Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Sun & Charlie'

July 17, 2012

by Sun

My Dear Angel Boys,

Your brother Duke seems tired lately and I know he misses you so dearly. In fact, we miss you more and more each day. I think, even Gabriel understands that--he is smart like you, and he certainly gets us going, but he sees the sadness in me. How could anyone not see such great sorrow of not being able to touch you, especially now that we walk around your beloved yard everyday. I dreaded the day that the trails you made over the years would eventually fade, and that dreadfulness was greater than anyone could ever imagine.

I so miss your walks with me, soft barks, smiling faces, everything about you--those were my brightest and shining days. I remember so well, in my gray days, you kept my heart so warm with your golden hearts and gave me the hope for rainbows. And, you always turned those gray days into sunny days... We were so proud of each other and lived for each other, because we had the most loving and perfect family.

Beautiful Leya and her most wonderful Mom fully understand that--every day, I am so thankful that they became our extended family. This miracle would not have been possible if it weren't for my golden boy Charlie and my ultra special child Bud with ever so gracious Leya's helping hands.

Now, wherever life's path takes me, you all convinced me that you are right here with me in spirit until we meet again. Still, bedtimes are always too hard without you, my boys. I would love to see a glimpse of you each night even for a few seconds.

Love you forever, Mom

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