Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Gabrielle & Alfie'

Josie & Me Missing You

Feb 20, 2013

by Gabrielle

I have not written my diary for quite a while. Josie has not been well. She seemed to stop searching for Alfie and settle a bit. Then she started looking for places to pee. Fetched a litter tray in and she has been in and out every few minutes.

I think she has cystitis. The vet seemed to agree but just gave the usual anti-bios and anti-inflam which did not make a significant difference. Although she isn't searching for Alfie I think she is disturbed at being alone. This has not made her cuddlier she wants attention but doesn't really want to be petted - aside for her twice daily grooming sessions which she still seems to enjoy.

I have sent for some homeopathic remedies and also 'separation drops'. Unfortunately she won't drink much out of the cat fountain or the water bowls so I have to give it her in a solution I've worked out. I use dry yoghurt mixture a tsp added to water with the other drops and she likes that. She will also drink the water of Tuna packed in spring water but I believe this is not good for cats in the long term.

In the meantime I am working on Alfie's portrait sketches. Sadly I never got any good photos of him as he always jumped at the camera to play, or curled up and closed his eyes in boredom. Anyway whatever it is I need to do it to commemorate him properly.

There is still a hollow in my heart. I have thought perhaps we should get another cat for company for Josie but she is such an aloof character. She wasn't all that close to Alfie, although slept next to him on the ottoman in front of the radiator and licked him when he came in for his food. What to do? I'm in no emotional state to make decisions just now.

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