Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words about Meisje, they were very much appreciated.
People always say that the passage of time makes things easier and I have found that mostly to be true with human relatives that I have lost, but I think the Love between a human and an animal (Especially a Dog) transcends the human/human Love.
They never ask anything of you, all they give is complete unconditional Love, friendship and pure unadulterated joy.
Your Zeus & Shimma will both be waiting for you when it is your turn, don't worry about that. A Dog's Love is for eternity.
The loss of Zeus and Shimma by: shirley procter
I am just replying to you to let you know I feel just as you. It's so hard to think you will never see your pet again it comes over me in an instant - that horrible sickly feeling.
I can really relate by: elica
It's only been 1 year and 9 months and I still cry everyday for my golden boy "Benttail" he was born with a bent tail... I have no children and I never will... he was my child my soul my baby. I visit his final rest stop at least 3 times a week. I can't seem to stop crying...not sure if I ever will. I'm lost without him....
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