Your Pet Loss Poems
'Daisy Mae Jones'
by Rebecca Jones
(Hamilton, NJ)
It's time you say with your eyes
It's time to say our goodbyes
My body no longer works like it should
But Daisy, I plead, if you try it could
No, you say, I have tried with all my might
And I'm tired now and must give up this fight
We have shared a bond, so special you see
Now it is time for you to let it be
I love you Daisy, more than you could ever know
If you love me, you say, you'll let me go
This pain I feel, it will not end
And this time my body will not mend
Just one more day, I beg of you
I can't you say, I've done all I can do
I have to go, I can't be late
Cassie is waiting at the pearly gate
She told me up there I can jump and run
She told up there we'll have so much fun
We'll meet again and I'll wait for you
But this one thing, you must do
As I look at you my heart breaks
This decision is the hardest to make
Mommy, you say, do this for me
I have always tried to make you happy
Now it's time for you to follow through
Do for me what I can not do
I thank you Daisy, for being so loyal and kind
Another Daisy, I will never find
I will be with you in the end
And I thank you for being my very best friend
This is by far the hardest thing I have had to do
But it is now time to give back to you
I know you would stay here if there were any way you could
You would endure the pain, no one should
I love you Mae and we say our goodbyes
I kiss your head as you close your eyes
Have fun up there and Goodbye my friend
My love for you will never end.
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