I am so very sorry for your loss. I have lost a few pets throughout the years and the pain is unbearable. I hate it when people say "it was just an animal". They don't get it, they become of our lives, our family, our hearts. It never gets easier, but you will see Milo again at the Rainbow Bridge. My heart is with you and your family. Bobbie in NY
Hello by: Dayle
I feel your pain and I am so very sorry. I lost my boy Oliver a year ago... and the pain is still unbearable at times. It is sometimes hard getting through the day without him. I wish that there was more help for us that grieve for our beloved babies. But we can tell our story here... and in some way... it feels as if we are keeping their memory alive and immortalizing them here. My sister... who lost her dog Thor... 2 years ago has felt just like me. She has had such a hard time dealing with his passing. But just the other day... she came to me with tears in her eyes. She swears to me... that she actually saw the spirit of her beloved boy! I'm waiting for my turn now... as we have lived through the same issues... and maybe I will see my boy too. Maybe you will too.... I hope we do!!
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