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Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Pat & Blue'

Christmas Eve

Dec 24, 2010

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Stories of Blue
by: Diana - Ontario Canada

I have been reading your stories about your precious boy Blue. Such a huge loss, I just cry for you and Blue. I love all of his pictures. He is so beautiful. It sounds like you were the best Mom ever, and you gave Blue a truly wonderful life.
Although it has been a while since you lost Blue, I can see you are still grieving. I am so sorry for your loss. You are right, the love we have for our babies is so intense. It seems that Blue just filled your life with so much love and fun. You have so many wonderful memories of him to keep forever in your heart. It must be so comforting to have Blue visit you so often and send signs that he is ok. I have only just lost my beautiful girl Leya, well almost 6 months ago now but it feels like yesterday.I haven't seen her in my dreams yet. I hope I will soon. The grief, sadness and loneliness are so overwhelming. I want to thank you for your post on Leya's diary. I really appreciate your kind words. Thank you for giving me hope that in time the pain I feel will ease.
I hope in time I can write about happy memories too, like you do about Blue.
Take care.

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Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Pat & Blue'

Christmas Eve

Dec 24, 2010
