I have now been without my Milo for 3 weeks and the pain is still raw. I have not gotten a good night sleep as of yet and am hoping to just make it through each day. I never knew that you could cry so many tears.
I visit Milo every day and bring him fresh water, for he was always thirsty. The emotions still range from disbelief and now some anger. The relationships with the other animals is not yet normal and I want so badly to retain the bond I had with the other animals (3 cats and a dog). My daughter, who is 6, is also dealing with the grief. She will be okay one minute and then crying the next.
I found more pictures of Milo, but seeing these just brings on more tears. The hurt is unbearable and I always asked Milo what I would do if he ever left me, for he was a unique boy with so much love to share. I miss his nightly cuddles more than anything and his loud cry, for he could not stand to see the bottom of the food dish.
His leaving this current world was very unexpected and tragic. My heart aches and I long for a sign letting me know that he's moved on to the other side.
The love I hold for Milo is strong and I realize this is the reason for my current state.
When you love fully and unconditionally, your heart has more memories to heal.
I would not trade all the love I shared with Milo, but what I wouldn't give just to hold him one more time.