by Theresa
My Dear Shimma,
It will be 2 years tomorrow that you gave up your fight for life and had to leave us and it stills hurts so badly. There is not a day that has gone by when I haven't cried over you and Zeusy, I still grieve and miss you both so much but you know that don't you because I know you are with me still. It chokes me to write on this site but somehow it makes me feel closer to you, it's as if somehow you are both here and together waiting for me to talk to you.
I hope you found Zeusy and are happy again because you were so sad when we lost him cos he was your bestest friend all your life and your heart was breaking without him.
I love you both so very very much and although I have lost doggies in the past you and Zeusy's loss is proving very hard for me to get over and come to terms with, but maybe that's because I have to deal with it on my own and I'm not doing very good.
Please come to me again in my dreams Shim and bring your brother with you, I so want to hold you and cuddle you both again and tell you face to face how much I love you my dear girl.
Well goodnight and Godbless for now my Shim Shim, until we all meet again, play happily with Zeusy and wait for me, Wolfie and Lola and then we will all be whole again.
Your everloving mummy, you are always in my thoughts and my heart....
Shimma... Dec 1996 - 31st Oct 2009 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX