anita.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast.
I later took Muffin to Cannock taking those capsules back to Holland and Barratt.

I did call at D.p,s.

I called in Chatwin jewellers for an Anniversary present for Lisa and Geoff.

I also have had an appointment to Cannock Hospital 22nd June colonoscopy.

Not looking forward to it but need to check if I'm ok.

I've been to Samson Blewit with Sue Fisher for lunch nice, it took my mind off things.
Still worried about the house.
Nothing from Christopher yet.
I miss you Malc darling so much I cry most day's.
I talk about you or to you every day.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .

I love you with al my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 28th 2016 15..07
Today feels very strange I don't feel normal
I'm frightened Malc .
I didn't take Muffin to the park until 8.45am .
I didn't see any one .
I rang Jade asking her what she needed .
I went to Tesco brought her some washing gel and liquid
Nappies from Aldi
Took some to Lisa's left a note she was at work .
I'm going for a meal on Tuesday with Lisa and Jade it's her Birthday .
I haven't heard from Chris today but best left at the moment .
I miss you Malc I didn't close my eyes last night worrying .
I hope all gets sorted soon .
My Mum is here had dinner she is my company st the moment .
I feel so in happy today Malc and frightened .
I'm angry with Chanel really screaming down the phone at me who does she think she is !!!!
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with l my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to e very one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 27th 2016 14.07pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been very lonely.
I took Muffin twice to the park today met Anita for ten minutes she isn't much of a support.
I haven't heard from Karen either.
But I will say Kay rang me and asked me to go down.
I'm finding out who my real friends are now.
I need them more than ever now why I have this worry.
It's Chanel's mums funeral today Christopher has gone with her.
I'm hurt really to think they care more for her Mum and they haven't seen her for 7 years until they found she was dying of Cancer.
I am so hurt.
I wish you were here Malc to help me through this worry.
I hope it al turns out negative for Cancer.
I miss you so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I know it's a bit early today only Garry is coming to put the caps on to of the fencing and Jayne might becoming after 3 pm for a tea.
I am here again all night on my own.
I doubt if Lisa will ring or come.
I am so lonely Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday April 26th 2016 pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a very upsetting day.
I found blood in my stool again and went to see the dr .
He examined me then told me he was sending me for a colonoscopy for further investigations.
I'm really worried Malc. help me through this.
I rang everyone I think being worried.
I won't rest until this is sorted.
I fear for Cancer.
He said he didn't see any cancer and wasn't worried too much , but you know me.

I went to Carole's for lunch today .
I have not long come back.
I am trying to occupy my mind or I will go crazy.
I wish you were here to support me Malc.
I can't talk to any one about my problems.
That's why I write to you everyday .
I miss you so much Malc I'm hurting inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday April 25th 2016 17.15pm.
Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy.
Not a good day today .
I was poorly in the night very bad stomach pains and severe Diarrhoea.
Passing blood this morning , I'm quite frightened see how it goes over the next few days.
It rained early this morning so I only took Muffin up the new road.
I had to go to Art class with Jayne 10 till 12 .
I wasn't impressed.

I was lock watching all the time I was there.
I took Muffin a ride to Hednesford when I got back.
I have been so lonely since I have got back.

You know me Malc need company and worry about my health.
Malc I just want to keep crying.
Kevin porter has joined you now you probably know .
Cancer Again.
Lisa is coming for dinner tonight.
I reckon she will bring Max.
I'm at Carole's tomorrow hope it doesn't rain.
I miss you so much Malc I want you home please.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 24th 2016 14.16 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been another lonely day .
Nothing from my family .
I took Muffin to the park late today I stayed in bed until 8 am .
I met up with Pat and Bertie .
I didn't stop long o was feeling very low 🙄
I came back fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I decided later to go to Elaine's had a quick cuppa and had about half hour with her .
I then popped to my Mum's stayed until 12.45pm .
I'm shattered today not a good night's sleep .
It's been raining off and on .
I hope to go to Jayne's later .
Malc I miss you so much darling .
I will have to try and get strong .
I miss you so much Malc
I'm crying and hurting all the time .
I'm going with Jayne to art tomorrow .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday April 23rd 2016 18.58pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has gone so quick.
I took Muffin later to the park this morning .
Met up with Anita. Didn't comeback until 9.30am.
Had breakfast late and fed Muffin.
I then washed my hair and went to see Lisa .
She was gardening and Geoff was washing the paving off.
I didn't feel very welcome really.
I stayed a little while came home then Sue Fisher and I went for a meal at Stafford not bad.
Then Sue took me to B& Q I brought a nozzle for the hose pipe.
I brought some miracle grow.
I'm in now bored with telly and missing you Malc like crazy.
Another boring day tomorrow lisa is off to see Louise with Geoff.
I feel very unloved at the moment from both my Son and Daughter !!!!!!!!!!!,.
Thank you for coming into my dream this morning it was lovely seeing you.
Come into my dream again soon Malc I'm aching for you.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling, kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday April 22nd 2016 1.18pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

It's not been a bad day today.
I took Muffin a ride to the park this morning .
Met up with Anita and saw Kim and Pat.

I came straight back and fed Muffin and had breakfast early.
I did take Muffin to Cannock to take my earrings back.
I swapped for another pair.

I then got back and fed Muffin again and left him why I went to lunch with Karen .
I then went back to pick up Muffin to take him to Anita's and Karen came too.
I still feel very weepy and frightened inside .
I am shortly going to fetch a curry.
Then on my own with Muffin again.
I'm so lonely Malc so lonely.
I'm hurt that my family have left me to fend for myself and don't really care whether i'm here or not.
I miss you so much my darling I have talked about you again today.
My stomach is in knots wandering what the day's will bring.
Tomorrow I am doing nothing and seeing no one.
I should be grateful I'm alive considering every body is dying around me.
It's frightening.
I want to live a long age but I also want to be happy .
I hope things change ,I don't like how things are at the moment.
I want my family to love me.
I don't want material things I just want love and respect.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darling xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 21st 17.08pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been to bad .
I tookMuffin to the park this morning met Pat then Anita .
I popped into. Aldi then home to feed muffin and have Breakfast .
I had a visit from Sheila and Colin they stopped an hour .
Les from across the road came to put a door bell on the back gate .
I then took Muffin to the park again then back home to cook dinner for me and my Mum .
I did enjoy the painting cause last night going again next Moday afternoon.
I cried this morning feeling very low and Pat said Ho to the doctors but I don't want tablets .
I miss you so much Malc I feel all the family have gone away and don't care any more .
Lisa has rang today asking how I got on last night .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxcccc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 20th 2016 16.12pm.

Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
I'm gutted today it's all gone o pot.
took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one.
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin , after washing my hair i went to Danks.
I then collected a piece of board for Jayne our art class is tonight.
I then popped to Cannock brought some more tablets.
I also popped to Boots chemist.
I came back and had lunch .
Mike the enviroment chap came all rats disappeared.
After he had gone I took Muffin a ride to Kay's.
I sat outside at first then she made me acuppa we then went inside and i fed Muffin .
Then Kay said she was going to feed Jason's cat pus.
I said do you want me to go? she said drink your tea first, i felt a bit upset really.
But I have got to understand Kay is from Brum and her ways are different to ours.
Oh Malc i just want to keep crying Kay said she wants to knock Saturdays on the head .
I feel at this moment everyone is going away from me.
I have never been so unhappy in all of my life.
Even my family are distant from me.
I only have Muffin.
I am going to art class tonight with your Jayne.
Hope it turns out ok.
I miss you so much Malc if you were here i wouldn't have to rely on anyone.
I feel i'm pushing myself onto people just for company.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darlin.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Bay Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 19th 2016 18.29 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a better day .
I took Muffin to the park this morning .
Met Karen pat and Julie .
Anita went after 9 am .
I came home fed Muffin had breakfast .
I took Muffin up the new road then waited in for Carole .
She came at 1pm stayed until 4.30 pm .
Enjoyed her company .
I then took Muffin to Cannock to buy my art case and rubber .
I haven't heard from the family .
Lisa has gone to decorate for jade Finley's room .
Malc I miss you so much my darling I had a horrible dream last night .
I must have woke Muffin crying I think .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darling , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday April 18th 2016 1624pm.
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been any better.
I got up late watching television.
so didn't go to the park until this afternoon.
I waited in for a parcel.
I then took Muffin to the park and Aldi.
I have been so depressed today .
I rang Jayne to ask if she wanted lunch she said yes and came at 12 noon.
I have cried most of the day and been riding round with Muffin.
Carole is coming tomorrow for lunch thank goodness.
I'm also meeting Karen on Friday for lunch at Bella's.
Which leaves Wednesday and Thursday .
I have to have company i'm so lonely Malc what can i do ? xxxx.
I miss you so much Malc it's such a lonely life with out you .
I'm crying as we speak.
Everyone seems to be going away from me WHY !!!!??????.
Your Marg and Roger are in Australia .
Christopher i dn't know what is happening there.
Chanel is joining him too.
Thank god i saw the kids yesterday all it being me being chosen second best .
I think I told you yesterday Chanel's Mum has passed away.
kISS Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Miss you more than ever each day.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 17gh 2016 16.26 pm
Hello Malc my darlin and. Tigger my baby boy .
Today yet another disaster .
Last night Christopher asked me to have the kids as Chanel's Mum had passed away .
In bel own time he had asked Lisa first
But she declined .
I know they were using me but it is the only way I see our Grand children .
They dropped them off I fed them then took them down the park .i brought them an ice lolly each .
chanel rang after a couple of hours saying they would pick them up from the park have my keys get their stuff
They picked them up then let there selves in as I got home on my Scooter they started off .
Never said thank you off they went
Hurt Malc so hurt .
I'm at my Mhms at the moment reAlly upset .
I'm off to Jayne's in 5 minutes .
Oh Malc what has gone wrong .
I miss you so much Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 16 th 2016 14.39 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tiggef my baby boy .
Not s good day at all .
I took Muffin to the park this morning
Saw no one .
I l took muffin to Rugeley to collect the final DVD from the tape .
I have sent Lisa a message seeing no one today .
No reply she has gone to decorate Finey's bedroom .
Christopher sent me yet another nasty message .
Why is he so bitter ?
Since you have gone Malc my life has been hell .
I wish you could come home Malc bring Tigger with you .
So lonely .
Kay is angry sale fell through .
Sue Fisher Busy .
I'm at the end of my tether Malc HELP !!
I need you so much .
Weather isn't helping .
I miss you so much Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Fog Babh Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 15 th April 2016 16.27pm
Hell Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been such a lonely day .
I have seen no one really .
I took 'Muffin to the park this morning just saw Anita forces couple of minutes .
Until I took Muffin for his groom I saw no one .
I dropped Muffin off then rode around Cannock went to Asda.
I went home dropped off a few things then went back to Cannock to collect Muffin .
I then came home waited in the. Popped to the surgery to collect a Presciption I ordered this morning .
I now have to wait until tomorrow morning they hadn't got it in the chemist 😡Grrrrrr.
I am so unhappy Malc none of my children care 😂😂😂😬😬.
I'm lonely so lonely Malc
Help me find some company every one seems to have gone away .
I need company every day .
I can't stand my own .
I love My baby Muffin but he can't talk back to me .
Your Marg , Roger and Jand are in Australia .
I feel every one has gone away from me on purpose .
Malc I miss you so much I've cried most of the day today .
I think I'm in for a lonely weekend too .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday April 14th 2016 16.35pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today a bit boring .
I took Muffin to the park earlier this morning but it was raining.
I did see Anita only for a few minutes .
I popped into Aldi for some fish and came home had breakfast and fed Muffin
I did go to Hednesford again with Muffin and a little ride round .
I have been really fed up.
I rang Kay at 2pm and popped down with Muffin .
I stayed a couple of hours before it started to rain .
Garry has put two new fence panels up but needs to come back next Tuesday he is making some posts to finish it off he has even put the mirror back I had on the old fencing .
Good man .
I hope you can see this Malc I really do .
I miss you my darling so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

by: rose

Wednesday April 13th 2016 17.45pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I just written to you and lost it.
I have been to see your Sheila because I was lonely I stayed an hour that's enough.
I asked Lisa for dinner but she declined.
I feel very lonely Malc with out you and I feel no one cares.
I really don't have much to tell you only I miss you so much and love you with all my heart Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Hopefully more to tell you.
it's been a lovey day aswell no one to share it with.
I have my Baby Muffin .
I heard the birds whistling in the garden and only wished you were sitting on the swing bench smoking your fags.
I miss you so much Malc I ache .
I cry most days for you.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone malc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 12th 2016 17.49pm
Hello Malc my Darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been to Malc .
I didn't go to the park today I was late watching Ground Force .
I dcided to go to Cannock to buy a couple of birthday cards .
I took Muffin a ride .
I came home waited until 12.40 pm
Then went to Carole Banks for lunch .
Would you believe Lisa rang asking if I wanted to go to Dunelm .
She has the day off .
I will have to alter the day whenKevin has finished his hospital appointments .
Don't like Tuesday's at Carol's .
Kay rang me today but that's all !!!
I I'm back home now watching the Chase .
I miss you Malc and as you know have been talking to you .
I want to just keep crying for you wanting you to come home and bring Tigger .
I feel so empty with out you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart,Kiss Tigger and sent my love to everyone .
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx. X xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday. April 11th 2016 17.35 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today started of bad but ended up better .
I took Muffon to the park met Karen and Kim .
I then popped in Aldi and the coop .
I had breakfast and fed Muffin before I went out .
Was so bored then suddenly Jean Beardsmore rang asking me to go down for tea and a cake .
I stayed until 5 pm just as Jeff came back I missed the rain thank goodness .
Lisa is coming for dinner at 7 pm .
Nothing from Christopher but didn't really expect him to .
I did tell Jean about him .
I must think positive and move on with out him .
I still love him even though has been evil to me .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tiggercand send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 10th 2016 14.01 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today didn't start well ,
I took Muffin a ride up the new road crying most of it .
I spoke to a lady who saw I had been crying . I told her about you and how I miss you . We talked forces while lovely lady .
No one has been near since Sue came on Friday we had Lunch at The turf.
None of the family have been in touch Malc .
I don't think they really care .
I think things would have been different if it had been me who had died .
Things are coming out now , my family are throwing hurtful things at me .
Christopher especially , he has told me he never wants to see me again.
I haven't seen the Granchildren for over a week .
When I came back from our ride I decided to have breakfast and feed Muffin then took X ride to my Mum's.
W was there and Mum was upset the boiler had stopped working .
I solved it I turned the black knobs and let the pressure in .
Sorted .
W went and Mum asked me if I wanted dinner , I stayed and dinner was lovely actually
Back home now just had a cuppa
I'm going up to Jayne's in a few hours .
Malc I miss you so much darling .
I will write to you again tomorrow , sorry I've wrote so early only I would rather do this than totally forget .
The day I forget my mind will be gone .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday. April 9th 2016 16.45pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been very lonely 😂😂
I have seen no one only in the shops or street.
I talked to Val and Dave in Hednesford
Both not very well .
I have been out with Muffin at least 3 times
So bored Malc .
Now it's poring down .
I'm so depressed .
Christopher has not been in touch and Lisa is at Doncaster with Geoff seeing his Grandchildren .
I've not even had a phone call .
I could be dead for all any one cares .
I even offered Kay and Alan to dinner tonight they have declined .
They are helping neighbour next door pack .
Moving house .
I feel very lonely 😒.
I rode Muffin to Cannock just to kill time .
Oh Malc what has gone wrong , why are they treating me like this .
I just want to keep crying all he time .
I just have to keep watching television .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 8th 2016 20.06 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok .
I couldn't take Muffin to the park early ,Pete came to do my hair but is coming back Wednesday to cut and blow dry .
I took Muffin to Aldi to buy some flowers for Sue Bradbury who came to take me out to lunch .
It's her Birthday tomorrow .
I haven't seen Lisa since Tuesday with Jade and the kids .
I think she must still be staying at Lisa's .
I have got to get used to my own company with Muffin .
I enjoyed Sue's company today we talked over old times .
We talked about you .
She still has that photo of you at Trentham Gardens hugging her and Paula by your side .
Christopher has been in touch the kids are back at school next week .
I am disappointed in Chanel very disappointed .
Well I don't know what the weekend is going to bring ?
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxx
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday April 7th 2016 17.16pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I have had a mixed day not good but not bad.
I couldn't go to the park it was raining.
When it stopped I took Muffin to Rugeley to collect some tapes changed to dvd's.
I have been playing them but not happy how they have turned out and Christopher has ruined his flying one taping that Cow he used to know.
IT brought back memories Greece but also up set me .
I wish you were here watching them with me.
I miss you so much Malc it's hurting inside .
Jason has just been he has fixed my router and tried to place the battery in my fire alarm but it's still bleeping.
I think my battery is too old and isn't working.
I'm going for lunch with Sue Bradbury tomorrow it's her birthday on Saturday .
I haven't heard from Lisa or Chanel mmmmmmmmmmmm.
Glad I have friends.
but seen none of them for two day's either.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send all my love to every one .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday April 6th 2016 28.42pm.
Hello Malc my Darlin and my Tigger baby boy .
Today has been a bit boring .
I took Muffin to the park later today 8.20 am .
I met Anita but didn't stay long .
I came straight home breakfast and fed Muffin
I could go out it was poring down .
About 2pm I rang Kay asking was she busy so I could visit .
I did go down had two cups of tea and stayed until 4.30 pm .
I got home about 5 pm .
I have had my dinner and are now waiting again for television programmes .
Oh Malc I can't tell you how much I miss you .
If I hadn't rang Kay I would have seen no one today .
None of my family have rang me .
I'm so disappointed with them all .Especially
Chanel 😡 The kids are still off school and she hasn't even texted me .
Chris is away but I'm glad at the moment .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I miss you my darlin so much .
I love you with all my heart miss you like crazy .
LOVE YOU FOREVER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 5th 2016 18.09pm.
Hello Malc my precious Husband and my Tiger baby boy .
Today hasn't been to bad .
I took Muffin a ride to Hednesford park .
Met Julie but no one else .
Came straight home waited in for Matt from mobility to install my stair lift made a good job .
Carole came early today 12.30 I didn't. Mind .
She is good company .
She was depressed today .
She didn't look well .
We had lunch well dinner .
Later Lisa rang she came with Jade Fonley and Carter lovely to see them .
Got out the tin of sweets and drinks .
They only stopped an hour . Lisa was taking Jade home to see Adam for him to see the kids too .
After all had gone I took a parcel back to the post office .
I gave Muffin a run .
I'm back now watching television .
I miss you Malc more each day I want to cry all the time but I'm almost cried out .
I am so lonely Malc with out you Darlin .
I will write to you again tomorrow .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday April 4th 2016 17..08pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I took Muffin to the park met up with Karen Julie and Anita .
I came straight back fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I was so bored no one came this morning so I asked my Mum to dinner she is her now .
My internet on the lap top isn't working a new router has to be sorted .
Good job there is programmes which unlike on tonight.
Matt is putting me a stair lift in tomorrow
9 am looking forward to it going in I keep falling down the stairs .
I have been crying for you today Malc praying you could come home.
I miss you so much Malc I'm broken with out you , I'm lost .
I don't want a companion .
But I have to see any one each day because I hate being alone .
No men don't want one only you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin.
I love you Malc with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday April 3rd 2016 21.04pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
A better day today I'm pleased to say .
I went to Mum's to talk over what had been said and told her a few home truths .
Then took Muffin to the park met Anita and went home to feed Muffin and have breakfast .
I texted Lisa asking when she was coming up she was down the park with Jade Jordan Finley and Carter .
In went to meet them and we all have each other a hug .
All is well with half the family .
Christopher is away for 4 days .
It gives me a break from him and Chanel
But I do miss my Grand children .
I wish you were here Malc helping me through this .
The new boiler is in now it's lovely .
You probably have seen it , I hope any way Malc xxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling , I love you with all my heart darlin , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday April 2nd 2016 16.21pm.

Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a in happy day .
I didn't sleep very well last night thinking what both my son and daughter said to me .
Christopher doesn't like Muffin and sent me out of his house having to get a taxi home .
Instead Kay and Alan picked me up .

Lisa said I never give and always take .
Mmmmmm I gave her a sewing machine tools out of the shed
A glass clock for the living room .
I brought her a meal at the rag a couple of weeks ago £35 for the both of us with drinks .
When she has took me to Trentham I always buy a meal .
I've given Jade an American fridge freezer .
A dish washer . Curtains cushions .
I had a plaque made for Lisa's house .
We have just spoken and I'm not happy the way she is with me .
She is coming up tomorrow to talk .
What have I done to deserve to be treated like this ?xx
I think we need to get things out in the open .
Oh Malc I miss you so much I need your support please !!?
Sue Fisher is coming later just for a coffee
We are going for a meal tomorrow 3 pm .
New boiler in today sorted .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I feel so depressed Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bocxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday April 1st 2016 18.01pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
What s disastrous day really
Imm crying at the moment .
Im so lonely Malc my throats aches my mouth is dry and no one of my family has been in touch today.
The boiler should have been installed today but they rang me so say it wouldn't be done until tomorrow .
So I took Muffin to the park and bumped into Karen and told her how upset I was .
She too has a shit if a son .
I haven't heard from Lisa because jade has been staying there all week .
I saw a message on face book .

Jayne came this morning after I came back from Cannock .
She stayed until 12.45pm.
Then Jean Breadsmore came at 1.15 pm
And Stayed until 4pm .
Jason came to sort the router out .
But it didn't work .
I managed to contact plus net he talked me through it I think it's sorted .
I have just took Muffin a ride to the curry shop
Now just about to eat my curry & Chips .
Oh Malc I am so in happy 😂😂
I need you Malc I don't think I can cope .
I try and plan my day but it never turns out how I want it to .
I am on my own all day tomorrow and have no where to go tomorrow night .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday March 31st 2016 18.24pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has been a good day really .
I took Muffin to the park this morning and only saw Stuart the park keeper.

I came straight back because a chap from Valley services was doing a test for when my boiler is installed.
He came early so that did please me .
I then took Muffin to Hednesford Aldi.
I came back home and Sheila and Colin came stayed an hour not bad today I showed then our memories dvd .
Sheila smiled but cried too.
We miss you so much Malc I'm crying now my life will never be the same .
Christopher has fell out with me he told me to leave on Monday from his house with Muffin . I had to ring Kay to pick me up I couldn't walk.

It's Georgia's 6th Birthday today but I haven't heard from Chanel her presents are still here .
Lisa is going up the weekend to take her presents.

But I think they will be sent back.
I am so hurt all it was over was the dog, he didn't want to have him in the house.
My mum has rang because Christopher rang her and told her off she doesn't want to have any thing to do with me or my family.

What have I done so bad to be treated like this.

I will write to you again to morrow Malc the boiler is being installed tomorrow.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 30th 2016 17.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a mixed day,.
I took Muffin to the park this morning met up with Anita for about 10 mins.
After calling in Aldi for some dog meat.
I fed Muffin early and I had breakfast at 940 ish.
I waited in for a chap to do a test before my new boiler is put in.
They couldn't make it in time so they are coming tomorrow around 10 am .
I have been to Carole's for lunch stayed until 4.30 pm.
I am home now and watching The Chase.
I know no one will come tonight , .
I just have to get used to no family around me.

It's going to be very hard I will have to be strong.

I will have to keep my mind occupied somehow .
I can't clean , I can't walk I'm in too much pain.
Oh Malc what has gone wrong ????.
MY children hate me since you have gone.
I think you were the one they both loved.
Now my Mum isn't speaking to me.
I wish I could turn the clock back to when you were well.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thanks Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 29th 2016 17.26pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
My day today hasn't gone too good either.
I took Muffin to the park this morning met up with Anita and Julie.

I came straight back fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I waited a little while in case Chanel came for Georgia's Birthday presents.
She didn't, I reckon Chris had told her to keep away.
He hasn't grown up at all and she is no better .
Very angry with them both.

I don't deserve this treatment I haven't done or said anything out of order.
I just love my dog.

I am not happy with Lisa either she hasn't asked how I am today , buy Kay rang asking how I was.

Ive taken some camcorder tapes to Max speilman Rugeley to change to dvd.s.
I have been to Hednesford three times.
Saw no one at all today.
Your Sheila has just rang going to Stafford hospital her breast.
I have felt very strange today Christopher frightened me Yesterday .
I don't want to see him at the moment.

I miss you so much Malc I need your support .
I miss you conversations you always seem to make me feel strong.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday March 28th 201 19.00pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been one of the worst day's of my life.

What I thought would be a great day at Chris's was a disaster .
I'm not going into detail but I won't be seeing him for a while .
I don't want to.
I had to go to Kay's she picked me up with Alan.
I can't tell you much today as I'm too upset .
I hope you understand Malc.
Muffin is shaking and me too.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday March 27th 2016 15.00pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Happy Easter my darling I miss you so much .
Today has been ok so far .
I was in bed When Chanel texted and said she was on her way with the our Grandchildren and the dogs.
It was a bit manic at first but did calm down .
Chris was in bed.

After they went I took Muffin to Kay's taking her Easter card and receiving mine.
I didn't stop she was going to Jason's .
She is moving house so I have to excuse her not coming or me going down.

I do miss our Saturday nights though.

I had a bad day yesterday I cried most of it.
can't stand my own company .
But I can't explain to Lisa or Chris .
It's a lonely life Malc with out you.

I went to Lisa's for a quick cuppa she was painting.
But then they asked me to go with them to collect
I came back and have decided to go on my scooter to Jayne's later because I'm not paying for a taxi double time .
I'm having dinner with them.

I will stay until 8pm.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart darling xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I'm lost with out you.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday March 26th 2016 12.15pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today so far quite boring.

I took Muffin to the park this morning met up with Anita Muffin had a little walk then popped into Aldi.

It was trying to rain but we managed.
I went home fed Muffin had breakfast and sat watching television.

I sorted paper work out then threw away rubbish old papers.
I rang Christopher to see if they are coming here I think they are too busy.
They might be living here for a few months why the knock walls down and get the house back to normal.

I hope it doesn't carry on raining because I'm supposed to be going to Kay's later with Muffin .
Unless she lets me down.

I'm so fed up Malc , I miss you so much AND THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Clocks go forward tonight Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 25th 2016 12.25pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I'm writing early because I have the kids later and over night Malc.
Today I went to the park with Muffin met u with Anita and saw Karen and Neil had a little talk also with Stuart the park Keeper.

I came straight back fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I washed my hair went to My Mums to take her Easter card,.
I wasn't impressed with her , I mentioned Georgia was 6 31st of March but she didn't offer to give me a Birthday card for her.

I don't think I will get one.
I am back home now just wrapped Georgia's present.
I am going to Whetherspoons in 10 minutes to have lunch with Jean and Jeff.

Then I will come back and give Muffin a ride round because the kids will be here I think about 3.30pm.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I Miss you my darling so much . Easter and you should be here with me.
I cried again yesterday.
I love you with all my heart Malc, kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday March 24th 2016 20.37pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't exactly gone to plan.
I took Muffin to the park this morning should have met with Anita but she decided to carry on so I wasn't very pleased when I arrived at her house .

I decided to go to Aldi and took my time.
I met up with her but rushed off and made an excuse
as I was seeing Karen.
I came straight home had breakfast and fed Muffin.
I was very angry .

I stayed in most of the day then took Muffin a ride round.
I waited in for Karen who didn't turn up her excuse was she had been weighed at her slimming world and had not lost weight so she decided not to come up.

Again someone else letting me down.
I cried all afternoon until I decided to take Muffin a ride to Kay's .
I had a cuppa and stayed an hour,.
She made me feel a bit better so I did come away happy.

I then popped Muffin home then went to Tesco for Easter cards and stuff.
Lisa surprised me tonight she brought me some flowers and an Easter card stayed about an hour.

She and Geoff are off to Southport tomorrow for two day's.
I have the kids tomorrow night over night .
I should have gone to supper with Jayne and Phil but I am going Sunday instead.
I might be going to Kay's SATURDAY evening according to what happens with them and a car,.
I will write to you tomorrow it might be early afternoon because of having the kids.
I love you with all y heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 23rd 2016 18.29pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Not a good day today boring really.
I took Muffin a ride to the park this morning saw Karen ,Julie and Anita.

I went straight home and fed Muffin had breakfast .
I put some washing in and tidied up.
just a bit of dusting , lisa or Chanel do the hoovering and general tidy.

I can't do much now in a lot of pain.
I will be glad when the stair lift is fitted.

Carole came for lunch and stayed until Kevin picked her up at 4pm.

After they went I took an Easter egg to Lisa' to give Jade but I had already given her one ,I forgot.
I didn't stop long Lisa wanted to fetch Jade and the kids , they are staying over tonight at Lisa's.
I came away upset knowing I'm coming back to an empty house.

I miss you so much Malc , no one realises how lonely with out you I am.
I am in now watching television again on my own with Muffin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny hope you are both well xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday 22nd March 2016. 15..06pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a it boring .
I took Muffin to the park saw Julie and Anita
I came straight home because Matt from moterbility was coming to fix my scooter .
It was the brakes and bushes .
Done and ordered a chair lift because I am struggling getting up stairs now .
After he had gone I took Muffin a ride to Cannock to pay towards the chair lift .
I'm paying from my disability money monthly .
i talked to Alison and Marie for quite a while nice people .

I wish you were here Malc I'm so lonely .
Lisa is off all week but she is busy and chilling out .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc the Rat Chappy is on his way to see if he has caught a rat .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 21st 2016 17.11pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been too bad .
I took Muffin to the park this morning met up with Anita but didn't stay long .
I then popped into Aldi to get something for dinner as I had asked my Mum to dinner .
I then waited in for a parcel to be collected .
He came early so I could get out .

I decided to go to Cannock College to have my photo taken for a badge when I go on the course painting .
I road around Cannock with Muffin then came home .
After I had sorted some books out I took some to Lisa .
She was pleased , she has this week off .

I showed My Mum the DVD of old memories
Guernsey , Bewdley and isle of White
All the pics of Christopher when he was born and growing up .
I talkedcaboutvyiubagsin today .
I miss you Malc so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you will all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday March 20th 2016 2032pm.

Hello Malc my darlig and Tigger mu baby boy.
Today I was quite upset this morning .
I took Muffin to the park met Anita for a short time.
I came straight home to have breakfast and feed Muffin.
I waited in all morning and np one phoned or came.
At 12 oclock I decide to take Muffin a ride I was crying on the way to Lisa's because I thought she wasn't bothered about me.
I got to Chadsmoor and isa was driving her car they were of to the chase with Max.
I turned back and went home but they thought I as having dinner with Sue today but she changed her mind and we went yesterday instead , so I couldn't blame Lisa .
They said we will ring you when we get back and you can come to dinner.
I expected Christopher to come sooner but eventually he came with Chanel and the kids at 2.30pm.
I showed the and Chris the memories video and Chris quite enjoyed it and the kids laughed .
Then Lisa rang to say dinner was ready .
Christopher said they would go down to show Dave to Max, I followed on my scooter with Muffin.
All the dogs played together it was lovely.
I talked about you today Malc to Chris Lisa and Jayne tonight.
All in all it turned out a good day.
I miss you Malc so much its so hard trying to hold myself together.
Jayne and Phil have asked me to tea on Good Friday.
We are having a Chinese meal.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday March 19th 2016 17.00pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been quite boring up until 3pm .
I took Muffin to the park this morning and Met boring Anita.
I didn't stop long and came straight home .
I fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I then washed my hair and got changed took Muffin another ride to Hednesford brought a coupe of dress's in the sale in a lovely shop in Hednesford.
I did bump into Kay and Alan but I don't think things are quite the same as they were before .
I know they are looking for a new car and selling the bungalow buying a house !!!!!.

I haven't visited her for over a month.

I have spoken about you again today to Sue Fisher.
We have been out for lunch to The Crown again Brownhills.

I miss you Malc so much my darling I'm hurting inside.

I found an old photo which I one at beatties in a completion a portrait.
It brought back lots of memories.

I don't know how I keep going with out you .
I have to plan every day and try and find company.
I think that's why Kay is giving me a wide birth.
Sue is coming back for a coffee in just under an hour . my goodness she can talk.

I Love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 18th 2016 18.27pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok but not brilliant.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one.
Anita said she felt poorly.
I popped quickly into Aldi and went home .
Fed Muffin had breakfast .

I texted Lisa arranged lunch at Weatherspoon's
It was short but at least I saw her.
I then came home and waited for Sue Fisher to come, she came at 3.10pm. stayed until nearly 6pm.
Then she took me to the curry shop and went in to fetch my curry,.

I have just eat it and now settling down to television programs .
I talked about you again today to Lisa and Sue , I try and mention your name every day.
I love you and miss you Malc so much and as I cry every day it doesn't bring you back .
I only pray one day a miracle will happen and I can hold you in my arms and kiss you and love you again.
My heart aches for you Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart darling xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday March 17th 2016 18.59pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today different again .
I had to wait in this morning for the chap to check the boiler he sorted it.
I took Muffin up the new road just before he came.
I then took Muffin a ride to Cannock just to see someone .
I have had a very boring day everyone I asked to meet or to have lunch here declined.
It does upset me.
But I suppose they are busy.

Stuart the park keeper came today to put up two camera's front and back.
I am going with Sue Fisher for lunch Saturday .
I hoped it would be Sunday but she obviously has other plans.
I clutch at straws sometimes Malc hoping I can see someone every day but it doesn't work out.

I miss you so much darling it's hurts inside .
Christopher has a lump in his neck and he won't go to the doctors for a blood test .
I do worry about him , will you have a word with him Malc some how.
I don't want anything to happen to him.
I don't want to lose any one else.
Lisa worries me too she isn't well blood tests have come back normal but she is still in pain.
will I ever stop worrying about my family.?
I worry about Jordan too he has stolen from Geoff and they have kicked him out.
I don't know where he is at the moment.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and sent my love to everyone xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 16th 2016 18.10pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby.
It's not been a bad day today.
I took Muffin to the park met up with Karen and Julie for a little while.

I came straight back quickly fed Muffin and had breakfast then had to go to Dr's for a blood test for my diabetes's.
I Then popped up to danks to buy a couple of drills for Stuart from the park is coming tomorrow to put 2 camera's up back and front of house.
I went to Carole Banks for lunch today took Muffin with me, he is such a good boy.

I stayed until 4.45pm.

Apart from Kevin I really enjoyed the afternoon.
would you believe when I got back home my heating had come on again but still coming tomorrow to test it.
It's making me look a complete idiot.
I miss you Malc so much you would be sorting this out by now.
I know you said you felt sorry for for me because I was going to be on my own , you said to find a companion but I don't want another man no one could replace you MALC .
I do have a few friends who I have made , but it's not the same with out you.
I keep praying you will come home with Tigger .
I keep wishing it was all a bad dream.
I love you with all my heart MALC XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
kISS Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 15th 2016 17.30pm
Hello My darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Ice had a good day today .
I took Muffin to the park this morning met Julie and Anita not for long though .
I then went straight home fed muffin had breakfast
Then decided to go to Cannock to buy my porridge. And some brown leggings .
I came back and Jean Beardsmore invited recto lunch .
I went at 1 pm stayed until 3.30 pm .
I then went back to Cannock to but two moe pairs of leggings as they were half price .
I talked to Jean about you today telling her how much I am missing you and got quite upset .
She is a good friend very supportive .
I miss you more each day goes by Malc .
I went to Hednesford later and collected two locks which replaced faulty ones .

I got back home to find no heating again but hot water thank goodness .
I have rang insurance they are coming Thursday between 8 am and 12 noon .
I will write you you again tomorrow Malc darling
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 15th 2016 17.08pm.

Hello Malc my precious darling husband and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a good day .
I took Muffin a ride to the park saw Julie an Anita.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast and then watched television until I decided to got Cannock to get some porridge from Asda and buy some leggings.
I took an hour came back to Muffin and we decide to go and see Jean Beardsmore . she then asked me to lunch I went at 12.30 left at 3.30pm.
Enjoyed the afternoon .
I then popped to Cannock again to but two more pairs of leggings as they were half price.
I was frozen, after leaving Cannock went to collect two locks which they were replacing the faulty ones.
Back home now and guess what no heating again.
I really think I should buy a new boiler.
Someone coming on 30th to do a test.
It's a government scheme.

I miss you Malc my darling so much I was talking to Jean about you today and getting upset.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart and miss you more each day goes by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday March 14th 2016 17.49 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today a bit disappointed .
I took Muffin to the park met up with Anita for a few minutes .
I came straight back hoping Jayne or Sue would ring me .

I decided to take Muffin to Cannock and popped to the college to enroll in painting Art .
It's 20th April 7pm -9pm Wednesday evening .
I ride around Cannock then came home fed Muffin lunch then had a sandwich .
I then decided to take Muffin to Aldi and to my Mums .
She asked me if I wanted dinner but I have Kisa for dinner tonight .
7.10 pm .

I have been really fed up today
I cried on the way to Hednesford earlier because I was thinking about you and missing you so much .

No one realises how much , I have to put on a brave face .
Oh Malc PLEASE. come home .
I'm so lonely with out you Bring Tiggy Wiggs too .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Darlin ,kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday March 13th 2016 6.47pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
It's been a good day today Malc , went to the park saw Anita for a little while.
Came back had breakfast fed Muffin and moved some leaves from back of shed.
I felt poorly after , pain in my chest and acid in my stomach.
Lisa came to collect her sewing machine and stayed for a coffee.
I then took Muffin a quick ride before Sue came and we went to the crown for Sunday lunch.
Lovely would recommend it pudding too.
£15.80each with pudding.

I have not long come back and I'm off to Jayne's now .
I will be back later about 8.30pm.
Then will settle down to a video.
I felt weepy this morning missing you but Sue has cheered me up.
You should be here enjoying your retirement Malc .
I'm so lonely with out you darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday March 12th 2016 18.14pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok really.
I took Muffin a walk to the park this morning well ride on my scooter.
Came back fed Muffin had breakfast and quickly popped to Lisa's to tell her about the sewing machine.
I then went to Cannock Christopher rang saying he would pick me up in Cannock and take me to his house.
I must say he was much better with me than he has been.
I was dropped off by Chanel in Cannock and picked up my scooter came home after calling in the chippy for a kebab.
I'm now settled with Muffin missing you more than ever Malc .
I cry every time I come home to an empty house.
You should be sitting on your sofa relaxing with me and Muffin.
I'm going for Sunday lunch tomorrow with an old school friend you know her Susan Fisher.
I am looking forward to going , she can drive.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc, kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 11th March 2016 17.03 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tugger my baby boy .
Today has been a bit mixed .
I took Muffin to the park met Anita for a little while .
I then came home fed Muffin had breakfast then sat watching television until it was time to take Muffin to the groomer .

I dropped him off at 11am then went to Asda to buy Easter eggs for all the kids .
I ride home before I new it they rang me to pick him up .
I'm not so happy with the groom today he hasn't took much off .
I took the keys back to two locks I brought a few weeks ago .
He has been up to unlock my shed they have both seated. Up .
Ice missed you again today Malc I feel so lost with out you .
Chanel rang today we had quite a long conversation .
Christopher is working most weekends now so won't have the kids for a while .
I am going to get my curry in a minute before it gets dark .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday March 10th 2016 17.49pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I have had a mixed day today .
I couldn't take Muffin to the park this morning I had my hair done by Pete 8am.
After he left I took Muffin a ride to Hednesford called in Aldi and coop to take a parcel back.
I came back asked My Mum to lunch , she came at 11.45 and left at 1.45pm.
I then texted Anita asking did she want visitors ,.
She agreed and I took Muffin down at 2.15pm and
left at 4.30pm.
Thank goodness I have my scooter or I wouldn't go anywhere.
I am home now and watching television.
I miss you Malc more than ever I talked about you again today to Anita and My Mum.
Lisa popped in last night for half an hour.
I wish I could see Christopher more often and the kids.
I hate being on my own Malc every day , I need company all of the time.
Kay rang today Alan has sold his car and they are possibly moving to a house.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart darling xxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 9th 2016 17.54pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
Today it's rained all day really fed up.
I couldn't take Muffin out until 5pm.
Carole Banks came at 1pm stayed until 4.30pm.
Not such good company today but I think its probably me.
I ordered a sewing machine for Lisa but it came today awful, I have just sent it back.
I have paid a bit more for it from hobby craft .
I feel really low again today
OH Malc I miss you so much darling I cried last night , I watch one of your films and wished you were here with me.
I cried and cried I don't think I will ever get over losing you.
I ache inside .
I had a quote for a new boiler today but it's a lot of money I think even though its a top of the range.
I asked your advise but I am still unsure if I should still have it.
The government are offering me nearly a thousand pound but I still have to put a considerable amount.
guide me Malc.
I can't really tell you much more Malc , only I want you more than ever.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 8th 2016 16.15pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
It's been a very strange day .
I waited in for the invironment this morning to sort the rat in the garden .
I then took Muffin to the park only saw Stu the park keeper .
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin .
Your Sheila and Colin came stayed an hour .
All they talked about was Cancer health .
I was glad they went .
Jayne my friend came and we went to lunch at The Barley Mow Milford .
Then Jayne came back had a cuppa .
She leftist 3.25pm.
I might take Muffin a quick ride because he has only had one run today .
See if it's raining first .
I dreamt about you last night Malc thank you .
I miss you do much darling .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
I'm debating whether to have a new boiler on a government scheme . Guide me Malc .
I don't know how long our boiler will last it's 11years old now .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx
kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday March 7th 2016 17.24pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been very mixed.
I took Muffin to the park saw no one but the park keeper Stewart.
I didn't stop because a Blanket box came earlier than thought.
I had to wait in for boiler person.
both came.
I also waited for Ariel chappie who came eventually but it wasn't my Ariel it was the socket and Ariel lead.
I have brought both new and Jason is coming at some point to wire it in .
I asked ANITA if she wanted to come this afternoon for a cuppa and cake .
Another excuse she made.
I'm getting really fed up with her now.
I think she has gone very strange.
I decide to take Muffin a ride instead.
Guess what we have another Rat .
It's very tame and brown not the usual grey.
I have phoned the environment who rang me back and is coming tomorrow morning.
Then I am going to lunch with Jayne Dagley.
I miss you Malc so much I cry most days for you.

I need you back home , bring Tigger with you please.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I love you with all my love darling.
kISS Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday March 6th 2016 13.14pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today is Mothers day as you know.
I took Muffin to the park this morning met up with Anita didn't stop long .
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast then rushed off to my Mums .
I gave her a tub with four hyacinths inside and a card.
Of course W had to go bigger in a card. But I'm not worried .
I'm writing early Malc because Lisa and Jade are coming up later and then we are going to dinner at Lisa's.
Then Muffin and I are going to Jayne's later .
I miss you Malc and wish I could talk to you in person .
I feel a bit deflated today .
Chanel rang me this morning wishing me Happy Mothers day .
I used to get a card and flowers but it's stopped .
Christopher up to yet hasn't sent a message .
But he has had work and is now asleep .
I don't expect he will later .
I have a busy day tomorrow .
Ariel Chappy coming might need a new one .
Chappy from boiler service doing a survey .
Blanket box being delivered 8 am - 11am .
I will write to you again tomorrow Darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx,.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 5th 2016 18.52pm
Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been too bad .
I took Muffin to the park this morning met Anita and Karenabx Neil .
I came straight home fed Muffin and had Breakfast .
I washed my hair then I took Muffin to Lisa's .
When I got there Nigel and Kerry was there too .
Poor Nigel he does look ill .
He has chemo soon .
I stayed nearly 2 hours .
I came home changed my coat wrapped up after feeding Muffin we took a ride to Cannock .
Stayed an hour then came back had a salad .
Waited a while the Stewart came just after 5 pm to put a new electric box outside for my mobility scooter .
He would take any money from me , bless him .
He said buy a bottle of wine with it for Mother's Day .
He gave me a hug and kiss and said just call if you need anything else doing .
I don't know what I would do with out him .
I have just had a kabab with chips .
No Kay again they have been looking for a new car .
I haven't seen her force few weeks .
Malc I miss you so much I cried again today and talked about you to Jean Bird that was .
I will write to you again tomorrow it's Mother's Day .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxcx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 4th 2016 15.54pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a better day.
I took Muffin to the park met up with Anita.
I didn't stop long.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast .
I waited for an old school friend who I have recently got in touch with, she also has lost her Husband called Malcolm.
Susan Fisher that was lived up your street you remember her.
she had lunch with me and a tour of the house.
She loves it Malc and the Titanic you built .
we might go on holiday together in the summer.
I felt quite comfortable with her.
I think I could make a good friend of her .
We seem to have the same idea's.
I talked about you again today and cried again.
I miss you so much Malc I'm broken with out you.
I did have some good news as you know a letter which came today.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday March 3rd 2016 15.59pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
It's not been a bad day today.
I took Muffin to the park met up with Karen Julie and Anita.
I didn't stop long.
I came home had breakfast fed Muffin then we went to Cannock I had to change a cushion the zip was broken.
I came back and had lunch with Karen at Bella's café.
I came home after a couple of hours .
Jayne came at 3.10pm had a cuppa with me she has not long gone.
We are going to book a course painting at the college .
I miss you Malc so much I will write to you and Tigger every day for as long as my mind and body will let me.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 2nd 2016 18.39pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
today its been a rainy day snow and cold.
I did manage to take Muffin to the park but got caught in the rain coming back.
I did manage to get to Carole's Kevin picked us up.
I went at 1pm left at 4pm.
I always enjoy Carole's company.
I haven't heard from Lisa OR Chanel OR Christopher.
It's poring down again hate it.
I miss you Malc and only wish that one day you will come to me .
I really haven't got much to tell you today Malc only that I love and miss you so much xxxxxxxxxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling hopefully with more to tell you.
I love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

MyPreciousTiggerMyBoxer DogBaby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March1st 2016 16.28pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today not such s good day .
It rained all morning Mufgin and I stuck in.
I got really upset .
But someone rang about a new boiler so I might be lucky and have a new one .
Ours is 11years old now Malc .
It has just been broken down and I have just had a part put in through the insurance .
I wanted people to come today for lunch but all seem to be busy .
I just hate my own company .
I'm so lonely Malc .
It stopped raining so I took Muffin a ride to Cannock took my DVD to therapist office to send back .
Went to the bank .
Came back about half hour ago .
It's suppose to rain again later grrrr.
Lisa is off work today she has gone collect Jade and the Grandchildren .
I have to give he time with Jade she doesn't see her often.
Malc I pray you will come home one day .
I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
LOVE YOU FOR EVER MA LC xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

MyPreciousTiggerMyBoxerDogBabyBoy NEW
by: Rose

Monday February 29th 2016 16.59pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today. Has been a good and bad day .
I took Muffin to the park this morning
Met Karen Julie and Anita didn't stop long to busy a day .
I then piped into Aldi and home , had breakfast did Muffin and Jayne took me to a new shop in Cannock .
I brought two throws and a lovely huge mirror .
Dave across the way in the bungalow took me to collect it.
Mick my cousin is fitting it , but it's difficult at the moment because the scewes haven't held .
He has put a filler in to set before putting the mirror up .
I'm a bit bothered it may not hold and smash in the night .
Crossing fingers .

I wish you were here Malc to enjoy it .
I won't see Kay for another week because she is selling her car and Alan is .
They are buying one to share .
I feel a bit hurt but she said it's just the car .
I miss you Malc so much I need you my darling .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
THank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday February 28th 2016 14.33pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I am writing to you early because I am going to Jayne's at 5.15pm.
I haven't seen or heard from anyone today .
All busy I think.
I shouldn't grumble Lisa and Geoff are taking me for Mothers day next Sunday .
Looking forward to it.
I am feeling lonely but have got to try and be strong.
I miss you more than ever Malc it hurts and I can't explain it to any one .
I AM A lIBRIAN and we like company.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I lov eyou with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday February 27th 2016 17.17pm.
Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I have had a mixed day.
I had Cameron Ellie and Georgia over night as you know, they were very well behaved,
I got up they all had breakfast and about 10 am we went to the park.
They loved it.
I had just brought them back as Christopher and Chanel with Baxter and Dave the new pup through the gate.
They stopped for a cuppa thanked me for having the kids then home I did get a kind of kiss from Christopher.
I then took Muffin a ride to Cannock I did call at Lisa's but she was out .
I carried on to Cannock dotty p's brought a Woolley hat .
I went to Penkridge but Your Sheila and Colin was next door AGAIN !!!.
I went straight back to Cannock.
very disappointed.
I called in Lisa's on the way back home she had just got in.
I don't think she really wanted me there.
I feel very lonely Malc having to push myself onto any body for company.
I can't stand my own company.
I think I will be on my own tomorrow until go to Jayne's .
I miss you Malc and can't seem to find a way of moving on.
I worry about anything and everything.
I want to desperately win a huge amount from the lottery so I can help Lisa Jade and pay Christopher's house off.
buy them all a house.
I'm not bothered for me.
Help me get through this Malc.
I need you Malc please please come home darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart my darling xxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 26th 2016 14.50pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a quiet day , I took Muffin to the park this morning only saw Kim.
Anita went too early.

I came back home had breakfast fed Muffin.
I then took Muffin up the new road and dropped a card off at Kay's for their wedding anniversary tomorrow.
I will miss going there.
I have the kids this afternoon and over night so got to keep them busy.
Chanel is dropping them off soon.
we are having a Chinese takeaway this evening.
I have plenty for them to keep them occupied .

Sweets Biscuits.

I bumped into a mate of yours earlier called Ivan.
He said you are Malc's wife aren't you , I was shocked,.
he said he worked with you both at Hednesford and Cannock wood.
He has left now working with a mate doing gardens for the elderly.
He helped me go round a car which was parked on the path.
Seems a lovely chap.
I cried when I left him as he tapped me on the shoulder and said take care of yourself.
I then went to my Mum's I didn't want to be on my own.

I stayed and hour.
I took Muffin to Aldi and came straight home.
Now waiting for the kids.

I miss you so much Malc I hurt inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart darling xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday 25th February 201618.07pm.
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I hasn't been too bad today.
I took Muffin to the park only saw Kim and PAT.
I popped to Aldi for veg and came home had breakfast fed Muffin.
I then waited for my Mum to come she stayed from
11am to 1.42pm.
I then took Muffin to Cannock had a ride round brought a couple of things.

It's gone very cold now I'm just waiting for Geoff to bring my GTECH back he is dropping it off when Lisa comes from work.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday 24th February 2016 18.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today hasn't been to bad.
I took Muffin to the park only saw Anita for a short time , I wanted to get back and feed Muffin have my breakfast and go for a coffee with Chris Rudd who I've known for some time.
She came and we went to Bella's café.
We had a good chat meeting again soon.

Carole came for lunch stayed until 4.30pm a good friend.
I popped a parcel into the post office to send to a person who has brought the dog carrying bag I don't use anymore.
I also popped into B&m and super drug.

I am in now out of the cold watching tv again.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart darling.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I my sort more things out .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 23rd 2016 17.22pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok.
Took Muffin to the park met up with Karen Neil Pat and Julie.
Missed Anita she went too early.
I came home fed Muffin had breakfast then popped to Tesco to buy some milk and stuff.
I then looked for my scarf ive lost but didn't find it .
Gone for good I think. Frustrating.
I had lunch and then I took Muffin to Kay's ,im disappointed I'm not going to Kay's on Saturday it's their wedding Anniversary.
I do have the kids Friday night over night so maybe Saturday will be busy with them .
I must make plans I can't stand my own company Malc.
I miss you so much Malc I hurt inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 22nd 2016 17.47pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been quite a day.
I took Muffin to the park met Anita for a few minutes.
Came back fed Muffin Had breakfast .
Jayne took me to Sainsbury's and we brought a few things in the sale.
came back then Lisa took me for a meal to The rag
A lovely meal and pudd I'm full now,.
Lisa had a ride round then dropped me off.
I then phoned Jayne and went up there with Muffin.
We stayed a while then dropped Muffin off because we had to take a few things back to Sainsbury's.
We did that then I went to collect my scooter and came back home . now debating whether to go to my Mums.
I texted Christopher asking how he was today and was thinking about him.
I did have a reply he was fine but no kisses though.
Better than no reply , I still love him.
Friends have wrote on face book caring about us regarding it being 2 years since I kissed you goodbye.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday February 21st 2016 18.16pm.

Hello my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Anita for a couple of minutes.

I came back fed Muffin had breakfast I was going to Cannock but the weather was against me.
So I just took Muffin to Hednesford Aldi to buy a couple of things.
I saw Lisa who asked me to Dinner .
I went to dinner at 3pm and have just got back.
I was going to Jayne's but again its raining and cold.

back to watching television with Muffin.
I have tomorrow to look forward to with lisa for lunch at THE RAG 12.45PM.

It's 2 YEARS SINCE I LOST YOU Malc tomorrow , I can't take it in where have I been what have I done ?.
I miss you so much Malc.
I will put a verse on face book tomorrow remembering you darling.
I wish and pray you would come home to me come home please.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Preciious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 20th 2016 17.13pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a very strange day .
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw Anita and Pat didn't stop long .
I came home fed Muffin had breakfast .
Then 10 am Christopher Chanel and the kids came with the new pup Dave . The Doberman .
He is gorgeous but very active to be expected .

Chris rang to sort that thing out but not quite sorted yet.
He seemed too be too nice but still didn't kiss me goodbye .
I wish he would make peace with me .
Lisa came with Geoff and took me to Penkridge nothing there today .
They dropped me off then Kevin Banks picked me up to go th their house for lunch .
It was lovely .
I'm back home now with Muffin .
Lonely as usual .
I miss you Malc so much darling . Thank you for helping me get through the day .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 19th 2016 17.31pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been very different.
I had to wait in for an engineer to come out to fix the boiler . all done back on very pleased.
I then ran Muffin to Cannock quick ride round then Jean Beardsmore asked me to come for lunch.
I took Muffin a long ride round then went for lunch.
I am back now heating on watching our favourite programme The Chase.
I wish you were here by my side Malc watching it too.
I'm crying now I miss you so much .
I am worried what tomorrow will bring when Christopher comes.
Face it when it comes.
I've faced worse I suppose.
Bit all my nails down Malc .
I am popping out for a curry tonight might go to Mums I'll see.
looks like my laptop is about to die battery failing.
Another bill to pay.
I miss you Malc my darling and love you will all my heart, Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday February 18th 17.53pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a strange day , I was suppose to go with Carole and kevin to talke pit as you know.
It went all pear shaped.
Kevin was not feeling very well.
So in the end Carole asked me for lunch .
I went at 1pmand left at 5pm.
Kevin came to look at my Boiler but dead as a do do.
Some one is coming in the morning to check it but I won't hold my breath.
I am home noe with Muffin with the gas fire on .
It's freezing tonight.
Carole said come down in the afternoon Saturday if your fed up.
I might because Kay is going to their friends.
I want you so much Malc I fear inside.
I don't have support from Christopher he is so bitter.
Please Malc go into his dream and have a word .
I don't know what I will do tomorrow after the chap has been .
I feel so lonely malc.
I hurt inside .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday February 17th 2016 16.58pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I have never been so bored in all my life Malc.
I haven't been out the door it's pored down all day.
Poor Muffin hasn't been a ride either .
Jean Beardsmore should have come today but rang has a cold.
Geoff rang asking if I wanted to go to Cannock but he didn't have his wallet.
That went by the board .
I spoke to Kay this morning and Jean .
Chanel rang they now have a new Puppy Dave a Doberman.
Brought him from Leister.
He looks cute at the moment.
No one has been today I'm so fed up and lonely.
I miss you so much Malc I cry most days.
The Boiler has stopped working no hot water or heating now.
Have to wait until Friday morning before they come to check it.
I should be going with Carole and Kevin tomorrow to TALKE PiT STOKE remember we have both been before.
We brought that brown case .
I hoped Lisa would call in today but no not today or I don't think tonight.
I've bit all my nails terrible.
Christopher is coming Saturday but not looking forward to it .
They might bring the dog.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart darling, kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 16th 2016.17.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Oh what a day this has been.
I texted Chris this morning about certain things and he blew his stack.
I'm so hurt Malc I need support not rejection.
I still love him and always will.
I think he is hurting inside and stressed too.
I have been to Kay's today took a couple of cushions and a throw down for Higgins to lie on.
I feel so lonely Malc I can't talk to any one .
If I hadn't got Muffin I would disappear.
I feel I haven't got anything to look forward to.
I love you Malc with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 15th 201617.57pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.
Happy Birthday darling hope you have had a gtreat day and been playing dominoes with my DaD and yours.
All except Christopher and Chanel have wished you happy birthday.
I know you have never been bothered really.
You always never fussed I know.
I had a visit from Geoff to ask how I was and brought me some tulips to cheer me up bless him.
Carole Banks came to see me and stopped 2 hours , I was so pleased because I was feeling very weepy because it being your Birthday .
I was grateful for that,.
I did take Muffin to the park saw Anita not for long.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast .
I had to have a blood test and blood pressure taken.
After carole had gone I took Muffin a ride round.
I brought a couple of things from Aldi.
I then had lunch then took Muffin and I a long ride round ending up knocking on the window of Lisa's work she came out and gave me a kiss , she will be hear soon for dinner.
I am still worried until Chris sorts something out.
I won't rest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I miss you Malc and cry most day's wishing you were by my side.
Carole and Kevin are taking me out on Thursday to TALKE PIT STOKE ON TRENT.
You have been there with me before , I brought that brown suit case.
Kay is having Muffin .
I don't know what I would do with out her.
She is my best friend.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday February 14th 2016 18.22pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today is not good ,I have cried most of it.
It's valentine's day not that we bothered with-it , but I see every one in couples sendig cards and going out for a meal including Lisa and Geoff.
I miss you so much Malc it hurts.
It seems like yesterday since you lost your life.
I thought I was being strong but i'm going backwards.
I took Muffin to the park this morning met Anita not by choice.
I came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I then went to Tesco to buy a couple of things .
I came back and couldn't stop in I was so upset this morning missing you so much.

I then took Muffin to Lisa's to take a plate back.
I stayed a couple of hours then they got ready to go for their valentine meal.
When I left I cried all the way home.
I am so emotional at the moment.
I cooked a chicken which Muffin and I had a leg each and I had rice with mine.
Lisa is coming for dinner tomorrow 7pm.
I just don't like my own company Malc I'm so lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
It's your Birthday tomorrow 66 years.
I shall be a wreck.
It's not getting any easier.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday February 13TH 2016 16.55PM

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I don't know where it has gone.
I planned my day and it actually worked out.
I took Muffin to the park met up with Karen and Neil only for a quick chat.
I then went straight home for breakfast and fed Muffin.
My plan was to go and see Auntie Hazel at the HAWSYARD priory NURSING HOME.
I took Muffin and stayed an hour poor Auntie Hazel she has no visitors at all only me occasionally.
She was still in bed when I arrived.
Bless her.
I told her I loved her and I would visit in a few months.
She will be 90 years old in July .
I felt so sorry for her when I saw her.
I came back just in time as Chanel rang they were just leaving to come here.
Chris went to P@S SORRY I Can't bear to mention his name.
the kids watched a film they wanted on.
Chanel watched too she is still a child at heart.
I didn't feel comfortable today with any of them.
Chris went straight to p@s.
So rude I know there is something wrong still between us.
Kay is coming tonight about 5.30pm.
I haven't heard from Lisa today and don't think I will tomorrow it's valentine's day tomorrow.
I feel very anxious and weepy Malc.
I don't know how this is going to end.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one darling xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 12TH 2016 19.29PM.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad.
I took Muffin a walk to the park this morning well a ride.

I met up with Anita but made an excuse I was in a hurry.
I raced round the park to avoid her , not happy with her.
I later met up with Karen and Neil we talked a while.
I took Muffin home and we had breakfast.
Sheila and Colin came at 12 and they stayed until 1.30pm.
They loved the gates they are special.
I have been feeling anxious again today.
After Sheila and Colin went I took Muffin to Aldi and a ride round .
I came home eat a couple of cobs then went to see my Mum.
I then took Muffin to get me a curry and i'm now watching television again.
Lisa is having Finley over night.
I feel so lonely lately.
Malc I need you to support me in some sort of way
I wish we could win the lottery this would helpa great deal.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday February 11th 2016 17.09pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I have almost been suicidal.
I have been thinking about the house and Chris.
I was suppose to be going to Kay's this afternoon but she rang to say don't come because her so called Granddaughter wanted her to buy a dress.
I felt rock bottom and that made me feel worse.
I did texted Anita asked if I could go to visit she made am excuse as usual lately.
I think we have done .
I am so fed up of her excuses.
So I came back home fed Muffin had breakfast and asked Lisa if she wanted lunch she said already done it.
Then I asked Lisa if I could go down tonight , she said no she and Geoff are going to see Nigel.
I can understand that though he is quite poorly.
I then decided to go to Cannock on my scooter and leave it at the designer glasses shop , he agreed.
I caught a bus from station and popped in Sheila's for an hour.
I'm back now and dinner is on also fed Muffin again.

After dinner I'm going to see my Mum , I don't fancy my own company at the moment .
I fear I will do something stupid.
No one knows what I am going through.
your Birthday 15th February and 2 years since I lost you 22nd February.
I will NEVER get over this Malc.
I cry every day for you.
Malc I need to win the lottery or I think I will lose the house.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday February 10TH 2016 18.02PM.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I've not enjoyed.
Took Muffin a ride to the park this morning saw Anita for 5 minutes.
Spoke to Stewart park keeper.
I came home had breakfast and fed Muffin .
Chris rang had a quick word but I said NO !!!!.
You know what is about.
I then popped to Hednesford again then came home cooked dinner for Carole and I.
I didn't eat all mine.
Things on my mind.
Kevin picked up Carole at 4.25pm then I took Muffin another ride to Hednesford .
I'm back home now warm and watching tele.
I miss you so much Malc I can't explain to any one how depressed I am.
They think because it's been 2 years on 22nd February all is well.
But it isn't.
I just want to cry all the time.
I did speak to Chanel earlier , she said the lump in Chris's neck has gone down.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday 9th February 2016 17.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today part good but still lonely.
This morning I took Muffin to the park saw Anita, Karen, Julie, Pat Kim.
Home then breakfast fed Muffin but didn't eat until later.
Chap came to sort heating done .
Garry came to do the gates Brilliant all sorted now.
I did go to Cannock twice had an accident with an ornament did get my money back though.
Muffin has had three rides today ,
I did pop to see Lisa but I think she went to see Jade.
I then dropped Muffin off to the house and have just got back from Tesco.
I have Carole tomorrow for lunch so won't be so bad for company.
I'm in for the night now it's so cold out side.
I miss you my darling so much I need you Malc.
I need to win the BIG LOTTERY HELP!!!!!.
I love you with all my heart Malc miss you like
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 8th 2016 16.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I'm feeling very weepy today .
I sent a message to Chris and he screamed down the phone at me , can't explain but you know what it is about.
I'm frozen no one is coming until tomorrow now to fix the heating.
I just been to Aldi just to see any body to speak to .
Malc I'm so lonely.
I know Lisa has just been to London with me but I'm back on my own.
The weather is so bad windy freezing and wet.
I'm not good company today Malc feel so low in myself.
back to watching tele tonight.
I miss you so much Malc so much.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday February 7th 2016 19.35pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Well that's the weekend gone already Malc.
I thoroughly enjoyed it with Lisa .
We arrived in London went straight on a tour then shopping before going to The Thriller live show .
tribute to Michael Jackson.
We was then took to the hotel and had an evening meal.
I didn't sleep to well and Lisa said I was crying in my sleep.

Today we had full English Breakfast then went a ride to Oxford .
What a Beautiful place.

I brought a new coat and a lovely jumper. I have missed you so much Malc I need you with me .
I watched Ghost on the coach wishing you could come back like Patrick Swayze did.
I hope you are around me and I'm you are keeping me safe.
I just need you to guide Christopher .
I've come back to no heating but it will get sorted tomorrow.
I've phoned the insurance they are sorting it in the morning.
I miss you Malc so much darling more than you will ever know .

I feel I want to keep crying but my stomach stops me sometimes.
hard to describe.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one ,
I Love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

MyPreciousTiggerMyBoxerDogBabyBoy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday February 6th 2016 21.56pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy .
Today has been a busy day .
Muffin is with Kay but as I spoke with her tonight Muffin is not a happy bunny.
I wish I could get home to him sooner but I'm here with Lisa in The Hikton Orel Just out side London
Basingstoke .
Lisa and I went on Parry's coach to London this morning had a tour of London then shopping followed by Thriller live at The Liric Theatre .
We were then took to The Hilton hotel an hour away and had an evening meal .
Lisa & I are lying on our beds watching tele now.
We are having breakfast in the morning then on the coach again 10 am to Oxford then home .
It's been lovely but again I'm missing my Baby Muffin .
I miss you Malc so much wishing you here by my side thinking of you through out the day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Darlin .
I love you with all my heart ,kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 5th 2016 16.46pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I haven't had time to turn around.
I took Muffin a walk to the park this morning met up with Anita.
I didn't stay long.
I came back home had breakfast fed Muffin before I knew it Kay had picked Muffin for his groom.
I popped to the dentist to just check on a crown he had just put in.
it was fine.
I then popped to Tesco for a couple of things .
After I went to Cannock to collect my Baby Muffin from the groomers.
I put his new coat on which looks lovely.
I am almost ready to spend time with Lisa over the weekend .
Jordan is house sitting.
Kay is having Muffin.

I am going for a curry in 15 mins .
I will try and write to you tomorrow on my iPhone according to whether we go out or not.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday February 4th 2016 15.46pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been ok , took Muffin over the skelly this morning because Pete was coming at 8.30am to do my hair.
Muffin was sick this morning I think it was the lamb meat I gave him yesterday.
Pete came pleased with my hair this time.
Then at about 11.15 my Mum came to lunch she stayed until 1.30pm.
Then I followed her to Hednesford and said goodbye.
I popped into Aldi for greens ,Lisa is having dinner tonight.
I carried on to Cannock bank got a bit mixed up had to put some money back in.
I had a ride round brought a wedding anniversary present to put up for Chris and Chanel.
I need to check who's is first Lisa or Chris.
I still feel anxious at the moment until Chris sorts something out for me.
I am switching off over the weekend and enjoying Lisa's company .
I have got to try and relax.
Muffin hasn't eat all day hope he is better tomorrow.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc darling xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday February 3rd 2016 17.24pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Although I had a very bad nights sleep today wasn't to bad.
I didn't go to the park it was raining first thing.
Then I waited in for Matt from motorbiity my scooter wasn't charging.
It is the wall socket out side not working so had to buy a new one.
Chanel came this morning brought my case and pass port back.
she stayed a while then took me to screw fix to buy a new outside socket box.
I then went to Carole's for lunch.
Left at 3.30pm and drove Muffin back home then quickly popped to Cannock to draw out money for Garry who did the gates.
I don't keep money in the house as you know Malc.
Oh Malc I miss you so much, I feel frightened today inside .
Chris has to sort something out .
Hope he does I'm really worried.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling, kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 2nd 2016 18.23pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a very strange day.
I went to the dentist had a new gold crown .
I came back took Muffin a quick ride round.
I then waited in for Matt from mobility to bring two new arms for my scooter.
He came and brought me a complete new seat.
I was thrilled.
But tonight my charger isn't working he did pull the scooter out when it was still plugged in.
I phoned Alison at mobility she said she would send Matt round first thing in the morning to bring me a new charger.
I have been to lunch today with Karen my friend lovely lunch.
I have spoken to Chris tonight things seem a bit better !!!.
We need to get together a talk .
I wish you were here to support me Malc , I miss you so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 1st 2016 17.09pm.

Hello my darling Malc andMy baby boy Tigger.
I have the most horrific head ache with worry.
I stupidly sent a letter to Chris via his email and it went to facebook.
I panicked and deleted it but not until hours after .
I'm just hoping no one else saw it.
I've been a ride round with Muffin and cried most of the time.
I so miss you Malc more than words can say.
I need your help and support.
I took Muffin for a ride to the park this morning didn't stop long to windy and cold, it's really bad today .
Garry the chap doing our gates is coming on Thursday to fit them and make a new gate by the steps.
I am waiting for Lisa to come for dinner tonight I have done stew.
I have just started winding down.
I have a dental appointment 8am in the morning thank goodness a new gold crown.
then Matt is putting two new arms on my scooter.
after that Karen and are meeting for lunch a Bella's café.
I'm hoping I feel a bit better tomorrow.
I am so lonely with out you Malc , what can I do?.
I try planning my day but I can't keep relying on other people .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darling, I was thinking about you this morning in bed when I sat between your legs and you used to stroke my hair while the music was playing on the television
one of our songs we loved.
I miss that Malc , I miss the intimacy.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday January 31st 2016 20.35pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has gone so quick Ive barley had time to turn around.
I took Mufin to the park this morning quickly.
I saw Julie and her husband.
I came back home fed Muffin had breakfast then it started raining.
Lisa and Geoff came, Geoff took Muffin a walk with Max and Lisa put some new curtains up in the bedroom for me.
The new throw is on the bed now and it looks lovely.
I then went to Dunelm to take the curtains I brought from there back they didn't match the throw.
I had chicken for dinner and shared it with Muffin.
Later I went to Jayne's with Muffin not long got back .
I shouted your name when I came over the skelly.
I wish you could just come and say hello just to hear your voice in front of me.
At least I have your voice on my phone.
Terry Wogen died today another with Cancer .
I miss you so much my darling it hurts so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday January 30th 2016 16.09pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
It's been a mixed day today.
I took Muffin a ride to the park met up with Anita, might not have bothered, she saw a chap and started talking to him, so I carried on.
She is annoying me at the moment.
I popped into Aldi then came home ha breakfast fed Muffin.
But he hasn't eat all day, I think he had enough yesterday.
Lisa and Geoff asked me if I wanted to have a bacon sandwich so I did then I dropped Muffin off and Geoff picked me up with Lisa we went to Cannock.
Brought a new dress lovely.
Now back home with Muffin waiting for Kay to ring when they are back so they can pick me up to go down there.
It's Alan's 80th Birthday today.
All in all not a bad day.
I still miss you Malc I think about you every day .
Each morning as I wake each evening before I go to bed.
I get frightened Malc knowing your not here.
But I do think in spirit you are , because I feel you resting on our bed .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I love you with all my heart darling xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday January 29th 2016 18.08pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger mybaby boy.
I haven't enjoyed today at all.
I took Muffin to the park didn't see any one.
I have been on my own all day until I decide to visit my Mum , I stayed nearly two hours.
I dropped Muffin off home and have just called for a curry.
I asked Lisa if she wanted to go to lunch but she had already made arrangement's.
I am on my own with Muffin now another boring day.
I Hope Lisa and Geoff come tomorrow to put my curtains up in the bedroom.
I also hope I will be going to Kay's tomorrow night it's Alan's 80th Birthday.
Kay is cooking Turkey and salad.
I am trying to stay positive Malc but I am so lonely.
I miss you so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday January 28th 2016 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
What a strange day it has been.
I took Muffin on the park this morning met up with Anita and Julie.
I popped to Aldi then home.
I Then waited until 12noon and went to Kay's with Muffin.
Lisa texted me asking could she come to mine for lunch. I said come to Kay's , which she did.
Kay did her lunch bless her.
Lisa was upset because Nigel is now terminally ill with Bowel CANCER same as you Malc .
Lisa was crying because he is such a nice chap .
Geoff's twin brother.
Also forgot to tell you Arthur up the road has passed away Cancer leaving Maisie his wife in a home.
When will it stop Malc.

Lisa is treating me away next weekend as a surprise .
I'm trying to get my case back from Chris .
But Chanel say's she is busy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I so stressed with them both.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday January 27th 2016 17.44pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a disappointment.
I took Muffin a ride to the park saw no one .
Anita decided she wasn't going until later.
I popped in Aldi with Muffin brought a couple of things for dinner.

I came home fed Muffin had breakfast and was looking forward to going to lunch at Carole's .
She rang early and said she wasn't well had a migraine.
I was gutted but she was telling the truth.
I then decided to take Muffin a ride to Hednesford .
I was so upset , I even asked Lisa if she would come to lunch , she said already got lunch.
Then I asked Anita if she would come for a cuppa .
She declined too.
I then decide to take Muffin to Cannock so that's what we did,
I have spoken to no one only Kay who rang about the skelly dogs are getting poorly with sickness and Diarrhoea.
I am definatley going to Kay's tomorrow about 2pm.
I am so lonely Malc.
Nothing from Chris again.

I miss you Malc so much I'm hurting inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday January 27th 2016 17.44pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a disappointment.
I took Muffin a ride to the park saw no one .
Anita decided she wasn't going until later.
I popped in Aldi with Muffin brought a couple of things for dinner.

I came home fed Muffin had breakfast and was looking forward to going to lunch at Carole's .
She rang early and said she wasn't well had a migraine.
I was gutted but she was telling the truth.
I then decided to take Muffin a ride to Hednesford .
I was so upset , I even asked Lisa if she would come to lunch , she said already got lunch.
Then I asked Anita if she would come for a cuppa .
She declined too.
I then decide to take Muffin to Cannock so that's what we did,
I have spoken to no one only Kay who rang about the skelly dogs are getting poorly with sickness and Diarrhoea.
I am definatley going to Kay's tomorrow about 2pm.
I am so lonely Malc.
Nothing from Chris again.

I miss you Malc so much I'm hurting inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday January 27th 2016 17.44pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a disappointment.
I took Muffin a ride to the park saw no one .
Anita decided she wasn't going until later.
I popped in Aldi with Muffin brought a couple of things for dinner.

I came home fed Muffin had breakfast and was looking forward to going to lunch at Carole's .
She rang early and said she wasn't well had a migraine.
I was gutted but she was telling the truth.
I then decided to take Muffin a ride to Hednesford .
I was so upset , I even asked Lisa if she would come to lunch , she said already got lunch.
Then I asked Anita if she would come for a cuppa .
She declined too.
I then decide to take Muffin to Cannock so that's what we did,
I have spoken to no one only Kay who rang about the skelly dogs are getting poorly with sickness and Diarrhoea.
I am definatley going to Kay's tomorrow about 2pm.
I am so lonely Malc.
Nothing from Chris again.

I miss you Malc so much I'm hurting inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday January 26th 2016 17.56pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I haven't enjoyed today, I haven't felt very well.
I feel exhausted since I came back from Holiday.
My blood pressure is up a little I have had it taken today have to go back Friday to test it again.
I went to the park with Muffin this morning saw Karen Julie and Kim.
Anita went too early.
I came back after popping into Aldi.
I did take Muffin a second walk.
Lisa has popped in and taken me to the doctors.
I won't see anyone in the family now until the weekend.
I am thank goodness going to Carole's for lunch tomorrow.
I feel very low in my self at the moment.
I haven't heard from Chris or Chanel .
Don't think I will.
A very lonely life at the moment Malc .
I miss you so much I'm hurting more than ever.
I feel I want to cry all the time.
The rain isn't helping me not being able to get out.
I really can't tell you much today nothing special has happened.
I think I told you my new dryer had come.
So Lisa can wash and dry now for me.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I love you with all my heart ,Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday January 25th 2016 16.37pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today a very mixed day.
I took Muffin to the park this met up with Anita.
She doesn't seem the same now quite boring actually.
I didn't see Karen or Julie this morning.
I popped into Aldi for a few things in case the weather changes.
Snow is on it's way I think.
I hope it doesn't Malc or I will be stranded in my house.
I got back home and my new replacement dryer came .
Then I popped to Cannock to buy my porridge from Asda in case I am stuck.
When I got back Matt was waiting to do my scooter the damage he had done . but his has replaced the parts all but the arms which he needs to order one more as they are different to the ones on the scooter.
I popped back to Hednesford took Muffin a ride.
I have just got back from another run with Muffin.
It's gone very cold.
I haven't heard or seen Chris or Chanel.
I don't think I will for a while unless they want me for anything.

I am so hurt and disappointed with them both Malc.
I had dinner with Lisa and Geoff yesterday then we went a ride to see Jade and Carter they took Finley back after having him over night.
I miss you Malc so much I keep asking if you can come back .I pray we will all meet up together one day in years to come.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
I love you with all my heart darling xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday January 24th 2016 17.32pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Not a bad day today, it started by taking Muffin to the park.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast then took Muffin another ride up the new road and around town and back.

I then just sat until Geoff rang to fetch me to dinner .
I had a lovely dinner and then Lisa and Geoff took Muffin and I to take Finley back to Jade's.
I was lovely seeing her and Carter.
We only stayed a little while because of it getting dark.
I had left my scooter at Lisa's just in time to go home before it went dark 5PM.
At least nights are getting lighter.
I miss you Malc my darling so much, you should be here seeing all what's going on.
More Grandchildren.
I can talk to you but only wish you could talk back to me.
I think in my mind you are looking down on me and all your family.
This keeps me going darling as I miss you more than words can say.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling.
I love you Malc with all my heart.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday January 23rd 2016 13.06pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my Baby boy.

Today is a strange day I did manage to go to the park and met Karen and Neil and Kim another lady I have met.
I am writing early because I am going to Kay's tonight.
I have been to Cannock with Muffin and brought a couple of things.
I rang Geoff but both Lisa and him at work today.
I was going down but will leave it for today.
I reckon they will go to Jade's .
I am on my own again Malc but have no choice.
Might have lunch then go to Hednesford Aldi with Muffin.
I miss you my darling so much , I want to talk to you and wish you could talk back.
I hope you are watching over us , I think in my mind you are and pray we will be together one day all the family together.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I love you with all my heart, kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday January 22nd 2016 18.55pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

Not a bad day today it's gone so quick.
I got up later today because it was so dark and raining.
I waited until about 9am before taking Muffin to the park.
I met up with Kim another lady I have met with her dog.
No one else went to the park.
I came back home didn't have breakfast until 10am.
Fed Muffin .
Geoff came about 11.30 asking if I needed any thing from Tesco.
Great he took me down dropped me off at Tesco why he went to Aldi.
Came back he borrowed my GTECH until their hoover gets fixed.
Jayne came about 3.30 and had a cuppa left at 4.15pm.
I then took Muffin to my Mum's stayed until 6pm.
I have not long collected a curry and just fed Muffin.

Malc the nights are getting lighter .
This makes me feel better knowing we are this side of winter.

I do think we will have snow but hopefully not much.
Chris helped today !.
Chanel answered my text which was something.
I Hope things will resolve themselves at the moment I just need space from all the agro.
I miss you Malc darling I shouted your name tonight in the street .
My heart is broken Malc and will never be mended.
You were my support, carer and lover.
I don't want any one else Malc nothing and no one could step in your shoes.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday January 21st 2016 17.22pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.
It has been a fairly busy day today.
I stayed in bed until 7.45 today still dark and cold.
I then got up and took Muffin to the park.
Met Pat and another lady called Kim.
Anita texted too late.
No sign of Karen and Julie.
I came back home fed Muffin and had breakfast late .
My plan was to go to Jayne's stay a couple of hours then go to Cannock.
It didn't quite work out, I had to sit on a kitchen chair because she didn't want me to sit on the settee having had a new carpet.
I was very uncomfortable so only stayed 3/4 an hour.
Jayne had a cold anyway.
I then brought Muffin back home and went to Cannock on my own.
I came back and now waiting for Lisa to come later for dinner.
She finishes at 6.30pm.
I have heard nothing from Christopher and family.
waiting until end of month .
He is being very stubborn at the moment.
I can't be done with arguing with him or Her.
Disappointed in the way Chanel swore at me.
Only because I said you could cut the Atmosphere
with a knife.
I can't believe how both of them have treated me since I lost you Malc.

I miss you my darling and need to talk to you many times when I worry.
You always seemed to know the answer or put me at ease.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday January 20th 2016 1.56pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Its' been a bit quiet today until Carole came.
I took Muffin to the park at about 8.15am this morning bumped into Julie we spoke for a long time.
It was bitterly cold and is now.
I TOOK Muffin a ride twice before Carole came at just after 1pm.
She had lunch then Kev picked her up and they went about 4.40pm.
Lisa is back at work hope it goes well for her.
Nothing from Christopher and Chanel .
I want it to stay like that at the moment.
I'm certainly not happy with her at the moment.
What next from them.
I love you Malc with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and sent my love to every one .
I miss you my darling so much I cried again last night.
It's coming up to two years now and I can't comp rend where it has gone .
You see I've been in this bubble since you passed away .
Still can't take in you're not coming back.

I pray one day Malc you will walk into the bedroom with a cup of tea and say I've brought you a cuppa cock.
Oh how I WISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday January 19th 2016 16.59pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
A better day today.
I got up early because I had a dental appointment at 8.40am.
I took Muffin up the new road before I went out.
when I got back I had breakfast then took Muffin to Kay's taking Jason a Birthday card it's his Birthday on Thursday 21st January.
It's also Colin's Birthday on that day.
I left Muffin at home why Lisa took me to Sainsbury's to exchange the dollars I had left .
I went to Lisa's she had fetched Jade , Finley and Carter down.
I saw Jordan too he gave me a big hug and a kiss.
It's you Malc I want a hug from and a big kiss.
Please come into my dreams I beg you .
I have not long come back from a ride to Hednesford with Muffin .
Nights are starting to get lighter now.
Looking out side it was still light at 4.50pm.
I'm watching the clock every night now .
Roll on Spring.
I don't know what my future brings but hope I am well and live a ripe old age.
I want to be with you Malc but I want you to come to me.
Christopher and Chanel haven't been in touch.
I don't feel like their company at the moment .
I feel hurt how I was treated in their company on holiday and when I got back.
I have been feeling lucky just lately and hope my thoughts turn into luck and money so I can treat all my kids including Grand children.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday January 18th 2016 16.22pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Well this beats the lot.
I haven't seen anyone today and just had a message from Lisa saying haven't got a spare minute to see me after not seeing her for nearly three weeks.
To busy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I am so un happy Malc I feel rock bottom if I hadn't got Muffin I would do myself in.
I can't write much tonight Malc I'm crying WHY WHY WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I took Muffin a ride twice today just for company .
I'm sorry Malc I am so upset I can't continue
I will write to you again tomorrow darling when hopfully I'm feeling a bit more human.
I love you with all my heart Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday January 17th 2016 16.35pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

Today a quiet day , I fed Muffin had breakfast and took him to the park late morning didn't see or hear from anyone today.

We popped into Aldi them home .
I rang Kay to ask how Lucy was . she was there and fine.

I rang my Mum to ask if she wanted dinner a first she said no but changed her mind and came up at 2pm .
she left at 4pm.
I haven't heard from Christopher and don't want to at the moment nor Chanel her language was much to be desired !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Christopher is teaching Cameron to be disrespectful towards me , it's a shame because he is a good boy really.

I'm so hurt how Christopher treated me both on holiday and yesterday.
I will remember all my life.
There is no feeling for me at all.
WHY !!!! I keep asking.
I think if I died tomorrow he would be clapping his hands .
I have done the best I can as a mother , he hasn't wanted for anything.
I give up now , I'm not going to try any more.
I am on my own now most days and so lonely .
Lisa is back tomorrow early hours, so I won't see her until Tuesday.

Snow today and forecast most of the week .
I hate winter.
Malc I wish you could sort Christopher out he is so selfish and hard .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .

I love you with all my heart Malc miss you like crazy.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday January 16th 201617.12pm.
Hello My darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

What a dreadful day it's been yet again with Christopher and the family.
They didn't come until after 1pm.
Cameron came through the gate with a right face on him.
I asked what was wrong , he said nothing !!!
Then through the gate came Christopher CHANEL AND THE GIRLS.
At first all went quite well , I gave the kids a choc cake each, then asked Christopher if he wanted a burger, he said yes please.
I slowly cooked 4 in very little veg oil.
I placed cheese on the top and red sauce .
Gave it to Christopher , he came into the kitchen said disgusting and spit it out in the sink.
Then I gave Cameron his he moaned then I asked if he wanted it Chanel shouted he has a sore mouth.
I asked him if he wanted it he refused another in the bin.
I made mine and all being cooked the same mine was fine.
Both just being picky.
Then Christopher took pictures from my camera to his lap top , he then through the charge wire at me it hit my face .
He asked for the wallpaper steamer , I said it was in the shed.
He looked then said to me all Dad's tools are mine he said I could have them.
Then he shouted isn't that right Chanel.
Cameron piped up I was there when he said it.
Christopher said have to lent tools to Lisa , I said they can borrow them any time so can you.
He screamed they are all mine.
I came into the living room saying to Chanel , there is such an atmosphere in this house with all of you.
She screamed not my kids , there will always be an atmosphere with you and Chris.
Then she got up and swore Lets F.....G go kids come on.
They all left every one.
Her language is disgusting .
She couldn't be a lady if she tried.
It upset me crying again ,

I later took Muffin a ride to clear my head.
Kay rang she is coming but not eating.
What have I done so bad Malc to be treated like this.
I don't know what is going to happen next .
They hate me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Malc please if you can have a word with Christopher in his dream PLEASE .
I love you with all my heart ,I miss you so much I need your help Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday January 15th 2016 16.27pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a mixed day.
I got up feeling very tired but managed to take Muffin out twice and met Anita quick walk over the park.
Then came home and a chap who made Anita's gates gave me a quote satisfied , ordered will be fitted in three weeks .
I haven't really seen anyone else after Anita ,
Karen my friend texted me.
Carole Banks is coming tonight at 7.30pm for a couple of hours.
I won't see anyone tomorrow or Sunday , Lisa is still in Lanzorote back early hours sunday .
I am getting used to being on my own.
But still not liking it.
I miss you Malc so much my heart aches for you.
I only wish you could come home you and my Tigger.
I can't believe next month is two years .
It's impossible in my head.
I still hurt inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday January 14th 2016 18.55pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
I am so tired today , jet lag still I think.
I got up 8am had breakfast fed Muffin then took him to Aldi and a ride to the park.
I then came home and guess what Christopher rang me asking if I would have Baxter for two weeks for next Christmas.
I refused at first forgetting Lisa has asked me to go away with them to Scotland.
I have agreed but will have a word with Lisa.
I don't think I can manage him on my own.

I don't know what goes through Christopher's head .
I don't think he care's really he's fine when he wants something.
But short tempered at times.
He did give the kids a great holiday though.
I went to Kay's today to collect Muffin's dishes .

Lisa rang me today from LANSAROTE she is thoroughly enjoying her holiday weather great hotel great food great.
I miss her she won't be back until Sunday I won't see her until Monday.
I miss you Malc so much I want to talk to you but you talk to me back.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
I love you with all my heart.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday January 13th 2016 21.55pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.

Finally I can speak to you after losing internet abroad.
I have missed writing to you so much.
You have been in my thoughts both day and night.
Christopher hasn't been kind on holiday , what has gone wrong Malc I have lost my Dad, lost you and am losing my Christopher hating me so much.
We went to a fantastic place but as usual Christopher and I clashed.
I love him but he doesn't love me.
Since I have lost you he seems to have hated me .
I don't know why he hates me so much its been going on for a while now.
Even when we ere at Fuerteventura you noticed he wasn't taking photo's of me but of every one else.
Same this holiday two taken only because I asked him to.
You would have loved the holiday Malc such a beautiful place .
you would have walked and watched the scenery .
The boat trip was lovely .I hope you were looking over us .
I thank you for bringing us back home safely .
I was so pleased to see Muffin now back home with him.
I'm going to my Mum's tomorrow weather permitting.

I need my family around me at present.
Alan picked me up from Christopher's because he wouldn't take me home.
said I had to get some sleep.
I was so hurt Malc .
He is duplicating my Dad he hurt me too.
But I loved my DAD and love Christopher .
I think it's best I leave him alone at the moment .
He has a lymph node up on his neck he needs a blood test, but I doubt he will.
Hope it isn't serious.

You know I will be there for him what ever happens.
I miss you darling more than words can say .
You will always be in my thoughts day and night.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday 4th January 2016 04.14 am
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
It's hot again here this morning at The Bahamas it's a beautiful place Malc but your missing 😂
The Atlantis Paradise Island is fantastic
But it's for the rich and famous .
It's so expensive.
Plenty for the kids and Chris and Chanel
I can't walk very well so it's making it difficult .
I skyped Kay yesterday and saw Muffin he could hear me but
Couldn't see me bless him .
I can't wait to get back to give him a big kiss and hug .
I miss you Malc so much , you should be here enjoying this b
Place you would love it 🌴😎
I lost my sun glasses yesterday
Gutted they were my favourite pair.
Must have slipped out of my bag.
The kids and Chris and Chanel are swimming with the Dolphins today I'm taking plenty of photos .
I hope we don't do so much walking .
The shops here are for the rich jewellery costing thousands .
It's nice to look but it doesn't mean anything to me now .
Love and family is more important .
I love it here but want to get back home .
The flight is too long too
Keep us safe Malc .
I will try and write to you again tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Darlin xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 3rd 2016 03.25
Bahamas time
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
Well here we are at The Atlantus Hitel Bahamas
Only missed a day not sending you a message
I will write short messages each day just to let you know I love you and tell you things we have done.
My only wish is you were enjoying the experience with us .
I miss you so much Malc 😂
Chris is being kind .
Hope it continues ?
I will write tomorrow Malc love you with all my heart ❤️
Kiss Tigger send my love to every one
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday December 31st 2015 20.48pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Well it's new years eve, I'm sitting here on my own with Muffin as I expected.
But I have got to say today has been busy.
I met Anita and Julie on the park came back had breakfast and fed Muffin.
I then went to Tesco for a coupe of things.
I came back then Kay took Muffin and I to Penkridge vets just to buy worming and flea tablets a years supply .
Now I don't have to worry about asking people to take me .
I came back then Christopher rang saying he would collect my case for the holiday next year.
Malc he also rang me this morning telling me Chanel will take me to the Straw market when we arrive .
Hope we get on and have a lovely holiday.

I will only be able to write to you tomorrow then will have to talk to you when I get back.
Jordan is house sitting so no worries.
I will probably write early tomorrow darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday December 30th 2015 16.34pm.

Today has been a strange day.
It's rained most of it which has held me back today.
I did pop down Hednesford with Muffin this morning just so he could have a walk.
We got soaked coming back .
Kevin picked us up and we went to Carole's for lunch well dinner.

I was suppose to have the kids this morning but they changed their minds.
I haven't spoken to Lisa today she is at work she doesn't finish until 6.30pm.
I doubt if I will hear from them until Friday.

Had a really bad nose bleed this morning better now.
I think it could be stress!!.
Not much to tell you today nothing else has really happened.
I played music from my iPhone last night until 1am.
I cried most of it.
Listening to songs we shared together.
I miss you my darling so much, Malc I pray every day you will come home to me bringing all the dogs.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc earlier because Friday I won't know which way to turn.
Hope weather improves.

I love you with all my heart Malc , Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday December 29th 2015 16.51pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
I have had a none day today.
I had my hair done this morning 8.15am.
Then I took Muffin a ride to Hednesford brought two locks and bottles for my shampoo and conditioner, now in the case.
I had lunch then popped to Kay's took Muffin he had two meals while we were there.
I have had to sort my tablets out after having a abnormal blood test lipids.
I have to increase my tablets.
I'm just popping to the chippie don't feel like cooking.
I'm feeling very anxious at the moment.
I will miss Muffin when I go away.
I want you to keep us safe Malc both flying there and back.
When you don't hear from me you will know I have gone on holiday with Chris and family.
I miss you my darling so much I ache inside , I cry most nights.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc and will never get over losing you.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday December 28th 2015 17.46pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a very quiet day .
I took Muffin a walk to the park this morning saw Anita not for long.
I came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I stayed in most of the day then took Muffin another ride up the new road bumped into Phil and Jayne poor Jay has hurt his spine .
He didn't jump up so I know he was poorly.
I came back then Lisa rang Geoff picked me up I have just got back had an hour with her.
They didn't want me to take Muffin AGAIN !!!!!!,
Why don't my children like Muffin.????????.
It hurts so much I have their dogs at mine.

I have been talking about you again today both to Mary Andrew Harvey's wife and Lisa.

I miss you Malc so much I'm trying to make peace between all the family .
Mum , Lisa Christopher , I wish every one would make friends.
I'm on edge all the time with one or the other.
Pete is coming at 8am in the morning to do my hair .
I have no plans tomorrow at all only to buy a couple of locks for the sheds.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday December 27th 2015 16.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I met Anita on the park for a little while.
Came home had breakfast fed Muffin then popped t Lisa's to feed Max and let him out for a wee.
Jordan was there but he was in bed then going out with his Dad for a bike ride .
Poor Max was so good .
Muffin and Max had a play then I left .
Later I went back to put Max back in the house it was raining .
I left him with fresh water in the kitchen.
I rand Lisa and she was pleased .
I hope she will come for half hour later but I don't think she will.
I'm shattered my self after going to Jason's the last two days and late nights.

I won't be going to Jayne's to night it's raining .
I really don't feel like going any way.
My Christmas stuff is all away now.
I haven't felt very Christmassy because you are missing Malc.
I just hope that the holiday will perk me up and be a happier one.

I can't tell you how much I miss you Malc.
My heart aches for you every day.
A long lonely life a head with out you Malc.
I know I have made friends with new people and have a good family but NOTHING in this world will
ever make up for losing you my darling.
I just have to put a brave face on and not let any one see how broken I am.

I wish you would go into Christopher's dreams Malc and have a talk to him .
Just to let him know how much I love him and I wish he would stop hurting me.

All I have done is help him and support him.
I miss you my darling so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday December 27th 2015 16.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I met Anita on the park for a little while.
Came home had breakfast fed Muffin then popped t Lisa's to feed Max and let him out for a wee.
Jordan was there but he was in bed then going out with his Dad for a bike ride .
Poor Max was so good .
Muffin and Max had a play then I left .
Later I went back to put Max back in the house it was raining .
I left him with fresh water in the kitchen.
I rand Lisa and she was pleased .
I hope she will come for half hour later but I don't think she will.
I'm shattered my self after going to Jason's the last two days and late nights.

I won't be going to Jayne's to night it's raining .
I really don't feel like going any way.
My Christmas stuff is all away now.
I haven't felt very Christmassy because you are missing Malc.
I just hope that the holiday will perk me up and be a happier one.

I can't tell you how much I miss you Malc.
My heart aches for you every day.
A long lonely life a head with out you Malc.
I know I have made friends with new people and have a good family but NOTHING in this world will
ever make up for losing you my darling.
I just have to put a brave face on and not let any one see how broken I am.

I wish you would go into Christopher's dreams Malc and have a talk to him .
Just to let him know how much I love him and I wish he would stop hurting me.

All I have done is help him and support him.
I miss you my darling so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 26th December 2015 19.22pm
Hello Malcmy darling and Tigger my baby boy .
A better day today .
I didn't get up until 9 am , took Muffin on the park met Pat and Anita didn't stay long .
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin.
Lisa rang asking if I was ok .
She has gone to Louise with Geoff Staying over night .
Chris and Chanel came with the kids picked up their presents and took Muffin to Kay's then we went for a drink at his local pub .
Then had a meal at Christophers it was a lovely day .
All in all a better day .
Chanel brought me back to Jasons I'm still here love the family.
Muffin has had a good day with Kay
I miss you Malc so much darling I need you home .
I will write to you again tomorrow , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc .xxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday DECEMBER 25TH 2015 23.11PM.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today didn't start off very well I washed my hair showered then went to my mums at 8.30am stayed until 9.45am.
I got back home hoping and waiting for Christopher Chanel and the kids .
I waited until 1pm.
I was disgusted.
Both Christopher and I didn't say many words.
They all opened their presents loved them all.
Then Lisa rang asked if I was ready .
She came up with the kids presents exchanged gifts.
Then Christopher Chanel and the kids went home.

Lisa took me to hers Kay picked up Muffin .
Jade Adam Finley and Carter came ,Jordan was there too he gave me a hug , I gave them allmy presents , I think every one was happy.
We had a lovely dinner then Adam took me to Jason's we got lost but found him finally.

I had a lovely evening with them all got back late.
I had a text from Chanel saying I will be going to dinner tomorrow , I will never trust her again .
I will put on a brave face but will be wary from now on.

I have been thinking about you today talking about you and crying , wishing you were here to sort things out.
I miss you so much my darling .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday December 24th 2015 17.17pm.
A ruined day by Christopher yet again.
Chanel rang this morning to ask if I could have Baxter for the day why they took the kids to the Seven valley railway and to see SANTA.
Geoff came up with Lisa had lunch with me and took Baxter and Muffin a walk.
Lisa went back to work.
Carol Norrey rang asking if I was in this afternoon she brought me a card and had a cuppa.
She hadn't been here long and Christopher Chanel and the kids came back.
Carol didn't stop long and left sooner than I thought.
I reckon she thought it would be un comfortable with her being there.

After she left I told Christopher Stewart had been to fix the light he went mad at me .
Said awful things I'm not going to repeat.
You know what he's like Malc.
Hurt me again as usual , he is treating me like he is treating my Mum.
He has told me not to come boxing day .
It's like history repeating it's self.

I've put all the Christmas things away , I can't put them in the loft , I will have to ask someone else.
I'm devastated Malc I feel strange inside .
Please help me through this.
I am at Lisa's tomorrow for dinner , going to Mum's first having an hour.
Then Kay is fetching Muffin because Lisa doesn't want him at her house .
I have to tip toe round every one.
What have I done to deserve this .
I feel like going away with Muffin out of the way of all my family .
Oh Malc I miss you so much I need you at the moment so bad.
I feel so low how can I be happy Christmas day when Christopher doesn't love me.
He hate's me.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc not sure of the time though.
If I go on holiday it will be difficult but I will make up for it when I come back .
I know its 'not until next year but just letting you know.

I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday December 23rd 2015 16.40pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Another strange day today, I met Anita on the park this morning then came straight home to feed Muffin and have breakfast.
I waited until 11.30am then Geoff took me to curry's to buy a SD card for the new camera.
I then took Muffin a ride to Hednesford then called in the chip shop station road for roe and chips.
I took them to Kay's and had an hour with her.
Muffin had some meat then we came home I dropped him off home then popped to Tesco.
Brought some flowers for my Mum !!! and a couple of things to put in the freezer.

It's cold now out side and rain due tomorrow morning so probably won't get out all day.
I'm hoping Stewart will come to sort my light in the bedroom and socket.
I'm in for the night now all at work .
Muffin is sleeping .
I have been thinking about you again today Malc wishing you back in my arms .
I talked to Kay about you today .
I miss you so much my darling .
If God could grant me my wish Malc even for one day with you , it would make my Christmas.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday December 22nd 2015 13.19pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

I'm bored today I haven't seen any one today.
The weather is very windy and trying to rain again.
I have managed to take Muffin up the new road this morning and to Hednesford to take a parcel back.
I am waiting in for a camera from curry's .
I might go to Mums after it has arrived if she doesn't go to W for dinner.
Just looked out of the window its poring down that's me in then.
I've got a bed for Jade well Finley from Anita she has moved house and doesn't need it now.

I've cried again today missing you so much Malc if only I could be granted my wish and have you back sitting on your settee on your lap top and talking to me.
Watching your favourite programmes.
I still keep asking why were you taken from me.
I still feel guilty not holding your hand and talking to you .
I thought because you were on oxygen you were asleep .
I cry now because I should have done more.
I was a terrible carer wasn't I Malc ?
My stomach turns over each time I think about it.
I love you Malc and should have told you more.
You know I kept telling you every night in bed before we went to sleep.

At least you took that with you.
I know you loved me you told me every night and said you felt sorry for me because I would be on my own.
You were totally right there Malc.
I am so lonely Malc .
I am in a lot of pain today my shoulder neck and head on my right side .
I miss you Malc so much, three day's to Christmas and I will be with the family but Muffin will be with Kay, Alan AND Jason.
Both Christmas day and boxing day.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday December 21ST 2015 18.06PM.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
I haven't really enjoyed my day today.
I took Muffin up the new road skelly not the park because I had an apt with Dr all sorted.
I then came home had breakfast fed Muffin.
sat in until it stopped raining .
Bored really !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I waited until about 3.40 then took Muffin to Hednesford bumped into Anita she asked me in for a cuppa, stopped until 5pm.
Now back home cooking dinner for Lisa all ready cooked nothing to do.
Your Sheila and Colin came gave me my present and cards.
They did stay an hour.
I talked about you again today with Sheila who talked about your picture and when you were younger.
She always mentions you.
I talk about you every day.
I miss you more each day my darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxx
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday December 20th 2015 15.36pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been ok to start now it's raining i'm wishing it to stop so I can go to Jayne's.

I took Muffin up the new road skelly down west hill this morning then met up with Anita had a walk on the park , saw Pat another lady who goes on the park.
Then I came home had breakfast and fed Muffin.
We then went a walk to Cannock with Geoff and Lisa .
I went on my mobility scooter.
I popped into Asda for dog food for Muffin.

we came back I had a cuppa with Lisa and Geoff
then came hoe fed Muffin again then popped to Tesco for a chicken.
I will be going to Jayne's if it stops raining .
Sheila say's she might come tomorrow ?
I won't hold my breath .
I miss you Malc darling so much .
I keep getting upset because I want to talk to you.

I was speaking to Elaine who used to catch the bus with me to Rugeley.
She lost David a few months ago.
She is feeling quite strange at the moment in a bubble like I was.
We are getting together in the new year we might be company for each other.
Lisa is coming for dinner tomorrow .
I Will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday December 19th 2015 17.00pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I'm crying at the moment Malc , I'm so lonely.
It's rained most of the day today so I have only took Muffin a ride to Aldi this morning.
Christopher and Chanel and the kids came this lunch time.
Its Cameron's 10th Birthday as you know .
He loved his presents I brought him.
That pleased me.
Christopher took me to the travel money place to exchange money for when we go away.
They only stopped an hour I wish they would have asked me to go up, but they were expecting Lucy to visit at 3pm.

I asked Karen if she would like to share a Chinese or Indian meal but she declined.
I telephoned Anita same there.
I phoned Lisa but she was in Walsall and they are going out tonight.
I hate being on my own Malc .
I don't know if I will be on my own tomorrow all day either.
I hate my own company.
You said I would be on my own .
It didn't hit me at the time.
I miss you so much Malc it's hurting inside.
I thought I would be cared for more than this .
Lisa does take me places though.
Christopher is taking me away .
I just don't like being alone.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday December 18TH 2015 17.15PM.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.

It's been a funny day today, took Muffin to the park this morning met up with Karen then Anita for 5 minutes.
I then went straight home had breakfast and fed Muffin.
I washed my hair had a shower then I was ready to cook lunch for Carole.
She came at 1.10pm and left at 4.30pm.
She has brught me a present and card for Christmas.

Chris has put some money in my bank for the holiday Chanel is taking me to Sainsbury's tomorrow to exchange money for next year.
I miss you Malc so much I have been talking about you again today to Carole.
Lisa called in lunch time to drop Cameron's Birthday and Christmas card off.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Mac xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday December 17th. 2015 18.35pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been a good day st all .
I took Muffin to the park this morning met up with Karen and Julie and 5 mins with Anita .
I had to rush back because I had to have breakfast and feed Muffin before I went to my Solicitirs appointment .
I have done my will .
All sorted now just the Mortgage to sort with Christopher.
We are sorting after our holiday .
My Mum came today I asked her for lunch but as soon as she watched lunch she kept looking at her watch
She just didn't want to stay .
I'm so hurt Malc .
She is all W .
They have a car you see !!'
I struggle with my mobility scooter .
I can clean and shop for her .
W had never worked .
None of our family are going Christmas Day
They are disscusted with her the way she has treated me .
I wish you were here to help me Malc .
I miss you so much .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday December 16th 2015 17.52pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I have had a lovely day with Lisa today.
We dropped Muffin off to Kay's and went to Trentham Gardens.
The Garden centre was brilliant but the meal we had was awful;
I brought some new Boots and bedding.
After a long day at Trentham Lisa wanted to go to Stafford , she brought a lovely Coat from River island.
Then we picked up Muffin fro Kay's and arrived back at mine for 5pm.
I was to my Mums but its too dark and I'm tired.

I have been thinking about you most Of the day Malc I miss you so much, I have enjoyed the day but your always on my mind , I feel like crying all the time.
I'm so lonely with out you Malc I'm hurting inside .
I put on a brave face but inside I am screaming.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc and will never ever get over losing you.
Lisa has put a kiss for you on the back of my Christmas card she continually thinks of you .
Christopher always looks at you ashes on the fitment by the front door but thinks I don't notice.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday December 15th 2015 16.24pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

It's been a strange kind of day today.
I met up with Karen and Julie this morning Anita was too busy.
I came straight home because I needed to take some presents to the dr's surgery and make an appointment for next Monday 8.40 to ask if I can have something to calm me down for when I go on the plane next year.
I also needed to take Muffin a ride before I went for lunch with Jean and Jeff,.

I did go to Weatherspoons it wasn't too bad same old .
I going to Trentham Gardens tomorrow with our Lisa ,really looking forward to that.
I talked about you today to Jean , Malc I will never stop thinking about you and wishing you to come home and bring Tigger my baby boy.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday December 14th 2015 16.14pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has not been to bad at all.
I met the girls on the park this morning didn't stop for long.
I then went straight home had breakfast fed Muffin then popped to Lisa's.
I only stopped an hour she was going to work.
Lisa did come for lunch though and stayed for her dinner hour.
I then took Muffin to Cannock to take something back to Clarks shoe shop.
Rode around for a while I didn't want to go home and spend hours watching television.
I spoke to a couple of people in Cannock just passing.
I get so fed up Malc not speaking t anyone.
Lisa has Wednesday off she is taking me to Threntham Gardens for a treat .

Nice day out I always love Threntham.
We used to go a lot didn't we Malc with Carole and Kev.
But every thing stopped.
Since I lost you they feel sorry for me I think and do have me for lunch and are thinking of taking me out next year when the weather picks up.

I have got a busy week .Tomorrow Jean and Jeff are Taking me to lunch.
Wednesday Lisa is taking me to Threntham .
Friday I have Carole for lunch changed the day because of Lisa taking me out.

So my week is almost full.
this is how I like it.
Malc I miss you so much darling I got very upset this morning knots in my stomach .
I think it is a combination of things .
Christmas, holiday the flight and general worry about health.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday December 13th 2015 14.09pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.
I am writing early today because there isn't a lot to tell you.
I haven't met anyone on the park because it was raining.
I quickly took Muffin up the new road and back.

I have been to visit Lisa had an hour with her.
She is picking up Jade and the children and having dinner at HERS.
I hoped she would ask me but she knows I go u to Jayne's on Sunday night and they usually do me a dinner.

She was so upset because of Nigel having Cancer it doesn't sound too good.
Please Malc protect me I am so frightened of getting Cancer , I wouldn't cope .
I know I'm being selfish but life is so short the years seem to be flying by.
I can't believe it's nearly 2 years since I lost you my darling.
I will never get over losing you Malc I miss you so much.
I have cooked a chicken today and will be sharing it with Muffin.
I am going up to your Jayne's tonight Malc about 5pm.
I will be back about 7.45 .
I'm hoping Stewart will sort my bedroom light this week I know he is busy .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday December 12th 2015 15.06pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

What a day I'm exhausted, Christopher rang this morning asking me to have the kids for a couple of hours why they went shooting.
It was lovely to see them but after 5 hours they got a bit bored and started to fight with each other.
Christopher doesn't realise I am 64year old now and get a bit anxious .
One day Chris will say something nice to me and love me .
I try my best to keep them busy and occupied .
Christopher as usual shot me down .
But I don't think he has had all three of his children one whole day him self.
I don't say anything to him because I want to keep the piece.
One day he will say I love you Mum and mean it.

Geoff's brother Nigel poor thing had Cancer of the bowel lungs and liver, he has an operation next Tuesday then chemo.
History repeating itself Malc.
Not good !!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I haven't been out all day it's too wet and windy.
I am so glad Kay is coming tonight at 5.30pm.

I don't know if I will see any one tomorrow .
I haven't been asked to dinner.

I guess it will be a chicken for Muffin and myself.
I miss you Malc and feel so lonely with out you.
I felt a bit strange this morning when I had the children like as if I was going to have a stroke or heart Attack.
I think it's just stress .
Worrying about Christmas and the holiday and flight.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday December 11th 2015 17.56pm.
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a bit mixed.
I took Muffin on the park and met Karen no one else a short ride round , Karen wanted to get off
I came back home fed Muffin had breakfast then waited for Chanel who came at about 9.35.
She stayed until which I couldn't grumble about.
She went in the loft and got a coupke of Christmas things out for me.

Only two weeks to Christmas Malc, I will smile for the family but will be crying inside .
I miss you my darling so much.
I mentioned you to Chanel today .
I will always think about you how you never moaned once about your illness .
You were so brave Malc .
I think you kept it to yourself because you didn't want me to cry.
Little did you know Malc I cried every day when I took Muffin up the skelly .
I tried to be brave in front of you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday December 10th 2015 16.35pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a very lonely day, I met Julie on the park how exciting NOT .
I missed Karen she came earlier.

I then popped into Aldi for a couple of things, I saw Lisa in there buying a coupke of things before she went to work.
Came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I couldn't go out because of the rain.
So I've been in most of the day then popped to Hednesford took a parcel back and brought a card for Shirley's Birthday 19th December.
I know I hve never sent one before but I realise now we should have kept in touch.
I have to have company Malc as you know , I'm no good on my own.
I've been upset again today missing you so much Malc.

I have spoke to Kay for a few minutes.
No one is coming tonight it's dark cold and raining.
I am so lonely with out you Malc.
I wish you could come back home and be in my dreams.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling.
I love you with all my heart , Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday December 9th 2015 17.04pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I MET Karen and that Julie on the park today didn't stop long.
I came straight back and fed Muffin had breakfast then washed my hair .
I then took a ride to Cannock Asda to get some dog meat for Muffin and porridge for me .
They helped me .
I left Muffin at home .
Then at 1pm I took Muffin to Carole's and had lunch.
I have not long come back.
I am watching a Christmas film wishing you were watching it with me.
I miss you so much Malc I will never get over losing you darling.
I am crying again and do so every day.
If only I could touch you talk to you kiss you .
Lisa is coming for dinner again today I love her to come.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Miss you like crazy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday December 8th 2015 16.09pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Although I have been on my own all day with Muffin , it's not been a bad day .
I didn't go on the park until late it was dark and raining.
I waited had breakfast fed Muffin.
We then went a ride to Cannock, I took a hat back.
I rode around for a while then came home had lunch the took Muffin up the new road then into Hednesford .

It's gone dark now and has been raining again.
Lisa is coming for dinner tonight she has had half a day and gone to Finley's Christmas play.

We nearly fell out she was angry last night over my Mum not sending her and Jade and Jordan a card for Christmas , she didn't send a Birthday card to Jordan either.
Mum said I help others who help me her words .
She is a selfish B....
What has happened to our family .
I lost sleep last night I was very upset
Wendy seems to get it all and has never worked.

I hope we have a good Christmas and no arguments.

At least Kay is having Muffin both day's.
Oh Malc my life is so complicated at the moment .
It's up and down depressing and emotional .
Thank you for helping me sort things out with Lisa .
I miss you so much Malc and Lisa truly misses you every day, she is also very stressed at the moment .
It's a difficult time , I need you so much Malc.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday December 7TH 2015 17.34

Hello Malc my precious sexy husband and My baby boy Tigger.
Today has not been so bad.
I took Muffin to the park met up with Karen with Julie.
I then called in Aldi then took Muffin home fed him and had breakfast.
I waited in for parcels then left Muffin to sleep why I met up with Karen at Bella's for lunch .
we stayed a coupe of hours, we exchanged Christmas presents.
I rode home then took Muffin a ride round and popped into my Mum's had a cuppa stayed one and a half hours.
I shouted your name yesterday and today over the skelly.
I spoke about you again today too.
I always try and mention your name every day if I can.
I miss you so much my darling .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday December 6th 2015 15.17pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I can't believe today!!.
I took Muffin late down the park it was so dark this morning .
Came back had breakfast fed Muffin .
Found my Adapter for the iPad thank you , you helped me look, it was in the brown case I must have left it in when I went to Guernsey.
I'm getting things ready for the holiday next year well in advance.

I had been invited to dinner at Carole and Kev's today lamb.
Would you believe Geoff rang he had booked a table at shoal hill tavern .
It's all or nothing.
I stayed until 2.30pm at Carole's they were going out.
I am back now it has been raining again .
I am suppose to be going to your Jayne's at 5pm if it is still raining I can't go.

Muffin hasn't eat today but he did eat a lot yesterday , I'm not worried.
I wander if Chanel will ring me today as she promised ?.

Malc I miss you so much I feel like crying most of the time because of you not being here to talk too.
I wish Christopher would ring me at least once a week he does have time in the evening.
Karen my friend who is a nurse is having lunch with me tomorrow at Bella's 12.30pm.
We are exchanging Christmas presents.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .

I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday December 5th 2015 16.24pm.
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
What a strange day today .
I took Muffin up the new road this morning instead of the park .
It was so windy and still is.
At least it hasn't rained.
Lisa and Geoff picked me up and dropped Muffin and I at Sheila's for a couple of hours.
I then came back fed Muffin again then took a parcel back to post office .
I'm searching for the adapter to my Samsung galaxy iPad.
Can't find it any where.
Going to Kay's tonight for supper.
Carole and Kevin have invited me to Sunday dinner tomorrow then I will go to your Jayne's tomorrow night.
I keep praying you will come home every day Malc .
I miss you so much and my Tigger.
If only God would let you.
I hope you are happy with your Mum and Dad and My Dad ,.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday December 4th 2015 15.06pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I went to the park this morning met up with Karen .
Anita was too busy with the house which I could understand.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast.
We then went to Cannock stayed a while.
Came back then popped to Hednesford .
It's very windy and cold Malc .
I miss you Malc and I want to just cry all the time.
I don't understand why Chanel and Chris don't ring me any more yet I'm going away with them next year.
I have sent all my Christmas cards now so that's sorted .
I sceptical about Christmas this year hope I have a happy one.
I am going to your Sheila's tomorrow Geoff and Lisa dropping me off why they go to a farm with Finley.

I don't know what's happening Sunday.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling .
I love you with all my heart darling xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank yiu Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday December 3rd 2015 17.01pm

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
A strange day today.
I took Muffin on the park later 8.15pm.
Saw no one .
I called in Aldi for a couple of things.
I came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I rang my Mum asking if she wanted lunch she refused at first then rang back and said coming up 12 noon.
I put on a dvd Arthur Dudley More and gave her lunch.
She left at 2pm.
I then waited until 3pm and visited Anita in her new home .
I've got to say very nice.
I am back home now watching our favourite programme The Chase.
I miss you Malc darling so much I'm trying so hard to be positive but negativity keeps creeping in.
You should see Carter now he is a smasher . I know you said you would miss the Grandkids growing up , but I feel sure you can see every one and you are looking over us.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one darling.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday December 2nd 2015 17.11pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Not too bad today I took Muffin to the park later because I got up late .
Dark mornings and early dark nights, I hate winter it's so depressing Malc, you hated them too didn't you?.
I had an appointment at the dentist got to have a crown in January and xray.
I have a couple of ulcers on my cheek inside was worried but dentist say's nothing to worry about.

I have spoken to Lisa asking her to come tonight I have a surprise for her .
I have brought a supra 500 police key safe for her.

second hand but still works.

Carole Banks has been today 1pm until 4.15pm.
She had lunch I enjoy her company .
I hope Lisa comes.
It's Geoff's brothers operation today hope they cure him he has bowel Cancer and in the liver .

He is only 51 twin of Geoff as you know.

I am stuck in now just Muffin and I .
I just wish the weather would change and the nights hurry up and get lighter.

I miss you more as each day goes by Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
I love you with all my heart, kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday December 1st 2015 17.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
A strange day today .
I got up late 8am that unusual for me .
Took Muffin along ride round not on the park.
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin .
Then washed my hair went off to Cannock with Muffin , I had to get out.
I then rode to Hednesford popped into Aldi just
to see company. Took a parcel back .
I haven't heard from any one today , I think they chose not to answer my text sometimes.
Malc I'm so lonely .
I really don't think any one care's any more in my family .
I know they have their live to lead , perhaps I think differently.
I have been to Kay's this afternoon only for an hour I was so bored with my own company.

She has offered to have Muffin Christmas day and boxing day, how lovely is that ,Kay is my best friend.
I don't know what I would do with out her.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my precious .
I love you with al my heart, kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday December 1st 2015 17.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
A strange day today .
I got up late 8am that unusual for me .
Took Muffin along ride round not on the park.
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin .
Then washed my hair went off to Cannock with Muffin , I had to get out.
I then rode to Hednesford popped into Aldi just
to see company. Took a parcel back .
I haven't heard from any one today , I think they chose not to answer my text sometimes.
Malc I'm so lonely .
I really don't think any one care's any more in my family .
I know they have their live to lead , perhaps I think differently.
I have been to Kay's this afternoon only for an hour I was so bored with my own company.

She has offered to have Muffin Christmas day and boxing day, how lovely is that ,Kay is my best friend.
I don't know what I would do with out her.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my precious .
I love you with al my heart, kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday November 30th 2015 16.41pm.
Iv'e just wrote but lost the message on my lap top.
I took Muffin to the park a bit later today it has rained all day.
popped into Aldi for a couple of things.

I did ring Chanel about the holiday for the kids , the school won't authorise time off .
They will be find but Chris isn't bothered.
Dunelm have just rang trying to get my cushions can only locate three .
I am disappointed but can't do any thing about it .
Some silly person has sold them I think.

I tried to message Lisa but she is busy at work .
I have had such a boring day.
I miss you so much Malc , I put a piece on face book last night and a few of my friends replied .
I do have good friends.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I miss you so much darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday November 29th 2015 15.17pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I'm angry today too many things going wrong.
I took Muffin to the park this morning saw no one.
Came back fed Muffin had breakfast .
Then Geoff rang asked if I would like breakfast at Weatherspoon's but I had my breakfast .
They took me to Dunelm but we only stayed 10 mins and we had to go.
I asked about my cushions but no where to be seen .
I said they must find them and post to me as I had waited 7 weeks.
Lisa and I did pop into Dp she held my arm why I walked with a stick.

They dropped me off now I'm stuck in because it's raining again.
I don't think I will be going to Jayne's tonight unless Ben picks us up.
Christopher dropped Chanel and the kids of yesterday he went to Paul's horrible man and didn't comeback until 5.45pm.

Chris didn't even stop it's really upset me Malc .
Does he really love me.
Don't think so.

I think he is using me for the holiday too.
I can't even get to Jayne's tonight it poring down and very windy .
I'm so lonely Malc with out you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog BabyBoy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday November 28th 2015 15.18pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad .
My scooter came back this morning but came back with a damaged arm.
The horn was in a stupid place .
I told them at the mobility shop now ordering a new arm.
I went to Cannock and brought a lovely coat half price .
When u got back I popped to Hednesford.
On the way back Chris pipped he was off to Pauls .
Chanel and the kids were waiting for me .

They are here now watching television .
Kay is coming later for supper stew tonight .
Your Roger has gone back today .
Geoff's brother Nigel has Bowel Cancer and on the liver .
Not looking good .
I miss you my darling , wish you would come home with our Tigger .

I will write to you tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darling .
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday November 27th 2015 17.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my aby boy.
I'm crying at the moment wishing so hard that you were here by my side . I ache inside Malc ache.

My heart is broken !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I couldn't go out on my scooter today Matt had took it away to fit a horn on it.
Jean and Jeff Beardsmore took me for lunch thank goodness and took me to Tesco for some milk.
Matt rang to say his van had broken down so couldn't bring my scooter back and they wouldn't give him a courtesy van.
I was fuming .
Muffin hasn't been out for a walk today.
He has had a groom Kay and Alan took him.
I never would have thought you knowing Jason that his Mum and Dad would become my best friends.
They do such a lot for me.
I do have some good friends.
But I wish you were here with me for you to enjoy your retirement.

I hope you are happier where you are and are with your Mum and Dad and my Dad playing dominos.
You weren't happy on earth were you ? perhaps why God took you so you would be happy again.

I pray when it is my time we will run to each other and give each other a huge hug and a massive kiss .
It's Jordan's 20th Birthday today I gave him a voucher to buy something from JD sports.
Don't know what to buy him any more.

I will write to you early tomorrow Kay is coming for supper I'm doing a stew .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday November 26th 2015 17.30pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a uneventful day.
I met Anita and Julie on the park , I might as well not have bothered .
no comment.
Came home fed Muffin had breakfast , quite a boring day really.
I took Muff out twice because my scooter has been took to have a horn put on it .
Chanel came to sort my new phone now have all photo's video's so pleased with that.

It's raining anyway so can't go out.
Matt is bringing it back in the morning so not too bad really.
I fed up today Malc seen no one all day.
Lisa is coming for dinner so be a bit of company .
I feel very weepy today .
I will never get over losing yu darling , i'm broken !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday November 25th 2015 19.46pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has gone quite smooth.
I met the girls on the park not Anita.
came back fed Muffin had breakfast .
Waited in for my new iPhone .
I went to Carole's at 1pm had lunch stayed until 3.45pm.
Popped to Cannock then came home , Lisa called in about 6pm stayed an hour lovely.
now watching tele usual soaps.
The jungle is back on my favourite.
I have been talking about you again today.
I miss you darling so much I ache inside.
I cry in-between things happening.
My photo's need retrieving , Chanel is coming tomorrow morning to do this hopefully.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling , kiss Tiggerand send my love to every one .
I love you will all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxx
miss you my darling so much .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday November 24th 2015 15.59p.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Not a bad day today even though I have seen no girls having to stay in for Pete my hair dresser.
Which didn't matter because he has made a good job and not charged me as much.

After he had gone I took Muffin a ride to Cannock paid final payment of my scooter.
They are fitting a horn on it on Thursday Friday.
Sausage and mash for my dinner, yiu would love that Malc I know yiu would , I only wish I was cooking it for us both .
I miss you so much Malc if only people understood how I feel.

I'm so lonely with out you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday November 23rd 2015 16.19p.

Hello Malc my precious and Tigger my baby boy.

Today hasn't been too bad.
I met Karen and Anita on the park too cold to stay long.
I popped into Aldi then home for breakfast and feed Muffin.
I invited Karen for lunch and she came about 12.45pm we had a lovely chat and she left at 3pm.
I took Muffin a ride out to Hednesford ,now back in the warmth ready to cook Lisa a chicken dinner.
She is coming after work 6.45p.
all in all not a bad day.
I'm still missing you so much Malc and have been talking about you again today to Karen.
Your Roger is over from Spain he has asked me to meet them at Weatherspoon's but I have said no I want them to come here.
If they don't come well tuff.
No love lost.
I will write to you again tomorrow My darling , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc.XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Thank you Dee and Bunny as always xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday November 22nd 2015 3.56pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
I'm crying at the moment whilst I'm writing to you.
What has happened to my family ?.
My Daughter has only rang me in the week and my son nowhere to be seen.
I never thought it would be like this Malc, I thought my family would have more to do with me.
I am so lonely Malc.
I'm hurt so hurt.
I know they have their family and lives to lead .
But I thought they would care more.

I haven't had a dinner today because I am going to your Jayne's house tonight ,they normally will offer me a meal.
I have been to the park this morning with Muffin met no one.
I have just taken him a ride out before I go to Jayne's.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday November 21st 2015 15.40pm.

Hello my precious Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been not too bad.
I took Muffin a quick run up the new road this morning it was freezing.

Chanel came about 11am with the girls stayed until 1pm.
Chris and Cameron went shooting.
Ellie has a black eye Cameron accidently knocked her in the cheek playing .
Geoff came to collect the tele from Anita .
They brought her some chocolates.

I have been to Tesco to buy some milk and a coupe of things.
When I got back I took Muffin a ride to Hednesford .
I am going to Kay's tonight with Muffin hope we have chicken kebab .
I will come back at 9pm.
it's freezing and going dark already.
I miss you so much Malc it hurts .
I shouted your name up the new road today .
Lisa hasn't been up or rang today.
Christopher hasn't either.
I guess I will be having dinner on my own tomorrow.

I know Chanel won't be cooking me a Sunday dinner.
I hate weekends.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc darling .XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday November 20th 2015 18.17pm.

Hello my precious Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
What a flippin day .
Joan Barnett stayed all day yesterday and ver night.
We had a lovely day yesterday.
This morning whilst she was getting dressed I took Muffin a ride up the new road .
Came back both had breakfast sat for a while chatting.
The Joan said I'll go and get dressed she was quite some time.
Then she came down saying she had accidently put her colostomy bag down the toilet.
I had to get a chap out to get it from the toilet , thank goodness I am insured.
Saga excellent.

That's my IPhone lost , bag down toilet gate broken .
Well that's three things in one week.

I enjoyed having Joan but can she talk .
I am now quiet with Muffin watching television.

I have popped to Cannock today and My Mums this afternoon .
I miss you my darling and explained to Joan how I miss you and wish you were here by my side.
Oh Malc I'm so lonely with out you .
I don't know what sort of weekend I will have it's going to snow.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday November 19th 2015 11.19pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I'm writing to you early because Joan Barnett is coming to stay over night and I would feel rude writing in front of her.
She has just rang and is on her way.
It's raining again ,
Iv'e just got back from giving Muffin a ride out .
I think Geoff is coming later to walk him with Max because I won't be able to go out again today.
Roll on spring Malc, I hate winter.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling telling you of how the day went.

Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday November 18th 2015 18.32pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my bay boy Tigger.
Today has not been to bad Malc.
I took Muffin to the park this morning met Julie and Anita for a while .
I came straight back because Pete was cutting my fringe.

He came about 8.45am.
I then went to Tesco for a coupe of things .
I came back and Sheila and Colin came only stayed about 30 mins.
Carole Banks came early but nothing I could do.
Anyway she had lunch with me and Stayed until about 5pm.

I have just taken Muffin a ride round and are now in for the night .
Joan Barnett is coming tomorrow to stay over for the night.

I will give her lunch and dinner then pate for supper and a Bailey's to end the night.

I still haven't found my phone but have sent in a claim .
Malc I wish I could find it I loved tat phone it has all my memories on it a video of Tigger on our leather sofa and your voice in the back ground .
I miss you so much Malc my heart is broken and I will never ever get over losing you.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday November 17th 2015 17.57pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Another fruitless day , still not found my IPhone .
I'm so upset even Chanel has tried looking every where.
I'm managing with your pay as you go at the moment until I claim for a new IPhone.

I have been to lunch with Jayne Dagley who I used to work with lovely , we went to The BARLEY mOW.
Iv'e just got back from taking Muffin a ride he has only been out once today.

On my own now . Carole Banks is coming tomorrow for lunch .
Then Joan Barnett is coming on Thursday to stay over night.
My head is so mixed up with this problem missing iPhone.
Oh Malc I wish you were here to help me ,I feel so alone .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday November 16TH 2015 20.37PM.

Hello Malc my darling and tigger my baby boy .
Ive lost my iPhone Malc I can't believe it i'm devastated ,all my memories phot'os everything lost .
Chanel is coming down tomorrow to search again for me.
I can't concentrate on anything today at all.
Oh Malc everything is going wrong.
Help me please xxxxx.
Help me find my phone.
Every one of my friends have got back to me on face book.
Sorry its a short message tonight .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc hopefully with good news , I'm using your phone when it gets activated .
I miss you so much Malc love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday November 15th 2015 16.37pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
A strange day today I took Muffin in the rain up the new road rushed back we got very wet.
Waited in to see whether Christopher woud rind and ask if I was coming for dinner NO !!!!.
I brought a chicken as an emergency .
But Lisa texted to ask what was I doing today .
She asked me for dinner but said could I leave Muffin at home as Jade was bringing the baby Carter.
I was upset but it is her house and her rules so I have to bide by them.

I went down at 2.45 but the meat wasn't cooked so had to wait a little longer which didn't matter is was delicious .
I offered to wash up but they said no.

I have not long come away and I am now waiting for Jason to come and tune in my tele and put a coupe of light bulbs in which have gone .
Then I'm going to your Jayne's until 8.30pm.
Then I will settle down to I'm a celebrity get me out of here.
I miss you Malc my darling , I'm frightened because there are a lot of killings going on with Muslims over in Paris and London.
Please keep us safe Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc . I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday November 14th 2015 16.59pm.

Today has been a wash out from beginning to now.
It's rained all day.
I met Anita on the park this morning not for long then popped into Aldi and came home fed Muffin had breakfast then have watched television all day .
Boarded out of my brain.
Only just has Lisa rang not my son or daughter in law.
I hardly see my Grand children now.
At least Kay is coming tonight at 5.30p.
I written all my Christmas cards wrapped all the Christmas presents .
I have cried again today Malc missing you more than ever.
My heart is broken darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc perhaps with more to tell you.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday November 13th 2015 17.37pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a better day I took Muffin up the new road a quick run it was raining.

I waited until later about 12nonn I took him a ride round, then Jean and Geoff picked me up and took me to lunch.
It was lovely I bumped into Sue an old friend who swapped mobile numbers now I have another friend to have for lunch or visit.
I also saw Andrew Harvey and Mary in Weatherspoon's .
I came back home and sorted the halogen cooker out and took it to Jean I don't use it , she does such a lot for me and so does Jeff.

I had a tea stayed an hour then popped to Aldi for some treats for Muffin.
I'm back home now getting settled to watch tele.
I hoped you would be sitting on your settee waiting for me to come back.
I have to imagine you are still with me. or I would go crazy.
I kiss your picture every night and morning.
I miss you my darling so much I cry every day and night wishing you could come home.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send all my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday November 12th 2015 16.53pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Not such a good day , I met the girls on the park this morning we were a long time talking.
I popped into Aldi for a couple of things.
Then came home had breakfast fed Muffin and at 11am took Muffin a ride to Cannock I brought a couple of things.
Came back home then visited My Mum just to get out of the house.
I have just come back , now its dark cold and depressing .
I haven't heard from any of my family today
I didn't think this would be how it is.
I'm gutted.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
My life is so lonely now as you said before you passed away.
But I couldn't have another man , no one could replace you Malc.

I miss you so much I ache inside.
It looks like watching tv again tonight to pass away the time.
At least Jean and Jeff Beardsmore are taking me to lunch tomorrow.
I don't even know if I will see any of my family at the weekend.
I'm so hurt .

I'm getting so depressed not seeing my Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I smelt you around me last night it gave me comfort.
I love you with all my heart Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday November 11th 2015 18.03pm.

Hello my precious Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I have had a better day today , I met all the girls on the park this morning then came straight home fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I waited until 12.30 and Muffin and I visited Carole Banks and had lunch.
I stayed until 4pm.
I then took Muffin a ride to Hednesford and popped into Aldi.
Jean Beardsmore has been in touch they are taking me for lunch on Friday 12.30.
Jean is so caring and Jeff.

I cried again last night to sleep thinking about you and wishing you back.
I miss you so much Malc it hurts.

It's dark early now and Muffin and I are on our own most nights .
I miss talking to you Malc about things that have happened through out the day.
I miss your smell your touch your cuddles in bed.
I fight with my self most day's.
My head aches with pressure wandering what will happen each day.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send all my love to everyone.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday November 9th 2015 13.48pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
I'm writing early because I haven't been anywhere and no one is coming.
I took Muffin to the park this morning then came home to feed Muffin and have breakfast.
Chanel popped in for a little time then Christopher rang and asked her to go to Rugeley
to sort something out in Dave's house at March Banks.

I was very disappointed in her not stopping long.
I don't seem to be important now to her or Christopher .
I asked Karen if she wanted lunch but she said she was busy AGAIN !!!!!.
I asked Jean if she wanted lunch she said she had plans, then after I asked Lisa for lunch who said yes, Jean rang back to ask if I wanted to come for lunch with her and Geoff.
I had to decline because I thought Lisa was coming.
Then Lisa rang back to say Geoff had brought chips
so she wouldn't be coming.
But she is having the cobs I did tonight after work .
I rang another friend Helen but she was meeting another lady.
What a bloody day I've had.

I cried most of the morning but I've pulled my self together now.
I nearly lost Muffin last night , I went to Your Jayne's and didn't close the conservatory door properly Muffin walked out down the drive and onto the main road. I was screaming his name , I really thought he had either got run over or had been picked up.
Suddenly he came out of nowhere , thank god I picked him up and loved him kissed him , my heart was pounding.
He is safe now and home.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday November 8th 2015 15.49pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Not a good day at all.
I met Anita on the park this morning not for long.
I thought Chanel would come down for her Birthday presents but again NO !!!!!.
Oh well they are still sitting here she isn't coming until tomorrow now.
Lisa came this morning to drop a card off she didn't stop long .
I cried when she left but rang her afterwards crying.
She said she would pop back after the meal she had with Geoffs family.

She has just left she did stop about an hour.
I won't see her now until next week.

I have just rang Christopher asking were they coming down , he said no why don't you come up on the train.

I can't manage that he doesn't realise how bad my knees are and back and hips.

I might attempt going to Jayne's in an hour if it isn't raining.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday November 7th 2015 15.46pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today yet another lonely day on my own again !!!!.
Its getting worse , Chanel said she was coming down to see me with the girls why Christopher and Cameron went shooting.
It pored down all morning so I couldn't take Muffin a ride .
I waited and waited no one came.
I rang and Christopher answered he told me he still wasn't well so didn't go shooting.
My mobile rang it was the groomer ring so I told Christopher I would ring him back.
When I did ring him back he said I was rude but I did explain I had to answer the call but he still argued as he does.
I don't know how I am going to get through Boxing day and the holiday with out him falling out.
I don't know why or what I have done to deserve how he talks to me and hurts me.
I need support not rejection.
I have been a ride round with Muffin this afternoon whilst it stopped raining.
I'm so lonely Malc .

I am going to Kay's tonight at 5pm having supper.
If I hadn't got her as a friend I don't know what I would do.

it's Chanel's birthday tomorrow she is 27years , I don't know if I will see her or not.
I have nearly finished wrapping presents , I really am not looking forward to Christmas or new year Malc.
Life is empty now with out you and things will never change.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc but miss you like crazy.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday November 6th 2015 14.55pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Thank you Malc for your help today you know what I am talking about.
I know you are looking over me, but keep Christopher and Lisa and our Great grandchildren and grandchildren , I love them all.

I wish I could win the lottery for them all.
I know I shouldn't wish for money but they do need some .

I have met the girls on the park this morning then popped to Cannock with Muffin in between showers.
Chanel didn't come this morning , Christopher didn't sleep well last night so he had the day off.

Too much on his mind I think.

I have been invited to Lisa's Christmas day and Christopher's boxing day.
So I won't be on my own.
I hate my life with out you Malc .

I am going to have a couple of hours with my Mum later then grab a curry for supper.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday November 5th 2015 15.58pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

Not such a good day Malc its poring down and poor Muffin keeps looking at me to take him out.
I met the girls on the park popped into Aldi came straight home to feed Muffin and have breakfast.

I did ask Anita to come up after lunch but she has declined as she does often.
I have been sitting down wrapping Christmas presents.
Not our favourite past time eh Malc.
Remember we always used to argue when wrapping presents.
Now I wish you were here to argue with you over wrapping Christmas presents.

Please God sent my Malc back home so I can have a happy Christmas ????????????????????????.

I stuck in and can't take Muffin out I really need to get out.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I miss you darling so much and love you with all my heart.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday November 4th 2015 17.36pm

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I met the girls on the park today 5 of us this morning met up.
I brought Muffin straight back because I needed some milk from Tesco.
I took Muffin another run before Carole came for lunch at 1pm.
She stayed until 4.15p then Kevin picked her up.
I have just got back after giving Muffin another quick run.
In for the night now its dark outside and we are on our own.

I don't think I will hear from anyone tonight a bit disappointed.
Nothing I can do.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I miss you so much Malc and love you with all my heart.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday November 3rd 2015 14.00pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Another boring lonely day Malc.
It started by meeting the girls on the park I then popped into Aldi to buy a couple of items.
I then came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
Sheila and Colin came this morning about 10am she brought me a lovely plague for the garden.
Out of the blue it was a nice thought.
We seem a bit closer now .
Sheila said hello to you talked about you and said goodbye to you that was nice I thought.
They stayed an hour which was nice of them.

After they left I took Muffin to Cannock just to get out but did pop in a couple of places.
I came back had a sandwich and a cup of tea.
I hoped Lisa would come for lunch but she didn't.
Chanel hasn't rang either to busy I reckon .

I've done my job now not needed any more!!!!!!.
I'm hurt really, I know Lisa gets me up in the morning because I struggle to get out of bed.
I realise they have their lives to live but I did expect more company from them.
Is it me being to sensitive Malc ?
I suppose I am.
I just feel so unhappy ,lonely un loved and miss you so much it's getting worse
I love my family unconditionally .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
I miss you so much Malc , I love you with all my heart I pray one day a miracle with happen and you will come home bringing Tigger with you.

Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday November 2nd 2015 17.38pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been very foggy and damp, I met Karen and Julie on the park not for long .
Came back fed Muffin had breakfast then stayed in most of the day.
I did take Muffin a little ride mid afternoon.
On the way back saw Lisa and Geoff she told me Geoff's brother in Tasmania has died of yes the big C another joining you over the rainbow bridge.
They took Max their dog over the chase to clear their heads.
I put some money in a sympathy card and posted it through their door.
Geoff did ring me and thank me .

I don't think Lisa will be up tonight.

I have been on my own with Muffin all day.
Very lonely Malc as you said I would be, you cared Malc I know you did.
I wish I could have cared more for you than I did .
I feel I didn't do enough.
I miss you so much Malc it hurts inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday November 1st 2015 2.47pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I woke up about 6am this morning made a cup of tea and came back to bed.
Anita texted me and we met on the park for a little while.
I have had the most boring day ever, I texted Lisa but had no reply , I guess she has gone to chase water or bridge north with Geoff and the dog.

Nothing from Chanel either , Chris has been on a night shift so he would be back early hours.
I guess they have gone somewhere too.

It hurts they don't answer my texts and I know they have to lead their own lives , but I did think they would care about me more than they do , after losing you Malc, perhaps I have showed I have been too strong.
When I am broken inside !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
My disability doesn't help.
I took Muffin a walk up the new road and what a surprise bumped into Jason Kay and Alan.
Kay asked me back for a cuppa.
I stayed a good hour thank goodness, it killed some time.

It's just after 3pm now and will be going to your Jayne's at 5.30pm.

I haven't had dinner today because Phil always asks me if I want dinner.
What's the betting I don't tonight .
I will have to cook something when I get back if I don't.

I have never felt so un loved and lonely Malc .
I still think this is my punishment , but why have you been punished taken off this earth with pain Cancer pneumonia and emphysema , WHY !!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday October 31st 20115 17.34pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I have had a very boring lonely day.
I took Muffin on the park this morning met Anita.
After popping into Aldi came home to feed Muffin and have breakfast.

I waited until 10am and asked Lisa if I could go down for an hour she said fine.
I took Muffin and stayed just over an hour.
She seemed a bit edgy but she is having problems at work.
Same as Christopher it's like treading on egg shells in case I say the wrong thing,
She made me cry today but I think I am just feeling sensitive because I miss you so much Malc.
Max was play fighting with Muffin and on Muffin's back when I told Max to get off Lisa raised her voice and said to me know wander no one likes Muffin you think he is the best, it hurt inside I didn't show I was crying I just kept looking at my phone pretending to do something with it.

I went home and decided to take a ride to Cannock with Muffin, I didn't want to stay at home alone again.
I rang Christopher to see if he was coming but he hasn't been so assuming he isn't.
I texted both him and Chanel but no reply .
I know Christopher has seen my message because it say's read.
Malc I'm so hurt inside , what have I done to deserve this loneliness .

I am trying to be strong but I'm a Libra and they don't like being on their own.
This again is my punishment.

I am not at Kay's tonight should be but she has been invited to supper elsewhere.

Again I feel pushed out.

Not a good day at all, if I hadn't got Muffin I think I would end it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I feel I have no purpose to be on this earth.
I have done my job as a mum and feel now they don't need me.

perhaps I could have done better , but I worked all hours god sent night shift day shift .

We had a tuff time with Christopher when he was younger didn't we Malc , but stuck by him the the bad times and got through it didn't we Malc.

Well looks like a lonely night in with My Baby Muffin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , miss you more each day cry most nights.

Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday October 30th 2015 16.26pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
A very boring day today, I haven't seen any one today it rained this morning so didn't take Muffin to the park until 11am.
I popped to Cannock later with Muffin just for a ride all strangers now Malc where has everyone gone?.

I then came back for lunch then popped to Tesco for some milk.
They are very helpful there they always carry my groceries for me to my scooter.

I'm back home now it's dark already 4.35pm .
I'm not at Kay's either tomorrow she is out .
Such lonely days Malc ,this is my punishment I guess.
That's what it feels like.

I haven't seen Lisa all week either.
She is working late every night.
Oh forgot she had dinner on Monday with me.
I miss you so much Malc , I saw a lady whomlost her husband 4 years ago she seems ok but she is working.
I'm still crying for you Malc , asking god to send you and Tigger home please.
I've just wrapped Chanel's birthday present which is 8th November.
They are on a land line now and have internet.
I don't know what is happening this weekend if any one is going to ask me to dinner ?.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send all my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday October 29th 2015 17.34pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I feel very weepy today missing you so much Malc I can't tell how much my heart is breaking.
Why did you have to die of that stinking disease
CANCER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????.
I met the girls on the park this morning then it started raining.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast.
Out of the blue Chanel and the kids came but I had asked Anita to come for lunch.
I felt awful really I wanted the kids to keep the house tidy before Anita came because they tend to make a mess.
But then I fell guilty after, they went early.
Chanel said they might come down on Saturday .
I did texted her and told her how I felt.

I have just collected a prescription for myself.
I am crying at the moment I feel so low even having company I feel so lonely with out you Malc .
I will NEVER get over losing you Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart Malc.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday October 28th 2015 17.06pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Not such a bad day today the pest control chap Mike came this morning gave me the all clear no rats , Stewart is coming any minute now to fill both the holes in thank goodness.
I took Muffin to the park after Mike left.
I waited until 12.45pm and went to Carole Banks for lunch have not long got back.
Just waiting for Stewart then might pop to Mum's about 6.15pm until 8pm.
I don't think I will be out tomorrow it's raining most of the day.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with al my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday October 27th 2015 18.25pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
A good day today .
I ran Muffin up the new road this morning early because I was going to Bakewell and Buxton with Karen my friend 8.30am.
What a lovely day we had no rain dry good places good food .
nice places.
Enjoyed it but would have been better with you by my side.
I miss you so much Malc had a little cry on the coach coming back thinking about you wishing you by my side.
Kay had Muffin for the day she is so good to me .
She has just picked him up Muffin likes staying with her.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you with all my heart kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday October 26th 2015 17.44pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a nothing day really.
I met Anita on the park late because the pest control chap was here all clear now no rats.
The neighbour's have removed all feeders.
No food eat no traps have been used.

Mike is coming back on Wednesday as a final check then Stewart is coming to block up the holes in the kitchen.
Jeff Beardsmore has put another bulb in the living room.
I have spoken about you today to Jeff how you
used to bring me a cup of tea in bed at
6.15 am before you went to work.
He said Malc spoiled you didn't he I said he certainly did.
You ruined me didn't you darling.
I miss you so much Malc .
Lisa is coming for tea fish veg & potatoes.
A yoghurt too.

I keep asking you to come back I cry for you to come back.
If only I could turn that clock back.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send all my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday October 25th 2015 17.01pm.

Hello my daring Malc and Tigger My baby boy.
The day started off well , I met Anita on the park came straight home fed Muffin had Breakfast .
I then had the girls come they stopped with me why Christopher Chanel and Cameron went shooting.
they came back at 2pm then I left Muffin why they took me for a meal at The Mill near were they live.
It was lovely then spooled by Chris and I having a few words, not explaining why.
He would see me struggle I think !!!!!!!!.
I can't say anything he just shoots me down every time.

I'm not looking forward to this holiday after Christmas.

I wish I could win the lottery .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc i'm too upset tonight.
You know I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday October 24th 2015 22.01pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a mixed up day .
I met Anita on the park then came straight home it started raining.
I was in most of the day then Lisa popped in. stayed about an hour.
I was so fed up I cried most of the afternoon .
Then out of the blue Christopher sent a photo through.
Then asked me if I would have the girls tomorrow from 9am to about 2pm.
Then he has booked a meal for us all.
so shocked.
Kay came tonight for supper and has not long gone.

I miss you Malc and have cried again today.
I have talked about you again today .
I love you darling and miss you so much.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.xxxxxxx

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday October 23rd 2015pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I have been crying again today begging you to come back begging God to send you home Malc.
I can't stand the loneliness its breaking me apart.
I feel I only have Muffin to look forward to seeing in the morning.
I feel my family aren't supporting me at all.
I think Lisa is seeing more of me and asking me for dinner.
I don't look forward to Sunday's at all.
Each day is getting tougher.
I try to go out on my scooter as much as I can.
But its coming Winter and getting very dark and cold.
I miss you so much Malc I hurt inside.

I cry most nights to sleep.
I met Anita Karen and that Julie o the park this morning.
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin then Went to Hednesford to buy a card for Dicky its his birthday today .
I came back then Lisa and I had lunch at the Plough and HARROW.
We popped to Tesco then I took Muffin to Anita's .
I have to get out of the house Malc I can't stand my own company.
Only Anita understands because she lost her husband Graham Benton 3 years ago.
You would know him I reckon Malc he lived in Mount Street.

I have just fetched a curry and are in for the night now Muffin and I .

I hate it Malc.
Please ask God to send you home to me and bring the dogs back too.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with a my heart Malc .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
LOVE YOU FOREVER Malc miss you like crazy xxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday October 22nd 2015 18.24p.

Hello my darling Malc and tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a strange day .
I didn't take Muffin to the park early because Mike the pest control man came , good news only two more visits then I think he will give the all clear .
I hoe they never come back Malc.

I have had lunch with a friend called Marti, called to Kay's with Muffin.
I have just got back from Lisa's spent an hour with her.
Now I'm on my own again with Muffin.
I have talked about you again today Malc to Marti, Kay and Lisa.

I miss you more than ever Malc I cried my self to sleep last night.
Not sleeping very well at all.

It's cold now out side I've just put the heating on.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday October 21st 2015 18.05pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Not a great day really, it rained this morning so I couldn't take Muffin a walk.
Pete came to do my hair at 8.40am.
Carole Banks came for lunch stayed until 4.15pm.

I then took Muffin a ride to Hednesford called in Aldi and bargain shop.
I found a feather on the kitchen floor today I feel sure you were here .
I only pray you will come to me soon and hod me hug me kiss me .
I miss that so much Malc, now I'm crying .
I miss you love your smile your snore your smell.
I have tried going to see Lisa but she is out with Jade Finley and Carter.
I am back home now it's dark early it depresses me to think I have to face winter alone with out you Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday October 20th 2015 15.56pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I met the girls on the park today for a while before popping into Aldi then home for breakfast and feeding Muffin.
I popped to Tesco later and bummed into Lisa.
Didn't stop long she was going to see Jade and Carter the new baby and of course Finley.

Some flooring was delivered by mistake to our house Malc but I sorted it out.
It should have gone to Chris across the road.

I have just come back from taking Muffin a ride round and bumping in to people from years ago.

I am now on my own again with Muffin until we go to bed I reckon.

I won't see any visitors.
I'm having my hair done in the morning by Pete mobile to me.

It's rain all day tomorrow not happy.
I cried again last night missing you Malc so much .
I hate life with out you.
I'm so lonely Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday October 19th 2015 1.47pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I have had very lonely day today.
I got up at 6.15am because the pest control was coming to check on the rats around the area because Brooms shop and other building have been demolished, there were Rats up there now they have come onto where we all live.

I have had them in the loft through the cavity in the kitchen .
the neighbours have been in formed in case they are in their house too.
I wish you were here to help Malc I'm on my own with no support.
Mind you no one can do anything.

I took Muffin to Cannock this morning Hednesford twice just got back.
I just want to cry.
I have heard from no one.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I Love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday October 18th 2015 15.35pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today yet another lonely boring day.
I met Anita on the park then came home to have my porridge and feed Muffin.
I have been no where else yet only Christopher has rang to tell me his top I brought him doesn't fit and he doesn't wear hoodies any more so I told him to send it back and I will give him the money in future.
I can give Jordd the top hoodie for his Christmas box.
I haven't heard from Lisa today and had dinner at home on my own.
I wish you were here my darling to have dinner with together.
I hate being on my own.

I am just popping down my Mums then off to your Jayne's.
I miss you my darling so much, I keep crying but not all the time .
I don't think I have any more tears inside me.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart darling , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday October 17th 2015 16.50pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Oh what a day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I met Karen and Neil on the park this morning oh and Pat another lady I know.
I came back and at 11 oclock Christopher Chanel and the kids came down stayed about an hour.

Picked up his birthday presents and ripped My Mums up sent it back through her letter box.
This is making me ill.
I was picked up by Geoff and Lisa to visit Jade with our new Great Grandchild Carter.
Beautiful .
I thought she was just visiting the baby but decided they were going to Walsall to shop after buying a washing machine for Jade.
They didn't want me to take Muffin so he was left 3 hours on his own.
I didn't make to much of a fuss did mention I had to get back for Muffin and Kay was picking me up at about 5pm.

I don't think she was too impressed .
Adam and I had a long talk why they were away .
I was impressed and has made me think again about him.

He had bad news again today his uncle was dying of Cancer he was only told today.
What is going on Malc Why are so many people
dying of Cancer,.?.

I pray to God no one else including myself don't die of this dreadful disease .

I explained how lonely I am to Adam and he totally understood.
More than my own family do.

I miss you Malc so much I've been totally punished losing you Malc and I cant understand why you were taken , you are the kindest, loving , caring man I have had the pleasure to have married.
I'm lost with out you Malc .
I'm going to Kay's in 20mins .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday October 16th 2015 16.06pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I have seen no one not even the girls on the park.
Tel a lie Alan came to pick Muffin and I up t take him to his groom, then picked him up at 1pm .
Otherwise a boring day.
I have took Muffin a couple of rides out only to Hednesford.

I am going to collect a curry in a couple of hours.
Then in all night watching TV.
Christopher hasn't been to collect his Birthday cards or presents.
Too busy I guess.

Lisa is taking me to see the new baby Carter tomorrow some time.

she is working in the morning.
I don't know if she will allow Muffin t go.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I miss you so much my darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday October 15th 2015 16.48pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I haven't enjoyed my day at all.
I met the girls on the park this morning not for long.
Got back fed Muffin had breakfast, I have been nowhere seen no one all I have done is take Muffin a ride three times.
I wished Christopher Happy Birthday by text he did reply Thank you.
His cards and presents are still here , I don't know if he will come tonight or leave it until the weekend.
I have spoken to Jade today she is back home with her Gorgeous little boy baby Carter.
Lisa is back at work rushing around a quick call on the phone she was trying to ring Jade.
I think I have got to take a step back now i'm only the Mum & Nan .
we have done our job now, they all have their lives to lead .
It hurts but if you were here things would be different.
We would have each other.

I miss you my darling so much Malc so much.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday October 14th 2015 16.45pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
Well you are a proud Great Granddad to Carter James Matthews 9IB 5OZ born this morning at 08.47 , brother to our Finley .
Jade had a very rough time but at least they are both healthy.
It upsets me to think you should be here to celebrate the birth.
I know you would be proud Malc
You loved your grandchildren .
I know you said when we were at Scotland you will miss the Grandchildren growing up.
I haven't seen any of our Grandchildren.
Chanel has been no where near.

I know they have the house t do but no things aren't the same now you have gone Malc.
They don't love me like they loved you.

I met the girls on the park this morning then came home to go to Penkridge with your Jayne
We stayed an hour just to get what I wanted.

Carole has been for a couple of hours not had lunch.

Back to Wednesday's from next week.

It's Christopher's birthday tomorrow but I won't see him he is working.
31 years now .
It's looking like Sunday dinner on my own this week.
I feel it in my bones.
Lisa cooked it last Sunday , she has too much to do looking after Jade.
Christopher and Chanel to busy with the house.
Christopher doesn't like Muffin so I won't be invited very often I don't think.

It hurts Malc but I have no choice.
I now know how my Mum feels.
Malc I wish you knew what I was going through ? missing you so much , wishing I could talk with you about my worries .

I do talk to you hoping you can hear me.
What have I done so bad to deserve this punishment ???,.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday October 13th 2015 17.13pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad.
Met the girls on the park for a little while.
I rushed back because I had an eye appointment diabetic screening too.
I then took Muffin a ride up the new road.
I had lunch with Karen today at whether spoons.
A nice afternoon.
Jill from across the road has called today about Vera who is in hospital having a pacemaker fitted.

I am home now watching usual telly programme.
I have been talking about you again today the lovely trips we used to go on weekends .
Wish I could bring those days back Malc.
I cried again in bed last night.
I need you Malc so much and miss you more than ever.
I am going to Penkridge tomorrow with your Jayne.
Jade is in Labour today has been started this morning, hope she has her little baby boy Carter today.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday October 12th 2015 17.36pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigge my baby boy.

Hasn't been a bad day today, met ANITA AND Julie on the park came home fed Muffin had breakfast .
Washed my hair just as I was drying it My Mum came.
I had asked her for lunch she stayed until 2pm ten I followed her almost home on my scooter.
I went off to Anita's.
Came back home 4.45PM.
just cooking stew in the pressure cooker Lisa prepared this morning after getting me up out of bed before she went to work.

I don't know what I would do with out my family.
My joints hurt so much.

I miss you Malc so much every day gets worse.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I talk to you every day kiss your picture two or three times a day and Tiggers.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday October 11th 2015 17.24pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today again has been a strange day.
I met Anita on the park this morning then came straight home to feed Muffin and have breakfast.

I sorted the stuff in the kitchen then went to my Mum's .
I then came home took Muffin a long ride round then went to Lisa's for dinner lovely.
I,m just on my way to Jaynes.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Miss you more as each day goes by .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday October 10th 2015 16.50pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .

Not a good day at all!!!, I'm angry .
I met Anita on the park this morning then came back fed Muffin had breakfast .
I then waited in for Chanel and the kids to come.
She said she would be down today with them because Chris was Shooting.
No one came !!! I waited all day I have had a stinking boring day.
I wish Chanel would have rang me or texted me.
I now think they have had a fall out over something.
I spoke to Lisa and she said go out , but I couldn't no where to go.
Kay is coming in half an hour I have cooked a lamb curry but it seems a bit chewy and hot .
All in all a disaster.

I wish you were here Malc to talk to I am so lonely .
I am going to Lisa's for dinner tomorrow ,.
Best keep away for a while from Chris and Chanel.
It's Christopher's birthday next Thursday, don't know if I will see him .
I love you and miss you so much Malc it hurts inside .
I don't feel I have any thing to look forward to
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday October 9th 2015 17.01pm

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I have never been so bored in all of my life.
I met the girls on the park this morning then rushed back because I thought Pete might have popped round t cut my hair.
He didn't come.
I went to Cannock on the way posted a Birthday card to Jean Beardsmore she is 65 next week.
I then rode to Cannock with Muffin had a ride round saw no one.
I then rushed back because Jas was supposed to be coming after work with the Pressure washer.
He forgot so I've been waiting in for nothing.
I am still waiting for Pete to call after he has finished at work .
I f he forgets ill go mad.
I need to go out to Aldi to get something for dinner.
I'm angry really.
I love you and miss you Malc so much I want to talk to you
tell you about my day and worries.
I can only talk to Muffin.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday October 8th 2015 18.18pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Not a good at all.
I meet the girls on the park this morning quite late coming off talking to different people.

I popped into Aldi the rushed home to feed Muffin and have breakfast .
Your Sheila and Colin came stayed for 3/4 hour longer than normal.
I gave Sheila an early birthday present as she won't come now until 3 weeks.
After they went my Mum came for lunch stayed nearly 2 hours, then Lisa came was stopping but Mum didn't speak to her so she went of home.
I asked my Mum why she didn't speak to Lisa , she said she is not giving any of my children a Birthday present or Christmas present because they don't go to visit her.
It upset me very much , but they are so busy and have to make an appointment to see her because W IS always there.
I think W is brain washing her and she is winning.

I feel very lonely Malc the family is splitting up yet again.

I have been to Kay's this afternoon because I was so upset.

Now back home watching television again.
Mick Barham my cousin has put a gate were the two steps are and to stop Muffin getting out of the double gates.

it looks good a bit flimsy but good.
I will give him some money when he comes round.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I miss you Malc so much and love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday October 7th 2015 17.19pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a bit disappointed with Kay.
I was to go to hers this afternoon then she rang me saying She was taking Lucy to Penkridge the place she used to work.

MMMM no more said.!!!!.
I took Muffin late this morning to the park it was raining most of the morning.
I met Anita for a little while.
I came home after calling in Aldi fed up really .
Lisa came for lunch stayed about 25 mins.
She is going to see Jade tonight she is nearly ready to have her baby.
I went to Anita's instead this afternoon had a couple of hours with her.
I am in for the night again now on my own .
I can't tell you how much I miss you Malc .
I'm broken no one knows how I really feel inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday October 6th 2015 17.16pm.
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a rotten rainy day.
I did meet the girls on the park this morning then it pored with rain until 3.30pm.
I then took Muffin a ride to Cannock to collect a parcel.
Not long got back now Geoff has just took Muffin a walk with Max.
I miss you my darling so much I have spoken about you again today.
Lisa came for lunch today she has had a row with the boss so wasn't in a good mood.
I wish I had more to tell you Malc only Jade is due her baby boy any time now.
We will be great grand parents for the second time.
Malc I love you will all my heart darling , I miss your smile your hugs your love.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday October 6th 2015 17.16pm.
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a rotten rainy day.
I did meet the girls on the park this morning then it pored with rain until 3.30pm.
I then took Muffin a ride to Cannock to collect a parcel.
Not long got back now Geoff has just took Muffin a walk with Max.
I miss you my darling so much I have spoken about you again today.
Lisa came for lunch today she has had a row with the boss so wasn't in a good mood.
I wish I had more to tell you Malc only Jade is due her baby boy any time now.
We will be great grand parents for the second time.
Malc I love you will all my heart darling , I miss your smile your hugs your love.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

by: rose

Monday October 5th 2015 17.27pm.

Hello my precious husband my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

Today hasn't been to bad.
It rained this morning so I had a lie in with Muffin.
I didn't meet anyone on the park I took Muffin later.
I asked Karen for lunch she came at 1pm .
A nice afternoon with her.
Lisa popped in had lunch with me only 15 mins.
I gave Karen a couple of cushions I didn't use any more .
When she left I took Muffin a ride to her house she walked muffin and I carried the cushions on the scooter.
Carole isn't coming tomorrow for lunch she is looking after her brothers dog and he is poorly.

Lisa is coming for lunch tomorrow I will do her a salad .
Well it's telly tonight again I reckon.
I miss you my darling so much I wish every day you will come home with Tigger on his lead by your side.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling.
I love you with all my heart miss you like crazy.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday October 4th 2015 16.00pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

Not such a good day today.
I met Anita on the park this morning for a litte while.
Came back home fed Muffin had Breakfast then about 11.30am Christopher picked me up for dinner at their new house.
Took a bottle of wine for Christopher and sweets for the kids not a tgankyou from Christopher and the kids had to be told to say tankyou.
He doesn't change picking again always has something to upset me.
But because I love him I put up with it.
I tried to help around , he moaned about Muffin barking at Baxter because if the neighbours .
Then he told the kids off for making a noise.
He needs to chill really.
I had a lovely dinner as usual but spoiled because I'm treading on egg shells all the time.
Lisa says the same.

I give up now and just let him get on with-it.
I hurt inside though wandering what I have done to deserve the way he talks to me and hates Muffin.
He didn't even want to give me the new telephone number today.
If he never gives it me I won't bother.
I will only answer the phone if he rings me .
I won't ring him unless urgent.
I will have to accept I'm on my own now with Muffin.

Oh Malc why am I being treated like this .
I am going to Jayne's at 6pm for a couple of hours.
At least they make me feel comfortable when Muffin and I arrive.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one darling.
I love you with all my heart Malc.xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday October 3rd 2015 15.52pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I have had a very lonely morning .
I met Anita on the park this morning far too early I was cosy and warm in bed but Anita TEXTED ME grrrrrrrrr.
Sometimes I just want to lie in.

I fed Muffin and had breakfast then popped to Lisa's no one in.
I rang her but she had been to work had only just finished at 1pm then Lisa and Geoff went to Cannock I guess they were shopping.
At least I am going to Kay's with Muffin tonight about 5.30pm.
I have been invited to dinner tomorrow at Christopher's love the house Malc.
I need you Malc I'm so lonely come home please and bring our Tigger, Butch ,Butch and Patsy . Muffin gets on with every one.
I miss you so much my darling .
Thank you for last night , you know what I am talking about .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart darling .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday October 2nd 2015 19.32pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a kind of busy day but still lonely.
I met the girls on the park except Julie thank god.
I then came home tried to fed Muffin but he was sick this morning .
Hasn't eat all day, hope he will eat tomorrow.
I left Muffin at home whilst I rode to Cannock to take something back and pop to dunelm to buy some curtains because the pole fell down Malc and ripped my curtains .
I have ordered some new cushions to they will come via the post.

decide to change colour accents .
I came back had lunch then Muffin and I went to visit Anita we stayed a couple of hours.
I then met my Mum and she came up to our house stayed a coupe of hours then I saw her down the road and I carried on to get a curry with Muffin on the scooter.

Now I am back home watching recorded programme because rugby on the telly Grrrrrrrrr.

I miss you my precious Malc so much I can't stand the loneliness with out you.
If I could have one wish it would be sent my Malc back in my arms.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling it might be late I'm going to Kay's.
Kiss Tigger and sent my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday October 1st 2015 17.50pm.

Today I haven't really had a great day.
I met the girls on the park this morning came home fed Muffin had Breakfast
Waited in for SAINSBURY'S to deliver some plates and Muffins food.
I then took Muffin a ride to Cannock talked to a couple of people .
I came home had a Baggett then took Muffin another ride ended up at Jayne's .
I have not long got back otherwise heard nothing from family.
They are all at work.
I suppose I have to settle to my own company.

I hate being on my own.
I will be staying innow watching television.
I miss you so much Malc I ache inside.
I want to keep crying I had a lump in my throat yesterday when I opened your card which I keep every year to put up from you every Birthday.
I will always keep it to pace on the window sill or hearth.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart my darling xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday September 30th 2015 16.58pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been quite a nice Birthday only one person missing YOU !!!!!,
I woke at 6.30 am and opened all my Birthday cards.
I have kept your card which you sent me two years ago which you wrote on bless you , you even remembered my birthday when you were in hospital.
That breaks my heart Malc knowing you were so unwell.
I love you my precious Husband with all my heart.
I miss you so much.
Lisa Geoff Jade and Finley had lunch with me for my birthday and Lisa gave me my Birthday presents .
She is very caring.
I have had a lot of cards and presents.
I am waiting for Christopher and Chanel and the chidren to come.
They said they were coming after picking the kids up.
I reckon they will come later now.
I think I have a mouse I keep hearing something in the kitchen scrating.
kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday September 29th 2015.20.16pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
What a strange but lovely day.
I met the girls on the park except Anita.
I popped into Aldi then went home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
Lisa and Geoff surprised me turning up this morning .
Geoff took Muffin and Max along walk and Lisa and had a cuppa and chat.
They are taking me to Wether spoons tomorrow for my Birthday
Then would you believe it Chanel rang saying Christopher and Chanel wanted to take me for a meal tomorrow too.
They were going to The WOLSLESEY ARMS.
I couldn't hurt Lisa so have opted to go with Lisa and Geoff.
I have sent a text to Chanel explaining and could I go with them another time.
I hope they do invite me soon.
They have a lot to do in the new house anyway.
Carole Banks came at 4pm and brought my card and present and stayed a couple of hours.
Kevin came to collect her.
I then went to chippy I was starving.
After the chippy Muffin and I went to Lisa's, Jade was there and Finley.
She didn't realise it is my Birthday tomorrow Lisa didn't tell her.
Out of sight out of mind !!!!.
When I got back Kay had just dropped my present off.
She gave me a hug and said have a good Birthday.
I then popped down my Mums had an hour , now back home with Muffin.

I have talked about you again today and miss you my darling.
I shall be sad tomorrow your not sharing my
Birthday but will be thinking about you.
Wishing you were with me.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday September 28th 2015 18.00pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
Today has been another enjoyable day.
Kay and Alan took me to Christopher's to see the house.
It was lovely she loved Baxter and both Alan and Kay loved the house.
We stayed an hour but I had to get back I had arranged to go to Karen's for the afternoon.
I think Chris and Chanel wanted to get on with things anyway.
I enjoyed my afternoon with Karen had a cuppa and a lovely cup cake she made herself.

I have got to try and do more creative things i'm just sitting watching television.
I think I will start painting art.
I have spoken about you again today , I try to every day.
I miss you my darling so much I wish you were enjoying this life instead of you in heaven.
I just want to keep on crying for you to come home with Tigger.
Oh Malc my darling I love with all my heart .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you for ever darling.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

by: rose

Sunday September 27th 2015 17.49pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
Today has really been nice after crying all night and losing sleep I finally spoke to Christopher and they are supposed to be coming down tonight.
Lisa and Geoff took Muffin and I with Max to Barton Under Need wood to The Marina for a meal.
Geoff took the dogs along walk and Lisa and I sat and had a drink.
Then we all had a meal.
We stopped off in Yoxall to a pub sat in the garden watching a balloon going up in the ground's.
I have talked about you today and been thinking about you Malc.
I thank you for helping me get through the day and night.
Muffin is shattered and I think they will bring Baxter down so Muffin will sleep a night.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 26th 2015 16.42pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I think this is the most lonely boring day I have ever had in all my life.
I have heard nothing from Lisa for nearly a week !.
I have seen or heard nothing from Christopher or Chanel .
I feel completely forgotten and un loved.
I feel Angry and upset.
I can't take Muffin out in case some one comes,.
I could cry all day , I had a terrible night cried my self to sleep.

Missing you more than ever Malc.
I can't tell you much today I haven't done anything.
I haven't seen anyone .
Only Anita at the park this morning.

OH Malc I never thought my life would be like this.
I wish I could drive I wish I had continued my driving lessons.

Kiss Tigger send my love to every one xxxxxxxxxxxx.
I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday September 25th 2015 17.29pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy .
Today has been a reasonable day , it started by meeting the girls on the park didn't stop long.
I popped into Aldi as I do every day .
Came home fed Muffin had breakfast then washed my hair struggled but did it.
Geoff took me to the valley centre museum to give Alex Smith £11. 50 for a medal for you working in Lea hall pit.
I will place it in my memorabilia box.
Geoff also took me and Muffin to Penkridge vets for Muffin's final vaccination until next year.
I invited Mum to lunch then Muffin and I went to Anita's for the afternoon.
I have just collected a curry from the curry shop .
I won't see anyone now over the weekend I doubt .

I now have to rely on television to occupy me .
I love you and miss you Malc my darling.
I prayed you would be here when I got back home but that is wishful thinking.
I don't know what to expect over the weekend .
Will anyone come or take me out ?.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday 24th September 2015 17.31pm.

Hello Malc my daling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad.
I met the girls on the park then popped into Aldi .
I haven't done a lot today met Karen for lunch at 12.30 Wetherspoons.
Not a good meal really but we had a chat.
I don't think I will be going for a while .
I have took Muffin two rides today because I left him for a couple of hours so I thought I should make it up to him.
I love him so much Malc he is my only company now.
Every one is busy with their lives.
Geoff is taking me to the vets tomorrow foe Muffins vaccination .
The nights are drawing in Malc 7.30pm and it's dark now.
I hate winter it's so lonely with out you darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one Malc.
I love you with all my heart darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday September 23rd 2015 17.06pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I have been very weepy and angry,
Especially with Anita .
She said she was poorly stiff neck and all .
But she managed to go to lunch with her friends and take Millie a walk mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I drove to Cannock today the new mobility scooter is great I have been to Cannok twice Hednesford twice and just got back from K AY'S .
I wish you could come home with Tigger, I have asked God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Oh Malc I felt so down this morning.
I saw Julie on the park but didn't acknowledge her.
She is so nasty and judgemental .

I have rang Geoff to ask if he will take Muffin on Saturday to Penkridge for his vaccination booster.

It's Autumn today and very cold , I wish I had you here to cuddle up to in bed tonight.
I am so lonely Malc I can keep asking friends to have lunch but it's not like having you at home with me.
I haven't heard from Christopher n signal and very busy .
I don't think I will see much of them now they have moved so far away.
I feel as if I have been abandoned.
Lisa is getting on with her life too.
I will just have to try and adjust to being on my own.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc miss you my darling so much.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday September 22nd 2015 17.52p.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
It's been 19 months today at 10.35pm since yu passed away and I feel very low today .
I miss you more than ever now Malc it's not getting any easier .
I feel I could cry all day.
I went to the park this morning late and guess who was there Anita with Julie mmmmmmmmmmmm.
A very rude loud woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I have been to Carole Banks for dinner today very nice .
She has changed her day to Tuesday now instead of Wednesday's.
I haven't heard from any one today , I know Christopher is busy so don't expect to hear from him.
Would have liked to hear from Lisa .
I wish you were here my darling I'm so lonely with out you .
I never ever thought I would be on my own .
I'm crying as I write this Malc I miss you so much.
My throat hurts with pain and I have a headache.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
I have ordered a medal presented to you for being a miner at Lea HALL COLLIERY.
I pay for it on Friday to Alex Smith at the Hednesford valley museum.
Then it will be delivered two weeks later.

Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday September 21st 2015 20.16pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Its been a very busy day .
Christopher has finally moved to his new house at CHEPSEY , Beautiful in a lovely hamlet.
It needs a lot doing to the inside but very nice.

I have been there al day not long come back lots still to do.
Geoff Beardsmore took me up to Christopher's and Carole Banks had Muffin for the day.
I have spoken about you again today and have been thinking about you aswell.
I miss you so much Malc especially when something is going on so special.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 20th September 2015 17.02pm
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been to bad had a lie in today met Karen and Neil on the park I went later .
I came back fed Muffin had Breakfast .
Your Sheila and Colin came this morning stayed a little time brought me an early Birthday present .
After they had gone I took Muffin a rude up the new road and down west hill .
Then Muffin and I went to Lisa's for dinner .
Stayed until 3.30 pm .
I am now at my Mums and will be going home soon .
Christopher has asked me to go to the old house tomorrow
Why they move house .
I'm taking Muffin hope all ends up well .

Looking forward to seeing the new house .
I miss you Malc so much I ache inside .
I have talked about you again today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one
Love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx,

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 20th September 2015 17.02pm
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Today hasn't been to bad had a lie in today met Karen and Neil on the park I went later .
I came back fed Muffin had Breakfast .
Your Sheila and Colin came this morning stayed a little time brought me an early Birthday present .
After they had gone I took Muffin a rude up the new road and down west hill .
Then Muffin and I went to Lisa's for dinner .
Stayed until 3.30 pm .
I am now at my Mums and will be going home soon .
Christopher has asked me to go to the old house tomorrow
Why they move house .
I'm taking Muffin hope all ends up well .

Looking forward to seeing the new house .
I miss you Malc so much I ache inside .
I have talked about you again today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one
Love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx,

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 19th 2015 17.00pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been so boring hardly seen any one today.
I met Anita on the park this morning spent quite some time talking.
took Muffin home had breakfast fed Muffin .
I then took Muffin to Lisa's the car's weren't there so assumed every one was out.
I then called later and when I got there They were both going to pick up Finley.
So I went a ride to Hednesford brought a cob and sausage roll it was dreadful .
Won't be going there again it was Tennants but they have changed hands.
I have just took Muffin yet another ride up the new road round high mount street back into Hednesford Aldi to buy a couple of things.
Back home now waiting for Kay to come with a kabab.
I miss you my darling so much I spoke to Elaine last night she is also grieving as you know David has also died.
I can't work out what is happening.
It frightens me who is it next.
I will writ e to you again tomorrow Malc hopefully with more to talk to you about.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday September 18th 2015 16.49pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
Today has not been too bad.
I met the girls on the park this morning then came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.

Chanel came bringing the carpet shampooer back and shredder.
She only stayed an hour had to get back for Christopher and collecting the kids from school.
They are very busy with moving on Monday next week.
I went to Cannock with Muffin and are just about to order a curry and then in for the night.
I have just spoken to Elaine who has recently lost her husband 12 weeks ago.
She like me is feeling very sad .
I miss you my darling Malc so much as I explained to her.
Your name is mentioned every day to someone.
Geoff came up to walk Muffin over the field .
I will write t you again tomorrow darling.
kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
Love you with all my heart Malc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday September 17th 2015 16.00pm.
Hello my darling my precious husband.
I haven't enjoyed today nothing much happening.

Started off by meeting the girls on the park.
Popped into Aldi for a coupe of things then home for breakfast and fed Muffin.
I asked my Mum to lunch she came at 11am had her lunch at 11.30.
She didn't even thank me .
Trouble is she expects to be waited on.
I then took Muffin a ride after she had gone home at 2pm.
I rode to Kay's not in then went to Aldi for some greens.
Lisa is coming for dinner nice.
I haven't heard from Chanel and Chris !!!!!.
She is busy though packing ready to move .
I guess I have got to get used to being on my own.
I will write to you again tomorrow sorry I haven't much to tell you.

Only that I miss you more than ever and will never get over losing you.
I love you with all my heart darling .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday September 16th 2015 18.11pm
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today not a bad day but missing you so much Malc.
I met the girls on the park this morning then Aldi for a few things.
Carole came for lunch and stayed until 4pm.
I then took Muffin a ride to Hednesford.
I dropped him of because I had to go to Tesco for a few things I can't by from anywhere else.

Chanel rang they have had their unit dropped today at the new house.
Haven't heard from Lisa today she is busy at work.
The weather is going to change over the next few days so should be a bit warmer.
I have talked about you today as I do every day to someone.
My heart is broken now you have gone ,I don't know if I will ever be happy again.
I don't want another man Malc , no one will ever replace or be a wonderful golden caring man like you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,kiss Tigger and send all my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc my darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday September 15th 2015 17.42pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.
Its been a good day today apart from the rain on and off.
I didn't take Muffin to the park only up the new road because Pete was doing my hair.

Then CHANEL CAME ASKING TO BORROW THE CIRCULAR SAW which I said they could keep I don't need it do I ?.
She stayed an hour then Lisa came to pick Muffin and I up to go see Jade's new house .
Its' lovely bless her.
She only has 4 weeks then her baby boy will be born.
They are naming him Carter ,.
Lisa took us into Walsall I sat on benches why they did the shops .
I have enjoyed my day apart from you not being here with me .
I will never be happy again not now.
I miss you so much my darling.
Miss you so much it hurts inside.
I just take each day as it comes.
The rest of the family get on with their lives.
It's what you would have wanted Malc.
I just find it hard !!!!!.
I love you and miss you so much.
Christopher and Chanel move house next Monday .
hopefully THE LAST HOUSE.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one xxxxxxx,.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday September 14th 2015 15.46pm.

Hello my darling malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has not been too bad.
Started by meeting Anita on the park .
Came back after Aldi and had breakfast fed Muffin but he hasn't eat yet.
Alan collected him for his groom at 11am.
We picked him up at 12.45pm.
I have been in most of the afternoon.
I am going out with your Jayne dickie daughter to TKMAXX and dunelm Cannock.
She is picking me up at 4pm.
I miss you so much my darling i'm not crying so much but feel sad inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow might have more to tell you.
I love you with a my heart Malc ,kiss Tigger and send my love to all who are with you.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday September 13th 2015 16.22pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I don't know where today has gone.

This morning I took Muffin to the park met up with Anita.
came back with Muffin had breakfast fed Muffin.
I popped to Aldi to get a few things.
Chanel came down with the kids and cooked dinner.
She popped off to get some bubble wrap for packing.
they stayed until about 3pm.
I have tidied up a bit since they have gone.
I kissed your picture today again , back to normal.
I love you and miss you Malc so much.
Glad to be back home I couldn't live with your Marg , she is a loose cannon.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and send my love to all who are with you .
Marg has sent old photo's of you when you were a little boy with Sheila.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 12TH 2015 22.20PM.
Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
What a busy day glad to be back home with my precious Muffin .
I have kind of enjoyed Guernsey but had a few niggles with Marg smoking and sitting in the dark.

I was happy to see Chanel with the kids collecting me from the air port.
I have had good weather so I can't grumble.
I have missed you Malc my darling and have thought about you talked about you wished I had come home and find you sitting on your settee.
I feel you are round me and you kept me safe thank you darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow with more to talk about.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and send my love to every one with you.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Ptecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday September 11th. 2015 pm .
Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger .
Today has gone Fairly quick .
Got up early got no choice with Marg .
Had to go to wait rose for milk , before I had breakfast .
Then we had breakfast and stayed in until 12 noon .

We then went to town and went to the garden centre I brought a winter jacket half price .
We had lunch and Jason rang picked us up and took us to see the house he and Nick are buying .
Very nice .

We are now back at your Marg's flat watching the Chase your favourite programme .
Can't wait for tomorrow to get back home
To cuddle my baby Muffin and my bed .

I love you my darling with all my heart miss you like crazy .
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC write to you tomorrow ❤️Xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday 10th September 2015 18.13pm
Hello Malc my darlin and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has gone quicker than I thought .
Marg and I got up at 7.15 am a bit early .

Had breakfast about 9am didn't leave until about 11.30am.
We watched they air show the red arrows and others .

Sat for sometime . Then we brought a sandwich and popped on the bus to Cobo bay going past grande rock where we went when we all came over with Lisa and Christopher when they were young.
It brought back happy memories .
I have missed you Malc today I filled up a couple of times .
I can't wait to get back home in our house
I miss Muffin too .
Two days and I will be home .
I'm tired though feel like sleeping all day long and sneezing through Margs cigs they stink xx
Another reason to leave the flat and go home .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling
Kiss tigger and send my love to every one .
Love you with all my heart xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday September 9th 2015 17.32pm
Hello my darlin Malc and baby boy Tigger .
Today has not been to bad .
Got up with Marg washed my hair had a shower stayed in until 11am.
Then we caught a bus to Guernsey pearl shop at St Martin had a lunch there too .
Yesterday we went to. Fritcher garden centre .
Both very nice .

Brought some key rings with dogs on for Lisa . Chris and myself .
Sat on a bench for a while looking out to the lovely scenery .
Came back to town now waiting for Jadon to ring us topics us up for z meal tonight .
Not a happy Bunny with Marg she has done nothing but moan about every one
Smoke in the livingroom I stink of cigs .
Can't wait for Saturday to come .
I rang Kay today , Muffin is fine .
Missing him so much .
I miss you Malc so much , kiss Tigger send my love to every one .
Love you with all my heart .
LOVE YOU FOREVER .xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.


My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday September 8th 2015 19.40pm
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy .
Sorry I haven't wrote the last two days stupid Marg didn't know
Her password for router so no net work .
This will be the last time I come over so making the best of it .
Jason is taking us for a meal tomorrow night .
Sorry it's short I will write to you again tomorrow darlin kiss Tigger send my love to everyone
Love you with all my heart Malc .
Love you forever xxxxx
Thank you Dee & Bunny xxxxx
Ps Missing you so much xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday September 6th 2015 21.19pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
It's been a very busy day today .
Started meeting Anita then came home had breakfast fed Muffin packed case.
Spoke to Chanel today went to Lisa's for dinner.
came back Stewart brought new freezer door , fixed skirting splash back done very nice .
All ready for Guernsey tomorrow.
I will miss my Baby Muffin but I know he will be well looked after.
I have spoken about you again today to Jayne today been up there 6.30pm until 8.30pm.
Going dark very early now don't like these dark nights with out you.
I may not be able to write to you from tomorrow as I am at Guernsey so forgive me if I can't.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger send my love to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 5th 2015 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.

I t's been a lovely day today with Chanel the kids and Lisa and Geoff.
They all remembered it was our 45th Wedding Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Malc darling xxxxxxx,.
I went to the park but didn't meet anyone I wanted to stay in bed .
Chanel came with the kids at 12 and Lisa came just after.
Lisa and Geoff took me to WETHERSPOONS at Hednesford for something to eat.

chanel and the kids watched a film then we came back and they all went home .
I am now waiting for Alan to pick me up going there tonight .
I miss you Malc so much and cried this morning thinking of our wedding I put something on face book and your Marg sent some pics of our Wedding which I put on face book.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 5th 2015 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.

I t's been a lovely day today with Chanel the kids and Lisa and Geoff.
They all remembered it was our 45th Wedding Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Malc darling xxxxxxx,.
I went to the park but didn't meet anyone I wanted to stay in bed .
Chanel came with the kids at 12 and Lisa came just after.
Lisa and Geoff took me to WETHERSPOONS at Hednesford for something to eat.

chanel and the kids watched a film then we came back and they all went home .
I am now waiting for Alan to pick me up going there tonight .
I miss you Malc so much and cried this morning thinking of our wedding I put something on face book and your Marg sent some pics of our Wedding which I put on face book.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 5th 2015 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.

I t's been a lovely day today with Chanel the kids and Lisa and Geoff.
They all remembered it was our 45th Wedding Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Malc darling xxxxxxx,.
I went to the park but didn't meet anyone I wanted to stay in bed .
Chanel came with the kids at 12 and Lisa came just after.
Lisa and Geoff took me to WETHERSPOONS at Hednesford for something to eat.

chanel and the kids watched a film then we came back and they all went home .
I am now waiting for Alan to pick me up going there tonight .
I miss you Malc so much and cried this morning thinking of our wedding I put something on face book and your Marg sent some pics of our Wedding which I put on face book.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 5th 2015 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.

I t's been a lovely day today with Chanel the kids and Lisa and Geoff.
They all remembered it was our 45th Wedding Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Malc darling xxxxxxx,.
I went to the park but didn't meet anyone I wanted to stay in bed .
Chanel came with the kids at 12 and Lisa came just after.
Lisa and Geoff took me to WETHERSPOONS at Hednesford for something to eat.

chanel and the kids watched a film then we came back and they all went home .
I am now waiting for Alan to pick me up going there tonight .
I miss you Malc so much and cried this morning thinking of our wedding I put something on face book and your Marg sent some pics of our Wedding which I put on face book.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 5th 2015 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.

I t's been a lovely day today with Chanel the kids and Lisa and Geoff.
They all remembered it was our 45th Wedding Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Malc darling xxxxxxx,.
I went to the park but didn't meet anyone I wanted to stay in bed .
Chanel came with the kids at 12 and Lisa came just after.
Lisa and Geoff took me to WETHERSPOONS at Hednesford for something to eat.

chanel and the kids watched a film then we came back and they all went home .
I am now waiting for Alan to pick me up going there tonight .
I miss you Malc so much and cried this morning thinking of our wedding I put something on face book and your Marg sent some pics of our Wedding which I put on face book.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 5th 2015 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.

I t's been a lovely day today with Chanel the kids and Lisa and Geoff.
They all remembered it was our 45th Wedding Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Malc darling xxxxxxx,.
I went to the park but didn't meet anyone I wanted to stay in bed .
Chanel came with the kids at 12 and Lisa came just after.
Lisa and Geoff took me to WETHERSPOONS at Hednesford for something to eat.

chanel and the kids watched a film then we came back and they all went home .
I am now waiting for Alan to pick me up going there tonight .
I miss you Malc so much and cried this morning thinking of our wedding I put something on face book and your Marg sent some pics of our Wedding which I put on face book.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 5th 2015 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.

I t's been a lovely day today with Chanel the kids and Lisa and Geoff.
They all remembered it was our 45th Wedding Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Malc darling xxxxxxx,.
I went to the park but didn't meet anyone I wanted to stay in bed .
Chanel came with the kids at 12 and Lisa came just after.
Lisa and Geoff took me to WETHERSPOONS at Hednesford for something to eat.

chanel and the kids watched a film then we came back and they all went home .
I am now waiting for Alan to pick me up going there tonight .
I miss you Malc so much and cried this morning thinking of our wedding I put something on face book and your Marg sent some pics of our Wedding which I put on face book.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday September 4th 2015 17.52pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

it's been a busy day for me today but I have seen any one since Anita and Karen on the park.
I have sorted fridge out packed a case for my journey took Muffin out twice seen no one , just popped into KAY'S for a quick 3/4 hour she was going back to Jason to get ready his house for selling.
I have asked Carole t pop round at 6.30pm for a couple of hours.
At least it's company .
I have spoken to Christopher today seems in a much better frame of mind with me.
He hired a cycle in London rode it to work after leaving the train.
I worry about him.
They are moving to the new house 21st September now only time the moving van can take their furniture.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you with all my heart , miss you more each day .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday September 3rd 2015 17.51pm

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Today not an exciting day at all.
I met the girls on the park talked for a while then came home had breakfast and fed Muffin.
I then took Muffin to Cannock to take an item back to boots .
I saw a lady who used to be the cleaner at the surgery I worked at spoke for a while.
I rode around Cannock for a while then came back home .
It's so lonely Malc with out you , I wish I came home to you every day now you have retired , it's so unfair.
What am I going to do with out you Malc ?.
What's happening to this world CANCER every where.
WHY WHY WHY WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????.

I have been to Anita's this afternoon just for company.
I am on my own now with Muffin in for the night.
It's so cold Malc no summer this year.
I'm going to see your Marg next week hope it's warmer there.
Jordan is house sitting for me and checking the post.
I don't know if Stewart with come to fix the freezer door and splash back and skirting board.
before I go.

There is not much more I can tell you tonight not a lot has gone on.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling might not be able to at Marg's but will try.
Kiss Tigger and send my love to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday September 2nd 2015 17.56pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I miss you my darling so much and you Tigger , I wish I could turn the clock back and have you here by my side.

Today I met the girls on the park for a while very cold this morning.
I came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
Chanel and the kids came at 12 noon and stopped until about 2pm.
They brought Baxter as well.
I was worn out by the time they had all gone but lovely to see them all.

I placed an order a couple of days ago with Asda and it should have been delivered at between 12 and 2pm.
I waited in all afternoon after finely it came at 5.30pm.
I didn't even receive the correct amount of dog foils for Muffin.
They are sending me 7 out to me tomorrow.
I am so fed up I couldn't go to Anita's either today.

The rain isn't helping .
I'm so lonely with out you Malc .
John Abbots house is up for sale now, he only has 3 to 6 months to live another one joining you Malc .

I will write to you tomorrow Malc , I love you with all my heart .
Love you forever darling xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday September 1st 2015 17.39pm.

Hello my darling Malc and baby boy Tigger.

Today hasn't been so bad.
I met the girls on the park then home for breakfast fed Muffin but he didn't eat until about an hour ago.
I then took him to Cannock and changed a few items at boots .
Came back had lunch then took Muffin a ride went up the new road called at Kay's but wasn't in.
so I rode down the Green heath road called in to see Jayne who gave me some bread pudding.
I'm just cooking sausage for a sandwich then if it doesn't rain going to my Mum's.
I talked about you again today Malc to a friend I used to work with and Les Gray's ex wife Gail.
I have felt very emotional again today missing you like crazy Malc it's not getting easier at all.
I heard from Jayne your niece that John Abbott has only 12 months to live another joining you Malc I'm frightened it's rife .

I will write to you tomorrow Malc darling .
I miss you so much and love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday August 31st 2015 17.43pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.

A better day today I tatted about this morning then Lisa rang asking if I wanted to go to Telford for a ride , Carole and Kevin looked after Muffin for me.
I quite enjoyed it.
I'm back home now chilling watching your favourite program the chase .

I miss you my darling and wish you could have come a ride with us.
I miss the talks the love the company the cuddles.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday August 30th 2015 18.05pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I haven't enjoyed today at all.
I can't understand today.
Christopher picked me up at about 12 noon after Kay picked up Muffin .
I'm a bit confused Christopher spoke to me as if nothing had happened.
He invited me to dinner and nothing else was said.

We went to the usual pub Norbury Junction had a drink then came back to have dinner .
I stayed about half hour after dinner then Chanel brought me back.
She didn't stop she usually does.!!!!!.
Cameron came with us , we picked up Muffin then here I am stuck in for the night.
On my own with Muffin.

As much as I love him .
I don't know what I would do with out him Malc.

I could cry tonight.
I miss you so much darling I can't tell you how much I hurt inside.
I need you so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger send my love to every one Malc.
I love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 29th 2015 16.48pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today I have been mainly on my own.
Except for Kay taking me and Muffin to the vets.
It is Muffins booster inj and examination.
All is fine .

Then know one has been in touch all out enjoying the bank holiday'
I think Lisa and Geoff have gone to Bridge North.

Then I took Muffin a ride to Cannock on my new scooter, it's lovely a nifty little thing.
Kay is coming for supper at 5.30pm so I thought I would cook a dinner.

I have got upset as none of my family have rang.
But nothing I can do about it.

I did go to the park this morning briefly saw Anita.
I am feeling very neglected at the moment perhaps I should just accept my family don't want me around.
Trouble is Malc I am a Librian and love company.

I miss you so much Malc.
You told me I would be on my own and lonely.
John Abbott will be joining you in a few months time poor thing Cancer !!!
I am so frightened Malc I don't want cancer and it's rife at the moment.
What's causing it all???????????????.

I will write to you tomorrow Malc , Kiss Tigger send my love to everyone who is with you .
I love you with all my heart darling .
My heart is breaking Malc so lonely with out you.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 28th 2015 19.20pm.

Hello my precious Malc and my Bixer dog baby boy Tigger.
Not a very good day today really.
I don't know what I would do with out my friends .
This morning my new scooter came it's lovely , not as big as my other one but a nifty little thing.
At least Muffin fits in it .
My little man is virtually with were ever I go.

It's his booster tomorrow Kay is taking me all the family are too busy enjoying their days out I think I am in for a very lonely bank holiday !!!!!!'.
I took my new scooter to Anita's today and passed Karen's house she saw it and said how lovely it was .
I feel so empty inside with out you Malc .
Ice cried again today missing you so much Malc .
I wish God would send you back , he took you too soon my darling , he took you by mistake .
I will write to you again tomorriowcitvmight be late but I won't fogey I promise .
I mentioned your band today and will every day my darling .
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday 27th August 2015 14.30pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy boxer.
I am in a very bad mood today from the start.
every thing has gone wrong what has to go wrong.
I feel so low in my self.
Christopher and Chanel upset me yesterday and its dug in my claw today.
Julie on the park said something to me which was none of her business.
I have been to Cannock today to collect a parcel then came back seen no one all day .
I was suppose to go to Kay's today she didn't ring and now it's raining .
Jason is popping in tonight for a coffee that's all.

Malc I miss you so much I always ask your advice about every thing now I can't .
I can't really get things together today.

I have been to Kay's since speaking had an hour with her .
Jason has been for a coffee stayed half an hour.

I'm considering going to my Mum's later not sure .

I hate being on my own .
Chanel hasn't been or rang thought she wouldn't .
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling , sorry I haven't had much to say today .
I love you and miss you so much Malc I'm crying as we speak because I have just looked at your picture you are smiling and I have just asked you come home,cuddle up to me and hold my hand.
Please God send my Malc back ??????????.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday August 26th 2015 17.56pm.

Hello My darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I did have a good day until I had a message from Chanel.
I won't put in this message.
I went to Carol's today for lunch had a nice afternoon.
Lisa should be coming tonight for an hour.
Christopher has just rang once again upset me.

Go on holiday with them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
what started off a nice day ended up me crying a bad day .

what will tomorrow bring eh ???????????????.

I can't tell you how unhappy I am Malc .
I wish you were here to comfort me.

I miss you so much it hurts.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc hope tomorrow is a better day.

I love you with all my heart darling xxxxxxx.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one for me .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday August 25th 2015 18.09pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my boxer dog baby boy.

Today a strange day, started by the chap from mobility came to service my scooter but found problems which would cost too much to fix.
So they are offering a good price for my scooter part exchange .
My new scooter comes on Friday looking forward to receiving it.
Karen my friend came today had lunch lovely catch up and company.

I have took Muffin out twice today so at least he has had a walk.

I have talked about you today again to Karen , I miss you my darling more than ever before .
I keep crying begging God to send you back.
If only you would come to me one more time just to let me know you are happy with all the family and are watching over me and the family.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and hug every one who is with you from me.
Love you with all my heart .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday August 24th 2015 15.45pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my boxer baby boy.

Today although have not been able to get out has been quite busy.
I took Muffin a walk around the back of the house then we had breakfast.
Your Sheila and Colin came and stayed for about 3/4 of an hour.
Then Jean and Geoff came and stayed for a cuppa.
while they were here Geoff came with Max and walked Muffin with Max he was away quite some time.

When he came back he put the mirror I brought second hand up in the garden.

Although I won't see any one else today it's not been a bad day in all.

I have talked about you again today Malc to your Sheila she said something silly as she left .
She said I have prayed today for Malc asking if he was with God , she said I know he used to ball sometimes , what on earth is she talking about .
You never balled who was she thinking about .
I think she is losing the plot.
they talked about Marg two faced really.
Marg say's she isn't coming in September now .
I have to travel on the plane on my own again.
when I go over.
I am disappointed I must say .
She says she can't afford it mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


My crying comes and goes sometimes worse than others I watched a programme on television this morning about whales jumping out of the water , it reminded me of Greece when you Christopher and I went on the boat and watched the Logger head turtles coming up from the bottom of the sea.
I cried thinking about us and how happy we all were.

Oh if only we could repeat those happy times Malc.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one who is with you.

I love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


i am diane hendricks. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after six(6) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when I was reading through the web, I saw a post on how this spell caster on this address, have help a woman to get back her husband and I gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that I will have my husband back. I believed him and today I am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because I am now happy with my husband. Thanks to Dr.Ogudu,you can email him with [] OR CALL HIM ON HIS MOBILE NUMBER +2348106058254 Good luck

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday August 23rd 2015 19.05pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my boxer dog baby boy.
Today has been wonderful.
I can't use my scooter at the moment so Muffin can't go for a walk in the park .
But struggled to take him just around the back of the house.
Chris my friend had Muffin for the day why I went to Christopher's for dinner, I didn't want Muffin chasing the geese so better he kept away.
Lisa came with Geoff at 12 noon and took me up to Christopher's, Chanel did a lovely meal and we all went to The Norbury Junction for a drink.
I really enjoyed the day with all the family, only one person missing You Malc .
I felt you were with us though , the kids talked about you with out us even mentioning your name.
How lovely was that ?.

They will NEVER forget you Malc.
We all mentioned you at some time in the day .
You would be proud Malc.

Your Marg isn't coming over in September changed her mind nothing new.

I hope Tuesday my scooter will be fixed.
It affects my life , I can't get out.
I'm trapped in the house .

I love you with all my heart MALC AND MIS YIU DARLING SO MUCH .
I talked to you around the back of the house wishing you were by my side walking Muffin.
I miss your company , love sense of humour , I miss every thing about you Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday. August 22 nd 2015 15.06 pm

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger .

A better day today , Lisa and Geoff came and took me to Tamworth after taking Muffin a walk because my scooter has broken down .
I was so upset yesterday .
We stayed a couple of hours .
I am at Lisa's at the moment until they go out .
Kay isn't coming either Higgins is poorly.
He has conjunctivitis and a temp.
That means I'm on my own tonight again .
I miss you darling so much it's been 18 months now since I lost you and I still feel the pain .
I hurt inside so much Malc .
I hope my scooter Can be mended .
I'm so lost with out it .
Christopher and Chanel with the children are going for a meal
Celebrating their 10 th Wedding Anniversary .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and every one with you darlin.
I love you with all my heart. Malc .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday August 21st 2015 16.49 pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger baby boy .

What a stinking day I'm crying as we speak .

The bloody scooter is playing up again it's rubbish bloody rubbish.
I'm so upset Malc.
I can't get out I've got to wait until next Tuesday before it can be looked at.
I'm fuming.
I have seen know one today not a soul.

I thought Lisa might have popped in or Christopher and Chanel.
I feel so alone Malc .
My Mum wouldn't even lend me her scooter.

I'm so angry and frustrated.
I miss you so much MALC IT HURTS I'M SO LONELY.
I haven't got anything to tell you today because I've done nothing been know where .
Sorry I am so angry I just want to give up !!!.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I won't see anyone now until tomorrow night .
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one for me .
I'm crying as we speak I'm so un happy .

love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday August 20th 2015 16.44pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
I have had a fairly good day today started off taking Muffin to the park then straight back because Lisa was picking me up to go to the new TKMAXX store opening today.

It was gorgeous and I brought quite a few presents.
We then came home I took Muffin back to Hednesford.
Lisa rang to ask me to go out tonight for a meal with them as a thank you for selling their tent.

It is very warm out there at the moment so should be nice.
It's Christopher's and Chanel's 10th Wedding Anniversary today hasn't it gone quick ?.

I am going to ask Carole and Kev if they will have Muffin Sunday why Lisa Geoff and myself go for dinner at Christopher's we have all been invited.

I miss you so much Malc I cried again this morning wanting you by my side.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc tel al about tonight and what ever is happening tomorrow.
I love you with all my heart Malc.
Kiss Tigger and all who are with you .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday August 19th 2015 16.47pm.

Hello my precious Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
I Haven't enjoyed today at all.
I met Anita on the park this morning and Karen .
was there for nearly an hour.

popped into Aldi came home fed Muffin had breakfast.
Stewart came to do the jobs he should have finished but didn't have the correct skirting or tools to do the splash back.
A waste of time.
He is going on holiday now so won't be back for two weeks .
I've waited this long can wait two more weeks.
Lisa might have sold the tent crossing fingers .
I put it on gum tree and someone is as we speak coming to look at it.
I don't know if I will see Lisa at all today.
So I'm a bit fed up
Kay has rang had a little chat.

Looks like I'm on my own the rest of the night.

I miss you Malc I cried again last night in bed
Thank you for last night again.
I just wish I could feel you next to me in bed .
I miss your cuddles Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one for me.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday August 18th 2015 18.50pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

I have not enjoyed today, met Anita on the park saw that Julie .
Came back home fed Muffin had breakfast.
I went to Cannock after talking to Stewart who say's he is either coming this evening or tomorrow to do the skirting and measure the glass splash back.
He say's the frigde door was damaged so ordered another one yet again mmmmmmmmmmmm, say's he is off on two week holiday tomorrow.
More time waiting to finish the kitchen .
Wish I hadn't given him all that money.!!!!.

I wouldn't recommend him.

I had my Mum for dinner just for company really .
She is all W ,.
I talked about you again to Mum and Anita this morning.

I feel so sad Malc I remember you saying , I feel sorry for you your going to be on your own get a companion , bless you Malc you didn't even think about yourself.
I love you and miss you so much Malc I just want to cry cry cry .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling not much more I can tell you today.
It's been such a lonely boring day.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
I love you with all my heart darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday August 17th 2015 19.03pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

Today has fled Malc , it started by meeting Karen and that Julie on the park.
I came straight back because a parcel was expected.
It came holiday clothes for January.
I went to your Jayne's last night always makes me welcome.
I might be going to supper with her in Norton canes with her work mates Friday.
I asked Anita if she wanted lunch today said yes but I did her a dinner instead,.
She did help me sort my knitting out .

I took Muffin up the new road after she had gone , they are digging up now over the skelly Bridge.
I am getting upset now Malc because I want you to see what changing around here.
I do hope you can see in spirit I feel like crying again infact I am Malc I'm missing you more than ever before darling.

Lisa is in Blackpool today with Finley and Toby with Geoff off to the tower and circus.
They are off to Southport tomorrow.

I miss you so much Malc so much.
I'm sitting here wishing this was all a bad dream and you will come through the door any time soon.
I love you my darling Malc with all my heart .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling , kiss Tigger and all who are with you for me.

Love you with all my heart , LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday August 16th 2015 16.58pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Today hasn't been to bad,.
It started by meeting Anita on the park and a chap called Brian with his dog BOYZEE.
We talked about school and Kingsmead teachers.

I went straight home and fed Muffin I had breakfast.
I popped to Tesco to buy a chicken and a few things.
Lost a small bouncy ball on the way back
But Tesco replaced it with another but far too big for Muffin.

Chanel and the kids came this morning stayed until 1.45pm.
I invited my Mum to dinner she came at 12noon had dinner spoke to Chanel and the kids .
Chanel left and Mum stayed until 3pm.
I then took Muffin to Hednesford searching in case I lost the rubber ball in town.
No joy I took Muffin to the park then Aldi and Band M for treats for Muffin.
I'm debating whether to go to Jayne's tonight they might be fed up of me.
I might ring and ask .
You know I don't like being on my own.
Lisa is away this week so no one all week .
I love you and miss you Malc more each day and don't think I will ever get over losing you.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss my Tigger say hello to every one who is with you.

Love you with all my heart darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 15th 2015 22.00pm

Hello Malc darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Iv'e had a good day today from the start.
I met Anita on the park came home had breakfast fed Muffin .
Lisa came this morning took me to Cannock went to M& co brought some summer clothes and from Dorothy Perkins.
After Lisa left I took Muffin a ride to Cannock.
Popped into Boots the chemist.
Brought a couple of things .
Came back home then Christopher Chanel and the kids came to visit, it was like old times Malc .
Only one person missing YOU!!!!!!.
They stayed quite some time.
After they left I popped to my MUMS because W is at Blackpool again.
I only stayed an hour.
I might invite her to dinner tomorrow.
According if Chanel and the kids have dinner here .

I have talked about you again today Malc you are never out of my thoughts.
Thank you Malc for helping get the family together again.
I have been to Kay's tonight she is such a good friend and Alan.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and all who are with you Over the Rainbow Bridge .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday August 14th 2015 16.12pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
What a surprising day.
I didn't go to the park today because it has rained most of it.
Christoper Chanel and the kids came this morning .
Christopher has booked a holiday for me and the family to Barbados 5 star hotel .
The only thing I'm worried about is a 9 hour flight not looking forward to that.
Also I shall miss my baby boy Muffin.
But it is a once in a life time experience.
I'm off to M& CO tomorrow to buy some summer clothes they are closing down.
Kay is having Muffin I will miss him.
I talked about you today to Christopher .
You are mentioned every day Malc .
I said I wish you were coming with us to Barbados.
I can't accept you have gone .
I cried again last night.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one.
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday August 13th 2015 16.33pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
Today has been a busy day , I met Anita on the park for a little while came back home fed Muffin had breakfast .
By the time I had turned around it was 11.30pm.
I took Muffin up the new road as I was about to go up Christopher Chanel and the kids were pipping and waving at me.

I turned back home and they stopped a good hour Christopher took some paper work to Paul as a witness to the new property .
Its going through they now have a gorgeous 300 year property cant wait to see inside.
I think they will be in by end of the month.
I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR THAT LOVELY KISS IN MY DREAM MALC LAST NIGHT , it made me feel happy I really felt your lips touch mine THANK YOU DARLING.
I only wish you were here kissing me and having a hug.
I cry every day for you xxxxxx.
Lisa and Geoff go away on Saturday for a week taking Finley and Toby .
Hope the weather holds for them.
They are going to stay out side Blackpool then on to Southport.
Christopher has asked me to go to THYLAND today in January its too far and it's for 10 days I couldn't leave Muffin that long.
He is putting Baxter in kennels.
I miss you so much Malc I want to hug you kiss you hold you in my arms .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss Tigger Butch and say hello to every one I'm thinking about them .

I love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday August 12th 2015 17.34pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I met Anita Karen and Julie on the park .
I brought a get well card for Roy an elderly chap who comes on the park every day.
He has had a stroke .
I asked all the girls and the park keeper to sign it and Karen who is a nurse will take it to Cannock hospital on the ward she is caring for him.

I came back home fed Muffin had breakfast which Lisa prepared for me as usual before she goes to work.
She gets me out of bed in a morning too.

I stopped in until it was time to go to Anita's .
I stayed from 2.30pm until 4.30pm.
I am now home waiting to watch emmerdale at 7pm and coronation street.
I know I'm sad but what else can I do I can't clean I can't garden , Chanel came yesterday to clear the needles which fell from the deadora tree.
I have been thinking about you again today Malc and crying because you should be here by my side enjoying life.

I miss you so much Malc it hurts .
Stewart the kitchen fitter is coming next Tuesday to fit the new freezer door on which his brother dented.

He is also fixing the skirting he threw away and hopefully changing the splash back to a more colourful one.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling.
Kiss Tigger and tell every one I love them all.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday August 11th 2015 18.17pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.

Today has gone so quickly, I met Anita and Julie on the park this morning didn't stop long.
Came back had breakfast fed Muffin.

Chanel brought the kids down stayed until 12PM.
Then I met Karen at Hedgeford lodge for lunch.
stayed a couple of hours enjoyed her company.
I then took Muffin to Cannock came back called into Lisa's on the way back for a cuppa.
I have been talking about you again today and cried to Lisa how I am missing you Malc.

Oh how I miss you darling.
I love you with all my heart Malc.
I will write to you Malc tomorrow ,kiss Tigger and say hello to every one send my love to my Dad Darren and your Mum and Dad.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday August 10TH 2015 17.52pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my baby boy Tigger.

Today has been a strange day , I met Anita on the park for a little while , I suggested either she came to me if it rained this afternoon or I went to her if nice.
It rained but her excuse was she had to sort her washing out , I'm beginning to think she doesn't want my company lately, its not as if I push myself on her.
I have texted Karen she is coming for a meal with me to Weatherspoon's tomorrow 12.30pm.
Sod Anita.
I feel very lonely today Malc missing you more than ever before, I can't explain how much I miss you.

Lisa came this morning to bring back Muffin's dish back I had left yesterday.
She has started her new job today up Rawnsley were I used to work.
Hope she settles to it she has been under a lot of stress.
I took Muffin a ride up the new road this afternoon they are starting to dig up the ground now getting it ready to build 350 houses.
Brooms is about to be knocked down to build I think 35 houses not 100% sure how many.

The house on the corner of Burgoyne street is don to the ground ready to build more houses.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
I love you with all my heart darling xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 9 th 2015 17.13pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my Baby boy .
Well I. Survived yesterday having the kids .

I was exhausted last night in bed for 10 pm and asleep .
Muffin woke me up at 2.30am being sick .
I went back off though .
We went to the park had choc , ice cream came home had dinner . Drawing making things .

They slept well got up this morning went a walk up the new road came back all had breakfast .
Chris and Chanel collected the kids went home .
Guess what Chris has asked me to go on holiday next January to Canary Islands
I was gob smacked .
I've been to Lisa's for dinner today .
Are things looking up I'm not holding my breath .
I talked about you again today Malc.
I miss you so much darling .
I prey one day you will come home with Tigger.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to everyone .
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 8th 2015 15.36pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today started by meeting Anita on the park didn't stay long.
I came home fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I asked Lisa to take me to Dunelm to buy a waterproof mattress cover incase The girls wet the bed.
She took me down and I brought one.
Then at 1.30pm Christopher dropped the kids off they are staying over night , Chris and Chanel are going to Rugby to a barbeque .
I have took them down the park with Muffin , it was too hot I brought them some sun screen and choc and ice lolly each .

We are back home now the girls are drawing , Cameron is on the ps3 you brought him.
We laughed today because Cameron said when you used to take him to Walsall to buy some tobacco you used to buy Cameron some games and he said you used to say don't tell Nan how many we have brought she will go mad.
I wouldn't have minded really.

Bless you Malc my darling .
I'm shattered today Malc I don't know if it's the weather or me just being tired.
I miss you so much Malc I just can't stop crying .

Each day seems to get worse.
I look at you photo on my phone every day and the picture on the wall , I kiss you every morning and every night.

Kay isn't coming tonight because of me having the kids.

I hope the kids enjoy staying with me tonight.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you with all my heart darling .

Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one for me.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday August 7th 2015 15.29pm.

Hello My darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

A better day today although I hd a phone call from Christopher asking if I would look after Baxter while they took the kids to Blackpool for the day.
I couldn't refuse really I fitted in a groom for Muffin Baxter was great with Muffin too.

The best groom Muffin has ever had.
I did manage to go to Cannock and Baxter was lovely on his own for an hour , Muffin was at the groomers.
It gave me a bit of freedom too.

I don't know when they will be back hope its not too late.

I talked about you again today Malc missing you so much darling.
I forgot to thank you for the night before . you know what I mean.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger say hello to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday August 6th 2015 15.32pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
I have felt very emotional today .
I even rang your Sheila asking if your Dicky was at the funeral and told her Roger hadn't called round.
I should have realised she backed him up and said she was his sister so was entitled to visit her.
I don't feel important to them now .
The weeks I visited her they have forgotten.
I have been very weepy today I think I am suffering from depression .
I hope it goes away because I don't want to go there.
I feel so alone Malc with out you.
I don't know what the answer is.

I miss you so much darling.
Come home to me Malc PLEASE XXXXXXXX.
I rode to Kay's but they weren't in they were at Jason's painting . .

I then tried Jade but she must have gone home from Lisa's.
I have texted Lisa to ask if she wants scampie and chips with me but she probably will say no.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc hoping I will be feeling more human.

Kiss Tigger and say hello to all the family who are with you.
I love you with all my heart darling .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday August 5th 2015pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a reasonable day.
Met Anita on the park saw Julie stayed a little while.
Came home fed Muffin had breakfast .
Chanel and the kids came about 10.35am stayed until 1.45pm.
Carole Banks came just as Chanel was leaving she had lunch with me stayed until 3.45pm.
Took Muffin a ride after every one had gone .
Now in for the night watching EMMERDALE .
Roger & wife went back to Spain and didn't even come to see me , never mind I will remember !!!!.
Jo and Kevin next door are having another dog as if there isn't enough barking with Bailey now I have to put up with two dogs.

I have cried again today thinking about you hoping you were walking towards me with a cig in your mouth .
Oh how I pray one day you will, maybe my dream will come true.

I miss you my darling more than ever .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger say hello to every one my darling.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday August 4th 2015 12.18pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger .
I'm writing to you early today because I don't want to miss sending you a message today it's a busy day .
I'm going to Anita's this afternoon back about 4pm.
I'm cooking dinner for Jayne Dagley then we are going to Stafford bingo.
Kay is having Muffin tonight.
Lisa is ok with me again I must be more sensitive because I can't get over losing you Malc.
I felt weepy this morning missing you so much.
Roger didn't come while he was over going to Edna's funeral mmmmmmm, not yours though did he .
I will never forgive him for that.
Not coming to his own brothers funeral.
I don't remember your Dicky coming either?.
I must ask Sheila.
I'm staring to feel bitter now with your family .
I feel I have been forgotten.
I know I'm moaning Malc but I feel so hurt.

Thank goodness I have friends .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling and let you know if I have won at Bingo.
I love you with all my heart Malc darling I can't express my feeling enough to you .
I wish I could hold you , kiss you and love you.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday August 3rd 2015 17.28pm.

Hello my darling Malc and baby boy Tigger.
A pretty uneventful day today.
I met Anita on the park didn't stay long.
Came back fed Muffin had breakfast then popped to Tesco.
Guess who raced me to the mobility scooters Wgrrrrr.
I came home stayed in until 2pm then rode to Anita's took my knitting.
Stayed until 4.30pm.
I am back home now watching television.
I have changed my insurance and cover for my boiler saving about a hundred pounds per year.

I miss you Malc and I have cried today to myself.
I don't know if I will ever stop crying.
It's not so often as it was when I first lost you but just a little something starts me off.
I talk to you every day and kiss you every day .

I will write to you again tomorrow MALC MY DARLING , I love you with all my heart .
Kiss Tigger and all the family who are with you.
I love them all.
I just wish you would come back to me I'm broken MALC.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday August 2nd 2015 16.27pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Not a good day at all, I met Anita on he park we arranged a meal at The BARNS Huntington .
I wasn't impressed to raw and too expensive.
I decided to take a ride to see Lisa for an hour .
when I arrived Louise Geoff's daughter was there
The look she gave me was un inviting.
Lisa shouted to Muffin OUT !!.
Then Louise decided to take Evie her baby up to bed.
Geoff was out walking Max , when he got Back I let Muffin out to play with Max he barked at Max .
Then Lisa moaned Evie won't sleep with that BARKING.She walked out of the room and went out side to talk to Jade and the dogs were out side.
Lisa was talking to our Jade on the phone.
I decided to go iut and put Muffin on the lead and take him home, Lisa shouted you are mardy and said your precious little dog!!.
She walked into the house and I went home crying again.
I have sent her a text but I don't think she is bothered.
I did say at the end of the text I hope you are never left on your own.
I have been to my Mum's but didn't stay long.
Malc I'm so sensitive at the moment missing you Anyone s upsetting me at the moment.
I spend a lot of hours on my own weekends especially.
Neither Christopher or Chanel have been in touch either.
I don't know what I've done Malc to deserve being left alone so long.
I have always loved them brought them what I could afford in fact spoiled them.
Perhaps I should have not bothered so much.
I miss you so much I don't this I will ever get over losing you.
I'm biting my nails again .
I am going to see your neice Jayne and Phil at 6pm tonight .
Cilla Black is joining you now she passed away today natural causes .
I don't think Lisa or Christopher realise how lonely I am and I don't think they are bothered.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I'm crying at the moment I'm so un happy .
I'm trying my best but your missing Malc !!.
I thought both my kids would look after me if I was ever left on my own and I know they have their own family, but I am disappointed and hurt.

Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one for me .
I love you with all my heart my darling.
I only wish you would come home to me and bring Tigger.
Muffin would love him.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 1st 2015 22.01pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
I'm shattered tonight had a busy day.
I met Anita on the park this morning then came home fed Muffin had breakfast .
I have heard nothing rom Lisa or Chanel and Christopher today.
I could be dead as far as they are concerned sometimes.
I took Muffin a ride a couple of times then Anita came stayed a couple of hours .
When she left I quickly rode to Tesco to get a pudding.
I started dinner and Kay came just after 5pm.
The dinner was successful , proud of my self.
I have talked about you again today to Anita and Kay , we talk about you every day.
You will never be forgotten My darling Malc.
I have cried again today missing you so much Malc.
I will never stop crying , it hurts so much inside.
Only Anita understands.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and say hello to everyone I love them all Dad as well .
Love you Dad xx .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday July 31st 2015 18.54pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
I have had a very boring lonely day today.
I met Karen and Anita on the park this morning not for long.
Came back took Muffin to Cannock had a ride round there.
I see people who I don't know and in Hednesford.
I came home looked through all my little fitment draws for the disc's I've lost money I've lost nothing and the gold thumb ring I can't find either.
I'm getting so worried I forget where I have put things safe.
I am getting very upset.
I spoke to Chanel this morning , they want me to watch the kids next Saturday why they go to Rugby to a Barbeque it's Christopher's BOSS'S 50TH birthday.
They are staying over night.
If it rains they won't go.
I have a very long lonely weekend to come.
I spoke your name again today I always will.
I keep thinking about you Malc and I want to just keep crying.
I love you with all my heart darling.
Please come into my dreams Malc I'm lonely and missing you.

I don't know if I will see any of the family over the weekend.
I have to keep trying to plan each day so I don't have to be on my own.
Even Anita isn't so close now.
At least Kay is coming tomorrow night .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Love you forever.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to all the family who are with you.
Les Gray passed away yesterday another with Cancer.

God bless you my darling xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday July 30th 2015 17.29pm.

Hello my darling Malc and baby boy Tigger.
Today I met Anita, Karen and Julie on the park .
Then came back home gave Muffin a meal had breakfast and waited until Geoff Beardsmore came to bring me a mirror for the garden.

I then took Muffin a ride round because I was going for lunch with Karen.
I did meet Karen but then who should come along was Julie and her sister in law Penny, well that ruined the lunch , don't like Penny .
I thought it rude of them to invite themselves along.
I only stayed an hour and half.
A bit disappointed.
I came home then took Muffin another ride .
We then went to see Kay and stayed until 4.30pm.

I have tried to contact Lisa Geoff and Jade because Poor Finley is in hospital.
Hope he is ok.?
I have talked about you again today Malc and cried.
I bumped into Phil Jayne's Phil your neice.
Lovely chap.
Might go away with her one weekend maybe.
I never go a day without your in my thoughts .
I cry every day praying and wishing you were here.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and all who are with you say hello for me.
Malc I love you with all my heart darling.
Thank you DEE and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Hello Malc my sweetheart and my Tigger baby boy.

Today even more strange.
I took Muffin to the park and met Karen and Julie.
didn't stay long because of getting back for Chanel.

I had the kids it wasn't too bad.
Then Chanel came back everything was good no heart problem.
I think she had just over done things.

She took me to see Auntie Hazel today she is 89 years old.
I wish My Mum would visit her.
After all she is the only living sister.
I miss you my darling so much I feel I have nothing to look forward to at he moment.
If I could just win the lottery it would help especially the kids.
Rogers mother in laws funeral today , marvellous they can come back from spain to her funeral but not to yours.
I'm angry really but have no say in the matter.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling I love you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger say hello to every one for me.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday July 28th 2014 17.17pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
Today a strange day, I took Muffin to the park met by Karen and Julie , Julie brought her daughters dog who had previous day attacked another dog.
He had already tried to bite Muffin and Anita's dog Milly.

I wasn't happy with her.
I came back home fed Muff had breakfast and by the time I finished Pete my hair dresser came .
He made a good job .
I then met Jean Beardsmore we had lunch at Wetherspoons, it was a nice meal. I cried again today though talking about you to her.
I miss you so much darling.

I came back then took Muffin a ride to Hednesford popped to get him some worming tables.
I then popped in Aldi to but something for our meal Saturday.
It's Aunt Hazels birthday tomorrow she is 89 years old.
Chanel is taking me the kids and Muffin to surprise her after Chanel has been to hospital
Hopefully it should be a nice day.

I don't think I will hear anything from Lisa she has Jade for a few days,
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , love you with all my heart darling,xxxxxx.xxxxx
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday July 27th 2015 .16.55pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I haven't enjoyed today, it started by meeting Julie on the park mmmm not a pleasant lady always moaning.
Anita is at her son's
I came back home after Aldi I popped to see Hazel green who I worked with at the print craft press.
We go back a long way.
She made me a cuppa , I had asked her to lunch but she had a hospital appointment.
I did go to Hednesford later after feeding Muffin and having breakfast .
I then took Muffin a ride to see Jade at Lisa's and Finley.
I took her lunch.
Stayed an hour then drove home then went to Hednesford.

I have spoken to Kay today and she will have Muffin why Jayne and I go to bingo at Stafford. 4th August.
She is one golden lady.
I am crying at the moment Malc I can't cope Malc I miss you so much it HURTS !!!!!!!!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you with all my heart tell Tigger I love him too.
Kiss him and say hello to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday July 26th 2015 18.36pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a bit mixed up.
Started off meeting Anita on the park not for long won't see her until next Thursday.

I came home fed Muffin had breakfast and waited until Chanel came with Cameron, Ellie & Georgia .
They stayed until 1.45pm, she curled my hair today it did look lovely.
Then Lisa came took me to The Barley Mow for a meal which I treated them too.
Lisa treated me when I went to Eccleshall.

I was hurt though when I asked if I could come to hers and see Jade as she had just lost her friend to Cancer and had recently had a baby .
Lisa said not tonight Mum we want to be on our own.
It's not the first time she has pushed me away.

I am feeling very sensitive since losing you Malc.

I feel I need all my family around me at the moment.
I have rang my Mum tonight she is as board.
I have just got back from riding Muffin up the new road on my mobility scooter.
I am so lonely Malc .

I am not being selfish but I need company .
I am the sort of person hates my own company..

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling , kiss Tigger and say hello to everyone . looks like another person joining you with Cancer bless her. her Name is Annie .
Love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday July 25th 2015 21.44pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I have had a boring day today from the start.
I went to the park no one there came back had breakfast and was going to Cannock until it started raining.
I had a boring day in , then the sun came out I decided to take Muffin to Lisa's she was sitting in the garden why Geoff was cleaning Max's bed.

I had a cup of tea stayed an hour then came home.
I sorted a few things in the shed then came in.
Kay rang me early and picked me up on the way back from shopping .
I have just got back .
Muffins had a bath .
I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring hope Chanel comes with the kids.
Or it's another day in on my own.
You were right Malc I am on my own most of the time, and it hurts .
I miss you so much darling I cry every day .
I posted you picture on face book this morning.

Lisa and Geoff have gone to the Aquarious to a party tonight.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,kiss Tigger and all who are with you .
Love you and miss you with all my heart Malc.
Love you forever my darling .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday July 24th 2015 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
I'm crying at this moment, I have just been looking at your picture on the front of this lap top you look so alive I only wish you could jump out of that picture and hold me .
I'm so lonely Malc !!!!!.
I will never get over this .

I don't know what keeps me going really !!!.
I saw the girls down the park this morning not Anita .
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast .
I did try going to Hednesford a bit later in-between the showers.
It's poring down now so I will have to wait for my curry tonight .
Your Sheila rang asking how Chanel was excuse to speak to me as I had, had a go at her last time we spoke.

I'm not happy with her at all.
I visit Jayne yesterday I'm not sure if I told you this yesterday.
I was so bored this morning I asked my Mum to come for lunch , she came .
Oh Malc I can't tell you how much I miss you .
Elaine who used to get on the bus with me to Lichfield cremated her husband today .
I don't know whats happening Malc why are so many people dying of Cancer ????????????.
I pray no one else in the family does.
it frightens me.
Chanel rang today all seems good buying the house waiting for a certain legal document and searches to come back.
I do hope they get it.
It's a beautiful house.
You would love it.
Please come to me Malc in my dreams will make me happy or your smell.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling lov you with all my heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one.
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday July 23rd 2015 16.08pm
Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.
I have been crying today missing you . I was playing music from my iPhone and thinking about you as I played the songs .
Malc will never ever get over losing you.
I don't know if I will cope much longer.
I get a strange feeling in my stomach frightening feeling inside .
You were my support, my rock.
I can't help thinking if only I could have done more for you.
I wish they could find a complete cure for Cancer.
I went to the park this morning met Karen Pat Julie and Anita.
Didn't stop long.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast and played the music from my phone and got very upset.

I miss you so much Malc if I could have joined you today I would.
I have to think of Muffin.
Chanel didn't come today or will until the weekend , they are sorting the house out before they move.
I think they will get this house , hope so its beautiful.
I got so upset I phoned your Jayne and went up for a visit I took lunch too.
we talked for a couple of hours.
I didn't want to over stay my welcome.
I said good bye and popped down Hednesford for some pasta sauce from Aldi.
I'm back home now writing to you missing you .
Lisa seems better she has an appointment next Thursday with her doctor they may arrange a scan.
I'll write to you again tomorrow Malc
God I miss you darling I'm crying as I type my heart is breaking Malc.
Come and comfort me PLEASE !!!!,.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Love you with all my heart darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday July 22nd 2015 17.53pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
Today I met Karen and Julie on the park stayed a little while Anita couldn't come.
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin and waited in for Jean Beardsmore .
Bless her she stayed a couple of hours.
Then Geoff picked her up.
I went to Carole Banks for lunch well dinner really it was so big.
stayed until 3.45pm.
Kevin brought me back .
I have changed groomers I'm trying Kay's dogs groomer Tony .
I saw how he did Max our Lisa's dog yes that's right Lisa has had Jade's dog Max .
He is lovely and Muffin gets on with him.
Faye the girl who usually picks Muffin up for his groom has gone berserk because I have cancelled Muffin's groom.
She is not very professional , I apologised for not having Muffin any more but she wouldn't have it.
I do hope she doesn't cause a problem.
I do have to pay a bit more for his groom but hope he makes a good job of him.
I have been talking about you again today , you will always be mentioned and in my thoughts.
Kay is thinking of moving to ROSS-ON WYE ,.
I do hope she doesn't she has Muffin when I am away or a day out.
I just going to ring Lisa to see if she is feeling better.
I have told her to ring her GP TO ARRANGE A SCAN.
I love you Malc with all my heart. I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger and say hello to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday July 21st 2015 17.47pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
Hope your both happy and well.
I smelt your sweat this morning Malc by the side of my bed on your pillow.

Today I MET Karen , Pat and Julie on the park this morning chatted a little while.
I then called into Aldi for a couple of things.
we went home had breakfast fed Muffin and before I knew it Chanel and the children then Chris came they stayed about an hour.
It was lovely seeing them all.
Geoff rang this morning said Lisa was in hospital in the night severe stomach pain , the hospital put her on a drip for a couple of hours .
She came home and Geoff switched off all alarms and phone.
But she still went to work ,silly girl.
The hospital think she might have gall stones.
She has got to go to her doctors for a scan.
No fatty foods they have told her.
I have been talking about you again today and thinking about you as I do every day.

I miss you my darling more and more each day passes.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , kiss Tigger and all the family love you all.
Love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday July 20th 2015 17.23pm.
Hello darling my precious Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
A boring day today, I can't plan any thing because it always falls through.
I met Anita on the park and Karen and Julie.
I wasn't happy with Anita she seems a bit off.
Also Karen seemed a bit strange today too or is it me.
Geoff came and put up my clock out side front garden.
He got soaked going back home he had walked Max and didn't realise it was going to rain.
I had said I would go to Anita's but as it was raining I suggested she came here.
She cried off yet again.
I getting a bit fed up with her.
she does what she wants to.
I told your Sheila off yesterday because she keeps telling me not to tell people things and don't say anything to whoever she is losing it Malc.
I really don't care if she never visits again.
When they both come she talks about funerals , her health or who has died in the village.
I am waiting for Jason to come but I think he has forgotten.
I want him to put a couple of pictures up your new canvas and a bulb has gone in the bathroom.
I can't do things like that .
I have been listening to my music our music and crying It brings back memories and up sets me to think you aren't here with me to listen and sing along, I did pop to Cannock and took something back to new look Muffin went a ride.
I miss you Malc and won't ever get over losing you , I'm broken Malc .
I'm feeling very angry at the moment and it worries me .
I might pop to my Mums tonight if it doesn't rain .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and say hello to all who are with you.
I love you with all my heart darling , LOVE YOU FOREVER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday July 19th 2015 17.19pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
A very disappointing day to start ,
I knew I wasn't going for dinner today at Christopher's Chanel sent a message.

So I resigned to the fact I was having dinner on my own.
I took Muffin a ride up the new road then came down west hill turning into high mount street into station road just about to pass the church when I saw Anita leaving at 12,10pm.
She said she couldn't have Muffin for me today because she was going to church leaving after 12. 30pm and chatting with the church members .
Never mind I drove by her so she could see me then went to the park with Muffin.
I rode him round he walked by my side theni headed home.
I bumped into Your Roger and his wife who as you know has lost her mother.
They said they would be here a fortnight sorting things out with the family and the funeral.
I headed home .
I missed a phone call from Geoff who was going to ask me to go to Chase water to late .
As they came back Lisa rang asking would I like dinner.
I had already brought one from Boogallos but will put it in the fridge until tomorrow.
I didn't tell Lisa.
just got back , I'm shattered today I didn't have a very good nights sleep . hope I will make up for it tonight.
I prayed you would come back to me Malc I desperately need you at the moment.
My life is empty with out you Malc.
I'm so lonely.
See what tomorrow brings.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling Love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger YOU KNOW I KISS YOU AND tigger's picture every morning and night.
LOVE YOU FOREVER say hello to every one darling .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday July 18th 2015 22.32pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
What a mixed up day it's been.
It started my meeting Anita on the park for 10 minutes.
I then went home fed Muffin had breakfast and waited until Lisa picked Muffin and I up , Muffin was going to Kay's and Lisa and I to Christopher's.
When we got there Chris took Lisa and I to see the house only the put side the owner was out. Shame..
You would love it Malc.
hope you can see it Malc.
after we saw the house we all went to Ecclshall looked at the shops and had lunch.
enjoyed by all.
Lisa dropped me off then Muffin and I went to see your niece Jayne and I took a canvas of you she asked for she loved it.
I stayed an hour then came home because Kay was coming for supper.

We watched two films now she is back home.
I think I am going for dinner tomorrow at Chris's but I will have to take Muffin because Kay is going out with Jason for dinner.
He has borrowed out pressure washer hope he looks after it.
Kay has got to give me my plaques back she has moved them and forgotten to bring them back.
I will ask for them next time I go down.
I have talked about you again today and miss you my darling so much.
I feel a bit flat tonight Malc wishing I could talk to you about what is happening each day.
I'm frightened each day what it will bring.

People think I am ok now it's 17 months since you lost your life Malc and I will never forget you my darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc hoping a bit happier and not on my own.
I love you with all my breaking heart Malc .
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday July 17th 2015 14.37pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger .
Hope your both well .
It' been a nothing day today, I met Anita Karen and Julie on the park this morning talked a while , popped into Aldi brought a sandwich maker.
I came home hoping Mum would come to lunch but he changed her mind he thought it was going to rain.
It didn't.
So I decided to go to Kay's and have just got back had a couple of hours with her.
I'm waiting for Lisa to come so I can give her a canvas of you actually I think I will take it down instead .
As I was coming home from Kay's I was thinking about you and started to cry, I miss you so much Malc , I spoke to a lady on the park who lost her husband a year ago she is thinking and doing the same as me so I am normal.
I am going to Christopher's with Lisa tomorrow and Your neice Jayne is taking me to Penkridge in the afternoon.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling ,kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Love you with all my heart darling .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday 16TH July 2015 15.22pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.
A strange day today it started I nearly stayed in bed feeling full of cold snotty nose horrible cough.
I called in the surgery after meeting Julie and Anita on the park.
I asked for something to ease my chest irritating cough.
when I got home the DR rang me and suggested an anti biotic so it was ready with in 5 mins after speaking to the Dr .
Your Sheila came up with Colin a waist of time they topped half hour.
I told them too.
Chanel is still in hospital having more test a scan e.t.c.
Christopher seems angry bit that is the way he handles thing , always takes it out on me.
It's a waiting game really now hope they don't find anything serious.
I hope it's just stress.
The kids break up on Friday for 7 weeks hope she is out for then .
It's going to be difficult if she isn't.
Perhaps today they might find a small problem.
Jason is coming after work to connect my new television in the bedroom.
Lisa finished work today at 1.15pm she has gone to see jade
I love you Malc and miss you more each day I feel so weak I can't find the energy to cry today .
I ache all over and have ear ache and headache.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger and say hello to every one, I will keep you up to date how Chanel is .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday July 15th 2015 18.30pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have been up most of the night snotty nose couldn't breath ,.
I had a phone call from Chanel this morning she had chest pain and numbing in her left arm.
She went to the doctors and they took an ECG which was abnormal.
They sent her to Hospital and have kept her in for tests.
Crossing fingers she will be ok.
I went to a séance last night My DAD came through but not you.
A few things were said but I wasn't impressed really.
I miss you Malc so much I have spoken about you to Carole Banks today. I gave her a Birthday present for Saturday.
I might go to my Mums in a while or might just lie on the settee I'm shattered
I will write to you again tomorrow darling, kiss Tigger tell him he was mentioned last night too.
Say hello to everyone love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday July 14th 2015 15.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
I have a runny nose and sore throat today.
Trust me to be poorly when I'm off to the nest tonight for a buffet and séance.
I'm hoping you will be there too.
Good news today for Chris and Chanel the house they viewed yesterday have accepted their offer.
Just the searches to come through now.
You would love it Malc, it' very old and huge.

My stomach turns over at the thought of not seeing you ever again , I get quite emotional MALC Missing you so much it hurts inside.
I going to take Muffin up the road to nowhere in a minute .
I've just spoken to Kevin about tonight having Muffin I'm sure it will be ok.
I will write to you again tomorrow my precious I will kiss you picture as usual tonight and Tiggers.
I'm having some more canvas' printed so Lisa can have one and Your Neice Jayne wants one.
Kiss tigger and say hello to every one who is with you Good night my darling until tomorrow .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday July 13th 2015 16.58pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
Not such a good day today it's rained most of the day .
First yesterday I had a lovely day with Chanel and the kids we went to look at the outside of a house Chris and Chanel are viewing a we speak the last chap backed out had dinner and Chanel brought me home they stayed a little while.last night I went a ride round ended up at your Dicky's Jayne and had supper took Muffin lovely evening.
Today I have seen no one only managed to pop out in between the rain to take a parcel back and get a couple of things.
Jason is looking for a television for our bedroom finely the one you carried from Birmingham on the train is no longer working because of digital .
I spoke about you again last night to Jayne , she wants a canvas of you bless her.
Spoke to Chanel this morning about you.
Hope the house they are viewing is what they want.
They will ring me later.
I think.
The kids have all had a wonderful report you would be proud of them.
I haven't heard from Lisa , I think she has something on her mind.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
I love you with all my heart and miss you like crazy darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

Testimonies about a Real spell caster NEW
by: Katie Morgan

My name is Katie Morgan, and I am very happy for posting on this blog on how a great spell caster helped me in bring back the love of my life. I know there are lots of women like me out there who have done so much to have back their Husband, I am here to tell you all to search no further because the answer is right here. I sincerely believe if there are up to five spell casters like DOCTOR CANDOVA this world would be a better place, I have seen people complaining on how fake spell castes promised to help them but couldn't but with DOCTOR CANDOVA I tell you your problem is solved already. My Husband and I had been apart for 3 YEARS and I couldn't bear without living without him, I have tried everything to have him back but nothing was working until I saw numerous testimonies about a spell caster call DOCTOR CANDOVA and how great his work is. I contacted him via email immediately and follow the step that he ask and in the next 48 hours my ex lover called me and was eager for my forgiveness and that he wished nothing more than to have me in his arms forever. I filled so much joy and happiness that I found DOCTOR CANDOVA, I hope you all here will find this testimony of mine and get your husband back in just 48 hours. DOCTOR CANDOVA contact is CANDOVALOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM or you can call him on +2347030393888 you are the next to share your testimony to every one.

Testimonies about a Real spell caster NEW
by: Katie Morgan

My name is Katie Morgan, and I am very happy for posting on this blog on how a great spell caster helped me in bring back the love of my life. I know there are lots of women like me out there who have done so much to have back their Husband, I am here to tell you all to search no further because the answer is right here. I sincerely believe if there are up to five spell casters like DOCTOR CANDOVA this world would be a better place, I have seen people complaining on how fake spell castes promised to help them but couldn't but with DOCTOR CANDOVA I tell you your problem is solved already. My Husband and I had been apart for 3 YEARS and I couldn't bear without living without him, I have tried everything to have him back but nothing was working until I saw numerous testimonies about a spell caster call DOCTOR CANDOVA and how great his work is. I contacted him via email immediately and follow the step that he ask and in the next 48 hours my ex lover called me and was eager for my forgiveness and that he wished nothing more than to have me in his arms forever. I filled so much joy and happiness that I found DOCTOR CANDOVA, I hope you all here will find this testimony of mine and get your husband back in just 48 hours. DOCTOR CANDOVA contact is CANDOVALOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM or you can call him on +2347030393888 you are the next to share your testimony to every one.

Testimonies about a Real spell caster NEW
by: Katie Morgan

My name is Katie Morgan, and I am very happy for posting on this blog on how a great spell caster helped me in bring back the love of my life. I know there are lots of women like me out there who have done so much to have back their Husband, I am here to tell you all to search no further because the answer is right here. I sincerely believe if there are up to five spell casters like DOCTOR CANDOVA this world would be a better place, I have seen people complaining on how fake spell castes promised to help them but couldn't but with DOCTOR CANDOVA I tell you your problem is solved already. My Husband and I had been apart for 3 YEARS and I couldn't bear without living without him, I have tried everything to have him back but nothing was working until I saw numerous testimonies about a spell caster call DOCTOR CANDOVA and how great his work is. I contacted him via email immediately and follow the step that he ask and in the next 48 hours my ex lover called me and was eager for my forgiveness and that he wished nothing more than to have me in his arms forever. I filled so much joy and happiness that I found DOCTOR CANDOVA, I hope you all here will find this testimony of mine and get your husband back in just 48 hours. DOCTOR CANDOVA contact is CANDOVALOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM or you can call him on +2347030393888 you are the next to share your testimony to every one.

Testimonies about a Real spell caster NEW
by: Katie Morgan

My name is Katie Morgan, and I am very happy for posting on this blog on how a great spell caster helped me in bring back the love of my life. I know there are lots of women like me out there who have done so much to have back their Husband, I am here to tell you all to search no further because the answer is right here. I sincerely believe if there are up to five spell casters like DOCTOR CANDOVA this world would be a better place, I have seen people complaining on how fake spell castes promised to help them but couldn't but with DOCTOR CANDOVA I tell you your problem is solved already. My Husband and I had been apart for 3 YEARS and I couldn't bear without living without him, I have tried everything to have him back but nothing was working until I saw numerous testimonies about a spell caster call DOCTOR CANDOVA and how great his work is. I contacted him via email immediately and follow the step that he ask and in the next 48 hours my ex lover called me and was eager for my forgiveness and that he wished nothing more than to have me in his arms forever. I filled so much joy and happiness that I found DOCTOR CANDOVA, I hope you all here will find this testimony of mine and get your husband back in just 48 hours. DOCTOR CANDOVA contact is CANDOVALOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM or you can call him on +2347030393888 you are the next to share your testimony to every one.

Testimonies about a Real spell caster NEW
by: Katie Morgan

My name is Katie Morgan, and I am very happy for posting on this blog on how a great spell caster helped me in bring back the love of my life. I know there are lots of women like me out there who have done so much to have back their Husband, I am here to tell you all to search no further because the answer is right here. I sincerely believe if there are up to five spell casters like DOCTOR CANDOVA this world would be a better place, I have seen people complaining on how fake spell castes promised to help them but couldn't but with DOCTOR CANDOVA I tell you your problem is solved already. My Husband and I had been apart for 3 YEARS and I couldn't bear without living without him, I have tried everything to have him back but nothing was working until I saw numerous testimonies about a spell caster call DOCTOR CANDOVA and how great his work is. I contacted him via email immediately and follow the step that he ask and in the next 48 hours my ex lover called me and was eager for my forgiveness and that he wished nothing more than to have me in his arms forever. I filled so much joy and happiness that I found DOCTOR CANDOVA, I hope you all here will find this testimony of mine and get your husband back in just 48 hours. DOCTOR CANDOVA contact is CANDOVALOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM or you can call him on +2347030393888 you are the next to share your testimony to every one.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday July 12th 2015 18.08pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
A good day today I took Muffin up the new road this morning but we got soaked raining heavily.

I waited until Jason came to sort my television box out all sorted.
But the television up stairs needs tuning.
Jason is coming back perhaps tomorrow.
I waited until Chanel came with the kids to pick me up for dinner , Jason took Muffin to Kay's so he wouldn't chase the geese at Christopher's.
I have talked about you again today Malc always will.
I miss you so much darling.
I cried again this morning.
I am a bit bored now but nothing I can do about.
it .
It's company your company I miss Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling ,kiss Tigger and say hello to everyone .
Love you with all my heart Malc .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday July 11th 2015 17.21pm.
Hello mr precious Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
Today a strange day ,.
I met Anita on the park then came home had breakfast fed Muffin.
I was picked up by Anita and we went to Rugeley to the knitting shop and Morrisons.
Came back went to See Lisa who I felt didn't greet me very well .
The dog Max was very jumpy she put him in the kitchen.
I didn't stop long as I didn't feel welcome.
Muffin is 3 years old today bless him he has had a quiet day really.
I miss you my darling so much I still can't believe your not coming home .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc sorry it's short today not much to tell you really .
Oh That house Christophe was buying the chap pulled out.
Christopher has lost 1.200 pounds in search fees.
he's fuming.
He is of to London in the morning early hours. back on Monday.
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and say hello to all who are with you.
Thank yiu Dee and Bunny xxxx

My precious Tigger My boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

This message is for miss Kelly please don't send anymore messages about casting spells
Read my messages properly
My Husband and my dog have both died
This site helps me cope by writing to them over the rainbow bridge .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday July 10th 2015 18.06pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my Baby boy.
Hope your both well and happy.
Today I have had a reasonable day, met all the girls on the park today stayed about half an hour.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast then decided after washing my hair went to Cannock to collect my glasses and rode round looking at the shops.
I popped into Boots to buy a couple of things and talked to the girls.
I came back home fed muffin and we both went to Anita's for the afternoon.
just been to collect a curry and are settling down to the soaps.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring hope the lottery .
I would love to help our Lisa and Chris by their own house.
I think Anita might be taking me to Rugeley tomorrow to sort my knitting out.
I will hope Lisa will be in touch tomorrow !!!!.
I have only seen her once this week and that was to do her Jade and Finley a dinner.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc you know I love you forever and will mention your name every day.
I did go to Elaine's for an hour last night to comfort her after losing Dave Smith her husband
It hasn't really hit her yet.
I love you with all my heart Malc and miss you more as each day passes.
Kiss Tigger and all who are with you send my love
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

you are the best marriage spell caster NEW

I Met a Powerful Spell caster and Psychic from India by name Dr Bully, He is very real, Honest and Genuine.. He helped me get my lover back, there is no bad or negative effect.The Psychic uses white Magic and he helped me get my Lover back, it worked in 2 days.. My lover came back to me, apologized for leaving and now we are back together and as happy as ever… I will encourage and recommend anyone to contact the spell caster and ask him for help.. He does all kinds of spells asides love spells. just tell him your situation and he will help you… you can email him directly on or check him directly on his website at (his Facebook name is Kareem Abhida and his Facebook page is Dr Bully Temple""" he is the answer to your problem..once again the email address is

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday July 9th 2015 16.36pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

Today hasn't been to bad really.
I met all the girls on the park this morning .
Then went home had breakfast fed Muffin .
Waited until 12.30 Muffin and I were invited to lunch.
Very nice Karen did a salad .
I stayed until 3.45pm.
I am home now watching Tipping point programmes all night.
Weather hasn't been to bad today,.
I'm not sure if I will go to see Elaine tonight as she has lost Dave her husband as you know.
I spoke about you again today Malc to Karen .
I miss you so much Malc and my Tigger and family.
I don't think I will see Lisa today she spends a lot of time with Jade and Finley now.
Can't blame her she worries about Jade.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling .
I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and all who are with you darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday July 8th 2015 18.01pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my boxer baby boy.
Today has been a good day.
I met Karen , Anita & Julie on the park this morning stayed for a while talking.
I then went straight home to feed Muffin and have breakfast .
I waited until 12.30pm then Kevin picked me up to go to Carole Banks for lunch , well dinner really .
Kevin went to bed saying he wasn't very well.
Carole and I had a good afternoon.
Then Jean Beardsmore texted me to say she had brought a pair of white leggings which after Kevin dropped Muffin and I off . I rode him and I to Jean's to pick them up, stayed until 5.45pm.
Karen my friend has asked me to hers for lunch tomorrow 12.30 -1pm looking forward to going.
I am in now ready to watch my soaps . Anne kirkbride has died of Cancer and joined you amongst all who are over The Rainbow Bridge.
She was Deirdre Barlow in coronation street.
I have talked about you again today , your name will be mentioned every day .
Chanel rang this morning asking how I was , I am invited to dinner again but Chris will be away.
I am looking forward to it.
Only person missing is YOU !!!! Malc darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling, kiss Tigger and all who are with you, come into my dream my darling please.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

my Precious Tigger My Bixer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Please Rick Williams if you read my messages properly
You will see I have lost both my Husband and my Boxer dog
Through ill health ,
My Boxer dog had a heart. Problem and my Husband Bowel Cancer ,
I write to them both because I feel closer to them .
It gives me comfort and has kept me sane .
I would be grateful if you didn't write to me again about a Dr whoever .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday July 7th 2015 16.41pm.

Hello Malc my precious Husband and my Tigger boxer dog baby boy.
I miss you both my darlings , if I had one wish in my life it would be send my Soul mate back Malcolm Smith to earth with my Boxer dog Tigger who I love with all my heart.
Today has been a good day .
I met Anita and Julie on the park this morning not for long it was going to rain.
I came home fed Muffin had breakfast and watched my programs .
Before I knew it Jean Beadsmore came for lunch and she brought me a lovely Bracelet and a verse from her holiday.
How thoughtful was that.
Jean and I talked about our past how we were good friends and still are .

Geoff came at 3.15pm to pick her up.
They both gave me a hug and kiss goodbye.

I have just took Muffin to Hednesford to buy dinner for Lisa , Jade Finley and Geoff.
Geoff did come this morning and took Muffin a walk with Max.

I will cook it at 6.30pm .
So today all in all not a bad day.

I miss you my darling more than words can say , I cried my self to sleep again last night.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,kiss tigger and say hello to every one who is with you my Dad your Mum and Dad especially .
Love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx.

by: Rick williams

Hello i am Rick Williams,I am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how i got my wife back.I was going crazy when my wife left me for another man last month,But when i meet a friend that introduce me to DR OZIL the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrated my problem to DR OZIL about how my wife left me and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,In the next 2 days,My wife called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my wife called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director. I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world on how DR OZIL help me grant my heart desire. If you need any kind of help contact DR OZIL at the following email address: or or through his website: He also cast so many spell like,
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) you need a divorce in your relationship.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women & men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband & wife to be yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) Herbal care.
Contact him today on: or or through his website: and get your problems solved.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday July 6th 2015 16.10pm.

Hello Malc my precious and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a none day .
I met Anita and Julie on the park didn't stop long .
popped in Aldi then came home had breakfast fed Muffin but he hasn't eat as yet.
I did manage to pop down Hednesford in between showers then popped to the nest gave Chris money for two tickets for 14th July 7pm.
I did bump into Dominic who I used to work with lovely lady.
I also saw Marti a lady who I have met when taking Muffin a ride on the scooter.
Malc I miss you more as each day goes by.
If only you could come home please.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
Kiss Tigger and every one who is with you .
I love you with all my heart .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday July 5th 2015 17.46pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
Today started off quite upsetting , I met Anita on the park who didn't spend long she wanted to get back home.
I asked if she would like to go for a meal .
It was church church church.
Then a message to say not going for a meal .
I was disappointed , she does her own thing sometimes.
I went to Tesco for a few things came home crying because I miss you Malc so much and it was going to be a long miserable day.
I then noticed I had ,had a phone call missed so I rang Chris back, he answered the phone and said would you like to come for dinner and I was so pleased.
He picked me up and I spent most of the day with them , Chanel has not long brought me back.
A good day had by all.
Kay had Muffin I didn't want him chasing the geese.
I'm back and feeling I have had a good day.
I miss you my darling though so much Malc.
Thank you darling for being with me today in spirit.
I only wish you were here in body alive,.
I saw your Roger this morning telling me about Edna Jane's mum all her organ's are closing down.
She is 86 years so had a good life.
I hope I can live as long and more if my health allows me.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling
Kiss Tigger and all who are with you ,I love you with all my heart .
Love you forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday July 4th 2015 17.30pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has been lonely .
I met Anita on the park this morning not for long then came straight home.
I had breakfast and fed Muffin.

I washed my hair then Muffin and I went to Cannock , I took my glasses in to have reading lenses put in.
We rode round Cannock I popped into Adsa to get some wine for Christopher .
It's for his Birthday in October but I'm getting presents early .

I have been very board today and have been crying.
I hate weekends Malc it's so lonely.
Our daughter has gone camping heard nothing from her .
Our Son is busy getting boxes so they can pack .
Hopefully moving to a beautiful house .
Waiting foe searches to come back.
Kay is coming soon at least I will have some company .
They have gone to look at a 6 year old Labrador might keep him.
I'm missing you more than ever Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Thankyou Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday July 3rd 2015 14.12pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
Today hasn't been to bad so far , only that I was to meet Anita on the park .
I texted her to say I was still in bed and wouldn't be in the park until 7.45am I was struggling to get up .
She texted back she as just leaving and said don't rush.
I managed to get on the park for 7.37am.
asked where she was and she replied I'm back home speak later.
I was fuming .
I went back home gave Muffin a feed and then had breakfast.
At 10am Carole Banks came and stayed until 1.15pm.
A lovely morning she is having Muffin on 14 july for 3 hours why I go out with Carol Norrey .
I can't believe how kind every one is to me.
They are also taking me out one Wednesday afternoon shopping and a meal.
My Mum is coming this afternoon for a curry at 5pm so today has been fairly full.
Elaine I used to catch the bus with who lives up Sunrise her husband David has also died of Cancer.
So another joins you Malc .
I have been talking about you to Carole today and always will.
I have written to you early because I don't think there is much more I can tell you, only that I love you with all my heart Malc.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to all who are with you darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday July 2nd 2015 16.01pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.
How are you both today ?.
I have just been thinking about you and started to cry because I miss you so much darling and you Tigger.

Not a exciting day today I met Anita then Julie on the park didn't stop long .
Came back had breakfast but Muffin hasn't eat a meal yet , the weather is still quite hot so may have put him off.
Its. poring down now as I'm writing to you.
I'm just cooking steak and onions.
watching tipping point.

A bit bored today Anita went to sleep and I couldn't visit her.
Good job I didn't any way I would have got soaked.
Lisa finished at 1.35 today and Geoff wandered where she was , she had gone to Aldi and bumped into a friend.
Jade has gone back home now she has been staying at Lisa's.
Finley has been poorly asthma I think, he is fine now .
Then he tripped over the dog cut his chin two stitches in his chin.
I bumped into Twizzel and Mary in Hednesford he always gives me a kiss.
I miss your kiss Malc and your love !!!.
I feel you and I have been punished MALC.
Your Marg texted me today she might come over in September then we can go back on the plane to hers going back.
I'm only stopping 5 days this time.
Hope the weather holds.
I will write to you again tomorrow MALC, kiss Tigger and say hello to everyone.
Love you with all my heart , LOVE YOU FOREVER.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday July 1st 2015 17.54pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a good day ,it started by meeting Anita and Julie on the park didn't stop too long.
called in Aldi for a couple of things.
Came back home fed Muffin had breakfast then Chanel came, she stayed 3 hours we sat in the front garden nice,.

After she had gone I took Muffin to Cannock to collect my shoes.
I gave him some water to drink it's so hot again.
I don't like this heat.
It's not good for Muffin.
I have been to see Kay today stayed until 5.15pm.
Just got back and done a salad .
Muffin is exhausted.
If it cools down I might pop to Lisa's.

I have been thinking about you again today and talked about you .
I miss you my darling.
I shouted your name when I took Muffin to Kay's over the skelly bridge,.
I have just smelt your sweat in the kitchen Malc I know you are around me darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and say hello to my DAD and Darren your Mum & Dad auntie Irene .
I love you with all my heart you are in my thoughts through out every day .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday June 30th 2015 16.26pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
It will be a quick message today , Jayne who I used to work for is coming for dinner at 5pm and then we are going to Bingo in Stafford.
I'm a bit nervous incase I miss a line or house, I haven't played for a few years.
It's so hot today 35% .
I met Anita and Julie for a little while then came home it was too hot.
My Mum came for lunch she only stayed an hour.
She wanted to get back to W she has dinner there.
I have been talking about you again today and thinking about you getting upset.
I miss you so much darling.
I will never ever get over losing you Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling .
Love you with all my heart and forever .
Kiss Tigger tell him I haven't forgotten him, I kiss him every day and night too.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday June 29th 2015 17.00pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has been a bit quiet,
Yesterday was really lovely spending the day with Chris Chanel and the kids , taking my Mobility scooter and riding 6 mile then having dinner . then the evening meeting up with Lisa and Geoff at the Duck , I even took Muffin in every one loved him, only stayed an hour . I met for a short while Anita on the park but seen no one since.
I took Muffin to Cannock then popped to Tesco for some milk and a few things.
Lisa has asked me down tonight so I will go for a couple of hours later.
I keep thinking of you and what would you be doing if you were healthy and enjoying your retirement.
I feel very sad I can't spend the rest of my life with you, that stupid Cancer took you away from me.
I only hope one day we will be together and happy again.
I will write to you again tomorrow Mal darling.I love you with all my heart miss you like crazy
Love you forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx.

how i got my ex back NEW
by: claire

The rate of fraudsters in the internet has become alarming,so i never thought that there will be a sincere,truthful and powerful spell caster on the internet,not until a friend of mine told me about this powerful man that brought back my joy and happiness.
My names is Claire from USA,i broke up with the man in my life just because of various rumor from some bad friends that don't want to see us together.that my man is a double dater,that he flocks around with various girls in town,so i took a drastic action without confirming the truth but later found out that it was all lies after breaking up with him.
Tried all my best to call him back but all to no avail until a friend of mine told me about the powers of one Dr DUDU,i contacted him and he told me every thing i need to do,which i did.he assured me that i am going to get my result within 24hrs but i doubted him because i never believe in such powers.Something great happened on the 2nd of July 2014,i was taking my bath when i heard my phone ringing continuously so i couldn't pick cos i was in the bathroom.
When i came out of the bathroom,behold it was my mans number,i was so anxious to call back when i heard a knock on my door,with that joy in my heart,i rush down to open the door and saw the man i have been begging all these days for reconciliation,kneeling down in front of me to forgive him..that's was how we came back and i am the most happiest person now on earth because Dr DUDU brought back my lost might be passing through similar situation and don't know what to do,please contact this very man that did mine on or call him on +2348160725810 for your own testimony.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday June 28th 2015 18.07pm.
Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.
A good day today quickly took Muffin to the park but it started to rain.
I came home had breakfast then Chris and Chanel and the kids came down put my scooter on the car and went up to Chris's house.
I had a cup of tea then off we all went to Norbury junction via the canal on my scooter.
It took 3 mile there 3 mile back and the scooter still had plenty of charge in it.
We Stopped for a drink then started back.
I had dinner with them then Chanel brought me back and picked up Muffin .
I have enjoyed my day one thing missing YOU !!!.

