Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Sun & Charlie'

Roses for You and Leya

April 3, 2011

by Sun
(Santa Fe, TX)

Dear Charlie,

I thought I heard your voice last night, twice. I was disappointed I could not see you, I felt so certain that you were right next to me. As I write to you now, I am looking down where you used to lay down--a part of me then, now and forever. I miss our short time together so much, where did 8 years ago and how you had to go to the Bridge so fast. Leya's mom told me that beautiful Angels escorted you to the Bridge. Again, please tell me all about it, soon.

I terribly miss your so-gentle smile, your playfulness, just walking with you or sitting by the pond, telling you over and over how lucky I was that you ever found me. You spoiled me with your purest love, you taught me so much, and I still ask you to teach and guide me, because I cannot see anything clearly without you.

It's almost a nightfall. Each night, I so painfully miss your soft snoring and warm golden heart. My tears won't stop, but I am so happy that you and Leya will never be alone. You two have sweet dreams and come surprise us at any time.

Love you always,


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