Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Vicky & Scooby'

Feeling A Little Better

Nov 6, 2012

Only a little better but it's there. No crying for two days now which feels a bit more in control. The 'I miss you' element hasn't changed but the pain doesn't feel quite as physical as it did. I've been able to look at a few photos and remain composed. I even smiled at something we talked about which was a funny memory.

But my baby boy I love you so much and no words will ever express that. I just want to stroke that so soft fur, kiss your beautiful face and wrap my arms around your neck. I miss my Scooby so much. Slightly more forgiving of myself for that final thing we did. Starting to see that realistically we were running out of options very fast.

Love and support to everybody who is hurting for their fur babies too xxxx

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