I miss you Malc so much I have been thinking about you most of the day.
Imagining you healthy walking along the canal with Chris and the kids.
I know you would have loved that.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 27th 2015 16.39pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have not been happy today it didn't start very well.
I met Anita on the park then Julie who's husband had my laptop .
I said goodbye to Anita and walked with Julie she bumped into a chap who talked us to death it was boring.
I then went to the house and had to sit through Her husband Tony trying to make sense of what he had done.
I wasn't happy.
I came home fed Muffin and had a very late breakfast.

I tried to set up my printer but whatever he had done I found difficult.
I phoned Tony and asked if he would pop u to sort it out he had left his information on the computer.
He moaned and groaned he didn't really understand my laptop.
Lisa came with Max she wasn't in a very good mood and was a bit sharp with me.
Geoff came and they picked up Finley's presents .
They both went that was it gone for the day.
I did send a message to Lisa saying she was in a funny mood, she said she felt strange with Julie and Tony and was upset about you today.
I sent a message back saying I too was upset and crying.
I don't think my family really understand how lonely I am.
I stayed in sorted the shed out had a sandwich and then when my scooter was fully charged Muffin and I rode to Cannock.
I called in a couple of shops then came back home .
I can't get over losing you Malc I feel so hurt and lonely.
Life is so difficult.
I don't know if Lisa will come up later I doubt it.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger say hello to all the family with you.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Love you forever your wife Rose woof from Muffin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 27th 2015 16.39pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have not been happy today it didn't start very well.
I met Anita on the park then Julie who's husband had my laptop .
I said goodbye to Anita and walked with Julie she bumped into a chap who talked us to death it was boring.
I then went to the house and had to sit through Her husband Tony trying to make sense of what he had done.
I wasn't happy.
I came home fed Muffin and had a very late breakfast.

I tried to set up my printer but whatever he had done I found difficult.
I phoned Tony and asked if he would pop u to sort it out he had left his information on the computer.
He moaned and groaned he didn't really understand my laptop.
Lisa came with Max she wasn't in a very good mood and was a bit sharp with me.
Geoff came and they picked up Finley's presents .
They both went that was it gone for the day.
I did send a message to Lisa saying she was in a funny mood, she said she felt strange with Julie and Tony and was upset about you today.
I sent a message back saying I too was upset and crying.
I don't think my family really understand how lonely I am.
I stayed in sorted the shed out had a sandwich and then when my scooter was fully charged Muffin and I rode to Cannock.
I called in a couple of shops then came back home .
I can't get over losing you Malc I feel so hurt and lonely.
Life is so difficult.
I don't know if Lisa will come up later I doubt it.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger say hello to all the family with you.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Love you forever your wife Rose woof from Muffin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 27th 2015 16.39pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have not been happy today it didn't start very well.
I met Anita on the park then Julie who's husband had my laptop .
I said goodbye to Anita and walked with Julie she bumped into a chap who talked us to death it was boring.
I then went to the house and had to sit through Her husband Tony trying to make sense of what he had done.
I wasn't happy.
I came home fed Muffin and had a very late breakfast.

I tried to set up my printer but whatever he had done I found difficult.
I phoned Tony and asked if he would pop u to sort it out he had left his information on the computer.
He moaned and groaned he didn't really understand my laptop.
Lisa came with Max she wasn't in a very good mood and was a bit sharp with me.
Geoff came and they picked up Finley's presents .
They both went that was it gone for the day.
I did send a message to Lisa saying she was in a funny mood, she said she felt strange with Julie and Tony and was upset about you today.
I sent a message back saying I too was upset and crying.
I don't think my family really understand how lonely I am.
I stayed in sorted the shed out had a sandwich and then when my scooter was fully charged Muffin and I rode to Cannock.
I called in a couple of shops then came back home .
I can't get over losing you Malc I feel so hurt and lonely.
Life is so difficult.
I don't know if Lisa will come up later I doubt it.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger say hello to all the family with you.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Love you forever your wife Rose woof from Muffin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 27th 2015 16.39pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have not been happy today it didn't start very well.
I met Anita on the park then Julie who's husband had my laptop .
I said goodbye to Anita and walked with Julie she bumped into a chap who talked us to death it was boring.
I then went to the house and had to sit through Her husband Tony trying to make sense of what he had done.
I wasn't happy.
I came home fed Muffin and had a very late breakfast.

I tried to set up my printer but whatever he had done I found difficult.
I phoned Tony and asked if he would pop u to sort it out he had left his information on the computer.
He moaned and groaned he didn't really understand my laptop.
Lisa came with Max she wasn't in a very good mood and was a bit sharp with me.
Geoff came and they picked up Finley's presents .
They both went that was it gone for the day.
I did send a message to Lisa saying she was in a funny mood, she said she felt strange with Julie and Tony and was upset about you today.
I sent a message back saying I too was upset and crying.
I don't think my family really understand how lonely I am.
I stayed in sorted the shed out had a sandwich and then when my scooter was fully charged Muffin and I rode to Cannock.
I called in a couple of shops then came back home .
I can't get over losing you Malc I feel so hurt and lonely.
Life is so difficult.
I don't know if Lisa will come up later I doubt it.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger say hello to all the family with you.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Love you forever your wife Rose woof from Muffin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 27th 2015 16.39pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have not been happy today it didn't start very well.
I met Anita on the park then Julie who's husband had my laptop .
I said goodbye to Anita and walked with Julie she bumped into a chap who talked us to death it was boring.
I then went to the house and had to sit through Her husband Tony trying to make sense of what he had done.
I wasn't happy.
I came home fed Muffin and had a very late breakfast.

I tried to set up my printer but whatever he had done I found difficult.
I phoned Tony and asked if he would pop u to sort it out he had left his information on the computer.
He moaned and groaned he didn't really understand my laptop.
Lisa came with Max she wasn't in a very good mood and was a bit sharp with me.
Geoff came and they picked up Finley's presents .
They both went that was it gone for the day.
I did send a message to Lisa saying she was in a funny mood, she said she felt strange with Julie and Tony and was upset about you today.
I sent a message back saying I too was upset and crying.
I don't think my family really understand how lonely I am.
I stayed in sorted the shed out had a sandwich and then when my scooter was fully charged Muffin and I rode to Cannock.
I called in a couple of shops then came back home .
I can't get over losing you Malc I feel so hurt and lonely.
Life is so difficult.
I don't know if Lisa will come up later I doubt it.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger say hello to all the family with you.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Love you forever your wife Rose woof from Muffin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 27th 2015 16.39pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have not been happy today it didn't start very well.
I met Anita on the park then Julie who's husband had my laptop .
I said goodbye to Anita and walked with Julie she bumped into a chap who talked us to death it was boring.
I then went to the house and had to sit through Her husband Tony trying to make sense of what he had done.
I wasn't happy.
I came home fed Muffin and had a very late breakfast.

I tried to set up my printer but whatever he had done I found difficult.
I phoned Tony and asked if he would pop u to sort it out he had left his information on the computer.
He moaned and groaned he didn't really understand my laptop.
Lisa came with Max she wasn't in a very good mood and was a bit sharp with me.
Geoff came and they picked up Finley's presents .
They both went that was it gone for the day.
I did send a message to Lisa saying she was in a funny mood, she said she felt strange with Julie and Tony and was upset about you today.
I sent a message back saying I too was upset and crying.
I don't think my family really understand how lonely I am.
I stayed in sorted the shed out had a sandwich and then when my scooter was fully charged Muffin and I rode to Cannock.
I called in a couple of shops then came back home .
I can't get over losing you Malc I feel so hurt and lonely.
Life is so difficult.
I don't know if Lisa will come up later I doubt it.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger say hello to all the family with you.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Love you forever your wife Rose woof from Muffin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 27th 2015 16.39pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have not been happy today it didn't start very well.
I met Anita on the park then Julie who's husband had my laptop .
I said goodbye to Anita and walked with Julie she bumped into a chap who talked us to death it was boring.
I then went to the house and had to sit through Her husband Tony trying to make sense of what he had done.
I wasn't happy.
I came home fed Muffin and had a very late breakfast.

I tried to set up my printer but whatever he had done I found difficult.
I phoned Tony and asked if he would pop u to sort it out he had left his information on the computer.
He moaned and groaned he didn't really understand my laptop.
Lisa came with Max she wasn't in a very good mood and was a bit sharp with me.
Geoff came and they picked up Finley's presents .
They both went that was it gone for the day.
I did send a message to Lisa saying she was in a funny mood, she said she felt strange with Julie and Tony and was upset about you today.
I sent a message back saying I too was upset and crying.
I don't think my family really understand how lonely I am.
I stayed in sorted the shed out had a sandwich and then when my scooter was fully charged Muffin and I rode to Cannock.
I called in a couple of shops then came back home .
I can't get over losing you Malc I feel so hurt and lonely.
Life is so difficult.
I don't know if Lisa will come up later I doubt it.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger say hello to all the family with you.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Love you forever your wife Rose woof from Muffin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 27th 2015 16.39pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have not been happy today it didn't start very well.
I met Anita on the park then Julie who's husband had my laptop .
I said goodbye to Anita and walked with Julie she bumped into a chap who talked us to death it was boring.
I then went to the house and had to sit through Her husband Tony trying to make sense of what he had done.
I wasn't happy.
I came home fed Muffin and had a very late breakfast.

I tried to set up my printer but whatever he had done I found difficult.
I phoned Tony and asked if he would pop u to sort it out he had left his information on the computer.
He moaned and groaned he didn't really understand my laptop.
Lisa came with Max she wasn't in a very good mood and was a bit sharp with me.
Geoff came and they picked up Finley's presents .
They both went that was it gone for the day.
I did send a message to Lisa saying she was in a funny mood, she said she felt strange with Julie and Tony and was upset about you today.
I sent a message back saying I too was upset and crying.
I don't think my family really understand how lonely I am.
I stayed in sorted the shed out had a sandwich and then when my scooter was fully charged Muffin and I rode to Cannock.
I called in a couple of shops then came back home .
I can't get over losing you Malc I feel so hurt and lonely.
Life is so difficult.
I don't know if Lisa will come up later I doubt it.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger say hello to all the family with you.
I love you with all my heart Malc .
Love you forever your wife Rose woof from Muffin.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 26th 2015 19.10 pm
Hello my darling husband my soul mate I love you and miss you so much Malc .
Today hasn't been a bad day really .
This morning I met Anita on the park then came straight home because Faye was picking Muffin up for a groom at 8.45 am .
She came at 9 am .
The I had to wait in for a chap to check my scooter was working on full battery's .
He didn't come until nearly 12 noon but I didn't grumble he was a very nice chap called Matt.
Yes it was my batteries £270.50 later !!.
I have got to try them for a week if still dragging it must be something else ,
Crossing fingers.
Kay collected Muffin with me and took me to the vets to get him some medication .
She is a great friend .
I then went to my Mums to see her scooter she brought today .
Then I went back home and Christopher Chanel and the kids came , it being Ellie's 7 th Birthday she opened all her presents . They stayed for an hour . I have been invited to dinner on Sunday .
Taking my scooter they are taking me a long walk .
Now I'm watching television nothing else to do no one is coming .
Lisa is coming tomorrow to pick up Finley's presents he is 3 yrs old on Sunday .
Oh Malc I miss you so much my darling My life will never be the same with out you . Why did you have to die of Cancer you were the best most loyal caring husband father and Grandfather in the whole world .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , kiss Tigger and all your family who are with you ,
I love you with all my heart Malc .

by: Janet Ruben

My name is Janet Ruben and I live in USA...My life is back again... After 3 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with kids .I felt like my life was about to end and I almost committed suicide, I was emotionally down for a very long time.Thanks to a spell caster called Dr SUKU,his email which I meet online, On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet and I came across a lot of testimonies about this particular spell caster.Some people testified that he brought their Ex boyfriend back, some testified that he restores Womb,Cure Cancer and Herpes Virus and HIV Cure other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. I also come across one particular testimony and it was about a woman called Joyce,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr SUKU mail address.his website: After reading all these,I decided to give it a try and I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him.In just 48 hours, my husband came back to me and we solved our issues, we are even happier than before Dr SUKU is really a gifted man and I will not stop testifying him because he is a wonderful man and so powerful... or call his Mobil number or you can add him true is what App:+234874839242 If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems. contact him

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 25th 2015 17.49pm
Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger .
A very stressful day today . I forgot Muffins groom was today thought it was tomorrow , consequently no groom today I was fuming with myself .
It's ruined my day but it's sorted itself out they are picking him up tomorrow but keeping him most of the day .
But I have spoken to Kay who said she will ask Jadon to pick him up if necessary .
My lap top is with a friends husband sorting it out .
My scooter us having a service tomorrow hope nothing major Is wrong .
I have been upset a day long and am very lonely with out Malc I miss you so much darlin .
I love you with all my heart Malc I will never get over losing you .
I will write to you again tomorrow another awkward day I think .
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday June 24th 2015 17.00pm.
Hello My darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
How are you both today?.
Not a bad day today , it started by meeting Julie and Anita on the park talked for a while.
I came back then your Sheila rang she and Colin came up and stayed a while.
Then I went to Carole's for lunch with Muffin.
Got back about 4.30pm.
I'm in for the night now , not a bad night on television though.
I don't think I will see Lisa tonight.
I think she wants to chill out with Max Jade's dog.
I don't think Geoff will take Muffin a walk any more either.
I miss you Malc so much ,I pray you will come home one day soon.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , kiss Tigger and say hello to all the family .
I have spoken about you again today to Carole I will always talk about you Malc you are never out of my thoughts.
Love you forever darling xxxxxxx,.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday June 23rd 2015 16.18pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
I fed up today, this morning Pete came and did my hair quite happy with it.
I then popped to Hednesford to Aldi and just to take Muffin a walk, but I did quickly take him at 7.15am this morning.
I had a ride to Kay's but she was out with Alan .
So I took Muffin to Hednesford Aldi to buy some veg for dinner.
Chanel has rang they are waiting for the chap to send forms in but he is being a bit slow.
I do hope they get this house.
I am so bored Malc today upset really, I just said
to Chanel what did I do when you were at work .
It's just that you don't come home any more and I miss that so much .
I visualize you retired and enjoying the garden ,popping out on a bus to wherever you wanted to go.
I don't think I will ever get over this .
I can't stop crying at night , I can't stop crying thinking about you when I'm out and about on my own.
I might pop to Lisa's again later Jade will be there and Finley and MAX , Lisa and Geoff have decide to have Max to live with them.
I'm shocked actually , you know Lisa she is not a dog person.
I can't think of any thing else to tell you today .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , I'm going to Carol's for lunch well dinner.
I miss you so much Malc ,kiss Tigger and send my love to everyone.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday June 22nd 2015 15.17pm.
Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has so far been a boring day.
I met Anita and Julie on the park stayed an hour talking.
I came straight home with Muffin and had breakfast but Muffin hasn't eat yet he has been sick.
I sorted the bathroom out and bedrooms.
steamed the sink bath and toilet I don't have to lift anything.
I have been to Aldi with Muffin and B&m.
I'm now watching escape to the country , you know me Malc all property programs but no plans to ever move.
This is your house as well as mine and I have all the memories of things you did here especially the garden.
Everyone admires the garden.
Roger messaged me last night he said he is missing you so much and can't truly show his feelings.
He said he loves me to bits as he has known me a very long time as you know, even before we got together.
You were the brother I wanted though not Roger.
He is too much like your Dad he likes his drink.
I can't tell you how much I miss you Malc .
As you know it was Fathers day yesterday and Lisa put a verse on Facebook and brought a lovely ornament which she has put three pots of flowers inside and placed it in her garden in your memory.
I put a piece on face book too.
If it doesn't rain tonight I might pop down to Lisa's Jade and Finley will be there.
It's so cold today I had to wear boots.
I hope summer comes soon before we know it winter will be upon us .
I hate winter.
I just want you to come home Malc it's not fare.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling, kiss Tigger and say hello to all who are with you kiss Dad and your Mum and Dad ,,
I love you with all my heart Malc Love you forever xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 21st June 2015 18.35pm

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
Not a bad day today , I met Anita on the park this morning then went home fed Muffin and had breakfast .
I waited until 12 then took Muffin another ride before going to lunch with Anita at The Barley mow Milford .

Not a bad dinner , we came back Muffin as excited to see me .
I hate leaving him but a couple of hours isn't bad .
I had a cup of tea then took Muffin to my Mums I'm here now but will be going soon .
I hate my own comany.
Your Rog has messaged me from Spain saying how much he misses you .
We had a very long conversation .
I get angry because you should be here with me enjoyed our retirement
I miss you so much Malc so much
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin , kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxcc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday 20th June 2015 15.45pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Again I have tried to send a message but no word to send.
Today has been a bit mixed up no park this morning but did go later and Anita thought the same.
I didn't stop long then went to Aldi for a loaf.
I came home fed Muffin had breakfast,.
I have been sorting winter jumpers out put away until next year.
Lisa rang and asked me if I wanted to go to B&M.
I did go and brought a couple of things.
Lisa and Geoff are going to Bridge North and staying over night at his relatives.
Kay has rang too she will be late picking me up to go to supper they are picking Lucy up because Jason has gone to a Barbeque.
I have been crying because its nit fare you should be here with me either popping out somewhere or sitting watching television.
I have just sent a message to Chris just letting him know how much I miss you I am crying now as I write to you.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling ,kiss my Tigger and say hello to all the family .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday June 19th 2015 18.05pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

Today has been a good day ,I met the girls on the park this morning ,then came home fed Muffin had breakfast .
I then popped down to Tesci for some milk.
Mum came for lunch at 12 noon stayed until 2.45pm.
Geoff came about 2.30pm to walk Muffin.
Mum went home and when Geoff brought Muffin back from his walk I took Muffin to Anita's and stayed until 5pm.
I then ordered a curry and collected it .
Chanel rang asking if I would watch the girls while they looked after the pheasants.
They are here with me now.
Cameron has gone to his friends for a sleep over.
I cried myself to sleep last night missing you Malc and wishing you were by my side.
I wish I could be happy but I can't not with out you.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling my heart aches for you Malc and I can't do anything about it.
I haven't seen Lisa for two days now .
she is busy with Jade and Finley now.
It's going to rain tomorrow so looks like i'm in all day , but I will be going to Kay's tomorrow night.
I love you with all my heart Malc miss you like crazy .
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday June 18th 2015 18.12pm
I have just written a message to you but it didn't give me a word to send the message through.
I met all the girls on the park this morning .
Then came home fed Muffin and waited until lunch time to have lunch with Karen at Hedgford Lodge .
Lovely lady smashing meal.
I then came hoe picked up Muffin and went to my Mums had tea and a cake I stayed a couple of hours.
Lisa finished work at 1pm she has gone to Jade's I think .
I feel my children think I am ok now but little do they know I cried my self to sleep last night thinking about you and missing you so much.
I have spoken your name again today and will every day as long as I live.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling, kiss Tigger and say hello to all the family who are with you.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday June 17th 2015 17.17pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a busy day .
I saw Julie on the park this morning we had quite a chat nice lady but she doesn't like Anita .
I then popped into Aldi then took Muffin home fed him had breakfast.
A parcel came and I took the items I didn't like to the post office Muffin went with me.
I came back and prepared dinner for Carole and I .
We had a lovely dinner and a cake.
She stayed until 4.15pm.
I then took Muffin a ride up the new road not long got back .
I am watching the chase your favourite programme.
I don't think I will see Lisa today she doesn't seem to want to come a lot now.
I will say though she is thinking of Jade and Finley a lot now they are her lovely family.
I love them too.
I have mentioned your name again today missing yu so much Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss Tigger and say hello for me to all the family, love you with all my heart darling.
LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday June 16th 2015 17.10pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband and Tigger my baby boy.
It's been a good day today , weather much better but still worrying about my health .
I met all the girls this morning on the park '
nice little chat.
Chanel came this morning a nice surprise she stayed until 12noon.
I hoped Karen would meet me for lunch but she had to wait in for her washing machine to be plumbed in.
I had lunch at home and took Muffin to Kay's had a couple of hours with her.
I'm back now watching the chase then Muffin and I are going to Lisa's for dinner at 6pm.
I have spoken about you again today I love you and miss you Malc darling.
I will always mention you as long as I live.
Carole Banks is coming tomorrow for lunch .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one I love them all .
Love you forever Malc my darling xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday June 15th 2015 17.00pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today a little bit better the sun is shining.
I met Anita on the park this morning.
Came back fed Muffin then we went off to Cannock .
I have replaced the perfume you brought me a couple of years ago my favourite Coco chanel mademoiselle because it had lost the full smell.
They are always helpful at Cannock boots very nice girls.
I came back then Anita came for lunch stayed until 2.30pm.
I then took Muffin a ride to Hednesford park and called in Aldi.
I have sprayed that chimneya outside it looks lovely now looks new.
I am waiting now to see if Lisa invites me to dinner.
If not I do have some chicken rice and salad.
I have been talking about you again today both to Anita and a lady who's number I took down and have forgotten her name , she is a lovely lady , used to live on our estate.
I miss you my darling I have had a little cry asking you to come and talk to me Malc.
One day I hope you will.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling I kiss your picture and your holder of your ashes every day and Tiggers picture .
I have made a pack to mention your name every day to someone.
Kiss Tigger and all the famiy who are with you Malc miss you so much darling , love you forever xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday June 14th 2015 14.55pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
Not such a good day today very lonely.
I met Anita on the park for a short while then came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I sat about for a while then decided to take Muffin to Lisa's ,
They were just going shopping but stayed in for me about half an hour.
I decided to go after Geoff took Muffin a little walk round the close.
I hoped Lisa would have cooked a dinner but they didn't want one.
I came home then ordered a dinner and pudd from boogaloos then collected it.
Just about to eat my pudding.
I feel so alone today Malc although I have Muffin he can't talk back to me .
I miss your conversation and love Malc .
I hurt inside so much.
At least Chris is attempting to make up with me.
Although I have done nothing.
I think he wanted me to see his new home The Long House, I do hope he does get it subject to a survey.
You would love it Malc, I do from what I have seen picture's of.
Christopher does have the same taste as me.
I hoped they would come down today to see me .
Roll on Monday more going on.
I hate Sunday's.
I did ask my mum to come up but she declined.
But I will say it's raining again.
Nothing on television either.
I might fine a film out and watch it later.
I miss you Malc I just want to cry all day every day , but it won't bring you back.
I hope you were taken from me for a good reason because you didn't deserve to die !!!!!!.
You were so brave Malc suffering so much .
I didn't realise how ill you were even 12 months before you must have been so ill.
God Bless you Malc you wonderful loyal caring husband.
The grand kids miss you too.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc keep you up to date with everything.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Love you with all my hear although it's broken.
Love you forever my darling.xxxx yiur wife Rose .
kiss fro Muffin x.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 13th 2015 16.17pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
Today it hasn't stopped raining.
I haven't took Muffin out at all today.
Lisa took me to Dunelm today to buy a lovely little Tuscany 5 draw side table to go in the bathroom, it's lovely .
I treated Lisa and Geoff to lunch at The Hedgeford Lodge being they do take me places and Lisa did take me to Dunelm.
Guess what Chanel rang me last night Christopher is inviting me to a Sunday dinner in a couple of weeks time when he is off work.
I'm Shocked Malc also they are moving the chap who ha brought the industrial building behind their house wants to buy their house for his because he has moved his staff into the building which is not allowed.
Christopher has seen a gorgeous house not far from where they live massive ,it's called the long house , they are having a survey then if good will buy it was built in the 15 hundreds.
it love gorgeous inside.
It's made me feel much happier.
I have a very bad back today pain radiating to the front lower abdomen I am worried.
When your on your own Malc you do a lot of thinking.
I have got to stop thinking serious problems.
Since I have lost you I think it's Cancer for everything that goes wrong with my body.
Kay is coming at 5.30p for supper.
I hope the weather improves tomorrow I can' stop in all day again.
I love you Malc and miss you my darling so much .
Thank you for helping Chris come back into my life.
I mention your name every day to someone be it family or friends.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .
I love you with all my heart Malc miss you more as each day goes by.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to all the family .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday June 12th 2015 15.09pm

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
I can't tell you how much I miss you and how frightened am with every day things and worrying about my health.
I met Anita on the park this morning didn't stay long.
Came back home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I waited until lunch time and took Muffin to my mums she invited me to lunch.
Bless her she did do her best but it wasn't very nice , I didn't say anything I didn't want to hurt her feelings.
Such a lot needs doing to the bungalow I looked around today , I can see now mum is 85yrs old and can't do cleaning and stuff and I can't help her.
I wish I could turn the clock back to when we were courting Malc I would change such a lot of things.
it's too late now , I have lost you lost Tigger , my son isn't coming anymore.
I feel so lost and alone.
I try my best to be positive but I go down hill by the end of the day.
Lisa and Geoff are back today from Torquay but I don't think she will come to see me today.
It' forecast heavy rain Saturday and Sunday.
I hope I will be invited for Sunday dinner at Lisa's.
I'm in for the afternoon and evening now .
Oh Malc if I could only have you back here by my side , my heart is breaking missing you so much.
I don't know what the plans are for the weekend,.
I hope I'm not stuck in the house all weekend.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling Kay will be coming tomorrow evening .
I love you with all my heart darling , kiss Tigger and say hello to the family .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday June 11th 2015 18.07pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
How are you both today my darlings?.
I have had a good day today Malc.
I met Anita Karen Julie and Pat we talked for a while.
I then went home and fed Muffin had breakfast and just sat around until lunch time when I had lunch with Marti a lady I have met while taking Muffin a ride on my scooter up the new road.
I had a good afternoon with her chatting, nice lady.
I also called in my mum's for a couple of hours .
Now back home and watching television.
I have talked about you again today to Marti and cried on the way home from my mum's.
I miss you so much Malc I want to tell you what a lovely day I have had.
I am so glad this site is here I don't know what I would do without it.
I only wish you were sitting here on your settee .
I often think what would you be doing now retired and well instead of you being so poorly.
My Mum has asked me to lunch tomorrow I'm shocked
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
kiss Tigger and say hello to everyone .
Love you with all my heart Malc and my Tigger.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday June 10th 2015 18.27pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today not so bad , started y meeting Anita on the park then popping into Aldi .
Came home fed Muffin had breakfast.
Lunch time I took Muffin to Carole Banks we had dinner there.
A lovely afternoon.
Back home now waiting for another friend to ring me to arrange lunch tomorrow at Hedgeford Lodge.
Not holding my breath though.
She may have forgotten.
Not a bad night on television in all night now.
I had yet another little cry today wishing you were here with me Malc .
I will always mention your name every day of my life darling.
I will pray one day we will be together again.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and say hello to all who are with you family.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday June 9th 2015 17.57pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Hope you are both well and I know you will be happy over The Rainbow Bridge.
I cried myself to sleep last night I miss you so much , I don't know if I can cope much longer Malc I am so lonely with out you.
I know I have friends around me but I can't cuddle up to them and put my arms around you.
I can't kiss them like I could kiss you Malc.
I need you my darling.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I miss you so much.
Today I met Anita and Karen on the park Anita didn't stay long but I did talk to Karen for a while.
Chanel surprised me she came and took me to Cannock stopped until 12noon because she had a doctors appointment something is on her eye .
She has to visit an optician first then hopefully all is well.
Muffin has had a poorly tummy the last 5 days hope it rights itself soon.
It's very cold Malc nothing like June should be.
Lisa Geoff Jade Adam and Finley are in Torquay at the moment hope their weather is better .
Still as long as they enjoy the beach and holiday that's all that matters.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Lisa has just rang from Torquay having a good time but cold.
They are back on Friday anyway.
Love you with all my heart Malc mis you like crazy ,kiss tigger and say hello to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday June 8th 2015 18.26pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger Baby boy.
Today a strange day.
Met Anita Karen and Julie on the park didn't stop long though.
Came back home fed Muffin had breakfast .
I then went to see Lisa and Geoff before they went to Torquay .
I stayed about an hour .
I then went to Hednesford to see if Richard Kent had got a little table for my telephone .
Richard gave me a table which is ideal for my telephone.
I invited my Mum to lunch and dinner she has not long gone home.
Chanel hasn't rang nothing from Christopher either.
Lisa aid she would ring or text me when they arrived at Torquay.
Hope they have a lovely holiday , I did hope they would ask me but they probably want to be with Jade and Finley.
It's raining now typical weather .
Hope it really shines for them though.
They are back Friday so not long with out them.
I don't think I will see anyone tomorrow another lonely day.
I can't tell you how much I miss you Malc I cry most day's.
I only wish when I talk to you , you could talk to me back.
I miss the conversations the little tiffs we had and the love we gave to each other.
God bless you Malc I love you so much darling.
I was caught talking to myself this morning by Stewart the park keeper , he didn't say anything .
I'm not the only one who talks to themselves.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc ,I love you with all my heart .kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday June 7th 2015 17.28pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Not a good day at all .
I got up late this morning because poor Muffin got me up a couple of times poorly tummy.
Therefore I didn't meet Anita .
I did take Muffin to the park only saw Stewart the park keeper.
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin but he hasn't eat it still tummy upset.
Anita and I did meet to have Sunday lunch at The Shoal Hill Tavern.
I have took Muffin to Lisa's but she wasn't in .
I have took Muffin down the park again saw no one.
I am really disappointed that Lisa hasn't asked me down .
I would have loved them to ask me to go with them to TORQUAY but no they haven't.
They asked Jordan but he doesn't want to go .
I would have loved to have taken his place.
Nothing from Christopher again.
A bit of a disappointing day I think.
A boring week ahead I think.
Oh Malc I feel so lonely ,I feel I have been punished all round.
You said you felt sorry for me because I would be on my own, you were right.
I understand my daughter and son need their own space but it's not good.
I feel I've done my job as a mother but have nothing in return.
If I hadn't got Muffin I think I would join you Malc.
I love my little man.
I miss you my darling so much, I just want to keep crying all the time.
I may pop down my Mum's again just for company .
I can't see Lisa coming now .
They have packing to do.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 6th 2015 15.26pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
A strange day today , I met Anita this morning on the park as usual.
I came home fed Muffin and had Breakfast.
It has been very cold today so waited a while then popped down to see my mum only because it's my duty as W has gone to Blackpool AGAIN !!!.
I won't go every day like she does I've been hurt too much.
Mum doesn't want me when W IS HOME.
I am going to Kay's tonight with Muffin for supper.
Haven't been for two weeks.
Lisa and Geoff are holding a party at the Littleton for Geoff's nephew from Australia and Geoff's birthday.
I've cried for you again today , i'm so lonely Malc with out you , no one understands every one think I'm ok now because it's 15 months since I lost you.
Elaine a lady I used to catch the bus with who lives up sunrise hill her husband has just been diagnosed with Cancer of the lungs and spine.
They haven't said it is terminal though , I'm surprised , time will tell poor thing, another might be joining you.
I will write to you Malc tomorrow , kiss Tigger and say hello to everyone.
Love you with all my heart. LOVE YOU FOREVER XXXXX.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday June 5th 2015 16.06pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Not such a good day today, met Anita on the park about 7.50 didn't stop long .
Came home fed Muffin and had breakfast then waited for Chanel to pick us up to go up to Chris and Chanel's house.
All very beautiful , Chris has the same taste as me.
I only wish he would come and see me !!!.
It breaks my heart but he has give what I asked of him.
Geoff is 51 today they are having a party tomorrow at the Littleton pub.
I will be with Kay at hers.
In for the night by the look of it.
I wish I could be more active but my arthritis won't let me.
I have cried again today for you , I don't think I will ever recover from losing you, missing you so much Malc.
Kevin ha just been he is cleaning Lisa's windows now on a regular basis.
They are off to Benidorm tomorrow for a week.
Lisa and Geoff off to Torquay on Monday with Jade Adam and Finley.
won't see anyone next week only friends.
Did I tell you Frank's Betty has died they are probably with you now .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and say hello to everyone , love you forever xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday June 4th 2015pm.

Hello Malc my Darling and my baby boy Tigger.
It's been a beautiful day Malc and I can't share it with you.
I have been sitting in the front Garden your garden reading a magazine and listening to the music on my iPhone.
I did have a cry I must say I felt so alone.
I met all the girls on the park this morning .
I am a bit bothered about Julie she is very judgmental I can't really take to her .
She interferes in every ones business.
But I will keep my thoughts to myself.
I have been to Anita's this afternoon she is a good friend and understands how I feel as she too has lost Graham her husband.
Muffin is flat out he has had a busy day.
I am now stopping in watching television for the night.
Chanel should be picking me and Muffin up tomorrow morning to go up to Christophers.
I miss you Malc more and more as each day goes by , it's not getting any easier.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling, kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
I love you with all my heart , love you forever.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday June 3rd 2015 18.35pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
A strange day today , it started by meeting Karen and Julie on the park we talked a while and the dogs played together.
I then came home t feed Muffin and have breakfast.
I waited for Pete the hairdresser to come to talk about my hair colour ,I am having him back to do my hair.
Carole Banks came for lunch and stayed until 4pm.
Your barmy Sheila and stupid Colin came today waste of time , I was angry when they left.
I asked if Lisa could take me down on a Saturday and Colin could bring me back . he said I don't get out any more , what a load of crock!!!!!!!!!.
I have not long got back from taking Muffin a ride n the scooter it's nice weather now .
I have talked about you again today Malc and will every day through the rest of my life.
You will never be out of my thoughts darling.
Chanel should be picking me and Muffin up tomorrow to see the house and the geese.
I hope we have a good day.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling ,kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc xxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday June 2nd 2015 17.14pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
Hope you are both well and happy.
I have had a good day today, it rained this morning but I did manage to take Muffin up the new road about 10am.
I then met up with Karen and Julie we had a lovely lunch with them in Hedgford lodge.
I did leave Muffin a couple of hours though.
He was fine when I got back.
I then decide to take Muffin a ride up the new road to Kay's we stayed an hour.
just got back and Geoff has just rang picking me and Muffin up for dinner tonight at 6pm.
it's all or nothing Malc but at least it's company.
Geoff and Lisa will be going away next Monday so I won't see them after today probably.
Pete the hairdresser is coming tomorrow to talk colours then Carole is coming for lunch.
All in all a good day.
I shouted your name over the Skelly saying I love you.
I miss you so much Malc it's making me ill inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one darling.
I love you with all my heart love you forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday June 1st 2015 16.04pm/
Hello Malc my darling and my Baby boy Tigger.

Not such a good day today, I'm worried health worry but I can't explain in my letter too personal.
I have been to see the dr today who will be sending me an appointment to see a surgeon.
I have had this problem before but it' back and uncomfortable.
I have to worry on my own now no one to tell my worries to.
I just hope I'm worrying for nothing and it's something simple to treat instead of surgery.
I met the girls on the park this morning then came straight home the weather changed , its been poring down again, it depresses me so much I can't get out.
at least the television programs are ok tonight.

I wish I could talk my worries with you like we used to, you used to say every thing will be alright don't worry.
I feel so alone keeping it inwards.
Hazel I used to work with at the print craft press Hednesford came today I invited her to lunch.
Your Sheila let me down again she rang to say she wasn't coming AGAIN.!!!.
I have really lot faith in her she doesn't seem bothered about me since I lost you.
She will be alone one day and I wander how she will feel.?.
Lisa goes away with Geoff and Jade and Finley next week, I'm dreading it Lisa is my only
support at the moment.
She is a good girl really.
I hope they enjoy their week and the weather is kind.
I am going to lunch tomorrow with Karen and Julie her friend to the Hednesord Lodge previous Anglesey pub.
I will have to leave Muffin for and hour or so.
I won't leave him too long I love him too much.
He is my company now.
The family have their own lives to lead.
I now feel like my Mum very lonely.
I feel this is my punishment some how.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darling and my Tigger.
I hope all this stress hasn't brought anything on.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you with all my heart darling, kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 31st 2015 14.59pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
I met Anita at the park this morning for a short time we got soaked Muffin and I coming back home.

I waited until Anita picked me up to go to the Barns for Sunday dinner.
It was nice but nothing special.
nice place inside, but there was a wedding on so very nosey.
Lisa and Geoff looked after Muffin for me.
They have just dropped him off they took him over the Chase he enjoyed it..
It's a bit muddy today though.
I miss you my darling so much . I have no one to talk to any more , only Muffin but he can't talk back.
Only you can answer my worries.

I'm watching escape to the country again , you know me Malc property mad.
Only it doesn't feel the same any more because I wouldn't be able to share it with you.
I won't see any one now until tomorrow .
Still nothing from Chris.
I'm getting used to not seeing him now.
I miss him but every time we used to see each other he was on his phone all the time or outside.
I'm not happy with Chanel at the moment you know why .
I'm not explaining in my letter to you.
I know your watching over us .
In for the night now watching television.
Can you believe it the 1st of June tomorrow ? the months are going too quick for me.
I don't want winter to creep up on us.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling I love you with all my heart , miss you more than words can say.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 30th 2015 17.07pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
I have just been crying I miss you so much Malc.
I'm so lonely darling.
Today I Lisa and Geoff' 6th wedding Anniversary.
I sent a card and brought then a plaque for the house because the have had I renovated.
I popped down this morning with Muffin on my scooter.
He isn't very well not eat properly since day before yesterday
I took Muffin a ride to Cannock but nothing there.
I didn't meet any one I knew.
I feel so lonely tonight no one to talk to .
Muffin I sleeping so he doesn't feel like walking or playing.
I might pop down my Mum's
later if it doesn't rain.
It's so boring on my own Malc.
I miss you so much and Tigger, I never forget yu Tiggy wiggs, I kiss you goodnight every night.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling, kiss Tigger and say hello to every one.
I LOVE YOU FOREVER, your wife Rose xxxx woo from Muffin. xxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday 29th May 2015 17.02pm.
Hello Mal my precious Husband and my baby boy Tigger.
How are you both today?.
I miss you so much both of you.
Thank you Malc for coming into my dream last night.
I only wish that dream would come true.
I need you Malc I'm pinning for you to come back.
Today has been a strange day ,the weather stopped me from taking Muffin out this morning.
I did manage to take him out later when the rain stopped.
Anita took me to Rugeley this morning to buy some groceries and heck my knitting in the wool shop .
I have been to my Mum's this afternoon, she doesn't look well today.
The doctor is sending her for another scan.
She is having pain where the gall bladder was taken out.
I then went to the park met Anita and have not long got back.
staying in now watching television.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring.
Geoff did call in and took Muffin a quick walk.
I think that's all I can tell you today.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
Kiss tigger and say hello to every one LOVE YOU FOREVER XXXXXXXX.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 28th 2015 17.19pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
I've had a good day today, Chanel came down with
Cameron Ellie and Georgia and Baxter.
They stayed a couple of hours.
I then went to Karen's for lunch very nice .
fresh cream cake too.
I met her and Julie and Pat on the park this morning Anita wasn't well she didn't come.
Anita is coming to mine tomorrow and may be taking me to Rugeley for some wool.
Rain all day tomorrow so glad she is coming.
I looked at some photo's today do you remember Lincoln standing on the Bridge having our photo taken swans on the water behind us.
I miss those lovely days out together Malc.
I miss your smile, your warmth and you cuddling up to me.
I'm broken with out you Malc.
I'm Lost and empty.
I love you will all my heart darling miss you so much.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc Love you forever
As long as I'm alive I will mention your name every day, kiss you picture and you every night in the living room.
kiss Tigger and say hello to every one xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 27th 2015 13.55pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
I met Anita and Karen this morning on the park .
Then came home fed Muffin had breakfast and phoned the surgery to get a prescription .
I have been down to take it to Lisa to dispense and bring to me tonight.
I saw Jill across the road she says she thinks about me at times.
She is retiring end of july.
Les she says has fribrosis of the lungs, he too has got a scooter.
She says she will pop over when she retires.
I am going to Kay's in a minute for a couple of hours.
Anita is coming about 6pm bringing fish and chips.
I love you and miss you Malc and i'm trying to be strong, it's so hard with out you Malc.
I only survive because I want to believe you are around me all day and every day.
I pray you will come to me and speak to me soon and be in my dreams.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling.
I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger and say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 26th 2015 17.57pm.
Hello Malc my darlng and my baby boy Tigger.
Today has been a better day ,
I met the girls on the park chatted for a while.
Came back home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I waited in for Carole and Kevin to pick me up and take me out then to lunch.
We dropped Muffin into Anita's she looked after him why I went out.
Kevin drove me mad Malc talk, talk, talk and moan,moan,moan.
He never stopped talking about work.
We went to a shoe shop in Stafford it took nearly 2 hours for him to choose two pair of shoes.
I was starving hungry by the time he had finished.
Otherwise a good day.
You probably saw all what was going on.
I only wish you had been with me in person not spirit, but as long as you are around me I am happy.
I am going to Lisa's in a while for supper, Jade will be there and our Finley too.
I love you my darling with all my heart .
I will write to you tomorrow Malc my darling.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one all my love.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 25th 2015 15.56pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

It's been a very lonely day today just Muffin and me.
I never thought my life would end up like this Malc.
I thought you would retire and both of us be enjoying life together.
I have cried for you again today Malc , I miss you more each day , it's not getting any easier.
I took Muffin to the park this morning no one was on the park only Stewart the park keeper.
I then popped to Aldi brought some lovely jar solar lights.
Something to add to our garden.
Your front garden is looking great Malc .
I will try and look after it for you with Geoff's help.
I can't dig but Geoff and Lisa might help and Chanel.
Nothing from Christopher I haven't seen him since Christmas.
I'm devastated but have no choice.
Chanel did bring the kids down yesterday for dinner.
They are having some geese tomorrow , I hope Baxter doesn't kill them.
I have just looked at my booking for Guernsey in September first class I think.
I need company Malc but I don't want another man .
I'm crying Malc because I need you so much I miss you so much.
Did I tell you Jade is having another boy in October.
Hope all goes well.
I really hope you are looking over us all and yu can see everything whats going on.
Talk to Christopher please in his dream.
I don't know if anyone will come later , I doubt it.
I'm just going back down to Aldi to pick up the 3 lanterns I have ordered but couldn't carry because I had Muffin with me.
I will write to you again tomorrow when I get back from Stafford with Carole and Kevin they are buying me lunch too.
Kiss Tigger and say hello to every one , LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 24th 2015 13.55pm.

Hello Malc my darling I'm crying at the moment ,I'm watching don't tell the bride and thinking of us when we got married and now your gone.
all I've got are memories of you places we have been.
Oh Malc I miss you so much darling so much.
Chanel Cameron Ellie and Georgia have been for dinner just gone.
Your Sheila said she might come but it's 2pm now so don't think she will.
Lisa said she might pop up again I don't think he will.
Television again I think.
I did pop Muffin down the park this morning but didn't see any one .
it's raining again so I can't take my scooter out.
Bank holiday Monday tomorrow so don't think I will see any one again.
I'm so lonely Malc .
Baxter has been down playing with Muffin now Muffin is shattered.
I think that's all I have to tell you today.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
I love you with all my heart Malc love you forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 23rd 2015 17.18pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
Hope your enjoying The Rainbow Bridge i'm sure you are.
I have been on my own most of the day today.
Lisa came up this morning to borrow some money . Geoff hadn't left her any spare money she is meeting a friend going to Birmingham and staying over night.
Geoff ha gone on a stag day at Liverpool.
Lisa went with Jade and Adam for Jade's scan ,
she is having another little boy due in October.
After Lisa had called in I took Muffin down for an hour to Lisa's before she went out.
I have been on my own with Muffin ever since.
Every one is busy this week end it's bank holiday.
You said I would get these lonely days.
I've been out on the scooter to Hednesford just to get out.
Even Kay has gone to her friends so no Kay tonight.
I feel so lonely Malc because i'm in so much pain with my arthritis I can't do any house work Chanel has to do it for me bless her.
I'm struggling to get up stairs as well.
I miss you so much I jut want to keep crying.
I hoped when I returned today I would see you sitting on your settee waiting for me.
Malc I'm crying as I write this I am so broken hearted.
OH Malc what am I going to do with out you.
15 Months to date yesterday and 10.35pm tonight .
IT'S NOT FAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger and say hello to every one , love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 22nd 2015 16.54pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
I really can't say much about today nothing special has happened.
I met the girls as usual on the park , came home had breakfast fed Muffin then took Muffin to Cannock for a ride.

Didn't see anyone at all I knew.
I came back had lunch then went to Anita's.
Just got back it's been raining again.
I so fed up Malc coming home you not being here it's frightening me.
I don't think I can't cope with this much longer.
I wish you could let me feel you around me in some sort of way.

I feel so alone Malc .
I ache for you and my Tigger to come home.
I hope you are happy my darling enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling I love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger and say hello to every one .
Love you forever Malc darling xxxxxx your wife Rose xxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 21st 2015 18.05pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today hasn't turned out too bad.
I met the girls on the park and talked a while.
Came back had breakfast fed Muffin.
Chanel came this morning took me to Sainsbury's and I took back the pillows to my hairdressers.

I brought some food then we came back Chanel stayed until about 12ish.
I then waited in until Jean and Jeff picked Muffin and I up to go to their house.
It was a nice change.
since Jeff brought us back I've took Muffin a ride on my scooter and I saw Kay and Alan drive past.

I am now sitting watching television for the rest of the night.
I miss you so much Malc the sun has been out today ,if only we could have been together either going out or sitting in the garden together !!!!!.
It's not to be is it ?.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling , kiss Tigger and say hello to every one , love you forever xxxxxxxxxx your Rose xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 20th 2015 16.58pm.
Hello Malc my darling ad my Tigger baby boy.
How are you both today?.
My day nothing special really.
I met Anita Julie then Karen on the park then popped into Aldi to buy a couple of things.
I came home had breakfast fed Muffin and then waited in for Carole and Kevin to have lunch with me.
Carole stayed until 3.45pm while Kevin went back to work.
I have just got back from taking Muffin a ride up the new road it's o cold outside.
I don't know if Lisa will call tonight or phone .
I don't feel so weepy today upset and missing you and have got upset , it just comes over me.
I'm not looking forward to the weekend every one is doing something long weekend for me.

I still haven't heard from Christopher Malc please have a talk to him go into his dreams and tell him , I love him and wish he would come and see me.
Chanel say's she will come tomorrow or Friday !!!.
I miss you so much Malc it hurts inside .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling. kiss Tigger and say hello to every one, love you forever xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 19th 2015 15.25pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I feel very weepy today although I have been to the hair dressers and Kay has had Muffin I feel very strange today.
I am on my own with Muffin can't get out because of this terrible weather .
I won't see anyone now today . Anita is busy and tomorrow .
I miss you o much Malc I'm frightened on my own I hate this situation.
I never thought this would happen to me.
I don't know if it's punishment or not.
I love you Malc I want you to come home PLEASE !!!.
Carole and Kevin are coming tomorrow for dinner at 12.30 a bit early but at least it' company.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling kiss my Tigger say hello to all the family love them too.
Love you with all my heart Malc love you forever xxxxxxxx your wife Rose xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 18th 2015 17.58pm.

Hello darling Malc my gorgeous man and my Tigger baby boy.
I love you Malc my husband and miss you like crazy , I have cried again today wishing you back by my side.
Today has been a bit of a flop.
Its rained most of the day in-between I have managed to take Muffin out twice.
Chanel came this morning she took me to see my Mum it's her 85th Birthday today.

We stayed for nearly an hour.
Chanel came back had a coffee then went home to let Baxter out.
Anita couldn't come today she was busy taking her grandchildren back home from school.
I haven't seem our grandchildren for a few weeks all because of Christopher not talking to me over a silly little thing.

I am having my hair done tomorrow Kay is picking me up and having Muffin for me.

Good job there are some good programmes on tonight or I would be fed up.

I miss you Malc if it wasn't through having Muffin to get up for I would join you.
But I know you wouldn't want that
I remember you saying I feel sorry for you you will be on your own , you must have a companion.
I'm sitting here crying thinking how selfless you were even though you new you were dying,.
You were so brave darling so brave.
Oh God why I keep asking WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

You didn't deserve to suffer what you went through.
If I could have took your place , I would.
Your Sheila even cried when she came up last week.
I have to hide my tears in front of every one .
I hurt so much Malc .
The pain is hard to bare.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling I love you with all my heart Malc , kiss Tigger and say hello to every one, go play domino's with Dad enjoy The Rainbow Bridge.
I will try my best to go forward , it's hard at the moment.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday May 17th 2015 15.57pm
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy

Well today hasn't been too bad .
Met Anita on the park spoke to the park keeper .
Came home. Fed Muffin had breakfast .
Lisa came with Finley stayed a while then went home to see Geoff he has been to work .
Anita and I booked a meal at the shoal hill tavern for 1 pm .
I took Muffin s ride up the new road .
Then Lisa rang she wanted to wrap mums birthday present needed sellotape.

I went for a meal with Anita it was very nice

Now I am at My mums killing time really
It's her 85th birthday tomorrow and it's going to rain so not sure if I will be down
.I hate Sunday's .
I'm staying until film has finished then off home
Face pack bath tonight .
I miss you darling so much , I beg. Of you come home?
I love you with all my heart .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc .

Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .love you forever .Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 16th 2015 15.50pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Not such a bad day , it started by meeting Anita on the park ,no one else it was a bit early.

I came home after popping in Aldi fed Muffin and had breakfast.
Carole and Kevin came up and Kevin put my table together .
Carole made some cake lovely.
She is becoming a good friend.
I took Muffin to Lisa's and stayed a couple of hours sat in the garden , Geoff made us a bacon sandwich.

I came away then popped down Aldi again to collect a couple of parts missing from the bottom of the legs of the table sorted now.

I'm now waiting for Kay to come for supper and watch television.
Oh Malc it's the same routine every week I get so upset because all I am seeing are woman visitors.
It's you I want really.
I have such good friends Malc but I still feel so lonely !!!!.
I miss you and Tigger so much I cried last night and this morning for you .
My heart aches for you Malc it's broken.
I don't think it will ever mend.
I am worried though but can't explain you know what it's about if you can see me and read my thoughts.
I haven't picked up a feather for a few days.
The meal with Carol my other friend at cuisine was very nice but the place itself not inviting.
I still enjoyed her company though.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger and Butch for me say hello to every one .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 15th 2015 16.19pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

Today not a bad day at all. I met Anita on the park no one else today , came home fed Muffin had breakfast then by the time I had done that Faye the groomer had picked up Muffin for his grooming.

I popped off to Cannock to buy Muffins food and milk for me.
I came back Kay came for her lunch chatted then went home.
The lady who was to collect the table and chairs her van broke down so she couldn't collect them.
Instead Mick Barham my cousin collected it for me .
Dropped it I the garden.
You get what you pay for cheap but ok I suppose.
Carol Norrey is taking me for upper tonight for a meal at out local restaurant looking forward to it.
Lisa is calling in after work .
All in all it's not been a bad day, I gave my Mum her Birthday present today because on her birthday Monday it's going to rain.
I miss you so much Malc and you Tigger it hurts.
I cried again today, I don't think I will ever stop.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , LOVE YOU FOREVER.XXXXXXXX.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 14th 2015 16.30pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

Not a bad day so far , I met Anita Karen and Julie on the park stayed quite a while talking .
Came back fed Muffin had breakfast.
I had a phone call from your Sheila saying they were coming up.

They stayed about an hour which was better.
I then waited in for Jayne Dagley who came at 12 to take me to lunch.
We dropped Muffin off at Karen's she looked after him why I went to lunch.
Bless Muffin he ate all of his dinner and had a treat.
I love Karen having him.
I am going for a meal tomorrow night to cousein at hednesford with Carol my other friend 8pm.
Muffin will be fine for an hour.
I have such great friends they have helped me through losing Malc and I thank them for that.
I only wish my children would think the same.
I don't know what has gone wrong.

We have been talking about you today again Jayne and I and Sheila and Colin.
I love you and miss you Malc my darling o much no one will ever replace you I promise.
Now I'm crying because I want you in my arms again Malc.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 14th 2015 16.30pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

Not a bad day so far , I met Anita Karen and Julie on the park stayed quite a while talking .
Came back fed Muffin had breakfast.
I had a phone call from your Sheila saying they were coming up.

They stayed about an hour which was better.
I then waited in for Jayne Dagley who came at 12 to take me to lunch.
We dropped Muffin off at Karen's she looked after him why I went to lunch.
Bless Muffin he ate all of his dinner and had a treat.
I love Karen having him.
I am going for a meal tomorrow night to cousein at hednesford with Carol my other friend 8pm.
Muffin will be fine for an hour.
I have such great friends they have helped me through losing Malc and I thank them for that.
I only wish my children would think the same.
I don't know what has gone wrong.

We have been talking about you today again Jayne and I and Sheila and Colin.
I love you and miss you Malc my darling o much no one will ever replace you I promise.
Now I'm crying because I want you in my arms again Malc.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday 13th May 2015 17.41pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
A better day today met the girls on the park this morning didn't stop too long.
came back home fed Muffin had breakfast.

sorted plants out in pots not heavy easy to manage.
Geoff came and took Muffin a walk.
I took Muffin a ride to Kay's then a ride to Hedneford Aldi to buy some flowers for Karen because she is looking after Muffin tomorrow why I go for a meal with Jayne my friend .
Lisa hasn't been up.
I have been very upset because I haven't done anything wrong.

there is not much more to tell you today .
I will write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
Love you with all my heart Malc miss you like crazy , now I'm crying oh Malc come home PLEASE.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 12th 2015 15.42pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today started of not so good but has improved throughout the day.
I met Anita Karen Pat and Julie didn't stay long.
Came back fed Muffin and had breakfast.

Stayed in because Geoff was coming to walk Muffin.
But he had a problem with the house now sorted.
He will come tomorrow and walk Muffin.

I have been to Aldi and brought a table and chairs for the garden, a lady from the grocers shop is bringing in to my house I will give her petrol money.
That has cheered me up.
I spoke to Dot farrish when I was out we talked for a good 10 minutes, nice to know that someone else knows what I'm going through , she also ha lost Charlie her husband.
Lisa hasn't been in touch I'm hoping she will soon.
I miss you darling so much much I will never ever forget you Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kis Tigger and Butch say hello to every one ,.

Thank you Dee ad Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 12th 2015 15.42pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today started of not so good but has improved throughout the day.
I met Anita Karen Pat and Julie didn't stay long.
Came back fed Muffin and had breakfast.

Stayed in because Geoff was coming to walk Muffin.
But he had a problem with the house now sorted.
He will come tomorrow and walk Muffin.

I have been to Aldi and brought a table and chairs for the garden, a lady from the grocers shop is bringing in to my house I will give her petrol money.
That has cheered me up.
I spoke to Dot farrish when I was out we talked for a good 10 minutes, nice to know that someone else knows what I'm going through , she also ha lost Charlie her husband.
Lisa hasn't been in touch I'm hoping she will soon.
I miss you darling so much much I will never ever forget you Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kis Tigger and Butch say hello to every one ,.

Thank you Dee ad Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 11th 2015 19.17pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
What a day , I met Anita on the park today and Julie didn't stop long.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast and waited hoping Lisa would pop in to say sorry but nothing not even tonight.
I have been to Carole's for lunch nice day with her she made a cover for my sewing machine it's lovely.
Now I'm on my own with Muffin , I'm letting Lisa have time on her own .
I haven't done or said anything to cause her to flip like she did and I don't need anymore stress this year.
Malc I have more love from my friends than my family.
I think Lisa needs to see a doctor she needs support with her stress.
I love both Lisa and Christopher but it's jut not working out.
I miss you Malc I need you more than ever now I feel so lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , kiss Tigger and Butch and say hello to every one .
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 11th 2015 19.17pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
What a day , I met Anita on the park today and Julie didn't stop long.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast and waited hoping Lisa would pop in to say sorry but nothing not even tonight.
I have been to Carole's for lunch nice day with her she made a cover for my sewing machine it's lovely.
Now I'm on my own with Muffin , I'm letting Lisa have time on her own .
I haven't done or said anything to cause her to flip like she did and I don't need anymore stress this year.
Malc I have more love from my friends than my family.
I think Lisa needs to see a doctor she needs support with her stress.
I love both Lisa and Christopher but it's jut not working out.
I miss you Malc I need you more than ever now I feel so lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , kiss Tigger and Butch and say hello to every one .
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 11th 2015 19.17pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
What a day , I met Anita on the park today and Julie didn't stop long.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast and waited hoping Lisa would pop in to say sorry but nothing not even tonight.
I have been to Carole's for lunch nice day with her she made a cover for my sewing machine it's lovely.
Now I'm on my own with Muffin , I'm letting Lisa have time on her own .
I haven't done or said anything to cause her to flip like she did and I don't need anymore stress this year.
Malc I have more love from my friends than my family.
I think Lisa needs to see a doctor she needs support with her stress.
I love both Lisa and Christopher but it's jut not working out.
I miss you Malc I need you more than ever now I feel so lonely.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , kiss Tigger and Butch and say hello to every one .
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 10th 2015 20.20pm.

Hello My darling Malc and My baby boy Tigger,.
A very very horrible day today.
I met Anita o the park today then came straight home because I had to go to Tesco to get a few things before Chanel and the children came for diner.
They were here before I got back, I told them to let themselves I.

We had a very nice morning had diner they all went home.
Then I decided to go to see Lisa everything seemed ok until she ask me if I wanted a cup of tea, she asked if I had got any sweeteners I said yes just bring a spoon in ad I will stir it.
She came in and said get off your arse some time I was gobsmacked.
She then screamed and swore at me I'm nor repeating the words and flipped.
she stormed off in her car and I asked Geoff what had I said to upset her.
I know he has been stressed over work but I didn't expect her to shout and swear ay me like he did.
I came out crying and came home ,I pulled my self together and rang Anita she asked me to come down.
I stayed and had tea with her came back at 7pm.
Christopher rang bauling down the phone at me Lisa had rang him.
o now both of them are not peaking to me now.
Oh why am I being punished like this?.
I miss you so much Malc I wish you were here to sort things out.
I have to face all this stress on my own.
Know one only Anita understands how I feel.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you forever, kiss Tigger and Butch for me say hello to every one xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 9th 2015 14.15pm.

Hello Malc my darling and My Tigger baby boy.
Yet another boring day .
Started off meeting Anita Karen and Neil Karen's husband on the park.
Came back fed Muffin had breakfast then popped to Hednesford to collect two plants I brought .

Stayed in most of the day its cold and damp today.
I have just got back from taking Muffin a walk well a ride for me a walk for Muffin.
I am going to Kay's tonight for Saturday supper.
Lisa has gone to Wolverhampton with Geoff to by a suit.
I miss you by my side Malc so much I want to ask
you questions but know you can't talk to me back
I love you with all my heart darling , I don't know how I am coping but I seem to be.
I haven't really got much to tell you today .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Chanel and the kids will be coming in the morning so will tell you how the day went.
Kiss Tigger ad Butch and every one who is with you I love them all.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 8th 2015 17.02pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

I have had a rotten day today very weepy!!!!.
I met Anita and Karen on the park this morning then came home fed Muffin had breakfast .
I decided to take Muffin t Cannock to take something back to a shop.
I then went down to my Mums boring she just moaned and moaned about our family.
I only go because its my duty.
I came back and have been stuck in all afternoon because its raining.
I am really fed up Malc.
I miss you being here to talk too , I wet to the spiritual church with Carol last night not very good at all .
I won't go again .
I will just accept that you will be around me always.
I won't stop crying Malc I'm broken with out you.
I miss you so much darling I ache inside .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss my Tigger for me and Butch say hello to every one . LOVE YOU FOREVER MALC XXXXXXX.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday MAY 7TH 2015 16.48pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad .
It took Muffin to the park met up with Anita Karen Julie and Pat stayed a while chatting.
I went home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
Stewart came at 10am checked all the electric sockets and finally fixed the problem.
Thank goodness he knows what he is doing.
Anita came today 2.15pm had a cuppa and cake.
I'm now waiting for Carol Norrey to come tonight after dinner we are going to the Spiritual church.
Hope you will be there.
I miss you so much Malc it hurt inside.
I hope you will come to me tonight I'm praying.
I will let you know tomorrow how I have got on.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc, kiss Tigger for me and Butch too I love tem all .
Say hello to everyone .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 6th 2015 19.45pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Ive had a better day today met Anita on the park
then came home fed Muffin had breakfast.
Jean Beardsmore came at 1pm brought lunch bless her , we had a good afternoon chatted away about old times and talked about you MALC.
I had an oil filled radiator delivered today and plugged it in heated it up for two hours and as I went to switch it off the socket went bang and tripped the switch box.
Geoff her husband came up to check the sockets we have three faulty ones.
I rang Stewart the kitchen chappie ,he is coming tomorrow to check every thing out.
Carole Banks has just sent a message to ask me for lunch next Monday I accepted.
Chanel spoke to me today she is coming on Friday morning.
She is also bringing the kids down Sunday for dinner .
Carol Norrey is taking me to the spiritual church tomorrow night 7.3pm . so my diary is full from tomorrow until next Tuesday .
Malc what good friends I have.

I miss you darling so much I wish you could share our friends they are so kind to me .
I have even spoke to Christopher today about the problem with the socket.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling Malc.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 5th 2015 16.47pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
It's been a very quiet day today .
Nothing much to tell you as I haven't really been anywhere today.
I did go to the park in-between the rain.
I met Karen, Julie and Pat .
I then came home fed Muffin but he hasn't eat yet had my breakfast.
I had far too much to eat yesterday and it made me have a very poorly stomach.
So I have cut down today.
I do feel a bit weepy today missing you Malc more than ever.
I miss every one who I have lost, realising now life is precious and short.
I can't seem to think positive yet because I miss you so much Malc.
Lisa has started full time now at Hednesford I do hoe she is happy.
I keep trying for the lottery so my children and grandchildren can have a happy life stress free.

Not struggle like you and I have done Malc.

I enjoyed being with part of the family yesterday only wishing every one was with us including you Malc.
I will never ever get over losing you Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc
Kiss Tigger for me and say hello to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 4th 2015 20.25pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
What a surprise of a day today .
I met Anita on the park as usual we said if nothing was arrange with family we would meet up later.
I got back home fed Muffin had breakfast just tatted about , then decided to take Muffin to Lisa's because they were putting up the tent today.
When I got there they had only just got up .
I had a cuppa then stayed an hour , they had decided to take Jade Finley and Adam to Stour port to the park and fair.

I came home told them to have a nice day .
when I got home my phone rang and Geoff said get ready your coming with us.

Off we went to STOURPORT we stayed most of the day eat drank and started back about 5.30pm.
We got stuck in a traffic jam so Geoof decided to turn back head for Wolverhamptom and came back that way .

We dropped Jade off then Geoff dropped me home got back at 7pm.
I have really enjoyed being with the family and only wish Christopher Chanel and the kids came with us.

One day perhaps!!.
we talked about you again today and wished you were here with us.

I miss you my darling I ache for you .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 3rd 2015 17.56pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
How are you both today ?.
I have had a reasonable day today it started off taking Muffin u the new road but it was raining .
I thought I was going to be on my own but Lisa rang and asked me to join them at the shoal hill tavern for a meal t celebrate Jade's 23rd birthday.

The meal was lovely and I would recommend it we had a good time family wise only wishing Christopher and Chanel and the kids were with us .
wish we could be one happy family instead of split.

After the meal Jade Adam and Finley went to the
other nans Dot.
Oh Malc I only wish you had been by my side enjoying the family meal
Geoff took Lisa and I to Stafford for a little look in the shops.
ten they dropped me off at Kay's to pick up Muffin because she had watched him while I went for the meal.
She is a god send Malc to me.
I can't thank her enough.

I am now back home after popping to the town for a loaf of bread.
I did ring Anita to see if she wanted to po round but she was cooking her meal.
I miss you my darling more than you will ever know .
My heart is aching with grief hurting with pain and empty with out you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling kiss my baby boy and say hello t every one who is with you.
Love you forever Malc your broken hearted wife Rose xxxxxx woof from Muffin to Daddy xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny hope you are well Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 2nd 2015 16.38pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has been a quiet day.
I took Muffin to the park this morning met up with Anita then came back to feed Muffin and have breakfast.

Then Lisa took me to Sainsbury's then Cannock.
This afternoon Anita came for a couple of hours she has just left.
I am now getting ready for Kay coming tonight.
Cooking her a dinner only sausage and mash.
I really don't like being on my own I have to have company.
I only wish you could come home Malc I miss you so much.

I cry every night for you pray you will come home.
I really can't believe you have gone Malc I feel I have been in a bubble it's only now it is hitting me.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling you know I love you with all my heart, kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one and all my dogs my babies.
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 1st 2015 17.17pm.
Hello My darling MALC and My Tigger Baby boy.
Today I met the girls on the park kAREN GAVE ME TWO bailey's glasses.
I came home fed Muffin and had breakfast.
I have had tummy ache today all day.
Cameron Ellie and Georgia have gone on a school trip today to Barmouth I bet they have had a great time.
I have been to Anita's for a couple of hours it's killed some time.
I am just about to order a curry and go to my mums to share it.
It's just somewhere to go. I'm so lonely Malc I can't stand my own company.

I miss you more as each day goes by Malc . it's the 1st of May , I don't know where the months are going .
Lisa has decided to stay at Hednesford
I think that's the best choice.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling. kiss Tigger for me and say hello to everyone.
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunnyxxxxxxx.

!!! How To Get Your husband Back & Avoid Divorce !!! NEW
by: Lisa Buckley

!!! How To Get Your husband Back & Avoid Divorce !!!

"LOVE is the key to LIFE" Glorious be unto Dr. Ukaka the great man and ever, my name is Lisa Buckley from Taxes city Usa. since 1 and a half year I have witness what is called heart broken. my boyfriend that promised me marriage failed me and impregnate me and leave,he dump me,he stop calling" he stop picking my calls,and he no longer respond to me. I have be looking for solution,I fall into the hands of fake spell caster,they rough me off and took my money without help.I have cried,I have weep"and tears runs out of eyes. The silentness in my heart brought me to the deepest path of failure that I lost my job. Crying all day,because of my life was lonely. So thanks to Ukaka that came into my life and brought me the greatest joy that was lost. I saw his mail while browsing and I contact and tell him what I am passing through with no doubt because what saw about him,was enough to believe. And I was given words of solution on what to do. I can't really help thinking about it I have tried to see what I can do, I manage to provide him some materials and he help me with the rest,after casting the spell, 12hrs later he came with rose on his hand and I was even about going out,i saw him in front of my door when he sees me he knee and said he is dying I should forgive him and accept him back he was crying,I can't wait to let him finish I quickly crab him and kiss him, just then" he said he is restless without me, just as the prophet has said he will be. He brought out a ring and put it on my hand. Our wedding day was scheduled,1week after we got married. today makes it 2weeks and we are living happily I don't know how to praise him enough, he has done me a thing I can never forget. And I can't really share to myself alone, I want y'all to help me praise him because if it is wasn't for him I already plan of committing suicide. But right now I am now so happy more than I was before. And you out there crying for help you've already got one,Ukaka is the man that you need in all rampart. contact his address if you need his service, also contact him on his web site: also call Dr.Ukaka on his mobile number +2348133873774)

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday April 30th 2015 16.21pm.

Hello Malc my dsrling and my Tigger baby boy.

Not a good day at all, Christopher upset me again.
I won't explain why you know.
I have been crying again today over it and the situation.
I just wish I could win £70,000 all our troubles would be over.
I can't relax.
I met all the girls on the park today Julies has invited Karen and I for lunch next Tuesday.
Jean Bearsdmore next Wednesday lunch too.
Lisa is coming for lunch tonight after work.

I have felt emotional all day Malc I don't know which way to turn.
I have got to try and be a bit stronger.
Ive taken Muffin out on the scooter twice today.
I'm crying as I type this letter Malc I am so hurt inside.
I miss you so much help me through this horrible time.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , hopefully I will be in a better frame of mind.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one with you , love you forever xxxxxx.

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 29th 2015 17.19pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger Baby boy.
Another day without you Malc and my Tigger.
I met Anita on the park not for long.
Came home fed Muffin had breakfast then waited in for Carole to come for lunch.
She has set up my sewing machine so I can eventually sew those pieces of material to put in the glass wardrobes the side of our bed.
Carole stayed until 4pm Kevin picked her up.
A nice afternoon with her.
I miss you Malc I want you to come home now you and Tigger, you have been away long enough .
My heart is breaking and aching for you.
I want to put my arms around you and hug you please.
I want to kiss you and hug Tigger too.

Nothing is happening tomorrow hopefully not a day on my own.
I will write to you again to morrow darling kiss Tigger for me Malc say hello to my DAD AND Darren and your MUM and Dad and every one who is with you.
I know you must be happy because you wasn't well or happy here. it was that stupid factory and than b......... Cancer.!!!!!.
I love you with all my heart Malc love you forever darling xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My BoxerDog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday April 28th 2015 17.40pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
I have kept busy today .
I met Karen Julie and Pat on the park today we chatted for quite a while.
We arranged Karen and Julie would come to mine for lunch.
They came 12.45pm stayed until 16.35pm.
It was a nice afternoon.
Julie has asked me down to hers one day next week.

Lisa and Jade are coming for dinner tonight with Finley.
I have just taken Muffin u the new road for a quick ride.
I have been talking about you today to Karen and Julie we have had a laugh about me fetching the television from Worcestershire .
I miss you my darling so much .
I would prefer you here by my side .
I am so glad I have these friends .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Carole is coming for lunch 1pm tomorrow.
I love you with all my heart.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one ,.
Love you forever darling xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday April 27th 2015 17.10pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Today different again.
Met Anita Karen and Julie on the park not for long though.
Came home fed Muffin had breakfast .
I waited in in case Geoff came to take Muffin a walk.
No he didn't.
I was that fed up I took Muffin a ride through Hednesford and the park again saw no one.
Susan Fisher was on face book she ask me to email her and was shocked to hear about you .
She also has lost her husband 2002 .
I think I'm the only one but I hear more every day dying of something.
I asked my mum to lunch today yet again she said no W is coming for lunch.
I saw Lisa just before she went back to work at Hednesford we had a little chat.
She is coming for dinner on Tuesday.

I don't see her so much now.
Chris had some paint thinners in his eyes two days ago burned his eyes I have asked him how his eye's are, he did reply ok.
That's a start !!!!.
I have been a bit fed up today but have to put up with it I have no choice.
I know you would say get in with your life
I am getting upset thinking of when you said you felt sorry for me and told me to get a companion.
Not to marry just get a companion.
I have found some girl friends instead, I'm not interested in another man .
No one can compare to you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
I love you with all my heart darling .
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one who is with you.
Love you forever xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday April 26th 2015 20.41pm.

Hello my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has been a good day in all.
I took Muffin to the park this morning only saw Barbara a lady with two dogs who comes on the park every day.
I came straight back because of Lin and Norman coming I wanted to get organised.
They came at 1pm and stayed for dinner , had a chat brought me a lovely bunch of flowers.
Lisa popped in to say hello she stayed 3/4 hour.
They have offered to come and pick me up one weekend and stay from Friday to Sunday.
Lin and Norman left at 6.30pm.
I then took Muffin a ride on my scooter up the new road saw Lisa and Geoff walking u to the bridge inn.
There is a hog roast night and beer festival.
I am back now watching location location .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc . we have been talking about you most of the day today Lin Norman and I .
Good memories.
I love you with all my heart darling.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love yu forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: rose

Saturday April 25th 2015 15.56pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has been a very quiet day.
I met Anita o the park only for a while .
I called into Aldi to buy a chicken for tomorrows dinner .
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin.
I then took Muffin a ride to see Lisa , I haven't seen her all week.
I stayed an hour had a cuppa and then brought Muffin home .
Lisa was going to bring Jade and Finley down she was on her own Adam was working.
It's been raining on and off all day.
I have managed to go to Tesco on my scooter to buy a couple of things.
I am writing early today because Muffin and I are going to Kay's tonight.
I love you Malc wit all my heart ikeep crying and hoping you will talk to me , I know I can hear your voice on my phone on the video of Tigger, I am so glad I took that video perhaps for a reason wasn't to know until now.
Life is so strange Malc , I am confused.
Perhaps this is the path I have to take now.
You knew you were going to die young didn't you .
When you kept on saying that to me.

I thought it was because you wanted to.
Oh Malc if I knew then what I know now things would have been so different.
My heart aches for you Malc, can't explain to people how I feel my life is empty.

No matter how many friends I have around me I am still lonely.
I love you so much Malc it hurts inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , kiss Tigger for me say hello to the family , love you forever xxxxxxxx,.

Tank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious TiggerMy Boxer Dog Baby Boy. NEW
by: rose

Friday April 24th 2015 17.25pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Just a quick message tonight Janet and Roger from Norton canes are coming at 6pm for fish and chip supper and a chat.
Anne and Viv came today took me to boundry mill .
had lunch nice morning . Kay had Muffin for me bless her.

I did buy a few things you know me.
Also Lin and Norman are coming for dinner on Sunday.
I don't think I will be going to Poole in July now nothing much was said .
I didn't feel comfortable with Viv today .
Lisa rang me today said haven't seen you all week .
I won't see her over the weekend either.
Next week I suppose they are going camping ver the chase.
I had a little cry today wishing you were with me today . looking at Anne and Viv together made me very upset . you should still be here Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow a bit later going to Kay's.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever Malc MISS YOU DARLING.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday April 23rd 2015 19.41pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
What a day it started meeting Anita Julie and Karen and Pat.
I came back home had breakfast fed Muffin.
Kay picked up Muffin at 10am went off with Higgins and Beauty Alan and Lucy to wales.
Muffin has had a great day.
I was taken to The Holly bush and had lunch with Sue Bradbury brought a coupe of plants.
I too have enjoyed the day.
Mick Barham my cousin brought me some slabs to weigh the parasol down in the garden .
he also put a chai on the door for me.
Jason has been u and fixed my lap top again.
All in all I have had a good day bush it doesn't take away the fact I MISS YOU MY DARLING MALC.
Anne and Viv are coming in the morning to take me to Boundry mill Kay is having Muffin again.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling , kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one for me love you forever darling xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 22nd 2015 18.17pm
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
It's a short message again today I'm writing from my iPhone as the laptop is not working properly .
Today I met Anita and Karen and Barb on the park didn't stay long I wanted to get back because I was going to Carole's for lunch .
I fed Muffin had my breakfast .
I have been to Carole's Kevin was in bed headache !!!'
Kay is picking up Muffin tomorrow taking him to Ross coming back late .
I'm going to the Holly bush with Sue Bradbury
And lunch ,
Will let you know what tomorrow brings.
I love you and miss you so Malc I cried this morning on the way to the park thinking about in and Norman enjoying retirement together , they have a caravan and are staying at the camp site on the chase .
They are coming for Sunday dinner .
They are coming 12 noon .
Hope they invite me to Liverpool to stay with muffin .
I will write to you again tomorrow's Malc darlin kiss Tigger for me say hello to everyone Love you forever xxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger my boxer dog baby bou NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday April 21st 2015 15.34pm
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy hope your both well and happy ?
I was having a good day until Cameron messed with my laptop .
I can't get on to write to you , so I am having to use my iPhone .
I met Anita and a all the girls this morning
Then came back had breakfast fed muffin
Chanel came with Cameron she did some weeding for me
Cameron played on my computer now it doesn't let me get into the search part .
I'm not a happy chappie .
I am now in a bad mood had to ask Jason to come tomorrow to sort things out again .
I'm sorry this message is short today I'm upset .
You know I love you and miss you Malc it's stopped me from doing things .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling I miss you so much kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , love you forever xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday April 20th 2015 18.19pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I love you and miss you so much it hurts more as each day goes by.
Today I met Anita and Karen and Julie on the park this morning had a chat.
I popped into Aldi then came home fed Muffin had breakfast.
I ran Mum to see if she wanted lunch she said no because W and P were coming down.
I don't think I will ask again.
I stayed in until it was time to go to Anita's 2.15pm.
she had invited Karen too.
It was a nice afternoon.
I'm now sitting watching television not a bad night .
Lisa has got Jade and Finley for dinner.
I have got a busy week Tomorrow I think Karen and Julie are coming for lunch. Wednesday I am going t Carole's for lunch Thursday Sue Bradbury is taking me to The Holly bush and lunch, then Friday Anne and Viv are taking me to Boundry Mill then lunch.
I wish you were here to enjoy these days its quite warm in the sun but cold in the shade.
I miss you Malc and Tigger so so much.
I pray every day you will come back to me so I can put my arms around you and give you the biggest hug ever .
I wish I could have hugged you more when you were poorly but you were hurting so much . I cry thinking about it and most nights I cry my self to sleep.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to MY Dad and your Mum and Dad hug them for me , miss them too.
Love you forever darling your wife Rose xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday Apri 19th 2015 19.02pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Hope you are well and happy darling I am missing you so much Malc and my Tigger .
I kiss your pictures every morning and night.
I met Anita on the park this morning not for long she had to go to church.
I came back home had breakfast fed Muffin then left Muffin in the house why I went to Tesco oh after taking Muffin to my Mums .
Sorry I forgot that.
I only stopped an hour.
I was a bit upset this morning wandering if I was going to spend the whole day on my own.
I then had a phone call from Jordan saying Mum wants you to come to dinner. that made me feel a little bit better knowing I was with company.
I sent a text to Christopher about something he put n face book .
He did manage to kind of answer my text but I a harsh answer.
I pray one day he will come back to me and treat me lie a Mum and not a piece of something on his shoe.
I stayed at Lisa's from 3pm until 6.30pm.
Muffin was ready for home .
I don't know what tomorrow will bring , I take each day as it comes.
Nothing is the same now you have gone from my life.
It's so empty Malc.
Muffin is fast asleep in his bed now . I'm just watching television , nothing much on.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you with all my heart.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
Lisa talked about your Dad and Mum today when she was younger ,it brought back memories.
Ni night my darling love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday April 18th 2015 16.12pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
A very lonely day today I met Anita on the park then just as I was leaving saw Karen and Neil said hello.
I then went to Aldi for a few things took Muffin home had breakfast fed him but he didn't eat anything.
I decided after washing my hair to take Muffin to Cannock so I did boring saw Val Craddock Malc to busy to come and see me .
I came back home and watched television .
Kay rang expecting me to go to the open day a the hairdressers . I forgot didn't relise she was going.
Kay is coming for supper tonight 5.45pm.
watching tele having a wine.
Your Marg isn't very well had another blood test says she has no energy.
Jason has been in touch.
I miss you Malc my darling so much you didn't come into my dream last night but perhaps you will again soon.
I picked up quite a few feathers this morning, I know your watching over me.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you with all my heart.
Kiss Tigger for me, say hello to every one ,love you forever Malc xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday April 17th 2015 18.17pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Thank you for coming into my dream last night Malc I cried myself to sleep and you must have noticed me.
I picked up three or four feathers today also making me feel warm inside.
I met Anita and Karen on the park today talked a while.
Came back home then at 9.45am Anita picked me up we went to Rugeley the wool shop and Morrison's.
I then came back fed Muffin again and had lunch.
Muffin and I had a ride to Hednesford and then went to Anita's had a cuppa and a cake.
We got back about 5pm then we rode to the curry shop to buy my supper.
I have had to put the heating on it's so cold.
Ellie has lost her first tooth Malc she is so excited.
I have felt so low again missing you so much.
Lisa has been to the doctors she has had a blood test but has been given tablets for stress.
Jade I think I told you is pregnant
She isn't very well either.
I wish I could help by winning the lottery .
I love you with all my heart Malc miss you more each day it's not getting any easier.
I want to cry all day long but it's not doing my health any good.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring . I know Kay is coming tomorrow night.
I need company most of he day but that can't happen.
I have texted Louise today in Poole I need to borrow her mobility scooter if I go to stay with Anne and Viv in July I'm thinking about it.
I need a break and They will fetch me and bring me back.
I hope they can stay over if they want to.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to all the famiy who are with you , love you forever Malc xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday April 16th 2015 16.31pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Hope you are still enjoying The Rainbow Bridg.
Today has been a good day .
Met up with Anita on the park first didn't stop long.
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin who didn't eat it he was sick.
Chanel rang and came this morning she took me to Asda to buy some lilies and dog meat for Muffin.
she stayed until I was ready to go to lunch with Karen my friend.
Geoff came and took Muffin a walk he told me they had got a grant for the rendering on the house good news.
I met Karen we had a lovely lunch stayed and chatted for nearly two hours.
I then went back home and Muffin was so pleased to see me then Anita rang to say she was going a walk with Milly so I took Muffin and met her on the park.
I have enjoyed the day so far , our Jordan has started a job today tree ways hope he sticks it out.
I sat in the garden again today of The Hedgeford Lodge thinking and wishing you were here will me enjoying a meal too.
I cried for you again today darling my Malc.
I will never get over losing you darling I miss you so much.
I might pop to see Lisa tonight only for an hour I'll see how cold it is first.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling kiss my Tigger for me say hello to every one kiss Dad and your Mum and Dad too.
Love you forever xxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 15th 2015 15.50pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today hasn't been too bad,.
Took Muffin to the park late this morning I had a cuppa in bed this morning for a change.
Met up with Anita tale end of the park with her grandchild.
I came back fed Muffin had breakfast then went to my mums, had an hour with her.
I came back took Muffin down Hednesford then came back stayed in a while.
I then met up with Lisa had lunch in The Hedgeford lodge not a bad meal but very nice inside.
Lisa had to go back to work so I went back home picked up Muffin and went a ride to Kay'sshe wasn't in so I drove back and bumped into a lady I know over the Skelly we talked she got upset she has lost her mum dad and her father in law all in a space of a year .
I am now home waiting for Jason to come and sort my tele box out and put a coupe of light bulbs in.
I texted Marg this morning and Roger texted me from spain.
I saw twizzle in the Hedgeford Lodge he gave me a couple of kisses asking how I was.
I talk about you every day Malc with out fail , I will never ever forget you Darling.
I miss you so much.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
Love you forever Malc I will write to you agai tomorrow xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday April 14th 2015 16.00pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

Today has gone much better, I met Anita on the park then popped into Aldi to buy dinner .

I then went home fed Muffin had breakfast.
Kay came and picked me up and took Muffin to Jason's to help gut the house.
I had my hair done very pleased then Kay picked me up and dropped Muffin and I off at home.
I then decided to go a ride with Muffin to Hednesford to see what it was like the opening of The Hedgeford Lodge was the Angesley.
I saw Karen and her husband they called me in the garden and Neil brought m a Larger & lime.
I really enjoyed the afternoon Karen is good company.
You would have loved it Malc just relaxing outside with a drink in the sunshine.
I was thinking about you as I sat on my scooter .
Wishing you were by my side having a laugh.
I miss those days Malc I miss you more as each day goes by.
It's so unfair you should be here with me enjoying your retirement .
Lisa is coming for dinner but not stopping long .
Muffin hasn't eat today I think he is too hot.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever Malc xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday April 13th 2015 15.28pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Today a little better.
I didn't meet Anita I just went to the park on my own, I was early.
I popped into Aldi for a few things.
I then came home had breakfast fed Muffin .
Chanel arranged to come with the children this afternoon which they did.
I went to Anita's for an hour this morning had a bit of a swap around .
Lisa rang me asking me to take the chicken down hers tonight as Jade is coming for dinner too.
Hope it doesn't rain.
it's so cold today.
I've sorted the worry hope it stays that way.
I still feel a bit tense and emotional you see I need you home Malc I can't live with out you , I'm so lonely.
I will pray that one day you will come home to me bringing Tigger , Butch Butch 1 and patsy .
I love you with all my heart Malc miss you more than ever , kiss tigger for me tell him ive kissed his collar today.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling ,kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday April 12th 2015 16.05pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Not such a good day today, I met Anita on the park she was late getting up.
I took Muffin up the new road first.
Came back had breakfast fed Muffin then went to my Mum's.
Boring had an hour then went to Aldi to get something for my dinner .
I fell down the stairs this afternoon don't know how I did it grazed my elbows hurt my hip and back.
No one has been your Marg rang when she knew I had fallen but she is in Guernsey as you know.
It's been a very lonely day and going to be a very lonely night.
I have had another cry.
I miss you darling so much I want you to talk to me but I know you can't.
I just wish you could give me a sign.
Oh darling I am crying as I type .
I miss you so much.
It's poring down and very windy today.
I really don't have much to tell you as I haven't done anything to be excited about .
I feel rock bottom worse today than all the last 14 months .
I hurt inside so much Malc.
I never thought I would be left alone with out you , I thought we would both die old and grey together in bed.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring darling I only know I love you more than anything in the world . kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , love you forever Malc darling.xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday April 11th 2015 14.06pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today not such a good day so far, i'm writing early because I'm going to Kay's later .
I met Anita on the park this morning it was very cold and damp.
I came back had breakfast fed Muffin then we went off to Cannock, I had to take a top back to the shop, I spoke to Val today ad an old collegue I used to work with.
We went to Boots then I came home, my scooter is worrying me it flashes red when it should still be on green , must sort it.

I rang Chanel to ask some advise then while talking to Chanel Christopher interrupted shouting get off the phone to Chanel I'm trying to ring her. it upset me very much.
Lisa rang and I was crying at the time ,she has guests anyway.
I feel very low and very upset today Chris has done it again.
I feel like ending it all today , but I have my little Muffin and I need to give him plenty of love , he is keeping me going.
I miss you Malc and need you please help me through all of this.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday April 10th 2015 18.00pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
It's been a strange day today .
This morning I met Anita and Karen on the park.
Came back fed Muffin had breakfast and a cuppa.
We ten went to Cannock Muffin and I .
Came back had Kay, Alan and Lucy to lunch .
I then went to Tesco to get milk.
I had a very strange phone call too won't explain on this site ,if your watching over me you will know.
I have just took Muffin a ride and got a curry .
I feel very upset and lonely tonight.
Nothing I can do just have to take each day as it comes.
I need you Malc so much Help me please get through this.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every ne love you forever xxxxx
Thank you Dee ad Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday April 9th 2015 17.08pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tiger baby boy.
Hope your both well and happy.
I met Anita Karen and Pat on the park this morning then came home had breakfast fed Muffin.
I rang my Mum asking I she would like to come for lunch she came 11.30am.
stayed until 1.45p.
She says W is in hospital having a hip replacement !!! no comment.
I went to Anita's this afternoon just got back
I have been invited to a barbeque at Lisa's tonight .
ASDA GROCERIES are delivering my goods leaving them in the porch.
Your Marg rang this morning had quite a talk.
I miss you my darling so much it hurts inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you for forever sorry it's a short message tonight I will make up for it tomorrow I LOVE YOU MALC XXXXXX.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 8th 2015 17.27pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have had a fairly good day today ,I met Anita , Karen and Julie on the park this morning.
Came back had breakfast fed Muffin sat and watched television for a while then went to Carole Banks for lunch it was a dinner really .
Had a nice afternoon .
Now our Jordan is painting the front fences for me I am paying him.
I am very pleased with Jordan I didn't think he would come.
The sun is out hope it stays for a long time .
I miss you my darling Carole showed me some photo's of you and I when we used to all go out together.
I miss those days ,we have been talking about you, you looked so well then.
If I could turn the clock back .
Jason rang me Opal Kay's Labrador has died she had Cancer .
Kay is devastated you can imagine.
I have texted them .
I wish you were here Malc , you would have been painting the fence and digging the garden wouldn't you? .
I will write to you again tomorroe Malc darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 8th 2015 17.27pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have had a fairly good day today ,I met Anita , Karen and Julie on the park this morning.
Came back had breakfast fed Muffin sat and watched television for a while then went to Carole Banks for lunch it was a dinner really .
Had a nice afternoon .
Now our Jordan is painting the front fences for me I am paying him.
I am very pleased with Jordan I didn't think he would come.
The sun is out hope it stays for a long time .
I miss you my darling Carole showed me some photo's of you and I when we used to all go out together.
I miss those days ,we have been talking about you, you looked so well then.
If I could turn the clock back .
Jason rang me Opal Kay's Labrador has died she had Cancer .
Kay is devastated you can imagine.
I have texted them .
I wish you were here Malc , you would have been painting the fence and digging the garden wouldn't you? .
I will write to you again tomorroe Malc darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday April 7th 2015 17.27pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I have been very upset today cried myself to sleep last night begging you to come home , I'm missing you so much darling.
My heart aches for you .
Today I met Anita Karen and Pat another lady on the park with their dogs nice.
But then I came home knowing the house would be empty with out you.
I cried again.
I felt so low inside myself.
I just can't cope with life with out you Malc.
How you coped knowing you were dying I don't know.
You were so brave my darling.
You even had a smile in Scotland ,I keep your picture on my phone so I can look at you every minute I can.
I play the video of Tigger with your voice in the background it gives me comfort.
I did pop into Lisa's this morning but she was bust I stayed an hour .
Jordan was there , I asked him if he would paint the fencing on the front garden , he said he would tomorrow ,but Lisa said he won't do it.
I'm so upset as no one will do it for me .
I have had to ask the neighbour across the road and she said she would ask her partner ,he might do it the weekend.
I'm not holding my breath.
I have been to Anita's for a few hours because KAY didn't want me to go because Opal her Labrador isn't very well.
She is really worried about her.
I don't know if I will go Saturday .
Carole Banks has asked me to lunch tomorrow at 1pm.
At least there is something on television on tonight.
I miss you my darling I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger for me say hello to eery one love you forever my darling xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday April 6th 2015 20.30pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy .
Not a happy bunny today I'm angry.
Today I didn't go to the park it was too foggy earlier.
I took Muffin later.
Lisa and Geoff took me to B&Q for a ride he brought me some soil back.
I went to Anita's for an hour or so then came home .
Lisa rang me this afternoon and asked me to go down with Muffin I stayed 2 hours.
I'm back now watching television bored to tears.
Feeling very upset with your Sheila and upset because I miss you so much it's Easter and you should be here with me I'm broken Malc so empty inside .
I love you with all my heart darling I pray each day you will come home to me , one day !!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday April 5th 2015 19.52pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Happy Easter darling missing you so much .
My day hasn't been too bad.
Chanel and the children came this morning stayed a couple of hours, nice to see them.
Then 10 minutes before Karen the friend who I have met on the park asked me to dinner today which was a lovely thought.
Didn't stay long before they came to pick me up a bit disappointed .
I had a lovely meal and stayed until about 4.45pm.
I came home fed Muffin then took Muffin a ride to my Mums.
Stayed an hour and half .
Back now watching it's a wonderful life.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday April 4th 2015 14.45pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
I'm writing to you early today because Kay is coming at 6pm for tea.
Well the door draught wood has been fixed and toilet plastered behind loo.
Our Mick Barham my cousin has done it.
That's another job done.
The canopy I brought is not suitable to put up so will have to sell it on Ebay.
I think I'm only waiting for Stewart to finish my Kitchen skirting and replace the freezer door.
Lisa and Geoff have took Finley to Matlock for the day, wish I could have gone.
I have took Muffin to Cannock had a ride round just to kill time really, I'm so lonely Malc .

Anita hasn't even text me to go to hers or come to mine.
Tomorrow will be boring too no where to go no one to see.
I suppose I have got to get used to this loneliness.
I am trying to imagine you are still here with me and talk to you hoping one day you will talk to me back .
I miss you darling so much and my igger.
I know you will look after each other .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling love you forever kiss Tigger for me say hello to everyone all my love xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday April 3rd 2015 17.05pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger ,
Not a good day bored out of my brain .
I saw no one this morning so I asked Anita if she would like to come for lunch.
Then Lisa rang to ask if I wanted to go to lunch typical !!.
Kay rang this morning to ask if I need anything from Aldi because it was raining.
Now I'm on my own with Muffin , Malc I wish you were here to talk to and cuddle me up.
I'm so lonely I can't tell you.
Your Marg Rang me while Anita was here so I couldn't talk to her much.
She still is not friends with Jason.
Our Mick Barham my cousin is coming tomorrow to fill the back of the toilet in and may be fix the back door the piece of wood has fell off.

Oh Malc I miss you more each day goes by it's not getting any easier.
I am in a lot of pain with my shoulder still after the fall I had in the bedroom.
I feel so sad today will it ever get better ?.
Telly is my company lately .
Hope you and Tigger are well kiss him for me and Dad and every one who is with you Darlin.
I will write to you again tomorrow I love you with all my heart Malc miss you Miss you miss you
It might be late because Kay will be here or I will go there .xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday April 2nd 2015 16.53pm.

Hello Malc my darling I have just looked at your photo omn my iPhone you holding your arms out and smiling in Scotland ,I have a lump in my throat I just am starting to cry again.
it's just not fare , why have you been taken from me Malc WHY ????????????????????????????????????.
I havejust come back from taking Muffin a ride round coming through Hednesford I prayed you would be walking town the town towards me.
Thank you for coming into my dream last night.
Anita took Karen ad me to Sainsbury's today for a ride Karen brought us a bunch of yellow tulips how lovely.
Karen stopped for lunch and stayed 3 hours.
Muffin has a groom he looks lovely.
I think I'm in for a lonely Easter !!!!.

Christopher still hasn't been in touch he is on his way from Scotland a course he has been on.
Chanel is picking him up from Crew.
I did see Lisa for 5 mins at her work .
I am going to watch television the rest of the night.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one miss you like crazy Malc love you forever yiur broken hearted wife Rose xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday April 2nd 2015 16.53pm.

Hello Malc my darling I have just looked at your photo omn my iPhone you holding your arms out and smiling in Scotland ,I have a lump in my throat I just am starting to cry again.
it's just not fare , why have you been taken from me Malc WHY ????????????????????????????????????.
I havejust come back from taking Muffin a ride round coming through Hednesford I prayed you would be walking town the town towards me.
Thank you for coming into my dream last night.
Anita took Karen ad me to Sainsbury's today for a ride Karen brought us a bunch of yellow tulips how lovely.
Karen stopped for lunch and stayed 3 hours.
Muffin has a groom he looks lovely.
I think I'm in for a lonely Easter !!!!.

Christopher still hasn't been in touch he is on his way from Scotland a course he has been on.
Chanel is picking him up from Crew.
I did see Lisa for 5 mins at her work .
I am going to watch television the rest of the night.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one miss you like crazy Malc love you forever yiur broken hearted wife Rose xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 1st 2015 17.03pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tiger baby boy.
Oh Malc I am feeling so low missing you more than words can say.
I just want to cry all day.
I met Anita and Karen on the park but came back early because the weather wasn't good.
I had breakfast fed Muffin then took Muffin to my mums only stayed 3/4 hour because W came I can't even say her name. You know who it is.
I came back stayed in all day bored .Kay was busy so couldn't go down , Lucy was there, I was a bit sneaped actually.
Anita came this afternoon for a couple of hours and Lisa is coming for dinner .
I have just phoned the insurance about the claim but they are still thinking about it.
I feel rock bottom at the moment .
I only wish you hadn't have had Cancer my darling.
I need you so much I don't know if I can cope much longer.
I hate my own company .
Chanel say's she might come tomorrow depending on when she has to pick Christopher up from crew as he is on his way to Scotland by train at the moment .
Malc I want you I need you I beg you to come home PLEASE !!!!.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love yu forever Malc xxxxxxxx.
Thank you DEE and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 31st 2015 16.18pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today I think I should have stayed in bed.
It started when I got out of bed I walked around the bed and fell to the floor on my right shoulder.
I couldn't get up for a while and finally when I did I felt sick breathless and the sweat pored from me.

I had to go to the bathroom feeling very sick.
I tried to get down the stairs but still felt very poorly .
I managed to get to my mobile phone and ring Lisa she came straight away and phoned the doctors , they got me in straight away .
Dr examined me took my blood pressure and listened to my chest .
He also looked at my shoulder and said if it did swell I should go to hospital for an xray.
I have been given ibuprofen for the pain .
Lisa rang me lunch time to see how I wa and Geoff rang me too.
Well Georgia has had a lovely 5th Birthday lots of toys.
Carole Banks came for lunch and brought some washing up to do because of the kitchen they have had fitted .
No washer plumed in yet.
They are taking me for a meal as a thank you. We have talked about you most of the day . I miss you Malc so much darling and Tiger.
Lisa will pop in after work to give me my Tablets , them Jade is stopping over night.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you and miss you so much.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday March 30th 2015 17.01pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Hope you are both enjoying The Rainbow bridge with every one.
It's been a mixed day today .
I didn't go to the park , instead I went to Lisa's to get a card so I could take the pillows back to dunelm .I had to have a credit note.
Chanel came at 9.25pm we went to Dunelm first then Asda and a pet shop.
she stayed until about 12 oclock.
Then Lisa came at 1.45pm she was upset because she had been to see Jade who told her she was pregnant , you are going to be a great granddad again Malc . Lisa was upset because Jade hadn't told her first.
Anita came at 2.30pm stayed until 4.45pm.

Lisa is coming for dinner after 6pm hope she feels better later.
I have been talking about you again today to Louise Mallen from Mcghie street she was shocked I had lost you to Cancer.
I love you and miss you darling , I cried again last night , thank you for last night Malc . you know ?.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling tell Tigger I love him too.
Say hello to every one love you forever Malc xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday March 29th 2015 17.11pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy , how are you both my darlings?.

I didn't meet Anita again today it was so windy and raining.
I did in between the showers take Muffin up the new road.
Then came back had breakfast a cuppa , fed Muffin and sat and watched tv.
Geoff rang asking me to dinner picked Muffin and I up and had a lovely beef and Yorkshire pudding dinner.
I have messaged your Marg today she still isn't friends with Jason.

I did ask Anita to pop round but she say's she has an upset tummy.
I hope the rain stops soon I can't get out on my mobility scooter.
A bit fed up now, Malc you know I just hate my own company.
My darling I miss you so much it still hurts inside I pray one day you will come home with Tigger on the end of a lead .
I miss you Tigger my darling so much too.
Lisa got me two pillows yesterday but they are not suitable my neck hurts so much with arthritis.
So they are going back.

It's going to be a long night although the clocks went forward last night so should be getting better.
At least there is something on television tonight.
I have been worried since yesterday but feel a little better today after speaking to Lisa.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling
say hello to everyone kiss Tigger for me love you forever xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday March 28 th 2015 2044 pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy
It's been a fairly good day today .
I took Muffin to the park late today because it was raining .
I haven't seen Anita today .

Geoff asked me to go to lunch with Lisa and him we went to Bella's
Then Lisa asked if I wanted a ride to Stafford Queen's Park .
She also got me two new pillows from Dunelm .
Now I'm at Kay's going home at 9.30 pm .
I have been thinking of you most of the day as always .
I love you andi miss you Malc so much .
I love you will all my heart , I have found a site on line were people who also have lost some one writes on this site .
I have written about you .
The clocks go forward tonight .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tiggef for me say hello to every one , love you forever darling .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 27th 2015 16.57pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger my baby boy.
I haven't got much to tell you today , met Anita and Karen on the park, waved to Jason on his way to work horrible pace as you know.
I came home had breakfast fed Muffin then took Muffin to Hednesford to buy a couple of things.

I then took Muffin to my Mums had a couple of hours.
I came home had lunch then took Muffin and myself to Anita's just got back she is a good friend.
Now watching our favourite programme The Chase.
I'm in for the night now until Lisa puts me to bed.
I'm ordering a curry tonight.

I miss you Malc my darling more than words can say .
I miss my Tigger too .
I wish you could come to me and talk to me have a discussion about what is happening.
I want to tell you howthings are what is happening and worrying me.
You should se the Anglesey now Hedgford Lodge opening 15th April it's very nice.
I hope it brings custom to Hednesford.
I talk about you every day think about you all day every day you are never far from my thoughts.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling kiss my Tigger say hello to all the amily who are with you , love you forever xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday March 26th 2015 15.08pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has been very boring, its rained most of it.
I have took a parcel back to the post office not met anyone today.
Carole and Kevin are coming for dinner at 5pm.
I haven't enjoyed my own company again.
I am so lonely Malc even when I have company I miss you around.
I wish you were back to even tell me of like you did sometimes as I did to you.
I miss the conversations we had about the family.
I miss you cuddling up to me in bed and kissing me goodnight.
I miss you saying I love you and me to yu.
Although I still tell you day and night how much I love you Malc.

I don't know what will happen Saturday ad Sunday I hate weekends , but I do go to Kay's or she to our house.
I can't seem o get the right pillow either I am lying funny which wakes me up.
I can't really tell you much more today .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me and every one who is with you .
when the nights get lighgter and warmer I am going to the spiritualist church and hope yu will be there too.
I love you with all my heart Malc , still nothing from Christopher i'm heart broken not only have I lost you I have lost Christopher through a silly argument.
Your Marg still hasn't made up with Jason yet but I'm sure they will.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 25th 2015 17.13pm.
Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.
I just can't take in that you are not coming back.
I found another white feather by the back gate today just as I was going out.
I met Anita on the park today very early we keep missing Karen I think we are going too early.
Its going to rain tomorrow so I don't think I will be going out at all.

I get so depressed when I cant get out on my scooter.
I have been to Kay's today only went or an hour though she was busy.
Jason might be coming tonight to set up my tv box to watch films.
Muffin isn't eating so well he is eating late in the day, but I think he is ok.
Malc I miss you my darling so much I want to tell you things what has happened . I do talk to yu but I wish you could talk back to me.
I wish you could touch my hand and hold it or cuddled me up in bed like you used too.
I was talking to Kay about you today I have found a lovely photo of you Christopher took in Scotland I showed Kay.
I am going to print it off later.
I miss you darling so much I know I keep repeating my self I hurt inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever darling xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 24th 2015 13.13pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
I am writing to you early today Lisa is picking me up after work .
Today I met Anita on the park and a lady called Pat with Bertie.
Then home for breakfast and a cuppa.
I did go to Tesco for a couple of things left Muffin for a while.
I found a picture on Christopher's facebook of you when we were in Scotland you looked so happy that day even though you knew you only had months to live, Malc I cry to think how brave you were.
You never complained once.
I sent the photo to your Roger and Marg.
Marg still hasn't made up with Jason yet I really don't know what went on.
I feel tension in my body today I am very un happy , my life with never feel the same now.
I spoke to Carole today they are having dinner here on Thursday as they are having a fitted kitchen.
She is good to me I had dinner last week with them.
Kevin is still a bit strange and stressed but I can put up with that, Carole is lovely.
I miss you so much Malc I will never get over losing you.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , love you forever xxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday March 23rd 2015 17.29pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Not a good day today apart from seeing Anita this morning on the park I've seen no one all day.

I cried part of the day I am so lonely Malc with out you.
I took Muffin down Hednesford for a ride and popped into Aldi just for company.
I have been very bored .
Chris and Chanel are having another Boxer puppy end of year !!!!!!.
I have sent off the claim for the damaged toilet.
Now I am sitting watching television.
My heart is aching for you Malc why did he take you from me.
WHY ???????????????????????????????????????????.
hOPE YOU ARE HAPPY DARLING I kiss your picture every morning and night.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday 22nd March 2015 18.50pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger hope your well and happy ?.

A uneventful day today met Anita on the park this morning came home had breakfast waited for Chanel to pick me and Muffin up to go for dinner.
I stayed until 3.45 them they all came back to our house.

The kids were pretty good today they are getting older aren't they so better now.

I sat out side at Christopher's today in the sun thinking of you Malc looking at your photo on my phone getting upset yet again.
I miss you so much darling so much.

Chanel and the kids stopped a couple of hours Cameron played on his ps3 with the games you brought him bless him .

They all miss you Malc .

Jason popped in tonight to check what I need for the new box I brought.

It's Lucy his daughters 18th birthday tomorrow .
I gave her a bracelet and card .

Muffin has enjoyed his day playing with Baxter.
He is shattered now.

I am in now watching television and having a bath before I go to bed.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling miss you like crazy Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday March 2st 2015 16.24pm
Hello Malc my darling and My Tigger baby boy.

Today another strange day nothing much happened.
I met Anita on the park this morning then came back had breakfast .
Anita picked me up at 9.30pm to goto Sainsbury's.

I came home watched television or a while then took Muffin to Cannock brought a couple of things.
then popped in the hairdressers o have my fringe cut.
I then came back had a cuppa .
Anita rang me to go the park again we then popped up hers for a cuppa.

I am now back home Muffin has just had his first meal he hasn't eat all day.
Kay is coming at 6pm we are having a curry .
She will leave about 9.30pm.
Lisa has gone to Geoff's daughter for the weekend.
She has finally got the car sorted.
Your Marg has fell out with Jason and Nick over some racist remark she made they went to BUDAPEST and they didn't speak after two days of being there.
I have been thinking about you all day today, I will never stop I miss you so much Malc it hurts.

I cry every night before I go to sleep.
I just can't imagine lie with out you Malc I keep expecting you to walk through the door or be sitting on your settee when I get back.
Why oh Why was you taken from me .????????.

I love you with all my heart darling .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling , Chanel is asking me to dinner tomorrow .
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
love you forever Malc , please come into my dream again kiss me like to have never kissed me before.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 20th 2015 16.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
What a strange day it has been .
I met Anita and Karen at the park then Karen another lady who has a collie dog comes on the park regular Glen the dog came over and attacked Muffin , it really upset me , but she was upset too.
Next tom I go down I will keep an eye on him.
I came home had breakfast fed Muffin he was sick but ok now.
Lawrence the plumber came to put in a new toilet downstairs loo.
Its took him all day but he has fixed my hose out side for free I can't grumble.

Jason has fixed my laptop and is looking into getting me an Ethernet and new box for television.

Kay collected my hair brush which I ordered from the hair dresser.
They are such great friends Malc.
I miss you darling so much I cry most days for you .
I don't know what is happening tomorrow morning , but Kay is coming tomorrow night for a curry.
I will writ to you again tomorrow darling kiss my Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever darling xxxxxx your wife Rose xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday March 19th 2015 16.48pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
Today I met Anita and Karen on the park along with other ladies with their dogs , I was on the park an hour .
I then came home fed Muffin had real fast then visited my Mum.
I stayed a couple of hours .
I had a phone call from Kay who asked me to lunch so I went to Kay's with Muffin .
Back now waiting for Lisa to come from work having dinner here.
I love you and miss you my darling , thank you for the kids you gave me in my dream , I wish it was not a dream but reality .
Ithe toilet us being put in tomorrow staying in all day .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you with all my
heart Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxx.
Thankyou Dee and bunny xxxcc

My Precious a Tigger My a Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday March 18 th 2015 16.43pm.
Hello Malc My darling and my Tigger baby boy .
Today I met Anita and Karen on the park then popped into coop to buy a couple of things for dinner .
Geoff came to borrow your drill Malc and some drills .
He took Muffin a walk then went to work .
He had took Lisa's car into the garage to have two new tyres , a bracket for the exhaust and hand break fixed .

I went to Carole 's for lunch it was lovely , she is a good friend .
I am back now waiting for Lisa to come for dinner straight from work .
We have been talking about you again today . Ibwill always talk about you every day you will never be forgotten .
Sheila and Colin did call in this morning for about 15 mins it wasn't worth them coming .

Not happy with them at all
I love you and miss you darling so much my life will never be the same .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc hopefully on my lap top , waiting for Jason to fix it .
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to Dad your mum and dad and all who are with you .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 17th 2015 18.40pm

Hello my darling Mslc and my Tiggef baby boy , hope you are both well and Happy.
I have tried twice to write to you but it's not going through.
Hope this does .

I met Anita on the park but it was cold came back home fed Muffin and had Breakfast .

The plumber came to measure toilet down stairs now ordered new toilet hecis putting it in on Friday .
I'm fed up today , I talked to Shirley in Tesco today we talked about you I cried she cried too ,
She gave me a kiss .
I took Muffin a ride to Hednesford just to kill time .
It's gone dark now nothing on television .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you and miss you my chest aches for you .
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

MyPrecious TiggerBoxerDogbaby boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday March 17 th 2015 17.59 pm
Hello my darling Malc , I'm sending this message from my iPhone as ive cocked the computer up .
Jason will sort it but he is busy at the moment .
You would be cursing me if you were here.

Today has been boring , I took Muffin to the park met up with Anita but didn't stay long it was too cold .
I came home fed Muffin had breakfast .
Then the plumber came to measure the toilet for the down stairs loo .
I have ordered a new one he is fitting it Friday .

Another day stopping in .
I talked to Shirley today in Tesco 's she asked how I was and we talked about you she cried as did I .
She gave me a kiss then we said good bye
I was bored today so took Muffin a rude on my scooter .
I have had dinner and are now watching tv
Bored .
Lisa is having her hair done tonight . She will put me to bed later.
I miss you so much Malc and have cried during the day again .
I will write to you tomorrow darling my Malc kiss Yigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxcc
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 17th 2015 16.42pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Hope you are both well and happy ?,.
Not a very exciting day today .
The plumber came today to measure the toilet and I telephoned the insurance and gave them details and they have agreed to the claim .
Plumber is coming Friday to remove the old toilet and put in the new one.
ordered the same make as in the bathroom it's just smaller.

I was bored this afternoon so took muffin a ride round, popped in to see Lisa at work.
Now in for the night ,.
I saw Shirley in Tesco's today we had quite a talk.
she gave me a kiss , she cried too thinking about you.

I have a pork chop and veg today , I'm upset because I should be eating with you not on my own,.
Oh Malc when will this dreadful feeling ease .
I can't stand life with out you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling , kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxx.

Thank yu Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 17th 2015 16.42pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Hope you are both well and happy ?,.
Not a very exciting day today .
The plumber came today to measure the toilet and I telephoned the insurance and gave them details and they have agreed to the claim .
Plumber is coming Friday to remove the old toilet and put in the new one.
ordered the same make as in the bathroom it's just smaller.

I was bored this afternoon so took muffin a ride round, popped in to see Lisa at work.
Now in for the night ,.
I saw Shirley in Tesco's today we had quite a talk.
she gave me a kiss , she cried too thinking about you.

I have a pork chop and veg today , I'm upset because I should be eating with you not on my own,.
Oh Malc when will this dreadful feeling ease .
I can't stand life with out you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling , kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxx.

Thank yu Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 17th 2015 16.42pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Hope you are both well and happy ?,.
Not a very exciting day today .
The plumber came today to measure the toilet and I telephoned the insurance and gave them details and they have agreed to the claim .
Plumber is coming Friday to remove the old toilet and put in the new one.
ordered the same make as in the bathroom it's just smaller.

I was bored this afternoon so took muffin a ride round, popped in to see Lisa at work.
Now in for the night ,.
I saw Shirley in Tesco's today we had quite a talk.
she gave me a kiss , she cried too thinking about you.

I have a pork chop and veg today , I'm upset because I should be eating with you not on my own,.
Oh Malc when will this dreadful feeling ease .
I can't stand life with out you.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling , kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxx.

Thank yu Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday March 16th 2015 20.24pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband and my Tigger baby boy.
What a day weather rain sleet cold and depressing.
I have been to the park today met up with Anita and Karen, then popped into Aldi .
Came back home rang your Sheila who said she wasn't coming up again.
I think she is avoiding me.
Anita came up and stayed a couple of hours , then Lisa came for dinner.
We have been looking at the photo's and video of Scotland lovely looking at you and seeing moving video with you talking.
I cried when I saw them .
Lisa had a look too.
I miss you my darling so much I cry every night.
I just can't accept you not coming back .
I love you so much Malc my darling .

I have made a boo boo on the lap top and can't sort it so I will leave it to Jason I think , I hate this lap top.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger for me say hello to my Dad and your Mum and Dad love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday March 15th 2015 17.14pm.

Hello my Malc my darling my soul mate my lover.
Hello Tigger my baby boy.

Mothers day not a good one.
No phone call from Chris only a card from Chanel writing from Chanel and Chris.
A present from Chanel in the week.
Lisa rang this morning then Geoff and Lisa picked me up took me to Walsall that was nice.
I have had to cook my own dinner as Lisa took me to The Wolseley Arms yesterday.
Not had it yet.
I met Anita on the park this morning but she did call this afternoon with some daffodils and stayed for a cuppa.

She is a great friend.
As is Kay.

My chest is tight with worry as I have cried all night again wishing you back and crying over Christopher.
I have never been so lonely Malc Never.

I love you with all my heart Malc one day we will be together , I will run to you and give you the biggest hug and kiss ,.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , love you forever xxxxxx your Rose xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday March 15th 2015 17.14pm.

Hello my Malc my darling my soul mate my lover.
Hello Tigger my baby boy.

Mothers day not a good one.
No phone call from Chris only a card from Chanel writing from Chanel and Chris.
A present from Chanel in the week.
Lisa rang this morning then Geoff and Lisa picked me up took me to Walsall that was nice.
I have had to cook my own dinner as Lisa took me to The Wolseley Arms yesterday.
Not had it yet.
I met Anita on the park this morning but she did call this afternoon with some daffodils and stayed for a cuppa.

She is a great friend.
As is Kay.

My chest is tight with worry as I have cried all night again wishing you back and crying over Christopher.
I have never been so lonely Malc Never.

I love you with all my heart Malc one day we will be together , I will run to you and give you the biggest hug and kiss ,.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , love you forever xxxxxx your Rose xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday March 14th 2015 16.58pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

What a day Kay picked Muffin up t 1pm why Lisa Jade and myself went to Wolseley Arms for a meal Lisa was treating me to a mothers day meal a day early.

Lisa picked me up with Jade started off then the excaused dragged on the floor from the car.
We managed to get for a meal , then I suggested to go the garden centre opposite to by some rope or wire to temp hold it up until she got home.
We just about did it , now I'm home and Alan is picking me up to go to KAY and his house they have Muffin.
I only wish I could win the lottery for her so I could help Lisa with her finances
I love you and miss you Malc I wish you could come home to me.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling Malc I love you with all my heart kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one sorry it's a short message today it will be longer tomorrow Malc love you forever xxxxxx your Rose xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 13th 2015 17.05pm.

HELLO Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

What a day it has been, it started off poring of rain so then mobility rang saying could not do scooter I was fuming , but then the rain stopped and Neil came putting four new tyres on the scooter.
Also the boiler has been serviced all good.
So all in all not a bad day. it being Friday 13th.

I took Muffin to the park then Aldi then came home immediately took Muffin to my Mums and stayed 2 hours.
Just ordered a curry takeaway and staying in now all night.

I feel very stressed today .
Chanel came down this morning brought my mothers day present its lovely.
My best present would be Chris ringing Sunday wishing me happy mothers day.
I love you with all my heart Malc and miss you more as each day goes by.
I pray one day you will come home and bring Tigger with you .
I am not sleeping crying for you to come back I am getting emotional now thinking about it.

Lisa is taking me to The Wolseley Arms for a meal tomorrow Jade is coming too.
Sunday she is going to a Christening.
I am going to be very lonely Sunday even my Mum will be out.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday March 12th 2015 16.14pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger .
A better day today , but not been able to get out .
Der Anita rang to ask if I wanted anything as she was in Aldi.
She brought me some groceries and stayed three and half hours.
Lisa is picking me and Muffin up at 6.10pm for dinner .
Oh Malc I look at your picture and want you here so much.
I cried last night in bed and had a terrible sleepless night.
I don't know what's going on with Chanel .
Lisa is taking me for a meal at the Wolseley Arms on Saturday because I won't see her Sunday Mothers day.
I think I'm in for a lonely day.
My scooter is being sorted tomorrow and the boiler is being serviced.
The insurance will ring me later to try and claim for the cistern which has cracked. And flooded the loo down stairs.
I hope the weather improves tomorrow I must get out.
I miss you darling so much its not getting easier.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger and say hello to all who are with you .
Love you darling with all my heart , your wife Rose xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 11th 2015 16.21pm.

Hello Malc and my Tigger baby boy , what a day .

I have had the plumber out we need a new toilet !!
What with the scooter wheels and the toilet its costing a fortune .
I'm not a happy Bunny Malc.
I'm worried now.
Lisa popped in to borrow your heater.

Kay popped in for a cuppa and biscuits.
I don't think I will see any one now until Lisa comes to put me to bed.

Poor Muffin keeps looking at me to take him a ride on the scooter , can't until Friday .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling I miss you so much it hurts.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 10th 2015 16.05pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Well here we go we now have a leak in the down stairs loo quite bad .
Tried to ring Stewart the kitchen fitter but he is in Wales .
He may get back to me tonight.
Lisa came this morning she has had injection in her knee .
Geoff knows a plumber but his father is ill.

Oh Malc hope this isn't the start of troubles with the house.
I miss you so much darling it's times like this I need you not as a plumber but support.
Sheila was coming today but changed her mind .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling , not much more to tell you today.
I love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday March 9th 2015 16.54pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today has been a strange day , not being able to take Muffin a walk or ride on my scooter is so hard.
But Anita took Karen and I to Sainsbury's to do a little shop.
They both came back to mine at 2.30pm and had a cuppa and a hot cross bun.
Bringing their Shih Tzu's .
They have just left and I'm now watching television all night.

It's going to be a long week having no scooter.

Geoff is popping in later to collect his Dad's magnifier. and perhaps take Muffin a quick walk.

Lisa might pop in after work then put me to bed later.
I still have continuous pain in my shoulder blade hoping it will go away soon.

Malc I miss you so much it hurts inside and I still cry for you .

I have been talking about you to the girls again today , ii always will.
You will never be forgotten as long as I live.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to everyone love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday March 8th 2015 18.31pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tiger my baby boy.
Hope you are both well and I know you are happy.
I talked to you today and in my head you talked to me back.

Today unable to get out Muffin had to go across the field at the back of our house.
He keeps looking at me wandering why I'm not taking him on the scooter.
Chanel came at 12 o'clock to pick Muffin and I to go up for dinner .
I love the ride and enjoyed my dinner and a changed going o Chris's house although Chris wasn't there he is working away.

They came back to our house and had a couple of hours.
Muffin was black with mud so had to have a shower .
He is fast asleep now squeaky clean too.

I don't know what is happening tomorrow one it's raining two no scooter anyway.
I think I'm in for a boring day.
Nothing I can do about it.
Anita may come up after lunch tomorrow.

I miss you Malc so much and only wish one day soon you will come to me and kiss me and say hello.
I love you with all my heart Malc and miss you like crazy , kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one kiss my Dad too and Darren.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday March 7th 2015 15.50pm.

Hello my darling Malc and baby boy Tigger.
Today different again very boring.
I took Muffin to the park this morning after Kevin next door pumped up the back tyre on my scooter.
I managed to get back plugged it in and the tyre was down again.
I have got to wait until next Friday to have four new tyres put on the scooter solid ones.
I took Muffin around the back of the house over the field with my two sticks , struggled but just managed it.
I am going to Kay's tonight for supper thank goodness so tonight won't be to bad.

I got very emotional today when I took Muffin over the field , I saw a man by the blue who from the back could have been you.

I started to cry , but it won't change things will it Malc ?,.

I need you Malc I can't cope with out you.
I tried to put a light up in the garden but I can't with my fingers I cried asking you to help me.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling .
I miss you so much and my heart is aching for you Malc. I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday March 6th 2015 18.00pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
How are you both today?.
Today has been a good day first I met Anita and Karen on the park we stayed about half an hour.

I then popped into Aldi and then went home fed Muffin had my breakfast then went back to Hednesford with Muffin to take a parcel back .

Later Lisa dropped Muffin off at Anita's she looked after him why we went to Trentham gardens.
We had a lovely afternoon, Lisa brought me a lovely basket hanging from a stand lovely.
I have just brought Muffin back and we are settling down to watching television.
I have been thinking about you all afternoon and have just been crying , I miss you so much darling and you Tigger ,.

My heart is aching for you PLEASE COME HOME PLEASE ???? .

I don't know what I will be doing tomorrow day , but either Kay will come here or I will go to her house for supper.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me and say hello to every one .
Love you forever xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday March 5th 2015 17.48pm.

Hello Malc and my Tigger baby boy , I have just took Muffin a ride up the new road because Carole Banks has been here most of the afternoon.

I cried when I started up the road because I saw some one walking towards me at a distance it looked like you, obviously it wasn't and I cried while taking Muffin up the new road.

Oh Malc I can't live with out you I WANT YOU BACK .
My heart is aching for you darling and you Tigger.

Lisa rang today to ask if I wanted to go to B& q but Carole as here so I couldn't .
I feel very low in my self now , not looking forward to tomorrow Chanel should be coming in the morning but I don't think she will.

Lisa might not come tonight now don't know!!.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you with all my heart miss you like crazy.
Kiss Tigger for me an every one with you xxxxxx.
Love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 4th 2015 17.27pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy .
A busy day today , I met Anita and Karen on the park today then popped to Aldi to buy something for dinner for Lisa tonight.

Karen came for lunch and Anita came later they have both just gone home .
A nice afternoon.
We talk about you and I miss you my darling so much.
Tell Tigger I dreamt about him last night but it woke me because I lost him in my dream.
I love and miss him so much too.
I feel lost with out you both .
please come into my dream again Malc .

Lisa will be here soon for dinner , I need company so much , wish you were here to talk to.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love them all miss them all too,.

love you forever darling.xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny hope you are inproving Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday March 4th 2015 17.27pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy .
A busy day today , I met Anita and Karen on the park today then popped to Aldi to buy something for dinner for Lisa tonight.

Karen came for lunch and Anita came later they have both just gone home .
A nice afternoon.
We talk about you and I miss you my darling so much.
Tell Tigger I dreamt about him last night but it woke me because I lost him in my dream.
I love and miss him so much too.
I feel lost with out you both .
please come into my dream again Malc .

Lisa will be here soon for dinner , I need company so much , wish you were here to talk to.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love them all miss them all too,.

love you forever darling.xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny hope you are inproving Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday March 3rd 2015 17.18pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has been a fairly busy day.
This morning I took Muffin up the new road then came back to prepare myself to have my hair done .
Kay picked me up and dropped me off at the hairdressers and took Muffin for me.

I love my hair and will continue to go there.

Kay picked me up and aid how lovely it looked and so did Lisa who I went to show later.
Kay asked me to lunch bless her and I stayed until 2.15pm.

I popped to Henesford with Muffin to Aldi and called in Lisa's work to show her my hair , then took Muffin to the park.
I have come back now to show you my hair Malc hope you like it?.

I have had dinner and now watching television .
I miss you Malc and was wishing you would be home sitting on your sofa looking at me saying I like your hair.

I cry at least once a day but I know it won't bring you back.
I can only pray one day you will.
Thank you for coming into my dream darling.
I made me happy.
I will write to you again tomorrow love you with all my heart, kiss Tigger for me and all who are with you send my love .
Love you forever Malc xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday March 2nd 2015 16.12pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
A start to yet another week.
I didn't meet Anita on the park today , had to wait in for a parcel .
But I did go to the park later with Muffin and went to Aldi.
It's too cold today to go any where.
Geoff came up and walked Muffin , then Anita came later this afternoon she stayed until 4pm.
Lisa is coming for dinner stew.
Malc I miss you so much you should be here with me sharing and looking forward to the future.
I love you darling and my Tigger kiss him for me say hello to every one I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling oh Roger texted me yesterday !!!.
I'm not happy with your Sheils at the moment or Colin.
But I will keep shush.
love you forever Malc xxxxxxxx your Rose xxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday March 1st 2015 16.52PM.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
hope you are both happy I'm sure you are.
Not such a good day today, I met Anita on the park this morning then came straight home.
I went to Tesco to buy a couple of things and then took Muffin to my Mum's for an hour and a half.
No one has been today and I don't think anyone will until Lisa puts me to bed tonight.
watching television location location you know what I'm like.
I feel a bit lonely today missing you more than ever Malc it hurts inside.
Muffin has been sick this morning but I think it was what Jason gave him yesterday.
I enjoyed last night at Jason's house for dinner he is a good cook Malc nearly as good as you !!!.
I miss your cooking my cuppa in the morning and most of all I miss you enjoying your retirement.
You should be with me planning our future.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling see what tomorrow brings.
Kiss my Tigger for me say hello to everyone love you forever xxxxxxx .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday February 28th 2015. 14.56PM.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .
Just a quickie today I am going to Jason's for dinner so I don't know what time I will be picked up.
Carol Norrey came to visit me last night and brought me a lovely bunch of flowers.
We had a curry night and a long chat .
I did enjoy her company.
We talked about school and the old days,
She is retiring soon so she was a little upset.
She mentioned Portugal her brother has got a holiday apartment over there.
We might go sometime together.
Your Sheila rang last night I had said that Anita and I were coming down to see them we were bringing the dogs. she rang me back later to say Colin wasn't happy us taking the dogs , so that really upset me . I won't go down then , I used to go down every Saturday remember ?.
I am trying to think positive Malc and I am trying to move forward , it is tuff though .
I miss you so much and pray you would come home to me.
Carol is coming with me to the spiritual church as soon as I can find out the night Ruth isn't there.
I hope when we do you come and talk to me again.
I love you with all my heart darling and I will write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
Love you forever darling xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday 27th February 2015 17.57pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
A busy day today .
Met Anita and Karen on the park wit their dogs.
Popped into Aldi got Mum a hanging basket for Mothers day.
Came home Anita took me to Sainsbury's brought a couple of things.
Then had lunch , Anita invited me to her house with Muffin .
Just got back and waiting for my school friend Carol to come for super a curry night.
I have cried for you again today , I really miss you my darling so much I ache inside.

