Thank you so much for your comments. It is true. I know in time it will change. KC was such a part of our lives. We have a new kittie and she is loving and fun but KC was with us for such a long time-he was with us graduations, deaths, weddings and sicknesses. There is such a connection. That will never change. Thanks so much for commenting.
sorry for you loss by: Susan
Dear Meg,
I am so sorry for your loss. One thing I noticed in your entry is that you reference things the way I do. For example, you had said that when you arrived home from the mountains that you didn't know KC would be gone a couple of months later. I do the same thing.
I lost my 19 year old cat Tish in February. Everytime I go somewhere I end up saying to myself, Tish was still with me the last time I was here, or the last time I ate chinese food, Tish was still with me, the last time I saw a particular person, Tish was still with me. Same thing with certain t.v programs or movies. I still cannot bring myself to eat tuna because it was Tish's favourite and something I gave to her as a treat once in a while.
I don't know if I make things easier or harder for myself when I think that way....... Anyway, your story really touched my heart and I wanted to reach out to you.
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