Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Tracy & Milo'

Missing my Milo

Jan 3, 2013

by Tracy

Sweet Milo

Sweet Milo

My beautiful Milo went to the other side on Sept, 5th this past year. It's been almost 4 months and I am still trying to cope with the grief. He was the original barn kitty, but seemed very well suited to his new life in the suburbs. He was so loving; I miss his rubbing against my hair and cuddling up by my neck. Even those who claimed not to the cat people were drawn to him. He had a way of knowing who was hurting and how to help them. I have other kitties sharing their love; they're all special, but there will never be a kitty who can fill my heart the way Milo did. I have good days and bad; hoping to find some peace from this loss.

He was my original black and white tuxedo; even as his whiskers and teeth fell out, he was the most handsome boy. Milo is now resting in a peaceful spot in my garden and will forever hold a special place in my heart.

My Jack-Jack is comforting me now as I type. He knows I am hurting and tries desperately to take away the pain.

I have to tell you a funny story though; a wee little kitten arrived and a slow developer at that. This black and white kitty named Milo was first named "Elsa".

Furever in my heart, my baby boy.



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