Your Pet Loss Stories

'Maccie Boy'

by Alison V.
(UK )

I had got Maccie as a rescue dog when he was 1 year old, he has been with me through one relationship, a marriage and 9 years with my husband and a 2 year old. He has always been there for me.

I always dreaded the day when I would have to make that decision to put him to sleep. He got arthritis in 2008 and was on medication that helped him a lot. We also got a Boston terrier which kept him young!!

With Max it suddenly happened he was 15ish and suddenly lost interest in food, cried out when our other dog tried to play with him, would not play and lost interest in anything. He just looked at me, after 2 days I called the vet for a home visit, I knew what this meant and was ready for it.

The vet put him to sleep on his bed with us there and that was it he looked peaceful. I think the last few days before he just looked at me with that look as if to say it's my time. I cried a lot, it's only been a week and a half and I still have a terrible emptiness inside and also a terrible guilt, though the vet assured me that his organs were giving up and it was the only thing to do.

I have a loving husband, toddler and a Boston Terrier which are amazing but I feel there is a big hole in my life. I miss him terribly, I know it will get better and has already. The crying has stopped. You also lose a peace of you and I can't wait until that is filled with happy memories of him. We scatter his ashes on Thursday in the woods.

Max we hope your spirit is free now and you are at peace. Have fun at the Rainbow Bridge xxxxx


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