Real Life Rainbow Bridge Stories


by Bev

My Bud xx

My Bud xx

I had never heard of the 'Rainbow Bridge' in my life before and I can say this with my hand on my heart as I only found out about it today when a neighbour gave me a poem about it!
Suddenly it all made a mad bit of sense!

My beautiful boy, Bud, who would have been 16 on June 1st, went to sleep on Thursday 11th April 2013 and on the Friday night I dreamt that there was a massive place which was below the earth. A misty place which was filled with beautiful rainbows.

So many fading off into the vast space below, there was green and trees and a lot of mist, I thought that there must be a glass bridge across this and started to try to walk across to the other side but was falling... I woke up wondering what that was all about and after reading this poem, suddenly feel a great relief.

A message from him maybe telling me where to meet him?
Who knows.
Just thought I'd share. xx

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