I hoped you would be sitting on your settee and surprise me when we got home.
I love you with all my heart Malc , tomorrow Jason is inviting me to dinner with his Mum and Dad celebrating their 50th wedding Anniversary.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling love you forever . xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday February 26th 2015 17.22pm

Hello malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy, hope you are both happy and well.
It has been a horrible day today rained most of it.
I didn't take Muffin to the park until this afternoon.
I met Anita and then popped into Tesco to collect a birthday present for Georgia.
I have been fed up today .
Roll on spring and summer.
I hurt inside Malc missing you so much.
I wish you could come home darling.
My heart is breaking.
I hate going to bed with out you.
Lisa has got a full time job in Hednesford Lloyds chemist in MAY .
I don't have much to tell you today not really seen anyone.
All I can tell you darling is I am broken my heart aches for you .
Carol my school mate is coming for a curry night tomorrow 8pm .
Jason has just been a sorted my router and box.
He is a good mate isn't he Malc.
I know you told him to look after me and he does and Kay and Alan.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever darling your wife Rose xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday February 25th 2015 17.18pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
What a day as you probably have seen .
I think I am loosing it.
Met Anita and Karen on the park , then called in Aldi.

Chanel came with Baxter stayed a couple of hours.
I then left Muffin home why I went to Asda to get my porridge , I did buy some and a loaf of bread and sweetener's.

On the way home some how I lost the loaf of bread and sweetners it must have dropped off my scooter.
I rang ASDA to see if anyone had handed the groceries in , they looked but no joy but as a will of good gesture they replaced what I had brought how lovely was that.
I then took Muffin to Kay's and we had a cup of tea.
I explained what happened and Alan took me to Asda to collect the groceries.
Someone had obviously picked them up from where I had dropped them.

I cried again last night 12 midnight before I fell to sleep .
I wish I could have you back Malc if only.

I am trying to be strong but something keeps getting in my way.
Help me through this Malc.
Lisa had some great news today she has been offered full time at Hednesford branch pharmacy .
She rang me today .

I'm sure you had a part in this,.
thank you.

Kiss Tigger for me say hello to everyone.
Love you forever xxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 24th 2015 17.53pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy how are you both today.
A very boring day today , I met Anita at the park with Milly then popped into Aldi to buy a plant and a card for Karen who looked after Muffin last week why I went for a meal with Jayne who I used to work with.

It's rained most of the day so only took Muffin up the new road after the park .
Watched television most of the day .
Chanel rang me she is coming tomorrow.
if no rain I will take Muffin a ride to see Kay.

I hate winter Malc !! you did too didn't you?,.

I don't know if Lisa will call in tonight she is worried about Jordan. he had an asthma attack yesterday and was took to hospital.
back home now.
Out of work again though.
Jade was also poorly she has got to have a scan on her tummy.
Hope both get well soon
I will write to you again tomorrow miss you awfully Malc I cried again today.
I love you with all my heart darling I will never forget you Malc.
kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love them all.
love you forever .
your wife broken hearted Rose. xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 23rd 2015 17.02pm

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Hope you are well? thank you for the two feathers I picked up this morning , I know you are watching over me and are yet again worried .
I cried this morning again , I want you here by my side Malc I need you so much .
I met Anita on the park this morning then came straight home it was so cold.
I thought Sheila was coming today but she changed her mind.
Anita came this afternoon after 2pm for a cuppa.
She stayed a couple of hours .
I'm now on my own with Muffin all night , I don't think any one will come only Lisa to put me to bed.
Such a lonely life with out you Malc.
I hope you will stay by my side while I am worrying.
Help me through this Malc.
I miss you so much the pain inside is gripping knots in my stomach.
I will writ to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss Tigger for me and say hello to every one , love you forever darling xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday February 22nd 2015 16.05pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Today is a year since I lost you , crying this morning begging you to come home.

I put a piece on Facebook this morning.
I met Anita on the park then came home .
Kay picked up Muffin at 12noon so I could go with Lisa and Geoff for a meal at The Bagot Arms Abbots Bromley .
It was lovely and we called by The Blyth bridge reservoir. Lisa gave me a mars bar Dads favourite she said . bless her we laughed .

I broken with out you Malc but I have to move on I will never forget darling Never !!!.

Kay is bringing Muffin back in a while she will stop for a cuppa,.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever darling xxxx your wife Rose .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday February 22nd 2015 16.05pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Today is a year since I lost you , crying this morning begging you to come home.

I put a piece on Facebook this morning.
I met Anita on the park then came home .
Kay picked up Muffin at 12noon so I could go with Lisa and Geoff for a meal at The Bagot Arms Abbots Bromley .
It was lovely and we called by The Blyth bridge reservoir. Lisa gave me a mars bar Dads favourite she said . bless her we laughed .

I broken with out you Malc but I have to move on I will never forget darling Never !!!.

Kay is bringing Muffin back in a while she will stop for a cuppa,.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever darling xxxx your wife Rose .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday February 22nd 2015 16.05pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Today is a year since I lost you , crying this morning begging you to come home.

I put a piece on Facebook this morning.
I met Anita on the park then came home .
Kay picked up Muffin at 12noon so I could go with Lisa and Geoff for a meal at The Bagot Arms Abbots Bromley .
It was lovely and we called by The Blyth bridge reservoir. Lisa gave me a mars bar Dads favourite she said . bless her we laughed .

I broken with out you Malc but I have to move on I will never forget darling Never !!!.

Kay is bringing Muffin back in a while she will stop for a cuppa,.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever darling xxxx your wife Rose .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday 21st February 2015 17.43pm.
Hello Malc darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Another day I'm facing with out you .I met Anita on the park with the dogs playing together.
Lisa came with Finley this morning gorgeous little boy , I know you would love him Malc.
I know you said you would miss them, now I'm crying I know how much you loved your Grandchildren darling.
It hurts so much inside we are not sharing our Grandchildren together.

I have to rely on friends for company and Chanel to bring the children down as Chris is still not talking to me and don't think he ever will.
I did send him a text last night but no reply as I looked after Cam, Ellie and Georgia why they went out with Frank and Jools.

Please Malc can't you somehow have a word with him so he does come round.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc it will have been 12 months tomorrow since I lost you darling it just doesn't seem real.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to my Dad and your Mum and Dad Darren and every one who is with you .
I love you with all my heart Malc I think about you constantly every day. love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday 21st February 2015 17.43pm.
Hello Malc darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Another day I'm facing with out you .I met Anita on the park with the dogs playing together.
Lisa came with Finley this morning gorgeous little boy , I know you would love him Malc.
I know you said you would miss them, now I'm crying I know how much you loved your Grandchildren darling.
It hurts so much inside we are not sharing our Grandchildren together.

I have to rely on friends for company and Chanel to bring the children down as Chris is still not talking to me and don't think he ever will.
I did send him a text last night but no reply as I looked after Cam, Ellie and Georgia why they went out with Frank and Jools.

Please Malc can't you somehow have a word with him so he does come round.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc it will have been 12 months tomorrow since I lost you darling it just doesn't seem real.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to my Dad and your Mum and Dad Darren and every one who is with you .
I love you with all my heart Malc I think about you constantly every day. love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 20th 2015 14.47pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope you are both well and happy.
Today I met Anita on the park went to Aldi to shop and came home to have breakfast and a tea.
Geoff came to put a sensor light up so I can see the steps at the back.
Jason has been to put rivet's in my scooter .
Getting little jobs done.
I have been to my mums duty!!'
Missing you Malc so much I ache the pain is si intense inside.
I just want to cry all the time.
I will never ever get over losing you darling.
I have our Grandchildren tonight for quite a few hours hope they enjoy coming.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me, say hello to everyone love you forever xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday February 19th 2015 17.09pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy how are you both?.
I have had a reasonable day today rain stopped m going to the park , but took Muffin up the new road.
Then Faye the groomer picked up Muffin , I washed my hair then after Muffin came back My friend Jayne and I went to the barley mow for lunch.
Karen my friend had Muffin why I went for lunch.
collected Muffin after now back home, Jason has tried to fix my Epson printer no joy yet.
I'm getting frustrated ,.
I still feel very upset you not being here by my side , its just un fare .
I keep asking why !! .
I I'll write to you again tomorrow Malc darling I love you and miss you so much darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to everyone love you forever xxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday February 18th 2015 17.37pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Not such a good day .
This morning I took Muffin to the park met up with Anita and saw Karen for a little while.

I came home had breakfast and a cuppa then Chanel and the children came up , we went to Sainbury's
After they went home I took Muffin a ride to Kay's had lunch stayed a couple of hours.
I have tried to set up the printer but it win't have it I'm frustrated , you would have done it straight away.
Jason is coming tomorrow after work to sort it hopefully.
I have been thinking about you again today missing you awfully Malc .
I think I am allergic to something today oe i'm getting a cold.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling hope I'm in a better frame of mind I wish I could do things myself instead of relying on people.
I have had a lovely card from Anne and viv remembering 12 months since we lost you they are thinking about us.
Love you with all my heart Malc miss you and my Tigger say hello to every one kiss Tigger for me love you forever xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 17th 2015 17.51pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy .
Not a bad day today I took Muffin to the park
Came back went to Carole's spent a couple of hours with her had lunch .
took Muffin to Hednesford a ride just had dinner .
Lisa has rang taking me down hers for a couple of hours .
It's a short message tonight Malc I have been talking to Carole about you today.
I miss you my darling please come home Malc bring Tigger with you .
I will write to you again tomorrow love you forever kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 16th 2015 14.38pm

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy hope you're both happy and well?.
Yesterday has gone by so quickly on your Birthday .
Today it rained this morning so no park , but a break in the rain I took Muffin up the new road .
Then at 9.15am Anita took me to Sainsbury's to buy a few things.
I have invited her to dinner tonight .
But the Lisa Texted me asking would I like dinner at hers.
She hurt my feelings yesterday saying, it's all about you Mum isn't it , !! I was very hurt and upset.
I don't know what my children are thinking ?.
I feel angry today therefore leaving well alone with both my children and will continue to stay close to my friends.
I can't believe both my children knowing how I am grieving still so much .
I am shocked because I have helped supported and loved my children.
I hurt inside so much I cried so much yesterday and she upset me on your special Birthday .
I shall now think twice about things I say and do and keep my self to my self.
Christopher and Lisa you need to build bridges now .
Malc I love you and miss you so much I felt at my lowest yesterday and have knots in my stomach today.
It's going to be hard to face life now but I will try and be strong .
If I could just win the lottery this would be such a help.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling I love you with all my heart , kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever your broken hearted Wife Rose xxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday February 15th 2015 17.26pm

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger how are you both today .
Happy Birthday Darlin I only wish you were here by my side celebrating it.
I feel so empty inside we would have probably gone our for a meal with all the family.
But part of the family are being very stubborn .
It's hurting inside how I am being treated by Christopher.
I don't think things will change either.
I had a phone call from your Marg this morning also wishing she was celebrating it with you.
Chanel came this morning with the children only stopped an hour, wasn't worth coming.
I thought Lisa would call too as it's your special Birthday , but she went out with Geoff for a meal.
She is now at Jade's seeing her and our Finley.
Don't blame her really.
Not a happy day spent most of it alone , apart from going to Anita's for two hours , she also is in the same boat lost her husband nearly three years ago.
Good job we have each other to lean on.
Hope you have had a good Birthday with your Mum and DAD and my Dad and all the family .
I miss you so much Malc I only I could be granted one wish.
You know what that would be.
Come home darling please.
I am watching the kids next Friday evening why Chris and Chanel go for a meal with Jools and Frank.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling have a good Birthday evening love you for ever
kiss Tigger for me and say hello to every one.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday 14th February 2015 16.34pm.
Hello MALC MY PRECIOUS HUSBAND and my Tigger baby boy.
today has been a strange day this morning I took Muffin to the park , saw Karen and her husband this morning going to the park .
then came back stayed in for a while then Lisa came with a salad cob and asked me if I wanted to go a ride to Stafford , we took Muffin a ride and Lisa walked him through Stafford.
I might not be going to Kay's tonight Jason stuck in traffic on the motorway and he has left dinner in the oven.
she is ringing me back so might not have supper .
I have been thinking about you today when in Stafford greenwoods shop do you remember you brought a few jumpers shirts and trousers .
It hurts so much Malc you not being here to wear them.
I miss you my darling so much , tomorrow will be upsetting it being your 65th Birthday , your Marg say's she isn't looking forward to it.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling and I will put a verse on Facebook I have had a brass plaque made with your 65th birthday on it from all of the family to go on the swing bench.
kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , I have booked a break to Guernsey in September stay with your Marg for 5 day's.
love you forever darling xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 13th 2015 15.54pm.

I'm very upset today thinking about you who should have been finishing work today throwing your work bag in the air saying yes I'm free.
instead you have been snatched away from me , I'm angry so angry.
Your Sheila rang today saying they would have been collecting you from work probably and celebrating your last day ever from work.
It's just not fare Malc.
I cried this morning thinking about you.
Chanel and the grandchildren have been this
morning stayed until 2pm.
Nothing from Chris though , don't think I will see him again.
I don't know what I have done to deserve this.
it's poring down with rain haven't been to the park today .
Muffin and I on our own again tonight .
Lisa won't be here .
Chanel brought me some spaghetti bolognaise for my dinner tonight .
My chest is so tight with anxiety I miss you so much Malc I'm crying as I type .
Tomorrow nothing happening in the morning but will go to Kay's tomorrow night for supper.
I love you and miss you darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one got to face your Birthday Sunday now not looking forward to it , your Marg feels the same.
I must try and look forward I'm stuck in limbo at the moment.
My head is all over the place.
Jason is taking Marg away for her birthday .
I will write to you again tomorrow it will be later love you for ever Malc xxxxxxx.

Thank you DEE and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday February 12th 2015 16.43pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today I met Anita and Karen on the park stayed a while for a chat.
Came back home had breakfast and a cuppa then stayed in until about 1.30pm then took Muffin a ride up the new road .
I was hoping Anita would come today but she didn't .
I received my result for Bowel cancer test all normal thank goodness it has took a great load off my shoulders.
I thank you for that Malc looking over me.
I can plan things now.
I have kissed you loads of times today I miss you so much Malc .
I was crying just before Jason and Chad came to put rivets in my scooter .
He is so good Malc .
I am going to Kay's Saturday night for supper.
It's going to rain tomorrow so I don't think I will be going anywhere.
I love you my darling and will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one for me love you forever darling xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday February 11th 2015 17.37pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger how are you both and all the family ?.
Today I haven't been very well up set tummy , could be from the meal I had last night.
I am worried though about the stool sample I have sent off, because of you dying of bowel cancer .
I have cancer phobia now.
I hope you were right when you said you will live as long as your Mum , hope your right.

I met Anita and Karen on the park this morning nice chat.
then I came home and Chanel came over bringing the ramp back. She stayed a few hours nice.
I then took Muffin and myself to KAY'S.
It was cold dark and the tea was horrible !!.
They asked me to stay for tea but I changed my mind, I didn't want to come back in the dark .
Lisa might come tonight, I'm crying again Malc I will never ever forget you darling I miss you so much it's hurting inside the pain won't go away.

I'm even biting my nails again.
haven't done that for years.
Looks like watching television again .

4 days Malc and you will be 65yers old and retired.
WHY HAS IT BEEN SNATCHED AWAY FROM YOU and you snatched away from me?.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , love you forever xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 10th 2015 17.10pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Another day Malc with out you !!.
My darling I miss you so much .

Today I met Anita on the park came straight back home because Carole Banks was coming at 1pm.
She came for lunch and stayed until 4pm.
On my own now with Muffin feeling so lonely again.
Your Dicky's Shirley rang today asking our address and your Marg's up dating her address book and Birth dates, I was shocked.
Chanel hasn't rang again!!.
Don't know if Lisa is coming tonight not heard from her .
Counting the day's to your 65th Birthday darling , miss you like crazy .
I will write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever Malc broken hearted your wife Rose xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 9th 2015 17.54pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy hope your both well and happy I know you are really .
Ay least you're out of pain my precious husband.
Your barmy Sheila said the most stupid thing today, she said you should be over this grief by now , I said if it was Colin you would think differently.
I wasn't very happy with her.
I met Anita on the park this morning then came home. I had a phone call from plusnet to say they were coming to install fibre . hurray it's done.
My laptop is much faster now thank goodness.
I have felt very weepy today again and worried in case I get a bad result, you know what it's like I worry all the time.
I had a terrible nights sleep again.
I miss you Malc more than words can say !!!!.

Carole Banks is coming tomorrow 1pm until 4pm.
She is having lunch with me.
Chanel hasn't rang nothing from Christopher again.
I counting the day's to your Birthday Malc next Sunday , I'm broken hearted you can't celebrate it and throw your fist in the air thanking god you have retired.
It's been taken away from you, IT'S NOT FAIR !!!!.
Oh Malc I love you so much darlin and miss you so much I can't and won't let go I want you so much.
Anita understands.
Lisa will put me to bed.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc , kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever darling xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday 08th February 2015 17.15pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy .
I have had a surprisingly good day today Malc.
Chanel came this morning with Cameron Ellie Georgia and Baxter , after I came back from the park and Tesco.
Then Geoff rang asking if I wanted to go to ABBOTS Bromley to have a meal.
It was the best meal I have had in a long time .
what a lovely place The Bagot Arms , do you remember Malc going there years ago?.
I was sad as Geoff was driving us there because I kept thinking of you and listening to smooth radio old music.
But when we arrived and saw inside a open coal fire burning a lovely table and setting .
Also a very lovely meal.
We have booked the same table for 22nd of February the week after your birthday next Sunday , both will be very upsetting aia can't believe it gone by so quickly Malc your Birthday which you should have been celebrating your retirement ,I'M broken Malc totally broken.
My heart aches for you darling.
I am on my own now with Muffin watching boring television .
I miss you talking to me darling cuddling up to me in bed.
Kissing me good night and saying I love you Rose.
I don't know how I will get through this it's so tough Malc.
I sent your Marg a birthday present for next week she should like it . it's a guardian Angel bracelet.
I have brought you a card and will place it on the fireplace next Sunday to celebrate your 65th my darling.
I miss you so much Malc the pain is so intense inside.
I will write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday February 7th 2015 21.35pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Hope you're both happy and well?.
Today I met up with Anita on the park .
Came back and left Muffin in the house why I rode to Cannock to buy some dog meat for him from Asda .
Dogs not allowed they helped me put the dog meat on the scooter.
I then came back fed Muffin took him a ride up the new road.
Then 2.30pm Alan and Kay picked me and Muffin up to go to Gloucester to pick Lucy up.
We came back and had dinner at our house Malc.
Kay has just left she is my company at the moment .
Lisa will put me to bed.
I love you my darling my precious husband .
With all my heart Malc.
I miss you more than words can say Malc I cry every day thinking about , I talk about you every day with out fail.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to Dad and your mum and Dad and all who are with you , love you forever Malc xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday February 6th 2015 17.22pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger I can't stop crying today I want you so much darling , I want to hug you I'm so lonely !!.
It doesn't matter how many friends I have it doesn't replace you NEVER !!.
I took Muffin to the park this morning met up with Anita then came back had breakfast then took Muffin to Cannock to get some hard as nails for Geoff to put the door wooden thing back on the back door it's come off again .
We came back had lunch then went to Anita's for a cuppa.
I have come back and started crying again .
Chanel has texted me I back .
She knows I am upset.
Lisa will put me to bed tonight .
I am going to Gloucester with Kay tomorrow then she is coming here for supper.
I love you with all my broken heart Malc keep near me I need you? .
I will write to you again tomorrow drling kiss Tigger for me tell every one I love them . love you forever xxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday February 5th 2015 15.54pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger how are you both well I'm sure I have no doubt ?
Today I have waited in for this fibre to be installed no go again very frustrating nothing again.
I didn't take Muffin to the park but took him a ride to Cannock to the new hairdressers I am trying instead of Pete .
I have booked an appointment 3rd March 9.30am.
Geoff came later and took Muffin a walk so he has had two good walks today.
Anita should have come but a relative phoned her saying they would be visiting her ,.

Its been a bit boring today and it's raining now so can't go out.
Lisa is at work Chanel spoke to me this morning , Lisa will put me to bed tonight.
I have received my new walking sticks they are lovely , Muffin also has a new scooter bed I think he will love it.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring play it by ear.
I got in touch with Yvonne Spinks that was when we went to school it was lovely hearing from her we are meeting up in the summer , remembering the old school days.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss my Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever darling xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday February 4th 2015 16.17pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Hope you are both ok well and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.
Today I met Anita and Karen on the park then went to Aldi to buy a few things.
I came home had breakfast fed Muffin and then went to Tesco to buy dinner for Lisa and I.

Finally Kay asked me if I wanted lunch so Muffin and I went down stayed a few hours , she is a good friend.
Lisa is coming for dinner today after work.
I cried again today something on television set me off . someone was hugging some one wishing it was you and I .
Thank you foe the feather this morning when I got agitated trying to plug in my electric tooth brush.
I know you are looking over me Malc .
I sent off the test today praying it comes back ok.
You know what I'm like worrying about health.
I miss you and love you so much Malc my darling I want you here with me but do want to live a long life.
Help me through this Malc.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me and say hello to every one .
Love you forever xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 3rd 2015 18.02pm

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
My darling I wish you were here by my side I have been talking about you and thinking about you today as I do every day.
I met Anita and Karen on the Park this morning , Karen came for lunch at 1pm and stayed until 4pm
She brought me two bunches of daffodils.
Lovely company Karen.
Anita had her family today.
I'm not sure if Lisa will come tonight she is very busy and cooking Geoff his dinner.
Don't know what tomorrow will bring I face each day as it comes.
I love you with all my heart Malc I have been showing Karen our wedding album and old photographs warm memories but sad because your not here with me and Tigger I miss so much too.

I really can't think of anything to tell you it's so cold I only take Muffin out to the park in the mornings and just once this afternoon .
Kiss my darling Tigger and say hello to my Dad and your mum and Dad hope you are all happy together and one day I will come to you run and put my arms around you and hug you so hard.
I love you Malc with all the bones in my body .
love you forever darling xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday February 3rd 2015 18.02pm

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
My darling I wish you were here by my side I have been talking about you and thinking about you today as I do every day.
I met Anita and Karen on the Park this morning , Karen came for lunch at 1pm and stayed until 4pm
She brought me two bunches of daffodils.
Lovely company Karen.
Anita had her family today.
I'm not sure if Lisa will come tonight she is very busy and cooking Geoff his dinner.
Don't know what tomorrow will bring I face each day as it comes.
I love you with all my heart Malc I have been showing Karen our wedding album and old photographs warm memories but sad because your not here with me and Tigger I miss so much too.

I really can't think of anything to tell you it's so cold I only take Muffin out to the park in the mornings and just once this afternoon .
Kiss my darling Tigger and say hello to my Dad and your mum and Dad hope you are all happy together and one day I will come to you run and put my arms around you and hug you so hard.
I love you Malc with all the bones in my body .
love you forever darling xxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday February 2nd 2015 16.00pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .
A very quiet boring day today , I saw Anita on the park this morning but no one since .
I took Muffin to Hednesford taking some parcels back .
I have made a stew today which if Lisa doesn't want any I will cool and freeze for next week.
Anne has spoken to me she is inviting me down Poole in summer but arranging to come up and collect me stay over night then going back to Poole staying a few days then they are bringing me back and staying over night.
I shall feel very vulnerable because your always with me , I miss you being with me and helping me through any problems .
I didn't get off to sleep until 2am this morning , hope tonight will be better.
I miss you my darling and hope one day you will come home and bring Tigger and Butch home.
I love you with all my heart Malc 13 days to your birthday .
Still no word from Christopher,.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one, love you forever darling xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday February 1st 2015 18.23pm.

Hello my precious Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Today not to bad really, I met Anita on the park then came straight home because wanted to get some aero yogurts for Cameron as Chanel was coming down with all the kids .
She did come but didn't stop long just over an hour, still better than nothing.
I cried when I saw them Cameron was pleased to see me I could tell,Ellie and Georgia to young to really take much notice
Lisa rang this morning asking if I would like to go for a meal with them and Jade and Finley at 12 noon, but I had already made arrangements to have dinner with Anita at Boogaloos.
I was very disappointed Lisa left it so late to tell me.
But I kept to my word and had dinner with Anita.
After leaving Anita I came home to our home Malc took Muffin down my mums and spent an hour with her.
I am back now as you know writing to you wishing you were here by my side darling.
Anne texted me today wandering if I had fell out with them as I hadn't been in touch.
We spoke at length and they are coming over to stay the night then they are taking Muffin and I down to stay for a week , then bringing me back staying over then going back home .
It's the Milton Abbas fair again , I know you didn't enjoy the last one because of Louise and Mike them being so greedy and selfish , but it won't happen this year , I know I will cry you not being with me but I hope you will be in spirit.
I love you Malc so much it hurts and miss you and Tigger till the end of time.
kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , I will write to you again tomorrow darling come into my dream please love you forever your wife and lover Rose xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday January 31st 2015 22.19pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy how are you ?.
Today has been a fairly full day, this morning I took Muffin up the new road it was bitterly cold.
I came back and Anita came up at 11.15am and stopped for lunch she left at 1.45pm.

Then Kay and Alan picked Muffin and I up to go to Gloucester to pick Lucy up.
We then drove back and had a lovely meal at Jason's
They have not long dropped us back.
I have just rang my Mum she is fine.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring!!!.
Chanel hasn't been in touch.
I love you and miss you so much my darling if only I could have you back I would be the happiest woman on this earth.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling love you forever kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one ni nite my darlings.xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday January 30th 2015 20.17pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
Not much to tell you today only it's very cold snow on and off clear at the moment.
I met Anita and Karen on the park then popped into Aldi and came home.
Had lunch then Anita invited me to her house with Muffin, we stayed a couple of hours.
Thank God for both Anita and Kay , I don't know what I would do with out them.
I would have a very lonely life.
Muffin and I are going to collect Lucy from GLOUCESTER tomorrow 2.30pm.
Then going straight to Jason's for a meal to celebrate Alan's 79th Birthday.
I haven't heard from Chris again and Lisa is having Finley tonight over night.
I miss you my darling I got upset again today when I came back from the park , hoping you would be sitting on your settee in the usual place and I was just dreaming.
My god how did you cope ?.
all you could think about was every one else.
Bless you my darling I will write to you again tomorrow , it will probably be late as I won't be home until 9.30pm.
Love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday January 29th 2015 17.22pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy how are you both ?.
It has been such a cold horrible day only took Muffin up the new road today for a quick run.
Still my fibre has not been installed I waited in again, complained again.
Lisa popped in for 10 mins before she went to work she has booked a holiday in June a caravan in TORQUAY .
Wish I was going.
I must think my daughter and son want to be with their families.
I have done my job now !!.
Malc I miss you so much I'm hurting inside.
Will I ever feel human again?.
Come home darling and bring Tigger .
I love you with all my heart.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday January 28th 2015 17.11pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

Not much of a day today weather atrocious snow rain sleet a bit mixed today very cold.
Chanel came today to help set up my new iPhone it came this morning .
it's up and running now.
Thank you Malc for coming into my dream last night it made me feel warm this morning.
I love you my darling and miss you more than words can say .
Roger sent a lovely message last night on my phone , perhaps one day he will come and say hello.
I am on my own with Muffin now Lisa will call tonight a put me to bed.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc weather doesn't seem to be good either kiss Tigger for wish Dad a Happy Birthday he is 86 years today miss him terribly too.
say hello to everyone love them all love you forever your Rose and Muffin xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday January 27th 2015 16.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling my precious my soul mate and my Tigger.
I miss you so much so much when will I ever feel any better.
I have been to the Dr's today for blood tests and diabetic check and blood pressure.
Then came back took Muffin to Carole's for lunch which was nice.
Just got back .
Lisa has invited me to dinner tonight after she has finished work.
I have had a better day today but a terrible night crying wanting you and thinking about Christopher.
I pray things sort them selves out soon it's making me ill.
Malc help me through this make me stronger please.
I hope I can sleep better tonight.
I love you and miss you Malc come home please !!!.

I will write to you again tomorrow love you Tigger kiss him for me Malc say hello to every one it's Dad's Birthday tomorrow wish him happy BIRTHDAY FROM ME TOMORROW .

love you forever xxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday January 26th 2015 15.03pm.

Hello Malc my darling my precious husband.
I don't know what I would do with out this site it's the only way I can communicate with you and my Tigger .
I feel so unhappy Malc , I don't think I will ever feel happy again .
I have waited in all morning for the broadband people to come and place a fibre router .
No one came this is the third time I have been let down.
I haven't seen a soul today only had a phone call from Chanel.
Lisa has gone to work she won't be coming today.
So here I again ALONE !!!!.

I can't wait for summer so I can get out on my scooter .
I feel trapped at the moment and not having you here is making me feel very depressed.

Tomorrow blood test at the doctors in the morning and Carole's for lunch 12 noon.
I miss you so much Malc it hurts., I can't bare the pain.
Your canvas has come from lisa's wedding photo it's going on the living room wall replacing the one taken from Fuerteventura , that I'm going in the big spare bedroom .

I wish you would come home to me Malc I pray you will one dy.
I haven't seen the grandchildren since Christmas.
I love Lisa Christopher and all my grand children .
I don't know what life is going to throw at me next.?.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me and all who are with you .
love you forever Malc xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday 25th January 2015 15.36pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger how are you my precious husband and baby boy?.
Today again another depressing day ,
I saw Anita this morning on the park but no one since.
Lisa has landed safely and on the way home I would say just about got home.
she will want to start washing and seeing Jordan .
I'm not expecting her to come tonight she will probably be tired and busy.
I am so fed up today I have just come back from taking Muffin a ride on my scooter.
I've had a phone call from Kay asking if Lisa is back safe .
All I can do is watch television and wait for Lisa to put me to bed.
No Chris no Chanel No grandchildren no phone calls from them again.
The PlusNet chap pie is coming tomorrow to put fibre router in so my laptop and broadband will be faster hopefully .
Malc I love you and miss you and Tigger so much my darling I just want to give up.
I keep trying to be strong but then feel down again.
I can't believe it's nearly 12 months since I lost you Malc and nearly your 65th Birthday .#
Your Marg is coming over she will be company .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday January 24th 2015 16.55pm.
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger hope you are well and happy?.

Not a good day today I met Anita and Karen on the park but have seen no one since !!!.
No phone call from Chris and Chanel no visit.

I have took Muffin a ride on the scooter twice to fill in the time.
I feel so hurt and lonely today .
Kay is coming for supper at 6pm she will be company anyway.
Will my son ever come again ?
Malc I felt frightened today so anxious inside , will I ever feel happy again ?.
I miss you so much Malc it hurts inside , I am not sleeping very well , miss your cuddling up to me in bed.
I miss you too Tigger please don't think I have forgotten you I love you just as before.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss my Tigger and all who are with you , love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx,.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday January 23rd 2015 17.17pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Today not an exciting one met Anita and Karen on the park then went to Aldi for a couple of things.
Came back had breakfast and a cuppa, then went to visit my Mum after she had an operation for a cataract.

got back home had lunch then Anita came up with Milly for a couple of hours.

Lisa rang at lunch time not enjoying her holiday in Tunisia too boring can't get out of the complex because of danger, not going again.

I can't wait for her to come back on Sunday.
Muffin and I on our own now only television to look forward to and a takeaway tonight.

I do miss you Malc if only a miracle could happen for once and you would come back to me, I'm so depressed with out you , I just want to talk with you hold you in my arms and kiss you . all I have is your picture to kiss every morning and night , I want to feel you skin against mine Malc , please come home my darling bring Tigger with you .
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one darling , love you for ever xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday January 22nd 2015 18.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger how are you both ?.
I had my hair done today 8am by Pete the hair dresser he came to the house.
I didn't go to the park until 11am.
Karen my other friend texted me to ask if I was in then invited me to her house as I had missed her text message.
I stayed 3 hours it was lovely company I like Karen she is straight forward and down to earth.

I haven't seen Anita today she had a friend come to lunch.
I am just looking at the calendar it's exactly one month to when I lost you to Cancer.
Your Marg is coming over on your 65TH Birthday to celebrate both yours and Marg's Birthday .

The new canvas is on it's way to hang on the wall . I'm putting the other one in the spare bedroom so when Marg comes to stay she can say goodnight to you before she goes to sleep.

Malc I miss you so much darling I hope you will come into my dream again soon.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one for me , love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday 21st January 2015 15.10pm.

Hello Malc my sweetheart and my Tigger baby boy.
I haven't been out the door today it's been raining and its so cold , poor Muffin I think he is missing his daily run by the side of my scooter.
Chanel has been this morning but I feel a little tension between us , as if she didn't want to stay long.
She did stay from 9.30 to 12 noon.
I have an upset stomach today but nothing major.
KAY and Alan are picking Muffin and up at 5.45pm to go to Jason's for supper Indian, it's his birthday today he is 45 I think.
I miss you Malc I can't tell you how much all I can say is I miss you more as each day passes.

I just want to cry Malc in fact I am as I write to you I will never ever accept and get over losing you darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling I haven't forgotten you Tigger I kiss your picture every day along with Daddy's,.
say hello to every one darling thinking about them love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday 21st January 2015 15.10pm.

Hello Malc my sweetheart and my Tigger baby boy.
I haven't been out the door today it's been raining and its so cold , poor Muffin I think he is missing his daily run by the side of my scooter.
Chanel has been this morning but I feel a little tension between us , as if she didn't want to stay long.
She did stay from 9.30 to 12 noon.
I have an upset stomach today but nothing major.
KAY and Alan are picking Muffin and up at 5.45pm to go to Jason's for supper Indian, it's his birthday today he is 45 I think.
I miss you Malc I can't tell you how much all I can say is I miss you more as each day passes.

I just want to cry Malc in fact I am as I write to you I will never ever accept and get over losing you darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling I haven't forgotten you Tigger I kiss your picture every day along with Daddy's,.
say hello to every one darling thinking about them love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday 21st January 2015 15.10pm.

Hello Malc my sweetheart and my Tigger baby boy.
I haven't been out the door today it's been raining and its so cold , poor Muffin I think he is missing his daily run by the side of my scooter.
Chanel has been this morning but I feel a little tension between us , as if she didn't want to stay long.
She did stay from 9.30 to 12 noon.
I have an upset stomach today but nothing major.
KAY and Alan are picking Muffin and up at 5.45pm to go to Jason's for supper Indian, it's his birthday today he is 45 I think.
I miss you Malc I can't tell you how much all I can say is I miss you more as each day passes.

I just want to cry Malc in fact I am as I write to you I will never ever accept and get over losing you darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling I haven't forgotten you Tigger I kiss your picture every day along with Daddy's,.
say hello to every one darling thinking about them love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday January 20th 2014 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling precious husband and my Tigger boxer baby boy.
I haven't seen anyone today on my own all day just Muffin and me.
I did see Anita for about 20 minutes this morning on the park but she had a busy day.
I took Muffin to Cannock this morning to collect Chester the teddy bear of 2014 through donating money to St Giles cancer .
I also popped to Tesco to buy a Pyrex dish, I couldn't take Muffin not aloud.

Chanel hasn't rang again she texted me last night to say Chris had been given antibiotics for the lumps in his throat and neck.
He has got to go back in a week if they haven't disappeared.
Crossing fingers he will be ok.
He still worries me even though he has been rude and hurtful.
I still love him he is my baby.
Lisa has rang from Tunisia she say's not good really the only thing she is happy about is she is having a massage daily and they place snooker today .
They can't leave the hotel .
I miss you Malc my darling so much I feel like crying all day long.
I will write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger for me and our Butch say hello to every one , oh forgot to tell you Sheila rang today just a quickie saying Colin had got a chest infection !!!.

She should be grateful he is alive !!.
I have no sympathy for trivial things like that sorry it's hardened me a bit after losing you.
I love you with all my broken heart Malc darling love you forever xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday January 19th 2015 17.51pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
I know you will be happy and well over The Rainbow Bridge.
I just miss you so much I pray one day you will return to me.
Christopher has a few lumps a large one on his neck and three in his throat , I am hoping it's just an infection, Chanel will let me know tonight what is happening.

Jason your mate has just been to put my Lap top right and put a couple of bulbs in the living room which had gone.
His birthday is Wednesday I have brought him a mandolin slicer what he was talking about Christmas time , he does such a lot for me.
I know you wouldn't mind.
Anita took me to Sainsbury's today to buy a couple of things.
She is such good company, we are for each other.
I don't know what I will be doing tomorrow play it by ear , I'm taking one day at a time.

I thank you Malc for coming into my dream early hours of this morning , it seemed so real .

I hope or wish you would come into my dream every night this would help me so much.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my precious husband I love and miss you so much , now I'm crying again , I can't accept your not coming back darling.
kiss Tigger for me and all who are with you , love you forever xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday January 18th 2015 16.24pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I didn't go to the park today too cold and early .
Anita did go but went to church afterwards.
I invited her to dinner for 1.30pm because she is good company , if she hadn't have come no one came.
Lisa texted me this morning they are now in Tunisia for a week.
Good job I have television along with my gorgeous Muffin Shih Tsu.
This is how it's going to be from now on I think.
It's been snowing a little today hope it doesn't stick.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
I love you and miss you Malc my darling.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxxx .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday January 17th 2015 21.45pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy, hope your both well and happy ?.
Today I met Anita on the park then went to Aldi to buy a couple of things, came home sat about until Lisa and Geoff came had a coffee , Geoff walked Muffin then went off to pack for Tunisia.
Hope they have a great holiday.

Kay and Alan picked me up and we went to Gloucester to fetch Lucy from uni.
Then we dropped Lucy off and went to kay's for supper they paid.

I have just come back now watching Bridget Jones Diary again.

I have rang my Mum that's it really.
I miss you like crazy Malc I had a strange dream last night but won't write about it as people do read this site.

You know I love you with all my heart I cry for you through out the day and wish you could come back home, hoping one day I will come in and find you sitting in your usual place on your settee.

I feel like giving in most days and keep asking you to keep me strong.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss my Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dig Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 16th January 2015 17.26pm
Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger
I've done a stupid thing and got a virus on my laptop.
Jason is going to sort it on Monday next week .
Hope he can sort it .
I have not heard from Chanel or Chris again .
I poped to Lisa's today she is so stressed .
I hope this is not going to be another bad year .
I have also been to Anita's to kill time its so lonely with out you Malc .
I could cry all day I beg of you come home PLEASE!!
I'm crying as I write to you .
Oh Malc I love and miss you so much darling .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one for me love you forever xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 15th 2015 23.19 pm
Malc I have tried several times to write to you today but it won't send message through .
I have found my bring and scooter key only the disks to find now . Lisa has been today but Chanel and Chris haven't even rang .
Anita took me to Rugeley and came back for a cuppa and cake .
I miss you so much I cry every day I can't cope on my own with out you .
Please come home and bring Tigger I love you with all my heart kiss Tigger for me and say hello to every one ni nite god bless I will write to you tomorrow Malc darling love you forever xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday January 14th 2015 17.56pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband how are you and Tigger?
I think about you every day and cry every day I want you home my darling bring Tigger with you.
Today I am so frustrated I have lost one of my scooter keys dropped it somewhere , I still cant find the word disks vanish and to top it all one of my rings has gone missing,
I have looked every where all day.
My heads is aching with searching.
I haven't seen anyone this afternoon I have stopped in to search.

I have been thinking about you whilst looking for the items.
I have been getting upset.

I will search and search until I find them.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one,.
By the way Marg is coming over on your 65th birthday to celebrate both your birthdays.

love you forever Malc xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday January 13th 2015 20.47pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope your both ok ?.
Today I haven't been out only once to the park with Muffin to cold wet and horrible.
I have been searching all day for those computer disks word.
I can't find them at all.
I have been sorting old papers and stuff and thrown out .
I have been trying to keep busy occupying my mind because I am missing you so much.

Lisa is getting frustrated such a lot of forms to fill and read for this job she might get, I'm feeling a bit down about it poor Lisa she deserves to get it.
I love her very much and hope all goes well for her.
I love Christopher too but I am letting things lie until he comes round and feels better.
I'm hurt with the things he has said to me but I think a lot is stress through losing you and work responsibility.
I hope it doesn't snow tomorrow it's forecast.

I don't think I can stand another day on my own .
I love you with all my heart Malc and miss more as each day passes.

I will write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one .
love you forever darling xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday January 12th 2015 17.49pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my tigger .
today I didn't take Muffin to the park too windy and cold, but I did manage to go later to take a parcel to the post office .
this morning Carole came to visit and have lunch she stayed until 1.30pm.
Then Lisa came and told me good news she has been offered a job at a prison as supervisor over girls in pharmacy.
She has lots of forms to fill in and it will take 4 to 6 weeks too process them but looking good.
9 to 5pm Monday to Friday .
I think you had a part in this for our daughter Thank you.

Sheila and Colin came today stayed just a little time as usual but I have to be grateful for someone visiting at all.

I won't see anyone now until tomorrow apart from Lisa putting me to bed.

I have been looking at more old school photo's today lovely, brings back memories of when we met.

I love you and miss my darling more each day passes.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever my Angel thank you for helping Lisa .
xxxxxxxxxx .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday January 11th 2015 17.40pm.

Hello My precious Malc oh how I miss you so much.
I have been on face book and you wouldn't believe the old photo's of our school days it's upsetting but lovely too.
The reason it's upsetting because we met after junior school and have known each other for so many years.
I still can't accept you not coming back, it hurts so much inside.
Lisa cried yesterday at her birthday meal she said I miss my DAD I felt like crying too but had to hold it in for Lisa's sake.

I cried when I got home.

I have been on my own most of the day , I met Anita on the park then Lisa and Geoff came to walk Muffin .
I went to dinner with Anita at 1pm we stayed an hour at a place called Boogaloos side of uxbridge arms that was.

I think I have told you about John Abbott having cancer in his sinuses and inside his face.

he is very upset and don't know what will happen to him.
Chanel should have come with the kids today but didn't because Chris got in early from night shift , therefore got up early so she didn't come.
Chris has fell out with me over something so trivial I won't explain you might already know /.
He did wish Lisa happy birthday and happy new year though .
As long as they are ok together that's fine.

I'm crushed inside and hurt but I cannot do anything about it.
Perhaps in year to come he will finally come round to making up and saying he loves me.

well I can't think of any more to tell you only that I love you with all my heart and will forever.
I will write to you tomorrow darling missing you so much it hurts.xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday January 11th 2015 17.40pm.

Hello My precious Malc oh how I miss you so much.
I have been on face book and you wouldn't believe the old photo's of our school days it's upsetting but lovely too.
The reason it's upsetting because we met after junior school and have known each other for so many years.
I still can't accept you not coming back, it hurts so much inside.
Lisa cried yesterday at her birthday meal she said I miss my DAD I felt like crying too but had to hold it in for Lisa's sake.

I cried when I got home.

I have been on my own most of the day , I met Anita on the park then Lisa and Geoff came to walk Muffin .
I went to dinner with Anita at 1pm we stayed an hour at a place called Boogaloos side of uxbridge arms that was.

I think I have told you about John Abbott having cancer in his sinuses and inside his face.

he is very upset and don't know what will happen to him.
Chanel should have come with the kids today but didn't because Chris got in early from night shift , therefore got up early so she didn't come.
Chris has fell out with me over something so trivial I won't explain you might already know /.
He did wish Lisa happy birthday and happy new year though .
As long as they are ok together that's fine.

I'm crushed inside and hurt but I cannot do anything about it.
Perhaps in year to come he will finally come round to making up and saying he loves me.

well I can't think of any more to tell you only that I love you with all my heart and will forever.
I will write to you tomorrow darling missing you so much it hurts.xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday January 11th 2015 17.40pm.

Hello My precious Malc oh how I miss you so much.
I have been on face book and you wouldn't believe the old photo's of our school days it's upsetting but lovely too.
The reason it's upsetting because we met after junior school and have known each other for so many years.
I still can't accept you not coming back, it hurts so much inside.
Lisa cried yesterday at her birthday meal she said I miss my DAD I felt like crying too but had to hold it in for Lisa's sake.

I cried when I got home.

I have been on my own most of the day , I met Anita on the park then Lisa and Geoff came to walk Muffin .
I went to dinner with Anita at 1pm we stayed an hour at a place called Boogaloos side of uxbridge arms that was.

I think I have told you about John Abbott having cancer in his sinuses and inside his face.

he is very upset and don't know what will happen to him.
Chanel should have come with the kids today but didn't because Chris got in early from night shift , therefore got up early so she didn't come.
Chris has fell out with me over something so trivial I won't explain you might already know /.
He did wish Lisa happy birthday and happy new year though .
As long as they are ok together that's fine.

I'm crushed inside and hurt but I cannot do anything about it.
Perhaps in year to come he will finally come round to making up and saying he loves me.

well I can't think of any more to tell you only that I love you with all my heart and will forever.
I will write to you tomorrow darling missing you so much it hurts.xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

SATURDAY January 10th 2015 14.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger.
I am waiting for Alan to pick up Muffin so I can go to Lisa 's dinner party at The Hen House.

I have been stuck in the house all day because of bad winds and rain.
I don't know how this will work out today don't know how I am getting down there.
I am not really looking forward to it , your not here to celebrate her birthday and its with Geoff's family again.
this is a quick message today they might pick me up soon.

You know I love you with all my heart and miss you more each day goes by.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger and Butch and every one who is with you , love you forever Malc.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday January 9th 2015 16.08pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today I managed to go to the park with Muffin but the weather has gone very windy rainy and dull.

Chanel came this morning she took me and Muffin to see Lisa to give her a present for her Birthday tomorrow , Malc she is 43years tomorrow can you believe it?.
I saw Roger your brother today all self as are most of your family, I can understand why you didn't visit them.
Sheila talks about her health constantly So does Roger .

What is going on with every one.

Not a good start to this year !!!!.
Its look after number one I think.
I must try and move forward Malc even though I cry for you every day.

Its wearing me down and making me feel angry when people complain just about a cold.
Yes Roger !!!.
Sheila says she nearly came up yesterday what a laugh again I'm angry.

Its going to be yet another lonely day and night .
My chest feels tight with anxiety , Chris isn't right with me either , I Just have to hold back and take it on the chin.

Lisa isn't happy either Geoff again not going into details.

I'm not happy any more I never will be , I just have to take each day as it comes.

I will write to you again tomorrow My darling kiss Tigger for me and every one who is with you love you always and forever. your wife Rose xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday January 8th 2015 16.21pm.

Hello Malc my darling I'm crying at the moment as I write to you I look at you photo on my Laptop and you look as if you are going to speak to me .
I wish , wish , wish you would Malc.
My throat is aching for you the pain is tremendous inside my stomach.
I feel so lonely Malc with out you.

My heart is broken it will never mend.
All I have are very good friends but this doesn't fill the emptiness I feel inside.

Oh Malc how am I going to cope I can't live the rest of my life with out you.

It rained again today so I didn't meet Anita I just took Muffin up the new road down west hill and came back home.

I managed to go to Tesco to buy a few things for my lamb and plum curry.

Then forgot I forgot to put the lamb in the freezer and its gone off.
I will have to wait until tomorrow to buy some more .
Stupid me.

Lisa has popped in today to bring me some milk.
She is not coming tonight for dinner.

I have been to my Mums just got back in for the night now.
Hope good programs on television .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Give Tigger and Butch a kiss for me , say hello to every one for me love you forever and always.xxxxx your wife Rose xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

whoever you are sending me messages about spell caster please stop .
My stories are nothing to do with my husband leaving me .
He passed away as did my Boxer dog , I write to them every night for my own peace of mind
Thank you

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday January 7th 2015 17.38pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today I met Anita and Karen on the park .
I then went to aldi and home weather bad raining again.
Anita and Karen came for a cuppa and stayed a couple of hours.

Nice friends.
Lisa is coming for dinner after work stew and dumplings
I haven't done much today sitting mainly, upset stomach.
Not a lot to tell you today roll on spring and summer I hate these dark nights and Winter.

I have been browsing through face book old photo's of Hednesford and Cannock leahall pit old shops in Hedneford memories and people who you and I knew as children , I wish you could come home and see them Malc.
It hurts inside knowing your not with me sharing these memories.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one who is with you , love you forever xxxxx your wife Rose xxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my husband back to me NEW
by: Anonymous

i am here to give testimony of how i got back my husband, we got married for more than 9 years and have gotten two kids. thing were going well with us and we are always happy. until one day my husband started to behave in a way i could not understand, i was very confused by the way he treat me and the kids. later that month he did not come home again and he called me that he want a divorce, i asked him what have i done wrong to deserve this from him, all he was saying is that he want a divorce that he hate me and do not want to see me again in his life, i was mad and also frustrated do not know what to do,i was sick for more than 2 weeks because of the divorce. i love him so much he was everything to me without him my life is incomplete. i told my sister and she told me to contact a spell caster, i never believe in all this spell casting of a thing. i just want to try if something will come out of it. i contacted for the return of my husband to me, they told me that my husband have been taken by another woman, that she cast a spell on him that is why he hate me and also want us to divorce. then they told me that they have to cast a spell on him that will make him return to me and the kids, they casted the spell and after 1 week my husband called me and he told me that i should forgive him, he started to apologize on phone and said that he still live me that he did not know what happen to him that he left me. it was the spell that he traditional spell hospital casted on him that make him comeback to me today,me and my family are now happy again today. thank you Dr papa for what you have done for me i would have been nothing today if not for your great spell. i want you my friends who are passing through all this kind of love problem of getting back their husband, wife , or ex boyfriend and girlfriend to contact and you will see that your problem will be solved without any delay.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday January 5th 2015 15.21pm.

Hello my darling Malc and My Tigger hope your both enjoying The RAINBOW Bridge?,.
Lisa said yesterday I wander what Dad is doing now ?, she looked up at the sky saying wander what your doing Dad.
I said probably happy with his mum and dad now and making conversation with Granddad .

I met up with Anita this morning on the park then came home sat and watched television which I am doing now .
I keep feeling fear inside and very emotional again today.
I want to keep crying for you .
Thank you for last night Malc you will understand what I mean.

Kay and Alan are popping in later I am giving them that stand lamp with leaves on it I am trying to be minimalistic.

Lisa is coming for dinner tonight after work.

I miss you darling so much I want you to come home please?.

I love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love them all too.
I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

by: Jessca Edwards

Hello My Name is Jessca Edwards from USA,
I just want to share my experience with the entire world on how i got my Ex Husband back and saved my marriage, At least i can say to the world that there is a real spell caster on line called Dr. Ofemo i have benefited from the powers fro the Dr. Ofemo because through his help my Ex Husband has been restored back to me and filled with love within 24hours that i contacted Dr.Ofemo i was not having an idea of what to expect but after proper explanation and i followed the instruction that Dr.Ofemo gave and my relationship was reveal back, i guess whosoever that is in need for relationship help or any having any other problem can contact DR.Ofemo you can contact him true this EMAIL ADDRESS:,or you can contact him through his website on,

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday January 5th 2015 17.34pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

I have got a little mixed up with the year date I put 2014 the day before yesterday.
Today I felt like ending it all I was feeling so low.
Then Chanel came only to sort money matters for Christopher,.
I don't think I will see much of them now.

I haven't done much today been to the park met Anita.
Came back had breakfast then took Muffin to Aldi bumped into Kay and Alan pleased to see them.
I then bumped into Dot farrish who also lost her husband Charlie you would know him.
She lost him last March just after I Lost you my darling.
I'm frightened Malc your not here to help me and support me.
I feel very vulnerable at the moment.

I miss you so much the pain is unbearable .

Lisa is coming for dinner after she finishes work .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger and Butch for me say hello to every one .

Love you with all my heart Malc miss you like crazy I can't stop crying . Love you forever darling xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny Happy New Year xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday January 4th 2015

Hello my precious Malc and my Tigger.
I feel very emotional today , I met TWIZZLE Andrew Harvey in Hednesford today he asked how I was and I cried and said how much I was missing you, he gave me a kiss twice and said God bless you.
I was on my way to Anita's after calling in Aldi to buy some vegetables for my dinner.

No one has been or rang today !!!.lovely to feel wanted.

I feel I have lost everything now Malc .
I will keep my thoughts to myself.

Not a good start to the day at all.
I will watch television and go to bed.

Say hello to every one Malc kiss Tigger for me .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday January 3rd 2014 22.09pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope your enjoying The Rainbow Bridge .

Today I didn't meet Anita I just went to Aldi with Muffin to get supper for Kay and myself.
They took me and Muffin to Gloucester to collect Jason's Lucy .

It has rained most of the day .
I have been talking about you to Kay tonight feeling guilty for not being with you on the days you had your chemo because I was frightened of being in hospital with you.

I can't turn the clock back but wish sometimes I could , but only for the good times.
I love you and miss you Malc I have been thinking of you all through the day I want you and need you Malc through these worrying times.

Lisa is at Doncaster with Geoff tonight so I haven't seen her for a few days.
she has rang though .

Kay has not long gone home had a good evening she is a very good friend.

She is helping me through the pain of losing you.
I know I will never get over this Malc but I will have to face each day as it comes.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss my Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever your wife Rose xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday January 2nd 2014 16.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger boxer baby boy.
Well the new year is here and I still feel the same inside as if you just died yesterday .
I can't tell you how much I love and miss you Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

I will never stop grieving for you , I wish I could smell your cigarettes or your sweat again.

I miss you so much I ache inside.
Today I met Anita on the park then had breakfast , Anita picked me up to go to Rugeley to buy some wool to knit Finley another jumper.

It gives me something to occupy me.

I have just come back from Cannock with Muffin to buy YOU A 65TH birthday card and your Marg.

I know its early but I needed to get them .

Lisa has rang saying she has been called into work because people are off.

So I won't see her again today.

Looks like another night in on my own.

I will watch the television not a bad night on telly.

It's raining all day tomorrow so I'm stuck in all day.

I am taking each day at a time from now on because I don't know what to expect.

I am frightened Malc in case something bad happens .

I need you by my side to help me through this.

Please Malc help me and guide Christopher he needs a rest.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling Kiss Tigger for me say hello to everyone , oh by the way Shirley wished me happy new year today .

love you forever xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday January 1st 2015 17.06pm

Hello Malc my darling . Not a good day at all Christopher had been down upset me yet again .
I think his grief is only just coming out of him.
I will just have to leave things lie until he comes to terms with it .
He is Like me can't accept your not coming back .
I am at Kay's again they have invited me to dinner they are so kind .
Lisa spoke to me today won't see her until tomorrow she is at work .
I love you darling and probably will cry my self to sleep again .
I love you with all my heart Malc help Christopher through his grief and me through mine . Be with us always Malc .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlin love you forever xxxc.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me NEW
by: Anonymous

An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me.. My name is Dani Santo,i live in United Kngdom,and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce.she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she didn't love me anymore.So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife.So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{}. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who didn't call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {},if">{supremetemple@hotmail.comm},if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to the Dr PAPAr for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again. {}, Thanks..

My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday December 31st 2014 22.59pm
Hello Malc my darling and my tigger baby boy .
Well its New Year's Eve and I'm here with Kay Jason Alan
They are so good to me. .
I am waiting until Midnight so I can wish you happy new year .
Hope all the family wish me happy new year too .
Lisa and Geoff came today had lunch with me
They are out now celebrating .
I love you with all my heart Malc and miss you so much I am broken hearted .
Happy new year darlin love you forever .
I will write to you tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me wish every one Happy new year xxc
Thank you Dee and Bunny happy new year xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday December 30th 2014 16.47pm.

Hello Malc my darling not a good day today it started with me having a cold runny drippy nose.
I feel very emotional today too.
I have just found out Christopher is off until 5th January when Cameron, Ellie and Georgia go back to school.
Which means they won't be down at all .
Good job I have Anita as a friend and Kay .
Is this how my life is going to be , it's such a lonely life now Malc .
I really haven't got much to look forward to in 2015 .
I miss you miss you miss you Malc darling so much.
If I hadn't got Muffin I think I would end my life seriously !!!!.

He gives me something to get up for.

Kay has invited me to their house tomorrow night New years eve I don't want to bring in the new year I feel I will be losing you forever , what is there to look forward too.
I am crying as I write to you Malc what am I going to do?.

I love you with all my heart I'm broken Malc totally broken.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc don't know what time it will be but I won't forget you , you know that darling.

love you forever xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday December 29th 2014 15.32pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband my soul mate and my Tigger baby boy.

Life is so lonely with out you darling all the friends I have around me won't replace you !!.
I miss you so much .
Kay has asked me to go round new years eve for an Indian meal.
Bless them both they are looking after me.
Jason is too.

I met up with Anita this morning at the park then came back had breakfast then Muffin and I went to Cannock to buy a couple of bulbs two have gone in the living room.
Jason is putting the new ones in when he comes up.
Lisa has gone back to work today .

I am in now with Muffin watching television .
Lisa will put me to bed.
Anita took me to Sainsbury's I brought a couple of things for birthday presents.
Your Roger is over but I don't know if he will call to see me.

WHY YOU MALC ? I keep asking myself .
I can't accept your not coming back, I ache for you darling.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling miss you more than words can say .
kiss Tigger for me say hello to my DAD your mum and Dad too.
love you forever Malc xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday December 28th 2014 17.40pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger .
Today I met Anita on the Park then came home had breakfast and a cuppa then went off to MY Mums ,.
Misary face was there as usual moaning and trying to clean in a fashion.

I stayed an hour then came home until Alan collected me and Muffin to go to dinner at Kay's .
Jason was there with Lucy and her boyfriend Chad .

Lovely dinner always makes mw welcome.
I am home now just had a soak in the bath Lisa is putting me to bed.
I have been thinking about you a lot today again wishing I could come home and see you siting on your settee on your laptop.

Oh Malc I love and miss you it's breaking me , I am lost with out you my darling.

Chanel didn't ring me I have had to ring her , Christopher is still away at the moment.
Muffin is fast asleep in his bed.

I don't know what I am doing tomorrow yet it's according to the weather .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one darling love you forever xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday December 27th 2014 17.49pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope you are happy and well.

Today a funny day I took Muffin to Hednesford to get some bread it was very icy from snow we had last night.
Kay rang asking if I needed anything She brought me some milk back,.
Anita came to help me with Finley's cardigan all sorted now only buttons to sew on.

Lisa came this afternoon took me to Sainsbury's brought two new cushions.
I'm just about to leave to go to Kay's for supper.
I am sorry it's a short letter tonight I will write to you tomorrow writing a longer letter.
I love you and miss you my darling so much kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday December 27th 2014 17.49pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope you are happy and well.

Today a funny day I took Muffin to Hednesford to get some bread it was very icy from snow we had last night.
Kay rang asking if I needed anything She brought me some milk back,.
Anita came to help me with Finley's cardigan all sorted now only buttons to sew on.

Lisa came this afternoon took me to Sainsbury's brought two new cushions.
I'm just about to leave to go to Kay's for supper.
I am sorry it's a short letter tonight I will write to you tomorrow writing a longer letter.
I love you and miss you my darling so much kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday December 27th 2014 17.49pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope you are happy and well.

Today a funny day I took Muffin to Hednesford to get some bread it was very icy from snow we had last night.
Kay rang asking if I needed anything She brought me some milk back,.
Anita came to help me with Finley's cardigan all sorted now only buttons to sew on.

Lisa came this afternoon took me to Sainsbury's brought two new cushions.
I'm just about to leave to go to Kay's for supper.
I am sorry it's a short letter tonight I will write to you tomorrow writing a longer letter.
I love you and miss you my darling so much kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday December 26th 2014 21.24pm.

Hello my darling Malc have you had a good Christmas darling with Tigger and family ?.

I wish you were here with me Malc I'm so lonely with out you.
I have been to Jason's all day had dinner bubble and squeak.
played cards .
no one has rang in the family ,.
I have been thinking of you most of the day I wanted to cry but held back in front of every one.
Jason is a good mate isn't he?.

Not much more to tell you I am going to Kay's tomorrow night 6pm to 9pm supper.
Its snowing so I don't know if I can get out on my scooter.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever kiss Tigger for me love you forever .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday December 25th 2014 23.10pm.

Hello MALC MY PRECIOUS HUSBAND I've missed you today my darling .
This morning I took Muffin out very early so he could have a run before going to church at Penkridge with Kay & Alan .
I popped down Mums to give her a couple of presents.

Then I went to Lisa's for dinner had a lovely day then off Jasons for tea and a game of cards.

I going for dinner tomorrow at Jasons Kay and Alan will be there too.
Muffin is going with me.
I have missed you so much Today Malc my heart is broken , The first Christmas with out you Malc.

How am I going to live life with out you darling ?.
I'm so alone !!!!!.

Come into my dream tonight Malc please.
Kiss Tigger for me wish every one happy Christmas .
I will write to you tomorrow late again I think .
I love you with all my heart Malc love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny happy Christmas to you BOTH XXXXXXX.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday December 24th 2014 17.08pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger.
A disastrous day from the start .

Christopher has up set me I'm not going into detail if your watching over us you know what it is about.
Ive cried all day .

I am going to Jason's now Boxing day he rang earlier bless him.

I have took all the Christmas decorations down tree and all it hurt me to do it very painful but had to be done.
I had a feeling this wouldn't be a good Christmas .

Oh Malc I have begged you to come home my stomach is in knots.

Lisa popped in and Geoff to collect the pressure cooker and table cloth.

I feel so low in my self today I don't think any thing will pick me up.

Darling I will write to you late tomorrow night even if it's midnight .

I love you with all my heart Malc look after Christopher I still love him speak to you again tomorrow love you forever kiss Tigger for me xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday 23rd December 2014 19.56pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger.

A busy day today with people visiting.
I met Anita this morning on the park with Milly then I went to Cannock to collect my Christmas jumper and asda to collect some food for Muffin.

I came back and during the day Jane came dickey's Jane she brought my card stayed an hour.
Sheila and Colin came and brought me a present.

then Carole came to bring me a card and present.
I'm amazed how many friends and family who care .

It doesn't change the way I feel hurt aching and missing you more than words can say.

It's Christmas eve tomorrow and I am getting more anxious knowing you won't be with me on Christmas morning.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring ? .

I love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger for me and say hello to everyone love you forever darling xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday December 22nd 2014 21.54pm.

Hello my darling Malc my precious Husband.
I love you my darling and miss you terribly .
More than words can say.

Today I took Muffin to the park me Anita and Milly.

I Then came home we had breakfast Muffin and me .
I went back down Hednesford for some milk came back and by the time all was ready Carole my friend came for a few hours , followed by Christopher Chanel and the children .
I watched them why Chanel and Chris went Christmas shopping.
Carole stayed until 3.30pm Kevin picked her up everyone went home.

Lisa came for dinner then went home to her ne boiler and a warm house.

I have rang my Mum tonight and Kay now i'm going to finish Finley's knitted coat .

I love you Malc with all my heart kiss Tigger for me be around me keep me safe love you forever darling xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday December 21st 2014 21.18pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger hope you are both happy and well.
Not a good day today , I'm angry !! Only you will understand if you are watching over me I've cried and cried with anger .
This may ruin my Christmas .

I wish you would advise me on what to do I'm really frightened .

Come to me in my dream and let me know what I should do.

Also suddenly Geoff doesn't want Muffin at the house Christmas day.
I suggested to Lisa I have dinner here on my own .

Not happy !!!.really hurt .

I wish I could hibernate somewhere.

I have had dinner on my own today brought it from Boogaloos .

I'm so lonely Malc it's just hitting me.
I have felt down the last two days and very strange.

I can't explain how I really feel tonight.
Carole is coming tomorrow bringing lunch I have got to try and put on a brave face , at this moment in time I'm not looking forward to Christmas.

I'm sorry I am showing such pessimism but I can't seem to get out of this feeling of being a downer.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you with all my heart and miss you more than words can say love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday December 20th 2014 15.52pm.

Hello Malc my darling I am crying as I write this , I Miss you so so much I am so lonely .

Anne and Viv have not long gone it's upset me because it has reminded me of july last year when we were coming home from their house with Muffin.
Then you became ill in the September , now your gone !!! I will NEVER EVER get over losing you .
Oh Malc what am I going to do with out you ?.
Thank goodness I am going to KAY'S tonight they make me feel a bit more human.
I have just taken Muffin a ride down Hednesford where Tony Ashley's betting office was is now called the bank I think it is a wine bar opens today.
If I haven't told you before Anglesey Hotel is going to be wetherspoons and are naming it Hedgeford Lodge how nice.
Lisa came down with Finley this morning well lunch time stayed for a jacket potato and coffee .

Then Anne and Viv came.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me love you forever your wife Rose xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday December 19th 2014 22.04pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger how are you both ?.

Today has been busy , I met Anita on the park then after breakfast Anita and I went to homebase then Sainsbury's.
After I waited in fir someone to put a faster broad band in but no joy , coming another day after Christmas.

Cameron is 9 today Chanel picked me up and took me up to see Cameron's pressies only stayed for a while Chanel brought me back then Lisa and Geoff came brought me takeaway only just gone lovely evening with Lisa and Geoff.

I miss you my darling I love you forever I ache for you .
Anne and Viv are coming tomorrow for a few hours .
then I am going to Kay's for supper.
Jason is coming Sunday after dinner to put two solar lights up out side on my mobility shed.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling it will be late again but I won't forget you NEVER !!!!. LOVE YOU ALWAYS kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one ni night my darling xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday December 18th 12014 20.34pm

Hello my precious Husband Malc I miss you darling so much I hurt inside I cry every day and night .
I am a broken woman !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

My heart aches for you Malc and Tigger.
I didn't meet Anita this morning I forgot I was having my hair done .
Then Stewart the kitchen fitter came to finish off a few jobs he even put a new light in the porch for me.
Coming back after Christmas to replace fridge door and do other little jobs.
It's rained all day feel penned in.
Lisa called in took stew for dinner I probably will see her tomorrow morning.

Can't get in touch with anyone in the family today .

I've got to stay in tomorrow 1-6pm router being fitted fibre optic.
Anita is taking me to home base I must buy some bulbs.
Cameron our Grandson is 9 tomorrow Malc I will wish him happy birthday from you too.
I know you are missing him , I could cry.

I love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to all who are with you Tell Dad I dreamt about him last night.

I will write to you again tomorrow love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny for letting me use this site to talk to my loved ones and pets .xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday December 17th 2014pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger I love you and miss you so much.
Today I met Anita on the park then came home to let Stewart in to finish some jobs he didn't do.
He is coming back tomorrow to put glass back splash behind hob.
He has finally put the bath panel on as well it looks good.
Lisa is working all day today 9 -6pm.
She is very anxious poor thing, I do worry for her.
Money not good at the moment in bank hope I win 200,000 in tv competition or I am stuck.

Jordan should have started his job today !!.

Malc I feel very anxious I'm really worried .

I love you and miss you so much help me through this.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday December 16th 2014 17.50pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger another day with out you .
I tried to write earthier but lost it on mt lap top.
I can't take in that your not coming back I feel frightened most of the time , I need you miss you and hurt inside so much .
I miss you Malc and Tigger so much I beg you please come home for Christmas darling.
Send Malc and Tigger home please.

Today I saw Karen on the park then Lisa came and took me to Cannock to take something back.
she dropped me off home I then went to Anita's for a couple of hours.
I am waiting for Lisa and Geoff to come for a bath any time now Lisa is just about to finish work.
Christopher's car is all sorted now back on the road PASSED IT'S M.O.T thank goodness.

I love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger for me and my Dad and your Mum and Dad and Darren,.

I will write to you again tomorrow love you for ever my darling xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday December 15th 2014 18.09pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you and how is my Tigger?.

A strange day today it started by meeting Anita in the park , coming back called in Aldi for cobs and ham for Anita and Karen for lunch exchanging Christmas presents.
They both came at 12.30 stayed until 3pm.
Lisa had a bath this morning then met a friend for a chat and coffee.
She left for her new job and is working until 5.30 or 6pm tonight .
Hope she got on well.

I have been thinking about you a lot today Malc hurting inside wanting you back home.

I don't know how I am getting through this? I'm crying inside every day Malc.
I hurt so much my darling PLEASE COME HOME bring Tigger with you.

Kay is coming tonight to buy something on Amazon for Alan.

I feel very down tonight disappointed really .
in Anita can't explain.

ALL Chanels presents have come for Christopher and wrapped.

He is off work now for a few days.
Malc I miss you so much my darling I ache.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to everyone love you forever darling xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday 14th December 2014 17.28pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger thinking about you constantly.
I have had a busy day today, met Anita this morning on the park, then called in Aldi for
items for dinner which I am cooking for Kay and Alan.
dinner at 1.30pm.
They love dinner and brought me a pressie .
also a card.
Muffin enjoyed chicken too.
forgot bread so can't have a sandwich tonight.
I have wrapped all but one present thank goodness.
You usually help me Malc and have more patients.
Oh do I miss you Malc darling I could cry all day .

Anita and Karen are coming for lunch tomorrow we are exchanging pressies.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , love you forever darling xxxxxx.
Thannk you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday December 13th 2014 22.41pm.

Hello my darling Malc my precious husband .
sorry I'm late writing Kay has been tonight .

I have been to the park this morning to meet up with Anita and Milly.
came back and took Muffin to Cannock brought a Christmas jumper for Christmas day with Lisa and Geoff.

Chanel rang today Christopher rang also he is away working until Monday.
I'm cooking dinner tomorrow for Kay and Alan as a surprise.
I feel so lonely with out you Malc and Tigger .
I think about you constantly , wishing you were here with me .
I cry every day and night for you.
I brought you a Christmas card today Malc which I will keep and put up every year my darling.
I need you Malc so much my heart aches for you.
I have done some more Christmas wrapping today you know how I struggle wrapping , you used to help me .
I miss you so much Malc please come to my dreams .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever xxxx your wife and lover and soul mate xx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday December 12TH 2014 17.42PM.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope your both happy and well.
I didn't take Muffin a walk until 11am today it was poring with rain.
Instead Anita took me to Home base to buy some tree decorations and Christmas lights.

She came back at 2pm and had a cuppa and a cake she brought up , you would love her cakes Malc lovely cake baker,
Lisa is here with me now she has had a bath because of not having a boiler .
All sorted now they can claim for it.
Lisa and I are talking about you again saying how brave you were and how you put up with the pain and all the nasty things that go with Cancer
Lisa is fetching Finley later for a few hours.
I love you Malc my darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one , I will write to you tomorrow love you with all my heart darling .
love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday December 11th 2014 18.44pm.

Hello Malc my darling I miss you so much I feel so unhappy today.

I have been to see your Jane this morning had a cup of tea.
Then Jayne my friend came brought a poinsettia plant lovely of her.

We went to lunch at The Barley Mow it was nice.
Came back then I went to pick up Muffin on my scooter he was so excited to see me.

Lisa has got another job at LLOYDS chemist part time and temporary , but she has got her foot in the door.
I am relieved, but her boiler isn't sorted yet.

I won't see her tomorrow she is having Finley all day.

Chanel rang today waiting in for parcels she is.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and you Tigger I haven't forgotten you I'm just stressed missing you so much Malc kiss Tigger say hello to every one love you with all my heart Malc love you forever.xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday December 10th 2014 18.36pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger .
Today not so good, I met up with Anita and Milly very cold and windy.
Came back dropped a card in our Jane's house , she rang me and said I should have gone in but I had to get back for Lisa she has had to have a shower she still has no heating or boiler hot water.

they can't claim for a new boiler, so Geoff is going to have to ask his Dad to lend him some money to buy a new one.
Lisa had an interview for LLoyds chemist she is getting back to her tomorrow.

Crossing fingers.

Christopher's BMW has failed it's mot having to pay out such a lot to get it up to scratch.

What's going on Malc ? everything is going wrong.

I went to Kay's today with Muffin stayed until 4pm then came home for Jason who was calling in for a coffee and to try and mend my Christmas tree .
Karen my friend has asked me about Lisa's interview but can't tell her much as Lisa won't know until tomorrow.

I love and miss you Malc and you Tigger I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday December 9th 2014 15.34pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger.

Today not so interesting day, met up with Anita and Milly on the park freezing cold.
I called in Aldi for bread and came straight home .

Lisa came back from taking Jordan for an interview assessment really an interview is on Friday.
Geoff came for a shower because they have no hot water or heating at the moment.

Jo next door took me to home base to buy a Christmas tree ours is broke.

Lisa is picking Me and Muffin up later for dinner.

it's so windy and cold outside today Anita didn't want to go out.
Lisa has an interview tomorrow for a new job crossing fingers.

I love and miss you Malc so much I can't tell anyone how I really feel , I just keep putting on a brave face.

I feel like crying again I miss you so much darling.
say hello to every one kiss Tigger for me love you forever Malc , I will write to you again tomorrow xxxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday December 8th 2014 20.55pm.

Hello Malc my darling hope your having a relaxed time with Tigger and your Mum and Dad and my dad .

I miss you darling so much.
Today I met Anita with Milly down the park then took Muffin to Cannock to buy a present for Chanel , Christopher asked me to get for her.
I came back washed my hair in a fashion its getting difficult with my hands.
Lisa rang and said she was taking me to The Holly bush garden centre .
We then went up to home base and Sainsbury's.

Lisa went to fetch Jordan to have a bath here because he has an interview tomorrow at Geoff's place of work.

Lisa has no hot water or heating at the moment.

I wish I could win the lottery for them I really do.
The chappie is coming tomorrow to finish off my scooter weather permitting.

I love you with all my heart Malc and will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me love you forever xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday December 7th 2014 18.26pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.
Today I took Muffin up the new road on my mobility scooter then came home it rained all morning.
I went to Tesco to buy a coupe of things.
Chanel picked me up for dinner it was lovely as usual.
I wish it was you and I going to dinner, when Chanel brought me back I was imagining you being here when I got back you saying alright cocka.
If only !!!!!.

Lisa is back from Birmingham but she hasn't ran me yet , still time.
Chanel put me some decorations up what I couldn't do.

night in by the telly now nothing else I can do.

I miss you Malc my heart is aching for you to come home.

I'm lonely Malc so lonely.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling say hello to every one kiss Tigger for me love you forever your loving wife Rose xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday December 6th 2014 22.27pm.

Hello Malc my darling are you happy ? I miss you so much and my baby Tigger.

I cried today when I watched don't tell the bride it was a Christmas wedding .
I wished it was us marrying over again.
Lisa and Geoff have gone to Birmingham German market and staying over night at the Premier Inn.
I went to Anita's for a couple of hours.
Kay came up tonight we had kebabs and watched telly.
My scooter is up and running thank goodness.
I have to be more careful.
I have put out some small Christmas decorations , Chanel is putting the rest up the high ones.

She is picking me up for dinner tomorrow I love going up there for dinner, I enjoy the ride.

Not looking forward to having Christmas with out you.
I feel lonely Malc but you told me that didn't you.

Mum is being a bit funny again over a Christmas present well money she thought she had given me.

Still you know her by now don't you she will never change will she.

Wendy wins yet again.

I love you with all my heart Malc darling Tigger I love you too.
Say hello to every you forever Malc xxxx

I will write to you again tomorrow xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday December 5th 2014 20.25pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope our both well and I know your happy.

What a day started with Mum saying she gave me £20 to buy my self a Christmas present when she didn't , I just said forget it then she said ok and put the phone down.

Lisa's boiler has broke down on top of losing her job, luckily she is covered with her insurance.
They are coming out tomorrow to look at it.
Lisa picked me up to go to see jade at Christopher's she is baby sitting tonight and staying over.

I won't see Christopher tomorrow so probably see Chanel on Sunday instead.

My scooter has been part done not quite I need to ring Maria tomorrow to arrange another day for the engineer to complete my scooter for the insurance.
I have had a beautiful Christmas card from Lisa today it's going in my memorabilia box after Christmas.
I have felt so anxious all day I hope I feel better tomorrow.

Hope tomorrow brings good news.

I miss you Malc so much and you Tigger .
Each time I hear music I get upset especially Christmas music.

I love you with all my heart which is broken I'm destroyed Malc , I don't think I will ever get over losing you.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling love you forever kiss Tigger for me .xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday December 4th 2040 17.51pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
Another strange day today , my stomach is in knots , I miss you so much Malc I want to tell you all whats gone on.

Lisa has an inteveiw on Wednesday next week part time at LLoyds chemist Hednesford .

She then has the opportunity to move to Rugeley full time if all goes well.
She seems a little better today.
I don't feel right your brother Roger texted me last night late saying sorry for not keeping in touch and other things.

Marg is ringing me in a while .

I cried most of the evening last night after all what happened with Lisa then the text from Roger.
The nearer Christmas comes the worse I feel its going to be lonely Malc with out you.

Muffin and I are alone again tonight I have just got to get used to it.
I don't want any one else Malc only you and My Tigger.
I love you with all my broken heart kiss Tigger for me say hello to Dad and all who are with you miss you terribly love you foever Malc xxxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow darling xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday Dec 3RD 2014 16.25PM.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

What an awful day for Lisa our precious daughter she has lost her job, she is devastated.
She is looking into it because she has ben told it's not a sack able offence
I hope she finds something soon it's going to be hard for Christmas.

My chest is tight and stomach is in knots worrying for her.
Your Sheila came up today with Colin I gave her Christmas present and some mince pies.

I miss you more than ever Malc now is when we all need you.

I will miss you Christmas day we all will.
I will let you know if Lisa has any joy with another job.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling say hello to every one kiss Tigger for me say hello to Butch too.
love you forever xxxxxx, your wife Rose xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday December 2nd 2014 16.14pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.

I feel so sad for Lisa today she has received her letter from work and it isn't good news.
Lots of bad points against her , even her colleagues have made a statement against her .
all for a silly mistake putting paracetamol in a bin by mistake.
Please send her your vibes to help her Malc cross fingers she keeps her job .
But it's not looking good.
Chris also very stressed at the moment too much work .

I cried again last night for you Malc I need you so much so does Lisa she needs your support.

This is the worst year ever what have we done to deserve this ,
Lisa is having me for dinner today picking me and Muffin up .
I love you with all my heart Malc miss you and Tigger more than ever.

I don't ask for money as a rule but I'm praying for the lottery this week help Lisa out and a bit for me.

I will write to you tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to Dad and every one love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday December 1st 2014 16.23pm

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger , I'm feeling very down today missing you like crazy my house and heart is empty with out you Malc and Tigger.

Anita came today and took me to Sainsbury's we did a little shop.
We went to homebase first Anita bumped into an old colleague who also had lost her husband this year, then at SAINSBURY'S Gill a lady I knew has also lost her husband , this is very strange WHY !!!
Then I did ask my Mum to dinner she came up after 1pm stayed until 3.45pm.
Lisa popped in for a while then went home to go with Geoff to Telford.
I rang Chanel to check something with her to tell Chris .

Not much money in the bank now only enough to manage the bills just.!!.
I only wish you would come home , I need you Malc I am so unhappy no one understands they all think I am ok .

I cry alone most no every day for you Malc and Tigger.

The engineer is coming tomorrow to fix the tyres on my mobility scooter thank goodness then coming again Friday to put shroud on and fix handle bar and check battery.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss my Tigger and send my love to everyone who is with you Thinking Of DAD tell him I still have his coat mum sold me.

Love you forever darling xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny hope Bunny I well ? xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday November 30th 2014 18.18pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger.

Today I couldn't take Muffin on my scooter same tomorrow until my tyres are fixed on Tuesday.

I have been for dinner at Chris's he wasn't there he is away working.
Chanel brought me back and stayed with the children for an hour.
I AM MISSING YOU SO MUCH Malc so much I am tring to be strong.

I really can't tell you any more nothing really exciting happening .
Only I love you with all my heart darling kiss Tigger for me speak to you tomorrow love you for ever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday November 29th 2014 17.02pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

Not a good day all round , I have two flat tyres which have to be fixed not until next Tuesday after 2pm.
Lisa has received a letter from the Area Manager stating it' a serious incident and she may lose her job through a silly mistake of putting paracetamol covered in shampoo in the biffa bin instead of duping it.
Geoff isn't going to show her the letter until Monday so she doesn't worry over the weekend.
I wish I could win the lottery for he , I don't usually wish for money but I can't help her either.

I miss talking to you Malc telling you our worries .
I will write to you again tomorrow I won't be able to get out for a few days .

love you and Tigger forever kiss every on efor me darling xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday November 28th 2014 16.40pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Not a good day today Chris Chanel and Baxter came Chris was his usual self you drinking cup is now broken.
I will say no more.

I feel so unhappy today Malc it's rained all day I really haven't been out anywhere
Muffin has had a groom looks and smells lovely.

Lisa said she is coming later to take me to Sainsbury's but I'm not holding my breath.

She does have a lot on her mind I suppose with work.

Lonely is the word Malc never did I ever predict this.

I don't know how I am going to cope with Christmas with out you Malc and Tigger.

Jason has been today stayed for a coffee , he is applying for another job.

He like you hates his job .

I miss you Malc I just can't stop crying for you to COME HOME PLEASE.

I will write to you tomorrow kiss Tigger for me darling love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday November 27th 2014 15.44pm.

Hell Malc my darling and my Tigger hope your both happy and well?.
My day hasn't been to bad , I took Muffin don the park didn't see Anita she wasn't to good.

I then went to Cannock to collect a parcel and brought two woollen hats.

Came back Stewart came fixed the new tap but is coming back he says next week to do other jobs he hasn't finished.

I wished our Jordd happy birthday he is 19 years today Malc would you believe ?.

I feel unhappy you can't be here to celebrate it.

I went to Tesco Hednesford to buy a couple of things.

Lisa has took Jordn to Telford to do some birthday shopping.

I am going down later for a couple of hours.

I have felt a bit lonely today again thank goodness for television .

I saw Val and DAVE IN Aldi today she came over and gave me a kiss and told me about DAVE HAVING BOWEL CANCER he now has a bag on his side , at least he is alive!!!.

It was too late for you.
Oh MALC I MISS YOU SO MUCH I COULD KEEP CRYING ALL DAY EVERY DAY , but I don't think people would come and see me if I did.

I ACHE for you Malc and Tigger my darling baby boy.
A broken heart for both of you.
I just have to keep up the pretence that everything is fine, but inside my heart is aching.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love ou forever your wife xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday November 26th 2014 16.20pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger .

I am frustrated today nothing is going right.

I don't feel to good today either .
The weather is bad rain, rain , rain.

I could cry all day .
Chanel came this morning wrapped some presents for me.
I took Muffin to Hednesford to take a parcel back to post office and collected a prescript from the surgery.
I feel so lonely ,I haven't smelt you around for a while, I wish you would come home Malc.
I don't know when I will be happy ever again.

Stewart still hasn't been to finish some jobs I asked him to do.

I'M sorry I sound to be moaning but I feel I have nothing to look forward too.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me , love you forever xxxxxx

Thank you DEE and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday November 25th 2014 17.44pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

It's so cold Malc I miss cuddling up to you in bed .
I cried myself to sleep last night again.
I went to Cannock on my scooter today bumped into Wendy from the surgery she was very kind said I have good memories of you which I agree.

It's not the same though people don't really understand until they have gone through it themselves.

Lisa came just after lunch stayed an hour.

Chanel has just rang . Anita has just texted me.

a boring night in with the football no way !!.

I miss you so much Malc , I know I keep repeating myself but I'm broken hearted .

Say hello to Dad and your mum and DAD and family .
I send my love ,.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you forever my darling kiss Tigger for me xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday November 24TH 2014 20.03PM.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

It's been an ordinary day again today nothing exciting to tell you.
I met Anita and Milly on the park this morning then came home waiting for someone to come and visit .
I decided to ring Anita and I took Muffin down to her house had tea and cake a chat watched television .

came home after 2 hours good company Anita glad I have her for company.

Lisa came and stayed an hour then went home to bake mince pies.

She is popping up later to put me to bed and bring me a mince pie.

I have been thinking of the times we had together and wish we could be together again , just come home for one day Malc just to say everything is fine you are happy and I will be ok.

I want you Malc no one else just you.

You are the only one who can make me happy and all the rest !!.

THE ONLY ONE !! I told you that when you wre with me before you became very ill.

I cry every day and night Malc I get frightened with out you,.
Anne spoke to me last night she said I am welcome to go down and stay they will give up their bed for me bless them.

But unless they fetch me I have no way of going down.

They are coming to see me 20th December for a few hours before they leave to stay with friends who they met on their last cruise.

I don't know how I am going to face Christmas with out you Malc come to me please.

I love you too Tigger you know that I kiss you good night as well as Daddy .

Say hello to every one Malc pass a kiss on to My DAD .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday November 23rd 2014 18.41pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope you are both well and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.?
I can't tell you how much I miss you !!!.

I'm on my own tonight with Muffin until Lisa comes to put me to bed,.
Today I was picked up by Chanel and the kids for dinner , Chris is working way until tomorrow morning .
I then was brought home and Muffin and I went to see my Mum stayed an hour .
So not a lot has been going on today .
Although our family are around Malc I feel so lonely with out you.
It's coming home to an empty house , hoping you will be sitting in your usual place on your settee.
But your never there !!
I miss you darling so much .
Carole was suppose to be coming tomorrow but she forgot she has a hospital appointment.

I face each day as it comes nothing planned nothing feels the same any more MALC life will never be the same.

I Love you so much Malc it hurts !!.

Tigger I miss stroking your soft ears and play fighting on the bed in a morning.
Malc say hello to every one give Dad a hug for me tell him I miss him too.


Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

i am here to give testimony of how i got back my husband NEW
by: Anonymous

i am here to give testimony of how i got back my husband, we got married for more than 9 years and have gotten two kids. thing were going well with us and we are always happy. until one day my husband started to behave in a way i could not understand, i was very confused by the way he treat me and the kids. later that month he did not come home again and he called me that he want a divorce, i asked him what have i done wrong to deserve this from him, all he was saying is that he want a divorce that he hate me and do not want to see me again in his life, i was mad and also frustrated do not know what to do,i was sick for more than 2 weeks because of the divorce. i love him so much he was everything to me without him my life is incomplete. i told my sister and she told me to contact a spell caster, i never believe in all this spell casting of a thing. i just want to try if something will come out of it. i contacted supreme spell temple for the return of my husband to me, they told me that my husband have been taken by another woman, that she cast a spell on him that is why he hate me and also want us to divorce. then they told me that they have to cast a spell on him that will make him return to me and the kids, they casted the spell and after 1 week my husband called me and he told me that i should forgive him, he started to apologize on phone and said that he still live me that he did not know what happen to him that he left me. it was the spell that he supreme spell temple casted on him that make him comeback to me today,me and my family are now happy again today. thank you supreme spell temple for what you have done for me i would have been nothing today if not for your great spell. i want you my friends who are passing through all this kind of love problem of getting back their husband, wife , or ex boyfriend and girlfriend to contact and you will see that your problem will be solved without any delay.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday 22ND November 2014 22.58PM.

Hello my precious husband Malc and my darling Tigger .

I am so sad tonight it's been 9 months today since you lost your life to evil cancer!!!.

I want to keep crying I miss you so much Malc .

Today I met Anita and Karen on the park then Chanel Chris and the children came at 11.30pm they stayed a couple of hours then Lisa Jade and Finley came it was nice having everyone here at once the only person missing was you Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

After they left ANITA took me to Cannock to get my new tooth brush from boots.

I then took Muffin a ride to Hednesford up the new road then the town
Alan rang to pick us up to go for supper at Kay's.

Chanel rang tonight she is bringing chicken down tomorrow having dinner at ours.

I will write again tomorrow kiss every one for me love you and Tigger forever yourwife and mummy xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday 21ST November 2014 17.18PM.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope your both ok well and happy.
Sheila rang today she has had a camera down her throat she is ok surgeon says only acid in her stomach.

Lisa has been up still upset but looking for another job.
I met Anita on the park this morning for a little while then haven't been out all day raining all day.

I am fed up but have no choice can't get out.

I miss you darling I wish I could hold you cuddle you kiss you, have you by my side with Tigger.

Chris and Chanel and the children are coming in the morning hope it doesn't rain.

I love you with all my heart Malc and Tigger love you forever , I will write to you tomorrow.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday November 20th 2014 19.17pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Another day with out you I feel so anxious Malc .
I spoke to Anne Higgins who lost her husband 3 years ago she said she doesn't cry now but still thinks about her husband.
I haven't stop crying Malc I don't think I will ever stop crying over losing you.

Lisa has been suspended from work she is so up set all over her silly mistake of throwing some paracetamol into to a bin with broken shampoo instead of duping it, her boss reported it .
She is such a hard conscientious worker always puts her self out for the management.

She or I don't understand why he has done this.?


I've been to Carole's today Kevin was as depressing as ever.

Then I went to my Mums and after went to see how Lisa was.

I hope it gets sorted soon she is really worried.

I love you Malc and Tigger I will never forget you and as long as this site keeps going I will write every day as long as I am able.

I will write again tomorrow darling kiss every one for me . oh forgot to tell you Sheila came today she cried about you today she said hello to you when looking at your picture.

Love you forever my Malc darling and Tigger xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday November 19th 2014 19.01pm

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger.

My day has gone so quick it started off meeting Anita on the park with Muffin.

Came home the lady and her husband came to sort our back door key, now sorted.
Chanel came down with Baxter she stayed until 2pm.

Then I took Muffin to Cannock to take n item back to a shop.

When I came back I went to Kay's and had a cuppa poor Opal her Labrador has just had a serious op cancer lumps removed.

It seems it's not just humans !!!!.

I cried myself to sleep again last night Malc but then you probably know that ?.

I miss you darling so much I hurt inside the pain is un bearable .

I will write to you and Tigger again tomorrow say hello to everyone love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday November 18th 2014 18.00pm.

Hello my Malc darling and my Tigger .

Today a very quiet day met Anita on the park with Muffin and Milly.
I then went to Cannock to buy a couple of things.
This afternoon took Muffin to Anita's had a cuppa and a cake with her.
Now at home with Muffin watching television .
Chanel is coming tomorrow morning to get me up and stay a few hours .
I will then go to Kay's to see her and Opal the Labrador who has just had a serious op removing cancer lumps poor thing.

I wish I knew what was causing all these cancers Malc.
I am frightened !!.

I love you and miss you my darling if I could only have you here with me to talk to .

I give you a kiss every morning noon and night .

I love you too Tigger I never forget you either.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you with all my heart kiss everyone for me love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday November 17th 2014 17.45pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger hope your both well and happy.

Today I took Muffin to the park dropped a sample in the dr's surgery then brought a loaf of bread .
Jean Beardsmore came this morning and stayed until 2.15pm, she was good company and stayed for lunch.

After Jean left Anita came and helped me with my knitting she picked up stitches because my hands are so painful.

she left at 4.15pm.

I am now watching our favourite programme The Chase.

Then will settle down to I'm a celebrity tonight .

I have talked about you most of the day and thought about you all day Malc I talked about you too Tigger.
although my day has been full I still feel lonely .

No one will ever replace you Malc no one.

I miss you more each day that passes.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling my Malc .and you too my Tigger.

love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday November 16th 2014 17.25pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband and my beautiful boxer baby boy Tigger ,
Today a different day again.

I still feel very weepy again today it's because it's nearly Christmas and I'm getting anxious .

I met Anita this morning with Muffin on the park.
I then had an hour with my MUM.

Geoff picked me and Muffin up at 1.45PM for dinner with him and Lisa and Jordan also Louise Geoff's daughter,.

Chanel and Christopher have rang me and made me feel better .
I am back home now waiting for my favourite programme Celebrity get me out of here .

I have got to try and calm down and think positive.

Help me will you Malc ?.

I miss you so much Malc and my Tigger I will never forget you darlings.
kiss every one for me , I will write to you again tomorrow love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday November 15th 2014 17.26pm

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope you are enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

I have had a very weepy day today .

This morning Christopher rang asking if I would have the girls why he Chanel and Cameron went shooting.
He said we will only be an hour or two . four hours later they came back,
Not that I mind having the girls but I wish he would say he would be longer.

He didn't leave on happy terms. don't ask.

I then took Muffin to Cannock to collect a parcel and cried all the way to Cannock.

I can't get over losing you Malc I just can't.

I think I am feeling very low at the moment .

I wish I could have you by my side Malc I NEVER expected this.

Kay is coming soon so I must pull my self together.

We are having a kebab and wine.

Hope I feel better before I go to bed .

I'm sorry this is a short letter tonight I will write more tomorrow darling.

You know I love you forever Malc kiss Tigger for me sleep well xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday November 14th 2014 17.28pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy,.
Today I had an appointment with Dr Manacam he wanted to see me.
I was worried but when I went to se him he smiled and said I have been thinking about you and wandered how you were getting on after losing Malc .

How kind was that Malc.
I thanked him and told him what a kind caring Dr he was.
I did tell him I was still grieving and was missing you so much he understood , I also told him I was having problems explained and he examined me.
I then came home took Muffin a ride to Hednesford then met up with Anita and had a cuppa at hers stayed a couple of hours.

I am sitting here with Muffin on the settee watching your favourite programme The Chase.

It's dark and cold outside I won't see people until tomorrow now , part from Lisa who will put me to bed tonight.
Lisa brought our old camera back last night and showed me old photo's of you and all the family ,
I am having an enlargement of you and Sheila and one of you and I to put in a frame Sheila's for a Christmas box.
I was upset but also smiled when I saw you on photo's , this is how it's going to be.
I miss you my darling so much I will NEVER get over losing you Malc .

I will write to you again tomorrow love you and Tigger forever xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday November 13th 2014 17.51pm.

Hello my Malc darling and Tigger baby boy.

A worrying day again today I don't think I will ever settle any more Malc I need your support .

I have no one to talk to to help me will my worries.

I feel like ending it all.

I met Anita this morning briefly then no one all day .
No one knows how I really feel it's hard Malc.

You told me how it would be you were right.

I wish I could talk to you in person Malc I miss you so much darling and you Tigger .

say hello to all kiss them for me darling .
I will write to you again tomorrow
love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday November 12th 2014 16.56pm

Hello my Malc my darling husband and my Tigger baby boy.

How are you both my darlings ?.
Today a fairly busy day This morning I met Anita on the park got a bit wet, called into Aldi for Lisa and my dinner.
Then Chanel came down and took me to buy a tyre pump for my mobility scooter.
Asda and Bridgetown doors to buy a new lock for the back door.

She stayed a while then after Chanel went Anita came took me to Sainsbury's to take back a top to big for me.
I had some lunch and took Muffin to see Kay and Alan.

Not long got back Lisa is coming for dinner steak tonight.

Today has gone quick but I can't accept you aren't here with me.

I beg , pray and wish you would come home a one off never done before a miracle perhaps.

I love you with all my heart darling and miss you like crazy.
Your talked about every day I make sure of that .
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me darling love you forever.xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday November 11th 2014 21.25pm

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger .

Hope your happy my darling and Tigger my sweetheart.

Today not much happened really I met Anita on the park and saw Karen .

Came back fed Muffin then rode to Tesco's to buy a few things.
Anita came at 2.30pm she stayed a couple of hours which was nice she helped me with my knitting.
Lisa came for dinner again which was company for me too.
It's rained all day so I couldn't get out.
I'm watching Queen on television and I'm crying again thinking of you the songs are beautiful very emotional
Why Why Why have you been taken from me Malc , I need you so much .

I will NEVER forget you You will be in my thoughts forever .

Tigger I love you darling and miss you too.
Say hello to every one for me darling , I will write to you again tomorrow love you forever Malc xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday November 10th 2014 19.20pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.

A busy day today , I met Anita on the park had a chat then came home had my porridge and a cuppa .

Then went off to Cannock to buy some Christmas cards for the family.
I took Muffin with me.

I came back then Sheila and Colin visited for half an hour.
Carole Banks came this afternoon and stayed 3 hours she was good company .

Lisa came for dinner and left at 7pm.

I love company but I wish it was yours, I miss you so much I am heart broken Malc and it will never mend.
I am not looking forward to Christmas at all.

Jason has been he tried the new key but it still isn't working so looks like buying a new lock.

I love you and miss you Malc and Tigger my darlings, it's hard living with out you.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever your wife and Mummy xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday November 9th 2014 2.04pm.

Hello my darling Malc the tears are falling as I start to write to you tonight , I am so unhappy with out you Malc .
I put on an act when I am with anyone but cry silently on my own every day .
Oh Malc what am I going to do ??????????.

I met Anita on the park this morning then came home I had a tyre lose air this morning hope that's all it is a young lady paid a pound for a token and put air in the tyre.

I went to Christopher's for dinner Chanel picked me up, then surprise Lisa came up and stayed a couple of hours she has tried to avoid Geoff the usual problem!!! you did warn her didn't you ?.

Lisa brought Me and Muffin back and stayed an hour she has gone back to face the music again.

I am expecting her to knock on the door and stay the night.

Tigger I haven't forgotten you darling I'm just broken hearted losing you 2 years ago now Daddy only nearly nine months ago.

I send my love and kisses and hugs.

Malc say hello to all kiss them for me.

I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday November 8th 2014 14.24pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger.

I am writing to you early because I am going out with Carol Norrey an old school friend who has got tickets to a murder mystery night and buffet.

I have never been to one before so a bit hesitant .

I'm sure I will enjoy it though, Kay is having Muffin until we get back then we are picking him up when it has finished.
I wish you were here going with me I miss your company Malc so much I cried again last night in bed.
It's so lonely with out you darling.
Chanel has had a good Birthday I watched the kids why Chris and Chanel went shooting.

They have just left.

They have invited me to dinner tomorrow.

I will let you know how tonight goes.
Malc I miss you more than ever, I keep asking myself WHY !!!.

Love you with all my heart Malc I will write to you tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me love you forever. xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday 7th November 7th 2014 16.36pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

I have cried again today thinking about you , your name is spoken every day .
I miss you so much Malc please come to me please.

Bring Tigger with you darling.
I went to the park this morning met Anita and Karen just got home in time then the rain came it has been awful all day.
Jason rang couldn't come today about key his car wouldn't start off the drive.
Anita has been to help me with my knitting bless her picking up stitches around the brim of a hat.

Kay is coming tonight for supper and a film.

Chanel's birthday tomorrow but I don't know if I will see her until Sunday she is coming down with the kids for dinner .
Hope the weather is better tomorrow Malc .

I send kisses to you darling and to Tigger and all the family.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday November 6th 2014 17.31pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy.

Another day with out my soul mate and my baby boy ! it's hard Malc ,
Today I collected a letter from the surgery and took it to Cannock council offices I am entitled to have someone pull out my dustbins empty them and put them back because of my disability.

I took Muffin to the park today but it was so cold it made me feel poorly it went to my bones.
Oh Malc I wish you were here to talk with me .
Instead I am talking to Muffin .

Jason has just called in had a coffee and told me all about his job. they are promoting him but only paying him the same money , so he says he is quitting after Christmas if they don't up his wage.

You know what smarty is like.
My darling I miss you so much it hurts.

I have never felt so lonely as I do today .
Who would have ever dreamt you would have gone so young.
I only wish you could have reached you retirement and at least enjoyed life away from work.
I think you must have been needed where you are now more than with me here on earth.

Same with my Dad they took him too young .

I can't work it out !!!!!!!!.

Jason is coming after work again tomorrow to sort the new key and file it down.

love you Malc until the day I die and join you with everyone who is with you.

Kiss Tigger for me I blow a kiss I will write to you again tomorrow darlingto , say hello to every one
Love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday November 5th 2014.17.08pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

Today has gone so quickly , this morning I met Anita and Karen on the park we stayed an hour talking.
then Chanel came this morning and stopped most of the day lovely.
I then took Muffin to Kay's after Chanel had gone I stayed until 4pm.
It's cold and dark now I hate these dark cold nights.
I miss you so much Malc and my Tigger how long I can cope with this devastating situation I don't know.

Lisa is picking me up later for dinner looking forward to that.

I ache for you Malc my darling come home PLEASE.

I will write to you tomorrow darlings love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday November 4th 2014 18.56pm.

Hello my darling husband my soul mate Malcolm Smith and my darling Tigger my baby boxer boy.

Hope you are both happy and enjoying the Rainbow Bridge .

Another long day with out you.
I met Anita on the park this morning then she came this afternoon with Milly and helped me with my knitting.
Chanel rang this morning she had been shopping.
It's very cold here tonight winter setting in.
I am counting the day's to the light nights coming back in January and spring.

Oh my darling I wish you would come home just for a cuddle and a talk, I miss our talks sorting things out.
I saw John Abbots wife today he has cancer of his sinus and throat just had chemo now radiation .
I don't know how serious it is but his wife says he has been weepy and with drawn.
I worry Malc I don't want cancer or any one else in the family too.

Our Christopher has stopped smoking he listened to you when you were in hospital.
I don't think he will start again.

I love you my darling and miss you like mad I'm blowing kisses to you, I want to smell your cigs around me I keep smelling your coats they still smell of you , I will continue kissing your pictures every day and night .

I will write to you again tomorrow darling Malc love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday November 3rd 2014 17.27pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger I am so unhappy today It's dark and I'm missing you company so much I am crying again as I write to you.
I need you so much Malc so much.
The nights are dark now I'm looking at the clock half past five ,
Lisa has been trying to ring me but I missed her call she might ring me later.
I have been to Sainsbury's today with Anita brought Jade a pair of slippers for Christmas .
I can't seem to get in the mood knowing you won't be here in person .

I never ever thought this would happen to you and leave me alone.
I feel you have been punished Malc , but why ? you are the most caring loving considerate person ever walked the earth .

I love you Malc with all my heart and you tigger say hello to every one kiss them for me.
My darling I ache for you , I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday November 2nd 2014 16.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

Well back home now after having not such a good weekend .
Struggling I couldn't walk that made it difficult for Lisa as she has to look after me.
York was lovely meal lovely hotel and breakfast lovely.
Muffin was ok with Kay but I am glad to see him.
Something to come back to, to kiss.

Malc I miss telling you what sort of week end we have had what the food was like all sorts.

I miss the greeting kiss and the cuddle we had if I had been away even for a day.
Oh Malc will I ever be happy again ?
My life is empty with out you I will have to keep kissing your picture and talking to you . I don't care what people think of me I will never forget you and will always speak to you tell you things
what has happened.

I miss you Malc and Tigger so much kiss every one for me say hello .

I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever my precious husband and my baby boxer boy Tigger xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 1st November 2014 15.26pm,
Hello My darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.
I have managed to write to you thank goodness.
I only wish you were here with Lisa and I .
It doesn't seem fare us here with out you .
It's been strange in the hotel you not by my side .

I looked for a white feather today hoping you have com with us .
I found it very difficult trying to walk but had to give in .
Lisa and I are going for a meal at 6 pm then back to the hotel home tomorrow morning .
Oh Malc I can't tell you how much I miss you darlin and you Tigger.
I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you more than words can say , love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday October 31st 2014 12.56pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

It's a quicky today I'm just taking Muffin to Kay's .

coming back t get changed then off to York ,.
Come with us Malc drop me a feather in York so we know you have joined us.
I love you darling and will be thinking of you constantly and you Tigger.

Christopher is working away until Monday , I will try and write tomorrow but it will be on my phone .

If I don't its because it's difficult.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday 30th October 2014 18.34pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope you are both ok ?.

I have just looked at your picture Malc on my computer I just want to hold you and kiss you if only I could have that one wish !!!!!.
I would love you to bring Tigger home with you so I could hug you both.

I just want to keep on crying.

I met Anita on the park today then came home Christopher Chanel and the children came down this lunch time stayed a couple of hours.

I then took Muffin to see Kay and we went to collect Puss Jason's cat from the vets.

Jason called to check the lock on the back door it was the new key causing the problem.

Muffins had a shower ready to go to Kay's tomorrow.

I have been thinking of you most of the day again Malc.

I will write to you tomorrow very early because I won't be able to later on.

I love you with all my heart love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday October 29th 2014 18.14pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I am so glad I am able to get on the site again today relieved.
I met Anita on the park this morning ten had half an hour with my Mum because of not seeing her soon because I will be with Lisa in York.
Chanel is staying at the house with the children looking after it for me and Muffin is going to kAY'S for a couple of day's.

I do hope the weather is good for us.

Anita came for a couple of hours today with Milly
her Shih Tzu.

Lisa is coming for dinner again and putting me to bed.

I'm in a lot of pain today Malc in my fingers back knees .

I kissed your picture again this morning and yours Tigger, I also kissed your red coat and over coat.

Lisa had your work watch last night she wanted something to keep as a keep sake to never forget you, she loves you and misses you so much as do I

I will write to you again tomorrow darling and I haven't forgotten you Tigger say hello to every one who is with you give them a kiss.

I only wish you could just come home and give me a cuddle and bring Tigger with you for a hug.

Bless you both my Angels miss you forever love you always Rose , Mummy xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday October 28th 2014 20.02pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

I thought I would never be able to speak to you again online.

I think this site must have gone down I have tried and tried .

I got really upset not knowing if I would ever write to you again.
So sorry if you thought I had forgotten you .
You know I wouldn't do that.

I am so relieved I am able to talk to you both.

Nothing much to tell you really .

Today I met the girls on the park then took Muffin to Cannock brought a few things,.

Your Marg rang me last night she is going to Spain for a coupe of weeks in November to stay with Roger .

Sheila has had the walls plastered in the cottage and painted.

Lisa and I are going to York for a couple of days so I may not be able to write to you until we get back , that doesn't mean to say I have forgotten you, You are in my thoughts constantly.

I love you and Tigger with all my heart Malc.

My heart aches for you both .

I hope I can get on this site again tomorrow darling I will try and write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx
ps please don't ever sop running this site I would break my heart.xxxxx

by: rose

Saturday October 25th 2014 14.47pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger a quick message today . Kay and Alan just about to pick me and Muffin up to go to Gloucester to collect Lucy Jasons daughter from uni.

I have had a very quiet morning Took Muffin to the park met Anita came back Muffin has had a shower .

I spoke to Chanel this morning doesn't look like they will come today.
Kay is staying for supper a take away she will put me to bed tonight.

I have got upset again I have just been in the spare big bedroom found your hospital tag on the floor .
Alan has just rang picking us up now.

I love you and miss you Malc and Tigger love you forever will write tomorrow xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday October 24th 2014 20.22pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.

A funny day today I met Anita down the park came back spent an hour with my Mum then came home thinking Chanel would be down with the children.

She texted me saying change of plan Christopher was nearly home so not coming after all.

So I texted Anita to come up for a few hours .
She came at 2.30pm and stayed until nearly 5pm.
She is a nice lady and good company.

I never thought I would be relying on friends to keep me company .
I spoke to Kay later she is taking me and Muffin to Gloucester tomorrow to collect Lucy later though 3pm.

I spoke to Christopher about tomorrow so I won't see them until Sunday.

Lisa is tucking me in bed tonight.

Oh Malc I only wish this hadn't have happened to you never in the world did I ever think you would die so young, I wanted you to retire on your 65th birthday next February and see your excited face the day you walked out of the job.

I wanted us to go places together , on the trains we used to go.
All I have is memories .

I miss you so much darling so much I love you with all my heart Malc and Tigger.

I will write to you again tomorrow but it will be much earlier because of going to Gloucester and Kay will be coming back for supper and a film.

Love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday October 23rd 2014 15.11pm.

Hello My Malc and my Tigger , I'm writing early because Kay and Alan are taking me for an Indian meal tonight and Geoff is picking Muffin up before I go out.

I love and miss you Malc I cry every day at some time because I miss you so much I ache for you Malc every time I go to bed I play the video with Tigger on it and your voice in the back ground.

I kiss your picture every morning and night with out fail.
I kiss yours too Tigger I will never forget you or Daddy as long as I live.

I will write to you tomorrow and tell you how my meal was love you forever your wife and lover xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday October 22nd 2014 18.25pm.

Hello Malc My darling and Tigger my baby boy.

What a day this morning I went a ride with Muffin and lost our house keys. I went out three times I went out to re trace my journey.
Finally I found them on the garage forecourt lying there, amazing I must have dropped them and they had been kicked over into the forecourt.
Your Sheila rang and said as I did someone is looking over me Are You ?.

I had Mum for dinner which was ok really , but Wendy is in Blackpool isn't she !!!!!.

I love you Malc and miss you my darling I cry so much but this doesn't bring you back !!!!.

My Tigger I love you too you know that.

Your Dicky's birthday tomorrow 76 years old.

Marg hasn't even remembered your Sheila's birthday , she is too wrapped up with her baby dolls.

I will write to you again tomorrow my darling Malc and my Tigger love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday 21st October 2014 17.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

Tell Dad I'm thinking about him today 20 years today we lost him to CANCER .
kiss him for me and all who are with you.

It's been dreadful weather today hurricane weather, I just managed to get down to the park with Muffin.
Three large pots have tipped up with the wind.

I hope the weather is better tomorrow Mum is coming for lunch and dinner.

Chanel rang me today she said she rang twice yesterday I missed the calls .
I haven't got visitors today weather to bad Lisa is coming later to tuck me in bed.

Muffin is fed up poor thing can't get out.

My darling I miss you more than words can say
I hurt inside so much I will love you until the day I die Malc,kiss Tigger for me

I will write to you again tomorrow love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday October 20th 2014 17.42p.

Hello my precious husband and Tigger my baby .
A better day today Christopher did ring me and Apologised for how how he acted yesterday he even said he loved me.

He also said he didn't feel well , I think he is like me now realising you aren't coming home.

I told him to have a lemsip and go straight to bed.

I met up with Anita and Karen on the park then Karen asked me to stay for a cuppa.
I stayed an hour.

It made me feel a bit better.

I have two good friends here.

Chanel didn't ring last night or today .

Lisa is working until 6.30pm she will pop in and put me to bed tonight.

I love you Malc my darling I can't tell you how hard it is Tigger I love and miss you too look after Daddy he will look after you.

Kiss every one for me I will write to you tomorrow love to forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday October 19th 2014 18.19pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger.

What a horrible weekend I have had well today Christopher has really upset me , he invited me to dinner today then put Muffin outside with Baxter He barked to come in but Christopher wouldn't let him stay in the living room .

I stayed in the hall with Muffin then Christopher told me I was un welcome and asked me to leave.

He has further rang me to say he and the family won't be coming again I'm devastated !!.

Iv'e cried all day .
Lisa well hasn't been in touch since Wednesday .

Good job Chanel is coming to put me to bed.


I miss you so much Malc I can't write any more because I'm crying again .I love you with all my heart and miss you like crazy , I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday October 19th 2014 18.19pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger.

What a horrible weekend I have had well today Christopher has really upset me , he invited me to dinner today then put Muffin outside with Baxter He barked to come in but Christopher wouldn't let him stay in the living room .

I stayed in the hall with Muffin then Christopher told me I was un welcome and asked me to leave.

He has further rang me to say he and the family won't be coming again I'm devastated !!.

Iv'e cried all day .
Lisa well hasn't been in touch since Wednesday .

Good job Chanel is coming to put me to bed.


I miss you so much Malc I can't write any more because I'm crying again .I love you with all my heart and miss you like crazy , I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday October 19th 2014 18.19pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger.

What a horrible weekend I have had well today Christopher has really upset me , he invited me to dinner today then put Muffin outside with Baxter He barked to come in but Christopher wouldn't let him stay in the living room .

I stayed in the hall with Muffin then Christopher told me I was un welcome and asked me to leave.

He has further rang me to say he and the family won't be coming again I'm devastated !!.

Iv'e cried all day .
Lisa well hasn't been in touch since Wednesday .

Good job Chanel is coming to put me to bed.


I miss you so much Malc I can't write any more because I'm crying again .I love you with all my heart and miss you like crazy , I will write to you again tomorrow Malc xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday October 18th 2014 15.30pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby .

Up early this morning Chris and Chanel took Cameron and went clay pigeon shooting.

I looked after the girls and Baxter, they were ok really Baxter was good he played with Muffin .
After they went home I took Muffin a ride to Hednesford to get a sandwich and a ride to see if I could see any one.

I then rode to Lisa's but she was out.

Muffin and I are going to Kay's tonight supper and a film.

It's warm today can't believe it.

I dreamt about you last night well this morning it was so real Val and Dave were in the dream too.
Thank you for coming in my dream.

Please come in my dream again Malc darling because I miss you so much and you Tigger.

JO and Kevin are back from EGYPT the dog is back to normal barking Mad !!!!!.

I love you Malc with all my broken heart and will never forget you I feel frightened being on my own and fear if I should fall ill I won't have you to talk to and tell you how I am.

Keep me safe Malc I play the video on my iPhone every night Tigger is on the settee and I hear your voice in the back ground, I love to hear you I feel you are still with me then.
I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and Tigger love you forever your wife and your Mummy Tigger xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

by: Anonymous

Do you want to be Happy Again ? I want to honestly help you because i know what it feels like to have your heart broken. We all want to be happy with the one that makes our heart beat, the one who makes us happy. I know its hard to trust so called spell casters. I was blessed to find a trustworthy spell caster Dr. Ikhine is the most powerful spell caster there is. He is caring , understanding and will help you with the most impossible love issue you may have. Weather you want your lover or husband back , he will make it happen in just 48hours. He is the only one i would ever trust. He is making my dream come true with the love of my life. Don't hesitate on contacting him email Or phone call away. Contact him at or Call Dr. Ikhine @ +2347060552255 your problems will be forever solved.

by: Anonymous

Do you want to be Happy Again ? I want to honestly help you because i know what it feels like to have your heart broken. We all want to be happy with the one that makes our heart beat, the one who makes us happy. I know its hard to trust so called spell casters. I was blessed to find a trustworthy spell caster Dr. Ikhine is the most powerful spell caster there is. He is caring , understanding and will help you with the most impossible love issue you may have. Weather you want your lover or husband back , he will make it happen in just 48hours. He is the only one i would ever trust. He is making my dream come true with the love of my life. Don't hesitate on contacting him email Or phone call away. Contact him at or Call Dr. Ikhine @ +2347060552255 your problems will be forever solved.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday October 17th 2014 18.45pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my boxer baby boy.

Today I met Anita on the park and later went to her house for lunch.
As I was there I had a phone call from your Sheila she said she was on her way up.
I rushed back on my mobility scooter with Muffin just about made it when Sheila and Colin came.
They stopped a bit longer today watched and talked over the telly . but I was grateful for their visit.

They have got plasterers in at the moment doing all the walls.

Christopher has rang today asking me to watch the children why they go clay pigeon shooting, I don't mind they are older now and are capable of helping themselves to whatever.

I miss you my darling and have talked to Sheila about how I cry myself to sleep every night.

As I was riding my scooter home today I prayed you would be walking along the street with your Woolley hat on even if you had a cig in your mouth.

If only Malc if only.
Tigger my darling I think about you too darling say good night every night kiss yours and Daddy's picture too.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlings love you both forever say hello to all love you forever.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday 16th October 2014 16.16pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been ok Chanel came this morning and took me to Homebase for soil and Argos for Christmas presents for the children.

Lisa isn't coming tonight she is going to slimming club.

I think Christopher had a good birthday but missed you Malc.

As I do my darling !!.

I have took Muffin out twice today he is fast asleep at the moment.

Kay might come tonight she hasn't rang yet .

Our Kelly has been in touch Malc she says she will pop round when she is well , she has just had an operation .

I love you and miss you Malc my darling and yiu Tigger baby boy.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever kiss every one for me xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday October 15th 2014 20.36pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger as you know Chris is 30 today ,
He didn't want to celebrate it , I think it's because of losing you , he came down the other day and was looking at your earn ornament, I know he was thinking about you.

I think he cries in silence.
I think about you every day every hour every minute.
I love you too Tigger I kiss your picture with Daddy's picture morning and night.
I cried myself asleep last night again.

I have seen Anita this morning then went for my Diabetic screening test.
Came back went to k AY'S then came back to dinner with Lisa tonight.

Lisa rang Chris tonight and asked if he had had a good birthday , I texted him this morning to wish him Happy birthday he did ring me back.

Muffin slept on our bed all night last night I think he senses how upset I am.
I am missing you so much Malc love you forever .

I will write to you again tomorrow darlings xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday October 14th 2014 16.28pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

How are you both today?.
I miss you my darlings miss you so much.
I did manage to get down Hednesford today and take a parcel to the post office.

Anita came up today stayed for lunch and watched Kinky Boots the film with me.
She is good company.

Lisa is finishing work at 5.30pm then having dinner here afterwards we are going to Christopher's to take his birthday presents .
I have ordered most of the Christmas presents now you know me Malc don't leave things until the last minute .

I know I have friends come but it's not the same , I NEED YOU MALC !!!.

I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART , I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you forever kiss Tigger and say hello to every one xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday October 13th 2014 17.29pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Baby Boxer boy Tigger.

I feel emotional again today very flat ,the weather is bad rain rain rain.
I didn't go to the park today but Anita and Karen picked me up to go to Sainsbury's .

Then when I got back Geoff picked Muffin and I up to go to Lisa's I stayed a couple of hours she dropped me back home because she wanted to visit Jade and Finley only fare really she hadn't seen them for a week.

I hope the weather improves because it's keeping me in I can't walk out only on my mobility scooter.

Winter is setting in now Malc and I am having to cope with being with out you , I don't know if I can go on with out you.

I love Muffin but he doesn't talk back, I love my family but they can't be with me every minute of the day.

I am a Librian and we don't like to be on our own for long.

I saw Jean and Geoff bearsdmore today in Sainsbury's they are off to Mexico for two weeks tomorrow.
Oh Malc if Only you could just come home for a day just to give me a hug and kiss and say to me your doing fine and I am watching over you.

I will never ever forget you darling NEVER !!!!!!.

I love you with all my heart Malc and Tigger kisses to every one I will write to you tomorrow darling xxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday October 12th 2014 19.21pm.

Hello MY Malc darling and my Tigger baby boy.

Hope you are well both of you and happy.
My day hasn't been as bad as yesterday.

I met Anita on the park then went home thinking Lisa was back I rode down with Muffin to check if they were back and in bed all curtains closed I assumed they were home but it was Jordd not opening the curtains.
I messaged Lisa and they don't get back until tonight.

We were picked up by Chanel for dinner at Chris's.

She brought us back 4 hours later.

Then my plant came I'm glad t say a day late but it's here now.

I have been talking to Kelly about you today bless her , she is going in for an op on Tuesday quite serious bowel polyps.
I do hope they are not cancerous .

I have wished her good luck.

I miss you Malc my darling so much I sobbed most of the day yesterday.

Muffin and I are locked up and watching telly , I'm watching kinky boots later remember that film.

I love you and miss you Malc and Tigger my heart is breaking , I will write to you again tomorrow love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday October 11th 2014 17.47pm,.

Hello Malc my darling I have cried and cried most of the day I miss you so much .

I don't know if I will ever get over losing you.
Honestly I can't take in your not coming back.
I'm crying as I type this to you.

Christopher Chanel and the children have been down all be it an hour ! better than no one at all.

I have given Chris his birthday present today because I won't see him on his 30th birthday on Wednesday , he will b at work.

He has been shooting today with his new toy .

another hobby under his belt.
This is a quick message Alan has just rang he is picking me up to go for tea ,
I love you Malc with all my heart kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever I will write again tomorrow darling .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday October 10th 2014 17.27pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger here we are again me hoping and praying you come home to me.
Today has been so boring and lonely .

I saw Anita down the park this morning .

Faye took Muffin for three hours for a grooming.
I rode to Cannock Morrisons to buy my Bailey's for Christmas.

Then popped to my Mums for just an hour rushed back on my scooter thinking Muffin would be back early Malc he looks lovely as usual .

Nothing much to report really .

Only that I miss you more each day .

I did go to Kay's but they were out, I'm trying everything to keep me in company .

I never ever thought this would be how my life would end ?on my own .

I know Lisa gets me up and puts me to bed well until she went away Chanel has taken over why she I away.
Roll on Monday when I see Lisa again.

Muffin hasn't eat much today because he was too long at the groomers.
But he will make up for it tomorrow I reckon.

Malc send a kiss to Tigger and say hello to My Dad your mum and Dad and all who are with you.
I love you with all my heart darling and forever.
I will write t you again tomorrow darling yur Rose xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday 9th October 2014 15.17pm.

Hello Malc my darling my precious husband and my Tigger my darling.

I love you and miss you as each day goes by all the days roll into one.

My heart is breaking Malc at the thought of not having you here by my side.

I am constantly thinking about you and talking t0 you through out the day every day.

Today it's raining again couldn't get out this morning to the park so didn't meet Anita .

I did go out with Muffin bit later but soon back rain again.

Lisa rang today from Tenerife loving it.

I am missing her.

Chanel has rang though she too has got wet today walking Baxter.

I don't know if Jordan will come today for dinner ?.

I feel so lonely with out you Malc and my Tigger .

I have heard people say to me how lonely they are with out their husbands but you don't take it in until you go through it yourself.

I don't know if you would have coped MALC.

I think Chris would have kept you close or even had you live with them.

I love you my darling send my love to Tigger and every one who is with you.

I will write to you again tomorrow my darling love you forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny this site is helping me with my Grieving thank you xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday October 8th 2014 16.20pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger.
Today I am suffering with a painful back radiating to the front of my stomach.

I have met up with Anita this morning then went to Aldi then came home raining such a lot.

Chanel came this morning took me to Asda to get a couple of things.

Jordan is coming for his dinner tonight hopefully.
I had another cry last night missing you so much Malc.
I kiss you every morning and evening and Tigger picture.

I love you forever my darling .
I will write to you again tomorrow darlings .

A broken hearted Wife and Mummy xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday October 7th 2014 17.21pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

As usual you have been on my mind through out the day I talk to you always and wish you would be sitting in your favourite place on the settee .

It has rained this morning so I couldn't take Muffin to the park, but it has stopped this afternoon so I gave him a run and we went to Cannock.
Anita took me to Rugeley and we had lunch .

Finley must still be in hospital because no one can get in touch with Jade.

I have rang Lisa but not told her Finley is in hospital in case it worried her.
Poor Jordan is poorly too.
Asthma I think.

The weather is so cold now winter just around the corner.

I don't know what is happening tomorrow yet according what the weather is going to be like.

I miss you so much Malc tell Tigger I miss him too.

Kiss everyone for me I love you with all my heart , I will write to you again tomorrow darling.
love you forever xxxxxxx Rose xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday October 6th 2014 17.09pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger , I miss you so much my precious boys .
I Pray every day you will come back home to me.
Anita came today for lunch she stayed 2 & half hours.
At least she is good company we always have something to talk about.

I would go crazy if no one came to see me.
I took Muffin a ride up the new road this afternoon as it was raining this morning then went to Tesco to buy some winter gloves.
I also popped to Aldi to get a few things.

Lisa rang me last night roasting hot but hotel not good she has complained.

Finley is poorly again and in hospital chesty breathing problems.

I think he is in the right place crossing fingers.

Chanel has rang coming down to put me to bed later.

Jo and Kevin next door have gone to EGYPT for 10 days.
If I haven't already told you all the fences are up now feeling more secure.

The bedroom light has been fixed.
Hope nothing else goes wrong.
I didn't receive a Birthday card from Lin Williamson this year which is very unusual, I wander if she is ok.
I miss you my darling I ache for you and one day hope you will be back home where you belong.

Kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever, I will write to you tomorrow xxxx your Wife xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday October 5th 2014 21.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger boxer baby boy.

Hope you are both Happy and well?.
It's been a busy day today met Anita on the park this morning then came back home waiting for Chanel to pick me up for dinner.
I had a lovely dinner with Christopher Chanel Cameron Ellie and Georgia.

Christopher has borrowed the tree loppers and the heavy ladders to cut down the conifers in size.

He and Chanel are now taking up clay pigeon shooting .

Jayne your neice and her husband Phil came down today and Phil fixed my light in the big spare bedroom.

I thought it was very thoughtful of them.

I am having my hair done tomorrow Pete is doing it,.
Lisa is in Tenerife enjoying the sun and relaxing.

Anne has rang tonight back from their cruise.

Coming over near Christmas for a day !!!!.

I have been talking about you again today I miss you so much darling I beg you please come home bring Tigger with you darling.

I will write to you again tomorrow love you with all my broken heart love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday October 4th 2014 16.23pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

Oh Malc I do miss you so much I can't stand this lonely feeling with out you .
Why I keep asking myself what have you ever done to deserve this punishment? what have you ever done you have only ever give, give, give and only work so hard in a job you hated .

Chris and Chanel went shooting today a lesson.
The children stayed with me and Baxter played with Muffin.

That's another hobby they have got.
Malc I wish you would come back home my darling bring Tigger with you.

Lisa is coming up soon to say goodbye they are off to Tenerife soon.

I am going to Chris's tomorrow for dinner.

Then I may go to Anita's later.

I am off to Kay's later for supper and watching our series.

They are picking me up.
I love you and miss you my darling MALC SO MUCH .

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever and you my Tigger kiss every one for me .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday October 4th 2014 16.23pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

Oh Malc I do miss you so much I can't stand this lonely feeling with out you .
Why I keep asking myself what have you ever done to deserve this punishment? what have you ever done you have only ever give, give, give and only work so hard in a job you hated .

Chris and Chanel went shooting today a lesson.
The children stayed with me and Baxter played with Muffin.

That's another hobby they have got.
Malc I wish you would come back home my darling bring Tigger with you.

Lisa is coming up soon to say goodbye they are off to Tenerife soon.

I am going to Chris's tomorrow for dinner.

Then I may go to Anita's later.

I am off to Kay's later for supper and watching our series.

They are picking me up.
I love you and miss you my darling MALC SO MUCH .

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever and you my Tigger kiss every one for me .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday October 3rd 2014 17.24pm.

Hello my Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.
Today has gone so quick not enough hours , things happening Geoff came up to take Muffin a walk which he did but helped Martin next door to put all the new fencing up, it looks great Malc you would love it .
I feel more secure now and the garden looks better.

Chanel rang me they are putting me to bed later then are coming early in the morning .
Sue came at 11.30pm stayed a couple of hours.
I tried to talk to Sue about you but she just kept talking about her friend Pat she has lost.

I really couldn't get a word in edgeways .
Lisa is having Finley tonight before they go away .

Say happy Birthday to Darren for me he is 42years today.

I keep thinking about you Malc and getting upset because I want you with me, it's so hard .

Tigger I promise I haven't forgotten you I kiss your picture every day too and smell your collar.

Malc I love you with all my heart and miss you until it aches.

I will write to you tomorrow it might be late having supper with Kay and Alan.
kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one love you forever darling.xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday October 2nd 2014 15.40pm.

Hello darling my Malc and Tigger hope you are well .
I miss you my darlings. my heart aches for you but I can't do anything about it.
I met Anita this morning on the park then came home had breakfast Lisa had prepared for me as she got me up and dressed this morning.
Chanel has been with Baxter, he has chewed my line prop little monkey.

Muffin and him have played together.

Lisa is coming later tonight to tuck me into bed.

I opened the wardrobe draw in the large spare bedroom this morning and as you know all our photo's are in there, I looked at a few but continuously cried.
I miss you Malc I miss you darling.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and wish Darren Happy Birthday for tomorrow he would be 42 years old. kiss every one for me say hello , love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday 1st October 2014 21.18pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger,.

Another day with out you so upsetting.
I met up with Anita this morning on the park then came home waiting for Jayne remember her from the surgery I worked at with her.

She brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for my Birthday.
We went to the Rag for lunch then came back had a cuppa and a chat.
All in all I have had a nice day .
Lisa came for dinner tonight .

I am shattered today I hope i'm not sickening for a cold,.
I love you Malc and miss you and Tigger so much.

Sheila rang today she said Roger has gone back to spain.

He hasn't even been round to see me !!!!!.

But then he didn't come to your funeral did he,?.

I saw Jayne your neice today she is sending Phil her husband to fix the light in the spare bedroom.

I love you with all my heart Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one I will write to again tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxx your Rose

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday 30th September 2014 19.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger.

I had a cry this morning when I woke from my sleep on my birthday , hoping all this was just a bad dream and you would be bringing me a cup of tea in bed and three birthday kisses.
I met up with Anita and Karen who wished me happy birthday.

I had a lovely surprise today , Lisa booked a day off work today and took me for a meal at The Barley Mow when we got there Chanel surprised me too.
I had a lovely present from Kay lots of cards too.
I put up the one you sent me last year when you were poorly and will every year in future.

I love you Malc and only wish I could have had a hug from you today, but I feel you are around me.

Kiss Tigger for me and say hello to every one .

Love you for ever Malc , I will write to you again tomorrow.xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday September 29th 2014 20.30pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

Hope you are both well and happy .
Today I met Anita and Karen on the park.
I then came home and Carole came to bring me a Birthday present and a card she stay a few hours.

This afternoon I went to Anita's with Karen and we had carrot cake and a cuppa.

I got back home and Lisa had dinner with me .

I will miss waking up with you tomorrow missing you wishing me happy Birthday and your three kisses on my lips and a cuppa.

Geoff is taking me out in the morning somewhere ? it's so caring of him.
Oh Malc I wish it was you taking me out I miss you so much.

Your Marg rang tonight she is sending a card and a present through the post , she has been poorly, a virus I think.

Tigger look after Daddy for me I love you and miss you too.

Malc say hello to every one for me send my love.
I will write to you tomorrow my darling love you for ever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday September 28th 2014 18.54pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

Hope you are happy my darlings.
Today yet another strange day. it started off 2am this morning such a crack a noise as if something had tripped electrically.

It frightened me so much I could get back off to sleep.

Geoff has been up to have a look but we can't find any problems.
The boiler is ok too because it has only been service a few months ago.

I went to the park late today but did meet up with Karen and her husband .

Then a surprise Lisa and Geoff took me to the Samson blewett for a sunday dinner it was lovely .

I have been down to see my mum stayed 1 1/2 hours.

She gave me my Birthday card for next Tuesday .

It won't be the same with out you to celebrate it.

I miss you so much Malc so much.

Lisa has gone to the gym then she is coming back to put me to bed.

I can't tell you what I'm thinking at the moment someone is upsetting me. you can guess who !!!!.

Chris is still not smoking at last he has listened to you Malc.
I hope the week ahead gets better .

I love you with all my heart Malc and my Tigger God Bless you both say hello to everyone.

I will write to you again tomorrow love you forever xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 27th 2014 21.10pm.

Hello Malc my darling my precious husband who I miss so much.
Tell Tigger I will always miss him too.

I have had a good day today I met Anita on the park then drove to Cannock and brought Lisa her Christmas present.

Kay and Alan picked me up at 1.35pm and we went to upton on seven near Gloucester we had a toasted tea cake and tea we then picked up Lucy came back home and had supper .
Alan has just brought me back.

In between Jason came up and put the new plug in and tuned in the television.

I have had a good day if only you could have shared this day with me Malc !!! I FEEL SO SAD WITH OUT YOU PLEASE PLEASE COME HOME DARLING.

I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART I will write to you again tomorrow kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one for me love you all.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday September 26th 2014 17.04pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

I have had a better day today breakage wise.

took Muffin to the park this morning met up with Anita and Karen.
Geoff picked me up to go to Norton Canes health Centre and was having a Macmillan coffee morning I sent some cakes and gave her five pound towards Cancer it was on behalf of you Malc .

Lisa baked Malc's mars bar cakes bless her.
Chanel rang and had a chat.

Lisa has just gone after getting me ready for bed.

Kay and Alan are taking me to collect Lucy Jasons daughter tomorrow taking Muffin too.

It's a nice ride we stop off and have ascone then pick Lucy up and go for supper at Kay and Alan's.

They do look after me.

I have been thinking about you again today darling I just want to keep crying all the time , I miss you so much Malc .

Kiss Tigger for me and say hello to all who are with you.
At least your out of pain darling.

I love you with all my heart and will write to you tomorrow but it will be late about 9pm.


Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday September 25th 2014 20.31

Hello Malc my darling I love you and miss you again today the feeling seems to be worse today I ache for you .

The day started off ok then this afternoon I went to Cannock to get a few things coming back I drove in through the double gates and my bag handle wrapped itself around the left forward lever and threw itself into the mobility shed it smashed the front of the scooter, it shook me up and I couldn't stop crying.

Thank goodness I insured it , I have been in touch and it's being sorted.

Then would you believe I accidently broke my favourite vase I have had a long time the white one with a green heart on it.

Why should I get upset it's only material things.

Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day.

Malc the times I ask WHY I don't think I will ever get over losing you really life isn't worth living.

Kiss Tigger for me say hello to everyone who is with you my darling tell Tigger I love him and miss him so much too.

Geoff is taking me to see Lisa tomorrow at work she is having a Macmillan day at work I have made some cakes and brownies .

I will write to you again tomorrow darling ni night love you forever Malc your Rose xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday September 24th 2014 18.15pm.

Hello Malc my darling I am crying because I have just switched on my laptop to see your handsome face in front of me and miss you so much .

Oh Malc how can I move on? I need you miss your kiss your smile your your love .
I met Anita this morning on the park a little later because of the rain .

Then I came back and took Muffin to Cannock to pick up a couple of things.
I had lunch then Muffin and I went to Kay's to take Jason some money for a plug I need for the internet its vital.

I was asked for dinner by Lisa but I didn't feel like going it's dark when I get back.

I know Geoff would have picked us up and brought us back .

Chanel is coming in the morning to help me bake for Macmillan day on Friday, cakes.

Hope your well Tigger I know you are with Daddy and all the family too.

Kiss them and say hello for me Malc.

I love you with all my heart until the day I die.

I will write to you again tomorrow darlings love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday September 23rd 2014 15.44pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy .
Hope you are well my precious boys.

My day hasn't been too bad, Took Muffin to the park met up with Anita.

Came back Your Sheila rang to say she was coming up today instead of Wednesday or Friday to see Roger because he is alone today .
I told her I was going out with Anita to Rugeley .
They came up about 10.30pm stopped for 15 mins gave me a card and Birthday present, because they won't be up on my Birthday.

Anita picked me up at 11.15am to take me to Rugeley to the wool shop to buy for Lisa she wants me to knit a cardigan for Christmas.

We had lunch at Rose's café nice !!!!. Anita paid.

She dropped me off at 1.15pm.

We have talked about going on holiday next year together with the dogs in a cottage.

I think that might be a nice Idea .

I have got to try and move on with out you Malc I don't think I can my darling I'm crying as I write this.

I'm so lonely Malc so lonely !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I don't think I will ever be happy again.

I stooped outside Mum and Dads old house today a chap was looking out of the window and I caught his attention he came out and we spoke about me living in his house when I was a little girl.
We had quite a long conversation.

My heart aches wishing I could turn the clock back.

Wishing you back in my arms Malc and stroking Tigger hugging him too.

I love and Miss you Malc and you Tigger love you for ever , I will write to you again tomorrow darlings xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday September 22nd 2014 17.45pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my precious boxer baby boy.

Another day with out you Malc I can only live each day at a time because you never know when it's my time.

It's been a lonely day today after Chanel got me up out of bed this morning she had to take the kids to school .
Lisa rang this morning she is late finishing tonight so will only see her tonight when she puts me to bed.

I have seen Anita and Karen this morning on the park.

Anita is taking me to Rugeley tomorrow morning.

I have been to see my Mum today stopped just over an hour .

I love you my darling and want to keep crying asking for you to come home I need you so much Malc and Tigger , kiss everyone for me I love you with all my heart say hello to everyone, I will write to you tomorrow Malc and Tigger love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday September 21st 2014 15.09pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope you are both well and happy.

My day has not been to bad today went to the park to meet Anita then went to Tesco to buy a couple of things.

Chanel and the children came for dinner stayed 3 hours lovely, the children were very well behaved.
Baxter and Muffin played nice together too.
I am waiting for Anita to text me going down later .
I have cried again this morning Malc I want you back so much I can't live with out you darling.

I love you and Tigger forever say hello to everyone Malc for me , I will write to you tomorrow xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 20th 2014 21.53pm.

Hello Malc Oh Malc I have had a strange day Chris Chanel and the kids came this morning all went well then Chris really upset me I cried and cried .

What's going on he hurt me with words so much .
I sobbed and sobbed most of the morning.

Then Kay and Alan picked me up took me a ride to Gloucester then I had dinner with them.

Chanel is coming with the kids tomorrow for dinner why Chris sleeps after doing a night shift.

I'm so un happy Malc I NEED YOU PLEASE COME HOME ?
I'm so lonely Malc .

I don't know what tomorrow will bring !!!.

I love you and miss you so much and Tigger .

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 20th 2014 21.53pm.

Hello Malc Oh Malc I have had a strange day Chris Chanel and the kids came this morning all went well then Chris really upset me I cried and cried .

What's going on he hurt me with words so much .
I sobbed and sobbed most of the morning.

Then Kay and Alan picked me up took me a ride to Gloucester then I had dinner with them.

Chanel is coming with the kids tomorrow for dinner why Chris sleeps after doing a night shift.

I'm so un happy Malc I NEED YOU PLEASE COME HOME ?
I'm so lonely Malc .

I don't know what tomorrow will bring !!!.

I love you and miss you so much and Tigger .

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 20th 2014 21.53pm.

Hello Malc Oh Malc I have had a strange day Chris Chanel and the kids came this morning all went well then Chris really upset me I cried and cried .

What's going on he hurt me with words so much .
I sobbed and sobbed most of the morning.

Then Kay and Alan picked me up took me a ride to Gloucester then I had dinner with them.

Chanel is coming with the kids tomorrow for dinner why Chris sleeps after doing a night shift.

I'm so un happy Malc I NEED YOU PLEASE COME HOME ?
I'm so lonely Malc .

I don't know what tomorrow will bring !!!.

I love you and miss you so much and Tigger .

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday September 2014 16.58pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.

Hope your happy darling , I miss you so much.
A strange day today met up with Anita on the park with Muffin and her dog Millie.

It's rained most of the day .
Jason came to fix the old computer and set up router with television box.

Jayne your niece came and stayed an hour nice to see her down to earth.

Kay and Alan are taking me to Gloucester tomorrow with Muffin to collect Lucy Jason's daughter from uni.

Then I am going for supper and watching a series with Kay she is such a good friend.

Chanel and the kids are having dinner here Sunday .

I'm on my own now until Lisa puts me to bed tonight not long really.

I love you and miss you Malc I dreamt about you again the night before last thank you for coming into my dreams, I only wish you would come back for good and bring Tigger with you.
I am just ordering a takeaway for dinner.

I love you my darling say hello to Dad your Mum and Dad and all who are with you now give Dave a hug too hope he has settled .
I will write to you tomorrow but it might be late tomorrow night love you forever xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday September 18th 2014 17.38pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

I hope you are well and happy now you are out of pain.
I love you Malc and miss you here with me I miss Tigger too leaning on my feet .

Today I met the girls on the park we talked for nearly an hour.

I went to see my Mum had an hour and half with her.

I still feel uncomfortable with her as she didn't support me through out your illness, but I feel it's my duty .

I am going to Lisa's later to drop off booking tickets for the stay at York soon.

Jason took my old computer away to completely clear all info from it so it might work faster when it comes back.
He is coming back on Friday to set up internet and freesat box properly.

He helps me such a lot Malc he was a good friend of yours .

Rick rang me last night quite a shock had a long chat his business isn't doing very well , looks like he might lose his house too.

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday September 17th 2014 20.56pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger how are you both today.

Today a mixed one.

I took Muffin to the park meeting up with my friends and their Shih Tzu's .
Chanel came up for a couple of hours with Baxter.
We baked cakes then Baxter eat most why we were in the living room.
Geoff came took Muffin a walk.
I went to Kay's took her some cakes what were left.
Then Lisa came for dinner she left an hour ago after putting me to bed.
I really don't know where the time and days are going .

I miss you Malc I miss your smile you jokes your pottering around in the garden.

At least your plant is alive again thank goodness.

Lisa has booked us in a hotel in York soon a break for me as I can't stop crying!!!!!.

I love you and miss you Malc and Tigger when you went my heart and half of my body went.

I will love you all of my life forever and will write to you again tomorrow.xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx hope you are well Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday September 16th 2014 14.15pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

I'm writing early today because I am going to Anita's at 3pm until 5pm .

I am taking Muffin on my mobility scooter .

Lisa is coming for dinner again only salad scampie.

your Marg rang today she spoke for a long time.
I have had a guy cement the coping stones I brought, securely and he has put two slabs down because the others were cracked near my mobility shed.
I have been feeling very low again today missing you more than you will ever know .

You are my rock my soul mate and my lover !!!.

I want to ask your advice on things and I cry because I can't although I talk to you each day.

I need you by my side Malc.

I love you and Tigger with all my heart darling and will always keep you in my heart and head.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to all the family love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday September 15th 2014 16.46pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband and my tigger baby boy.
I took Muffin to the park this morning on my scooter it started to rain so we turned back and didn't meet anyone today.

Lisa got me up out of bed after struggling with getting dressed.
I feel very down today hope my mood lifts soon.

Nothing much to tell you today sat watching television most of the day .

The Chase is just about to start our favourite programme isn't it Malc.
Geoff came up to check I was ok before he went to work, Lisa is coming tonight.

I keep crying Malc I need you so much it hurts I can't ask you for help, but I know you are around me.

I love you with all my heart darling if only I could have talked to you about your Cancer , but you wouldn't I do understand you just wanted to put it the back of your mind.

Give Tigger a hug and kiss and all the family .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you forever darling xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday September 14th 2014 18.43pm.

Hello my Malc my darling I love you so much my heart is aching for you to come back , bring Tigger with you I miss him terribly too.

I have been to Anita's today took Muffin on my mobility scooter she helped me in to the house she is such a good friend , she lost her husband 2 years ago .

We keep each other company through out this devastating time losing you both.

She knows what I am going through.
I am still worried at the moment Malc and I need you to be with me at this time .

I know you are around me I feel you are .

Lisa rang today she was in Nottingham shopping with Geoff after going to Gloucester to see his daughter and grandchildren.

She is coming later to put me to bed.

Malc I need you darling I beg of you come home to help me PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!.

I love you with all my heart and miss you so much tell Tigger I love him and miss him too, say hello to my Dad and your mum and Dad and every one who is with you.

I will write to you tomorrow Malc darling love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 13th 2014 21.36pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger hope you are both well and happy.

I have had a bit of a lonely day today until Kay asked me down and Alan picked me up.

What would I do with out them.

Muffin has had a poorly tummy today but much better now.

Just got back,watching television now before I am put to bed.
I have been talking about you again today to Kay how we used to live in Station road our first house happy memories Malc.

If only I could have you home you and Tigger this would be my dream come true.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring,.

Jayne your niece rang tonight she is coming to see me next Thursday or Friday .

I will write to you tomorrow darling look after Daddy Tigger he will look after you love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday 12th September 2014 16.46pm

Hello Malc my precious husband and my precious Tigger too.
I feel a little better today since I had a phone call today which made me feel a little better.

I met Anita on the park today she is baby sitting tonight .
I was going to Kay's tonight but changed my mind and are going tomorrow night instead because I thought Lisa was coming.

I smelt you around me last night because I was so worried thank you Malc .

Jason has been to sort television now he has found it might be that white plug in thing it's not working.
He has took it home to look at it.
I miss you terribly Malc and my Tigger if only wishes came true.

I love you my darling say hello to everyone kiss Tigger for me love you always and forever xxxxxxx.
I will write to you again tomorrow .xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday September 11th 2014 20.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

I've had a worrying day today it started off well my friends came for lunch and helped me by doing lunch because I can't make food myself .

Pains in my fingers thank goodness this is a touch lap top.

Christopher spoke to me today he said he would support me and Lisa too.

I know I can rely on them both.

I just hope I can get through this.

I have Hillary's coming tomorrow to fit kitchen blind.

I am going to Kay's tomorrow night with Muffin to watch something she has recorded . I have some good friends.
I love you Malc with all my heart and Tigger too kiss every one for me .

I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday September 11th 2014 20.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

I've had a worrying day today it started off well my friends came for lunch and helped me by doing lunch because I can't make food myself .

Pains in my fingers thank goodness this is a touch lap top.

Christopher spoke to me today he said he would support me and Lisa too.

I know I can rely on them both.

I just hope I can get through this.

I have Hillary's coming tomorrow to fit kitchen blind.

I am going to Kay's tomorrow night with Muffin to watch something she has recorded . I have some good friends.
I love you Malc with all my heart and Tigger too kiss every one for me .

I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday September 11th 2014 20.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger .

I've had a worrying day today it started off well my friends came for lunch and helped me by doing lunch because I can't make food myself .

Pains in my fingers thank goodness this is a touch lap top.

Christopher spoke to me today he said he would support me and Lisa too.

I know I can rely on them both.

I just hope I can get through this.

I have Hillary's coming tomorrow to fit kitchen blind.

I am going to Kay's tomorrow night with Muffin to watch something she has recorded . I have some good friends.
I love you Malc with all my heart and Tigger too kiss every one for me .

I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday September 10th 2014 18.26pm.

Hello My Malc my darling and my Tigger.

Another warm dry day today I can't believe this weather this year and your not here to share it with me.
I'm sure you are in sunshine every day anyway.

I'm crying as I write this tonight Malc I have just tried walking up the garden and looking how our beautiful garden is looking the seats not being sat on,the emptiness since you have gone from my life.

Oh Malc I can't tell you how broken hearted I am.
My heart aches for you, I cried and cried last night in bed missing you so much.
I saw a lady I used to work with she was shocked to hear I had lost you.
She gave me a hug.

I have been to Kay's this afternoon what a wonderful friend she is !!! she did me a dinner shared her dinner just for me.

I am going down on Friday night to watch a series we are looking at.

Christopher and Chanel are going to The Isle of Man deep sea diving Friday morning until next Monday.

Jade is looking after the children and Baxter.

Christopher hasn't spoke to me for a few day's.

I feel sad .

I love you Malc and with always love you until the end of my life love you and Tigger forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday September 9th 2014 15.40pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger how are you both today ?.

I met up with the girls this morning on the park then waited home until 11am then went to Lisa's she is off sick with a back problem.

I stayed until 1.30pm then Muffin and I went to Cannock on my mobility scooter.

Back now until Geoff comes with his friend to give me a quote for fixing the coping stones on the walls you built Malc.

Muffin and I Are going for dinner tonight to Lisa's .

I had a cry today thinking about you Malc wishing you here by my side . I wanted to talk to you as I do every day.

I love you Malc and miss you so much my heart is aching.

I will write to you tomorrow I love you Tigger love you both with all my heart xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday September 8th 2014 16.4pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you and Tigger today.
I have been talking about you again today to Anita my new friend, it was lovely memories we talked about Anne and Viv how they have now change their bed now after all the years we had to put up with the door under the mattress !!!.

How they are hoarders but the most kindest, caring
thoughtful people you could wish to meet.

I stayed with Anita for a couple of hours today with Muffin.

I love you Malc and I would walk to the end of the earth for you to have you back in my arms even though I can't walk.

Tigger I miss and love you too.

I will write to you tomorrow darling all my love your Rose xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday September 7th 2014 18.21pm.

Hello my Malc my darling hope you and Tigger are ok ?.

I have been with Kay Jason Alan and jasons daughter and boy friend today , it was Kay's birthday today we went to The Blue Ginger Indian meal. Jason paid would not accept any money from me,.
Lisa had Muffin why we went there.

I went back to kAY'S for a couple of hours.
I cried myself to sleep last night I thank you also you know what I mean.

Now I am back with Muffin we are sitting watching television.

Chanel came down with the children this morning she put two pictures up and a new clock in the kitchen and weeded the front garden bless her our Grandchildren helped bless them.

I miss you my darling and will pray every night you and Tigger will finally come home to me again.

I will write to you again tomorrow I love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday September 6th 2014 16.00pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boxer boy.
Not such a good day today to start .
Christopher not in a good mood because he has stopped smoking .

They went home after only stopping half an hour.

Anita came for lunch she stayed three hours and Jason came to tune television in.

I am waiting for Kay to come back I am going for supper and watching the series she has taped.

So not a lot to tell you today.

I love you darling and miss you more than ever, I have been showing Anita our wedding album today bringing back memories.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc hopefully with a happier day love you and Tigger forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday September 5th 2014 20.12pm.

Hello Malc my darling Happy Wedding Anniversary 44 years today my precious husband .
I also put our wedding photo on face book I have had some lovely responses.

I only wish I could hold you in my arms and hug and kiss you, I MISS THAT SO MUCH IT HURTS.

I saw the girls down the park this morning .
Chanel came and stayed a few hours.

I went to Lisa's this afternoon on my scooter with Muffin .
Geoff took me to Cannock to get Muffin some dog meat .

Happy Wedding Anniversary Malc my darling look after Daddy Tigger , Kiss every one for me Malc .

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever Malc darling xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday September 2014
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I met up with the girls this morning for a few minutes.

Called in Aldi had a ride up the new road with Muffin,.
This afternoon called in Kay's woth Muffin had a cuppa.

Chanel spoke to me this morning.

Lisa isn't coming today .

Chanel will put me to bed.

I have been thinking about you again today Malc thinking of the places we used to visit I talked to Kay about you .

She is such a good friend I don't know what I would do with out her and Karen and Anita.

I don't know what has happened to JAYNE SUE AND JEAN AND CAROL????.

I suppose this is where I find out who my real friends are,.

I love you and miss my darling kiss my boy and all who are with you darling Malc come home bring Tigger with you it's our 44th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow I have brought you a card.

I will write to you again tomorrow and will wish you happy Anniversary.

LOVE YOU FOREVER xxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday September 3rd 2014 17.35pm.


Not a bad day today I have been to Karen's my friend for lunch then we went to Anita's for a cuppa.
Jason has put in a new freesat box lovely.
Chanel came and baked some cakes left me the recipe.

Lisa is coming for dinner after 6.30pm.

I miss you Malc I miss you so much I talk about you every day to some one.
Your in my thoughts constantly.

I love and miss you too Tigger I have been talking about you today aswell.

My life will be lonely I will NEVER forget you MALC I Cry every day .

I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday September 2nd 2014 17.11pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger how are you both?.

It's been a ordinary day today nothing special.

I met the girls this morning with their Shih Tzu's , we have arranged to have lunch tomorrow then go to Anita's at 3pm.

Today I went to my mums had an hour with her.
Then I popped to the coop in Hednesford bumped into Linda Burden she knew about you from would you believe W !!!.

Jason is coming tomorrow to put the free sat box in the last one was faulty.

Lisa might come tonight she is going to the gym first then cooking her dinner.

I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU Malc my heart is aching I love and miss you too Tigger look after each other be happy until we all meet again I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday September 1st 2014 20.17pm.

Hello my precious husband Malc I miss you more than words can say and you Tigger my life is empty with out you.

I have been to Trentham gardens with Lisa today lovely brought some Christmas presents.

A new pair of shoes you know me with shoes going for more comfort noe rather than fashion.

Jason has been today to fix new freesat box in he is coming back later having problems but he did say he would fix it.

Kay had Muffin again how lovely was that they are looking after me.

Don't know what has happened to some of my friends !!!!.

Jason has just rang the box has to go back sorting tomorrow now.
Good things on tele tonight thank goodness .

Nothing special happening tomorrow hope the weather holds probably will take Muffin a ride round on my mobility scooter.

I love you with all my heart Malc I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me look after Dave and say hello to everyone who is with you.

Love you forever xxxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday August 31st 2014pm.
Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger.
I was asked by Lisa if I would like to go for dinner at the Hen House 15 of us all together .
The dinner was lovely better than the nest .

I left Muffin with Kay she is having him again tomorrow why Lisa and I go to Trentham gardens .
After Chanel comes with the girls for a hair cut then Chanel is Taking Muffin to the vets for his yearly vaccinations .
I feel a little better today Malc but my stomach turns over at the thought of you not by my side .
I love you Malc and miss you so much darling .
I miss you too Tigger .
Never did I ever think I would be with out you Malc so soon along with Tigger .
I'm broken and nothing on earth will mend it .

I will let you know how tomorrow goes love you forever .
I will write to you tomorrow Malc darling xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 30th 2014 20.42pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger, how are you both today ?.
I have cried so much today missing you so much it hurts so much too.
Chris and Chanel came with the kids stayed an hour.

I took Muffin to the park then to Cannock to buy anew light shade for the spare guest room because the light was burning shade to heavy.

I called in Lisa's had a cup of fruit tea.

I rang Anne today returning the missed call , they are going to America and Canada on Monday .

Would you believe Malc they have finally had a new bed.
Now we are not going to see them.
Anne said she would come over for a weekend mmmmm.

I can't explain to anyone how lonely I am no matter how many hobbies I can do it's I have no company only when I'm got up out of bed and put to bed.

Come home Malc and Tigger PLEASE !!!!!!!!.

Finley is out of Hospital he has a wheezy chesy and had to have inhalers.

I will write to you again tomorrow I love you Malc with all my heart xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 30th 2014 20.42pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger, how are you both today ?.
I have cried so much today missing you so much it hurts so much too.
Chris and Chanel came with the kids stayed an hour.

I took Muffin to the park then to Cannock to buy anew light shade for the spare guest room because the light was burning shade to heavy.

I called in Lisa's had a cup of fruit tea.

I rang Anne today returning the missed call , they are going to America and Canada on Monday .

Would you believe Malc they have finally had a new bed.
Now we are not going to see them.
Anne said she would come over for a weekend mmmmm.

I can't explain to anyone how lonely I am no matter how many hobbies I can do it's I have no company only when I'm got up out of bed and put to bed.

Come home Malc and Tigger PLEASE !!!!!!!!.

Finley is out of Hospital he has a wheezy chesy and had to have inhalers.

I will write to you again tomorrow I love you Malc with all my heart xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 30th 2014 20.42pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger, how are you both today ?.
I have cried so much today missing you so much it hurts so much too.
Chris and Chanel came with the kids stayed an hour.

I took Muffin to the park then to Cannock to buy anew light shade for the spare guest room because the light was burning shade to heavy.

I called in Lisa's had a cup of fruit tea.

I rang Anne today returning the missed call , they are going to America and Canada on Monday .

Would you believe Malc they have finally had a new bed.
Now we are not going to see them.
Anne said she would come over for a weekend mmmmm.

I can't explain to anyone how lonely I am no matter how many hobbies I can do it's I have no company only when I'm got up out of bed and put to bed.

Come home Malc and Tigger PLEASE !!!!!!!!.

Finley is out of Hospital he has a wheezy chesy and had to have inhalers.

I will write to you again tomorrow I love you Malc with all my heart xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 30th 2014 20.42pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger, how are you both today ?.
I have cried so much today missing you so much it hurts so much too.
Chris and Chanel came with the kids stayed an hour.

I took Muffin to the park then to Cannock to buy anew light shade for the spare guest room because the light was burning shade to heavy.

I called in Lisa's had a cup of fruit tea.

I rang Anne today returning the missed call , they are going to America and Canada on Monday .

Would you believe Malc they have finally had a new bed.
Now we are not going to see them.
Anne said she would come over for a weekend mmmmm.

I can't explain to anyone how lonely I am no matter how many hobbies I can do it's I have no company only when I'm got up out of bed and put to bed.

Come home Malc and Tigger PLEASE !!!!!!!!.

Finley is out of Hospital he has a wheezy chesy and had to have inhalers.

I will write to you again tomorrow I love you Malc with all my heart xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 30th 2014 20.42pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger, how are you both today ?.
I have cried so much today missing you so much it hurts so much too.
Chris and Chanel came with the kids stayed an hour.

I took Muffin to the park then to Cannock to buy anew light shade for the spare guest room because the light was burning shade to heavy.

I called in Lisa's had a cup of fruit tea.

I rang Anne today returning the missed call , they are going to America and Canada on Monday .

Would you believe Malc they have finally had a new bed.
Now we are not going to see them.
Anne said she would come over for a weekend mmmmm.

I can't explain to anyone how lonely I am no matter how many hobbies I can do it's I have no company only when I'm got up out of bed and put to bed.

Come home Malc and Tigger PLEASE !!!!!!!!.

Finley is out of Hospital he has a wheezy chesy and had to have inhalers.

I will write to you again tomorrow I love you Malc with all my heart xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: ROSE

Friday August 29th 2014 21.18pm.

Hello Malc my precious and my Tigger baby boy.
Hope your Happy at least your out of pain no more gurgling stomach you hated that .

I wish I could have done more for you I felt helpless.
It hurts so much to think of what you went through.

I met up with Anita my friend this morning in the park with Muffin.
I also went to Kays today Jason's mums he came there after work, he has shaved his head !!!.

He is coming on Sunday to put a new box in for me the humax box is playing up.

Stewart is coming back next Friday to finish off kitchen and small jobs.

The nights are drawing in I'm not looking forward to winter on my own.

I know I'm helped getting up and dressed and put to bed but it's not the same you helping me darling.

It's hurting so much.

Sheila rang tonight she might come tomorrow not sure.

I love you Malc my darling and you Tigger missing you so much too.

I will write to you again tomorrow love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: ROSE

Thursday August 28th 2014 16.43pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy ?.

I have been thinking about you most of the day today , I never stop .
I have had a continuous head ache over the last few days , I think it is tension worrying and thinking about you how much I miss you and want you back.

I don't think I will ever relax.
Muffin has been groomed today he looks lovely .
I met up with Karen at the park today then I went to Cannock.

I have also been to my Mums with Muffin stayed an hour.
I am going to Lisa's for dinner tonight with Muffin on my mobility scooter.

I miss you my darling so much I'm hurting inside and most people think I'm ok but I'm not.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and my Tigger love you with all my heart love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: ROSE

Wednesday August 27th 2014 16.37pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.
Hope your both enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.
I miss you Malc and cried uncontrollably last night, I want you so much !!!!.

My heart is broken Malc I will never ever get over losing you.
I met up with the girls this morning on the park we talked for a good 45 minutes.
Karen came up at 10am stayed for lunch then went to the hair dressers.
I took Muffin a ride to Cannock and popped to Dave Tranters asking if he had got some logs for Chris for his log burner.

He says he will try and get him some if he can.

Dave and Anne his wife asked me in for a cuppa and Muffin and I stayed an hour it was nice chatting with them.

I don't think Lisa will come tonight late finish .

Chanel will put me to bed Malc.

I love you Malc with all my heart and you too Tigger I haven't forgotten you .

I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever.xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: ROSE

Tuesday 26th August 2014 17.25pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger precious both of you.

Another sad day today Dave's ashes were collected today by Chanel and the children.

I think she is going to bury him in the garden.

I have been to Anita's today she met me at the park and asked me back for lunch.
We talked about you again today she her husband too as he also died from cancer but two years ago.
It is still heart breaking no matter how long it has been.

I miss you so much my darling no one knows how hurt I am , I just try to carry on.

If I could hold you in my arms Malc just once more, if I could whisper in your ear how much I love you.
If it is not raining on Thursday evening I am going to the Spiritual church just once more.
Karen my other friend is coming tomorrow morning 10am she probably will stay a few hours.

At least I have some company good friends they are when the family are at work.
Kiss Tigger and Dave Malc send my love to all who are with you.

I love you with all my heart darling and I will write to you again tomorrow Malc love you and Tigger forever xxxxxxxx.

I thank you so much Dee and Bunny for this site xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: ROSE

Monday August 25th 2014
21.02 .
Just to put things right the date I put on my comment today was 25th not 15th which is showing .

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: ROSE

Monday August 15th 2014 20.41pm.

Hello my darling Malc I love you Malc and my Tigger baby boy.

Its been a horrible day today rain rain !!!!.

I couldn't even take Muffin a ride on my scooter today.

Anita came took me to Sainsbury's then came back for a cuppa.

I rang Chanel to see how things were.

Lisa came tonight stayed an hour to put me to bed .

I hope I can get out tomorrow if only to take Muffin a ride up the new road.

Chris is back from work thank goodness.

The nights are drawing in now Malc I am going to miss you cuddling up to me keeping me warm.

I miss the kiss goodnight and you saying I LOVE YOU Rose and me saying I love you Malc , miss seeing you lay by my side in the morning,
I miss that cup of tea in bed in the mornings .

I love and miss you so much darling
I love and miss you too Tigger , how is Dave precious little boy look after him for Chanel and Chris.

Kiss every one for me your mum and dad my dad all the family who are with you now.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: ROSE

Sunday 24th August 2014 19.14pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I hope you are happy I'm sure you are now with most of the family with you.

I took Muffin down to the park met up with Anita who is taking me to Sainsbury's tomorrow in the morning.

Its going to rain all week so not looking forward to staying in .

I have been to Chris's with Chanel and the children today for dinner, they miss you Malc and have talked about you today.

I am constantly thinking of you Malc your never far from my thoughts.

I keep hoping you will be at home each time I come back from any where.

I cry most days knowing your not with me.

Martin a new partner for Dawn next door may be coming round in the week with their new baby Izabella .
A red head Malc again.

I miss you darling so much I ache for you, I want to put my arms around you and hug you , I WANT TO BE HUGGED TOO.

I love you my darling with all my heart Tigger I love you too you know that kiss Tigger for me and Tigger make sure Daddy takes you plenty of walks.

I will write to you tomorrow Malc love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: ROSE

Saturday 23RD august 2014 21.10PM.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my precious Tigger .

Hope you are both well and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.
I have wrote tonight but again something has gone wrong.

I took Muffin to the park and met up with Anita and Karen, came back home after calling in Aldi.
Chanel came with the children stayed quite a while
I have been to Anita's tonight had a takeaway and conversation nice for a change.

I still can't take it in your never coming back I spoke to Anita about this and she feels the same she lost her husband two years ago.

I just want you back Malc in my arms , cuddling up in bed together kissing each other goodnight saying I love you to each other, I miss it so much it hurts !!!!!.

I am going to Chris's tomorrow for dinner Chris is away but Chanel will pick us up.

I love you with all my heart Malc and will NEVER forget you darling.

I will write to you tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me and say hello to every one love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 23rd 2014 17.05pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband my soul mate and my precious Tigger baby boy.

I hope you are both well and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

Today I took Muffin to the park met up with Anita and Karen.
Then we went to Aldi home and home.

Chanel came down with the children we had a Mc donalds .

They stayed quite a while.

Now I am going to Anita's for the evening with Muffin, we are having a Chinese takeaway.

Lisa and Geoff have gone to Bridge north.

I am still in a lot of pain today and also keep going giddy.

I think I will have to visit the doctor again.
I love you my darling so much and miss you like crazy.

I love you too Tigger kiss him for me Malc say hello to every one .

I will write again tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 23rd 2014 17.05pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband my soul mate and my precious Tigger baby boy.

I hope you are both well and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

Today I took Muffin to the park met up with Anita and Karen.
Then we went to Aldi home and home.

Chanel came down with the children we had a Mc donalds .

They stayed quite a while.

Now I am going to Anita's for the evening with Muffin, we are having a Chinese takeaway.

Lisa and Geoff have gone to Bridge north.

I am still in a lot of pain today and also keep going giddy.

I think I will have to visit the doctor again.
I love you my darling so much and miss you like crazy.

I love you too Tigger kiss him for me Malc say hello to every one .

I will write again tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday 22nd August 2014 16.50pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

I have had a stressful day today 6 months to date since I lost you darling.

Geoff brought me a bunch of flowers bless him and gave me a kiss.

A piece was put on face book by me and Geoff Lisa and friends.
I miss you so much Malc .

Kerry finished the painting of the kitchen and part porch way to back door.
I have been to my Mums today apologised for being sharp with her the other day she was fine about it.

Kay is coming tonight watching a film a takeaway and a glass of wine .

Chanel rang earlier , Chris is working away again from tomorrow morning.
The children are back at school on 3rd September.

Lisa will put me to bed later ,.

I love you Malc and miss you terribly my heart is aching for you and Tigger to come home.

I will write to you tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to all love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 21st 2014 20.15pm
Hello Malc I have tried writing again tonight but something went wrong . I'm writing from my IPhone .
I took Muffin to the park again met up with Anita and Karen .
Came back Kerry a decorator is painting the kitchen it's looking nice .
She is finishing it tomorrow .
Stewart is in London still to finish little jobs .
Chanel came with the kids and Baxter.

Christopher has quit smoking hope it lasts .
Lisa has been for dinner didn't stop long put me to bed now she has locked up until tomorrow .

I'm in such a lot of pain my hip leg ankle and knees.
I spoke to Jackie Woodhead today she was shocked to hear you had passed away .

She gave me a kiss and a hug said take care .

I don't know what tomorrow will bring hope it gets better.
I love you my darling and Tigger I wish and pray you will come home one day .
Its 6 months tomorrow since I lost you my darling , I don't know where the time has gone .

I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger and hug all the family who are with you send my love .
Love you for ever Malc .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

great spell caster that bring back my ex husband NEW
by: Erin Cody

It’s unbelievable how fortunate I feel after finding your website. For the past 6 months, I have been so depressed after losing my husband to another woman. My money situation worsened so much that I thought I’d have to file for bankruptcy. I had a huge amount of debt and I didn’t know what to do. Out of complete and total desperation, I contacted many of those so-called individuals who promised powerful magic, witchcraft or black magic. None of them worked and none were as wonderful, affectionate and warm as Dr Marvel has been. He is definitely different from the others and I felt immediate hope and strength from hearing about the promises he had to offer. He carries an air of purity and divine strength that is as pure as fresh snow on the ground. I requested Kofi’s most powerful spells and I was relieved right away that I had someone to solve my problems for me. His spells worked wonders and I am now back with my husband and my money troubles resolved itself after winning the lottery. Dr Marvel, I have no idea what I would have done without you being there to help me out. Here is his website You can also reach him via email or call +2348106985072

With best regards, Erin

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday August 20th 2014 17.35pm.

Hello Malc darling another day with out it isn't getting any easier to me.
I cry when I am on my own, I need people with me but know I can't.

I Ache for your company and love I miss you more than ever Malc.

I met Karen one of the ladies in the park and she invited me for a cuppa I stayed a couple of hours .

She made me feel so relaxed.

Anita was poorly so didn't come.

I have also been to see Kay and Alan with Muffin this afternoon.

Jason is coming tonight to set up the new humax box so I can record the other one was second hand.

Kerry the painter is coming tomorrow to paint the kitchen hope she makes as good a job as she did our bedroom.
I feel a bit flat today worries in my stomach .

I might ask Lisa to put me in the bath tonight I am in such a lot of pain.

Tigger I love you so much and was talking about you yesterday and today my dsrling.

I love you with all my heart my bones my everything write to you tomorrow Malc darling love you forever kiss Tigger and a say hello to every one love you forever

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

how i get my ex back NEW
by: elizabeth


I have been through hell and pain,looking for a good and real spell caster who can help me get my husband back.I have been scammed so many times,by some who claimed to be real spell casters.until i found the real and great spell caster at the Dr BRIGHT who helped me,and solved all my problems concerning my boyfriend who left me since eight months ago.and after that i also took my friend along,who was also having the same problem concerning he r husband,who left her since five months ago,and the problem was also solved by the same Dr John". Can't you see! the real and great spell caster is here,all you need to do now is to contact this same address whenever you are in any problem
related to spell casting It took me a very long period of time,before i could get this real and great spell caster.So right now; is here,and the best for you to solve your problems.......

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday August 19th 2014 16.19pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my baby boy Tigger.

I have had the two ladies who I meet on the park every morning with their Shih Tzu's visit me today Anita and Karen, they stayed for a couple of hours it was lovely company and we talked about you.
I want to tell you so much Malc I miss the nights together I think about the holidays we had together the places we shared .

I cry at the thought of not having a holiday with you any more and having to rely on family to ask me if I want to go on holiday with them.

I feel I am intruding in their lives .

I feel so lonely Malc with out you.

Although the family are supporting me.

Lisa is coming for dinner again tonight which is company and she will put me to bed.

I am in such pain today with my hip and right leg.

I will hope when Lisa and I go to the spiritual church next Thursday evening you will be there too.
Kiss Tigger and Dave and say hello to every one for me .

I love you with all my heart Malc and Tigger and will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday August 18th 2014 17.22pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope you are both happy?
I have been thinking about you all day again today.
I took Muffin down to Hednesford park meeting Anita and Karen with their shih Tzu's.
They are both coming to our house in the morning for a cuppa.

I am glad I have met these ladies because I don't know what I would do.

Lisa is working all day and can't come until evening to put me to bed.
Chanel comes though out the day to help me.
But it is nice to have friends too.

The gentleman came this morning to price up a shutter but shocked me with the price.

It looks like a pull down blind instead.

I keep wanting to ask you things then start to cry because your not here to answer me.
I do keep picking up white feathers so I know you are near.

Lisa is coming for dinner but going to the gym first.
I have had no contact with my mum I don't feel close she hasn't been any support at all since I lost you.

I love and miss you darling so much I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and Tigger send my love and kisses to Dave and all the family , love you forever Malc xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday August 17th 2014 19.17pm.
Hello Malc my darling I have written to you tonight but something went wrong.
A strange day today it started by me going to visit my mum who said w and p were treating her to dinner, it upset me as I had asked her twice this week to come for lunch and she declined.
I cried all the way home after leaving early .
Lisa invited me for dinner which was nice.
Anita my friend came with Milly for a couple of hours which was nice company.

I Love you with all my heart Malc and miss you terribly and Tigger.
I will kiss your picture smell your coats and put your grey cardigan in bed by my side tonight , which is my usual routine.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to Dave bless him.
Say hello to every one for me .

I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday August 17th 2014 18.54pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you today and how is my Tigger ? .

Hope Dave is settling down with you bless him.
Not a good day today Christopher or Chanel haven't rang and my mum went for dinner with w & p
But she refused to come for lunch to me twicw last week .
I don't understand its like I am being punished for something I haven't done or said.

Lisa had me for dinner lovely, Anita my friend came with Milly for a couple of hours nice company.

Faye the groomer should be coming tonight to check Muffin over he is scratching a lot.

I haven't really much to tell you today nothing exciting has happened.
I know I miss you Malc so much I cried all the way home this morning when I left my mums.

I love you Malc and my Tigger kiss him for me darling.
I will kiss your picture smell your coats and put your grey cardigan in bed with me tonight .

Love you with all my heart I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 16th 2014 3.27pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger, I don't know why I forgot to put the date on my message to you all yesterday.

I have had a boring day today , Christopher and Chanel have decided to take the children to Gulliver's Kingdom in Derby.
But leave me to look after Baxter which I don't mind but I can't leave them therefore haven't been able to leave the house in case Baxter does any damage.

He is no trouble at all but no one has been today all out and about as it's Saturday.

I hope they are back by 5pm because I have been invited for supper and are picking me up.

I feel so sad today too because it has been 6 months by the day and 22nd of this month by the date.

I miss you more than ever Malc I only wish you could come and talk to me.

I feel so lonely , you don't realise how much you miss someone until they have gone, we kind of too each other for granted.

Not meaning anything by it every one does.

I hope tomorrow is a better day .

I love you my darling I send a kiss to place on your lips only wishing I could hug you too.

I will write to you tomorrow and you too Tigger my darling send my love to all take care of Dave he is a newy .

Love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Hello Malc my darling and my baby boy Tigger.
How are you both today ? say hello to Dave for us .

I have been out this morning with Muffin meeting Anita on the park with Millie Muffin's play mate.

Then I waited in until Lisa came and took me to Sheila's for the plants she got us.

I won't see her now until either Sunday or in the week.

Muffin and I went to see Kay and Alan she gave me a cuppa she's lovely.

They have invited me for dinner tomorrow indian .

Malc they are such good friends.

Stewart came with his son Ryan to measure for the glass behind the gas hob.

He is coming one day next week to finish off all the work.

The window in the bathroom is being sorted also next week.

The new head board is coming next Wednesday 9am.
for the spare bed.

I asked My Mum if she wanted to come for lunch twice this week and she said she is busy so I am not going to ask again , I have tried my best I have nothing to reproach myself for.

But as soon as Wendy is back tomorrow she will be the first to go up for lunch and dinner.

I know what you will say and I am going to listen to you from now on she didn't support me when you where so ill and hasn't ever since.

Good job I have good friends.

I am going to the Hednesford carnival tomorrow if the weather is good.

I love you and miss you my darling kiss Tigger and Dave for me say hello to all the family .

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever Malc xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday August 14th 2014 13.18pm.

Hello Malc my darling , I am writing early because Lisa has invited me to her friends birthday meal tonight at 7pm.

I have Baxter here at the moment playing with Muffin whilst Chris an Chanel and the children go out for the day .

It's not a very nice day weather wise raining off and on.
I was going to Kay's but I think I would have got wet.
Tigger I love you too in case you think I have forgotten you.

I keep looking at your picture and wishing you home Malc if only !!!!.

MY Mum has had a new fence and chippings in stead of a lawn.

Lisa and I are going back to the spiritual church next Thursday to see if you will be with us I do hope you are.

I so wish I could speak with you Malc in person.

I love you and Tigger forever my darling and will write to you tomorrow
all my love Rose xxxxxxx kiss eery one for me .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday August 13th 2014 18.37pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy hello Dave are you more comfortable now ? you must have been uncomfortable yesterday , you have been so brave .

Look after him Malc play with him Tigger .

I love and miss you Malc my darling so so much.

I get a pain in my stomach every time I think of you not with me, I get frightened inside.

I don't think any one understands al though it has been nearly six months since I lost you Malc some think I am ok now .

I cry silently were no one can see me.


I went to Hednesford this morning took Muffin and Cannock lunch time with Muffin .

The weather is changing now getting the feel of Autumn .

I hope I don't get pend in with snow I would go mad such a lonely life it would be.

I am in such a lot of pain now Malc my knees my hip my ankle.

I love you with all my heart Malc and will write to you tomorrow kiss Tigger and Dave and Butch for me and all the family with you God Bless .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday August 12th 2014 20.47pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger Dave has now joined you today poor little Boxer only 12months old next Saturday, a serious heart condition.

We will miss him so much look after him Malc ,play with him Tigger he is a lovely little boy.

A strange day today Chris and Chanel and the children came , Christopher not well perforated ear drum viral infection and swollen glands.

Chanel upset because she new Dave was going to be put to sleep.

Baxter will miss him.

Spoke to Lisa she has had a new phone lovely iPhone 5c.

Thought she was coming up never mind .

Malc I love you with all my heart and you Tigger love you forever , I will write to you tomorrow xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday 11th August 2014 21.04pm.
Hello Malc my darling oh how I miss you I beg you to come home and love me again, lie by my side in bed.
The nights are getting colder and I don't have you to cuddle up to I just have the cardigan you wore on your 64th birthday a week before I lost you and put in in bed with me cuddle up to that .

It smells of you and I will never wash it.

I will keep it forever and both your red coat and your over coat these I will also keep forever .

Sheila and Colin have been brought me some plants up and stayed an hour , then my Mum came for dinner. Lisa came later and took me to the holly bush she brought some plants bless her.

I think we are getting much closer I do love her but I don't think she realises how much.
Because you and I have always lead our lives loving them but letting them lead their own lives
she now feels because I am on my own she needs to be with me more.

Oh how I wish we could all be together again one big happy family.

My life will never be the same now with out you now,I will just plod on.

I will try to keep strong but my life will never be the same.

I love you and Tigger with all my heart give him a kiss for me , I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday August 10th 2014 22.16pm.
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Hope your enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.
I am so glad to be home with you around me again and I did miss Muffin I think he missed me too.

I love you Malc I had a weird dream about you last night in my dream I rang you and asked if I lived at our address because I couldn't remember.
I had a curry takeaway too.

I only wish my dream had come true and you were here with me.

Thank you for keeping me safe on the journey and back.

Lisa came this morning and took me to Tesco I rode a mobility scooter why Lisa got my groceries.

Kay came tonight had a sandwich and some wine.
She is a lovely lady.
I tried to give her money but she wouldn't accept it for looking after Muffin.

It's rained most of the day today but has gone fairly quick.

I miss you so much Malc I still can't take it in your are not coming back only in spirit.

Tigger look after Daddy and Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to everyone kiss them too.

My heart aches for you both I will try t be strong.

I will write to you tomorrow love you always and forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday August 9th 2014 12pm
Hello Malc my darling sorry its very late writing only came back today from Marg's., it was lovely but I was home sick I wanted to be close to my family .
Muffin screamed with excitement when I got back .
How I missed him too.
You have been constantly on my mind through out the week .
I love and miss you so much .
It's after mid nite now so I will write to you and Tigger later I am exhausted now Iove you forever Malc and Tigger .
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog. Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday August 8th 2014 17.29 pm
He'll Malc my darling hope you and Tiggy Wiggs are ok ?.
Marg and I have been to garden centre just to pick up a little gift.
We have been to a hotel having champagne and afternoon tea a gift to Marg from her daughter in law Yvonne .
It's poring down now first rain thus week can't grumble.
Heard from Lisa problems at home with plumbing
Car being sorted too.
Going home tomorrow will glad to be home ready now been in such a lot of pain good job your Marg helped me .
Muffin is missing me Kay said was waiting at the gate yesterday looking out for me bless him I have missed him .

I brought a sign today which says Malcolm's garden which I am putting on the front of the garden swing bench .

I love you my darling and miss you and Tigger so much love you forever I will write again tomorrow xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxcc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer a Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday August 7th 2014 17.40pm
Hello Malc my darling how are you and Tigger hope your happy I'm missing you more than ever Malc even though I am here with your marg I feel empty with out you .
Why did you have to go. ? I question this daily .

I feel I have been punished and you have been punished .
What have we done so evil for this to happen .

I promise Malc you will NEVER be out of my thoughts .
Marg and I have been to a garden centre you would have loved it we had lunch there sat down a lot still in a lot of pain .
I can't walk at all in so much pain . At least they had wheel chairs thank goodness .
Chris phoned earlier he has a burst ear drum sore ghost and virus .
I told him to go home but you know what he is like .
I am ready for home now another day and I fly home .
I have missed the family and my Baby Muffin .
I'm sure he has enjoyed himself .
Keep me safe on the plane .
I love you and My Tigger forever and will write to you tomorrow darling . Xxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday August 6th 2014pm
Hello Malc my darling I am back from France St Malo lovely city but was in a lot of pain had help from Marg had to sit a lot could walk .
Still in a lot of pain resting now .
I love and miss you darling do much I will never feel the same now your not here .
My heart is aching for you Malc and my darling Tigger .
I have talked about you today Malc about the places we have visited in the past .
I longed for you to be with me today if only you could have been there walking round sussing the place out like you used to .
I cried to my self wishing you with me and by my side .
Kiss Tigger for me and say hello to everyone who is with you .
I will try and write to you again tomorrow Malc live you always and forever xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday August 5th 2014 06.24am.
Morning Malc my darling I'm writing early because I won't be able to receive a signal in France no Wifi.

We are going by condor looking forward to it
I am missing home .I will be happy to be home again .
I can talk to you and kiss your picture .
Smell your coats in the wardrobe .
Keep me safe until I get back Malc kiss Tigger for me I love you with all my heart I will write to you tomorrow night when we get back love you both forever xxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday 4th August. 2014 18.16pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
I have been with Arg to Jason's house today very nice .
We went back on the bus to town but I couldn't walk in too much pain . I had to sit whilst she went to post cards to the family,

I can't walk at all with out help I need my mobility scooter a. A.S .A.P.
The weather is so nice but I have to sit .

Off to France tomorrow on the condor looking forward to it at least I can sit all the way .
Hire a mobility scooter when we get there .
I love you my darling I think about you the time kiss Tiigger for me and say hello to all .
I will have to write on Wednesday evening because I won't have a signal in France .
Love you with all my heart darling xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 3rd August 2014 21.35pm
Hello Malc my darling I wrote your name in the sand today when Jason took us to the beach Marg helped me . Going to France on the condor on Tuesday staying over then Jersey on Friday .
I love you will all my heart Malc and Tigger write to you tomorrow . Xxxxxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Fog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Testing page 3rd August love you Malc and Tigger hope to get your messages through soon xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 2nd 2014 22.26pm.

Hello Malc my darling just a quick write tonight , I'm on Marg's computer writing to you tonight ,

We have been to town today and sat in the harbour it was lovely.

Jason has booked us on a ferry Tuesday to France staying over night, come with us keep us safe.
I may not be able to write on Tuesday being in France.

I love you Malc kiss Tigger for me love you forever darling xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 2nd 2014 22.26pm.

Hello Malc my darling just a quick write tonight , I'm on Marg's computer writing to you tonight ,

We have been to town today and sat in the harbour it was lovely.

Jason has booked us on a ferry Tuesday to France staying over night .
I may not be able to write on Tuesday being in France.

I love you Malc kiss Tigger for me love you forever darling xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 2nd 2014 22.26pm.

Hello Malc my darling just a quick write tonight , I'm on Marg's computer writing to you tonight ,

We have been to town today and sat in the harbour it was lovely.

Jason has booked us on a ferry Tuesday to France staying over night .
I may not be able to write on Tuesday being in France.

I love you Malc kiss Tigger for me love you forever darling xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 2nd 2014 22.26pm.

Hello Malc my darling just a quick write tonight , I'm on Marg's computer writing to you tonight ,

We have been to town today and sat in the harbour it was lovely.

Jason has booked us on a ferry Tuesday to France staying over night .
I may not be able to write on Tuesday being in France.

I love you Malc kiss Tigger for me love you forever darling xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 2nd 2014 22.26pm.

Hello Malc my darling just a quick write tonight , I'm on Marg's computer writing to you tonight ,

We have been to town today and sat in the harbour it was lovely.

Jason has booked us on a ferry Tuesday to France staying over night .
I may not be able to write on Tuesday being in France.

I love you Malc kiss Tigger for me love you forever darling xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 2nd 2014 22.26pm.

Hello Malc my darling just a quick write tonight , I'm on Marg's computer writing to you tonight ,

We have been to town today and sat in the harbour it was lovely.

Jason has booked us on a ferry Tuesday to France staying over night .
I may not be able to write on Tuesday being in France.

I love you Malc kiss Tigger for me love you forever darling xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday August 2nd 2014 22.26pm.

Hello Malc my darling just a quick write tonight , I'm on Marg's computer writing to you tonight ,

We have been to town today and sat in the harbour it was lovely.

Jason has booked us on a ferry Tuesday to France staying over night .
I may not be able to write on Tuesday being in France.

I love you Malc kiss Tigger for me love you forever darling xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday August 1st 2014 07.19pm.

Hello Malc my darling I'm writing very early this morning because I am getting ready to fly to Guernsey later and incase it gets hectic I don't want to miss writing to you .

I love you my darling and hope you will be sitting by the side of me on the plane keeping me safe.
Bring Tigger with you too.
Let me feel your are with me.
I didn't sleep very well last night I think it was anxiety worrying about today if all ok here aswell.
The window fitter is coming this morning as the bathroom window has dropped nothing major it will be fixed today.
I love you with all my heart Malc and Tigger I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday July 31st 2014 20.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling I love you my sweetheart and miss you terribly.

Tigger your in my thoughts also daily.

Today Stewart nearly finished the kitchen just odd little jobs to do.

Chanel came down with the children they stayed a while.
Lisa picked me up had a takeaway stayed two hours.

I may find it difficult to write to you from tomorrow going to see your Marg I will do my best .

according if I can get a signal.

Not looking forward to the flight on my own but Chanel is taking me to the airport people helping me on the plane.

someone will be staying here to look after the house for me, and Stewart is finishing off jobs for me too.
Kay is looking after Muffin for me.

I will miss him but I know he will be well looked after.
Kiss Tigger for me say hello to all the family love you forever xxxxxx your Rosexxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday July 30th 2014 21.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband and my baby boy Tigger.

I miss you my precious again I have talked about you and Tigger today ,Carole came today for three hours good company Kevin picked her up later.

He did help with the key safe though.
Chris rang me earlier but didn't come because he got up late then had to go to work away now for 5 days.

I have popped down to see My Mum for an hour
Won't see her until I get back now.

Lisa is at Stratford upon Avon with Geoff staying over night.
Cameron had a tooth out today brave boy .

I will ring Chanel at 10pm after one born every minute our favourite programme Malc wasn't it ?.
I love you with all my heart Malc and you Tigger send my love and kisses to all.
Love you forever I will write to you tomorrow xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday July 29th 2014 18.58pm.

Hello my darling Malc oh Malc how I miss you it's breaking my heart darling to be with out you.

Tigger I haven't forgotten you, you know I still love and miss you dreadfully.

Stewart has been today done a lot more but not coming until Thursday, it's getting there.

Chanel has rang Dave not good heart getting weaker poor thing I think he will be joining you soon.

Lisa is coming up later she has been to Birmingham with Geoff.

I have asked Kerry to decorate the kitchen smarten it up she is coming 21st August .

I ache for you Malc I want you so much how I will ever get over losing you I can't see I ever will.

Kiss Tigger for me and say hello to Dad Darren your Mum and Dad and every one else.

I love you with all my heart I will write to you tomorrow God Bles you Malc and Tigger love you forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny hope you are getting better Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday July 28th 2014 19.02pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you today and how is Tigger ?.

I cried today when Lisa came telling her how I wish you would come back.

I miss you until my throat aches my heart aches .
I smelt you today up stairs on the landing .

I know your are around me and the family I only wish you were in person.
Lisa took me a ride to Cannock she wanted to buy a new bed for when Finley and Toby sleep over.

I brought a new headboard for the spare guest room.

Muffin has been two rides out today on my scooter.

I talked about you today Tigger to a man who was walking his dog.

I have made a few friends while walking the dog by the side of my scooter.

If I had the choice though I would swap my friends if I could have you back home with me Malc and Tigger.

I am so Lonely when Chanel or Lisa have put me to bed I FEEL SO LONELY .
Lisa says she will be back tonight after striping the wall paper in the little bedroom ready to decorate it.

Chanel rang today I will speak to her later .

Stewart came with his son today but didn't stay long to do a little in the kitchen, he sys he will do more tomorrow.

I love you and miss you darling and will write to you tomorrow love you and Tigger forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday 27th July 2014 17.46pm.

Hello My darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

I picked up my camera today from the cabinet and looked to see what was on it the first picture was you on holiday in Futurventura lying in bed .

I cried when I saw it as it was only January this year when we went on holiday.
Now I only have memories of that lovely week we all had together.
My darling I ache in my throat and chest with sadness only wishing it was just a terrible dream and not reality.

I think about you most of every day , each time I touch something it reminds me of you but I never ever will stop thinking of you I promise you that.

Chanel took me up for dinner today I brought the chicken she did vegetables.

Chris is working away but keeps in touch every dy by phone.

I have got to try and sort my case out Chanel will pack for me.

Tomorrow Stewart is finishing the tiling off and doing some little jobs.

I will just have to wait now until I get back from holiday to see the finished result.
Tigger I love and miss you more than ever I still say good morning and good night and kiss your picture.
God Bless you both I love you forever , I will write again tomorrow xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday July 26th 2014 20.03pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

How are you both today enjoying The Rainbow Bridge and being with all the family too.

Jason rang me last night a white feather had landed in front of him at the pub and I had only mentioned the same day two had landed in front of me, one in Cannock and one outside the gate when I got back.

I know you are watching over us but I beg of you come and speak to me just once will do .

I love you my darling and have cried today feeling so lonely with out you.

Lisa and Geoff have gone camping to Barmouth with droid and his girl friend Sally.

Now it's raining , hope it's ok where they are.
Stewart came today with the work top fitter he measured up and will fit it next Friday but Stewart will have to carry on finishing the kitchen why I am away.
Still I will come home to an immaculate kitchen,.

I will miss Muffin for a week but hopefully he will enjoy his stay ay KAY'S.

I love you Malc with all my heart and you Tigger wait for me but I want to live quite a few more years yet , I will run to you and Tigger when we meet and give you the biggest hug and kiss I promise.


Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday July 25th 2014 19.17pm.

Hello Malc my darling I miss you my precious husband and my Tigger.

I have been to sue's today for lunch it was lovely she is a good friend.

Your Marg has rang me too only a few days and I will be in Guernsey, Jordan is staying here why I am away .

So the house will be secure.
Chanel came down with the children stayed an hour gone back for the dogs.

Lisa hasn't rang today I don't know if she will come up tonight.

Kay had Muffin why I went to Sue's .

It's hot again today, Stewart has tiled the kitchen floor coming tomorrow with the chappie to measure for work top.

Chris has treated me to the kitchen.

He is also treating me to Weymouth and In October some time Malta.

I wish you were here to share all this with me Malc and Tigger I loveyou darling with all my heart which is breaking.

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday July 24th 2014pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you today and how is my Tigger ?.

It's so hot again today , Stewart has part tiled the kitchen still waiting for the chappie to measure and fit the Quartz work top.

I am panicking at the moment because I want it finished before I go to see your Marg.

Chanel rang this morning and Chris spoke to me twice today, he is working away from tomorrow in Spalding but is coming back for a couple of days.

Muffin has been to Cannock with me and he has had a shower.

Lisa Geoff Jade and Finley have gone to Thomas land today .

I picked up two white feathers today one in Cannock and one outside our gate I know you are around me and watching over me.

Lisa picked one up when she went to Liverpool too.

I love you Malc with all my heart and if I was granted a wish It would be to bring you and Tigger back home to me.

I'm broken hearted no one knows how I cry at night in bed.

Come to me again Malc kiss Tigger for me tell him I love and miss him so much too.

Say hello to all the family I will write to you again tomorrow xxxxx love you forever. xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday July 23rd 2014pm.

Hello my Malc my darling husband and My Tigger boxer baby boy.

I am writing early today Malc it's so hot again I know I shouldn't complain .

Chanel and the grandchildren have been , not happy Ellie who as you know is 6 years old has weed on the settee she should know better she is just lazy, I'm not impressed !!!!

Twice they have done this to me.

I love them to bits but it's mayhem when they come especially when the dogs are here too.

I hope they soon grow out of the mayhem.

Lisa and Geoff have gone to Drayton manor park took Toby .

I Have talked about you again today as I always do.

I love you Malc and thank you for last night again you and only you know what I mean,.

Kiss Tigger for me I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you and Tigger forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday July 22nd 2014 20.48pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my boxer baby boy.
Hope you are happy and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

I have been talking about you again today Malc and Tigger too.

Anne rang today asking about me, talking about you ,as you know I will be meeting them when we go to Weymouth for the day.

I have met some new lovely friends Anita and Karen
Anita lost her husband 2 years ago so she knows what I am going through.

They have both got shih Tzu's and they all get on together.

Also a lady called Helen asked if I was ok she used to visit her Mum and dad here were we live.

She didn't know about you and gave me her mobile number to get in touch if I needed to talk to her.
I saw Val today she told me Dave has had bowel cancer too and had to have an operation, he must be ok though else she would have told me more.
How lovely Malc Friends coming out of the wood work.

But what I really want is YOU !!! .

I love you with all my heart Malc and miss you miss you miss you.

Kiss Tigger for me and say hello to all the family love you forever Malc and Tigger xxxxxx

I will write to you tomorrow xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday July 21t 2014pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tiggy Wiggs as we used to call you, I bet Daddy still does he loved you and still does.

Today has been ok as days go.

Stewart didn't come until late but when he did he brought his son Jordan and they both cleared all the rubbish beside and behind the shed.

He has almost finished the kitchen only work tops taps and the floor to do, then I have a brand new dream kitchen.

Lisa and Geoff has just rang taking me to Penkridge for a drink by the canal.

I love you with all my heart I will write to you tomorrow give Tigger a kiss for me love you forever xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday July 20th 2014 16.32pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you and how is Tigger my baby boy.

What a day had the three children I rode Muffin down the park on my mobility scooter and the children walked to the local park at Hednesford .

They thoroughly enjoyed it, so did Muffin.
we then came back home they played a while then Kay and Alan had Muffin why I took the children to McDonald's I rode my scooter they walked bless them.

They have gone home now and Muffin is back home with me.

He hasn't eat today but it is hot again !!!.

Malc I want you to come home please and bring Tigger I ache for you both.

I love you with all my heart and miss you more than words can say , I know I keep repeating myself but I so miss you darling.

Kiss Tigger for me and I will write to you again tomorrow Stewart is taking all the rubbish away tomorrow and bringing the work top person in to measure up.
Love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday July 19th 2014 19.36pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Not a bad day today started off poring with rain then it cleared up I then took Muffin a ride on my scooter.

Chris Chanel and the children came down played monopoly.

Then I took Muffin a ride had a kabab from the fish shop took Muffin to the park eat my kabab sitting on my scooter why Muffin walked around the park.

I then rode up the Rawnsley road and Anita a friend who I have met whilst walking Muffin asked me in for a cuppa.
I am back home now after speaking to Kay she is still having Muffin but later on in the day, why I take the children to Mcdonalds for their dinner.

I was talking to Anita about you today she has also lost her husband 2 years ago and still crying.

I sobbed and sobbed last night and the night before missing you so much Malc I don't feel it is real you have gone it just seems like you have gone away for a while and will be back soon.

I only wish that would come true.

I love you and Tigger more than words can say my darling to the end of the world.

Give Tigger a kiss for me Malc I'm sending one to you love you forever your loving wife Rose .

I will write to you tomorrow xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday July 18th 2014 14.27pm.

Hello my darling Malc my soul mate I so miss you I ache for you . I sobbed last night because I want you back so much , I ask God WHY, WHY YOU ????.

I know many people are in the same situation as me but at this moment I time I feel you and I have been punished.

What have we dine so evil I keep saying to muself.

My darling I will pray and wish you back home always and hope one you will.

Happy Birthday Tigger your 12 years old today give Tigger a very special kiss and hug for me Malc.

Chanel has rang today asking me to have the children this afternoon and evening why they go diving again.

Lisa is asking me to dinner tonight a takeaway.

She and Geoff are having their Grandchildren over the weekend and part next week , they have time off.

The weather is hot again but I have not stayed out in it.

Stewart texted to say he is bringing the quartz man to measure up for the kitchen work tops.

I love you both with all my heart Malc and Tigger I will write to you tomorrow my darlings lve you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Tigger xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday July 17th 2014 16.51pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you today ? and how is my Tigger?.

It's so hot today I can't do much just been a ride with Muffin .
Just seen our Kelly she has got to have an operation quite serious anal problem it doesn't sound good.
Paula sues daughter came today just to drop off a couple of things I couldn't carry on my scooter bless her.
I have been taking about you again today missing you terribly , I still can't take it in you have really gone.

Tigger I love you so much look after Daddy for me and Malc Kiss Tigger for me say hello to all the family .

I love you forever darlings xxxxxxx.

I will write to you again tomorrow xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday July 26th 2014 22.08pm
Hello Malc my darling and My Tigger.

Today I have been thinking about you a lot crying again and talking about you to Stewart , he feels he knows you and he has never met you .

Both he and his brother Justine are spiritualists
The kitchen is almost finished just a few little jobs to do then the tiles to place on the floor .
I shall miss him being here to talk to .

He is such a nice man and is doing jobs for me I can't do .
You used to do for me .

Malc I can't tell you how much I wish you were here talking to me doing those little jobs you did for me .
That lovely cup of tea you used to bring me in a morning at 6.15am before you went to work .

I miss your smile your handsome face the funny little ways you had .

If I could bring you back to me back home were you belong and you Tigger I would be the happiest wife on this earth .

My life is so empty with out you and Tigger Malc .
Mo have been to Jason's Mums today she did me a sandwich and a cup of tea how nice .

Jason came after work told me Jona who worked at ATP along side you had hung himself . Everyone is devastated .

You must have remembered him and now he is with you I guess .

Over The Rainbow Bridge .

I love you and Tigger with all my heart darlings .
I will write to you again tomorrow God Bless xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday 15th July 2014 21.49pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger baby boy.

I Feel weak again today don't know if it is a bit of depression or just my body out of sorts.

I was in bed for 10pm last night and tonight looks to be the same.

Not such a good day today Stewart wasn't here missed his company .

Lisa was at work, Chanel to busy to come .

But Lisa did cook my dinner and now put me to bed.

Muffin is fast asleep too.

I miss you my darling I can't explain inside how lonely I feel although I have the family around me.

I prayed tonight that when I got back from Lisa's we would see you sitting in your usual spot on your settee.

But as usual my wishes haven't become reality.

I ache for you and Tigger Malc my lover , my rock ,my loyal companion .

No one could for see what was going to happen to you I only wish there could have been a cure for you Malc and not the suffering you went through.

Life is so cruel my darling.

I love you with all my heart kiss Tigger for me Malc and say hello to the family . I will write to you tomorrow Darlin xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday July 14th 2014pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger baby boy.

I think of you constantly through out the day every day and will never stop praying one day we will be together.

I will try and stay strong for you as you wanted and will do my best in my life I have with out you both.

I have been to Cannock today with Muffi on the mobility scooter he loves it everyone admires him and laughs when they see hi just sitting enjoying the ride.

Other people say come on lets go for a walk and the dogs wag their tales .

Muffin gets excited when I say shall we go for a ride .

Chanel has been today with Georgia .

Stewart is doing well with the kitchen he isn't coming tomorrow.

Lisa is coming up later but I don't know what time.

The large dustbin is going now it's too big they are bringing me a new green one.

I'm tired today don't know why !!.

I love you and miss you so much Malc it breaks my heart to think you won't be sitting or lying by my side. it's hard not being able to talk to you and expect you to answer me.

I do talk to you and kiss your picture every day and night, I kiss and smell your coats in your wardrobe.

I will write to you again tomorrow my darling kiss Tigger for me I haven't forgotten you .

Love you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Heart and Thoughts Are With You Rose NEW
by: Anonymous

No more pain for you Rose, I pray. I suffer with M.S and like you my doggies/family are my life.

Your entries so make me cry, but take strength in the knowledge that they are both waiting for you...

With Love and Understanding...

Theresa x

My Heart and Thoughts Are With You Rose NEW
by: Anonymous

No more pain for you Rose, I pray. I suffer with M.S and like you my doggies/family are my life.

Your entries so make me cry, but take strength in the knowledge that they are both waiting for you...

With Love and Understanding...

Theresa x

My Heart and Thoughts Are With You Rose NEW
by: Anonymous

No more pain for you Rose, I pray. I suffer with M.S and like you my doggies/family are my life.

Your entries so make me cry, but take strength in the knowledge that they are both waiting for you...

With Love and Understanding...

Theresa x

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday 13th July 2014 19.19pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger how are you both ?.
A better da today been to Chris and Chanel's for dinner.

Chris gave me two kisses and was better towards me today.

Lisa has gone with Geoff to see Geoff's daughter today she has had a baby girl but there are problems a breach birth and stopped breathing for 17 minutes.
so they have to check if she has brain damage on Monday.

Life is so complicated and cruel as it was with you and Tigger.

I have cried again today missing you so much .

I will never ever get over this Malc I will have to live with being with out you but it is so hard.

Why have we been chosen to suffer ?.

I am so lonely Malc so lonely.

Stewart is very nice he is replacing the door on the fridge freezer because his brother Justin damaged it by accident he is also making me a dream kitchen he says , I know he will .

It's coming together .

I love you and miss you Malc so much and Tigger too.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling love you forever. xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday July 12th 2014 16.52pm

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger I miss you so much I am getting anxious because you are not with me in person to talk and help me .

I haven't had a good day Chris has been and upset me today , you know what he is like sometimes .

My iphone is also playing up I hope I don't lose all my info because I will break my heart .

I have been told by o2 to try something else.

I feel very lonely today and the house is such a mess I can't do anything because of the pain I am in.

But Chanel and Lisa did say they would put things right for me.
I love you with all my heart darling and only pray and wish you will come to me love you forever kiss Tigger for me and all the family .xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday 11th July 2014 14.31pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger hope your happy and well.

I am writing and early because Chanel is picking me up in a moment to see Ellie receive a silver star for good work , then baby sitting why Chris and Chanel go diving .

The kitchen is coming together .

I love you both with all my heart and miss you more each day goes by .
I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday 10th July 2014 13.38pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger , how are you both today?.

I love you with all my heart my darlings and miss you more than words can say.

I am sitting here writing early to you today I have all the kitchen items in the living room so very little room.
Stewart and Justine are really getting on with the new kitchen.
So I have no complaints.

You will love it when it is finished.

Lisa is cooking dinner today she finishes work at 6.30pm.

She is going to Liverpool on Saturday with Geoff so I will probably go to Chris and Chanel's.

I love you forever Malc still wishing you back home with me and visiting me again.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc kiss Tigger for me say hello to every one else for me xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny hope you are well xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday July 9th 2014 22.27pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger I miss you both so much I have cried again today.
Talked to Lisa about you she thinks about you every day too.

The Kitchen has come today it's beautiful Malc.

I can't wait for it to go in.

Chris and Chanel have been diving again why the children were at school.

Lisa had dinner with me.

I have took Muffin out twice today.

I have just had a nice bath Lisa helped me.

I miss you helping me you were so strong Malc when you didn't even know you were ill yourself.

I am going to bed in a minute I seem to be very tired tonight.

I did my duty rang Mum.

I will pray again tonight Malc you will visit me.

Give Tigger a kiss for me and say hello to every one.
Love you forever Malc I will write to you again tomorrow xxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you once again Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday 8th July 2014

I just want to thank Dee and Bunny for taking the time to read and post my comments , I don't know what I would do with out your site .

This is helping me get through the heartache I am experiencing at this present time .

It's like having a councillor but better Hope you are improving too Bunny you have a very good friend in Dee . keep p the good work Dee and thank you once again. xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday July 8th 2014 18.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger I miss you both so much my heart aches for you both .

Today Stewart plastered the kitchen wall and put plumbing in.

I had to go to Lisa's plumber doing job and delivery of paving bricks.

Muffin and I got soaked coming back from Lisa's.

Going to choose tiles for floor tomorrow .

I can't wait for the end result it's all for you Malc .

Kiss Tigger for me say hello to all who are with you I will write to you tomorrow darling love you forever xxxxxxxx

good job dee NEW
by: Anonymous

thankyou for not bothering with the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

good job dee NEW
by: Anonymous

thankyou for not bothering with the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

good job dee NEW
by: Anonymous

thankyou for not bothering with the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No your comments are not private! we all read them but wonder why our comments on our losses are not posted like yours!!!! NEW
by: Theresa

Yes we all have heartache but why does dee choose you ova all of the rest of us!!!!My Shimma and Zeus is as important to me as your loss is to you and the rest of us posting to bunny's site!!!!!

No your comments are not private! we all read them but wonder why our comments on our losses are not posted like yours!!!! NEW
by: Theresa

Yes we all have heartache but why does dee choose you ova all of the rest of us!!!!My Shimma and Zeus is as important to me as your loss is to you and the rest of us posting to bunny's site!!!!!

No your comments are not private! we all read them but wonder why our comments on our losses are not posted like yours!!!! NEW
by: Theresa

Yes we all have heartache but why does dee choose you ova all of the rest of us!!!!My Shimma and Zeus is as important to me as your loss is to you and the rest of us posting to bunny's site!!!!!

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday July 7TH 2014 17.28PM.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

It's been a busy day today Stewart and Justine his brother came today ripped out the Kitchen put some electrics in and pulled up all the floor tiles.
New kitchen coming on Wednesday.
I have the children again tonight why Chris and Chanel go diving.

We are going to Lisa's later with them.
Justine told me about your presence he felt you were here an felt very peaceful.
He told me to stop crying as you were with me all the time.
Chris rang and asked about the kitchen .

I love you and miss you my darling Malc and Tigger kiss every one for me love you forever xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday 6th July 2014 18.03pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger too.

I have had a lovely day with Lisa today we both went to Trentham gardens and Kay had Muffin.

Lisa brought two suitcases I brought some solar lights for the front garden.

I was thinking about you when I was in the car hoping you were in the car with us.
Geoff was sorting his garden out.

I love you my darling and miss you terribly !!!.

I have got to make sure the kitchen is empty for Stewart tomorrow he is ripping the kitchen out.

I am just about to go an have an hour with my Mum to keep the peace.

I am having an early night.

Stewart is coming at 8.30am in the morning I'm shattered already .

I love you and miss you Malc so much kiss Tigger for me write to you tomorrow. xxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday July 5th 2014 19.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I'm a bit earlier writing tonight , I must have been tired last night miss spelling words .

I have been to Hednesford with Muffin twice to Cannock with him . then Chris and Chanel came with the children stayed a few hours.
They wanted me to watch the children tomorrow why they went diving again but I said I can't I'm going to Lisa's for dinner .

They are going to Lancaster just past Blackpool.

Lisa has decided we are going out for a meal tomorrow instead of cooking.

I have just had another cry I'm missing yiu more than ever Malc and Tigger although I have Lisa Chris and Chanel it's not the same.

I love you with all my heart malc I will write to you tomorrow my darling love you forever XXXXXX.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday July 4th 2014 24.15pm .
Hello malc my darling & Tigger sorry I'm late writing
I have been to Dosthi ll with Chris and Chanel
Watching the Kids whe they went diving .
Stewart came today brought a floor tile for the kitchen
Quoted. £ 1,996 I said no way far too expensive
Re thinking tile price

I fe asleep earlier nearly forgot to write .
I love you forever Malc with all my heart
I will write to you both earlier tomorrow
Malc kiss Tigger for me too xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bumny xxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday July 3rd 2014 17.21pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I have had an awful day today AVG have charged me twice for internet security and I have had to contact paypal .
also another thing has happened but there seems to be some one coming in on my emails to you who is a stranger so I will talk to you at home not on this email.
I thought these emails would be private but obviously not !!!!!.

This is short tonight because I am stressed and can't concentrate but I will always love you Malc and Tigger miss you so much wishing Cancer hadn't took you Malc I love you with all my heart kiss Tigger for me .

I will write to you tomorrow xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

spell caster NEW
by: Anonymous

My name is Frank Morrison, my family and i live in NY USA.It was after seven years i got to discover that my wife was unfaithful to me.I didn’t know what was going on at first but as she got deep in the affair with her new lover, i felt that our marriage was on the rocks.I notice that she no longer light up when i touch her or kiss her in her neck and her chest cos she really liked it when i did that, she also usually get naked in front of me but when she started seeing that guy she stopped it.I remember asking her if i have done anything that makes her feel irritated when i am around her then she gives silly excuses that she has been feeling stressed up and that she need space for a while.I know when you are been asked for space its usually because there is something fishy is going on.I hired a private investigator to help find out what was going on.And in a week time he brought me prove that my wife that i have lived with for seven straight year is cheating on me with her high school lover.I had picture of her walking out a of a restaurant with him and many other photo of them kissing in public like she will never be caught by someone that knows she is my wife.I asked myself, even when we had a daughter together she could this to me.That same night i showed her the pictures that i got from my private investigator.She didn’t look at it before saying, that she is seeing someone and she know that i just found out about it.Then she said that she is in love with him.At that moment, i didn’t know if to kill myself or to kill her but the button line is that if i was going to kill anyone it was going to be me cos i was so much in love with her to even think of thinking to hurt her.As time when on she asked for a divorce and got it and even got custody of our daughter and i was all alone by myself.For a year i tried all i could to get her back with the help of my seven year old daughter.Even at that all effect was in vain, i used the help of her friend but turned out all bad.I know most people don’t believe in spell casting but believe me this was my last option and the result i most say was impressive.And i know it difficult to believe but A SPELL CASTER Dr brave really made my life much better cos he gave me my family back.He didn’t ask me to pay for what he did for me all i was to do, was to provide the materials for the spell and believe that he had the power to help me.Like he said, he was going to do something that will make her reset her love and affection for me just as it has always been.My wife told me she woke up and realized that she should have never left me that i am all she needs.To make thing clear, her life with her high school lover was great before Dr brave castled the spell they had no disagreement on anything.The guy said it himself that why she broke up with him is unexplainable.Only Dr brave can do such a thing contact him to solve your problem with his CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday July 2nd 2014 16.03pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you and how is my Tigger ?.

Today has been a strange day I brushed the dead wasps away into an old bowl then into the dustbin.

I took Muffin a ride on my mobility scooter.
we went to Hednesford shopping too.

Came back in a lot of pain today in my right foot it must be the Arthritis.

I can't do much because of the kitchen being ripped out now Friday instead of today.

Jason is coming to do a coupe of jobs putting the plaque up in the porch and hopefully the blind in the bathroom.

He doesn't know but I am cooking him a dinner and a pudding I only have to place food in the microwave holding my sticks in one hand.

Lisa is cooking my meals after today.

Malc I have been thinking about you and talking to you most of the day I keep praying and wishing you will come back.

I want to keep crying all the time , people ask me how I am I just say I'm ok but I'm not really .

I just don't know how I get through the day.

I love you and Tigger with all my heart Malc and always will forever.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling , kiss tigger for me and the other dogs I haven't forgotten them tell them and Dad all my famiy nd yours I'm thinking about them all..xxxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday July 1st 2014 21.52pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger , I have been upset today trying to empty the kitchen for the fitter when he comes , he is coming Friday now they are moving the heavy stuff thank goodness.

I was lying on the bench swing today listening to the radio and crying thinking about you wishing you were by my side also the new tops came today for the bed side tables but they need screwing in holes making I can't do that because of my arthritis.
I can't bend kneel or stretch because of my joints hurting.

I miss how you always helped me Malc I miss your voice I miss your laugh I play the video of Tigger every night and watch him on the old settee and hear your voice in the background.

Come home Malc bring Tigger with you PLEASE!!!!.

I love you both with all my heart I will write to you tomorrow you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday 30th June 2014 16.33PM.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger hope you are still enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

I'm baby sitting today so this is a quicky .

I have been to Carole's today with Muffin enjoyed it but Kevin was his usual self mardy .

The foam has come to kill the wasps.
I love you Malc and have been talking about you again today.

I will write to you and Tigger tomorrow sorry it's short love you with all my heart xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday 29th June 2014 21.13pm.

Hello Malc my darling and you Tigger hope your both well and happy.

I have took Muffin a ride round today early this morning then Chanel took me up to Chris's for a Barbeque Chanel brought me back and I have been to my Mums stayed an hour.

I am baby sitting tomorrow night while Chris and Chanel go diving.

Lisa is cooking dinner for me on Tuesday .

Jason is coming on Wednesday to put the blind up in the bathroom and the plaque in the porch which Lisa Chanel and myself brought for fathers day.

I am going to see Carole tomorrow at 1pm after having a hip replacement.

Hope Kevin isn't there.!!!.

I told a lady called Karen about the spiritual lady she was amazed .

Malc I love you and miss you and Tigger beyond words , I can't explain how lonely I am with out you.

Please visit me Malc again and give me a kiss , kiss Tigger for me.

The kitchen is being ripped out this week possibly Wednesday can't wait for the end result.

I love you with all my heart Malc and Tigger , I will write to you tomorrow my darlings xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 28th 2014 22.49pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby bot.

I'm late writing tonight because Kay has been tonight had a drink and a chat it's been nice company.

I have been talking about you all day really.

I will never forget you Malc I promise you that.

Nor you Tigger.

I have been to Lisa's house today a birthday party for Finley 2 today as you know.

I spoke to Chris for about a second then he was off the phone.

Just spoke to him and Chanel all party people have gone home now they have had a good time.
Muffin is fast asleep now and I am going to bed in about 10minutes.

I have had to but a new dvd blu ray player the other one has broken.
also a new micro wave too.

I will write to you again tomorrow , I love you and Tigger with all my heart and miss you so much darling love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday June 27th 2014 19.59pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been busy took Muffin a ride twice, Jason came for coffee played with Muffin.
He is doing a couple of jobs for me on Monday .

Kay his Mum came and we saw a scrap man who took my old mobility scooter away lost out there two new tyres on the back.
The pantry is looking smart all painted inside
and all the food and tins.
all placed nicely on the shelves.

such a lot to do before Wednesday when the kitchen is being ripped out .

Chanel is going to paint the architrave and skirting board on Monday or Tuesday

Lisa is getting ready for the birthday party for Finley who is 2 tomorrow .

Chris and Chanel are having a party tomorrow and barbeque for Ellie's 6th birthday.

Kay is coming tomorrow night t watch a film on Apple tv . company for me but wishing Malc it was you.

I love you with all my heart Malc and miss you like crazy my heart is aching for you to come home.

Visit me soon darling , give Tigger a hug and kiss for me Malc will you love you MATE !!! .

You always called me that didn't you and I used to complain wish you could call me that now.

I will write to you tomorrow Malc darling love you forever xxxxxxxxx your loving wife Rose xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday June 26th 2014 17.27pm.

Hello Malc my darling and my boxer baby boy Tiggy Wiggs.

I don't know where the day has gone again today.
I took Muffin a ride this morning Sue came at 12.30pm and stayed for lunch left at 4.25pm.

I have just come back from Another ride with Muffin.

Chanel is coming soon with Ellie and the children and dogs, Ellie wants to open her birthday presents.

Lisa might come tonight not sure.

Stewart the kitchen fitter is coming next Wednesday to take the old Kitchen out and Friday the new kitchen is coming .

I love you Malc and miss you more than ever my darling please visit me again kiss Tigger for me love you Tigger, I will write again tomorrow love you forever kiss every one for me xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday June 25th 2014 21.04pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you today and how is my Tigger?.

A busy day today kitchen cupboards empty ready to pull out to make way for the new one in a few weeks.

Took Muffin a ride twice today went to Kay's took Muffin had a cup of tea stopped a couple of hours.
Enjoyed it.

When I go to Guernsey Kay is taking Muffin to the seaside how lovely is that.

I know he will be fine now because I trust her and Alan I have made two lovely friends.

Jason has got another car haven't seen him for two weeks.

Pete is doing my hair tomorrow at home then Sue is coming at 12.30pm for a few hours
Ellie is 6 tomorrow Malc I know you will be watching her . Oh Malc I'm crying now thinking about you
I love you with all my heart I will write again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger and the family for me love you forever xxxxxx

Thanks Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday June 24th 2014 14.55pm.

Hello my Malc my darling I love you my precious husband and can't tell you how much I miss you .
Tigger look after Daddy for me until it is my turn to join you both.

Today Geoff came and walked Muffin for me after he had had a shower.

I took Muffin a ride this morning early .

I shall pop to Aldi a little later might leave Muffin at home.

Lisa is coming for dinner tonight .

Not a lot happening really today .

I love you and Tigger with all my heart remember when you always used to call me mate and I used to say I'm not your mate I'm your wife, well it's been going through my mind today thinking about you wishing you were here to call me mate !!!.

I will write to you again tomorrow my darling kiss Tigger for me and Dad and all the family.

Love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday June 23rd 2014 15.23pm.

Hello Malc my darling I was so happy when I saw you this morning you looked very smart and sexy .

You looked healthy too I hope you will come and see me again soon I told your Marg Lisa Chanel and Lisa .

Marg said she hopes you will come to Guernsey with me , please I am scared of flying on my own.

You have always been there for me Malc.

Tigger I haven't forgotten you, you are in my thoughts daily too.

Chanel has dropped the dogs off whie she fills the tanks up for diving.
Then she is collecting the children picking Muffin and I up to go and baby sit why they go diving.

Lisa was coming after work but she can't now .

I have just sat on the swing bench and had another cry thinking about you wishing we were sitting on this garden swing bench together.

I love you Malc with all my broken heart and will never ever get over this.

But I have to try and go on .

I will write too you both again tomorrow sorry it is short today only soon Chanel will be here .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday June 22nd 2014 22.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boxer boy.
It's been a busy day today I took Muffin a ride on my mobility scooter .
Chanel picked me up at 12noon when to Chris's for dinner.

Stayed until 4pm then took Muffin another ride.
visited Mum stayed until 8.15pm.

Came hope Carole rang me we talked a good 3/4 of an hour.

Sue usually rings me at 10pm on SUNDAYS but she hasn't up to yet.

We usually go out once a fortnight.

Hope she is alright I will ring her if she doesn't ring me tonight.

I cried again today missing you more than ever Malc and you Tigger .

I talked about you both again today.

Jason your Margs son Jason has booked a week to Guernsey for me from 1st August to 9th August .

Looking forward to it, but not the flight.

Chris rang me last night to ask if I would like to go to Weymouth in August too for three days why they go diving.

I love you with all my heart Malc and miss you forever I will write to you again tomorrow darling kiss Tigger for me say hello to the rest of the family Dad too.xxxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday June 21st 2014 19.58pm.

Hello my darling Malc I've missed you again today I have just written to you now it's disappeared off my lap top so trying again.

Lisa took me to Telford today Sheila had Muffin .

Chris went diving to Chepstow with his diving mates.
Then met up with Chanel and the kids at The Star pub in Penkridge.

We must have missed them when we collected Muffin.

When I came back home I took Muffin a ride to Aldi to get a chicken going up to Chris's for dinner tomorrow taking it with me.

I met Brian and Val from the bungalow on the main road outside our gate they didn't know you had passed away February 22nd we talked about the Spiritual night LISA and I went to when we spoke about you .

I love you Malc and miss you so much kiss my Tigger for me darling and I will write to you again tomorrow xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday 20th June 2014 17.14pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Baby boy Tigger , hope you are happy and looking over me.

It's been hot today better than the rain we have been having at least I can get out on my scooter.

Took Muffin a ride twice went to my mums !!.
She has aske me to order blue chippings for the front garden.
Gill and Les have taken the bushes out of their garden laural bush the council did it because she works for them.
It's copy the Smiths isn't it not the jones.

Chanel came today stayed a couple of hours brought the dogs nice.

They are getting better behaved I must say.

Lisa is coming later I hope she is sorting Jade out in a bit of a financial mess.

Tell Tigger I love him incase he thinks I have forgotten him.

I love and miss you enormously Malc I keep asking WHY WHY WHY !!!.

I just can't believe you have gone I keep hoping you will walk through the door and say I'm back.

What a wonderful miracle it would be if you did.
I will keep on wishing and hoping one dsy it will happen my darling.

I will write to you again tomorrow love you always xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday June 19th 2014pm.
Hello my darling Malc and Tigger I have just been adding it up Tigger it's been two years just over since I lost you who would have believed Daddy was going to join you so soon ?.


I can't ever see myself happy again , I get through the day but I don't know how.

I may go back to the spiritualist one day it's the only way I can contact you .

Although the family help me I am so lonely it's you I need !!!.

Today I took Muffin to Cannock on my mobility scooter .

I brought some flowers for Carole and gave her a card didn't stay because I had Muffin and her Uncle Albert was there.

Lisa was taking me to Telford Saturday but changed her mind when I said Kay couldn't have Muffin but Sheila could.

So bang goes going out another day in .

You did say this is how it would be Malc you were right.

The back door looks nice now it's been stained .

I have found the tape measure by the way it just appeared !!.

I feel you helped me find it Malc.

Lisa might come tonight ???????.

I miss you so much Malc when I think of the things and places we used to go by train weekends and the holidays we had together Malc it will NEVER be the same .

I kiss you and Tigger every day and talk to you both , I miss you so much darling so much.

I will write again tomorrow kiss Tigger for me say hello t all the family who are with you Malc .

Love you always xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday June 18th 2014 16.29pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.

Chanel came down this morning with the dogs we went to Aldi to buy some potting compost .

She is so good to me Chanel as she was with you.

Oh Malc I want you back so badly I feel numb inside.
I bumped into a lady who I saw at A&E they day you were took in when you dehydrated she used to work in Cannock hospital I knew her from the surgery at Bideford.

She asked how you were and was shocked when I told her you had passed away in February .

She put her hand on my shoulder and wished me well and to take care .

The planter chap came today but I wasn't impressed with how he made them not such good quality.

Not worth the money.

Still it does it's job I suppose .

I have collected a dinner from the nest on my mobility scooter saves me cooking.

Muffin is off his food I think it is to hot for him.

Sheila rang today but I don't know if she will come today lots of things going on .

She may come tomorrow or Saturday.

I want her to see what I have done with the front garden now the pampas grass has gone.

If no one comes I may take Muffin another ride round when the sun goes in.

Malc I can't tell you how much I miss you it is hurting so much.

I am crying inside .

I will write again tomorrow Malc and Tigger love you forever my darlings xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday 17th June 2014 20.01pm

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger sorry I put yesterday as the 17th June instead of 16th .

Today has gone too quickly, started by taking Muffin a ride on my mobility scooter our usual route.
searching most of the day for our yellow tape measure it's vanished !!!!.
Geoff needed it to measure the size of the circle .
I found the cheap red one but no yellow one which I paid a lot for.

The planter is coming tomorrow now it should look nice.

That's it now I think all but the new kitchen when it comes everything is just about sorted.

I cried again this morning thinking about you talking to you all along the new road as I drove Muffin around.

Sheila and Colin might be up tomorrow .

I love you and Tigger with all my heart darling and hope one day you will come home to me and in my dreams.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my darling love you unconditionally xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My precious Tigger my boxer dog baby boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 17th 2014 18.55pm
Hello my darling Malc I'm writing from my iPhone because I'm babysitting again at Chris's .
They have gone diving again .
Geoff is digging out the garden at the front tonight to prepare the circle I have. Brought it should olk nice instead of the pampas grass .
Chanel came today with Georgia stayed a couple of hours .
I took. Muffin a ride twice today .
Thomas the man making the planter is bringing it tomorrow looking forward to it coming .
I cried for you again this morning when I took muffin a ride.
I can't I've with out you Malc I am broken hearted I keep asking WHY WHY YOU. !!'
Iove you with l my heart my darling please come to me in my dreams kiss Tigger for me I wi write to you tomorrow llove you forever xxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 15th 2014 21.14pm.

Hello My darling Malc my precious husband .

Happy fathers day my darling Chanel and Geoff have sent their love too.
Lisa is thinking about you but too upset.
She and I cried today.


I love you too Tigger I'm lost with out you .

I baby sat today Malc up Chris's the kids were golden and the dogs.

My stomach hurts inside because I'm missing you so much .
it's fear inside because I can't take it in that your not coming back I need you Malc please come

Let me wake up tomorrow and it all be a nasty dream.

Lisa and jade with Finley have called in tonight had a coffee then took Finley back to Lisa's Jade is staying a couple of nights there.

Chanel rang tonight for a chat.

I love you with all my heart Malc and Tigger I will write to you again tomorrow my darlings love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday June 14th 2014 14.36pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband how are you today ?
I bet Tigger is enjoying your company did he run to you with excitement ?.

When my time comes I hope he will run to me too.
I have been imagining you walking up the road towards me, I only wish it would come true.
Lisa took me to Stafford Queens park today but my knees were hurting so much I only managed one shop with her then I sat in the car .

I ache for you Malc and still can't believe you have gone I still expect you to walk through the door and say I'm back !!!!.

Jason spoke to me today he is having problems with a car he brought from Hednesford the place next to where ATP where you worked.

He paid cash and it was faulty.
They refused to give him his money back so he sent his mates to have a word ,now he is sending a cheque to Jason hope it doesn't bounce.

I am going to Chris's very early in the morning why they go diving.
Muffin is lying on the sofa by my side he is a good little boy .

I miss you darling kiss Tigger for me too.

I will write to you tomorrow but it may be my iPhone if they are late back.

I love you and Tigger with all my heart kiss every one for me xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday June 13th 2014 19.43pm.

Hello My darling Malc and my Tigger too.
I miss you so much I really don't know what to do.
My heart is aching I feel empty lost lonely.

Although my family are coming daily to help me and night to put me to bed , it's not the same with out you.
Today I have had to wait in most of the day for the circle of slab to come.
Then the chap who built our swing bench is building me a screen to put in the front garden on top of the circle.
It should look nice when finished.

My kitchen is going to be another two weeks I'm a bit disappointed waiting still it will be done eventually.
Lisa has brought it for me good girl.

Our children do help and care.

I hope you are happy Malc I was thinking about us coming back from Poole last year with Muffin in that camper van , red hot holding the window sweating what a palaver.

I only wish we could go away together this year , I wish you could come home now and kiss me ad I would love you like we used too.
I miss your kiss goodnight Malc.

Lisa Jade and Finley came tonight for an hour.

Chanel came with Georgia and the mutts this lunch time.

I miss you with all my heart Malc and you too Tigger.

I will write to you tomorrow my darlings say hello to every one for me give them all a kiss.

Love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 12th 2014 21.50pm.

Hello my Malc my precious husband and my beautiful handsome Tigger my baby boy.

Today has been a better day First I took Muffin a ride round the usual route.
Then Kay picked him up for the day.
Sue picked me up at 12.10noon.
We went to The Holly Bush Garden Centre looked around then had lunch there.
I have brought a circle of slabs for the front garden to replace the pampas grass and a pot to put in the middle.

Sue stayed until 4.15pm.

Then I went to Kay's to pick up Muffin on my mobility scooter Kay invited me in for a cup of tea I stayed an hour it was nice.

I talk about you and think about you all day every day Malc.

I miss you and Tigger so much I ache .

Sometimes I feel calm because you are with me other times I want you to be with me to touch to talk to and off load my feelings and worries.

My only wish in life is for you to come back home with Tigger .

I love you and miss you my darling and you Tigger .
I will write t you again tomorrow love you forever xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 11th 2014 16.57pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger sweetheart.

I hope you are enjoying The Rainbow Bridge now you are all together with the family , kiss them all for me and tell them I love them all.

Its turned out quite warm now outside after such a cloudy day.
I have took Muffin a ride twice today not seen many dogs they must have changed their time.

Chanel came today stopped a couple of hours.

Lisa is coming for late dinner tonight 6.45pm.
I'm going to the Holly bush with Sue tomorrow then lunch their.

I talked to Elaine about you today for quite a while and saw Maureen Felton and her husband with their new grand child. they went to painton same year as us one year do you remember.

I have been bitten on the leg by something went to doctors but Dr Singh again didn't give me anything

I love you and miss you Malc and Tigger with all my heart
I will write to you again tomorrow darling xxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday 10th June 2014pm.

Hello My darling Malc and my Tigger are you ok both of you and how is your Dad and Mum and My Dad ?.

Chanel has weeded my front garden today and Geoff has finally dug up the pampas grass you have always wanted out.

Hope you like it I am going with Sue Thursday to order a circular rotunda paving slab to replace the pampas and a huge plant pot for the centre.

It was very late when I got in last night 11.30pm

But I can't grumble Chanel always makes up for it.

Geoff is good too.

I only wish you were here by my side to see the house and garden now how it is shaping up.
I miss you darling so much.

I cried again last night.

Lisa is coming for dinner tonight.

I think Chanel is coming after lunch tomorrow it's Cameron and Georgia's sports day.

I love you and miss you my darling and Tigger .

My heart is broken !!! .

I will write to you again tomorrow love you both forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 9th 2014 13.31pm.

Hello Malc my darling are you enjoying The Rainbow Bridge with Tigger my baby boy?.

I'm writing early because Chanel is picking me up at 4pm to baby sit while they go diving.
I won't be back until late.

Chris got home early last night so up early today
I just managed to take Muffin a ride round then the rain came
Kiss Tigger for me Malc .

I wish I could kiss u both this minute.

I look at your picture in the living room and cry I want you so badly Malc.
I miss you more as each day goes by.

I will write to you tomorrow darling and you my Tigger. love you forever xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday June 8TH 2014 21.06PM

Hello Malc my darling and my Tigger hope you are happy my precious husband and loving dog.

Today started off quiet but gradually got better I took Muffin a ride round then had my dinner from the nest.
Carole and Kevin came about 3.45pm stayed until 6pm.
Lisa came around 6pm stayed until 8pm.
I brought 2 obelisks one in the front garden and one in the back.

Kevin put them together.

Carole is having a replacement hip on Friday and said when she is back on her feet they will take me out like they used to .

When we used to go in a foursome.
I used to enjoy our days out.

I only wish you were here to enjoy it to.

I miss you badly my darling I cried again today I see your face before me with your woollen hat on and a cigarette in your mouth .

I smell your cigs and only wish it was you in body by my side.
My darling I ache for you.

I am baby sitting tomorrow why Chris and Chanel go diving late night back I'm afraid I may have to write earlier tomorrow.

I love you and Tigger with all my heart love you forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday 7th June 2014 18.48pm.
Hello my darling Malc and baby boy Tigger.

Not a lot to tell you today the weather is appalling thunder lightning rain, rain, rain.

Chris and Chanel and the kids have been down with the dogs.

No sign of Lisa today must have a hang over after Geoff's 50th Birthday party.

Marg has rang we are sorting going over there for a week in either July or August.

Not looking forward to the flight but if I want to get away I have to chance it.

I have cried my self to sleep again last night I felt so lonely because you weren't there .

I felt really flat today .
Chris has asked me to baby sit on Monday night they are going diving.

Not looking forward to coming home late but what can I do.

You told me what it would be like lonely and you know.

I love all my family but sometimes they hurt my feelings.

I think because I am older and disabled they can say what they want to.

I supposed I should be grateful with out them I don't know what I would do.

I love and miss you with all my heart tell Tigger too.

I will write again tomorrow love you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday 6th June 2014 23.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling I'm late writing tonight I have not long come back from Geoff's 50th birthday party.
He had lots of friends and family a good night but I didn't enjoy it not with out you .
I was in a crowd but very lonely.

Malc I don't know what I'm going to do I can't stand being with out you to talk too.
I miss you until my heart aches.

Geoff took me to Telford for a ride today he wanted to get some clothes for the party.

Then when he dropped me off I TOOK muffin a ride TO Cannock then home Jason our mate picked u Muffin at 5pm took him to Kay to look after why I went to Geoff's party.

They picked me up at 10.25pm brought me home.

They are so kind.

Tell Tigger I love and miss him too.
I just want to keep crying tonight I feel so empty.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you forever xxxxxxx your loving wife Rose xxxxx
Muffin sends his love too xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday June 5th 2014 18.57pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband how are you today and how is my Tigger?.
a lovely swing bench came today it's been put by the back door where the old shed used to be it's so comfortable.
I imagined you sitting by the side of me swinging Malc you would love it.

I was up at 5.45am waiting for it to come the chap brought it at 8.15am.
Mum came up for lunch stopped an hour.
Chanel rang this morning, Lisa rang tonight she is going for a meal with Geoff's family for his 50th Birthday.
Lisa said her and Geoff had a cry today because you weren't here to celebrate his birthday.

I miss you more than ever Malc and Tigger too.

I think about you all day every day.

I bumped into a lady called Marti today who asked about you and said she will get my number and arranged a meal out.
How lovely was that some people can be so caring.
I have texted your Marg in July or August I am going over to Guernsey for a week we are going to see Jason and Nicks new house and a trip over to France .

I feel I need to get away and I will be with your sister so I should be ok.

Not happy about the flight but if I want to go I have to fly.

Tell Tigger I haven't forgotten him I love and miss him more than ever as I do you.

My Darlin Malc I love you with all my heart and will love you forever xxxxxxxxxxxx.

I will write to you tomorrow darling love you always your wife soul mate and lover. xxxxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Wednesday June 4th 2014 18.07pm

Hello my darling my precious Malc and my baby boxer boy Tigger.
Hope your both enjoying The Rainbow Bridge .
I wrote to you yesterday and the day before but I haven't received my comments back .

I have had three visits today your Sheila and Colin, Chanel and Georgia and Jayne my friend .

It's either all or nothing.
But I do get help in the mornings and night putting me to bed.
Getting me up in the mornings.

It's pored down all day a miserable day.

Spoke to Lisa today she is working until 6.30pm.
I'm looking at your picture Malc and Tiggers wandering why you have been taken from me.

I will NEVER forget you darling I love you until the end of time and will be with you one day to be reunited.
I will write to you tomorrow it's Geoffs 50th birthday tomorrow too.
I love you with all my heart darlings.


Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Tuesday June 3rd 2014 17.42pm.

Hello my Malc my darling husband and my baby boy Tigger.

How are you both today?.
Today has been a better day Lisa took me to Cannock then dropped me off, she went to visit Jade and Finley, she hasn't seen them for two weeks.

I rode Muffin around also took him on my scooter shopping.

I later visited Jayne your neice.

Chanel took Dave to the vets who said he could drop down dead or fluid would fill his lungs or he might live a little longer but not much more than 6 months.

She also took the bmw for new tyres .

What an expensive day.

Lisa is coming later I think if she is not to tired.
I miss you my darling so so much .

I will write to you both again tomorrow my darlings love you forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Monday June 2nd 2014 16.22pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby bo Tigger.
I'm missing you more than ever each day that goes by, my heart aches inside the pain is so strong.

I will never get over losing you.

Today Chanel came down and took me to Sandon saw mill and I ordered a solid wood hammock swing.

Just so I can sit thinking about you and hopefully reading a book.

I have got to try and keep positive .

Lisa has been tonight she thoroughly enjoyed her holiday Barcelona.

She is picking me up tomorrow going to Cannock then to Jades to see Finley.

I have just spoken to Chris he is on his way to work.

I love lisa and Chris with all my heart I so need them at the moment.

I love you Malc with all my heart and you too Tigger .

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Sunday 1st June 2014 17.49pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger baby boy.
I miss you darlings I know I keep repeating myself but I can't explain how devastated and hurt I am.

Two deaths in nearly two years unimaginable.
I have took Muffin out twice visited Jason's Mum and Dad with Muffin making me very welcome.
I feel better when I'm in company.
I love our home Malc but it's empty with out you !!!.

Chris is at work again tonight sleeping all day tomorrow off Tuesday .

Chanel say's she is coming tonight to see me with the children and the dogs .

Lisa might ring tonight again good girl.
I have rang Mum today but not been down,.
I know I shouldn't but I don't feel I have had any support from her none.
So I don't feel comfortable sitting with her.

It's going to rain tomorrow so I had better think of something to occupy me as I will be staying in.

My darling I hope you will visit me sometime and come and kiss me in the night I would be so happy Malc.

I don't know how and if I will ever get over losing you both I miss you so much.

Anne rang today they are off on a cruise again in November America and Canada .
I only wish we could have afforded to go with them but we had Tigger and no one to really look after him then Muffin came along.
Malc if I had known what I had known now things would have been so different .

I know I can't change things but it is so hard.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc I love you with all my heart you too Tigger xxxxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Saturday May 31st 2014 18.50pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger hope you are both happy and ok.
Malc I sobbed all last night until I'm the the neighbours heard me.

Today I woke to taking Muffin a ride our usual route then up the Rawnsley road met up with the regular lady I speak to with her Shih Tzu .

She has invited me to her house for a cup of tea sometime.
I also saw My Mum for a short while.

Chris and Chanel came with the children and dogs
stayed an hour.

I then decided to go to Hednesford get some groceries then chip shop after the rang my old friend Jean who invited me down for scones and a cup of tea,.

We had a lovely 3 hours talking over old times.

Took Muffin with me I really enjoyed the chat and getting my grief of my chest.

We are going to meet up again soon.

Chris rang wandering where I was at least he cares.

Lisa is happy enjoying Barcelona with Geoff.

I miss you so much Malc I can't tell you how much I ache inside.

I love you and miss you too Tigger so much.

I don't know what is happening tomorrow if I will be invited for dinner at Chris's or home alone.

I love you and miss you with all my heart Malc I will write to you tomorrow darlings love you forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Friday May 30th 2014 13.30pm.

Hello my darling Malc and baby boy Tigger I don't know what happened yesterday but I have lost your comment from yesterday it didn't come through.

I wrote quite a bit too.

I feel very low today almost like crying all day.
very emotional today .
I have seen John Abbott today and twizzle who talked about you John didn't know you had lost your life to Cancer.
He was shocked.
Twizzel gave me a kiss.

I had a Panini and a cup of tea at Sarah Jones Barbara Jones daughters café called Bella's , very nice.
Another ride round with Muffin.

Chanel rang today but isn't coming down.
Lisa and Geoff off to Barcelona now as we speak.
I guess Geoff will know now because it was a surprise.
It's their Wedding Anniversary today 5 years.
My breast screening letter is back thankful it's ok.
Always worrying now even a slight twinge or pain I am worrying.

Dave the boxer seems ok today Chanel said good.

I have been down Mums asking if she wants a ride round on her scooter but she had already been a short ride earlier.

Such a strange day no one to talk to.

Oh Malc how I miss you so much my heart is aching inside my stomach is gurgling with pain for you.

I will NEVER NEVER forget you Malc and Tigger I love you with all my heart , I will write to you tomorrow my heart is broken !!!!.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 29th 2014 18.00pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy hope your both happy.

It's been a quiet day today very lonely indeed.
The rain has held me back this morning but I did manage to get out a little to Cannock.

I have also been to see Mum didn't stop long though because Jason came just after work had a coffee.

I don't know if Lisa will come tonight, if she doesn't I won't see her until next Tuesday.
They are off to Barcelona on their wedding Anniversary tomorrow a surprise for Geoff as he is 50 next Thursday.
Chris rang this morning Chanel rang this afternoon.

My darling I can't tell you how much I miss you and Tigger I'm broken hearted.
I have cried most of the morning it frightens me thinking of you not here.
Your Marg rang me today too she is keeping in touch.

Poor Dave the boxer only has 3 to 6 months to live.
he had a heart scan yesterday blood tests showing he is very poorly and can't have an operation.

I might have told you this yesterday but you know how my short term memory is.
I love you Malc and Tigger till the end of time .
I will write to you again tomorrow darling xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 28th 2-14 17.44pm.

Hello my darling husband my soul mate Mac and my Tigger.

Not good news today !!Dave the boxer has only 3 to 6 months to live.
He has a heart defect very poorly boy.

Chanel is broken hearted , I am sad too he is such a good little boy .

What next for this family what have we done to deserve this pain and heartache !!!!.

I looked after the children and Baxter why Chanel took him for a heart scan blood tests and an x-ray
We just have to look after him give him lots of love and keep him calm.

It's been a horrible day rain rain rain .

I have only just managed to take Muffin on my mobility scooter now it's raining again.

I sit here writing to you wandering why I am in this lovely house alone with out you my darling.

It's just not fare .

I was driving along in Station Road imagining you with your blue Woolley hat on a cigarette in your mouth walking towards me.
If only Malc you and Tigger coming home would be the best thing what has happened to me .

I feel I have no future with out you.

I can't seem to get motivated or see in to my future.

It's all so depressing.

I'm trying to think positive but something gets in the way.

Please come to me Malc and Tigger give me a sign .

I love and miss you with all my heart it's breaking right now and I can't see it mending.

I will write to you tomorrow my darlings love you forever. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 27th 2014 16.31pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

How are you both today hope you are happy and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

Chris and Chanel have took Dave the boxer to the vets today he has got to have a heart scan tomorrow at 9.30am, at Tamworth.

Geoff came up today took Muffin a walk .
Mum has been up today but things aren't the same as they used to be.
It never will knowing she didn't come to see you when you were ill.
Jason is popping in tonight I think unless he has forgotten , to put up the blind in the bathroom.
It's raining again here so depressing.

I miss you Malc I wish you could come home and bring Tigger with you.
Say hello to Dad for me and your Mum and Dad Darren auntie Irene all our dogs .

I love you Malc with all my heart and you Tigger
I will write again tomorrow love you forever xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 26th 2014 17.06pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger .

Hope you are both well and happy.
I have been with Sue for lunch at The Rag Rawnsley.
Lovely meal will go again, then we went back to Sue's place.

Kay Jason's Mum had Muffin for the day
I hope he enjoyed it.

Adam is supposed to be coming to finish bedroom floor and put door on the bedroom.
I have spoken to Chanel today Dave the dog still not well.
He has to g back to vet tomorrow to decide what the next step is.

It brought back memories today going through Rawnsley to the Rag.

I may go to Mum's tonight if no one comes.
Take Muffin a ride .

The day has gone quick weather good too.

I love you and miss you Malc and Tigger more than you will ever know , I dreamt about you last night but it was only a short dream.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy.
I love you with all my heart forever xxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday 25th May 2014 18.55pm.

Hello my darling Malc my precious soul mate my Malc and my baby boy Tigger hope your ok both of you.

I smelt you around me Malc yesterday smoke from your cigarettes are you still smoking is it allowed ?.

If you enjoy it then yu do what you love yourself.
Oh Malc I can't tell you how much I miss you ,I get frightened inside thinking is it really happening or is it just a bad dream !!!!!.

I go over things in my mind what has happened it all seems so unreal as if I am just going through someone else's life not mine or yours.

it's been 13 weeks now Malc since I lost you although I sat by your side every day and night I watched you slowly slipping away I only wish we could have said goodbye properly but you were drugged with morphine , you could hear us and when Lisa played our record Love is all around your eyebrows twitched.

I know you heard it and loved it.


I don't understand life we didn't have your retirement to do things together.

It's been so traumatic , my body is doing one thing my mind another.

Chanel picked me up this morning took me up for dinner a lovely day.

Lisa rang too.

I visited Mum for an hour today .

Sue is taking me for lunch tomorrow.

Kay Jason's mum is having Muffin for the day.

Tigger I haven't forgot you I have talked about you today with Chanel I love you and miss you as much as I have from the beginning of losing you.

I love you with all my heart Malc let me smell your smoke again then I will know you are around me.

I will write to you tomorrow darlings love you forever.xxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 24th 2014 19.39pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you and how is Tigger ?.

I have been at Chris's new house most of the day looking after the children and dogs not that I have to do anything they play games occupy themselves.

Then Chanel brought us back and we had a chippy here.

I sat in Cameron's bedroom looking out at the beautiful view fields and nothing more.
It's so quiet a peaceful there.

Lisa came this evening and took me to Sainsbury's.

I am going to Chris's for dinner tomorrow and watch the kids while she takes the rest of he conifers to the tip.

Sue rang today she is taking me for a meal at the rag bank holiday Monday that will be nice.

I sat on Cameron's bed today looking out at the view wishing you there with me and crying.

I miss you so much Malc and Tigger send my love to Dad auntie Irene your mum and dad,.

I will write to you tomorrow love you with all my heart miss you forever xxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday 23rd May 2014 17.47pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my baby boy.

Malc I thank you for today you were looking over me I'm sure .

I had my ultrasound scan kidneys bladder liver and stomach fine nothing nasty seen.

She made me feel so much better when she told me and I thanked her.

I still have loose stool as soon as I eat it goes straight through me.

I think it's still stress.
I spoke to Lisa today and Chris and Chanel came down not for long but Chris is on night shift staying away for a few days.

Dave the boxer has a swollen stomach Chanel is taking him to the vets at Penkridge.

Hope he is ok .

I am going up Chris's tomorrow and Sunday watching the dogs and kids while Chanel takes rubbish to the tip.

I love you and miss you both so much , Chanel has just dropped the dogs and kids off so this is a short letter tonight I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxxxxxxx,.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 22nd 2014 16.33pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and my Tigger how are you both today?.

I love you and miss you so much I can't explain how broken hearted I am.

Sheila and Colin came today stayed about an hour.

Carol is moving back into Dicky and Shirley's.

With her dog too, her partnership has broken down.
I have been for my breast screening today glad that is over.
I don't know how I will feel in the morning when I go for an ultrasound scan on my abdomen.

I an terrified in case they find something !!!!!!.

Lisa is going to a weight watchers tonight I think Geoff is cooking dinner.

It's so kind of them.

Chanel didn't come today busy with the new house.

Christopher rang though.

Jason is coming for a coffee after work infact anytime now I think, he is so kind .

I feel so upset because I keep wishing you back and it isn't going to happen I miss you so much Malc and Tigger .

I bet your playing dominoes with Dad aren't you Malc?.
Like you used to at the Uxbridge club.

If only I could turn the clock back Malc I would change such a lot of things .

I think I took you for granted if I had known you were so ill I would have made you go on the sick and not worry about where the money was coming from.
I will write to you again tomorrow hoping I'm not upset but I still will write.

I love you with all my heart Malc and Tigger xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 21st 2014 18.56pm

Hello Malc my soul mate and Tigger my baby boy.

I love you and miss you darlings.

I have been to the doctors today spoke about my problem he was so helpful.

I also sent in my urine for testing it was clear.
Hopefully the scan which the dr said was only a precaution will be fine too.
Chanel picked me up and took me to Chris's today it was lovely , Lisa is cooking dinner tonight.

I have took Muffin twice today for a ride.

I'm feeling a bit more relaxed today now I have seen the Dr .

Still worried about the scan but I have got to think positive.

I miss you Malc I only wish you could just come back to me and tell me things are and will be ok.

Tigger I miss you too.

Sheila might be coming tomorrow play it by ear.

I will write to you tomorrow I love you with all my heart which will be forever.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 20th 2014 20.36pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Hope your both Happy over The Rainbow Bridge.
I miss you Malc more each day and I can't relax you are constantly on my mind every thing I do every where I go you in my head I cry inside all day pining for you.
The tension in my body knots in my stomach tightness in my chest, my stomach is gurgling it woke me up 4 o'clock this morning I panicked because I am having symptoms similar to what you had when eating your food.

Chanel came today with Georgia stayed a couple of hours.

Chris rang this morning and again tonight.

Lisa picked me up for dinner and is again tomorrow.
The scan is getting nearer I am so worked up about it, I am frightened they might find something.

I just hope this problem of mine is just irritable bowel and stress.

I haven't forgotten you Tigger I think about you too every day thinking about you with Daddy.

My heart is broken Malc !!!!!.

Christopher mentioned a holiday abroad and asked if I would like to go with them .

I don't want to think they are taking me because they feel they have to.

I will write to you again tomorrow I love you with all my heart forever xxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 19th 2014 14.55pm.

Hello Malc my precious soul mate my lover my darling husband I miss you until I ache I cried several times today I am frightened Malc I don't know what to do who to turn to.

Tigger I miss you my darling too.

Today another lonely day , Chris did ring me this morning I know he cares.

My inside is on the move constantly every time I eat or drink I can't stop thinking about it it's ruling my head.
Lisa may come tonight to settle me in bed .

Sheila was coming up but then something cropped up.

Four days to my scan I can't stop worrying Malc.
I can't confide in anyone to reassure me.

Chanel hasn't rang again she didn't yesterday either she is wrapped in the new house I can't blame her really .

Now I know what Mum feels like .

I love you with all my heart Malc and Tigger love you forever I will write to you again tomorrow .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 18th 2014 15.41pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

I am so depressed Malc I don't have you to talk to and I am so worried I had a terrible night woke up panicking still convinced I have a serious problem.

I can't talk to Lisa or Chris because they just tell me off,
It's been a lonely day today I have rode Muffin around and been to Cannock .

I can't tell you how much I miss you Malc I'm broken hearted , no one will ever replace you darling , help me through this worry and hope it all turns out fine.

Stewart has been today he will start the kitchen in three weeks time Christopher is paying for it bless him.

Tigger my darling please don't think I have so much is on my mind at the moment .

I am going to take Muffin another ride now so I will write to you again tomorrow love you both with all my heart love you forever xxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday 17th May 2014 2012pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Hope you are happy together over The Rainbow Bridge.
I have just come back from Chris's barbeque it was a good day he picked me and Mum up at 12 noon.

The weather has been good too.

As we left Chris's diving friends came so it will go on until midnight probably.

I have had a funny stomach again today every time I eat food or drink I feel a pinching sensation in my lower abdomen .

I hope it is just irritable bowel and nothing serious.

Malc I have been thinking about you most of the day and had a little cry when the music was playing and the weather was good wishing with all my heart you were with me.

Tigger I think about you and talk about you most days too.

I love you both with all my heart and miss you forever, I will write to you again tomorrow xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 16th 2014 16.05pm.
Hello Malc my darling Husband and Tigger my boxer dog baby boy. Hope all is well with you both who I miss so much my heart is breaking!!!!!.

I miss you so much it's hurting inside.
I'm going to see Dr Singh tonight in an hour to discuss my worries, I don't really think he will have much to say until I have had that ultr sound scan.
I just want him to reassure me in some sort of way.

Paul has been today done all the radiators cleaned them out also put clips in loft on flue and put new radiator in our bedroom.

Jayne from the previous surgery now at Tesco has been too had lunch.

Lisa or Chris not come today all busy .

I don't know what is happening tomorrow Lisa is going away for the weekend with Geoff but I don't know what Chris is doing, it might be a depressing weekend.

I love you and miss you Malc and Tigger please help me through this .

I will write to you tomorrow love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 15th 2014 17.05pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy hoe you're ok well and happy.

Well it's arrived the appointment for my ultrasound scan it's next Friday 9.15am Cannock Hospital .
I'm terrified Malc I can't stop thinking about it.

You were braver than me I'm frightened they may find something.
I feel very uncomfortable in my lower stomach .

when I eat or drink it feels strange when the food or drink is going down it's uncomfortable.

Chanel picked me up today at 1pm took me up to the new house had a couple of hours then she dropped me back off after picking Cameron and Ellie up.

Lisa is coming after 6pm just popping in she is going to the gym first.

Paul is coming in the morning to drain the radiators and put radiator on in our bedroom he should be putting the clips in the loft too.

Malc I don't know what to say today I'm so worried.
I used to be able to talk with you and you would say it will sort itself out and reassure me.

I feel I can't talk to the family or they would think me a worrier for nothing and wouldn't sympathise.

They had enough worrying about you.

I love you Malc with all my heart and I want you back by my side with Tigger. But I don't want to lose my life just yet I feel I need to get on with it quite a few years more.

Please pray things will turn out ok.

I will write to you again tomorrow by the way Jayne who worked with me at the surgery is coming for lunch tomorrow .

Love you and Tigger forever xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 14th 2014 17.58pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger mu baby boy.
Hope you are both happy enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

I am still worried about my health and won't settle until I have been told nothing to worry about.
I do feel funny inside something is going on just hope its something that can be sorted and no operations.

The stair carpet has been fitted is lovely .

Lisa is coming for dinner but I don't think she will come after today.

she is busy getting ready for weekend with Geoff's grandson.

Paul is coming Friday to sort radiators and put new one on.
Stewart the kitchen man is coming Saturday to look at kitchen floor and bring me a quote for new kitchen.

I love you and miss you Malc more than you will ever know my mind and body is upside down.

I love you too Tigger xxx

I will write to you tomorrow love you with all my heart xxxxxxxx.

Thank yu Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 13th 2014 18.04pm.

Hello my darling Malc I miss you so much I took Muffin a big ride round this morning taking him up the Rawnsley road, I took him down west gate on the Rawnsley estate to middleway it was very emotional our house no 7 has gone new houses have been built in place

I cried and cried it brought back lots of memories of us living there.

I was frightened because you were not with me in body.

I am trying to think positive but this due scan is worrying me,.

I love you Malc and miss you more than I can say I will never get over losig you and Tigger you were my life and now it's empty.

I feel sometimes is it worth getting up , but then I have Muffin who gives me a reason.

I showed a chap your photo today and the ship titanic you built he thought it was brilliant.

I miss you too Tigger your strong stance your handsome face and body.
I showed a chap your pictures today he thought you were beautiful.

Chanel came today and took me to Dunelm I brought new bedding for the spare big bedroom , it looks lovely.

Lisa is coming for dinner but late, she is going to the gym first.
I have took Muffin up the new road again this afternoon.

We are in for a few warm days the weather forecaster says.

I only wish you and Tigger could sit I the garden and enjoy it with me.

I wanted to turn back the clock today back to when we first met and school.

I past your house 174 mount street too it hasn't changed at all.

I love you with all my heart Malc and you will be on my mind in my memory forever and you too Tigger.

I will write to you again tomorrow love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 12th 2014 13.46pm

Hello Malc my darling I'm really worried today I have read on line my problem and it is giving me worrying results.

I am on my own and keep thinking I am going to have CANCER !!! .

All sorts go through your mind when unusual things are happening in your body.

Chanel is at home and Lisa is at work I can't talk to anyone to reassure me.

It's raining so I can't go out on the scooter either.

I just pray to God there is nothing serious going on.

I wish I could talk to Malc you always used to make me feel better.

I miss you Malc I need you at this moment everything is going wrong , I can't seem to look forward at the moment to many worries.

Lisa is cooking my dinner today. Jason is coming for a coffee later from work .

My mind is working over time .

I miss you too Tigger I'm sorry I am not writing enough today I can't concentrate .
Malc please help me through this .

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and Tigger I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 11th 2014 17.34pm.

Hello my darling husband my precious Malc hope you are happy with Tigger and all the family Dad and your mum and dad .

Help me through this worry Malc I can't stop thinking about it I hope they can sort the problem and it isn't anything sinister.

Lisa invited me for dinner very nice .
Chris and Chanel went shopping to buy some lamp shades for the children's bedrooms.

I am on my own now wishing you and Tigger would come home PLEASE !!!!!.

The new stair carpet is being fitted on Wednesday.
Oh Malc I wish you were here I miss you so much I am so lonely with out you and I wish you would bring Tigger back.

I'm crying as I write to you.

I love you with all my heart if only I could turn the clock back to when we first met, it was lovely we had no worries in love building on our relationship . making a home together having our children, it's all gone and I can't look forward .

This feels like a punishment you being taken from me and someone punishing you for whatever reason.

My heart is aching for you.

I will write to you both tomorrow darling love you forever. xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday May 10th 2014 19.15pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.

A very busy day today for Chris and Chanel they picked me up at 9am I stayed to look after the children and dogs while they went back to the other house to clean it and all the carpets they worked very very hard .
Poor Chris is off to work tonight 11pm but he is only doing a few hours.
I saw your picture up on the landing in their house Malc and Chanel put your pit picture your pillow and slippers in the study Chris and Chanel love and miss you so much Malc as do I.

My heart aches for you darling I sat in Chris's new house talking to you and crying missing you and you too Tigger if I could hold you both in my arms I would be the happiest woman on this earth.

Material things mean nothing do they Malc as to always reminded me constantly .

That's why I think you have been taken because your needed along with all the other kind caring people who have been taken from us.

I am so proud of you my darling Malc you are so brave and Tigger you were too.

