Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Pat and Blue'

8 Weeks Today

Nov 3, 2009

by Pat
(Ontario, Canada)

Blue on his chair

Blue on his chair

It has been 8 weeks today that I lost you and I miss your beautiful face and your crazy antics. On Saturday I woke up and went into the kitchen as usual I looked down on the floor and there was a tuft of Blue's fur. It was not hair but an actual piece of his fur. I was amazed - Blue had been to visit. I picked up the fur and placed in on the counter in front of his picture. Tears came to my eyes.

Every day I look at his picture and talk to him as if he was still here. Last night I came home from a meeting and walked into the bedroom and all of a sudden I broke down and cried like a baby. At that moment it was like I had just lost him. I felt so lonely and down. I miss him so much. I have three pictures of him on my desk. My screen saver is a picture of him. I cannot explain what I feel. I know that others think that I should be okay now but I can't control my feelings.

Blue you may be gone from this earth but you will never be gone from my heart. Love you Bubby.

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