by Ray Owen
(Tamworth, England)
Meg – October 2001 – 27th January 2013.
In October 2001 a 2 week old Border Collie who we named Meg entered our lives and it was never the same again. The little shy nervous pup no bigger than my cupped hands, soon discovered her confidence and developed into a beautiful dog that became my pride and joy.
We have walked, run, sat, sun bathed and even paddled in the sea. She even had a flare for football and loved the ride in the car. It is difficult to explain the bond between Man and Dog and those who have not experienced it will never know.
Meg passed away at 00.30am on Sunday morning, the 27th January 2013. I was with her at the end stroking and hold her to give comfort to pass, with the last look of her beautiful eyes and telling her I loved her through the floods of tears as she passed.
The hardest part is still to come, passing the place she slept, not having her at my feet in the living room, looking round at me when I called her name, giving her paw, rolling over and come close when I lay on the floor, living without my Meg.