I really don't know what is happening tomorrow.

I think Lisa might come up, I think Chanel might have a break and I won't see them.

I will write to you tomorrow my precious darlings I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday May 9th 2014 21.23pm.

Hello my darling Malc how are you and how is my baby boy Tigger?.

I have had a busy day today Jasons Mum Kay picked up Muffin at 11 o'clock to look after him why I went to lunch with Sue at the Ash Tree Rugeley.

Then we went to see Aunt Hazel she was well just tired,.
Sue dropped me off then Chanel picked me up and we went to Chris's house I watched the children why Chris and Chanel went to get a few things from B&Q FOR THE HOUSE.

Then Jason your mate rang said his Dad had collapsed and the paramedics were with him took him to hospital, hope he will be ok.

I had to fetch Muffin from Jason's.

He has left the lead and dishes at Kay's so I haven't a lead for Muffin tomorrow.

Still he is more important his Dad at the moment.

I miss you Malc Cameron wanted to stop the night tonight because they haven't got the internet at the moment so he can't play on his games.

But he hasn't now, Cameron talked about you today said Granddad brought me lots of games but he didn't know how to press a button on the play station he said but Granddad watches me when I play on the play station, I smiled and laughed.

I feel sure you do Malc your with us all aren't you?.

I love you with all my heart Malc and you Tigger .

I will write to you tomorrow let you know how Jason's Dad is getting on.
Come to me in my dreams Malc and Tigger xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 8th 2014 17.20pm.

Hello my darling Malc I love you Malc and miss you dearly, I miss my baby boy too.

Today has been a bit strange Chanel came at 9.45pm
brought the dogs down for me to look after for the day while they move house it's as much as I could do for them better for moving.

They haven't been too bad.

Chris my mate came from the surgery I taught her to be a drs receptionist.
she was good company stayed about an hour.

I'm getting a bit bored now dogs not people to talk too.
We talked about you today Malc Chris loves your picture on the wall.

I still don't feel right a strange feeling inside my stomach.

I pray there is nothing serious happening.

Lisa may come later after her dinner not sure.

Jordan didn't turn up Malc to help Chris and Chanel I texted him to say how disappointed I was with him not helping the family.

I haven't got much to talk about today I haven't been anywhere.

I love you with all my heart Malc and my Tigger and will write to you tomorrow Sue is picking me u for lunch and Kay is having Muffin for the day.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday May 7th 2014 16.28pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger .
Not good news today been to the dr's he is sending me for a scan of my abdomen really worried blood in my urine but nit a urine infection.

I hope it isn't cancer Malc I'm scared !!!!.

I don't know who to talk to, to reassure me.
Know one can tell me whats wrong really only the dr when my scan is done I hope it isn't anything to worry about.

This has only happened since I lost you Malc I'm frightened and don't know what to do.
Jordan should have helped Chris and Chanel today load up the van for moving he hasn't turned up.

Lisa finishes at 6.30pm tonight I'm going for dinner.

Taking Muffin down.

I love you with all my heart Malc and i'm nt forgetting you Tigger my head is all over the place, I will write to you tomorrow xxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday May 6th 2014 16.47pm.

Hello Malc my precious Husband and Tigger my baby boy.

I am feeling anxious today worried about tomorrow doctors.

Its been another boring day with out you the Arbour came but he couldn't put it in the garden only on the pavement so I sent it back.
Asking for a refund.

I took Muffin a ride round just to get out of the house.

Lisa rang today on her lunch break she is having to work over because Ruth is off.

Chris is back home but working days tomorrow.
Then moving house Thursday I have the dogs.

Hope the weather holds for them and my side board is coming too with the two small side tables.

Malc I can't tell you how frightened and lonely I am I have no where to visit all at work or out.

I didn't realise how much company you were.

even though you were in the kitchen building your ship you were in the house . I always came back and you were there.

I miss you so much Malc and Tigger too I don't think I will ever get over this.

No matter how much people say do something to occupy your mind its not company.
I can only talk to Muffin.
I love him to bits and couldn't see life with out him he is my company now.

I hope you are well and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge I feel you are with me and talk to you constantly .

I will write to you tomorrow Malc and Tigger I love you with all my heart forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday May 5th 2014 16.29pm.

Hello Malc my darling I am at breaking point at the moment I can 'tell you how much I am broken hearted.

I can't cope with out you, you were my rock.

I was that bored today I rang Shirley's Jane and she asked me for a cup of tea.

A lovely big house just needs straightening she hasn't been in long.

She is lovely says what she thinks.

I did enjoy her company and took Muffin too.

Hope you are alright too Tigger?.

Chanel and the kids are coming at 5pm tonight I have been so fed up.

The pampus grass has been burnt down today which you used to do each year.

I miss you my darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Lisa hasn't rang I reckon she isn't back yet fro Doncaster.

It's been a miserable Bank holiday Monday.

I hope my life improves soon .

I still don't feel well inside.

The Arbour is coming tomorrow sometime Hope it's not too big.

I will write to you again tomorrow Malc and Tigger love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday May 3rd 2014 18.59pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you and how are you my boxer dog baby boy Tigger?.

I love you with all my heart and miss you so much I am frightened inside because I am on my own now Chanel has just left after having me for dinner she stayed with the kids for an hour to keep me company.

Chris rang her here to check if every one was ok.

Lisa is in Doncaster with Geoff visiting Toby his grandchild and Louise his daughter.

Dave the chap who took me to get a garden set is selling his caravan Lisa and Geoff are going to look at it this week it's a good buy.

I have took Muffin a ride twice today over the valley road by the museum he loves it there.

I can't rest at home all day I'm so lonely even when any one comes I miss you MALC I'm HEART BROKEN.


I have no one to confide in any more and share my worries with.

I have to pray my health problem is not serious.
I closed my eyes this morning and saw you Dad and a crowd , I also saw on a brick wall the words I will! not sure what it meant? can you send a message to me.

Tigger I love you too and hope you and Daddy are loving each other going lots of walks and enjoying the Rainbow Bridge.

I will write to you again tomorrow I love you both forever I will kiss your pictures and smell your coat Malc and your collar Tigger xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday 3rd May 2014 18.25pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my boxer baby boy Tigger.

I hope your both happy over The Rainbow Bridge?.
I only wish you would both come home to me , I am so lonely with out you.
You didn't believe in God Malc but I have to believe with what happened at the spiritual church,.
Everything she said that day was true she couldn't have known the things she said only from you and your Dad and My Dad,.

Tell them I love them Malc.

Lisa and Geoff took me to Bridge north today with Finley, it was a lovely day but lost with out you.

We had a picnic Muffin came too Geoff walked him around he loved it Met lots of dogs.

I still don't feel right today but better than yesterday.

I just hope the medication the dr has given me will solve my problem.

It's kind have spoiled my day because I am in pain and uncomfortable.

I have rang Chanel since we have got back hoping she would have come to see me but she is too busy and tired.
I understand I would feel the same she has a lot to do.
I'm taking Muffin a ride later up the new road if it's not too cold it has gone cool tonightthe sun has gone in.

Kevin next door is going to burn the pampus grass down either tomorrow or Monday if it's a nice day.

you used to do it every year in May remember?.
I love and miss you Malc my heart is broken I will never have anyone else no one will replace you you where the best ever kind loving gentle husband anyone could ever wish for LOVE YOU AWAYS AND FOREVER MALC MY DARLING !!!! Tigger I will never forget you too.

Iam going for dinner tomorrow at Chris's Chanel is picking me up but Chris is working away lodging in London.

coming back in a few days.

Baxter and Dave will look after them.

I will write again tomorrow darlings love you always xxxxxxxxx,.

Tank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday 3rd May 2014 18.25pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my boxer baby boy Tigger.

I hope your both happy over The Rainbow Bridge?.
I only wish you would both come home to me , I am so lonely with out you.
You didn't believe in God Malc but I have to believe with what happened at the spiritual church,.
Everything she said that day was true she couldn't have known the things she said only from you and your Dad and My Dad,.

Tell them I love them Malc.

Lisa and Geoff took me to Bridge north today with Finley, it was a lovely day but lost with out you.

We had a picnic Muffin came too Geoff walked him around he loved it Met lots of dogs.

I still don't feel right today but better than yesterday.

I just hope the medication the dr has given me will solve my problem.

It's kind have spoiled my day because I am in pain and uncomfortable.

I have rang Chanel since we have got back hoping she would have come to see me but she is too busy and tired.
I understand I would feel the same she has a lot to do.
I'm taking Muffin a ride later up the new road if it's not too cold it has gone cool tonightthe sun has gone in.

Kevin next door is going to burn the pampus grass down either tomorrow or Monday if it's a nice day.

you used to do it every year in May remember?.
I love and miss you Malc my heart is broken I will never have anyone else no one will replace you you where the best ever kind loving gentle husband anyone could ever wish for LOVE YOU AWAYS AND FOREVER MALC MY DARLING !!!! Tigger I will never forget you too.

Iam going for dinner tomorrow at Chris's Chanel is picking me up but Chris is working away lodging in London.

coming back in a few days.

Baxter and Dave will look after them.

I will write again tomorrow darlings love you always xxxxxxxxx,.

Tank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: Anonymous

Friday May 2nd 2014 21.03pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger.

I have had a health scare today been to dr's had to send a sample off and are having an examination on Wednesday next week.

I hope it is nothing serious, help me through this Malc.

Tigger I'm thinking about you I love you and miss you as much as if you had gone yesterday.

Malc I have lots on my mind today so worried I can't talk to you to ask you to set my mind at rest.

Sheila and Colin have been today stayed half an hour, she rang again tonight.

Lisa has been tonight with Finley stayed an hour.

Adam finished the bedroom floors just got a little thing to do.
Chris has rang tonight asking if I'm alright bless him.

He's gone to work now in London.

Chanel rang too.

I'm still lonely Malc and frightened.
Lisa is coming up tomorrow with Finley.

Chanel will probably come with the children too.

I love and miss you both so much , I will write again tomorrow Malc and Tigger love you forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 1st 2014 19.57pm.

Hello my darling husband and my precious baby boy Tigger.

It's so lonely with out you I have been on my own most of the day today . Chanel came this morning to help me good girl, but she is busy trying to pack and clean before they move next week.

Sheila has rang today she seemed brighter she is coming tomorrow morning.
Lisa has gone out with her friend tonight Indian.

I've been out three times today with Muffin on the scooter somewhere to go to kill time .

The house is empty with out you Malc although I have Muffin and talk to him it's not you.

I miss your smile your smell your moaning your laughter I miss everything about you Malc.

Please help me through this Malc. I shouted your name again today over the field on the new road.

Lisa is picking Muffin and me up tomorrow a ride out and Finley.

Jade and Adam are coming to finish edging of floors in bedroom.

I will write to you both tomorrow love you both forever xxxxxx .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog. Baby Boy NEW
by: Rose

Thursday May 2st. 2014 21.06 pm

Hello my darling Husband and my precious baby boy
It's lonely with out you I have been on my own most of the day
Chanel came down ghis morning to help good girl .
But she is busy trying to pack and clean before they move house next week .
Sheila has rang today she seemed brighter.
She is coming up tomorrow morning .
Lisa had gone out with her friends an Indian meal
I've been out three times today with Muffin just to get out of the house and to kill time .
The house is empty with out you Malc .
I miss your smile your moaning your laughter everything about you Malc .
Please help me through this Malc ,
I shouted your name again today over the new road by the field .
Lisa is picking me up tomorrow with Finley and. Muffin going for a ride .
Jade and Adam are coming to finish the edging on the bedroom floors .
I will write to you both tomorrow love you with all my heart forever xxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxc

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 1st 2014 19.57pm.

Hello my darling husband and my precious baby boy Tigger.

It's so lonely with out you I have been on my own most of the day today . Chanel came this morning to help me good girl, but she is busy trying to pack and clean before they move next week.

Sheila has rang today she seemed brighter she is coming tomorrow morning.
Lisa has gone out with her friend tonight Indian.

I've been out three times today with Muffin on the scooter somewhere to go to kill time .

The house is empty with out you Malc although I have Muffin and talk to him it's not you.

I miss your smile your smell your moaning your laughter I miss everything about you Malc.

Please help me through this Malc. I shouted your name again today over the field on the new road.

Lisa is picking Muffin and me up tomorrow a ride out and Finley.

Jade and Adam are coming to finish edging of floors in bedroom.

I will write to you both tomorrow love you both forever xxxxxx .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 1st 2014 19.57pm.

Hello my darling husband and my precious baby boy Tigger.

It's so lonely with out you I have been on my own most of the day today . Chanel came this morning to help me good girl, but she is busy trying to pack and clean before they move next week.

Sheila has rang today she seemed brighter she is coming tomorrow morning.
Lisa has gone out with her friend tonight Indian.

I've been out three times today with Muffin on the scooter somewhere to go to kill time .

The house is empty with out you Malc although I have Muffin and talk to him it's not you.

I miss your smile your smell your moaning your laughter I miss everything about you Malc.

Please help me through this Malc. I shouted your name again today over the field on the new road.

Lisa is picking Muffin and me up tomorrow a ride out and Finley.

Jade and Adam are coming to finish edging of floors in bedroom.

I will write to you both tomorrow love you both forever xxxxxx .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 1st 2014 19.57pm.

Hello my darling husband and my precious baby boy Tigger.

It's so lonely with out you I have been on my own most of the day today . Chanel came this morning to help me good girl, but she is busy trying to pack and clean before they move next week.

Sheila has rang today she seemed brighter she is coming tomorrow morning.
Lisa has gone out with her friend tonight Indian.

I've been out three times today with Muffin on the scooter somewhere to go to kill time .

The house is empty with out you Malc although I have Muffin and talk to him it's not you.

I miss your smile your smell your moaning your laughter I miss everything about you Malc.

Please help me through this Malc. I shouted your name again today over the field on the new road.

Lisa is picking Muffin and me up tomorrow a ride out and Finley.

Jade and Adam are coming to finish edging of floors in bedroom.

I will write to you both tomorrow love you both forever xxxxxx .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 1st 2014 19.57pm.

Hello my darling husband and my precious baby boy Tigger.

It's so lonely with out you I have been on my own most of the day today . Chanel came this morning to help me good girl, but she is busy trying to pack and clean before they move next week.

Sheila has rang today she seemed brighter she is coming tomorrow morning.
Lisa has gone out with her friend tonight Indian.

I've been out three times today with Muffin on the scooter somewhere to go to kill time .

The house is empty with out you Malc although I have Muffin and talk to him it's not you.

I miss your smile your smell your moaning your laughter I miss everything about you Malc.

Please help me through this Malc. I shouted your name again today over the field on the new road.

Lisa is picking Muffin and me up tomorrow a ride out and Finley.

Jade and Adam are coming to finish edging of floors in bedroom.

I will write to you both tomorrow love you both forever xxxxxx .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 1st 2014 19.57pm.

Hello my darling husband and my precious baby boy Tigger.

It's so lonely with out you I have been on my own most of the day today . Chanel came this morning to help me good girl, but she is busy trying to pack and clean before they move next week.

Sheila has rang today she seemed brighter she is coming tomorrow morning.
Lisa has gone out with her friend tonight Indian.

I've been out three times today with Muffin on the scooter somewhere to go to kill time .

The house is empty with out you Malc although I have Muffin and talk to him it's not you.

I miss your smile your smell your moaning your laughter I miss everything about you Malc.

Please help me through this Malc. I shouted your name again today over the field on the new road.

Lisa is picking Muffin and me up tomorrow a ride out and Finley.

Jade and Adam are coming to finish edging of floors in bedroom.

I will write to you both tomorrow love you both forever xxxxxx .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Thursday May 1st 2014 19.57pm.

Hello my darling husband and my precious baby boy Tigger.

It's so lonely with out you I have been on my own most of the day today . Chanel came this morning to help me good girl, but she is busy trying to pack and clean before they move next week.

Sheila has rang today she seemed brighter she is coming tomorrow morning.
Lisa has gone out with her friend tonight Indian.

I've been out three times today with Muffin on the scooter somewhere to go to kill time .

The house is empty with out you Malc although I have Muffin and talk to him it's not you.

I miss your smile your smell your moaning your laughter I miss everything about you Malc.

Please help me through this Malc. I shouted your name again today over the field on the new road.

Lisa is picking Muffin and me up tomorrow a ride out and Finley.

Jade and Adam are coming to finish edging of floors in bedroom.

I will write to you both tomorrow love you both forever xxxxxx .

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Wednesday April 29th 2014 15.00pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger my Boxer baby boy.
I feel very weepy today missing you like crazy it's not fare Malc Why You Why not take away the bad people on this earth.?????????????????????.

Geoff came this morning to fix the mirrors on my scooter.

I took Muffin a ride twice today so fed up no one to talk to.
Every one is working or busy.

Carol norrey came last night to visit me he brought me two huge bunches of flowers beautiful.
she stayed a couple of hours.
I'm all tensed up today can't concentrate on things just feel like running away.

I miss you so much Malc my precious I'm crying as I write this letter to you.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MALC I ache my chest is tight and I am so upset.

Jade is coming with Adam tonight so Adam can finish doing the edging in the bedrooms.

Although people are visiting me Malc I am so lonely come hope Malc and Tigger it would make me the happiest woman on the earth.

I will write again tomorrow I love you both forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Tuesday April 29th 2014 22.38pm.

Hello my precious husband and my Tigger I miss you darling so much.

I am late writing tonight it's been manic from the beginning of the day.

Geoff came to rip up the floor in the small bedroom Jordan helped.

Adam and Jade came with the puppy Max manic, our Muffin is wary of him.

Adam laid the last bedroom floor thank goodness.

He is coming back tomorrow to put the edging around it all.

Chanel came today too helped move stuff from the bedrooms great help.

Lisa came tonight for dinner from work.

She has had her new car delivered.

Then what a nice surprise Carol my old school mate came to visit me brought two beautiful bouquets of flowers.

We chatted from 8pm until 10.15pm.

She is coming back soon.

Lisa isn't coming tomorrow she is having dinner at home.

Geoff is coming tomorrow to fix my mirror on my scooter.

Muffin's just gone to bed .
I'm watching our favourite program one born every minute.
this is the second time watching it.

I love you and miss you Malc and Tigger I hope you are happy and enjoying the Rainbow Bridge.

Malc I took Muffin a ride round today I was shocked to see the old dr's clinic was gone replaced by gorgeous houses, Lisa wants one.

I then took him through the park the up the valley road towards the museum the house and flts of beautiful you would love them Malc.

It's nearly 11 o'clock now I will watch the end of one born then I'm of to bed.
I love you both forever write to you tomorrow xxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Monday April 28th 2014 21.32pm

Hello my darling husband and my boxer baby boy.
How are you both today?.

I have had a busy day today, took Muffin up the new road on my scooter, Jayne came at 1 o'clock stopped a couple of hours.
She is good company.
Adam came with a friend and laid the floor in the spare big bedroom, he is coming back Wednesday to finish the edging.
Lawrence the plumber is coming on Wednesday to look at putting the bath panel on the bath.

Chris has rang today asked how I was.
Chanel rang too.

Lisa came for dinner she went to the gym first.

I have had a couple of cry's today missing you so much Malc kiss Tigger for me .

I look at your picture and want to kiss you hug you and love you, this upsets me because I can only imagine.

Come to my dreams Malc and Tigger please !!!!!.

I love you both forever until we meet again.
I will write to you tomorrow xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday April 27th 2014 18.26pm.

Hello my precious husband Malc and My boxer baby boy Tigger,

I have just written to you but I can't quite work out were it has gone .

I have lost it somewhere in the ether.

I am feeling lonely today Lisa came for an hour this morning with Finley but no one since.

I have got to get used to being on my own the worst time is when I have dinner on my own.

But I must say Chris is busy packing and working at the moment I shouldn't expect too much.

I miss you and Tigger so much I have cried again today , I shouted your name so loud the other day Malc when I took Muffin a ride up the new road.

Adam should have come today but had no diesel he is coming tomorrow instead.

Jayne my friend is coming tomorrow to see me looking forward to seeing her.

Carole rang me this morning that was nice.

Look after Daddy for me Tigger I know he will look after you too.

I will write to you both again tomorrow I love you both forever xxxxxx my heart is broken.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday April 27th 2014 17.36pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband and my boxer baby boy Tigger.

I miss you both my precious soul mates, I'm lonely so lonely , I know I have family but they don't want to visit all the time I understand that.

Adam should have come to day and lay the bedroom floors but he hadn't got any diesel.

He is suppose to be coming tomorrow morning crossing fingers.

It's poring down with rain so I cant' go out on my scooter I would have took Muffin to Lisa's but no where to put my scooter out of the rain.

I wish I could paint but I am in too much pain I can't kneel or bend to do the skirting in the bedroom Chanel said she would do it for me.

It's just waiting for every one to come and finish .

The new sideboard and tables are coming the day Chris and Chanel move in their new home.

they are delivering here first then to Chris's new home.

Jayne my friend is coming tomorrow morning looking forward to her coming .

I love you and miss you so much I keep crying and feel frightened inside.

The other day I shouted your name so loud over the new road when I was taking Muffin a ride.

Look after Daddy for me Tigger I know Daddy will look after you too.

I will write to you both tomorrow I love you forever xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Sunday April 27th 2014 17.36pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband and my boxer baby boy Tigger.

I miss you both my precious soul mates, I'm lonely so lonely , I know I have family but they don't want to visit all the time I understand that.

Adam should have come to day and lay the bedroom floors but he hadn't got any diesel.

He is suppose to be coming tomorrow morning crossing fingers.

It's poring down with rain so I cant' go out on my scooter I would have took Muffin to Lisa's but no where to put my scooter out of the rain.

I wish I could paint but I am in too much pain I can't kneel or bend to do the skirting in the bedroom Chanel said she would do it for me.

It's just waiting for every one to come and finish .

The new sideboard and tables are coming the day Chris and Chanel move in their new home.

they are delivering here first then to Chris's new home.

Jayne my friend is coming tomorrow morning looking forward to her coming .

I love you and miss you so much I keep crying and feel frightened inside.

The other day I shouted your name so loud over the new road when I was taking Muffin a ride.

Look after Daddy for me Tigger I know Daddy will look after you too.

I will write to you both tomorrow I love you forever xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Saturday April 26th 2014 14.25pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my baby boy Tigger I somehow seem to be sending you letters thank goodness.

I am writing early because I'm not sure if I am having visitors today or going anywhere today.

I have been to Cannock today with Lisa she had to go to the bank.
I have ordered some new glasses really nice you would like them Malc .

I had another cry this morning when I took Muffin a ride up the new road .

I love and miss you with all my heart Malc and Tigger I will always miss you too.

I don't know if Chris and Chanel and the children are coming because Chris is working tonight.

I don't have to wait for my comments any more they come through straight away.

I am so lonely with out you Malc and Tigger , I look at your picture Malc expecting you to just walk out of it and sit down on your settee.

I love you forever Malc and Tigger come into my dreams PLEASE !!! I will write to you tomorrow xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

Friday April 25th 2014 20.14pm.

Hello my precious Malc and my baby boy Tigger.

I seem to have had problems sending messages to you I haven't quite worked out what I have to do to send to you .
Jason has been today put up the chandelier in the bedroom the picture in the bathroom a the curtain rail in our bedroom.

Lisa and Geoff have took me down penkridge to look at a car for Lisa she has brought a Peugeot convertible 206 light blue lovely.

Muffin has had a groom, Chanel has rang andMarg too.

Hope this message gets to you or I don't know what I can do love you both forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy NEW
by: rose

test page to tigger

My Precious Tigger MyBoxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday April 25th 2014 13.57pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my precious baby boy.
Having problems with sending your messages so don't know if you will receive this ?.

Jason is coming after 2pm today to put up my Chandilier and blind in bathroom a few little jobs .
Adam is coming Sunday after noon to do my floors in the bedroom floors .
I'm not writing much more until I know this will go through
Love you both with all my heart xxxx
I will write to you again tomorrow xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday April 24th 2014. 21.28pm
Hello my precious husband and my bay boy Tigger.
Hope your enjoying the rainbow Bridge .
Mum came it was a shock stayed a couple of hours .

I have had a busy day today lots of visitors .
Chanel came this morning with the children and the dogs .
Then Sue came stayed until 4.30pm good company.

Geoff came to rip the flooring up in the spare bedroom .
Lisa came after work and put up my new table and chairs in front garden it looks lovely they brought me a lovely gift to place on the top.

My bamboo plants came to from holly bush in Cannock they look lovely ? And Jade rang to say Adam is coming on Sunday to do the floors .
I miss you darling I wish you could sit in the garden now it looks nice and spend time with me and bring Tigger with you .
I love you and miss you so much come home. Malc and bring Tigger with you , love you with all my heart I will write to you tomorrow xxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 24th April 2014 20.04pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my baby boy, how are you both today?.

I have had a lot of company today Chanel the children and the dogs this morning.
Sue came for a few hours kept me company.

Geoff came and ripped up the flooring in the spare bedroom.

Lisa came from work put the new bistro table up out side the front door they have brought me a lovely ornament to go on top of the table.

The bamboo plants look lovey in the back garden looks smart and private now.

I only wish you were here to sit in the garden and enjoy it both of us together.

I love you and miss you both my darlings my angels your my life my breath my soul mates .

I will write to you again tomorrow I love you forever xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday April 23rd 2014 18.33pm.

Hello my darling Malc how are you today and are you OK Tigger I haven't forgotten you.

I love you and miss you Malc so much, I have just sat eating my dinner on my own.
I have been on my own all day again, everyone is working and Chanel is packing and looking after the children and dogs.

It's so lonely without you Malc my heart is breaking.
What can I do? I can't have you back it's not possible oh Malc I'm so depressed.

My heart aches for you and Tigger.

Jason your mate has been today had a coffee he is doing a few jobs for me on Friday people haven't finished off. Malc he is golden I don't know what I would do without him.

I have brought him some cigs and a couple of cans.

He smiled and said he told you he would look after me.

The bamboo plants are coming tomorrow hope they come in the morning.

I love you Tigger hope you are enjoying Dads company and going plenty of walks.

I love you both until the end of time I will write to you both tomorrow love you always xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 22nd April 2014 16.40pm.

Hello my darling Malc my precious loving handsome husband whom I miss so much it hurts so much.
Tigger I love and miss you too darling what have I done to deserve losing both of you?
Why are the kind loving caring people and animals taken from us.
WHY!! aren't the bad the murderers the drug uses taken from this earth.
I keep asking myself.

I have been feeling very low today the lowest ever.
No one has been Lisa has rang and Chris has just rang good news the house should go through with in two weeks for him.

An error on their behalf no problems now should go through.

I did a silly thing today you probably saw it I took Muffin for a second ride on my scooter a long ride round came back locked up my scooter and found I had lost my keys.

I had to back track fortunately found them lying in the road.

You were watching over me and found them.

I must get a duplicate set done.

I will write to you again tomorrow I love you forever and miss you constantly. xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 21st April 2014 17.23pm.

Hello My darling Malc my precious husband and my precious Tigger my baby boy.

Hope the weather is as good over the Rainbow Bridge as it is here today.

Chris Chanel and the children cme with the dogs today mayhem as usual Malc as you know yourself.

They didn't stop long Cameron was bored.

Lisa invited me to dinner with Jade Finley and herself.
Geoff went to the pub!!!

It was very relaxing then Lisa drove us around looking for a car for herself.

She has seen one she likes but the car sales were closed being bank holiday.

She is going back on Friday to look at it properly.

I have just come back from taking Muffin a ride on my mobility scooter.

I am settling down now with a cup of tea television and thinking of you again.

I miss you so much Malc the ladies from Tesco were very nice to me today asked how I was and was I coping OK.

Maria also was shocked to hear you had passed on.

I could cry thinking about it, I still expect you to walk in and say I'm back.

Tigger I love you and miss you too and need to include Daddy in my letters to you daily it's the only way I can contact you through this wonderful site, I don't know what I would do without this site.


Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday April 20th 2014 18.40pm.

Hello my darling Malc and my Tigger hope you are both happy over The Rainbow Bridge.
When Lisa and I went to the spiritual church on Thursday she mentioned you had personal things to tell us but couldn't repeat it in front of other people in the room.

I never questioned it but wish I knew what it was you said perhaps you will tell me in my dreams soon Malc.

I have been to The Holly Bush today with Lisa and Geoff I looked at the bamboo plants I have brought and the guys who were there are re potting them for me in new larger pots and delivering them and placing them where I want them.

Then Chanel picked me up took me to Chris's for dinner a lovely day but it still doesn't replace missing you my thoughts are with you all through the day and every day.

We all talk about you every day you're never forgotten.

I keep crying wishing you by my side bringing Tigger with you back home.

I don't know how I am getting through this.
Your Sheila rang today saying I am still part of the family which I thought was nice.

Your Marg has brought a doll £400 which looks like a real baby it has a birth certificate she has named it Malcolm!

Typical Marg.

I don't think I will see anyone now but hopefully tomorrow as it's Bank Holiday Monday.

Happy Easter Malc and Tigger bless you and love you forever, I will write to you tomorrow xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday April 19th 2014 18.43pm.

Hello Malc my darling how are you today? Hope you're happy and walking our Tigger loving all the family and Butch who is with you.

Chris Chanel and the kids and dogs came down today stayed an hour or so.

I popped to Cannock to collect a parcel from M&co.
A warm jumper or two.
Sheila and Colin have been stopped half an hour brought me a couple of jasmine plants to put in the garden against the willow arch in the front garden.

Chris has rang just to ask how I am and Chanel had a little talk.

Lisa hasn't come up today she went to work early this morning so she is probably tired.

Marg rang too she has brought one of those pretend babies that look real one like Anne's in Poole, 400 pounds.

I miss you my precious Malc I cried again this morning and I miss you Tigger as much as ever before.

Chris is picking me up tomorrow for Sunday dinner at 1 o'clock I will take Muffin up the new road before I go up there.

It's so lonely without you Malc I wish you could hug me and I could kiss you again , I miss your love Malc.

Pete has done my hair made a good job as usual.

I love and miss you both my darlings love you forever will write to you again tomorrow all my love xxxxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 16th April 2014 21.01pm.

Hello Malc my darling I love you and miss you my precious Husband.

I was so excited when you came to us last night in the spiritual church.

I believe this lady who spoke to you was amazing and made Lisa and I feel happy after speaking with you.
She knew everything about you and your Dad and mine.

Today Chris and Geoff put the new fence panels up they look great.

Chanel came with the children , then Lisa came stayed a while then later Lisa and Geoff took me to look at some cars for Lisa.

I am tired tonight Malc worn out in fact.

I love and miss you so much and Tigger I love and miss you too.

I am having my hair done tomorrow Malc Pete is coming here to do it, the salon is closed.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling love you both forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday April 16th 2014 21.43pm.

Hello my darling Malc my soulmate my life my precious husband and my baby boy Tigger.

I thank you for coming through to me and Lisa tonight at the spiritualist church.

I love you and miss you Malc my darling thank you for liking the ring I brought.

I have felt very low today an uneasy feeling and not feeling well, but tonight after going to the spiritualist church emotional but happy you came through with a message.

Now I know you are with your Dad and my Dad.

Tigger go walks with Daddy enjoy The Rainbow Bridge look over us keep me and the family safe Malc I will write to you again tomorrow I love you with all my heart xxxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Wednesday 16th April 2014 22.14pm.

Hello my precious soul mate Malc and My baby boxer dog baby boy.

Malc I am frightened inside I miss you so much it hurts my stomach keeps turning over because I think about you constantly.

The sun was shining yesterday the birds were whistling in the garden and I thought about you saying Malc is going to miss all this lovely weather and gardening I can't share this with you.
I am so lonely Malc!!!!
Although the family are helping me and visiting me it's not the same as you being here by my side.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

Adam has laid the floor in the bedroom today we are back in OUR bedroom tonight Malc.

Jade came with Finley he wasn't well had a temperature, Lisa came to see them then they all went home.

Chanel hasn't been today or yesterday just rang.

She is very busy packing for when they move to their new home.

Also the children are on holiday they have more to play with at home.
Tigger go plenty of walks with Daddy I'm missing you both so much love you both forever, I will write again tomorrow my darlings xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Tuesday 15th April 2014 16.40pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband and my baby boy Tigger.

I feel I have to write to you Malc on this site because you are now with Tigger and I don't know of any other better site to write on.

I love you and miss you I can't stop thinking about you I feel so sad and broken hearted.

I can't keep talking to people how I feel they will get fed up with me and not bother coming to see me.

I can only write to you and Tigger each day on how I feel and what has gone on throughout the day.

Chris and Chanel and the children came down today stopped a couple of hours.

I have taken Muffin a ride twice today, now waiting for the chap to come and seal the bedroom window again he should have come between 1 and 4 o'clock but hasn't arrived yet.

Lisa is coming for dinner again but not until 7 o'clock.

I feel so lonely without you Malc I feel like crying all day long.

Tigger I miss you such a lot too love you both forever I will write to you tomorrow xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Monday 14th April 2014 20.28pm.

Hello my darling Husband and Tigger my beautiful baby boy.
How are you both? Hope you are happy over the Rainbow Bridge.
I'm missing you terribly I hurt so much I cried several times today nothing new I'm broken hearted.
People are busy now not so many phone calls or people coming they think because it's been nearly 2 months as I am OK when really I'm not.

I love you and will NEVER!! forget you Malc and no one will ever replace you EVER.

Tigger look after Daddy for me and look after yourself.

I have been out with Muffin several times today so bored.

I can't do house work because of the pain I'm in.

Lisa has been for dinner and took one back for Geoff.

Chanel has rang she is busy packing for when they move.

I have only the fish tank to sell now else all has been sold what I can sell.

I love you and miss you darling I will write to you again tomorrow love you both forever xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Sunday 13th April 2014 18.58pm.

Hello My precious husband Malc and my baby boy Tigger I love and miss my darlings.

I cried again this morning Malc I'm broken hearted I am crying as I write to you I'm hurting so much inside no one knows Malc.

I feel you and I have been punished why have you been taken from so soon.

Lisa and Geoff called in this morning for a short time they had been to the gym.

Adam didn't come to lay the floor in our bedroom but may come in the week crossing fingers.

I have sold the shabby chic dresser in the kitchen and just sold Muffy's cage.

Only the three next tables to sell.

Chanel came and took me for dinner we then went to Asda brought the children easter eggs.

She is a diamond isn't she?

Malc I have your grey cardigan in bed with me every night and smell you red coat it is so strong the smell of you I hug it every night before I go to bed.

Tigger look after Daddy for me give him lots of kisses doggy licks from yourself.
Malc I love you and miss you please give me a sign your near.

I will write to you both again tomorrow my darlings love you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 12th April 2014 17.40pm.

Hello my darling husband I love you and miss you sweetheart so much I haven't stopped thinking about you all day and cried several times.

Tigger I have been thinking about you too I feel so unhappy at this moment.
I am feeling lonely today no one has been yet and only Lisa and Geoff came yesterday for a while.

You did say this is how it would be Malc.
But as you said They have a life to live.

I saw Sarah a lady whose mum lived next door when we were young, she gave me a hug and mentioned I should go to the spiritual church either Sunday or Thursday, I may do that.

I have took Muffin out three times today up the new road just to get out of the house.
Chris has just rang he is on the way to Lincoln again poor thing to finish his commissioning, hopefully back on Monday.

I miss you darling I love you with all my heart and will write to you tomorrow hopefully Adam will lay the floor in our bedroom.

Love you and Tigger forever xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Friday 11th April 2014 14.14pm

Hello my darling Malc I have cried again today I just can't live with out you how I am going to cope I don't know?
Tigger I love you and miss you too come home both of you PLEASE !!!!!!!!!
A gentleman called Simon came today to access the damage to the landing carpet a serious leak from the radiator pipe smelly water coming from the pipe.
He was lovely I told him I had lost you 7 weeks ago he said don't worry I'm sure Malc will be amongst his family and friends having a drink looking down on us, I thought that was lovely of him.

I have chosen another carpet similar colour good quality. Should hear something soon.

I took Muffin two rides today and to Hednesford post office to take a parcel back.

The kitchen chappie is coming tonight to discuss what I want in the kitchen.

I think Lisa is taking me to look at a caravan tomorrow for themselves.

Chris is back for one day then back to Lincoln until Monday night.

I love you and will miss you forever Malc and Tigger look over me and the family, I will write to you again tomorrow. xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Thursday 10th April 2014 20.15pm.

Hello my darling husband Malc I miss you so much I don't think I will ever get over losing you.

I am OK sometimes in the day it's when the evening comes and you are not there.
I miss talking to you asking you questions telling you what has happened in the day.

This is the only way I can talk to you and vent my feelings.

Tigger don't think I have forgotten you I haven't.
I love you and miss you as much as ever before.

Chanel took me today to Chasewood I'm having two new tops replacing the damaged ones on the bedside tables.

Adam is coming now on Sunday morning to lay the bedroom floor too busy tomorrow, not to worry it will get done soon.

Chanel took me to Chris and hers for dinner.

Lisa and Geoff called in for 10 minutes Geoff took Muffin a walk.

The kitchen man is coming tomorrow Stuart his name to discuss our new kitchen.

I love you and miss you Malc and Tigger love you both forever xxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Wednesday 9th April 2014 21.14pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy how are both today? Hope you are happy enjoying it over the Rainbow Bridge.

I really want to believe there is an afterlife so I won't worry so much about my health and dying.
I wish you could come back just once to say it's OK Rose we are watching over you and everything is fine.

I haven't stopped thinking about you all day Lin and Norman have taken me out for the day IronBridge village all Victorian buildings and shops. Very nice very much like the Black Country museum.

The weather was good and Kay took Muffin out for the day, she took him to Stafford then Hednesford to Bella's café.

I have been to Lisa's for dinner too.

I am now sitting writing to you praying you will come home to me.

That's not going to happen is it?

I can only hope.

I love you Malc and miss you terribly I ache for you help me through this Please!!

Tigger YOU LOOK AFTER daddy for me won't you?

Malc take Tigger lots of walks keep well both of you. I love you forever xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 8th April 2014 20.25pm.

Hello Malc I have just had a huge cry missing you so much more than ever before.

I don't think I will ever be happy again Malc not having you here is breaking my heart seriously breaking my heart!!!!

Tigger I miss you too alongside Daddy please look after each other.

The flooring has come for the bedrooms today.
The plumber Rick has fixed the leak he is coming back to do the flue in the loft and put the bath panel on.

Chanel came today with Georgia stayed an hour.
Lin and Norman came to check where I wanted to go tomorrow with them, I'm going to Ironbridge how lovely looking forward to it.

I only wish it was you and I was going together Malc.

Jason's Mum is having Muffin tomorrow why I go out with Lin and Norman.

Kerry the decorator has been with a friend took all the wood and took the coffee table away looking smarter already.

Such a lot going on at the moment Malc.

I love you both and miss you till I ache I cried myself to sleep again last night.

Lisa rang twice she isn't coming tonight but is cooking an Indian meal tomorrow.

I will write to you both tomorrow my darlings I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART XXXXXX.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 7th April 2014 21.35pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband and Tigger my beautiful bay boy.
I'm looking at your picture Malc talking to you wishing you back with me day after day night after night.

Jason your best mate picked me up tonight and took me to his mum and Dad's for dinner, it was lovely Muffin played with the dogs it was lovely to see them all together.
Lisa has rang twice, Chanel has rang two or three times.

The flooring is coming tomorrow the plumber is coming too to fix the leak on the landing.
Wednesday Lin and Norman are coming over to take me out for the day.

They are bringing their caravan and camping over the camp site on the Chase.

I miss you Malc my heart is aching and missing you too Tigger.

I will write to you tomorrow my darlings love you both forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 6th April 2014 18.07pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Another day with out you it's unreal .

I can't believe how the day's and nights are going so quickly yet I am so un happy not having you with me, I want to keep crying all day long but something is stopping me .

I feel so lonely Malc you said it would be , I have got to try and do something with my life.

Lisa has been this morning for a little while back to work tomorrow she does.

Chanel picked me up for dinner today not long dropped me off now I am alone with Muffin again.

The plumber keeps making excuses not to come back and fix the leak on the landing.

he has promised tonight but I have my doubts!!!.

I love you and miss you so much Malc what am I going to do with out you I ache with hurt ,.

Why do the good have to be taken and not the bad like murderers ? I keep asking my self.

I cry each night and are sad through out the day no one knows what I am really going through.

I know the family are trying to help but they can't be with me 24.7 they have lives to live.

Tigger my precious baby boy please look after Daddy I worry so much Malc look over us keep us safe .

I love you both until I die and we meet again I will run to you both hold you kiss you hug you and never leave your sides .

I will write to you again tomorrow darlings xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 5th April 2014 19.40pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy .
I'm so lonely today Malc Lisa came early this morning stayed half an hour . then Chanel came with the children and guess what the mutts it was mahem !! .

Chanel was shouting at the children because they were playing up , then Baxter came in from the rain and put his muddy paws on the settee , Chanel jumped up and decided to take all of them home so I have been on my own all day with Muffin .

Chanel did take me to LBD to take a photo of the side board and side tables I have brought they are being made six weeks time I will receive them.

You said this would happen didn't you Malc there would be days I would be on my own.

Roll on the nice weather so I can get out with Muffin on the scooter.
Chanel has just rang me bless her asking how I am.

Christopher has been sick he tells Chanel hope he is ok.

Hope his 10 days goes quick so he can get back to normality .

I miss you Malc I get frightened inside being on my own no one to talk to when every one has gone home.

I wandered today if the roll had been reversed if you would have coped , I think you would have coped better than me.

I wish I would have foreseen this things would have been different .

Not even the Macmillan nurse has been to see me now you have passed on.

I have gifted Lisa and Christopher as you requested , I will managed some how.

Tigger my heart aches for you just as much as it does for Daddy , I keep asking WHY !!!!.

I will never know why you both were taken from me so soon.

I love you both with all my heart and miss you more than ever before love you forever xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 4th April 2014 22.06pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband how are you my precious and Tigger my baby boy.

Again I have been thinking about you all day.

Lisa and I have been to Sue's today Paula picked us up we had lunch and talked over old times we talked about the time you and I used to go to Sue and Mick's and stayed until 3am in the morning and push Lisa home in the pram. We had good times didn't we Malc?
Jason's Mum took Muffin to her house for a few hours he enjoyed it playing with her dogs.

Lin and Norman are taking me out one day next week they are staying in their caravan over the chase.

I'm asking Jason's Mum to have Muffin for the day.

I'm tired tonight not well I think I have caught Chris and Lisa's bug.

Tigger you are in my thoughts too I will never forget you look after Daddy and Malc look after Tigger for me.

I miss you with all my heart and love you until I die forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 3rd April 2014 16.31pm.

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my baby boy.

Hope you are both enjoying the Rainbow Bridge?
I miss you so much how many times can I pray you will come back.

You're out of pain Malc and not suffering Cancer that evil disease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My heart is breaking darling how I am getting through this I don't know people are not coming so often now, which is what people told me would happen.
I have took Muffin a ride today then down to Lisa's Jade was there with Finley and the dog.

Muffin met him for the first time.

Carole came to see me this afternoon Kevin popped back later to pick her up.

Lisa and Jade came up while they were here.

Lisa is coming back for dinner salad.

I brought a new sideboard and two new side tables today Christopher paid for them I sent the money to him later.

I'm gifting the rest of the money to Lisa you requested now they both have some money.

Christopher is buying my kitchen middle to end of May.

Lisa and I are going to Sue's for dinner tomorrow Paula is picking us up.

Muffin is going to Jason's mums for a few hours.

Malc you have been constantly been in my thoughts today and Tigger you know I will never forget you.

I am just happy you are together wait for me love you both forever. xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 2nd April 2014 21.20pm.

Hello Malc my darling husband and Tigger my baby boy.

Hope you are both happy and going for lots of walks.
I have cried several times today thinking about you.

It's been a busy day the decorator has finished and a cleaner came for two hours.

I'm waiting for Adam now to lay the floor then everything can come back into the bedroom and we can have our bedroom back then Malc.

Chris and chanel have been with Georgia.

Lisa has been tonight had a takeaway.

The kitchen chap has been tonight to look at fitting a new kitchen.

What a lovey man he said I will look after you and has left me some brochures and will be sending me samples.

I've chose a cream kitchen with quartz tops a Belfast double sink it is going to be fantastic when it's finished.

He will start it middle to end of May.

It's cheered me up a little but then I start thinking about you Malc having all this done and not being able to share it with you and Tigger.

I'm broken hearted Malc I miss you so much my heart aches.

Look after each other and wait for me won't you?

I will write to you tomorrow my precious lovely loyal men.

Love you both forever xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday April 1st 2014 21.07pm

Hello Malc my precious husband and Tigger my precious dog.

I feel so sad tonight missing you so much, I just can't accept you have gone Malc, I talk about you every day, think about you every minute of the day.
I have just had another cry, Lisa has been crying all day too she is missing you so much Malc.

You really have a lot of love surrounding you.

Tigger the same goes for you my precious boy we are missing you so much, I don't know where the months have gone it frightens me.

I know the same will happen to you Malc the months are going quick already it's 6 weeks this Saturday since you lost your battle to Cancer.

I have never met someone so brave as you MALC HOW YOU COPED WITH IT I WILL NEVER KNOW.

The decorator is finishing tomorrow thank goodness, can't wait for the floor to go down then we can move back into our bedroom.

I haven't seen anyone really today Lisa just popped in to bring me my dinner.

Chris rang today too he has sorted the plumber out he is coming at the weekend to finish, we have a leak on the landing his fault.

I'm tired tonight didn't get off until 2am this morning.

I love you both with a broken heart praying one day we will all be together.

I will write to you tomorrow Malc I love you with all my heart you too Tigger xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday March 31st 2014 22.06pm.

Hello Malc I've sobbed until I can't sob no more tonight I miss you so much my heart is aching.

Tigger I still haven't got over losing you it's been 22 months now since you lost your battle.

Please both of you look over me and the family keep us safe.
I paid for my funeral today thought it best as I don't want the kids to be left with the funeral payment.

It's a will now I have to sort out.

Lisa took me up to Christopher's today to wish Georgia happy 4th Birthday.

She has had a lot of presents she is so happy.

I told them you wished her happy Birthday too.

I know you and Tigger would wish her a good day.

Lisa cooked me dinner today it was lovely.

Malc I hope your happy with Tigger send my love to Dad , Darren and Aunt Irene.

Take care of Daddy Tigger love him with all your heart.

I wish I could hold you and kiss you tonight Malc.

My heart is aching for you.

I'm sitting with Muffin at this moment he wandered why I was crying and came across to me bless him.

I pray to God you will both come back to me one day in my dreams would be wonderful to start.

I will write to you both again tomorrow my precious husband and my Tigger, love you forever xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny this site is also helping cope with the recent loss of my wonderful husband I hope you don't mind me writing to him too.

It gives me comfort. xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 18th March 2014 21.18pm

Hello Malc my darling I love you sweetheart my heart is breaking, Lisa and I have had a cry again today thinking about you.

I have been on my own most of the day today well Muffin has been with me for company.

Chris was in bed because he was on nights last night, Chanel stayed in all day.

I have felt a bit lonely today good job I have Muffin.

My friend Jayne is coming on Thursday after 12 noon.

Look after Daddy Tigger my precious dog I miss you too, it's not fair. Why I keep asking myself.

Lisa said you came to her this morning how lovely was that. I hope you come to me like that soon.

I see you in front of my eyes in a morning you're talking to me but I can't understand what you're saying.

All I know is I love you with all my heart and will never ever forget you my darling.

I will try and carry on but it is hard.

The cooker has gone back they collected it at 8am this morning Malc.
I will write to you tomorrow my darlings I love you forever in my heart xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 17th March 2014 18.45pm.

Hello Malc my precious Husband and Tigger my Tiggy Wiggs.

I fell to sleep last night watching The Family Way remember Malc you took me to the cinema several times to watch it when we were courting.
Then I bought the DVD.
When I woke up I went to bed then cried all night.

Malc your ashes came back today Chris and I have got to collect them.
wW will bring you home to me.
I'm broken hearted Malc!!!

Chris has rang today he has spoken to Steve Chris's mate his sister owns Chase Bedrooms.

I am having a new kitchen from them.

I miss you so much Malc and Tigger enjoy your walks together.

You came to me this morning Malc when I closed my eyes.

It gives me comfort.

Lisa has just gone to zumba then she is coming back for dinner.

Chanel has rang too.
The cooker is being collected tomorrow morning.

I will write to you both tomorrow I love you with all my heart Malc and Tigger until the day I die.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 16th March 2014 18.13pm
Hello My darling soul mate my rock Malc and my beautiful boy Tigger.

I have received my new dishwasher this morning the delivery man even plumbed it in for me.
Chris and Chanel asked me to dinner and also asked Mum I had to agree, we have to try and be more friendly with her, it's Wendy's the problem!!

Lisa has been tonight just gone problems with Geoff again!
You were right. Malc shouldn't have got married.
She may be back tonight.

Tigger my darling You and Daddy are precious to me keep us safe, look out for us, go plenty of walks with Daddy.
Come into my dreams PLEASE!!!

I'm sending all my love my kisses from my broken heart.

Love you both forever write to you tomorrow xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 15th March 2014 20.10pm

Hello Malc my darling I miss you Malc I cried again today a lump came to my throat.

I want to talk to you face to face and I can't so I talk to your picture.

Chris, Chanel and the children came this morning.
They stopped quite a while.
Chris disconnected the gas cooker so it can be collected on Tuesday.

I took Muffin a ride and then I went to Tesco's.
I took Muffin another ride then Lisa and Geoff came up after having a night at a hotel meal and breakfast.

They popped in for half hour then Chanel picked me up to go to their house for a couple of hours.

Tigger my precious how are you? Are you happy now Daddy has joined you?
I'm happy you're together but unhappy because I have no one to love any more.

I'm lonely without you both. I feel part of me had been taken away!!!

My new dishwasher is coming tomorrow hopefully lunch time not late afternoon.
I will write to you tomorrow Malc and Tigger.

I love you with all my broken heart love you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 14th March 2014 17.35pm

Hello Malc hope you are Happy over the Rainbow Bridge I'm confused at the moment my head is all over the place.

Tigger my darling look after Daddy he is precious to me as you.

I don't really know how I feel I get frightened at times.

You were always there for me Malc now I have to fend for myself, although I have the family round me.

Jason rang last night Malc, Smarty has had a meeting and is making sure anyone who is ill in future gets a visit from the management.

You had the last laugh though didn't you.

Tigger go walks with Daddy keep him safe by your side enjoy your walks.

Chanel has been today I had the dogs whilst she had her hair done they all stayed outside in the sunny weather nothing for me to do.

Jade came with Finley she got her Granddad to collect the dishwasher and rack.

I'm now without a cooker it's going back.

Having a new kitchen within a month it's the only thing I can look forward too.

I miss you both with all my broken heart Malc I love you so much.

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 13th March 2014 21.24pm.

Hello Malc my precious husband I miss you darling so much I wanted to kiss you today and hug you, it's so hard without you.
Hello Tigger how are you today you have Daddy with you now this makes me feel better but I wish you both were with me here.
I'm on my own now apart from having Muffin for company, he is a good little boy.

He gives me something to get up for.

Chanel came this morning. Sue my friend came lunch time stayed until 5pm.

Lisa came this evening and brought my dinner up.

Christopher has rung several times.

Malc they are looking after me, they must have listened to you when you said look after your Mum.

I will write to you tomorrow I love you both forever my heart is broken!!! xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 12th March 2014pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my handsome dog.
I've been crying again today, oh I am missing you so much I ache inside.

It's hard Malc I talk to you every time I walk back into the room, kiss your grey cardigan and sleep with it by my side in bed.

Cameron had a fall at school today Chanel took him to A & E.

He's fine now thank goodness.

Jason popped on from work had a coffee.
They said at work you had the last laugh.

Hope you are walking Tigger Malc and enjoying good health and are happy now, I didn't want you to suffer like you did, it was breaking my heart to watch you.

I love you with all my heart my darlings.

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxcx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 11th March 2014 10.50pm.

Hello my darling Malc and Tigger sorry I'm late writing Marg has been here since 6pm we have been talking about you most of the night.

I don't know how I am holding up I want to kiss you and hold you Malc we have been looking at photos and videos of you.

How can you be sitting talking to us one minute then gone the next.

I feel very strange Malc is it because you are around me making me feel calm, I miss you at night when I go to bed and waking in the morning.

Remember we used to kiss each other every night and say love you darling?

Now I only have memories good ones though.
I will try hard and keep strong.

Christopher and Lisa are looking after me well.

Geoff brought me a dinner up today.

I'm shattered today sorting things out and Marg leaving late, nice to see her.

I hope you and Tigger are happy walking over the Rainbow Bridge.

I will write again tomorrow love you both forever
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 10th March 2014 21.01pm

Hello Malc my darling oh how I wish I could hug you this minute and give you three kisses on the lips, I miss you my sweetheart and Tigger I miss you too, why I keep asking my self why!!

Christopher and Lisa are looking after me they are both golden.

I think they listened to you Malc.

We are all so close now even the other sister texted Lisa to say how sorry she was to hear of your passing.

One Born Every Minute is on Malc how we both used to watch it faithfully.

I feel so lonely more at night and first thing in the morning.

Please look over me Malc and Tigger, I love you both so much I miss you more than anyone will ever know.

I will write to you tomorrow love you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 9th March 2014 22.04pm

Hello Malc and Tigger I'm late writing tonight I have been to Christopher's for dinner in fact Lisa, Geoff, Finley, Jordan and my Mum all went up today.

We are trying to keep the family together.

It turned out a lovely day we even visited the ice cream farm.

I'm tired tonight Malc I've cried for you to come back, I have been constantly thinking about you all day trying to be happy with the family.

I think it's beginning to hit me now you're not coming back.

It hurts until I ache Malc.

Tigger please look after Daddy I love and miss him so much you too.

Everything I have loved I have lost.

I must be being punished some how.

I will love you both forever my darlings. Oh Malc I am so lonely without you my heart is breaking.

Until tomorrow my precious boys I love you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 8th March 2014 20.04pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger big handsome boy.

It's so strange writing to both of you I hope you are both happy healthy and watching over us.
I closed my eyes this morning Malc and you were there. Just like it was when I first lost you Tigger.

Deep down I really think there is an after life.
I will talk to you every day until I die it will be something very major to stop writing.

Christopher Chanel the children have been down
Lisa and Geoff too.
I am going for dinner with them all tomorrow.
Muffin too.
WE will talk about you most of the day and celebrate your life.

Good night my loving caring thoughtful man my husband and my loyal companion Tigger.

I will love you both forever xxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog. Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 7th February 2014 20.34pm.
Hello Malc and Tigger well today is now over.
Your funeral went just as planned Malc.

Magnificent Malc everyone did me proud especially Christopher my son and Lisa my Daughter and Chanel my daughter in law.

The flowers were beautiful the funeral directors did you proud Malc.

Friends came who I didn't expect. Your boss came came too Malc he shook my hand and kissed me on the cheek twice. Said anything we needed should ring.

I feel weary tonight Malc ache all over hope I'm not coming down with anything.
Tigger I love you and miss you too I will never forget you.
Your picture is hanging up in the living room as I planned I will kiss it every day and talk to you Malc you will never be out of my thoughts. Love you and Tigger forever xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 6th March 2014 18.47pm.

Hello my darling Malc I have been to see you today kissed you three times on the lips and several times on your forehead you looked so peaceful.

I cried and cried you don't deserve this Malc.
It should have been me in the coffin not you!!

You would have coped better than I am.

I will miss you as long as I live and will talk to you every day of my life.

Tigger look after Daddy for me he will take you plenty of walks and I know Daddy with look after you.

I love you both so much and miss you until I ache.

Forgive me if I don't write tomorrow as it is your funeral Malc look down on us keep us safe.

Come to me in my dreams please both of you.

I am broken hearted and don't think I will ever get over this.

You are the most important man in my life Malc.

love you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 5th February 2014 22.15pm
Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my boxer dog baby boy.

My thoughts are with you both most of the day.
My hearts aches so much I pray you will both come back to me but I feel I have to wait until my time comes.
Lots of things happening today the funeral proof of the service was emailed to me today it's lovely Malc.

Geoff came up took Muffin a walk.
Sue my old friend came for 4 hours.

Lisa and Geoff had dinner.

Christopher Chanel and the children came this afternoon.

I feel so close to them all Malc I think you have taught our family well.

We are finally having family get togethers
which is something I have always wanted.

I am so tired tonight Malc.

Kiss Tigger for me Malc. Lick Daddy for me Tigger

I love you both with all my heart forever xxxx

Speak to you tomorrow xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 4th March 2014 21.55pm

Hello Malc my darling and Tigger my precious boys.

It seems strange writing to you both knowing I will never see you again.
Chanel took me to the printers today we ordered the order of service booklets.

We also popped in the funeral directors took in a lovely jumper for you Malc, you will look smart.
I love you will all my heart Malc and miss you until I ache. I still can't take it in that you're not here any more.

I keep thinking that you're still in hospital and you will come home eventually.

Tigger look after Daddy for me Malc look after Tigger for me too.

Lisa came for dinner then took me to see Jade, she is having a puppy a Springer Spaniel calling it Max.

Lin from Liverpool has just rang we had a long conversation about you Malc.

It's getting closer now to seeing you again on Thursday and your funeral on Friday.

I will write again tomorrow to you Malc and Tigger I love you with all my heart xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 3rd March 2014 21.48pm.

Hello Malc & Tigger another day without you darling.
I didn't sleep to good last night played songs on my iPhone all our favourite 60's music.

Cried for you again, I miss you so much and keep asking WHY!!!

Why should a loving caring thoughtful kind person be taken from me when there are such evil people still living on this earth.

You will love your service Malc your Daughter and Son and Daughter in law have made sure of that.

I am very proud of all of them.

I am being looked after Malc they are all making sure of that.

But if I had a wish it would to bring you and Tigger back close to my heart.

Why can't life be happy from beginning to end.

I'm watching your favourite program One Born Every Minute remember?

Tigg make sure Daddy takes you lots of walks give Daddy lots of licks. Malc you give Tiggy Wiggs lots of kisses.

Lisa has been today had dinner. Christopher has rang twice, Chanel has rang too.

Poor Cameron has tonsillitis, Ellie has a virus,
Baxter has conjunctivitis.

I am broken hearted left alone with the pain of losing you.

I will write again tomorrow I love you with all my heart bless you both xxxxxxx thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 02.03.2014 19.01PM

Hello Malc and Tigger I hope you're both happy and well it's raining such a lot tonight.
Christopher and Lisa are looking after me you don't have to worry.

Christopher has connected the cooker for me he's a gooden.

He isn't very well tonight I have told him to go to bed early with some paracetamol.
Look over him Malc I want him fit for your funeral.
Tigger help Daddy play with him go plenty of walks it will give me comfort.

I love you with all my heart Malc and if I had a wish just one, BRING MALC BACK TO ME GOD PLEASE!!! Tiggy Wiggs come home with Daddy.

I will be so lost without you both.

I shall cry each night and pray each day.

I will write to you both again tomorrow all my love forever xxxxxxx Rose Mummy xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 01.03.2014 20.38pm

Hello Malc and Tigger my precious boys.
My best friend and soul mate Malc my beautiful boy Tigger.

I miss you both so desperately it hurts so much.
Christopher Chanel the children and the dogs came down today Ellie was poorly and so was Cameron.

Lisa came later and took me to Stafford for her to choose an outfit for the funeral.

My heart is aching for you Malc. Lisa played another song which seemed more appropriate for the service.

I have sent my poem to June to read out on the day.

I tried Muffin on his own out of his cage today while we popped out he was brilliant.

I love you Malc until the end of my days I send all my love my darling, and you too Tigger forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 28th February 2014 21.31pm

Hello Malc and Tigger my precious boys how are you both today?

Keeping busy I hope watching over me and our family.
I don't know where the day has gone today.
The beautiful urn came today it's a double one so we can still be together Malc when it's my turn to come to you.
Take care of Daddy Tigger for me enjoy the Rainbow Bridge.

Lisa and Geoff popped up today collected my prescription because of the weather being rainy.

Christopher Chanel and Georgia came Christopher took us to the funeral directors to take the urn in.

Marg came tonight for a couple of hours.

I am just watching the end of a film then going to have a bath.

I am constantly thinking of you both wishing you were here by my side.

Lisa and I had another cry today when we saw your photo on the lap top which Christopher downloaded.

Lisa is coming tomorrow to look for a dress in town.

Christopher is connecting my new cooker.

I will write to you both tomorrow I love you with all my heart until the end of time.

Rose & Mummy xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 27th February 2014 21.05pm

Hello My precious boys Malc & Tigger I can't believe you have both left me so soon.

I'm broken hearted and don't know how I am going to cope.

Malc my darling look over me and guide me through the rest of my life.

Help me around the house, help me make the right decisions.
Keep me safe.

Tigger look after Daddy go walks with Daddy enjoy the Rainbow Bridge together.
Anne has rang tonight saying she will be with me next Friday with Viv they are staying at the Premier Inn in Cannock.

Christopher and Chanel and the children have been down.

Lisa and Jade have took me to Pets at Home to get Jade a budgie.

They didn't get one looking elsewhere.

We drove to Jades to see Finley and Adam too.

I don't know where the days are going.

We ordered your flowers today Malc they are beautiful.

Be proud of your Son and Daughter they have come good.

I will write to you tomorrow my darlings I love you both to the end of my days. xxxxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 26th February 2014 14.56pm

Hello Malc and Tigger my two special boys.
I have been crying again today it comes in waves.

My chest is tight my stomach is in a knot I can't relax.

I miss you both my darlings so much it hurts.
Malc watch over me keep me sane help me through this.

Sheila and Colin have been today Marg rang me this morning.

Chanel came this morning too she took the money to pay for the funeral and took your clothes up for you to change into.

Chanel is picking me up later to go up to Christopher's the lady who is arranging the service will be there at 7 o'clock.
Lisa will be there too.

My heart aches for you both I am on my own now only Muffin to talk too but I know the children will look after me they are already.
My friend Sue is good company too.

I will write again tomorrow my precious boys Love you with all my heart Malc and you too Tigger xxxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 25th February 2014 20.57pm

Hello my darlings my best friend and soul mate Malc and my precious Tigger now I'm writing to both of you missing you more than anyone can ever know.

Hurting inside aching with every move.
The coroner rang me today asking if we wanted to investigate the way Daddy was poorly treated at Stafford hospital and wanted to do a post mortem.

Everyone came today Marg Roger his wife Chanel Georgia and Sue my mate.

Lisa and Geoff came tonight Lisa brought me dinner.

Carole phoned me too.

I had two cards from Liverpool.

I brought Lisa and Chanel flowers today as a thank you and Christopher three bottles of wine as a thank you for helping care for Daddy, you Malc.

I hope you are both enjoying The Rainbow Bridge and I will write to you both tomorrow I love you both forever, xxxxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday February 24th 2014 23.41.

Hello my precious boy how are you today?
Has Daddy took you a walk today?
Look after him please Tigger, Malc look after Tigger too.

It must be lovely to see each other again I bet you licked Daddy a lot.

The family have been down again looking after me.
Lisa and Christopher have been to the funeral directors have arranged everything.
Lisa has cooked my dinner.
I took Muffy a walk today on my mobility scooter.

Nan Lowe came up today.
Everyone is back at work tomorrow but Chanel is coming down.

I will join you and Daddy when my time is up in the meantime be happy together. I will write to you tomorrow.

I love you both forever xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 23rd February 2014 21.24pm

Hello my darling how are you today? Daddy has finally joined you please look after him Tigger I love him and miss him he died peacefully in his sleep last night 10.35pm.

I wanted him to stay with me but fate has decided otherwise, Daddy's wish was sort all your lives out. Told Christopher to stop smoking, and told Mummy Lisa and Christopher he loved us.

We also told him we loved him too.

I kissed Daddy all day every day while he was in hospital even after he passed away I talked to him and will every day like I do to you.
I will talk to him through you if you don't mind.

It gives me comfort.

Christopher has offered me a holiday abroad and Jade is going to look after Muffy for me along with Baxter and Dave the boxers.

Christopher has just rang bless him I know he cares now Daddy must have had a word.

Go lots of walks with Daddy and Malc at least you're out of pain my sweetheart I love you with all my heart both of you.

I will write to you tomorrow.

I love you both forever xxxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 22nd February 2014 20.49pm

Hello my darling boy how are you tonight my precious?

Daddy is in Stafford hospital tonight still he is so strong.
Daddy got a bit agitated earlier today but has settled through the day with drugs they have given him.

All the family have been except Nan Lowe.

We have decided on the music and coffin and finding an unusual urn to keep on my dressing table.

I hope you are happy over the Rainbow Bridge.

Mummy is tired tonight, so tired.
Friends have sent messages to me.

We are planning Cathrine House on Monday but don't know if Daddy will make it.

Mummy will write to you tomorrow Precious.

Mummy loves you forever xxx thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 21st February 2014 10.30am

Hello my darling Tigger I am writing early today because of Daddy being in hospital lots of things going on.

I only wish I could turn the clock back and reverse what's going on with Daddy if only he hadn't have smoked if only Daddy had took the cancer test two years ago.

Daddy is on a different ward today ward 12 room F.

He has just had a bed bath and shave.

Doctors are here now so I will close, mummy will write tomorrow and I love you forever xxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyThursday
by: Rose

Thursday 20th February 2014 18.00pm

Hello my precious Tigger today has been a traumatic day.

We were told Daddy has only perhaps days to live. The family were brought together today, Daddy was coming home.
But the nurse persuaded us to let him stay and die with dignity.

This will be a quick message tonight because Daddy is being moved to ward 12 now.
I love you and miss you Tigger. I will write to you tomorrow my darling mummy loves you forever xx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 19th February 2014 20.30pm

Hello my beautiful boy how are you today?

Mummy is in hospital with Daddy his lung collapsed today Daddy had to have a needle inserted in his chest to drain off the fluid, he couldn't breath.
I really don't want to lose him but he is so ill.
All the family came to see him today.
My darling Daddy I love him so much.

I don't know what I will do without him.
Please Tigger tell God not to take him just yet. Make his lungs better from this pneumonia.

Make him pain free and his lungs better.

Don't let him suffer PLEASE!!!!!!!
Daddy doesn't deserve this it's like a punishment.

Mummy will write to you tomorrow mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Bixer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 18th February 2014. 16.40pm

Hello my precious Tigger hope you are happy.
Mummy is sitting with Daddy in the hospital. He is so poorly. He has pneumonia coughing up blood and phlegm.

Lisa brought me in she has gone off to Wolverhampton to take something back to House of Fraser.

Oh Tigger this isn't good news the hospital are doing the best they can.
I know these are short messages but the day is so full.

I just hope you are enjoying the rainbow bridge. Mummy loves you forever xxx thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Previous Tigger My Boxer Dog Bany Boy
by: Rose

Monday 17th February 2014 23.13pm
Hello darling my precious Tigger hope you're happy and playing with your doggy friends.
Daddy is in hospital again he has pneumonia, they are giving him two strong anti biotics and fluids and oxygen.

I look at Daddy and he looks so poorly and fragile
I want to cry, it breaks my heart to see him suffer.
Please God help him please cure him and make him normal again.
I love him so much I don't want to lose him.

Lisa has gone to get Daddy a pillow, none in the hospital.

I will write to you again tomorrow sweetheart Mummy lives you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx xxx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 16th February 2014 13.50pm
Hello my darling Tigg, my beautiful baby boy.
How are you today?

Mummy has been to Cannock to get a few things.
Marg stayed with Daddy while I was away.

Christopher picked us up and we went for dinner but Daddy hasn't eaten any but may try him later.
Lisa called in earlier to borrow a paint roller she may come later tonight.
Marg is coming every day and stopping longer.

I love you and miss you Tigger. I need you at the moment because I don't think Daddy will be with us much longer, he is looking much weaker no energy
I don't want to lose him but I don't want to see him lose his dignity either.

I will write to you again tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 15th February 2014 11.55pm
Hello my darling Tigg I'm sorry I am late writing to you, it's been a hectic day.
As you know it's Daddy's and Auntie Marg's birthday. 64 today.
Everyone's been and they have had lots of presents and a beautiful cake.

Daddy had the dr out today he has been coughing up blood he has got to have a chest X-ray.
I love you and miss you Tigger and I know i'ts a short message.
But I will write to you tomorrow with more time
Mummy loves you forever xxx thank you Dee and bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Bay Boy
by: Rose

Friday 14th February 2014 18.33pm
Hello my darling Tigger I'm writing from my iPhone I can't pick up the site on my new laptop,
I hope you are fine and playing happily.
I miss you my precious boy, I miss you so much darling.

The bathroom is finally finished we can soak in a nice bath tonight, it will help Daddy.
Lisa has been today to see Daddy .
Christopher has rang three times he never misses.
I love my family they are both helpful and caring.

I'm proud of them both Tigger.

I only wish two things: that Daddy gets better,

And you come back to me.

Auntie Marg is coming later with Roger.
I will write to you again tomorrow my darling Tiggy Wiggs.

Mummy lives you forever xxxx.
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 13TH February 2014 16.57PM.

Hello Tigger my precious baby boy how are you my darling today?

I talked about you yesterday and today to Chris the courier who brings my parcels, who has just lost her Doberman she is devastated as was I when I lost you, she understood.

I talk about you most days and always talk to you as well as write as you know.

I miss you Tigger and always will.

Daddy has not eaten much today and I am getting worried he hasn't opened his bowels.

I have had medication from the doctor which may help.

Christopher and Chanel have rang spoken to him.

Sheila and Colin have been, brought Daddy's birthday present his birthday being on Saturday 64 years.

I wish he could have reached his 65th but he won't and I will break my heart when I lose him.

He is my Rock, my soulmate, my lover and I love him with all my heart.

Don't call Daddy yet Tigger please let me keep him close for as long as I can.

I will write to you again tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 12th February 2014 12.46pm

Hello my Tigger my precious baby boy, I kissed your collar and spoke to your picture again today.

I can't feel your hair which is in the small pink tin there is not much left of it, but I keep it still, I still wear the necklace with your hair inside, it's looking a bit worn but I will only take it off if I am going anywhere very special.

Daddy seems OK again today, he has eaten a whole Weetabix, drinking plenty, he is sleeping at the moment.

Christopher has rang Daddy I took Muffin for a ride on my mobility scooter, given him a run on his lead by the side.

It's pouring down again now so can't go out until the rain has stopped.

Lisa may call after work.

Chanel has spoken to Daddy too.

I'm in a lot of pain again today my elbow too, it's a good job this lap top is touch screen.

I have written early today because of the district nurse coming early.

I will write to you again tomorrow love you and miss you loads, the lady who delivers my parcels has just lost her dog so you have another play mate now look after him. Mummy loves you forever xxx.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 11th February 2014 19.57pm

Hello my precious Tigger how is my baby boy today?

I miss you my darling I miss you more than you will ever know.

I want to hug and play with you like I used to remember you used to jump on the bed in the morning and play fight gently.
I miss that and kissing you and snuggling against your soft chest.

Daddy has been OK today getting on with the new ship he is building the Victory.

He has eat a full Weetabix and half of a beef cob.

Drank more today too.

I have been up the new road with Muffin today why it was dry, then the rain came followed by snow.

It depresses me this weather I so want to get out.

I can't rush the year on because Daddy has only months to live and I want him to stay.

I don't want to think about it.

I've been to see my doctor today about the balance problem I'm having even when I turn over on my pillow and about my disability.

I'm in so much pain at the moment and all I want to do is cry all the time.
The district nurse has been again today to give Daddy his injection.

I have also telephoned the hospital to register a formal complaint.
So have the district nurses.

I will write to you again tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xx I hope to receive my comments back when you have time I know you're busy. xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 10th February 2014 20.34pm.

Hello my precious Tigger I did write earlier but something went wrong.

I have had a mixed up day today all sorts happening.

I wish you were here at the moment I really need you Tigger.

Daddy has been out of pain thank good ness but very sleepy.
The macmillan nurse has been out today spent two hours with Daddy and I talking things through.

She has arranged more medication because Daddy needs antibiotics he has a chest infection,
a poorly tongue.

My friend Jayne who I used to work with came to visit, it was lovely seeing her and we intend on keeping in touch.

Lisa came Christopher came Chanel and the children.

I have such a lovely family very supportive.

Oh Tigger what am I going to do without Daddy?

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 09.02.2014 20.15pm

Hello my darling Tigger my precious boy how are you today?

Daddy is a bit better only drinking not eating but no pain thank goodness.

Christopher Lisa Chanel and the children have been today, our beautiful family who have made me feel very proud.

I miss you Tigger and only wish I could have you by my side but it's not to be I will still carry on kissing your collar and talking to your picture.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Tigger I love you to the end of time xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 8th February 2014 19.30pm

Hello my precious boy Tigger how are you my darling.

It has been a better day today Daddy has been drinking but is a bit spaced out with the morphine.

At least he is not in pain.

Lisa came this morning Christopher came with Chanel and the children.

The district nurse came tonight to give Daddy his clexane injection.

I wish I could put my arms around you Tigger and hug you it would make me feel a lot better.

I took Muffin on my new mobility scooter today while it was dry, it's lovely smooth the handle.

I hope Daddy's day is good tomorrow.

I will write to you again tomorrow my ANGEL I'm very proud to have had you as a companion and trusting dog. Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny hope you are both well and Bunny is improving. xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 07.02.2014 18.53pm

Hello my darling Tigger I am using my new lap top writing to you tonight, it's much better.

I have had a very stressful day with one thing and another.

The district nurse came today and took Daddy's syringe driver away it was so uncomfortable.

The Dr has prescribed new medication.

I hope this takes the pain away.
The district nurse is coming tonight to give Daddy a clexane injection in his tummy for the blood clot in his leg.

Christopher has been Lisa has been both helping me look after Daddy.

I'm proud of them both.

I miss you my precious baby boy so much lots of things are happening at the moment Tigger my mind is all over the place.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 6th February 2014 22.20 pm

Hello my precious Tigger how is my baby boy today?

What a mixed up day it has been I'm tired thinking about it.
Poor daddy has gone through the mill.
All has been sorted now hopefully Daddy will start to feel better.
I wish you could come back my darling I need you at the moment, I need your support!!!

I am having my hair done tomorrow because we are going out on Saturday to duck ford museum Daddy wants to go.

Wish we could come out of this nightmare.

I will write to you tomorrow my Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 5th February 2014 20.10pm.

Hello my darling Tigger hope your well and happy playing over The Rainbow Bridge.

Daddy came out of hospital today nothing more can be done.
Only rest pain relief and love.
I can't quite take it in that I am losing Daddy it doesn't seem real.
I wish you were here Tigger by mine and Daddy's side to comfort us.
I know I'm going to be heart broken.
Please Tigger don't call him yet I beg you.
My children have been golden both Christopher and Lisa.

Our bathroom has been tiled it's gorgeous, only the bath to set up toilet to put in and sink.

I will write again tomorrow Tigger my darling, Mummy loves you forever xxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 4th February 2014 21.00.

Hello my darling Tigger how is my precious boy today?

I miss you my darling so much I wish you were here to comfort me.

Daddy was told there is nothing they can do for him now only give pain relief and send him home.

I cried today I don't want to lose Daddy.

Lisa and I went to visit daddy tonight he has been put on a syringe driver with three drugs in it to help him.

We left him tonight quite happy.

Roll on tomorrow so we can see what the oncologist has to say.

Mummy will write to you tomorrow I love you forever Tigger xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 3rd February 2014 21.30pm

Hello my darling Tigger I have just got back from hospital from sitting with Daddy he has got a blood clot in his leg as well as his cancer problem.

I don't know what daddy and I have done to deserve this.

I have got to go to the hospital Wednesday to see his oncologist to discuss the scan he had three weeks ago.
I pray the cancer hadn't spread any further.

I only wish you were here by my side so I could talk to you about what us happening.

I love you and miss you Tigger I will write to you tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny hope my comments come back soon I know you'rer busy xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 02.02.14. 23.15pm

Hello my beautiful boy my Tigger what a day this has been.
Daddy has been rushed into hospital so poorly.
I thought we were losing him today.
The paramedics came out saw how poorly he was and begged him to go in.

I stayed with him all afternoon and it has made such a difference the medication and the surgeon said they will give Daddy the maximum of treatment to prolong his life.
Its 11.20pm at night I'm writing to you.
I love you Tigger help us through this don't call Daddy yet it's not time, I want Daddy for much longer forever!!

I will write to you tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 01.02.14 19.13pm

Hello my darling Tigger how is my baby boy today?

Mummy has been very emotional today crying looking at Daddy how poorly he looks.

I text Auntie Marg then she rang and she spoke to me for an hour.
Daddy has eaten a little bit today and drank.

My new freezer came but it was dented so hey ho another item going wrong.

My scooter is being returned Tuesday, my freezer is coming Tuesday.

Daddy is going to see Dr Connerly Wednesday and chemo Thursday but I don't think he will be allowed because of the weight loss.

It's been poring down today again every day the same so I wouldn't be able to go out on my scooter any way.

Lisa took me to Cannock today to but some scales for Daddy and change the stuff I brought from Holland and Barratt.

I love you Tigger and miss you more than ever my darling.

I will write to you tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 30th January 2014 21.54pm

Hello my Tigger, I am writing from my iPhone my lap top is having a glitch.
Hope you are happy and having fun.

Today has been the worst day ever, Christopher has upset both me and Daddy today. I won't go into details it's too complicated. I will always love him what ever happens.

Daddy has been so poorly, stressed too.
I don't think I will sleep tonight I'm too tensed up, I can't relax.
Only one bit of good news our bathroom is being tiled on Monday.

Oh Tigger if I could only hold you hug you and kiss you , I feel so lonely!!!!

I will write to you tomorrow my precious boy I might feel a little better Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my darling Tigger how are you today?

A better day today all round. My old best fiend picked me up and took me to her mobile home it's lovely we had lunch.

My cooker has broken I had to buy one today and my freezer, everything is breaking down.

Daddy is still poorly but has tried to eat and drink today poor thing he complains of the gases in his stomach, I wish I could help him more.

My mobility scooter is being mended tomorrow at last.

I hope the weather picks up so I get the chance to ride it and take Muffin a ride we have missed our rides out.

I love you Tigger and was talking to Sue today about you and how I talk to you on this site.

For as long as I can I will continue Mummy loves you forever I will write to you tomorrow darling xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 29th January 2014 18.51pm

Hello my darling Tigger how is my baby boy?

Mummy is poorly today, a stinking cold sore nose and feeling irritable.

My scooter wasn't mended it's a motor I'm waiting for then the engineers to come out and fix it.

Not a happy bunny at all.

Daddy is not much better either still not eating much at all.

I have ordered a new computer today so I will be using that when it arrives.

I might go to my friends tomorrow for a couple of hours as long as Daddy feels OK.

See what tomorrow brings better luck I hope.

Lisa hasn't rang again although she did come last night.

She did finish work late tonight.

I love you my precious Tigger I will write to you again tomorrow my precious xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 28th January 2014 20.08pm

Hello my precious boy my Tigger hope you are fit and well my darling.

Mummy misses you so much darling I love you Tigger.

Jason Daddy's best mate's Dad took me to Solihull to exchange my steam mop today Robert Dyas what a lovely place.

Daddy hasn't done very well today not eat very much at all, I'm ringing the hospital tomorrow to ask if Daddy can be fed intravenously at home.

My mobility scooter is being tested tomorrow crossing fingers it is something easy to fix.
I'm praying tomorrow is a better day and Daddy eats more and feels a bit better,.

Mummy will write to you tomorrow my Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 27th January 2014 20.38pm

Hello Tigger my precious boy how are you my darling?

A very depressing day today, Daddy hasn't eaten much and I'm worried.

I have spoken to the chemo department who said when Daddy has seen the oncologist next week she will reduce the dose of chemo and give Daddy chemo on Thursday the day after.

We were going to Jason's Mum's but Daddy didn't feel up to it.

Chanel is taking me to return my steamer tomorrow it's faulty.

Not much to tell you about today, nothing has happened really, only that I love you and miss you so much Tigger I will write to you again tomorrow Mumy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 26th January 2014 19.17pm

Hello my Tigger my handsome boy how are you today?

I love you Tigger my precious and miss you terribly.

It's been a good day today Daddy seems a bit better regarding his pain.

He has only eat two spoons of Frosties and a small dinner but not too bad.

Christopher and Chanel picked us up for dinner today it was lovely.

Muffin played with Baxter and Dave he got filthy but enjoyed it.

I rang Nan tonight as always but she never rings us to ask how Daddy is.

Lisa is back from Liverpool but hasn't rang as yet.

Christopher may be buying a house just 20 minutes from where they live now.

I think he will be changing jobs too better wage and closer to home.

A good day had by all.

I will write to you tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny I haven't received my comment back but you are probably busy xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 25th January 2014 20.31pm

Hello my precious boy I hope you're happy playing with your doggy friends.

I miss you my darling Tigger I really miss your company. I know I have Muffin and I have grown very fond of him I couldn't see life without him he is such a character nothing like you, he has a mind of his own.

I can't cuddle him like I cuddled you but he does come on my lap and licks my neck.

He doesn't play fight like you did on the bed, but he does come on the bed just to say morning in his own little way.

Daddy is a little bit better he says today but he has stopped taking his tablets.

Daddy has lost more weight now I cry when I see how much weight he has lost.

Christopher, Chanel and the children have been down today.

Sheila and Colin came to do some shopping for me.

Lisa rang tonight from Liverpool they are enjoying themselves.

I had a cry today thinking about Daddy and how I am going to miss him when the time comes, I can't even imagine how it is going to feel without him.

I'm trying to be strong Tigger but when you have been with someone 46 years married 44 years in September, it's hard!!!

I will write to you tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 21st January 2014 16.59pm

Hello my darling Tigger hope your happy and playing with your doggy friends.

Just a quick message tonight Daddy is poorly again in pain. I have had to contact the Dr to give Daddy a stronger morphine patch.

Jason Daddy's best mate has been and collected Daddy's prescription bless him.

I wish I could help Daddy Tigger.
Lisa and Geoff have gone to Liverpool for the weekend.
Christopher Chanel and the children are coming down tonight.

I will write to you tomorrow Mummy loves you forever my darling Tigger xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 23rd January 2014 18.34pm

Hello my darling Tigger how are you today sweetheart?

I miss you Tigger, nothing is helping us at the moment.

Daddy has only eat a little today he says his stomach is too upset.

Roger has been to see him for an hour tonight brought some DVD's and some canned beer but Daddy can't drink it, a nice thought though.

Christopher has rang Daddy twice today.

Chanel hasn't been down I think Cameron is still poorly and she is busy.

Geoff came this morning to move rubbish but it started raining never mind, he took me to get Daddy some cobs and bread pudding but they sold out of the bread pudding.

Christopher will probably ring again later before he goes to bed.

I love you and miss you Tigger come home darling come home.

I will write to you again tomorrow my precious boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 22nd January 2014 17.25pm

Hello my precious Tigger how are you my darling?

Not a good day today, an angry day today my scooter still isn't working and I have got to wait until an engineer books an appointment to come and have a look at it.

I'm so frustrated I can't get out at all to get anything and to try it out.

There was also problems with the bathroom ceiling but now sorted.

I cried a lot today I feel so lonely I need you Tigger please come to me PLEASE!!!

Lisa is popping in in 10 minutes I hope she can cheer me up.

Poor Muffin is missing his walk running by the side of my scooter.

I miss you darling so much I will kiss your collar and picture which hangs at the bottom of the stairs.

I will write to you tomorrow darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 21st January 2014 18.21pm

Hello my darling boy My precious Tigger my baby boy?

I don't know where the days are going they are going too quick.

Not much to report today Christopher has been to do more of the electrics in the bathroom.

Chanel brought Georgia and Ellie down and the dogs Mayhem!!!!

Daddy isn't too bad today I hope it continues.

I pray Daddy lives a very long time although he has advanced Cancer.

I love you and miss you Tigger more than you will ever know.

I will write to you tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Monday 20th January 2014 20.31pm

Hello my precious Tigger Mummy is missing you my darling. I need you at the moment, come to me in my dream Tigger so I can talk to you.

Daddy has been quite poorly the last couple of days it worries me so much I don't want to lose him not yet.

Lisa has finished the painting in the bathroom, Christopher and Chanel & the children have been up.

My scooter came today just waiting to charge it up. Christopher started putting it together then Jason came to finish it, can't wait to ride it.

Jade and Adam came with Finley. Adam made a shelf to fill the gap at the end of the bath.

All we need is the Tiler to come and finish his job and the plumbers to put back the toilet and sink then Christopher to put the up lighters in.

Daddy seems a bit better tonight taking his medication and eating a little.

I love you Tigger stay close my darling Mumy will write again tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxx
Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 19.01.2014 18.59pm

Hello my darling Tigger hope you're OK and having fun over The Rainbow Bridge?

Today has been a busy day Lisa came up and painted the bathroom. Sue my friend came to see Malc and I.

Christopher, Chanel and the children came too.

Geoff took Muffin a walk.

I had my dinner brought me today from the nest, Chris our neighbour you know who I mean manages it now.

My scooter is coming tomorrow looking forward to receiving it.

I miss you so much my precious help me darling help Daddy get through this but don't call him not yet!!!

I will write again tomorrow darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny I don't know what I would do without you both!!! Thank you for this site xxxxxxx

M Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 18th January 2014 19.23pm

Hello my precious Tigger. My darling I miss you so much I'm all cried out, but every day without fail I talk to you kiss your collar even if it's the end of the day.

I kiss your picture which as you know at the bottom of the stairs.

I only wish I could hug you as before, I realise now I can't, but that doesn't stop me always missing you loving you talking to you and praying and wishing one day you will come home.

Daddy hasn't been too bad today hoping he stays that way.
Christopher Chanel and the children have been today.

Lisa has just rang to ask how Daddy is.

She is coming up to paint the bathroom ceiling tomorrow.

My friend Sue is coming tomorrow morning.

I wil write to you tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny hope your both OK xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 17th January 2014 16.55pm

Hello my darling Tigger how is my baby boy today?

I can't comprehend were the months have gone since you lost your battle with an enlarged heart.

I look at the neighbours dog who eats chocolate every day and wonder how he is still alive, yet you were not given any sweets or chocolate and you suffered.

Daddy isn't too bad today a little upset stomach but he has not been sick.

Jason his mate has been to see Daddy today.

Sheila and Colin have been too.
Christopher Chanel and Georgia have been. Christopher placed some holes in the bathroom for the lighting.

We are getting there slowly but surely.

I have ordered a new scooter can't wait it looks better than the other I have tried.

Sue my friend is coming on Sunday haven't seen her for a while.

I will write to you tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 16th January 2014 15.21pm

Hello my sweetheart my precious baby boy.

Tigger I wish you were back home with us my darling I need your comfort at the moment.

I want you here to talk to and hug you.

No one hurts as much as I do missing you so much.

I hope you have made a lot of new friends whilst you have been at the Rainbow Bridge, I hope you're happy. If only I could have some sort of sign from you other people do.

Daddy was sick 2am this morning he isn't too bad today but still ate very little.

Christopher and Chanel and the children are coming tonight and the mutts.

My scooter has gone back and I am expecting a refund with in the next few days, so I can re order a new scooter.

I miss not being able to get out on a scooter but the weather is not too good.

I will write to you again tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday January 15th 2014 18.45pm

Hello my darling Tigger I miss you my precious so much I hope you are enjoying the Rainbow Bridge it seems so long since we lost you.

I talk to your picture every day and kiss you, I say goodnight and good morning to you as if you were with me.

Daddy couldn't have chemo today he has lost too much weight, so they are trying to build him up before the next chemo session.

I am so worried about him Tigger I wish I could make him better.

I talk to God asking to help Daddy and not to take him from us.

I will write to you tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer DogBaby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 14th January 2014 19.01pm

Hello my darling baby boy how is my precious today?

I miss you darling I miss you so much.

My scooter is off the road at the moment but I can't get out anyway with Daddy being poorly and the weather changing.

The plumbers have part put the bathroom in can't complete yet until ceiling has been painted and the tiler has been to do his job.

Daddy has just gone to bed he feels really poorly.

Oh Tigger what am I going to do what a horrific disease to have Daddy doesn't deserve this he has always been kind, caring, thoughtful, giving, never had a cross word for anyone.

WHY WHY WHY !!!!!!!!!!

Tigger help us through this please, don't call Daddy yet not yet.

I will write to you tomorrow my Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 13th January 2014 18.26pm

Hello my precious Tigger how are you today?

I miss you darling so much I look at your picture daily and hope you jump out and run to me, I would hug you and kiss you so much.

Daddy has been for his scan today we won't know until February how it has gone.

Daddy isn't eating very much so the doctor is putting him on steroids to try to boost his appetite, I pray the results of the scan are good and the cancer hasn't spread.

Jason Daddy's friend called today to see Daddy he is a good friend.

Lisa has called to see Daddy too.

She is taking him to hospital on Wednesday for his chemo.

I love you Tigger more than ever and will try to write as long as I can Mummy loves you forever xxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 12th January 2014 20.19pm

Hello My Darling boy my baby boy, I have missed writing to you so much my darling it was difficult being away from home.

Hope your happy, healthy and playing with your doggy friends.

Mummy has had a good break with Daddy, Christopher, Chanel and all the Grandchildren.

I have been thinking about you constantly, talking to you every day, wishing I could hold you, kiss you, hug you, play with you like I used too.

Daddy is poorly again going for a body scan tomorrow but I don't hold much hope it working yet to hold the cancer back.

He is starting his chemo again on Wednesday not looking forward to that at all.

I got upset while away Daddy was talking about missing holidays me and all the family.

I cried silently Tigger.

Matthew has finished plastering the bathroom, now waiting on pipe work being moved and bath put in then tiling.

I love you my Tigger and miss you more than anyone ever knows. I love you forever Tigger speak to you tomorrow my precious.

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dig Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 3rd January 2014 16.55pm

Hello my Darling Tigger. Just a quick hello today Chanel is picking us up soon to go up there then we fly to our holiday destination.

I love you miss you and will try and keep in touch if we get free wifi.

If I don't my precious forgive me.

I am not looking forward to the flight but got to think of others in the family.

Mummy loves you forever my precious xxxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 2nd January 2014 16.30pm

Hello my darling Tigger a hectic day again today.

Washed, dried, tried to tidy up but the children came and hay ho a mess again.

Daddy had his hair cut he looks a bit better now.

Not eating too good today.

I spoke to you again today I may have a problem writing to you after tomorrow because it might be difficult on my phone.

I will make up for it though my precious.

I love you with all my heart Tigger Mummy misses you so much.

It doesn't get any easier, I still cry.

I will write to you again tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Wednesday 1st January 2013 19.26pm

Hello my darling Tigger Happy New Year.

I talked to you again this morning when I took muffin up the new road.
Daddy has been poorly again today hasn't eat much seems a bit better tonight.
I am writing from my iPhone tonight because Marg is here at the moment so it will be a short letter.

I love you and miss you Tigger my precious.
I cried again thinking of you and losing Daddy.

I can't imagine life without Daddy I will be broken hearted.
I will write to you tomorrow darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday December 31st 2013 19.35pm.

Hello my precious baby boy.

I have just tried to write to you and it was interrupted so I am trying again.

I don't know where the months have gone Tigger in a few hours it will be 2014.

I miss you my Tiggy Wiggs I took Muffin up the new road this morning in the dark. I spoke to you as well.

I have been busy all day packing the suit cases sitting down so difficult with the pains in my hands but Daddy can't do it being so poorly.

Daddy has eaten well today again I hope he continues to do so while we are away.

Christopher has gone to work a night shift.

Lisa and Geoff have gone out to a New Year Party.

Daddy and I are just chilling out watching telly.

Happy New Year My Tigger Mummy loves you forever and will write to you tomorrow. xxxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny Happy New Year xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger my Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 30th December 2013 pm

Hello my sweetheart my precious boy, how is my baby boy?

I have had a busy day today Chanel took me to sort my glasses out we had to do a shop buy some euros.

I'm tired today, daddy is good today hope it stays this way.

He is sleeping at the moment but he is eating and keeping it down.

I spoke to you this morning in the bedroom and I always say good night to you along with Muffin.

Marg is coming again tonight to see Daddy.

She only will see him until Thursday, she has been so kind to him she is his twin after all.

I will write to you again tomorrow darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxx Thank you Dee & Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Sunday 29th December 2013 16.36pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you my precious baby boy?

Colin was talking about you yesterday saying what a good boy you were and how we all loved and how we miss you.

Daddy seems a lot better today and has been to the local pub with his family only for one drink.

I have packed the cases just last minute items to put in, euros to buy.

Muffins stuff to get ready for Sheila she is looking after him while we are away.

Chanel and the children came for dinner today stayed an hour coming again tomorrow.

I will write to you again tomorrow my precious boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 27th December 2013 19.07pm

Hello my darling Tigger I have tried to write to you today but it all went pear shaped.

Daddy has been very poorly today in a lot of pain I have had to increase his medication.

Our GP has been to see Daddy and advised to eat small but often and drink plenty of liquid.

The Macmillan nurse rang too she gave us advice too.

I miss you Tigger I need to talk to you my precious I need to talk to you urgently I am frightened.

Marg is here at the moment Daddy has just got up from bed feels a bit better.

Still looks poorly though.

I pray Tigger Daddy can get well enough to face going away on holiday.

I will write to you again tomorrow my darling I hope this letter gets to you this time.
Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 26th December 2013 16.54pm

Hello My Angel my guardian Angel how are you my darling? Hope your Christmas day was a good one and you had lots of presents along with your doggy friends.

I hope your having fun over The Rainbow Bridge.

Mummy and Daddy are back home now Daddy is asleep he is tired and chilling out now.

It is a lot when all the family are together tiring for Daddy.

Christopher and Chanel gave us a brilliant two days of Christmas.

Muffin thoroughly enjoyed his stay playing with Baxter and Dave.

We have to come down to earth now and get ready for the holiday Christopher has paid for.

A busy few days now.

I'm not looking forward to flying but if it does us good we should enjoy it.

I love you with all my heart Tigger your are so precious to me.

I have kissed your collar today as soon as I got home.

I will not be able to write to you for about eight days when we go away because we will be abroad but I will talk to you every day and take a photo of you.

I am so proud of you Tigger you are a handsome proud standing strong Boxer dog and you will never be forgotten.

Mummy will write to you tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny. xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 25th December 2013 17.25pm

Hello my darling Tigger it's Christmas Day and I just can't get into the spirit today,
Tensions have been high especially with Lisa today.

Chanel cooked a lovely dinner and it was delicious.
I miss having Christmas with you Tigger. Daddy has had a good day today eating ok and had a rest in bed.

We are staying here at Christopher's until Boxing night then back to our own bed.

Then I have to arrange things for a holiday.

I am sorry this is a quick letter today I will write more when we get home tomorrow. Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee Happy Christmas and to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 24th December 2013 15.49pm

Hello my darling Tigger I am writing from home on my computer and will be picked up soon by Chanel.

So tomorrow I will write from my iPhone as Daddy and I will be opening our Christmas presents at Christopher's and the grandchildren too.

Lisa and Geoff will be up for dinner tomorrow too.

I am so stressed at the moment looking at Daddy how poorly he looks.

I don't want to lose him Tigger and I have no choice.

I love you and miss you Tigger Mummy will write tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny Happy Christmas xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 23rd December 2013 21.55pm.

Hello my precious Tigger what a day it has been a lot of stress.

Daddy has been OK most of the day then tonight he was sick again.

I don't know who to turn to.

Oh Tigger what has gone wrong I feel I am in a nightmare and trapped.

I wish you hadn't have had to be put to sleep you were my baby my rock my life .

We are going to Christopher's tomorrow evening to stay for a couple of days I will try and write to you from my iPhone forgive me if I don't there might be a problem.

I wish you a happy Christmas Tigger I love you unconditionally Mummy xxxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 22nd December 2013 20.02pm.

Hello my darling boy how are you today my precious?

I am so worried about Daddy today he has hardly eaten only drank little.

The district nurse has been and took his blood to check for any infection he might have.

Marg Sheila Colin came this morning, Christopher Chanel the children and the dogs this afternoon.

It's tired Daddy out but they all just want to see him because they are worried.
Lisa has rang too.

I pray to god someone will help him.

I ask you to look over us Tigger don't call Daddy yet I need him here I love him so much.

I will write to you tomorrow my Tiggy Wiggs Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee this site helps me get through the day send my love to Bunny too.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 21st December 2013 13.38pm

Hello my precious boy hope you're well and playing with your doggy friends and happy.

I am writing earlier today because of Marg coming later and I think Christopher Chanel and the children will be here soon.

I miss you my precious more than words can say.

Daddy is still poorly but seems a bit better than yesterday.

The district nurse is coming on Monday to take Daddy's blood to check if he has an infection.

I pray we can get him through Christmas and away on our holiday.

My new batteries come on Monday for my new mobility scooter and Jason is putting them in for me.

Hoping on Tuesday I will be able to ride it.

I send my unconditional love for you my Tigger I will write to you tomorrow my darling xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny I send my love xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 20th December 2013 19.19pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you today my precious boy?

Only 5 days to Christmas and Mummy hasn't a bit of excitement in her body.

Daddy is so poorly at the moment so poorly.
I hope we can get him better for next week.

I took my scooter to be tested today it was a dead battery causing the problem.

After a struggle with the company I managed to persuade the company to send me two new batteries being sent next Monday.

I will be writing to the managing director.

Chanel has been down today with the children and the dogs.

Daddy's sister Marg as you know has come over today staying with Roger.

Anne and Viv came today too they have been to Egypt now going to island then America.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 19th December 2013 16.47pm

Hello my darling Tigger hope your OK my precious.

Mummy misses you I have prayed you will come back to us but I can only hope.

Daddy has been extremely poorly today I have had to ring the hospital for advice, they have suggested stop the chemo tablets until after our holiday January then they will re assess him.

I am so worried about him Tigger.

Cameron is 8 years old today he has had a lot of lovely presents.

Lisa is coming after work to give Daddy some dioralyte sachets to replace the salts in his body.

I think we are going to have a rough night tonight with Daddy.

Oh Tigger if only you were here to talk to.

My scooter isn't working properly so the company has advised I take it to Halfords to get a battery drop test then they will send two new batteries if not working properly.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Tigger xxx

Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too. xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 18th December 2013 17.22pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you my darling?

Mummy is missing you every day, I have lots of things on my mind Tigger at the moment Daddy is quite poorly again today I just pray he feels better tomorrow.

Lisa has rang to ask how Daddy is and Christopher Chanel and the grandchildren have been down Cameron collected his Birthday presents although it isn't until tomorrow. 8 tomorrow he is.

I'm sorry I am not writing much my darling Tigger I feel so down worried about Daddy.

I will write to you again tomorrow my precious baby boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 17th December 2013 14.24pm.

Hello my darling Tiggy Wiggs hope you are well and enjoying yourself over The Rainbow Bridge.

Mummy is so upset I have accidentally leaned over the model ship Daddy is building and broken the mast I was devastated and cried because Daddy has spent such a long time building it.

I am currently enquiring if I can replace the part.

I haven't been able to ride on my mobility scooter either as it isn't working properly.

Daddy isn't well today at all I pray he feels better later he is sleeping at the moment.

Chanel is coming later to take me shopping for a few things.

I miss you my precious I miss you so much.

I wish something positive would happen Daddy and I are so rock bottom.

I will write to you tomorrow and hope to have more positive news.

Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 16th December 2013 18.44pm.

Hello my precious baby boy hope you are happy and playing with all your doggy friends.

Not a very pleasant day today all round my scooter isn't working properly had to contact the seller.

Nan Lowe upset me today she isn't fair or equal with the family she favours certain members of the family, and after Daddy did so much for her before he became ill.

She has not been up to see him or asked about him only when I ring her every night to ask how she is, does she know how Daddy is if I tell her.

I am so hurt!!

Chanel has been down so we could take Nans presents to her.

Christopher and Chanel came with Georgia and the dogs to see Daddy.

I don't know where the day has gone to much to do no time to do it.

I miss you my darling Tigger so much I will write to you tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 15th December 2013 16.40pm.

Hello My precious Tigger Hope you are OK and happy?

Mummy is missing you my darling so much it still hurts.
My scooter is beautiful Tigger Jason Daddy's mate put it together for me.

I hope to use it tomorrow and go to Cannock on it.

We have had the grandchildren today all day, they haven't been to bad all in all.

Now the dogs have arrived mayhem again.

I will write to you tomorrow darling it's too difficult at the moment.

Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 14th December 2013 19.40pm

Hello my precious boy hope you're happy playing with your doggy friends and you are watching over us.

Daddy isn't too bad tonight he has eat well and drank better today.

Lisa took me to Stafford today to buy a few things.

Christopher put an outside waterproof socket to plug my mobility scooter in.

Christopher Chanel and the tribe came today with the dogs mayhem.

Good job we love them.

I miss you Tigger I cried again today when I looked at you on my laptop screen saver.

If only I could cuddle you and kiss you like I used too.

I kiss your picture instead and talk to you daily.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 13th December 2013 14.42pm

Hello my darling Tigger how is my precious boy today?

Mummy is missing you my darling so much I kiss your collar every day. The hair I saved in the tin is very little now but I still wear your necklace with your hair inside.

Daddy isn't too bad today upset stomach but has not been sick or diarrhoea.

Sheila and Colin have been today did some shopping for me.

Marg rang too.

Christopher popped in and Chanel is dropping the children off while they go diving.

My new scooter has come but I can't use it until Jason Daddy's mate puts it together on Sunday.

I will write to you tomorrow Tigger My Tiggy Wiggs. Mummy Loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny too. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 12th December 2013 16.23pm

Hello my darling Tigger how a my precious boy?

Mummy is missing you so much darling I only wish you could be by my side so I could hug you like I used to.

Daddy was sick in the night from the Chemo but is not to bad today, building his ship.

My scooter has broke down and I am waiting for a new one to come tomorrow.

Hope it's alright. It is a much bigger one.

Jason Daddy's mate is coming after work to see him.

Lisa is popping in after work.

I am feeling a bit low today lots of things going on with the family.

I will right to you tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too. xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 11th December 2013 16.40pm

Hello my precious Tigger how are you my darling?

Oh Tigger I am so unhappy today I wish I could talk to you.
Daddy has had more Chemo today he looks so poorly.

My scooter has broken and I have had to buy a new one which I really can't afford but need one.

What an awful day today I hope it gets better tomorrow.
I hope you are enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling. Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 10th December 2013 13.11pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you my precious?

Mummy is missing you so much I have so much going on with Daddy being poorly with Cancer, I wish you were here by my side so I could hug you and kiss you.

I have been to the doctors today with Daddy who has explained what is going on with him.

He has said whatever Daddy wants regarding help and support he will give.

Chanel is picking us up at 4pm to stay over night .

Auntie sheila is having Muffin over night.

I will write to you tomorrow darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 9th December 2013 15.00pm

Hello my Darling Tiggy Wiggs how are you today?

I miss you my precious every day every hour every minute.

Daddy is still poorly but not as poorly as he has been.

I have been wrapping Christmas presents.

Christopher and Chanel and the children are coming down.

Lisa is coming for dinner.

It's Chemo day on Wednesday for Daddy again I dread that day Daddy always comes back poorly.

I will write to you again tomorrow my baby boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too. xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 8th December 2013 19.24pm.

Hello my darling boy my precious Tigger hope you are enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

Daddy was really poorly in the night and not well
this morning.

Lisa has been to keep him company for a couple of hours today why I popped out.

I miss you my darling my precious.

Please pray for Daddy my darling don't call him for a long time yet.

I will write to you tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Preious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 7th December 2013 17.10pm

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are happy and enjoying your life at The Rainbow Bridge.

Mummy hasn't been out today my scooter is out of action still.

But Chanel and Christopher have been Chanel took me to the bread shop to buy our lunch.

I had a shop online today because they gave me a voucher for £15 off the groceries.

Lisa rang today she has had Finley for the night.

I miss you my darling boy so much Mummy loves you forever and will write to you tomorrow xxxxx Thank you Dee once again send my love to Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 6th December 2013 18.04pm

Hello my darling boy how are you today my precious?

I miss you my Tiggy Wiggs so much I just want to cuddle you kiss you and talk to you.

Don't call Daddy yet I want him to live longer I know he will be with you at some time but I love him and don't want him to go not yet.

Daddy hasn't eat today only drinks he has had a new sickness tablet today so hope it works for him.

Lisa has been she collected his prescription.

The children are here tonight for a while why Christopher and Chanel go diving.

Georgia and Ellie have got a cold.

The new pup Dave has got a very bad heart murmur and Baxter has worms.

My scooter has give up the ghost it is being checked next Wednesday I hope it isn't anything major.

I am stuck in now until then or after.

I will write to you again tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday December 5th 2013 17.07pm.

Hello my darling boy how are you today?

Its awful weather today gale force winds rain and dark.

Daddy is a little better but still has a queasy stomach.

Mummy is so worried about him and wish you were here to comfort him.
I miss you so much my precious.

I haven't much to report tonight Tigger.

I cried last night and again this morning but didn't let Daddy know how upset I was.
I will write to you again tomorrow sweetheart Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx

Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 4th December 2013 18.48pm.

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are well and happy playing with your doggy friends?

Daddy has been to see the oncologist today he has lost more weight and she said he needs to eat a lot of fatty foods to build him up, if he doesn't put on weight they will reduce the chemo.

Daddy is in bed at the moment not well bless him!
I'm crying as I write this letter to you, I wish he could get better and be back to his normal happy self.

WHY!!! I keep asking WHY??? WHY him?

Oh GOD help us PLEASE?

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever and miss you so much.


Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 3rd December 2013 16.14pm.

Hello my precious Tigger How are you today darling?

Mummy is very upset today lots of things going on.

Daddy seems not to bad today, Jason his mate is coming tonight to see him.

We are going to see the oncologist tomorrow, I think she is just going to ask how Daddy is and the next step to Daddy's treatment.

I have never felt so low worrying about Daddy and all the things what are going on.

I will write and let you know how Daddy gets on tomorrow Tigger I miss you so much darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send you my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger my boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my daing Tigger I hope you are happy playing with your doggy friends.

I am writing from my iPhone because the laptop is not working daddy is trying to connect it to the printer but is struggling at the moment.

The grandchildren are here tonight whilst Christopher and Chan go diving. This is the last dive for a while.

Georgia is poorly a bit of a cold hope she doesn't pass it on to Daddy.

Jason, Daddy's mate is coming tomorrow to see him.
I miss you my baby boy so much.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee. Send my love to Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 1st December 2013 16.31pm

Hello my darling Tigger how are you today?

Mummy is missing you my precious so much!!

Daddy and I have been to Christopher's for dinner and stayed a few hours.

All the dogs have played together Muffin is a bit wary of Dave the Boxer but I'm sure they will get on eventually.
Carole and Kevin are coming to visit at 6pm today they haven't been for a while.

You didn't take to Kevin did you I don't think he likes dogs very much.

Daddy seems a little better today good days bad days.

I only wish you could come home to make me happy and be with Daddy too.

Until tomorrow my precious boy Mummy loves you Tigger forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday November 30th 2013 17.11pm

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are happy I hope you have made new friends and Granddad Darren Aunt Irene is loving you like I Do.

Oh my darling I miss you so much.

Daddy is still unhappy he isn't well at all.

I wish I could make things better for him.

If I could make a wish I would ask God to please make Daddy well and back to normal.

Carole and Kevin are coming tomorrow night to see Daddy.

I will write to you tomorrow my Tiggy Wiggs Mummy love you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 29th November 2013 18.21pm

Hello my darling Tigger how are you today?

I miss you my precious so much.

Daddy isn't well at all today he says his stomach is really upset, and he has no energy.

I am so worried about him Tigger.

Christopher has booked a holiday in January I do hope Daddy is going to be well enough.

I have only been out to the post office to renew our passports Daddy came with me.

Christopher Chanel and the children and the dogs have been mayhem!!

I don't know what is happening tomorrow play it by ear.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tiger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 28th November 2013 19.18pm.

Hello my precious Tigger at last I am back online I panicked when I couldn't write to you thinking you might think I don't care.

I love you with all my heart Tigger and miss you more than you will ever know.

It broke my heart when we had to say goodbye.

I hope you are having fun at The Rainbow Bridge and playing with your doggy friends.

Daddy seems OK today still has an upset tummy.
It seems a better day today, things seem to be coming together, I only wish Daddy would be cured from this awful Cancer,.

Please Lord send us a miracle?

I will write to you again tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx thank you Dee I appreciate what you are doing for this site send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My. Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my darling Tigger how are you today!

Mummy is upset today I can't get around Daddy being not himself it's the morphine making him say things he wouldn't normally say.
I'm frightened he isn't himself I want to hug him but can't because he is do tender in his stomach.

I wish you were here Tigger to talk to I feel so alone!!
Come home Tigger come home.

It's Jordan's 18th Birthday today we are going for a meal tonight Lisa Jordan Jade Finley & me.

Daddy isn't up to it which is understandable.

I will try and write to you tomorrow I am writing from my iPhone.

Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my darling Tigger I am so devastated I couldn't write to you last night we have change broadband user and they cut is off last night by mistake.

It may happen again so forgive me if I can't write again it won't be my fault.

Mummy is missing you and love you so much.

I will try and write tomorrow if they have got things right mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 24th November 2013 18.20pm.

Hello my sweetheart hope you are happy I am missing you my darling every hour every minute.

I talked about you again today to a lady I hadn't met before Mandy what a lovely lady.

Daddy isn't too bad today we have been up Christopher's and had a lovely dinner.

Muffin met their new Boxer puppy Dave! He played with Baxter who is feeling a bit off, I think he is a bit upset that anew puppy has come into the family because he was the baby.

I'm sure he will make friends soon when he gets used to having Dave around.

Lisa might be taking me out tomorrow it's according to the weather.

Christopher wants to take us abroad for a week after Christmas we will have to see how Daddy is.

I will write to you again tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday November 23rd 2013 15.12pm.

Hello my Precious boy how are you today Tigger My heart aches for you I cried again today as I was taking Muffin over the new road on my mobility scooter.

I will never forget you Tigger my darling.

I am so tired in my mind thinking of you and worrying about Daddy.

I don't want to face losing Daddy I don't think I will cope.

Lisa and Geoff have been today to move some rubbish into the bins as Daddy and I can't do it.

Christopher has gone diving this morning but hasn't come here yet, he did say he would come to Daddy.

We are going for Sunday dinner tomorrow looking forward to it and meeting Dave yes that's right Dave the new Boxer puppy.

I hope you are enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

I will write again tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday November 22nd 2013 19.52pm

Hello my darling boy my precious Tigger.

How are you are you happy playing with your doggy friends.

Daddy isn't well today it's the chemo upsetting him.

Christopher's new puppy is poorly and Baxter today too.

I don't know what we have done to deserve all this bad luck I wish someone would send us some good luck instead.

Tigger I wish you were here I could cuddle up to you and feel more secure.
I went to Cannock on my mobility scooter today to buy Daddy a pair of fingerless gloves to keep him warm the chemo makes him feel cold.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee once again send my love to Bunny too. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday November 21st 2013 15.52pm

Hello my precious Tiggy Wiggs Mummy & Daddy always used to call you funny names didn't we?

Never did we shout or smack you, you were such a good dog. Handsome brave loving caring everything we could have wished for.

We love and miss you so much Tigger.

Christopher and Chanel have just brought a new Boxer puppy they are calling it wait for it Dave!

All to their own I suppose!

Daddy is feeling a bit rough today after having the Chemo yesterday.

Sheila and Colin have been up brought Daddy some jigsaw puzzles.

Lisa may call in tonight.

Christopher has rang several times he does care.

Mummy has to finish now but will write again tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for being so prompt in sending my comments back and send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday November 20th 2013 pm

Hello my darling Tigger Mummy is writing early because I am at Christopher's with the Grandchildren while Chanel has took Daddy to hospital for his full day of chemo.

I hope daddy isn't in too much discomfort.

I pray daily this chemo will help such a lot.

I have been thinking about you darlin and have spoken to you today although we are not at home.

Christopher may be buying another Boxer dog tonight, company for Baxter.

Hope you are happy my darling I wish you could come home?

I will write again tomorrow hopefully with good news Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee for sending my comments back I send my love to you and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 19th November 2013 16.20pm

Hello my darling Tiggy Wiggs hope you are OK?

Mummy is missing you so much dsrling.

Daddy has been a bit tired today not himself at all I am worried about him.

He has his chemo tomorrow not looking forward to him having it.

We are staying at Christopher's and Muffin at Sheila's when Daddy has his chemo.

I will try and write to you tomorrow.

Until then play be happy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for your support send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday November 18th 2013 16.50pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you today?

Mummy is missing you more than ever I kissed your collar again talk to you over the new road this morning.

It's been a dreadful day weather-wise.

I have to write a short letter tonight The tribe are coming and it's bedlam.

I will write to you tomorrow darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 17th November 2013 18.41pm

Hello darling my Tigger I miss you so much my precious.

Same old day without you nothing much to tell you today Tiggy Wiggs.

Lisa has been up stayed a while otherwise a very quiet day.

Daddy was up early he is fine today hope it continues.

A busy week this week got to keep a diary.

I hope you are happy my darling Tigger I will write to you tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee hope you are coping send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 16th November 2013 19.40pm

Hello my darling Tigger how are you my precious.

A funny day today can't really explain I have been nowhere done nothing but had the children down today not being good they have tired me out.

Lisa did pop in this morning with our Finley our great grandson he is beautiful and clever.

Marg rang today and Sheila.

Matthew didn't come he is coming Monday night.

Oh Tigger I wish you were here by my side so I could nestle up to you talk to you, you used to understand my feelings.

Come home Tigger PLEASE!!!

Until tomorrow my darling boy my Angel Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 15th November 2013 18.23pm

Hello my precious boy my darling Tigger.

I'm missing you as usual smelling your collar talking to you every day 18 months since I had to let you go it broke my heart Tigger.

I'm lost without you Tigger!!!

Today has been normal nothing happening again.

Christopher and Chanel and the children have been down with Baxter.

Lisa and Jade with Finley may come tonight.

Again I feel very low because of Daddy he is not too well today.

I only wish pray and hope Daddy's chemotherapy will hold the Cancer back.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send you and Bunny my love xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 14th November 2013 19.41pm

Hello My Tigger my darling boy hope you are happy enjoying yourself at the Rainbow Bridge.

My precious I miss you so much it still hurts inside and I panic knowing Daddy will join you eventually, please don't call him not for a long time I need him and love him so much.

Why do we lose the things and people we love
Why do evil murderers stay on the earth?!!!


Chanel has been down helping again shopping.

Lisa has been too asking if we need anything.

Christopher has rang Daddy twice all our family are supportive and kind hearted.

I love you and miss you Tigger until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 13th November 2013 16.24pm.

Hello my darling Tigger Mummy has been thinking about you today missing you more than ever wishing you back home with Daddy and me.

Daddy seems OK again today my friends are texting me to ask how Daddy is.

It's nice they are thinking about us.

Again nothing special happening today.

Chanel has been down with Georgia she has took the children to have their flu injections.

Christopher is back at work he rang Daddy this morning he is a good lad.

He has just rang again too.

I love you my darling boy until tomorrow I am going to kiss your collar now and say good night xxxxxx.

Thank you Dee for your support send my love to Bunny too.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 12th November 2013 17.05pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you my precious boy?

I miss you Tigger I miss you so much.
Not much to tell really today nothing exciting happened. Christopher and Chanel have been today to see Daddy and done a little job.
Until tomorrow my darling Mummy is thinking about you constantly and loves you forever xxxxx

Thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 11th November 2013 15.31pm.

Hello my darling Tigger I hope you are happy playing with your Doggy friends.

I'm writing early because I am watching the grandchildren at 5pm because Christopher and Chanel are going diving.

Daddy is staying in with Muffin and doing his ship, he is doing OK today feels OK.

Not much to tell you today only that I love and miss you Tigger so much I continue my daily rituals smelling your collar talking to you.

It's a horrible day raining again hope it dries up soon.

Until tomorrow my precious boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 10th November 2013 17.46pm

Hello my precious Tigger how are you my darling?

I really miss you my darling nothing seems the same now without you.

I feel completely out of control.

Christopher came today not feeling too good and wasn't very pleasant towards me, I am putting it down to a bit of stress and not feeling well so I forgive him.

I feel lonely although people are around me.

Christopher took us for dinner at his home Chanel cooked a lovely dinner we went to the local pub for on drink.

I kissed your collar again today it's the closest I can get to you apart from the necklace around my neck with your hair inside.

Christopher is taking a day off work tomorrow to finish off the electrics ready for Matt to plaster.

I will write again tomorrow my darling boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee once again I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday November 9th 2013 16.04pm.

Hello my darling boy I miss you my precious.

Daddy seems much better today I hope what the Macmillan nurse asked of him is working.
Christopher is working in the bathroom.

Chanel took me to Rowley Hall to see Mr Rees today final appointment he was pleased with how my feet were since the operation.

Chanel did a shop for me at Asda good girl.

It's been a very stressful day with the children they are a little bored and are arguing with each other.

I took Muffin over the new road today and talked to you as I always do.

I wished I could nestle up to you and imagined I did you felt warm.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for your help on this site hope Bunny is improving? xxxxx

My Precious Tgiger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday November 8th 2013 20.11pm

Hello Tigger my precious boy it's been a strange day today.

Lots of people coming and going today the Macmillan nurse has been, spoke to our local MP about Daddy not yet receiving any money.

Christopher and Chanel have been with the children.
She is 26yrs old today.
I miss you Tigger I need to talk to you please come home my darling keep me company.

Muffin would love you to play with.

I have to go to the hospital tomorrow for my feet.

Until tomorrow my Tiggy Wiggs Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee you must be so busy I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Thursday 7th November 2013 21.04pm.

Hello my darling Tiggy Wiggs how are you today?
Not a good day for Daddy again poorly stomach, I wish I could help him.

I went to Cannock today on my mobility scooter to buy some flowers for Chanel it's her 26th birthday tomorrow.

I had already brought her presents she loved them.

I picked up a gold necklace and perfume and cards for Christopher to give Chanel for her Birthday.

I miss you my darling so much I want to cuddle you.

Lisa has been today Christopher Chanel the grand. Children have been too.

Matthew from across the road came with a Tiler to give us a quote for tiling the bathroom.

Rang Nan tonight she asked about Daddy.

Pray for Daddy Tigger give him a pain free life from now on he is in so much discomfort .

Until tomorrow my Angel God Bless you Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee give my love to Bunny too xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 6th November 2013 15.20pm.

Hello my darling Tigger I hope you're happy and playing my precious I have been talking to you this morning while taking Muffin up the new road on my mobility scooter.

I smelt your collar too as I do every day.

I miss you darling so much.

Daddy isn't too good today he looks dreadful.

I have cried for him today but he doesn't know I don't want him to see me upset I have got to be strong for him.

Christopher and Chanel and the grandchildren are coming tonight and Lisa is popping in from work.

Please Tigger give me a sign you are watching over us and I will be happy I won't be so frightened of dying then because I know we will all be together.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxx. Thank you Dee for sending my comments back so quickly I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 5th November 2013 19.02pm.

Hello sweetheart how are you my darling?

I love you Tigger I cried again today thinking about you cuddling up to you in my mind, thinking of me in the future saying I love you both I don't know how I am going to cope.

I want Daddy to live a very long time Tigger don't call him yet darling.

Today not much happening Daddy got up early then had two hours sleep this afternoon.

He is not too bad today hope it gets easier for him.

Please Dear God help us through this.
Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 4th November 2013 16.11 pm.

Hello Tigger my darling another day gone by already.

Daddy seems a little better today I can't believe I am going to lose him and Daddy will be with you eventually when he comes run to him and give him a big lick and cuddle up to him look after him for me Tigger, I'm crying as I write this it just doesn't seem real.

Everyone is at work today so Daddy and I are on our own.

Christopher has rang Daddy as he does every day.

Daddy is doing his ship.
Anne has rang Marg has rang Chanel has rang and Lisa too.

I feel weepy today most of the day.

Our new bath is coming today any time now.

I hope you are happy Tigger and playing with your doggy fiends I miss you and love you Tigger darling.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxxx. Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BOY
by: Rose

Sunday 3rd November 2013 20.06pm.

Hello my precious Tigger how is my baby boy?

What a day we have had ups and downs.

Daddy seems better today crossing fingers each day hopefully gets more comfortable each day.

Lisa cooked dinner today delicious.

Christopher Chanel and the Grandchildren came today lovely.

I wish you were her my darling helping us through this devastating time.

I pray every can things will change I feel I'm living in a nightmare.

I can't escape from it.

It feels like we are being punished.

I love you and miss you so much Tigger until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever
xxxxx Thank you Dee hope you and Bunny are fine. xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 2nd November 2013 19.01pm.

Hello my darling Tigger How are you my precious?

Not a good day for Daddy today really poorly.
Sick twice in the night and he went to bed this afternoon.

Carol Banks rang today thinking of us both.

Roger rang had his flu jab but has a cold so not coming up until better.

Marg rang too.

Oh Tigger I wish you were here by my side I know you would have comforted me you were so loving.

I miss you so much.

Matthew across the road is plastering the bathroom next week for us.

I feel so sorry for Daddy I can't help him only support him .

Until tomorrow my Tiggy Wiggs Mumy loves you for ever. xxxx

Thank you Dee God Bless You send my love to Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 1st November 2013 19.31pm.

Hello my precious Tigger I hope you are still enjoying yourself over The Rainbow Bridge.

Daddy isn't too bad today still in pain but his hand feels better.

Matthew from across the road is re plastering the bathroom.

Christopher is putting new spot lights in and we have got to find a tiler.

All the family have been today.

I miss you Tigger and have prayed to God you could come back, so much is going through my head at the moment lots of things are going wrong.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee so much I send my love xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 32st October 2013 16.04pm.

Hello my darling boy my precious Tigger I miss you darling I need you here to help me through this bad time we are having.

Daddy is quite poorly today he started his chemo tablets after having chemo at hospital yesterday.

He went to bed this morning feeling quite rough.

Chanel brought us back from Christopher's this morning with the grandchildren.

Chanel did a small shop for us.

Every one has rang but my mum.

Lisa is coming from work to see Daddy.

Daddy is feeling okay at the moment doing his ship.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for sending my comments back I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 30th October 2013 11.18am.

Hello my darling Tigger I am writing to you early this morning because Daddy has gone to the hospital or his chemo today and I don't know how he will be when he comes back, Daddy might feel poorly.

I may not have time to write but if All is OK I will add more to let you know how Daddy has got on.

I am watching the Grandchildren at the moment.

Until later or tomorrow my precious Mummy misses and loves you and loves you very much xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 29th October 2013 20.30pm

Hello my precious Tigger how are you today?

Mummy and Daddy are at Christopher's tonight.
So I won't be able to say much only I love you and miss you so much and wish you were here by my side

Geoff took me to look for tiles for the bathroom very kind of him.
Daddy is going for Chemo tomorrow God please help him through this I am so worried for him.

So until tomorrow my darling boy I will let you know how Daddy got on Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee for keeping the site going I send my love xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 28th October 2013 19.20pm.

Hello my darling Tigger My precious boy.

Hope your happy my darling, Daddy has been for blood tests today chemo on Wednesday.

The grandchildren stayed with me they were very good.

Christopher is working at Peterborough.

He still rings Daddy every day and comes to see him.

Dinner at Christopher's tomorrow staying over night so I can look after the grandchildren while Daddy has his chemo on Wednesday.

Matthew is doing our ceiling in the bathroom at the weekend no charge. and the plumber is doing the bathroom tomorrow and in two weeks the bath.

Lisa has been up today from work had dinner bless her.

She is coming again on Wednesday after Daddy has had his chemo.

I love you and miss you Tigger until tomorrow Mummy loves you for ever xxxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 27th October 2013 17.05pm.

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are happy today and playing with your doggy friends.

Daddy and I have bee to Christopher and Chanel's for dinner took Muffin with us he played with Baxter the Boxer.

Funny old day weather wise raining windy sunshine all sorts.

Spoke to Lisa today she went to see Finley at Walsall.

Jade baby sat yesterday while Christopher and Chanel went diving.

I took Muffin up the new road this morning before it rained.

Daddy goes for blood tests tomorrow and to discuss chemo which he is having on Wednesday.

I wish Daddy hadn't got to go through all of this I feel so sorry and sad for him I love him so much.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger I miss you so much darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for keeping this site going bless you send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 26th October 2013 17.11pm.

Hello darling my precious Tigger how are you sweetheart?

A boring day today been to hairdressers went to Hednesford no visitors today.

Took Muffin a ride on my scooter twice.

Jason Malc's mate came to see him.

Christopher and Chanel went diving Jade looked after the children.

Daddy is building his ship.

The weather is set to change for the worst not looking forward to it.

I miss you my darling Tigger so much.

So until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you Forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for your help on this site I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 25th October 2013 20.09pm.

Hello Tigger my darling I don't know where today has gone.

Went to Hednesford did a small shop Christopher took Daddy and I to see an eight bed house very nice 18th century he is thinking of buying.

Sheila and Colin looked after Muffin.

My scooter needs two new back wheels so they have been ordered today.

Going to hairdressers tomorrow then I reckon the family will be down again.

Tired tonight Daddy is asleep already.

I think I will have an early night tonight I'm shattered.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger I miss you so much Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 24th October 2013 18.8pm.

Hello My Precious boy I hope you are happy over The Rainbow Bridge?

Daddy isn't very well tonight I am worried.

I have had a Tattoo done on my inner right wrist today with Malc Rose put on it looks lovely.

I showed it Daddy he smiled.

He feels a bit niggly tonight but I have got to expect this, he brought a new television for his bedroom.

Christopher took us a ride today just to get Daddy out.

Lisa should be coming tonight I don't know if she will she did come last night though.

I took Muffin up the road twice today this morning and tonight.

Pray for Daddy so he won't be in much pain well not any.

I am having four new tyres for my mobility scooter tomorrow, and the battery checked.

I miss you Tigger so much my darling.

Until tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 23rd October 2013 18.48pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you darling?

A strange day today more people came to see us.

Trying to sort claims out as we have no money now Daddy isn't working and terminally ill.

I felt a little flat this morning and Daddy has had more pain today.

Each day I worry because I don't want to lose him.

