by Louise
Everywhere I look, I see you. You're everywhere Sethy-boy! We moved into this house together, 10 years ago now. I carried you inside in a cane washing basket. You were so cute! I still remember that first night in our new home. The memories we made since then are long and amazing.. You were more than just a dog to us, you were an equal in our home, one of us and our home just doesn't feel right without you. I don't know how I'll ever be able to move on when everywhere I look, I see you...
I've been reading a lot and writing but it doesn't seem to be helping much. I still cry at the smallest thing. Words have ruled my life for a long time but for once, I'm at a loss... I can't talk to anyone about you and I don't think anyone cares. I don't want to go anywhere or do anything. I just miss you so much, my little shadow and my heart aches for you...
I love you Sethy-boy, always xxx