Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Jean & Amelia'


Mar 16, 2013

by Jean
(Durham, England)

Hi Harry,

Just wanted to know that you're getting enough to eat up there. Plenty of rich tea biscuits lol. I miss you my big snuggly baby, I miss all of you dreadfully you know, and hi my Rolo, my little man. I still have your tooth that the vet took out, I keep it by my bed.

I'm crying now cause all the memories of you and your other angels are flooding back as I speak to you Rolo. Just wanted to say hello and you're all still here in my aching heart, each one of you have a safe place there.

Hi mouse hope you're getting head kisses and massages, I know that's what you love. Love the way you close your eyes in bliss when I gave you massages. Hi Birdie, hi to everyone, sweet Tilly, baldy baby Jet, Twix, I miss you all.

Anyway go play before bed time, will speak to you all again soon. Night Bruce,, night night everyone,

Love Mum xxxxxxxxxx

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