by Ang-Ella Mac Donald
(Peabody, Ma, USA)
My Babi-Boi was my Shih-Tzu. He seemed to inherit my strengths,
my weaknesses, my idiosyncrasies. I considered him my son.
Every pain I had, he had. Every feeling I had, he felt.
Everywhere I was, he was. Everywhere I went, he went.
When it was necessary to shut a door behind me, I knew when I reopened it,
he was just beyond the door.
I spoke to him non-stop. Some, found that strange but I knew he understoood.
My house is quiet now. Without him to talk to, there is no need to speak.
When I someday get to heaven, I know my Babi-Boi will be there waiting for me,
Just beyond the door.