Your Pet Loss Poems

'In Memory of You, Our Dozer'

by Anna Svec
(Washington PA)

Our Angel Dozer

Our Angel Dozer

Dozer you were Daddy's buddy, and best friend
He has been very sad that your life had to end

His truck seat beside him, so empty and still
Just like our back yard and up on the hill

You were all that a bullmastiff should be
In your photos that is so plain to see

You were the best of the best
And stood out from all the rest

We could search the world over and over again
We will never find one like you Dozer, our angel and friend

You were one in a million, with such a personality
And now we must face that, and accept the reality

You will always live on in our heart
So Dozer by death we will never part

Our house now just isn't a home
For you have left us too soon and all alone

Dozer our big sweet angel boy
I want you to know having you was such a joy

We were truly blessed to have you in our lives
Even though our loss feels like we have been stabbed with knives

You gave us much happiness, loyality and love
And was truly a gift, sent to us from god above

Remember one thing our angel boy, you will never be alone
For your ashes will always, remain in our loving home

Rest in piece our Dozer, our angel and friend
Until our lives are no longer, and come to an end

I pray that one day, we will meet in heaven again
Where we will live for eternity, and life has no end

See You In Heaven Our Angel.

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