Your Pet Loss Poems

'My Smokey Girl'

by Mark S. Menton
(Eagan, MN USA)

I know that God above,
Chose you for me to love,
He picked you out of all the rest,
Because He knew I'd love you best.

I have a heart called mine that's true,
But it has gone from me to you,
Take care of it as I have done,
For you have two and I have none.

I set you free to run and roam,
Up in Heaven which is now your home.
No more pain and no more sorrow,
So I wait until tomorrow.

When my time comes to leave this Earth,
I want to tell you something for what it's worth.
I have never known a more noble Spirit,
And if you listen really hard you just might hear it.

It's my Smokey girl near the Rainbow bridge,
Wagging her tail standing up high on a ridge.
Smokey is scanning the meadows far and wide,
For the time when we'll walk together again side by side.

For my beautiful, beloved, regal, loving German Shorthaired Pointer Smokey, July 15, 2001 - Feb. 7, 2012
May you RIP my sweet love. You dug your way into my
heart and soul in a way no human ever could.

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