Dearest Tricia, I feel your pain in the words that you write. I lost my best friend of 13 and a half years this past October 20, 2009 and I am truly lost without my Leo. He was a pomeranian also, and when he died he took half of me with him. I cannot figure out how to stop the pain or the longing for him to be back in my life, and how I mourn everyday for the loss, the incredible loss of such a beautiful and happy little life force that he was. I cannot put into words what he was or what he meant to me and I know that I will never be the same person again without him.
I can tell by your diary that you have left for us all to read that you also have lost a part of yourself when you lost Rex. I do not know how to comfort you or make you feel any better, but I will not give you any hollow advice or corny bits of wisdom. I know you hurt, and I know you, like me, will never be the same. But what I can try to tell you is this: Take one day at a time, no more and no less. Get through each day the best you can, and try to always remember Rex the happiest way that you can.
For me, I have to work at this daily, as Leo's death came quite quickly for me, little time to prepare, and the shock and memory of his euthanasia is very vivid still. So, that is what I have been doing with my Leo, reaching hard for the good memories, and will I be better in a year? Two years? Ever? I do not know, but we must keep reminding ourselves that we were blessed by these beautiful souls in our lives, and try our best to carry on without them. Not easy, and very mind numbing at times for me...but I soldier on because frankly, there is not much else you can do.
Thank you for the time to chat about this, and may strength and some peace come your way today and in days to come. Chin up Tricia, and know you are not alone in your grief.
Sincerely, Beth.
Sooo Cute! by: Connie
He is adorable, I am very sorry for your loss, at this time I am mourning as Koko is in the hospital due to a severe urinary infection, I brought her home,the next day took her back to vet. Now it is life or death, it is very depressing, she has also been in my life 13 yrs, they are great companions and very loyal and loving. I feel your pain and hurt, it is very depressing I am hoping that Koko will be saved I will find out today.
I am happy that you got to spend 17 yrs together that's amazing! Just remember the good times and it should keep you going, sorry it took so long to respond, I don't usualy come on here, but for some reason with Koko being sick, I thought it might be a good idea to look at her page. Rex does look full pomeranian, maybe he has a tiny bit of chihuahua in him, but he is very handsome.
I hope you get well soon. You can email me anytime at or comment on my page if they have that, I am not sure.
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