by Lynne and Gary
(Manchester UK)
I was having a low day one of many since the loss of my beloved boy Lewis sixteen months ago. I will have to tell you a story about my boy for you to understand why I was truly amazed and couldn't believe what had just happened.
My boy was such a handsome fellow and from being a baby he had a mark just under his nose down to his lip it was shaped like a butterfly hence the nick name we gave him butterfly lip (one of many nicknames). I would hold his head in my hands and say give his Mum a kiss on that butterfly lip, even now when we are looking at his photos we always mention his butterfly lip.
Several years ago on holiday I picked a book up it was called 'Angels Watching Over Us An Extraordinary Investigation into Experiences of Afterlife Communication' by Jacky Newcomb "The Angel Lady". I read the book and found it to be very interesting.
When Lewis passed away I remembered that in the book there was a section on pets so I got it out again after all those years and read that section over and over, I found it to be a comfort to me.
Now I can return to the beginning of the story, the day I was feeling very low. I don't know why I picked the book up but I did and I sat there holding it and said, Lewis let Mummy know you are OK, let me flick to a page and there be a message there for me, I closed my eyes and flicked through the pages, stopping and reading, there was no messages, none that had any meaning to me.
After doing this a couple of times I started to smile and said to myself don't be silly, if anyone saw you they would think you were crazy. I sat there and turned a couple more pages and then it took my breath away. I couldn't believe it in big capital letters it read: