Your poem touched my heart, as I recently lost my baby Max of 14 years. It's been 3 months since I lost him, but I still feel the pain, & loss of him everyday. It will never leave me, just may lessen in some time, but it may take 14 years or more to get to that point! I'm still grieving, & he will always be with me, in spirit.
You will get through it by: Steve
I am so sorry for your loss. I wrote a poem on here last night and put it on here. Mitze-Eyes of Blue. I went through all the stories and shed more tears. I finally reached a point where I decided that I am done letting my sadness rule me. I do not know the answer to your problem but I acknowledged my sadness (of which I still have). I know my cat would not want me to dwell in sadness forever. Take your time to grieve your loss. Hopefully there will be a time when you can make peace with your sadness. I say this with a tear running down my cheek right now. Although sad each day is getting better than the last. I was able to talk this out with my father who cried for two weeks after he lost his dog. He was there for me. Hopefully you can find a friend that has been through this. I have not been through this before so it is new territory. I share your pain and wish you well. God bless your Boo Boo.
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