Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Gabrielle & Alfie'

Christmas Without Alfie

Dec 23, 2012

by Gabrielle

I am trying to be cheerful. Actually I'm not. I am trying to appear cheerful for everyone else's sake. My stuff from Viva arrived yesterday which was mostly for Alfie and Josie. I had bought two catnip filled cushions for the cats and had completely forgotten about them as 30 days ago darling Alfie was his usual lively self - no sign of any problems.

Christmas will be miserable and added to that Josie is alerted every time the wind rattles the cat flap. She rushes out of the room, thinking it's Alfie coming in with one of his 'presents' for us all to chase around the house.

She is also going around, sniffing for him and today jumped onto the window ledge where he last sat on the folded up curtain.

I am having to give her lots more attention, though she doesn't really like cuddles. Still I can groom her and talk to her to help distract her.

The distractions of the 'merry' season are not helping me and I just want to shout to everyone that I miss Alfie and can't be happy. He was a very special soul. My special, special friend. Where is he?

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