Real Life Rainbow Bridge Stories
'Cat Food Signs'
by Donna
I lost my cat only yesterday, which is why I am accessing these sites - I need some comfort. My cat was only a year and a half. She went missing four days ago and I found her yesterday - she had been knocked down by a car. When I found her it was obvious that she had just recently died so I dont know where she has been for the past few days. The vet seems to think that maybe she had been lost or trapped and had eventually found her way home.
This was my first cat and I have been devastated and have cried almost constantly for the past 24 hours - I am actually surprised at my reaction. Anyway, I have just been sitting in my lounge when I heard a loud noise from my kitchen. When I went in I saw that a packet of her cat food had fallen from the top of the fridge! Now I know that the fridge 'shudders' now and then - but the food has been up there since she went missing four days ago and hasn't fallen off.
I am taking comfort from it, in that maybe she is sending me a little sign to let me know that she is ok. It is certainly helpiing to make me feel better.