Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Sharran & Thumper'


Dec 24, 2009

by Sharran
(Melbourne, Australia)

Merry Christmas to you too, Baby Boi

Merry Christmas to you too, Baby Boi

My Darling Thumpie,

It has been 17 heartbreaking weeks
and I still break down and cry,
I keep asking the question
"Why did you have to die??"

Dear God, please give me the Courage to stay strong.. and the Faith to know that You are holding Thumpie and taking care of him.

Missing you Baby Boi

Grandma (your other mum)

ps: On the way to do grocery shopping, I found that I needed to enter a gift shop. My daughter asked me, "Where you going, Mum" and I answered, "I don't know but I just want to go in here for a while".

We walked in and we couldn't believe our eyes when we found this big gift bag right in front of us! It's common to find dogs/cats with a santa's hat but a rabbit with Santa's hat, is very unusual.

We felt and knew straight away, it was Thumpie's way of 'wishing' us cos that was exactly how Thumper looked when he was a Baby. I bought the bag and walked out.

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