I lost my cat Jake to illness on April 13 2010. My heart is broken and the pain inside is so intense at times. I had Jake since he was a kitten. There is nothing like the love of a pet. He was my walking diary. 18 wonderful years.
The other night I was up in bed where he always was and I could have sworn that he was lying on the pillow right above my head, again where he always was. I spoke his name and all of a sudden I felt this rush of ease come over me.. that he was alright. That I had made the right decision to have him put down because he was so sick. I can say only now that I did make the right decision only because I can feel the relief inside that he came to me to let me know he was ok and feeling much better.
See he was sick for a very long time and I did all I could to help.. vet visit after vet visit. Only when I felt inside the best thing was to let him go and not be selfish and keep him because I couldn't bare to live without him.. so in closing yes I believe in the Rainbow Bridge and I know he will be there waiting for me when it's my turn..
I love you Jake and miss you every day/night.
You will never leave my heart.
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