Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Meg & KC'

The Tears Inside For KC

Jun 11, 2010

by Meg
(Lakeland, FL)

I just can't get this empty feeling inside of me to calm down. I still look at your picture and feel you and see you and just can't believe that you are gone. I think my tears are dried up and then they start again. I am going away and I don't want to as I don't want to leave the house. I cry into my pillow at night and saell your blanket and the rugs that are in the bag. When will this end. I know it has only been a month and I just can't rush this feeling and maybe, just maybe, I don't want to lose this feeling. It keeps me closer to you.

I am going to try to sleep again. In my sleep I dream about you. I love you KC. I will miss you on our trip. I look at the picture above and realize how sick you where but I just wouldn't let you go. You were so precious to me and I still wonder how I am going to let you go. I have to I just don't know how. Help me KC let you go. Oh how I hurt KCcat! I love you.

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