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Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Diana & Leya'

Leya - 7 Months Later

Mar 17, 2011

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Going Through The Same
by: Sandy Pegg

So sorry and know exactly how you feel. I'm 2 days away from it being 6 months since I lost my Precious Lucky Boy. After being together for 13 and 1/2 years I can't find it in me to keep going without him. It's such a struggle everyday and it's taking a toll on me , but I don't feel like I should be here if he's not. My heart still feels shattered. Some people just don't understand but I know you do by what you wrote. Again, I'm SO Sorry.

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Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Diana & Leya'

Leya - 7 Months Later

Mar 17, 2011
