Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Rex & Tricia'


18th Nov 2008

by Tricia
(Augusta GA)

Late yesterday afternoon I received your ashes, I can't explain the feeling when I first saw the urn. Crying was all I could really do, then as I was holding them I felt at peace somehow. I guess knowing what was left of you here on this earth was back with me. I put my favourite picture in front and sat another one on top with your collar dangling on the side.

This morning I walked by you to go in the kitchen and I kissed my fingertips and touched your picture and told you good morning.

Today I was off work and I found I could not stay here today so Tabatha and I went to lunch and ran a few errands. While doing so I found myself thinking I need to hurry home to take you for a walk. For a quick sec I felt you were still here.

I believe somehow you will let me know you are in heaven running around and having fun. I looked at the last video of you and I, wishing I could just pick you up and pet you, planting a big kiss on your head and you just do happy rolling around as I held you. Snuggling on my shoulder.

I want so much to dream of you because dreams can seem so real and for that period in my dream I will feel you in my lap panting with excitment.

I miss you so much Rex.

I will love you forever.

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