Christopher Chanel and the children have been again today lovely.

Lisa hasn't been again mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! Not rang either.

Geoff did come up though and took Muffin a walk.

I can't expect everything I suppose.

I do miss you Tigger the lady who came today commented on your picture and said how lovely you were.

Gorgeous I said and miss you so much.

Until tomorrow my darling boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 22nd October 2013 19.57pm.

Hello my precious boy how are you darling?

Another busy day today district nurses have been the chappie to quote us for putting the bath and sink in.

Christopher and Chanel and the children have been too.

I have took Muffin a ride on my scooter twice up the new road he was running by the side on his long lead.

Rain again some sunshine today.

Ordered a new bath today a larger one now we have a new sink to go in and the bath is being delivered soon.

Nothing much to report today Daddy has eaten well.

I miss you Tigger come home to Mummy.

Until tomorrow my darling boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee hope Bunny is improving xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 21st October 2013 17.03pm

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are OK my precious.

I feel very flat today I think it is because we all had such a happy time at Edinburgh and now we are back down to earth.

Christopher Chanel and the children have been down today and are coming tonight.

It's raining again miserable depressing too.

I am worried about Daddy he has chemo next Monday and the days are going too quick I hope it doesn't make him too poorly.

I only wish he was well and we weren't going through all of this.

Sorry to sound so down nothing seems to be going our way I don't want to lose him Tigger I have already lost you!!!

I lit a candle in a chapel in Edinburgh and sent a message to God I hope he listens and hears my wishes.

I pray every day Daddy will live a longer time than they have given him.

I miss you my darling and will write to you tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 20th October 2013 21.49pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you my precious boy.

Daddy and I have had the best weekend anyone could give us, Christopher has given us a magnificent time all together with all the family.

Daddy, Me Chanel Cameron Ellie Georgia Lisa Geoff Jade and Jordan and Finley.

Wonderful Hotel beautiful room gorgeous food.

I will treasure these memories forever.

But I don't want to lose Daddy and I don't have a choice WHY God Why are you taking the love of my life away?

I don't know how I am going to cope without him.

I don't know what to do!!!

I wish you were here Tigger to help me through this darling.

We are back home now with Daddy by my side and Muffin back home.

Please help me through this Tigger.

We are going to take it a day at a time and hope Daddy will live longer than they say he might.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 19th October 2013 17.29pm

Hello my darling Tigger I have just wrote but something went wrong.
We have had a busy day we have seen Edinburgh castle taken up by a mobility car.

It took 2 hours to get rind we saw the Crown Jewels.

We had a full English breakfast top class.
We are having dinner at 9 pm dressing up.

We are going to see the ship Britannia tomorrow then heading home.

I will write to you tomorrow when we arrive home so it will be late. Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 18th October 2013 pm

Hello my darling boy hope you are happy and playing with your doggy friends?

We had a lovely journey up here in Edinburgh.
All got up at 5am has breakfast and set off.

It didn't take us long to get here, I only wish you were here to be with us and see what a beautiful city it is.

We have seen the castle and we are staying in a top class hotel Christopher has paid for all of the family to stay and we hope to have lots of fun.

I only wish the circumstances were different and I was keeping Daddy!!!

We are going to make the best of the weekend.

Sheila and Colin are looking after Muffin while we are away he seems happy enough.

I will write to you tomorrow letting you know what sort of day we have had Mummy loves you forever xxxx thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny too. Xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 17th October 2013 15.23pm.

Hello My Precious Tigger my darling boy how are you today? Mummy might not be able to write to you until Sunday night I will try.

So much is happening and Daddy isn't well today.

Chanel took me to Tamworth today she needed suitcases, she brought two, very nice.

Jordan has just come up having dinner then Chanel is picking us up after taking Baxter to the vets.

Hopefully I will write if I can from my iPhone until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for sending my comments back I send my love and to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday October 16th 2013 16.14pm.

Hello darling Tigger how are you today?

Daddy seems OK again today no pain still building his Titanic ship, is this the calm before the storm.
Julie the Macmillan nurse has been today with a form for Malc to sign.

The occupational help have been, brought a step and a stool for the shower.

The man is due to replace the lock on the bedroom window.

The man is due tonight to measure the bath.

Roger and Dicky Daddy's brothers are coming to see Daddy.

Christopher Chanel and the children are coming down tonight what a busy day.

I feel very down today and have had a little cry.

It feels like I am in a nightmare and trapped.

I love you Tigger with all my heart and wish you were here to comfort me.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger my baby boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for all you help on this site send my love to Bunny and to yourself. xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 15th October 2013 17.13pm

Hello my precious Tigger Hope you are well and happy over The Rainbow Bridge?

Another busy day Daddy has gone early to Christopher's as it's his birthday, 29 today and he wants his dinner early because of his stomach.

Lisa is picking me up at 6pm thereabouts and we are going to Christopher's for dinner and taking his birthday presses.

Daddy seems OK today he loved the surprise last night when all his work mates came to see him at the Barns, sandwiches put on by Jason his best mate.

I took lots of photos.

Tomorrow will be another busy day I will try and write when I can.

I love you with all my heart Tigger and miss you so much but please don't call Daddy for a long time I need him here with me.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 14th October 2013 14.18pm.

Hello my darling Tigger I am writing early today because Daddy and I are going out and I don't want to miss writing to you it's a surprise for Daddy tonight all his work mates will be there.

Daddy will be shocked. I will write to you tomorrow to tell you how it went.

Daddy seems a little better today working hard on the ship he is building.

I think Daddy is very brave because if it was me I would give up he is my Rock and my hero!!!!

I miss you so much Tigger and only wish you were here by my side.

Until tomorrow my precious boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxx Thank you Dee so much and send my love to Bunny too xxxxxx

My Precioius Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 13th October 2013 16.48pm.

Hello my darling Tigger my beautiful boy hope you're happy and enjoying your time over the Rainbow Bridge,

Today is a boring Sunday although Chanel and the children came and was very welcoming I feel so lonely I feel trapped at the moment knowing I am losing Daddy and it's like a sitting time bomb.

I don't want to lose him and can't stop what is going on.

I feel so sad Tigger and very depressed.

What have I got to look forward to? knowing Daddy won't be here to talk to ask questions and views about things.

I have already gone through losing Granddad, you and now I have to face losing Daddy.

Lisa may come tonight not sure.

I am looking forward to us going out tomorrow night going to the barns, a surprise for Daddy, most of his work mates will be there and he doesn't know.

It will be late tomorrow when I write because of the night out until tomorrow my darling Tiggy Wiggs Mummy loves you for ever xxxxx Thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My BOxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 12th October 2013 17.53pm.

Hello my darling Tigger my precious boy.

I spoke to you this morning and cried asking you not to call Daddy yet!

I pray God will let me love and keep him for a long time PLEASE.

Daddy was poorly again today and had a couple of hours in bed, but has got up since and eat a full dinner.

Sheils, Colin, and Marg have been today to see Daddy.

Marg goes back home tomorrow.

Christopher has spoken to Daddy twice but can't get down today as he starts his work earlier tonight.

Lisa may come tonight not sure though she is busy having bathroom tiled.

Oh Tigger I wish I could hold you and whisper in your ear how much I love and miss you and be able to talk to you about Daddy.

I don't know if I told you Jason Daddy's mate took us for a meal with his mum and Dad and gave Daddy a card with 40 signatures inside and £81 collection how nice was that?

Forgive me if I have my mind is all over the place.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger my baby boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee once again send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 11th October 2013 21.32pm.

Hello Tigger my precious boy another busy day.
Hope you're loving it over The Rainbow Bridge I miss you Tigger so much I ache.

Daddy isn't very well today lots of pain but he won't let me help or give advice he is so independent.

I have got to stop worrying it's only because I care.

All the family have been again Bless them.

Lisa is coming again tomorrow night Christopher will try but he is working so hard all nights.

But he will insist he sees Daddy.

I can't wait for all of us to be together when we go to Edinburgh.

I hope we have a good family Christmas together too.

I only wish you could share it with us Tigger but you won't be forgotten I promise.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever.

xxxxxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 10th October 2013 20.16pm.

Hello Tigger my darling boy.

What a day people coming in and out, filling in forms, home visits it's tired Daddy and me out today.

Jason Daddy's mate took us both out for a meal tonight with his mum and dad, very nice, lovely people, what a mate.

I looked at Daddy tonight over the dinner table when he was reading the card sent from his work colleagues, he looked sad.

I don't want to lose him Tigger but I don't have a choice nothing can stop it this evil Cancer has got him WHY!!! WHY Daddy?????

Daddy has only ever given, never took.

I miss you so much Tigger I wish you were here to cuddle up to and whisper in your ear.

Help us through this Tigger until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you for ever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 9th October 2013 21.25pm.

Hello my darling Tigger My precious boy.

How are you today? What a busy day Daddy has been to the hospital the cancer hasn't spread any further at the moment.

After we come back from Edinburgh Daddy starts his Chemo, not looking forward to him having that I don't want to see him poorly again.

Still I know it will hold the Cancer back for a while longer.

Christopher, Chanel, the children and Lisa have been down today, I love them all.

Marg and Roger have been too. Marg goes back on Sunday.

It's another busy day tomorrow, we are both tired.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Tiggy wigs Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee so much send my love to Bunny too. xxxxx

My PreciousTigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 8th October 2013 19.48pm.

Hello my precious Tigger I miss you so much so much is going on at the moment.

Daddy wanted a new sink in the bathroom so Chanel and I visited Bath store and saw a bath too hopefully they will both be here on Thursday.

Daddy and I have been for dinner tonight at Christopher's lovely being together.

Mummy is going with Daddy tomorrow for the results of the last CT scan of his body pray to God it hasn't spread any further.

I will tell you more tomorrow after every one has gone so until tomorrow my darling boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 7th October 2013 15.45pm.

Hello my darling Tigger, I'm writing a little earlier just in case we get visitors.

Daddy is not so well today he has gone to bed.

I hope this isn't the start of him being really poorly.

I have cried a lot today because Daddy isn't himself.

I only wish this wasn't happening to him I am frightened!

Christopher has spoken to Daddy and Lisa is calling later from work no doubt Christopher will come down with Chanel and the children.

I think I am getting a bit depressed watching Daddy deteriorating he has always been the strong one.

Such a lot to take in at the moment, lots to do and think about.

I hope Daddy feels better tomorrow.

Please God help us through this.

I miss you so much Tigger I want you here by my side so I can talk to you and cuddle you.

There isn't much more I can tell you today so until tomorrow my precious boy Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee so much and send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 6th October 2013 19.02pm

Hello my precious Tigger hope you're OK? Mummy misses you so much Tigger. Jason Dad's work mate came today and commented on your picture, he is ordering a frame of his mum's cat. He is taking Daddy and I for a meal on Thursday.

Daddy is OK today I want this for many months to go.

Christopher and Chanel and the children have been down, Lisa and Geoff Jade and Finley have been down too.

Never an empty house at the moment.

I hope it continues for a very long time.

We can't wait to go to Edinburgh for a few days.

It is going to be a busy week hopefully a better week news wise with Daddy.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 5th October 2013 19.20pm.

Hello darling my precious Tigger I hope you are happy over The Rainbow Bridge.

Our lives are at a standstill at the moment I only pray that the result of Daddy's CT scan is fine.

Christopher took Daddy out again today a ride round and to buy some new telephones.

Lisa took me for lunch Sheila & Colin came to see Daddy.

Christopher is paying for all our immediate family to go to Edinburgh because it may be our last holiday together.

He is a golden Son he has also paid for a brand new shower to be installed in the downstairs shower room just for Daddy.

Nan is coming up tomorrow to see Daddy.

I will try and write every day Tigger my darling but forgive me if I don't just in case something unforeseen happens.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday October 4th 2013 22.26pm.

Hello darling Tigger my precious boy how are you today? Sorry it's late writing to you we have had another hectic day me going to hospital to have pins out of my feet, Christopher took Daddy to Cosford for a day out. Lisa came to see Daddy and brought some dog meat for Muffin.

Margaret and Roger came to see Daddy, Roger gave Daddy a hug.

Then the phone hasn't stopped ringing.

It's now 10.30pm and we are both shattered.
Chanel has rang had a long talk to me and Christopher has rang too.

I have a wonderful family whom I love very much and I know I have a lot to face when I lose Daddy I don't know how I am going to cope without him Tigger I don't want the time to come.

I can't believe I am not going to see him ever again when the time comes it will break my heart.

I know I will have the support of the family but inside I will be alone.

I wish there was a miracle overnight to save Dad's life.

I never thought this would happen to us only other people.

Tigger forgive me when things get worse and I don't get to write to you.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 3rd October 2013 21.13pm.

Hello Tigger my precious boy hope you are happy and playing with your doggy friends.

What a busy day it's been the cancer nurse has been today stayed for two hours very nice lady explaining all what support we have and what we might be entitled to.

All the family came again today.

Several phone calls today from hospice Cannock hospital and O/T.

I didn't have the pins out of my feet today surgeon was ill so another surgeon is taking them out tomorrow instead.

Christopher is taking Dad to Cosford tomorrow I love them to get out together.

I have had another cry again today I spoke to you this morning so much going on Tigger!!!!!

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for sending my comments back send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 2nd October 2013 20.30pm

Hello my darling Tigger again I am late writing to you Sorry!!!

Daddy has had his CT scan praying the result will be OK.

Everyone has been today, tiring but lovely.

I have been thinking about you today and did talk to you when I took Muffin up the new road.

Daddy looks poorly today and very tired and chesty.

I hope each day gets better for him although I know there isn't a cure.

I love Daddy so much Tigger I don't know how I will cope with out him I don't want to think about it.

Trying to stay positive for Daddy.

I hope you're happy Tigger don't call Daddy yet it's too soon.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I am so grateful for this site send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday October 1st 2013 20.56pm.

Hello my precious Tigger what a day a shock when Daddy rang to say he was coming out of hospital all the excitement has overwhelmed him and he is feeling a bit low.

I have got to stay strong for him Tigger and hope Daddy will live a lot longer than we think.

I miss you so much Tigger help us through this my darling .

Daddy has got to go back tomorrow for a CT scan on his chest tomorrow please let it be good news.

All the family have been tonight Christopher and Chanel have brought Daddy out and Lisa came straight from work to see him.

Please God help us through this don't let Malc die not for years!!!

If there is a God please give me Malc for a long time I can't see life with out him he is my rock.

Until tomorrow Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to both you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 30th September 2013 22.57pm.

Hello my sweetheart sorry I'm late writing it's been such a busy day.

Daddy has been walking eating drinking and looks much happier.

I can't wait for him to come home.

I miss you Tigger to talk to when I am down especially at this moment in time I feel I am in a nightmare!!!!

As soon as Daddy gets home I will have longer to talk to you.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too.xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 29th September 2013 20.36pm

Hello my darling Tigger Mummy is late writing to you because it's been such a busy day.

Excellent news today Daddy is sitting up in bed eating a sandwich and drinking a cup of coffee.

The catheter is coming out tomorrow and Daddy can eat what he wants, Daddy is having a walk round too.
Tigger I can't believe I'm going to lose him I feel it's not real.


It's turned my world upside down.
I miss you that's bad enough but to miss both of you it will just end my life I will NEVER smile again.

If I could make a wish in all of the world bring my Tigger back and don't take my Malc xxxxx

Chanel and Lisa are taking me for lunch tomorrow for my birthday then we are going to see Daddy.

So until tomorrow my precious boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx
I must tell you Dee and Bunny my husband has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer and only has months to live please pray for him he is my rock, thank you for allowing me to write to my Tigger and talk to him xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday September 27th 2013 214.43pm.

Hello my darling boy hope your happy Tigger?.

Daddy is exhausted today I hope this is not the end already, I want him home with me to cuddle up to.

I know I am asking a lot but I miss him so much and he is only in hospital.

I am on my own no one to talk to everyone has their own lives to lead Christopher is at work Lisa has Geoff, Mum has Wendy.

Perhaps this is how it is going to be just Muffin and me most of the time.

I have got to try and pull myself together else I will get too depressed and be good for nothing.

I look at Daddy's chair tonight and he is not there please dear God send him home soon.

I miss you terribly Tigger and know eventually Daddy will join you but I don't want him to die.

I only wish it was all a bad dream and this wasn't true.

We are waiting for the result of a scan which Daddy had today but I think it will be Monday before we know anything.

So until tomorrow my precious Tigger I can't tell you any more Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 26th September 2013 19.41pm.

Hello my precious boy. How are you my darling?

I have been to see Daddy today from 11am to 4.45pm.
He is very tired having had no sleep last night because nurses were at his side most of the night because Daddy wasn't well.

I still can't take it in how poorly Daddy is and that I am going to be losing him.

I don't want him to die I don't know how I will cope without him Tigger I'm frightened.

Christopher and Lisa will be devastated.

Daddy seemed a little better in colour but he still has an oxygen mask on.

I want the doctors to make him well enough to come home before we lose him Tigger.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx. thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday September 25th 2013 22.38pm.

Hello my darling Tigger I'm on my own tonight Daddy still in hospital poorly he has been moved to another ward for a couple of days.

I pray to god they can get him fit enough to come out and we can all go on holiday together.

I keep getting a frightening feeling inside because I don't want him to die and I know he is because the hospital have told us he only has months to live.

I don't know how I am going to cope not being able to speak to him, ask him questions he has always been my rock.

We have always confided in each other Daddy has always supported me when I have had a worry.

Now I have got to be supportive towards Daddy.

I've got to be strong for him.

Lord help me please.

I'm sorry I am not following my ritual as before I am trying to care for Daddy but I am still kissing your collar and I am just about to touch the hair the vet gave me from you.

I'm going to take a cutting from Daddy's hair before we lose him so I have something to keep like your hair, I will keep it close to my heart like yours.

Daddy still has to have another CT scan to see if the cancer has spread to his liver, I pray to god it hasn't.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny xxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday September 24th 2013 19.52pm

Hello my darling Tigger I ache inside today knowing I have got to face losing Daddy and him joining you over The Rainbow Bridge.

I don't think I can cope without him I love him so much Tigger.

Help me help me Tigger I have got to face such a lot in the future,

I miss you so much Tigger my darling I don't want Daddy to die!!!

I feel so tight chested and sad please bear with me my precious, until tomorrow my Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Monday 24th September 2013 00.25pm

Hello my precious Tigger Not good news Daddy has got cancer and only has months to live.

I can't see life without Daddy he is my rock.

Please help me through this Tigger I need you now more than ever.

I know this is a short letter tonight I am so devastated I am numb I cant get my head round it.

It doesn't seem real.

Forgive me Tigger god bless you darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and give my love to Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 22nd September 2013 20.20pm

Hello my darling Tiggy Wiggs I hope you are having a great time at The Rainbow Bridge

Mummy has been to see Daddy today with Lisa and Chanel and the children, he looked much better and is improving by the day still in a lot of pain but it's going to take time.

I hope Daddy isn't sick tonight and hope he has a good nights sleep then I will be happy.

Please God I am asking and praying bring Malc home in top notch health never to suffer again.

I don't want to lose both the loves in my life.

I miss you near me Tigger but I'm sure you are supporting me through this and it will all come together.

If Daddy rings me tonight I will be happy knowing he is much better.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for keeping the site going send my love to Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday September 21st 2013 19.42pm.

Hello my darling Tigger what an up and down day.

Daddy not well but the sister at the hospital has tried to explain to Daddy what is happening to his body.

Crossing fingers things with change soon and all will turn out well PLEASE!!!

I pray to God nightly so Daddy will get through this and we laugh about it in years to come.

I hope you're happy Tigger I need you at the moment to see us through this and come out the other end smiling.

I miss you so much Tigger I need you to talk to and hope you will help by looking over Daddy especially.

Sorry it's a short letter tonight so much is going through my head forgive me darling.

Until tomorrow my precious, Mummy loves you forever xxxx thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 20th September 2013 20.05pm.

Hello my darling Tigger my baby boy hope your are ok and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

Daddy looks poorly today and lost a lot of weight but his CT scan has come back OK still in a lot of pain but they are giving him an enema now as we speak and another tomorrow.

They say if he passes stools he can go home then come back for his next test camera and biopsy.

I'm praying for all to be negative and he gets well soon I miss him Tigger as much as I miss you darling.

So until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee I don't know what I would do with out this site I would panic send my love to Bunny too. xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 19th September 2013 13.08pm.

Hello my darling I am so worried Daddy is quite poorly lots of pain feels sick still in hospital.

They are doing another ultra sound scan today I wish they would find the cause and it not be sinister.

I pray to God and ask you Tigger to watch over Daddy and hope everything turns out fine.

It's just a short letter today because I am going to the hospital for the pins to be removed from my toes and I will be going within the next two hours Chanel is picking me up.

She is having Muffin while I visit Daddy.

So until tomorrow my darling boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday September 18th 2013 21.37pm.

Hello my Precious boy my Tigger what a busy day.

I have been to see Daddy in hospital Sheila and Colin took me its an experience I can tell you.

Daddy has eat a lot today and drank loads of liquids.

Still in pain but improving his blood pressure was low but he needs to drink lots of water to bring it up.

Daddy seems a bit happier today we have laughed.

I took Muffin up the new road early this morning and was thinking about you again and talking to you smelling your collar but I have a cold at the moment.

I feel tired but happier knowing Daddy is a bit better.

I miss you darling so much until tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee once again send my love to Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday September 17th 2013 16.57pm

Hello my darling boy hope you're OK? Daddy has been admitted to hospital today they are going to assess him and find out why he is in so much pain and hopefully make him 100% better.

Mummy is worried and cried again this morning while taking Muffin a ride up the new road.

I hope they don't find anything nasty.

Lisa is coming for dinner then taking me to see Daddy.

I know it's a short write tonight but you know how much I miss you and pray hard Tigger my darling for Daddy don't take him from us just yet.

I will let you know what is happening.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love hope Bunny is improving xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday September 16th 2013 19.32pm.

Hello my Tiggy Wiggs hope you are happy and playing with your doggy friends.

Daddy is much better today been back to the Dr's been given different medication.

Lisa has been up to see him and take me to get a new ironing board one I can sit at.

Three more days and my bandages come off and pins in my toes come out.

I had another cry this morning while taking Muffin on my scooter up the new road wishing you were walking with us.

OH my darling I miss you so much and will NEVER forget you.
I would love to have you here to talk to about all my worries you used to listen and understand.

I will always love you and miss you darling Tigger speak to you tomorrow darling, Mummy xxxx thank you Dee send my love to Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday September 15th 2013 16.11pm.

Hello my precious boy Mummy has been crying this morning missing you and worried about Daddy, he stayed in bed this morning but is up now.

Ringing surgery and specialist tomorrow.

It's a very wet day today expected I suppose it is Autumn.

Chanel and the children have been down for dinner while Christopher was in bed after working a night shift.

4 days to go then pins come out of my feet hooray !!

It seems forever.

Sheila has rang three times today worried about Daddy. Marg has text too.

A little disappointed with Lisa who hasn't rang for two days.

But she does work and has to visit Jade and Finley.

I love my family whatever happens.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger my very special boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and send my love to you and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday September 14th 2013 16.45pm.

Hello my precious Tigger how are you my darling?

Mummy is so frustrated today nothing to do nowhere to go because of my feet being bandaged up and Daddy poorly.

Lisa has gone out I think to see Jade and Finley.

Christopher and Chanel and the children have been to see us.

Christopher is working tonight and will be in bed all day tomorrow so Chanel and the children will be down all day tomorrow, I hope it doesn't rain they are bringing Baxter too.

I have cried again this morning Tigger missing you more than anyone knows.

Television is the only thing we can watch to occupy us at the moment.

Nothing to tell you really today darling only that I miss you with all my heart and pray one day you will come home.

Until tomorrow my Tigger my Angel Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee so much send my love to Bunny too. xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday September 13th 2013 16.26pm

Hello my beautiful boy how are you my darling?

Mummy has been to Rowley Hall to have wound checked and bandages dressed every thing is fine.

Daddy seems much better today still in pain but much better.

I cried again today Tigger because I don't think I will ever get over losing you I miss you so much.

Geoff has been up to do a bit of gardening coming back in the week.

It's back to rain again today another depressing weekend.

Feeling a bit down today I wish something good would happen.

Until tomorrow my Angel my Tiggy Wiggs Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday September 12th 2013 16.44pm.

Hello my darling boy hope you are happy my precious.

Daddy has been poorly all night vomiting and this morning.

The fax has been sent to our Dr from the specialist who has prescribed a prescription.

Uncle Dick, Sheila and Colin have been up today to see Daddy.

He is in bed now and has been most of the afternoon.

Hope he feels better soon.

I kissed you collar and have been talking to you again today missing you so much Tigger.

What I would do to hold you again and kiss you and cuddle you Oh Tigger my darling COME HOME to Daddy and me xxxxxxx

Until tomorrow my precious boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee once again and send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 11th September 2013 15.31pm.

Hello my darling Tigger hope your happy darling playing with your doggy friends over The Rainbow Bridge.

Good news today Daddy's had a phone call from specialist at hospital some blood results back ok X-ray shows bowel problem but something that can be sorted.

We feel much better knowing it's nothing serious.

Unfortunately I always think the worse.

Thank you Tigger for helping us through the worry I know you are with us always.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxxx Thank you Dee for supporting Bunny I send my love to you both xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 10th September 2013 17.24pm

Hello my sweetheart my precious boy Mummy misses you darling so much I need you at the moment!!

Daddy has been to see the doctor today he has given him a sick note for two weeks.

Waiting for results crossing fingers.

No one has been today they are all busy Geoff may come down tonight to do more to the garden no rush.

Auntie Marg has text worried about Daddy and Auntie Sheila has rang too.

Nothing more to tell you today only that I wish you were here to cuddle and talk to about how worried I am about Daddy.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy will always love you forever xxxxxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny xxxxxxx I send my love xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday September 9th 2013 17.55pm.

Hello my Tigger My Beautiful baby boy.

Daddy has ben to hospital and the specialist said no camera down the throat, he decided a stomach x-ray and more blood tests.

The specialist is ringing Daddy in two days.

I am worried he is in such a lot of pain.

I know you are looking over us and especially Daddy.

The chippings have arrived today Geoff is laying them when the weather picks up.

The children are here tonight while Chanel and Christopher go diving,.

Not much more to tell you at present only I love you and miss you terribly.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee so much for keeping this site going xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 8th September 2013 18.30pm.

Hello my darling Tigger I hope you are ok Daddy is really poorly today pain very severe in his stomach he looks dreadful he is going to have an endoscopy tomorrow morning I'm praying he only has an ulcer it's frightening me I am so worried.

I hope it isn't cancer !!!

Please Tigger look over him for me.

Lisa and Geoff have been up today to dig the front garden then they took me for a meal.

I snook some money in Lisa's purse for doing the garden.

It's pouring down with rain at the moment hope it improves tomorrow.

The chippings are being delivered.

I will let you know how Daddy gets on tomorrow pray for him I will!!!

Until tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for helping keeping this site going xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer DOg Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday September 7th 2013 13.52pm.

Hello my Precious boy Mummy put in the wrong date on my comments on the 4th of September things on my mind with Daddy not being well.

Hope you're happy playing with your doggy friends.

Daddy seems a little better today still in pain but not rolling in pain like he was.

Sheila and Colin have been up bringing Muffins treats and to see if Daddy is ok.

Christopher Chanel and the children might be coming up today not totally sure.

Lisa and Geiff are looking for a new bath.

Disappointed in Jade not coming up to see her Granddad as he has been poorly and me having had an operation on my feet, but that's grand children for you.

I called your name twice this morning while taking Muffin up to the new road on my mobility scooter I shouted you loud and cried, I keep hoping you will come home to us.

It's very cold today but at least dry.

I haven't much more to tell you today because I can,t get out and with Daddy being poorly he isn't going out either.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx thank you Dee very much for keeping the site going also hope Bunny gets well soon. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 6th September 2013 18.09pm.

Hello my darling boy I filled up today thinking about you and missing you Tigger I wish you would come home my darling.

Daddy still not well but again his scan has come back no abnormalities.

We just have to wait on Monday if they find anything from the endoscopy please lord I hope they don't.

I have been to Rowley Hall for my stitches out today and have to go back on Friday next week 9.50am to check the wound as it is a little red.

Then the week after the pins come out not looking forward but it has to be done.

Christopher and Chanel are diving Sunday night.

Chanel has just rang she is golden I love her vry much.

I also love all my family Geoff and my gorgeous daughter Lisa are coming on Sunday to do the garden.

It's surprising how family come together when we are immobile.

Only one animal missing YOU TIGGER!!!

Until tomorrow my precious boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you so much Dee for keeping this site going xxxxxxx Rose I do hope Bunny improves.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 5th September 2013 14.32pm

Hello my darling Tigger how are you my precious?.

Mummy and Daddy have been married 43years today .

Chanel has brought me flowers a Thornton's cake and a card.

Lisa is coming for dinner again today she will bring a card.
Geoff has been too do the garden took weeds out.

coming back Sunday and Monday.

Both Daddy and I have sent each other a card and
both put love from you .

You will always be mentioned and remembered.

I love you and miss you Tigger so much.

I am so worried about Daddy he is so poorly today but we can't do anything until his results come back from the scan.

I'm going to Rowley Hall hospital to see Mr Rees and have my stitches out tomorrow and dressing changed I will let you know how I get on.

Until tomorrow my darling Boy Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee for sending my comments back send my love to Bunny and love to you too. xxxxxx Rose

MyPrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 4th August 2013 14.01pm.

Hello Tigger my precious boy how are you today?

Mummy is writing a bit earlier today it's very hot outside so Mummy and Daddy are staying out of the heat.

Mummy's foot is very painful today and Daddy is not well either still in pain waiting for results to come back.

Geoff rang this morning says he is going to do the front garden tomorrow put black membrane down before chipping slate comes.

Tigger I miss you so much I am not crying so much but still talk to you and wish and pray every day you will come home.

Such a lot on my mind at the moment Tigger Dads health my foot the garden all sorts.

Keep us safe Tigger pray Daddy will be OK.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny and send my love.xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 3rd September 2013 20.17pm.

Hello my precious Tigger hope your happy I'm missing your company Tigger I want to cuddle up to you and tell how worried I am about Daddy.

He is still in a lot of pain.

Jan the lady who used to take me to work has been today stayed a couple of hours.

Lisa has been for dinner.

Daddy's mate from work called in Jason asked if we needed anything fetching how kind he is Geoff also rang asking if we need anything just ask.

Chanel has rang also children back to school today.

It's just a waiting game regarding Daddy's results.

Not much more to tell you today so speak to you tomorrow my darling I love you so much and miss you terribly.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny for this site xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 2nd September 2013 14.51pm

Hello my precious boy, Tigger I am writing to you earlier today because Daddy has been to the hospital for his scan on his stomach he has just rang but they won't tell him the result until they have looked properly it will take a week for it to go to our Dr's.

I am trying to switch off until the result comes through.

Chanel has been up with the children had lunch and stayed a while.

I love you and miss you Tigger so much watch over Daddy keep him safe darling.

I hope I have many more long years with him.

Until tomorrow my Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxx Thank you Dee and Bunny I send my love xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 1st September 2013 18.29pm

Hello my precious boy my Tigger missing you so much darling I keep trying to see you when I close my eyes hoping you will come to me again.

I can't be greedy you did come to me last week.

Daddy is going to the hospital tomorrow for his ultra sound scan on his stomach I won't rest until everything is back to normal.

We are on hold at the moment.

Christopher Chanel and the children have been up today.

Daddy has finished the front laying bricks on the floor it is lovely.

I will let you know how Daddy gets on tomorrow.

Mummy loves you forever darling write to you tomorrow xxxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny I send you both my love xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 31st August 2013 18.35pm.

Hello my precious boy my Tiggy Wiggs hope your enjoying yourself over The Rainbow Bridge?

Daddy has been busy today laying bricks in front garden.

Lisa and Geoff have been up to bring Daddy some sand and stuff.

Christopher Chanel and the children have been to Cosford air museum.

Mummy has been thinking and talking about you again today to Jo next door how much I am missing you, she also said how she misses kate and her other dog who died just before you 6 months apart.

Daddy has got to have an ultra sound scan on his stomach on Monday then the following Monday a camera down his throat please pray for him Tigger I am.

I love you and miss you Tigger so much darling.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny for helping me get through this loss of my baby boy Tigger xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 30th August 2013 20.30pm.

Hello my darling Tigger my precious boy.

What a day this has been panic this morning when the xray department rang to ask Daddy to come on Monday for a ultrasound scan we thought it was through the chest xray Daddy had on Tuesday.

I rang our GP and he explained Daddy's blood test was OK and the chest xray was inflammation of his lungs due to perhaps his Bronchitis.

I am just praying the ultrasound shows little.

Crossing fingers.

I thank you Tigger for watching over us.

I want to talk to you and hug you as you used to understand if I was upset or worried.
But I think Muffin kind of understood when I started crying worrying about Daddy today.

I love you and miss you more than ever Tigger until tomorrow go play with your doggy friends my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee so much I don't know what I would do without this site send my love to Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 29th August 2013 17.21pm.

Hello my precious Tigger I can't tell you how
happy I was this morning when I was half and half
just waking up as clear as a bell there I saw the Rainbow Bridge it was a wooden bridge with lattice fencing at the side flower either side and every dog mentionable came running towards me you were in the middle and tried to run forward to kiss me, I cried and cried with both sadness and joy. The tears flowed down my face. Oh Tigger I am now convinced there is an after life and we will all meet at the Rainbow Bridge.

Oh Tigger I am crying as I write this to you.

I talked to you in bed this morning and told Daddy and Muffin but asked not to take Daddy or Muffin yet.

Muffin didn't come to bed last night so when I woke up at 4 o'clock I panicked because he always comes to bed, he must have been hot it's cooler downstairs although I have the window fully open.

Sometimes you used to stay downstairs didn't you when you felt poorly.

15 months nearly 16 since we said goodbye I don't know where the months have gone.

Nan has been up to see me she stayed a couple of hours.

No one else has been, Daddy went out to Cannock this morning.

Anne rang earlier to ask if we were both OK as she was worried about us.

I miss you so much darling please come to me again?

Until tomorrow Tigger my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee I send you and Bunny all my love xxxx

My Precious Tier My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 28th August 2013 18.33pm

Hello my darling Tigger hope your OK my precious?

I need you to look over Daddy at the moment and pray all results come back negative and just hope his problem is something trivial.

Chanel and the children have been down today.

Daddy has been busy laying bricks on the front path which had been knocked out when the porch was put up.

He is keeping his mind occupied I think.

I took Muffin up the new road today on my mobility scooter daddy helped.

I thought of you when going up the road.

I have secured your new canvas on the living room wall just put new screws in on my lap Chanel hung it up.

I miss you so much Tigger, I still wait for you to come home and into my dreams.

One day Tigger one day.

Nan is coming up tomorrow to visit me!!!!

Until tomorrow my Angel Mummy loves you forever xxxx

Thank you Dee and Bunny for helping me get through losing my Baby boy Tigger. xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 27th August 2013 19.40pm.

Hello my darling Boy Tigger I miss you so much I talked to you this morning as I looked at your picture above our bed and cried.

Daddy has been to the Dr's again today who has sent him for blood tests and a chest x-ray I am really worried Tigger the doctor wants Daddy to have a camera down his throat too.

I pray to God it isn't the big C I couldn't lose Daddy as well if they find anything let it be an ulcer and nothing more.

Lisa has been up with Finley Toby Layla and Geoff stayed a while. Sheila and Colin have been up too.

Nan hasn't been near!

I've to much on my mind to worry about Nan she will be OK.
Look over Daddy for me Tigger I don't want his to be called just yet I want to live with him until we are in our eighties PLEASE GOD.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you for ever xxxxxx Thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 26th August 2013 18.50pm

Hello my sweetheart my darling Tigger how are you my precious?

I have been talking about you and to you today I have managed with Daddy's help go out on my mobility scooter with Muffin on my lap just riding round and back.

Chanel has been with Cameron Ellie and Georgia they stayed a couple of hours painting on their plant pots Cameron on the Ipad games.

Daddy still not well but I am ringing Dr's tomorrow.

My feet feel a bit better only 11 days to see surgeon.

Lisa has rang from Blackpool loving it going to Southport today might be staying over coming back home tomorrow.

I kissed your collar this morning and smelt it, it still smells strongly of you which gives me comfort.

I miss you so much Tigger my darling.

Not much to tell you today really a bit of a boring day but at least the sun is shining.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee it's lovely reading back my comments send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 25th August 2013 14.40pm.

Hello my precious boy my darling Tigger.

Mummy is thinking about you again I wish I could get out on my mobility scooter but I can't walk at all at the moment all bandaged up ions in both feet and big toe strapped up.

Daddy isn't very well stomach pains I think he has a urine infection or appendicitis. He never complains.

I feel guilty because he is looking after me and I can't do anything.

No visitors today all away or busy.

Hope you're enjoying yourself with your doggy friends over the Rainbow Bridge, Mummy misses you so much Darling, nothing to tell you today a bit boring really I love company and they are all away. Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my darling boy how are you my precious?

Chanel has been down today with the children playing nicely with their new projects.
Cameron making puppets out of paper and funny bits to stick on.

Ellie and Georgia painting their plant pots.

Chanel took Daddy to Wickes for edging in the porch now finished looks good.

I miss you more than ever Tigger praying every day you will come home to me and Daddy, I can only talk to your picture, look at the canvas of you, smell your collar and touch your fur the vet gave me from you.

I will always go over the daily ritual until my last breath.

Until tomorrow my darling Tiggy Wiggs my precious Babetts Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for sending my comments back I know you're busy love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 23rd August 2013 18.21pm.

Hello my darling Tigger my precious boy hope you are OK and enjoying your life over the Rainbow Bridge.

I miss you as usual my darling and have been thinking of you again missing you more than ever.

I don't know where the days and weeks are going.

The children have been here today while Chanel has had here hair done.

They were golden.

Daddy has finished the flooring in the porch it looks lovely now.

Mummy is in a lot of pain today but it was expected.
A district nurse us coming out tonight to change my dressing.

I must catch up with some of the comments on this site I haven't read any for a while.

My darling if I could only hold you in my arms and hug you again it would make my life, come home to me darling come home to Mummy and Daddy.

Until tomorrow my precious go play and enjoy your doggy friends Mummy loves you forever xxx Thank you Dee for sending my comments back I am very grateful send my love to Bunny too. xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 22nd August 2013 17.55pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you today?

Mummy has been talking to you and thinking about you again today.

Had a good nights sleep but the pain is much stronger today.

Daddy is home and looking after me and doing all the house work Geoff popped up to see if we wanted anything he took Daddy to Hednesford shopping.

Daddy has been laying the wooden floor in the porch but we haven't any more we have got to search if a store has any in stock.

I miss you darling so much Lisa even said last night Muffin isn't Tigger is he I know she misses you too.

Yes Muffin is different we shouldn't compare you are both unique!!!

I pray every day you will come back to me.

I shall write to you every day until I am unable.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger baby boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny I send my love to you both xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 21st August 2013. 20.19pm

Hello my Darling Tigger hope you are enjoying The Rainbow Bridge with your doggy friends.

I have had my operation back home now went well.
You helped me through it as I was going under I asked you to look over me and you did Thankyou Tigger xx

I love you and miss you so much darling Daddy is looking after mentioned you again today and Lisa did too.
I kissed your collar and touched your fur this morning before I went to the hospital.

New big toe joint and both 4 the toe on each foot straightened.

Glad it's all over now only one thing missing YOU my darling xxxxx.

Until tomorrow my precious boy Mummy loves you forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Preciious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 20th August 2013 16.01

Hello my darling Tigger count down to the hospital one day I may not be able to write to you tomorrow darling I don't know if they will let me out in the evening but crossing fingers.

I may be drowsy because of the anaesthetic.

I have been talking about you again today a couple of ladies I always try to mention your name and that I have lost you the people do understand because they tell me they have lost their dogs in the past and know how I feel.

I showed the courier who brings my parcels your picture on canvas today she said how lovely it was.

I know you are a handsome chap I always told you didn't I.

Sally the breeder said you could have been a show dog.

I miss you so much Tigger it still hurts so much.

I don't cry as much as I did when I first lost you but it still hurts inside.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever darling xxxxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny hope she is improving. xxxxx Rose

MY Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 19th August 2013 22.23pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you my precious boy.
Just a short letter I'm babysitting and it's very late nothing much to write to you today haven't been anywhere only here ad Christopher's baby sitting I will write more tomorrow I haven't even rang Nan left my phone at home so until tomorrow my darling boy I miss you so much darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee I haven't received any of my comments since 20th August I know you're busy.
Send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 18th August 2013 18.08pm.

Hello my precious boy my darling Tigger.

Hope you are enjoying yourself over The Rainbow Bridge with your doggy friends.

Mummy was talking about you again today to another lady walking her dog she had two Westies.

I talked about losing you and how I still cry today she said she does she had lost her last dog too.

Daddy has finished the back garden. I wish you could see it now Tigger you would love lounging on the decking in the shade.

It's just the front garden needs attention not to much though.

I visited Lisa today and Geoff had an hour with them they had Toby with them Geoff's grandson.

Chanel and Christopher had a great time with their diving friends 30 camping on their paddock.

They had a barbeque and she gave them all breakfast this morning bacon and eggs.

My darling I do miss you so much I talk to you every day it makes me feel better.

Three days to go for my operation hurry up so I can get it over with.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 17th August 2013 17.18pm.

Hello my darling Tiggy Wiggs Mummy has been thinking about you again today.

Daddy and Geoff have put up my mobility shed today for my scooter it's great!!!

I have had my hair done too, Lisa Jade and Finley have gone swimming.

I keep looking at the canvas of you replacing the one that has faded I love it and you.

Until tomorrow my darling boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 16th August 2013 19.03pm.

Hello My darling the canvas of you has come today it's fantastic it's the one of you sitting on the leather sofa with the fur cover over me and you.

I cried when it came but was happy too.

It's been a satisfying day today Daddy and Geoff turned the shed around tidied the garden and decking up now it's almost complete only one thing missing YOU!!!! my darling Tigger.

I am having my hair done tomorrow, Geoff is coming up to help Daddy to put up my mobility scooter shed crossing fingers it doesn't rain.

I love you Tigger and miss you so much until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee once again send my love to Bunny xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 15th August 2013 18.23pm.

Hello my darling Tigger today has gone so quickly again not enough hours in the day.

It's getting nearer to next Wednesday I just want to get it over with.

I have been talking and thinking about you again today it doesn't seem five minutes since I wrote to you yesterday.

I love you and miss you Tigger I have ordered a new canvas of you to hang on the wall to replace the one I had done of you last year it has faded. This one is a copy of you having your tummy tickled by me which is on this site.

It should be here tomorrow if not Saturday I can't wait.

You will never be forgotten Tigger I promise.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny hope she is well xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 14th August 2013 18.47pm.

Hello Tigger my precious boy how has your day gone today?.
Mummy has been for an eye test today more glasses.
I cried for you again today when thinking about you I will never forget you Tigger my darling.

Every time I look at your photos and pictures I get upset because I miss you so much.

I speak to you wherever I am be it quietly sometimes in case people think I am going crazy talking to myself.

I'm not crazy just missing you my darling so much.

Daddy is emptying the new shed on Friday so Geoff and Daddy can move it now that the old shed has been disposed of, more room in the garden.

One week and I will be having my operation, I just want to get it over with.

I will be thinking about you Tigger as I go under the anaesthetic but I have already told you this haven't I? Silly Mummy repeating myself.

Play and have fun my Tiggy Wiggs over The Rainbow Bridge until tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny foe letting me and others use this site I don't know what I would do without it xxxxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 13th August 2013 18.51pm

Hello my darling Tigger my baby boy hope your happy playing with your doggy friends.

Mummy has been for my pre op assessment today blood tests heart monitor blood pressure.

Not looking forward to the op but it must be done.

I know you will be with me Tigger I will be thinking of you as I go under the anaesthetic.

Chanel has been down today she took me to the hospital also collected the flooring and next parcel she is an Angel.

The weather is changing now much colder I hate winter.

I have gone through the usual rituals today which I will try and do each day it will only be next Wednesday I won't be able to I will be asleep.

But I will make up for it.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I look forward to my comments coming back send my love to Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 12th August 2013 18.31pm.

Hello my Tiggy Wiggs how are you my precious boy?
I talked about you today to a couple of woman who walked their dogs today I was with them quite a while.

I would talk about all day if I could!!

Chanel has been down with the children today had dinner too.

Daddy is back at work he can't wait to retire I wish he could now.

I miss you darling so much I kissed your collar touched your hair the vet gave me.

I beg you to come home or in my dreams it hasn't happened yet.

I go to Rowley Hall tomorrow to have my pre op assessment.

For my operation a week on Wednesday.

Watch over me Tigger keep me safe.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send you and Bunny my love xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 11th August 2013 18.50pm

Hello my precious boy I have been reading another ladies story and hope that one day I can do the same as she did she visited the Rainbow Bridge to see her dog who she lost a year ago.

I would love to visit you for a while so I can hug you again oh my Tigger do you think God will let me?

It's been a very busy day today we have had Cameron Ellie Georgia and Baxter for the day lovely but 12 hours tiring.

Three children and two dogs my goodness if you had been here it would have been a full house.
But lovely!!

I haven' t even took Muffin a ride today but he has played with Baxter all day.

Daddy has been busy putting up new fences at the back it looks lovely.

I talk about you every day as today the children said if you took Tiggers photos down would you forget him? I said certainly not he is and will be in my head and memory fiorever.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thankyou Dee I await my replies I know you're busy and send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday August 10th 2013 17.45pm

Hello my darling boy my Tigger I hope you are OK and enjoying playing with your doggy friends over The Rainbow Bridge.

Mummy has been thinking and talking about you today I even shouted your name over the new road only Muffin and I were there this morning.

I miss you so much Tigger I am broken hearted my life will never be the same without you Darling.

Daddy is mending the back fence on the decking he is doing a smashing job.

Christopher Chanel and the children came today but I missed them I went to see Sheila and Colin. No worries we have the children all day tomorrow.

The weather is holding for us it's nice to have Summer sunshine not rain for a change.

Oh Tigger if only you were lying by my side as I write on my IPad it breaks my heart knowing I can't cuddle into your white chest, hug you, play with you. I imagined you jumping on the bed yesterday if only it was real.

Now I am going to cry again miss you darling, until tomorrow precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee send my love to Bunny too xxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 9th August 2013 20.52pm

Hello my darling boy my precious Tigger how are you sweetheart.

Today has been busy daddy cleaned the fish tank out he did go to Drs stomach bug or acid. Unsure still having problems.

I'm sure he will be fine he's tough Daddy is. My operation is 21st August they have brought it forward not looking forward to it but it's got to be done.

I talked to you again today smelt your collar and touched your hair the vet gave me.

I miss you so much Tigger I will never ever forget you darling.

Going to Penkridge tomorrow to see Sheila and Colin.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee once again for supporting this site send my love to Bunny too xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Thursday 8th August 2013 18.50pm

Hello my Tigger how are you today my darling?

Apart from you not being here with us it's been a good day.

Chanel has knocked the old shed down looking much better it was old.

Daddy has come home poorly tonight he has gone to bed I will ring our GP if no better tomorrow.
I hope one day Tigger my dreams will come true and you will be reunited with us all and be able to hug you again I love you Tigger with all my heart go play with your doggy friends until tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love best wishes to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wedesday 7th August 2013 18.45pm

Hello my Tigger my precious boy it's been a beautiful day today but as I took Muffin for a ride on my mobility scooter I started crying thinking about you I can't help it I miss you so much my Darling.

It's been a quiet day Daddy has been to work just Muffin and I in the house, but Chanel has spoken to me today.

Aunt Hazel is poorly Tigger she I think has not much time left now she has had a stroke and other problems she is going into hospital to try and help her.

I have kissed you collar and touch your hair again today.

This gives me comfort Tigger.

I will write to you again tomorrow my darling I love you my precious and will forever God Bless you darling Mummy xxxxx Thank you Dee hope you are well send my love to Bunny xxxxx Rose.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 6th August 2013 20.30pm

Hello my darling Tigger at last I can write to you without rushing. Anne and Viv have moved on to continue their holiday.

I can relax now although I enjoy their company it's tiring.

Anne saw me touch the laptop screen last night stroking your picture and smiled and commented by sign language keep your pecker up. I know she knew how I was feeling missing you.

I cried in bed quietly last night tears rolling down my face, you knew I was crying.

The sun has been out all day just pleasant enough to enjoy it.

I only wish you were here with Daddy and I to enjoy it together.

I just have to accept I can't have you here with us but that we are all thinking about you and love you and miss you always.

Mummy wants you to enjoy your days over The Rainbow Bridge until we are all together again one day. Go play and I will write to you tomorrow my darling love you forever Mummy and Daddy xxxxxxx Thank you Dee I sent you my love and hope Bunny is improving xxxxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 5th August 2013 19.47pm

Hello my precious boy you are never far from my thoughts wishing you here cuddling up on the sofa by my legs, me tickling you tummy.

Anne and Viv are going back tomorrow so I will have more time to talk to you and feel more relaxed.

I like visitors but we have been with them two weeks now and I'm feeling tired.

I have managed to kiss your collar and feel your hair the vet gave me from you.

I hope you can see me and are watching over Daddy and I.

Go play with your doggy friends until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 4th August 2013 21.14pm

Hello my darling Tigger how are you today Mummy cried, well sobbed last night in bed begging you to come home and be by my side, I ache inside it's been 15 months now since I said goodbye it seems like yesterday it still feels raw.

Tigger I love you and miss you so much Darling.

Mummy and Daddy have been out tonight for a meal
with Anne and Viv.
It was a very bad meal not recommended any more they have changed Management.

It is a short message I am sending you tonight, I will write more when Anne and Viv go back on Tuesday so good night God Bless Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee once again and send Bunny my love xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 3rd August 2013 17.39pm

Hello my precious Tigger hope you're ok?

Mummy is thinking about you again today looking at your picture and still wishing you by my side.

I kissed your collar and smelt it felt you hair between my fingers the vet gave me from your body I will never get over your being put to sleep even though I knew you were poorly.

I suppose it's being selfish but we all wish we could all live forever.

I love my family and wish us all together again every one loved you.

I talked to you this morning and cried.

Oh my darling I miss you so much.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx

Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 2nd August 2013 16.51pm

Hello my precious Tigger hope you are ok we have Anne and Viv here to stay until Tuesday, so writing to you is difficult with them being here.

It doesn't mean I will forget you you know I am always thinking about you.

I miss you so much darling.

Enjoy yourself darling with your doggy friends.

I kissed your collar and felt the hair from you the vet gave me.

Sorry it's short Anne is sitting next to me.
So until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxx Thank you Dee once again send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 1st August 2013 22.23pm

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are happy and playing over The Rainbow Bridge with your doggy friends.
Mummy is very late writing to you tonight we have got in late with Aane and Viv but I can now smell your collar and feel the hair from you which the vet gave me as a keepsake.

Mummy still has been thinking of you and miss you more than ever I will write to you again tomorrow my precious babetts my Tiggy Wiggs Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee once again send my love to Bunny too xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 31st July 2013 17.25pm

Hello my precious Tigger how are you my darling boy?
Mummy has been thinking about you throughout the day wherever I am, I often think about you wishing you with me.

Today Anne & Viv have took us for a ride round.
I'm looking forward to kissing your collar and smelling your hair the vet gave me on the day we had to say goodbye.

We are going out for a meal tonight with Anne and Viv.

Hope you're still enjoying staying at The Bridge.
Playing with your doggy friends.

Come to me tonight Tigget in my dreams PLEASE!
Until tomorrow my beautiful boy ni night God Bless Mummy loves you for ever xxxx Thank you Dee as always you are an Angel and my love to Bunny hoping she is getting better xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 30th July 2013 17.45pm

Hello my precious boy oh Tigger I do miss you. Daddy and I were in Poole today sitting on a bench we saw two Boxer dog puppies, a lump came to my throat it took some time to hold back the tears.

If I had one wish today I would wish you by my side walking proud. Like you used to.

Your collar lies on top of the oak DVD stand with a glass candlestick standing behind it and a beautiful verse standing up leaning against the candlestick.

Mummy will write again tomorrow Tigger I love you with all my heart xxxxx Thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 29th July 2013 16:50pm
Hello my darling Tigger my precious boy Mummy cried so much last night missing you so much.
I didn't sleep well at all.
We are still at Anne's until Friday am.
I have been with Louis today shopping and had a meal it was good.
Please come to me in my dream Tigger I am waiting for you and hope one day you will come to me.
Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee once again for keeping the site up to date I send my love to you and Bunny hope she is getting better xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 27th July 2013 6.20pm
Hello Darling my precious Tigger sorry it's short only I am writing to you from my Iphone. Hope you're OK and playing happily with your doggy friends. Daddy and I are at a barbeque Louise. Not very good though now it's raining. Had to go indoors. Mummy cried in bed today because I am missing you so much.

I hope to go on Anne's laptop tomorrow to write to you so until tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxx Thank you Dee once again I send my love to both you and Bunny xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 27th July 2013 16.42pm

Hello My darling boy my precious Tigger we have been to Milton Abbas fair today it is only every two years it's a street fair stalls people dressed in Victorian clothes music Morris dancers.

I saw such a lot of dogs there no Boxers though I wish you could have been there Tigger walking by my side I borrowed Viv's wheel chair.

What a lovely day a mini bus took us back up the hill.

Christopher and Chanel have been scuba diving enjoying their weekend.

Going to Louise's later.

Still thinking of you sweetheart and missing you so much.

I'm still using Anne's laptop that's why it's short and sweet.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee hope Bunny it improving send my love xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 26th July 2013 16.23pm.

Hello darling my precious Tigger how are you today I have been thinking about you and talking about you to Louise and showing Anne this Pet Loss Matters site. She saw your photo and smiled.

Oh Tigger I do miss you I wish you were with us here by my side.

It has been hot again today but hope it is going to be nice tomorrow we are going to Milton Abbas.

I have been with Louise most of the day.
Daddy has gone out for the day.

Christopher and Chanel are on their way to Portland bill going scuba diving.

I am going to ring Jade later to see if all is ok with her and the children.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee for your support send my love to bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 25th July 2013 16.45pm.

Hello my darling boy Mummy is writing from Anne's laptop today.

Hope you are ok and happy watching over us I have been thinking about you Tigger praying you would come to me oh Tigger I miss you so much it hurts !!!

We have been out in the country for a ride Hinton in Dorset had a lovely meal in The White Swan we have been before lovely people who own it.

I only wish you were with us walking in the country and sitting in the pub.

Christopher and Chanel are coming down to Portland bill tomorrow scuba diving with friends diving team.

Jade is looking after the children.

I will try and write again tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 24th July 2013 30.25pm

Hello my Precious boy I am writing to you from my IPhone as you know I am with Anne and Viv so although it is short I will write more when I am back on my laptop. I have been thinking of you most of the day missing you so much darling. My precious Tigger hope you are enjoying The Rainbow Bridge and enjoying playing with your doggy friends.

Has been a good day with Louise. Muffin played with Bailey the Shih Tsu, I stayed the day with Louise.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxx
Thank you Dee once again send my love to Bumny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my precious boy just a short message tonight we are at Anne and Vivs I love you and miss you so much have been thinking about you whilst on our journey forgive me if I can't write it's a little difficult at the moment.

I send my love wishing you back here with me.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxx.

Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 22nd July 2013 14.17pm.

Hello my darling I'm writing now because I have a hospital appointment and I don't know what time I will get back this evening as my appointment is so late.

I don't want to miss writing to you.

Tomorrow will be late too because we will be with Anne & Viv.

All I need to tell you is I miss you so much Tigger my heart is broken and aches most days.

I will keep in touch but it will be odd times from tomorrow.

Forgive me if I can't write there will be a good reason, but I will make up for it.

Go play enjoy yourself darling over The Rainbow Bridge with your doggy friends.

Until tomorrow night Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee or sending my comments back I send my love to both you and Bunny xxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 21st July 2013 14.43pm.

Hello Tigger my darling missing you more than ever My thoughts are always with you and always wishing you by my side.

Today a little cooler so more comfortable you know Mummy don't like too much heat.

I hope you're happy and not missing me too much as you are playing with your doggy friends.

Daddy is cooking dinner and he has just finished well almost finished the back garden.

No visitors today Lisa is in Western but going onto Cornwall having a great time.

Christopher is in bed after working a night shift testing on the railways.

Hospital appointment tomorrow.

Until tomorrow my precious love you with all my heart Mummy xxxxx Thank you Dee once again and send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 20th July 2013 21.13pm

Hello my darling I am late writing to you late tonight such a busy day and I haven't been out.

Christopher and Chanel Cameron Ellie Georgia and Baxter have visited.

Muffin has had a gorgeous hair cut groomed to perfection.

When I took Muffin up the new road a lump came to my throat, tears flowed down my face thinking about you. I tried to hold it back when I saw people with their dogs.

I will never get over losing you Tigger my crying has got easier but never stops.

Daddy has been busy putting planters up in the back garden they look lovely.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee once again send my love to Bunny xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My BOxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 19th July 2013 17.32 pm

Hello my darling boy hope you're enjoying the Rainbow Bridge. It's so hot today this is just a quick write tonight. I am going to baby sit up Christopher's.

Mummy talked to you today again and had a little cry.

I miss you so much darling.

Until tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny send my love too xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 18th July 2013 18.46pm.

Hello my darling Happy Birthday you're 11 years old today I have put it on Facebook and let everyone know and celebrate your Birthday and to let everyone how much I miss you.

I lit a candle for you today too.

I cried so much this morning missing you and not being able to give you a toy hurts so much, instead I send you my love and wish you a very Happy Birthday darling,

I only took Muffin up the new road early this morning whilst it was cool.
Lisa and Geoff popped up they are away on hols on Saturday Cornwall the weather looks good to stay.

I am writing on Chanel's note book to you as soon we will be away and I am going to borrow it so I can still write to you, I will take your picture with me but won't be able to smell your collar or feel your hair but I will make up for it when we get back. Just trying it out at the moment it's good.

Until tomorrow my precious have a lovely Birthday and enjoy sharing it with your doggy friends Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for supporting Bunny I send my love to both of you xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 17th July 2013 17.52pm.

Hello my precious boy how are you? Mummy has been to see Auntie Hazel she was so pleased to see me, I took her Birthday card and present she was so happy.

I showed her photographs of all the family and talked about things which have changed over the months new builds new stores.

She loves me to keep her up to date.

I talked to you again today smelt your collar and felt the hair from you which the vet gave me.

Missing you is not getting any easier in fact it is getting harder, all I ask is for you to visit me just once so I can give you a cuddle talk to you and I will relax and feel much happier, I think it would be a miracle if it did happen !!!
But I can only hope.
When I took Muffin up the new road on my mobility scooter today I saw a lady who has a Boxer dog you know her Jayne I saw him and choked up wishing it was you. I miss your strong stance your handsome face and watching you play with a new toy I had brought you.

Baxter has your bed and Chanel has promised she will never throw it away.

Each time I see it I think of you.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger go play and enjoy yourself Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thank you Dee I do enjoy looking back on the comments I sent to my Tigger it gives me comfort Send my love to Bunny too. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 19th July 2013 19.40pm.

Hello my darling Tigger it's so hot today you would have been laying in the shade snoozing if you would have been here with me.

Instead I can only hope you are running happy in the fields with your doggy friends playing with your toys and Granddad and Auntie Irene Darren and all the animals we have lost over the years.

I still cry some days more than others, but talk to you every day.

I have only been up the new road with Muffin early this morning because of the heat on my mobility scooter.

Going to see Aunt Hazel tomorrow with Chanel she is picking me up. It's Aunt Hazel's birthday 29th July she will be 87 years old. She is in a residential home now Harry can't look after her you see.

We should have gone today but Christopher wasn't well so Chanel stayed at home.

I will write to you tomorrow my darling and let you know about the day.

Mummy loves you forever God Bless You my precious xxxxxx Thank you Dee for sending my comments back I send my love to you and Bunny. Take care xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 15th July 2013 19.17pm.

Hello My Tigger darling you're still my precious boy even though I have Muffin I haven't replaced you I still love you more than ever.

I need company you see and I miss your company I miss the walks and the play. I know I can't walk now but you would still be my company, I could talk to you and you seemed to understand you were a very intelligent Boxer dog.

I haven't been out today it has been too hot.

Daddy has gone baby sitting last time on a Monday Christopher and Chanel have their last session scuba diving Christopher has passed his.

Chanel has a little way to go.

I may take Muffin up the new road later when it has cooled down.

Hope your enjoying yourself playing in the grass with your doggy friends feeling well and running.

Send my love to everyone I will write to you tomorrow sweetheart God Bless you darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for sending my comments back I know you are busy and send my love to Bunny hope she is improving. xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 14th July 2013 17.17pm

Hello my precious Tiggy Wiggs, Mummy has been crying again today because I miss you so much and want you home where you belong!!!!

Lisa and Geoff took me to new life today and are now taking Daddy & I for a drink at Penkridge by the canal.

It is so hot again today but we shouldn't complain we have had such a bad winter rain snow and more rain.

If only I could put my arms around you again Tigger my life would be complete.

I will write to you tomorrow and tell you how tonight went. Mummy loves you forever darling xxxxx Thanks Dee I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 13th July 2013 17.42pm.

Hello my sweetheart my precious Tigger how are you today?

To hot today it's 32* I have been on my mobility scooter to Cannock but came straight back after getting what I wanted.

I was talking to you as I was driving along.

Baxter came to play with Muffin today whilst Christopher Chanel and the children went to a diving place in Tamworth Christopher has passed his scuba diving test.

Geoff's Nephew came and painted our garden fences looks smart now.

Daddy is baby sitting again tonight and Monday evening.

I miss you so much Tigger I cant tell you how much my heart aches for you, you were my best friend.

I lie in bed imaging you jumping on the bed waiting for me to kiss you and play fight like we used to before you became ill.

Your sigh when you tried to go to sleep your snore we used to hear when you were in a deep sleep.

I miss all that Tigger I just have the memories.

Which I am glad to have.

Until tomorrow my precious boy Mummy will speak to you tomorrow ni nite God Bless xxxxxx Thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 12th July 2013 18.28pm.

Hello my Darling boy my precious Tigger how are you today?

I do miss you my darling how I ache for you to come home.
I hope one day my dreams will come true and you will be back by my side again.

I will be able to hold you kiss you feel your fur on that gorgeous chest smell you.

Today has been a busy day again, I have been to see Lisa and Jade and Finley, we sat on the lawn talking as we do like a very close family. I love all my family the same as I love you Tigger.

I am having my hair done tomorrow and if not too hot will go and see Aunt Hazel and take her Birthday card.

I will be thinking of you as usual Tigger so until tomorrow good night God bless Mummy loves you with all my heart, xxxxxx Thank you Dee and send my love to Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 11th July 2013 22.09pm.

Hello my darling sorry I am late writing to you It's been a busy day Chanel took me a ride to Birmingham she needed to change her floor steamer.

Lisa came for dinner and took me a ride to Cannock it was late when we came back, then Chanel rang me this evening to ask if I was OK.

I talked about you today again saying you will be 11 years old next Thursday as Muffin is one year old today.

I brought him a little toy as a present, the same as I used to buy you when it was your Birthday. but then I had used to buy you a toy every week do you remember?

It's been hot again today even hotter Friday and Saturday.

I miss you darling so much I love you Tigger with all my heart good night precious speak with you tomorrow xxxxxxxxxx Thank you Dee once again, I haven't received my comments back since 24th of June but I reckon it's because your busy catching up. Send my love to Bunny xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 10th July 2013 20.25pm

Hello my Angel just got back from Christopher's.

What a long day it has been 13 hours since they left this morning, Muffin and Baxter have had fun playing together too.

But had 2 hours sleep only the weather too hot and it doesn't help my joints all of my joints in a lot of pain today.
Still you don't want to hear all about my aches and pains.

I hope you are well my darling Mummy has been thinking about you today and miss you so much.

If I had one wish in my life today it would be bring back my Tigger.

So until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee and Bunny for this site I don't know what I would do without it. xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 9th July 2013 10.41am.

Hello Tigger my darling I'm writing early this morning because I am going up to Christopher's later to stay over and I don't want to miss writing to you.

How are you my precious boy? Mummy as always is thinking about you and missing you so much my darling.

If you were here this morning I would be putting my arms around you and giving you a BIG HUG!!!!
Instead I will talk to your picture and go through the usual ritual which I will always do.

I have already took Muffin up the new road on my mobility scooter and shopped, the girls at the supermarket carry my groceries to my scooter always very helpful.

Until tomorrow my Tigger my only Angel Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny xxx

,My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 8th July 2013 09.27am

Hello darling my precious Tigger, I'm writing early today because I am going to Christopher's to watch the children and don't want to miss writing to you.

I hope you are enjoying playing with your doggy friends and are with Granddad aunt Irene Darren all the people we have loved and lost.

Mummy is always talking and thinking about you throughout the day.

I miss talking to you so I talk to your picture kiss your blanket you kept in your bed and smell your collar and touch your hair the vet gave me.

I am waiting for some planters to come today so can't go out on my mobility scooter, but it's too hot anyway.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you always and forever xxxxxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny love to you both xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 7th July 2013 20.44pm.

Hello my Tigger my darling boy my handsome chap.

Mummy has just got back from taking Muffin up the new road because it's cooler, it has been so hot today.

I talk to you every time I go over there wishing you were by my side.

Lots of things happening this week I am looking after the grandchildren tomorrow night whilst Christopher and Chanel go scuba diving lesson.

Them Tuesday night I am stopping over whilst they both go to the sea to scuba dive.

So I may write at different times to you this week.

I will let you know what's happening my precious .

So until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you with all my heart. xxxxxxx Thank you Dee I'm not receiving my comments at present but I reckon you are really busy hope you are ok and Bunny is getting better xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 6th July 2013 18.51pm.

Hello Tigger my darling baby boy you're my precious Angel and I miss you so much, every day I think of you and choke up with a lump in my throat.

Mummy has been to Lichfield today but didn't stop long it was too hot and busy.

Christopher Chanel and the children have been today the children played in the paddling pool.

You loved water didn't you? Remember when I used to take you over the railway to the pool and the lovely walks we used to have, I miss those walks.

I wouldn't be able to go now but Daddy would have took you.

One day in the future we will walk together again then I will be the happiest woman on this earth.

Wait for me Tigger won't you?

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy will always remember you and love you xxxxxxx Thank you Dee I am so grateful for you supporting Bunny on this site hope she is getting better all my love Rose xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 5th July 2013 16.10pm.

Hello darling how are you my precious boy?

It's a glorious day and you're not here with me to share it.
Instead I can only imagine you are playing with your doggy friends over he Rainbow Bridge.

Oh Tigger I miss you so much sweetheart.

I looked at your picture again today and prayed I could nestle into your chest your beautiful white soft chest and put my arms around you once again.

I pray every night you will come into my dreams too.


Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you with all my heart xxxxxxxxx Thank you Dee hope you and Bunny are ok take care love Rose xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Anonymous

Thursday 4th July 2013 17.50pm

Hello my darling Tigger my baby boy, Mummy has been talking about you today to all the people who walked their dogs over the new road, it was lovely saying hello and introducing Muffin, who got on with them all.

I wondered how you would have got on with them all Tigger? It's hard to say, you always protected me so that I can only guess.

There were certain dogs you didn't trust.

But you were so gentle and kind with children and the family specially babies.

I wanted to cuddle you today and again a lump came to my throat.

I had to control it because I was out on my mobility scooter and people were out in the street too.

My darling I miss you so much!!!

Until tomorrow Tigger my precious baby boy Mummy loves you with all my heart, xxxxx Thank you Dee I send my love to you and Bunny hope she is improving xxxxxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 3rd July 2013 17.52pm

Hello Tigger my darling how are you today?

Today has gone so quickly Tigger, the blinds are up now in the porch, only waiting for new wooden flooring.

I have missed you so much Tigger today, my throat has been aching with pain wishing you back home with me.
My feelings will never change wherever I am whatever I am doing you are always in my thoughts.

Daddy has just taken Muffin a walkover the field just like he used to take you, oh Tigger PLEASE PLEASE come home?!

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee once again send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 2nd July 2013 16.18pm.

Hello my sweetheart how is my precious boy today?

Mummy has been up the new road with Muffin today my usual routine then to the new discount store on my mobility scooter.
Now it's raining so indoors again.

Mummy has talked about you again today with a lump in my throat your always in my thoughts darling.

The blinds are being fitted tomorrow in the porch so another day in, anyway it's rain again tomorrow.

I will write again tomorrow and let you know what has happened in the day, enjoy playing with your doggy friends and send my love to all , Mummy loves you with all my heart xxxxxxx Thank you Dee your help is appreciated love to you and Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 1st July 2013 18.07pm

Hello my precious Tigger your name has been mentioned several times today you will never be forgotten my darling.

Mummy has cried and cried today I just cannot get you out of my mind.

I don't want to, I feel guilty if I try to be happy, the only thing that would make me very happy is you Tigger coming home.

PLEASE !!!!!!!

Daddy has gone baby sitting while Christopher and Chanel go scuba diving lessons.

I have only took Muffin up the new road on my mobility scooter and come home.

So not much more to tell you today my darling.

Until tomorrow my Angel Mummy loves you with all my heart xxxxxxx Thank you Dee for sending my comments back love to you and Bunny xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 30th June 2013 15.44pm.

Hello my Tigger My darling Beautiful boy.

How are you? Mummy needs your support at the moment things aren't going so well please let me feel your presence I have been crying most of the day, and when I used to cry you used to comfort me.

But Muffin is too young to understand.
Daddy has been busy painting the porch ceiling and other odd jobs before Anne and Viv come to stay.

We can't wait to go away because of the pressure at the moment. Too many things going on.

Did I tell you Lisa had passed her driving test I'm sure I have in yesterdays letter.

The weather is hot at the moment so nice to have sun instead of rain. Same tomorrow.

I know the sunshine will be shining on you because your precious and over The Rainbow bridge it always shines.

I hope tomorrow brings a better day I will let you know.

Until tomorrow darling Tiggy Wiggs Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for keeping the site going I do hope Bunny will be well soon love to both of you xxxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 29th June 2013 18.19pm.

Hello Tigger my darling boy hope you're happy with your doggy friends and relatives who we have also lost.

Mummy has not had such a good day today therefore didn't go to Ellie's big birthday party.

Daddy popped up for a while.

Muffin has been up the new road.

So nothing much to tell you today feeling pretty low.

The only thing that would cheer me up is you coming home it would be better than winning the lottery.

So until tomorrow my precious boy go play and be happy Mummy loves you with all my broken heart xxxxxx Thank you Dee for helping I send my love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 28th June 2013 19.53pm.

Hello my darling Tigger what a day!!

Lisa has passed her driving test Finley's 1st birthday apart from you not being here it's been a happy day I am always thinking about you Tigger every day throughout the day.

I love you and miss you my darling.

We are going to Christopher's tomorrow to a big birthday party for Ellie.

I wish you were coming too.

Hopefully the day will stay sunny .

It will probably be late writing to you tomorrow but I promise I will.

Until tomorrow my big boy Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee once again love to you and Bunny xxxxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 27th June 2013 17.33 pm

Hello my sweetheart my precious boy.

How is my big boy my Tigger?

I talked to a lady this morning walking her dog about you how it's been a year since I said goodbye and are still broken hearted she understood how I felt.

Mummy has been on her own today with Muffin but talking to you as I do every day.

Chanel has rang though she is a good girl she was busy today getting organised for Ellie's birthday party on Saturday so she couldn't come to help me today.

Hope our Lisa passes her driving test tomorrow crossing fingers and hope weather holds for party on Saturday for Ellie.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger Mummy loves you with all my heart xxxxxxx Thank you Dee once again love to you and Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 26th June 2013 19.16pm
Hello my darling Tigger how are you my precious.

Today I have been thinking about you and mentioned you to a lady who was walking her dog.

I talked to your picture hoping you would turn your head and acknowledge me, I can only hope!!!

Daddy talked about you in bed this morning how you always protected us and looked after yourself.

You were such a brave but kind dog. My hero.

It was Ellie's 5th birthday today she has had lots of presents and fun.

A birthday party on Saturday all family are going.

Until tomorrow my precious goodnight God Bless.

Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny I send my love to you both xxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 25th June 2013 17.48pm.

Hello my darling boy how are you Tigger?

Mummy cried this morning when I took Muffin up the new road I shouted your name three times.

Oh I pray one day you will come back to me, I pray so hard.

The day has gone so quickly today Lisa is coming to dinner tonight.
A lady asked about you today she wondered where you were I told her I had lost you a year ago she couldn't believe it.

I told her how much we missed you.
My darling Mummy will write to you tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee once again for your support to Bunny send my love xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 24th June 2013 10.53am.

Hello my darling Tigger I am writing to you early because I am house sitting at Christopher's tonight just sitting keeping an eye on the children.

Chanel is picking me up.

Hope you're having fun with all your doggy friends and are happy.

I have cried for you again today when riding Muffin up the new road on my mobility scooter.

You know I am thinking about you 24 seven and Mummy loves you forever until tomorrow my precious loads of kisses xxxxxxx Thank you Dee hope you're well and send my love to Bunny you must be a good friend xxxxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 23rd June 2013 17.08pm.

Hello my Tigger my baby boy how are you darling?

Mummy feels a bit fluey. Keep going dizzy if continues will go back to doctors.
Daddy and I have been to Finley's Christening today very nice we didn't go the after party though.
I miss you Tigger more than I can say it hurts so much inside.
I think of all the memories we had together and wish them back.
I miss your smell your touch your sigh your patter across the floor I MISS YOU TIGGER!!!

Play and be happy my precious until I write tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for your help and hope Bunny is getting better xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 22nd June 2013 19.27pm.

Hello my sweetheart my precious Tigger hope you're playing with your doggy friends and enjoying every minute.

Mummy has had a busy day the children came whilst Christopher and Chanel went to a meeting regarding scuba diving.

Daddy went to Walsall and when he came back I popped off to Penkridge to Sheila and Colins.

It's the christening tomorrow Finley so another busy day too.

But you know I will write to you later on in the day.

Hope the sunshine is shining on you and you are happy.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee once again for helping Bunny and send my love xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 21st June 2013 16.38pm.

Hello my precious how are you my darling boy?

Mummy is missing you so much I feel so depressed knowing I can't touch you kiss you or even talk to you face to face, oh Tigger I love you and miss you until I ache.

No one will ever replace you ever!!!

I am crying at this moment my tears are falling on the laptop as I write to you.

I hope you are happy if you could only come to me just once and tell me your ok then perhaps I wouldn't feel so depressed.

Anyway you go and play with your doggy friends and enjoy yourself my precious until tomorrow Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for keeping the site going whist poor Bunny is resting you are an Angel, send my love xxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 20th June 2013 15.28pm

Hello darling Tiggy Wiggs Mummy's writing to you did go through then, I was so upset in case I couldn't write to you again I was frightened you would think I didn't care and wasn't writing to you again.

All is well thank goodness I feel better receiving the comments good on you Dee. xxx

I know you have been working hard helping Bunny I do hope she is improving.

Tigger I kissed your collar again today felt the hair the vet cut from you so I could keep it as a memory of you.

Thinking about you always.

Until tomorrow my Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Dee as always xxxx send Bunny my love xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 19th June 2013 17.47pm.

Hello my precious boy, Mummy has been having problems with the end of the site and I haven't been able to send my messages to you forgive me.

I have been thinking of the times I brought you a toy every time I went shopping. It was your face I loved you were so excited and your stubby little tail wagged with joy.

I miss that my Tigger!!!!

Mummy has been to hospital today and will be having an operation in August don't worry it will only be a few days and I will catch up with news to you.

Tigger I will never stop loving you darling.xxxxxx

Thank you Dee for catching up and send my wishes to Bunny tell her not to worry about what others say, to keep strong and I will be thinking about her love Rose xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 19th June 2013 13.53pm.

Hello my darling boy, Mummy has been to see the surgeon and is going in hospital in August for an operation.

Mummy was thinking about the toys I used to buy you whenever I went shopping and the look of excitement when I gave them to you, your stubby little tail wagging when you held the toys in your mouth.

Oh Tigg I do miss you so much I only pray we will be together again one day and you will run to me.

DON'T FORGET ME TIGGER!! I won't forget you.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for catching up and send my love to Bunny xxxxxxx.

My Ptrecious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 18th June 2013 20.40pm

Hello my darling Tigger there seems to be a problem with the site maintenance they say so this is my third attempt.

I have been thinking about you as always today remembering the toys I used to buy you every time I went shopping and watching your excited face and your little stubby tale wagging as you saw me come home with your present.

At least I have happy memories to keep.

nothing much has happened today Paul has put a radiator in the porch , Chanelhas been down with Georgia.

I have a hospital appointment tomorrow so I will write to let you know what is happening.

Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Deee for catching up and send my love to Bunny xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 18th June 2013 18.31 pm.

Hello my darling boy Mummy has been thinking about you again as always.

Remembering the times I brought you a toy every time I went shopping, watching your stubby little tail wag and your excitement on your face when I gave it you.

I miss those days Tigger!!!!

Nothing much happening today, I have a hospital appointment tomorrow so I will write and let you know what is happening.

Mummy loves you forever and will write to you tomorrow, Thank you Dee for catching up on this site and send my love to Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 18th June 2013 18.16pm.

Hello my precious boy Mummy is thinking about you as always.

I imagine you're playing with your doggy friends with lots of toys do you remember I used to bring one home in a carrier bag every time I went shopping?

You always knew I would bring you something back.

I loved to watch your face when I gave them to you your stubby little tail used to wag and you head went down with a toy in your mouth, you would throw it up in the air.

My darling Tigger you will never be forgotten as long as I live.

Nothing much has happened today it's my hospital appointment tomorrow so I will tell all about it tomorrow, Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for bringing this site up to date and send my love to Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 17th June 2013 19.40pm.

Hello my darling Tigger hope you're enjoying yourself, Mummy is still thinking about you and missing you loads I don't think I will ever get over losing you Tigger my precious.

You are mentioned every day I even talked about you to the builder today who has now finished the porch.

One minute I'm OK the next I randomly start crying.
Daddy is baby sitting tonight whilst Christopher and Chanel go scuba diving.

Mummy will write to you again tomorrow love you forever xxxxxxxx Thank you Dee once again and send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 16th June 2013 18.28pm.

Hello my precious Tigger how are you my darling boy?

Mummy is back home now Chanel brought me back this lunch time.

Mummy has missed smelling your collar and feeling the hair the vet took from you.

But I am continuing again from today.

Mummy was thinking about you all the time I was there at Christopher's.

When I stroke Baxter I always think of you and wishing it was you.

Lots happening this week hospital appointment Wednesday, porch floor tomorrow, the blind people coming to give me a quote for new porch windows.

Tigger I love you and miss until my heart aches.

Until tomorrow my darling boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for catching up with the comments well done send my love to Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 15th June 2013 15.07pm.

Hello my gorgeous baby boy, My darling Tiggy Wiggs.

How are you today? Hope you're enjoying yourself over the Rainbow Bridge with your doggy friends.

Mummy is at Christopher's house sitting a bit lonely really but they are back tomorrow.

Keeping in touch by phone, Daddy has rang, Chanel has rang watching telly so time will pass no doubt.

You know Viv and Anne well Viv is in hospital had an emergency op strangulated hernia.

I'm sure they will look after him they talk about you, they loved you and haven't seen Muffin yet.

I cried again today thinking about you just randomly started crying whilst out today, I can't stop because I miss you so much.

I smelt your collar yesterday morning before I came to Christopher's your smell was so strong on it I still feel you around me sweetheart.


Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny, sending my love to you both xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 14th June 2013 18.37pm.

Hello my Precious Tigger, what a busy day I am at Christopher's tonight watching the house.

Muffin is with Daddy.

I am still thinking of you throughout the day every day, I will never stop I love you and miss you so much my Tigger you were my best friend my rock my companion and I will always remember the good times we had together, the walks the play the love you gave.

I hope you thought I was a good Mummy you were a great Son to me.

I won't be able to smell your collar or feel the hair from you until Sunday but I do have your picture to kiss every day.

Until tomorrow my darling boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx, Thank you Dee for helping keep this site going whilst poor Bunny is resting send my love xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 13th June 2013 18.43pm

Hello my precious boy My loyal faithful Tigger.

Hope you are playing with your doggy friends and enjoying yourself.

Mummy has been in all day because I can't get out the workmen have been building the porch.

Mummy was thinking about you today and had another little cry.

Oh Tigger I Do miss you till my heart aches.

Lisa is coming for dinner in a while so I will have to keep this short, that doesn't mean I don't care because I love you forever speak to you tomorrow my darling Tigger xxxxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny hope she is improving xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 12th June 2013 18.34pm.

Hello my Tigger my precious boy, how are you today?

Mummy has been thinking about you again today as I always do.

As always wishing you back home with Mummy and Daddy praying you will come to my dreams.

I have been proud to be your Mummy and hope you were proud of me for loving you so deeply.

You used to have the run of the decking and the house didn't you? Toys every time I came home, remember you used to get excited when you saw me with a carrier bag knowing there was a toy inside.

You made me laugh, now I am doing the same with Muffin he has lots of little toys.

Chanel has got your bed for Baxter I am pleased knowing it has been sent to him and it is a reminder of you.

The porch is nearly finished I would say by Friday all will be done, it's the rain which is causing the slow down.

Go play with your doggy friends my darling and I will write to you tomorrow, Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for bringing the site up to date send my love to Bunny xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 11th June 2013 18.16pm.

Hello my precious Tigger my baby boy how are you today?

I have had a busy day Chanel and Georgia have been today Chanel groomed Muffin and made a good job of it too.

I took Muffin over the new road and as I was riding on my mobility scooter I cried all the way.

I just can't get over losing you Tigger you were my life and still are.

I ache for you my darling.

My heart has been broken, I have never ever missed anyone as I miss you.

The porch is finally going up tomorrow, I hope you can see it when it is finished.

If only in spirit!!!

I read all the comments other people have wrote and cry because they all have or are going through the same as me.

My thoughts are with you daily my darling so until tomorrow I will keep you informed of what is happening good night my precious Mummy loves you forever. Thank you Dee for bringing back the comments for others and myself. Hope Bunny is improving send my love xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 10th June 2013 14.52pm.

Hello Darling my Beautiful boy hope you're having a great time over the Rainbow Bridge.

Mummy has been crying again today missing you so much, I fill up each time I take Muffin up the new road wishing you were by my side with us.

I am looking after the children tonight whilst Christopher and Chanel go scuba diving.

Daddy is at work but I just wish we could win the lottery so Daddy could finish and take a break.

Mummy loves you forever my precious and will write again tomorrow xxxxxxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny send her my love xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 9th June 2013 15.57pm.

Hello my darling Tigger are you having fun with your doggy friends? Say hello to Granddad for me and a bark to all the lost dogs who have passed on over the years.

My word it's been a busy day Lisa and Geoff have been to dig the garden and made a smashing job of it.

Chanel has been down with the children she too helped in the garden.

I have such a wonderful family I love them all.

You make it complete that's why I am so sad because you aren't here any more and I want you back.

I have been talking about you again today my darling Tigger I will always mention your name because I will never forget you.

Until tomorrow my Babetts my Tiggy Wiggs Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for catching up it gives me comfort to read other peoples comments sadly they too have lost their loved ones but I know how they are feeling. Send my love to Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 8th June 2013 19.32pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you today?

Mummy has had a busy day, Lisa and Geoff have been to do the garden worked hard.

Christopher and the children have been.
I don't know where the day has gone.

I have mentioned you again today to the new neighbours across the road today.

They have a chocolate brown Labrador.

I wish you could meet them you would be friends with the Labrador his name is Max.

I miss you so much my precious Tigger I just want to kiss you and cuddle you again.


Until tomorrow my darling boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx. Thank you Dee for catching up so quickly with all the comments I do appreciate it.

Send my love to Bunny will you and Thanks again.


I choke up when I look at your pictures.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 7th June 2013 16.40pm.

Hello my precious Tigger my Beautiful boy.

All my comments have come back so looks like Dee is catching up with things.

Today has been hot again and hopefully staying for a few more days, it's lovely not seeing rain Tigger.

Cameron and Ellie have gone to Llandudno today from school 8am this morning not coming back until 8pm tonight, Chanel is worried first time away from her for the day.

The whole school have gone to enjoy the seaside.

Keep them safe lord bring them back safe.

Lisa and Geoff have just brought me back from newlife where they sell clothes from stores who have donated for new born babies .

They are both coming tomorrow Lisa is cleaning the decking Geoff is helping Daddy to put the new fence up in the front garden.

I have been thinking about you through out the day my Tigger it doesn't get any easier my darling.

Until tomorrow my Precious Mummy loves you forever xxxx Thankyou Dee for returning my comments it must be hard trying to catch up xxxx Send my love to Bunny xxxxxx

Thanks Rose, and I will!

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello My precious boy I have cried again today thinking about you.

Looking at your picture and talking to you wishing you back home made me cry.

I do miss you my darling Tigger.

As much as I like Muffin I still wish you back with me, but Muffin will be spoilt like you were.

You know I love dogs well any animal.

I haven't seen anyone today well Geoff came down to collect his dads bench for his birthday.

Chanel rang asking if I was ok.

It is hot again today better than rain.

You used to love lying in the sun on the decking but you were sensible and did move into the shade if it got too hot.

Such a lot of things are happening I want to tell you all about them.

When my comments come back I will write to you longer letters so until tomorrow my Angel, Babetts Mummy loves you for ever xxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny with the site send my love to Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 5th June 2013 18.01pm.

Hello my sweetheart my baby boy are you playing with your doggy friends?

I have been thinking about you today again wishing you back home with me.

Nothing to report to you today quite boring can't get out on my mobility scooter because of the porch foundation not set yet.

It will be a while before I receive my comments Tigger because Dee is trying to catch up with the backlog.

You know Mummy loves you and will never forget you so until tomorrow my precious go play love you forever Mummy xxxxxx thank you Dee hope your catching up send my love to Bunny xxxx x.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 4th June 2013 17.46pm.

Hello my precious boy my darling Tigger.

Chanel said she was talking to Cameron about you today, when he used to play with the water hose with you getting you so wet but having fun.

He has done that with Baxter today.

The weather is hot today probably as nice as it is over The Rainbow Bridge, oh Tigger how I wish you were lying on the decking in the shade like you used too.

How I miss your deep bark which you only barked when someone was coming.

I try to imagine you walking up the stairs and standing by my bed, when I used to say come on Tigg give it a try asking you to jump up on the bed to sit by me and every time you made it and I used to play fight with you then hug you, you only softly played with me and enjoyed every minute as I.

I will keep writing to you daily my darling, there is a problem at the moment as poor Bunny isn't well so Dee is helping with the backlog.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxx Thank you Dee for helping send my love to Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 3rd May 2013 16.23pm.

Hell my darling Tigger I have been thinking about you again today mentioned you to the builders today who have started the porch.

I am baby sitting tonight Chanel is picking me up so this will be a short letter to you today.

That doesn't mean I am not bothering with you because Mummy misses you so much.

I hope you are playing with your doggy friends, say hello to granddad for me and all the animals we have had to say good bye too.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny hope she is getting better xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 2nd June 2013 16.23pm.

Hello Precious boy my darling Tigger How are you today? Mummy has been thinking about you again today missing you so much, I long for you to visit me in my dreams, to jump out of the picture of you hanging over our bed.

If only you could have lived longer, the dog across the road has a mars bar every day he is so huge, I wonder he doesn't have a heart attack but he keeps plodding on. Remember you used to play with him when you were a puppy?

I don't wish him dead but can't understand why you were never giver chocolate or any sweets only proper dog food and little dog treats.

I miss your smell your soft white chest the expression on your face the loyalty and love you gave us and never complained about anything.

Today I brought a Rattan garden set it looks lovely on the decking it looks like an outdoor living room now.

Chanel and the children and Baxter has been down lovely to see them.

I will write every day Tigger my darling and keep you up to date with everything, Mummy loves you forever precious xxxxxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny whilst she is having a well deserved rest send my love hope she improves soon xxxxxxxx

The builder starts the porch tomorrow crossing fingers the weather holds all week.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 1st June 2013 15.24pm.

Hello sweetheart my beautiful boy hope your enjoying yourself with your doggy friends.

I have been thinking about you today and talking to Sheila and Colin about you.

I remember this day being the worse day of my life knowing you were cremated 12 months ago this day and you went onto The Rainbow Bridge.
You will never be forgotten my precious.

Today has gone so quickly as every day does.

I haven't a lot to write to tell you today nothing much has happened so until tomorrow my Beautiful boy Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for helping with this site while Bunny is resting, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 31st May 2013 19.37pm.

Hello my darling Tigger where has today gone?

It's 31st of May already, tomorrow is the day you were cremated and I shall be sad thinking about it.

Thank goodness I asked the vet for a cutting of your hair at least I have it as a memory and have it in a necklace around my neck and have some I keep in a plastic paper bag which I feel every day.

This helps me feel you are close to me Tigger.

It's been a funny day bee to see Nanny Lowe also been to Lisa tonight on my mobility scooter.

Daddy came home early from work always does on a Friday.

Chanel has had her hair done. Mine tomorrow.

The porch is finally being started on Monday.

I miss you so much Tigger each Time I take Muffin up the new road I talk to you wishing you by my side.

I get choked up a lump comes in my throat and I have to stop myself crying.

I can only believe you are happy playing with all the lost animals who have gone over The Rainbow Bridge and one day I will join you and kiss you hug you and we will be together again.

I will keep writing daily to you Tigger but it may take a while to receive the comment as poor Bunny is poorly, but Dee is helping out so I am sure she will catch up with the back log.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for keeping this site active, send my love to Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 30th May 2013 19.40pm.

Hello my Precious Tigger my Angel.

How are you today my darling? Mummy has been talking about you today to Chanel and Lisa.

Your name is mentioned daily by one or the other members of the family.

I don't know how I got over yesterday it brought back memories of sadness.

You will be with me forever my darling, I only wish and pray you will come home one day.

I know we will be together one day when it is my time, in the mean time I will go through the motions through the rituals I enjoy doing feeling you are still with me.

Until tomorrow my Tigger play with your doggy friends and I will write tomorrow Mummy xxxxxx

Thank you Dee for helping Bunny I look forward to my comments coming back I know you have a backlog so I wait with patience. xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 29th May 2013 15.30pm.

Hello my precious Tigger I am crying as I write to you today.

It is one year today I had to say goodbye to you.

It all came back to me how poorly you were, I went through the motions this morning it doesn't seem so long only like yesterday.

OH Tigger I do miss you so much.
I lit a candle for you today and Chanel and the children with Baxter came too.

She also remembered you and could not believe it was twelve months since we said goodbye.

Tigger I love miss you and will never forget you !!

It breaks my heart knowing you are not by my side and your pitter patter across the bedroom floor.

Missing your smell, touching you soft chest and the sigh you made when lying down.

I miss the slobber from your mouth, the hair on the floor, I miss your proud stance so proud.

I can only thank God you are no longer tired or in pain and you are happy playing with your doggy friends and all the family and animals we have lost in the past.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy love s you forever xxxxxx. Thankyou Dee for carrying on while Bunny is resting. send my love Rose xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 28th May 2013 17.23pm.

Hello Darling My precious boy it's one year tomorrow since we lost you and only seems like yesterday I have been thinking about you again wishing you by my side. I will light a candle for you tomorrow my Angel.

I mentioned you to a lady who I met over the new road whilst taking Muffin on my mobility scooter.

I try and talk to everyone I meet about you because I cannot ever forget you.
Because I miss you so much.

I haven't been or seen anyone in the family today it's too wet.

Although I may not receive any comments back straight away I know eventually I will.

I predict Bunny will feel much better soon.

Until tomorrow my Babetts my Tiggy Wiggs go play and enjoy yourself, Mummy is thinking about you and missing you more than ever ni nite Darlin God Bless you Tigger, Mummy xxxxx Thank you Dee for helping Bunny while she is resting send my love. xxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 27th May 2013 18.16pm.

Hello Tigger my precious boy it might take a while for my comments to come back to me because poor Bunny is too poorly at the moment.

So I shall wait patiently, I know it will eventually.

I will write every day my darling don't worry.

Two more days and it will be a year since we lost you I cannot take it in it only feels like yesterday and I will talk kiss and love you for the rest of my life my Tigger.

We have been to Lichfield today met Lisa and Geoff had a lovely day, Muffin came too.

I only wished you could have been here too.

You were in my thoughts though always will.

Daddy has gone to Christopher's while They go scuba diving Chanel and Christopher.

Daddy is back to work tomorrow, not looking forward to it.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger, Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Dee for taking over the site while Bunny is resting xxxx send my love to her will you? xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 26th May 2013 10.04pm.

Hello my Tigger it's late again writing to you.

Nan has been for dinner stayed quite a while.

We talked about you today, how you used to lie on our feet, you loved to be near.

Muffin is the same I think it's because we love animals.

I have just kissed your collar and felt your hair the vet gave me from you.
The weather has been beautiful this last two days I only wish you could be here my darling Tiggy Wiggs.

Tigger I may not be able to write for a while as poor Bunny is ill, hope she gets better soon.

You will be in my thoughts all and every day darling.

You know Mummy loves you and misses you so much ni nite god bless my darling.

Until I can write again Mummy loves you forever xxxx.

Bunny I hope it's nothing serious god bless you, Rose xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 25th May 2013 21.40pm.

Hello my precious Tigger, I am late writing to you today, I don't know where today has gone.

So busy different things happening saw Nan Lowe this morning, Christopher and Chanel and children this afternoon and Lisa this evening.

Been to Cannock then Hednesford.

I have been thinking about you again and talking about you too.

You are never far away from my thoughts.
Your proud body that smell about you I can still smell your handsome face everyone used to comment about you, you were and are a Handsome lad.
Your beautiful white chest, oh Tigger how I miss you so much !!!

Going to Nans in the morning then I think Chanel is asking us to dinner.

Lisa is going to a posh wedding, she looks gorgeous she has shown me her outfit.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxx. Thank you Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 24th May 2013 17.08pm

Hello my Tigger My Tiggy Wiggs.

I have tried to write previous to this but something went wrong with the site.

Sheila and Colin came today we talked about you they said what a great dog you were.

My heart still aches for you.
five more days and it's been a year since you lost your battle against your enlarged heart.

I think about you throughout most of the day every day.

Lisa failed her driving test today, but will go again soon.
I am baby sitting tonight for Christopher and Chanel.
Go play with your doggy friends at least you now have no problems with walking running and breathing, one day I will be with you Tigger run to me and I will give you the BIGGEST hug and love and kiss.

Until tomorrow my darling I hope this reaches you love you for ever, Mummy xxxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 23rd May 2013 18.02pm.

Hello my darling Tigger I miss you so much my precious, how I will ever get over losing you I really don't know.

I think me feeling so poorly is part of losing you, because I have a tight chest worrying.

The day isn't going too good either, the weather doesn't help we have had hail, rain, cold and sun.

Never have we had such a mixed up spring and going into summer.

I am trying to occupy my mind but my disability is getting in the way.

What would make me really happy is to see you in my dreams.

Until tomorrow my darling I love you more than ever before ni nite god bless, Mummy xxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending My Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 22nd May 2013 17.24pm.

Hello My Tigger my special baby boy my Angel.

How are you today? Playing with your doggy friends and is Granddad looking after you and all our lovely dogs we have lost?

I'm sure he is, give him a doggy kiss for me as I can only send kisses to him through my thoughts.

If only you would all come home I miss you so much and I have been thinking a lot about Granddad lately.

When I go out anywhere I always say goodbye to you and when I come back say I'm coming home to you Tigger.

I pray that when I reach home and walk in you will be waiting for me like you used to, you always greeted me with a toy in your mouth and your stubby little tail wagging, I miss that so much Tigger.


Until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxx. Thank you Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 21st May 2013 18.37pm.

Hello my precious Tigger I hope I am getting in touch with you. I am having problems with the site especially the new format the word at the end we have to enter.

I have been talking about you again today, the window man commented about you beautiful picture above our bed.

I lay in bed this morning listening in my head to your breathing and when you used to sigh, your pitter patter up the stairs and listening to you walk across the bedroom floor.

You following me every where I went even if it was from room to room.

Oh Tigger I do miss you and beg you to come home to me.

8 days and it will be one year since we lost you to your enlarged heart, I said yesterday you were very brave and asked granddad to look after you over The Rainbow Bridge.

Until tomorrow my darling boy, Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

Chanel has been down and Georgia today.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 20th May 2013 07.40am.

Hello Tigger I have already wrote to you today but that was from my mobile phone just checking if this is still working and will be thinking of you throughout the day my precious until tomorrow my darling Tigger Mummy loves you xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 18th May 2013 19.17pm.

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are happy my precious.

Mummy is back home today, Christopher and Chanel and the children are back from their adventure.

All had a great time brought loads back, a lovely giraffe for me cigs for Daddy.

I have been thinking about you throughout the day again.

It is getting nearer to the day I had to let you go 11 days and it has been a year, Oh Tigger I feel no better for losing you I think I feel worse.

Never have I missed and cried so much since losing you.

I hope I see you in my dreams one day god bless you Tigger !!!.

Until tomorrow my sweetheart Mummy loves you forever, xxxxxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 17th May 2013 14.08pm.

Hello my Tiggy Wiggs my precious boy.

How are you today?

Mummy is still poorly a tight chest and stomach waiting to see Dr on Monday, really worried.

Daddy and I have been to a local garden centre by Christopher's today but I didn't feel to good, lovely place though.

Waiting for Christopher chanel and children to return from Disney World Florida, they will be here tomorrow yeahhhhhhh.

Will be glad to get back home though tomorrow in the comfort of our own home and back with you.

I can continue kissing your collar feeling your hair the vet gave me from your body, I have missed that.

I will be giving Muffin a great big bath.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger, Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx. Thank you Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 17th May 2013 14.08pm.

Hello my Tiggy Wiggs my precious boy.

How are you today?

Mummy is still poorly a tight chest and stomach waiting to see Dr on Monday, really worried.

Daddy and I have been to a local garden centre by Christopher's today but I didn't feel to good , lovely place though.

Waiting for Christopher chanel and children to return from Disney World Florida, they will be here tomorrow yeahhhhhhh.

Will be glad to get back home though tomorrow in the comfort of our own home and back with you.

I can continue kissing your collar feeling your hair the vet gave me from your body, I have missed that.

I will be giving Muffin a great big bath.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger, Mummy loves you forever xxxxxx. Thank you Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 16th May 2013 14.43pm.

Hello my Darling Tigger hope you are ok

Mummy still poorly but not so bad as yesterday.

Daddy Muffin and I have been to Newport today, quite pleasant 15 mins on the bus Daddy helped me.

Been thinking about you again today my precious as we were going along the road.

Two more days and Christopher Chanel and the children will be back home.

I can't wait to see them again.

Please come into my dreams Tigger PLEASE!!!

I miss you so much.

Until tomorrow my darling Mummy loves you forever, xxxx Thank you Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 15th May 2013 14.45pm.

Hello my darling Tigger How are you today?

Mummy still poorly but lying managing to write to you.

I can't tell you much today, only to say Christopher Chanel Cameron Ellie & Georgia rang last night by video phone. It was lovely to see them they are thoroughly enjoying themselves.

I brought your photo with me and it gives me comfort.

Daddy has been home today to check things out and feed the fish.

I miss you so much My Tigger.

Until tomorrow my precious Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxx.

Thank you Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 14th May 2013 10.16am

Morning my darling how are you today?

Mummy is poorly so I may not be able to write to you for a few days. I may have to go into hospital, you know I will try my best, Tigger I love you and miss you so much.

I am waiting for a call from a doctor so this will be short today.

As soon as I feel well enough to write again I will love you forever Tigger, Mummy xxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 13thMay 2013 16.48.

Hello darling my precious Tigger, Mummy isn't well today, I have had to contact the dr, I have been sick today, I am very worried, I feel I have something serious.

If I don't write to you forgive me I may be in hospital, I hope not.

You know how much I miss you it's breaking my heart.
Daddy has had to have the day off work to look after me.

Geoff bought Daddy up. He will stop the night.

Sorry it's a short message today, until tomorrow my darlin Mummy loves you forever. Xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 12th May 2013 17.25pm.

Hello my Precious Baby Boy My Tiggy Wiggs.

How are you my darling? Mummy is missing you so much I have thought about you through out the day and have cried again.

I have brought your picture to Christopher's and kiss it night and day.

It's rained all day today how miserable.

I have had a meal at the local pub very nice.

I have spoken to Daddy today he is fine misses you too.

The neighbours are looking after me helping me.

Come visit me in my dreams Tigger Please.

Until tomorrow my Tigger Mummy loves you forever xxxxxxx. Thank you Bunny for sending Kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 11th May 2013 14.50pm.

Hello my darling Tigger How ate you today?

It's poring down today , I can't believe we are nearly at the end of May.

I cried again yesterday and didn't sleep very well either.

I have brought your picture with me and kissed you goodnight last night said good morning to you this morning.

I also visited Daddy today He meet me at the bus stop with Muffin, I kissed your collar and felt your hair whilst I was at home.

Now back at Christopher's watching TV.

I do hope the week goes quickly.

Christopher rang today and sent a picture of where they are staying it's gorgeous.

I do miss them so much that's why I want the week to go quickly. Selfish of me I know.

I just panic I want them to enjoy themselves and come home safe.

The dogs are sitting by my feet, I wish you were too.

Until tomorrow my precious boy, visit me in my dreams, I love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 10th May 2013 14.02pm.

Hello my Darling boy my precious Tigger, for the next seven or eight days I won't be able to kiss your collar or feel your hair , but I will kiss your picture I have with me every day and write to you every day.

I am house sitting for Christopher forgive me but I will make up for it when I get back home to you.

I hope you will be here with me around me and watching over me.

Daddy will be at home looking after our house.

I feel a little bit strange staying here but I'm sure it will get better as the week goes by.

I will write to you every day I promise.

I can't tell you much today not much more to tell you so until tomorrow my darling be happy play and enjoy yourself with your doggy friends, love you forever Mummy xxxxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 9th May 2013 17.49pm.

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are ok and happy playing with your doggy friends.

Mummy has had a busy day, Chanel took me shopping. have also been to Christopher's. Had to collect Georgia from school.

Took Nans Birthday present down she loved the card and present.

I won't be able to kiss your collar or feel your hair for the next 8 days but I will write and kiss your photo every day.

Until tomorrow my precious boy love you forever, xxx Mummy. Thank you Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 8th May 2013 18.18pm.

Hello Tigger my darling, this may be a duplicate letter to you as when I wrote the last one it didn't complete at the end. My fault I think.

I talked about you today again and kissed your photo on your chest as I do every day, imagining you are really there and I am kissing your chest.

Then I get up set because it is only your picture.

Oh Tigger I miss you so much, I love your more than anyone I have ever loved.

Nothing much happened today took Muffin up the new road but we got very wet.

Geoff has just called in, I have printed an advert off the computer, he is selling his car.

I have a busy day tomorrow Chanel is taking me shopping and collecting us to go up to Christopher's to stay tomorrow, Daddy is watching the house.

Hope you're happy and playing over The Rainbow Bridge with your doggy friends.

Until tomorrow my darling love you forever Tigger, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 8th May 2013 17.41pm

Hello my darling Tigger how are you my precious boy?

I have been talking about you today again passing comments and talking to Muffin.

Oh Tigger I do miss you I stroke your picture every day on your chest imagining it really is your chest I am feeling, Then I get upset, but there is nothing I can do.

I BEG you please come home to Mummy PLEASE!!!!

Nothing much has happened today been in the house most of it. Took Muffin up the new road this morning but got very wet.

Geoff is coming up soon selling his car so I printed an advert from computer.

My Darling I will write to you tomorrow, I have a busy day Chanel is taking me shopping and taking Muffin up to Christopher's to stay.

So until tomorrow my precious Tiggy Wiggs love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 7th May 2013 14.13pm.

Hello my Tiggy Wiggs my precious boy hope you're ok and playing with your doggy friends.

Mummy has had a better day today, took Muffin to the vets, vet says Muffin 100% fit thank goodness, I am so paranoid because of losing you.

Been to the dentist too sorted.

Rang the window people to check the windows.
coming out with in two days.

I have spoken about you again today and Chanel and the vet.

You will never be forgotten Tigger as long as I live and breath.

Until tomorrow my darling I love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger Over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 6th May 2013 18.24pm.

Hello My darling Tigger how are you my precious boy. We have been talking about you again today Chanel and I and Daddy too.

Oh Tigger I miss you so much I have cried twice today, the sun was out and we went up to Christopher's house and Muffin and Baxter were running around the paddock, I pray it was you and that's why Chanel and I were talking about you.

She said there is a Boxer at the Bell pub who was old nearly 13 years old.

I only wish you could have lived that long.

Daddy is back at work tomorrow so Muffin and I are on our own again.

I hope the sun is out with you and you are playing with your doggy friends until tomorrow my darling I love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday May 5th 2013 16.06pm

Hello my darling Tigger How are you today? My thoughts are with you again and we have been talking about you the family.

I mentioned you to a chap who I bumped into today he had got a Shih Tzu like Muffin and I spoke about losing you and how devastated I was and to another man who was walking his dog today.

We have had all the children and Baxter today so tiring but I wouldn't be without them.

I don't feel well again today, I think I will end up going back to the doctors.

Sorry to burden you with my worries, but I could always talk to you Tigger.

Daddy is baby sitting tonight so it will be a late night going to bed I suppose.

Until tomorrow my Precious Tiggy Wiggs I love you with all my heart I will write to you tomorrow, Mummy xxxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 4th May 2013 15.50pm.

Hello my precious Tigger my darling boy my Babetts.

Hope you are happy my darling I'm sure you are, I just miss you so much it is so hard trying not to cry all the time, you are always in my thoughts.

Christopher and Chanel and the children have been today with Baxter too.

I have been to Lisa's to congratulate Jade on her 21st Birthday which was yesterday, but she is at Lisa's today stopping over night with Gorgeous Finley.

Daddy is making the day of it went out just before 9am it's nearly 4pm now and still not back.

I wish we could all go out together with Muffin.

Daddy wants to go on his own instead.

We are looking after the children tomorrow while Christopher and Chanel go shopping for Summer clothes.

Daddy has just walked in the door.

Been to Stoke on Trent shopping.

I'm so lonely with out you, at least you were my company.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you forever, Mummy xxxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 3rd May 2013 18.31pm

Hello my darling Tigger My Tiggy Wiggs how are you today?

A busy day today new fencing has come for the front garden, I have ordered a new tumble dryer too.

Chanel has been with Jade's 21st cake for her Birthday today.

I am seeing her tomorrow.

Chanel and I talked about you again today about the things you used to do, I love when people talk about you they miss you too.

I will always miss you I have a cry every day be it a little one, because I miss you so much my precious.

When I take Muffin over the new road on my mobility scooter I shout your name and talk to you when I am alone.

Until tomorrow my darling go play with your doggy friends I love forever, Mummy xxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday May 2nd 2013 09.36am.

Morning my darling my precious Tigger how are you today? My thoughts are with you as always.

I love and miss you so much it still hurts.

Chanel spoke about you yesterday and Daddy and I talked about you again yesterday saying how you would do certain things and wouldn't do certain things, you were so clever and your memory was impeccable.

I have prayed so hard for you to come home to us.

Even in my dreams will do.

I feel sure I felt the weight of you on our bed on Sunday morning I mentioned it to Daddy.

I spoke to you as I do every day, I know one day we will be together and you will run to me and I will give you the BIGGEST BIGGEST HUG!!

Until then I will as long as my mind and body will let me I will write to you every day.

One of the weeks this year will be going away to see Anne and Viv so that time I may not be able to write because my laptop will be at home.

So forgive me my precious. I will make up for it when we get back.

I am waiting for new fencing to come today front garden to replace the very old which has lasted many years.

Until tomorrow Tigger love you forever you know that don't you, Mummy xxxxx Thank you Bunny for continually sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday May 1st 2013 15.54pm.

Hello my darling precious boy, oh my Tigger I miss you so so much, I wish you would come home to Mummy and I would give you the BIGGEST HUG!!!

I took Muffin to have him groomed today he looks very smart now.

That was something I didn't have to do with you wasn't it?

I think about you nearly all of the day 28 days and it will be 12 months since we said goodbye and now I'm crying Tigger.

Oh my baby I love you so much darling.

I don't think I will ever get over losing you Tigger.

My Heart aches for you.

Until tomorrow my precious go play with you doggy friends enjoy yourself Mummy loves you forever, xxxxxx.Thank you Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxx

My Preciuos Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 30th April 2013 09.52am.

Morning my Tigger my Angel my precious boy.

Hope you are happy enjoying yourself over The Rainbow Bridge.

Everyone has spoken about you lately see we will never forget you darling.

Not much happening today not going anywhere just sitting watching television.

Spoken to Chanel today all OK, she is taking me to get Muffin groomed tomorrow.

Daddy is at work had a problem getting there his mate Jason's daughter is in hospital waiting to find out what the problem is.

I am missing you so much my Tigger I cry every day specially when I am out on the mobility scooter.

If I have anything to tell you about today I will write to you tomorrow take care my precious boy love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 29th April 2013 14.55pm

Hello my darling Tigger my Tiggy Wiggs hope you're OK and happy playing with your Doggy Friends.

Mummyb didn't sleep last night lots of worry Muffin was poorly in the night, Daddy and I had to take him to the vets today, they have given him an injection and medication poor thing.

The vet said nothing too serious to worry about.

Well the two settees have come very comfy.

I shall miss the leather settee which you lay on but the spring had started to go so my darling I had to say good bye to it.

My memories of you will never die, I will have many happy memories of you lying on it by my side.

Auntie Marg and Jason stayed along time last night, but they have gone home today on the ferry.

We enjoyed their company it was a change they saw Christophers hose and loved it.

Until tomorrow my darling go and play with your doggy friends and kiss Grandad Auntie Irene and Darren for me send my love.

Love you for ever Tigger, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger Kisses over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 28th April 2013 16.39pm.

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are happy playing with your Doggy friends.

Oh Tigger I miss you more than ever before.

Feeling very low today nothing has gone right this last week, I hope it improves.

Auntie Marg is saying goodbye today going home tomorrow, she is coming again in November.

I was looking forward to taking them to see Christopher's house but it's not looking good.

Not much to tell you today nothing seems exciting anymore not now you are not with us.

Until tomorrow my Guardian Angel love you forever my Precious Tigger, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 27th April 2013 19.43pm.

Hello my darling boy how are you today?

It has been a strange day again today Daddy went to Wolverhampton shopping, I went to Cannock then back to the hairdressers to alter my cut.

Took Muffin up the new road on my mobility scooter.

Auntie Marg and Jason came over coming again tomorrow, going to see Christophers house in Haughton.

My settee and armchair have gone Tigger I will miss the settee because you used to lie on it the back of my legs, there will be some of your hair inside so you will be remembered elsewhere as well as in my heart I will NEVER forget you Tigger NEVER!!!

I feel guilty letting it go but it was too bulky.

This doesn't mean I will forget you darling.

You're in my heart and mind every day.
I pray every night you will come back to me and visit me in my dreams.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger I love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my precious Tigger xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 26th April 2013 08.52am

Morning my darling Tigger my baby boy, I took Muffin up the new road today and cried because I wished it was you running over the fields.

I love Muffin he is a funny little boy, if only you were both running across the fields together.

But I do miss you so much.

Auntie Marg and Jason are over here today came by ferry. They are stopping at a hotel.

Chanel Daddy and I were talking about you again yesterday.
Ellie and Georgia are coming this morning why Chanel has her hair done.

I will write to you tomorrow and tell you about today go play with your doggy friends and kiss my Dad and auntie Irene and Darren speak with you tomorrow love you forever Tigger, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 25th April 2013 12.54pm.

Hello my darling Tigger how are you my precious boy?

Mummy is missing you so much sweetheart I cried until I ached yesterday.

Felt so frightened inside because I wanted you back so bad.

It's not getting any easier at all.

Please visit me in my dreams Tigger I miss you so much and love you more than ever.

Chanel and the children are on their way down .

They have all been poorly sickness bug.

Hope it doesn't come this way.

Auntie Marg is coming over tonight from guernsey but won't be here until early hours in the morning by ferry.

Chanel has just rang on her way.

I will write to you tomorrow after the children go home, I have them for the day whilst Chanel has her hair done.

So until tomorrow my Angel Tiggy Wiggs love you for ever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 24th April 2013 09.19am.

Morning my precious boy my darling Tiggy Wiggs.

How are you my Angel?

Mummy cried again today because I miss you so much my Baby boy.

I feel hopeless not being able to reach you touch you kiss you and hug you!!!

Please visit me in my dreams it would make me so happy.

Nothing special happening today, Chanel may call not sure, she is visiting Julie her old next door neighbour which is quite local to us.

I may pop out to Cannock later if the weather holds, because I can't go out on my mobility scooter in the rain.

Hope you are having a wonderful life and are keeping well instead of struggling with your breathing.

I hope you are happy with all your doggy and human relatives who have now left us here.

I feel so depressed my darling without you.

You were my strength my rock my loyal Tigger.

I am sorry Tigger I said it was 6 days to a year I had lost you, I had got it wrong it's the 29th of May not 29th of April.

I am losing it I think!!!

Anyway go play enjoy your day my darling love you forever speak with you tomorrow, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Precious Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 23rd April 2013 09.30am

Morning my precious Tiggy Wiggs My Babetts.

We called you funny little nicknames did't we?

Same as Muffin we call him Muffy or Muffy Moo.

You still came to whatever we called you didn't you my Angel?

I love you so much my darling so much, I spoke about you today when meeting other people walking their dogs. One lady had to untangle, Muffin because his long lead wrapped around the lamp post and I was on my mobility scooter.

I told them I had lost you, 6 more days and it's been a year, I cannot believe it has been so long but seems like yesterday.

Chanel is picking me up later today to exchange some leggings which are too long, she is taking them back for me while I go for the ride.

I am finding it difficult to type with my fingers so having to use a blunt pencil.

It's the Arthritis in them very painful.

Anyway my precious boy go play with your doggy friends and I will write to you tomorrow, love you my Tigger forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 22nd April 2013 08.37am.

Morning my darling how are you my precious boy?

Mummy is feeling a little better today strange how things change.

I don't know what is happening today haven't made any plans yet.

Constantly thinking of you Tigger I will never forget you I promise, you haven't visited me in my dreams yet, hoping you will soon.

I will write again tomorrow there might be something to tell you.

Play with your doggy friends my darling have fun love you for ever, Mummy xxxx. Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 21st April 2013 14.45pm

Hello my darling boy how are you the days are flying by another 8 days and it will be a year since we lost you my heart is still aching without you.

Chanel and the children have been down today for dinner and brought Baxter manic but lovely to have them, I feel worn out after they have gone home but wouldn't have it any different.

Been to see nan today too.

Trying to relax now but it's so hard.

Thinking about you constantly.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger love you forever, Mummy Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 20th April 2013 17.28pm.

Hello my sweetheart my precious boy my darling Tigger, hope you are playing with your doggy friends and watching over us.

I have cried again today thinking about you through out the day.

I don't think I will ever get over losing you EVER!!! Tigger.

Everyone is talking about you lately.

Auntie Marg is coming over on Thursday from Guernsey, only stopping 4 days.

She was stopping here but now coming with Jason and stopping in a hotel.

Perhaps it is for the better because I can't look after her with my health problems.

A funny day today I am not enjoying things at the moment worrying a lot.

You used to take the worry away, Muffin is too young to feel my feelings just yet.

Until tomorrow my precious love you forever, Mummy xxxxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger. xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 19th April 2013 10.51am.

Morning my darling Tigger how is my Baby Boy?

I wish you would visit me in my dreams, I think your not because I am constantly thinking about you throughout the day.

I miss you so much my precious.

We talked about you last night again and the lady courier from hermes talked about you today too.

See I never stop talking about you NEVER!!!

Chanel is bringing Cameron to stay over night and probably go out with Daddy tomorrow.

Enjoy your day my darling Boy Mummy loves you forever until tomorrow xxxxx Mummy Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Box Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 17th April 2013 12.17pm

Hello my darling Tigger, how are you my precious?

Mummy is thinking about you again on and off through out the day.

Daddy spoke about you again last night saying how you would not sleep on the floor like Muffin, you would like the comfort of the settee with me snuggled up by my side or the back of my legs.

We spoke of the sunny days when you loved to lay on the decking in the back garden, you loved the sun didn't you?

I looked out of the kitchen window yesterday seeing you lying there enjoying the warm days.

Oh Tigger I miss you so much I still cry daily.

I have took Muffin a ride on my scooter again today up the new road, I wished it was you walking by the side of my scooter as well as Muffin.

I don't if you would have got on with him, I will never know!!!!

I spoke to Chanel this morning she is a good girl always helps me in every way.

Play with your doggy friends watch over us my darling Tiggy Wiggs, love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny once again for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge and Thankyou for sending my comments xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 16th April 2013 14.18pm.

Hello my darling Tigger my precious boy.

Hope you are enjoying yourself over The Rainbow Bridge, I am missing you so much I get upset every day thinking about you.

My thoughts of you are never very far away.

It's been a busy day today Took Muffin a ride on my mobility scooter running on a long lead by the side, he loves it.

The weather is dry but very windy a little cold but can put up with it.

Feeling very tense and don't know why headaches and such.

I pray every day you will come home to me Tigger!!

Daddy is so fed up he also wants to be home now resting, enjoying his retirement.

Chanel spoke about you yesterday saying how I had the last 9 months with you, it was fate is was decided I was to be with you and am so glad it worked out that way, although my health not being good.

Go play with your doggy friends and kiss all our family for me, until tomorrow my Angel my Tiggy Wiggs love you forever Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 15th April 2013 09.16am.

Morning my darling Tigger my precious boy.

Hope you are OK playing with your doggy friends and all our previous dogs Butch the Boxer Butch the mongrel and Patsy the mongrel.

The sun is out but still breezy and cold forecast rain in the next few days.

Daddy is not too good depressed I think waiting to finish work but has quite a way to go yet.

He has a horrible boss and very little money his pay is so bad.

It's a win we could do with to help us out.

Still I suppose there are people worse off than us.

Don't know if anything special is happening today .

play it by ear.

I will write to you tomorrow my darlin go play and enjoy your day Mummmy misses you every day and will NEVER forget you, love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 14th April 2013 16.42pm.

Hello my Precious boy my darling Tigger.

A strange day today went to nans, came back Chanel took me to pets at home and sainsburys did my shopping for me.

Went to Lisa's on my scooter had an hour with her.

Came back and broke the charger to my scooter ran over it an accident

I feel very unhappy today, in tremendous pain and very weepy.

I miss you so much Tigger my Angel. I just want to keep crying all the time, PLEASE COME BACK TIGGER PLEASE.

Until tomorrow my darlin play and enjoy yourself my sweetheart love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 13th April 2013 09.46 am.

Morning my darlin Tigger how are you my precious boy.

Missing you as much as ever this morning, Baxter is one year old today and it is creeping up to nearly twelve months since we had to say goodbye.

I only wish that stupid nurse hadn't been there.
That's my only regret.

I wanted more time with you before you were put to sleep I wanted to talk to you more.

Oh my baby I am so sorry we didn't have more time together after finishing work.

Forgive me my Angel I feel so guilty.

You know every day I kissed you and told you I loved you and still say this every day to you now too.

Daddy has gone to Walsall and I am just about going to take Muffin a ride on my scooter up the new road.

All being well I will be going to Lisa's this afternoon to see Finley.

I will be thinking of you most of the day as usual.

So until tomorrow my darling Tiggy Wiggs I love you with all my broken Heart, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over Th Rainbow bridge to my Tigger. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 11th April 2013 09.14am.

Morning my Tigger my darlin boy, how are you this morning?

Mummy is off to the dentist today nothing major.

Took Muffin a ride this morning up the new road, it's quite misty today, runs on the long extended lead, I sit on the mobility scooter while Muffin enjoys running along.

I don't know what is happening today yet whether Chanel will come down later I don't know.

Missing you more than words can say Tigger I cried over the new road again today , I feel so sad I wish you would come back or give me a sign you are watching over us.

I will write to you again tomorrow my darling play nice with your doggy friends good boy love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Preciuos Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 10th April 2013 09.20am.

Morning my darling Tiggy Wiggs my Angel my precious boy.

I miss you more than ever as days go by so quickly I can't believe how the months have fled.

My feeling still so raw even though it will be 12 months next month, it seems like yesterday.

I have cried again this morning Tigger you were always there when I was upset and I don't tjhink Muffin is quite up to understanding my feelings yet.
He is only a baby.

Chanel is coming down with Cameron Ellie and Georgia and I presume Baxter.

Hey ho rather have company than be on my own.

hope you are enjoying yourself and happy I think about you every day Tigger.

Until tomorrow my precious love you forever my darling, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Preciuos Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 10th April 2013 09.20am.

Morning my darlin Tiggy Wiggs my Angel my precious boy.

I miss you more than ever as days go by so quickly I can't believe how the months have fled.

My feeling still so raw even though it will be 12 months next month, it seems like yesterday.

I have cried again this morning Tigger you were always there when I was upset and I don't think Muffin is quite up to understanding my feelings yet.
He is only a baby.

Chanel is coming down with Cameron Ellie and Georgia and I presume Baxter.

hay ho rather have company than be on my own.

hope you are enjoying yourself and happy I think about you every day Tigger.

Until tomorrow my precious love you forever my darling, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 9th April 2013 09.02am

Morning my darling Tigger how are you today?

Mummy is feeling a bit low but I must pick myself up I'm not doing myself a favour.

When I go out I always talk to you say be a good boy Mummy won't be long and even talk to you when I am out, like this morning I was taking Muffin over the new road and said I wished you there too.

It is bitter cold again today I don't know if the weather will ever change.

I don't know what is happening today if anyone is coming or not.

I have spoken to Chanel but don't know what she is doing, she may come down again with the children.

So until tomorrow my precious boy I love you and miss you so much, Mummy xxxxxx. Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 8th April 2013 09.03am.

Morning my Tigger my precious boy how are you today?

I feel very low today listening to the news and trying to write to you with a pencil because of my arthritis in all my joints and mainly missing you !!!

I am sorry to be so negative but I can't see a way forward.

Hope you are playing and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.
One day we will be together again I will give you the biggest hug and kiss.

I love you so much Tigger.
Daddy spoke about you yesterday and smiling he misses you too but knew how poorly you were.

I will write to you again tomorrow hoping to send some happy news instead of depressing news.

Until tomorrow my darling boy love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 7th April 2013 13.30pm.

Hello my precious Tigger how are you today?

Mummy has been to see Nan, but sadly Wendy was shouting out as usual so I left early.

I don't feel part of the family anymore since Wendy forced nan to change her will.

As usual Wendy will have the lot when Nan has passed on, all I want is happiness!!!

WHY is Wendy so greedy?.

Oh Tigger why did you leave me why did you have to be so poorly why did God take you WHY WHY WHY!!

I miss you so much darling Tiggy Wiggs.

Lisa is still at Doncaster so won't see her until two weeks.

Chanel has been down with the children had a nice afternoon.

Not much more to tell you today so until tomorrow my precious Tigger love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday April 6th 2013 14.26pm.

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are OK and playing with your doggy friends.

Mummy is thinking about you again today as always.

Missing you terribly!!!

I have been to Penkridge today popped in to see Sheila and Colin.

The sun has been quite warm today quite pleasant to be out, only wishing you were here to take a walk over the Blue.

Remember the days we went over the railway bridge to the pool you used to run in and chase the ducks and catch a stick and run back to me.

Those were the happy days weren't they Tigger?

I miss those days so much.

Chanel might be up later with the children.

Daddy has stopped in all day with Muffin.

I took Muffin a ride on my scooter this morning over the new road, he loves it.

I was watching all the dogs playing on the fields wishing it was you chasing after the ball.

Until tomorrow my darling boy play nice enjoy yourself look over us, love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending My Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 5th April 2013 09.50am.

Morning my precious Tigger how are you my Tiggy Wiggs?

Mummy is okay going out to Cannock later to meet Lisa.

The sun is out but very cold and windy.

Taking Muffin a ride on my scooter up the new road so he can have a run.

Daddy is coming home early today.

Christopher is working away over the weekend, but a friend is stopping over with Chanel so she isn't alone.

Play nice with your doggy friends be a good boy as I know you will love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 4th April 2013 17.10pm.

Hello My darling Tigger, I don't know where the day has gone.

I cried again for you this morning, I miss you so much my darling so much!!

Please give me a sign your watching over us PLEASE!!

Chanel has been down today with the children, manic today all three together it is exhausting, but I love to see them.

Lisa is coming any time now for dinner, nothing happened today to tell you about only I ache for you my darling boy.

Until tomorrow my precious, play with your doggy friends love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 3rd March 2013 10.19am.

Morning my Tigger hope you are happy and well.

Mummy is in a lot of pain today having to type using a pencil, pains in my fingers.

The hospital have cancelled my operation on my foot saying an overspill, so I am having to wait again.

The sun is finally out but snow still lying around.

Not a lot happening today, I will take Muffin a ride on my scooter and give him a run up the new road which hasn't opened yet, ideal for taking dogs as there are fields as well as you know Tigger we showed it you after it had been lanscaped. Only wishing you were here running over the fields with Muffin.

Although you didn't like some dogs I think you would have got on with Muffin.

Mummy is thinking about you more than ever as I miss you until I ache.

Until tomorrow my darling boy God bless you my Tigger love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 2nd April 2013 09.42am.

Morning My darling Tigger here we are in April already next month It will be twelve months since we said goodbye and I am still crying hurt guilty sad and broken hearted, I dosn't think my feeling will ever change.

I hope you are happy playing in the sunshine running in the fields, if only you were running here over our fields and the new road and fields.

I take Muffin a ride on my scooter up there then let him run by the side of my scooter, he loves it.
If only you could run by his side and guide him.
He is a funny little character.

I feel so weepy today I should be relaxed and happy but since the day I lost you I have never been happy.

I don't know what is happening today, waiting in for a parcel, then taking Muffin up the new road.

Then a visit to Tesco where the assistants help me with my shopping.

Until tomorrow my darlin Tiggy Wiggs love you forever Tigger, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 1st April 2013 09.13am.

