Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Diana & Leya'

10 Months Today Without You Leya

June 17, 2011

by Diana
(Ontario Canada)

Beautiful Leya in her special scarf..

Beautiful Leya in her special scarf..

Leya, my sweet baby,

Today is 10 months since you had to leave. It has been a very long hard lonely 10 months. I still miss you more than ever. I still hurt because we are apart.

Thank you for somehow getting the idea to me that I should talk with an animal communicator. You had things you wanted to say to me through her. I'm amazed at some of what you said.

The animal communicator's name is Lauren. She was so kind to us wasn't she. She told me you have been with me, but because you were such a tall girl I was looking high and you were low because you think that you still can't walk, like just before you left. She said sometimes the memory will go with you. She told you that you can walk, that you should get up and be strong.

She told me that I have to tell you it's ok to go into the light and that I want you to come back to me. Once in the light, you will heal and when you are ready, you will come back to me. She said you were asking about your special scarf, if I still had it. She said you liked it and felt happy wearing it.

I bought that scarf for you to wear at your 12th birthday party and you looked so cute in it. You were happy. Birthday parties always made you happy, especially if it was yours. I do have the scarf. She also said you liked the flowers I planted. When I was planting your garden, I tried to make it beautiful like you. I'm not a gardener, and I kept saying if you could see me making the garden you would just laugh. Well, Lauren says you did see, and you like the flowers. I'm so happy to hear that Leya.

You also told Lauren that you were with another dog, you called him your brother. You said he was fat and liked to walk and walk and walk. I think the brother you are talking about is Charlie, as Charlie's Mom always says you are his sister. Lauren said you need to take Charlie with you into the light so you can both heal and come back to your Moms.

I lit a candle and asked that you heal and come back to me. Lauren said I don't need to look for another dog, that out of the blue one will be presented to me, and that I should take it, because it will be you. I'm so looking forward to the day when you come back Leya. The bond we have can never be broken.

Take care Leya, rest up and heal and hurry back. I need to have you with me again.

I love you Leya, always and forever...


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