The reality is harsh, and the pain never ends, I think, not when you have spent their whole life caring for and loving them. The only relief I have from putting my Sam to sleep is when I see other dogs with their humans, and can pet and talk to them. That is the only relief for me. My wife does not want another pet, and Sam was an "only dog," so she was lonely far too often. When I get another dog, there will be a companion. I don't know how I'm going to get this around my wife, but I will. Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem, "The Power of a Dog," and if you haven't read it, you should. It's really good, and says much of what we all feel. I hope your reality will include another pet. Thank you for putting the words the way you did. It's how I feel, too. Thanks.
It just sucks by: Denise
I could not have articulated that any better.. I felt and still feel the same way.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
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