Morning Sweetheart how are you today?

Not sure what is happening today might go to Lisa's.

It's still cold and some snow on the ground, never known such a cold Winter.

Hope you are happy playing and watching over us, I have gone through my daily rituals which I never forget.

Daddy is off today back to work tomorrow, I wish we could win the lottery so he could be happy at home.

Christopher isn't home yet from Reading, I have asked Chanel to text me when he is home safely.

I will be able to tell you more tomorrow about today so play nicely with your doggy friends, love you forever my darling Tigger xxxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 31st March 2013 16.46pm.

Hello My darling Tigger just got back from staying at Christopher's, Georgia has had a lovely 3rd Birthday lots of presents.

Chanel cooked a lovely meal and as always entertained everyone.

Nothing like your own bed though.

Happy Easter Tigger my precious boy, missing you so much!! 10 months now since we lost you, where has the time gone?

Play with your doggy friends send my love to all until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 30th March 2013 09.53 am.

Moring my darling Tiggy Wiggs how are you today?

Hope you are enjoying your self now you are well no more problems with you throat or chest thank goodness.

That is the only thing that pleases me.

I still miss you more than ever Tigger.

Mummy is staying at Christopher's tonight and waking up to Georgia's 3rd Birthday.

A bouncy castle is coming today.

Daddy has took Cameron to Wolverhampton today a ride on the bus and a treat to McDonalds.

The snow is still with us unfortunately but the sun is out.

It will be late tomorrow when I write but I won't forget my darlin boy love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger Happy Easter xxxxxx.

Happy Easter to you & yours too Rose, Hope you're feeling better soon. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger my boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 29th March 2013 20.10pm

Hello my darling Tigger I'm a little late writing to you. It's been a busy day one way or another, Cameron is staying over tonight.

He is going to Wolverhampton tomorrow with Daddy .

Today has gone so quickly, I am going to stay with Chanel tomorrow and wake up on Georgia's 3rd Birthday.

Looking forward to it, a change of scenery.

I got stuck with my scooter today two kind gentlemen helped me.

Play nice with your doggy friends Tigger love you forever Darling speak tomorrow, Mummy xxxx Thank you Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 28th March 2013 12.00pm.

Hello my Darling Tigger how are you my precious boy?
Mummy is in a lot of pain today all my joints are hurting can hardly walk.

Daddy will be home in a few hours he will help like he always does, one in a million he is.

Missing you like crazy my baby boy 10 months tomorrow since you were put to sleep, it seems like yesterday so fresh in my mind.

Cameron is staying over tomorrow night and going shopping with Granddad Saturday, Daddy will probably take him to McDonalds.

More to talk about tomorrow my darling so play nice be a good boy as you always are, love you forever, Mummy xxxxxx . Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge and a happy Easter to you xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 27th March 2013 09.02am.

Hello my precious boy how are you darlin?

Mummy is stuck in again weather still not good, nothing I can do about it so got to put up with it.

Hope you are still happy and playing with all your doggy friends over The Rainbow Bridge.

Easter coming up in a few days it will be so sad without you but I will be thinking of you always.

Daddy is off for a few days so at least he will have a rest.

I am staying with Chanel over the weekend while Christopher is working away.

Lisa is coming up tomorrow she is going away this weekend to Chester how lovely.

I just wish the weather would pick up.

Not much more to report today so until tomorrow love you forever my darling Tigger, Mummy xxxx.
Thankyou once again Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 26th March 2013 10.12.

Morning my darlin boy how are you today?

Mummy is still stuck in the house can't get out due to snow freezing.

Chanel is bringing children down tonight for a couple of hours, looking forward to seeing them.

Muffin screamed out yesterday It worried me I phoned the vet spoke to a nurse who said not to worry at the moment if problem comes back to take him down for a check up.

I love you Tigger and miss you so much I will never forget you as long as I have breath in my body.

Until tomorrow my precious play in the sun enjoy yourself watch over us my darlin love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxCO

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 25th March 2013 08.33.

Morning my baby boy my Tiggy Wiggs hope you are happy and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

Mummy is missing you so much my darling Tigger.
I look at your pictures Tigger and see what a handsome boy you were and are even when you were so poorly you hid it and still had a beautiful body strong looking lad, that beautiful chest I used to kiss and cuddle up to.

Each day I pray you will send me a sign you are looking over us and wishing you would come back to me!!!!

Lisa didn't come yesterday but I will say the weather is so bad.

Chanel did come all the way from Haughton with the children, but we said go back before it gets too bad.

I don't know how today will turn out Muffin and I on our own can't get out because of snow but the sun has just come out so wish it would stay to melt the snow away.

Until tomorrow my darlin Tigger love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 24th March 2013 09.54am.

Morning Tigger my Angel my Guardian Angel. It's been snowing all night and still snowing now.

What a disastrous Spring I hope it improves soon it is so depressing.

Nothing to look forward to at the moment I feel I am being imprisoned.

Missing you more than ever my darling talked to you again this morning.

Chanel might be coming to take us for dinner but she is going to see how the roads are.

Lisa was coming up today but again the weather may stop her coming.

I imagine the sun shining over The Rainbow Bridge and you basking in the sun and playing with your doggy Friends, I do hope you are my Tigger, Mummy never stops thinking about you NEVER!!!

I will write to you tomorrow and let you know how today has turned out.

Love you forever darlin, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my baby boy kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx God Bless You.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 23rd March 2013 13.30pm.

Hello my darling boy Tiggy Wiggs, How are you, hope you are enjoying yourself and the sun is shining.

I am going out of my head with boredom! The snow is quite bad and deep so can't go anywhere.

Wish the sun would come out and the weather would change, time we had a good Summer now after two years of cold bad weather.

Missing you as usual Tigger so much.

Lisa has gone to Wolverhampton shopping with Jade she can walk and doesn't mind travelling.

So not much to tell you today my darlin only to tell you I love you and miss you until the end of time.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger love you always, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 22nd March 2013 15.02pm.

Hello my Tigger My Precious boy how are you darlin?

It is snowing again and quite deep cold and I haven't been out of the house and don't want to.

Daddy has just come home cold and tired from work.

Lisa is coming later to collect her parcel.

I have been thinking about you again today cleaning around you and Butch's caskets, I don't like calling them that but have no choice.

Now you look squeaky clean and cosy with your teddys on top with Butch and his Teddys.

Not much more to tell you today nothing happened.

Christopher is working away this weekend I wish he wouldn't but that's where the money is.

Until tomorrow my precious take care play nice be a good boy. That's what I used to say to you when I went out and I knew you would be.
Love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending My Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 21st March 2013 08.30.

Morning my darling Tigger my Tiggy Wiggs.

Hope you are happy and playing in the sunshine running in the fields with all your doggy friends seeing Granddad and Auntie Irene send my love to them all and my kisses.

Every day I wish you here with me hugging you and giving you lots of kisses, instead I imagine you here with me talking to you daily.

I don't know what I am doing today I will play it by ear.

Just tried ringing Lisa she rang back saying she was at work and whatever I had to say wasn't important and she would speak to me later. I must be feeling very vulnerable because I have just burst out crying, she can be a bit hurtful sometimes but doesn't realise what she says or how she says it.

I feel very lonely at times and until Daddy retires I think I will feel like this.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainboe Bridge to my Tigger xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 20th March 2013 12.51.

Hello my darlin Tigger hope you're happy and well.

I am worried at the moment my health is not good, I don't know whether it is stress causing it or a medical problem I will keep an eye on it.

Lisa said she misses you, we talked about you yesterday, I cry every day for you my darling.

She is not well at the moment, I hope she improves soon.

I have rang Chanel this morning to check all is well it is.

I hope you're warm and playing with your doggy friends.

It is so cold today when is Summer coming?

Until tomorrow my precious boy stay happy warm and watching over us, love you forever Tigger, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 19th March 2013 15.27pm

Hello my darling Tigger. Having problems on my old laptop now it's getting very old and slow.

So I send my love from my new laptop still missing you so much there is a big hole in my heart which you filled and is now empty.

I cried again this morning on the way from Hednesford on my mobility scooter.

There isn't a day goes by without I cry for you.

Lisa is coming for dinner today looking forward to her coming.

I hope your happy and enjoying yourself and now not in pain or finding it difficult to breath.

I can't believe how brave and strong you were knowing you had an enlarged heart with it pressing on your wind pipe oh Tigger you are my life, my soul mate, my joy.

Until tomorrow my precious, love you forever Mummy xxxx Thankypou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 18th March 2013 08.01.

Morning my darling Tigger my Tiggy Wiggs.

How are you? It doesn't seen five minutes since I wrote to you yesterday were does the time go and still I pray every day you return home to me and Daddy.

Just a sign to let me know you're watching over us.

I feel frightened today somehow I don't know why.

Hope it comes to nothing.

I don't know what is happening today I will play it by ear.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you always and forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 17th March 2013 17.48pm.

Hello my precious Tigger my Babett's. How are you darlin? Daddy and I have been to dinner today at Christopher's house, Chanel cooked a lovely dinner.

Baxter and Muffin were playing together on the paddock, my goodness Muffin was filthy afterwards,

Now squeaky clean he has had a shower and shattered.

The sun has been out and made it a good day but still not the same without you I am crying now because I miss you till my heart aches!!!!

I keep it to myself but I am so sad not having you here to love, and cuddle.

I watched your video last night it was so real as if you were still here sitting on the settee.

I have lots of happy memories of you and will NEVER EVER FORGET YOU TIGGER DARLIN.

Until tomorrow my precious love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 16th March 2013 13.32pm

Hello my precious Tigger hope you are OK and happy.

I have been to Auntie Sheila's today in Penkridge.
At least the sun has been out today.

The nights are getting lighter now which makes me feel a bit better.

It doesn't stop me missing you more than ever though, you have been on my mind again today.

If I had two choices to win the lottery or have you back for good. YOU would be my only choice my sweetheart.

Daddy didn't babysit last night they changed their minds.

Hope you're enjoying yourself I do hope you're happy I love you so much Tigger!!!!

Until tomorrow my darling boy love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 15th March 2013 16.49pm

Hello my Darlin Tigger thinking of you again missing you more than ever!!!

My days seem to blend into one I don't feel happy anymore since I have lost you my life is empty.

I go through the usual ritual but if only it was you in body not just my memory.

I pray every day you will COME HOME TIGGER.

Not much happening at the moment, Daddy has gone to the doctors various things going wrong.

Comes with age I suppose, Daddy is babysitting tonight for Christopher and Chanel.

If you were here we would have a cosy night in watching telly on the sofa.

Until tomorrow my precious play with your doggy friends enjoy being over The Rainbow Bridge until we are together again my darlin love you forever,
Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 14th March 2013 13.49pm.

Hello my darling boy busy day today Chanel came with Her Sisters little baby Lily.

She took me out and we have just got back.

A better day weather wise sun out a little.

I cried again this morning I can't believe it is nearly 10 months since I lost you!!!!


Until tomorrow my precious Tigger god bless you darlin Mummy will be thinking about you and love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 13th March 2013 10.35am.

Morning my darling boy how are you sweetheart?

Mummy is missing you so much Tigger I am looking at your picture hoping you will jump out and give me a hug lick and I will give you a huge hug.

The decliner armchair has gone making it more spacious in the living room. Waiting for two new sofa's to come in May.

Chanel might be up today taking me to collect new loo seat not that it's anything exciting but it does get me out.

Bitter cold outside again waiting for the sun to come and warm us all up.

Hope your'e happy and playing in the sun lying on the grass enjoying yourself.

Until tomorrow my darlin Tiggy Wiggs my precious Angel love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny once again for thinking and sending my Tigger Kisses over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 12th March 2013 10.41am.

Morning my precious Tigger my Babetts!! my Angel how are you today? I hope you are happy and waiting for me to join you in the future, not just yet though.

I want you to come back to me for the time being.
Give me a sign!!!

A falling white feather will do then I will know you are looking over us.

Mummy is having her hair done today, it might make me feel a bit better.

It is cold but dry today hope it improves soon.

Until tomorrow my darlin Tigger love you forever Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 11th March 2013 15.26pm.

Hello my darling Tigger hope you are enjoying yourself over The Rainbow Bridge, missing you as much as I did the day I had to let you go.

Bitterly cold today I wish the weather would improve and we could have warm sunshine to cheer us all up.

Christopher popped in to collect his post he is so busy now good luck to him love him to bits!!

Love my daughter to bits too she is very independant I am so proud of both my children.

I wish all my family well and hope we all live a long and happy life.

Say hello to all my dogs who have left me Tigger send them kisses for me, I pray one day we will all be together again.

Until tomorrow my darlin Tigger love you always and forever, Mummy xxxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 10th March 2013 17.45pm

Hello my darling Tigger I hope you are happy and well.

Daddy and I have been for a mothers day meal with Lisa Geoff Jade and Finley.

It was lovely very nice meal and company.

Chanel came down with all the children bringing me beautiful presents in fact gorgeous.

All in all a lovely day bar missing you Tigger as I am your Mummy too and love you with all my heart and miss you terribly!!!

Awful weather outside very cold damp and we have had a bit more snow.

Say hello to Butch the Boxer and Butch the mongrel and Patsy the mongrel. Play nice with them watch over us like you are keep us safe darling.

Until tomorrow my precious love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday March 9th 2013 18.39pm.

Hello my precious Tigger it's difficult trying to type tonight my laptop is throwing a wobbly.

So I will try my best. Love you and miss so much Tigger, Mothers day tomorrow looking forward to a meal Lisa has booked for us.

I'm still your Mummy you know that don't you?

Chanel is also bringing me a mothers day present.

Haven't been anywhere today, Lisa brought Finley up he is a gorgeous little boy love him to bits.

A boring day my life is EMPTY with out you Tiggy Wiggs,.

Hope you are having fun with your doggy friends and playing with the two Butches.

My two new settees are coming in May, it will be sad to see the settee you lay on going but I have all the other things of you as memories.

Please forgive me darlin?

Until tomorrow my sweetheart love you forever my precious, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 8th March 2013 10.02

Morning my Tiggy Wiggs how are you today? I feel a bit guilty because I have just ordered two new sofas which means I will be saying goodbye to the settee you lay on by my side.

I hope you don't mind Tigger it's such a large heavy settee and a bit old fashioned now.

I keep looking at the end of the settee and getting upset because you are not lying there.

But that is not the reason for losing it.

Today I am meeting Lisa Jade and Finley in Cannock.
Looking forward to seeing them.

Raining again today so I won't be going on my mobility scooter.

I am baby sitting tonight for Christopher and Chanel.

Tigger I wish you could see their house and paddock it is beautiful.

Hope you are happy!! play nice I will write to you tomorrow my darling Tigger love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Bay Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 7th March 2013 12.45

Hello sweetheart hope your happy and playing nicely with your doggy friends.

As usual I miss you terribly I will never get over losing you but will have to try!!!

I will always go through the daily routine with you it makes me feel better.

Lisa is coming for dinner today after work , I love to see the family.

It's back to rain again so can't get out on my mobility scooter.

Roll on the good weather.

Not much to tell you today so until tomorrow my precious Tigger love you forever, Mummy xxxxxx Thankyou Bunny once again for this fantastic site and sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 6th March 2013 17.56.

Hello my darling Tiggy Wigg, well my results are back good news all negative thank goodness.

Thankyou Tigger for helping me through this, I know you are with me all the time, I only wish I could see you.

Chanel came again today took me to exchange an item and buy some shopping.

She is my Guardian Angel!!! I don't know what I would do without her.

I feel more relaxed now but still anxious losing you Tigger.

Play nice with your doggy friends my darlin Mummy will write to you tomorrow, love you forever Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxx

My Preciuos Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 5th March 2013 10.11.

Morning my Precious Boy my darling Tigger hope you are happy and watching over us and protecting us.

Chanel is coming this morning to take Muffin to be groomed, I am going to watch how they groom him.

The Sun is out today and each time I see the sun I think of the days you and I walked over the fields and roads, Oh if I could just do that for one day with you I would be the happiest woman alive.

I miss the smell of you I miss your loving and loyal ways, your patient and how kind you were towards the children you loved them all and protected them.

Now I only have memories but lovely memories of you, you will never be out of my thoughts Tigger!!! Love you forever Mummy xxxxxx.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger take care, Mummy xxxx. Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Baby Boy Tigger, xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 4th March 2013 18.02pm

Hello My darling Tigger, today again has blended into another, still thinking of you my precious.

I talked about you today to two people who I used to work with, telling them how much I miss you and are still crying.

I want to kiss the wrinkles on your forehead, feel the softness of your ears, lean against your beautiful white chest and hug you so tightly.

Chanel is coming tomorrow to take Muffin for a groom. he is a funny little character but very independent!!

Go play with your doggy friends now and I will write to you tomorrow Tigger my precious boy.

Love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 3rd March 2013 16.31

Hello my Tigg My Tiggy Wigg, hope you are happy and playing with your doggy friends.

Mummy is thinking of you most of the day little things remind me of you even when I am elsewhere.

I have been to Lisa's again today she is decorating, her friend was there wallpapering.

Chanel and the children have been up today for a little while.

The day has gone so quickly.
Sunday is a nothing day, meaning not much happening.

So I don't have much to tell you only I miss you so much I can keep telling you all day every day, but it won't bring you back.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger you know I love you forever , Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge. xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 2nd March 2013 19.04

Hello my darlin Tigg My Angel!!

Mummy is thinking of you my precious always and every day, today has fled and I don't know why done nothing special.

Went down to Lisa's to see how she is getting on with the living room she is decorating.

Went to Tesco how exciting.

Geoff and Daddy have mended the gate can use it now. Such a lot to do.

Sunshine was out today but no TIGGER!!!

I love you and miss you so much, until tomorrow sweetheart I am sending kisses to you over The Rainbow Bridge and Bunny is too who set up this lovely site she sends you kisses every day xxxxx Thankyou Bunny xxx

Mt Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 01.03.2013 13.39pm

Hello my precious boy I am crying as I write to you, I just can't see life ever being happy again I miss you so much Tigger!!!

I am ok one minute then suddenly start crying at anytime of the day.

I am worried about the tests I am having but this is not the reason I am aching for you to COME BACK Tigger!!!

Daddy is baby sitting tonight so Muffin and I are on our own.

I have been watching Georgia today while Chanel went to hairdressers she was very good.

I will talk to you every day for as long as I am capable.

Until tomorrow play with Butch, Butch and Patsy have fun. Mummy will be thinking of you. xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxx

My Preciuos Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 28th February 2013 18.13.

Hello my darling Tigger today has gone so quickly.

Chanel has been down taken me to pets at home and Sainsbury's shopping for me.

I don't know what I would do without her.

Tomorrow she is coming down again with Georgia.
It will be 9 months since you left me to go over The Rainbow Bridge tomorrow, I can't bear to think of that day it all keeps coming back.
The images of you that day are so vivid.

Oh my precious Tigg how I pray and wish you here by my side hugging you kissing you talking to you about my worries, you ALWAYS!! listened and seem to calm me with just your presence.

Thankyou for being my Rock, my Angel until tomorrow love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses daily to my Tigger xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 27th February 2013 17.55.

Hello my darling Tigg. I looked at your picture on the laptop again today missing the wrinkles on your forehead I touched it I imagined you were really with me feeling your lovely chest you have tickling your tummy do you remmember with my foot when you lay by my side on the settee.

Smelling the yeasty smell you had around your face and I had to wipe it regularly.
Looking at the brown marks on your white socks on your paws showing your age. Like we do as we age age spots.
I kissed your mouth hoping it was all a bad dream and it was really you.

God I miss you so much Tigger!!!

I feel frightened at the moment waiting for results of tests, I pray I don't have what my dad had who died at 66 years of age.

I will write again tomorrow Tigger my darling boy love you always, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 26th February 2013 15.04.

Hello my Babetts my Tiggy wiggs.

Mummy has been crying again looking at your picture on my laptop screen saver wishing you were in my arms hugging you.

My darling Tigg I will never get over losing you.

I go through the daily motions but you're ALWAYS at the back of my mind!!!

Jade's necklace came today it is gorgeous for her 21st Birthday.

I feel a little better today slept better last night always wake in the night but went back off again.

waiting for result of test crossing fingers all ok.

Hope you're happy and looking over us and playing with Butch our Boxer before you and Butch the mongrel and Patsy our very first dog who died so young.

I spoke about you today in our local store a Manager who was very interested he also has a dog.

I will write to you tomorrow my precious until tomorrow love you always, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge. xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 25th February 2013 09.28.

Morning my darling Tigg, I am off to the doctors again very worried at the moment lots of things going on inside my body which is worrying me sending more tests off today.

I think may be it might be a combination of things along with increase in strength of tablets.

I hoping that's all it is!!

It is freezing today and I can't get warm even though the heating is on.

I will let you know more when results are back.

Hope you are happy and of course playing with Butch our previous Boxer before you came along I bet you're best mates.

Until tomorrow darling love you forever Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger, xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 24th February 2013 16.57.

Hello my darlin Tigg, how are you?

I feel very strange today, a bit weepy, I feel although everyone is around me I feel lonely, does that sound silly.

Everthing in my life at the moment is going wrong.

I can't stop thinking about you Tigg, I want you back home with me, I have to pretend to all the family everything is fine, but inside I am screaming.

I know I must try and pull myself together but I have no incentive to do so.
Nothing to look forward to, nothing to aim for.

I used to be so positive and a get up and goer.

Now I'm lost, lost without you Tigg my precious boy.

Oh please send me a sign just once PLEASE!!

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you always Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 23rd February 2013 09.56.

Morning my darling Tigger the weekend is upon us going to meet Lisa and Jade today to see our Finley.

Freezing cold out there, I bet it is lovely and warm over The Rainbow Bridge and the grass is green and all the flowers are out.

Oh my darlin I do miss you told Daddy again today.

I will write more tomorrow as nothing happening to tell today really, only that I miss you so much sweetheart.

Until tomorrow love you for ever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 22nd February 2013 10.47am.

Morning my Darlin Tigger my Tiggy Wiggs,
I cried in bed this morning missing you so much my precious, But I have to accept you're not here any more in body but hopefully in spirit!!

I will still go through my daily ritual talking to you through your picture, kissing your collar, feeling your hair the vet gave me from a cutting from your chest fur and body fur.

Chanel is coming today to do some shopping for me bringing the children, looking forward to that.

Until tomorrow my darlin Tigg love you forever Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 21st February 2013 12.50pm.

Hello my darling how are you? Missing you like crazy!! As you know.
Well my blood result came back the blood count has come down a little so that's pleased me Dr is keeping an eye on it and I will have to look at all foods I eat with potassium in the ingredients.

Apparently it's an important salt in the body and can be fatal if gets too high.

Chanel took me out today to a big store she needed to buy lots of bedding and household stuff.

Still feeling lonely without you and cried a little again today.

My Precious Angel I MISS YOU SO MUCH TIGGER!!!!

Until tomorrow my darling take care love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my boy kisses over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 20th February 2013 09.03

Morning my sweetheart Tigger. Here I am crying again just kissed your collar and felt your hair I have kept from the cutting the vet gave me.

It's so hard I can't believe it's almost 9 months since I lost you darlin.

I have an appointment with GP today crossing fingers result has changed.

I will write to you and let you know how I have got on.

It's cloudy and cold today, I bet it's lovely and warm and green over The Rainbow Bridge!!

Go play with your doggy friends until tomorrow my darlin love you forever, Mummy xxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 19th February 2013 09.03.

Morning My darling Tigg hope you are ok and playing with your doggy friends.

Not a good result with Mummy's blood test I have got to have it repeated weekly or may have to be admitted to hospital if it gets too high.

I hope it will right itself.

If it's not one thing it's another.

The sun is out and it's dry but the weather is changing going colder again by the weekend.

I can only hope all things will change for the better as so far this year isn't going well.

Lisa came for dinner last night lovely to see her and knowing she has passed her theory test.

I do have two very clever children well adults now.

I hope you don't mind I have asked Chanel if she would like your large bed which is at the bedside of daddy, Muffin isn't sleeping in it now so I feel as long as it is kept in the family then that will make me happy, Baxter will sleep in it and I'm sure Chanel will look after it.

I still have your toys I brought you just before I lost you. They are sitting on top of your ashes on the dressing table and that is where they will stay.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger love you forever Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending daily kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 18th February 2013 08.25.

Morning my darling boy My Tigger My Babetts.

I am off to the doctors in a while for a repeat blood test hoping the result will be ok.

I am sure as I have gotten older I worry more.
With Grandad losing his battle with cancer I worry about every little health problem.

I must try and think positive!!!

Hope you are happy well and playing and having fun.

Until tomorrow my darling love you always ,Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxx and setting up this magnificent site.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 17th February 2013 16.50pm.

Hello my precious boy Tigger, How are you?

A better day today for me but everyone has been home Daddy has been doing little jobs which needed doing. Chanel has been down with children and done my shopping.

I have been to see nan and now sitting writing to you, the weather has improved a little able to get out on my mobility scooter.

Blood test tomorrow hope it rights itself.

Spoke to someone who hadn't seem me for 40 years, he said I still look as good as I did them, that made me feel quite good, but sent me back to those happy years and wishing me back there!!!

Also wishing I could turn the clock back to the years I had with you.

Oh Tigger if only God could send you back to me!!

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you forever, Mummy xxxxxx Thank you Bunny for sending Kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 16th February 2013 19.04.

Hello my darling Tigger, what a strange day it has been, I can't explain nothing has gone right today, I have cried on and off throughout the day.

I think I am depressed little things can trigger it off.

I am missing you so much Tigger, I don't think I will ever get over losing you.

Chanel is coming tomorrow with the children and Baxter. She is going to do a grocery shop for me.
I hope I will have more to share with you tomorrow.

Until then I love you forever my darling, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over the Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 15th February 2013 10.26.

Morning my Beautiful boy my Tigger.

Hope your enjoying playing over The Rainbow Bridge.

No matter what I will always love you Tigger until the day I die!!!

I know we will be together one day and I will give you the biggest hug my darling.

Lisa has passed her theory test now crossing fingers she will go on to pass her driving test.

I am crying as I am writing to you. Oh Tigger I miss you so much my precious boy.

If only my wish would come true and you could come home NOW!!!

Daddy's Birthday today Chanel is coming with the children bringing his pressies. Lisa is coming after work.

Auntie Marg has rang from Guernsey also being her birthday today beeing Daddy's twin.

Until tomorrow my Tigger my darling boy, love you always, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 14th February 2013 11.04.

Morning my Tigger My Angel My life!!!

A bit worried today had a blood test last week and I had a phone call yesterday from the surgery to repeat it as I have a problem.

Also feeling quite lonely today perhaps it's me feeling so low in myself, here I am crying again and you're not here to comfort me.

Help me through this please Tigger.

Until tomorrow my darling boy love you forever, Mummy xxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 13th February 2013 14.07.

Hello my darling Tigger my precious baby boy.

How are you? I spoke about you today to Chris a lady I taught as a medical receptionist.

She hadn't realised I had lost you.

I told her I am still crying over the loss of you.
She said she would be the same and understood my feelings, it's nice to know people do understand.

Chanel has been to collect my slippers from Stafford, she is an angel helps me such a lot.

She may be up later as she is dropping Charlottes baby off back to her sisters.

I took Muffin for a ride on my mobility scooter to the doctors with the fur throw you and I used to share on the sofa when it was the cold nights, as I looked down on my leggings there was your hair resting on them which had obviously fallen from the fur throw, It gave me comfort that you were with me.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger God Bless you my precious, love you forever, Mummy xxxxx, Thankyou Bunny for sending My Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious tigger My Boxer Dog Baby BoyTue
by: Rose

Tuesday 12th February 2013 12.18pm.

Hello Tigger my darling boy, yet another day has passed without you!! all the days now roll into one.

They all feel the same lonely without you miss your smell, miss you quiet bar , miss cuddling to your lovely white chest, miss your presence.

I could go on forever missing everything about you.

Hope you're warm ,happy and watching over us all still protecting us and playing with your doggy friends.

Nothing much happening today waiting in for parcels.

Spoke to Chanel this morning she can't drive today Christopher has the car.

Can't do much in too much pain it's getting worse.

But when I think of you I forget about the pain.
Only the heartache of you not being here.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger love you alwats, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over tThe Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 11th February 2013 10.20am.

Morning my Precious Tigger, Hope you are well and enjoying The Rainbow Bridge.

As usual I miss you until I ache my heart is broken!! but I know how tired and ill you were.

If I could have kept you forever I would be the happiest woman on the earth.

Life is so difficult at times and cruel.

My heart will always be with you Tigger no matter what.

Can't get out the snow has arrived again.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you always Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxx.

My Preciuos Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 10th February 2013 13.34pm.

Hello my darling Tigger, it's a busy day today Chanel is baking cakes scones & a large cake for us.

Cameron, Ellie & Georgia are here and Baxter.
Ellie is throwing a tantrum at the moment.

I wish you were here you loved to play with them all.

Oh Tigger I miss you terribly.

I will talk to you more tomorrow as it is very difficult when all are here, god bless you my precious Babetts. Love you always, Mummy xxx. Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 9th February 2013 11.11am.

Morning My Precious Tigger. Hope you are healthy and happy.

I will never be happy not since I have lost you I cry even more now than when you first went over the Rainbow Bridge.

Oh my Tigger how will I cope?

I miss you more than ever.

Nothing happening today, Daddy has gone shopping.

Good news the porch is finally going to be built when the weather picks up.

Until the weather picks up I can't really get out on my mobility scooter.

Roll on spring and summer.

Until tomorrow my darling play with your doggy friends I know you are helping me through all my worries I can sense it.

Love you always Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 8th February 2013 13.34pm.

Hello my darling Tigger, hope you are happy and playing with your doggy friends.

As usual I cried again today for you, oh my darling I feel so sad and have spoken to Chanel today telling her how much I still miss you it's broken my heart!! and I'm crying as I speak to you.

Some good news today finally the porch is going to be built, so we can be warmer in the living room.

Daddy is baby sitting tonight for Christopher and Chanel.

I have been to the doctors this morning for a blood test so I can be prepared for my operation on my foot.

Not looking forward to it but it has to be done.

Until tomorrow my precious Babetts God Bless You love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 7th February 2013 09.01.

Morning my darling Tigger I cried again this morning as I woke looking at your picture over our bed.

I just want you back only for one day just to tell you how much I love and miss you and to give you a big hug and kiss. What I really want is you back forever, but I know that wouldn't be possible!!!

Please God can I just borrow my Tigger just for one day PLEASE!!

Chanel is taking me to take a couple of items back which have stopped working.

Lisa is coming for dinner again today.

Play nice with your doggy friends darling babetts speak with you tomorrow love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger kisses over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 6th February 2013 15.14pm.

Hello my darling Tigger, how are you today?

My day isn't going too bad, window people came to re seal the windows.

Cold outside again more snow forecast, so depressing.

Muffin is a little better he eat today, but seeing how he goes regarding his pain when you pick him up.

I explained to Chanel to perhaps keep Baxter and Muffin apart until he is better, as I think when they play fight Muffin thinks he is as big as Baxter the boxer and I think he may be briused from playing with Baxter.

If no better by Friday I will take him to the vets.

I talked about you today to the window people saying how much I miss you. They thought you were lovely.

Hope you are playing nicely with your doggy friends I will speak with you tomorrow my precious Tigger love you always, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 5th February 2013 13.43.

Hello sweetheart again I am getting upset, just keep crying at any time.

I talk to you every day without fail.
O'h my darling I miss you so much, how I will ever come to terms of losing you, I do know!!!

I read other peoples stories and get quite upset and know they are going through simular feelings.

You will always be in my heart darlin, Only you and I will know that between ourselves.

Lisa is coming for dinner today looking forward to seeing her.

I spoke to Chanel today all ok.

Sold my fur coat on ebay today to bring in some money.

Until tomorrow Tigger my precious boy play nicely and I will be thinking of you love you always, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 4th February 2013 11.26.

Morning my darling Tigger, how are you my precious boy?

My day is going to plan started to sort a few things out.

Muffin has a poorly tummy today on occasions he is sick but I can't explain it, if it continues I will take him to the vets.

I hope he isn't going to be a sickie dog poor thing.

The weather is up and down raining at the moment.

I wish we could have a spell of warm weather it is depressing us all.

Wish daddy hadn't got to wait so long to finish work, we could do with a lottery win.

I feel so sorry for him.

I will talk to you tomorrow my precious play nicely with your doggy friends love you forever, Mummy xxxxxThankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge. xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 3rd February 2013 12.54pm.

Hello my preciuous boy, hope you're well and playing with your doggy friends, I have been thinking about you again as usual today looking at your picture in every room.

Feeling so sad I still can't come to terms with losing you.

I want you home my darling Tigger!!

Nothing much to tell you today Sunday is a nothing day been to see Nan on my mobility scooter.

Daddy is cooking dinner. No visitors today.

Sent an email to Marg in Guernsey, no reply as yet.

Until tomorrow my darling I may have more to talk to you about, missing you so much love you always, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 2nd February 2013 11.52.

Hello my precious boy, hope your ok?

The sun is out so I am feeling a bit better, I feel a strange feeling today I can't explain.

Missing you so much Tigger thinking of you constantly.

I wonder how I get through the day sometimes.

I can't tell you much today, Geoff has been down to take Daddy to get a new post to mend the gates because of the winds.

Christopher ans Chanel and the children are coming down looking forward to that.

I will write to you more tomorrow see how today pans out, love you always my darling Tigger, Mummy.

Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 1st February 2013 10.14am.

Morning my Beaut Beaut Babetts, hope you are well and happy?

My feelings are always the same missing you so much I still cry daily not so much but still there.

The sun is out at the moment which makes me feel a little better, baby sitting tonight for Christopher in their lovely new home.

Wish you could meet Muffin & Baxter although you didn't get on with some breed of dogs.

I am sure you would be much better now Tigger as you probably are feeling healthy and calm.

You only protected me didn't you, you were my best mate soul mate and protector.

I just wish you were by my side at this present moment.

Until tomorrow my darling boy I love you every moment of my days, Mummy Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 31st January 2013 08.30am.

Morning my precious Tigger can't stop crying this morning really upset, I miss you so much, the tears are hitting the laptop as I write this to you.

Oh Tigger please please come home!!!!!!!!

My throat aches with pain.

Chanel is picking me up at 12.15pm to take Muffin for grooming.

She is so helpful, I don't know what I would do without her.

I feel so emmotional today, hope you are fine and playing with your doggy friends.

Sorry Tigger for being so depressing but I have never missed anyone like I miss you my darling.

Until tomorrow my darling love you forever Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 30th January 2013 16.12.

Hello my darling Tigger another day without you my precious.

I almost thought you were going to walk out of the picture which hangs over our bed.

I didn't sleep very well so my eyes must have been playing tricks.

I did speak to you as I always do.
Perhaps one day you will jump out at me and give me a hug or should I say I will give you a big hug.
Lisa came today with our gorgeous Finley.

Chanel took me up to pets at home to exchange Muffins food and get a filter for the tank.

Otherwise no great change.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger you know Mummy loves you with all my heart, God Bless you my precious Boy love Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over The Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 29th January 2013 17.34pm.

My darling Tigger it's been 8 months today since I lost you I can't believe how fast it's gone but to me it seems like yesterday God Bless you my darling boy love you always Mummy xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 29th January 13.44pm

Hello my darling Boy, hope you are happy and playing with your doggy friends.
I as usual am missing you terribly.

I have gone through the usual ritual which I will do as long as I am physically able.

I only wish you were here in body and not in spirit. I need you Tigger I love you and want a hug you.
Nothing much happening today so not much to tell you more happening at the week end Daddy and Geoff fixing the gate and post.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger love you always, Mummy xxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 28th January 2013 10.40am .

Morning my darling boy My Precious Tigger.
How are you this morning? It's Granddads 84th Birthday today so wish him Happy Birthday and give him hugs and kisses from me.

I miss you with all my heart every day, I cry constantly it comes in pangs.

I will always love and miss you Tigger.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you always

Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 27th January 2013 16.06.

Hello my Beaut Beaut Tiggy Wiggs.

Well the snow has finally gone, managed to get out today on my mobility scooter.

Roll on spring and summer, I think we all need some vitamin D.

Hope your playing with your doggy friends and enjoying yourself over the Rainbow Bridge.

I miss you my precious boy more than you will ever know.

My heart is broken darlin with out you.

My days are long and lonley without you Tigger.

Lisa had a great night at Christophers with the children.

All in all Lisa is Happy again hopefully for a long time.

Chanel and Christopher are happy, Jade and Adam and Finley are happy too.

It's me that isn't happy and I don't think I can pick up from the loss of you, you were my life.

Oh Tigger please please come home.

Until tomorrow my darling love you always, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 26th January 2013 17.30.

Hello my darling Tigger my precious boy.
Not a bad day today, Christopher Chanel and our Gorgeous grandchildren came to visit, always lovely to see them.
Lisa is stopping with them tonight.

I have cried again today three more days and it will be 8 months since we lost you through ill health.
My darling I love and miss you so much!!!

The snow is trying to melt the sooner the better.

Until tomorrow my Beautiful Handsome boy love you forever , xxxx Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 25th January 2013 10.21am.

Morning my precious Tigger, I am crying as I am writing to you, feel really low today because I keep looking at you and begging you to come home!!!

It hurts so much not having you here.

I want to talk to you in real life.

I do talk to you every day, but I need you in the flesh so I can touch you, hug you and kiss you.

I go through all the daily rituuals with you, which I will always do.

Until tomorrow my darling love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 24th January 2013 09.00

Morning my darling Tigger how are you today?
I feel a little better myself.

Anxious still but I will get over this.

Lisa is coming for dinner later looking forward to her coming.

Muffin has been sick this morning, probably eat something he shouldn't will keep an eye on him.

Missing you so much I had a cry again this morning, I just can't believe it's 8 months 29th of this month since you fell asleep.

I wish God would just send you back to me once just for a hug!

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you always, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 23rd January 2013 09.22am.

Morning my darling boy, how are you my precious?

I am tight chested again lots of worries at the moment, I hope they sort them selves out.

Lisa is my biggest worry, may come back home.

Wish you were here to talk to, your presence calmed me you comforted me.

Muffin is so different in character but lovely.
He is still only a baby yet.

Cannot get out today again because of snow.
I miss you so much Tigger, I can only keep praying you will come home.

Until tomorrow my Beaut Beaut God Bless you Mummy xxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My PreciousTigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 22nd January 2013 08.54.

Morning my precious boy I have been talking to you today and crying looking at your picture on my computer background.

I will never forget you Tigger as long as I live.

I just wish I could hug you once more smell you again feel your fur.

My health is a little better regarding my cold & cough.

You are my life darling and will never be forgotten.

Play nice eat well enjoy your doggy friends.

Until tomorrow Tigger love you unconditionaly, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

My Precious Tigger how are you? My chest is still aching with anxiety, which is not solved yet.

I hope today brings something positive.

Poor Daddy has gone to work still not well and is expecting not good news from work as they are not a caring company.

The weather is so bad I can't get out.

Hope your playing nicely with your doggy friends and are happy.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger miss you so much love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 20th January 2013 18.03.

Hello my precious boy, Daddy and I were invited to Christopher's for dinner, enjoyed watching Christopher on Cameron's quad bike pulling Cameron, Ellie and Georgia along on their sledges.

I have a video of them. It's great.

I have been thinking about you again today wishing you with us at Christpher's.

I have smelt your collar, felt the hair from you the vet gave me, kissed your pictures.

My darling I miss you so much.

Geoff took Daddy to get some basic shopping in,
which I thought was nice.

The snow is getting quite bad now.
Hope it doesn't stop too long.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you always, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge. xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 19th January 2013 11.30am.

Hello my darling Tigger, I have just been crying thinking about you, It's so heartbreaking, Tigger I miss you so much, I still ache with pain.

Never have I loved and missed a dog as much as I do you.

My chest is aching with pain and sorrow, no one knows how much I am still greaving for you.

I keep it to myself.

Give me a sign Tigger you are near me, I was trying to smell you on the settee yesterday but couldn't.

Your bed is still by Daddies side of the bed, but Muffin is sharing it, that's if you don't mind?

Daddy is outside shifting the snow which has gathered in the garden, quite a lot.

Not attempting to go out today, hoping Christopher will come over and get us some basic food in.

We are not right out we will manage.

10 more days and you will have left us 8 months.

Tigger I can't believe you have been gone so long.

It just seems like it was yesterday.

My heart still aches my mind still prays you will come home and a miricle will happen.

If I pray hard enough perhaps it will happen.

Until tomorrow my darling I love you so much Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 18th January 2013 15.57.

Hello my precious boy, well snow snow snow.

7 inches deep out here Tigger, you would love it, you always liked the snow didn't you?

Muffin is loving it, keeps coming in with balls of frozen snow on his fur.

I'm still thinking about you don't forget that. You're my Angel sweetheart.

Not much happening today, Christopher, Chanel and the children have been down, only for a little while. lovely to see them as always.

Hope you are enjoying the Rainbow Bridge and sun is shining on you and you are playing nicely.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger, love you always, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 17TH January 2013, 18.17.

Hello my Tigg, not a good day a worry at the moment, but hope it sorts itself out.

Weather is getting worse snow coming in quite severe.

Lisa has popped in to say hello, only for a while.

Chanel has rang to ask how things are.

Only to tell you how much I miss you Tigger!!!

How much I love you.

Help me through this worry Tigger if you will.

You helped me last time. I know you will try.

Until tomorrow my precious boy, love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over the Rainbow Bridge to my Boy Tigger xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 16th January 2013 11.41.

Morning my darling Tigger, another cold day, feeling a little better today.

Still coughing but are eating now.

Daddy still at home, going to see his GP tomorrow.
Kissed you goodnight last night and good morning this morning, touched your hair the vet gave me from you smelled your collar.

You know I will always do this every day forever.
I miss you my darling so much.

Until tomorrow thinking of you always love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 15th January 2013 16.25.

Hello Tigger My darling boy, Feeling about the same no improvement yet.

Don't expect to just yet, Daddy is off work today too.

My thoughts are still with you my darling, I know I am not crying so much, but I think I have been too ill to even do that.

I still pray each day you will come home to me.

I think it is wishful thinking, but it won't stop me praying.

Good news for Chanel Georgia can start nursery easter instead of September.

She needs stimulating so great news.
I hope you are having fun, I hope the weather is sunshining on you always, play nicely.

Until tomorrow my darling love you forever, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My recious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 14th January 2013 20.57.

Hello my darling boy, Had to see GP today much worse, says I have a chest infection and virus.

I thought I was having a heart attack.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Hope your fit and well Tigger, I love you unconditionaly, miss you so much.
Hope one day my wish will come true and you will jump on the bed and suprise me with a hug and kisses.
Daddy has gone to bed early he too is poorly.
He spoke about you last night.
Until tomorrow my precious boy love you until the day I die, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Kisses over the Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 13th January 2013. 19.26.

Hello Tigger my darling, sorry I'm late writing.

Still poorly but getting there.

We have snow coming in, you loved the snow didn't you. Burying your nose in the snow, running over the field losing yourself in the drifts.
They were the happy years, I am glad I have memories, that is something I will never lose.
Your were my life my soul my body my mind!!!!

The walks I miss with you but I couldn't now anyway, Daddy would be taking you, now you are over the Rainbow Bridge and you are healed, I can imagine you running and happy, Daddy has just shouted it's snowing right now.

I noticed by 10 minutes the nights are getting lighter, I shall be watching with baited breath for Spring.
I am still praying I will have a sign from you.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger, love you forever, Mummy xxxxx, Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my darling Tigger, hope you are keeping well and playing nicely with your furry friends.

Mummy is still poorly been lying on the settee all day.

Christopher and Chanel and the children have been today.

No one looking well or in a good mood.

We all need a long spell of sunshine a holiday and a lottery win me thinks.

But the biggest wish in my life is YOU to come home my darling.
Do you think God I could borrow Tigger just for a day to hug and kiss him so I can relax knowing all is well PLEASE !!!!!!!
Until tomorrow Tigger my beaut beaut, Mummy loves you always, xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my boy my Babetts, how are you? I still feel poorly with this virus I'm afraid, I suppose it will take it's course, the only good thing is I have lost 5 pounds in weight.

Chanel has just rang to ask how I am, she too is feeling poorly still.

I have said it before roll on spring and summer.

I can sit outside thinking of you basking in the sun on the decking, getting quite hot.

I shall cry aswell as I am now thinking of how it used to be, my precious oh how I miss you!!!

Your handsome face, your muscle on your body, apart from a little grey around your face you didn't look 10 years and didn't show you were ill.

One day I am sure you will come back to me my Tigger, I pray so hard you will.

Until tomorrow my baby love you always , Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny again for sending My Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 10th January 2013 19.38

Hello My darling Tigger, Lisa Jade & Finley have been for dinner today.
Lisa's birthday today, I think she has had a good one.

I have been poorly today a very bad nose bleed.
Feel so rough.

Hurry up and go away virus.

I miss you Tigger and mentioned you to Jade and Lisa.

I can't help it I have promised you will never be forgotten.

I hope you are enjoying the sunshine the fields and have a cosy bed to sleep in.

Muffin is sleeping in your bed upstairs the side of Daddy's bed side.

I shall always be reminded of you through these things I have kept of yours.

Until tomorrow my sweetheart God Bless You, love you always, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger a kiss over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 9th January 2013 19.42.

Hello my darling Tigger I don't usually write twice in one day, but I had to let you know I have been to the doctors and everything is fine.

But then I think you helped me through it.

Thankyou my precious boy love you!!!!!

speak with you tomorrow Tigger, I can sleep tonight xxxxxx Mummy

My PreciousTigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Morning my darling Tigger the new year is becoming depressing for me, you not being here is weighing heavy on me,

I can't forget your face when you lifted your head on the vets table, it's playing on my mind.

I will never ever forget you my darling you taught me love patience and understanding.

Muffin is filling the gap, but it's you I miss!!

Lisa's birthday tomorrow, I must try and cheer up and not show how low I feel.

I hope you're happy playing with all the furry friends, I hope your with all my family who have passed on.

I want to smell you again on the settee but at the moment I have a cold.

I want to hug you but I can only Imagine it.

I am off to the doctor's tonight hope he has good news, but you know me pessimistic as usual.

I think I take after Granddad for this trait.

I must change. I will let you know how I get on.

Until tomorrow Tigger my Angel God Bless You, love you always, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 8th January 2013 15.09.

Hello my darling Tigger, today I have been on the settee with this novo virus, really feel ill.
I feel too ill to cry today.
That's all but Daddy had this horrible virus.

Hope you are happy my precious boy. I miss you so much I have just smelt your collar and felt your hair the vet gave me from you.

No matter how ill I get I will try my best to write to you Tigger.
Forgive me if I miss a day my darling.

Poor Lisa is having problems with Jordan, hope she can sort him out, she is having such a lot of bad luck.
Hope I feel better tomorrow, I hate being ill.

Until tomorrow my darling love you forever, Mummy xxx , Thanyou Bunny for sending kisses over the Rainbow bridge to my Tigger, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 7th January 2013 10.07am.

Morning my darling Tigger, Mummy is feeling very tired, no energy at all today, I think it is this virus going around, roll on the nice weather.

My precious boy I can't explain how much I miss you!! The days go by going through the usual routine, going through the motion.

My heart is with you always, thoughts throughout the day thinking and wishing you back home, my arms surrounding you hugging you and kissing you,
snuggling into that gorgeous chest, looking into that handsome face.

You were very brave my darling, you kept your illness to yourself and now I am crying because I beg for you to come back into my arms.

The tears are flowing as I am writing this to you.
I know it will never end, I have never loved a dog as I have and still do love you with all my heart!!

Go play my darling enjoy your day my thoughts are with yo until tomorrow love you sweetheart, Mummy xxxxx.
Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 6th January 2013 16.31.

Hello my darling boy, another strange day today, Chanel still very poorly, we had arranged to stay over tonight and take Cameron and Ellie to school. Change of plan, Chanel thinks she will be well enough to take and collect the children.

Waiting for a phone call to clarify this.

Everything was all aranged with Jools and Frank too.

I have kissed your collar, felt your hair the vet gave me from you and talked to you again.

My only wish is to have you home so I can give you a huge hug!! Do prays wishes and dreams come true? Only time will tell.

Your were and are my life Tigger till the day I die.

Until tomorrow my precious tiggy wigg love you forever, Mummy xxxxxx Thankyopu Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 5th January 2013 19.08.

Hello my darling boy, what a day. Chanel is in our bed very poorly, Christopher a little better, children all snotty, I feel a little better.

Daddy and I took Muffin to Stafford today I think he enjoyed it. Daddy brought a few shirts and trousers. Weather warm.

We have been talking about you again today a lady on the bus who we know, and Roy remember Roy who used to cut Daddy's hair, he came today to cut Christopher's and Cameron's hair.

I miss you so much my Tiggy Wiggs!! so much.

I love you with all my heart my darling and will never ever forget you as long as I live.

Until tomorrow Tigger my beautiful handsome Boy, love Mummy xxxx, Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger every day, God Bless You xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 4th January 2013 18.43pm.

Hello My darling Tigger. bit of a manic day today.

Cameron, Ellie, Georgia & Baxter came today, it was mad. Georgia wasn't well, in fact all of us have some sort of virus.

All of us feel poorly. Poor Christopher has had it the worst. Now Chanel is poorly too.

The Winter we should have is quite warm and should be frosty.

I do hope we have a great Spring and Summer Tigger we had none last year.

I have been talking to you again today outside as well as inside, I filled up with tears on the bus thinking of you, Tigger I miss you until I ache!!

Please give me a sign, I can't smell you around me and I want to.

Until tomorrow my precious boy, I love you unconditionally, Mummy xxxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my Tigger over the rainbow Bridge xxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 3rd January 2013 17.21.

Hello My Precious boy, my angel my soul mate.

I have been thinking about you again today you know I have.

I haven't much to tell you today no visitors, only a chappie to replace the bathroom tap.
Daddy back at work.

Took Muffin for a ride on my mobility scooter.
I talked to the chappie about you today. He too has lost his dog 14 years old, we can't help loving you Unique Dogs.

Oh Tigger I love you so much I am looking at your canvas and one day hope you will come to me and we can be together once again, me giving you the biggest hug, you licking me to death!!!

Until tomorrow my darling love you always, Mummy xxxx. Thankyou Bunny for once again sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge, Happy New Year. xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

2nd January 2013 16.30.

Hello my darling Tigger, Tiggy Wiggs as sometimes we called you, you had lots of nick names didn't you.

Poor Christopher has that norovirus he has been up all night.

It's this horrible weather we are having too mild and wet.
Lisa is splitting from Geoff amicabley, we think it is for the best.

Not a good start to 2013!!
I didn't sleep to well last night all sorts going through my head.
Missing you so much worrying about Christopher & Lisa.

I hope you are well and happy, if only I could talk to you and you could be here to listen.

Our lives have changed so much since to left our home, I only pray soon you will come home and we can be one big happy family again.

Until tomorrow my darling boy love you always, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses over the Rainbow Bridge.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

1ST January 2013 15.45.

Happy New Year, my darling Tigger, I can't believe we are in 2013 already.

My feeling for you stay the same I miss you till my heart aches!!!
I love you till the end of time.

I hope you are watching over us my darling and missing us as much as we are missing you.
We all have this awful virus, feeling quite rough.

Christopher Chanel & the children have been today, lovely to see them as usual,

Lisa has rang all is ok now.

I will be thinking of you daily, until tomorrow my darling god bles you my precious love you always, Mummy, xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge, xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 31st December 2012 10.19am.

Hello my precious Tigger, well it's new years eve.

I'm not feeling excited about it, every day feels the same LOST!! without you.

No sleep again a couple of hours maybe, I am so lonely my Tigger without YOU!!

I will light a candle for you again tomorrow New Years day.
You and I will start the new year together my precious Tigger.
Until tomorrow enjoy your day play nicely eat well love you always Mummy, xxxx Thankyou Bunny once again for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge, xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 30th December 2012 16.10pm

Hello my darling Tigger, it's nearly the end of this year & I can't believe you're not going to be with us in body starting 1st of January 2013.

How am I going to cope with out you babetts?!!!

Lisa & Geoff popped in for half an hour, they were going to Louise's birthday party.

Christopher has gone to work today in London.
Chanel is cleaning and looking after the family.
she loves her cleaning.

I will ring her later, I always ask God to keep Christopher safe when he is driving to work every day, I say keep Christopher safe and bring him back safe.

That Boxer advert is on television again the Boxer looks so like you, I love to watch it.

I wish I had you though the real thing.

You are my unique Boxer my best friend my soul mate.

Just for one day God please send my boy back home , so I can give him the biggest hug !!!.

Until tomorrow my darling I love you until the end of time Goodnight my precious boy, Mummy xxxx

Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge, xxxxxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

29th December 2012 10.46.

Morning my Beautiful boy. How are you this morning, I bet you have had your breakfast and now a rest before play.

I have been awake since 5am crying again thinking of you.
I can't help it I miss you so much my Tigger.

I pray every day you will come to me, if only in my dreams.

It's raining again never stopping, you hated the rain remember? You soon ran back from the field with Daddy didn't you? It was so funny you beat Daddy home.

Daddy has gone to Wolverhampton shoe buying.

I may go to Cannock with Lisa if she helps me get around, for Lunch.

So happy Christopher Chanel & the children came last night, it was lovely being together.

Go play enjoy your day Mummy will be thinking about you through out the day, until tomorrow Tigger my dsrling, love you with all my heart, Mummy, Thank you Bunny for sending my Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 28th December 2012 12.35.

Hello Tigger did you enjoy yourself yesterday playing with your doggy friends? My darling I miss you so much.

I'm looking at the canvas of you, the large size one it's so life like, I imagine you walking out of that canvas, or the picture of you which hangs over our bed.

Almost the end of the year it's been 7 months since we parted. I can't get it in to my head how quickly the months have gone. Yet I yearn for you every day.

You know you will be in my heart forever.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger, go play and enjoy yourself, love you always, Mummy xxxxx
Thankyou Bunny for sending a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

27th December 2012 10.19am.

Hello my darling boy, I hope you had lots of presents and chewed your bones and played with your doggy friends, say hello to Granddad and Aunt Irene for me, I miss them too.

I think it's going to be a quiet day today no visitors.

At work some, it's raining as usual, still better than snow.

I'm feeling very low today, wish you were here to comfort me like you used to.

Daddy has gone to the sales, trying to stock up for birthdays and next christmas presents.

Go and play enjoy yourself, Mummy will be thinking of you love you forever, Mummy xxx Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 26th December 2012.

Hello my precious boy, Oh what a day Ruined, it didn't start well and didn't finish well.

Least said best mended.
I know I have missed you so much today Tigger, It's just not getting any easier.

There are a lot of doggy programmes on television lately, I only wish it was you along with the dogs I see.
Please come home Tigger come home!!
You gave me unconditional love.

Until tomorrow my darling boy love you forever, Mummy xxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending a kiss to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

25th December 2012 12.56.

Well here it is the day I was dreading Tigger!!

Christmas day without YOU!!

I have lit a candle for you Tigger, all the family have been up, opened their pressies, All happy,

Chanel and children coming back later with Baxter.

I have had a cry for you today, looked at your video kissed you in the box you're in, felt the cutting of your hair the vet gave me.
hugged your blanket, My prayer hasn't come true, so I send my love to you with a broken heart loads of hugs and kisses my darling over the Rainbow Bridge , I hope you're Happy and playing with your doggy friends.

Until tomorrow my precious love you forever, Mummy xxxxx. Happy Christmas Bunny hope your'e having a lovely day. Thankyou for sending Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge, God Bless xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello Tigger my precious boy, It's Christmas eve and I still have had no sign from you I can't smell you on the settee at the moment, don't let me lose it please that's all I have of you.

I know you gave us unconditional love.

Christopher is coming to pick Daddy up to get a present for Cameron, then he is working tonight and tomorrow night.

I hope you have presents over the Rainbow Bridge I have your present here and I will light a candle for you tomorrow.

God Bless you my darling love you always Mummy xxxxx

Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge.

My Preciuos Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 23rd December 2012 14.53pm.

Hello my darling Tigger, had a cry again this morning thinking about you.

Nearer to Christmas day now 2 days and I will be thinking about you all day, wishing you by my side.

Remember Tigger Mummy is always here waiting for you to come home!!!

Christopher, Chanel, Cameron, Ellie & Georgia and Baxter have been up today, I love my family together.

Until tomorrow my precious Boy I love you and miss you so much, xxxx Mummy, Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger a kiss over The Rainbow Bridge, xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 22nd December 2012 18.20pm.

Hello my precious boy, It's been a tiring day.

I met Lisa and Jade who bought along Finley little beauty.
We had a lovely day together, finely Christmas sorted.

It's rained all day though when is it going to stop?

I imagine the sun is out and you and your doggy friends are enjoying running around fit and well.

I wish I could see you that is my only wish.

Until tomorrow my sweetheart Good night God Bless Mummy xxxxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello My Darling, today has gone so quickly again.

Christopher Chanel and children came up tonight, lovely to see them. Baxter came too.

Mayhem in our house but lovely, wish you had been here too.

It would make my Christmas, especially Christmas day.


Until tomorrow Tigger my Babett love you always.

Mummy xxxxxx Bunny send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge, Thankyou xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

20th December 2012 18.14.

Hello my precious boy yet another day has passed I felt unwell this morning and it worried me, but ok now.

I think it's a lot of stress in not having you around, I miss you so much Tigger.

Christmas is only 5 days away and it will be 7 months on 29th December we lost you, I can't believe where the time and months have gone.

I will stay on this site and write to you every day my darling it makes me feel closer to you.

Daddy mentioned you again today, he was talking to Muffin about you,

Christopher & Chanel think Baxter attacked one of the chickens he thought he could play fight like he does with Muffin, luckly she is still alive.

Remember you used to chase the birds in the back garden? but you never killed any.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger God Bless you,

Thankyou Bunny for sending kisses to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Wednesday 19th December 2012 15.52.

Hello my precious boy, the weather is nasty, raining again and cold.

Daddy has been to hospital today with his back and legs, if no better in a few weeks he will have an injection.
Jade and Adam are coming tonight to collect the wardrobe and chest of draws fo Finley's room.

Hope you are ok and playing with your doggy friends, I know I keep repeating myself, but I can only pray and wish you back with us my darling.

So I can wrap my arms around you once again, oh Tigger if only I could!!!

You're in my heart and in my mind forever.

Until tomorrow Tigger God Bless you, Mummy xxxx

Bunny thankyou for sending kisses to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge. xxx I wrote to Tigger yesterday but at the end when it said thanks, I pressed the key on my computer but it sent out a message and I think I lost that one. xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Tuesday 18th December 2012 18.23.

Hello my darling boy, Hope your playing with all your doggy friends, I'm crying again even now why I'm trying to write this to you.

Come home and lick them dry like you used to do.
You were always there for me when I was upset or in pain, you were so loving and caring Tigger.

You asked for nothing, never destoyed anything and put up with the noisy babies and over active children, you were so placid.

They pulled your ears sat on you, whatever they did you let them do whatever they wanted.
This is why I miss you so much sweetheart.

Until tomorrow I will love you forever, Mummy xxx

Bunny will send you a kiss over the Rainbow Bridgefrom me, Thankyou Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 17th December 2012 19.19.

Hello My Darling boy, I cried last night before I went to sleep, and again this morning when I woke up.

I don't know if It will ever get easier, I just can't get you out of my mind, I don't want to, I miss you so much!!

When you died I died with you.

God Bless you Tigger Mummy is with you in my thoughts , until tomorrow nite nite, Mummy xxxxx
Thankyou Bunny for sending a kiss to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 16th December 2012 19.51

Hello My darling Tigger, I don't know were today has gone, got up late 8.45am in a lot of pain today.

Been to Nans, Auntie Sheila & Colin came up stayed an hour, Christopher, Chanel & the children came later, lovely seeing them , I Love the family all together, I only wish you were here to complete the family again, Oh Tigger I do miss you so much.

Give me a sign you are looking over us, I need to feel your presence.

Dad mentioned you today, we were talking about you I was looking at the computer at your picture and said to Dad I wish you could be with us now, he said you have to think you were so poorly, but Dad does still miss you as much as me.

Hope you are having fun darling enjoy yourself till we are together again, love you always Mummy xxxx Bunny send a kiss to my boy Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge as you always do, Thankyou Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

15th December 2012 21.36 pm

Hello my precious Tigger, I haven't fogotten you it's been a hectic day. Had the grandchildren whilst Christopher and Chanel went Christmas shopping, Baxter too. What a day!!!

We have just been to Christopher's new house to see all the villages Christmas lights, fantastic!

Oh how I would love to live in the village Christopher is living in.

It's a little bit warmer today, I hope you are happy over the Rainbow Bridge, I miss you so much my darling, I wished today you could sit by me on the settee, I keep smelling that yeast smell you had around your face, but I can't detect where it's coming from. I hope it's you looking over us.

Until tomorrow Tigger my darling God bless goodnight love you, Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny I have received my comments and Thankyou for sending kisses to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx.

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Friday 14th December 2012 10.20.

Hello my darling boy it's raining today, hope you're nice and dry were you are and you are enjoying playing with all the doggy friends who like you have passed over the Rainbow Bridge.

The house is so empty with out you Tigger.

I just don't have any interest in anything, not even Christmas.

I go through the usual routine but it's not the same as having you by my side.

I seem to have lost all communication with Bunny!
But hopefully it will be sorted, the last I had from you was 7th December, but I will continue to write.

Until tomorrow my darling Tigger love you always, Mummy xxxx Bunny will send a kiss over the Rainbow Bridge I'm sure, Thankyou Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Thursday 13th December 2012.
Hello my beaut beaut, It's so cold today freezing temperatures.

I miss you so much my darling not crying so much but each day I do fill up and have to hold it back, it's usually when I am on a bus going somewhere.

My thoughts with you daily wishing you back sitting on my bed so I can wrap my arms around you once more.

I shall continue to do the usual routine smelling your collar feeling the hair the vet gave me from you and kissing your picture.

Until tomorrow Tigger God Bless You, love Mummy xxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Tigger kisses over the Rainbow Bridge to my boy xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 12th December 2012.

My darling boy Tigger, I'm completely lost with out you, My days seem to run into one, my nights long!!
Even though the vet said you were very poorly, it doesn't stop me greiving for you, aching in my stomach with pain.

But I do feel a little better knowing the vet said if I had have brought you home you would have probably had died at home, I would have been more devastated!

Perhaps I am being selfish hoping you would have lived longer, I hope you understand I always wish every one would live forever, but it's not to be.
I hope you're enjoying the sunshine running with your play mates thinking of us, as I am thinking of you.

Until tomorrow my precious love you always, Mummy xxx Thankyou Bunny for sending Kisses to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge. xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 11th December 2012 17.06.

Hello Tigger my precious boy, went to the vets today with Muffin for his last injections until next year.

Dave the young vet spoke about you and said how poorly you were, he said you must have been bleeding internally perhaps around your heart.

He said it was the best thing I had done sending you over the Rainbow Bridge, or you would have suffered so badly, I certainly would not have let you suffer, it would have broke my heart if I knew you had been suffering.

You were so brave my darling so brave!!

I don't feel so guilty now letting you go, but miss you so much.
You never complained at all it was only when you collapsed on the field when Daddy took you a walk we knew you were so poorly.

I hope you are watching over us and seeing how much I cry for you each day.

Take care my Babetts love you forever xxxx Mummy

Thankyou for sending kisses to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge, God Bless XXX Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 10th December 2012 18.36.

Hello my precious Tigger I am late writing to you today sorry! It doesn't mean I haven't thought about you I have done the usual things and spoken to you again today.

Spoke about you to Joan again I have sent all the christmas cards out with your name at the end of the cards, this I will always do.

You will never be forgotten I promise you that my darling.

Be happy my darling I wish you here every day, I wish you by my side so I can hug you, I hope one day my wishes will come true.

Until tomorrow my darling boy, God bless you love you forever, Mummy xxxxx

Hi Bunny I am not receiving my stories back again, I know you will sort it and thankyou for sending my Tigger kisses over the Rainbow bridge xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 9th December 2012 14.44

Hello my precious Tigger, Sunday dull raining and cold, another typical Winter's day.

No matter what the weather life isn't the same any more with out you!!

I have done the usual things smelt your collar felt the hair the vet gave me from you, kissed your picture and the wooden case you are in which I do every morning.

I've been to nan's my usual trip on a Sunday.

Thinking of you constantly!! I am trying to be positive but it's not working at the moment, each day I wake up you're in my thoughts each night before I sleep too.

I shall always always do this every day until I die.

Until tomorrow Tigger, God Bless you my darling love Mummy xxx Bunny will send a kiss to you over the Rainbow Bridge, Thankyou Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 8th December 2012. 15.37

Hello baby boy how are you? I am so lost without you, I talked about you today in Walsall to a couple of ladies, they too had lost a boxer dog.

I know I'm not alone but it just feels that way!!

I have just been reading other people's losses it so upsets me they are going through exactly the same as me.

I have even sent for some christmas gift tags with a boxer picture looking just like you to put on all the families pressies.

I will always find something to keep you alive .

I hope the sunshine is out were you are and you are thinking of me and Daddy and all the good times we had together.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger love you always Mummy xxxxxx Thankyou Bunny for sending my love and kisses to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxx

by: Rose

Friday 7th December 18.54.

This is just to say Nice to hear you are feeling better " Bunny " and thanks for responding so quickly to the blip on the internet.

I don't know what I would do without your site.

Thanks once again lots of love Rose xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 7th December 2012.

Hello my darling boy, I don't know what has happened but I am not receiving any emails back from what I am writing to you, I do hope Bunny is ok!!

Whatever happens my sweetheart I will always have you in my thoughts every day, and hope one day we will be together and hugs and kisses once again.

My heart still aches for you and still I cry which is what I am doing now whilst writing to you.

Please wait for me I promise I will give you the biggest hug and kiss ever.

Until tomorrow my darling love you loads, Mummy xxxx hope you're ok Bunny send my love & kisses to my boy Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge, thankyou xxxx

Hi Rose - I'm okay - just been ill with flu and having internet problems - sorry for the delay - but thanks for noticing ;)

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 6th november 2012 10.01 am.

Morning my darling Tigger, I seem to have lost a few days receiving my comments, but perhaps it's stuck in the etha!!

I'm sure and hope it will come back.

Hope Bunny is ok she has done such a wonderful job creating this site. I don't know what I would do without this site it's my lifeline to you Tigger.

You know you will always be in my thoughts every day until I die, then we can be together again.

How lost I feel without you although I have Muffin, he is a good boy like you were.

That bold looking chest of yours your handsome face everything about I adored!!

I hope you have lots of playmates and all who we have lost in the family are there with you .

I wish I could see were you are and who you are with.
I'm still not sleeping well thinking about you and all sorts going through my mind.

Until tomorrow my precious boy love you always , Mummy xxx Hope you're ok Bunny thanks for sending Kisses to my boy Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Wednesday 5th November 2012 13.34

Hello my precious boy, Jayne an old friend made me happy, when I told her I had lost you she sent a message back saying Tigger was lucky having a mummy like you! I cried too.

What can I say, only that you were and are the most Unique, precious loyal dog I have ever wish to own!!

You were brave, Loyal ,loving and caring dog.

Love you always my darling missing you daily, until tomorrow precious boy kisses xxxx Mummy Thankyou Bunny for sending my Tigger a kiss every day over the Rainbow Bridge. xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 4th November 2012.

Hello my precious boy, here we are again me sitting crying nothing new.

I miss you so much darling, as I was going out on my mobility scooter to the supermarket I started crying thinking about you. I was praying no one would see me. I can't help it I need you back home.

It would make me the happiest Mummy on earth!!

The best christmas present ever, just once God just once send my Tigger HOME.

Until tomorrow Tigger my sweet boy babetts love Mummy Bunny send a kiss to my Tigger as you always do over the Rainbow Bridge, Thankyou xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 3rd December 2012 14.36.

My darling Tigger how are you my precious boy?

I pray each day you will come back to me, I miss you so much!! I have kissed your picture smelt your collar and felt the hair the vet gave me fom you.

When I see a Boxer dog on the television or in the street I wish it was you I stroke them and wish it was you.

Please God just for one day, send my Tigger home so I can give him a huge hug and tell him how much I love and miss him. It's breaking my heart!!

Oh Tigger I am crying again while I am writing to you. COME HOME PLEASE COME HOME.

Until tomorrow my sweetheart god bless you love you forever Mummy xxxx Bunny I hope you are well thankyou for sending kisses to my boy every day over the Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 2nd December 2012. 13.11pm.

Hello Tigger my darling I hope you are looking over us and seeing how broken hearted I am wishing you were sitting next to me letting me give you a big Hug!!

I have been thinking about you and crying again today, I don't think I will ever stop crying it hurts so much.

Christopher and Chanel have invited us up for dinner today at the new house.

You will be in my thoughts wherever I go.

I miss you so much sweetheart my heart aches for you.

Until tomorrow my darling boy love you with all my heart Mummy xxxx Bunny will send a kiss to you from me over the Rainbow Bridge, Thankyou Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 1st December 2012.

Hello my darling Tigger, I have been to see Aunt Hazel in the hawkesyard priory nursing home today.

Took Muffin a ride on the bus he loved it.

Remember you used to love a bus ride you used to sit on the seat and look out of the window, Oh how I miss us doing things together Tigg.

Daddy and I spoke about you again today and last night when I had my curry on a friday night I used to take the curry off the big chicken pieces and you had it didn't you? Every time I have one now I think of you and cry because I can't give it you any more.

December now only 24 days to Christmas I am getting anxious because I want you to be here on Christmas day!! I promise I will put your Christmas card up and your present, Oh my darling Tigg I love and miss you so much.

Until tomorrow my sweetheart love you forever Mummy xxx Bunny send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

30th November 2012 09.11 am.

Hello precious boy. Here we are again another day without you sweetheart.

I was just looking out of the kitchen window at the frost on the decking, remember the first day you saw the snow? You bounced with joy, to see you was amazing I was so happy.

Now I can only picture you in my mind in the snow.

I dream of the day we can both run together hug each other, kiss each other, I don't think I will ever get over your loss.

I try each day to cope then I see your picture feel your hair the vet gave me smell your collar and I well up and feel so sad.

I mention you every day to someone, I texted yesterday to Louise in Poole Dorset, mentioning your name again.

6 months yesterday since we parted I can't imagine where the time has gone.

I don't know what today has in store for me Daddy will be home early it's Friday already.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger play with you doggy friends speak tomorrow, love you always Mummy xxx Bunny send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

29th November 2012 2.30pm

Sorry I am late writing to you My darling Tigger.

I don't know what has happened today, time seems to be passing me by.

I hope you are playing in the sunshine with all your doggy mates. it is freezing here.

Can't afford to put the heating on for too long.

But you never did like the heat too much did you?

I have cried again today for you my precious.

My Tiggy Wiggs my darling Tiggy Wiggs. That was another name we used to call you didn't we?

All I want for Christmas is My Tigger thats all!!

Until tomorrow my precious, love you always Mummy xx
Bunny will send a kiss to you from over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Wednesday 28th November 2012

Morning my precious Tigg that's what I called you didn't I or beaut beaut or babets.

You knew I was talking and loved and cared for you.

I still love you call you every day, I miss you so much sweetheart, crying again nothing new.

I have sent messages from santa to Cameron, Ellie & Georgia via an email today.

I wish I could send one to you via an email I would love Santa to send you a message. You never leave my thoughts, until tomorrow my darling loads of love and kisses, Mummy xxx Bunny will send a kiss to you over the Rainbow Bridge, Thankyou Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 27th November 2012.

Hello My darling Tigger another day without you!

How lonely I am now not only losing you, now Chanel is in her new home, I don't think I will see much of her now. She is really busy though trying to get the new house sorted, so maybe things will change in a few weeks.

I cried again this morning I have been looking at your video if you could only walk out of that video and I could give you a big hug!!

I have got to try and occupy my mind.
I am trying to think of a positive thing to do since I have lost you.
At the moment nothing comes to mind.

Until tomorrow my darling take care my precious love you forever Mummy xxxxx I know Bunny will send you a kiss over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 26th November 2012.

Morning my darling boy how are you? I'm missing you until I die!!

It's so hard not being able to hug you, kiss you put my arms around you.

Oh Tigger if only a miracle would happen.

I feel so sad even though I have Muffin, I promise he hasn't replaced you.

I love you Tigger and wish I had never listened to that young vet. Something inside keeps telling me we may have been able to keep you a little longer, Oh Tigger I am crying as I write this I'm so unhappy!!

Please forgive me darling, I love you so much.

Until tomorrow my precious. love you always mummy xxx
Bunny send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 25th November 2012.

It's 2.55pm Sunday afternoon been thinking about you and have been thinking about Christmas without you, I'm crying as I write this to you, I miss you so much Tigger my throat is aching.

My heart is aching! I love you so much darling.

The days are long and lonely.

I hope you are playing and having fun I really do.

Until tomorrow my precious boy god bless you Mummy xxxxx Bunny send my boy a kiss over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 24th November 2012.

Hello my precious Tigger Mummy has been at Christophers all day they have been so busy moving in.

I watched the grandchildren whilst they unpacked and moved furniture in along with all his friends helping.

I am just about to kiss your canvas smell your collar and feel the hair the vets gave me from you. You know I will always do that even though it's been a full day.

I hope you are thinking about me as much as I think about you sweetheart.

Until tomorrow love you forever my darling Mummy xxxx Bunny will send a kiss to you from me over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Friday 23 November 2012.

My darling Tigger another day yet nothing has changed, I still wake up hoping you will be lying on the bed and all this was a bad dream!!

Dad is helping Christopher to move house, a little further away but at least it's easy to get to, rather than being miles away.

I do like all my family close including you Tigger!

I have had another cry today. I can't help it I miss you so much.

Muffin was poorly this morning upset tummy, but he is still very active so I am not too worried at the moment, straight to our vets if continues.

You know we care so much about our animals.

I hope you are playing with your doggy friends O'h I do hope.

Until tomorrow my precious boy my heart aches for you good boy! love Mummy xxxx Bunny will send you a kiss from me to you over the Rainbow Bridge THANKS BUNNY xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday 22nd November 2012.

Hello my darling Boy, How are you? I am so unhappy without you my days go so slowly my nights long, I never sleep a full night, and I say goodnight to you every night and good morning to you every morning, still going through all the things I want to do, kissing your picture, talking to you, feeling the hair the vet gave me of yours, kissing the necklace I wear with your hair inside and the verse on the back.

Smelling your collar which still smells strongly of you which comforts me.

I look at the end of the settee hoping I was just dreaming, but still you're not there.

I imagine you lying there, Oh Tigger I miss you so much.

You will be in my heart forever darling, until tomorrow loads of love and kisses Mummy xxx Bunny send a kiss to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou XXXXX

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 20th November 2012.

Morning my darling I have just read one of the stories on this site Vicky and Scooby what a lovely story! Vicky seems a little better now and has decided to not write on the site anymore.

My darling I still am crying and will continue writing to you daily unless something should go accidently wrong, you know I won't forget you you're in my heart.

Chrismas will be so lonely and hard without you my precious boy.

All the family will be here and I promise you will be mentioned most definately we won't forget you. I am crying as I am writing this to you.

Oh my darling if I could only cuddle you put my arms around you kiss you, it would make my day.

Until tomorrow my precious boy love you with all my heart xxxx Mummy Bunny will send a kiss to you over the Rainbow Bridge thankyou Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 19th November 2012.

Hello my darling Tigger, You are the last on my mind just before I close my eyes for sleep and as soon as I wake you are the first in my thoughts.

If I could dream about you that would make me feel a little better. I have had one dream you were walking by my side, but it didn't last long enough, so I don't feel that was a proper dream.

10 days and I will have lost you for 6 months!

I cannot stop crying, some days worse than others.

All I wish for at Christmas is YOU! Daddy and I waking up Christmas day with you lying on your bed by the side of us, or lying on our bed between us, wouldn't that be great?

Until tomorrow my darling love you always Mummy xx

Bunny will send a kiss to you from me over the Rainbow Bridge, THANKYOU BUNNY xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Sunday 18th November 2012.

My Precious Tigger

To lose someone I loved so much
brings pain beyond belief
there are no words to ease my pain
my sadness and my grief

I feel I've lost someone so close
so wonderful and dear
I think about your special ways
and wish that you were near
although you have left this world
you'll stay within my heart
Guiding like an Angel
Even though we are apart
For love is everlasting
and memories -
Your legacy that's always there
to light the way for me Tigger.
My Precious boy my Unique Boxer Dog My Angel

Until tomorrow I love you forever Tigger Mummy xxx

Send a kiss to my boy Bunny thankyou so much xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Saturday 17th November 2012.

I could write a book about you Tigger my sweetheart from the day we picked you up to the day we said goodbye!!

You were a good boy from day one, never a bit of trouble from you at all you were loved and cuddled always. everyone commented how good you were.

I don't know where the years have goneand only wished I could have had you longer, you were patient loyal loving gentle with the babies and grand children you protected us all.

When I able to take you walks you protected me, how brave you were.

But still had patients to love the children and keep them from harm.


It's 5 weeks to Christmas and I don't know how I am going to cope without you.

If God could just bring you back for Christmas to say hello then I would not cry again because I know then you would be ok and happy and one day we will be together again.

I will try and be strong my darling, until tomorrow love you always my precious, Mummy xx

Bunny will send a kiss to you from me Over the Rainbow Bridge xxx Thankyou Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

16th November 2012 Friday.

Hello my sweetheart you have been in my thoughts again today, how I will ever get over losing you only God knows!

One of your presents came today it's lovely I will put it by you on Christmas day.

I still am not sleeping thinking and crying for you to come back to me.


Until tomorrow my darling love you always Mummy xxxxxx Bunny send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou xxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

15th November 2012 Thursday.

Hello My Tigger my precious boy, I dreamt about Granddad last night it was so vivid when I woke I cried.

I want to dream about you like that it was so real.

To feel your lovely chest and nestle up to you.
To smell the yeast smell around your eyes, which I used to wipe each day.
To tickle you when you lay on the settee by my side.

I miss the play fights we used to have in a morning on the bed you made me laugh!!

Lisa has been for dinner, Chanel has been up with the children and Baxter, who played wth Muffin.

I only wish you could be here to play too.

I cried for you again this morning, I don't where all the tears come from. but the feelings I have missing you are so strong.

Until tomorrow my darling Boy God Bless you Tigger love you always Mummy xxxx I know Bunny will send a kiss to you over the Rainbow Bridge xxx Thankyou Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

14th November 2012.

Morning My Darling 24 hours have passed since I wrote you.
Time passes but my heart still aches for you and my thoughts with you most of the day.

Little things remind me constantly of you looking out of the window down the garden I see you running after the birds, it made me laugh.

Looking down at the top of the stairs watching you climb them so you could be by our side at night, hearing you breath at the side of the bed, I miss that too.

Oh my darling I pray you will come back to me one day so we can be together again!!

Until tomorrow precious love you always Mummy xxx

Bunny send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx THANKYOU XXXX

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Tuesday 13th November 2012.

I just want to let everyone know how grateful I am for this site Bunny has created!!

I talk to my Precious Boxer Dog Tigger every day.

Although I cry while I am writing to my boy, it is the best thing ever invented, THANKYOU BUNNY!!

I read all the other members stories too and cry.

But I don't think it's bad to cry it releases a lot of tension and pain.

For as long as my mind and heart is active I will stay on this site forever it make's me feel closer to Tigger my boy.

Loads of Love to you Bunny xxxx God Bless You xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Monday 12th November 2012.

Hello my darling Tigger Oh my darling I can't tell you how much I miss you what can I do to bring you back, I keep going over and over that last day we said goodbye, should I have had you put to sleep, did I do the right thing?

I know you were very poorly that day but I feel so guilty. If only you could have talked, if you had said to me Mummy let me go, then I know I had done the right thing.

It is making me ill, I cry every day I have never loved a dog as much as I love you.

You were so human I knew everything you needed we understood each other didn't we. But the day you were sent to the Rainbow Bridge you were too poorly to give me a sign. Oh my baby I miss you so much I am crying as I write this Daddy doesn't know how much I cry for you.

Until tomorrow my precious, God bless you love you with all my heart, Mummy xxxx Bunny send a kiss and a huge hug to my boy, Thankyou xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 11th November 2012.

Hello My boy hope you are happy I have been talking to your picture lots today I feel you are still with me when I do that and when I go out I always kiss you and say see you later, when I am coming back I say I'm on my way back Tigger and kiss your picture when I get in.

Please let me dream about you I would be so happy to see you in my dreams darling.

I have cried again today wishing you could jump out of that picture and I could give you the biggest Hug. I have brought you a present for Christmas it's a paw print in a heart and I have brought the Over the Rainbow Bridge poem on a card as a keepsake.

Until tomorrow my precious love you with all my heart Mummy xxxxx Bunny send a kiss to my boy Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

10th November 2012.

Morning my precious Tigger, I sigh with my heavy heart aching for you to come back today, I pray every day I can hold you, press my head against your chest I was so proud of, feel your warmth, hear you breath next to Daddy on your bed, hear your foot steps on the bedroom floor.

Oh my darlin no one knows how I feel losing you I feel worse now as the time passes.

I don't know what we are doing today but I know you will be in my thoughts.

Until tomorrow Tigger I love forever Mummy, send a kiss to Tigger for me Bunny I know you will thankyou xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

9th November 2012.
Nov, it must have been a blip.

I miss you so much Tigger I haven't cried yet today but there is time, it's cold damp horrible today.

Christopher and Chanel are buying the house in Haughton it's gorgeous.

Not to far away.

I have to go to the doctors now so will write yoy later or tomorrow darlin love you forever Mummy xxx I know Bunny will send you a kiss over the Rainbow Bridge, Thankyou Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

8th November 2012

Morning My precious, I did write to you on the site on 5th November but at the end I tried to click but think it disappeared.

Please don't think I have forgotten you.

Chanel is 25 years old today Christopher and Chanel are going to view a house.

I'm kissing the necklace I'm wearing with your hair inside and a forget me not flower.

You're next to my heart always. In my thoughts daily.

Write you tomorrow darling I hope you're happy and having fun healthy playing with your doggy friends.

Until tomorrow love you darling Mummy xxx Bunny will send you a kiss from me to you over the Rainbow Bridge, Thanks Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

7th November 2012

Hello my precious boy, hospital day today more operations.

Wish you were here to comfort me you used to.
I cried myself to sleep last night thinking about you, I will never ever stop thinking about you my darling.

Chanel's birthday tomorrow 25 years old.
She will up again tomorrow helping me I don't know what I would do without her.

It's so cold I think of the times you lay on the settee lying across my feet cuddle up in our furry throw. I miss it.

Until tomorrow my darling play with your doggy friends love you forever Mummy xxx send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny Thankyou xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

6th November 2012

I am sobbing this morning I have never loved a dog as much as I loved you Tigger. Missing you more than ever I thought it would get easier but I feel worse today. Oh Tigger my darling boy COME BACK PLEASE!!!

My heart is breaking Honestly.

I have kissed your picture, felt your fur the vet gave me, smelt your collar, I just need YOU!!

I will have to try and pick up it's making me so miserable. My chest is tight my stomach is pinching.

Hope you are happy and playing if only you could let me know you were fine I would stop crying and look forward to seeing you over the Rainbow Bridge.

Until tomorrow my precious boy Tigger love you did I die and be reunited with you, xxxx Mummy

I know you will send a kiss to Tigger, Thank you Bunny xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

5th November 2012

Hello my precious boy. Again another lonely day without you.

I smelt you in bed this morning it made me feel warm but sad.

We were all downstairs this evening and something fell upstairs, Chanel said that's Tigger that is, I felt warm to think Chanel is thinking of you.

Only to say I love you and miss you forever my darling until tomorrow xxxx Mummy Send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny Thankyou xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

4th November 2012.

Hello Tigger It's a quiet day today nothing happening, so lonely without you If only I could put my arms around you and give you a big hug darling!!

Chanel has been up with Baxter and the children
But it's YOU I want here YOU I miss so much.

How I will ever get over losing you, I am not looking forward to Christmas with out you.

I know I shall cry quietly on my own, but I will buy you a present I promise I will never stop loving you sweetheart until tomorrow xxxx Mummy

Bunny send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge, Thankyou Bunny xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

3rd November 2012.

Hello My precious boy, how are you my darling, not a very good day today my scooter needs two new batteries so I can't get out until next week.

Still the weather isn't good so perhaps it's a good thing.

I still feel so sad I want you by my side and I know I can't have you!!

I just feel I want to stay in bed all day and cry.
I thank you for letting me dream about you by the seaside playing with your toys it was so vivid.

I love you and miss you so much Tigger,

until tomorrow love you darling xxxx Mummy Bunny is sending a kiss to you from me over the Rainbow Bridge. Thankyou Bunny xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

2nd October 2012.

Hello My darling I'm sitting writing to you with a head cold drippy nose and feeling tired. but this will never stop me writing to you daily.

This is winter for you cold dark windy and wet.

Daddy is in bed not well, Muffin is lying by my side fast asleep. I won't be long before I go to bed hopefully feeling brighter tomorrow.

I have still gone through the daily things I do kiss your picture, feel the fur the vet gave me smell your collar, talk to you every day.

I will always love you more than words can say, until tomorrow Darling love you forever Mummy xxx Send a kiss to my boy Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny Thankyou always xxxx Rosexx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

1st November 2012.

Hello My darling I count the hours to write to you again I hope you don't mind I realised your toys from the shed to share with Baxter and Muffin. But I kept back the favourite ones you last played with I cried when I got them out.

I imagined them in your mouth so happy playing with your toys, remember I brought you a new one every week 12 months before you left us.

I am crying as I think of you playing with your toys as I am writing it.

My Darling give me a sign you are happy for Muffin and Baxter to play with your toys. I will keep your favourite up in the bedroom by you and me . until tomorrow sweetheart love you forever Mummy xxx Bunny will send you a kiss from me to you over the Rainbow Bridge xx Thankyou Bunny xx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

31st October 2012

I felt I had to write to you again today as I couldn't get a signal yesterday.

It's cold windy damp & horrible weather.

But I shouldn't complain when there is awful horrific things going on in America!!

I hope your playing with all your doggy friends I wish I could see you myself. I hope to one day. Don't forget me Tigger will you? I won't forget you as long as my mind is ok.

I just can't stop crying today somehow But I haven't had a visitor yet I know Chanel will be up later and Daddy will be home soon.

I wish I could bring you back darlin, until tomorrow love you forever Mummy xxxx send a kiss to my Boy over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny Thankyou xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

31st October 2012

My darling Tigg I tried to get on line to you yesterday but there was no signal I am so sorry!

I am feeling very weeepy today can't get you out of my mind I just keep crying, Oh darling I feel so guilty letting you go that day, I feel I should have let the vet take bloods and wait for the result. He said you were so poorly, I knew you were all you wanted to do was lie down. If I could mend you, you would be sitting next to me now and I would be giving you a huge big hug and kiss.
My mobility scooter has stopped working today so I have got to wait until an engineer comes out to see what is causing the problem.

Until tomorrow my darling Boy God Bless you loads of love Mummy xxx Bunny send a kiss to my Tigger over The Rainbow Bridge and I hope you are safe where you live and there are no floods keep safe God Bless you xxxxxx Rose

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

29th October 2012

5 months today my darlin we said goodbye regreting every minute of letting you go, if I could turn the clock back!!!

Oh my sweetheart I so want you back by my side. I don't think I will ever stop crying for you.

I will never ever forget you sweetheart.
Until tomorrow my darling sweet dreams God Bless you xxx Mummy Bunny will send you a kiss from me to you over the Rainbow Bridge, Thankyou Bunny xxxx

Tigger My Precious Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

October 27th 2012

Sorry Tigger I can't seem to find my pet loss diary forgive me.

I miss you so much Tigger tonight I feel so lonely!

I can't get myself together somehow, I pray so much for you to come back it hurts, I played your video again today I kissed you felt your hair the vet gave me and smelt your collar.

Until tomorrow my darling love you forever xxx Mummy

Send a kiss to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny Thankyou xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

28th October 2012.

I'm crying as I write this I have just been reading some of the pet loss stories they are so touching Tigger. I know I'm not alone greiving.

It just seems that way. It's dark now earlier I hate Winter 6pm and I have closed the blinds.

Jo's dog Bailey next door is growing she didn't have to have her leg off after all. I bet you can hear her bark from over the Rainbow bridge.
When you used to hear her bark you used to run out into the garden hoping to catch her you were so funny. Oh I miss that so much.

Your picture is my screen saver each time I open my lap top I see your beautiful face I kiss it every day. I love you my darling and miss you so much till my chest aches. I long for the day we are together again my darling.

Until tomorrow my precious Tigger goodnite God Bless xxx Mummy I know you will send kisses to my Boy, Bunny thankyou xxx and thankyou for this site God Bless you too xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

26th October 2012.

8.45pm Just looking at your picture on my laptop oh Tigger I miss you so much sweetheart.

If I could bring you back my darling I pray each night you will, knowing you can't because you are with the Angels. Please Angels send my boy just for one night just one!! So I can give Tigger a big big hug and a big kiss.

Send a kiss to my boy, Bunny, over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

October 25th 2012.

Hello sweetheart a better day today Jordan came to weed the garden and tidy it up. He is lovely so caring and helpful.

May find someone to build the porch, crossing fingers. Muffin had his hair cut today can now see out of his eyes properly, you never had that problem did you darling, I sigh every time I think of you a lump comes into my throat.
I miss you so much, Daddy said what a good boy you were too last night, he misses you too you know but he doesn't show it like me.

Please let me smell you again on the settee or in the bedroom, until tomorrow babetts God Bless you my unique Dog my life my Angel love you forever Mummy xxx I know Bunny will send a kiss to you over the Rainbow Bridge thankyou Bunny xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

24th October 2012

Another day without you Tigger my babetts.

It's cold dark and misty you know I hate Winter, I wish they would leave the clocks alone so we could see more day light longer, it's so depressing you always kept me comfortable and cosy we shared the settee with our cosy furry cover remember?

Please Tigger come back and keep me cosy I miss you so much darling. Let me hug you and give you the biggest Kiss.
You would make me the happiest Mummy on the earth.

Until tomorrow my darling love you forever Mummy xx send a kiss to my boy Bunny over the Rainbow Bridge thankyou xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

October 23rd 2012.

Hello my precious boy. I have just written to you but lost it somewhere forgive me!!

I cried again today but when I did I smelt you again I know your are around me I feel your presence, it gives me hope and warmth.

A new porch is coming Friday to keep the house warmer, I will place the stone I had made with your name on it and look for something else to always remind me of the unique loving loyal precious Boxer Dog we ever owned.

Ni nite my darling until tomorrow love you for ever Mummy xxxx Bunny send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge thankyou xxxx

My Precious tigger My Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

22nd October 2012.

Morning my darling Tigger My precious boy it's raining again our wonderful British weather.

Hope the sunshine is out over the Rainbow Bridge.
The tears are flowing as I write this to you please catch them!! Muffin is lying fast asleep by my side I wish you were lying by him then I could kiss you both, I would be the happiest woman on this earth better than winning the lottery!!

Keep safe my sweetheart until I write tomorrow love you foreer Mummy xxxxx Bunny I know you will send my boy a kiss over the Rainbow bridge Thankyou xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

Sunday 21st October 2012 .

Hello My Precious Boy Sunday lonely Sunday!

The house is so empty with out you Tigger, I did smell you again on the settee it is so warming.

18 years today since Granddad passed away.

I want to be happy again but without you I feel so lost and lonely.

I don't know if I will ever feel the same again.
I have lost dogs before but somehow you were so special, don't get me wrong I adored all my dogs Butch the Boxer I ache for when he died time I know is a healer, but it is still so fresh with you.

Be safe my darling until we are together again God Bless you my Precious until tomorrow love Mummy xxxx send a kiss to my boy Bunny over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

19th October 2012

Hello my Precious Boy, Hope you are well playing with your doggy friends.

I don't feel the same about anything since I lost you I can only talk to your picture kiss your photo's feel the fur the vet gave me from you.

I ache for you still my darling I keep trying to win the lottery so I can do something very special in your memory something really big.

I wear the necklace with your fur inside I will never ever remove it from my neck my darling.

Just to let you know I love you forever sweetheart until tomorrow precious xxx Mummy

Send a kiss to my boy, over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny thankyou xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: Rose

16th October 2012

Hello my boy hope you are healthy and playing with all your doggy friends and family.

Wish I could see you darling!! Missing you so much.
Crying again I can't help it.

It's so cold today wet and windy I hope it's sun shine over the Rainbow Bridge.
You loved the sun, bathing in the back garden
waiting for Daddy to come home from work.
Your little wiggle and your short little tail wagging I miss that so much.
Oh I miss you Tigger.

Until tomorrow my precious boy love you forever xxx Mummy Send a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny thankyou so much xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

15th October 2012

Tigger my darling Boy I'm crying as I write this to you the pain is still so strong being without you. Oh I miss you so much Precious.

How on earth I will ever be totally happy again I keep having pangs, fear, You were my life, my Angel.

Although I have Muffin here he is so lovely and funny having such a different breed of dog.
I mustn't compare, It's been such a long time since you were a puppy I had forgotten how you behaved.

Muffin is hard work but he is lovely I'm sure in 3 months when he is 6 months old he will calm down lose those very sharp teeth wow they are sharp, he nips at our heels too.

He will grow out of it.

I know you would teach him right from wrong you are such a loyal brave loving caring dog.

I know you are looking over us all Tigger, I only wish you could sit by my side on the settee next to Muffin and cosy up.

I love you, miss you, ache for you God bless my babetts do you remember I always used to call you that, you understood my every word,

Christopher and family will be up tonight as it's Christopher's 28th birthday, to open his presents.

Until tomorrow my sweet Angel love you forever Mummy xxxx Send a kiss over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny to my boy thank you xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Sunday 14th October 2012

Hello my precious Boy thank you darling for watching over me tonight!!!
I know you are close to me, I just want to smell you at the end of the settee.

Lisa has been today she is coming for dinner tomorrow on Christopher's 28th Birthday.

I did the usual things for you and will as long as my body and mind let me.

Nothing exciting happened today I still feel so sad without you, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come back to me darling babetts, until tomorrow love you till the end of time Mummy send a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny Thankyou so much xxxxxx

My Preciuos Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

13th October 2012.

Hello my precious boy, had the worst nights sleep ever having Cameron Ellie and Georgia for a sleep over.

Georgia kept us up all night crying.
Had you in my thoughts throughout the day wishing you would walk through the door so I can give you a big Hug.

I don't think I will ever be happy again not now I have lost you !!

Please let me smell you again I miss that so much.
Winter is setting in I'm depressed already, hate the dark nights Tigger please help me through them roll on next March.

Until tomorrow my precious Boy I will love you forever. Mummy xxxx Send a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny I know you will thanks xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Hello my precious boy If I didn't write to you yesterday I am so sorry! Lots of things going on Chanel came up with Baxter, and the children it was mayhem last night !! to say the least.

They did't leave until late.

I still kissed your picture smelt your collar and spoke to you throughout the day, you know if I miss a day writing I will never forget my usual routine.

I love and miss you so much my darling.
I still see your playmates in the morning when I close my eyes.

I am waiting to dream about you nothing yet, perhaps I have to be patient and wait for a sign.

I felt your fur the vet gave me today too.

My heart still aches for you and another cry today.

You are my life sweetheart and always will be.

Until tomorrow sweetheart God Bless, I'm on the old laptop tonight, Mummy xxx Send a kiss to my Tigger Bunny over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou xxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

My Precious Tigger It's been 5 months since you left me oh I miss you so much, it's not getting any easier I'm crying as I write this to you.

I miss your love, I miss your hugs, I miss your bark.

My darling Boy You were unique! Of all the dogs I have had somehow, you were something special.

I still smell you on the settee every time I am upset. I feel you are there beside me, you must be because Muffin doesn't have the same smell.

I look forward to the day we are together again my precious until tomorrow loads of love darling, Mummy xxxxx Bunny send another kiss to my Precious Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge, I know you will Thanks Bunny xxxx

My Preciuos Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Sunday 7th October 2012

Hello my precious Tigger I've Been To Nan's and to Lisa's today took Muffin on my scooter, it's a sunshiny day but cold.

Not my favourite month of the year.

Christopher has brought Chanel a gorgeous dress and pair of shoes , himself a magnificent suit.

The children a present each today.

I can't stop thinking about you Tigger I get a pain in my throat I just want to cry for you all the day long.

I have to put on a brave face all the time.

I saw your playmates again this morning when I closed my eyes, I just want you to appear before me, I wish the Angels would let you come just once to tell me I can see you Mummy all the time.

I would be so happy Tigger.

For as long my mind is alert and I don't lose my mind I will write to you and tell you all what is happening daily, until tomorrow my sweetheart love and kisses Mummy Bunny send a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Thankyou xxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

Hello my precious Tigger, a strange day today been upset again without you, I thank you for me seeing all the dogs you are playing with again this morning.

I only wish you would come and sit on the bed between Daddy & me, I wish I could see you walk through that bedroom door again, I only wish one day we could hold you close again and have the biggest hug, I would be the happiest woman on this earth. God bless you my darling until tomorrow loads of love and kisses Mummy xxxx Bunny send a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge thank you xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

October 5th 2012

Sorry my precious boy I'm on the new computer writing to you it's a pain having problems.
Another empty day without you! Daddy spoke about you today, we were talking about Muffin and both looked up at your picture and spoke to you, I felt happy daddy had spoken to you too.

I had another cry in bed last night missing you so much, I think I missed yesterday talking to you, but you know you are constantly in my thoughts! never a day goes by I don't miss thinking about you and talking to you.

Muffin the new puppy is waking us up early hours to go out for his p he is a good boy no accidents in the house, just like you were when you were a puppy. Baxter is poorly at the moment he has an ear infection like you used to, and I think the vet thinks he may have hurt his neck.

I hope you're well and playing with Butch, Butch and Patsy, I hope you have seen Grandad Auntie Irene, send my love.

Until tomorrow my precious boy love Mummy xxx Bunny will send a kiss to you over the Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Dog Baby Boy
by: rose

3rd October 6.05pm using my new computer Tigger

Cried again in bed last night missing you so much my precious Tigger, I am still hoping for a sign. It would make me happier. I am still smelling your collar touching the fur the vet gave me and kissing your picture.

My life is so empty without you I talk to you every night and every day and will do until I join you with the angels my sweetheart.

Until tomorrow my precious, love you loads Mummy. Bunny will send a kiss to you over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxx Thanks Bunny xx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

1st October 2012

My darling Tigger oh do I miss you I can't believe it has been 4 months tomorrow my precious.

I am still crying as I write this to you, I lit the candle for you on my birthday, did you see it? I lit it again today too.

I have you on my computer every time I turn it on you are there in front of me.

I wish you could walk out of this computer and I could kiss you and hug you and speak to you live!

My darling boy I love you and miss you so much I ache. I will never ever forget you until we speak tomorrow darling love you loads Mummy x Bunny will send a kiss to you over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx thanks Bunny xx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

29th September, 12.40pm

Hello my precious boy hope your happy healthy playing like you used to my precious Tigger.

Mummy misses you so much sweetheart!

I love you so much and wish I could give you a big hug!
Daddy misses you too. I'm aching inside missing you so much, been to see Auntie Sheila today & Colin.
They talked about you again how great you were.

Never a day goes by you are in my thoughts whether it's on the bus or at home you're always in my thoughts there is a lump in my throat writing this I just want to cry all day.

I will light a candle tomorrow on my Birthday but think of you, until tomorrow my precious love you always Mummy, I know Bunny will send a kiss to you from me over the Rainbow Bridge, xxxxxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

28th September 10am managed to find time to write to you before my friend picks me up.

Been thinking about you again today missing you so much my precious.

How I am ever going to cope I don't know, it hurts so much inside Tigger, I have loved all my dogs but somehow you were so special to me, I think it was because we spent more time together.

I will love you forever Tigger till the day I join you!

Will have to go now will write tomorrow my darling boy.

Love Mummy xxxx Bunny will send a kiss I know she will to you from me over the Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

September 27th Hello my darling boy I have been talking about you today to Gayle the hairdresser.
She knew you too, she was so sorry to hear you were poorly and now over the Rainbow Bridge.

I cried again today missing you so much my precious, I did the usual things touched your fur, smelt your collar, kissed your pictures, stroked your blanket.

Tomorrow I will be staying with my friend at Lichfield so I won't be able to write to you my darling, but will write on Saturday, then it's my birthday Sunday I will light a candle that day I promise!

I love you and miss you so much God bless you darling, love Mummy xxxx Send a kiss to my boy Tigger Bunny Thanks xxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

25th September, 19 weeks today Tigger oh dear God look after my precious boy, I miss him so much, I still feel guilty having put you to rest.

I keep questioning it!!
Although the vet said it was the best thing.

I know you're out of the discomfort and you were finding it difficult to climb the stairs, but you were a brave boy and gave us no indication you were really tired and poorly, only that day Daddy took you your last walk.

We had only taken you to the vets 2 weeks before and the vet didn't discover another problem did he miss it and didn't look properly!!

I don't mean to feel I'm blaming the vet it's just I'm feeling so lonely without you Tigger and am crying for you again. Truthfully I don't think I ever will. It's broken my heart losing you my precious boy and until we are together again I will never feel the same. Bless you my sweetheart until tomorrow love Mummy. I know Bunny will send a kiss over the Rainbow Bridge to you. Thanks Bunny I don't know what I would have done without you xxxxxx Rose

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

24th September it's 19 weeks tomorrow Tigger since we parted I can't believe it's nearly 4 months it seems like yesterday, my birthday next Sunday and you won't be here to celebrate it.

How I wish I could put my arms around you Tigger and give you a big hug!!!
My heart aches for you, daddy spoke about you last night he said remember when Tigger used to lie in between us in bed in the mornings, you used to push your way in so dad had to lie at the end of the bed so you could get comfortable we used to laugh! We miss your body against us, we miss your play, we miss your smell, we miss your love, now I'm crying again!! Oh Gog bring my boy back to us PLEASE!! Send a sign.

God Bless you my precious boy!! Till we speak tomorrow ni nite xxx Mummy Send a kiss over the Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger Bunny thanks xxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

Hello my darling Tigger! It was a strange day yesterday the internet wasn't working properly, we were looking after Cameron, Ellie and Baxter because Georgia had fell and broken her arm & was in hospital.

It was a manic day so forgive me for not writing to you darlin!!

Today I touched your fur the vet gave me, kissed you pictures and cried again for you.

I can't see you anymore when I close my eyes, I hope it isn't because I have Muffin now, I miss seeing the other dogs who you play with.

Please come back Tigger PLEASE!!

It's raining again darling typical British weather.

I will love you forever my Beaut Beaut till tomorrow Mummy xxx Send a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny thank you xxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

Tigger Beaut Beaut oh God how I miss you sitting here with tears running down my face, I wish you were here to lick them clear, although I have Muffin here it still doesn't take away the pain of losing you Tigger!!

Chanel and I took Muffin to the vets today for a chip and his second injection, it was so sad it not being you I was taking in, the vet remembered me from taking you each time when you were poorly.

I will NEVER NEVER EVER stop loving you Tigger you know that don't you my precious boy.

Play with all the other pets darling speak again tomorrow, Bunny says she is sending kisses every day from me to you God Bless you my sweetheart love Mummy xxxxxx Thankyou Bunny xxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

Hello beaut beaut Tigger, the days seem to be getting longer and more lonely without you.

Although I have Muffin here, the house is still empty without you I miss your presence, I miss your pitter patter up the stairs, I miss your smell, I miss you trying to jump onto the bed in the mornings, remember I always used to say give it a try you used to walk back to the bedroom door them aim directly onto the bed, you got it every time.

Oh Tigger I will always love you my darling boy!!

My heart aches without you I cried again today knowing it's 18 weeks tomorrow since you left me.

The dark nights are back you know I hate them.
How am I going to cope through Winter and Christmas without you?

I hope you are healthy and happy, you were so poorly my precious, until tomorrow Beaut Beaut love Mummy xxxx Send a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny thanks xxxxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

Sunday 16th September 2012.

Hello my darling Tigger I'm crying again just looked at the video of you it's as if you're still here I wish you could just walk out of the video onto the settee by my side.

Oh how I pray my wish would come true, forgive me if I don't keep to time of touching your fur the vet gave me or smelling your collar kissing your photo's I will at sometime during the day.

I love you and miss you till I ache inside until tomorrow my sweet precious boy xxxxxx Mummy Send a kiss to my Tigger Bunny over the Rainbow Bridge thanks xxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

Hello my beaut beaut been thinking about you again today, this will be the first Christmas without you sweetheart. Oh god I don't know what I will do without you, you were just as excited about Christmas us buying your doggy presents your doggy toys, I'm crying thinking about it!!!

Your toys are still in the shed I can't bring myself to get them out it will remind me of you greeting us every day with a new toy, carrying in your mouth, that stubby little tail wagging and tha side wiggle you did when you were pleased to see us.

Oh my precious boy I miss you so much I ache I promise what ever I am doing thrugh the day I will never ever forget you darling!!!

Love you loads until I write tomorrow Beaut Beaut xxxxx MUMMY Send a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow bridge Bunny thankyou xxxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

Hello my darling boy, I had another cry today wish you could have been here to kiss them dry, whenever I was upset you always came to me and lay by my side as if you understood.

Best friends weren't we Tigger you were my soul mate.

Every night I used to give you half a dozen kisses and said how much I loved you remember?

I hope you can see and hear me nite nite my precious beaut beaut if only I could give you a big hug.

I'm sorry this is a short letter to you tonite I could write all night but the words would always say COME BACK TO ME MY PRECIOUS BOY I love and miss you so much it still hurts, love you till the end of time xxxxxx Mummy Send a kiss to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny xxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

Hello my darling I am crying again, even though I have Muffin here I really do miss you Tigger beaut beaut.

I have moved your collar up higher so no one can pick it up it's too precious to me, I smelt it again this morning touched your fur the vet gave me.

Muffin lay beside your teddy blanket in bed this morning, Chanel is coming up later no doubt she will bring Cameron Ellie & Gorgia. They still talk about you especially Cameron, he loved you so much did'nt he?

I hope you are fit and well playing with other dogs and seeing Butch the Boxer, Butch the mongrel & Patsy you can propably see grandad too.

Till I write tomorrow love you forever Tigger beaut beaut xxxxx Mummy Send a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny thankyou so much xxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

17 weeks today since you left me Tigger, I now have Muffin sitting by my side I don't know I have got him he is so quiet.

I hope you don't mind my darling Tigger!
You know you are my precious baby boy and I feel so guilty! I hope you're not angry with me. I will love you always and if I had one wish in the whole world it would be Bring my precious Tigger Home PLEASE !!

Bunny sends a kiss every day, I thank her so much for this site, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this site to send you my feelings..

For as long as this site continues I will write to you every day until my heart stops beating !!xxx Mummy, Send a kiss to Tigger Bunny over the Rainbow Bridge THANKYOU xxxx

Until tomorrow Beaut Beaut take care my darling x

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

My darling Tigger I'm crying as I write this I have Muffin the new Shih Tzu sitting next to me.

He is a gorgeous little thing only 10 inches long.

I'm not used to such a tiny thing.

I miss you so much Darling I still ache for you it hurts so much!!
You know you are in my heart always I touched your fur today the vet gave me, kissed your photo, thought about you through the day.

Bunny sent me a lovely message, she sends kisses to you every day from me, I will love you forever Beaut Beaut xxxxx Mummy Send a kiss to my Tigger Bunny over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

Hello my darling beaut beaut, I'm sorry I haven't spoke much this last two days Anne & Viv are here they go back tomorrow morning, I hope you don't mind me buying this Shih Tzu puppy I feel I am deceiving you! But you know I love you to the end of the earth, I won't stop loving you I promise.

Tigger I have cried thinking of buying this dog in case it hurts your feelings, I'm not replacing you I'm just filling the gap of loneliness I have without you!!

Please forgive me sweetheart until tomorrow xxx Mummy send a kiss over the rainbow bridge to my Tigger Bunny xxxxxx

by: Bunny

I'm sending a kiss to Tigger every night. xxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my darling boy, I feel guilty today I have been looking at Shih Tsu puppies today and I want to ask you if you would feel upset if I brought one?

I am not replaceing you sweetheart I don't know what I'm doing, I know I miss you like crazy it still hurts so much, I ache in my throat and chest.

Please send me a sign that it is ok to have one, I won't buy one if you don't want me to.

Anne and Viv are here for I think four days.
I'm sorry Tigger if I have hurt your feelings by mentioning buying another dog.

I will speak to you tomorrow darling beaut beaut love you forever Mummy xxx Send a kiss over the Rainbow Bridge to my Tigger Bunny please xxxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my precious boy Tigger I'm crying again as I am writing this to you, I don't know if I will EVER get over losing you my beauty boy.

I miss you so much, I have just been reading other members losing their precious pets who I hope you are playing with, Oh Tigger I do hope you are I so regret listening to the vet he was only young, I should have asked for a second opinion and that dreadful nurse who didn't even flinch, I can't get her out of my mind,

I usually like all the vets nurses and they always smile not that one!!

Please forgive me Tigger if I made the wrong decision I should have listened to my heart not my head.
Oh how I pray I can have you back I would give anything, I don't want material things or money Just YOU!!!

Chanel brought a bouquet of flowers up today for our 42nd wedding anniversary they are beautiful,

BUT!! I wish she had been bringing you home and it was all a bad dream!!

I loved you yesterday I love you today and will love you FOREVER my sweet boy loads of hugs and kisses beaut beaut xxxxx Mummy Send a kiss to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny xxxxxx Until tomorrow xxxx

My Precious Tigger My Boxer Baby Boy
by: rose

16 weeks today my darling where has the time gone?

Every day almost every second you are on my mind
I talk to you when I'm on my own as no one else would understand!!

If only I could hug you sweetheart, I can only touch the hair from you the vet gave me and kiss your photos and smell your collar.
It hurts so much why does God take all the good ones and leave all the bad people on earth I don't understand!!

I have a twinge in my stomach when I think of you I feel so sad it hurts I want to just keep crying.

I have to hold myself together.

Ellie starts school tomorrow full time Cameron is looking forward to going back too.

That leaves Gorgia 2 years to go.

I hope Christopher doesn't move to Cambridge I will be devastated!!

It's Dad & I's 42nd wedding anniversay tomorrow 5th September.

I love and miss you my darling boy Tigger loads of love beaut beaut Mummy xxxxxx Send a kiss to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny xxxxx

Until tomorrow xx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

Hello my beautiful boy, thank you for helping me through this day!

Dad pushed me in my wheel chair today he did ok.
In a lot of pain but I will get through.
Lisa came for dinner, Chanel came up to get my shopping for me from Asda, she brought Baxter up Daddy took him a walk over the field you used to go on, wish it was you my darling boy.

I Love and miss you so much Tigger!
I'll love you forever.

Anne & Viv are coming Friday stopping 3 days.
Bringing all my stuff up from Poole.

Speak with you tomorrow my beaut beaut love Mummy xxxx Send a kiss to my boy Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge Bunny xxxxxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

September 2nd 2012.

Hello my darling Tigger, I spoke to a lady today who lives at the bottom of Mcghie street she is a nurse, she cried when I told her I had lost you, I told how upset I was when the nurse held you instead of me how you lifted your head to see if I was there I was! it happened so quickly oh how I wish I could turn the clock back and have those blood tests the vet said he would do.

Perhaps he might have told me something very bad perhaps it's best I didn't know.

My mind keeps changing!!
My feet were cold last night so I decided to get the fur cover you and I used to share on the settee, I cried when I got it out of the chest, I wanted you to share it with me again, I cried my self to sleep again.

Another day without you Tigg I'm so lonely without you so lonely!!

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes not looking forward to it speak with you tomorrow my Tiggy wig x

My darling beaut beaut love you for ever Mummy xx
Send a kiss to tigger Bunny over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

It's Saturday 1st September 2012.

I said white rabbit 3 times this morning like I always do 1st of the month Tigger, I don't why I keep saying it because it doesn't change things for me.

I went to Penkridge today, that lovely bus ride looking at that dream house I have always wanted but will never have, also passed our vets where you were put to sleep, I feel so sad now when I see it, but Baxter will go there if he needs any treatment only he uses Rugeley as this is the nearest but same vet.

I think he is lovely and kiss him BUT it's not you.

No one will ever replace you my darling!!!

You are my ANGEL!! and guardian now be with me through Monday won't you? Not much to tell you today Daddy has gone to I think Wolverhampton to buy some shoes, again! Been thinking about you throughout the day as always Tigger love you with all my heart speak again tomorrow beaut beaut love Mummy xxxx Send a kiss over the Rainbow Bridge to my boy Tigger Bunny Please xxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

Thursday August 30th 2012

Hello my Darling boy, I keep seeing people and adverts on the television all with dogs, I feel so sad because your not with me, I see people walking their dogs like today and I say why can't it be my boy walking on his lead.

Chanel came up with the children & Baxter after she took my computer to be sorted and brought Dad some garden tools.

I looked out of the kitchen window thought I saw you today in the garden, I WISH!!

What will I do on Winter nights remember when you used to lie on the settee with me cuddling up to the fir cover we both shared, you loved that didn't you?

I'm not looking forward to Monday Tigger! Please be with me see me through this, Did you see my wheelchair it's ok isn't it.

I have cried again today for you, kissed your photos the usual routine which I will keep up as long as my mind will let me you will be with me forever darling.

No one will ever replace you Tigger!! Speak with you tomorrow ni nite beaut beaut, love you always Mummy xxxxxx Send a kiss to my boy Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

I have been talking to Joan Barnett today about you, telling her how I have found Bunny's wonderful site!! and that I talk to you daily.

I looked at your video yesterday and will again today, I just want you to walk out of that video so I can give you the biggest HUG!!

I want to feel the warmth from your body you were so brave Tigger suffering with your enlarge heart not even showing any signs of discomfort.

If it wasn't through you trying to clear your throat we would have lost you sooner, that heart medication helped such a lot.

I looked over the bed every morning at you in your bed thanking God for you being alive another day.

But that Tuesday morning would I have ever thought I was going to lose you.

My darling you were UNIQUE !! My soul mate I will NEVER EVER forget you sweetheart!!

Speak again tomorrow beaut beaut,

Love Mummy xxxxx

Send a kiss To Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

Today is 15 weeks since you left us Tigger.

I just can't believe it has been that many weeks, to me it seems like yesterday, I miss you so much darling, I told my mate today how upset I was and all the things I had done to keep your memory.

I will go through the same routine every day only wishing you were here by my side or leaning on my legs on the settee.

Baxter came up again today he barked at Bailey next door you remember him don't you?
Baxter looked under the gate like you used too.
I felt very sad as it wasn't you.

We took him over the railway to the pool you used to visit oh what memories and that walk through the woods you used to run through.

I will go to bed tonight listening for your pitter patter up the stairs, hearing your walk on the cold floor in our bedroom laying by the side of daddy's side of the bed in your bed which still is sitting there now waiting for you to come back, sweet dreams precious boy until tomorrow.

Love Mummy xxxxx Send a kiss to my Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx

My darling Tigger Boxer baby boy
by: Rose

15 weeks tomorrow 28th August 2012 Tigger my darling boy since you closed your eyes.

I can't get that day out of my mind, I keep seeing you lying there helpless lifting your head up to see if I was there, I was, all I could do was watch you being put to sleep. My heart aches for you I just can't stop crying!!

When something happens I want to tell you I want your company I WANT YOU BACK!!

Do wishes come true? I don't want money I don't want material things I just want you!!

I will never forget you. I shall go through the same routine every day smelling your collar, touching the hair the vet gave me before you were laid to rest, talking to your photos praying one day we will be together. I will write again tomorrow I love you Tigger, send a kiss to my boy over the Rainbow Bridge until tomorrow xxxx Mummy

My darling Tigger Boxer baby boy
by: Rose

It's been a strange day today, lots on my mind
I cried for you again Tigger, I have had a smell of you tonight whilst lying on the settee.

I found dog hairs from you on my bed yesterday and it is a new quilt cover! Did you jump on the bed in the night while dad and I were asleep?

Oh if only you had, I wish I could really see you,
give you a big hug again. Oh Tigger I miss you so much no one knows how much only you and I.

It will be 15 weeks next Tuesday since you fell asleep darling I feel I should have let you have blood tests, but I know deep down it would have shown more wrong with you and that would have killed me if I had known you were suffering more.

I know you were tired and just kept going, if only a miracle could happen, I don't want money or material things I just want YOU back Tigger,
You were MY LIFE !!

Goodnight my precious until I write tomorrow,

Send a kiss to my Tigger over the rainbow bridge

Until we are together love Mummy xxxxxxx

My darling Tigger Boxer baby boy
by: Rose

It's 10.14pm on Friday 24th August Daddy has been baby sitting while Christoper & Chanel went for a meal.

He was back in the house 9pm I was shocked.

I feel very strange inside today I don't know where I'm at and what I'm thinking lots on my mind.

You understand don't you Tigger?
I miss you so much darling, help me get through this, I'm tired all the time.

Chanel & Christopher are coming up tomorrow lunch time with all the children.

Don't know what I'm doing yet, going to bed now my precious talk with you tomorrow love you forever Mummy, send a kiss to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge until tomorrow xxx

My precious boy Tigger
by: Rose and Tigger

Morning my precious boy, another nights broken sleep thinking about you constantly Tigger.

Chanel is taking us to Wyvale garden centre today with Cameron, Ellie & Gorgia, then to Cannock .

I am looking at the huge photo of you while I am typing this letter to you, you are so handsome I just want to cuddle up to your soft white warm chest, I miss that so much,

Baxter Christopher's new Boxer puppy chewed the £500 coffee table yesterday OMG, he wasn't in the good books, it's going to cost to fix,

Better get up and ready for Chanel I will go through my usual routine kissing the box you are in on the dressing table, feeling your hair I had saved from the vets, kissing your photos.

I will write again later go and play my darling send a kiss to Tigger over the rainbow bridge

love Mummy xxxxxx

My Precious Tigger
by: Rose

Morning my precious boy, Chanel took us to The holly bush garden centre yesterday it filled some time and I enjoyed it, we took Cameron Ellie & Gorgia, they all wanted to see all the pets for sale, when we went by the pet toys it was hard not to buy one for you as I always brought you something back didn't I?

A lump came to my throat!!

You used to greet me wagging that stubby little Boxer tail and that lovely wiggle you have please to see me and holding one of your toys in your mouth.

I miss that so much, I miss you peering under the gate when Chanel's car used to pull up or I was coming back from shopping.

Before I go to bed at night I kiss kiss your photo's and kiss the box you lie in with the teddies surrounding you, I smell your collar, your smell is so strong on it.

As I am writing this your blanket is rolled up by the side of me your smell is still on it.
I looked on top of the quilt cover again today looking for your dog hairs on it hoping you had snuck on in the night whilst Daddy and I were asleep, nothing yet I will keep hoping!!

I am constantly thinking of you through the day
I miss you till I ache bless you my precious Tigger till I write tomorrow go play with all the other pets speak soon love Mummy send a kiss to Tigger over the Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxxx

My Precious Tigger
by: Rose

Wednesday 22nd August 2012, sitting looking at the large photo of you hanging above my head behind our bed, such a handsome boy you are I have been honoured to have owned you Tigger you showed us what a proud, loving, caring, patient dog almost human you were!!!

Remember the time Christopher drove you and us to Ashbourne for the day? It was a red hot day you loved a ride in a car didn't you? I only wished Daddy and I could have drived then you could have had a ride every day, we could have gone to the sea side so you could run freely across the beach, I know you would have loved that wouldn't you Tigger?

But you did like to go over our field and swim into the water there catching a piece of wood, getting muddy and I'm sure you got in the mud on purpose because you loved a shower afterwards.

You clever boy you used to just walk into the shower with out being shown very intelligent boy you were.

I cried several times yesterday I still ache for you Tigger and I don't see any signs of it going away!!! Because youn were my life Tigger.

Chanel, Cameron, Ellie & Gorgia came up again yesterday playing on the swings Daddy brought for them. What do you think of the new swings a bit big but they enjoy them lots.

Baxter the new puppy Christopher brought came up last night too, but you saw that didn't you?

I still can't bring myself to give him your toys from the shed yet, give me a sign it's ok then I will.

Mummy loves you so much I will write to you again tomorrow darling, hugs and kisses my precious boy till tomorrow go play over the the rainbow bridge
loads of hugs Mummmy xxxxxxxx

Tigger My Baby Boy Boxer
by: Rose

It's 6.36am Monday 20th August 2012 I'm sitting up in bed looking through the sliding mirrored doors seeing the huge photogragh hanging up over our bed of you Tigger.

The blanket you lay on in your bed is lying next to me in my bed it gives me comfort!!

I can smell you on it, Daddy is in the bathroom getting ready for work which you know he hates.

I had a nose bleed Saturday it probably was because I cried so much missing you, my heart is broken part of me went with you at the vets.

My stomach is still in knots, my chest still aches for you Tigger, I'm still trying to pluck up the courage to go to the spiritulist church on my own to hopefully hear them say they have a message from you, I can't quite pick myself up to go.

I'll keep trying.

Christopher's 7th wedding Anniversary today I'm waiting for Chanel to ring me soon so I can wish them a good day,

I still feel I should have said and done more the day I took you into the vets, I want to turn the clock back and make things better for you.

I know you were very poorly Tigger and those tablets the vet gave you kept you with us for 12 months longer, I think it was the love between us that kept you going.

But I think you were tired and had had enough perhaps I was being selfish thinking I could keep you with us forever.

I hope you're playing with Butch the Boxer, Butch the mongrol & Patsy our very first dog. Hope the sun is shining and you are happy, don't be sad Tigger like me, wait for me so I can run to you and hug you again, my God I will. Now I'm crying again Oh Tigger I love you so much I beg God to send you back just to say you can see me and love me. Thank god for Bunny who set up this site or how would I be able to send you my love, THANKYOU BUNNY!!!

Lisa came yesterday for an hour.

Hope you don't mind Baxter the Boxer coming up he's only a puppy yet wait until he gets as big as you and as hansome as you!!

I love you beaut beaut hugs and kisses sweetheart until we speak tomorrow my darling xxxxxxxxxxx

Mummy xxxxxxx

My Darling Tigger Boxer Baby Boy
by: Rose

I'm crying as I write this it's Friday 17th August 2012 5pm. Oh I miss you you so much Tigger.
I'm lonely without you, I smelt your leather collar today again your smell is so strong!

It's getting no easier why can't they send you back just for a day for a hug and cuddle.



Tigger & Rose
by: Rose

Another day with out you Tigger Nan Lowe & I went to Lichfield today. Something to fill the day! but still came back with an empty feeling wishing all this was just a bad dream Tigger. I constantly think about you talk about you daily.

When you fell asleep part of me went with you, I can't seem to move forward I'm just going through the motions daily, holding myself together when people are around, but as soon as I am on my own I get a lump in my throat I just want to cry all the time.

If only God would grant me one wish just for one minute allow you to come back just to say Mummy I can see you I know you're upset and missing me but I'm ok and fit as a fiddle. Yes we will meet again and I will run to you and give you the biggest hug and lick your face the one I loved so much. I will sit on your bed between you and Daddy and enjoy the warmth you both gave me.

Remember all the lovely walks you took me and how I protected you from anyone who came near you.
Remember the day you took me a walk and you dropped your mobile phone in the grass and we both went back to search for it and found it.

Remember the bus rides we had I sat on the back seat of the bus with you and I looked out of the window enjoying the ride. Remember when I walked with you and a bus stopped by us and I tried to jump on it. You had to pull me back because you didn't need the bus at that moment the bus driver laughed!!

We loved each other and knew what each other wanted, I knew the exact time you or Daddy was coming home I used to peep under the gate as my little stubby tail was wagging so happy to see you again, you brought me a toy every week as a thank you for being a loyal and loving dog and for protecting the house whilst you popped out shopping.

Goodnight my precious boy until I write another day ni nite God bless my darling Tigger love you always Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx send these kisses over the Rainbow bridge to Tigger

My Darling Tigger Boxer
by: Rose

11 weeks today since you left me Tigger still heart broken!! I keep going over and over when I took you to the vets, it hurts so much, I know you were so poorly but my selfish thoughts wish you could have stayed. I feel guilty had I done the right thing letting you go that day? but the vet said you had probably got something else going on along with your enlarged heart. I think I would have been devestated if they had told me what else you were suffering with so best I don't know!

I hold your blanket you lay on in your bed every day, I will never wash as your body still smells on it, this gives me comfort, I kiss your photo's every day, touch the wooden box you are in on my dressing table with two teddies surrounding you alongside Butch my previous Boxer also surrounded by two teddies.

I cry each day wishing I could hold you next to me, feel you lying against the back of my legs on the settee.

Daddy talked about you yesterday he misses you too but seems to be coping better I suppose that's a man thing or being a bit stronger than me!!

Ellie mentioned you again too.

I see the claw marks engraved on the solid oak floor in the living room, which you made when you jumped off the settee that will always remind me of you it's nice to see.

I hope you don't mind Christopher's Boxer dog puppy Baxter comes up to visit? when I feel it's time I may offer your toys for him to play with, I have put away in a large black bag in the shed I'm not ready yet.

I may go to our local spiritulist church Thursday or Sunday hoping I will hear they feel your presence.

Tigger I will always love you and never forget your darling beaut beaut my heart aches for you.

Speak with you again, your broken hearted Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Send these kisses to the Rainbow Bridge until we hug each other again, Mummy

My Darling Tigger Boxer
by: Rose

It's 9 weeks now since you left me Tigger you were so poorly. I cry every day and wish you back with me! This morning something upset me and made me cry, but as I was crying I sat on the settee where you used to sit and a strong smell of you came over me, I looked up at your picture and felt you were with me trying to comfort me, you were always there when I cried you understood me and I you.

I will never forget you my darling Tigger I ache for you and can't wait for the time we are together again, when I close my eyes in bed I see you and all your dog friends coming to say hello. Cameron asked about you today he said is it sunshining where Tigger is nanny? I said it surely is, Ellie also asked about you and said I miss Tigger Nanny! I said so do I Ellie. We talk about you every day,

God bless you Tigger love you so much, I will keep in touch my darling,

Love you always Mummy xxx

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'My Precious Tigger - My Boxer Dog Baby Boy'.